Louise Hay. Positive thinking that overcomes the disease. Thoughts that carry power

Louise Hay is the creator of the table of diseases on psychosomatics, curator of the self-help movement, public figure, volunteer, author of more than 35 thematic books with a psychological bias.

This is a woman whose philosophy was forged from a tumultuous and unhappy childhood: poverty, hunger, beatings and sexual abuse by her stepfather, promiscuity, and childhood trauma from being raped by an alcoholic neighbor at age 5.

A dysfunctional childhood was followed by another misfortune - uterine cancer. Louise healed the "incurable" disease on her own, radically changing her thinking. From this began the path of a great woman - she took up research on diseases and their etiology. Then she compiled a table known to the whole world under the name "Table of diseases according to Louise Hay."

Louise managed to recover from oncology in 3 months, due to her negative emotions, fears and prejudices that could undermine her health.

She was sure that the disease is given to a person to rethink his life.

The conclusion was: diseases come to a person because of the inability to let go of the past and resentment. During her treatment, Louise developed affirmations (healing beliefs). By repeating them every day, Louise was able to overcome oncology, which was proof of her theory about the relationship between the soul and the body.

What does the table display?

Treatment consists of realizing one's psycho-emotional problem, eliminating bad thoughts, prejudices. Louise Hay, whose table of diseases will be presented later, believes that self-criticism, resentment, guilt, fear, resentment are the causes of most problems. The list displays bodily diseases and their psychological causes.

According to the woman, the disease appears so that a person understands its psychological occurrence. The Table of Diseases was designed to help people find the cause of suffering and eradicate it.

Where to begin

Table of diseases

Each part of the body is responsible for certain sensations, emotions. For each negative emotion, depressing feelings, there is an affirmation. An affirmation is a short-lived belief that strengthens in the mind. The opposite of negative thinking.

The left side of the body is feminine. Symbolizes intuition and receptivity. The role of mother and woman. Affirmation - I feel the feminine energy balance in me. The right side is the beginning of a man. Symbolizes analytics and determination. The role of father and man. Right Side Affirmation: "I easily control male energy."

Part of the body Means affirmation
FaceWhat is visible to others.I have no fear of others, I'm not shy.
EyesThe ability to observe oneself from the outside.I am overwhelmed with love, I look at my life from the outside and am glad for it.
BrainControl center.I am full of love that helps me manage my life.
NoseRecognition of one's identity.I understand the value of my personality.
MouthAwareness of ideas and words.My main ideas are love, harmony, happiness. I speak with love, build harmony around and rejoice in it.
LanguageThe opportunity to taste the "fruit" of life.I enjoy life, it protects me, I'm not afraid of being poisoned, I'm happy with the generous gifts of fate.
EarsThe ability to hear.I listen carefully, I hear what is happening around.
TeethSolutions.I easily make a choice, I never regret my decisions.
ThroatSymbolizes creativity.My heart is ready for a new one. This is my song that conveys joyful and warm feelings.
breastsMaternal care. Feeding and bearing.There is a balance between what I give and what I receive.
Breathing, lungsThe ability to let energy in.I breathe deeply, not being afraid to suffocate, I love life, and she loves me, I feel it in my lungs.
ArmsThe ability to express your life experience.I easily perceive the events in my life, enjoy any experience and extract only positive emotions from it.
FingersLittle troubles and little things in life.I accept all circumstances with their little things and perceive them with calmness.
ThumbMind and anxiety.Harmony flourishes in me. I am at peace, pure in mind.
ForefingerFear. "Ego" of a person.I have nothing to fear, I can handle any situation. Reliability is the main principle of my life.
Middle fingerAnger, libido.I am convinced of my sexuality. Intimate life suits me.
ring fingerFriendship and love. Relationship sadness.I allow myself to love undisturbed.
Little fingerFamily symbol.My family is my support. I love her and take care of her.
toesA symbol of unimportant details from the future.Everything will be decided, I'm sure in the future.
ShouldersThe ability to deal with difficulties.Life is not a burden. The whole experience brings joy, love.
WristDenotes movement and lightness.I act lightly, wisely, with love.
WristIt symbolizes the person's treatment of the past.I turn to my past with peace.
ElbowPerception of change in life.I am not afraid to gain new experience, I open new directions with ease.
musclesThe ability to move towards life. Resistance to change.I enjoy my life, I'm not afraid to move forward. I'm on my way with the wind of change.
HeartHearth of love, protection.The heart is safe, it protects me. The heartbeat contains the song of love.
LiverAnger Center.I am in harmony, love, joy.
kidneysFear Center.I have nothing to worry about, life gives me only the best.
StomachPlace of digestion of thoughts. Life awareness.I easily assimilate life. Thoughts pass through me unhindered.
SpleenAn obsession with something. Intrusive ideas.There is a place for me in the universe. I have faith in myself.
PancreasTaste of life.My life without salt, it's sweet and tasty.
IntestinesGetting rid of garbage. Purification of the body, soul.I have no problem parting with the past, happily assimilating the present. I'm not afraid to throw out the internal garbage, I take care of myself.
LeatherSymbolizes feelings. Personality protection.I remain myself and love myself, always calm.
SpineSymbolizes the support of life.Life gives me support and care.
NeckFlexibility symbol. The presence of "eyes in the back of the head."I see what is happening behind my back, I control everything that happens in peace, I am glad, because I have a good relationship with life.
BonesFoundation of the human body.I respect my body, it is beautiful and loved. I am strong and healthy.
Bone marrowA symbol of self-care, those beliefs that directly concern a person.Care, love, support is the purpose of my life. I take care of myself, love, keep myself safe.
LapFeeling proud of yourself.I am a flexible person, I respect other people.
LegsForward movement.I live, I move forward, leaving the past behind.
ButtocksThe strength of man.My strength is always with me. I spend it wisely. I have no fears.
FeetUnderstanding what is happening around.I see, I understand myself and others, I am transformed with the change of time. There are no fears.
BloodJoy that flows in the body.I feel joy in my veins, I enjoy life because I love my life.
ThyroidParanoia. Feeling threatened. Fear of getting sick.My positive attitude heals me. I am immune, healthy and I love my body.
Pubic boneProtection of intimate life, genitourinary system.My sex life is not in danger. I am sexy and healthy.
UterusTemple of womanhood. Creative start.My body is my temple. I am in it, feeling at home.
ovariesCreation.My creative center is in harmony.
testiclesMasculinity.Being a man is worthy and safe.
Prostateprinciples of man.I am courageous, I accept myself as a man.
NervesCommunication with people.I willingly engage in conversation, do not sow conflicts. It's easy for me to be around others.

The table contains causes that are closely related to a person's mental problems. The root of the disease is in the head in the form of negative experience. It is possible to eradicate the disease by replacing negative attitudes with healing affirmations (positive attitudes). Louise Hay claims that any disease can be overcome if you set yourself up to think positively.

Problem Provoking factor Installation
TonsillitisLack of ability for self-expression. Understatement. Holding back harsh words.There are no limits for me. I am free, I can be myself.
GlandsSituations in which it is impossible to influence or participate.I am the creator of my world.
InsomniaFears. Feeling guilty. Distrust of everything that happens.I lie down in bed, giving myself a restful sleep. I'm sure the next day will welcome me with open arms.
Alzheimer's diseaseFeeling of hopelessness. Helplessness. Anger. Rejection of reality.I say goodbye to the past. Life can be enjoyed differently. I easily look for a way out of a negative situation, I rejoice.
AmnesiaFear. Inability to self-defense. Escape from problems.I am a brave, intelligent, valuable person, I am not afraid to live. Mena is overwhelmed with a sense of calm, protection.
gum diseaseIndecision. Irresponsibility.I am purposeful. Each step towards the goal is endowed with love. I am not afraid to solve problems, I am proud of responsibility.
Mouth diseasesBias and ignoring new ideas, thoughts.I accept new thoughts, I will assimilate them without problems.
AstigmatismSelf loathing. Fear of being watched from the sidelines.I don't mind seeing myself as real. I feel beauty, majesty.
MyopiaFear of the future.I feel safe. I am lucky.
GlaucomaUnwillingness to forgive. The pressure of resentment.In my eyes, love for everything. I give everyone a gentle look.
Farsightedness.Feeling detached from the universe.I'm safe right here. The world does not threaten me. I can clearly see my own peace.
CataractUncertainty of the future. Pessimism.Life is endless. Life is full of joys.
StrabismusUnwillingness to see what is hidden from view. Actions on the contrary.I am calm. I'm not afraid to see, I feel safe.
Deafness.Not accepting anything. Stubbornness. Insulation.I am a piece of the world. I understand my own and the importance of others. I am in harmony with others, I listen to them.
DizzinessAn unrelated stream of thought. Unwillingness to see clearly.I am calm. I am purposeful. I can live. I can enjoy life.
cephalgiaSelf-criticism. Fears. Little self esteem.I love myself, I accept everything in myself, I feel safe wherever I am.
CoughDesire to be heard. Lack of attention.They see me. I am appreciated. I am noticed and I am loved.
SARSFear of letting life in.I feel safe. Nothing threatens me. I love my life and breathe it in deeply.
AsthmaHolding back tears. Depression. The man does not take care of himself.I am free. My life is in my hands. She is light and pleasant. I love my life and will take care of it from now on.
Pulmonary diseasesDepression. Sadness. Fear of accepting life. Little self esteem.I can live with love for myself. I deserve to breathe deeply and not be afraid of life.
Gastritisuncertainty in life.

Feeling hopeless.

