Cats with fluffy tails. Siberian and Neva Masquerade. Siamese fluffy cat

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Cats of different breeds accompany a person throughout the history of his existence. Warm, soft and fluffy with a free character, like the wind, with a tail and ears, and without these "devices". Sometimes they present gifts in the form of kittens or their playful amusements, which are so pleasant to watch. Being eternal and devoted companions of ours, they have won our favor so much that we dedicate songs, pictures, write books about them and make films about them. It's time to get to know them better. Today we have 20 of the most popular cat breeds with descriptions and photos. And they adequately represent their family. All these breeds of cats are beautiful in their own way. Their photos can easily decorate the desktop, become the background on the phone, they can be presented to a loved one.

20 most popular cat breeds

From the descriptions it will become clear what is the difference between the kittens:
  • In the length of the coat;
  • Dimensions;
  • Color and pattern on the coat;
  • The size and shape of the ears and tail;
  • In character traits.
Well, for now everything is in order!

1. Scottish Fold

The facial expression of this fluffy reflects his character. The Scottish cat breed is calm, inquisitive, noble and friendly. It is often possible to observe how, with frisky kids, an imperturbable mother gracefully sits.

There is another feature of these quadrupeds - their ability to sit on their hind legs. But the handsome man's ears confidently bend down. Its thick and soft fur is so pleasant to the touch.

2. British breed

The most intelligent cat breeds are headed by this serious-looking handsome man. Did you know that the British cat breed is considered to be distant relatives of not just anyone, but the Cheshire cat itself. But, despite the fact that their faces are decorated with a slight mist of a smile, the character of these short-haired strong men is independent and serious.

British breed cats are unlikely to allow themselves to be sat on the handles and cuddle.

3. Maine Coon

If we talk about the qualities of character, then the Maine Coon cat breed is good friends. They watch people's lives with interest. But meikun will not be satisfied with only an observational position. These playful pets are very playful.

And, despite the fact that the meikun is quite weighty, he is far from being a goof, but even a gymnast can envy his mobility and ease of movement. And on top of everything else, Maine is also a chatty comrade. His "vocabulary" is huge!

Even the name of the breed evokes thoughts about the cold, and, accordingly, about a fur coat! Yes, the Siberian cat breed is one of the most well-dressed. Any inhabitant of the north can envy her fur coat. But this breed boasts not only the density and beauty of fur. But the strength of the animal is rather big.

Big cats even have huge paws. And yet, they remain very graceful. The Siberian looks amazing, which, with all its vastness, easily, like a cloud, “hangs” on the fence, or jumps like it flies!

This breed is amazing! Describing angorok, one would like to switch to “the best” at the beginning of any sign that characterizes it! For example, it is known that this is a smart, active, beautiful, trainable cat!

And besides, she is very attached to the owner and the place, and she has a huge vocabulary of "words". Did you forget to read “most” before each sign? And it is right! She has no equal!

Even of this breed they say that the main decoration of the Siamese is the look of their slanting blue eyes. We all know how amazing cats of this breed are. They are beautiful, refined, with short thick hair of a wonderful color.

The pattern on their muzzle and paws is elegant. But it turns out that this family is distinguished by great love for the owners and their incredible affection. Both adults and even a kitten are characterized by softness in behavior.

And in the cat kingdom there are “dachshunds. These are Munchkins, a cat breed with short legs. Just imagine that the paws of an ordinary animal are almost 2 times smaller than they should be.

But Munchkins usually do not worry about this and do not see it as a disadvantage, they use their peculiarity to make people fall in love with them even more! They have learned to use their tail as a support when they squat on their hind legs.

All owners of this beauty are delighted! They describe a true ideal! For them, the Burmese cat is cheerful, gentle, patient, and friendly. At the same time, as soon as she starts up in the house, peace reigns there.

Burmese live in peace even with dogs and children who are not averse to tearing this cute shorthair on every passing occasion.

9. Persian cats

Who has a flattened nose and eyes like saucers;
And act like a boss, don't even laugh.

Even the little Persian kitten seems to be frowning and slightly surprised. But that's just how it seems. In fact, these calm cats love their owners very much and try to please them in everything.

