Ultrasonic facial cleansing - high efficiency without harm to the skin, reviews about the procedure. Video: How facial cleansing is done in a specialized cosmetology clinic. Indications for use

Beautiful skin without wrinkles and pimples always attracts attention. But genetics alone is not enough to make the face look perfect. It will be possible to maintain the health and youth of the dermis thanks to proper care, including cleansing, toning, nutrition and moisturizing. And in order to remove keratinized particles of the dermis, as well as dust and dirt from the deep layers of the skin, it is worth regularly performing peeling procedures.

In modern cosmetology, there are many methods of deep skin cleansing. In the salons, procedures are carried out using a laser, fruit acids, ointments and creams with solid particles. Recently, ultrasonic facial cleansing will gain popularity. Ultrasound gently affects the skin, helps to solve many problems associated with the skin.

Features of the procedure

Many experts call the use of ultrasound for the face a progressive technique in cosmetology. The main advantage is that due to the effect, it is possible to almost completely remove the stratum corneum of the skin. In this case, there is no possibility of injury. Ultrasonic cleaning is suitable for those who lead an active lifestyle and cannot afford to set aside a day for being alone. After the peeling procedure, there are practically no traces left on the face. Women who use other methods for deep cleansing of the face cannot boast of this.

Ultrasound can solve a whole range of problems associated with the skin of the face.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing belongs to the category of hardware cosmetology. This means that the procedure gives a much better result than manual peeling. Representatives of the weaker sex, who decided on ultrasound cleaning, note that the skin becomes smoother, its color evens out. It is possible to get rid not only of acne, comedones and wen, but also of the first signs of skin aging. Ultrasound promotes facial rejuvenation, helps a woman transform for the better.

Ultrasound is safe on the skin. The old stratum corneum is removed. In its place, new cells begin to be born. Thus, an accelerated regeneration process is started. Additionally, oxygen access to the skin is improved. Thanks to this, the face looks fresh, a healthy glow appears.

Ultrasound is safe on the skin

It is worth remembering that no cosmetic procedure will give radical results. If the skin is very neglected, there are a lot of pimples or deep wrinkles on it, you should not expect that ultrasound facial cleansing in several procedures will help to completely get rid of problems. To improve the condition of the skin must be approached comprehensively. The cosmetologist will tell you how to properly perform ultrasonic peeling, in combination with what drugs and procedures.

The principle of operation of ultrasound

High-frequency ultrasonic waves are generated using a special apparatus. It is thanks to the impact of these waves that it is possible to cleanse the skin of impurities, dead cells and fat. The human ear cannot perceive ultrasound. It will seem to the patient that the cosmetic procedure takes place in complete silence. In fact, in this way a positive effect on the skin will be produced. First of all, ultrasonic waves push out impurities from the deep layers of the dermis. Due to this property, the procedure was just the same and recorded to the category of peeling.

High-frequency waves contribute to the exfoliation of dead cells

The second positive property of ultrasound is the removal of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Thanks to this, the process of cell renewal starts. It is no coincidence that many cosmetologists note that after ultrasonic cleaning, the patient's face becomes smoother. The procedure will be useful for those who have been struggling with facial scars after acne for a long time. Having performed peeling several times, it will be possible to significantly reduce the depth of creases. By the same principle, the number of mimic wrinkles on the face is reduced.

High-frequency ultrasound waves perfectly stimulate blood circulation and lymph flow. This is another plus in favor of accelerating the regeneration of the dermis. After the procedure, the metabolism is noticeably accelerated, it is possible to get rid of toxins that negatively affect the skin condition.

In addition, facial cleansing using ultrasound helps to reduce the fat content of the epidermis. This is especially true for girls with combination or oily skin types.

Ultrasound promotes the production of collagen and elastin - substances necessary for healthy and youthful skin. The procedure is often prescribed for girls who are faced with the first signs of aging. Another positive bonus is that high-frequency waves increase the strength of the external cosmetic product. It is possible to obtain an enhanced rejuvenating effect.

Advantages of ultrasonic peeling

Many cosmetic clinics have already abandoned aggressive mechanical peeling. The technique is painful and not always safe. The same cannot be said for ultrasound. High-frequency waves gently remove dirt and dead skin particles. If mechanical cleaning for acne-prone skin is stressful, then ultrasound is a pleasant therapy. During the procedure, the patient does not experience pain and other discomfort.

After ultrasonic peeling, the skin quickly recovers.

High frequency waves remove only dead skin cells. At the same time, the state of the living dermis does not suffer at all. In the process of cleaning, cuts and microcracks do not appear on the skin. Therefore, the technique of ultrasound peeling can rightfully be called the safest. Going to the beautician, do not be afraid to bring the infection. Another advantage is the absence of swelling, redness and scars immediately after the procedure. This is especially true for those who at any time must have a presentable appearance.

It is impossible not to note the advantage, which consists in a wide spectrum of action of ultrasonic peeling. The technique can be used not only for preventive purposes to maintain the normal state of the dermis, but also to eliminate acne, normalize fat balance, improve skin color, and remove mimic wrinkles.