I feel safe. I approve of the path I have chosen.
FlatulenceFear and tightness. Ideas that didn't see the light.I am relaxed, calm. I let life flow through me freely, easily.
AppendicitisFear of life. Rejection of positive emotions.Nothing worries me. I'm completely safe. I let life flow in me.
Heartburn, stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcerFear of change. Inability to "digest" new situations.Life is running smoothly. Nobody harms me. I am happy to accept change and learn from the experience with ease.
ConstipationUnwillingness to say goodbye to the past. stinging. Old thoughts that clog your head.Life flows. I say goodbye to the past without problems. I feel that the universe loves me, sends fresh thoughts.
DiarrheaEscape from problems. Fear.I live in the world. There are no barriers between me and life.
Intestinal pathologiesFear of parting with the past or outdated thoughts.I easily say goodbye to the past without effort, I am open to new achievements, I am able to accept changes.
ColicLack of patience. dissatisfaction with people. Irritability.I only hear love. I am strong enough to be able to wait. I respect others and love people.
Decreased appetiteFear, attempts to defend themselves. distrust of the world.I am glad that I live, I feel loved.
excessive appetiteCondemnation and denial of one's own emotions. Fears. The need for protection.Nothing threatens my feelings, I am full of strength.
AcneTrying to hide your face. Thinking about your unattractiveness.I am beautiful, men like me.
Dermatological problemsAnxiety. Fear. Danger.Life keeps me safe. I feed it with love, forgive the past, let it go. I'm free like never before.
Pathologies of the circulatory systemFrozen thoughts. unhappy lifeJoy circulates within me, filling my entire body.
hypertensionPsycho-emotional problems that are waiting for a solution.I am no longer attached to past events. There is complete harmony inside my consciousness.
HypotensionNot enough love in childhood. Pessimistic.I live happy with it.
Heart diseaseCallousness and lack of happiness. Stress. Voltage.I pass healing happiness through my heart, full of love, free.
myocardial infarctionSacrificing happiness for financial stability.The main value is happiness. Joy constantly fills the heart.
Hepatic pathologiesComplaints, dissatisfaction with their lives. Self-deception. Pickiness. Justify your pessimism.Now I am open and cheerful. I live with love and see it everywhere.
JaundicePrejudice and one-sidedness.I have enough patience, I know how to sympathize. I respect others and myself.
kidney diseaseFear of criticism. Disappointment. Shame. Infantilism.I'm not afraid to be an adult. I am responsible for my life. I accept my failures with joy, gaining valuable experience.
Diseases of the adrenal glandsOwn detachment. Anxiety. Feeling of loss.I'm not afraid to worry about myself. Each of my actions is endowed with love, I approve of any step I take.
Stones in the kidneysAnger unable to find an outlet.I no longer hold on to the past. It's easy for me.
Infectious pathologies of the urinary tractIrritability, anger towards a partner. Self-deception. Feelings of guilt placed by a person on the environment.I respect my partner. I feel responsible for my life. I'm ready for change.
IncontinenceEmotional outbursts held back by a person for years.I calmly endure any feelings. I don't feel panic.
Problems with menstruation (amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea)Rejection of femininity. Fear. Shame from your body. Guilt. Misconceptions associated with the "impurity" of the genitals and their sinfulness.I am a complete woman. I love myself and accept. The processes taking place in my body are natural.
Problems with menopauseFear of losing female attractiveness. Dislike of self and aging.I give my body love, whatever it is. There is harmony within me.
Leg diseasesInability to move forward due to fear of the future.I am confident in my future. I am not afraid to go towards the unknown, because only good things await me.
Fluid retentionSymbolizes the fear of a person to lose something.I'm not afraid to let go. I am happy to part with what is supposed to go.
RachiocampsisTrying to stay in the past. distrust of the environment. Destruction of personality. Lack of courage.I'm not afraid anymore. I believe in myself and my strengths. Living is my calling. My posture becomes straight and I walk the road of life with joy.
ObesitySelf-defense. Denial of one's own feelings. Fear. Depression. Unrealized ideas.I feel protected. Feel safe. I can protect myself. I am filled with joy and love.
CystResentments that a person cannot let go. developmental disorder.My life flows calmly and peacefully. I love myself and let go of the burden of the past. I forgive myself and others.
FaintingFear. Memory loss. Inability to cope with the situation.I am smart and strong. I can keep everything under control.
NumbnessSuppression of feelings and love. The rotting emotions that the man held back.I feel love in every person. I myself am full of love.
CrayfishStrong hatred. Resentment that eats from the inside. Deep psychological trauma.I forgive my past and let it go. From this moment I am full of joy and love.
WeaknessLack of rest.I allow myself to rest. Nothing worries me.
FatigueBoredom of life. A person forces himself to do something he doesn't like.I am curious and energetic. I am full of joy. I like life.
AIDSLow self-esteem. Dissatisfaction with sex life. Feeling of hopelessness.Life loves me, life appreciates me. I have strength. I love myself. I appreciate myself.
convulsionsThe desire to grab onto life. The pursuit of the world. Voltage.I am relaxed. There is harmony within me. I am in control of my life.
Tic or convulsionsParanoia. Fears.I'm completely safe. Life accepts me.
RashDefenselessness.I am strong and protected. Everything's under control.
Bad breathGossip and insults.I speak of others with love. I radiate only joy.
"Incurable" diseasesTo cure what cannot be healed externally, it is treated from the inside.I get rid of the inner trash. I heal myself with love and care.
ImpotenceAnger at a partner. Mother's fear. Feelings of guilt and pressure.I let my sexuality come out. I am full of strength.
DepressionAnger that wasn't released. Hopelessness.I break boundaries. I am in control of my life. My life is full of colors.

How to work with the Louise Hay Disease Chart

Louise Hay, whose table of diseases cannot give an exact answer to a person about the origin of his disease, says that in order to find the source of the disease, you need to remember its first manifestations and the events that could cause it. It can be a deep psychological trauma, a phobia, depression or negative thoughts.

After analyzing, a person should say to himself: “I remembered everything and I’m ready to let it go,” after finding the disease on the list and using affirmations.

Repeat the affirmation every day, preferably 3 times, so that the thought is strengthened in the mind.

Affirmations for prosperity and success


  • I go through life easily, and success accompanies me.
  • I prosper and move forward towards the goal.
  • I can achieve my goals.
  • Whatever I do, I will be successful.
  • I am successful and smart.
  • I deserve my success.
  • Luck is the companion of my life.
  • Every day I spiritually grow and prosper.

Affirmations for dissolving resentment


  • I live without a burden of resentment. My soul is pure.
  • There is no place for resentment in my heart.
  • I do not hold evil, only joy and love flows in me.
  • I am worthy of happiness, so I let go of all grievances.
  • I don't let resentment destroy me.
  • I am wise when I let go of an oppressive resentment.
  • In my world there is no place for bitterness of resentment.
  • I inhale happiness and exhale resentment.

Affirmations for finance and self love


  • My body is full of love, my face is shining with happiness.
  • I approve and love myself.
  • I love myself at any time of the day.
  • I love myself in every mood.
  • I never stop loving myself even in difficult times.
  • Doing stupid things and making mistakes, I still love myself.
  • My body is my temple, I am happiness.
  • I am important and loved.
  • I am a money magnet.
  • My cash flow is open.
  • I receive gifts of fate in double size.
  • Every day my income is growing.
  • I am solvent and independent.
  • I have the right to be rich, I deserve it.
  • The money is coming to me.
  • I am successful, rich and happy.

affirmations for forgiveness


101 thoughts carrying power


  1. My healing has already begun.
  2. I trust my inner voice.
  3. I forgive myself and others.
  4. I enjoy what I do.
  5. I trust life.
  6. I am satisfied with my home.
  7. I am free from the past.
  8. The force is with me right now.
  9. I am calm with any changes.
  10. I can change.
  11. I control my thoughts by rejecting negativity.
  12. Thoughts build my future.
  13. No self-criticism, only love.
  14. I don't expect anything from life. I know that only luck awaits me.
  15. I have a clear understanding of the world.
  16. I am calm. Life sustains and pleases me.
  17. I sow love and joy everywhere. The people around me are a reflection of me.
  18. I have a perfect balance of feminine and masculine.
  19. I have the right to freedom.
  20. I'm not afraid and I don't doubt.
  21. The universe guides me and I am calm about my fate.
  22. I love my life.
  23. I love my body.
  24. Every problem has solutions.
  25. I am patient with others and myself. Harmony in me and around me.
  26. I am open to change and new ideas.
  27. I create love around me. My happiness has no limits. I stand above people's fears.
  28. I deserve to be loved.
  29. I am the creator of my life. The thought is material.
  30. I'm sexy and I admit it.
  31. My age is my value. I live in harmony with my years.
  32. I live in the present. The past will never return.
  33. I give people what I want in return. No criticism.
  34. I don't hold people, they are as free as I am.
  35. I chose my own parents. They gave me enough knowledge. I give them love and forgiveness. They are free from me, and I from them.
  36. I feel good and safe in my home.
  37. Life gives me what I desire when my thoughts are clear of negativity.
  38. Life gives me and others prosperity. All desires will be fulfilled. All needs are met.
  39. Harmony always reigns in my world.
  40. I love my job.
  41. Life gives me support and care.
  42. Love and joy lead me forward. I have a bright future.
  43. I am happy with what I have. Ahead of a new experience, which I meet with joy.
  44. My reality is created by my forces. My world is filled with love and understanding.
  45. I can use my talents for a dream job.
  46. I am surrounded by success everywhere.
  47. There are many ways for me to earn money. I am ready to accept them.
  48. I deserve to be better. I have the right to happiness and well-being.
  49. I live easy.
  50. I am protected from any negativity. I am at peace with the universe.
  51. I hear body signals. I care about my health.
  52. I'm talented and I'm not afraid to express it.
  53. I change every day only for the better.
  54. I am unique and I accept it.
  55. I communicate with other people without problems.
  56. I am my true self. Inside me is love and joy.
  57. Love surrounds me everywhere. I can love and I can be loved.
  58. I love others as much as I love myself. I accept people and give them joy.
  59. I am beatiful. People love me and I love them.
  60. I love myself the way I am.
  61. I am determined. I hear my inner voice.
  62. When I travel, the Universe takes care of me. I'm safe.
  63. Every day I rise higher and higher above delusions. I understand this world.
  64. I accept my partner. Our relationship is full of love and understanding.
  65. I live in a safe world. I trust the world.
  66. The world heals with me. Positive thoughts make the world a better place.
  67. I love my motherland. Every person in our country is full of love and kindness.
  68. I take care of my family and love them. There is harmony in my family.
  69. My children are protected by the Universe. They are happy and protected from any negative impact.
  70. I love all living beings and do not hurt them.
  71. Childbirth is a natural process. I'm not afraid, I only feel love.
  72. My child is my miracle. I love and protect him.
  73. I move easily. My body is quite flexible. I feel like a completely healthy person.
  74. I am expanding my knowledge of life. I know my body and soul. I am responsible for myself.
  75. I am energetic and young. Sports help keep me strong.
  76. The universe has given me prosperity. I accept it and live with joy and love.
  77. I am connected to the universe. Higher powers take care of me and guide me on the right path.
  78. I live in the present.
  79. I maintain a healthy weight effortlessly. My body and my mind live in harmony.
  80. I eat right and nourish my body with vitamins. I'm in good shape.
  81. I love my pets. They are healthy and happy.
  82. I love nature, it is the source of my strength. I am in harmony with the environment.
  83. I heal myself and others every day. My thoughts are powerful medicine.
  84. I treat the elderly with respect and love.
  85. I am not afraid of my car. I feel safe driving.
  86. Music feeds me with strength, uplifting my spirits and inspiring me.
  87. I'm not afraid of loneliness. I live at peace with myself. I deserve to rest and put my thoughts in order.
  88. I take care of myself. I wear what I like. My appearance reflects my love for myself.
  89. I have enough time for every task. I live in the present. I am a strong person.
  90. I'm taking a break from work.

  91. Children love me. When I'm around they are safe.
  92. Dreams are my helpers. Dreams help me find answers to life's questions.
  93. My environment consists of positive people.
  94. I solve financial problems with love.
  95. I don't kill the child inside me. I protect and love it.
  96. I am not afraid to ask for help and I myself willingly help others.
  97. I celebrate the holidays with my family and close friends.
  98. I am kind and polite to all people.
  99. I am a good friend. I will always support and help in difficult times.
  100. I care about the planet I live on. I save the environment.
  101. I do not lose touch with the Universe and always listen to the clues of fate. Life is a miracle and I love it.

Healing Light Meditation

Meditation "Healing Light" is designed to restore vitality, helps to cope with energy exhaustion, nervous diseases. Meditate in a calm and quiet place. Ears are recommended to be plugged with earplugs, and eyes are tied with a dark bandage.

The healing practice is best done early in the morning or late in the evening. At this time, channels open, and cosmic energy becomes the most accessible. You can meditate 1-2 times a day for 15-25 minutes.

Performing the Healing Light Meditation:

Become happy in 21 days

The course is based on working with a mirror and affirmations. Become Happy in 21 Days teaches self-confidence, reveals talents, helps overcome resistance to change, increases self-esteem, develops love and compassion, relieves stress, fear and anger. Each day of the course is devoted to a specific exercise.

Louise Hay is known for her books and techniques. Her table of diseases is more popular.

When taking the course, you can use the table of diseases of Louise Hay if you have health problems:

Lessons distributed by day

Week 1 teaches self love.1. Acceptance and manifestation of self-love.

2. Make friends with your reflection in the mirror.

3. Talk to yourself.

4. Let go of your past.

5. Increasing self-esteem.

6. Release from the inner critic.

7. Summing up the results of the first week.

Week 2 is devoted to feelings, namely: pain, fear, anger.1-2. Reconciliation with your inner child

3. Love for your body, healing pain.

4. Release of anger.

5. Victory over fears.

6. How to start your day with love.

7. Summing up the results of the second week.

Week 3 is the final stage of the course dedicated to relationships, prosperity and gratitude.1. How to forgive yourself and others.

2. Relationship healing.

3. Getting rid of stress.

4. Prosperity.

5. Gratitude for life.

6. Teaching children to exercise with a mirror.

7. Full acceptance of self-love.

Louise Hay on self love

Love begins with cultivating a sense of self-worth and a complete rejection of criticism in your address:

  • Fear keeps you from moving forward. You need to stop scaring yourself.
  • You should cultivate gentleness, kindness and patience towards others and yourself.
  • Hatred is a rotten feeling that needs to be got rid of. Self-love and positive thoughts make a person.
  • Praise yourself is good. Man needs approval from himself.
  • The backbone of life is love. Each person must love himself, love gives strength.
  • You have to love your flaws.
  • The body is the home of man, and he needs care and proper care.
  • It is important to work with a mirror and talk with yourself. You need to be able to hear the inner voice.
  • Do not put off love for tomorrow, but love yourself right here and now! You can't live in the past.

