Volumetric toy. New Year paper toys. Striped paper snowflake

2016-11-25 519


The New Year is getting closer, and for those who know how to do DIY Christmas toys, it's time for fruitful work. Making toys is a tradition that arose at a time when mass production of Christmas tree decorations had not yet been established. Today, there are plenty of factory-made toys in stores, but the tradition of making them yourself has not disappeared. The explanation is simple - handmade jewelry and toys give off a special warmth, they look homely and cozy. A nice bonus - you can be proud that a toy made by yourself exists in a single copy.

How to make Christmas toys with your own hands?

New Year's outfits for the green beauty during the existence of the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree have undergone changes many times. In stores, you can still buy standard decorations - glass balls of various colors and sizes, stars reminiscent of the Soviet past, glass cones, fruits and other traditional items. And you can also bring an element of creativity to the Christmas and New Year holidays, and try to make New Year's toys for 2017 with your own hands.

DIY Christmas toys from improvised materials

The choice for work is almost limitless - any material at hand can be used. Christmas tree toys are sometimes made from the most unexpected materials. There are also "leaders" in New Year's creativity - materials that are used most often:

  • Wood, plywood;
  • Paper;
  • Beads;
  • Felt;
  • Textile;
  • Beads;
  • Natural materials - branches, vines, cones, etc.

Salt dough Christmas decorations

Do-it-yourself Christmas toys for the New Year 2017 can even be made from flour. One of the simplest and most inexpensive materials for making Christmas toys is salt dough. There is flour in every home, the process is interesting (especially for children), and the result is a worthy replacement for ceramic and glass toys.

For work you will need:

  • Wheat flour;
  • Water;
  • Salt (fine);
  • Paints;
  • Lacquer (optional)
  • Leg-split;
  • Oil;
  • PVA glue.

Important! To give the dough plasticity, you can add a little baby oil (can be replaced with vegetable, olive oil).

Dissolve salt in warm water, add flour, knead the dough. To get a variety of figures, you can use the forms for the test. The lack of forms is not a problem; figures from salt dough can be sculpted by hand. To give texture, you can use anything - pencils, caps from plastic bottles, lace. Until the dough is dry, you need to make holes for the holder rope.

After drying (1-3 days, depending on the thickness of the product), the toy can be painted, applied with a pattern, pasted small photos and covered with acrylic varnish.

Christmas decorations from branches

Do-it-yourself Christmas toys are often made from improvised materials. A simple but effective way to decorate a Christmas tree or a house for the New Year is to make toys from natural materials - for example, from branches. To make a stylish eco-style ball toy, you will need wire and branches.

Life hack! Branches are best harvested in October or November, when they still contain enough moisture. Later harvested vines and branches may be brittle and unsuitable for making toys.

Make several (5-6) circles from the wire. From them, form the "skeleton" of the ball, fasten the circles together with hot-melt adhesive or wire. On top of the base, carefully wind branches or a vine of small diameter. In order for the branches to hold tightly, they can also be fixed with hot glue. It is easy to thread a twine or ribbon ring into the finished ball. Stylish eco-ball is ready!

Toys for the New Year from beads

Spectacular New Year's toys with your own hands can be made from beads. It will not be easy for beginners to make massive or intricately shaped jewelry. But without any problems, you can make hearts, Christmas trees, stars. To make such a toy you will need wire and beads. First you need to string the beads on the wire, and then form the desired shape, tightly securing the ends of the wire. Ribbons can be used for hanging.

New Year's toys from light bulbs

For those who are still puzzling over the question "How to make Christmas toys with your own hands?" the option using items that previously had a utilitarian function is perfect. The New Year is coming soon, so do not rush to throw out the burnt out light bulbs. They make adorable Christmas decorations. A little imagination, and you won't have to be content with the usual glass balls.

Attention! For the first (background) layer, it is better to use spray paint. It is easier to apply, and besides, such paint lays down in an even layer. It is much more difficult to create a uniform coating with a brush or sponge.

DIY Christmas toys: patterns and patterns

DIY Christmas toys made of paper

Paper is a versatile material, and Christmas decorations and decorations made from it are cheap, practical and simple. For starters, you can choose flat (not voluminous) decorations. It can be snowflakes, Christmas trees, other thematic figures.

Important! Do not take too thick paper or high-density cardboard: when cutting, the edges of these materials are “shaggy” and the product does not look neat.

Another affordable way is to use paper to decorate ready-made toys - for example, balls. An ordinary glass ball will look much more original if you stick decorations cut out of paper on it. Or, for example, a small collage of photos.

A more complicated way is to make toys using the origami technique. With the help of separate paper blocks, you can collect a variety of decorations - for example, a Christmas tree.

