Permanent hair removal in intimate places. Epilation of intimate places at home

Do makeup and remove excess vegetation. Daily care takes a lot of time and effort, but you really want to have perfect skin without hair! How can this be achieved, especially in the bikini area, because many are simply embarrassed to go to specialized salons with a similar problem. We have devoted an article to this problem, in which we will tell you in detail how to get rid of hair in intimate places at home.

How to get rid of hair in the intimate area: features of procedures

To remove unwanted vegetation below the waist, it is important to understand that this is a special area that is easily irritated and delivers uncomfortable sensations if not properly cared for. What can you expect with improper hair removal in the intimate area? Rapid regrowth of vegetation, its spread beyond depilation, irritation of delicate skin and even ingrown hair.

Before getting rid of hair in intimate places and in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, we recommend understanding the difference between depilation and epilation. During depilation, only the outer part of the hair is given, while its follicle remains untouched, so the removed vegetation grows back quite quickly. After the procedure, irritation may occur, which quickly passes. For depilation use:

  • razor (machine);
  • depilatory;
  • wax strips;
  • lotion or depilatory cream;
  • other means.

Depilatory cream contains hydrogen sulfide, which causes irritation, so use
its too often not recommended.
The most common salon methods of depilation include shugaring and waxing (hot, warm or cold wax). Before the procedure, those areas that are planned to be depilated are disinfected and soothed, and after the end, the skin is allowed to breathe for an hour.

When epilating, the vegetation is pulled out along with the root. To get rid of hair in intimate places in this way, it is better to visit the salon. The procedure is considered painful, so for the sake of beauty you will have to endure, but the hair will not grow for a very long time. And if the same hair follicle is subjected to persistent removal after regrowth, then after a while hair will stop growing from it altogether.

Unwanted vegetation can be affected by a chemical or physical method. If the bulb is purposefully destroyed, this leads to its radical removal. After a series of high-quality depilations, the hair does not grow until 5-6 years.

The hair removal procedure is carried out in the salon by the following methods: using a laser, photocells, electricity or enzymes. It has some contraindications in the form of skin diseases, mental and acute vascular ailments, varicose veins and epilepsy.

How to get rid of hair in the intimate area at home: practical tips

The most affordable and elementary method of hair removal in the bikini area is shaving with a machine. Use only high-quality cassettes that minimally injure the skin. Use shaving gel and aftershave. To avoid irritation, shave along the hairline, and after the procedure, smear the bikini area with baby soap, which soothes and protects the skin. Shave your hair carefully to avoid cuts and wounds. And keep in mind that after 2-3 days the treated area will be covered with bristles.

If you plan to get rid of hair in intimate places chemical method, then pre-buy a special cream or aerosol. The method is painless, cheap and affordable, but not effective enough in the presence of thick hair.

To remove hair in the bikini area with a home epilator, steam the skin to prepare it for mechanical stress. After steaming, the intimate area is disinfected and degreased. Then you take an electric epilator and start removing hair. It is recommended to do this against the growth of the hair, stretching the skin to reduce pain. Modern models eliminate this need, as they are equipped with special coolers that reduce pain. The disadvantages of the procedure are the high cost of the epilator, the need to spend a lot of time and painful sensations.

To get rid of hair in an intimate place with the help ofwax, use wax sold in jars or on special strips (a more convenient way). To make the procedure as painless as possible, prepare the wax by holding it over the fire.

Next, you apply wax in the direction of hair growth and sharply tear off the tape along with the vegetation in the opposite direction. At first, you will not be able to remove literally all the hair that has got under the wax, and besides, get ready for it to be painful. But gradually you will get used to the sensations, and removing hair in small areas with the help of waxing will become a habit.

Sugaring has always been considered a salon method, but recently it has become actively used at home. Getting rid of hair in an intimate place forever at home will not work, but it will help to temporarily make the skin smooth and beautiful.

Home sugaring

For the procedure, take the following ingredients:

  1. 1 tsp honey.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. water.
  3. 5 st. l. Sahara.
  4. 1 st. l. lemon juice (in extreme cases, diluted citric acid).

Prepare a container in which mix all the ingredients and heat them over low heat until completely dissolved. Make sure that the mixture becomes light brown, caramel, do not keep it on fire for more than 10 minutes! Do you want to check the readiness of the solution? Drop it on a saucer, but in no case put your fingers into the mixture: this is fraught with burns! After preparing the mass, pour it into a glass jar and refrigerate. Start shugaring only after the sugar mixture has cooled!

Then take pre-cut pieces of fabric, apply the mixture on them and press them to the problem area. Keep in mind that you need to stick the sugar toffee against the growth of the hair, and tear it off in the direction of growth, which will help to avoid pain.