Cons of technology

There is no cosmetic procedure that is ideal for all skin types. Ultrasonic peeling is no exception. Before signing up for a deep cleaning session, you should consult with a specialist. Otherwise, there is a risk of harm.

The main disadvantage of the technique is the temporality of the effect. Even a complex of several procedures cannot guarantee a lasting effect if you do not properly care for the skin. Deep cleaning should be carried out regularly. The frequency can be determined by the cosmetologist, based on the type and condition of the skin.

The price of ultrasonic cleaning in the cabin is another minus. On average, for one session in a good salon, you will have to pay about 1,500 rubles. Not every woman can afford to regularly spend money on procedures of this kind. It is much cheaper to do peeling at home. It will be possible to buy a device for ultrasonic facial cleansing for 10,000 rubles.

Who is ultrasonic peeling suitable for?

By and large, the procedure is suitable for almost everyone. Ultrasound can be used prophylactically to cleanse the skin of impurities. In addition, the technique can be used in combination with medications, if it is necessary to solve such problems as:

  • acne;
  • comedones;
  • increased oiliness of the skin;
  • dehydrated skin and dull complexion;
  • mimic wrinkles;
  • enhanced pigmentation.

It is worth consulting with a beautician about the advisability of cleaning using ultrasound.

Machine peeling using ultrasound is so gentle that it can be used to clean thin and sensitive skin. However, the procedure still has its contraindications. These include:

  • first and third trimesters of pregnancy;
  • overly injured dermis;
  • purulent rashes in the acute stage;
  • facial neuralgia;
  • individual intolerance;
  • oncological diseases.

It is not recommended to perform ultrasonic peeling with rosacea, as well as other cardiovascular pathological manifestations. There are also less stringent contraindications. It is worth thinking about the advisability of performing the procedure if the patient feels unwell. It is desirable to postpone peeling if there is a cold or an exacerbation of a chronic illness.

A qualified cosmetologist, before proceeding with the procedure using ultrasound, will clarify what the patient is complaining about, whether there are any contraindications. Neglecting the recommendations can lead to unpredictable consequences, such as exacerbation of the inflammatory process on the skin, a rapid deterioration in well-being.

Procedure technique

A session of ultrasonic facial cleansing will consist of the following steps:

  1. Pre-Cleansing and pore expansion. Initially, surface dirt and cosmetics are removed from the face. A specialist in his work can use a special make-up remover milk in accordance with the client's skin type.
  2. Peeling. Before ultrasonic cleaning can begin, a soft scan using cosmetics must be performed. This will allow high-frequency waves to penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis.
  3. ultrasonic cleaning. Beforehand, a special gel is applied to the skin, which increases the conductivity of the waves. Along the massage lines, the beautician moves from one area to another. In problem areas, exposure to ultrasound can last up to 10 minutes. The entire procedure takes 40 to 60 minutes.
  4. Ultraphonophoresis. The ultrasonic spatula gently affects the skin, but at the same time warms up the upper layers of the dermis. Due to this property, medicinal preparations more effectively penetrate into the deeper layers. Ultraphonophoresis is performed according to indications. This step can be omitted.
  5. Darsonvalization. The procedure is also performed according to the indications immediately after the ultrasound. Darsenval helps to reduce the production of sebum. This stage is included if the client has enlarged pores and a large number of blackheads.
  6. Applying moisturizer or a mask that suits your skin type. The correct selection of cosmetic products allows you to soothe the skin after the procedure, as well as consolidate the result.

After the session, a suitable moisturizing mask or cream is applied to the skin.

Many are interested in the question of how often you can undergo an ultrasonic facial cleansing procedure. Everything is individual. Only a cosmetologist will give an exact answer in accordance with the type and condition of the epidermis. For normal skin without inflammatory processes, one ultrasound session per month will be enough. Owners of oily skin can have a session twice a month. But with a dry type, it is recommended to use ultrasound no more than once every two to three months.

Ultrasonic peeling: reviews

Having studied the opinions about the procedure, we can conclude that high-frequency waves really have a positive effect on the skin. It is possible to eliminate deep pollution, reduce the number of pimples, even out complexion. However, there are also negative comments. They are connected mostly with the price of the procedure. For 1500-2000 rubles, many expect an instant effect. In fact, to make the skin perfect, it is not enough to turn to a beautician. The key to success will be a healthy sleep, proper diet, fresh air

Here is what the girls who used the ultrasonic cleaning service in the salon say:

Masha, 23 years old, Moscow
I had just catastrophic skin problems! Huge wen, pimples, acne scars - this is just a small list. I gathered my thoughts and went to the beautician. I was advised an ultrasound facial. Initially, I doubted, and the price of one session was 1200 rubles. Anyway, I did it and I'm happy with the result! Already after the first session, the pimples dried up, the skin became more matte. I've had three sessions with a frequency of three weeks. When I put on makeup, my skin looks perfect.

