What is a relationship? How to recognize a karmic relationship between a man and a woman

In this article, I will tell you what a relationship is (in fact), who can build relationships, and who should not, with whom you can build relationships and with whom you should not, and much more, do not miss ...

What is a relationship (really)?

The vast majority of young (and not only) people do not have relationships, but simply spend their ears (s * ks) and spending time together. That's all.

Relationship is- when m + f live together, when next to each other, work together with each other (qualitatively and regularly cover each other's needs, qualitatively fulfill their natural roles (functions), constantly work on relationships, develop mutual understanding, trust, etc. and so on) and ultimately, their own genetic material (children) is created, the genus is extended, and its own genetic line develops. This is a serious relationship.

So let's call a spade a spade. For me, easily accessible girls are = bl * di. People not with traditional orientations = pid * races. and here, on our topic, to meet when never to take a walk, spend time together / have fun - well, what kind of relationship is this? ...

OUTPUT: for most people (18-25 years old) in the vast majority of cases, not a relationship, but a joint pastime and spending * ears, nothing more. Relationships are another level.

Who can build relationships?

A serious relationship should be built between a MAN and a WOMAN.

Only in this case, you can really start to build relationships, and not "in quotes", which happens to the vast majority of people (pastime and consumption * ears). This is the first thing.

Secondly, the union (tandem) can be strong and durable only between a man and a woman. Between young people (18-25 years old) = alliances, in the vast majority of cases, do not end well with anything. And this is not surprising at all, later, I will tell you why ...

Now, just understand: at the age of 18-25 = it is unlikely that something serious can work out. Therefore, looking at the front I will say: if you really want to build a serious relationship, choose not a girl, but a woman (finished product), and you, dearie, not a boy, but a man (finished product).

FINISHED PRODUCT + FINISHED PRODUCT only. Only formed personalities. Later, again, I will explain why, but now just remember this as our father (although you hardly know him).

And at the same time, do not forget (or remember, if you did not know at all) the basic rule:each creature has a pair, and they get what they themselves are.

In other words, do you want yourself a worthy high-ranking woman? OK. But, then you yourself must be a worthy high-ranking male. Understand? And vice versa. For a woman, with a man.

Those. if you yourself are a low-ranking "fu-fu" = and your male will be the same fu-fu and your life and relationships will be "fu-fu". For each creature has a pair, and they get what they themselves are and what they deserve.

Therefore, you want a better life, you want strong, durable, happy relationships = firstly, pump yourself to a high-ranking personality, and secondly, choose the right partner for yourself (not girls or boys, but a woman worthy of you, and vice versa, a man worthy of you ) and of course, work on your relationship with your partner every day.

Why not a damn serious thing (18-25 years old)?

Firstly, at this age, m and f = have not even been formed as individuals yet.

Let's start with the boys. It's easiest here, you don't need to talk a lot (like with girls). Young guys have in mind, in the majority: gulks, friends, entertainment, alcohol, girls, S * KS, S * KS, S * KS and again S * KS and as much as possible)). Boys, these are not men. They have not yet taken place as individuals. These are the boys.

Inside him = there is no man inside. There is no pumped up strong, powerful, inner state. No rod. There is no man. There is no character. No hardening. There is no self-confidence. No knowledge, no experience, nothing. He has no attendants, no business, no wealth. There is nothing. He's a ragamuffin. Lives at the expense of his ancestors or himself, but barely ... In short, he is still nobody and there is no way to call him... Loser. Jonah. By the way, many and remain so until the end of their days .. besides, he is still young, he is not walking around, we are polygamous men, we want a lot of girls, a lot, the number, everybody to screw up, to plant everyone.

What kind of relationship is there)) today he is with you, in the evening he saw a girl who winked at him = that's all, end)), tomorrow he is still there with someone, does not pass by the skirt, nothing will hold him back next to you when he is young, and hormones are playing pranks)) that this is already becoming funny, well, what kind of relationship is there?))

I'll even tell you so. You can try for him in everything, just for wear, be an ideal woman, ideal, give him everything - that a woman should give in full, etc. etc. in general, it is clear that there are no ideal ones at all, everyone has their own shortcomings, but in general I say, so, attention: in the end, he is still young, and he may want a FEMALE, MORE. As much as possible. He has not walked up yet. Understand. It has nothing to do with you. This is what can happen to a boy ... even if not at first, but after years - very often it happens to many. As a result, and then change ...