Folk methods

If you are interested in how to get rid of hair in intimate places at home forever, then most likely you cannot do without the help of salon specialists. At home, methods with a short-term effect are mainly available. However, you can apply the following popular methods:

Iodine solution

Take 5 gr. castor oil, 2 gr. ammonia, 35 ml of pure alcohol and 1.5 gr. pharmacy iodine. Mix everything and let the mixture stand for 2 hours until it discolors. If you apply the product twice a day, then after 2-3 weeks the hair will become noticeably thinner and gradually disappear.


Nettle is a miraculous healing plant that is used both for and for their removal. To prepare the product, you need fresh nettle seeds, which are recommended to rub the scalp. The method is effective, but time consuming. Therefore, if you want to get rid of hair in intimate places faster, use the following recipe: you need to mix 100 ml of vegetable oil with 40 gr. crushed nettle seeds. A well-corked mixture is hidden in a dark place for 2 weeks. Then it can be used up to 2 times a day until unwanted vegetation in the bikini area disappears.

Since ancient times, women caring for their appearance have dreamed of getting rid of unwanted hair on the body, including in intimate places. Cleopatra herself sought to achieve smoothness of the skin in this area, using a method that today is called sugaring. In the modern world, smooth and velvety skin is not just a trend, but a necessity, especially on the beach. There are several ways to get rid of excess vegetation in the intimate area with your own hands, each of which has advantages and disadvantages. After studying them, you can choose for yourself the best method of hair removal at home.

Why does hair grow in intimate places

Hair in intimate places is a natural phenomenon, so nature takes care of protecting the human reproductive organs from cold, heat and mechanical damage. There are other theories about the causes of hair growth in the intimate area, for example:

  • many scientists are of the opinion that the hair in this place enhances the smell characteristic of the representatives of different sexes in order to lure a sexual partner;
  • according to another version, vegetation focuses on the genitals, thus giving a sign that its owner or owner is ready for reproduction;
  • some gynecologists say that hair in the intimate area is necessary to protect against inflammatory diseases and friction against clothing.

From a medical point of view, hair removal does not have negative consequences for health in general, if the procedure does not cause significant damage to the skin.

Hair grows on the pubic area, the gluteal fold and directly on the genitals themselves, including the most sensitive areas. They strive to find perfect smoothness in intimate places both for sexual attractiveness and for personal comfort, and in order to obtain a more aesthetic appearance if the bikini area opens to prying eyes (on the beach, photo shoots, catwalk, variety performances, etc.). Hair in the intimate area is usually darker and coarser than on other parts of the body, so radical and at the same time delicate methods are required to remove it.

According to a study conducted by the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, the preferences of the women surveyed regarding a haircut in the crotch were distributed as follows:

  • 50% prefer to remove hair completely;
  • 30% leave a narrow strip of hair in the center of the pubis and on the labia;
  • 15% are fond of creating drawings on the pubis;
  • 5% not only get a haircut, but also choose extreme ways to decorate the intimate area - hair coloring, gluing rhinestones, and so on.

Methods for removing hair in the intimate area

You can remove hair in intimate places at home without spending time and money on visiting the salon. It is worth considering that in the most sensitive areas you need to act especially carefully. These areas include the labial mucosa in women and the scrotum in men. Among the many options for home procedures, you should choose the option that meets the individual requirements of a particular person. According to the method of influencing the hair, there are 2 types of their removal:

  • epilation (removal of hairs from the root);
  • depilation (removal of only part of the hair located on the surface of the skin).

Epilation methods are considered more effective, since when the entire hair is removed along with the bulb, the skin remains smooth for quite a long time (up to several months). However, depilation is a less painful procedure. Consider each of the available methods in more detail.


One of the cheapest and fastest ways to get rid of hair in the intimate area is shaving. At home, this is the best option for depilation of a deep bikini. The machine can completely cut off the hairs on the genitals and in the anus.
To shave your intimate area, use disposable razors or a safety razor with replaceable cartridges.

The main disadvantage of shaving is the rapid growth of hairs. Moreover, the new vegetation is quite tough and looks like bristles. There is also a risk of scratching or cutting the skin during the procedure and thus causing an infection. During shaving, the top layer of the epidermis is inevitably removed, which leads to dryness and irritation of delicate skin. To minimize these unwanted effects, it is recommended to use a safety razor and a shaving cream that improves gliding and protects the skin from inflammation. In time, change the replaceable cassette or the machine itself, if it is disposable. When using a dull blade, you will have to act on the same area several times, injuring the skin.

It is worth considering the option of combining shaving with other methods of hair removal: use a razor to get rid of hair on sensitive areas (near the mucous membrane or on the scrotum), and treat the rest of the bikini area in more effective ways.

Video: how to shave the bikini area

Depilatory creams

This method is suitable for removing pubic hair, thighs, perineum and anus. On the mucous membrane and scrotum, such chemical compounds cannot be used, since there is a high probability of getting a burn or provoking an allergic reaction and an inflammatory process.