Svetlana, 31 years old, Chelyabinsk
I work in a salon myself. I decided to try ultrasound peeling as soon as we got the device. I didn’t have any major skin problems, but I managed to note that the procedure really transforms the face. Skin color improves, fine wrinkles under the eyes become less noticeable.

Evgeniya, 29 years old, Samara
A friend gave me a peeling device for my birthday. This I didn't know before. I read the instructions carefully and started to fight. After the first use, I noticed that the skin became very soft, but nothing more. I saw significant results after regular use of the device (every two weeks). The outlined nasolabial folds were completely smoothed out, I forgot about pimples and black dots. I am satisfied!

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is one of the most common methods of dealing with skin problems. For most women, it is with this procedure that acquaintance with the beauty parlor and all the subtleties of cosmetology begins.

Thanks to ultrasound, which is supplied at certain (low) frequencies and has a beneficial effect on the human body, it is possible to easily get rid of the keratinized (dead) layer of cells. In turn, this leads to the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for maintaining youth. Moreover, all processes are activated: blood flow, lymph flow, production of new cells. The most effective way of cleansing is deep cleansing of polluted pores.

During the procedure, comedones, blackheads and even excess subcutaneous fat are removed, after which the skin looks refreshed and rejuvenated.

The essence of the procedure

Photo: apparatus - scrubber

For the procedure, a special apparatus is used - a scrubber. It allows you to influence the patient's face with ultrashort waves that penetrate deep into the skin and massage the tissues.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing implies compliance with a certain algorithm of actions:

  1. Preparatory stage. Before cleaning, the patient's skin is cleansed of makeup, dirt and dust using conventional cleansers. For these purposes, a special gel is first applied, which contains fruit acids.
  2. This is followed by peeling to remove dead skin particles.
  3. After that, a special mask is applied, which has a warming effect.
  4. The mask is removed and a special lotion is applied, on the basis of which a massage is done for five to ten minutes.
  5. During the procedure itself, the scrubber is run over the patient's face. Pollution, waste products of the glands come out of the pores.
  6. Dirt is immediately removed.
  7. Finally, the skin is soothed with creams.


Indications are the following factors:

  • enlarged and contaminated pores;
  • too oily skin type;
  • non-inflammatory acne;
  • small wrinkles;
  • "porous" skin;
  • reduced tone;
  • dark spots;
  • dull complexion.

Video: Ultrasonic Cleaning


Like any other cosmetic procedure, such cleaning has its contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • fever, fever;
  • any inflammatory processes and acute infections;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • neoplasms;
  • epilepsy;
  • the presence of boils and other purulent diseases;
  • eczema;
  • herpes in active form;
  • recent chemical facial peel;
  • diabetes.

Benefits of the procedure

  • the skin is not stretched or squeezed during the procedure;
  • after peeling, no traces remain on the skin: redness, tightness (only slight peeling may occur);
  • living cells are not affected, destroyed or damaged;
  • the possibility of peeling in the summer;
  • increased immunity;
  • skin renewal at the cellular level;
  • increased production of collagen and elastin.

Features of the impact of waves

Ultrasound affects the patient's skin in three ways:

  • mechanical;
  • thermal;
  • physical and chemical.

All three of these methods have a beneficial effect on the patient's skin. So, for example, the mechanical method adjusts the necessary frequency of oscillations in the cells, thereby forcing the body to work better. Physico-chemical causes the intracellular structure to rebuild, thus healing skin cells.

And the thermal method activates metabolic and recovery processes. The device used in the procedure operates in different modes, so in addition to cleansing the face, it can help with lymphatic drainage, micromassage and ultraphonophoresis.

Number of required procedures

Cleaning requires a whole course of procedures. Moreover, the disadvantage of ultrasonic peeling is its frequency.

So, depending on the type of skin and existing problems, the interval between sessions is from one week to two months.

To achieve the maximum effect, about eight procedures are required, and to consolidate the result, up to fifteen sessions.

To carry out ultrasound peeling at home, you need a special apparatus - a scrubber, as well as various gels and lotions. Undoubtedly, this is a medical procedure, so it is best to carry it out in a proven salon under the supervision of a highly qualified cosmetologist. However, the use of scrubbers at home can save a lot of money.

Peeling at home has its own algorithm of actions:

  1. Removing make-up with the help of special cosmetics.
  2. After make-up removal, moisturizing the skin with milk or washing with a neutral soap is recommended.
  3. The skin of the face is blotted with a cotton swab with a small amount of lemon juice.
  4. The procedure itself is carried out using a spatula, which is held at an angle of 40 degrees for five to seven minutes. When redness appears, it is better to stop peeling immediately.
  5. Finally, apply a nourishing cream.
Note! In no case should ultrasound be applied to the skin around the eyes, over silicone inserts and in areas of contour plastics.

Video: How to do peeling at home

What is the difference between ultrasonic facial cleaning and ultraphonophoresis

These two procedures have the same algorithm of actions and differ only in that during ultraphonophoresis, drugs are used that are applied to the patient's face before peeling. With the help of waves, beneficial substances are injected deep under the skin through the streams of the skin glands.

