Funny contests for young people for the new year. Scenario of the New Year's youth party "LIKE PARTY at the Yolki". Merry New Year's game for the Fanta company

Winter is coming, which means that it is time to think about how to properly prepare for the Year of the Pig 2019. And it is important, apart from the menu and outfits, to think over contests for the New Year, New Year's games and entertainment, because it is they who will revive the company, will not give get bored, fill the holiday with joy and laughter.

In every house a bustle will soon begin, someone will hasten to choose gifts for loved ones, someone will go for a forest beauty to then decorate it with all kinds of ribbons, balls, bows, firecrackers and garlands, and someone will make a menu for the New Year's table. You also need to buy in advance for loved ones and friends.

All this is important, because the holidays are not bypassed:

  • without a fun feast, where there are so many exquisite dishes on the table that it is simply impossible not to try something;
  • without beautiful outfits, where everyone wants to emphasize the sophistication of their personalized dress or costume;
  • no champagne, sparklers, heaps of gifts.

But what else is needed in order for the atmosphere to be cheerful, perky, so that all guests and family members have a high spirits? Everything is simple - these are contests, entertainment, jokes, jokes, riddles, songs and other attributes of a good mood.
We will tell the reader how you can create a holiday at home, how to organize relay races, games, quizzes and other entertainments that will certainly appeal to both adults and children.

Take a look with step by step photos.

New Year's games and entertainment for the New Year

Let's reveal a little secret. On a fabulous winter night, any adult, even the strictest and most severe, dreams of returning to childhood, if not for a long time, and feeling like a child. And since the night is magical, then this dream can also come true. We bring to your attention funny entertainment for adults. Before we start having fun, we need to prepare a few useful things.

Attributes that come in handy for holiday contests and games

- Balloons (many).
- Garlands, firecrackers, fireworks, sparklers.
- White sheets of paper and small stickers.
- Pencils, markers, markers, pens.
- Drawing of a snow castle (for a children's competition).
- Plastic cups.
- Large felt boots.
- Sweets, fruits, sweets.
- Small gifts and souvenirs, preferably with the Rooster symbol of the year.
- Prepared poems, riddles, tongue twisters, songs and dances.
- Good mood.
When everything is collected and prepared, you can start playing and winning.

Games, various contests on New Year's Eve for seniors

1. Games with the family

Both children and adults of different ages and generations can participate in the proposed games.

Competition "Forest Fairy or Christmas Tree"

When everyone had eaten on New Year's Eve, we relaxed. We drank, it's time to start games and entertainment, so that the guests do not get bored. We call two people who want to participate in the game. Everyone stands on a stool and tries to depict a Christmas tree. Two more volunteers begin to decorate the tree, not with toys, but with whatever catches the eye first. The winner is the one who dresses up more beautifully and more original. By the way, it is allowed to take attributes from guests, it can be anything - ties, clips, watches, hairpins, cufflinks, scarves, scarves, etc.

Offer your friends an entertaining game "New Year's drawing"

All ages can participate here. Two heroes, who were previously tied with their hands, standing with their backs to the stand with a sheet of paper, are offered to draw the symbol of the next year - the Dog. You can use pencils, markers. Participants have the right to prompt - to the left, to the right, and so on.

A game for big and small "Merry Caterpillar"

A funny and mischievous game for the New Year's feast. All participants line up in a train, that is, everyone grabs the waist of the one in front. The main presenter begins to tell that his caterpillar is trained and fulfills any commands. If she needs to dance, she dances beautifully, if she needs to sing, she sings, and if the caterpillar wants to sleep, she falls on its side, squeezes her legs and snores. And so, the presenter begins to put on disco music, to which everyone starts, without letting go of the waist of a neighbor - to dance, then you can sing in karaoke or even to the TV, and then sleep. The game is funny to tears, where everyone shows himself in all his talents. Noise and hubbub is provided.

2. Competitions for adults at the festive table

When the guests get tired of running and jumping, sit down to rest, we invite them to play without getting up.

Contest "Piggy bank"

Choosing a presenter. He finds a jar, or any empty container. Launches it in a circle, where everyone puts a coin or big money. After the presenter secretly calculates how much is in the jar and offers to guess how much money is in the piggy bank. The guesser gets the content at his disposal.

By the way, you can tell fortunes on a fabulous evening. Therefore, the following entertainment is for adults:

Game "Fortune Telling"

To do this, we will prepare in advance many air, multi-colored balloons and put various humorous prophecies in them. For example, "Your constellation is under the influence of Queen Cleopatra, so all the years you will be charmingly beautiful" or "The President of New Guinea will come to visit you" and so on. Each participant chooses a ball for himself, pops it and reads his own humorous note to those present. Everyone has fun, we celebrate the New Year 2018 with games and entertainment, it will be remembered by everyone.