Depilatory cream is a chemical composition that is applied to the skin and left to act for 5-10 minutes. Then the cream is removed with a special spatula or washed off with water along with the dissolved hairs. The benefits are clear: it's a quick, painless, and inexpensive way to get rid of unwanted hair. However, it also has disadvantages:

When buying a cream, make sure that it is suitable for depilation in the bikini area. This is important, as a composition that is not suitable for sensitive skin can cause inflammation, burns or allergies. Strictly follow the exposure time and instructions for use so as not to harm the skin. Do not apply to injured areas.

Before using the product, be sure to test for sensitivity: apply the cream on the elbow and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse. If irritation occurs on the skin, it should not be used, especially in the intimate area.

Hair removal with an epilator

Pulling out hairs with tweezers is effective, but too long and painful. Based on this mechanical method, an electrical device was developed - an epilator. It is intended for home hair removal on the body by mechanical action: a roller with a rotating drum is passed over the skin, on which tweezers are located, grabbing and pulling out hairs from the root. After the procedure, the skin becomes smooth for a long period (up to 3 weeks), and new hairs grow thin and weak. However, this is the only advantage of using an epilator for the intimate area.
Some models of epilators have special attachments designed to treat sensitive areas.

We list the disadvantages of using an epilator:

  • hair removal with an epilator causes pain;
  • the device does not capture fine hairs;
  • the procedure can be carried out only if there is hair at least 0.5 cm long;
  • after the procedure, bruising and inflammation remain on the skin;
  • new hairs can grow into the skin.

The epilator is not suitable for removing hairs on the labia and in the anus.

Shugaring and waxing

These methods are combined by a hair removal technique: a sticky warm composition of sugar (sugaring) or a special wax (waxing) is applied to the skin in the intimate area. A piece of fabric is placed on top and smoothed, and then with a sharp movement the strip is torn off along with the hairs. This method is considered one of the most effective among home methods - the skin remains smooth for up to 1 month.
Waxing is carried out in salons, but you can do it yourself at home

The procedure also has disadvantages:

  • you may need help, since pulling out hairs on your own is quite problematic;
  • the procedure is very painful, as the hairs are pulled out by the root;
  • shugaring and waxing methods take a long time, because the skin is processed in small areas;
  • it is necessary to constantly warm up the means for hair removal;
  • redness and irritation appear on the skin after hair removal.

The process of removing hairs with wax or sugar mass takes place in several stages:

  1. Composition preparation. Sugaring mass or wax can be bought frozen in the store. Before use, it is heated either in a special device - a wax melter, or in a water bath, or in a microwave oven. You can also prepare the composition yourself: mix sugar (200 g), water (1 tablespoon) and citric acid (1 teaspoon) and heat in a water bath until golden brown.
  2. Application to the skin. When the composition has cooled down a little, a small amount of it is applied in a thin layer to the skin along the hair growth. A strip of fabric is glued on top and smoothed.
  3. Depilation. When the composition adheres to the hairs, a strip of fabric is torn off with a sharp movement against hair growth. In this case, it is desirable to stretch the skin.
  4. Skin cleansing. The sticky mass leaves marks on the skin. You can get rid of them by wiping the skin with a special fat-dissolving agent (for waxing) or boiled water (for shugaring).

Video: depilation of the bikini area with a paste

Folk remedies

There are folk methods for removing hair in the intimate area, the effectiveness of which is legendary. However, in practice, it is rarely possible to achieve a tangible result. The action of most of these methods is based on the etching of the hair and the oppression of their vital activity, which should subsequently lead to their loss. In fact, you can lighten the hairs, make them thinner and even dissolve with the help of herbal ingredients or chemicals. However, they must be used with caution, as the effect of these substances can be unpredictable and dangerous.

When using chemical compounds, dryness and irritation of the skin, the appearance of burns and allergic dermatitis are not excluded. It is not recommended to apply them to the mucous membranes and genitals. It is worth conducting a skin test on the arm or leg before applying the folk remedy to the intimate area.

Among the most popular folk remedies for depilation are lemon, hydrogen peroxide and soda.

We list the most popular folk remedies for removing excess hair:

  • walnut: It is recommended to use unripe green walnut. Its shell is rubbed on the skin with hairs or an alcohol tincture is made on the partitions of the nut. The resulting solution lubricates the skin 2-3 times a day until the result is obtained. The effect of this method is most likely based on the presence of iodine in the composition of the nut. With regular exposure, it gradually "burns" the hairs. A similar effect can be achieved by using a mixture of a solution of iodine, ammonia and castor oil in equal proportions;
  • lemon, vinegar, grape juice: the action of these products is based on the properties of the fruit acids contained in the composition. With constant application of acid, the hair becomes discolored, and with prolonged use, hair loss is also possible;
  • soda: the composition contains alkali, which acts as a depilatory agent. To remove hair, it is recommended to dissolve a tablespoon of the product in hot water and lubricate the hair with this liquid. Another option is to apply compresses from a cloth soaked in a strong soda solution overnight;
  • poisonous plants: decoctions of dope and milkweed are used to etch hair. Poisonous components penetrate the hair follicle and inhibit it;
  • hydrogen peroxide: a pharmacy solution is mixed with a few drops of ammonia and applied to the scalp as a compress for 10–15 minutes daily until the hairs “burn out”.

