Why puppies smell like dog. How to get rid of the dog smell with folk remedies. Causes of unpleasant odor from a pet

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How to get rid of urine odor permanently
dogs and cats in the house

The situation when a pet, cat or dog, chooses the most inappropriate places to satisfy its natural needs, is considered a very common problem. There can be many reasons for this behavior (and we will talk about this in detail as part of our training course), but every owner faced with this situation wants to know: How to FOREVER to get rid of the smell of dog or cat urine in the apartment?

Within the framework of this article, we will analyze 2 ways effectively getting rid of this odor:

  1. Using available inexpensive means.
  2. Using special agents with bacteria and enzymes.

Why is it so difficult to get rid of the smell?

The peculiarity of cat and dog urine is a persistent odor, which is so difficult to get rid of that even a thorough treatment with ordinary detergents does not give any result. In fact, if you approach the problem with knowledge of the matter, it will be solved quite simply.

First of all, you need to understand why removing the smell of urine from cats and dogs with plain water and simple detergents turns into an almost impossible task.

It's all to blame for the chemical composition of the liquid, which contains uric acid, urine, creatinine, urochrome / urobilin, sodium and other electrolytes. Cleaning with water does not give any result for one simple reason - uric acid crystals are classified as water-insoluble. The process of evaporation of urine is accompanied by the decomposition of urea, manifested by the characteristic smell of ammonium, and then also the formation of thiols. In doing so, the stench becomes especially harsh, turning the marked place into a permanent toilet. And even despite the use of fragrances that mask, but do not remove a specific smell, the animal again and again returns to the marked place to continue what it started.

How, then, to get rid of the urine smell of dogs and cats?

Basic knowledge of chemistry and a little patience - no smell, no extra cost.

To accomplish this task, you must first remove the uric acid and then the thiols.

Method number 1:

This pungent odor removal method was originally developed to address the problem of stench emanating from skunk liquids. And since the proteins in his urine are the same as in cats / dogs, this method is ideal for lovers of pet dogs and cats.

We need:

  • conventional detergents,
  • pharmacy 3% hydrogen peroxide solution,
  • 9% vinegar
  • baking soda.

Vinegar can be substituted with isopropyl alcohol or denatured ethyl alcohol. But due to the strong toxicity of these substances, their use is possible only as a last resort.

The sequence of execution involves three steps:

  1. Vinegar soak;
  2. Soda treatment;
  3. Cleaning with hydrogen peroxide.

Step 1: Dry the surface, but do not wet!

Dry the stained item with paper towels before proceeding. The best absorption effect will be achieved with regular cat litter. When all the moisture has been absorbed, it is necessary to vacuum the area to be cleaned.

Important: no water cleaning. This will only complicate the problem.

Step 2: Vinegar treatment.

The object to be cleaned must be poured with vinegar diluted in a ratio of 1 to 3.

After treatment with vinegar solution, wait until the surface is dry. To avoid spreading the liquid, cover the treatment area with a paper towel. This step is aimed at breaking down urine. The next step is to remove the thiols.

Step 3: Baking soda.

You can proceed to the next step only after the entire surface treated with vinegar is completely dry. Otherwise, the chemical reaction in which these two substances enter will nullify all the efforts being made, completely neutralizing the alkaline base of the soda.

Sprinkle the stained place with soda and immediately continue processing:

Step 4: Treatment with hydrogen peroxide.

Prepare a solution: mix hydrogen peroxide (100 ml) with liquid soap or ordinary dishwashing detergent (half a teaspoon) and bring the volume to 200 ml, diluting it with water.

Shaking slightly, mix the resulting mixture and, using a spray bottle, pour it over the area sprinkled with soda until foam forms.

We leave for 2-3 hours.

What is the secret of the effectiveness of such a composition?

The oxygen-forming process of the chemical combination of soda and hydrogen peroxide leads to the onset of oxidation and subsequent decomposition of thiols. The products of this chemical reaction will be evaporated carbon dioxide and ammonium. You can forget about the unpleasant smell. The only thing left to do after such processing is to clean with a washing vacuum cleaner, which will wash off the remains of soap or dish detergent.