10. Himalayan cats

If you compare cat breeds with photos, peaches and Himalayans, it is easy to find similarities. However, let me show you these magnificent furries in all their glory, and you will understand that they are a separate race. And in color, and in character, and, if desired, to spend time more actively.

11. Exotic cats

More than once, these, with a round head and downcast cheeks, blew up the Internet with their photographs. The plush beauty of these babies touches. And their gaze falls in love once and for all.

A breed that is famous for its curiosity. From an early age, they learn to poke their snub noses into everything. That is why both babies and older pets look funny. You just want to put a photo with them on your desktop so that you can start your working day with a smile.

Somalia, this is the royal blood in the whole family. But cat happiness began not so long ago, for a long time this breed was considered a marriage. It is difficult now to imagine that such a graceful little animal with a complaisant character and crowned ears would not be considered a format.

From a distance, the European Shorthair will remind you of your Vasya with a watermelon ornament on her belly. And this is the main beauty of the breed: he is like a native to us all, like the one who is always with us, from childhood he was both a friend and a doll to us. We sometimes like to hang out with photos of our Vasilkov, remembering how much warmth he gave us.

What is it, or rather, who? And this is the shine of wool? What about the look? Is this a pet? These are the jokes sometimes given by the cooperation of nature with breeders. An amazing cat, graceful, with a lynx look. And at the same time, devoted and loving.

Plush purr pleasantly surprises with its beauty. The description of the breed of the Russian blue cat should begin with its unearthly beauty, steel color, it shimmers with blueness.

Huge bright green eyes play along with this. This aristocratic cat is playful, loving to amuse its owners with its mobility.

17. Korat

Those expressive eyes seem fixed on you. And indeed, she loves to watch, so that at a convenient moment Her Majesty Grayness can come up with a game out of everything, and fun for us.

And her name is consonant with the unit of measure for jewelry. However, the cat itself is a kind of jewel.

It is sometimes easy to get confused with names, for example, Cornish Rex. A breed of cats, but it seems that the conversation is about dogs. But there are character traits in these purrs, which so remind us of dogs - fidelity and affection.

The ears of these elite wearers of astrakhan fur coats are huge, as if they are ready to catch our every word.

Who else can boast of his hare tail, no matter how smoked? This strong cat, it turns out, is also very brave. He can not only hunt, but also fish: water does not frighten him.

Beauty is different. For example, the fact that the character of the sphinx is just wonderful. True, sometimes he can play too much, and accidentally use his claws. Over time, you begin to love all the folds of this bald beauty. Appreciate the devotion and desire to touch the pet to you.

This collection includes the most beautiful breeds of cats, there are those who have been known for centuries, there are also new genera. Whatever kittens you choose for yourself as a pet, or a portrait of them as a headband, or a gift to loved ones, we are sure that you will enjoy getting to know these fluffy lumps of happiness.

Have you purchased a wonderful kitten of one of the fluffy breeds? Congratulations - you've made a wonderful choice. But in order for beauty, joy and comfort to settle in your house from now on, and not minor annoying problems and troubles, you will have to try and regularly pay a lot of attention to your fluffy, which will certainly pay off handsomely!

Fluffy cat breeds

Beauty, as you know, requires sacrifice. But millions of true fans of fluffy cats are not afraid of either victims or cat hair - and it materializes everywhere: on carpets and sofas, clothes, in the corners of rooms and even in food ... If desired, these problems can be dealt with for the sake of incomparable pleasure admire your pet and stroke its wonderful soft fur.

Fluffy happiness will always be with you

If, for example, for a Siberian or Norwegian Forest cat, a luxurious fur coat has become not a matter of prestige, but a necessity to survive in a harsh climate, then most breeds, especially young ones, are now formed according to the principle of maximum decorativeness, and beautiful long fur is a great way to make them even more attractive. and in demand.