When deciding to use folk methods, consider the likelihood of undesirable consequences - the hairs may brighten, turn red or turn into another unexpected color. The skin can also change pigmentation, and its normal color will return only after a couple of weeks. For hair loss, it may be necessary to perform procedures for many weeks and even months.

Is it possible to get rid of unwanted hair permanently

At home, it is impossible to get rid of vegetation in the intimate area forever. The maximum period for maintaining skin smoothness can reach 3-4 weeks when using an epilator, sugaring or waxing. It is possible to radically solve the problem of unwanted hair with the help of new technologies, namely: laser, photo or electrolysis. Such procedures are carried out only in clinics and salons, and their cost is quite high. To achieve a lasting result, a course of procedures is required (the number is determined individually), and the duration of the effect can reach several years.
Laser hair removal allows you to get rid of hair in the intimate area for several years.

Even with the use of high-tech methods, you will not be able to remove hair forever. The essence of the procedures is that the hair follicle is affected by an electric current, a laser beam or a light flux, destroying it completely. However, there are "sleeping" follicles that can wake up after a few years, and the procedure will have to be repeated.

Among the hardware methods of hair removal in the bikini area, laser exposure is most often used. The beam finds dark hairs and destroys their pigmentation down to the root. Laser hair removal is the least traumatic for the skin, does not leave scars and burns, and causes less pain than electric or photo epilation. To remove hair in the intimate area, 5-7 procedures may be required, the cost of each will be 3-7 thousand rubles.

There are hardware methods and contraindications, including:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • disorders in the thyroid gland and others.

Video: how is the procedure for laser hair removal of the bikini area

Features of the hair removal procedure

Hair removal in the intimate area is a rather delicate procedure. It is important not only to choose the most suitable and comfortable method for you, but also to take care of reducing pain during its implementation. Also, do not neglect the skin care after the procedure.


The intimate area is the most sensitive part of the body to be epilated. Pain when removing hair from the root causes serious discomfort. During the procedure in the clinic, specialists inject painkillers to make patients feel comfortable. At home, this method is rarely used, except in the presence of a medical education. The following methods will help you reduce pain during the procedure yourself:

Skin care after the procedure

The purpose of depilation or epilation is to remove unwanted hair. However, do not forget that the skin requires special care after such procedures. The top layer of the skin is inevitably damaged, and when the hairs are removed from the root, blood points appear. The skin becomes dry and may become inflamed and red. To ensure softness and smoothness in the intimate area after hair removal, as well as to prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs, proper care will help, which includes the following means:

After the hair removal procedure for the next day, it is necessary to limit exposure to the sun, to refuse to visit the bath and sauna, the gym. You should also not swim in the pool if the skin was damaged during the procedure - there is a high probability of infection.

Any woman or girl wants to look beautiful and sexy. And unwanted hair is one of the important problems. To look attractive, you need to follow and take care of yourself every day. in intimate places - this is not only beauty and respect for a sex partner, but first of all - health and hygiene for a woman.

Should I remove hair from the intimate area?

Most of the fair sex prefer to get rid of unwanted hair in the intimate area. But there are girls who still doubt whether it is necessary to remove the vegetation or not. The skin in this area is very delicate and sensitive, so some are afraid to do this procedure, others are simply embarrassed to go to the salon to a professional specialist.
The hairline in the bikini area is a good breeding ground for germs and can be a source of bad breath.
You just need to choose the right and painless method for how to get rid of hair in the bikini area. You can use the services of a professional or spend. Using special tools, you can get rid of stiffness and discomfort forever.

Removing hair with an electric epilator

For depilation of the intimate area, epilators can be used. An excellent option would be a cooling one or one that works in water, they will help reduce pain. Epilators pull out hairs along with the bulb, so for about 2-4 weeks you can forget about unwanted vegetation. But it’s better not to use it for a deep bikini area, because there is a risk of injury, it is well suited for eliminating pubic hairs. The area must first be steamed and disinfected, the optimal length of the hairs is 5 mm.

  • long-term result;
  • hairs become thinner and their number decreases;
  • the procedure can be carried out at home.


  • irritation and soreness;
  • A quality epilator is expensive.

If you use the epilator regularly, you can get rid of pain forever.

Shaving the intimate area with a razor

Removal is the simplest, cheapest and fastest method of getting rid of hair in the bikini area. There are special women's machines with moisturizing strips and a different number of blades. Before the procedure, the intimate area must be steamed, foam or gel applied, then carried out with a machine in the direction of growth. This tool does not give long-term results.

