Reiki, a hand healing technique. Healing Practices and Reiki Techniques

Read the article to the end! All answers are there!

From the article you will learn:

  • What is Reiki (Reiki) really!
  • Safety precautions and the consequences of using Reiki energy, which the masters are silent about!
  • Is it safe to use Reiki and Kundalini Reiki symbols!
  • Completely new techniques, principles, methods of helping Reiki by turning off the stresses of the past in a person.
  • Initiation and initiation into the secrets beyond the highest levels of Reiki!

What are reiki

The reiki training system (or reiki from Japanese: rey - spirit, soul, ki - energy, mind), as one of the varieties of energy healing, considers all human diseases from the point of view of life energy, its deficiency or excess in the corresponding organs and systems of our physical body. When a distortion of the human energy shell is detected, the reiki master saturates this zone with the life energy “ki” through his hands, synthesized by him from the surrounding space (Cosmos), i.e. creates, as stated, a channel of "clean" energy of Reiki (Reiki), which nourishes the damaged organs and systems of the patient, restoring all distortions in his energy shell. Thus, reiki healing is performed. The consequence of this, as a rule, is the rapid restoration of health and the normalization of all body functions.


Unlike ordinary energy healing, where the healer, as a rule, works with his own energy (including using his own kundalini energy), Reiki specialists and masters use “pure” (in theory :-)) energy of space, which is easily absorbed by a person, precisely because it is “pure”, i.e. not colored or polarized by the Reiki healer himself. At least that's what most Reiki schools say. (Later in this article, we will show why can't this be from the point of view of the laws of physics and why reasoning about the "purity" of Reiki energy is a myth.).

Fig.1. Various types of deformation of the energy shell, leading to
a) hypertensive phenomena, obesity or sudden weight loss,
emotional discomfort, irritability; problems with kidney activity;

b) chronic constipation is added to the previous symptoms,
impotence or infertility, possible thrush, chlamydia,
herpes, genital infections and cystitis;

c) severe loss of vision is added to the previous symptoms.

Now there are many different courses, seminars, centers, reiki schools, training systems and directions founded by various reiki masters. One of the most famous areas is Kundalini Reiki, the methodology of which is the activation of Kundalini energy in the human body and its subsequent use to heal one's physical body, mind and help other people. The following areas are also distinguished: mikao usui reiki, karuna reiki, named after the master teachers who founded these reiki schools, the training according to the systems of which is divided into certain levels, at which students receive the appropriate initiations and initiations: 1 level of reiki, 2 level, 3 rail stage.

For the fastest connection of a person to higher energies, as well as in the process of initiation and initiation ritual, Reiki uses the so-called Reiki symbols (special signs and hieroglyphs). The use of these symbols does not require obligatory meditation or long years of spiritual practice, as many masters in the karuna, usui and kundalini reiki schools claim. Acting directly on the subconscious, these Reiki symbols cause changes in the internal state of a person and thus give him the opportunity to connect to a higher source of energy. In some Reiki teaching systems, it is believed that symbols can only be activated in a certain way, however, in fact, there are different ways to activate symbols and many Reiki masters and books teach that it is enough just to think about the intention to use these symbols to activate them.

But we will not consider in detail in this article all the principles, foundations and techniques of the Reiki teaching. You can find a lot of information about this on other sites, as well as read in popular books on reiki.

We'll talk about more interesting things here!

So what is reiki(or reiki) really?

It would seem - a magic pill, effective, without side effects leading to rapid healing. But is it? Can the energy passing through the hands of a healer be pure, even synthesized from the Cosmos? AND to what consequences in the distant future leads this type of energy assistance, both for clients and for the specialists themselves, reiki masters and any other energy healers? And also, how stable can the result of helping with the application of these healing techniques by the laying on of hands be?

Let's figure it out and in search of answers to these questions we will appeal not to the widespread opinions of various Reiki schools and subjective assessments of the power of Reiki of various treatment methods, but to the physics of energy-information interactions, as to a neutral orbit!

Rice. 2. A method for characterizing the radiation of each human chakra by the methods of "Infosomatics".
This way you can test the effect of the reiki energy on the adjustment.
the energy shell of a person in the process of a session of "healing" with hands.

I would like to emphasize that we have a very positive attitude both to the Reiki system as a whole, and to all the masters and specialists who help people with energy healing methods. Their work deserves respect, because. thanks to their work, many people have already been able to get rid of their diseases and see from their own experience that their physical body and the visible material world are far from everything that is in Nature, but one way or another there is a world of energies invisible to the eye, from the balance of which in body and our health.

Many years ago, we ourselves went through all the stages of initiation into Reiki techniques and healing practices, reaching the highest mastery at this level. But then we were forced to leave this level and go higher, taking a position of categorical non-interference in extraneous energy systems in any way, under any pretext, with any intensity. due to observed side effects, safety violations and the limitations of these energy techniques of help: both reiki and any other method of healing through the laying on of hands.

This article aims to show professionals assisting Reiki techniques and energy healing practitioners, as well as those who are just undergoing Reiki training or seeking to get rid of their diseases in these techniques in the form of a panacea, a much more expanded picture of the world than that which is limited only the level of energy flows. Diseases, as it turned out, can have a completely different root cause, the roots of which lie at a higher level, in the field of information interactions, and "bad" energy is only their consequence.

First, let's take a closer look limited applicability of healing practices in general, be it reiki or any other system of energy assistance.

Let us turn to the physics of subtle planes of the existence of matter and modern scientific research on the processes of energy-information interactions, conducted within the framework of the new direction "Infosomatics" at the International Institute of Social Ecology.

Any person, in addition to his physical body, also has an energy shell (also called a biofield or aura), created due to the energy-information radiation of the organs and systems of the body, as well as the passage of control signals from the brain through biologically active points (energy meridians) of the body and having nodes of energy antinodes, called chakras.

Fig.3. Physical, energy, intellectual and software shells of a person

We will not analyze in detail the physics of the device and the functions of each of these shells in this article, since this is a rather voluminous topic. Let us dwell only in more detail on the physical, energetic and emotional shells of a person and their relationship.

The emotional shell is formed due to the “foaming” of the surface of a person’s energy shell when he shows positive emotions: joy, pleasure from any process, etc. Those. the more a person experiences positive emotions in his life, the more volume of emotional shell he has (in metric coordinates). And the emotional shell, in turn, performs the function of a lens that collects plane-parallel cosmic radiation (in the figure - wavy lines from above) on the human crown. This radiation, collected by the emotional shell, feeds, in turn, the energy shell of a person. And the state of the energy shell directly affects the functioning of organs and systems in our physical body.

And, as a result, one can pay attention (this is also confirmed by independent studies of psychologists and physiologists) that people with an optimistic life position, who often experience joy in their lives, as a rule, are much less susceptible to colds, viral and other diseases than those who is constantly depressed or in a bad mood! The latter simply have their emotional shell “blown away” or completely absent, and their energy shell, not receiving proper nourishment from above, also greatly decreases in size and ceases to protect the physical body from the programmatic effects of various viruses. This level of protection by the energy shell of our body can be compared by analogy with the Earth's atmosphere, which protects us from solar radiation and meteorites.

Fig.4. Deformation of the emotional shell of a person depending on his condition. Optimism / pessimism.

Now let's look at the problem through the eyes of reiki masters and energy healers: if a person has little energy (resulting in increased fatigue, CFS - chronic fatigue syndrome, susceptibility to colds, etc.), then this person needs to raise his energy level by saturating his energy shell with “clean” cosmic energy transmitted through the hands of the healer. This is the concept of teaching Reiki in different schools! Well, or you can hear a recommendation on the use of techniques for awakening your kundalini energy in the kundalini reiki school.

And now from all of the above, think about what is wrong here? What is Anti-Natural? From the point of view of Nature, in this case, diseases in a person arise only because of his incorrect, namely “pessimistic” and, possibly, aggressive position in life! Nature thus encourages him to simply change his attitude towards the world, shows him that he is doing something wrong if he no longer experiences positive emotions from life. Start rejoicing, look for positive, change your attitude to what you don’t like, or don’t communicate with these people anymore, change your place of work, just be happy .... generate positive emotions .... and you will be healthy again!

And third-party energy assistance provided reiki techniques, in this case nothing better than pills which helps to eliminate the consequence of the disease, but not its cause. Having received relief due to external energy doping during the Reiki session, this person will not solve his main problem related to his worldview, will not pass the exam that Nature has prepared for him, but will be sent to a penalty loop, since the energy pumping received in an anti-natural way, it will be spent very quickly due to the lack of its own replenishment from cosmic energy. And as soon as the energy potential of such a person falls to the previous level, he will again have the same diseases! Conclusion - you have to use your brains! The main problem is with them!

Fig.5. Focusing plane-parallel Cosmic radiation on the human crown with the help of an emotional shell that acts as a lens.

Now further. The form and state of the subtle-material shells of a person (as well as his physical body) is not static, but dynamic, i.e. constantly changing depending on the stresses that a person experiences, on the processes and situation in which a person is.

If we add the 4th dimension to the shells described above, i.e. time (t), then we will get the following subtle object of a higher plane of existence of matter (mental plane) - human memory body(in other words - Soul), which consists of a set of configurations of its shells in each quantum of time from the point of birth of a person to the present moment. It looks like this:

Fig.6. The mental body of a person, the body of memory or Soul. It consists of a set of shells of a person in each quantum of time.

Fig.7. The mental body of a person (or the memory body of the 4th dimension). What does it consist of.

In the body of memory all stresses recorded that a person goes through throughout his life. They can be traced by the distortion of the configurations of its shells at certain periods of time.

Fig.8. The mental body of a person with distortions of the configurations of its thin-material shells over time until the complete disappearance ("eating") of all shells except the physical one (red areas) due to stress or being in the affected area strong energy vampire.

