Enjoy your time wishes. Congratulations in your own words on the start of the vacation

The happiest time of the year.

Six letters. The first "O"

From a crossword puzzle

In terms of the strength of the positive impact on the psyche, the word "VACATION" in the Russian language has only one competitor - "vacation". We dream of a vacation, make plans for it, counting the days until the cherished date. It seems long, long - and it turns out to be so fleeting! In addition, according to statistics, you can really get away from thinking about work only for 5-7 days ...

Let's not waste a single precious minute! Armed in advance with wishes for a vacation in verse and prose, we will set a course for a good mood for colleagues, friends, and good acquaintances!

And our unpretentious poems about rest will distract from pressing problems even when the well-deserved vacation is not coming soon. After all, as you know, the best rest is nothing more than a change of activity.

Don’t worry! BE HAPPY!

Your Arthur Pozhelaikin

To a colleague, friend and just a charming girl

Let the vacation succeed by two hundred percent!

Will be remembered for many bright moments:

Good photos on the beach at sunset

Funny posts on the wall in "Contact",

Trips, fees and picnics,

Meet new people, meet friends

And dancing! .. Dancing - to your heart's content, until you drop,

And a new bag - of course, from Prada!

So that the vacation is a success of three hundred percent,

Still need to urgently MUTUALLY fall in love!

An unforgettable stay!

(Text: Ekaterina Mashkova)

Dedicated to the citizens of the metropolis

Turn off the phone and hide the alarm.

Blue-gray dress code to them in the bargain there too!

In the "OFF" position of important thoughts, the switch is ...

Boycott for coffee breaks! Only fresh juices on the beach!

Enjoy! .. LIVE! ..

It's summer for you !!!

And via Skype from Bali

Greetings to colleagues!

Or is it better to go to Paris?

Oysters from Bon M a more "...

At least you will run away to the dacha -

Great mood and one hundred percent relaxation!

(Text: Arthur Pozhelaikin)

When work becomes a way of life ...

"The soul is obliged to work!" -

The poet bequeathed to his descendants.

Learning to work from school years,

Sometimes it is useful to learn ...

Tastefully lazy on vacation!

To be lazy thinking about work

And an unfinished report

Deeds, of which there are a lot,

Time trouble, traffic jams, -

About everything in the world, except summer,

Walks and cherished dreams,

Conversation over tea about the beautiful,

Quiet dreams, radiantly clear.

Breathing is easy and living slowly

Allowing the luxury of being careless ... -

To run out on vacation

Understand: "I miss my job! .."

Have a nice, serene summer vacation!

(Text: Ekaterina Mashkova)

Viva laDACHA!

(Wish for a good rest in prose)

They say that the surest way to ruin a vacation is to devote it to solving it for a long time and in a multitude of accumulated problems. Don't give your routine the slightest chance - go out of town! ..

Away from traffic jams, smog and eternal nerves. Where it is easy to breathe, but it is easy to think. And the most delicious breakfast ever - milk with honey and crispy homemade bread. And you can pick rosemary for kebab right from the garden. And there are many, many magic daisies: no matter how much you tear the petals, you still get "Loves !!!" And fragrant strawberries! And the most colorful butterflies in the world! ..

Walk barefoot on cozy home floorboards, drink well coolness from a tin mug, listen to rustles, whispers of the old garden - and return home the freest and happiest person in the world! So that, sorting through the colors and smells of this summer herbarium of impressions in memory, work fruitfully and with pleasure. And in the meantime, tell your tired colleagues how, in essence, a person needs little to be happy.

Enjoy your stay! (Text: Arthur Pozhelaikin)

Beautiful wishes for a good day in prose can surprise a person, amaze him and charge him with a good mood for the whole day.

Therefore, it makes sense to bring such wishes if you want to please someone. Believe me, there are no wishes that would be unpleasant. Attention always flatters us, and if we see that someone sincerely wishes us a good day.

We are on our website site have collected the best beautiful wishes for a good day in prose, so that you can please your acquaintances, friends and relatives in the morning.

The most beautiful wishes for a good day in prose

A new day has come, it carries something unexpected. So let the unexpected be pleasant. He carries with him worries, so let them be successfully resolved. He carries in himself communication, so let it be only positive. Have a nice day!

I don't need an alarm clock to wake up. I have your love, which easily lifts me up in the morning, because every new day I look forward to spending it with you. Have a good day, my beloved man.

A wonderful day, just like you. Thoughts about you fill me with unearthly joy. I am sending you a kiss and I wish you a successful, interesting and colorful day.