  • speed and ease of use;
  • painlessness;
  • inexpensive price;
  • a huge selection of machines;
  • suitable for deep bikini area


  • irritation and risk of cutting;
  • hair grows faster and becomes stiff;
  • the effect lasts for a short time

Wax removal of the bikini area

Waxing or waxing is the most effective and fastest way to remove unwanted hair, but at the same time the most painful. However, with it, you can enjoy smooth skin for about 3 weeks. This procedure is best done in salons, but if it is not possible, then it is also possible to do it at home. The wax is heated to the required temperature and applied to the skin with a spatula, the main thing is not to overheat it, otherwise burns may form. Then apply a special strip and pull against hair growth.

  • long-term effect;
  • hairline growth slows down, they become light and thin;
  • inexpensive and accessible


  • soreness and irritation;
  • does not remove very short hairs, you have to pluck with tweezers;
  • May be allergic to wax

At the end of the epilation, it is advisable to apply an anti-inflammatory agent or a soothing cream.

Bikini epilation with tweezers

Many people wonder if it is possible to remove vegetation in the intimate area with tweezers? Epilation with tweezers is a slightly exhausting and not very effective method of getting rid of hairline, and moreover, it is not at all suitable for a deep bikini. Of course, it will be problematic to completely clean the hairline with tweezers, but it can thin out the intimate area well. It is better to use tweezers after depilatory cream, when a few hairs remain.

  • no financial costs;
  • availability;
  • almost no contraindications;
  • vegetation growth slows down


  • takes a long time;
  • unable to remove all required area


This method is very popular, although it appeared quite recently. Sugaring is a sugar paste that can be made at home, it consists of sugar, lemon juice and water. It is applied to the desired area and left for a few minutes, then plucked against growth along with the bulb. Of course, the shugaring method will not permanently remove the vegetation, but for a long time, for about a month, it can. If a certain amount of hair remains after the procedure, it will be most convenient to remove them with tweezers. At the end, it is recommended to apply a soothing agent.

  • vegetation with constant use becomes lighter and thinner;
  • hairs do not grow into the skin;
  • easily tolerated and hypoallergenic;
  • long result;
  • inexpensive procedure;
  • suitable for deep bikini area


  • possible burns on the skin;
  • soreness;
  • there are irritations

Depilatory cream for bikini area

There is a wide variety of creams for the intimate area. This is the easiest way to remove. You need to apply the cream, wait a while and then rinse. True, the hairs are not removed from the root, so in a few days they will reappear. Before use, it is advisable to conduct an allergy test on another area of ​​​​the skin. For a deep bikini, it is not entirely effective; after a depilatory cream, it is better to use tweezers.

  • no irritation and cuts;
  • convenient to use;


  • enough for a short time;
  • specific smell of the cream;
  • allergies may occur

There are many ways to remove hair in the bikini area, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Any girl, woman can independently choose her own method, which will be painlessly tolerated and liked. Someone prefers intimate haircuts, and someone prefers a beautiful deep bikini area. Be attractive and sexy, get rid of complexes forever.

How best to get rid of hair in the intimate area in order to avoid unpleasant consequences is a question that many women ask. Although some prefer to leave things as they are, most girls remove the vegetation in the bikini area. To find the best option for hair removal, you can constantly experiment, or you can read about which method is more gentle.

To epilate or not to epilate the bikini area? Some believe that pubic hair protects the genital area from pathogenic organisms and the external environment, while others believe that removing vegetation is aesthetically pleasing and hygienic. Consider the positive and negative sides of hair removal.

Table: hair removal in the intimate area: pros and cons

  • the opportunity to experiment with an intimate haircut;
  • less unpleasant odor;
  • the swimsuit will sit better, you won’t have to worry about the fact that the hair from under it will be visible to others;
  • epilate bikini more hygienically;
  • men like a well-groomed genital area.
  • pubic hair is a natural barrier against external bacteria and viruses;
  • hair prevents skin irritation during intercourse, since friction can cause inflammation of the epidermis and discomfort;
  • removal of pubic hair causes inflammation and irritation of the hair follicles, hence the appearance of acne and ingrown hairs;
  • You don't have to spend money on hair removal products.

Types of intimate hair removal

Intimate hair removal is a whole creative process, thanks to which a girl can show her individuality and sexual mood. There are several main types of intimate hair removal:

  • Classic hair removal is when hair is removed only from visible places (roughly speaking, outside the panties). Classic hair removal does not imply a complete absence of vegetation.
  • Deep bikini is a kind of intimate hair removal, quite common and popular among young girls. Many consider this design not only hygienic, but also sexy. Such hair removal involves the complete removal of vegetation in the entire genital area.
  • French hair removal is similar to a deep bikini, but in this case, a thin strip of hair remains on the pubis, and all other vegetation is removed.