Besides, what kind of relationship is there when he has nothing? No attendants. What is this man, without attendants?)) This is not a man. The main function of a man is to be a breadwinner. I've talked about this a hundred times already. Imagine where you will live? It is the man who must decide. But, he doesn't have an apartment. And maybe there is no money at all, even for renting an apartment. How will you live? Making ends meet? Do you need it? And who will feed you, clothe you, protect you, etc. etc. Who? And who will take care of the offspring when it will be? Even more money will be needed, because there are already three of you. ... in short, think about it ...

You have no right to be wrong about your partner. If you are wrong = you will pay for it. You will be used, just fucked and thrown. As a result, you will walk from hand to hand. And in the end, no one will need you for a fucking thing. Because natural selection is at work. And you are already second-class meat, not fresh prescription, with wild walking distance. Understand?

I'm not even talking about the fact that in our time it is very important to spend * without protection and give birth to a child as young. This is generally the edge of idiocy. And then, the kid (as it most often happens) gives a run back because it’s not childish, and you yourself with a trailer in life = only now you’re looking for a man’s standards.

In short, your task is to look for (choose) a worthy MALE. If you want a relationship = not boys, but men. Someone who is already at the bubble, wealthy, promising, by car, with his own apartment, etc. etc. in short, competitive. Who is not a humpy talk, about anything, but with ambitions, with goals, a successful, smart, handsome, adequate, walk-up, in general, a worthy man. Your main task in terms of choosing a partner is to MINIMIZE RISKS IN LIFE! Remember, this is like our father!

And my mother's snot. A man, a woman with eggs between her legs. Boy. Boy. Teenager. Etc. etc. = these are huge risks for you, nothing good will come of them. I give you a 100% guarantee. Need a man!

Now the girls. They have = in general, such a pi * dec is going on that to contact them (to plan something seriously) = it is simply absolutely impossible. Simply categorically. Because = anyway, in the end you won't get anything serious with her. You will only waste a lot of your precious time and nerves, forces, energy, money and other resources. When you read it to the end, you will understand.

What is a girl of 18-25 years old ...

The harsh reality is that girls = themselves don't know what they want or don't want. They have sheer uncertainty. Now imagine yourself in a relationship with a girl who does not even know what she wants, but will always demand something from you 😀

Because they are not yet formed. During this period (18-25 years old), girls are just beginning to form. There is clarity with women (for they are already formed). And with girls = there is no clarity.

Absolutely every girl at the age of 18-25 has a huge thirst for change inside herself. The girl wants everything that she could not do before or hey was forbidden, etc. etc.

A girl changes her image, style of clothing, and overall appearance, for example, today she is emo, tomorrow it is punk, after tomorrow someone else ... she can easily go with a haircut like a boy, or simply cut her hair (shorten) (square), can go for the wrong reason to fill himself with a tattoo on his ass or somewhere else)) where he pleases, he can pierce the ear / tongue / navel and insert an earring or piercing there, in short, girls in 18-25 years are absolutely unpredictable and unstable.

They have uncertainty in absolutely everything. Long hair or short hair? Blonde or Brunette? Or maybe a redhead? Green?)) Or maybe all at once? Etc. examples can be given and given. The bottom line is that the girl is not shaped as a person.

She tries to understand herself, to know, her tastes, her preferences, outlook on life, etc. etc. the girl does not know who she is and what to do with herself. She has an unknown in everything. She does not know what hey to do in this life, who she wants to be (an accountant, or maybe a nurse, or maybe a beautician, or a writer, or better a psychologist, etc., etc.), where hey live (in this city ​​or in another, here or there), with whom to be (with you or Misha, Kolya, Vasya, the girl does not know what kind of men are, whom she wants - and tries a different type), and with whom not to be, whom she wants (you or some kind of singer, football player or basketball player, or maybe even a rock and roll player or someone else or all at once)), and who does not want, she does not know where she will be tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, another month later etc. etc.