I would like to wish you a successful and pleasant day, which will bring joy, success and many pleasant emotions into your life, which will amuse your soul for a long time after that. Let the day begin with fun, with nice people and a wonderful warm atmosphere. Let the sun send you a charge of energy for the whole day, and the day will be filled with pleasant surprises. Have a nice day!

Let the day begin with a smile, put all unnecessary problems and worries out of your head, and just enjoy this wonderful day, let only wonderful people surround you today and the world gives you a boost of vivacity for the whole day. Let your eyes shine with happiness and sparkle with beauty. All work is going smoothly, and the day will be just fine. Have a nice day and great mood.

Best wishes for a good day in prose

My love, I hasten to wish you a good, clear, kind, successful, fruitful, happy day. I hope it will be full of bright emotions and confident victories, pleasant words and successfully completed deeds. I kiss, hug and send a breath of inspiration!

My beloved person, I wish you a good morning! Let a sweet smile play on your face from the very morning, and the sunbeams will raise a sleepy mood! Have a nice day, my soul! May the world give you a lot of delight and joy today.

I want to wish you a good, successful, kind, bright, cheerful, interesting, amazing and happy day. May you succeed in reaching your goal together, may everything be within your reach today, may your love help to move mountains and create an eternal paradise for two.

So this wonderful night has ended, and a new interesting and promising day has come. I would like him to bring something special and beautiful into your life. To understand how beautiful our life really is. Just look into the sky and see how the clouds are floating, how the birds are singing and how the sun is shining and it will be so good in your soul! So let every new day bring you happiness and joy. Have a good day.

I wish you on this day to have such geographical discoveries - a sea of ​​happiness, an ocean of love, peaks of success, rivers of profit, a peak of popularity, a lake of hope, a waterfall of emotions and a volcano of passions. Let the globe of life turn only in the direction you need!

Beautiful wishes for a good day in prose

I wish you a wonderful day, my joy, kind and sunny, interesting and successful, may he give you a joyful mood and positive, surprise you with pleasant surprises and unforgettable surprises, may this day embody your ideas and find time for friendly conversations and for our meeting with you ...

Have a nice day, my joy! Start it with a smile, then everything will turn out great. I wish your dream to come true today, a few steps closer. May the meetings of the coming day be pleasant, the work will bring joy. I adore you and always with you in my thoughts!

Have a good day! - I want to say today. And I wanted yesterday, and two days ago, and three ... It is happiness - waking up, thinking about you and knowing that I will fall asleep in the cozy embrace of your arms. Have a good day! I want to be there every minute, to remove all unnecessary, gloomy, gray from your soul, to preserve peace. Have a nice day, my happiness!

I wish you a very good morning and a clear day, despite the unpredictability of the weather outside! Let your eyes shine with joy, and a positive mood rolls over with its bright waves. May everything be fine and wonderful today!

Sun, open your eyes. The night is gone, giving way to a new day. Let it be filled with light and warmth. I give you my smile so that it will light up your path and save you from difficulties. Let the day be filled with bright emotions and joy. If you suddenly feel sad, then remember that I am always there, I think about you, and I will always come to the rescue. I believe this day is special and will give a lot of happy moments.

Read at your leisure.

Warm as you want at sea
To the beach where the surf is splashing
Where there are no worries, problems, hassles
Only sea, sun and sand
Forget about all the things in the world
Just you and me ... and our children ...

Quiet tenderness and light sadness
They visit me by the sea.
The hour of parting is getting closer, and let -
I catch pleasure in a minor key.

Waves and heart sing in unison
The sea ballad of freedom ...
I don’t know where is reality, but where is a dream
Under the magic of nature's song.

And I sink more and more there,
Where a moment can last for years -
Ah, if only I could stay there forever!
But ... time is laughing at us.

Hello, sea! .. You are wonderful!
You excite my blood ...
The horizon is far away ... So clear ...
I'm waiting for you, my love! ...

You are like a song, you are like a seagull ...
You fly upward under the clouds ...
Happiness days - they are like pebbles
On the sand of the sea lie ...

Multi-colored, weird ...
Waves of life beckon into the distance! ..
We keep everyone in our memory!
Every moment of love is my treasure! ...


We're going to the sea
We're going to the sea
We are with the sea beloved
See you soon.
And the sea is like a wave
Will rush towards
How will it sparkle!
How she laughs!
I'll throw myself into your arms
Green wave!
Ah, sea, you too
You missed me!

Orlova A.