The advantages of this method:

1. All the components necessary for processing are inexpensive, so if you wish, you can get rid of the smell not only in the apartment, but also outside it, by cleaning the staircases and front doors.

2. The proposed cleaning agent is so effective that it works even on stubborn stains. To achieve the desired result, you will need:

  • preliminary treatment - in a day or two - moistening with an enzyme composition;
  • treatment with water-vinegar solution;
  • moistening and cleaning with soda and peroxide.

The chemical process of decomposition of urine will get rid of the smell forever. So the pet simply cannot find the place it has marked.

The only reason why the animal continues to surprise with "gifts" in an already treated area may be the remaining uncleaned areas. To determine them, there is a special ultraviolet lamp- a device that will reveal problem areas imperceptible to the human eye: the marked area will be highlighted in yellow.

With the help of a lamp, you need to carefully inspect all walls, corners, doors, an exit to a balcony or a platform, highlighting them to a height of 80 cm. You also need to inspect the entrance door from both the inside and the outside. If the animal sniffs any area, it may be stained, and not necessarily marked. Urine could be carried around the house by stepping on it in the toilet or in the entrance.

Helpful hints:

A bite, peroxide and soda will be an excellent solution for dense objects - rugs, the inner surface of shoes, insoles;

For bulky items and carpets, preliminary treatment with an enzyme composition and subsequent basic cleaning with vinegar, peroxide and soda will be required.

Vinegar treatment of leather shoes can cause them to dry out. To remedy the situation will allow a means for wearing.

After cleaning textiles with peroxide or solutions with enzymes, it is necessary to dilute the powder with 2/3 cup of apple cider vinegar during washing.

When treating concrete, wood and other porous surfaces, several procedures may be required, including pre-wetting with vinegar. If major repairs are to be made, the floor and walls can be burned with a blowtorch.

You can find a lot of information on the Internet on how to get rid of dog / cat urine smell forever. Only the one described above turns out to be really effective, since many means, although they clean out urochrome and urine, do not get rid of the persistent odor, for the appearance of which thiols and crystals of uric acid are responsible.

Method number 2:

Preparations containing enzymes and bacteria is another effective way of eliminating urine odor from dogs and cats.

This is a faster way than the procedures described above ... But in terms of effectiveness, preparations with enzymes are inferior to the above method, using soda and hydrogen peroxide, and besides, they are much more expensive. To purchase 500-750ml of the composition, you will need $ 15-20. Top brands include: OdorMedic, BioSource Solutions Inc, UrineOut ™ Powder, Urine-Off ™, Petfresh and Anti-Icky Poo.

Do not be tempted by the offer to get several solutions at once in one bottle. Enzymes solve the odor problem without any additives. So, when you see them in the composition of the chosen product, you can rest assured that it will do its job. Of course, unless it's a fake. The main condition for the drug to work is preliminary moistening of the treated area.

Fragrances, although they mask the smell of urine, do not get rid of it. It is enough to slightly moisten the seemingly already cleaned surface and the smell appears with renewed vigor. The danger of using such cleaning agents is that they negate the entire effect when subsequently treated with an enzyme formulation.

We wish you to successfully get rid of the unpleasant odor of the life of pets!

A so that the problem does not recur again and again,

find out how FOREVER to wean to shit the dog at home,

The appearance of a dog smell in the apartment can be eliminated with proper pet care and regular cleaning of the premises. Only timely and competent cleaning of furniture, carpets and floors will help to eliminate the preservation of an unpleasant dog smell in the rooms.

How to Get Rid of Dog Smell: Protecting Your Home

When choosing a pet, not all dog owners think about the complexities of caring for them. And so that any dog ​​does not stink sour, rotten and is healthy, it needs careful care. If the breed assumes a bad smell (conventionally "stinking": Sheltie, German Shepherd), then it should be washed often from nose to tail. Otherwise, it will stink like a ferret. You should not allow a dog to mindlessly eat everything in a row. For example, dogs that eat rotten meat while walking on the street often stink of rot, dead fish.