Even children can make New Year's toys out of paper with their own hands. Most of the patterns and patterns are simple, it will not be difficult for a child to cut a snowflake, a Christmas tree or a silhouette of a bird. And from individual paper figures and silhouettes, you can make a New Year's garland to decorate a Christmas tree or a room. To do this, you can use a ready-made scheme from the Internet or come up with a design yourself. Christmas garlands can be decorated with snowmen, balls, patterns, Christmas trees, animals.

From felt

Felt is a soft, rather dense felt. This material is perfect for making Christmas toys. It is easy to work with it - you do not need to process the edges, in the store you can buy felt of almost any color and shade. To make a stylish New Year's toy, just two or three colors of felt cuts are enough. For example, a combination of red and white, classic Christmas colors, is perfect for creating simple decorations. It is not necessary to choose complex patterns, it is enough to cut out simplified silhouettes from paper. For example, these:

More ideas for Christmas toys for needlewomen -

You can transfer the pattern to felt with chalk or a bar of soap. Then the figure of each type must be cut in two copies. Large do-it-yourself Christmas toys can also be made from felt, as it is sold in sheets of various formats.

Attention! Felt lends itself perfectly to cutting, but for work you need to choose sharp scissors. It is better to fasten the pattern on the fabric with pins to get a neat silhouette.

In the photo: DIY Christmas toys made of felt:

It is better to sew felt parts with contrasting threads - if the toy is red, then you can use white or beige threads. If the toy is white, the finish with red, green, brown threads will look harmonious.

Small felt toys can be used both to decorate the Christmas tree and to make interior garlands. Bright ribbons, plain white clothesline, twine can be used as a basis.

Christmas trees, hearts and houses are traditional details of New Year's design. Recently, toys in the form of animals associated with the New Year - deer and elk - have become increasingly popular.

New Year's toys made of felt, made by hand, look bright and festive and without additional decor. If desired, you can give them additional color by decorating them with buttons, sequins, ribbons, or, for example, embroidery.

The advantage of a homemade garland is that it can be made taking into account the size and color scheme of the room that needs to be decorated. In order to make a garland, you do not need a sewing machine - the felt parts are sewn by hand.

Due to the suppleness and softness of the material, it takes very little time to make toys - about half an hour for each. If there is a need to make the toy voluminous, it is stuffed with cotton wool or holofiber.

Important! For stuffing, you can use both cotton wool and holofiber, but you need to take into account that when washing the cotton wool inside the toy goes astray, the product loses its shape. If you are going to use toys in the future, it is advisable to use holofiber for stuffing - it perfectly transfers moisture, the product does not lose its shape.

From fabric

To make a New Year's toy out of fabric with your own hands, it is not at all necessary to have sewing skills. For example, such a ball can be made using scraps of fabric. As a basis, an ordinary Christmas ball or a foam blank is used.

There are many ways to make beautiful, unusual Christmas toys for the Christmas tree with your own hands: from different materials, different colors ... But today we’ll talk about how you can make beautiful Christmas tree toys out of paper. Consider different options for creating Christmas tree decorations: from the simplest options to more complex origami Christmas tree toys.

How to make Christmas paper toys for the Christmas tree with your own hands

One of the easiest options that anyone can do is to make Christmas tree toys from strips of paper. So, take the colored paper you like, cut strips of the same size and fasten them together as shown in the photo below.

Moreover, in this way you can make paper balls, or you can pre-bend the strips in half - it will turn out unusual.

In addition, as you already understood, you can use a different number of strips, and the finished toy can be decorated with flowers, snowflakes from paper of a different color or glued with rhinestones, beads - at your discretion.

An equally beautiful paper ball is obtained woven according to the scheme presented below. True, you will have to tinker with it longer.

Another way to use strips is to cut four long strips and four smaller ones from paper (this is if you do not have double-sided colored paper). We glue the strips in pairs, fold them as shown in the photo and simply fasten them with a stapler, glue a ribbon in the middle (in order to hang a toy on a Christmas tree) - we get such a beautiful paper heart. The bottom can be decorated with ribbon and sequins.

In addition, you can make a star out of strips of paper. Cut 12 strips (6 long, 6 short) and glue them together as shown below. It turns out a beautiful paper star.

And you can make a flower (it is better to take thick paper). And if you will paint it, it is better to paint the details before gluing the flower.

Another option that deserves attention is a corrugated paper Christmas ball.

Corrugated paper is cut into strips, coated with glue and glued with a toothpick into a “rose” (photo No. 3). Next, we take a detachable ball, wrap each half with cling film, glue them with our roses. You should get 2 parts, which, when the glue dries, remove from the cling film and carefully glue them together.