Photo gallery: types of intimate hair removal

Hair is removed from the entire intimate area Hair is removed outside of the panties Hair is removed everywhere, but there is a small strip on the pubis

Ways to epilate a bikini at home

For self-removal of hair in the bikini area, familiarize yourself with the intricacies of each of the methods.

Cream for depilation of intimate areas

This method is often mistakenly referred to as hair removal, it is a depilation option, but it is great for the bikini area. Cream is the best option for people who do not have bikini hair removal experience. Creams are easy to use, affordable, effective. The composition of the depilatory cream contains chemical elements that can cause an allergic reaction. Before use, spread a little on the wrist area, make sure that the skin does not turn red. Give preference to a cream with the addition of moisturizing ingredients or oils.

How to use the cream correctly

  1. Apply an appropriate amount to the area you wish to remove vegetation from. Make sure your hair is covered with cream all the way through.
  2. Leave the cream for the time indicated in the instructions for it.
  3. After waiting for the required amount of time, rinse off the residue with warm water.
  4. Apply moisturizer.

How long will the effect last

Depilatory creams remove only those hairs that are on the surface of the skin. Vegetation will begin to grow 2-3 days after epilation.

Benefits of hair removal creams:

  • fast and easy method;
  • painless procedure;
  • the method is ideal for beginners;
  • the cream will remove hair even from hard-to-reach places.

Cons of hair removal creams:

  • the cream can cause rashes on sensitive skin;
  • the cream usually has a strong chemical smell that lingers on the skin.

Treatment of the intimate area with an epilator

The epilator is suitable for girls with a high pain threshold. It works by plucking individual hairs at the root using mechanically controlled tweezers. Removing hair with an epilator is painful, but the longer you use it, the less pain and discomfort you experience.

How to use an epilator correctly

Epilators are waterproof and for dry use. In the intimate area, it is preferable to use a waterproof epilator, because removing hair in the genital area is less painful in the shower, steaming the bikini area well.

  1. Before epilation, trim the pubic hair with scissors to a length of 2-3 mm. This will prevent the hairs from getting tangled during the removal procedure.
  2. The next step is exfoliation. Walk on the area you need with a soft scrub, after steaming the skin in the shower.
  3. Place the epilator against your skin without applying pressure. Hair should be removed in the direction of its growth. The movements of the epilator should be fast and confident. The faster you move, the less pain you will feel.
  4. After epilation, apply a moisturizing gel or cream to the intimate area.

How long will the effect last

An epilator removes hair from the root, so the effect of smooth skin usually lasts up to 3-4 weeks.

Advantages of the epilator:

  • the effect after epilation lasts long enough;
  • the possibility of long-term use;
  • convenient for travel.

Cons of an epilator:

  • soreness of the procedure;
  • irritation and ingrown hairs may occur;
  • not suitable for owners of too delicate and sensitive skin.

Wax strips for intimate hair removal

Wax strips are common among women who are not experienced with bikini hair removal. If waxing is a difficult process for you, then strips are a great solution. They are sold as a set. The kit consists of the strips themselves and special oil wipes. They wipe the skin to remove the wax remaining after the procedure.

How to use wax strips correctly

  1. Make sure your pubic hair is long enough (2-3 mm) - if not, then the wax simply will not be able to capture the hair for later removal.
  2. Warm up the wax strip with your hands, rubbing it a little.
  3. Divide the wax strip into two parts. One of them firmly lean against the area you need.
  4. Rub the strip for a while over hair growth.
  5. With your free hand, fix the area of ​​​​skin, pulling it slightly, with the other hand, sharply remove the strip against hair growth.
  6. Repeat the procedure as many times as needed.
  7. Cleanse the skin with a tissue from the kit.

How long will the effect last

Wax strips are an effective option to get rid of hair in the bikini area for a long time. They remove the hair from the root, the smoothness of the skin lasts up to 3-4 weeks.

Benefits of wax strips:

  • an affordable way that does not require high costs;
  • suitable for inexperienced girls;
  • long-term effect after epilation.

Cons of wax strips:

  • soreness of the procedure;
  • wax may not be completely removed from the skin, this causes discomfort;
  • there may be bruising after the procedure;
  • high risk of irritation and redness on the skin.

Trimmer for hair removal in intimate places

The trimmer will help create a contour for your intimate haircut, make an interesting design, but this tool will not work to remove the hair cleanly.

How to use the trimmer correctly

  1. Insert the battery or batteries into your device.
  2. The wide nozzle is optimal for a bikini, but the final choice is yours.
  3. From above, it is better to put on a comb attachment for cutting hair to the desired length.
  4. Turn on your trimmer.
  5. Lean the device against the bikini area, move against the growth of the hair, slightly stretching the skin.
  6. Change nozzles if necessary.

How long will the effect last

The trimmer does not completely remove the hair, it cuts it to the length you need, based on the selected nozzle. The effect of smooth skin cannot be achieved, but creating an intimate haircut with a trimmer is quite simple.