Funny adjectives game

Here, the presenter calls all the participants pre-prepared adjectives, or writes them down on a piece of paper so that everyone can see. And after the word, in the sequence in which they are called by those sitting at the table, it is placed in a specially prepared text. Words are added in the order in which they were pronounced. Here's a sample.

Adjectives - weird, ardent, unnecessary, stingy, drunk, wet, tasty, loud, banana, heroic, slippery, harmful.

Text:“Good night, most (wonderful) friends. On this (ardent) day, I and my (unnecessary) granddaughter Snegurka send you a (avaricious) greeting and congratulations on the Year of the Rooster. The year that was left behind was (drunk) and (wet), but the next one will certainly turn out to be (tasty) and (loud). I want to wish everyone (banana) health and (heroic) happiness, I will give (slippery) gifts at our meeting. Always your (harmful) Grandfather Frost. " Something like this. With a slightly tipsy company, the game will be a success, believe me!

The game will be called "Racer"

Great fun for the New Year 2018. So, we borrow toy cars from the kids. On each of them we put a glass filled to the top with sparkling sparkling wine. The machines must be pulled gently by the string, being careful not to spill a drop. To whom the machine arrives first, and who is the first to drain the glass to the bottom, is the winner.
The holiday is in full swing and you can try to move on to daring games for the most not complex participants.

3. Moving contests for adults

Eat, drank, it's time to move. We light up and play.

Competition "Clockwork Cockerel"

We call two participants to the tree. We tie our hands behind our backs, and put some kind of fruit on the dish, for example, a tangerine or an apple, a banana. The task is to peel the fruit and eat it without touching it with your hands. Whoever did it faster won. We present the winner with a souvenir.

Clothespins competition

Two wonderful participants are needed here. We blindfold the young ladies and, to the music, force them to remove all the clothespins that were previously put on him from Santa Claus. We count the removed clothespins in chorus, whoever has more of them won. Clothespins can be attached to the most unexpected places. But keep in mind, this game is not for shy girls.

Game "Hat"

Anyone can participate. What is the essence of the game: pass the hat to each other, without hands, and the one who drops it tries to put it on the neighbor's head, also without using his hands.

Game "Sobriety Test"

We continue the list of New Year's contests and entertainment, and a funny game is next in line. Two participants must pick up the matchbox with matches that are clamped in their hands. Or another test. We give each leaf with a tongue twister written on it. The winner is the one who pronounces the verse faster and more clearly. An incentive souvenir is a must.

See more that will amuse your friends and little guests.

Games and contests for small children and for schoolchildren

Children come in different ages, so we have specially prepared entertainment for both toddlers and children and older children, school age, so that everything is exciting and interesting on this magical New Year's Eve. By the way, you can dress up children in the costumes of fairy-tale characters and hold a contest for the best costume or a “Guess” contest. If there are many children, let each participant guess the costume of the previous one. Distribute sweets and fruits to everyone.

Contests and games for the little ones

  • 1. Snow Queen competition.
    Prepare for it in advance, prepare a small drawing of a snow castle and a lot of plastic cups. We show the children the drawing, let them remember it well, then we hide it. The task itself: from plastic cups to create the castle of the Snow Queen, such as was shown in the picture. The fastest and most accurate child wins a prize.
  • 2. Game "Forest Beauty and Santa Claus"
    Children make a circle, holding the handles and tell what kind of Christmas trees are. After that, each one depicts what he has told.
  • 3. We play New Year's theater
    If the children came in carnival costumes, then let everyone play the role of the one in whose appearance they came. Cannot - ask to sing a song or tell a rhyme. A gift for every child is required.
  • 4. The game "Guess". The presenter for the children begins to pronounce synonyms denoting a fairy-tale hero or the first words of his name, for example, Snow ..., Ugly ..., Santa Claus red ..., Princess ..., Koschey ..., Ivan ..., Nightingale ..., A man in his prime ... and so on, and the kids continue. It will be even more interesting if children can portray these characters.
  • New Year's contests for schoolchildren

    Older kids love to have fun, and they also like to receive gifts and delicious sweets. Play these fun games with them, reward everyone with a commemorative prize.

  • 1. Game "Valenki". We put large felt boots under the tree. The winner is the one who quickly runs around the coniferous tree and fits into the felt boots.
  • 2. The game "With signs". When a child or an adult enters the house, we attach a paper on his back with the inscription - giraffe, hippo, proud eagle, bulldozer, cucumber, tomato, rolling pin, bread slicer, washcloth, candy, Velcro and more. Each guest walks around and sees what is written on the back of the other, but does not see what is written on him. What is the task, to find out, without asking a direct question, what is written on the back, only "yes" and "no".
  • 3. Harvesting game. Put clean fruits, sweets and other goodies in a vase. We give a start, the children run around and grab sweets from the vase with their mouths, whoever coaches more is the winner.
  • 4. Competition "New Year's Song". Children remember New Year's songs from cartoons and films, whoever remembers more won.