A paper ball for a Christmas tree can be made in other ways by gluing together the details of the circles, as shown below. We glue it beautifully with sparkles - and we get an unusual New Year's toy.

And if you have time, then you can work hard and make the following paper Christmas tree toy, consisting of several parts.

Using a similar method, using a different number of parts, you can create masterpieces of various shapes.

By the way, a voluminous toy can be made without a single drop of glue. It turns out a very beautiful origami decoration for the Christmas tree.

In order to make it, you will need 12 parts (the details are presented below - you can make one template, or you can print them on colored paper and then cut them out).

Without glue, you can also make a paper star, which will consist of only two parts.

In fact, if you have the time and desire, you can make many different paper stars for the Christmas tree.

By the way, you can make not just a star toy for a Christmas tree, but, so to speak, a luminous star (a flashlight star). We glue a star out of paper and put a garland inside.

Speaking of lanterns, you can make paper lanterns from our childhood.

Or a paper lantern in a more modern interpretation.

Let's get back to the New Year's origami toys on the Christmas tree.

For starters, the most spectacular and beautiful. In order to create such paper beauty, you have to work hard. To begin with, we fold flowers from paper as shown in the diagram, then carefully glue them together, glue a bead in the center of each flower. It turns out very beautiful.

You can create many more beautiful toys from paper and glue.

And finally, we can not forget about the remnants of toilet paper. You can simply cut out circles from the base of toilet paper, into which you insert a paper star or some kind of toy, decorate the outside with sparkles.

And you can make such an unusual New Year's toy. We paint, glue sequins, a beautiful brooch and no one will ever guess what it is actually made of.

And the last inspirational example: the original ice cream toy.

Beautiful toys to you and a happy new year!

The holidays are already very close, but you really want to create a fabulous atmosphere at home, you can't do without a Christmas tree, so let's learn how to make New Year paper toys. The fact is that it is very inexpensive, but at the same time a good material. You will see that you can create absolutely incredible paper crafts.

What I love about paper art is that it can be processed in all sorts of ways, using different techniques, and the end result is always pleasing. First let's try make a Christmas toy out of paper in origami technique. Such homemade decorations look very interesting and bright on the Christmas tree, that's all we need in our work: bright double-sided paper, glitter glue or paint, rope or thin ribbon, beads or other decorative elements, scissors, stationery glue, simple pencil, ruler. The craft will consist of several flowers, shaped like a poinsettia (Christmas star). Accordingly, one flower consists of five petals.

To make one basic element - a petal, you need a square with a side of 9 cm, if you want to make a large craft, then the size of the square can be taken larger. So, we turn the square diagonally, then bend the corners to the middle. We unfold the folded corners along the fold line, divide in half. Thus, a shamrock is obtained. We lay the corners of the leaves inward so that a straight line is obtained from the inside. We glue the resulting sidewalls of the outer petal, fix it with a paper clip until it dries completely.

When you have collected a sufficient number of origami parts, proceed to the assembly of the flower. We take five petals, glue them together with the curved side to the center of the flower. Five of these flowers are enough for crafts, but you can increase the number until you get a ball. We cover the inside of the petals with glitter glue, you can glue rhinestones or beads. With each other, the flowers are easiest to fasten with a stapler. In the middle of the composition we fix a rope or ribbon for hanging. With such voluminous origami crafts, you can decorate not only the Christmas tree, but also the room, or assemble an elegant garland from them.

I would also like to talk about how to create a delicate, fragile, but very cute fairy using the quilling technique. Such a beauty can not only be hung on a Christmas tree, you can also decorate a greeting card with her. To make it, you will need quite a bit: a set of quilling tools, glue, white and gold paper.

First you need to prepare all the details from which we will assemble the fairy. We start with the manufacture of rolls, from everything you will need three pieces, a diameter of about three cm. We wind a tight roll with a tool, then remove it, slightly loosen it, fix the edge of the tape with a drop of glue. Then we form three parts from them in the form of a droplet. Now we make three more small free rolls, about one and a half cm in diameter, we form drops from two, and a leaf from one.

In a similar way, we make two more small droplets from centimeter circles. One dense roll will be needed in order to make a fairy head, 1.5 cm in diameter. We glue three large droplets, form the hem of the dress with each other along the sharp side, and glue the smallest droplets at the bottom into the gaps. After that, we glue the little body to the hem, this is the figure of a leaf.

From the pieces of tape we form two small curls - this will be the fairy's hairstyle, glue them on both sides of the roll. We glue the two remaining drops on the sides of the body, with sharp ends to the top - these will be the handles. Then glue on the head. From the golden stripes we twist six identical small rolls of half a centimeter. We fasten them along the bottom of the hem and on the curls of the hairstyle for decoration. It remains only to tie a thread, and then send the magic fairy to the Christmas tree.