Photo: procedure - ultraphonophoresis

Ultraphonophoresis great for both eliminating age-related problems and smoothing wrinkles, as well as for problems of “young” skin, namely, oily sheen, the presence of many comedones, etc.


For ultrasonic peeling, a wide variety of scrubbers are used, ranging from portable to massive devices with a large number of modes and functions.

Here are some of them:

  • "UMS Beauty S-190";
  • "Gezatone";
  • "Skin Scrubber IM-9988";
  • "BS_3061".

The cost of these devices is rather high and ranges from 300 to 700 US dollars, depending on the size and functionality.

Video: Facial cleanser


The cost of the procedure depends on the level of the salon and the qualifications of the specialist. It also consists of the cost of the apparatus used, gels, lotions, creams and other peeling attributes. On average, the price for one procedure fluctuates around 2000 rubles. The lowest price per session is 450 rubles, and the highest is about 6500 rubles.

Frequently asked Questions

How painful is this cleansing?

The procedure of ultrasonic peeling does not bring inconvenience, discomfort or pain for the patient.

What threat does she pose?

Ultrasound is absolutely safe for the patient. It does not have any destructive effect, on the contrary, thanks to short waves, the skin is renewed and cleansed.

Can it be done at home?

Yes, you can, but for this you will need to purchase a special apparatus and gel. Moreover, the effect of ultrasound at home and in the salon will be very different. The work of professionals is always more noticeable and brighter.

What can be combined with?

With many types of cosmetic procedures (ultrasound enhances the effect of most of them) in addition to complex chemical peels.

Experts do not give any specific recommendations regarding the rehabilitation period, since ultrasound does not pose a threat to the life and health of the patient. All studies conducted speak exclusively of the positive effect of short ultrasonic waves on the human body.

From what age can you use it?

From anyone. This procedure has no age restrictions. Ultrasound is excellent for both young and mature skin problems.

Is it possible to do ultrasound without medical education?

Can. By the way, if you carry out the procedure at home, then this is implied by itself, but it is desirable that it be carried out by a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Is it possible to clean during pregnancy, if the period is still small?

It is possible, but still undesirable.

How long does the result last?

The result of this procedure cannot be infinite. If the cleaning was carried out once, then the effect can last from three weeks to several months. If a course of procedures (from eight to fifteen) was carried out, then the effect can last up to a year. It should be noted right away that the fatter the patient's skin, the less the achieved effect will last.

How long should you start doing UV peeling if it is an important event: wedding, graduation, etc.?

It is better to start peeling two months in advance. The course of treatment consists of eight procedures, which takes approximately one and a half to two months.

How long after peeling can makeup be applied?

On the same day.

How long does the procedure take?

From five to twenty minutes, as for the procedure itself. In general, the entire session can take up to two hours, including massage, preparation, mask, etc. It all depends on the type of skin and the problems the patient has.

Is it possible to visit the solarium after UV peeling?

It is advisable to refrain from going to the sauna, solarium and swimming pool for at least a week.

Is UV peeling suitable for sensitive skin?

Every woman dreams of having a well-groomed appearance every day. There are many different ways to help keep the body in perfect condition. Particular attention should be paid to the person for whom individual procedures are selected. One of the best is ultrasonic cleaning.

  1. Expected effect of ultrasonic facial cleansing - before and after photos

Ultrasonic facial cleaning works in full force with the help of hardware cleansing using high frequency ultrasonic waves. In the modern world of beauty and cosmetology, ultrasound is considered the most easily tolerated method of cleaning the skin. In addition, its use is also acceptable for other areas on the body, such as the neck, back and décolleté. Unlike a number of other procedures, ultrasonic cleaning of the skin of the face can be performed for any type of dermis, including areas that are sensitive to any intervention.

Ultrasound has a positive effect on the skin at three levels at once:

  • Mechanical, which causes high-frequency vibrations in cells;
  • Thermal, which works to raise the temperature by several degrees;
  • Physical - chemical, which seeks to activate metabolic processes in cells.

Simultaneously with the cleansing effect, ultrasonic vibrations can improve blood circulation by heating tissues and increasing their temperature. Thus, it turns out that during the procedure the client receives an additional bonus in the form of a kind of massage of the superficial and middle layers of the skin.

Also, the process eliminates damage and injuries, this is directly related to the fact that the procedure has the ability to choose the intensity and specificity of the action. The clinic specialist necessarily adjusts the settings of the device, focusing on the patient's age, condition and type of skin, as well as other individual characteristics. How is ultrasonic cleaning performed?

Indications and contraindications for ultrasonic cleaning

Ultrasonic facial cleansing, like any other procedure, has its own indications and contraindications, which should be taken seriously so as not to harm the skin even more. Specific indications for the ultrasonic cleansing procedure may be increased sweating and achromatic skin of the client's face.

The procedure will be an excellent alternative to chemical peeling, which is categorically contraindicated in spring and summer. With the help of ultrasonic facial cleansing, you can quickly rid your skin of unpleasant and conspicuous shine, seborrhea, blockages and glands, inflamed rashes and accompanying black spots, comedones. A nice addition to everything that is listed will be the restoration of a radiant color, an increase in overall tone and the removal of edema.