Advantages of a trimmer for the intimate area:

  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • the trimmer does not irritate the skin;
  • easy to use;
  • convenient for travel.

Cons of a trimmer for the intimate area:

  • does not remove hair from the root, but only shortens it;
  • additional nozzles will need to be purchased.

Plucking hair with tweezers in an intimate place

Plucking the pubic hair is no substitute for shaving or waxing this delicate area. Tweezers can serve as a means of adjusting an intimate haircut if single hairs remain somewhere after epilation. Tweezers remove hair from the root, but using it on the entire bikini area is not productive, it is better to choose another method.

How to use tweezers

If after epilation you still have hair in any places, then get rid of them with tweezers. The tweezers must be sterile, free of rust. It is best to have a separate tool that will be used exclusively in the intimate area.

Pros of plucking hair with tweezers in an intimate place:

  • tweezers eliminate single hairs;
  • available method;
  • allows you to make the skin smooth, removing hair in hard-to-reach places.

Cons of plucking hair with tweezers in an intimate place:

  • painful procedure;
  • epilation takes a long time if there are a lot of hairs;
  • possible ingrown hairs.

Shaving the intimate area

Shaving is the most affordable and well-known way to remove hair, refers to depilation methods.

How to shave your bikini area

  1. First, cut the hair with scissors to a length of 2-5 mm.
  2. Apply shaving cream to desired area.
  3. While shaving, you need to stretch the skin a little, this will protect you from cuts. Razors only work well on flat skin surfaces.
  4. Lean the razor against the skin without pressing on it. Start removing hair first in the direction of hair growth and then in the opposite direction.
  5. Do not pass the machine over the same place repeatedly.
  6. Be sure to clean the blade as you work. A clogged razor will not work well.
  7. If there are pimples or wounds on the skin, then you should not shave this place.
  8. At the end of the procedure, apply a moisturizer.

How long will the effect last

The razor cuts off the visible part of the hair, so the effect is short. After 1-2 days, the skin will not be perfectly smooth.

Pros of shaving your intimate area:

  • inexpensive and affordable way;
  • painlessly.

Cons of shaving the intimate area:

  • hair grows back a few days after the procedure;
  • you can cut the skin if the procedure is not performed correctly;
  • risk of ingrown hairs.

Epilation of the intimate area in the salon

The procedure for epilation of the intimate area began to gain popularity back in the 20th century, when open separate swimsuits came into fashion. At the moment, many beauty salons provide a bikini hair removal service. There are different methods used to remove hair:

  • waxing;
  • sugaring;
  • laser epilation.


One of the most popular options for intimate hair removal is waxing.

In the salon, waxing is carried out as follows:

  1. First, the skin is treated with a disinfectant lotion.
  2. Next, wax heated from 40 to 60 degrees is applied.
  3. A special paper is applied from above, pressing it tightly against the skin with your hand.
  4. With a quick movement, the master removes the paper against hair growth.
  5. At the end of the procedure, a moisturizer is applied.


A good alternative to waxing is sugaring (epilation with caramel paste). This option is best for sensitive skin. Sugaring contains natural ingredients: sugar and lemon juice. Sometimes honey and essential oils are included in sugar paste, softening the skin and protecting it from irritation.

What you need to know before waxing.

Two days before the procedure, it is necessary to treat the intimate area with a gentle cleansing scrub. So the epilation procedure will become less painful, because there will be no dead cells on the skin.

Shugaring of the intimate area in the salon is as follows:

  1. The bikini area is treated with a disinfectant, then sprinkled with talc (so the paste is better to grab).
  2. In the next step, the master applies a sugar mixture preheated to forty degrees against hair growth.
  3. Sugaring paste is removed sharply, according to hair growth.
  4. At the end of the procedure, the master removes the remaining paste and treats the skin with a soothing agent.

The total duration of the sugar hair removal procedure is 30-40 minutes, and the effect lasts for 3-4 weeks.

Laser hair removal

If you are looking for a way to permanently get rid of vegetation, then laser hair removal is perfect for you. The laser removes hair not just from the surface of the skin or from the root, it destroys the hair follicle. The number of laser hair removal sessions depends on the type of skin and hair.

Preparing for laser hair removal:

  • Two months before the procedure, you should not get rid of hair in the bikini area.
  • Do not go to the solarium or sunbathe in the sun for 2-3 weeks before the procedure.
  • On the day of the procedure, do not apply any cosmetics to the area that will be subject to laser hair removal.
  • Make sure you have no contraindications for laser hair removal. It is best to consult with a specialist.

You should not resort to a laser hair removal procedure under the following circumstances:

  • period of pregnancy, lactation;
  • oncological disease;
  • varicose veins;
  • skin diseases;
  • acute infectious diseases.