New Year paper toys quickly

I want to consider several options for how you can create New Year paper toys quickly. For example, simple, but very cheerful flowers. Even a child can handle the manufacture of such an ornament, all you need is double-sided thick colored paper, scissors, a stapler and glue. One leaf is enough for one flower. Production will take only a few minutes, we cut the sheet across into strips two cm wide. We collect the strips, using a stapler we sew them strictly in the middle. Now we turn all the halves of the strip in turn into petals, grease the edge with glue, attach it to the inside of the strip. The result is an openwork round flower, we attach a rope to one of the petals, the decoration for the Christmas tree is ready!

In a similar way, mono arrange a ball, only cardboard or even an old postcard is more suitable here. So, we cut a piece of cardboard or a postcard into strips no more than a centimeter wide, just keep in mind that if you decide to make a ball from a photo or postcard, the strips will need to be stacked on top of each other in order to save the image.

We put the segments in an even pile, make holes at the edges with a hole punch, put an ordinary pushpin into them, bend the tip from the inside to fix the strips. We bend the strips into an arc, only carefully so that creases do not appear. Now straighten the resulting ball and fasten the ribbon. You see, in order to make a beautiful toy, it is not at all necessary to resort to intricate models or spend a lot of time.

Now let's see how we can create New Year paper toys for children, because they also want to join the decoration of the main New Year's beauty - the Christmas tree. Try to make a fluffy corrugated ball together in your child. First, prepare everything you need: brightly colored corrugated paper, scissors, a stapler, glue, a simple pencil, a ruler, a small piece of wire, a blank - a ball (you can take a cheap Chinese ball without decor or make it yourself from papier-mâché or foam). In fact, we will glue the ball - the base with small fluffy corrugated flowers.

To make flowers, we take a corrugation, cut off a piece 5-6 cm wide, the entire length of the roll. We fold the segment with an accordion, draw a circle with a diameter of about 3 mm on the corrugation. We cut it out with scissors, using a stapler we connect all the layers in the middle. We lift the edges of the corrugation with our fingers to fluff the flower. The number of such blanks depends on the size of the ball you have chosen, keep in mind that the denser they are placed on the surface of the ball, the more fluffy and beautiful the craft will turn out. You will need a wire if you took a papier-mâché or polystyrene ball, we bend a loop for a thread from it. Paste the entire ball with corrugated blanks, leaving no gaps, wait until the glue dries, it is better to dry the ball in a suspended state. If desired, you can sprinkle the finished product with glitter varnish on top for a decorative effect. What other toys can be made, see ours.

Children's Christmas paper toys are very cute with their immediate beauty, let's look at another option that is suitable for kids. We will need all the same tools as before, except for this color cardboard. First, draw figurines templates, it can be any animals, circles, hearts, Christmas trees, snowmen, in general, any shapes. We circle the templates along the contours on colored cardboard, cut them out, if you have curly scissors, use them. In each blank, we make a hole for the rope with a hole punch.

Now we make makhrushkas of their corrugations in almost the same way as in the previous version, the only thing is that the diameter can be made larger. For one blank you need two terry parts. We glue corrugated flowers on both sides on each cardboard blank, then lift the corrugated layers to fluff the flower. In animals with colored felt-tip pens, we draw a nose, mouth, eyes. We pass the rope through the hole, you can decorate the Christmas tree. You will find many interesting ideas for children's Christmas toys.

Beautiful Christmas paper toys

Highly beautiful Christmas paper toys just make it in the form of all kinds of balls. And if you experiment with gluing options, each homemade product will turn out to be unique. All you need is old magazines or postcards, scissors, colorless glue, glitter or an old broken glass toy as decoration. Everything is very simple, the main thing here is accuracy, we cut out a sufficient number of circles of the same diameter, the larger the circle, the larger the ball will be. And now let's try to glue the decorations in different ways: take 10 circles, fold them in half with the right side inward, now we alternately start gluing the blanks to each other, leaving the sector in the middle without glue, make sure that the edges match exactly, otherwise the craft will turn out skewed. Wait until the glue is completely dry, then slightly push the non-glued sectors with your fingers, apply a thin layer of glue over the entire surface, fill in glitter or glass chips from the toy, be careful when working with the latter, do this with all sectors. As a result, the craft remotely resembles balls from labor lessons at school, but you must admit that it looks much more spectacular and elegant.

Another option is to glue the balls on three sides, it is better to take bright dense postcards, draw an isosceles triangle from the inside inside each ball, bend the edges on its sides, there are options from 8 circles or more per craft. We glue the balls along the bent edges, do not forget to glue a string for hanging into one of the seams. It is fashionable to decorate the finished craft with sparkles, rhinestones or any other decorative elements.