As for contraindications, there are also a sufficient number of them, and their non-compliance can lead to various side effects. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure in the presence of the following information:

  • Diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver and lungs;
  • General weakness, which indicates reduced immunity;
  • Oncology;
  • tuberculosis;
  • The presence of confirmed nervous disorders;
  • Sinusitis and frontitis;
  • Acute inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • With inflammation of the facial nerves.

The list is quite wide, which is why the patient is recommended to pre-register for a consultation in the salon of Moscow or any other city, where the leading cosmetologist, after the conversation, will indicate the risks, as well as tell about the pros and cons and advantages of ultrasonic facial cleansing. At the same time, each client will be able to receive detailed information about how the cosmetic procedure is done, how much time is spent on the session and what is the rehabilitation period. It is important not only to have an idea about contraindications, but also to sign up for an examination of internal organs before giving your consent to ultrasonic cleaning, so as not to commit harmful actions in favor of your body.

How does ultrasonic facial cleaning work?

The device system, which is applied to the surface of the skin, emits ultrasonic vibrations that cause waves of a higher frequency in the surface layers. The advantage of ultrasonic facial cleansing is that the vibrations indicated above, which are produced by ultrasound, contribute to the uniform separation of "dead" cells and impurities from healthy skin. The power of the wave works at full strength in such a way that it cannot cause any injuries to living cells, while its penetration depth is 0.2 millimeters.

The duration of the procedure is designed for 20 minutes, however, if after a meeting with a beautician the inclusion of special masks was determined, then it can last up to two hours. Before starting ultrasonic cleaning, it is necessary to clean the face of previously applied makeup, in its absence, take care of getting rid of street dust and dirt. To improve the transmission of ultrasonic waves, the cosmetologist wets the surface of the skin with a specialized gel, while the procedure eliminates steaming, as with other methods.

An important fact for many clients who are worried about pain will be information about their complete absence. During the work of the master, the patient will feel only the touch of the metal in combination with a slight vibration. Only a certain part of women and men can feel a slight tingling in the area of ​​​​the wings of the nose. The procedure will not leave traces of redness, swelling, will not stretch the skin, but it dries out a little, so after ultrasonic cleaning it is advisable to use a moisturizing lotion or cream for the face at least twice a day.

How much does an ultrasound facial cost? In some particularly difficult cases, the cosmetologist can expand the range of services to achieve a quick but effective result. It can be a complex of lymphatic drainage, micromassage or other various cosmetic lotions. In one general word, this is called an ultraphonoresis. A session of this procedure more effectively affects the skin with beneficial nutrients that enrich the cells with oxygen. This accelerates the process of rejuvenation, which is so important, especially for women. Ultraphonoresis can be carried out without problems at any age, and is also suitable for any skin type. In this case, it is worthwhile to clarify the cost in the salon in advance. The price will vary at the request of the client, depending on where he decided to do an ultrasonic facial cleansing.

How often can you do ultrasonic facial cleansing?

It should immediately be noted for yourself that this technique can be used no more than once every 10-12 days. In case of insurmountable circumstances, the procedure can be repeated 3 times, but with a mandatory interval of at least three days. After such a powerful impact, you will need to take a long break of 6 months.

The frequency of the procedure also depends on the general condition of the skin, the degree of its contamination, as well as the presence and extent of skin diseases. As the statistics show, and the reviews of regular customers say, an ultrasound facial cleansing is carried out approximately once every 3 months, this time will be optimal for keeping the skin in good shape.

You should not save on yourself and try to carry out ultrasonic facial cleansing at home, the skin treatment tool should be exclusively in the hands of a professional. Otherwise, there is a high risk of damage and injury to the skin. At the same time, specialists use special cosmetic preparations, which are not always available for free sale.

Ultrasonic face cleaning for pregnant women

This topic always causes a lot of controversy, opinions and debates. However, when asked whether it is possible to do ultrasonic facial cleaning for pregnant women, qualified specialists give their approval for undergoing this cosmetic procedure during the period of bearing a child. However, before proceeding with ultrasonic cleaning, it is worth warning the beautician about your position so that he excludes mechanical cleaning and current when getting rid of whiteheads. Thus, the fetus will be completely safe.

With a calm pregnancy, as well as the absence of any contraindications related to the general health of the skin and the body as a whole, the procedure is considered possible, at the request of the woman, for all 9 months. Some supporters who are of the opinion that ultrasound is harmful to the fetus still do not recommend applying the procedure until the middle of the second trimester. Ultrasonic facial cleansing during pregnancy will be a gentle procedure, unlike, for example, mechanical or chemical cleansing.

Expected effect of face cleaning with ultrasound - photo "Before" and "After"

Ultrasonic facial cleaning in the salon at the cosmetologist will “show” its result immediately after the procedure, but the full picture will open to the eye after three days. What can be noted after this period?