Louise Hay on self-perception, self-criticism

It is impossible to be perfect, it is useless and dangerous to criticize yourself. Louise Hay believes that the root of many mental and physical health problems lies in self-perception. A person destroys himself with negative beliefs obtained from unsuccessful life experiences.

Life is built from thoughts and words, so it is advisable to tune in to positive thinking in order to avoid failure. Having learned to think positively about oneself, a person destroys internal clamps and fears, gaining freedom.

Types of resistance to change

The fear that prevents you from moving forward towards success and prosperity is the fear of change.

Often there are 3 behaviors:

  • Frequent tardiness and indifference to anything.
  • Restlessness (urging to the toilet, smoking, fidgeting in a chair) and changing the topic of conversation.
  • Distracted and unfocused.

Each person resists in their own way, but the same feelings are present everywhere: fear of the future, depression and weakness.

Wrong beliefs that prevent change

Stereotypes interfere with life and change.

Persistent negative beliefs about ourselves that prevent us from accepting change:

  • I can not.
  • I cannot do this.
  • It seems to me that this is not mine.
  • I'm lazy.
  • It takes too much time.
  • I don't believe in my own strength.
  • I wasn't raised that way.
  • I'm not good enough for this.

A person who catches himself in such thoughts should immediately utter the opposite beliefs:

Transferring responsibility to others for their own actions, failures

Not everyone can admit responsibility for their failures. Fear of change makes a person put his fate in the hands of other people.

Thoughts on shifting responsibility to others:

  • My parents are against it.
  • I won't be able to know it myself.
  • Others think I can't.
  • Nobody understands me.
  • It goes against my principles and philosophy.
  • My religion is against it.
  • Now is not the time for change.
  • I can't change until everything around me changes.

Accepting guilt and taking responsibility for your life is the first step towards change. No one can control the fate of a person, except for the person himself. The opinion of others will not always be favorable due to their own fears and failures, which they project onto others.

If family, friends or acquaintances are against changes in a person, he should think about changing the environment and environment. In life, you need to surround yourself with kind and helpful people who are ready to provide support.

Negative attitudes are replaced by positive thinking:

  • I want to and will do it.
  • I can do it on my own.
  • I don't go for evil people.
  • I am understood and appreciated.
  • I'm ready to start changing the world with myself.

Resistance to change due to fear of the unknown

A person is afraid of the unknown, seeing danger and disappointment in it.

Questions about resistance to change due to fear of an uncertain future:

Life will change as soon as a person's thoughts change. Destructive thoughts are best replaced with affirmations that can bring good luck and peace of mind.

Louise Hay's 3 principles for embracing change:

  1. Craving for change.
  2. Control of thoughts and words.
  3. The ability to forgive.

Thoughts of fear of the unknown are replaced by confidence and determination:

  • I'm not afraid of other people's opinions.
  • My friends will accept me.
  • The family will support me.
  • I only do better by changing my life.
  • The future will not bring me suffering.
  • I believe in myself!

Resentment Dissolution Exercise

This exercise will help you let go of situations, people, or memories that are stuck in your mind in the form of resentment and anger:

Exercise "Mental representation"

An exercise to make friends with your "inner" child, calm anxiety about the past, accept and forgive yourself and your loved ones:

  • In front of a man is a small child. You need to look into his sad eyes. Ask him what he is sad about, and he will answer that he misses the person doing the exercise. You need to feel his sadness. Hug a child. Talk about love for him and how wonderful and smart he is. Promise to help him. In the arms, the child will shrink to the size of a pea. You have to place it in your heart. Now they will always be there.
  • Another child appears in front of you. This is your mother as a child. She wants love. Her eyes are full of sadness. Hug her with the words: “I will not let you down. You are safe." Hold her in your arms until she feels safe. Gradually, it will begin to decrease to the size of a pea. Place it in your heart.
  • Another child appears before you - your father. He is also lost and sad. Hold him close to you in the same way as you and your mother. Let him come to his senses. Repeat to him: “I will always be there. You are protected." He, like the rest, will decrease and end up in your heart.
  • Put your hand on your heart. Feel its knock, and in this knock there are 3 small children. Love everyone. Love for small children is sacred.

There is enough love in the heart to heal the whole world, so start by changing yourself. From that moment on, life will begin to change.

An exercise in negative affirmations

For this exercise, you will need a pen and paper. Parents' negative beliefs about money, love, and relationships should be remembered. Write it down. Take another sheet. Remember from whom else negative statements were heard (this could be the authorities, teachers, society).

What is written is negative thoughts stuck in the memory that interfere with life. We urgently need to get rid of them.

Exercise with a mirror

In the mirror, you need to look into your eyes. Repeat your name several times. Say to yourself: "I love and approve of you in any way."

Repeat this every morning until true self-love is felt.

Lesson: "Decision to change"

Faced with feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, or hopelessness, people refuse to live and cannot imagine life otherwise. Everything that a person gives to the world comes back like a boomerang. Change does not start with others, but with yourself. Change must come from the inside out.

Life changing principles:

  • Give the world what you want in return.
  • Learning to think positively. Man is made up of his own thoughts.
  • They are not afraid to get rid of outdated beliefs that interfere with life.
  • Be patient with yourself and others.

"I want to change"

An exercise that helps you accept yourself and start changing your life. Recommended to do every day. Lightly touch the throat. It accumulates energy that will help to master the changes. Repeat: “I want to change. I'm ready to change." The Universe will help and support. Don't forget to praise yourself for your accomplishments.

Affirmation to Attract Financial Stability

For financial well-being, it is required to create a suitable mental attitude and fix it in the mind. A person needs to focus on success and money. Affirmation: “My cash flow is open, I am worthy of all blessings. I get money easily and manage it wisely.”

"Ocean of Plenty"

The cash flow is regulated by the consciousness of a person and his spiritual prosperity. By thinking big and striving for it, the Universe helps you achieve your goal.

Performing the exercise "Ocean of Abundance":

"Get rid of any disease"

Without emotional and spiritual healing, it is impossible to permanently get rid of the disease. Everything related to physical healing is superficial, the problems are in the head of a person in the form of negative emotions. For effective recovery, it is necessary to maintain a balance between the treatment of the soul and the body.

"Letting go of health problems"

A negative belief, a deep wound in the soul and negative emotions can affect the physical state. The first thing that a sick person needs to do is to understand what kind of thought or emotion has affected his health. The second is to use affirmations. It is necessary to say to yourself every day, looking in the mirror: “I am letting go of this thought/emotion/situation. I'm ready to get well."

"The role of disease in human life"

Any disease is sent by the Universe to rethink life and change in the inner world of a person. It is important to determine the role of illness in life.

The following questions help find the cause of the disease:

  • How did I make myself sick?
  • What was I trying to avoid by getting sick?
  • What do I want when I'm sick?
  • What did my father and my mother do when I was sick?
  • What am I afraid of when I'm sick?
  • Did I have major shocks before I got sick?

The following describes the occurrence of the disease in more detail:

Louise Hay, whose table of diseases provides diseases based on negative experiences, assures that you can find the right affirmations for any case.

Illness treatment scenario

First, thoughts and consciousness are treated, and then the body itself. Healing Affirmation: “I deserve to be healthy. Being healthy is natural. I release negative affirmations that can affect my health.

I accept myself and my body whatever. I care about my health. My body is a temple in which there is always comfort and harmony. Strength fills me. I feel connected to the universe. My world is full of love."

Getting rid of bad habits

Addictions arise from a lack of happiness, self-confidence, and an incentive to live. A person with bad habits needs protection, which he cannot receive, and he lacks the strength to give it to himself. Getting rid of addiction is a long and difficult process, where the patient is required to be patient and willing to change.

In order to prevent possible breakdowns before addiction, it is necessary to set a clear goal, write it on a piece of paper and hang it in a conspicuous place so that a person does not forget about it.

Louise Hay, whose table of diseases is useful in the fight against addiction, says that because of bad habits, not only mental problems arise, but also bodily ones. It is recommended to use affirmations against depression and weakness.

The first exercise to get rid of bad habits:

  • Look at yourself in the mirror.
  • Close your eyes and breathe deeply.
  • Think about addiction. Imagine getting thrown out. Say to yourself: “From now on, I am not dependent. I am free from it."
  • Affirmation is best repeated in the morning and during meditation.

The second exercise to get rid of bad habits:

This phrase should become the motto. It will help you accept yourself and let go of self-hatred, which helps to get rid of addictions.

The best programs to improve the quality of life according to people's reviews

"Heal your life." The book provides methods of healing from diseases with the help of the power of thought. Each chapter contains useful and effective affirmations. After reading, the author promises a change in thinking through meditation and exercises. This is the first book by Louise Hay, who has been a top seller for several years in a row.

"Become happy in 21 days." A course that teaches life anew. For 21 days, the book changes people's lives, teaches you to think positively and achieve success. The validity of this method is evidenced by the reviews with gratitude and a good rating.

"Heal yourself." The program teaches to direct thoughts to heal the soul and body according to the table of diseases. According to Louise Hay, most pathologies arise from negative thoughts. Unique affirmations and healing techniques are collected in one edition.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about Louise Hay's disease table

What do our diseases say?

The thoughts we hold in our heads and the words we speak are constantly shaping our world and experience. Many of us have an ingrained habit of negative thinking and we are unaware of the damage we are doing to ourselves.

Therefore, reading any of these affirmations every day, everything that is described in them will definitely be attracted to life! The main thing is to believe in what we say and think about what we say.


My willingness to forgive starts the process of my healing. I allow the love of my heart to wash, cleanse and heal every part of my body. I know that I am worthy (worthy) of healing.


When I go about my daily activities, I listen to my inner voice. My intuition is always on my side. I trust her, she is always inside me. I am calm (calm).


Forgiving myself and others frees me from the past. Forgiveness is the solution to almost all problems. Forgiveness is my gift to myself. I forgive and release.


Every moment of the day is special for me as I follow my higher instincts and listen to my heart. I am calm (calm) in my world and my affairs.


Life flows smoothly and rhythmically, and I am part of it. Life supports me and brings me only good and positive experiences. I believe that the flow of life will bring me the highest good.


The past is forgotten and has no power over me. I can be free (free) right this moment. Today's thoughts create my future. I control everything and regain my power. I'm calm (calm) and free (free)


I want to get rid of old negative beliefs. What blocks my path are just thoughts. My new thoughts are positive and creative.


The Universe fully supports every thought I choose and believe in. I have an unlimited choice of my thoughts. I choose balance, harmony and peace, and I express them in my life.


I am free from the urge to blame anyone, including myself. We all try to make the best use of our knowledge, understanding and awareness.


I sail through life easily and with love. I love myself. I know that at every turn of life, only good things await me.


The people in my life are actually my reflection. It gives me the opportunity to grow and change.


I am attuned (attuned) to the thoughts and feelings of other people. I give advice and support to my friends when they need it and just listen with love when it's appropriate.


I am free (free) in my thinking and can only choose good thoughts. I rise above the limitations of the past and gain freedom. Now I become everything that I was (was) created for (created).


Now my choice is to free myself from all destructive fears and doubts. I accept myself and create peace in my soul and heart. I'm loved (loved) and protected (protected)


All this day they help me make a choice. Divine intelligence constantly guides me in achieving my goals. I am calm (calm).


My birthright is to live fully and freely. I give life exactly what I want to receive from life. I am happy (happy) that I live. I love life!


I create peace in my soul and my body reflects my peace of mind in the form of perfect health.


Every problem has a solution. All my experience provides me with opportunities to learn and grow. I am calm (calm).


Divine peace and harmony surround me and dwell in me. I feel tolerance, empathy and love for all people, including myself.


I don't have to try to earn love. I am worthy (worthy) of love because I exist. The people around me reflect my own love for myself.


I say "Out!" any negative thought that comes into my brain. Not a single person, not a single place, not a single thing has power over me, since I am the only creator of my thoughts. I create my reality and everything that is in it.


Each age has its own special joys and experiences. My age is always perfect for a given place in my life.