After walking on the street, the animal should be bathed completely (use shampoos with the addition of sulfur). And if the breed has long hair, then it is especially good to clean the cover on the paws, behind the ears, near the anus. The reason for the appearance of unpleasant odors in the room can be the remains of dog feces, which cannot be cleaned from the carpet with folk remedies.

Another difficulty in care is the sour smell in the rooms. If he came along with a new dog, then the puppy is most likely stealing and hiding food. The stench of rotten chicken or fish can be washed off the carpet after removing the remnants of food from the fibers. Vinegar will help to completely kill it, with which you should wipe the stain. For a person accustomed to order, a dog stealing from the table should be a cause of serious concern. Training will help to eliminate the habit, otherwise the "smell" of homeless people will remain in the house for a long time.

Ways to remove dog odor on carpets

If the carpet smells like dog, you need to clean it. Dry cleaning or washing with a powder that smells strongly will help remove the unpleasant dog smell. Also, to remove dog odors from the carpet will help:

  • daily struggle with wool hammered into the carpet;
  • cleaning with gruel from washing powder;
  • rinsing with dishwashing liquid.

The aromatic oil, which needs to be dripped all over the carpet, will mask the dog's smell for a short time. It is also recommended to install an automatic room freshener in the room.

How to get rid of a strong dog smell on a couch or chair

It is not necessary to buy new furniture to eliminate dog smell. Textile deodorant will help you get rid of it quickly. Suitable for a bed, sofa. You also need to regularly brush wool from the surface of the furniture (using a soft brush, vacuum cleaner). Frequent washing of removable covers will also help protect fillers from stink.

It is imperative to determine the dog's place and not be allowed to rest at home on beds, armchairs. To do this, you can wrap an old down jacket in a piece of fabric (it can be easily removed and machine washed) and make a bed for the animal. The pet will certainly "appreciate" what efforts were made by the owners for its comfort.

Proper cleaning of wood floor from dog urine

If you can remove the most unpleasant formations from the carpet rather quickly, then the sharp psychotic "aroma" from the wooden floor is a dangerous problem. The appearance of dampness (if the dog has written in the same place several times) can damage the varnish, swelling of the laminate or parquet. Initially, the dog urine is removed with a napkin or towel. You need to get wet a puddle, wash the floor with clean water, wipe dry. Then you can do the following:

  • rub the laminate with lemon peel;
  • make a gruel from soda and water (change when dry);
  • neutralize the stench by washing the floor covering with a lavender, mint scent.

The use of ordinary bleach, powder is unacceptable: they will not help to remove dog urine from the floor and damage the coating (suitable only for light linoleum). To prevent the dog from describing the floor again and the room smelling of urine, you can try a weaning spray. True, he rarely helps. If the dog begins to go to the toilet in the room due to old age, you will have to lay oilcloths or a medical diaper on the floor. Difficulties are also possible when an adult dog has marked the territory due to the appearance of a cat.

Bad smell from a dog: special cases

In a situation where the animal suddenly began to smell awful, you need to pay attention to the pet itself. For example, the Pomeranian, York, Labrador or Siberian husky represent dog breeds without a particularly unpleasant odor. But when diseases appear, they can change it a lot. Owners need to check:

  • the condition of the ears (whether there are suppurations in the ears);
  • the integrity of the teeth, whiskers (including smell from the mouth);
  • the appearance of the coat (did it begin to stray);
  • whether the estrus time has shifted.

If the animals suffer from vitamin deficiency or the sebaceous glands have stopped working normally, then problems with stench in the apartment will be guaranteed. In this case, the pet will constantly itch. To treat a puppy (usually the problems concern young animals from 1 to 5 years old), you need to buy a special shampoo with sulfur, which eliminates both odors and scabies. You need to wash the dog well, take it to the vet. When transporting the animal in the car, it is better to lay down an old sweater or towel to avoid the smell in the car. The veterinarian will point out the problems, tell you what is the cause of the odor and what the owners should do to help the pet.


