Wheat oil for face application. The use of wheat germ oil in facial care. With grape seeds

Wheat germ oil for face is one of the most common natural cosmetics. As the name implies, it is produced from wheat germ by cold pressing. It is after the appearance of the sprout in the grains that the greatest concentration of useful vitamins, minerals and trace elements is observed, which were intended by nature for the future plant. This explains the extraordinary benefits of wheat germ oil.

Wheat germ oil for face: Ingredients

Wheat germ oil contains vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and minerals.

Vitamins: A (and other carotenoids), B, E, PP, F (Omega-6)

Minerals: selenium, zinc, iron

Due to its composition, wheat germ oil for the face can be used as a basic care.

Wheat germ oil properties

Useful properties of wheat germ oil

  1. Food. Wheat germ oil contains enough vitamins and minerals to maintain the beauty and health of your skin. The oil improves blood circulation, which also contributes to the saturation of the skin with the necessary nutrition.
  2. Moisturizing. Linoleic and linolenic acids normalize the hydrolipid balance in cells, eliminate flaking and prevent irritation.
  3. Retaining youth and Slowing down the aging process. Carotenoids and Vitamin E, as natural antioxidants, provide protection from the harmful effects of the environment. By restoring and strengthening the protective membrane of each cell, wheat germ oil helps to maintain youth and slow down the aging process.
  4. Gives a healthy appearance, improves firmness and elasticity.
  5. Cleansing. Suitable for problematic and sensitive skin care. Wheat germ oil eliminates inflammation and prevents the formation of new ones, tightens and protects pores. In addition, this oil can be used to remove makeup and cleanse the face.
  6. UV protection, SPF20. Wheat germ oil is not inferior to day creams in terms of UV protection, and therefore can become a natural substitute.

Wheat germ oil has all the properties necessary to maintain the health, beauty and youth of the skin.

Applying wheat germ oil to the face

Wheat germ oil has a wide range of applications in cosmetology. It works well for dry, aging, sensitive and problem skin.

! For oily skin, wheat germ oil is best mixed with lighter oils. For example, with apricot or grape seed oil.

Wheat germ oil for the skin around the eyes

Wheat germ face oil will be an effective eye contour care product at any age. For young skin, the oil will be good for nourishing, moisturizing and protecting against premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles. For mature skin, wheat germ oil is a great anti-wrinkle treatment. It can improve the condition of aging skin, even with deep wrinkles, helping to gradually smooth the latter. Of course, in this case, you should not count on an instant magical effect, but after several applications, the general condition will undoubtedly be healthier, and the appearance will be more attractive.

Applying wheat germ oil to the eye contour

From personal experience, wheat germ face oil can be used in its pure form. It is easy to apply, absorbs well and does not create any unpleasant sensations like an oily film.

A small amount of the mixture can be applied morning and evening to the skin around the eyes. You can also make applications once every 2 days. For this, a mixture of oils is generously applied to the skin around the eyes, left on for 10-30 minutes, and removed with a dry cotton pad. Alternatively, the mixture can be applied to a cotton napkin, put on your face for 10-30 minutes. If desired, a napkin soaked in oil can be put in the refrigerator for a few minutes before application.

The following recipe is perfect for caring for the skin around the eyes and smoothing wrinkles:

  • 5 ml wheat germ oil
  • 5 ml apricot or peach seed oil.

The mixture can be applied by the methods indicated above, both on the area around the eyes and on the entire skin of the face and neck.

Wheatgrass oil for wrinkle face

The following formulations in small quantities can be applied at night to problem areas with massage movements, smoothing out wrinkles. Wherein important apply oil along every wrinkle, and rub across... Thus, wrinkles are smoothed out faster by enhancing the beneficial properties of the oil with massage movements. Also, compresses with wheat germ oil are good for wrinkles. To do this, you need to apply a small amount of oil or a mixture of oils on a cotton pad and apply it to problem areas for 10-30 minutes.

For a more intensive smoothing of wrinkles, aging skin, to restore elasticity and tone:

  • 5 ml castor oil
  • 5 ml wheat germ oil

Another effective recipe for an anti-wrinkle mask with wheat germ oil:

  • 10 ml wheat germ oil
  • 30 ml macadamia oil
  • 1 drop of sandalwood essential oil
  • 1 drop of sweet orange oil
  • 1 drop of damask rose oil

!Important! Maintain the indicated formulation of the ratio of base oils to essential oils. Excessive essential oil content can cause unpleasant painful effects.

!Important! This mixture, as you probably already guessed, is enough for more than one application. Its shelf life is up to 2 months. This mask should not be heated in order not to lose the beneficial properties of essential oils.

This anti-wrinkle mask is applied in the usual way, the oil is distributed evenly, after 20-40 minutes, the remaining oil is removed with a dry cloth or cotton pad. When using this mask for oily skin, you can remove the oil with a decoction of chamomile or rinse your face with it after removing the oil with a tissue.