It's a new day. A day I've never lived (lived) before. I stay in the present and enjoy every moment of it.


I let others experience what matters to them and I am free (free) to create what matters to me.


I sympathize with my parents' childhood. Now I know: I chose (chosen) them, because they were perfect for what I should (should) was (was) to learn. I forgive and release them, and free myself (myself).


I bless my home with love. I bring love to every corner, and my house lovingly responds with warmth and comfort. I feel good and peaceful here.


Life reflects my every thought. As long as I keep a positive mindset, Life gives me only good experiences.


The Ocean of Life is abundant and generous. All my needs and desires are met before I can ask. Good comes to me from everywhere, and from everyone, and from everything.


Today I give all my abilities to what I do, because I understand that when one experience is completed, I am led to an even greater realization of my capabilities and a new useful experience.


Now I live in boundless love, light and joy. All is well in my world.


I am happy with what I have, and I know that new experiences are always ahead of me. I welcome the new with open arms. I believe that life is wonderful.


I ask you to give me more understanding in order to consciously and lovingly build my world and my experience.


I am completely open (open) and receptive (receptive) to a wonderful new position. I will be able to use my talents and creativity to work in a wonderful place, with the people and for the people I love. I will earn good money.


Now I am establishing a new understanding of success for myself. I know that I can achieve success and my success will be the way I imagine it to be. I enter the Circle of Winners. Brilliant opportunities open up to me everywhere. I attract prosperity in all areas of life.


I now receive my blessings from expected and unexpected sources. I am a limitless being, receiving from a limitless source in unlimited ways. I am happy (happy) beyond my wildest dreams.


My thoughts and feelings give me everything I need to enjoy a life full of love and success. I deserve all the blessings because I was born (born) into the world. I lay claim to my goods.


Everything I need to know at any given moment is revealed to me. I believe in myself and I believe in life. Everything is already good.


I am one with the energy and wisdom of the universe. I draw this energy and it is easy for me to protect myself.


My body is always working towards optimal health. My body wants to be safe and healthy. I cooperate with him and become healthy (healthy), strong (strong) and perfect (perfect).


My unique talents and creativity permeate me and express themselves in the most amazing ways. My creativity is always in use.


I open up in the most amazing ways. Only good things can come to me. I now radiate health, happiness, prosperity and peace of mind.


There is no competition and no comparison, for we are all different and created to be different. I'm special (special) and amazing (amazing) I love myself.


I always see only harmony around me. I willingly contribute to the harmony I desire. My life is joy.


Making my way through the veil of other people's opinions and beliefs, I see a magnificent being inside me - wise and beautiful. I love what I see in myself.


Love is everywhere and I love and I love (I love) Loving people fill my life and I find it easy to express my love to others.


My heart is open. I let my love flow freely. I love myself. I love other people and other people love me.


I radiate approval and I am loved (loved) by other people. Love surrounds and protects me.


I approve of everything I do. I am good enough (good) such (such), what (what) I am. I express my opinion. I ask for what I want. I declare my strength.


I trust my inner wisdom and make decisions easily.


Whichever mode of transport I choose (choose), I am completely safe.


Every day I ask my Higher Self to grant me the ability to understand life more deeply and rise above opinions and prejudices.


Divine Love is now leading me into a loving relationship with my (my) perfect spouse and helping to maintain it.


Everything I have and everything I am is protected and completely safe. I live in a safe world.


Every day, I imagine our world as peaceful, whole, and healed. I see every person well fed, clothed and provided with housing.


I have a loving, harmonious, happy, healthy family, and we all understand each other perfectly.


Divine Wisdom resides in each of my children and they are happy and protected wherever they go.


I treat all living beings with ease and love, and I know that they are worthy of our love and protection.


The miracle of childbearing is a normal, natural process, and I go through it easily, without stress, with love.


My child and I are bound together by bonds of love, happiness and peace. We are happy family.


Healing energy is constantly flowing through every organ, joint and cell of my body. I move freely and effortlessly.


I am constantly increasing my knowledge about myself, about my body and my life. Awareness gives me the strength to take responsibility.


Physical exercise helps me stay young and healthy. My muscles love to move. I am a living person.


I am worthy (deserving) of success and willingly accept the prosperity flowing abundantly through my life. I give and receive with joy and love.


Every day I turn inward, connecting with all the intelligence of the universe. I am constantly being led and directed with all-round concern for my highest good and happiness.


I am ready (ready) to see life in a new, different light, to notice what I have not seen (have not seen) before. A new world awaits my new look.


I am open (open) and receptive (receptive) to new things in life. I am ready (ready) to understand VCRs, computers and other wonderful electronic devices.


My mind and body are in balance and harmony with each other. I achieve and maintain my ideal weight easily, effortlessly.


I take care of my body with love. I eat healthy food. I drink healing drinks. My body responds to my care by constantly maintaining a great shape.


I communicate with my animals with love, and they give me an understanding of how I can ensure their spiritual and physical health. We live happily together. I am in harmony with all Life.


Every plant that I lovingly touch blooms in all its splendor. House plants are happy. The flowers are breathtakingly beautiful. Delicious fruits and vegetables ripen in abundance. I am in harmony with nature.


I connect with the healing energy of the universe to heal myself and everyone around me who is ready to heal. I know that my mind is a powerful healing tool.


I treat the elderly in my life with great love and respect as I know they are a wise and wonderful source of knowledge, experience and truth.


When I drive my car, I am fully protected (protected), relaxed (relaxed), and I am comfortable. I bless all the other drivers on the road with love.


I fill my life with harmonious and uplifting music that enriches my body and soul. Creative influences surround and inspire me.


I am worthy (worthy) of rest and silence when I need them, and I create space in my life where I can get what I need. I am at peace with my loneliness.


I take good care of myself every morning and wear clothes that reflect how much I love and appreciate life. I am beautiful (beautiful) inside and out.


I have a lot of time for every task that needs to be done today. I am a strong person because I choose to live in the Now. Here and now all is well.


I plan a vacation to give my mind and body a chance to rest. I stay within my budget and always have a wonderful time. I return to work refreshed (refreshed) and calm (calm).


It is easy for me to ask for help when I need it. I feel protected (protected) in the center of change, because I know that change is the natural law of Life. I am open (open) to the love and support of other people.


My friends and family radiate love and positive energy, and I return these feelings. I know that I may have to let go of those people in my life who don't support me. published by econet.ru

The thoughts we hold in our heads and the words we speak are constantly shaping our world and experience. Many of us have an ingrained habit of negative thinking and we are unaware of the damage we are doing to ourselves.

Louise Hay reminds us that we are fully responsible for all events in our lives - both the best and the worst. Each of our thoughts creates our future. By reading any of these every day, you are sure to bring to life everything that is written in them! The main thing is to believe in what we say and think about what we say.

So, 80 thoughts that carry power from Louise Hay:

My healing is already happening

My willingness to forgive starts the process of my healing. I allow the love of my heart to wash, cleanse and heal every part of my body. I know that I am worthy (worthy) of healing.

I trust my inner wisdom

When I go about my daily activities, I listen to my inner voice. My intuition is always on my side. I trust her, she is always inside me. I am calm (calm).

I'm ready (ready) to forgive

Forgiving myself and others frees me from the past. Forgiveness is the solution to almost all problems. Forgiveness is my gift to myself. I forgive and release.

I am deeply satisfied with everything I do

Every moment of the day is special for me as I follow my higher instincts and listen to my heart. I am calm (calm) in my world and my affairs.

I trust the flow of life

Life flows smoothly and rhythmically, and I am part of it. Life supports me and brings me only good and positive experiences. I believe that the flow of life will bring me the highest good.

Power is always in the present moment.

The past is forgotten and has no power over me. I can be free (free) right this moment. Today's thoughts create my future. I control everything and regain my power. I'm calm (calm) and free (free)

I am changing

I release old negative beliefs. What blocks my path are just thoughts. My new thoughts are positive and creative.

Every thought I have creates my future

The Universe fully supports every thought I choose and believe in. I have an unlimited choice of my thoughts. I choose balance, harmony and peace, and I express them in my life.

No reproaches

I am free from the urge to blame anyone, including myself. We all try to make the best use of our knowledge, understanding and awareness.

I let go of expectations

I sail through life easily and with love. I love myself. I know that at every turn of life, only good things await me.

My life is a mirror

The people in my life are actually my reflection. It gives me the opportunity to grow and change.

I am a sensitive friend

I am attuned (attuned) to the thoughts and feelings of other people. I give advice and support to my friends when they need it and just listen with love when it's appropriate.

Freedom is my divine right

I am free (free) in my thinking and can only choose good thoughts. I rise above the limitations of the past and gain freedom. Now I become everything that I was (was) created for (created).

I discard all fears and doubts

Now my choice is to free myself from all destructive fears and doubts. I accept myself and create peace in my soul and heart. I'm loved (loved) and protected (protected)

Divine mind guides me

All this day they help me make a choice. Divine intelligence constantly guides me in achieving my goals. I am calm (calm).

I love life

My birthright is to live fully and freely. I give life exactly what I want to receive from life. I am happy (happy) that I live. I love life!

I love my body

I create peace in my soul and my body reflects my peace of mind in the form of perfect health.

I turn every bit of my experience into an opportunity.

Every problem has a solution. All my experience provides me with opportunities to learn and grow. I am calm (calm).

I'm calm (calm)

Divine peace and harmony surround me and dwell in me. I feel tolerance, empathy and love for all people, including myself.

I am worthy (worthy) of love

I don't have to try to earn love. I am worthy (worthy) of love because I exist. The people around me reflect my own love for myself.

My thoughts are creative

I say "Out!" any negative thought that comes into my brain. No person, no place, no thing has power over me, since I am the only creator of my thoughts. I create my reality and everything that is in it.

I live in a world with my age

Each age has its own special joys and experiences. My age is always perfect for a given place in my life.

The past is gone forever

It's a new day. A day I've never lived (lived) before. I stay in the present and enjoy every moment of it.

I don't keep anyone close to me

I let others experience what matters to them and I am free (free) to create what matters to me.

I see my parents as little kids in need of love

I sympathize with my parents' childhood. Now I know: I chose (chosen) them, because they were perfect for what I should (should) was (was) to learn. I forgive and release them, and free myself (myself).

My home is a peaceful retreat

I bless my home with love. I bring love to every corner, and my house lovingly responds with warmth and comfort. I feel good and peaceful here.

When I say yes to life, life says yes to me too.

Life reflects my every thought. As long as I keep a positive mindset, Life gives me only good experiences.

Enough for everyone, including me

The Ocean of Life is abundant and generous. All my needs and desires are met before I can ask. Good comes to me from everywhere, and from everyone, and from everything.

My work completely satisfies me

Today I give all my abilities to what I do, because I understand that when one experience is completed, I am led to an even greater realization of my capabilities and a new useful experience.

My future is great

Now I live in boundless love, light and joy. All is well in my world.

I open new doors to life

I am happy with what I have, and I know that new experiences are always ahead of me. I welcome the new with open arms. I believe that life is wonderful.

I claim my power and lovingly create my own reality

I ask you to give me more understanding in order to consciously and lovingly build my world and my experience.

Now I'm creating myself a new wonderful job

I am completely open (open) and receptive (receptive) to a wonderful new position. I will be able to use my talents and creativity to work in a wonderful place, with the people and for the people I love. I will earn good money.

Everything I touch succeeds

Now I am establishing a new understanding of success for myself. I know that I can achieve success and my success will be the way I imagine it to be. I enter the Circle of Winners. Brilliant opportunities open up to me everywhere. I attract prosperity in all areas of life.

I am open (open) and receptive (receptive) to new ways of earning

I now receive my blessings from expected and unexpected sources. I am a limitless being, receiving from a limitless source in unlimited ways. I am happy (happy) beyond my wildest dreams.

I deserve the best and accept the best now

My thoughts and feelings give me everything I need to enjoy a life full of love and success. I deserve all the blessings because I was born (born) into the world. I lay claim to my goods.

Life is simple and easy

Everything I need to know at any given moment is revealed to me. I believe in myself and I believe in life. Everything is already good.