- do not miss the opportunity to do something unusual and original with your own hands, please your loved ones!

New Year's contests for adults and children at the table

Competition "Whose ball is bigger"

This competition will be interesting for both adults and children. Guests need to hand out a balloon and as soon as the signal is given, everyone should start inflating it. Whoever bursts forward, that player leaves the game. The winner is the one who eventually has the most ball.


This competition will appeal to the older generation as well. For an organized competition, you need a presenter who will throw a stick in a circle. This needs to be done to the music, on whom it ends is the one who sings the ditty. Who will perform the most interesting and funny ditty awaits a prize.

I love - I do not love

This entertainment will bring you laughter and joy. All participants should say what they like and dislike from their neighbor at the table. For example: I love my neighbor's left cheeks, and I do not like his hands. And this participant must kiss what he loves and bite what he does not like.

Ball of desires

We write desires and tasks on the pieces of paper in advance. During the feast, everyone chooses a ball for themselves, and must burst it without the help of hands. What the participant got, he must do. Fun also depends on imagination.

A cheerful and joyful mood depends on cheerful, cheerful people. Fortune-telling will also be fun on New Year's Eve.

We guess on paper

We take strips of paper, write down the questions that interest you, your desires. We put everything in a wide bowl and pour water. The piece of paper that pops up and will be a positive answer or a fulfillment of desire.

Think up, play, have fun - and your holiday will remain in memory for a long time, and the new year 2019, the Year of the Earth Pig, will bring you good luck!

Participants are divided into several teams and each team receives a task: to come up with their own country, give it a name and come up with New Year's traditions and customs for its inhabitants. For example, the same Tilimilitiamtiya, there they decorate the Christmas tree in the clouds, there is not Santa Claus,

The clock strikes 12, and we draw

Each participant receives a sheet of paper and a pen (pencil) and in 12 seconds must draw on his sheet of paper as many New Year's items as possible (tree, ball, snowman, gift, Olivier, and so on). The participant who can draw more Christmas items in 12 seconds will win and receive a prize.

Tangerine hype

The first stage of the competition consists in the fact that each participant receives a tangerine and on the command "start" begins to peel it, and then divide it into separate slices. Who is the first, he is a fine fellow, get a prize. And then the second stage begins: each participant is blindfolded and given the same toothpick. All tangerine slices are laid out on a table or chair (in a circle). Participants stand in a circle or semicircle and, at the start command, begin to collect tangerines on their toothpicks. Whoever punches more tangerine slices in 1 minute is the winner.

Don't tell me the truth

For this competition, the presenter must prepare various questions on the theme of the New Year, for example, what do all people dress up for the holiday? what salad is considered to be a symbol of the New Year? what do people launch into the sky to celebrate the New Year? etc. The presenter asks such questions quickly and dexterously, demanding the same answer. Only each guest must remember that the answer must be wrong, that is, not the truth. The one who gives the correct answers - at the end of the competition, fulfills various desires or recites poetry.

Favorite number

Each of the guests writes their favorite number or the number that comes to mind on a piece of paper. Then the presenter announces that now he will ask each question in turn, the answer to which will be the number written on the leaf, that is, the guest must answer the question posed by picking up the leaf with the written number and loudly calling this number. Questions can be of the following nature: how old are you? How many times a day do you prefer to eat? How many toes do you have on your left foot? how much do you weigh? etc.

Oh, this is a New Year's movie

The presenter names catch phrases from New Year's films, and the films are mixed: both Soviet, and modern, and Russian, and foreign. Whoever guesses the films more than others will win. Examples of phrases: "What is sick, what is in love - for medicine it is all the same" - Sorcerers, "There are 15 people in this house, but for some reason all the problems are only because of you" - Alone at home, "Hope for Santa Claus, but do not go ahead "- Yolki," Is there life on Mars, is there life on Mars - this is unknown to science "- Carnival night and so on.

Do you believe in New Year's omens?

The presenter prepares a description of various signs about the New Year, with a mixture of truthful and invented. In turn, he reads out to each of the guests according to a sign, and he answers whether he believes or not. The one who guessed the most correctly won. Approximate signs: tearing a dress on New Year's - for a passionate romance, yes or no? (yes), in Cuba, in the New Year, 12 grapes are prepared for each guest, you need to eat them during the chimes and make a wish for each grape, which will certainly come true, yes or no? (yes), in Cyprus they see off the old year in complete darkness and turn on the light only with the onset of the new year, yes or no? (yes), in China, a butterfly should fly in the house for the New Year, yes or no? (no) and so on.