I ask you, honey, take me to a fairy tale,
Where is the azure sky and white seagulls,
Where the salty sea whispers to me: Get carried away.
A vanity beggar won't crack passwords.
I quit imperceptibly vanity and sorrow,
And I'll leave my hard experience at home,
Let's sit in a white yacht and quietly sail away
Listen to the music of the wind and the waves, a quiet whisper ...

It's summer, but for now
We only sunbathe
Pale sides
We substitute the sun
And it's not time to swim -
Cold water!
It's been hot in Crimea for a long time,
And we have a habit
To bad weather and rains -
We know the value of warm days!
Soon, soon we will be
Relax on the beach
In the cradle of the wave
We will visit. How!
Chocolate sides
will bend.
It will be, but for now -
It's cold to swim.
We sunbathe on the sand ...
Sochi is somewhere in the distance ...

Dolgikh E.

How you want to go where the gentle waves
In the salty and azure Black Sea.
They've been missing me since last summer
I was remembered. Patience! I'm coming soon!
I'll come as soon as I'm ready.

Goodbye pans and pots!
Long live freedom and the south!
If only the forecasters hadn't deceived me -
Under the roar of the waves, "pearls" can be born.

We took a swim at the sea,
Tumbling, tumbling.
Water got into our noses,
Vika sneezed great.
We'll go swimming again
We will jump, somersault.
Just before diving
We'll plug up our spout.
Ships sailed in the sea,
We saw them from the ground.
It's not easy to see them
Because it's far away.
Black sea dolphins
Showed their backs.
Black, shiny
Very real.
And one dolphin took off
I wanted to go to the moon.
Only the strength was not enough
He hit the sea again.
Good by the sea in summer:
Waves in the ass give in
Splashes shine in different colors
Everyone is dancing and singing.


There is only a week before the vacation ...
Dreams of the beach and the sea ...
The voucher was bought in April
And now on vacation soon!
And there is swimming and beaches,
Tanning, selling corn ...
And eternal sea guards
Terribly slippery jellyfish!
Then holiday romances
Boat trips under the moonlight ...
And new crazy plans
After wine, martini, vodka ...
The week would end faster,
So that it turns into the truth!
I have been dreaming since the end of April,
So that it all comes true!

Dreams must always come true
After all, how beautiful, somewhere out there
With a loved one at sea, white boat
Running easily on the waves

The sea surface and the boat is white,
Carries you into your dream
The spray is streaming
And strands curl in the wind

Beautiful air, sea, sun
You are not happier in the world
Soar to meet your destiny
Only foamy leaving a trace ...

There is so much light music in the quiet rustle of waves!
So much power and strength, so many bright hopes!
I will wave to the ship with my tanned hand
I will hear the cry of a merry siren in response.

The play of blue waves chases away fatigue,
The song is quiet somewhere in the distance.
Only sea and day - nothing is left
From the recent melancholy on the hot sand.

The sea washed away sorrow and worries, and plans,
It took them with it to the endless space ...
The dunes sparkled with golden sand,
With the sun, with the sky, talking to me ...

Vesnova E.

The sea rocks me on the wave.
The sea still seemed to me yesterday.
Only yesterday the train rocked me,
Only yesterday I missed the sea.
Well, today is already in reality
I hug him and swim.

Simbirskaya Yu.

What can compare to the caressing sea?
Slow lapping turquoise waves
The orange of the sun and the whisper of the surf
Romantic dreams about the dreams of love ...
How much vivid feeling in all this!
The desire for relaxation to the sea beckons.
Forgetting the past is an art.
It attracts us like a magnet.
Let's forget the problems. Let's leave worries.
We will forbid ourselves to remember bad things.
We will appreciate the harmony of southern nature
And we will breathe in the healing air.
Who has not been to the sea, he simply does not know
How amazing and good life is
How the body rests on wet sand
And the soul strives for the joyful stars.

The sea is asleep, the sea is calm,
Silence for hundreds of miles.
The sea is tender and sweet
Calmed down, froze.
Resting the Sea -
The storm will return soon.

Gette T.

Summer heat
Sea until the morning
Silver lunar paths.

You and me
Warm wave
The full moon rocked this night.

With a stroke of chalk
Lighthouse gleam
He showed us the way to the distant pier.

And you and me
In this half asleep
Any distance on the shoulder.

A fairy tale for two
I want for a moment
Dissolve in our carelessness.

Thoughts flowed
Broke again.
We will not swim to infinity.