I am fully in line with any situation

I am one with the energy and wisdom of the universe. I draw this energy and it is easy for me to protect myself.

I lovingly listen to the messages of my body

My body is always working towards optimal health. My body wants to be safe and healthy. I cooperate with him and become healthy (healthy), strong (strong) and perfect (perfect).

I express my creativity

My unique talents and creativity permeate me and express themselves in the most amazing ways. My creativity is always in use.

I am in the process of positive change

I open up in the most amazing ways. Only good things can come to me. I now radiate health, happiness, prosperity and peace of mind.

I accept my uniqueness

There is no competition and no comparison, for we are all different and created to be different. I'm special (special) and amazing (amazing) I love myself.

All my relationships with other people are harmonious

I always see only harmony around me. I willingly contribute to the harmony I desire. My life is joy.

I'm not afraid to look into myself

Making my way through the veil of other people's opinions and beliefs, I see a magnificent being inside me - wise and beautiful. I love what I see in myself.

I feel love everywhere

Love is everywhere and I love and I love (I love) Loving people fill my life and I find it easy to express my love to others.

Loving other people is easy when I love and accept myself.

My heart is open. I let my love flow freely. I love myself. I love other people and other people love me.

I'm beautiful (beautiful) and everyone loves me

I radiate approval and I am loved (loved) by other people. Love surrounds and protects me.

I love and approve of myself

I approve of everything I do. I am good enough (good) such (such), what (what) I am. I express my opinion. I ask for what I want. I declare my strength.

I can make decisions

I trust my inner wisdom and make decisions easily.

I am always safe when traveling

Whichever mode of transport I choose (choose), I am completely safe.

My level of understanding is constantly rising

Every day I ask my Higher Self to grant me the ability to understand life more deeply and rise above opinions and prejudices.

Now I accept a perfect spouse (spouse)

Divine Love is now leading me into a loving relationship with my (my) perfect spouse and helping to maintain it.

Security is mine now and forever

Everything I have and everything I am is protected and completely safe. I live in a safe world.

The process of healing the world is underway

Every day, I imagine our world as peaceful, whole, and healed. I see every person well fed, clothed and provided with housing.

I love my family

I have a loving, harmonious, happy, healthy family, and we all understand each other perfectly.

My children are under Divine Protection

Divine Wisdom resides in each of my children and they are happy and protected wherever they go.

I love all God's creations - animals, big and small

I treat all living beings with ease and love, and I know that they are worthy of our love and protection.

I lovingly experience the birth of my child

The miracle of childbearing is a normal, natural process, and I go through it easily, without stress, with love.

I love my child

My child and I are bound together by bonds of love, happiness and peace. We are happy family.

My body is flexible

Healing energy is constantly flowing through every organ, joint and cell of my body. I move freely and effortlessly.

I know

I am constantly increasing my knowledge about myself, about my body and my life. Awareness gives me the strength to take responsibility.

I love exercise

Prosperity is my divine right

I am worthy (deserving) of success and willingly accept the prosperity flowing abundantly through my life. I give and receive with joy and love.

I'm connected (connected) with the divine mind

Every day I turn inward, connecting with all the intelligence of the universe. I am constantly being led and directed with all-round concern for my highest good and happiness.

Today I look at life with a new look

I am ready (ready) to see life in a new, different light, to notice what I have not seen (have not seen) before. A new world awaits my new look.

I keep pace with today

I am open (open) and receptive (receptive) to new things in life. I am ready (ready) to understand tablets, smartphones and other wonderful electronic devices.

I maintain my ideal weight

My mind and body are in balance and harmony with each other. I achieve and maintain my ideal weight easily, effortlessly.

I'm in great shape

I take care of my body with love. I eat healthy food. I drink healing drinks. My body responds to my care by constantly maintaining a great shape.

My animals are healthy and happy

I communicate with my animals with love, and they give me an understanding of how I can ensure their spiritual and physical health. We live happily together. I am in harmony with all Life.

Everything I plant grows

Every plant that I lovingly touch blooms in all its splendor. House plants are happy. The flowers are breathtakingly beautiful. Delicious fruits and vegetables ripen in abundance. I am in harmony with nature.

Today is the day of great healing

I connect with the healing energy of the universe to heal myself and everyone around me who is ready to heal. I know that my mind is a powerful healing tool.

I love and respect the older people in my life

I treat the elderly in my life with great love and respect as I know they are a wise and wonderful source of knowledge, experience and truth.

My car is a safe haven for me

When I drive my car, I am fully protected (protected), relaxed (relaxed), and I am comfortable. I bless all the other drivers on the road with love.

Music enriches my life

I fill my life with harmonious and uplifting music that enriches my body and soul. Creative influences surround and inspire me.

I know how to calm my mind

I am worthy (worthy) of rest and silence when I need them, and I create space in my life where I can get what I need. I am at peace with my loneliness.

My appearance reflects my love for myself.

I take good care of myself every morning and wear clothes that reflect how much I love and appreciate life. I am beautiful (beautiful) inside and out.

I own all the time in the world

I have a lot of time for every task that needs to be done today. I am a strong person because I choose to live in the Now. Here and now all is well.

I take a break from work

I plan a vacation to give my mind and body a chance to rest. I stay within my budget and always have a wonderful time. I return to work refreshed (refreshed) and calm (calm).

I ask for help when I need it

It is easy for me to ask for help when I need it. I feel protected (protected) in the center of change because I know that change is the natural law of Life. I am open (open) to the love and support of other people.

I surround myself with positive people

My friends and family radiate love and positive energy, and I return these feelings. I know that I may have to let go of those people in my life who don't support me.

With sincere love for you,

P.S. For all questions please contact


Louise Hay, famous psychologist, one of the most popular authors of self-development books, many of which have been distributed around the world in thousands and thousands of copies in many editions. The table of Louise's illnesses is the result of many years of observation of the state of the physical body and the state of the soul of people, and, above all, of Louise Hay herself. The psychological trauma experienced by her in her youth, later, in her opinion, became the cause of the appearance of a cancerous tumor in Louise's body. A terrible diagnosis made her reconsider her views on life and herself, and establish herself in the opinion that the reason for the appearance of this disease, which frightens many people, lies in the resentment and anger that persists in her soul.

She was convinced that it was the resentment that had taken root in her soul that gave life to this disease, and that by getting rid of the tumor with the help of surgery, she would not get rid of the causes of its appearance, so she needed to work on herself before she decided to have an operation. And her work on herself bore fruit, some time after getting rid of past grievances with the help of affirmations compiled by Louise Hay, the tumor disappeared in the most miraculous way, and subsequent analyzes showed that there was no trace of this tumor and there was no more operation in the operation. it made sense. Self-love, in her opinion, became the cause of healing, and the Louise Hay affirmation table, which she published in her book Heal Yourself, was only a tool that helps get rid of emotional problems that give rise to various diseases in people's bodies.

If you want to get rid of any ailment with the help of the Louise Hay affirmation chart, you can find the corresponding illness in the chart and determine what emotional causes may be the source of your illness, and what affirmation you can use to eliminate these causes. Work with the affirmations presented for as long as necessary so that the emotional problem is no longer there, and then let the Universe do its job of eliminating your disease. Of course, the table of diseases will not necessarily help you determine the exact cause of your illness, but, nevertheless, you should try to apply the affirmations presented, and then, perhaps, healing will not take long.

Louise Hay's disease table, affirmations for healing head ailments and psychological abnormalities:

pituitary problems.Imbalance.
Affirmation for pituitary problems: Harmony comes between all systems, organs and cells of my body.
Amnesia.Fear. Escape from life. Inability to take care of oneself.
Amnesia Affirmation: Intelligence, courage and self-respect are always present in me. It's safe to be alive.
Dizziness.Windiness, absent-mindedness, refusal to look into the essence of problems.
Vertigo Affirmation: I am fully focused and I am at peace. It's perfectly safe for me to be alive and enjoy life.
Apathy.Feeling resistance. "Burial" yourself alive. Fear.
Affirmation for apathy: It's safe to have feelings. I open myself to life. I am fully prepared to experience life.
Headache.Self-criticism. Unwillingness to accept what is really happening.
Headache Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I look at myself and what I do with love. I'm safe.
Depression.Anger. Hopelessness.
Depression Affirmation: Right now, I am moving beyond fears and limitations. I create my own life.
Anxiety, nervousness.Distrust of the natural process of life.
Affirmations for anxiety, nervousness: I love and approve of myself, I trust the natural process of life. I'm safe.
Vivacity of mind and insanity.Striving for a safe childhood. Demanding care and attention.
Affirmation with liveliness of mind and insanity: I am protected and live in peace. The infinite wisdom of the universe operates on all levels of my being.
Hyperactivity.Feeling of pressure and fury.
Affirmation for Hyperactivity: I am safe. All pressure dissolves. I'm good enough.
Stuttering.Insecurity. lack of expressiveness. Holding back tears.
Stuttering Affirmation: I can speak for myself freely. It's perfectly safe to be expressive and I'm safe. I communicate with everyone with love.
Migraine.Sexual fears, fear of intimacy, or fear of letting someone get too close. Feeling of lust or pressure.
Migraine Affirmation: I easily step into the flow of life and allow life to provide me with everything I need in the most convenient way. I love life.
Seizure.Escape from self, family or life.
Seizure Affirmation: I have found my home in the universe, I am at home. I am safe, I am protected and understood.
Seizures.Tension, fear, internal clamps, the desire to stay in place.
Seizure Affirmation: I am relaxed, I allow my mind to be at peace.
Coma.Fear. An attempt to run away from someone or something.
Coma Affirmation: We surround you with protection and love. We create space for your healing. You are loved.
Stroke.Uncertainty, lack of self-expression. Holding back tears.
Stroke Affirmation: Life changes, and I easily adapt to changes. I accept life with everything past, present and future.
Paralysis.Fear, horror. Salvation from a situation or a person. Resistance.
Paralysis Affirmation: I am one with all life. I am safe, I am absolutely adequate in any situation.
Seasickness.Fear. Fear of death. Lack of self control.
Seasickness Affirmation: I am absolutely protected in the universe. I am everywhere in the world. I trust life.
Travel intolerance.Fear. Addiction. Feeling of being trapped.
Travel Intolerance Affirmation: I move through time and space with ease, and only love surrounds me.
Parkinson's disease.Fear and a strong desire to control everything and everyone.
Parkinson's Affirmation: I relax knowing I'm safe. Life is for me and I trust the process of life.
Bed-wetting.Fear in relation to parents, as a rule, in relation to the father.
Bedwetting Affirmation: My child is surrounded by love, compassion and understanding. Everything is fine.

Louise Hay's disease table, affirmations for eye diseases:

Conjunctivitis.Anger and frustration at what you are looking for in life.
Conjunctivitis Affirmation: I see love with my own eyes. There is a better solution for everything, and I accept it now.
Astigmatism.Fear of seeing the real you.
Astigmatism Affirmation: I am fully prepared to meet my own beauty and magnificence.
Cataract.Inability to see, look ahead with joy. The future looks dark.
Cataract Affirmation: Life is beautiful and full of joy. With hope, joy and courage, I look to my future.
Eye problems in children.Unwillingness to see what is happening in the family.
Affirmation for eye problems in children: Harmony, joy, beauty and security surround my child.
Farsightedness.Fear of the present.
Affirmation for farsightedness: Here and now I am safe. I see it clearly.
Myopia.Fear of the future.
Myopia Affirmation: I accept life, I am always safe.
Barley eye.Looking at life with evil eyes. Angry at someone.
Affirmation for Barley Eyes: My choice is to look at everyone and everything with joy and love.