When withdrawing graphic arts so-called " life lines» (surfaces of the body of human memory), which is removed using the techniques of "Infosomatics", it is also clear from which stresses a person was able to correctly get out, and which ones still have a controlling effect on him, affecting both his state of health and the state of his psyche . Such stresses can and should be discharged, eliminated in one's past using special technologies so that they do not have a controlling programming impact on the present and future of a person.

Fig.9. Human mental body (chronal body): ideal and real configurations.

Fig.10. Withdrawal example life line graphics(memory bodies). All the pits that go into the negative area are control stresses experienced by a person and not worked out by now. Plus, a definition of the type of each stress is given. Working with the past and turning off these control stresses, as a rule, leads to rapid normalization of the state of health person in the present.

So, if a person has a large number of unworked and unswitched stresses in his past, then most of the energy of his body from the present “leaks” into these pits of the past to cover his energy-information debts. Those. these are the “deuces” in the school of life that a person has not yet retaken, and Nature will collect these debts from him until he cleans out his “Augean stables” and straightens his line of life! A person with a lot of stress in the past that was incorrectly completed, turns into energy vampire , because often even the reserves of his energy shell, generated by the body in the present, are not enough to fill these pits of the past, and he is forced to “suck” the energy from his immediate environment. And all diseases (even very serious ones) of such a person are caused only by the fact that all the energy of his body flows into the past, and it is simply not enough to maintain the body in a healthy state!

Well, what's the use here reiki techniques to help yourself or turn to healers to receive energy help from outside?! It's like pouring water into a leaky barrel! It still leaks...

Holes need to be plugged and the barrel patched! And this can be done only by working with a person's past, helping him to discover, rewrite and eliminate the main control stresses that cause such an outflow of forces from his present. And the client himself should work under the supervision of a specialist, and not a specialist instead of a client, atoning for other people's sins through himself (this, by the way, is one of the main conceptual errors of all energy healing techniques). Only in this case, the “sufferer” will receive a “set-off” from Nature, and his illnesses will go away by themselves, naturally, without the need for any external energy doping performed in violation of the laws of Nature.

Now let's take another look at the possible distortions of the human energy shell, shown in Fig. 1 above in this article and in Fig. 11 below

Fig.11. Distortion of the energy shell of the donor with energy vampirism and its increase at the acceptor in the consumed spectrum.

On a lifeline chart, it looks like this:

Fig.12. Stress at the age of 10, which led to a complete "collapse" of the tested person's energy and turned him into the category of an energy vampire. The graph shows that from stress this person still not out and its existence (without the work of turning off and rewriting this stress in its past) is possible only through the consumption of the vital forces of other people.

Fig.13. Initially energy-deficient person from birth.

Again, in this case, Reiki and healing will be no better than a pill that temporarily removes the symptoms of the disease by infusing a person with additional vitality, but does not eliminate its cause. The holes in the barrel (the energy shell of a person), through which his energy merges uncontrollably, have remained as they were.

Or maybe it's easier to disconnect consumers from yourself? It's very simple! But you will not find this information in any book on Reiki, in any Reiki training system!

In place of the silhouette of a person, imagine someone who, according to your assumptions, can “suck” your vitality, i.e. be an energy vampire. It can be your boss or subordinate, some kind of relative who constantly spoils your life and makes you feel uncomfortable, a sexual partner who pesters you with his jealous antics and constant total control of your life. Yes, anyone, and it does not have to be one person! There may be many. If you don’t know who is “dragling” your life forces from you, let your subconscious mind make this choice for you: just close your eyes and try to see the image of this person. Your subconscious must have this information! Trust him. And now launch the technology using this link →

Don't worry, you won't be able to harm anyone with this technology. And after meeting and communicating with this person, the connection between you will still be restored. Therefore, for reliable protection, this technique can be recommended to be used regularly, either by scrolling through the video from the site using the link provided, or by using your own imagination!

And do not be surprised if after this, even the simplest technique, some diseases begin to pass! Moreover, independently and without the need for external energy injections, as intended by Nature!

Now about the imaginary "purity" of Reiki energy (Rei-Ki)

Take another look at Figure 15. Plane-parallel cosmic radiation (depicted by wavy lines from above), which is called in the Reiki training system channel of "clean" energy, necessarily passes through the programmatic, intellectual and emotional shell of the healer before it enters his energy shell. And only now, from his energy shell (or rather, only from the level of her 5th chakra), the Reiki healer can divert this channel to another person who is being helped.

Fig.15. The channel of attracted Reiki energy necessarily passes through the programmatic, intellectual and emotional shell of the healer. Can this energy be "clean"?

But even water, as Masaru Yamoto's studies show, retains information about the trajectory of its movement and, after passing through the city pipeline, greatly changes its energy-information characteristics, which is inexorably illustrated by the configurations of quick-frozen droplets of this water. If a person creates a channel for the sublimation of the energy flow and directs it to any coordinates with his will, then he creates both a pump and a pipeline. And this pipeline passes through all his bodies of higher dimensions! “As below, so above; as above, so below.” Therefore, declarations about the “purity” and primordial nature of the energy flow in Reiki are a myth designed for amateurs and simpletons. In fact, both the act of healing practices and the practice of reiki simultaneously bear both signs of sexual interactions with the unification of energy shells, and aggression - the penetration of one shell into another!

And if we take into account the Supervision of any person by the Higher Forces and the need for any inhabitant of the Earth to feel the measure of responsibility for violating the laws of Nature, then more and more often healers and "Reikists" receive according to their playful "brains" from the Curators (Higher Forces) of those sufferers whom they interfere with to complete individual tasks on the knowledge of this world and unauthorizedly "atone for their sins", intended by the Higher powers to train their wards!

And in conclusion, I would like to warn all specialists, Reiki masters, healers about safety precautions when helping people with energy methods:

A strong energy-informational connection is necessarily established between the client and the healer in such practices! No matter how conditionally “clean” your energy is. Such is the physics of subtle plans!

We went through this many years ago, reaching the highest levels in Reiki healing practices and techniques. And if these connections are not separated by special methods and you don’t even think about their presence, then very soon the health of the healer himself begins to deteriorate sharply, and he turns from an energy-giver into an energy-consuming one, and he begins to consume this energy not only from his current clients, but also, what is most interesting, from all their former clients equally on those energy-information links that were established earlier in the process of providing assistance, i.e. there is an inversion of all connections, and those for whom the healer was previously an energy donor, now become donors for him themselves, receiving regular health problems and exacerbation of old diseases.

From the point of view of nature safe period of work on energy healing and reiki technologies is no more than 5 years! During this period, the Higher Forces “wipe and pick up” all the mistakes and inaccuracies made by their Supervised object so that it can learn and gain sensory experience of working at a given energy level, and then either go higher, to the level of information technology, or fall down under the burden of “foreign” problems and karmic debts, or stay at this level and work further if this is the true purpose of this person in this life and he really has a healer channel. Only in this case he will be under the protection of the Higher powers and further.

If you allow yourself to discover and get rid of these “riders”, as well as eliminate the main control stresses in your memory body, consuming the life forces of the present from the past, then the need to conduct Reiki sessions for oneself DOES NOT APPEAR BY ITSELF!

But this is the next level, the level of information types of assistance, not energy ones. This is "Infosomatics" - a new scientific direction that allows solving problems in the human body and mind not with the help of third-party energy resources and foreign implants, but independently - with the help of information infosomatic technologies, knowledge of the laws of Nature and physics of the subtle planes of the existence of matter!

And in conclusion, I would like to note the most important thing: the correct way of providing assistance from the point of view of the laws of Nature is only the one where the person himself does the work on his mistakes, and the specialist only helps him in this, indicating the places that need to be corrected, conducting an appropriate diagnosis of his bodies subtle dimensions and showing technologies and worldview models for quickly correcting and rewriting your mistakes of the past, present and probabilistic future!

Only this method preserves the freedom of both the specialist and the one who turned to him for help and guarantees the absence of energy-information bindings on any planes of the sustainable existence of matter after the end of the work. There is no mixing of energy and the formation of karmic bonds that occur with ANY type of healing assistance, there is no violation of safety precautions and the laws of Nature. And the effect of this type of assistance is many times stronger and more stable than that of the above-described energy doping!

Because any problem (with health, in business, in interpersonal relationships) is given by the Higher Forces to a person as a lesson that he must learn, and henceforth not to repeat such mistakes of his past in his future, or as a call to change his worldview in relation to certain life situations and become stronger in this quality! And the specialist in this case, based on his experience, knowledge and technologies, only conveys to the person in a language he understands the essence of this lesson, helping him to pass this lesson quickly, according to an accelerated program, having received a credit from the Higher powers. But be sure to do it yourself!

If someone offers to take responsibility for the mistakes of another bypassing his head, giving him illegal energy doping instead of the required training, then he invades the territory of the Higher Forces, who, just like strict teachers at school, put deuces in the form of weights karma and health status for an honors student and a loser at the same time, when it turns out that an excellent student solved the physics problem for a loser, but signed the test in the name of this loser, a loser in the school of life.

So maybe it’s not worth it to “joke around” with the Highest Teachers and the laws of Nature? Maybe you should study these laws and just not step on a rake on the road of your life? Because only in this case you will have stable health, success in business, harmony in the family and true joy in the eyes of the fact that you have finally found and learned to put into practice the magic of the "philosopher's stone"!

"International Institute for Social Ecology".

Initiation on DVD. Beyond the Higher Levels of Reiki.

The Japanese word "Reiki" includes two meanings: "rei" ("universality") and "ki" ("the life force of all living things"). All together denotes the Universal Life Energy, the manifestation of Divinity, the Holy Spirit. Reiki treatment allows you to restore mental and emotional health in the first place.