Balls made of musical roses just look charming. To create it, you will need a base-ball, a music book, a glue gun, scissors. We disassemble the notebook, cut it into strips noticeably two cm wide, fold it in two, fold the spiral rosette, glue the edges so that the rose does not fall apart. We attach a rope to the ball, after which we begin to tightly attach roses to it with a gun. From above, the finished product can be varnished with sparkles or left in its original form.

Even from paper as a decoration, very beautiful garlands are obtained, there are many options, from the simplest in the form of multi-colored links, to complex origami elements. We will consider several options, for the manufacture of the "Snake" we will take two strips of corrugated paper of different colors, three cm wide. We stretch both strips, apply a little glue to the edge, glue the strips perpendicular to each other. Now we begin to alternately shift the strips to the cross, we make the folds exactly so that when folded we get a square, so we go to the end of the tape, we fix the edge again with glue, when you straighten the craft, you get a voluminous multi-colored garland. The next option is very simple, but looks like real tinsel. We take a roll of corrugations, cut an even strip 4-5 cm wide along the entire length, fold strictly in half, now cut the double edge into a thin fringe with scissors in a couple of mm increments, leave about 5-7 mm in the middle uncut, so we go along the entire tape. After the work with the scissors is over, stretching a little, we begin to twist the tape into a spiral, it is very easy to do this with corrugation.

We straighten the fringe - the garland is ready, such a garland of several multi-colored stripes looks even more impressive. We just cut off two or three corrugated ribbons of the same thickness, stack them on top of each other, bend in half, then follow the previous scheme, such a garland will be more fluffy and bright. Finally, consider another option from the corrugations. We cut off a long strip about 7-8 cm wide, fold it in half in length. Here you will also need a needle with a thin nylon thread. We string the corrugation on the needle strictly in the middle of the tape. We sew the needle forward with a step of about 1 cm. The paper should be gathered on a thread. The craft will look even more interesting if you take two corrugated ribbons of different colors, put them together and string them. As you can see, there is nothing complicated, I hope that our master class was useful to you and helped you find out how to make christmas toys out of paper. I advise you, also, to look at our master class "". Merry creativity to you!

Homemade Christmas tree toys can be made not only by a needlewoman. There are quite simple options that do not take much time. They can be done with children or on your own. The most important thing is that your fluffy beauty will not be like the others. And the warmth of your hands, transferred to the toy, will be noticed by all relatives.

Greetings to all readers of my blog, the New Year is a magical holiday! It carries so much warmth, kindness and inspiration that should be enough for all the next 365 days! Preparing for the New Year is a real sacrament. Buying (or even better - creating with your own hands) gifts for relatives, friends and relatives, planning a New Year's menu, decorating apartments and houses, and, of course, the most important New Year's process ... It's time to decorate the Christmas tree!

But now the next question arises: why? Surely in every house there is a box with Christmas decorations. Someone has old, still Soviet houses with a snowy roof, ruddy Santa Clauses and bullfinches. They, of course, are dear to the heart, but they are already old, tired, and the paint has worn off. By the way, I advise you to read, because the holidays are so fleeting.

Others have bright identical balls in the color of curtains and golden bows.

Stylish, no doubt. But the same - like everyone else. And what to think? The answer is simple: make homemade toys for the Christmas tree! Everything is perfect in this process: from the search for ideas to the preparation of materials, from the first detail to the final result.

Flight of fantasy is not limited! You can create from any materials, by any means and any crafts. But sometimes it's hard to come up with some kind of image on your own. In this case, it is not at all shameful to look: how are others doing? And taking the proposed options as a basis, come up with something of your own, or just repeat some very cute little thing.

That is why I "climbed" the Internet in search of everything tasty and interesting. It is not for nothing that mine was opened. There are a lot of tips. We will look at some of them.

Paper Christmas toys

Cardboard, paper and glue are the most widely available materials. They are always in the house, especially when the baby grows. In addition, such homemade Christmas tree toys are easy to make, do not require special needlework skills and can be made by a child aged 8-10 years old on their own or with a little parental help if your child is younger.

paper balls

These balls are pretty easy to make.

Decoupage glass jewelry with old German newspapers


We will need:

  • 1 ball (you can use foam or plastic balls, which are sold in needlework stores as blanks for Christmas tree decorations) or a hemisphere (for example, molded from plasticine);
  • glue (liquid is better, it would be ideal to dilute the paste, but PVA can also be used);
  • newspapers;
  • thin wire (you can use a paper clip);
  • a thread;
  • glitter, stickers or scrapbooking paper - optional.

