Any action creates a reaction law. Laws of Destiny: For every action we take, the Universe has a certain reaction.

Isaac Newton (1642-1727) collected and published the basic laws of classical mechanics in 1687. Three famous laws were included in the work, which was called "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy."

For a long time this world was shrouded in deep darkness
Let there be light, and then Newton appeared.

(Epigram 18th century)

But Satan did not wait long for revenge -
Einstein came, and everything was as before.

(Epigram 20th century)

What happened when Einstein came, read in a separate article about relativistic dynamics. In the meantime, we will give formulations and examples of solving problems for each Newton's law.

Newton's first law

Newton's first law states:

There are such frames of reference, called inertial ones, in which bodies move uniformly and rectilinearly if no forces act on them or the action of other forces is compensated.

Simply put, the essence of Newton's first law can be formulated as follows: if we push a cart on an absolutely flat road and imagine that we can neglect the frictional forces of the wheels and air resistance, then it will roll at the same speed indefinitely.

Inertia- this is the ability of a body to maintain speed both in direction and in magnitude, in the absence of influences on the body. Newton's first law is also called the law of inertia.

Before Newton, the law of inertia was formulated in a less clear form by Galileo Galilei. The scientist called inertia "indestructibly imprinted movement." Galileo's law of inertia states that in the absence of external forces, a body is either at rest or moves uniformly. The great merit of Newton is that he was able to combine the principle of relativity of Galileo, his own works and the work of other scientists in his "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy".

It is clear that such systems, where the cart was pushed, and it rolled without the action of external forces, do not actually exist. Forces always act on bodies, and it is almost impossible to completely compensate for the action of these forces.

For example, everything on Earth is in a constant field of gravity. When we move (whether we walk, ride a car or bike), we need to overcome many forces: rolling friction and sliding friction, gravity, Coriolis force.

Newton's second law

Remember the cart example? At this point we attached to her force! It is intuitively clear that the cart will roll and soon stop. This means that its speed will change.

In the real world, the speed of a body most often changes rather than remains constant. In other words, the body is moving with acceleration. If the speed increases or decreases uniformly, then the motion is said to be uniformly accelerated.

If the piano falls from the roof of the house down, then it moves with uniform acceleration under the influence of constant acceleration of free fall g. Moreover, any arc of an object thrown out of a window on our planet will move with the same free fall acceleration.

Newton's second law establishes a relationship between mass, acceleration, and the force acting on a body. Here is the formulation of Newton's second law:

The acceleration of a body (material point) in the inertial frame of reference is directly proportional to the force applied to it and inversely proportional to the mass.

If several forces act on the body at once, then the resultant of all forces, that is, their vector sum, is substituted into this formula.

In this formulation, Newton's second law is applicable only for movement at a speed much less than the speed of light.

There is a more universal formulation of this law, the so-called differential form.

In any infinitesimal period of time dt the force acting on the body is equal to the derivative of the momentum of the body with respect to time.

What is Newton's third law? This law describes the interaction of bodies.

Newton's 3rd law tells us that for every action there is a reaction. And, in the literal sense:

Two bodies act on each other with forces opposite in direction but equal in magnitude.

Formula expressing Newton's third law:

In other words, Newton's third law is the law of action and reaction.

An example of a task on Newton's laws

Here is a typical problem on the application of Newton's laws. Its solution uses Newton's first and second laws.

The paratrooper opened his parachute and descended at a constant speed. What is the force of air resistance? The mass of the paratrooper is 100 kilograms.


The movement of the parachutist is uniform and rectilinear, therefore, according to Newton's first law, the action of forces on it is compensated.

The force of gravity and the force of air resistance act on the paratrooper. Forces are directed in opposite directions.

According to Newton's second law, the force of gravity is equal to the acceleration of free fall, multiplied by the mass of the paratrooper.

Answer: The force of air resistance is equal to the force of gravity in absolute value and is opposite in direction.

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And here is another physics problem to understand the operation of Newton's third law.

The mosquito hits the windshield of a car. Compare the forces acting on a car and a mosquito.


According to Newton's third law, the forces with which bodies act on each other are equal in absolute value and opposite in direction. The force with which the mosquito acts on the car is equal to the force with which the car acts on the mosquito.