For aging skin a vitamin face mask with wheat germ oil will be useful. For her you will need:

  • 30 ml wheat germ oil
  • 1 drop of liquid vitamin A
  • 1 drop of liquid vitamin E

This mask is applied in the usual way, the oil is distributed evenly, after 20-40 minutes, the remaining oil is removed with a dry cloth or cotton pad. When using this anti-wrinkle mask for oily skin, you can remove the oil with a decoction of chamomile or rinse your face with it after removing the oil with a tissue.

Wheat germ oil for oily and problem skin

Wheat germ and grape seed oil is often used for acne prone and oily skin. For example, in the following composition:

  • 5 ml wheat germ oil
  • 15 ml grape seed oil
  • 2 drops of clove, ylang-ylang or lavender essential oil

This mixture can be applied in small amounts in the morning and evening or only in the evening. The texture of wheat germ and grape seed oil in a 1: 3 ratio is ideal for oily skin. Natural components of oils tighten pores, protect the skin from harmful environmental influences and pollution.

Wheat germ oil for skin cleansing

Wheat germ oil can also be used to cleanse the skin. To do this, apply a small amount of oil on a cotton pad slightly moistened with warm water and wipe your face. This procedure is recommended every evening.

Wheat germ oil contraindications

For external use of wheat germ oil for the face, the main contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components indicated in the recipes. Therefore, before using any of them, it is necessary to check the selected composition for personal intolerance. To do this, apply a small amount of the selected mixture or oil to the skin area at the bend of the elbow or on the wrist, wait 10-30 minutes, if there is no discomfort, the composition can be applied.

Maintain your beauty with natural cosmetics!

Wheat is our life, wholesome food, nutritious and satisfying. But this cereal is amazing not only for its dominant positions in the world of culinary. Wheat germ gives the oil, which is unique in its components and effects. The history of its creation goes back far into the past. Nowadays, this healing oily yellow liquid with a pleasant aroma is one of the most popular, effective means in modern cosmetology.

Amazing composition

Wheatgrass face oil has a magical effect on the skin. It has a huge amount of antioxidants that effectively inhibit the appearance of age-related changes, have a powerful anti-aging effect, and stimulate metabolic processes. In addition to antioxidants, the miracle extract contains many other useful substances.

Component Effects on the skin
Fatty acid restoration of damaged tissues, strong protection against negative factors, improvement of blood circulation processes, contribute to the healing of various skin injuries (cuts, abrasions, wounds)
Amino acids enhance the formation of elastin, collagen, smooth the epidermis, remove wrinkles, exfoliate, remove dead, unnecessary skin particles
Vitamins regenerating, whitening, rejuvenating, medicinal anti-inflammatory properties, removing puffiness, noticeably raises the turgor of the skin
Allantoin elimination of inflammatory processes, antioxidant properties, increasing elasticity, general tone, improving the color of the epidermis
Minerals deep cleansing, moisturizing, oxygenation, sedative, bactericidal properties, elimination of toxins, anti-cellulite effect

Wheat germ oil for face instantly acts on the epidermis at the cellular, deepest level, penetrating into its most secret structures. The result of the action of the unique pomace becomes visible after the first procedures.

Who is the miracle remedy for?

The amazing properties of the healing substrate make it very effective to use wheat germ oil on the face of almost everyone, with all skin types.

  • Dry will restore, moisturize, relieve wrinkles, desiccation,.
  • Normal will give the necessary prevention to prevent the appearance of age-related changes.
  • Oily will get rid of shine, narrow enlarged pores, deeply cleanse and renew.
  • The fading will give strength for complete recovery.
  • The problematic will help relieve inflammation, irritation.

The oil perfectly helps to treat various skin diseases: acne, eczema, dermatoses, psoriasis. It is not allergenic and is very gentle, delicate on the epidermis.

Applying wheat germ oil to the face

Wheat pomace has a rather heavy consistency, therefore, for facial skin care, it is most effective to use it diluted (or as part of various caring agents). Dilute it with other oils, lighter (, or) in a 1x3 consistency (where 1 is an oily squeeze from wheat germ). The mixture of oils can be applied to the skin in its pure form instead of the usual, caring agent, keep it for half an hour.

Facial products and masks

  • Miracle eye cream

Mix 3 parts germ medium with 2 parts rose water. Apply the mixture in a thin layer and lightly pat the composition into the skin.

  • For eyelash growth

Remove makeup, rinse your face with comfortable, warm water. Using a brush, gently apply a few drops of undiluted wonder oil to your eyelashes. After a few days, the lashes will become noticeably thicker, longer and brighter.

  • For lips

Apply undiluted wheat oil in a thin layer to lips. It effectively removes flaking, heals bumps and cracks. Wheat substrate protects lips from severe frost and wind.

  • As an aid

Add 3-4 drops to your usual creams (per serving for application to the skin).