Profession for the New Year

At the command of the presenter, each guest must make his own list of human professions for the New Year and the more creative the professions, the better. Whoever in a minute can make the longest list of unusual professions, such as, for example, a mandarin cleaner, a clapper, a champagne-fisherman, and so on, that participant will receive a prize.

New year in rhyme

Each guest in turn takes his fant out of the bag, in which 4 words of the New Year theme are indicated. The task of each participant is to compose his own rhyme for each word, for example, Santa Claus - Partos, Snow Maiden - chicken, chimes - duelists, snowflake - mandarin duck and so on. But, here the presenter surprises everyone and announces that now you need to compose a New Year's quatrain, using your words and rhymes to them. The guest who gets the funniest and most beautiful poem will receive a prize.

Drunken hares from the matinee

Each participant is a drunken hare who went overboard at the matinee and whose ears got confused. Each participant has simple tights on the head, previously tied with 10 identical knots. At the start command, the participants begin to untie the "bunny ears" - knots on the tights, without removing them from the head. Who is the first is the winner.

New Year's Eve lasts, it seems, endlessly - the fun begins early in the evening, and sometimes ends when it’s already dawn. It is not easy even for an athlete to stay vigorous for such a long period. So that the guests do not get bored at the table, contests for the New Year will be required for a fun company, and you need to select completely different ones - both table-top, and mobile, and musical, and witty. Then New Year's Eve will definitely be remembered!

Table contests

Remembering the alphabet

The first participant of the competition gets up and makes a toast, the words of which begin with the first three letters of the alphabet. Then the word goes to his neighbor, who should use the next three letters in his congratulations, and so on. The funniest thing will be with those participants who get uncomfortable letters - "y", "e" and others.

New year toast

On separate cards, you can write abbreviations familiar to everyone (TASS, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Housing and Communal Services, Air Force, Traffic Police) and distribute to party participants. Each participant of the competition must come up with a toast, starting with the abbreviation that fell out to him, and then drink his glass. At the end of the competition, everyone drinks to the best toast spoken.

With the same initial data, you can come up with a different decoding of abbreviations, and whoever gets it the most original won.

What's in the box?

Choosing contests for adults for the New Year, you can safely include this one. First, you need to prepare several unusual items that will become artifacts of the competition, and hide them in another room. When the time comes for games, the host, being in this room without witnesses, hides one of the objects in a tightly closed box and goes out to the guests with it. Those must guess what is in the box, asking any questions (about the shape, color, purpose, but not going through the letters). The one who is the first to guess what is in the box receives this item as a gift, and the presenter leaves for the next item.

Tangerine tree

All guests receive a whole tangerine and, at the command of the presenter, begin to peel them together in order to lay out a beautiful Christmas tree from the slices. The winner is the one whose Christmas tree appears faster.

Santa Claus and ...

A funny New Year's competition for adults can also touch fairy-tale characters. Everyone knows that the Snow Maiden is the granddaughter of Santa Claus, but then he must have a wife. Contestants need to stretch their imagination to come up with a name and a short description for it. The one with the most entertaining story wins the prize.

Melt the Snow Queen's Heart

Having conceived this competition, you need to freeze the ice in the molds in advance. Before the very beginning of the competition, all its participants are handed out saucers with pieces of ice, and when the command “start!” Sounds, everyone must melt this piece with their warmth in any way. You can rub it in your hands, breathe on it, invent other options. The one whose piece of ice melts earlier than others will be declared the winner. The prize can be a rose, a crystal object, or any object from a famous fairy tale.

What's in your pants?

Rare funny New Year's contests for adults do without something spicy. The presenter should prepare a regular bag of newspaper clippings or, better, glue a panty envelope for himself. So, the guest who pulled out a quote from the bag begins with the words "And in my pants today ..." and ends with his quote. The presenter needs to puzzle over the search for funny and ambiguous quotes.

What's in my mouth?

To conduct this competition, you need to prepare a container with products that will be used for the experiment, but will not be on the festive table. You will need 7-8 rather unusual products. During the competition, the player is blindfolded and put into his mouth one of these products, and he must guess what is in his mouth on the first try. The next player needs to use a different product. The most accurate taster will be the winner.

Alphabet spruce

New Year contests often revolve around the New Year tree. In this case, the participants must look for and take turns to pronounce words that include the word spruce, for example, bed, blizzard, April, Monday. In this case, you cannot repeat yourself. The one who, in turn, did not find a new word, loses and is eliminated. The last player to say a word is automatically the winner.