The origin of the Reiki method

The roots of the Reiki method lie in ancient times. A deep understanding of the Spirit, matter and energy was mentioned in Ancient India, Japan, China, Egypt, Greece, Rome, etc. But in the 19th century. The history of Reiki was continued thanks to the spiritual seeker and Japanese philosopher Mikao Usui, who asked himself the question: how did Jesus Christ and other teachers of antiquity heal?

Usui climbed the great Japanese mountain Kurama, where, in a state of meditation, he experienced an internal transformation, after which he received insight from above and the ability to heal himself and those around him with the help of Reiki.

This theory soon conquered all of Japan, the United States and penetrated into Europe. The most important thing in this teaching is to help the body cope with illnesses on its own and return to a state of harmony. Reiki helps to identify the causes of illness and find ways to eliminate them.

What is the Reiki Method

In general, the Reiki method is not a system of treating diseases, but an additional energy that helps all those who need it. The human body and organs themselves are able to determine where and how to direct this energy.

The universal vital energy gives rise to all other types of energy: thermal, electrical, chemical, biological, spiritual, etc.

Many peoples, religions and cultures revere life energy. So, the Chinese call life energy Qi, the Christians call it the Holy Spirit, the Hindus call it prana, the Slavs call it alive, the Egyptians call it Ka, etc. This means that the Reiki method can be close to people with different religions, faiths, and worldview.

According to this teaching, it is believed that a person becomes a Reiki conductor and has the ability to pass vital energy through himself,

There is an assumption that Jesus Christ was a Reiki master. He said that "... anyone who believes in me can do the same miracles that I did, and even greater ones .. ." Dr. Mikao Usui also considered Jesus to be his teacher.

Reiki Method: Essence and Application

Today, under the influence of research in this area, the attitude of scientists to this area of ​​alternative medicine - the Reiki method has changed. Sensitive devices have appeared that allow detecting energy fields around the human body.

It has been found that all tissues and organs produce certain magnetic pulsations called biological fields.

Based on the electrocardiogram and electroencephalogram, biomagnetic records are created - magnetocardiograms, which provide a complete picture of the definition of human physiology and pathology.

Scientists have successfully used a variety of instruments to help determine how diseases change the biomagnetic fields around the body. Pulsating magnetic fields were used to stimulate healing. Subsequently, experiments showed that the greatest pulsations come from the hands of the healer, which shows the presence of special hidden forces (energy) in them.

Certain frequencies stimulate the growth of nerve cells, bones, skin, capillaries and ligaments. Scientists have found that the effects of Reiki energy on all animate and even inanimate objects are effective.

The effects of the Reiki method on wound healing were studied and amazing results were established: 85% of patients noticed healing already on the 5th day of treatment. Reiki treatment is supported by traditional medicine and is widely used in combination with psychotherapy, therapeutic fasting and other areas of treatment. This method of treatment is convenient in that it is applicable for almost any disease, has no contraindications and does not require additional efforts of the patient.

A Reiki session lasts an average of 45 minutes and has a basic structure - a certain set of positions.

Degrees of knowledge of the Reiki method

There are 3 levels of Reiki training:

Healing with the help of hands;

Work at a distance;

Transfer of teaching.

If, according to the principle of Reiki, you rejoice every day, then the feeling of joyful expectation before a new day will last for a lifetime.

Everything that did not happen to us should not upset us, as it serves us as an important life lesson and contributes to spiritual growth.

We don't have to worry about the past, because it can't be brought back. We don't have to worry about the future because we live in the present.

According to Reiki, all living things are interconnected and form a single whole. Love for all living things begins with love for oneself. If we love all living things, then we love ourselves, and if we love ourselves, then we love the whole world around us.

Dishonesty leads us to isolation and hinders our spiritual growth. We must be honest with others and with ourselves. By being honest, we evoke this feeling in others.

Reiki followers claim that gratitude brings abundance to our lives. When we live in a state of gratitude, we invariably attract wealth.

Five Life Rules of Reiki

An ordinary person often does not need to fall out of his usual way of life, and not everyone wants to get acquainted with a previously unknown technique in all its details. The interests of a modern person are limited to their own physical and material well-being and those problems of their loved ones. Therefore, the Reiki method does not insist on a thorough study and offers to resolve your issues almost immediately, with little effort. If a person has succeeded in what he has planned, he ceases to remember what helped him to find his usefulness. It's like drugs! If a person feels bad and is prescribed a medicine that needs to be taken constantly, at first he fulfills the doctor's order, but as soon as he feels better, he stops taking it.

For a full existence, and also in order not to allow yourself to return to the abyss of problems from which you managed to rise with such difficulty, the Reiki method offers 5 life rules. These are 5 tips from which, in fact, a person's path to healing begins.

Rejoice today.

Expect the very best today.

Be kind to all living things.

Earn your living honestly.

Be thankful for the grace you receive.

They are not imposed, but simply offered as food for thought. It is not difficult to remember them, and it is even easier to observe them with a certain habit. Take into account these recommendations and be guided by them or forget - the choice of everyone.

Meditations on the theme "Five Life Rules of Reiki"

Sitting on a chair or armchair with a straight back and parallel legs, the right hand should be placed in the left, like a bowl (you can put your hand on your stomach), to come into contact with the power of Reiki. Calming and balancing the breath, you need to pay attention to thoughts and feelings. Starting to experience positive emotions and calming down, you should open your eyes and slowly return to reality. Gratitude of words or thoughts creates positive energy.

Reiki Symbols and Mantras

Reiki symbols and mantras are used in almost all spiritual traditions for meditation, personal development, healing, and energy work.

Basically, mantras are divided into 2 main types: those that can cause subjective changes, and those that cause objective changes.

Examples of symbolism in various beliefs and religions are the Christian cross, the symbols of yin and yang, the magic circle, the magic of shape and color. The largest number of symbols is used in the Chinese art of Feng Shui, which arranges life in such a way as to maintain vitality and health.

The effect that occurs with the help of mantras can be the most diverse, by no means the same for each person, since the type, duration and intensity of exposure from the magic symbol are determined by personal emotional assessment.

The symbols and mantras of Reiki, the mantras of the Indian Vastra, the "mother of Feng Shui", which help to change the energy qualities and vitality, have received the greatest distribution and popularity.

In order to work with magic tools, it is necessary to study the instructions in detail and use them for their intended purpose for specific purposes. The Reiki method has its origins in Tantric Buddhism, where the practice of reciting mantras during auspicious astrological periods.

During his 21-day sojourn on Mount Kurama, Dr. Mikao Usui used his abilities, received from the abbot and the monks of a monastery in Kyoto, to concentrate energy and transfer it from person to person (initiation).

With the help of appropriate exercises of the Reiki method and personal conviction (commitment), as well as with the help of higher powers, spiritual enlightenment can be achieved. Through 3 weeks of fasting and meditation on Mt. Kurama, Dr. Usui established a connection with spiritual traditions and was given the opportunity to become a guide.

Symbols and mantras that you have learned from the media or from acquaintances, without using personal initiative or interest, are just a set of hieroglyphs without an esoteric context, and not a powerful tool for working with energy.

Dr. Usui made only 4 symbols and mantras of the Reiki method part of the tradition and philosophy he founded. There are additional Reiki symbols and mantras. For example, in Rainbow Reiki there are 4 types of similar tools that allow you to direct the universal life energy precisely to those areas that are associated with the elements of earth, water, fire and air.

Reiki can hardly be called a technique, meditation, a way of healing, or any of the other usual definitions. Rather, Reiki treatment is a combination of the listed definitions, supplemented by unobtrusive advice on how to fully exist.

Reiki Healing

The Reiki method teaches a person to be a person with everything that should be included in this definition: mental and physical well-being, harmony in everything, including relationships in the outside world. Roughly speaking, Reiki helps a person find his place in the world.

Interesting! Not everyone can master healing using the Reiki method, and not even every second one advances beyond the first level of mastery.

The comprehension of the methodology is divided into three main stages.

The first of them is the simplest, includes the easiest elements of learning. It's like a preparation for the main process. At the same time, a person normalizes his energy resources and learns to interact with Reiki energy. Special exercises, training of the spirit allow at this stage to improve the state of health in general and peace of mind, the second being a consequence of the first. There are a lot of exercises, it is difficult to clearly state them.

This is a kind of Reiki protection, a kind of screening out even before the start of development. It is impossible to comprehend Reiki, guided only by a book. Full-fledged training occurs only when the Master deals with the student. It is he, guided by the characteristics of the personality of the ward, who presents Reiki to him in an accessible form and sequence. That is why training must be individualized. As a rule, many stop at this stage.

The sifting produced at the first stage admits few to the second stage. As a rule, the solution of subjective problems that disturb a person at a particular moment in time, first of all, of course, with health, does not contribute to the desire to continue further education that seems unnecessary at first glance. This is what happens to almost everyone.

At the second stage, the student begins to comprehend the essence of the Reiki method, its symbolism, history. In a way, this is casuistic: Reiki healing can help even those who are unfamiliar with its origin and secret meaning. When passing the second stage, a secondary, completely different assessment of the knowledge acquired at the first stage takes place, and the already passed stage appears in a different light, is rethought. A detailed study of the direction allows you to move from an "amateur" approach and treatment to healing. The skills and features of healing at a distance, methods of influencing various situations are comprehended. The spiritual aspect of each of the students is not left without attention; A number of exercises and meditations are offered. At this stage, the student is able to acquire everything that is needed for independent work.

The third, last, stage is called the stage of the Master-teacher, when with the help of other masters the student is equated with those who taught him, and can himself transfer knowledge.

Now techniques that practice energy healing have become popular, one of these practices is reiki. But how safe is this energy practice?

What are reiki?

Today, there are many branches of Reiki, and a huge number of Reiki hybrids around the world. Reiki originally appeared in Japan in 1922, the founder of the Reiki method Mikao Usui (1865-1926). Reiki is based on laying on of hands healing technique. This technique has become especially popular in Europe and the USA over the past 20 years.