Another thing is that the action of these forces on bodies differ greatly due to the difference in masses and accelerations.

Isaac Newton: myths and facts from life

At the time of the publication of his main work, Newton was 45 years old. During his long life, the scientist made a huge contribution to science, laying the foundation for modern physics and determining its development for years to come.

He was engaged not only in mechanics, but also in optics, chemistry and other sciences, he drew well and wrote poetry. Not surprisingly, Newton's personality is surrounded by many legends.

Below are some facts and myths from the life of I. Newton. Let us clarify right away that a myth is not reliable information. However, we admit that myths and legends do not appear on their own and some of the above may well turn out to be true.

  • Fact. Isaac Newton was a very modest and shy person. He immortalized himself thanks to his discoveries, but he himself never aspired to fame and even tried to avoid it.
  • Myth. There is a legend according to which it dawned on Newton when an apple fell on him in the garden. It was the time of the plague epidemic (1665-1667), and the scientist was forced to leave Cambridge, where he constantly worked. It is not known for sure whether the fall of the apple was really such a fatal event for science, since the first mention of this appears only in the biographies of the scientist after his death, and the data of different biographers diverge.
  • Fact. Newton studied and then worked hard at Cambridge. On duty, he needed to conduct classes with students for several hours a week. Despite the recognized merits of the scientist, Newton's classes were poorly attended. It happened that no one came to his lectures at all. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the scientist was completely absorbed in his own research.
  • Myth. In 1689 Newton was elected a member of the Cambridge Parliament. According to legend, in more than a year of sitting in parliament, the eternally absorbed scientist took the floor to speak only once. He asked to close the window as there was a draft.
  • Fact. It is not known how the fate of the scientist and all modern science would have developed if he had obeyed his mother and started doing housework on the family farm. Only thanks to the persuasion of teachers and his uncle, young Isaac went to study further instead of planting beets, scattering manure across the fields and drinking in the local pubs in the evenings.

Dear friends, remember - any problem can be solved! If you're having trouble solving a physics problem, look at the basic physics formulas. Perhaps the answer is in front of your eyes, and you just need to consider it. Well, if there is absolutely no time for independent studies, a specialized student service is always at your service!

At the very end, we suggest watching a video tutorial on the topic "Newton's Laws".

The word "karma" means nothing more than Action. But the whole meaning of this word is much broader than most imagine, since the concept of "action" includes a very large side content. Every action has a past that led to it; every action has a future that will come from it; an action is always preceded by a desire, which caused it, and a thought, which gave it a direction, and all this exists besides that visible movement, which is usually given the name "action".

Every action is a link in an endless chain of causes and effects, each cause being an effect in its time, and each effect will in turn be a cause. And each link in this endless chain consists of three components: desire, thought and activity. Desire causes thought; thought translates into action. Sometimes a thought, in the form of a memory, causes a desire, and then the desire bursts into action. But always all three components - two invisible, belonging to the consciousness, and one visible, belonging to the body - are always present; rather, the action exists in consciousness as an image before it manifests itself as a physical movement. Desire or will, thought and activity - these are the three types of our consciousness.

This ratio of desire, thought and activity as "Actions" and the endless chaining of such actions as causes and consequences - all this is contained in the concept of Karma. It is an unchanging sequence in nature, in other words, the Law of Nature. In view of this, Karma can be translated as Law of Causality. Its scientific formula is: "Action and reaction are equal and opposite." Its religious definition is wonderfully expressed in Christian Scripture: "Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap" . Karma is sometimes defined as Law of balance, because in all nature there is a tendency to restore the conditions of equilibrium each time the latter is disturbed.

Thus Karma is the expression of the divine nature in its Law aspect. Of this nature it is said: "There is neither deviation nor shadow of change in it." Inviolability of the natural order; the accuracy of natural law; the complete reliability of nature - these are the unshakable foundations on which the universe rests. Without them, neither science, nor certainty, nor inference from the past, nor foresight of the future would be possible. Human experience would be useless and life would be chaotic nonsense.