09/30/2018 07:38:04, Igor

Usually such a nuisance happens with small puppies, until the owners begin to take the puppies outside, until they grow up. Adult accustomed dogs do not allow themselves such "liberties" in the apartment. But if, for some reason, such a nuisance happened. There is a wonderful tool that perfectly copes with such a problem, even if the dog made a puddle on the upholstered furniture, do not change the furniture, and do not call the craftsmen to pull the furniture over. Remember the name of the product: "ODORGONE FOR PUPPIES" Do not be confused by the word puppies, the product perfectly copes with whatever breed the dog is and the age of the dog. The funds will last for a long time.

08/26/2018 06:40:10, Igor

If the dog is in an apartment and a large breed, then the characteristic smell of a dog will still be present, no matter how much you wash the dog with shampoos and use deodorants for dogs. In his house, a dog may have a special place outside the house, then the smell of a dog in his house is not felt. unfortunately, there are such cases, for some reason the dog made a puddle on the carpet or upholstered furniture, then it is not easy to get rid of such a smell using simple affordable means. The excellent preparation "ODORGONE FOR PUPPIES" is best suited. Do not be confused by the word "puppies", the preparation perfectly removes odors from all breeds of dogs. Proceed as written in the instructions and you will be satisfied with the drug.

08/17/2018 07:00:59, Jordens

Usually such a nuisance happens with small puppies, until the owners begin to take the puppies outside, until they grow up. Adult accustomed dogs do not allow themselves such "liberties" in the apartment. But if, for some reason, such a nuisance happened. There is a wonderful tool that perfectly copes with such a problem, even if the dog made a puddle on the upholstered furniture, do not change the furniture, and do not call the craftsmen to pull the furniture over. Remember the name of the product: "ODORGONE FOR PUPPIES" Do not be confused by the word puppies, the product perfectly copes with whatever breed the dog is and the age of the dog. The funds will last for a long time.

07/25/2018 06:05:08, Igor

Based on personal experience, I can recommend this thing [link-1], but I warn you to remove the smell from the Auto. There is a closed space and removed the smell of cat urine with a bang in an apartment or house, you will need to close all doors and windows. There is also a special tool called petstainof, they apply it directly to the surface or sprinkle the sofas of an armchair

Comment on the article "How to eliminate the unpleasant smell of a dog in an apartment"

I don't have a dog, but there are a lot of walks in the area. Only once I saw a man with a bag, who cleaned up after his dog. I just didn’t pay attention to where he went after that bag ...

How to remove cat urine smell from your couch. You can select a remedy to remove the smell of cat urine immediately after it appears.In this case, the cat urine will penetrate deeply ...


It would be funny if ... Yesterday I had the same thing! The neighbors left their cat for overexposure to us (they left for a week to warm up), and the cat, either out of fear, or a new place for him, marked our sofa: (Remembering this topic, I first grabbed for soda and vinegar, but my husband, apparently , the head works better, the more sober)) We have a Karcher steam cleaner, the most common one [link-1]
Several times, giving 3-5 minutes break, he walked around the place where the cat had done things. The first couple of times there was a horrible smell ((I just ran to wash the cover from the nozzle! Then less ... And I didn't even think at that moment that, in fact, it is not recommended to "ride" a steam cleaner on upholstered furniture. But with our sofa, thank God, nothing happened! Cleaned it up! To be faithful today, I still walked lightly on it ... Fuy, there is no more smell :) If you are still relevant, I will be glad!

Smell from the mouth. Dogs. Pets. Keeping pets - food Dog stinks from the mouth. What to do with the smell? I'll explain why I ask - very often ...

Remove dog smell. I share. The dog smelled terribly. You come home and run open the window. - the teeth were repaired - the glands were cleaned - the worms were etched - the tests were passed ...