The word "reiki" comes from 2 Japanese characters: "ray" means universe, soul, spirit; "ki" - prana, life force and energy, which is in everything living and inanimate in the universe, including in man. Sometimes slats are called - universal life force.

How does Reiki work?

It is believed that when a person falls ill, falls into depression and despondency, this means that his energy is out of balance. To restore the balance of energy and establish a channel of positive energy, you need to use the Reiki technique.

That is, if a person feels bad on an emotional or physical level, the Reiki master makes certain movements with his hands on the person’s body, and all problems go away. The master normalizes all body functions, removes blockages and restores energy flows through his hands.

It is also considered that the Reiki technique is an additional treatment to the main medical treatment, the Reiki technique is not used as an alternative method of treatment.

Reiki masters

Any person can become a Reiki master through initiation (initiation) from master to student, having passed three stages of training, but Reiki can be applied after the first stage.

During the training, the future master studies the positions of the hands with which you can heal yourself and others, as well as the symbols of Reiki, which occupy an important place in this technique.

It is believed that the Reiki master does not create energy himself, but is only a channel for transmitting Reiki energy. The Reiki master does not become a healer, because the Reiki method itself is the healer.

Having reached the second level of Reiki, the master does not need to touch the person who needs to be healed, the Reiki energy can be directed to the desired point at a distance.

Reiki symbolism

An important place in the practice of Reiki is occupied by the symbols of Reiki, which are passed on to students at the second stage of training. It is believed that Reiki symbols enhance the effect of Reiki energy. Symbols need to be drawn (in the air) in a problematic place on the human body, or in a problematic place in space, and symbols can simply be represented.

The first character "Cho Ku Rei"- opens the source of Reiki energy, enhances the energy flow. Focuses universal energy on only one point.

Second character "Sei He Ki"- relieves, helps to overcome stressful conditions, relieves negative memories.

The third character "Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen"- able to direct energy through time and space. It is like a time machine.

The fourth character "Dai Ko Myo" (master)- a triune symbol: love, light, harmony. It is an absolute source of energy.

Reiki Pitfalls

A huge number of people take on the responsibility of using various energy techniques, including reiki. But to what extent are Reiki masters aware of their responsibility and do they understand that they can be “punished”? After all, work with energy flows is reflected on the conductor (reiki master), and above all on the person to whom the energy of the reiki is directed.

Read also:

Science does not stand still, and if until recently a person was considered exclusively from the point of view of biology, today everything is changing.

Where is the root of the problem. Trying to restore the energy flows of a disturbed human biofield, to save a person from illness or depression, the Reiki master gives temporary relief. Reiki helps to eliminate the effect of the disease, but not the cause. Human diseases and problems are a lesson that must be understood, understood and learned so that a person can develop further. Therefore, when a person receives temporary relief with the help of Reiki, there is no need for him to improve and solve his main problems. As a result, a person will not learn the lesson, and he will have to "remain in the second year", go through it again and again. Because the energy pumping received in an unnatural way will soon dissipate, due to the lack of its own replenishment of cosmic energy, and all problems will begin to repeat.

And what then does the master do? It turns out that the master does not help, but actually causes harm. Solving the problem of a person, the master of reiki “does homework” for another. In the energy system of the Universe, everything is natural, for the fact that the master of Reiki does not allow a person to develop independently, the master himself can be punished by the system.

If a person has, then this is most likely the result of his pessimistic position in life. In this case, you need to change your attitude to life, and not get anti-natural temporary doping.

If something hurts a person, then this is a signal for him “You are doing something wrong! Listen to the pain! Change your attitude to this or that situation!”

If a person had problematic situations in the past that affected his condition, then you need to seek help from a psychologist. The specialist will help to change the attitude to the problem situation, to survive it in a different way on their own.

Before engaging in energy practice, think about the possible consequences.

Recently, spiritual practices aimed at self-knowledge, self-improvement and even healing of oneself and one's loved ones are gaining more and more popularity. We will consider one of the most popular traditions today.

The energy of life

Reiki is a form of working with energy by drawing it from the depths of the universe. This tradition, which came to us from Japan and is firmly rooted in our country due to its effectiveness. People interacting with Reiki not only get to know themselves and the world better, they learn to see and feel much more than others. And the ability to heal with your hands, which, in fact, is the main purpose of Reiki, allows you to achieve amazing results in case of injuries or illnesses of the practitioner or his relatives. Can you learn Reiki on your own?

Seminars or homeschooling?

In almost every major city, you can find seminars that teach interaction with Reiki. Stage 1 of initiation and training (payment requirements usually do not differ from each other in cities and countries) consists in revealing the channel through which the student will receive Reiki energy.

Training allows you to learn basic skills - fill yourself with Reiki energy, heal yourself and other people, as well as animals with the help of your palms. At the same time, the master tells the history of Reiki, the basic principles of work, conducts initiation and teaches how to meditate correctly. The first step costs $150 on average. The training lasts for several days. For many people, the first stage is usually sufficient for self-practice. The masters claim that their students have enough basic knowledge, which they can then use to independently increase their knowledge and capabilities.

Is it possible to learn Reiki on your own at home? It is real, but it requires a great desire to learn and practice Reiki. Some sites also offer paid tutorial videos to help you navigate the flow of information.

Studying Reiki at home has some advantages, but energy work always carries some risk unless accompanied by guidance from an experienced reiki master. Therefore, carefully study everything you need to know about Reiki before you start practicing.

Alas, you will not be able to fully master the art of working with Reiki, because initiation is not possible when learning Reiki on your own.

The term "reiki"

To better understand this tradition, consider the meaning of the word "reiki". It is interpreted in different ways, as it has several meanings. First of all, it is the designation of the life energy "rei" and "ki". Also, the term is applicable to the naming of universal energy and God and the process of restoring health with the help of hands.

Working with Reiki allows you to tune the body to accept the energy of the most subtle plan. This is the unity of the soul and body, which allows you to know your own "I".

Does Reiki help with serious diseases?

Chinese experts have long argued that all our diseases arise due to a violation of the flow of vital energy. traditions will allow you to fill the body with energy, learn how to manage it. Many people do heal their illnesses with Reiki, but for this you need to find the root of the problem yourself.

Where to begin?

Are you determined to practice Reiki? How to start learning on your own in this case, while you do not know? Start with awareness. Look inside yourself, understand what ingrained problems are haunting you and why. Analyze your life and your own will help you find the origins of many of your own problems. Want to change yourself and your life.

Check out the required literature. Knowledgeable people advise several authors:

  1. Diana Stein. Among her books are "Practical Guide ...", several cycles of "Fundamentals of Reiki".
  2. Leah Sokolova.
  3. Walter Lübeck "The Spirit of Reiki". The book is based on the writings of famous Reiki masters.
  4. Liza Kashlinskaya.

Energy cleansing

In addition, you need to feel your own energy. Go deep into yourself, listen to yourself. But before that, it is recommended to clean your own biofield with the help of the so-called energy shower. The soul consists in cleansing the subtle bodies with the fire of a candle. The thing is that our chakras are clogged with clots of negative energy that prevent them from functioning normally. To fully tune in to the reiki, clear your biofield of these clots. You can do an energy shower every day - after a busy day and communication with unpleasant people. Cleansing will allow you to remove negative programs and improve your own well-being.

Don't forget to do Reiki meditations.

reiki meditation

Meditation is one of the most successful methods of knowing your own "I", finding harmony between you and the outside world. Before you start working with reiki, you need to feel them. Invoke the Reiki energy sincerely and with feeling. During meditation, the back should be straight, hands folded in a prayer gesture, and feet tightly connected. This will allow you to close your own energy. It's best to lean your back against a wall or a chair to keep your spine upright but still relaxed. Feel how the energy flows in your body, warm, bright, filled with gratitude and joy.

Meditative technique

  1. Meditate in the same place at the same time. Do it daily.
  2. Meditation start with three minutes, gradually increasing to half an hour.
  3. Keep a diary to record your own emotions and feelings during each meditation.

During meditation, nothing should interfere with you. Relax, take a deep breath and plunge into a blissful state of inactivity - the cosmos will show you everything you need to know. In the meantime, don't forget to be grateful. Sincerely thank your spiritual teachers, higher beings who will come to your call. Remember that when you send gratitude to the Universe, you receive much more in return in your sincerity than you give away.

Reiki meditation can help you deal with difficult issues in life. During meditation, ask your higher self a question that interests you by invoking reiki. The answer to the question may not come immediately. Such answers come in different ways - in the form of pictures during meditation, some of which will have to be deciphered, or a sudden understanding of what to do.

And, of course, don't forget the principles of this tradition as you study.


Reiki training continues. The Reiki Principles are five rules, or rather precepts, that have been translated from Japanese and have several interpretations. You can choose the ones that are closest to you. It is extremely important to repeat these rules just before the session. You may not even say them out loud, the main thing is to feel every word, let it through you.

  1. Don't be angry today.
  2. Don't worry today.
  3. Be grateful today.
  4. Work on yourself today.
  5. Be kind today.

Try to follow these principles constantly, and you will see how much easier and brighter your soul has become. After all, before you can heal others, you need to heal yourself. Very soon, you will not even need to make an effort to follow these instructions - Reiki will open you to harmony and calmness, which do not allow unpleasant emotions.

Reiki Techniques and Exercises

And now - the most important thing! Exercises that will allow you to call and feel the energy flowing in your body. To do this, you will need exercises to realize the first level of Reiki.

Reiki Awareness

Below we will look at a few exercises, but before that, consider a few rules.

  1. Exercises are best done in the morning, immediately after waking up, when the brain is in an altered state, and before going to bed.
  2. Do exercises on an empty stomach.
  3. The duration of the exercises reaches half an hour, because in this case it all depends on when exactly you achieve the desired result. Which one exactly? You will definitely feel it.
  4. Preferably weak, dim lighting and the absence of any extraneous noise. Your thoughts should soar freely and easily, so you should not be distracted by external factors.
  5. Don't let your thoughts get in the way. If they "floated" in a different direction, start all over again.
  6. Do each exercise for about half an hour.