What a man sows, he reaps. This is Karma. If he needs rice, he must sow rice. It is useless to plant vines and expect roses; in vain to sow thistles and wait for wheat. In the moral and intellectual world, the law is also completely unchanged; it is useless to sow laziness and hope to reap knowledge; sow negligence and expect discernment ability; sow selfishness and count on love; sow cowardice and hope for courage.

This true and sound doctrine makes man recognize the causes that he creates by his daily desires, thoughts and actions, and foresee their inevitable results. It forces him to abandon all calculation of "forgiveness," "redemption," "higher mercy," and all such soporific remedies that soothe the sinner. It loudly calls out to all those who seek to comfort themselves with such hopes: "Don't be deceived, God cannot be mocked. Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap."

This is the warning side of Karma. But look at her hopeful side. If there is an immutable law in the intellectual and moral world, then we Can build your character. Thought creates quality, quality creates character. "What a man thinks, that he becomes." Man is a creation of thought; as he thinks, so he acts. If we meditate on courage, we will bring courage into our character. It is the same with patience, selflessness, purity, self-control. A steady and constant thought evokes a mental habit, and this habit manifests itself as a certain property of character.

We can build our character with as much confidence as a bricklayer builds a wall, if we work from an immutable law. And our character is the most powerful factor of our destiny, and if we introduce noble features into it, we will secure for ourselves a noble destiny, which will be expressed in selfless service to humanity.

Just as we suffer because of the immutability of the law, so shall we triumph because of the same immutability. Ignorance of the law makes us like a boat rushing without helm or oar on the waves of the ocean. The knowledge of the law gives us a rudder by which we can direct our ship wherever we please.

Readers from different cities of our country, as well as from abroad, call the editorial office every day. Everyone has some problems and questions. Therefore, many seek advice. The questions are very different. What stage is the Transition in and what is currently changing? Why does this or that disease occur and how to get rid of it?

Why are there so many people with an unhealthy psyche? How can a person help himself in this or that problem? Questions are different and answers, respectively, too.

Michael, Syzran: - I'm over forty. But fate does not add up. Children Adults. Divorced from his wife. I don't want to make more mistakes. How can I find the one I need?

You are not the only one. Do you know how many marriages are failing now? But this does not mean that divorce is a complete disaster. For many it is likely the other way around. Divorce is a reason to start a new life, a life without falsehood, without deceit, without constant reproaches. In love, in harmony. It is very difficult, but possible, if two people have connected their destinies through mutual, sincere love. Because deceit (for example, not love, but a love spell) will still be revealed. And then there will be even more deception and reproaches.

Now, by the way, such a time has come (somewhere since February 20) when any act of a person committed against the soul (the soul does not want it, but the mind forces it) immediately has consequences. A person has apathy, a bad mood, there may be depression, irritability and aggression.

If, for example, a person (it doesn’t matter - a man or a woman) lives with his partner without love, simply fulfills his supposedly marital duty in bed and at home, then such a couple will not have anything good. The soul is depressed, the chakras are blocked and nothing sticks.

Now everything should be done as the soul wants. For a long time, the souls of bright people were amazed and were, as it were, in cages. Because for centuries and millennia, people have been fixated on any traditions that do not give anything good to the soul and spirit. That is, living with an unloved person who has long been disgusting and unpleasant for you is immoral. Therefore, Mikhail, you need to approach the issue of creating a new family very seriously. Do not rush at the first person you meet for the sake of her apartment, for the sake of her appearance. Try to discern the inner world of your chosen one, whether she is interesting for you as a person, or you will repeat your mistake. Write to us in the editor, what kind of woman you dream of. What is the main thing for you in it? We will try to help you.

Valentina, Tyumen: - In the last three years, I literally do not get out of illness, although I myself am a doctor. My husband and I somehow stopped understanding each other. He became aggressive, everything is wrong with him, growls. Either things are not in place, or the borscht is cooked wrong ... I have problems with the genitals, I don’t get enough sleep. She became nervous. What to do?

Your husband's problems have fallen on you. It has more than a hundred love spells in these three years. This means that the low-frequency energy of the woman that he has at work has appeared in his field. Her desires are this low frequency energy. The woman deliberately treats him with something. It could be coffee, sweets, some pastries. Traces of her energy remained on all organs of the digestive system. Especially on the liver. His soul and genitals are affected.