Print this template in advance (or come up with your own):

In our ___________ country, in the _____________ city, there were _____________________ men and at least ______________ girls. They lived ____________ and ____________, and communicated with one ________________ and ___________ company. And today, on this __________ day, they gathered in this _____________ place to celebrate this ____________ and __________ New Year's holiday. So let only __________ toasts sound today, _____________ glasses are filled with _____________ drinks, the table is bursting with ________________ treats, there will be ____________ smiles on the faces of those present.
I wish you that the New Year was ______________, you were surrounded by _______________ friends, ______________ dreams come true, your job was ______________ and that your very _______________ other halves give you only ___________ joy, _____________ love and ____________ care ....

The guests amicably come up with various adjectives, which are then inserted into the above text instead of gaps, as a result of which it becomes very funny.


The players write on pieces of paper to the presenter what objects remind them of childhood (it is advisable to list 5-6 objects) without signing them. The folded notes are folded into a bag or box, after which the presenter begins to take out one piece of paper and read out the words written on it. Everyone should guess who wrote it. Such New Year table contests should be held for a company where everyone knows each other well.

And if you have a corporate party, then you can dilute your holiday with contests from another article on our website.

Funny riddles

Do not hope that all adults have good logic and multifaceted thinking - this still needs to be tested! And this is best done by making ridiculous riddles. Whoever guesses most of them wins.

An example of riddles and answers to them:

Question: Why are complex riddles dangerous for people?
Answer. Because people puzzle over them.

Question: Under which tree does the wolf sit when it rains?
Answer. Under the wet.

Question: How many months in a year have 28 days?
Answer: All months.

Question: What can be cooked but not eaten?
Answer: Cement mortar, homework.

Question: Which plant knows everything?
Answer: Fuck

Question: What kind of dishes cannot be eaten from?
Answer. From empty.

Question: One eye, one horn. Who is this if not a rhino?
Answer: A cow peeps out from around the corner.

Question: Why are the goat's eyes so sad?
Answer: Because her husband is a goat.

Question: Which duck / chicken walks on two legs?
Answer: All ducks / chickens.

Question: What cannot be done in space?
Answer: Hang yourself.

Question: What question cannot be answered with the word "yes"?
Answer: Are you sleeping?

Question: Who can stand in the pouring rain without getting their hair wet?
Answer: Bald

New Year's drink

Warmed up in the New Year, the company loves very funny alcohol contests. The number of participants in this fun is also not limited. She will need a large glass, a set of drinks and an eye patch. The participants of the game must be divided into pairs, one must be blindfolded, and the second must mix different drinks from the table in a glass and give the first one to drink. He should try to guess what went into such a wonderful recipe. The winner is the one who guesses the most of the ingredients of his drink.

New Year's sandwich

This is a similar competition, but instead of drinks, all kinds of food are used. It is advisable to conduct them one after another, only by changing roles in pairs, so that the taster of the drink can repay his partner with his cooking. During the tasting, the "blind" must additionally hold his nose with his hand so as not to smell.

Song in the hat

Music contests for the New Year are no less popular, where everyone wants to show off their vocal talents. You should prepare small pieces of paper with different words written on them in advance. It is best if these words are related to the winter theme: tree, snow, salad, champagne, deer, frost. Then put these pieces of paper in a bag and invite all the guests to pull out a piece of paper one by one. Further, the participant of the competition must come up with a small song, where this word is used several times, and perform it.

Mobile contests


Competitors here are blindfolded and handed paper and scissors, and they must blindly cut out a snowflake. The author of the most beautiful and neat snowflake gets a prize.

Beauty will save the world

This competition is most appropriate to hold in liberated companies, where there are no shy and prim people. The presenter needs to take care of the requisites in advance for all participants in the competition (preferably everyone present): clown noses and wigs, shiny crowns, striped stockings and other funny things. It is necessary that there are enough of them for each participant in at least one subject, or better - two. Each item has a card of a certain color attached.

The presenter reminds everyone of the phrase about beauty that will save the world. He says that although very smart people have gathered at the table, they can become even more beautiful if they try on new clothes. Further, the presenter offers the players to choose one of the colors, and when the guest names the color, he gives him the appropriate props. In the end, everyone dresses up in what they got, and believe me, they will look very funny.

You can find even more New Year contests in our article “New Year contests for adults and children”.

Make Santa Claus

This competition involves a man and a woman. The latter should, with the help of cosmetics and available things, make Santa Claus out of the first. When this New Year's competition for adults is over, those present will rate all Frosts and choose the best one with applause or voting.


This fun fun should be attended by at least 6 people, since teams of three are needed. It doesn't matter if it's men or women. Two team members are blindfolded, and the third is placed in the center of the room. One "blind" is given 10 ribbons, which, at the command of the leader, must tie on a team member standing in the center of the room, and the second "blind" must feel these bows by touch and untie them. The second (and other) commands do the same. The team that completes all consecutive tasks earlier than others will win.