Exercise 1. It is basic in any meditation practice. It is also important when learning Reiki on your own. So, sit comfortably in a chair and call: "Reiki!". Take a deep breath in with the thought “I am breathing in reiki” and then exhale with the thought “I am breathing out reiki”. At the same time, do not pause between inhalation and exhalation, each of which should be accompanied by the corresponding words. Mentally, you can draw out words. The main thing is not to watch your breathing, keep it involuntary and free. When the thought forms disappear by themselves, leaving a feeling of how the energy is distributed throughout the body, the result is achieved. The duration of the exercise is about 20 minutes.

Exercise 2. The next exercise is done in a horizontal position. You need to enter the relaxed state achieved in the first exercise, and gradually relax each. It is better to start on the right side. For example, first relax your right toes, then switch to your left. Move on to hands. Gradually rise to the head. Release tension from the neck, chest, back, pelvic region, mentally relax the heart, brain, nerves and tendons. When you feel warmth and heaviness in that part of the body to which your attention is directed, the result is achieved. To achieve a sustainable result, it is better to practice the exercise for at least two weeks.

For the subsequent practice, which allows you to develop the abilities of Reiki, you will need to work with a master. A full-fledged Reiki training on your own is impossible without the help of a specialist. There are other exercises aimed at working with the energy inside your own body. Read the provided descriptions of breathing and relaxation exercises by choosing the option you like.

What is Reiki Initiation?

What is the difference between training and initiation? Reiki initiation must be done with a master. Attunement consists in opening the channel, that is, initiation into Reiki. Remember that the choice of a master in this case is an extremely responsible matter, since a person with impure thoughts is able to "attach" an energy entity to your channel, which will feed on your energy. The scheme for conducting Reiki initiation varies from master to master, so there is no specific technique.

Initiation consists in synchronizing the brain waves of the master with the student. That is, you are given a certain program that allows you to interact with the energy of the Universe. Tuning allows you to increase the energy reserve, as well as enhance intuition and give other mental abilities.


Is it really possible to learn Reiki on your own? You can learn basic skills, but you won't be able to reach a high level. However, if you have the potential, home schooling may well be enough for you to achieve the result that you need.


Sit straight in a chair.
1. Hands on the shoulders.
2. Hands on the skull or on the sides (Sylvian furrow).
3. A hand on the medulla oblongata and the back of the head, the other on the forehead.
4. One hand on the 7th cervical vertebra, the other on the cervical fossa.

5. Sternum and back (heart center).
6. Solar plexus (stomach) and back.
7. Lower abdomen and back to the coccyx.

A brief treatment aligns the chakras. You can also quickly normalize chakras like this:
Align the 1st Root Chakra with the rest by placing one hand on the Root Chakra and successively the second hand on the 6th Chakra (third eye). Wait for equal energy to flow in both hands. Then they put their hand on the 5th Chakra (thyroid gland), the second remains on the root Chakra. Do this with the rest of the Chakras and stay in position for as long as a uniform energy flows.

If the person is "out of his mind", start with the 6th Chakra (third eye), leave one hand here and align the other Chakras with the 6th Chakra. In addition, you can align:

1st Chakra with 6th;
2nd Chakra with 5th (body and spiritual expression);
3rd Chakra with 4th or 6th;
1st Chakra with 4th Chakra.


The following list of diseases and injuries describes where Reiki should be given concentratedly in healing sessions or separately (after smoothing the aura).


Frontal sinus, K1, KZ, R3, R4, adrenal glands, kidneys; at the site of the lesion (runny nose - on the nose; urticaria - on blisters and scratches) daily for at least 20 minutes.

Anemia. (anemia)
Spleen, G2 (left side) liver, G1, K4, Sylvius furrow.

G head on the side opposite the affected area of ​​the body, this means that if the left side is affected, then treat the right side of the head.

G, R, especially kidneys, painful areas. As in the "pain" column, sciatica position if the lower limbs are affected.
G5, directly on the chest, collarbone, K1 on the sinuses (fingers are easy to press on the sides of the nasal bones), under the chest.


G3, K, especially Kl, K2B, Rl, R1A, R2, waist area, collarbone area.
Pain in general (general) over painful region, also R3 and R4.
- for all bones in the body R1A, 7th cervical vertebra;
- pain in the hips and legs, back, sloping part of the thighs;
- pain in the hands

back, hill of shoulders, clavicle at the ledge, occiput and shoulders;

- pain in the legs sloping part of the thighs, R5 - R7 and on the painful place;
- pain during mencmpyacuu
G4, lower back, R7, SC;


see "Toothache".
Fear, fear.
G and above the spine.


G5, ribs under the breast and collarbone, K1, press on the wings of the nose, R2, R3, R4.

inflammation of all kinds
Under the feet, especially in the middle of the foot, above the heel, just above the site of inflammation, G1 and G2, G5, R3 and R4;
- peritoneum
under shoulders, fingertips lightly pressing below eyebrows, R2 to R5;
- tonsils
G, K1, K2, K5, R3, R4, kidneys, treat regularly in chronic cases.


Gl, G2, liver, bile, spleen, G3, G5, K1, KZ.

dislocation, sprain
Immediately on the affected area for 15-20 minutes, if after more than 24 hours - and on the painful place, in addition, the sloping part of the thighs, if there is a dislocation (stretching) of the leg or bones.

Hair loss
G, especially G4, R4, R3, kidneys and adrenals.

R7, over the rectum (20 min) G2, spleen (15-20 min).


Gl 15-20 minutes, R over the kidneys.


All problems with the eyes: G, G4 (for women), K1 - fingers are lightly pressed into the inner corner of the eye, eyeballs and the outer part of the eyes, also K2A and KZ;

cataract, clouding of the lens
as above, each position 10 minutes, every day;

G, K, especially G4, K, as above;
- glaucoma as above, especially ovaries, also K2A, K2B for 10 minutes (fingertips can be easily pressed behind the jaws right under each ear), KZ;
- barley G, K, especially K1 and whiskey, back, especially kidneys.


G, especially Gl, G3 and G4, K, especially Kl, K2A, K2B, K3, K4, R, especially the upper spine, shoulder area, Rl, R1A, R2A, R3, R7.

Dizziness See "Equilibrium". Starvation, hunger G3, G4, K5, thyroid, R3, R4 and R7.

Above the cervical fossa.

foot fungus

G and feet.

G, especially chest and respiratory system, G1, liver, G2, spleen, G5, K under the chin, K1, K3, R1B to R4, R above and between the shoulder blades, under the feet, especially the thumbs.

High pressure)

K5, 15 to 20 minutes, sides of the neck, R3, R4, over the kidneys and adrenal glands, under the sinus.


G, K, especially K3, K4 and R, especially R3, R4, R5, collarbone.


G, especially G1 (15 minutes), G2, G3, above the navel. K, especially Kl, Rl, R1A, R2, R3, especially the occiput and R7. In addition, the pointed surfaces of the elbows, the tibia, just below the knees, the peritoneum.
G5. Chest under the chest and shoulders, collarbone. K1, it is easy to press the sides of the nasal bones; R2, R3 on the shoulders and on the lower ribs to the right and left of the spine. Feet, especially under the big toe.

G2, G3, K2B and K4, R7; - disorders, digestion G3, G4, G5, KZ, K, back, R3 and R4, kidneys and R7, outer part of the forearm; - stomach ulcer of the outer part of the forearm, G3.

Gl, G2, on the right shoulder blade.

G, especially G3, G5, in addition, one hand above the navel, the other under the back of the head.

back of the head

Complaints: G, especially G3 and G4, K, especially KZ and the back of the head, R1A, especially the area of ​​the shoulders, the back of the head and the 7th cervical vertebra;
- pain in the back of the head
the outer part of the arm from the elbows to the shoulders.


G, especially G4, G5, R7.

Area affected, Kl, K2, maxilla and mandible;
- teething palate of the child, then the soles of the feet.




Hands above head, treat diaphragm and lower abdomen.

Exhaustion of the nervous system
G, especially G3, G4 and G5, K2A, K2B, KZ, K4, Sylvian furrow, R3, R4, R7.

R5 and R6, R7, buttocks, back of thighs, link with hands from heels to buttocks, G.

G, G5, Kl, K5, neck, K2A, KZ, Sylvius furrow.


Red or brown spots: G1, liver 15-20 min.


G, G4, especially the groin, the bulge of the thighs, R, especially the kidneys, kneecaps and the inside of the knees.


G, especially G4, upper shoulders, chest, over nipples, ribcage under armpits, inner thighs, K, Sylvian sulcus.


KZ, K5, to ease the tension, G3;
- from the nose
R1A, R2 blades;
- menstrual
G2, G3, G4, K, Sylvian furrow.

G, especially G2, spleen and R3, R4 above spleen.

K3, K4, see "Headache", in women the lower abdomen, G4.

G4, V-position, bladder, R3, R4, kidneys K1, K4;
- urinary retention G1, G2, G4, K1;
- urinary incontinence G, especially over the bladder (20 minutes), R3, R4 over the kidneys and lower back, R7.

Tension, pinching, neuralgia

G, especially G3, G4, G5, K1, KZ, K4, Sylvius furrow.

Accident, accident

See "Shock," R3, R4, adrenals and solar plexus, bleeding right over there.

G, groin and sloping thighs (outer);

blood supply
G, especially G4, K4, inner thighs;

swollen legs
G, K4, R3, R4, kidneys;

Pain in the legs.
G, especially G4 (especially important), in addition, sloping thighs, R3, R4, kidneys, adrenal glands, calves under the popliteal cavities;

Expansion of G veins, especially G4, K2B, tight cage on the sides of the chest under the right armpit, right on the sore spot.