Photo gallery: such different homemade pussies

Maine Coon - the largest fluffy cat American Bobtail long-haired - big, strong and very kind Persian - the most fluffy and long-haired Munchkin long-haired - charming short-legged Ragamuffin - a kind of ragdoll Himalayan cat - energetic, but docile Siberian cat - popular native breed Sacred Burmese - aristocrat with a legendary history Oriental Longhair - a breed originally from the East Neva Masquerade - a subspecies of the Siberian cat, bred into a separate breed American Curl - a cat with elf ears Turkish Angora - an ancient breed that has come a long way in breeding Balinese - a semi-long-haired Asian with increased activity

Video: the most popular fluffy cats

Persian cat

Persian cats are probably one of the most popular and widespread decorative breeds in the world. The Persian earned such wide popularity precisely because of its incredible super-fluffiness. Although this animal has other advantages - fluffy handsome men are full of nobility and self-esteem. But their imposing appearance can mislead anyone.

In fact, a fat and fluffy Persian is not at all such a phlegmatic “bun” as it might seem at first glance - this cat can suddenly turn out to be too active, expressive and even aggressive - if disrespect for his rights and personal territory is shown.

Persians are fluffy feline champions, they have no equal here. But this is exactly the case when beauty does not come easy. A cloud of Persian wool will require constant care - otherwise it will look deplorable, and all surfaces in your apartment will be covered with a layer of delicate fluff, which even a vacuum cleaner cannot always cope with. Then there will be only one way out, which, alas, many owners resort to - “remove” the tangled fur coat under the typewriter. However, Persian hair has an enviable ability to quickly grow back. Its length in an adult animal can reach 20 cm!

Video: all about the Persian cat

Maine Coon

The handsome Maine Coon is good in every way. This big showy cat is endowed with a friendly character and high intelligence. Although, to be honest, the feline giant looks serious and even a little gloomy.

The Maine Coon is also called the raccoon cat.

Maine Coons are famous for their beautiful shaggy coat with well-developed undercoat. The objects of their special pride are a magnificent "collar" and a very fluffy long tail. If you do not start the state of the "cat-raccoon" clothes too much, then there will be no problems with it. Comb the fur coat at least once a week and do not forget to use the furminator during the seasonal molt - this will be quite enough.

Video: Maine Coon - gulliver of the cat world

bohemian rex

Flirtatious curly cats were first introduced to the world in the eighties of the last century in what was then Czechoslovakia. In appearance, they most of all resemble the Persian of a “small perm” - however, these are completely different animals.

The breed originated in Czechoslovakia

To the touch, these cute curls are very thick, delicate and soft - not even like a cat, but like a llama. Needlewomen claim that magnificent yarn is obtained from “Bohemian” fluff - fluffy and unusually warm. But, as you might expect, such an exclusive wool will require an attentive attitude. You will need to comb it out daily, and in addition, for a curly pet, you will need special super-premium food and supplements with vitamin B6, which will help maintain the structure of curls in proper condition.

The predominant and most sought-after colors of this curly miracle - blue, cameo, cream, smoky, tortoiseshell - in their own way emphasize the amazing tenderness and sophistication of this extraordinary cat.

norwegian forest

A very charismatic and bright animal - - is not suitable for everyone, but those who can find a common language with it will be delighted with such a pet.

Norwegian Forest - beauty, clever and huntress

The Norwegian cat has a very thick and unique coat in its structure - a soft and long integumentary layer is in harmony with the bottom, thick and oily. Such a natural feature of this magnificent fur coat allows you to limit its care to weekly combing. But of course, for the period of spring molting, the coat will require additional care - and this will only be in your interest.

An excellent huntress by nature, the Norwegian cat is always mobile, sociable and active. She has her own opinion in everything, but at the same time she is quite capable of compromising with others.

Video: Norwegian Forest Cat - charismatic charm

It is hard to believe that this refined and refined animal is the sister of a powerful, strong and very characteristic Siberian cat. The Neva Masquerade, descended from a Siberian and a Siamese, was singled out as a separate breed, which rapidly gained popularity and is the subject of well-deserved pride of St. Petersburg breeders-felinologists.

Neva Masquerade - blue-eyed pride of domestic selection

This is a sweet family cat, loyal and inquisitive, which has a lively character and good health. Ancestors gave her wool of excellent quality, but maintaining this beauty in decent condition is still the task of the owners. Don't forget to brush your pet regularly and bathe her once a month.

The smooth-haired Neva Masquerade cat is perhaps the only one of the long-haired cats, due to the peculiarities of its coat, practically does not cause allergies.