  • The surface of the skin becomes clean and smooth;
  • Pores are completely cleansed for better skin exchange and air flow;
  • The stratum corneum is removed, young cells protrude to the surface;
  • The absence of acne and black dots, which spoil the overall impression;
  • There is an activation of cellular metabolism;
  • Improving tone and cell regeneration.

For those who are not accustomed to believing words, but are accustomed to checking everything from their own experience, you can first look at the reviews of other users with photos, and also pay special attention to the collages that contain the “Before and After” photos. A photo can become a kind of visual aid for those who cannot decide on cardinal changes in their lives. Examples of those who do ultrasonic cleaning on a regular basis will definitely inspire you to make an appointment with a beautician!

Every woman wants to have a perfectly well-groomed face.

There are many ways that help to monitor and maintain the skin in perfect condition.

One of the best cosmetic procedures is ultrasonic peeling.

We will tell you further about what gives and how ultrasonic facial cleansing works.

This is a hardware cleansing, which is carried out using high frequency ultrasonic waves. Ultrasound is one of the most modern and painless ways to cleanse the skin. It is also used for the neck, back, décolleté. The procedure is carried out with a special device - an ultrasonic scrubber.

The emitter is tuned to the required frequency, the skin is acted upon by passing over its surface. Ultrashort waves are able to penetrate deep into tissues, producing micromassage.

Their main functions:

    Mechanical - ultrasonic vibrations create high sound pressure, which changes the conductivity of the ion channels of cells.

    Thermal - waves emit a lot of heat. It has a warming effect on tissues, making them more elastic.

    Physico-chemical - ultrasound makes cellular molecules move faster. They are more actively involved in metabolic processes, contributing to cell regeneration.
    The procedure is absolutely non-traumatic. After it, there are no hematomas, wounds, as it can be after mechanical cleaning.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any cosmetic procedure, ultrasonic facial cleansing has its pros and cons. Due to the fact that the process takes place with the help of a special apparatus, the skin is not damaged. It is not subjected to compression and stretching.

  • No preliminary preparation is required (for example, steaming the face, as before mechanical cleaning).
  • At the end of the session, there is no redness and irritation on the face. It looks fresher and younger.
  • The duration of the procedure takes only about 20-30 minutes.
  • Does not cause allergies.
  • Can be done at different times of the year.

Disadvantages of exposure to ultrasound:

  • You can not get rid of deep sebaceous plugs. Mechanical cleaning can handle them.
  • You can not remove inflamed acne. And with increased rash, the procedure is not recommended at all.
  • The anti-aging effect is weakly expressed, since the waves cannot penetrate very deep into the layers of the epidermis.
  • To maintain the effect of ultrasonic facial cleansing, it is necessary to carry out quite often (at least 1 time per month).

Ultrasound cleaning results, before and after photos

Hardware cleaning resembles superficial peeling. Exposure to sound vibrations leads to processes that make the skin cleaner and well-groomed.

  • Enlarged pores are deeply cleansed and narrowed.
  • Scar healing is accelerated.
  • Reduces excess fat.
  • The tone rises.
  • Decreases.
  • Lightens age spots and acne scars.
  • Stimulates collagen synthesis.
  • Puffiness and dark circles under the eyes are reduced.
  • Stimulated.

We offer to see the results of the procedure:

Indications for use

  • withering;
  • enlarged pores;
  • sagging;
  • reduced tone;
  • the presence of black dots;
  • fat content;
  • dull color;
  • comedones;
  • acne (not in the period of exacerbation).


For most people, the procedure for ultrasonic peeling is considered safe. But there are a number of conditions in which exposure to ultrasound is contraindicated:

  • severe hypertension;
  • oncological diseases;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • the presence of eczema and pustular skin lesions;
  • epilepsy;
  • infectious diseases;
  • asthma;
  • trigeminal neuralgia;
  • herpes.


The procedure is carried out in several stages.


This is the phase of preparing the face for exposure to ultrasound. During peeling, 20-50% of the keratinized layer of the epidermis is removed. First, the specialist applies a thin layer of a special gel, distributing it over the surface with an electrode or an ultrasonic probe. In the process, small vapor bubbles appear, which burst when interacting with the skin.

Sound vibrations, interacting with water molecules, form microcavities, the so-called cavitation bubbles (see). At the same time, the follicles are cleansed, surface pigmentation disappears.

Then the beautician applies a solution of fruit acids (see peeling). Its concentration can be different (10-50%). It is considered the most gentle means for peeling. After peeling, the skin is cleansed, refreshed, and becomes more elastic.

Exposure to ultrasound

Direct ultrasonic cleaning lasts an average of 10 minutes. On the surface of the face, the beautician holds a special scraper, which is supplied with ultrasound. During its action, the contents of the pores are pushed to the surface. The process is absolutely painless.

There may be a slight tingling sensation. normalizes the condition of the epidermis by applying a moderate electric current. An ultrasonic probe gently strokes the surface, which ensures cellular regeneration and healing.


This is the final manipulation phase, during which the face is treated with a soothing gel, an antioxidant or algae mask is applied. You need to keep it for 15-20 minutes.