  • As compresses for deep hydration

Mix 3 drops of wheat oil with orange, shea butter, mint, sandalwood (1 drop each). Saturate a paper towel with the mixture and apply on face for a quarter of an hour. It is not necessary to wash off the remnants of the healing mixture - let the skin absorb all the healing substances.

  • For clarification(against freckles, age spots)

Mix oily wheat liquid (15 ml) with lemon, grapefruit or juniper ethers (1 drop each). Soak a cotton pad with the compound and apply it to problem areas. Perform the procedure twice a day for half an hour. The effect will be evident after 5 days.

  • For shiny skin

To treat problematic, oily skin, mix wheat germ oil with lavender or cedarwood (take 2 drops of each type). Dampen a cotton ball and apply to the inflammatory area for 25 minutes every day.

  • Against peeling

Lubricate flaky skin areas with a mixture of oily wheat extract (7 ml) with lemon balm and rose ethers (1 drop each). Lubricate dried-up areas with the composition several times daily.

  • Recovery from skin fatigue

A face mask with wheat germ oil made from ground oatmeal (20 g), warm milk (15 ml) and wheat miracle remedy (7 ml) will help restore health to a tired dermis. Apply the composition to the face for 25 minutes.

An amazing oily miracle extract, a healing gift from nature, Wheat Facial Oil will give your face a youthful, radiant, youthful and healthy look in just a few treatments.

Beauty to you!

232 0 Hello! In this article, we will tell you about the benefits of wheat oil for the face, what masks can be prepared on its basis and how to apply them correctly.

Useful properties of wheat oil

The characteristics and healthiness of wheatgrass oil is influenced by its rich balanced chemical composition. Thanks to the complex of vitamins, minerals, unsaturated fatty acids and other useful components, the product has a healing effect on the dermis.

It is never too late to start using the product, since it works at the cellular level, it can rejuvenate even mature age-related skin. To achieve the effect, regular and proper care is required.

Vitamins protect cell membranes from external influences, prolong youth, retain moisture. They regulate the metabolic processes of the dermis, the synthesis of sebum, and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Fatty acids are responsible for the production of elastin and collagen fibers.

Wheat germ oil is hypoallergenic and suitable for all age groups.

It supplies skin cells with nutrition, hydration, and is an excellent healer in eliminating dermatological problems.

In cosmetology, wheat oil:

  • softens the upper stratum corneum of dry, rough skin, eliminates;
  • gives the dermis firmness, elasticity;
  • makes the contour of the face clearer;
  • heals, acne, all sorts of dermatitis;
  • promotes the healing of wounds, abrasions, cuts and burns;
  • brightens age spots;
  • nourishes and moisturizes the area;
  • cleanses the skin of toxins, thereby increasing the barrier properties;
  • prevents stretch marks after childbirth;
  • is a prevention, and smoothes existing ones;
  • tones up, rejuvenates the dermis with signs of wilting;
  • stimulates collagen synthesis;
  • used as an anti-cellulite agent;
  • soothes, relieves negative symptoms of skin diseases.

Wheat oil normalizes the water-salt balance, improves blood circulation, and increases local immune defenses.


The chemical composition of the product is rich, balanced and varied. Vegetable oil produced from durum wheat germ contains the largest amount of "female" vitamin E. It is called female because of its great effect on the health of the skin.

The oil also contains other valuable vitamins:

  • carotene (A);
  • pantothenic acid (B5);
  • folic acid (B9 or folacin);
  • nicotinic acid (PP);
  • calciferol (D);
  • pyridoxine (B6);
  • thiamine (B1);
  • riboflavin (B2);
  • choline (B4);
  • phyllochenone (K).

B vitamins are responsible for smooth skin, regeneration, improve the supply of oxygen to the cells of the dermis, and fight acne.

Vitamin K removes puffiness and pigmentation, D - increases local immunity, tones up. Nicotinic acid improves blood circulation, removes toxins.

The product is rich in fatty acids, most of which are polyunsaturated (Omega 3, 6, 9).

Selenium is involved in protein synthesis.

Allantoin is widely used in cosmetology as a wound-healing, astringent and skin-smoothing agent.

Squalene supports immune defenses, kills cancer cells, and is used in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis.

The use of wheat germ oil in facial care

They will add shine to the mask for the health of hair, if you apply the product for half an hour before each wash. For greater efficiency, the composition includes orange, bergamot, vanilla oils in a 2: 1 ratio. When exposed to hair follicles, the microcirculation of the dermis of the head improves, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized. As a result, dandruff disappears, premature gray hair and hair loss are prevented.

Wheat oil softens the skin of the hands, strengthens the nail plate. By stimulating the synthesis of elastin, it prevents striae.

Indicated for use on all epidermis, including children.