We tear the newspapers into thin strips, spread each of them with glue and gradually glue the ball over them. As soon as the base is not visible under the layer of newspapers, put the product aside and let it dry - 40 minutes. Then we create layers 2, 3, 4 and 5 - similarly to the first. If a ball base is used, it does not need to be removed. If you made only half of the base, then you will first have to make the decoration in separate parts, and then glue them together.

After complete drying, you can apply a layer of varnish and pour sparkles. Homemade toys for the Christmas tree are valuable because they can be decorated as you like and with anything!

When the ball itself is ready, we proceed to the manufacture of the "top". If the work was carried out with New Year's balls, then we fix their holders on top. It’s even easier to glue a tinsel bow to the ball and tie a thread or ribbon on top so that you can hang the product.

To make "named" balls, it is enough to attach a leaflet with a name to the tinsel with a thread. You can write wishes, compliments and any other pleasant things on such stickers.

Gift wrapping with vintage paper

In the same source, I saw a New Year's craft, which is done in 10 minutes! From a sheet with notes, you need to make an “accordion”, alternately bending the paper with strips of 1-2 cm either in one direction or the other. Repeat steps with one more sheet. Bend each harmonica in half and glue along the free side to make it look like a "half-toy". Then connect the resulting semicircles to each other along the sides remaining without folds.

It can be used as a gift for someone dear to you. Take a simple box that you can find at any craft store, decorate it with an antique map and the resulting paper toy.

musical muse

To make beautiful homemade toys for the Christmas tree with your own hands, you need a true love of music!


Would need:

  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • old notes;
  • rhinestone (you can just cut a circle out of cardboard in color).

We cut three A4 sheets with notes each into 4 parts. From the first two we will make large rays, and from the third - small ones. We turn the quarter of the sheet into a cone and glue the junction. Please note that first the glue will need to be applied so that both sides of the cone stick together into one. And then carefully glue the rest. You need 8 such elements.

The next step is to cut the quarters of the last sheet in half again. We get 8 parts. The scheme is the same. After that, each beam must be glued to a rhinestone or a cut out circle. The back part can be closed with a layer of music paper, and a thread can be glued under it.

Another tip: to age the paper, you need to soak it in a bowl of strong tea, and then dry it. After wrinkling and ironing with a minimum temperature. I really like how the paper looks burned around the edges.

Be careful, set fire to the sheets only in close proximity to the water source!

DIY vintage toys

Such vintage toys for the Christmas tree with their own hands will harmoniously fit into any interior.


To make such a New Year's beauty, you will need:

  • colored paper (or scrapbooking paper);
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • wooden stick for the base.

Cut out strips from colored paper. Their length should be the same, but the width of each next one should be 1 centimeter more than the previous one. The number of strips and their size can be any - it depends on how you want to see homemade Christmas tree toys.

Twist each strip into a tube, glue the joint. Then connect all the strips together and all of them together - on a wooden base (can be cut out of cardboard). Don't forget the star and thread!

If ordinary colored paper is used, then I would additionally decorate such a madam with cut-out circles, stars, sparkles, pieces of tinsel. Give space to your child's imagination. Let him paint the stripes, stick bright stickers. Homemade Christmas tree toys for the New Year can be arbitrarily colorful and catchy. The main thing is with the soul!

Christmas tree toys made of cardboard

If the New Year's homework is a do-it-yourself Christmas tree toy for school, then you can make just such an owl.


For this you will need:

  • toilet paper sleeve;
  • dye;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • colored paper;
  • white stickers with glitter.

It will be necessary to glue the edge parts of the base, paint the product with white paint. Cut out all the details from paper and place them on top. I would also knit scarves for the owls and add tassels on the ears of thread.

Another interesting and unusual idea is to make a cup of hot chocolate out of the sleeve.


You will need:

  • sleeve;
  • tube for a cocktail;
  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard.

We prepare a paper cylinder from the sleeve - we cut it to the desired size. Then, from thick cardboard, we cut out one cylinder of the same diameter - for the bottom, and the other - for "coffee" - a little less so that it fits inside, but does not fall out. Spread a small circle with glue and put a slightly larger circle of brown paper on top. Next, let's deal with the mug itself. According to the "recipe" we are offered to glue it with a strip of colored paper, leaving a protruding part on both sides. At the bottom, cut it with a “fringe” and glue each of its fragments to the bottom separately.

But I would just wrap New Year's homemade toys on the Christmas tree with packing material, fixing the joints with glue or a stapler. Or even just foil! But if according to the recipe, then do not forget to glue the circle to the bottom.

After the packaging is ready, you need to put our "hot chocolate" inside, applying glue to the paper from the inside. After we deal with the upper edge: carefully cut the free edge, glue it piece by piece. We insert the “drink” into the vessel. Here, in the side edge, we make a hole for the future thread.