Louise Hay's disease table, affirmations for ENT diseases:

Tonsil inflammation.Fear. Suppression of emotions. Suppression of creativity.
Affirmation for inflammation of the tonsils: My good flows freely. Divine ideas are expressed through me. I am in the world.
Ear problems.Unwillingness to hear. Anger or extreme confusion.
Affirmation for Ear Problems: I can hear and I hear with love.
Noise in ears.Refusal to listen. Inability to hear your inner voice. Stubbornness.
Tinnitus Affirmation: I trust my higher self. I listen to my inner voice. I release everything other than love.
Throat pain.Holding back angry words. Feeling unable to express yourself.
Sore Throat Affirmation: I release all restrictions. I have the freedom to be myself.
Throat problems:Inability to speak for oneself. Swallowed anger. Suppression of creativity. Rejection of changes.
Throat Affirmation: It's okay to say what you want and be heard. I express myself freely and joyfully. I speak for myself with ease. I allow my creativity to express itself. I'm ready for change.
Angina.A firm belief in the inability to speak for oneself and ask for one's needs.
Sore throat Affirmation: It is my birthright to have my needs met. I ask for what I need with love and ease.
Laryngitis.Fear to speak out.
Affirmation for laryngitis: I am flexible and fluid.
Snore.Stubborn refusal to let go of outdated patterns of behavior, thoughts.
Snoring Affirmation: I let go of everything other than love and joy from my head. I am moving from the past into a new, beautiful future.
Respiratory diseases.Fear of being able to fully trust life.
Respiratory Affirmation: I am safe. I love my life.
postnatal syndrome.Internal crying. Children's tears. Victim.
Post Nasal Affirmation: I acknowledge and accept that I am the creative force in my world. My choice is to enjoy life.
Sinus problems.Annoyance with someone, usually those who are nearby.
Affirmation for Sinus Problems: I declare peace and harmony with all the people around me. I surround myself with love and kindness.

Table of illnesses Louise Hay, affirmations for eating disorders:

Excessive appetite.Fear. The need for protection. Judging yourself for emotions.
Affirmation for Excessive Appetite: I am safe. It is perfectly safe to experience emotions. What I feel is completely normal.
Overweight problem.Fear, feeling a deep need for emotional protection, avoidance of feelings, insecurity. Excessive sensitivity.
Overweight Affirmation: I am at peace with my own feelings. I am safe wherever I am. I create my own security. I love and accept myself.
Indigestion.Fear and anxiety about a recent or upcoming event.
Affirmation for indigestion: I easily receive all new impressions, I accept them with peace and joy.
Appetite loss.Fear. Protecting yourself. Lack of confidence in life.
Appetite Loss Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I'm safe. Life is safe and joyful.
Anorexia.Denial of self and life. Extreme fear of rejection.
Anorexia Affirmation: It's safe for me. I am beautiful only because of what I am. I choose joy and accept myself.
Bulimia.Horror of hopelessness. Self-hatred.
Affirmation for bulimia. Life surrounds me with love, care and support. It's perfectly safe to be alive.
Nausea.Fear, rejection of ideas or experiences.
Nausea Affirmation: I am safe. I trust the process of life to provide me with all the benefits.

Table of diseases of Louise Hay, affirmations for the healing of ailments of the digestive system:

Teeth problems.Indecisiveness, inability to deal with ideas in order to analyze and take action.
Dental Affirmation: I make decisions based on the principles of truth. I allow myself to relax along with the knowledge that only the right actions take place in my life.
Pyorrhea.Anger due to inability to make decisions. Inexpressiveness.
Affirmation for Pyorrhea: I approve of myself. My solutions are perfect for me.
Impacted wisdom tooth.Lack of mental space to build a solid foundation.
Impacted Wisdom Tooth Affirmation: I open my creation to expand my life. There is enough space for me to change and grow.
Gum problems.Inability to make a decision.
Affirmation for gum problems: I am a determined person. I keep moving and support myself with love.
Stomatitis.Bad words are held back by the lips. Censure.
Stomatitis Affirmation: I create only joyful experiences in my loving world.
Belching.Fear, the desire to cover all aspects of life at once.
Belching Affirmation: There is a time and place for everything I need to do. I am in the world.
Heartburn.Bonded by fear. Lack of confidence in the process of life.
Affirmation for heartburn: I breathe freely and fully. I'm safe. I trust the process of life.
Stomach problems.Fears, fear of something new.
Affirmation for stomach problems: I am in harmony with life. I easily assimilate everything new at any moment of my life. Everything is fine. I am relaxed and I allow my mind to be calm.
Pancreatitis.Rejection. Anger and disappointment at the loss of the sweetness of life.
Affirmation for Pancreatitis: I love and approve of myself, and I myself create the sweetness of my life.
Peptic ulcer.Fear. The belief that you are not good enough. Eager to please.
Peptic Ulcer Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I am at peace with myself. I am a wonderful person.
Liver problems, hepatitis.Resistance to change. Fear, anger, hatred. The liver is the seat of anger and rage.
Affirmation for liver problems, hepatitis: My mind is clear and free. I leave the past and move forward to a new future. Everything is fine.
Intestinal problems.The source of the problems is in the past. Fear of letting go of the past.
Affirmation for bowel problems: I easily and freely let go of everything old and welcome everything new with joy.
Chain.A persistent belief that you are a victim. Helplessness in shaping other people's attitudes.
Chain Affirmation: Other people reflect all that is good in me. I love and approve of all that I am.
Colic.Mental irritation. Annoyance with the environment.
Affirmation for colic: This child only responds to love and loving thoughts.
Colitis.Excessive demands on parents. Feelings of oppression and defeat. Great need for affection.
Colitis Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I create my own joy. My choice is to be a winner in life.
Flatulence.Undigested ideas or problems.
Flatulence Affirmation: I am relaxed, I let life flow through me with ease.
Abdominal colic.Fear. Life has come to a standstill.
Affirmation for abdominal colic: I trust the process of life. I'm safe.
Appendicitis.Fear. Fear of life. Self-creation of barriers to all the good things that life gives.
Affirmation for Appendicitis: I am safe, I am relaxed. I allow all good things to flow into my life.
Diarrhea.Fear and rejection. An attempt to run away from someone or something.
Affirmation for Diarrhea: The processes of absorption, absorption and excretion in my body work perfectly. I am at peace with life.
Constipation.Unwillingness to get rid of old ideas.
Constipation Affirmation: I let go of the past and open myself to something new, fresh, and full of life. I let life flow through me.
Anorectal bleeding.Anger and frustration.
Anorectal Bleeding Affirmation: I trust the process of life. Only right and good deeds have a place in my life.
anal problems.The accumulated burden of problems, resentment and negative memories.
Affirmation for anal problems: I easily and freely let go of all the bad things in my life.
Haemorrhoids.Fear of deadlines. Fear of letting go and moving on.
Affirmation for Hemorrhoids: I let go of everything that is against love. There is always time and space for whatever I want to do.
Anal abscess.Anger towards what you are trying to hold onto.
Anal Abscess Affirmation: It is perfectly safe for me to let go of whatever I am trying to hold on to. And I'm letting it go
Anal fistula.Influence of the remnants of the past. Unwillingness to part with the remnants of the past.
Anal Fistula Affirmation: I lovingly let go of all my past. I am free. I am full of love.
Anal itching.Feeling guilty about the past. Feeling of remorse.
Anal Itching Affirmation: I lovingly forgive myself. I am free.
Anal pains.Guilt. The desire to be punished. Feelings of inferiority.
Affirmation for anal pain: The past is over, I am worthy of forgiveness. I choose love and accept the real me.

Table of diseases of Louise Hay, affirmations for the treatment of ailments of the respiratory system:

Breathing problems.Fear or denial of responsibility for your life. The feeling that you are not good enough to take your place in life.
Affirmation for Breathing Problems: It is my birthright to live a free and full life. I am worthy of love. My choice is to live life to the fullest.
Bronchitis.Annoyance with family environment. Arguments and screams. Silence.
Bronchitis Affirmation: I am at peace and in harmony with everything that is inside and around me. Everything is fine.
Bad breath.Thoughts of anger and revenge. Periodic return to the past.
Bad Breath Affirmation: I release the past with love. My choice is to express love.
Choking attacks.Fear. Lack of confidence in life. When you get stuck in childhood.
Asphyxiation Affirmation: It's safe to be an adult. The world is a safe place. I'm safe.
Asthma.Unresolved guilt. Suppression by love. Inability to breathe for myself alone. Feeling overwhelmed. Suppressed cry.
Asthma Affirmation: It is perfectly safe for me to take responsibility for my own life. I choose freedom.
Childhood asthma.Fear of life. Unwillingness to be here and now.
Child Asthma Affirmation: My child is safe and surrounded by love. I am always glad to see my child and lovingly surround him with care.
Hyperventilation.Resistance to change. Failure to accept change.
Hyperventilation Affirmation: I am safe everywhere in the universe. I love myself and trust the process of life.
Lung problems.Depression, sadness or fear of life. Lack of dignity.
Affirmation for Lung Problems: I have the potential to create the fullness of life. I live life to the fullest with love.
Pneumonia.Despair. Tired of life. Unhealed emotional wounds.
Pneumonia Affirmation: I freely accept Divine ideas filled with the breath and intelligence of life. This is a new life.

Table of diseases of Louise Hay, affirmations for healing ailments of the human skeleton and muscles:

Bone Problems:Violation of the structure of the inner universe.
Affirmation for bone problems: My body, mind and soul are in perfect harmony.
Osteoporosis.Feeling a lack of support in life.
Osteoporosis Affirmation: I can stand up for myself and life supports me in the most pleasant, loving ways.
Bones fragility.Rebellion against authority.
Affirmation for brittle bones: I am the only authority for myself in my world, and I am the only source of my own thoughts.
Bone deformation.Mental pressure and stress. Loss of muscle flexibility. Loss of mental flexibility.
Affirmation for bone deformation: I breathe freely and fully. I am relaxed, I trust the flow and process of life.
Intervertebral hernia.Feeling of lack of support in life.
Herniated Affirmation: Life supports me in every way. I love and accept myself, and everything is fine.
Spine curvature.Inability to trust the flow of life. Fear of new ideas. distrust of life. Lack of integrity. Inability to defend one's beliefs.
Curvature of the Spine Affirmation: I let go of all fears. I trust the process of life. I know that life is for me. I stand straight and tall.
Neck problems.Refusal to see other people's position. Stubbornness.
Neck Affirmation: I am flexible in how I see the world.
Back problems.Lack of support in life.
Affirmation for Back Problems: I know that life will always support me.
Slouch.The need to endure the hardships of life. Helplessness and hopelessness.
Stoop Affirmation: I stand straight and free. I love and approve of myself. My life is getting better every day.
Upper spine problems.Lack of emotional support.
Upper Spine Affirmation: I love and accept myself. Life supports and loves me.
Mid spine problems.Guilt. Having a life of things that are holding you back.
Upper Spine Affirmation: I let go of the past. I am free to move forward with love in my heart.
Lower spine problems.Financial problems and anxiety. Fear around what concerns money. Lack of financial support.
Affirmation for Lower Spine Issues: I trust the process of life. I am provided with everything I need. I'm safe.
Sciatica.Hypocrisy. Fear of money, fear of the future.
Sciatica Affirmation: I am walking towards my greatest good. My goods are everywhere, I am safe, I am protected.
Rigidity of muscles and joints.Fixed, rigid thinking.
Affirmation for Stiff Muscles and Joints: I am safe and I can allow my mind to be flexible.
Neck stiffness.Inflexibility.
Stiff Neck Affirmation: It is perfectly safe to see other vantage points.
Ankle problems.Rigidity and guilt. Inability to enjoy the process of achieving a goal.
Affirmations for Ankle Problems: I deserve the joys of life. I accept all the pleasures that life gives. I easily move forward in life.
Problem hand.A strong desire to hold on to something. Failure to see the good side of things.
Affirmation for Hand Problems: My choice is to accept any experience with ease, joy and love.
Shoulder problems.The weight of the world is on your shoulders. Feeling like life is becoming a burden.
Affirmation for shoulder problems: I choose only joyful and loving experiences.
Problem hand.Express the ability to accumulate and preserve life experience.
Affirmation for hand problems: With love and pleasure, I gain and accumulate life experience.
Elbow problems.Lack of flexibility, inability to change direction or embrace new experiences.
Affirmation for Elbow Problems: I easily enter into the flow of life and get new experiences, choose a direction and accept new changes.
Wrist problems.Difficulties in moving through life.
Wrist Affirmation: I receive all my experience with wisdom, love and ease.
Carpal tunnel disease.Anger and frustration at the seeming injustice of life.
Affirmation for carpal tunnel disease: My choice is to create a fulfilling life full of abundance. I'm in my element.
Finger problems.Excessive concern for the details of the future.
Finger Problem Affirmation: I let the details take care of themselves.
Thumb problems.Anxiety, constant thinking, being in submission.
Affirmation for Thumb Problems: My mind is at peace.
Index finger problems.Fear of power. Selfishness, abuse of one's own authority.
Affirmation for index finger problems: I am safe.
Arthritis.The feeling that you are not loved, criticism, resentment and bitterness. Feeling like you're not good enough.
Arthritis Affirmation: I am full of love. My choice is acceptance and self-love. I look at other people with love.
Arthritis of the fingers.Desire for punishment. Accusation. Feeling like a victim.
Arthritis Finger Affirmation: I look at everything with understanding and love. I hold all my experiences in the light of love.
Rheumatism.Feeling like a victim. Lack of love. Chronic bitterness. Resentment.
Affirmation for rheumatism: I create my own experience. I love and approve of myself and others. And they get better and better.
Rheumatoid arthritis.Deep criticism of power. Feeling of burden.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Affirmation: I love and approve of life. Life is Beautiful.
Right side of the body problems.Waste of male energy.
Right Side Affirmation: I balance my masculine energy with ease.
Problems on the left side of the body:Women's side. Expresses receptivity, acceptance.
Affirmation for problems on the left side of the body: My feminine energy is perfectly balanced.
Leg problems.Fear of the future. Inability to think things through.
Affirmation for Leg Problems: I move forward with confidence and joy, and I know that all is well in my future.
Buttock problems.Problems applying force, weak buttock muscles, loss of strength.
Affirmation for Butt Problems: I use my power wisely. I have a strong body. I feel safe. Everything is fine.
Hip problems.Fear of moving forward following major decisions.
Affirmation for hip problems: I am in complete harmony with myself and the world around me. I move forward in life with ease and joy at any age.
Knee problems.Stubborn ego and pride. Inflexibility. Inability to make concessions.
Affirmation for knee problems: Forgiveness. Understanding. Compassion. I easily succumb to the flow of life.
Bursitis.Suppressed anger. The desire to hit someone.
Affirmation for bursitis: Love dissolves and frees all that is superfluous in me.