Video: Neva Masquerade cat - daughter of Siberians


Animals of this breed adore their master and are ready to follow him everywhere. For a family with children, this is an ideal pet, well trained, calm and patient.

Ragdolls are rather large cats that have a unique property - they can completely relax themselves and perfectly help their owners to do this, relieving stress at the right time.

Ragdoll is an almost perfect furry who adores his master

The coat of the Ragdoll is not too long, but silky and very elastic. Thanks to this, it almost does not go astray, does not tangle and requires minimal maintenance. Try to stroke the ragdoll at least once - get incomparable pleasure!

Video: ragdoll - friendly and obedient


Sacred Burma - the very name of this breed cannot but attract attention. The origin and even the modern way of life of the Burmese cat is unusual and shrouded in many legends. The owners adore her and consider her the standard of perfection - of course, this rare breed fully deserves such an attitude towards itself.

Sacred Burma - perfection comes from legend

The coat of the Burmese cat is very beautiful - it is long, thick and soft, sparkles in movements, shimmers with mother-of-pearl luster. Of course, a fur coat will look so wonderful only if it receives the maximum caring care due to it. Burma is very gentle and intuitive by nature, strongly attached to the owner and does not like to be left alone for a long time.

Pay special attention to the health of your pet and choose the right diet for her, do not overfeed the Burmese - this is important both for her good physical shape and for the condition of her coat.

Video: sacred Burma - who is she?

This elegant and graceful breed has a rather ancient history. The beauty of the Angora cat at different times attracted the close attention of both breeders and numerous fans of the breed. The eyes of the fluffy "snow white" are most often bright blue, but there are also odd-eyed and green-eyed cats.

Turkish angora - snow-white perfection in both character and appearance

Real pedigree angora wool has a special structure, elastic and self-cleaning. Unfortunately, a fur coat of this quality is found in Angoras less and less often - due to thoughtless breeding and improper selection of breeding pairs, the wool of these cats has softened excessively, it easily gets off and quickly starts to look untidy. Modern Angora cats have to bathe often.

Angora cats are distinguished by extraordinary intelligence and perseverance in achieving their goals - you will have to seriously take into account the wishes of your pet and look for compromises and consensus with it.

Video: white and fluffy angora cat

Buying a kitten

Probably, there is no creature in the world more charming than a small fluffy kitten - a gentle and touching lump of soft warm fur. However, all children tend to grow up quite quickly, and with them grow problems that at first might seem completely insignificant to you. A few tips to help you make the right choice:

How to choose

It is necessary to decide in a timely manner not only with the breed, but also with the aim of acquiring. Do you want a boy or a girl? A pet or a show class animal? The criteria for choosing a little fluffy will largely depend on your ambitions and financial capabilities.

But the main selection criterion always remains the same - you need to acquire a healthy animal with good heredity. It is clear that no one can give 100% guarantees on these issues in advance, but buying a baby not on the market, but in a professional breeding nursery still significantly reduces many risks. In addition, a responsible breeder will forever remain your friend and first assistant.

Don't be tempted to buy a kitten that is too small; the optimal age for moving to a new home is 2.5–3 months, when the necessary vaccinations have already been made and the skills of independent living have been acquired. If possible, look at the conditions in which your baby grew up, observe the habits and habits of his parents, brothers and sisters.

After two months, vaccinated kittens can move to a new place.

In a new place, the baby will get used to it quite quickly, and from the second or third day he will already need to be taught the rules of life that you consider necessary. The sooner he learns them, the more positive and pleasant moments will appear in your life together.

Find mutual understanding with the baby as soon as possible

Video: fluffy kittens are all good

Content Features

When purchasing a pretty fluffy kitten, you need to be aware in advance that you will have to take a lot of and constant care for his fur. Accordingly, it will be necessary to accustom the baby to regular combing from the youngest claws, as they say. This approach will subsequently save both the animal and you from many problems.

Hair care

It is imperative to take care of cat hair, regardless of its length. But long and thick fluffy hair, of course, requires special attention. Most cats are not too fond of bathing, but you should not get upset because of this and try to force your pet into the shower, especially if she is clean by nature and is used to carefully licking her fur coat herself.