It is impossible not to love dogs. This faithful four-legged animal brings so much joy to the house that sadness and boredom go away with their appearance and never return. But along with joy, a specific smell appears in the house, which is not so easy to get rid of. Today we'll talk about how to get rid of the smell of a dog so that man's best friend does not violate the rules of hygiene.

Why does the house smell like a dog?

Before starting the fight against an unpleasant odor, you should understand the root cause of its appearance. The stench can appear both from the pet's body and from nooks and crannies where he can secretly "bury a bone" or "mark the territory", the same applies to.

Important! Often the main reason is the laziness of the owners, because timely walks with the four-legged and regular wet cleaning can permanently solve the "aromatic" problem.

  • Odorous breeds. There are no dogs that smell of flowers and vanilla. For example, shepherd dogs and spaniels smell much stronger, but crested Chinese pebbles begin to "smell" only if they have not taken a shower for a couple of months.
  • Hygiene. As you know, your pet should be washed. If the animal is indoor, once a month, and if it is a yard species, then it can be less often. The thing is that the fats that accumulate on the dog's fur begin to smell unpleasant over time. You should train your pet for bathing days from infancy.

  • Unsuitable bathing products. Remember, human shampoos are not suitable for a dog. The acidity level in such products is absolutely unsuitable for the wool of a four-legged. Do not skimp on shampoos, buy just a dog for your pet. Cheap formulations will not remove the stench, but only dry out the skin and ruin the coat. Using an alkali-based bath and not using a balm can cause sebum production to fail, resulting in a dog smelling dog.
  • Blockage of the paraanal glands. If you notice that the animal is diligently licking the area near the anus, trying to bite its butt and rolling on it, and besides it itches and looks preoccupied, then these are direct signs that it is time to clean the glands. Otherwise, inflammation and odor may occur.

  • Otitis media or ear wax. If the animal is not accustomed to regular cleaning of the ears, then the amber will chase you constantly. The smell from the ears of a dog during otitis media is much stronger. In any case, play it safe and consult your veterinarian.
  • Dog bad breath can be prevented by training your puppy to brush his teeth. In addition, food and special toys that remove plaque and odor from the dog's mouth are perfect.

  • Seborrhea. It is observed in hunting dogs, as they have an increased production of fat as protection from getting wet.
  • Digestive problems. Discharge depends on the feed. Train your animal to a correct, balanced diet.

If you follow all the rules of hygiene, but it still bears from the dog, consult a doctor, perhaps the pet's health has failed and it is sick. For example, if your dog has an 'antifreeze' or sweet smell from the mouth, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

Removing the smell of a dog from furniture and carpets

There are only two reasons for the stink of a dog in the house:

  1. The owners are abruptly and poorly cleaned.
  2. The animal made a toilet for itself in the apartment.

On carpets or furniture, aroma can appear in two cases:

  1. The animal is rarely bathed, and its spirit eats into the decor of the room.
  2. The dog "lifts his leg" more often in the house than on the street.

Important! Try to eliminate these points, otherwise all cleaning will be useless.

To get rid of the canine spirit and marks on furniture and flooring, you can perform the following manipulations:

  • As soon as you notice a puddle, remove it immediately. The stench lodged in carpet or upholstery will only get stronger over time. Do not rub the puddle, just soak it up with a towel as quickly and carefully as possible, and then treat it with special means, and after 30 minutes vacuum it.

  • Sprinkle the contaminated area with a thin layer of baking soda, and after 5 hours, remove its remnants.
  • If the problem surface is not made of fabric, but you can treat it with a mixture of soda (2 tbsp. L), peroxide (20 ml) and dishwashing detergent (1 tbsp. L). Apply the composition, rub it into the "odorous" place, rinse off after a couple of hours.
  • If you are interested in how to get rid of the smell of dog urine on the carpet, then you should apply a weak solution of potassium permanganate without grains to the problem area. This will neutralize the ammonia from the urine and kill the canine spirit.