She doesn't know who hey to study for. She doesn’t know if hey to work or if it’s even better to marry a man, have children. She doesn't know if she wants children at all. Yes, today, but no tomorrow. She doesn't know who she is. She doesn't know what a relationship is, whether she wants a “relationship” at all, or hey, she just needs a friend, or some time consuming. This is all that awaits you with a girl aged 18-25.

It is extremely unstable. She does not know the meaning of this word at all ... she now has a stormy youth, emotions, feelings, freedom and the WHOLE WORLD, everything is new, take into account the fact that all females are extremely emotional, extremely, all because they, in unlike us men, it is much more developed - the right hemisphere, which is responsible for emotions. Therefore, young girls are incredibly emotional.

Live with emotions. Feelings. As much as possible, more, more. Therefore, not all, but very many of them lead such a walking lifestyle. Touches. Light it up. They play at all. Fuck * yuta with everyone in a row, it is important for them for more sensations, emotions, feelings, clubs, parties, friends, karaoke, parties, concerts, they will light up everywhere, appear, travel at the expense of daddies (ala style is not us * fat, but presented) and etc. etc. you can't miss your precious youth. Walk while young - and then supposedly everything will be)).

They can make decisions in a fraction of a second, on emotions, in general, there is a complete zh№pa. She can be seduced like two fingers from the asphalt, because she is young, naive and too emotional. She's also very curious. Today she is with you, in the evening with the bad pepper Kolyan)), and after tomorrow she is riding a Lexus with another. Etc. I'm exaggerating of course)) but the main message is that an 18-25 year old girl will try absolutely everything. With no exceptions. It will change 100%. It is completely unpredictable. Not stable. Not formed. In addition, curious and emotional. What's the relationship?)))

Naivety and romance ...

Girls aged 18-25 = at least a lot of them have simply not had time to be disappointed in men, because they have no experience in all this as such, and where did they get all the information about relationships from? That's right, from romantic films)), books, etc. about love.

And there, as we all know, there is one misinforming nonsense. As a result, the girl is looking for a PRINCE on a WHITE HORSE, sincerely believes in love, in her feelings, in her beloved (and there it doesn’t smell like love, doesn’t know what love and love are, how to define it), believes that she says, etc.

The girls repeatedly told me)) that they are with me in sorrow and joy, forever and blah blah blah all this naive childish nonsense. Oh, and there were times, e-May)) now I remember, but I smile ...

You can try for her in everything, just for wear and tear, to be an ideal man (it is clear that there are no ideal men at all, everyone has their own shortcomings, but I generally say), but in the end, she doesn't care will not appreciate it. Because it cannot)) still young. No relationship experience. There is no one to really compare with. It is a woman who has experience in relationships. This woman can appreciate you. And the girl is not. She will expect too much from you, but you cannot give this to your princess, because this is life, not the romantic films she grew up on ...

But, she still does not understand this (does not know), do you understand friend? ... she is not stable, unpredictable, very curious, very emotional, that is, in short, a friend - have I already told you to run from such where further on?)) Don't get it wrong, fuck with whoever you want - but, it’s a relationship, there’s not build.

This, everything, related to the point - firstly (ie about not formed personalities).

Secondly, at this age, in the vast majority of cases = "fog in the head"!

Those. the girl does not know what is the difference between a girl and a woman, who a woman is, how she should behave (interact) with you (a man), what functions (roles) a woman has, what is her role in a man's life, how to "keep" you (man), how to make a man happy, etc. etc.

The girl does not know what a man is, who a man is, what he needs, how he thinks, thinks, sees, hears what to do with him, how to interact with him, what needs he has, what other needs are there, why they are important for him, in general, a girl = knows nothing and does not know how.

She grew up on romantic films and books about love, which in reality are not worth a penny. Add to all this everything that I told above (about an unformed personality) and you will understand that there will be QUARTERS, SCANDALS, NOT UNDERSTANDING, OPEN NEEDS, CHANGES, etc. etc. all this, with the absolute majority, does not end with anything good. This, again, is a fact!

Boy what? The boy does not know what is the difference between a boy and a man, who a man is, what he should, what he should be, how he should behave (interact) with a woman, what functions (roles) a man has, what is his role in a woman's life how to make a woman happy etc.

The boy does not know what a woman is, what she is, what he needs, how she thinks, thinks, sees, hears what to do with her, how to properly interact with her, what needs she has, what other needs are there, why are they important to her, in general, boy = knows nothing and does not know how.