Princess on the Pea

Funny contests for adults for the New Year can be allusions to famous fairy tales. Guests of all ages and all genders can participate in this fun. The player is blindfolded, and then the presenter puts any object on a chair or stool (TV remote control, apple, banana, boiled egg) and invites the player to sit on this chair. The player must guess what he sat on without touching the chair and the object itself with his hands.

New year crocodile

People of different ages are addicted to this famous game. The participants of the feast must be divided into two teams, and then each of them must delegate one person. The presenter pronounces the chosen word to them, and they must pass it on to their team without words. The team that is the first to guess the transmitted word wins. You can modify the rules - the pantomime is played by one, the others guess, and the winner will be the one who guesses first. So that there is no doubt that the word was invented on the go, it must be written on a piece of paper in advance.

Dumb Santa Claus and translator Snow Maiden

The number of participants in this competition is not limited. It allows you not only to laugh heartily, but also to reveal the creative potential of the celebrants. You need to choose a couple - a dumb Santa Claus and a skillful Snow Maiden in translation. The grandfather should try to congratulate all the guests on the holiday with gestures, and the Snow Maiden should translate his pantomime into words as accurately as possible.

Fanta from the bottle

What kind of New Year's contests for a liberated company without the beloved "bottle"? There are many variations of it, but we suggest this: all participants in the feast need to be given 2-3 pieces of paper on which they should write down their wishes, for example, “kneel down in front of the neighbor on the left”, “portray a zombie”, “show a striptease”. Then the pieces of paper need to be rolled up and put into the bottle.

Everyone sits down in a circle and starts the well-known game "in the bottle": whoever the neck of the bottle points to must draw a phantom from it, which must be read and performed aloud.

In such a competition, you can find out the degree of depravity of the audience, as well as the measure of courage. So, one girl decided to "completely ruin her hair", and it was she who got this fant ...

Who is longer?

The participants of the feast are divided into two teams, after which each of them begins to lay out a chain from the things worn on its participants. The team with the longest chain wins. So that the case does not end with a complete striptease, it is advisable to introduce a time limit.

Men's competition "Who is cooler"

The host lays eggs on the plate - one for each participant in the fun. He informs the players that all the eggs are boiled, except for one raw (in fact, they are all boiled). Further, all the contestants, in order, take an egg from a plate at random and break it on their foreheads. As the plate becomes empty, the tension grows (who will get the raw egg), and everyone sympathizes with the last player, until he gets off with a slight fright.

Did you like our New Year contests? Maybe you also have your favorite games and contests? Let us know in the comments.

During the New Year holidays or before the New Year 2013, organizers of sports school competitions can hold an interesting school-wide or class event in the form of a New Year's relay.

For New Year's relay you will need to organize several teams of participants from schoolchildren in a class or multiple classes. This event is designed to develop strength and agility and naturally demonstrate to the public your physical capabilities. A competent jury of teachers or high school students must be organized to calculate the total points and identify the winning team. The jury must closely monitor the progress of the competition, calculate points and award penalty points for mistakes and shortcomings.

New Year's relay is held in several stages in the form of separate competitions. Each of the competitions is a separate competition, the points from which go to the overall standings of the teams. If desired, in your New Year's scenario, you can supplement with other equally interesting sports competitions.

Competition "Whose Snowflake Will Fly Farther?"

Participants in the competition take turns toe up to the line and try to blow off the same feather from the saucer. The result of the flight range of the snowflake is measured with a ruler and recorded in a special form. Then the flight range of each team member is summed up and recorded in the total. The jury will summarize the results of the totals of each of the participating teams.

Python Jumping Competition.

This competition will require two strong high school students and a sports rope. High school students take it in their hands and begin to spin it so that the middle of the rope periodically hits the floor. The task of the participants in the competition is to bounce in a friendly manner.

Contest "Sharpshooter with cones."

For this New Year's competition you will need empty buckets and bags of dry buds. Each participant throws 1-3 cones trying to get into the bucket. The team counts the total number of hits in the bucket.

Gift Bag competition.

We all know that Santa Claus needs to travel a very long way in order for the gifts to reach the children. We offer to help Santa Claus and deliver the bag as quickly as possible to the finish line. Team members line up in one column, and the first participant receives a bag in his hands. The task of the team is to run as fast as possible in the bag. At the command of the leader of the competition, the player stands with his feet in the bag, takes it by the sides and starts jumping merrily in it, up to the chair in front of it. There the bag is removed and taken into the hands and already with a usual run the player hurries to the next team member passing the bag to him, and he himself stands at the end of the column. The winner is the team that finishes the competition first and raises its hands up.

These and others New Year's sports contests can be held at a school-wide sporting event. The most important thing is that the participants are dressed in light sportswear.