  • Sometimes only chemistry is suitable, since it is more difficult to remove the smell of dog urine, which has already been eaten. Take Domestos, Whiteness, Mr. Proper or Mr. Muscle.
  • Dilute vinegar with water in equal parts, wipe, let the area dry, then repeat the treatment again.

  • Contaminated wood flooring should be treated with a solution of 15 drops of iodine per liter of water. When finished, wipe with a dry cloth.
  • Spray rubbing alcohol from a spray bottle onto the desired area, then absorb the remaining liquid with napkins.
  • Laundry soap will cope with dirt on the fabric. Rub it on a grater and mix it with water until it becomes a liquid porridge. Apply the product to the stinky stain and wash off the residue after 10 minutes.
  • If not only the flooring, but also the wooden furniture stinks of a dog in the apartment, then lemon peels or juice will help. Rub the surfaces with them, and after a quarter of an hour - with a simple wet rag.

Getting rid of the dog stench in the apartment

We deduce the smell of "dog" from the house as follows:

  • So that the smell of the dog does not interfere with normal life, regularly do wet cleaning in the room, it is better if every day and with the addition of disinfectants.
  • The smell of the dog's fur is specific, so it is necessary to thoroughly vacuum the places in the apartment where it accumulates.
  • After washing, wipe the surfaces with a vinegar solution.
  • Wipe all furniture with ammonia or vinegar solution.

Effective folk remedies for dog stench

In addition to the above, you can use the following tools:

  • Corn starch. Sprinkle it on the floor, from where the stinking spirit exudes, let it lie down for 3-4 hours, and then vacuum it up with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Apples. Cut the fruit into halves and place it on the spot where it smells like doggy. Fruits absorb unpleasant aromas for about 6 hours.
  • Pour warm water with 5 drops of essential oils into a spray bottle. Spray the odorless liquid onto curtains, floors, and rugs. This gives the room a pleasant aroma, disinfects and produces an antifungal effect.

  • Purchase removable covers for upholstered furniture. As soon as you smell the dog, immediately remove and wash the covers. So the apartment will always be clean and fresh.
  • In order not to feel how it stinks at home, purchase special products from veterinary pharmacies that do not mask odors, but completely remove microorganisms. For example, Zoosan, Ultrasan, BIO-Zh, Vaportek, etc. Moreover, these drugs are completely harmless to children and pets.

Dogs give their owners comfort and happiness. Give your pets some time, and they will repay you with devotion and love.

Video: Experiment to remove dog odor in an apartment

Each dog has its own natural odor, which is usually hardly noticeable.

However, there are times when the pet begins to exude a very unpleasant odor that follows literally everywhere.

Before solving a problem, you need to understand the reasons for its appearance, a veterinarian or breeder can help with this.

Why does the dog smell

Rotten meat and rot

There are many reasons why the dog starts to smell unpleasant, but the main ones are:

  1. Stress... During stressful situations, the physical nature of the dog begins to exude an unpleasant odor. This occurs mainly during prolonged painful sensations.
  2. Fear... Often, pets, experiencing such a feeling as fear, begin to spontaneously exude a fetid odor. Anything can be the source of fear, in apartments it is mainly electrical appliances, in particular a vacuum cleaner and a blender.

Many dog ​​owners have noticed that as soon as they start cleaning the apartment or house, the pet cramps into some corner and does not leave it until the cleaning is completed, but after such cleaning, the unpleasant smell is felt even stronger than before. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to use such items only when the animal is not in the house.


Sometimes owners of four-legged pets notice that the dog has begun to smell strongly of urine.

In this case, in no case should he hesitate, since this may be a sign of uremia, when the kidneys of the animal begin to fail.


Often, owners complain that their pet stinks of rotten fish - why is it happening and what is the reason:


The most common reason why dogs smell like dog is the most commonplace - poor hygiene... Hygiene procedures play a very important role in the life of a four-legged pet. Often, the smell of a dog appears with insufficient quality animal care.