- spicy
directly above the burn, possibly closer;
- Not spicy
G and over the burn.


Before and after the operation - a full course.

breast tumor

G, especially G4, 15-20 minutes, long time G5, over the tumor for 15-20 minutes, G2.

Sinus, adnexal region
G, chest, bronchi and collarbone, G5, K, K1, fingers lightly press on the bone under the eyebrows and the bone of the cheeks, KZ, R1, R1A, occiput, shoulder area.
fracture, bones
First, set the bone, then the fracture site (passes through the cast).

G1, back between shoulder blades lower right.

G, especially G5, chest

Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs)
As in pleurisy (chest and back) lungs, R2 to R5, collarbone, upper chest.
injuries, wounds
Right above the damaged area.

Right on that spot (eg knees, fingers, hands), G3.

nasal polyps
See "Sinus", K1, KZ.

Memory loss
K4, ovaries, G4, prostate, R7.


G, especially Gl, G2, G4, G5, K, K2B, R3 and R4, clavicle.
flush of heat G, especially G4. weight problems
- obesity
body fat, ovaries, prostate, G4;
- exhaustion
sloping parts of the thighs, hips.

R7, G, especially G4, Kl, K4.

G, especially G5, G2, spleen, Kl, K2B, KZ, under
corners of the mouth (for head colds and sore throats - K5).


G1 (gall bladder), Sylvian furrow.
Gl, G2, G3, G4, G5, all positions very important, sunny and above the tumor;
- language.
under the feet;
- chest
long time G4 and G5, then over the tumor;
- oncological diseases
under the feet.

Multiple sclerosis

G, especially G3, K, especially K2A, K2B, K3, K4, especially motor nerves, Rl, R1 A, especially over the occiput and between the shoulder blades, R7B affected areas, for example, legs: if two people treat, one head, 2 th - feet.


G, R, R3 and R4, especially kidneys, then painful areas.

G, especially G3, G4, G5, R, especially lower back. It helps to open the pelvic part, through which the child will pass painlessly, in a good position.


- tongue burn
on the mouth, under the feet;
- ulcerative stomatitis.
G, under the feet.


G2, left side and back in this area, R3, R4.

hay fever

K1, KZ, R3, R4, kidneys, adrenal glands 20 minutes daily.


- in case of a heart attack, immediately call a doctor, upper and lower abdomen, kidneys;
- myocarditis especially Gl, G2, G3, diaphragm and abdomen, thyroid gland, especially K2, R1 to R4, especially upper back;
- attack
upper and lower abdomen, kidneys, Gl, G2, G3, R3, R4;
- cramp
G, especially G5, under breasts, over nipples, chest under arms, K2, R, especially upper back and subrenal glands, Rl - R4;
- increase
G, breast over nipples, K, especially K2;
- heartbeat
G, especially the navel, thyroid gland;
- feeling of tightness in the region of the heart
like "convulsions".
Decreased blood sugar
Elbow point.


Treat every day, especially K2A, K2B, K3, K4, Gl, G2, especially the spleen; G4, G5, R4, kidneys, R7.


G, especially G3, G4, G5; R1 to R7, painful areas.


G, especially G4, R, lower back, R2 - R7.


G, especially G5, R, especially K1 and KZ, fingers are easy to press to the cheeks, especially Gl, G2, R3, R4.
Tenosynovitis (inflammation of the tendons) Affected area.


G, especially G3, K, especially K2A and K2B, legs, inside of the tibia from knee to ankle.


- morning sickness.
G1, G2, G3;
- during, movement (ride)
see "Balance".

Head injury
As in shock, occiput Rl, R1A, R2 to R7.
Bites of mosquitoes, wasps, bees
Directly to the place of bites from 15 to 20 minutes.
- damaged eardrum
middle finger in the ear hole, other fingers on
- pain in the ears. K2B and G5
- deafness
like pain in the ears.


Immediately after shock: G3, solar plexus and adrenal glands, simultaneously or separately, outer edge of shoulders;
- later after shock
G, especially G4, ovaries, prostate, R3, R4, especially kidneys and adrenal glands K, K3, K4.
Scar (scar) m.

In all cases where thyroid treatment is indicated, also G4 and R7 in starvation, obesity, malnutrition.


G, R, especially R3, R4, kidneys and lungs.

G, especially G3 (solar plexus) and G4, G5, on the chest along the line of the nipples, clavicle, K2, Sylvian sulcus, R, R1, R1A, R2, R3 and R4.

G3 (above the navel), R, R7, K4. A short course of treatment with Reiki.
Emphysema (bloating of the lungs)
G, especially G5, collarbone, chest and back, neck and pleura.

- stomach.
G3, G4;
- duodenum
G, especially under the waist line, G3, K1, it is easy to press down the bones of the nose, where the cartilage begins, the stomach; outer part of the arms (above).


The concept of "thymus", or thymus, comes from the Greek word Thymos, which means "life force". I would like to demonstrate a simple technique that allows you to effectively stimulate your internal vitality through the impact on the thymus gland. This technique is not included in the traditional Reiki treatment system and, accordingly, in the training program. But many have introduced this method, based on its high efficiency and, at the same time, ease of use. This method works well with Reiki and can be incorporated into a wellness program if desired.

The thymus gland is located in the center of the chest behind the upper part of the sternum. Until recently, it was considered superfluous in the body, partly even harmful. Today it is considered indisputable that the thymus gland is the most important organ for maintaining our immune system, which explains the increase in its role in the treatment of cancer and their prevention.

Today it is known that in 95% of people the thymus gland is weakened. Through the muscle tests practiced in "applied kinsiology" as well as in the "Touch for Health" method, it has been tested and proven hundreds of thousands of times that a weakened thymus can be supported within seconds and quite simply method. The procedure consists in a light pat on the thymus gland. You tap on the location of the thymus gland with your fingertips or with a freely clenched fist 10-20 times, choosing a rhythm that is pleasant for you (friction has the opposite, weakening effect). Thus, its harmony is achieved. You can, of course, simply put your hands on the thymus gland and let the Reiki energy flow through it. The tests mentioned above clearly show that this is another effective opportunity for Reiki.

If you regularly strengthen the thymus gland in the morning - or you can safely do this several times during the day - you will soon feel much more energetic and stronger. The impact on the thymus can also be recommended to your patients and demonstrate this method.
Despite the seeming insignificance of this procedure, its positive impact is great.


"He who is infected with the fear of illness is already
infected with the disease of fear."

M. Montaigne

If you often work with Reiki, it will happen from time to time that your treatment has not been successful. What's happened? This chapter outlines several factors in which Reiki works in unexpected ways. May the following guidelines be helpful in evaluating patients, and not just in Reiki treatment.

One of the most common reasons for your failure is, perhaps, that you expected a certain result, but the universal pattern of Reiki had something else in mind. Your expectation was not justified, but the patient may have experienced something that is not so clearly expressed. Not everyone immediately speaks openly about their spiritual life, but sometimes it is in this area that important changes begin. Sometimes the recipient of Reiki does not have a clear idea of ​​what happened to him, and sometimes the result of the treatment appears only after weeks and even months.

So, do not be discouraged if your expectations are not immediately met. Using Reiki, you will not achieve anything by your own will, your "I" should fade into the background, and this is not a bad school for development.

As a Reiki channel, you are not the actual actor, but rather a neutral observer, a witness to what is happening. And the patient's symptoms should be internally treated negatively. You are not fighting a disease, you are giving Reiki and watching what comes out of it - and the result will always be the best.

But there is an explanation for the "therapeutic failure". Patients come for treatment, but their readiness for treatment is in the nature of an alibi. Deep down, they did not want, consciously or unconsciously, to recover, even attached to their illnesses, which gave them some advantage.

For example, a housewife who only receives support and attention from her family when she falls ill. Obviously, she saw no other way to get this attention. If such a conviction sits deep in a person, he will internally oppose that the treatment be successful. Outwardly, this person will do everything to get well, he does not miss anything, even "a new exotic method."

A similar phenomenon is often found in children, but not so pronounced. If a child is sick, everyone takes care of him, everyone loves and pities him, everyone takes care of him, he does not have to go to school, perhaps they visit him and give him gifts. And if he made up for the lack of attention, only then it is easy for him to recover. This mechanism operates subconsciously, and we cannot blame anyone for this, since this kind of behavior often leads to a possible equalization of forces. Isn't that how you do it? For weeks and months you are zealous in your activity, work and responsibility, in order to then get some kind of disease. She finally provides you with attention and care from your loved ones, which you could not provide yourself before or could not receive all this in a generally recognized way. The patient is always considered poor, innocent and in need of sympathy, who is not to blame for the fact that he fell ill right now. And after that, the world looks much nicer; illness definitely makes sense.

There are other reasons why Reiki Masters fail. For example, the patient considered the treatment with Reiki as something terrible, something suspicious. And there are people who can be approached only at the gross material level. They prefer something tangible. Often these are people who have never done spiritual things. In such a case, it would be better to respect their desire and give them something appropriate. All people are at different stages of development, and therefore you should not take these facts into account in relation to therapy.

Therefore, never try to persuade anyone to receive Reiki treatment. Inform the person about how Reiki works and let them make their own decisions. And then, as a rule, the treatment will be successful.

It may also happen that a person has not learned from his illness and that he wants to keep it for a while. Perhaps in this way he will prevent himself from harming himself, violating more and more the laws of nature. In this case, Reiki is most suitable for opening his eyes to inner connections. Sometimes a patient suddenly comes to understand what is the cause of his illness. Otherwise, the person must bear karmic guilt before healing can occur. However, Reiki will help him with this. Or it is possible that, due to certain karmic connections, this is the task of another healer - to heal this particular person, and for you this is forbidden.