Again the sun hurries us to shine early.
The sea is languishing in caresses with fog in the morning.
In pictures of sleep, in these vivid pictures
Impression of the palate and lips, only the salt is not visible.

You and I are married by this dawn.
Doomed to run after each other forever.
Why did we meet you this summer!
We will never get drunk with ourselves and the south.

The smell of the sea and salt weathered our lips
And the dope from acacias has made us mad.
It seemed to us that this will not happen again!
We wanted to extend everything at least one day!

Blow up and scatter trains and piers,
Arrows stop and stay behind the circle.
Let them not find us! I wanted to believe so
A dream come true ... and stay with each other.

You wait for him, you wait like manna from heaven,
You measure the careers of the year with them ...
What is it? Vacation! That wonderful time
We will carry out like no one has ever!

There will be a sea and a bright sun, -
Rest on the edge of the earth itself.
The end of the earth will be a small island
(Through a travel agency to find what they could!)

We'll forget about everything for a while,
You just need to get high,
The means that are thrown into rest as a burden,
They are pulling to play to be remembered in the future!

If you lie on the beach - so a day,
If there are excursions - to be slaughtered,
If all-inclusive is creepy:
Who could survive this - a hero!

What is the bottom line? Everything is cute to the point of pain:
Have become like coals, that there are simply no words,
Cracked plenty of local exotics,
Photos snapped a lot of gigs!

And, of course, the moment is inevitable:
We are in a hurry to work on time, after all,
There we will ring out that our world is boundless,
For everyone to say: "Vacation is cool!"

We were friends with the sea
Almost two weeks:
Played in waves
They made noise and noise.
And if it happened
we have to part with him,
Then we started
worry a little.
And stones were thrown
we are with the sea to each other,
it gave me
colored seashells.
I dived into the sea
To the very bottom! ..
And so ... I am sitting
On the cliff alone.
And the sea is gone
forgetting about me.
Vacation by the sea.
Vacation. Low tide.

Volkova N.

I sit on a hillock on a sunny day.
Clouds wander lonely and rarely.
A drop of rain will drop once a tear
Or a little drizzling.
I sit high and look
To the calm calm sea.
Only noisy seagulls
Spinning screaming
And divide the booty among themselves.
A lonely ship will pass
- there is far,
Complement the picture with yourself.
Somewhere on the sidelines
Fishing boats.
There is no one on the beach at all.
Beautiful, beautiful day
Sit in nature
Take a break from everything.

This is the sun, sea, beaches, this gentle surf!
How I want to take this charm to my home.
I'll fill both bags and the bag with shells
For the sea to revolt and follow me.
I will photograph these waves in hundreds of photographs,
So that all the best shots I got one.
I go around the sea beaches, but inside the delight is seething.
I am leaving, it hurts so much in the depths of my soul.
I do not have enough small for happiness and peace,
So that there is always a flock of seagulls on the horizon.
So that the spray of warm waves washes over my face,
So that I can hear the sound of the surf, going out onto the porch.

Paramonenko Yu.

The sea is what a strong man!
Strongest in the world:
Raises you and me
Like a feather in the wind.

Raises you and me
Our little dog.
Even a steamer with a pipe
Even Uncle Sasha!

Boroditskaya M.

I took a train ticket and with excitement,
Clutching a suitcase in my hands
I already foresee a breath of wind
And the dream girl in heels ...
Sea sand and gentle sea
Hotel room overlooking the resort.
I can move there, if necessary, mountains,
To get faster only to the port ...
I'll rent a yacht at a higher price ...
I will buy flowers, champagne, sweets ...
And I will propose to the girls carefully
To share a banquet with me at sea ...
Back home, of course, tanned,
Satisfied, rested, full of energy ...
Two weeks would have flown by faster,
So that I make my dreams come true!

Ryazantsev A.

And I was carried deep into the sands
I was lost and near the sea.
Don't look, don't wait, I left,
I feel good and I am swimming.
Maybe you are near
Maybe here ... but I'm alone.
How beautiful I am alone
Birds, sea and moon ...
I'm flying, don't wait
I'm leaving, don't look
That's all…
Lily of freedom
I left ...

Heat. Like greaves on the stove
Almost no camouflage
We lie down, humming softly
And fry on the beach.

The beach is an autoclave. Sterile clean
Charred air.
The name of the July rays
Hurry to the water, to the water.

Fries like a jupan
Lively and layered
Sand. Heat. Mirage. Deception.
Overcame thoughts - sleepyheads.