Table of diseases of Louise Hay, affirmations for the treatment of ailments of the genitourinary system:

Bladder problems.Anxiety. The habit of sticking to outdated ideas. Fear of letting go. Anger at something.
Affirmation for Bladder Problems: I feel comfortable and free, letting go of everything old from my life and inviting everything new into my life. I'm safe.
Kidney problems.Criticism, disappointment, failure. Shame. The habit of reacting like a child.
Affirmation for Kidney Problems: I benefit from every experience. It's perfectly safe to grow.
Kidney stones.Saving anger from the past.
Affirmation for Kidney Stones: I dissolve all past problems with ease.
Bright's disease.The feeling that you are a child, unable to do something right and good enough. Mistakes. Losses.
Affirmation for Bright's Disease: I love and approve of myself. I can take care of myself. I am absolutely adequate at any time.
Problems with urination.Anger, usually towards the opposite sex or a lover.
Urination Problem Affirmation: I release the patterns of behavior and thoughts from my mind that create these conditions. I'm ready for change. I love and approve of myself.
Infertility.Fear and resistance to the process of life. No need to go through the experience of raising children.
Infertility Affirmation: I trust the process of life I am always in the right place at the right time doing the right thing. I love and accept myself.

Table of diseases of Louise Hay, affirmations for the healing of female ailments:

Women's problems.Denial of oneself and, in particular, of the woman within oneself.
Affirmations for women's problems: I am glad that I am a woman. I love being a woman and I love my body.
Chest problems.Violation of harmony between mother and child.
Affirmation for Breast Problems: I receive and give nourishment in perfect balance.
Left chest problems.Feeling of lack of love, refusal to take care of yourself. Putting others first in your life to the detriment of yourself.
Affirmation for Left Breast Problems: I love and am nourished from all around me.
Right chest problems.Excessive concern for safety, dominance, difficulty in giving love.
Right Breast Affirmation: I have complete trust in life, knowing that I am protected and loved. My choice is to love and be loved.
Breast cyst, swelling, soreness.Excessive focus on maternal feelings, overprotectiveness, domineering attitude, cessation of nutrition.
Affirmation for Cyst, Tumor, Breast Soreness: I have the freedom to be myself and I allow others to be who they are. Growing up is safe for all of us.
Fibroid.Acceptance of pain from a partner, a blow to your female ego.
Fibrosis Affirmations: I release the pattern that attracts this experience. I only create what is good for my life.
Vaginitis.Anger at your spouse. Sexual guilt. Self-punishment.
Vaginitis Affirmation: Other people reflect the love and satisfaction I radiate with myself. I enjoy my sexuality.
Thrush (vaginal infections).Feeling your sexuality as a burden, exploitation. Feelings of guilt, shame, suppression of sexual feelings, intimacy with the wrong person.
Affirmation for Thrush (Vaginal Infections): I let go of the past, I am free, I feel great. I am doing the right thing at the moment.
Menopause.Fear of being unwanted.
Menopause Affirmation: I am in harmony and at peace with all the changes in my body, I know that I am loved.
menstrual imbalance.Denial of your femininity. Feelings of guilt, feeling unworthy of love.
Affirmation for menstrual imbalance: The processes in my body are a natural part of life. I love and accept myself.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS).When confusion and external circumstances take over. Denial of female processes.
PMS Affirmation: I take responsibility for my mind and my life. I am a strong woman. Every organ in my body works great. I love myself.

Table of diseases of Louise Hay, affirmations for the healing of male ailments:

Prostate problems.mental fears. Weakening of masculinity. Sexual pressure and feelings of guilt or inferiority.
Prostate Affirmation: I accept and enjoy my manhood. I accept my power. I embrace life and feel young at heart. I love and approve of myself.
Impotence.Sexual sensibility or pressure, feelings of anger towards a previous partner.
Impotence Affirmation: I allow my sexual energy to flow fully through me with ease.
Problem testicle.Not accepting masculine principles or masculinity within oneself.
Affirmation for testicular problems: I allow the man inside me to open up completely. I accept my masculine nature and let life guide me on the path of a man.

Louise Hay's Table of Diseases, Affirmations for Healing Skin Diseases:

Skin problems.Anxiety, fear, sense of danger. Grudges of the past.
Skin Affirmation: Lovingly, I protect myself with thoughts of joy and peace. The past is forgiven and forgotten. I am free.
Flabbiness of the skin of the face.Flabbiness of thoughts in the head. Dissatisfaction with life.
Affirmation for sagging facial skin: I express the joy of life and allow myself to enjoy every moment of every day. I'm young again.
Acne.Self-acceptance or dislike.
Acne Affirmation: I am the Divine manifestation of life. I love and accept myself where I am.
Acne.Feeling like an outcast, unloved.
Acne Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I love and are loved.
Ringworm.Allowing others to get under your skin. Lack of dignity.
Ringworm Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I alone and only I have power over myself. I am free.
Scabies.Infectious thinking. Allowing others to flatter under your skin.
Scabies Affirmation: I am full of a lively, loving and joyful expression of life. I am a person.
Skin rash.Irritation from procrastination. Childish ways to get attention.
Skin Rash Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I am in the world with the processes of life.
Hives.Small, hidden fears. The transformation of a fly into an elephant.
Urticaria Affirmation: I bring peace to every corner of my life.
Psoriasis.Fear of pain. Muting feelings and sensations. Denial of responsibility for one's own feelings.
Affirmation for psoriasis: I am alive for the joy of life. I deserve and accept all the best in life. I love and approve of myself.
Feet epidermophytosis.The frustration of not accepting oneself. Inability to move forward with ease.
Affirmation for athlete's foot: I love and accept myself. I allow myself to move forward. It's safe to keep moving.
Plantar warts.Anger. Disappointment about the future.
Plantar Wart Affirmation: I walk forward with confidence and ease. I trust the flow and process of life.
blisters.Resistance. Lack of emotional protection.
Blistering Affirmation: I trust the flow of life and embrace every new experience. Everything is fine.
Carbuncle.Anger at personal injustice.
Carbuncle Affirmation: I let go of the past and let love heal every area of ​​my life.
Body odor.Fear. self-dislike. Fear of others.
Body Smell Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I'm safe.
Furuncles.Anger. Internal boil.
Boil Affirmation: I express love and joy. I am in the world.
Corns.Stagnation in ideas and concepts. Strengthening fear.
Callus Affirmation: It is perfectly safe to see and experience new ideas and new ways. I am open and receptive to all good things.
Vitiligo.Detachment from everything. Feeling of being outside of things. Reluctance to belong to any group.
Affirmation for Vitiligo: I am at the center of life, I am in complete unity with all that exists.
Warts.Minor expressions of hate. Belief in ugliness.
Wart Affirmation: I am the full expression of the love and beauty of life.

Louise Hay's disease table, affirmations for healing the endocrine system, metabolic disorders:

Adrenal problems.Defeatism. Lack of self care. Anxiety.
Adrenal Affirmation: I love and accept myself. It's safe for me to take care of myself.
Addison's disease.Severe lack of emotion. Anger at yourself.
Affirmation for Addison's Disease: I take loving care of my body, mind, and my emotions.
Cushing's disease.Mental imbalance. Too many scattered ideas. Feeling of excess energy.
Affirmation for Cushing's Disease: I lovingly create harmony between my mind and body. I choose thoughts that make me feel good.
Thyroid problems.Humiliation. Feeling of restraint, suppression. The feeling that you will never be able to do what you want to do.
Thyroid Affirmation: I step outside of old limitations and allow myself to express myself freely and creatively.
Rickets.Lack of emotion. Lack of love and security.
Affirmation for rickets: I am safe, I am nourished by the love of the Universe itself.
Diabetes.Longing for what could have been. Feeling that everything that pleased in life has passed.
Diabetes Affirmation: Every moment now is filled with joy. Today I choose to experience the joy of life.

Table of diseases of Louise Hay, affirmations for healing the circulatory system:

Heart attack.Depriving yourself of the joy of life in favor of money or status.
Heart Attack Affirmation: I return joy to the center of my heart. I express love for everything.
Problem hearts.Lack of joy, dealing with anger rather than love.
Affirmations for heart problems: My heart beats in the rhythm of love.
Circulatory problems.Lack of joy or stagnation in ideas.
Affirmation for Circulatory Problems: New joyful ideas circulate freely within me.
Anemia.Doubts. Lack of joy. Fear of life. Feeling like you're not good enough.
Anemia Affirmation: It is safe for me to experience joy in all areas of my life. I love life.
Phlebitis.Anger and disappointment. Blaming others for disappointment and lack of joy in life.
Phlebitis Affirmation: Joy flows freely within me. I am at peace with life.
Arteriosclerosis.resistance, voltage. Narrowness of sight. Unwillingness to see the good.
Affirmation for arteriosclerosis: I am completely open to life and joy. My choice is to look at everything with love.
Cholesterol is high.Clogging the channels of joy.
High Cholesterol Affirmation: My choice is to love life. My channels of joy are wide open. Acceptance is perfectly safe for me.
coronary thrombosis.Feelings of loneliness and fear. The feeling that you are not good enough and will never get better.
Affirmation for coronary thrombosis: I am one with all life. The universe is fully supporting me. Everything is fine.
Artery problems.Burdened with the joys of life.
Affirmation for arterial problems: I am full of joy. It flows through me with every beat of my heart.
Blood problems.Lack of joy. Stagnation in thought.
Affirmation for blood problems: I am an expression of the joy of life. Thoughts filled with joy circulate freely in my body.
Blood clotting.Closing the flow of joy.
Affirmation for Blood Clotting Problems: I awaken life within me. I enter the stream.
High blood pressure (hypertension).Perennial emotional problems that remain unresolved.
Affirmation for Hypertension (High Blood Pressure): I happily let go of the past. I am in the world.
Blood pressure is low.Lack of love in childhood. Defeatism. An attitude in which the person does not believe that their actions can improve the situation.
Low Blood Pressure Affirmation: I choose to live in joy in the present. My life is filled with joy.
Phlebeurysm.Being in a hateful situation. Feeling overwhelmed and burdened.
Affirmation for Varicose Veins: I follow my inner truth, I live and go forward with joy. I love life and life guides me in the best way for me.
Spleen problem.Obsession. Obsession with things.
Affirmation for Spleen Problems: I love and approve of myself. I trust the process of life to carry me to my infinite good. I'm safe. Everything is fine.