Now for a pen: rolled paper soaked in water and left to dry is fine. Glue to the circle.

The base is ready, then - decorations. There are no restrictions here: you can do it like the author’s, you can decorate it differently, for example, add a “lemon slice” using a curly eraser, or draw a “foam” pattern using a corrector or contour. Homemade Christmas tree toys for the New Year can be very non-standard.

There are many guides on the Internet on how to make Christmas tree toys with your own hands, incl. video. For example, to make a ball, you need:

  • foam base;
  • many different buttons;
  • hot glue;
  • ribbons.

We glue the ball with buttons, make a bow from a ribbon - and you're done!

For me, threads are a closer material. About how many different favors you can tie, write and write, this will be a life-long post. In addition, this activity is for moms, hardly for a child. So I'll just show a few interesting things that I found, without details.


Knitted ball can be made in any color and any size. The thread is easy enough to sew on. You can tie a foam base, or you can fill the toy with padding polyester or other similar material.


But from threads you can make things much easier. Homemade Christmas tree toys made of thread always look very interesting, tasty and unusual.


These wonderful decorations can be ordered, but easier to make!

You will need:

  • leg-split;
  • foam base for the ball;
  • double-sided thin tape or hot silicone;
  • scissors;
  • lace.

If you do not have adhesive tape, you can try to do it with silicone, but this is more painstaking work. Carefully, one row after another, it is necessary to wrap the base with a rope, gluing the thread.

If you decide to use adhesive tape to make these homemade toys for the Christmas tree, then it’s enough to make a “belt” for the ball from an adhesive strip (from left to right), and then two more lines perpendicular to the belt (from top to bottom).

Be careful not to glue one strip on top of the other so that there is no problem removing the protective tape. Attach the rope to half of the balloon. Then form the free part by unwinding some twine, and, as if making a “dead loop”, return to the winding of the ball in the same direction as you started. Once the first round is over, fix the "reference point" with a small pin or carnation. And start moving around this pin, gluing, when necessary, new fragments of adhesive tape.

In principle, you can use any thread - thin or thick wool, yarn. In addition, felt strips, woven from fabric or pigtail threads and anything else are suitable. When the winding is finished, you need to let the product dry and soak, if an adhesive mass was used, and then proceed to decorate.

Here you can learn how to decorate the base for the ball with twine. In addition, a wonderful option is offered to decorate the resulting craft with ribbons, lace and beads.

In the same way, you can wrap any figures. The convenience of this manufacturing method is that the subsequent decoration can be made by any elements. They can be sewn, glued, tied, attached with Velcro and anything else you can do with them!

Here is another option - this is the famous striped candy wrapped in twine. Fortunately, now these plastic imitations can be bought in bags and quite cheaply. Working with them is easier than with balls. You just need to fix the twine with silicone from a hot gun, and then wrapping it along the entire length, do the same from the other end.


And another option is to do without foam at all. For example, as in this video on how to make toys for the Christmas tree with your own hands. The neck of an ordinary plastic bottle is used as the basis. First, close the cover area with mounting tape, making it even. Then put the bag on the bottle. And with the help of glue, carefully wrap the container to a certain level (depending on what size the bells you want to end up with. As soon as the product dries, you should remove it from the neck and release it from the bag. And the final step is decoration.

Homemade toys for the Christmas tree can be made from threads with your own hands, using practically nothing but this very thread!


To make such an adorable snowman, you need:

  • white yarn;
  • a small cardboard box;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • some felt.

The whole action is based on the principle of making pompoms for a hat. You have to wrap the cardboard in 30 circles with wool, cut the thread. Carefully remove the resulting skein, bandage it in two places, preparing areas for the head, abdomen and legs. Prepare another hank, smaller, for the hands. Remove it from the cardboard, make two narrowings. Then push the threads apart in the second segment in the frontal plane and thread the future handles through the hole.

Schematically, the snowman is ready. Cut the loops of thread on the arms and legs. And then start decorating. Trim all the ends of the wool so that nothing sticks out. From felt, you can make our gentleman's face and scarf, as well as a hat. And you can link. Decorate a belt or buttons on the stomach. Tie a thread so you can hang the toy.

Christmas tree star

So, the decorations for the branches are ready! Now our beauty is waiting for her "finest hour" - when we put a star on her top. But how, from what can it be made?

While I was flipping through the pages in search of something interesting, an idea came to my mind: why not decorate the Christmas tree ... with a Christmas tree ?! And here is an option!

We will need:

  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • glue;
  • green tinsel thread;
  • candy bag.

We make a cone from cardboard, glue it along the joint. Glue a layer of tinsel on the base. Then - a layer of sweets, one by one. Then again tinsel, and again sweets! And you can replace sweets with a garland of lights and then our top will sparkle and shimmer, as it should be in the New Year!