Common sources of unpleasant odor are: mouth, fur, ears and under the tail.

If the dog's fur is actively climbing, an unpleasant odor appears (especially after bathing or if the coat gets wet in the rain outside), but the dog is actively itching - these are signs fungus!

Fact: A healthy dog ​​doesn't smell.

The natural smell of the dog (subject to the rules of hygiene) is very delicate and neat, audible only on close contact. If the smell hits the nose, it is a sign of a disease.

With a fungus, the smell has a sugary smell, very similar to the smell of worn socks or rubber sneakers for a week. with shampoo - the effect will last no more than a couple of hours, then the smell appears again. Smell to nest: at the base of the tail, on the paws, in the groin.

Dirty socks

Often a fungus becomes the source of such an infection, usually a veterinarian in this case recommends a course of vitamins to raise immunity: gamavit, hemobalance, baxin, aminovit.

What to do?

There is no unequivocal answer to this question; it is necessary to act comprehensively, step by step, eliminating all possible causes of an unpleasant odor.


First of all, what you should pay attention to in the prevention of unpleasant odor is hygiene. The coat, especially in long-haired breeds, needs regular brushing and combing, in connection with which the dog needs to be bathed periodically, but do it no more than once a week or 10 days.

After bathing, the pet must be thoroughly dried, preferably with a hair dryer. However, it is important to remember that the temperature during drying should be as low as possible, otherwise the sebaceous glands will begin to secrete more sebum, which makes washing the dog a waste of time.

When brushing your pet, you need to carefully comb out all matted hair, as this can also be a source of a bad smell from the dog.

When choosing a shampoo for a dog, you should consider what type of coat and skin the pet has. It is best to give preference to natural products, that is, they do not contain fragrances or any additives.

If the dog is afraid of water, then the smell after bathing may increase, especially if you bathe it without any special shampoo, but simply with laundry soap.

Often, the cause of the unpleasant odor is, and therefore, the owners should regularly clean the pet's ears. In addition, regular hygiene of the dog's ears will help prevent the development of diseases that lead to inflammation of the ears.

It also accumulates on the paws of the pet a large number of dirt and debris that can cause odors. Therefore, after each walk, wipe the dog's paws with a damp towel and carefully examine for injury to exclude infection and bacteria. If necessary, treat the paws with a disinfectant.

Another important aspect of dog hygiene is its teeth, you need to clean them every other day with specially designed pastes or, in extreme cases, children's toothpaste.

How to wash so as not to stink?

First aid - medicinal shampoo Nizoral (can be bought at a regular pharmacy), diluted in a 1 to 1 ratio with water. You need to thoroughly lather the dog and leave for 5-10 minutes, then rinse. In difficult cases, you need to wash the dog every other day 5-6 times.

If you already have bald spots on the coat, then run to the vet! He will scrape the looking fungus and prescribe ointments (such as Triderm or Malavit).

Do not buy your own fungus vaccines! Their dose is calculated only by the doctor, and the vaccine itself is not at all a magic wand, because there are more than 70 types of fungi!

What means to wash the animal so that it does not smell like dog, if purchased shampoos do not help? There are 2 tips that work if only absolutely all health and skin problems are excluded , otherwise by such cleaning you will only aggravate everything.

  1. You need to mix in equal parts water, vodka and vinegar. Then use newspaper to brush the dirt off the dog's fur. It is imperative to dry the animal afterwards c, otherwise the likelihood of a cold is high.
  2. Moisten the animal's fur from a spray bottle with a solution of baking soda (1 tablespoon per glass of water), and when the wool dries, comb thoroughly. Baking soda removes unpleasant odors and makes the coat shiny and pliable to comb.

Do not try to mask the smell with perfumes, deodorants or fragrances! You will only strengthen it and make it completely unbearable.... Just imagine: the smell of a dog with a light touch of Chanel # 5!