It is enough to bathe the cat as the wool gets dirty - when it becomes dusty, dirty or stuck together. For local pollution, you can use various cleansing wipes, dry shampoos also help well. The range of modern care products for cat hair is very large, from which you can always choose what is ideal for the specific features of your pet's hairline. Do not experiment with human shampoos - they are not suitable for cats.

The sooner you teach your furry to hygiene, the better.

Combing for a fluffy cat is a very responsible procedure, much more important than bathing. In those places where softer hair grows - usually on the stomach, armpits, on the neck and in the groin - it often goes astray and can reach the sad state of felt, which will no longer be combed, it remains only to cut it off.

Please note that this is not only an aesthetic problem - neglected pussies suffer from skin diseases, itching, allergies, eczema. They feel extremely uncomfortable, so they can refuse food, become depressed, and even become seriously ill.

If you do not comb the tangles in time, it will be possible to get rid of them only in a radical way.

In most cases, brushing a long-haired cat once or twice a week is enough, but there are breeds for which grooming should become an obligatory daily ritual. A mandatory home groomer kit should consist of the following tools:

  • frequent metal comb;
  • comb "rake" with spinning teeth;
  • slicker;
  • furminator.

If you are unable to cope with the care of your pet's coat on your own, regularly seek advice and practical help from professionals.

Photo gallery: fashionable haircuts and hairstyles for a fluffy cat

Most often, Persians are shaved radically - “under a lion” Haircut “Puss in Boots” is one of the most popular This is how you can make a dinosaur out of a cat Glamorous hairstyle option - only for girls On thick red hair, such grooming is especially effective This hairstyle is suitable even for the most brutal macho

Video: how to care for cat hair

prone to disease

Fluffy cats get sick in the same way as all others, but these breeds are more prone to various skin diseases than any other. Such ailments can be triggered by an improper diet:

Timely contact with the veterinarian will help to avoid many problems.

Do not neglect the advice of the breeder and veterinarian - they will help you optimize your pet's nutrition and improve his metabolism. Thus, not only the condition of the animal's coat will improve, but also its health in general. But the hygiene of your pet is quite within the power of each owner to deal with - initially make such procedures regular.


Breeding is a very responsible process, and professionals should definitely deal with it.

Do not knit your pets "for health" - this is a thoughtless and wrong approach to breeding animals, especially thoroughbreds. This is how a huge number of animals with poor heredity and mestizos appear, which sooner or later may turn out to be useless and end their lives in the garbage.

Entrust the choice of the parent pair to an experienced breeder

Do not forget to shortly cut the hair around the genitals of future parents just before mating - this will make the process more hygienic and reduce the risk of injury to animals.

Pros and cons of fluffy cats

Summing up, we note the main advantage of long-haired cats - long thick hair looks beautiful and spectacular. Among the shortcomings are the following:

  • fluffy coat requires regular additional care;
  • in feeding such pets, it is very important to follow the correct diet;
  • if hygiene rules are not followed, there are risks of skin diseases;
  • Illiterate grooming will lead to slovenliness for both your cat and your home.

There are about 256 breeds of domestic cats in the world. There are fluffy, smooth-haired, affectionate, wayward, active, proud and so on. Which one is better is up to you to decide what is going to start. In this article, we will consider the breeds of fluffy cats, as well as the features of their characters.

Fluffy cats are very popular because they are very cute, funny and soft. It is a pleasure to hold such a pet in your arms. But you need to understand that such individuals need high-quality care. Their fluffy coat should be combed, trimmed and healthy. You need to be prepared for all this if you decide to have fluffy pets. Consider the names of the softest breeds:

  1. American bobtail. Cats of this breed are distinguished by a stocky build, compact round paws, thick, semi-long and slightly shaggy hair, as well as a short tail and oval slanting eyes. They are quite calm, patient, good-natured, but freedom-loving animals.
  2. Himalayan cat. Outwardly, it is very similar to Persian. These cats have a beautiful and graceful appearance, despite the fluffy fur coat. They are demanding, picky, emotional and loving. They need to pay a lot of attention, take care, so that they are happy.
  3. Persian cat. This is a very calm and emotionally stable breed. Representatives rarely meow loudly, let alone scream. They love to explore new places, sniffing corners, etc. They have a long, thick and silky coat, and the tail is also very fluffy and slightly rounded.
  4. York cat. This is a very energetic, active and playful breed. Such cats prefer to hunt a lot, run, jump and, of course, play. Their coat is semi-long, silky and soft. Under no circumstances should a Yorkie female or male be bred with another breed. Mostly it has a brown color, but it can also be red.
  5. Angora. This breed is distinguished by sophistication and elegance. Cats prefer to lead an active lifestyle and constantly explore new places. This predominantly white breed of Turkish nationality does not tolerate loneliness, a measured lifestyle and the absence of bright light. Like the Siamese, she is graceful and intelligent.
  6. British. Separate short-haired and long-haired representatives. Long-haired are distinguished by patience, kindness and devotion. They often have large blue eyes. Animals require attention and special care because of their long hair.
  7. Maine Coon. This is a large breed of cat, with characteristic tufted ears. Such animals require special care in order for them to develop properly, be healthy and live long.
  8. Burmese. A feature of this breed is the semi-dense coat of one of the point colors with white paws. Also, such cats are distinguished by a calm and obedient character, restraint and good breeding. Burmese cats love guests, treat them well, but remain loyal only to their owners.

Also very fluffy is the Siberian cat. This is a tricolor breed that loves to hunt and learn new things. In addition to these, breeds such as the Neva Masquerade and Turkish Angora have long hair. There are a lot of fluffy breeds in the world. Often they take part in exhibitions. But in order for the animals to look spectacular, it is necessary to monitor their fur coat, cut it from time to time, take it to the groomer and much more.

British and Persian cats are very popular in the world among fluffy cats. Regardless of what color, the pet must be monitored and given due attention. Caring for long-haired cats includes not only a haircut, combing and going to the groomer, but also regular bathing, using special shampoos. In addition, it is necessary to apply the shampoo to the coat very carefully, massaging it, and then rinse with medium temperature water. If all this is not done, then the pet's fur coat will be all in tangles, which will make it look untidy and unattractive.

Some people think that black cats are not worth getting, as they bring bad luck. Any cats, whether gray or white, will bring joy and happiness if they are loved. Not only small kittens need care and attention, but also adults. Some owners forget about this, which is why their pets often get sick and die quickly. Only in a loving and caring family will a cat live happily ever after. If other cats or dogs live in the house, then before getting a new pet, you need to find out how this or that breed gets along with other animals. This is necessary to prevent "conflicts" and the calm life of all pets.

Many owners prefer to have short-haired pets - they are quite easy to maintain order in the house. But if you dream of a shaggy lump and are ready to take care of his coat every day, choose a four-legged friend from the fluffiest cat breeds.

A long-haired individual is easy to find among outbred cats or mestizos. However, when purchasing a thoroughbred pet, you can find out in advance its character and mores.

A cat named Colonel Meow in 2013 got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most fluffy cat in the world.

The length of his coat was almost 23 cm. Colonel Meow became the star of the Internet thanks to his shaggy fur coat and sullen expression of the muzzle. Such an unusual kitten was obtained by crossing representatives of the Persian and Himalayan breeds. The record holder died of heart disease in 2014.

Persian cat

These fluffy cats were brought to Europe from Persia in the 17th century. On the territory of our country, these animals appeared at the end of the last century.

The wool of the Persians is very soft and silky, the length reaches 15-20 cm. The cat itself is large, with a massive head and round eyes. The color of the Persians is the most diverse, often solid, sometimes with white spots. There are Persian cats of a smoky, tortoiseshell, shaded, Siamese color, as well as a color of stripes and spots - these cats always have orange eyes.

The character of the Persians is friendly, calm. They are not very curious, but still like to play. The Persian cat is attached to its owner and misses in his absence. To draw attention to themselves, the Persians can even feign bad health.

If you need a kind and calm furry friend, feel free to choose a Persian.

Maine Coon

This breed of cats comes from North America; Maine Coons appeared in Russia at the end of the last century. A characteristic feature of the breed are the tassels on the ears, like a lynx, as well as the very large size of the animals. An adult weighs 15 kg or more, the height at the withers is 60 cm.