Candles in the sunny season
We drip. The light is fierce.
The gloss flows down. Caressing sleep.
The sand is streaming clean.

On vacation, the essence is clearer
We are prisoners of idleness.
The beach turns white. He is the milky way
Short fun.

Dernovich N.

I would throw off a heavy burden
And touch the azure water ...
Run away from everyone ... Not with everyone ...
And with the rays of the nearest star,

Jump on a train with a ticket
What luck without question to the South ...
The sea knows all the secrets, the answers ...
I'll run away, and business will wait ...

Where the waves are kissing with the sunset
They can shake the ship with passion,
There nature is embraced by love,
And a smile and happiness match ...

There the moon will draw a road
Through which dreams come ...
There, as if, not long before God ...
In that paradise of turquoise water ...

How sometimes my soul lacks
Calm complete ... Where is the peace?
I know for sure that a miracle happens ...
But not here, and, alas, not with me ...

Samarina I.

The shore, the gentle lapping of the wave,
light breeze in a wide open space ...
There, of unprecedented beauty,
the sea certainly misses me.
Wait for me! I'll be back soon,
I dare not change you,
I will touch the emerald water ...
I am clearly ill with "SEAFLESS" ...


I wander along the shore alone
My eyes are drowning in sorrow
The cool wave is sobering
And seagulls moan over the wave.

They beckon me with them,
But I don't fly like a seagull,
Shells cut, memory cuts
I remembered you again.

And the autumn beach remembered summer,
Now he too, lonely,
Only the wind howls somewhere
Sand hits my legs painfully.

Dull with his desolation,
Autumn beach with me in sorrow
After all, you are still dear to me
And the seagulls groaned again.


In the depths of the sea I see the fears of the land
I see pain and doubt in the splash of the waves.
This sea has its own secrets for centuries
Covered under the turbulent current.
Blue color, wave shine and magic power -
Everything is beautiful, tempting, tender.
So dangerous and yet insanely beautiful.
So innocent and yet casual.
I'll write my secrets on the yellow sand
Their wave will wash away very gently.
I hope the sea dashes back
He will reveal his secrets to me.

The sea whispers do not be sad
Better come visit.
I will give you a shell
I gently whisper in my ear
I bathe in foam even
Lie on the beach with me.
Smile at the clouds
And then you will come back to us.

Polnyak G.

I really want to go to the sea,
Free the soul.
With seagulls in the open
Just fly, soar.

And along the wave by hand,
Waltz step to draw.
I want, I want to go to the sea
Feel the salt on your lips.

Trust the body to the rays
Let the sun bake.
I want to live and believe
And the rest doesn't count.

- Are there golden waves on the sea? -
A young boy asked his grandfather.
The old man thought, because in the young years
He traveled to many different countries.
I've seen mountains, stone cliffs,
Forests and jungle, slept in a gray field,
But the sea, blue distances
I have never seen it in my life.
“I don’t know, honey, I didn’t sail by sea.”
The grandfather answered and lowered his gaze -
So sad and heartbroken ...
- But, of course, I would be glad to visit.
- Probably it will be very cool there? -
The boy looked at the grandfather's face.
And grandfather with a smile, sad for some reason,
He replied: "Well, of course it's good."
They stood, raising their eyes,
Into the vastness of the sky, into the sunny distance,
Where the clouds are like a stormy sea
The wave was rocked - gray as steel.
And a ray of the sun hit the wave
And he blinded their glances with gold ...
One of the most important rules in life:
I didn’t see the sea - it means you didn’t live!

Khudaverd B.

Velvet season by the sea
Meeting of lonely souls
Under the sign on the fence:
"I rent an outbuilding: stove, shower!"

A sneak glance, fading,
Attraction - that's it!
Shaking hands, recognition -
Really ... like in the movies?

And walks until dawn
Between them is the secret of the two.
Both questions and answers
When silently, when aloud.

Sleep is a forgotten phenomenon
Really, they have no time for him:
Everything now, as a revelation ...
Or just magic?

The wave will cover their tracks,
To the heart of the sea will carry away
Proof that it's worth
Wait for someone who is also waiting.

How much time will they measure?
Maybe forever, maybe a moment.
Feelings are not subject to the scheme,
Just like this verse.

Congratulations on your vacation. May these days be fun, wonderful, unforgettable. I wish you a wonderful holiday, incredible feelings of happiness, unrealistically cool emotions, a huge charge of vital energy and courageous strength. Do not think about problems and work, rest healthy and healthy.