And there is still a small group of patients for whom Reiki treatment seems too simple, they would not like to be treated in such a simple way, because in the end they can say that they were not really sick at all, which they probably exaggerated their complaints. And in less than three weeks of treatment in the hospital, it should not go away. What can we say here?

The last category of "problem" patients are those who want to prove to themselves and to you that such a method of treatment cannot have an effective effect. In their skepticism, they simply lie tensely and resist every flow of energy, every pleasant feeling, every harmony and inner change. And in the end they are right!

Nobody who is himself. won't convince, Can't be convinced by you!


So, if someone comes to you, inform them about Reiki, offer a treatment, but don't force it. Every person is free, and you must take this into account first of all.

All the cases mentioned here occur very rarely in practice, and they should not deprive you of courage to take up treatment.

Thus, the application of Reiki will give a wonderful experience, even if it is an experience that will surprise. Be open to what comes next.


We can assure you that, based on results and experience to date, Reiki has an enriching and supportive effect in almost any medical treatment. Reiki always supports the biologically meaningful process of healing the body, spirit and soul. Reiki not only does not interfere with the effects of medicines, any physical or psychotherapies or other medical interventions, but on the contrary, it helps the body additionally with its cleansing and harmonizing effect.

However, there is one exception: during an operation under anesthesia, Reiki cannot be given, as it may happen that the anesthesia does not work properly. In this case, Reiki should be performed immediately before or after the operation. Also broken bones should be straightened first before giving Reiki on them. After that, Reiki will greatly speed up the healing process.

We would like to point out again that Reiki does not automatically replace all other treatments or medicines, but generally complements and supports them in their possible biological impact.

Physicians, psychologists, and self-taught healers have combined Reiki with other traditional healing methods and achieved good results. One of the Reiki Masters used Reiki along with massage, reflex zone therapy, "Touch for Health", breathing therapy, prenatal therapy.

Others have successfully combined Reiki with rebirthing, acupuncture, acupressure, massage, Jin Shin Jyutsu, chiropractic, color therapy, Bach flower therapy, homeopathy, aroma therapy. Some teachers and therapists combine Reiki with meditation, bioenergetics, yoga, autogenic training, and other techniques. It is possible, for example, to give Reiki during injections without any fear. In this case, the medicine is absorbed much faster and the injections are not so painful.

Thus, Reiki is of great help to all those who are engaged in the field of healing people. It is a wonderful natural addition to almost every therapy known to us.

We could, perhaps, compare it with the impact of good, clean air, which has a beneficial effect on every patient, being one of the main conditions for a healthy lifestyle.

Reiki causes a profound restructuring at all levels of existence on the path to holistic healing development.

Reiki can be successfully applied in our psychiatric hospitals, in children's clinics, in preparation for childbirth, in rehabilitation, etc. In this regard, the US is one step ahead. There, Reiki is recognized as an additional education in the training of doctors, nurses, and psychologists.


"Most people think that pills are a sniper's bullet,
without a miss hitting the target.
In fact, it looks more like a fragmentation projectile,
hitting the square..."

EAT. Tareev

Since Reiki can be given with great benefit as an adjunctive measure for serious illnesses, it is important to know if drug interactions may occur, and if so, what these interactions look like.

Below is the information received by traditional healers, therapists.
The essential impact of Reiki is the maintenance of all life processes. It improves metabolism and helps to remove poisons from the body. On the other hand, it causes deep relaxation throughout the body and promotes the development of the reaction of the body at all levels. Thus, it is clear that Reiki has an effect on the medications taken.

Chemical (allopathic) medicines
Based on experience, it can be concluded that Reiki dampens the effect of those medicines that cause poisoning of the body, and also removes poisoning, depending on the strength and duration of Reiki. On the other hand, it contributes to the effect of the drug and helps, so that even a small dose is sufficient for the desired effect. Of course, this depends on the length and intensity of the Reiki session.

This effect should be taken into account in the first place in relation to painkillers and narcotic drugs (which must remain in the body in their action). In some anesthetics (for example, in dentistry), special substances are added, the action of which constricts blood vessels and thereby retains the anesthetic substance in the anesthetized part of the body for a longer time. Reiki greatly relaxes and lowers this action if the corresponding sore spot has received the Reiki energy.

Seminars for obtaining the second degree of Reiki indicate that during operations, methods of treatment at a distance with the help of Reiki should never be used, otherwise there is a danger that the patient will wake up from anesthesia. Of course, this also applies to treatment methods of the first degree.
Any anesthesia, having completed its task, can be stopped faster and more harmoniously with the help of Reiki.

If strong painkillers are given after the operation, then for safety reasons, it would be necessary to abandon long-term treatments for the full Reiki cycle and limit treatment with

Reiki only the operated part of the body or organs under heavy load (for example, the liver or kidneys). At the same time, the effect of the analgesic agent affecting the entire body is not reduced. On the other hand, Reiki often relieves or relieves pain in wounds. Selectively, Reiki can also be given to lymph nodes that are under heavy stress.

For minor pains, the use of Reiki can make it unnecessary to use narcotic medicines, that is, headaches and minor wounds, insect bites can be treated with Reiki and medications can be abandoned.

The same caution as with the use of narcotic drugs is also necessary for drugs that work if they are constantly contained in certain quantities in the blood. Examples include blood liquefaction agents and cardiac agents. There are very positive reports about the use of Reiki before and after chemotherapy. During chemotherapy, however, healing with Reiki should not be carried out. In difficult cases, you should always discuss everything with the treating specialist who knows about the effects of the medications used. If he agrees, then effective combinations of allopathic medicines and Reiki can be made.

Only a very intensive full-cycle treatment with Reiki can sufficiently reduce the impact of allopathic medicines. And since a complete treatment awakens many vital processes simultaneously, one can hardly expect a sharp deterioration in the patient's condition. Thus, these guidelines should first of all clarify the possible effects of Reiki on allopathic medicines. At the same time, the idea that Reiki can cause severe and long-term health problems should be excluded.

If medicinal plants are used to normalize the regulatory systems of the body, then Reiki generally increases their effectiveness and speeds up the healing process. The use of synthesized or isolated plant substances that do not contain the entire "biology" of the plant is consistent with the use of allopathic medicines.


Medicines used in homeopathy regulate all dysfunctions of the body, namely, both on the physical and intellectual levels. If they are really used according to the principles of homeopathy, then they act absolutely holistically. In accordance with this, Reiki increases their effectiveness, helps to ensure that the initial deterioration does not appear so sharply and passes quickly. In therapy with excretory agents, such as sulfur, magnesium fluoratum, etc., Reiki promotes this excretion. On the other hand, targeted work with Reiki can help prevent overload of the organs involved in the elimination and provide gentle therapy along the way.

If "low potencies" are prescribed in large doses, then the use of Reiki (especially full sessions) will help keep the blood reflector of the relevant substances at a normal level, accelerating the release of all substances that are harmful to the body. If the goal was a substantial impact, then this should be taken into account when using Reiki.

Reiki often acts as a reagent in homeopathic medicines. Frequent work with Reiki as both a "donor" and a "receiver" makes the body more sensitive to homeopathy. The set of medicines shifts over time towards higher "potencies" and smaller doses and from animal substances to mineral and metallic ones. In most cases, after using Reiki for a long time, clearer symptoms appear.

The boundaries of homeopathy are where the body no longer has enough strength to heal itself. This is where a full Reiki treatment and focused Reiki work on the root chakra can be of great help. After a long homeopathic treatment, Reiki, along with the use of medicines, can also be used for general strengthening of the body, thereby shortening the recovery phase.

This method of healing uses alchemical models and techniques to make medicines. The system by which these remedies are prescribed, although it bears some resemblance to homeopathy and herbal medicine, cannot be explained by their categories.

Spagyric works holistically if the medicines have been prepared with skill and in accordance with the principles of this art of healing. Experience suggests that the duration of use and dosage can be greatly reduced with the use of Reiki. As in homeopathy, the withdrawal therapy can also be supported here. Charging spagyric medicines with Reiki enhances their effect.

flower elixirs

Flower essences operate at very high vibration levels. These are purely holistic medicines, and in accordance with this, Reiki enhances their effect.

Charging flower elixirs enhances their effect. For further enhancement, you can use special color films according to the "Verana" system.

The problem with the use of flower elixirs is that the patient must already be attuned to high vibrations in order for the full effect of these special medicines to be manifested.

Regular full Reiki sessions before and during the appointment will help the patient open up to the high frequencies of the color vibration. Another possibility is targeted Reiki work on the chakras affected by the flowers.

Brief conclusions:
Allopathy: never give Reiki during anesthesia. This is absolutely prohibited! Caution should also be exercised with anti-pain agents and agents that must, by their constant presence, have a long-term effect on the body (for example, Macumar, digitalis and others). Reiki can, however, prevent the harmful side effects of allopathic treatments.

Phytotherapy: Reiki is supportive. Be careful with isolated herbal biologically active substances (they are subject to the same restrictions as for allopathic medicines).

Homeopathy: Reiki acts both as a support and as a reactant. Auxiliary agent in excretory therapies. Works fortifying. A trend towards lower doses, higher potencies and a shift towards mineral remedies.

Spagyric: see Homeopathy; charging medicines enhances their effect.
Flower elixirs: see Spagyrica; Reiki before and during the reception improves the response. Color films "Verana" increase the strength of colors.


"Keep me, my talisman, keep me in the days of persecution,
In the days of repentance, excitement,
You were given to me on a day of sorrow."

A. S. Pushkin

Since time immemorial, crystals have been helping people with healing, witchcraft and various initiations.
Their beauty and peculiar radiance have become popular again today, at the beginning of the "new era". Many people use their help and learn from them to adapt to the new fluctuations of the coming age of Aquarius.

Noble stones can provide us with valuable assistance in working with Reiki. In this chapter, we will only touch on some of the easier yet very effective applications of Reiki with crystals.