Laser hair removal in the salon is as follows:

  1. First, the specialist determines the type of your skin and hair, based on this, the best option for laser hair removal is selected.
  2. An anesthetic is applied an hour before epilation.
  3. You can work with a laser only on dry and clean skin. The device generates impulses that destroy the hair follicle.
  4. In between work, the skin is cooled with special means.

Photo gallery: intimate hair removal in the salon

Sugaring - the process of removing vegetation using sugar paste Laser hair removal will allow you to get rid of hair forever Waxing is a painful but effective method of getting rid of hair in the intimate area

Pain relief during bikini waxing

Home remedies for pain relief are quite simple. They will help make the epilation procedure more tolerable and comfortable.

Anesthesia without the use of special means:

  • Before the procedure, you can apply ice to the intimate area for 2-5 minutes, so the skin becomes less sensitive.
  • During epilation, stretch the skin, so the procedure will be less traumatic.
  • Remove hair from the bikini area after steaming the skin first.

If you have a low threshold of sensitivity, then use one of the anesthetic creams.

  • Cream Emla. An effective drug that can reduce sensitivity in the bikini area. It should be applied one hour before the procedure. Spread a small amount (1-2 grams) over the intimate area, apply cling film or a plastic bag on top. It is in this form that you need to wait 60 minutes, then proceed to hair removal.
  • Cream Light Dep. This cream can be purchased in specialized stores. It blocks pain receptors, and therefore the epilation procedure is comfortable and painless. This tool is applied to the intimate area 20-30 minutes before the procedure. The duration of the cream "Light Dep" - 2.5 hours.
  • Cream Dr. Numb. A well-known pain reliever during epilation. Acts quickly, blocking the nerve impulse. The effect lasts 2-3 hours.

How to relieve irritation after epilation of the intimate area

If your skin turns red and itchy after the hair removal, then this can cause further acne and ingrown hairs. Therefore, having noticed the first signs of skin irritation, it is necessary to prevent the manifestation of unpleasant consequences. This can be done with the help of affordable means that are available at home or sold at any pharmacy:

  • Tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is an effective and popular remedy. Add 10-15 drops of tea tree oil to a glass of cold water. Wipe the affected areas by soaking a cotton pad in the resulting compress.
  • Chamomile collection. To relieve inflammation and remove redness from the skin, purchase chamomile at the pharmacy. Steam it with boiling water (1 tablespoon of chamomile is enough for a glass of water). Let the product brew and cool slightly, then soak a cotton pad in the resulting infusion and wipe the desired areas of the skin.
  • Aloe vera. If you have this plant at home, use its stem. It is necessary to cut off a small process of the plant, squeeze the juice out of it, and then wipe the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with it. Aloe vera gel can also be purchased at a pharmacy.

Some pharmaceutical products can also help restore the skin after epilation. These include:

  • Panthenol. The cream or gel is applied to the skin without rinsing. You can use it several times a day, it perfectly soothes the skin, restoring damaged areas.
  • Miramistin. It is an effective antimicrobial and sedative agent. Miramistin does not dry the skin, it restores it after any type of hair removal. It should be applied immediately after shaving, spraying on the desired area.
  • Boro plus. This is a cream that can be purchased at any pharmacy. It has a greasy texture, at a time it is able to remove skin irritation, restore it and nourish it. It is distributed with massage movements over the damaged area.

Bikini waxing during pregnancy

Not all types of hair removal are safe during pregnancy. This is a special period in a woman's life, so you need to pay special attention to even such a routine procedure as epilation of the bikini area:

  • Shaving is a completely safe way to get rid of unwanted hair in the genital area while pregnant. So, if this is your usual method, then you can continue to use it.
  • Plucking a couple of hairs with tweezers is quite acceptable, but you should not treat the entire bikini area with an epilator. Elevated hormone levels can lead to all sorts of skin problems. Sensitivity during pregnancy increases, and the epilator is a painful tool that can cause uterine contractions and, as a result, premature birth or miscarriage.
  • Waxing also causes pain, which means there is a risk of uterine tone, which is dangerous during pregnancy. If you have used this method before and want to continue waxing, then consult with your doctor who is monitoring your pregnancy. Perhaps waxing is completely contraindicated for you.
  • Sugaring, although it is considered a more gentle procedure, does not mean at all that it is safe to carry out sugar hair removal while pregnant. A consultation with a doctor from a women's clinic is required. The specialist will assess your physical condition, prescribe the necessary tests, and then be able to advise the best hair removal method for you.
  • Depilatory creams during pregnancy are a rather controversial issue. The main threat to pregnant women is the presence of chemicals that can provoke an allergic reaction. It is better not to resort to the use of any kind of depilatory creams.
  • Laser hair removal is not recommended during pregnancy. Possible manifestation of pigmentation due to increased sensitivity and susceptibility of the skin. Plus, laser hair removal is not always painless, and using an anesthetic during pregnancy is not always acceptable.