Louise Hay's Table of Diseases, Affirmations for Combating Infectious Diseases and Immune System Disorders:

Infections.Irritation, anger or annoyance about a recent situation.
Infection Affirmation: I choose to be at peace and in harmony with myself and the world around me.
Fever and infections.Anger, irascibility.
Affirmation for Fever and Infections: I am a cold, calm expression of love and peace.
Venereal diseases.Sexual guilt. Thirst for punishment. Belief in the sinfulness and pollution of one's sexual nature.
Affirmation for STDs: With love and joy, I accept my sexuality.
Allergy, allergic rhinitis.Rejection of other people or rejection of oneself. Disillusionment with life.
Allergy Affirmation: The environment is friendly and safe. I'm safe. I am at peace with life.
Shingles.Waiting for an unwanted event that seems inevitable. Fear and tension. Excessive sensitivity.
Shingles Affirmation: I am relaxed, I am at peace, I trust the process of life. Everything is fine in my world.
Polio.Paralyzing envy. The desire to stop someone.
Polio Affirmation: There is enough for everyone. I create my good and my freedom with loving thoughts.
Rabies.Anger. The belief that the only answer to violence is violence.
Rabies Affirmation: I live in an environment of peace and prosperity.
AIDS.Feelings of insecurity and hopelessness. The persistent belief that you are not good enough. Denial of the true inner being, sexual guilt.
Affirmation for AIDS: I am a divine, magnificent expression of life. I am happy with my sexuality. I am happy with everything that I am. I love myself.
Herpes.The appearance of evil thoughts and the fear of expressing these thoughts.
Herpes Affirmation: I create peaceful experiences because I love myself. Everything is fine.
Tuberculosis.Exhaustion from selfishness. Hard thoughts. Revenge.
Tuberculosis Affirmation: I love and approve of myself, I create a livable world full of joy and peace.
Lupus.Acceptance of defeat. Feeling that it is easier to die than to stand up for yourself. Anger and punishment.
Lupus Affirmation: I speak for myself easily and freely. I claim my strength. I love and approve of myself. I am safe, I am free.
Flu.Response to mass negativity. Over-reliance on statistics.
Flu Affirmation: I am outside of common beliefs and opinions. I am free from overload and influence.
Tetanus.Angry thoughts that poison the mind for a long time.
Stabilized Affirmation: I will allow the love from my heart to cleanse me and heal my emotions and every cell of my body.

Table of diseases of Louise Hay, affirmations for various ailments:

Abscess.Focusing thoughts on pain, resentment and revenge.
Abscess Affirmation: I let my thoughts flow freely. The past is over. I am in the world.
Pain.Longing for love. Continued sadness.
Affirmation for General Pain: I love and accept myself. I am a loving and attractive person.
Balance violation.Distracted thinking. Absent-mindedness.
Balance Affirmation: I am giving my life a safe direction. I accept the perfection of my life. Everything is fine.
birth defects.Karma. It is your choice to be born this way. We choose our own parents.
Affirmation for Birth Defects: Any experience is ideal for our growth process. I am at peace with where I am and who I am.
Crayfish.Something that eats you up from the inside. Deep pain, mystery or grief. A lingering feeling of resentment.
Cancer Affirmation: I lovingly forgive and let go of the past. My choice is to fill my life with joy. I love and approve of myself.
Tumors.Caring for old hurts and upheavals. Emphasis on remorse.
Affirmation for tumors: I lovingly let go of the past and turn my attention to each new day.
Ulcers.Fear, the firm belief that you are not good enough, is what eats away at you.
Ulcer Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I am in the world. I am calm.
cysts.Return to painful old memories, resentment. False development.
Cyst Affirmation: The films of my mind are beautiful because I choose only positive memories. I love myself.
Diseases of children.Belief in calendars, social concepts, false laws. Childish behavior in adults.
Affirmation for sick children: My child is divinely protected and surrounded by love.
Chills.Mental pressure. Detachment. Desire to retreat.
Chill Affirmation: I am safe and protected at all times. Love surrounds me and protects me. Everything is fine.
Chronic diseases.Rejection of changes. Fear of the future. Lack of a sense of security.
Chronic Illness Affirmation: I am ready for change and growth. I create a secure new future.
Cold.Too many events. Mental confusion and disorder.
Cold Affirmation: I allow my mind to relax and be at peace. Clarity and harmony resides within and around me.
Cough.A desperate desire to draw the world's attention to itself.
Cough Affirmation: I am noticed and appreciated in the most positive ways. I am loved.
Sickle cell anemia.A belief in one's inferiority that destroys the very joy of life.
Affirmation for Sickle Anemia: My child lives and breathes the joy of life and is nourished by love. God works miracles every day.
Solar plexus problems.Ignoring your inner instinct, intuition.
Affirmation for solar plexus problems: I trust my inner voice. I am strong, wise and powerful.
Swelling.Feeling like you are stuck in thinking. Weedy, painful ideas.
Swelling Affirmation: My thoughts flow freely and easily. I move from idea to idea with ease.
Cystic fibrosis.A strong belief that life is working against you. Self pity.
Cystic Fibrosis Affirmation: I love life and life loves me. I choose to live fully and freely.
Hernia.Relationship breakdown, feelings of burden.
Hernia Affirmation: My mind is cleared and freed. I let go of the past and allow myself to move towards something new. Everything is fine.
Baldness.Fear, tension. The desire to control everything, lack of confidence in life.
Hair loss affirmation: I am safe. I love and accept myself. I trust life.
White hair.Stress. Feeling of pressure and tension.
Affirmation for gray hair: I am a strong and capable person. I am in the world and feel comfortable in all areas of my life.

Table of diseases of Louise Hay, affirmations of life's troubles:

Misfortune.Inability to speak oneself. Rebellion against authority. Belief in cruelty.
Adversity Affirmation: I let go of what creates it in me. I am in the world. I'm worth a lot.
Bleeding.Passing joy. Anger for no reason.
Bleeding Affirmation: The joy of life comes from obeying certain rhythms, and I trust these rhythms.
Bruising Affirmation: I love and take care of myself. I am kind and gentle to myself. Everything is fine.
Stretching.Anger and resistance. Reluctance to move in a certain direction in life.
Sprain Affirmation: I trust the process of life to carry me to my highest good. I am in the world.
Burns.Anger, burning from within.
Affirmation for burns: I create peace and harmony within myself and in my environment. I deserve to feel good.
Cry.Tears are like a river of life, they flow just as easily in joy, in sadness, and when we are afraid.
Crying Affirmation: I am at peace with my emotions. I love and approve of myself.
Cuts.Punishment for breaking one's own rules.
Cut Affirmation: I create a rewarding life.
abrasions.Feeling that life is cheating you.
Affirmation for abrasions: I am grateful for the greatest generosity that life shows me. I am blessed.
Fainting.Fear, a sense of powerlessness in front of something, giving dark tones to what is actually happening.
Fainting Affirmation: I have strength and power, I have the knowledge and ability to deal with everything I encounter in my life.

Table of diseases of Louise Hay, affirmations, miscellaneous:

Addictions.Escape from yourself. Avoiding confrontation with fear face to face. Not knowing how to treat yourself with love.
Addiction Affirmation: Now it becomes clear to me how beautiful I am. My choice is to love and enjoy myself.
Aging problems.social beliefs. Outdated thinking. Fear of being alone. Rejection of the moment now.
Age Acceptance Affirmation: I love and accept myself at any age. Every moment of life is wonderful.
Alcoholism, addictions.Aimlessness, guilt, feelings of inferiority, self-loathing.
Affirmation for alcoholism: I live in the present. Every moment of life is unique. My choice is to see the value of my life. I love and accept myself.

By the way, in the book "Heal Your Body" there is a different version of the Louise Hay table, different from the one that Louise Hay gave in the book "Heal Yourself". In "Heal Your Body" there is a table of spinal problems, which in turn can be the cause of problems in various organs of our body, depending on the localization of the problem in one or another part of the spine. Almost every vertebra is responsible for its own organ and associated ailments. I think this table of diseases of Louise Hay will also be of interest to you.

The above table should not be considered as the ultimate truth, on the contrary, I recommend that you yourself read several books by Louise Hay, in particular the already mentioned book "Heal Your Body". Keep in mind that the table was not taken directly from the book, but from other sources, so it would be preferable if you find Louise Hay's original affirmation table in her book. Reading her books will help you recharge your batteries with positive energy and set your life for the best. Among all the affirmations suggested by Louise Hay, you will surely find those that you like the most, and their application will be extremely effective. Peace and goodness!

Louise Hay is one of the first founders of positive thinking, applying which, you can completely heal not only the soul but also the body. Her books helped and still help many people get out of a personal crisis.

This woman applied her practice firsthand when she was diagnosed with cancer. After applying affirmations, visualizations, reflexology and psychological practices for six months, Louise was cured of the tumor.

Louise Hay has published several books on positive thinking and its impact on life. These books have gained immense popularity. Her technique of positive thinking and daily affirmations has been popular for many years.

What are affirmations

Essentially, affirmations are simple positive phrases that have a positive effect on our thinking. These settings should be repeated as often and as often as possible. Then positive changes will not be long in coming.

Louise claims that you can come up with any affirmation yourself. The peculiarity of this method is that you yourself make a statement that suits your situation. There are no generalizations in this method - only what you need. The number of phrases is not limited. But it is recommended that you first work with one or more affirmations on the same topic. Then track the results of your change and only then proceed to the next statement.

Of course, you can come up with a bunch of affirmations for all areas of your life, but that would be too much work. Remember, everything should be in moderation, and trying to get everything at once, you risk overloading your brain with new and unusual information for it, and the Universe around you with a variety of requirements.

Ways to use affirmations

The most effective way to use affirmations is to say them in the morning in front of your reflection in the mirror. This method allows you to track not only your internal attitude to the problem: you can also observe the emotions on your face. Louise Hay says that in your face at this moment you can understand a lot - what exactly do you doubt the most, do you have enough faith in your own strength.

It would seem that nothing interesting and complicated is happening, you stand in front of the mirror and automatically pronounce the words. In fact, a very subtle process will take place inside you at a subconscious level, which at first may be completely invisible.

How to understand that affirmations approached you and began to act

The most important sign that you got to the heart of the problem is negativity and denial at first. After you start affirmations, rejection, uncertainty about the correctness of the method, or fear of failure will go. But to be afraid of this, and even more so to stop using the method, is not worth it.

Any negative emotions associated with saying affirmations are the first signal that you hit the nail on the head. You just need to go through this period, look into the eyes of fear and doubt. Louise Hay advises making a promise to yourself and repeating these affirmations every day. After a week, it will be easier and easier for you, and then the technique itself will become a habit.

Examples of affirmations for every day

Affirmations are good when they are composed by you, but if at first it is difficult for you to formulate, take examples and remake them to fit your life circumstances:

  • Love is in me, love is all around me. I love myself. I love life. I love the people around me, and they love me too.
  • I gratefully accept from the Universe all the wealth and abundance of this world. I have everything and everything works. I am getting better every day.
  • Every day brings me closer to my goal. I am healthy, happy, full of strength and confidence.
  • Choose a suitable affirmation for yourself every day and, looking at yourself in the mirror, repeat it regularly, at least seven times.

    The most interesting thing is that you may not notice the changes, as they will smoothly enter your life. You may feel like nothing has really changed. But on the other hand, the effect will be much more noticeable. After some time, acquaintances and friends will begin to compliment you and beg for a recipe for happiness, and then try to compare yourself with yourself, well, a little earlier - you will be pleasantly surprised at the changes that have taken place. So share the Louise Hay method so that you are surrounded by the same happy people and don't forget to press the buttons and

    23.09.2015 00:20

    Our thoughts determine our life. To change it for the better and become happier and more successful, ...