Reiki activates many life processes. The fears and hidden areas of the personality that must be accepted in order to encourage mental and spiritual growth are beginning to be recognized. A difficult mental situation arises: the old ways seem meaningless, and the new ones are not yet visible. Some blockades are very persistent, and the fear of the unknown can lead to painful results. Such causes may temporarily lead to nightmares, and then our friends in the field of mineralogy can provide valuable assistance.

Experience gained during the Reiki seminars shows that three crystals performed particularly well: amethyst, rock crystal and rose quartz. Their possibilities are very different, they perfectly complement each other and can very well contribute to the work with Reiki. Here are some of these possibilities.

Rock crystal carries the truth of light. Rose Quartz awakens in us the resonance of the fluctuation of the energy of love and therefore helps us perceive the truth of the light. Amethyst activates the "third eye" with its energy and, as a result, shows a person a completely individual way of realizing the truth of light in his life.


This transparent quartz represents the highest stage of evolution in the mineral kingdom. None of the crystals is repeated, however, crystals often grew in families and a common base (druze). Its six facets are related to the six chakras in man, its apex is related to our transformational center, the seventh chakra. At its base, it is often cloudy, and becomes transparent towards the top. Like people, it grows out of gross-substantial matter in the direction of subtle matter, and at the same time becomes clearer and brighter. Its ability to be transparent and thus allow all vibrations to pass through can help people remove the blockages that prevent them from living in the "light".

In the work, you can use three different forms of this "messenger of light", which respectively perform their very specific tasks: a small druse with 2 larger rays and 1 small one; one solid crystal 10 cm long; two ovoid crystals polished in a drum.

These dimensions are, of course, approximate. Choose for yourself, depending on the purpose of the application, a suitable stone to which you intuitively feel drawn.

In the process of regular treatment with Reiki energy, the elements of inner independence will rise into consciousness, at the same time you will become more sensitive and learn, on the one hand, to open up to new experiences, and on the other hand, to close if a difficult moment overwhelms you. These learning processes are reflected in dreams, as well as in relation to the surrounding world. In order not to be defeated by the new vital energy and the load caused by the restructuring, you can resort to rock crystal.

A small druza for nightmares can work wonders. Just put it at the head of your bed and clean it every second or third day.

If you meet at home or at work with people whose presence depresses you and makes you, for example, aggressive, gloomy or tired, then put a friend somewhere close to you, so that she is constantly with you. She will bring light into the gray everyday life, but this task will be tiring for her too, so clean your druse often. If you want to thank her for her work, you can treat her with Reiki energy for a while.

Reiki - meditation with rock crystal

Lie on your back, pull your legs up and spread them apart. Then put the soles of your feet against each other, so that they are in contact as far as possible. And in conclusion, place your hands one on top of the other in the region of the heart, like a polished round, not very small rock crystal. This exercise can be performed while sitting, leaning against a wall or a chair.

Through the side chakras in the palms, the energy of the crystal will be perceived, gradually it will enter through the reflex zones into the whole body. If you are in urgent need of a crystal, then the "messenger of light" ("light-bearer") will soon feel hot. You should not be afraid, this is a completely normal reaction to large amounts of released energy. Along with the impact of the crystal, you yourself bring Reiki to yourself, as in a full treatment through the reflex zones and acupuncture points of your hands. As a result of the cleansing deblocking effect of rock crystal, you can more easily let in

Reiki with this combined method. During the exercise, pay special attention to your hands, feel the energy spreading and try to feel what reactions it causes in you. If desired, it is possible to combine the impact of this technique with singing (for example, mantras).

Option B

Here you take the same position as described above, but you put your hands at an angle of 45 degrees to the body on the floor. Palms up. On each palm lies a polished round crystal. At the same time, listen to your hands, to your body. Receive the energy and be aware of it. Option B is very good for setting up a full treatment, but is very effective as a meditation. Instead of lying on your back, you can do this exercise while sitting, leaning against a wall or chair.

These exercises are very intense. The crystals used for this need to rest after a few days, and they should be thoroughly cleaned. If you feel strong, locally limited blockades (for example, cramps in the shoulders and a feeling of fear in the solar plexus), then you can use a long single crystal alone or with a partner to remove them. At the same time, lead the "light-bearer" with the top along the blockade and move it slowly in a spiral directed upwards to the right. This process can be repeated several times as needed. Sometimes it is appropriate to blow strongly on the blocked area in order to remove the energy released from the inner aura.

Soon the pains intensified and could not be eliminated even by Reiki healing of neighboring areas (a mistake was made here, since targeted Reiki healing was not combined with a full session). After using rock crystal and the technique described above, the cramps disappeared very quickly, appeared rarely and much weaker in subsequent sessions, and then disappeared.

rose quartz
This stone also belongs to the quartz family. When working with Reiki, you can use round polished rose quartz with a diameter of 4 cm. Their warm pink vibration corresponds to the nature of the radiating love of the heart chakra. All deep acting healings come from the energy of this center. The pink color of quartz reminds of the energy that has accumulated in the blockade, and that there is love and receptivity for it, and raises it to the surface of consciousness. Therefore, rose quartz can be used together with rock crystal for deep resorption of blockades and the treatment of bodily and mental wounds.

Rose Quartz can heal the trauma associated with separation experiences, and therefore they can suddenly manifest in a more pleasant way if you let love into your consciousness.

Just as rock crystal, with its vibrations, helps to break through your “unity” in the process of awareness, rose quartz also gives the ability to lovingly perceive newly acquired parts (fragments) and integrate them into your personality. It's like the "Return of the Prodigal Son" story in the Bible.

Rose Quartz can be used for people who constantly complain about difficulties and who make it clear (sometimes with a groan) that they would like to do things differently ("It would be nice if ... but I can't?"; "What would be with me if I..."; "If now everyone would do it!"). These statements indicate that a person can already perceive some hidden fragments of his personality, but he cannot release them through perception through love and therefore cannot harmoniously integrate them into the whole complex of his personality.

Also in need of the energy of rose quartz: dogmatists; people who reject their healthy sexuality or aggression, their bodies and certain desires; people who judge other people just because they hold different views. If you place rose quartz on your heart chakra or other chakras before or during a full Reiki session, this stone will help you absorb (integrate) the released energy.

If fears appear during or after a Reiki healing session, then put rose quartz in one or both hands of your patient, this will help him come to terms with himself. After intensive purposeful work with Reiki (for example, on the chakras), one should always put 1 or 2 rose quartz in conclusion, if for one reason or another it is impossible to mentally influence the techniques

Reiki second degree.
If, in the meditations described at the beginning of the chapter, rose quartz is used instead of rock crystal, then they contribute to the fact that you begin to accept yourself and others with all their mistakes and weaknesses, no longer tormented by the "imperfection of the world." Instead of chanting the mantra "Om" out loud or silently, you can also work with affirmations like "I accept myself for who I am!" or "God loves me just the way I am!"

If you feel that this exercise is too much for you, then ask a kind person you trust to be with you during the meditation. If you are afraid of this exercise, do not work with it, but find out your reluctance with an experienced psychotherapist.

The point of the exercise is reached when you become aware of your unwillingness to accept certain parts of yourself. If you learn to love yourself, then this meditation will give you a great opportunity to bathe in the pink energy of love, otherwise you will have to deal with everyday problems and chaos within yourself and others in order to realize another, accepting facet of reality.

This purple crystal teaches humility. It has the ability to influence the "third eye", helps to know and accept our personal path. In this stone, a simple system of three crystals finds its natural completion, so with the help of amethyst, you can learn to realize your independence within the framework of the world order. Each person has this path, it should only be accepted and followed. But in most cases, this is easier said than done.
Amethyst will show how you can harmoniously integrate your new self-consciousness into everyday life. During regular work with Reiki, situations arise again and again that confront you with this problem. You do not know how to introduce your new increased independence into the world of your work, into your family life, without violating what you love, without confusing and without exploiting other people.

To work with Reiki, it is advisable to use round polished amethysts with a diameter of 4 cm. If you want to use the help of an amethyst, you should take the meditation position described at the beginning of the chapter, option A in the supine position. You then place the amethyst on your Third Eye and allow Reiki to flow from your left hand into your heart chakra and from your right hand into your solar plexus chakra.

These positions, on the one hand, excite the "Third Eye", and on the other hand, they also ensure that it is not "recharged", but aligned thanks to the energies of the heart center and solar plexus. This is a method of aligning the chakras. If you clearly see your individual path as a result of the stimulation of your "Third Eye", then fears in the area of ​​​​the solar plexus are often released.

But because this center is in turn aligned with the love energy of the heart chakra all the time, fears take their rightful place as important warnings, not as tyrants.

Placed on an organ that, due to functional disorders, has been treated with Reiki for a long time, amethyst will help it take its rightful place in the metabolism. So, for example, it can be used as a concomitant remedy for glandular hyperfunction. Amethyst work is always indicated when the organs regain their strength, but it is clear that this strength is not manifested properly. In addition, it can be used for high blood pressure, rage, nymphomania and various stressful conditions.

During a full Reiki session, this "stone of knowledge" can be applied by placing it on certain places (organs) or the "Third Eye" to enable your patient to use the added life energy with meaning and prevent fears. If in the evening after a session with Reiki, put it on the "Third Eye" for about 15 minutes, then it will help to harmoniously integrate the new energy into the increased life structures.

Brief conclusions:
Rock Crystal (2nd Chakra)
Task: Perceive.
Energy situation: not perceived.

Symptom: functional insufficiency of various kinds, circulatory disorders, functional insufficiency of glands, depression.
Rose quartz (4th chakra)


Energy situation:
not accepted as a possibility.

various detachments, separations, cancer, seizures, schizoid symptoms.
Amethyst (6th chakra)

to realize one's own personality within the framework of universal connections.

Energy situation:
used without meaning.

various hyperfunctions, inflammations, high blood pressure, glandular hyperfunction, hysteria.