Undiluted wheat germ oil for the face is applied selectively:

  • Lubricating individual, small areas of inflammation, peeling, coarsening, burns and wounds.
  • For acne, acne, the product is applied pointwise using cotton swabs.
  • Do not dilute wheatgrass oil in the case of getting rid of wrinkles.
  • Applying the product on like a lipstick, they get rid of dryness, cracking. Such care is especially relevant for preventive purposes in the winter.
  • The product has proven itself well as an eyelash growth stimulator. With daily use, the result is noticeable within a week. The hairs around the eyes become thicker, more elastic and longer.

The tool effectively and carefully removes decorative cosmetics from the face.

When used regularly as a face dermis care product, one part of the product is combined with two parts of light oils. Dry and normal skin is lubricated with apricot, almond, sesame. Fatty - with grape seed oil, rosehip. For the area around the eyes, the concentration of additives increases, is - 1: 3.

Wheat germ face masks: recipes

There are many recipes where wheat germ extract is used as an ingredient in homemade masks.

Consider the most popular face mixes.

  • From crow's feet.

Combine two types of oil - 5 ml of wheat germ and grape seed (15 ml). Add 0.5 tsp. tocopherol, 1⁄4 tsp. extract of myrtle, linden, etc. The mask works more efficiently if you use a warmed one. After application in the area above and after 20 minutes, the residues are driven in with light patting movements with the pads of the fingers . Wheat oil eliminates wrinkles and prevents their appearance.

  • For oily, combination skin.

1⁄4 tsp each. essential oils of lavender, cloves, cedar are mixed with 1 tbsp. l. wheat extract. The mask is kept for 15-20 minutes. The remains are washed off, wiped with a tonic.

  • For tightening pores.

Warm oil of wheat germ and castor oil (10 g each) is mixed into oat flakes, brewed with milk (1 tbsp. L.). Next, chicken protein and (10 g) are introduced into the mixture. The mask is kept for 10-15 minutes. It is not recommended to use the product longer because of the honey content.

  • For dry dermis.

Wheat germ oil (1 tablespoon) is mixed with a drop of mint and rose oil. Lubricate scaly areas with a whole botanical that softens, deeply moisturizes.

  • Moisturizing.

Knead 20 g of oatmeal with warm water until creamy. Add 20 g of grape seed oil and wheat seed oil.

  • From edema, wrinkles.

Add 1⁄4 tsp to a spoonful of vegetable oil. ethereal pink. Stand for 30 minutes, the excess is removed.

  • From pigmentation, freckles.

In this mask, lemon, bergamot and juniper oils are used as bleaches. One drop of each agent is added to 1 tbsp. l. wheat oil. Apply with fingers on the face or use gauze soaked in the composition, which is kept on the face for 15-20 minutes. The mask is used twice a day.

  • For tired skin.

Oatmeal (60 g) is crushed with a blender, poured with milk until sour cream. Healing vegetable oil (15 g) is added. Apply to the epidermis for half an hour.

  • Smoothing.

Rice flour (5 g) is kneaded with a tablespoon of brewed green tea. Add 2 tbsp. l. wheat oil. In a quarter of an hour, small wrinkles are smoothed out.

  • With acne.

Combine wheat oil (30 g) with 1/4 tsp. lavender. The mixture is applied on inflamed areas, kept until absorbed.

  • For acne.

White or blue clay (30 g) is diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream. The resulting mass is combined with heated oil of wheat germ and sea buckthorn (1 tsp each).

  • From post acne.

Aloe juice (100 ml) is combined with almond oil, rose hips, wheat germ (10 g each). Apply pointwise to problem areas. The mask helps even with old marks.

  • For aging, aging dermis.

Add to the oil of wheat germ (30 g) drop by drop of essential oils of neroli, rose, sandalwood. Lubricate problem areas, after 20 minutes, the remains are driven into the epidermis. Masks are done daily until the problem is fixed.

  • Express lifting.

Combine white yogurt with 1 tbsp. l. wheat oil with chopped half of an avocado. A drop of orange ether is added. The composition is applied to the face, décolleté, neck for ¼ hour. The remains are washed off with infusion of sage, calendula or chamomile.


During pregnancy, lactation, consultation of a gynecologist is needed, and for a child under 5 years old - a pediatrician.

Oil storage

To prevent oxidation processes, the product is stored tightly closed in a glass container in a dark place at a temperature of 0-20 0 C for no more than a year. In capsules, it does not lose its properties for 2 years. After breaking the integrity of the package, they are kept in the side door of the refrigerator.

An increasing number of women prefer natural cosmetics that do not contain preservatives, fragrances, or synthetic components. Wheatgrass oil is one of them. Due to its rich chemical composition and a minimum of contraindications, the product has found wide application in maintaining the health of not only the skin, hair and nails, but also the whole organism.

Wheat germ oil for wrinkles and stretch marks - application reviews

Useful articles:

All over the world, the oil of wheat germ was previously and is appreciated today, the properties and application of this agent can hardly be overestimated.

Due to its unique composition and effect on the body, wheat germ oil has found its application in cosmetology, and in cooking, and in medicine.