The Maine Coon's coat is long and silky, these cats resemble raccoons in color, any shades are acceptable. The coat on the belly, chest, back and sides is longer than on the head and shoulders. The undercoat is dense, softer than the outer coat.

Despite their impressive size, Maine Coons are quite affectionate and friendly. But they will not strive to be in the hands of the owner, but will prefer to be located nearby. These cats are suspicious of "strangers" - guests, but they do not show aggression, they quickly get used to new family members.

Because of their large size and mobility, Maine Coons are cramped in a small apartment. You can easily take your pet for a walk - representatives of this breed are completely loyal to collars.

If you have the opportunity to provide a cat with walks in the fresh air, get a Maine Coon. Please note that you need to feed this animal with premium dry food and fresh meat.

Siberian cat

These animals are not descendants of wild forest cats at all. They were brought from the central regions in the 18-19 centuries to Siberia, where, under the influence of harsh climatic conditions, the appearance characteristic of the modern breed was formed.

Siberian cats are usually large in size with a short head and low wide cheekbones. Eye color is often combined with coat color. White cats and color-pointed cats have blue eyes.

The wool of Siberians is soft and thin, with a dense double undercoat, does not cause allergies. The Siberian breed is distinguished by the presence of the so-called integumentary hair. It is hard and long, has water-repellent properties. Different colors are acceptable: white, smoky, striped.

Siberian cats are very mobile and active, they love to play. Siberians get along wonderfully with other cats and even with dogs. But you should not start rodents, because Siberians are excellent rat-catchers.

Representatives of this breed love affection, but never bother the owner. Siberians do not like strangers, treat them with suspicion and even growl. Get serious about choosing a name for a pet - Siberian cats quickly get used to the name and respond only to it.

Siberian cats need to be walked outside even in winter, and to care for their coat, you need to get a whole range of tools. If this does not scare you, feel free to bring a purebred Siberian into your home.

Himalayan cat

This breed is a mixture of Persian and Siamese cats. The breed appeared in the middle of the last century in the United States. The Himalayan cat has absorbed all the best - fluffy hair up to 12-15 cm long and a recognizable color-point color.

Himalayan cats have hair on the body - a light cream shade, on the paws, tail and muzzle - dark shades. This specific color is caused by the difference in body temperature in different areas.

Experts note that Himalayan cats living in cool rooms have a darker color. Kittens do not have pronounced dark areas, the color is completely formed in the second year of life. Dark spots can be of various shades: blue, brown, dark gray, cream, red.

The nature of the representatives of the Himalayan breed is more flexible than that of Siamese cats. That being said, Himalayan cats are quite energetic when played with.

Himalayan cats do not like loneliness, they should not be locked in a room alone. But without walking on the street, they do quite well. Important - Himalayan cats are advised to wipe their eyes every morning so that they do not watery.

If you are looking for a fluffy housebody cat with an interesting color, the Himalayan breed is the perfect choice.


This very rare and valuable breed of longhaired cats originated in California in the 1960s and was officially registered in 1994. Ragamuffins are the result of crossing phlegmatic ragdolls with Persians and outbred longhaired cats.

Ragamuffins weigh about 8 kg, shaggy neck resembles a collar. The eyes are almond-shaped, heterochromia occurs. Silky thick wool comes in various colors: blue, tortoiseshell, gray, white, black, spotted. The pigmentation of the nose and paw pads often contrasts with the color of the coat.

Ragamuffins are very peaceful, calm, devoted to the owner. Young individuals are quite active, like to play and can be trained. It is easy for these cats to find a common language with all family members. The main condition for keeping representatives of this breed is attention from the owner.

american curl

A relatively new breed of cat with ears that seem to turn outward, from which tufts of wool stick out. Curls are strong, flexible, graceful animals with a long thick tail. The head is rounded with large eyes.

Soft silky coat without undercoat comes in a variety of colors, often plain or tabby.