A love spell is a trap of dark forces. If they bewitch your husband, then at the same time they make you a lapel. The program stands on the genitals of your husband. You have one field with him. This means that there is also an energy lesion on your genitals. Bleeding or swelling may occur. This causes insomnia. If you remove this program from your husband, the problem will go away. But the husband needs to ask for forgiveness from the Higher Forces for an intimate relationship with a woman from a dark egregor so that he does not have prostatitis. But how do you tell him about it?

All diseases of the genital organs of men arise because of their indiscriminate intimate relationships. If they ask for forgiveness from the Higher Forces for this, 40% of the disease immediately goes away, the rest can be cured.

Valeria, 30 years old, Saratov. - My temperature is high. Out of the blue. I don't know what to do with it.

You had an act against your soul ten days ago. Sounds like it was sex with a man you don't have any feelings for.

It was. The man literally stood his ground. It depends on him whether I will be promoted or not ... I myself then felt so bad. I repented.

You also need to ask for forgiveness from the Higher Forces sincerely, from the bottom of your heart. Otherwise, you will advance in the service and end up in the hospital with a serious illness. For any act committed without a soul, it is necessary to ask for forgiveness from the Higher Forces.

Svetlana, Petrozavodsk. - My son is in trouble. Unbalanced psyche and nervous system. He's on the verge of going insane. What to do? After all, he is 24 years old.

Your son has a defective soul. Somewhere lost (on some diabolical temptation) 20% of the energy of the soul. It is in this place that the entities have settled and are manipulating your son. Either good selfless deeds (which is difficult for him now) or a large donation can save him. It is necessary to patch up the karmic hole in his vessel. Did something very bad in a past life - either betrayed someone, or slandered ...

Larisa, Tambov. - I've been in pain for about a month now. Stomach, intestines, liver... I don't understand anything. The body is covered with a rash...

You, most likely, like many people, thoughtlessly rushed into the hole at Epiphany and drank Epiphany water.

I was with the whole family at the spring, and, of course, I drank water. How?

And so. - Epiphany water for people of bright egregore is dead water, it is contraindicated for you. Your digestive system is a weak point in the body, and you also treated it with dead water. We must ask for forgiveness from the Higher Forces for this. And everything will be fine. And Epiphany water is useful only for dark people with low-frequency energy. For them, she is alive. The one that will be in the reservoirs on Ivan Kupala or John the Baptist is useful to you. This will be living water for you.

Galina, Krasnoyarsk: - My mother's blood pressure dropped sharply. She does not go to the clinic. She is 85 years old. Legs don't move well. Why did this happen?

Tell your mother not to think about death. When it comes, then it will come. She has all thoughts about it. And it turns out such an effect, as if a person conjures himself. Let him ask for forgiveness from the Higher Forces for this. The pressure is back to normal. If you do not ask, all vital processes in the body will stop.

Irina, Samara: - I had a very bad headache. What should I do? I don't want to take pills.

Three hours ago you did something wrong. And your soul, glands of the brain and heart were amazed. What happened?

The husband turned on the TV. I was watching a movie. He began to watch his film, although there is a TV set in the other two rooms.

Ask for forgiveness for the fact that you meekly agreed with his behavior, and everything will be fine with you. You should have objected. What kind of husband is this? Are you a slave Isaura?

Exactly. I completely agree with you. Of course, I will ask and next time I will make a remark to him.

Nina, Novokuibyshevsk: - Something doesn't stick to me. Poorly sold goods, I'm tired. There is no profit. Why?

Because for five days you were visiting someone, you ate low-frequency food, you forgot to neutralize it. You should never pounce on food when you go to someone's house. This food blocked your energy centers. In everyday life, this is called witchcraft. It is necessary to impose a Bulgarian cross on food and drinks (to neutralize them from negative energy). Such as on the icon of the Virgin, on her coverlet.

Vladimir, Perm Territory: - Thank you for your help, for removing low-frequency energy from my biofield. I began to sleep less, eat less, stop drinking.

Nikolai, 35 years old, Volgograd: - Something is not going well with me anywhere. What is the reason? Both business and health.

The reason is your wife. Entices you. The result is total loss. You need to remove the low-frequency energy and protect yourself from ... your wife. Protect children.