Useful properties and composition

Three especially important and active components: antioxidants, tocopherols and carotenoids of the oil determine its unique composition, are considered a storehouse of substances useful for the body. In terms of vitamin E content, the product is recognized as a champion, especially in cosmetology. Those who strive to always look young and beautiful should take a closer look at this oil.

The oil stimulates and renews the skin on cellular damage, moisturizes it, nourishes it with useful microelements and vitamins. Scientists have proven that rejuvenation can be achieved even with systematic care for old, rough, flaky skin that has lost its firmness, softness and elasticity.

When listing the components that make up the wheat germ oil, it is worth highlighting an important fact. 100 grams of oil contains not one daily norm of useful vitamins and minerals, but several. In addition to a huge amount of vitamin E, it also contains a vitamin B complex, as well as:

  • nicotinic acid;
  • choline;
  • biotin;
  • pantothenic and folic acid.

The oil consists of:

  • Vanadium, silicon, boron and manganese. 100 grams contains 3 daily norms of these nutrients at once.
  • Zirconium, selenium, cobalt, copper and phosphorus at half the daily value.

Important! Proteins, amino acids and carbohydrates complete the list of trace elements and vitamins. And tocopherols give the oil antioxidant properties.

Use for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes

The oil itself is not considered a drug, but its role as a dietary supplement is invaluable to health. For what purposes are the properties of wheat germ oil used in medicine? Internal and external use is indicated for:

  • stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • cleaning the body of toxins and other harmful substances;
  • as an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • fight against skin diseases: acne, acne and other rashes;
  • accelerating the healing of wounds, scratches, burns, abrasions and so on;
  • optimization of the circulatory system;
  • therapy of diseases of the cardiovascular system and central nervous system;
  • normalization of the functions of the reproductive system, treatment of prostatitis, infertility, increasing potency;
  • activation of the immune system;
  • has a sedative effect on the peripheral and nervous systems;
  • normalizes hormonal balance, reducing the likelihood of failures;
  • preventing the development of varicose veins, strengthening the walls in the blood vessels.

For all prophylactic or therapeutic purposes, oil is used no more than 2 teaspoons and no more than 2 times a day. When treating not very deep burns, the affected area is lubricated with a slightly warmed agent. In case of bruises or sprains, the lesion is massaged using warm wheat germ oil.

Oil is very useful for people with gastrointestinal problems:

  • In case of gastric ulcer, oral intake of 1 teaspoon of oil, before meals, will help protect the walls from the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid.
  • In order to prevent gastritis, it is enough to consume a teaspoon of oil in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Useful reception of the extract of sprouted wheat and bodybuilding athletes. Taking 2 tablespoons of oil a day helps to increase the body's tolerance to increased stress.

Advice! Wheatgrass oil helps women cope with such unpleasant gynecological diseases as: mastopathy, vaginitis and cervical erosion.

Wheat germ oil: contraindications

There is a list of warnings and restrictions on the use of wheat germ oil:

  • You can not use it with individual intolerance, which is extremely rare.
  • People with a history of urinary or kidney stones and those who already have stones.
  • Women during the period of bearing a child or breastfeeding are allowed to use oil, but only after consulting a doctor.
  • It is necessary to use and take the oil very carefully for children up to and in 6 years.

Application in cosmetology

Cosmetic oil from wheat germ, its features and use for cosmetic purposes is no less valuable than for medicinal purposes. It has a positive effect on the condition of nails, hair, as well as eyelashes and eyebrows.

Since it is considered viscous and dense in structure, it should be diluted with lighter vegetable oils before use. Oil made from olives, almonds, avocados in proportions of 1: 4 are well suited for these purposes. Wheat germ oil is used only in selected areas, for example, on wrinkles, coarse skin areas, wounds, inflammation or burns.

Advice! To achieve the desired effect, you need to take it more than once, or whenever you want, but systemically - over a long period of time.

From wrinkles on the face

To enhance hair growth

Sprouted grain oil is commonly used to strengthen and enhance hair growth. With seborrheic dermatitis, dryness, loss or fragility of the hairline, as well as when their ends are cut. Oil, penetrating deep into the epidermis to the bulb, increases blood flow, helps to restore damaged areas, removes grease and dandruff.

Using oil as a shampoo is also effective. Pharmacists recommend mixing, in equal proportions, oil and other essential substances. The main thing is to adhere to the desired consistency - it should be thick (like shampoo). The application procedure is very simple:

  • The oil composition should be evenly distributed over the hair and scalp, wrapped in plastic wrap, put on a rubber cap on top.
  • Then wrap your head with a thick cloth or towel, hold it for 30 minutes, warming your head with a hairdressing hairdryer, as it cools.
  • Finally, wash your head and hair with a traditional shampoo several times. This is very important, since this oily substance cannot be washed off the first time.

Advice!If the oil is used for the first time, then an allergic reaction test must be carried out before use. To do this, a few drops of the product are applied to the skin of the upper limb just above the elbow. Leave at rest for 40 minutes. If swelling and redness are clearly visible, the allergy test is positive and it is strongly discouraged for this person to use it.