After removing the mask, wipe the face with lotion, apply a nourishing cream or moisturizer.

Care after the session

Some time after the session, the skin may have a pinkish tint, which will disappear with time. Although ultrasonic cleaning does not injure the skin of the face, it still needs special attention. The first 3 days after cleansing, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the skin. It is important not to allow it to dry out, to prevent inflammation and clogging of pores.

  • 12 hours after the session, you can not apply decorative cosmetics, dye your hair, eyebrows.
  • Day avoid visiting the solarium, saunas, baths.
  • Ultrasound can dry out the skin, so moisturizer should be applied regularly.
  • Use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 20 before going outside.
  • Increase fluid intake to maximize skin hydration from the inside out.
  • Twice a week it is recommended to make masks that help restore the epidermis (based on algae, cosmetic clay, yeast, sea buckthorn oil).
  • To soothe the skin and narrow the pores, it is recommended to wipe the face with ice from a decoction of sage, chamomile, calendula.

What is combined with

Ultrasound cleaning, if necessary, can be combined with other procedures. With increased fat content and deep contamination of the pores, one ultrasound is not enough. Together with it, it is recommended to resort to mechanical cleaning. It increases the effectiveness of the ultrasound procedure, prolongs its action.

You can combine ultrasonic cleansing with massage, the use of masks, creams. According to experts, while cleaning and applying bleaching agents (glucoside, ascorbyl), you can significantly reduce the number of age spots and wrinkles.

How often can be done and average prices

Many people are interested in the question - how many procedures do you need to go through for a good result and how much does an ultrasonic facial cleansing cost? Procedures should be carried out regularly. Depending on the condition of the skin, the interval between them can be from 1-2 weeks to 1-2 months.

In order for the effect to be maximum, you need to spend at least 5-8 sessions. To maintain the face in a normal state, you need to visit a beautician at least once a month for an ultrasound cleaning.

The cost of an ultrasonic facial cleaning procedure depends on several factors. This is the reputation and location of the salon, the qualifications of the master, the number of manipulations used during the session (massage, phonophoresis, masks, etc.). On average, 1 procedure will cost 1500-3000 rubles. The ultrasonic scrubber itself costs from 3,000 rubles.

Patient opinion, video

We offer you to read the reviews about the procedure of ultrasonic cleaning of the skin of the face:

Ultrasonic cleaning is a modern procedure that allows you to get rid of many skin problems. With its regular use, the face becomes more well-groomed, toned, fresh.

To avoid undesirable consequences, it is better to contact an experienced cosmetologist. He will assess the condition of the skin, take into account all contraindications, and conduct a session in accordance with all the rules. It is better to refuse self-ultrasound cleaning.

In conclusion, we suggest you watch a video about ultrasonic facial cleansing:

Ultrasound cleansing is gaining popularity, so it is important for women to know what indications and contraindications of ultrasonic facial cleansing stand out in cosmetology. On what principle does this method work, and why do women like it?

Consider the main aspects of ultrasonic cleansing: features of the effect on the skin, efficiency, the minimum allowable age.

What are the steps involved in ultrasonic cleaning? Features of skin care after ultrasound, as well as important recommendations from cosmetologists on how to choose the right salon and get an excellent result from the session.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is a procedure performed using an ultrasonic device called a scrubber. The ultrasonic waves emitted by the device create low-frequency vibration and increase the temperature in the treated area. This stimulates the metabolism, simplifies the process of removing impurities and sebum from the pores.

Ultrasonic waves have the following effect on the skin:

  • removal of dirt, bacteria, sebum;
  • reduction of the stratum corneum, removal of dead cells;
  • acceleration of cellular metabolism;
  • narrowing of pores, opening of the ducts of the sebaceous glands;
  • increased permeability, enhanced effect of cosmetics;
  • elimination of increased dryness, peeling;
  • the disappearance of the greasy shine of the skin;
  • improvement of the shade of the skin;
  • tightening, toning the epidermis.

Peeling with ultrasound is recommended 1 to 3 times a month, depending on skin type and specific indications. So, for dry epidermis, 1 session is enough, and women with an oily face will have to visit a beautician 2 or 3 times, depending on the degree of oily skin.

Ultrasound cleans the skin superficially, so it will not help with serious pollution, deep comedones and subcutaneous acne. It also does not stimulate collagen production, so it is not suitable for women over the age of 40.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing has the following indications for carrying out:

  • acne, acne, pimples;
  • enlarged, visible pores;
  • hyperpigmentation: spots, redness;
  • decreased tone, loss of elasticity;
  • open comedones in pores;
  • increased fat content or excessive dryness;
  • tarnishing, deterioration of the color of the epidermis;
  • the appearance of the first age-related changes.

In addition to the indications in which an ultrasound session will only benefit, if there are contraindications to ultrasonic cleaning of the face.

The list of conditions prohibiting the use of this skin cleansing method includes:

  • the presence of moles on the treated area;
  • skin diseases: eczema, herpes, dermatitis;
  • expansion of capillaries on the face;
  • severe forms of acne;
  • neuralgia of the facial region;
  • allergic reactions;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • neoplasms: tumors, cysts.