Irina, New York. - How can I be? Change jobs? I serve elderly women. They envy me. They say you are healthy and beautiful. I get very tired with them. But changing jobs is hard.

You will have to change jobs. Envy pierces the aura. There are many of them, and everyone is jealous. It is better for a person with low-frequency energy to work at this place.

Marina, Chita: - I pray, I pray for my health, but there is no sense.

You do not pray, but ask Jesus, the Mother of God, the Saints in your own words, from the heart and soul, and then your request will come. And help will come. And so - the effect is such that you conjure yourself.

Vladimir, Krasnoyarsk: - I feel that I feel bad with my wife. I don't know how to break up with her. And where are the good, normal women, not the witches?

Probably, there are in Krasnoyarsk, only you don't see them. Look better around.

Lyubov Petrovna, Krasnoyarsk: - There are no men in our city. I still don't know what love is.

So that you know this, finally, I ask you to call Lyubov Petrovna real men, and not "colonels" - tel. for communication: 8-9059756829. Please do not let our editors down.

Natalia. England: - Personal life is not going well. I sail on a ship under the Cypriot flag. The Kazakhs buy it. What to do?

Go back home. There are good people in your hometown. Do not doubt.

Natalia, Volgograd: - Why should I ask for forgiveness so that my energy centers open? I feel something is wrong.

For an insult. Offended 3 days ago.

Vyacheslav. Germany: - Something in my heart ached.

Katya Sailer, Germany: - I don't want to live. Nothing works in my personal life. The man left me. Daughter Christina withdrew. She is 18 years old.

You think he is a man. You just spoiled him. He is a colonel. Change your image immediately and forget it. Your daughter looks at your relationship and thinks all men are scoundrels. I fell in love with someone who doesn't fit her at all in terms of energy. She has no bio-resonance with him. He pays no attention to her. And she suffers. You will change - Christina will change too.

Olga, Primorsky Krai: - I was tormented by headaches. Tired of them. Tablets don't help. I do not know what to do.

Your nucleus basalis is out of balance in your brain. It contains some kind of black substance, with the help of which dark forces manipulate people. Both light and dark. Man is born with this substance. It's just used differently. Its role in the body has not yet been studied by scientists. Only recently it became known that the dark black substance in the basal nucleus of the brain is needed to materialize their thoughts and desires, to perform the rituals of black magic. After all, the main action is performed not with the help of rituals, but with the help of the materialization of thoughts. Light people were given this black substance in order to be controlled by the dark ones. This is a concentrated energy, with the help of which witchcraft itself is carried out in the body of a bright person.

At present, the Higher Forces are working just to ensure that instead of black matter in the world there is white. As it should be. By the way, the Atlanteans did not have any black substance in their brains. As soon as this became known, and work began on the elimination of the black substance and other elements in the system of managing people by the black hierarchs, they became furious and began to turn the Universe upside down in the hope that they would take revenge. But for every action there is a reaction. This third law of Newton forces each of us to look for a way out of every difficult situation, no matter how difficult it may be.

Therefore, there is no need to despair. Everything goes on. At present, our planet is being actively cleansed of energy dirt. And now, more than ever, the Higher Powers are sure that the world can be changed in the direction of its evolution, that it is changing, and the light at the end of the tunnel shines brightly enough...

KOLOSYUK Lyubov Leontievna


Approximately this meaning was put by the British gentleman Mr. Newton in his third law, which, however, operates not only in physics, but, as practice shows, literally in all areas of human life.
Even in such a relatively new area as SEO-optimization of sites.

A little backstory. In October, the Google search engine, with its innovation, complicated the already difficult mission of SEO-optimizers, both companies and freelancers. The search engine has launched a program that protects search queries with 128-bit encryption. Now, when making a request in Secure Sockets Layer mode, known as SSL, a user who owns a Google account receives guarantees that his interest will not be known to outsiders.

You don't have to be clairvoyant to guess - this will directly affect the activities of SEO companies, since search query statistics are an important marketing tool in complex website promotion. Of course, Google promises that the analytical departments of SEO companies, as before, will be provided with data on effective transitions to the promoted site, but the request itself, after which the transition was made, will be hidden.