Masks for oily and dry hair

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of oil with 4 tablespoons of yogurt (low-fat) and a small amount of banana gruel.
  • Mix the mass thoroughly, distribute it evenly over the hair, let it stand for 30 minutes and rinse.

The cut ends can be restored with the following mask:

  • Mix two tablespoons of oil with a spoonful of honey.
  • Dissolve the resulting composition in a water bath.
  • Spread over the entire length of the hair, rinse off after half an hour.

Kefir-oil mask will help to improve the condition of oily hair:

  • Mix three tablespoons of kefir with a spoonful of wheatgrass oil and freshly squeezed juice from one medium-sized lemon.
  • Apply to hair, leave for 20 minutes and rinse.
  • To improve the effect obtained, it is recommended to rinse the hair with a decoction of chamomile.

Eyebrow and eyelash care

You can improve the condition of your eyebrows and eyelashes with a simple mask:

  • Combine half a teaspoon of wheat germ oil with the same amount of castor oil.
  • Apply the composition with a makeup brush to eyebrows and eyelashes.
  • Soak for 30 minutes and rinse.

Advice! In no case should the composition be left on the eyelashes or eyebrows all night - this can cause puffiness on them.

Eyelid skin and around the eyes

The skin in these areas is very sensitive and delicate, so it needs to be regularly nourished with vitamins and moisturized. If this is not done, then the appearance of wrinkles in these areas will not keep you waiting. You can prevent this unpleasant phenomenon with an effective and very simple mask:

  • Mix two tablespoons (teaspoons) of strong tea with one spoonful of wheatgrass oil and four drops of vitamins E and A (each).
  • Apply to the skin around the eyes and eyelids, leave for 10 minutes, rinse.

Stretch marks in pregnant women

Wheat germ extract will also help get rid of stretch marks during gestation. Starting from the second trimester, caring for the skin of the abdomen is very important. A bath with wheat germ oil will significantly improve her condition. In addition, it will relieve stress and help you relax. Method of preparation and use of the mask:

  • Mix in one tablespoon each: wheat germ oil, lavender and neroli extract.
  • Fill the bath with warm water (no higher than 38 degrees).
  • Add the resulting oil composition at the rate of 1 drop per 20 liters of water.
  • Submerge in water for 15 minutes.
  • After the water procedure, do not dry off with a towel, but let the body dry naturally.

Advice! You can also protect and heal chapped lips with sprouted wheat oil. It is able to heal microcracks, only the lips should be renewed several times a day.


Many women try to get rid of this unpleasant problem in every possible way. A variety of creams, masks, ointments and other means are used. Do they really help? No one will give a definite answer - yes to someone, but for someone wasted money. The properties of wheat germ essential oil and its use as an anti-cellulite agent have long been known to many. It is used when massaging problem areas, both in a diluted state, and in its pure form.

The simplest and most effective recipe for making a mask: mix a couple of drops of citrus extracts (all that you can buy) with a tablespoon of oil. The resulting composition is used for hard massage of problem areas of the skin.

Advice! Wheat germ oil has a whitening effect. This fact will be valuable for people who want to get rid of freckles or age spots on the body and face.

How and where to store oil?

The storage conditions of this extract provide for the fulfillment of some rules and requirements:

  • the oil is stored in a shaded and cool place;
  • prolonged contact of the substance with air should not be allowed;
  • shelf life should not exceed 12 months;
  • the temperature regime in the room where it is stored should not exceed + 15C;
  • do not store an open container with oil in the refrigerator.

Advice!If the storage conditions are violated, the oily substance can lose most of its useful properties and become a dangerous mixture instead of a useful one. In no case should you use a rancid extract of sprouted sprouts or one that has become unusable due to an expired shelf life.

Store the oil in a shaded and cool place

Hello dear readers. Germ oil has gained widespread popularity. It did not appear out of nowhere. The product has a beneficial effect on the body due to the high concentration of antioxidants, vitamins and bioactivators. These compounds are stored in order to awaken the dormant sprouts to life and provide them with everything they need for the first time. The most powerful charge of primordial energy is concentrated here, which people have learned to use to their advantage.

What is Wheat Germ Oil

Wheat is an amazing plant cultivated by mankind from time immemorial. Embryonic shoots resting in the thickness of the grains are the source of the most valuable product - oily extract.

This extract is widely used in dietetics, folk medicine, and cosmetology. The embryonic oil is squeezed out using the cold method, which allows you to preserve the maximum of useful substances in the finished product unchanged.

It should be noted that the value of the oil is also due to the fact that the share of the seed structures themselves in the grain is less than 3%.

Applying wheat germ oil to the face

Wheat germ oil for the face is used to improve the condition of the skin. This product can be used on its own, for example to soften the surface of the lips and remove stickiness.