By observing these contraindications for ultrasonic facial cleansing, you can avoid serious complications, as well as achieve a pronounced effect from the cleansing procedure.

Facial cleansing with ultrasound has no age limit. At what age to start attending such a procedure, it is necessary to decide on an individual basis: according to specific indications, in the presence of certain shortcomings.

The method is recommended for teenage, young, adult and mature skin. It allows you to get rid of many unpleasant problems: clogging of pores, increased oiliness or dryness, fine wrinkles, loss of skin tone.

Teenagers with problematic skin should choose a different type of cleaning: ultrasound is not intended for cleansing the epidermis in the presence of profuse purulent rashes.

Carrying out ultrasonic cleansing can be divided into 3 major stages: preparation, cleansing and subsequent care of the epidermis. Each of these stages includes 2-3 additional sub-items.

Before starting the procedure, the doctor must treat the nozzle of the ultrasound machine, as well as his hands with any antiseptic solution. It is also important that the master wear gloves: this will prevent bacteria from entering the pores.

The main technique for performing ultrasonic cleaning is as follows:

  1. Preparation of the epidermis. The cosmetologist conducts make-up removal, cleansing of surface contaminants and excess sebum. For cleansing, professional masks or lotions are used, selected according to skin type. The product is kept on the face for 10-20 minutes, and then removed by the dry method using sterile gauze wipes.
  2. Loosening of the stratum corneum. The master expands the pores of the client in order to more easily and effectively remove dirt and greasy plugs from them. The expansion is carried out with the help of hot steam, compresses, special masks and gels with a warming effect. Cold hydrogenation can also be used if the patient suffers from rosacea.
  3. Brushing or brossage. The specialist treats the skin with a device with rotating nozzles in the form of brushes and sponges. This stage has a pronounced massage effect, warms up the skin, expands the pores for further cleansing.
  4. Therapeutic processing. The cosmetologist applies a special peeling preparation to the face, selected according to the type of epidermis. It has an auxiliary effect: rejuvenates, fights inflammation, moisturizes the skin.
  5. Cleansing. The doctor treats the selected area with a scrubber: a device that produces ultrasonic waves. The treatment is performed with circular massage movements, special attention is paid to the problem areas of the patient.
  6. Recovery. The epidermis is covered with a nourishing soothing mask designed to prevent further inflammation and clogging of the pores. Also, the mask can have a moisturizing, rejuvenating effect.

After the session, the patient's skin is covered with a protective powder or cream that narrows the pores. The duration of the effect depends on the specific skin type: for some, 1 session per month is enough, for others it is necessary to perform at least 2-3 procedures for the same period.

Ultrasound practically does not injure the skin, so the recovery period after its use is very short. However, so that the open pores are not clogged again with dirt, cosmetic products or sebum, care tips should be followed.

In the first days after ultrasonic cleaning, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. In the next 12 hours, discard any cosmetics so that the inflammatory process does not begin in the open pores. Do not use decorative cosmetics for another 2-3 days.
  2. Avoid negative external influences for 2-3 days. Avoid solariums, baths and saunas, swimming pools with chlorinated water, prolonged exposure to the sun, frost or strong winds. Use creams with an SPF factor.
  3. Apply cream "Be-panten" or "Panthenol" to heal the epidermis faster. You can also use other ointments, masks or lotions for regeneration.
  4. After deep cleansing, combined with other types of cleansing, use Pantestin or Octenisept. This will prevent the formation of scars, bumps.
  5. In the early days, use antiseptic products that destroy bacteria in the skin. This will protect the pores from pollution, inflammation. Chlorhexidine, Miramistin or cosmetic analogues can be used.
  6. Do not use tap water for skin care. It can cause breakouts. Wash your face with mineral bottled or filtered water, as well as special lotions chosen for your skin type.

Full recovery of the skin will occur after 3-5 days. Repeated cleansing is recommended according to the type of skin, but not earlier than a week after the end of the recovery period.

To make cleaning bring only pleasant sensations, listen to the advice of experts:

  1. Don't save. A session performed on professional equipment by a cosmetologist with a medical education cannot be lower than the average market price.
  2. Follow the recommendations of the specialist after the session. This will avoid serious complications: inflammation, redness, irritation of the skin.
  3. Go through the full course of procedures to achieve a pronounced result. Scrubber cleaning manifests itself only with systematic use.
  4. Be careful about contraindications. If you have a ban on the session, choose a different type of cleansing. The consequences can be severe.
  5. Use home masks to speed up recovery. Clay, potato, oat or honey homemade remedies help well.


Ultrasonic facial cleansing is an effective salon procedure used for many indications. Its advantages will be versatility, painlessness, good cleansing properties, low cost. It is also important that ultrasound is safe for a healthy body: it can be used by teenagers, the elderly, pregnant women.

The procedure has important indications and contraindications for use, which should not be ignored. If professional cleansing is performed correctly, and the recommendations after the procedure are strictly followed, an excellent result after the session will not be long in coming.