If you made musical decorations, which were discussed at the very beginning of the article, then the star must also be musical!


You can do this by cutting out the details by template. Then you have to fold along the dotted line, glue the joints - voila, you're done! The only difficulty is that you will have to redraw the template, or print it initially on music paper. However, you can use any other material.

For balls pasted over with newspapers, an appropriate star is suitable.


Making such a decoration is quite difficult. There is a special master class for its manufacture, consisting of two parts. The first is about how to make an even pentagon, and the second is about how to make a star out of it.

A star can also be made from book pages, just like a toy can be made from musical notes.


You have to fold the cones-rays from the pages or their fragments and stick them to the base.

A good option would be to make a three-dimensional star, for example, from papier-mâché, cardboard, or buy a blank.

  1. We dismantle an old book.
  2. Divide each page in half.
  3. From half we make an envelope.
  4. A cardboard or plastic blank of a star is pasted over with ready-made envelopes according to the diagram in the photo.
  5. Grease the edges with PVA glue and sprinkle with sparkles.

To make it more convenient to install such homemade toys on the Christmas tree, I would advise you to make one large cone as a support. In addition, in order for the star to turn out to be voluminous, the rays must be glued not only on one side of the base, but also on the other.

Christmas is a holiday, for many, as important and significant as the New Year. Therefore, a festive tree must be decorated with themed decorations.


You can make them, for example, using:

  • a wooden ring (you can use a special blank, a spare ring from the eaves or a foam ring);
  • several beads;
  • cap for beads;
  • roundel (separator);
  • crochet hook;
  • scissors;
  • threads.

But this DIY Christmas tree toy can be made only if shells are lying around in the house. However, today it is not so difficult to find decorative material in stores (in the same Leonardo chain, which has representatives in 35 cities of Russia).


To make such a charm, you will need:

  • shells of different sizes;
  • hot glue;
  • a thread;
  • jewelry for every taste.

In my opinion, it would be superfluous to talk about the production process, everything can be seen without words.

This master class tells in great detail how to make an angel from a sheet of cardboard, thread, Christmas ball, ribbons and a set of decorations. These homemade Christmas tree toys are suitable and can be used as New Year's or Christmas table decorations.

I sincerely hope, dear readers, that such a selection of tips on how to make homemade Christmas tree toys will help you find your inspiration, catch a wave and get carried away with work! I wish you new ideas and great results!

Christmas toys with their own hands. Master class with step by step photos

Christmas decoration made of colored paper. Master class with step by step photo

Suslova Natalya Viktorovna, primary school teacher, secondary school No. Admiral F.F. Ushakov, Tutaev, Yaroslavl region.
Description: this master class is intended for children from 5 years old, educators, teachers of additional education, primary school teachers, parents.
Purpose: Christmas decoration, gift, work for an exhibition, competition.
Target: making Christmas tree decorations from colored paper.
Tasks:- to consolidate the ability to work with paper;
- introduce students to a new method of working with paper;
- develop fine motor skills, accuracy when working with glue;
- to develop creative abilities, imagination, fantasy of children;
- to cultivate patience, confidence in their affairs.

What could be more wonderful than waiting for a holiday? With the New Year approaching, we are thinking about what kind of decorations to come up with? In the meantime, the New Year is still on the way, you can make wonderful paper crafts with your own hands, which both adults and children will definitely like. You can hang them on the Christmas tree or decorate the room with them.
You can make a lot of interesting crafts, decorations out of paper, and everything will look beautiful and worthy of the New Year holiday. Do-it-yourself Christmas paper decorations have become very popular, because they look unique, more original than purchased decorations.

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention a master class on making Christmas tree decorations from colored paper.

Materials: colored paper, simple pencil, scissors, paper clips, glue; pictures with new year theme for decoration.

Step by step job description:
To make a Christmas tree decoration, you will need 2-3 sheets of A4 colored paper. Consider the example of 1 sheet.

Fold the sheet in the form of an "accordion" 1.5-2 cm wide.

Collect the "accordion" and secure with paper clips.

Mark auxiliary lines with a pencil - the shape of the edge.

Cut off the edges.

Bend the workpiece in half. (can be connected with a stapler)

Connect the sides with a stapler or glue. Detail is ready!

For a whole Christmas tree decoration, 2 parts are enough. I suggest using 3 parts to make our decoration to create a more voluminous craft.

Options for auxiliary lines of the edge shape.

Ready-made types of different shapes of edges.



Jewelry assembly. First connect 2 parts to each other (with a stapler or glue),

add part 3 by connecting with a stapler or glue,

close the parts, connect (with a stapler or glue).