It can also be taken as a basis for the preparation of essential oil mixtures. In addition, this tool is a popular ingredient in various mask formulations, all kinds of creams, and medicinal recipes. With the help of squeeze from wheat sprouts, you can also cleanse your face from the remains of decorative cosmetics.

Valuable composition

The amazing properties of the oil are due to its composition. And it is replete with useful compounds.

There is:

- vitamin complex - represented by ascorbic acid, tocopherol (vit. E), retinol (vit. A), B-group and vit. D;

- fatty acids - represent an unsaturated series of 3-, 6-, and also 9-omega;

- lecithin;

- essential amino acids;

- allantoin;

- mineral components (Se, I, K, Zn, Fe, P, Mn, Ca, etc.);

- antioxidant compounds.

Why is wheat germ oil useful?

Wheat germ extract is used for various types of skin for the purpose of treatment, healing, prevention of various conditions and obtaining cosmetic effects.

The restorative properties of this product are also invaluable. Among the beneficial effects for the skin, the following are distinguished.

  1. Shows anti-aging activity, tones up.
  1. Softens and nourishes.
  1. Normalizes lipid metabolism due to the ideal ratio of linolenic and linoleic fatty acids.
  1. Has a mild local anesthetic effect.
  1. Stimulates the regeneration of the skin layers.
  1. Relieves inflammation, eliminates acne breakouts.
  1. Gently cleanses the epidermal layer, promoting exfoliation, rejuvenates the integumentary tissue.
  1. Reduces the production of sebum, prevents acne.
  1. Contributes to the narrowing of skin pores, improves skin condition.
  1. Nourishes integuments, returns healthy color and attractiveness to the face.

For the face against wrinkles

In the fight against external age-related manifestations, wheat seedling oil has established itself as an effective remedy. It is known that over time, collagen structures weaken and become thinner.

This leads to sagging of the skin. Having in its composition a rich set of active ingredients, the extract from wheat germ helps not only prevent premature aging of the skin, but also actively restores its structure, helping to get rid of wrinkled folds that have already appeared.

Thus, the tool can be used by both young girls and older ladies.

For the skin around the eyes

The oil is also useful for use in the periobital areas. These places are particularly receptive. The skin layer is especially thin here. It is characterized by increased dryness. On the skin of the eyelids and infraorbital region, a wrinkled mesh appears first of all.

As for the care products for such a sensitive epithelium, the choice is not so great. The sprout extract, as well as products based on it, is an excellent option for regular exposure to the skin around the eyes.

The remedy will help nourish the cells and eliminate the predisposition to drying out. This will be a significant contribution to maintaining youthfulness and freshness of the skin.

Application rules

Here's how to properly apply wheat germ oil to your face to get the most out of your face and prevent negative effects.

  1. The oily liquid may cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is necessary to first check the individual susceptibility in a limited area of \u200b\u200bthe body. The test is best done on the inside of the elbow. After applying the oil, wait at least 20 minutes. If the reaction does not occur, then the composition can be applied to the facial area.
  1. Great care should be taken when using undiluted product, especially in the invitation zone. It will be more preferable to reduce the concentration of the sprout extract by introducing other vegetable oils and essential extracts.
  1. It is recommended to apply the oil warm. This will facilitate its penetration into the deeper layers of the skin and enhance the effect it exerts. You can steam the product for this.
  1. It is undesirable to use metal tools for the preparation of cosmetic mixtures. Preference should be given to other materials - ceramics, glass, wood, since they do not interact with the active substances of the pomace from wheat seedlings and do not lead to a decrease in their effectiveness.
  1. The exposure time of compositions with an admixture of wheat germ oil should not exceed 30 minutes. The frequency of using such funds is no more than 1 time in 3-4 days.


Wheat seed oil, especially as an independent agent, is undesirable to use in a number of cases:

- with personal intolerance or a tendency to allergies;

- in the presence of fresh damage in the treated area (abrasions, cracks, scratches, cuts, burns, etc.);

- after deep cleansing of the face;

- in the presence of foci of inflammation, boils, dermatitis;

- shortly after a surgical facelift.

Application methods

There are whole lines of cosmetic products that contain wheat germ extract. But you can also prepare various mixtures using it yourself at home.

It can be ointments, creams, scrubs, masks, applications. It is also perfectly acceptable to mix this oily liquid with purchased care and hygiene products: creams, shampoos, tonics, gels, milk, etc.

The best recipes for homemade wheat germ face masks

The most popular and effective means for regular face and neck care at home are all kinds of masks. Their composition depends on the subtype of the skin and the effect that they want to get. .

Wheat germ oil for the face can be used in traditional anti-aging, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, nourishing, toning masks. Such formulations can be used both at a young and mature age, for medicinal purposes and for prophylaxis.

It should be borne in mind that after uncorking the oil, it is better to keep it in the refrigerator.