When an unpleasant odor appears from a dog, along with hygiene, the entire pet diet should be reviewed. You can consult your veterinarian about this. It is also important to remember that your dog needs to get all the vitamins and minerals it needs on time.

Visit the veterinarian

In order to exclude the emergence of any serious health problems in the dog, it is recommended to regularly visit the veterinarian, vaccinate on time and treat all diseases in a timely manner.

Useful video


In conclusion, it should be noted that caring for a dog is not an easy task, but with the right approach, the pet will certainly thank the owners with excellent health, cheerful disposition and, importantly, a pleasant aroma.

In the big cities of the modern world, sometimes the touch of nature and the real warmth of selfless devotion are so lacking. Communicating with pets, especially dogs, can give these feelings to everyone.

But often people are afraid to have dogs, fearing the appearance of a specific smell of the animal in the house and, especially, on the clothes of the owners. Why does the smell of doggy occur and how can you eliminate it? In fact, it is not at all that difficult to achieve freshness in an apartment.

A healthy, clean, well-groomed dog has almost no smell. You can notice the presence of such pets by smell only when you are in close proximity to them, their "scent" does not spread through the rooms and does not linger on objects. But for this you need to follow some rules.

First of all, a strong, unpleasant odor can be a sign of a pet's illness. Usually, various diseases have an additional smell, in addition to the smell of dog. But in any case, a persistent smell, which remains even after bathing and drying, is a reason for contacting a veterinarian. A specific odor appears with skin diseases, especially in the presence of pus, and diseases of the kidneys and urinary system lead to the appearance of the smell of ammonia. With a disease of the digestive system, naturally, there are problems with the stool and the corresponding odor. A strong dog smell without impurities can be a sign of malnutrition, metabolic disorders or hormonal disruptions.

Thorough cleaning of the room will also get rid of the dog smell. Cleaning consists of removing and disinfecting stains left by the dog (urine, excretion). To remove hair, you need to vacuum, carry out wet cleaning, as well as clean the sleeping area and regularly change the filler of the dog's litter box.

An unpleasant dog smell is produced by the sebaceous and sweat glands. The smell increases in summer in hot weather, after bathing or when the dog is wet. Males smell stronger than bitches, bitches have increased discharge and odor during estrus. Dogs release more aromatic substances during stress, a form of defense against danger.

In order for the dog not to smell and its aroma does not spread throughout the house, you need to monitor its health and cleanliness. The main measures to combat dog odor are pet hygiene. This concept includes not only bathing, but also cleaning the ears and teeth of the dog, combing the coat, especially during molting, regularly changing the litter and other household items of the animal. After walking, you should wash or wipe the paws with a damp cloth, after bathing, dry the dog, you also need to remove discharge from the eyes and nose, especially if they are frequent and abundant.

Any shampoos and hygiene products sold in pet stores are suitable for care. For decorative dogs, deodorant agents are also sold, but you need to be careful with them, because the scent of dogs is stronger than the human one and not every animal will like the presence of extraneous aromas. An alternative to them can be baby shampoos, but their use is not desirable. You can also wipe your eyes and ears with a regular cotton swab and water. From folk remedies, to remove the smell of dogs, they use a solution of vinegar with water (1/3), which can be used to wipe the animal after bathing.

The presence of an individual dog scent is the norm, but there are breeds that smell much less. First of all, these include hunting breeds (a strong smell can interfere with hunting): greyhounds, setters, hounds, spaniels.

One of the main sources of odor is the undercoat, so hairless breeds of dogs and breeds that do not have it, for example, Chinese Crested, Mexican Hairless Dogs, American Hairless Terrier, York Terrier, Maltese, Cairn Terrier and others, have a weak odor. Short-haired dogs: dachshunds, dobermans, mastiffs also smell less.

In contrast to these breeds, shepherd dogs, guard dogs with thick wool and undercoat, have a strong smell of dogs.

Regardless of the choice of breed, proper care will allow the owner to enjoy all the advantages of communicating with wonderful animals, without being distracted by their smell.