Congratulations on the long-awaited vacation, finally it's time to relax and forget about all the vain! I wish to turn on the "complete relaxation" mode, forget about alarms and get the most out of it!

Such a long-awaited and welcome vacation! Great weather, warm sun, beautiful tan and unforgettable emotions. Well, we are waiting for an impressive photo report!

We congratulate you on the onset of the long-awaited vacation, we wish you a good rest, get unforgettable emotions and impressions, gain strength for further labor exploits.

Congratulations on your long awaited vacation. I wish you to spend your time with benefit, pleasure and cheerful mood. Let the vacation inspire and fill you with new strength, vigor, energy, good health, vivid impressions and good emotions.

Congratulations on your vacation and I want to wish that this time was spent with benefit and entertainment. Let the minutes of your vacation drag on slowly, let every day make you happy with something special and interesting. I wish you an incredible supply of strength and energy, good inspiration, crazy fun, happy smiles and a lot of pleasure.

Congratulations on a well-deserved vacation, because vacation is a small life. It's a joke, of course, but every joke contains only its share, so we wish to "live" this life one hundred percent, so that there was something to remember and tell us! Pleasant impressions, a sea of ​​emotions and positive every day.

Congratulations on your vacation. Let these days give a lot of impressions, let the body and soul rest, let every minute pass cheerfully and interestingly, let no one and nothing be able to interfere with the enjoyment and enjoyment of the well-deserved vacation.

I wish you a great rest and gain fresh strength. Let this vacation become unusual, bright and memorable, so that with your interesting stories about these happy days, you make your colleagues plunge into this wonderful atmosphere and kindly envy you. Happy Vacation!

So this long-awaited day has come. Let the rest give new strength, new aspirations to conquer the peaks, new adventures, so that the charge of positive vigor and mood will be enough until your next vacation!

When one of the people you care about goes on a long-awaited vacation or weekend, you want to fully show the emotions of joy. In this case, a wish for a good rest in an extraordinary form will help show how sincerely and truly you wish a good journey and a great pastime.

Poetic wishes

Rhymed and sonorous sayings, written in your own words, will certainly cause a flurry of emotions from loved ones and relatives. A wish for a good weekend getaway might be as follows:

You have worked hard and, of course, you are tired,

And now your hour has come for a pleasant rest.

I wish you inspiration, pleasure from the trip,

Let each second last a very long time.

Take a rest from the soul, do not rush to return.

Enjoy every moment, do not stir weekdays.

Many photos of interesting and wonderful emotions for you.

In order to have an excellent rest, I just returned the positive with me.

Weekend to you without the end,

Let it last as long as possible.

Although only a few days

Let them be bright and good.

So that emotions over the edge

Laughter and merriment were pouring around.

You can rest for me too,

My beloved and faithful friend.

Good holiday wishes for children on vacation

For a year, the kids get tired. And when in the summer caring parents send them to children's pioneer camps or to the village to see their grandmother, I really want to express the wish for a good rest as vividly as possible so that the children understand that you are sincerely happy for them. It is most interesting to do this in poetic form, for example:

My children are tired, they worked for a whole year,

And now the hour has come when rest is calling you.

It's good to get tanned, bathed, warmed up the spouts.

My dear children, you are tired, you worked so hard,

Finally, summer has come, you will rest, my dears.

Let the fresh air free your head

And the lake will harden the spouts.

Have a rest from the heart, eat grandma's cakes.

Adventures await you, my children,

After all, vouchers are open to the excellent camp.

Let it be fun for you, sing, dance,

Swim, sunbathe, show your talents.

Relax well, behave yourself.

Listen to the counselor, have fun, eat.

Participation in concerts, in all kinds of entertainment

Will make your holiday brighter, no doubt.

Wish your loved ones a good holiday at sea

Are your loved ones or relatives going on a trip? It is necessary to prepare in advance the wish for a good rest, so that the notes of joy for relatives or friends sound appropriate and deliberate. For example:

Let the sea wave call turquoise

And the sand melts with warm gold,

Forget about everything, let that be on the shore

Your body and soul are resting.

Let the sea wave take away all the sorrows

So that sadness and adversity passed by.

Forget everything you once promised

And let everything go on as usual.

Let the sea envelop in a beautiful smooth surface,

Taking sadness with me.

Only joy and sea, sand and heat

Let them always accompany this vacation.

Do not be afraid to show your emotions and say warm words to loved ones. Sometimes what can be implemented and told today is postponed until tomorrow. Poems will help to convey as brightly, impressively and emotionally as possible what lives inside you.