New Years Contest Carrier Mandarin

We all know that tangerines and oranges have been associated by many people with the New Year and New Year's mood since Soviet times. In Soviet times, it was possible to get tangerines only for the New Year, and even then, only after standing in line for them - all Soviet citizens also wanted to try this product. Therefore, it is no wonder that many interesting contests have appeared where these citrus fruits appear. This game is a team one. It is advisable to organize two equal teams.

The requisites for the "Mandarin Carrier" New Year's competition will be the very same tangerines that you love to eat. It will be necessary to place them on some kind of tray. You will also need several chairs. If two teams participate in the competition, then four identical chairs and four identical trays will be required, two of which are filled to the top with tangerines.

The order of the New Year's competition "Mandarin Carrier".

First, the host or organizer of the evening must split the players into two equal teams. Each team is given a chair on which a tray filled to the brim with tangerines is placed. On the other side of the competition hall, there is an empty chair with an empty tray.

At the command of the leader, announcing the start of the team competition, the first participants try to transfer one mandarin without using their hands to their empty tray and not drop it along the way. After that, he returns to the team and passes the baton to the next player behind him.

The winner New Years Competition Carrier Mandarin the team that was the first to transfer all the tangerines to the tray is announced. As a reward, players can be awarded the same tangerines.

Note. This game can be made a little more difficult by offering to transport tangerines

New Year's contest "Princess and the Pea"

Remember the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, about the princess and the pea? And pillows were laid for her and feather-beds, and she kept tossing and turning on the bed and tossing and turning, and could not fall asleep. And all because of a small pea that rolled under the bed. Of course, no one will put the players on the feather beds, but they will have to do something similar to this. This New Years competition is exclusively for women. The presenter announces the recruitment of participants who have a subtle psyche and high sensitivity. If there are none, then the presenter simply invites any girls to participate. The competition turns out to be very funny and will delight not only its participants, but also the audience.

The rules are very simple. Participants are invited to the stage and lined up facing the audience. There is a chair behind them. The facilitator places a small object on the chairs of all participants. The task of the participants is that they need to find out exclusively with the help of their fifth point what the leader put on the chair.

The host first talks about the essence of the competition and then announces the start of the competition.
The winner of the competition is the woman who is the fastest to determine what is under her. The task can be somewhat complicated if the object is not placed immediately on the chair, but under a small pillow. So it turns out a kind of princess and a pea.

For peeping, using hands or a mirror, the host will disqualify the players.

Well, in conclusion, I would like to thank all the participants in this New Year's competition and invite everyone to watch this wonderful fairy tale on a computer screen.

Celebrating the New Year is a special holiday. Although most of us are not superstitious, everyone piously believes in the omen: "as you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it." Therefore, everyone tries to make every effort so that the long-awaited holiday is not limited only to a gorgeous set table and exquisite dishes. When preparing for the holiday, it is very important to think over not only the menu and choose outfits that match the symbol of the coming year, but also pay attention to fun games and contests. It is thanks to the skillfully thought-out entertainment that the New Year will become unforgettable, bring a bright shade to any company where no one will get bored in the agonizing expectation of the chimes.

Usually a friendly company decides to celebrate at someone's home or in the country. The task of the owners in this case is not to take on everything: table decoration, menu, Christmas tree decoration, contests, prizes, etc. All these troublesome moments must be distributed among all guests, agreeing in advance about snacks, drinks, a Christmas tree and entertainment.

When choosing contests for a festive corporate party, it is necessary to take into account how many colleagues will gather to celebrate the New Year. In addition, competition organizers should create an informal atmosphere at the party and not stick out leadership by engaging in outright flattery. It is advisable to alternate intellectual, creative and active entertainment, avoiding obscenity and adhering to the framework of decency.

1 State your name

This competition can be held at the table when the guests have already danced. For this, tablets are prepared in advance, on which funny names of objects or animals are written. For example: koala, giraffe, toaster, coffee maker, seeder, etc. These plaques are attached to each player's back before dancing, warning that the names are kept secret. When everyone is seated at the table, everyone should find out his name by asking colleagues questions. The answers should be yes and no. The winner is the one who is the first to guess what is written on his tablet.

2 Self-portrait

This competition can also be held at the table. For its holding, unfinished "portraits" of the participants in the celebration are prepared in advance. Some have ovals, others have only hair, others have teeth, etc. Everyone is handed out a portrait, offered to carefully consider. Then all the "artists" are blindfolded and offered to complete the necessary details, and then leave their autograph on the "work". The winner is the one who completed the missing elements of the portrait most correctly. The rest receive a self-portrait as a souvenir.