It turns out that optimizing sites for keywords is now turning into a rather difficult task, if not at all into a fiction. In this light, the following questions arise. The first one is set by optimizers - what measures will help to keep the positions already won? The second question worries, first of all, clients of SEO companies. How will Google's innovation affect the cost of promotion?

It is clear that the effect of the new rules on the Russian Internet market will not appear overnight. It is in the West in such situations that sites lose their positions almost immediately. According to statistics, to date, the Google campaign has covered only about five percent of Russian users. However, they quite rightly say about the Russians that they harness for a long time, but they drive fast. So, the number of encryption supporters can grow quite quickly. In addition, there is a high probability that the native Yandex will also do something similar. In a word, optimizers need to be prepared for such a development of events.

It is obvious that fast and effective adaptation to the novelty from Google is only possible for large companies, which are not very numerous in Runet. The flagships of the industry are, in brief, RBS Corporation, Demis Group, Kokos. If you wish, you can name a maximum of two or three more companies. A certain safety cushion in such a situation is the experience of the company. Having a solid client base can be of great help.

The promotion customer, for which, for example, RBS Corporation works, will not see a deterioration in the position of his site at all. The guarantee of this is more than seven years of experience of the company in the market and the professionalism of a team of more than three hundred specialists. A direct confirmation of the company's reputation is the number of customers that have crossed the one and a half thousandth mark and the constantly growing number of visitors to the company's website The close-knit actions of the RBS Corporation staff allow the company to cope with orders received from organizations significant in Russian business - LLC Sberbank Capital, IC Guta-strakhovanie, the financial group IFD Capital, JSCB Moscow-Credit, OAO Gazprom , CJSC "LUKOIL EPU service" and many others.

The period of stay of a site on the Internet market does not play an important role. It doesn't matter how big or small amount of information its pages contain. A huge database of key queries has already been accumulated, which are optimal for any cluster of the economy. Education and medicine, mining and banking, hospitality and mass media - for each specific case, a package of optimal search queries is selected and, as a result, their own promotion methods. And keyword analytics is just one part of the powerful promotion tools that reputable SEO companies use. For example, the RBS Corporation, Kokoc and Demis Group mentioned above offer their clients the following services that increase the effectiveness of promotion.

RBS Corporation conducts a professional audit of the site, based on the results of which a set of all necessary actions is determined to optimize a particular resource. The capacities of the individual assistant-optimizer WebEffector, the services of the Yandex-certified MediaGuru agency, and the placement of advertising on CorpGuru sites are actively used. Plus, any client of the company will find answers to their questions on the bdbd website, reviews of which do not contain any complaints.

Kokos Company offers to rent ready-made sites that are already in the tops of search engines for high- and medium-frequency key queries. In the successful practice of Denis Group - advertising SMS-mailing.

But back to Google. With the introduction of a new rule to hold positions in the top lines of Google issuance, it becomes necessary to frequently update the content of the site pages. The tools for implementing this, in principle, are well known - maintaining a news feed, activity in the blogosphere and in social networks that are now popular. Only now these tools will have to pay really close attention.

Only an SEO company that has the technical capabilities for this is capable of doing such work qualitatively. For example, the RBS Corporation team has a professional web-design studio WebProfy, an article posting system Miralinks. And the Demis Group company offers such additional services for updating sites as photography and subsequent image processing, corporate identity development and its support, and language translations.

In order to meet the expectations of clients, small SEO companies and solo freelancers who do not have the capabilities of the promotion industry flagships must focus on developing such an important advantage as proximity to local markets. The recommended focus is the use of contextual advertising and the organization of campaigns in the mass media. In this case, the significance of search queries and analytical work with them fade into the background. This is how the leaders of the promotion market see the future of Runet - Kokos, Demis Group and RBS Corporation, reviews of whose activities are entirely positive. The primary focus is direct work with the target audience and interaction with related sites.

The unavailability of search queries makes significant changes to the promotion strategy. However, remember the third law of Mr. Newton - action is equal to reaction. Russian SEO companies will definitely find ways to effectively counter this "invention" of Google. Russian sites, no matter what, will go to the top lines of search engine results, regardless of the innovations introduced.