For aging skin

  1. Mix a large spoonful of wheat germ oil and a few drops each of orange, mint, sandalwood essential extracts. If the skin is dry, then the extract from apricot / peach kernels is introduced into the composition. For oily skin, the use of grape seed oil is recommended. You can apply the mask directly to leathery surfaces, or you can soak a napkin or gauze with the composition and apply it to your face. The neck and décolleté area also needs a similar nourishment. The mask lasts up to 30 minutes. The rest of the mixture is not washed off, but carefully hammered into the skin with fingertips.
  1. Beat the egg white, add a little sprout extract and a few drops of lemon juice. The mask has a mild whitening effect. Keep on the skin for no more than 20 minutes. Wash off with cool water.
  1. Add a spoonful of olive pomace and wheat germ oil to the egg yolk, you can add lemon juice. After 20 minutes of exposure, the dried layer is removed with warm water.

Regular application of these masks (at least once a week) is guaranteed to improve the condition of the skin, heal and refresh it.

For problem skin

The use of mask compositions to affect problem skin has a number of features:

- before applying the mixture, the skin is not only cleansed, but also treated with a tonic;

- masks are applied in a thin layer, avoiding active movements, intensive massaging and rubbing into the skin in order to avoid injury to weakened areas;

- the time of the caring procedure is reduced to 15 minutes;

- the dried crust is washed off with water at a comfortable temperature, and after that it is necessarily toned with a special lotion.

  1. Creamy curd-kefir mixture is flavored with a teaspoon of wheat germ extract. Only pureed cottage cheese is used, without lumps. In the absence of allergies, a little honey can be added.
  1. Fresh cucumber gruel is mixed with egg white and a little wheat germ oil is poured in. Before applying, the composition should be infused for several minutes.
  1. The avocado pulp is softened, mixed with flour. You can take any, but it is better to use:

- for dry skin - oat or rice;

- for oily - wheat.

You can get flour by grinding oatmeal, rice or other grains in a coffee grinder or mortar.

At the end, pour in a tablespoon of wheat germ extract and a few drops of essential oils of clove, rosemary, lavender, ylang-ylang tea tree in any combination.

  1. For problem skin, the use of cosmetic clay is very effective. It is diluted in warm water and a little bit of different oils are added: wheat germ, rose hips, sea buckthorn.

For oily skin

  1. Egg yolk is combined with a small spoonful of sour cream, a small amount of lemon or cranberry juice and extracts from wheat germ. After 20 minutes, the composition is removed and a compress from a cool tea leaves is applied for several minutes.
  1. Mix the egg white with oat flour, add a teaspoon of tea tree oil and wheat germ. After 20 minutes, the mask is washed off first with warm, then cool water.
  1. In still warm steamed oatmeal, add a spoonful of castor oil and squeeze from wheat sprouts. Keep the mixture on your face for about 25 minutes.
  1. Pour a little milk into kefir or yogurt, add starch to make a thick mixture. A teaspoon of wheat germ oil is added to it and stirred. Wash off the mask 20 minutes after application.
  1. 10 g of fresh (not dry) yeast is ground with lemon juice or sauerkraut squeeze. You can also use hydrogen peroxide 3% solution. Then wheat germ oil is introduced. A thin layer of the mixture is applied to the face and left for 20 minutes.

Some women mistakenly believe that oily skin does not need to be applied with creams. But this is not the case. Like any type of skin, it needs nourishment.

Therefore, after removing the mask layer and wiping the surface with a tonic that narrows the pores, you should definitely use a vitamin cream.

For the skin around the eyes

  1. Mash boiled potatoes, add a little sour cream or olive extract to it, as well as wheat germ oil. You can use raw grated potatoes. The gruel is gently applied to the eye area for 20 minutes.
  1. Combine the following oils:

- wheat germ;

- almond;

- castor;

- grape seeds.

In the absence of any undesirable reactions, this mixture can be used as a night cream.

  1. Apply a little wheat sprout extract to thick cucumber circles. They are applied over the eyelids for 15 minutes. After such an application, you do not need to wash your face.

For dry skin

  1. Banana pulp is crushed with a fork into gruel, honey and a spoonful of wheat germ oil are added. Can be left on the skin for up to 25 minutes.
  1. Oatmeal ground in a blender is mixed with warm water and squeeze from wheat germ. You can add a little olive oil or flaxseed oil. The exposure time is 20 minutes.
  1. Chop parsley, add a spoonful of sour cream and a little wheat sprout extract. The mixture is kneaded and applied to the face for 20 minutes.
  1. The skin is treated with a mixture of lavender, jojoba and wheat germ oils heated in a steam bath. Instead of these, you can use other oils: mint, tea tree, rosemary, geranium, lavender, etc. It is useful to lightly massage the face and neck area, strictly adhering to the massage vectors. After 25-30 minutes, greasy traces are carefully removed with a paper towel. It is undesirable to wash off the composition.
  1. Egg yolk is combined with citrus gruel (it is better to take an orange or grapefruit), add a small spoonful of liquid honey, butter and extracts from wheat germ. Apply the mixture to the neck and facial area for 20 minutes.