Curls are very friendly and affectionate, they have excellent immunity. Curls are easily trained, quickly get used to their name. Pets behave unobtrusively, but respond with pleasure to the invitation to play. The long-haired Curl should be combed twice a week with a large comb without the use of any specific tools.

angora cat

Turkish Angora cats were brought to Europe from Turkey. Beautiful and fluffy white Angora cats are considered descendants of the Persians. The Angora cat has a flexible body, almond-shaped eyes of bright colors.

Heterochromia is very common. The thick and long coat of Angora cats on the belly can be wavy.

The character of the Angorka is calm and restrained, while the animal is very sociable. Cats are friendly, attached to the owner, get along well with children. The owners of angoras note the curiosity of their pets. The cat always comes to look at the guest, and after a few minutes it can climb into the lap of a stranger.

Since Angoras are characterized by a white color, they need not only to be combed out, but also to be bathed often - up to two times a month. Angoras cats are distinguished by excellent health, subject to a balanced diet.

Other fluffy cat breeds

  1. Neva Masquerade - a variety of Siberian cats, large animals of color-point color.
  2. British Longhair - a mixture of British and Persian, a cat with a long and dense coat.
  3. The Norwegian Forest cat is a large cat with almond-shaped eyes and high cheekbones, distinguished by independence and a stern disposition.
  4. Sacred Burmese - one of the hybrids of the Siamese and Persian cats, playful and inquisitive pets.
  5. The Munchkin Longhair is an affectionate fluffy cat with disproportionately short legs.
  6. The Oriental Longhair is a large, yet flexible and graceful fluffy cat with large ears and a wedge-shaped head.

In addition to officially registered breeds, there are many hybrids and mestizos in the world. If your plans do not include participation in exhibitions, you can safely take a kitten from your hands. If you need a purebred representative of the breed, contact the nurseries, where you will be provided with all the documents and the pedigree of the animal.

Fluffy and naked, affectionate and wayward, fidgets and couch potatoes - all these are our favorite purring pets. There are dozens of cat breeds in the world, each with unique characteristics. If you are lucky enough to own a kitten with an impressive pedigree, it is better to know in advance how to care for him, than to feed him, and what tricks to expect.

The history of the emergence of cat breeds

Some breeds appeared by accident, others are the result of long selection work, and still others have managed to retain the appearance and habits of their wild ancestors, for which cat lovers appreciate them. So, the independent Siberian cat was known to our ancestors long after the first attempts to somehow register it, and the plush cutie British Shorthair cat once just caught mice on the streets of London.

However, this cannot be said about most breeds. For example, the Persian cat looked very different when it was first introduced to Europeans. There is nothing to say about bald breeds: to some they seem to be aliens of the cat world, their appearance is so different from the usual Murchikov and Murok. And this is only a small part of all cats: according to statistics, only 1% of the feline brethren can boast of belonging to a noble family.

Purposeful work on breeding new breeds began only a century and a half ago. Most of the thoroughbred beauties that are known to people today were registered only in the last century. However, all of them have become so firmly established in our lives that it is difficult to imagine it without their funny tricks.

Varieties of cats

Cat breeds are usually divided into long-haired, short-haired and hairless:

  1. Persian, Angora, Turkish Van, Norwegian Forest, Sacred Burmese, etc. are considered long-haired. Most are credited with an affectionate and docile character.
  2. Most in the world. This is the Siamese, and Oriental, and Abyssinian, and Russian Blue, and many others. They are so different from each other that it is difficult to single out any special joint features, except for a short fur coat.
  3. Naked, bald or sphinxes awaken the most conflicting feelings. Photographs cause tenderness in someone, and disgust in someone. However, the owners of these unique creatures claim that these are the most ordinary cats, although without hair. But they are very attached to the owner, they play a lot and eat a lot, because they are always trying to keep warm.

But is there a significant difference between all these breeds? Lovers of cats of noble blood claim that they are clean, obedient, independent and quick-witted. Are the outbred street vagrants any less intelligent? Moreover, anyone who brought home a kitten from the street will prove that even yesterday's residents of the yards have a love for cleanliness, and there is no need to talk about cat independence.

Love your furry friends, no matter if they have a great pedigree. Always be close to them, because every day next to a mischievous cat or affectionate kitty is then remembered with warmth and quiet joy. Who can make us happy!