3 My job responsibilities

All colleagues receive a small piece of paper and a pen. Everyone should write any of their activities at work. Preferably with humor. For example: I prepare reports, tell colleagues about household chores, negotiate with partners, sign documents, hold meetings, fill out protocols, sometimes I am late, etc. All notes are collected and mixed. Each of the participants takes out a piece of paper with a list of what they will do in the new year.

4 "Turnip"

For this competition, "actors" are invited from among those present. All of them are heroes of a famous fairy tale. Each of them should definitely play a role when mentioned in the text read by the presenter. Turnip - spreads his arms to the sides and says "Oh-oh-oh". Grandfather - spits on his palms, rubbing and saying "So - so". The grandmother threatens her grandfather with her fist: "I would like to kill you." Granddaughter - (for this role it is better to take a large man) waves her hand: "Come on." The bug - itches: "Fleas do not let live." The cat, rolling its eyes: "Well, let me sleep." The mouse, shrugging its shoulders: "How can this be?" Before the start of the performance, everyone repeats their role.

All participants form a circle and join hands. The presenter whispers in the ear of each player the names of two animals, one of which will be named to all. Further, the presenter announces that he will pronounce the names of the animals aloud, and the one whose name has sounded must quickly sit down. At the same time, the neighbors should not let him do it. When the presenter calls a word that is the same for everyone, everyone tries to sit down abruptly and everyone falls together on the floor. The winner must resist.

6 The most accurate

For this competition, several lightweight cardboard rings are prepared in advance. Participants stand in a line at a distance of 3 meters from the bottles with drinks displayed in a row. It can be both alcoholic and any other drinks. Each player is given three rings, offering to throw them in turn on the neck of the bottle. The winners take the drink for themselves as a prize.

Friendship Party Contests

It is advisable to entrust two of the guests with the preparation of contests and the purchase of prizes. Let the majority remain in the dark for the contests and prizes to be unexpected. If the company consists of adults or young people, it is permissible to include in the program not quite chaste fun. However, it is worth adhering to the "golden mean" in order not to allow outright vulgarity.

For this competition, it is advisable to split into two teams. Conditions of the competition - lay out a chain from the clothes of the team members. The team with the longer chain wins.

2 Gutta-percha pair

Pre-prepared notes, which indicate different parts of the body: ear, nose, elbow, knee, etc. In front of those present, all the notes are mixed and distributed in two different containers. Couples wishing to take part in the game take out 3 notes each and touch each other with those parts of the body that are indicated in them. The most flexible partners are awarded a prize.

3 Find clothespins

The women cling clothespins to their clothes, while the men went out for a smoke break. Then they are invited into the room and, having blindfolded everyone, are offered to collect all the clothespins from their lady in a certain time. The winner is the one who collected the most clothespins.

Music contests

What fun without dancing and singing! This part of the program can be taken by itself and given the opportunity to simply dance and sing. But even these moments can be diversified through musical competitions.

1 "Song - add-on"

The presenter invites the participants of the competition to sing the popular New Year's song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", adding at the command of the presenter at the end of each line "with a tail" - one team and "without a tail" - another team. The most attentive team wins. During the performance of the song, the presenter deliberately confuses the team members, incorrectly prompting the ending.

2 Sing to the beat of the song

Players are divided into several teams depending on the number of guests. For each team, a song is played, the text of which is given commands before the start of the competition. Conditions of the competition: at the command of the leader, the team begins to sing to the beat of the sounding words and melody. Then the sound is removed, but the song continues to sound in the performance of the command. The team that hits the beat of the words and melody of the song, when the sound is turned on again, wins.

3 Lambada on a tray

Each pair is given a tray. Before the music starts, a tray is placed between the partners facing each other. According to the terms of the competition, the tray must not be touched by hands. Lambada sounds and dancers, performing movements, try to hold the tray. The winner is the couple who managed not to drop the tray during the dance.

4 Dancing bottle

The presenter invites all the dancers to stand in a circle and squeezes an empty bottle between their knees. Then, to the music, he offers to pass the bottle in a circle without touching it with his hands. After some time, the presenter complicates the task by offering to pass the bottle using the back, then the hips, and so on. You can dance back to back or hip to back. The main thing is not to touch the bottle with your hands. The winners are those who could not drop the bottle.

5 Spaghetti

You will need spaghetti to run this competition. Dancing couples grip one macaroni with their teeth and begin to move to the beat of the fast music. If the macaroni is broken, clamp its ends until nothing remains of it. In this case, the pair is eliminated. The winner is the couple whose pasta lasted longer than others.

6 Ladies change gentlemen

All participants are called and become in pairs. The one who was left without a pair gets a mop as a partner. The presenter announces the beginning of the dance and the music sounds. After a couple of minutes, the music stops, and at this time the presenter announces the change of partners. The dancer drops his mop and quickly grabs any other dancer. The one who was left without a pair dances with a mop. The winners are those who have never danced with a mop.