He grew up like a girl, on romantic films, which in reality are not worth a penny. Add to all this everything that I told above (about an unformed personality) and you will understand that there will be QUARTERS, SCANDALS, NOT UNDERSTANDING, OPEN NEEDS, CHANGES, etc. etc. all this, with the absolute majority, does not end with anything good. It is a fact!

For the most part, fathers / mothers => do not pass on knowledge to their sons / daughters, and those without a card = enter adulthood. So what? That's right, they move at random. That boy, that girl = act by touch. They don't have the right model of behavior. They don't know how to behave. How to interact correctly. What to do. What not to do. In short, this is ZHNPA. Everything is done by touch.

As a result, everything is done through the ass and does not end well with anything. And all because no one knows anything, not the needs of men / women, not the psychology of those and those, in general, they know nothing. There is no right model of behavior. There is no understanding. There is nothing. Everything is done anyhow. She is also young ...

In general, man ...

P..s. it's been a long time since I've met such beauty 🙂

If you read carefully, then you understand what to build serious strong relationship with a girl aged 18-25 is almost unrealistic. Decide for yourself whether to endure all this dick of hers and suffer with her, and in the end, waste a lot of precious time on her, or (if you really want to build a relationship) = look for yourself not a girl, but a worthy woman. The finished product.

Remember: relationships are built with women, not girls. Understand that. This is extremely important.

You might think that everything is fucking with you now, "cool relationship" with a girl (18-25 years old), but the trick is that, most likely, you have no relationship at all)), you have a joint time and waste * ears. But don't confuse this with a relationship. Relationships are another level. And even if you have a real relationship = I would not take it too seriously if I were you)).

In general, a woman ...

If you read carefully, then you understand what to build serious strong relationship you can only with a man, not with a boy aged 18-25. For a boy is a boy. He failed as a man. In fact, he is not yet a man, inside himself, even. I'm not talking about money, business, wealth. He has nothing. He is still nobody and there is no way to call him. By the way, many remain so until the end of their days, besides, he is still young, he is not walking around, in short ...

Decide for yourself whether to waste a bunch of precious time on him, without getting anything good, but only harm = you are used and you lose your precious time (time for you is everything, you yourself know) (or, if you really want to build a relationship) = look not for a boy, but for a man. Finished product.

Remember: relationships are built with men, not boys. Understand that. This is extremely important.

You might think that everything is fucking with you now, "cool relationship" with a boy (18-25 years old), but the trick is that, most likely, you have no relationship at all)), you have a joint time and waste * ears. But don't confuse this with a relationship. Relationships are another level.

P.s. in many respects, of course, still depends on this or that person, therefore it is absolutely 100% to say that age 18-25 = not suitable for a relationship = impossible (there are different people, they are capable of different things, with a different character, personality type, attitude to life, upbringing, etc., etc.), but in general, it is, in the vast majority of cases, people do not succeed in anything serious.

Regards, administrator.

All people are social subjects. There is no such person who in his life would not meet with other people, did not enter into various kinds of relationships with them (business, friendship, kindred, love). But, having all kinds of connections with others, we come to the conclusion that it is not so easy to start them, to support them to stop. For example, maintaining a friendship requires a lot of effort before you can get emotional satisfaction. Any relationship requires some sacrifice and sincerity. So, what kind of relationship are there and how to understand what it is?

The meaning of the word "relationship"

Many people understand what a relationship is, but not everyone can define this term. In the process of life, we enter into interactions with many people. Even at a young age, children together prepare a program for matinees, holidays, eat together and perform any activity. It is safe to say that they have a relationship with each other. It turns out that a relationship is an interaction with one person or a group of people, which has its own specifics, goals, circumstances, tasks and place in society. Any relationship can have an emotional color (sympathy or antipathy for another person), varying degrees of awareness and experience of these connections.

How do we benefit from different kinds of relationships?

Knowing what a relationship is, we can ask a logical question: "What do we need them for?" In any action, a person learns more about the world and fulfills a specific goal. If he adequately perceives the environment, then his activities will be filled with meaning. Any interaction also makes sense. All communication and relationships fulfill their functions for a person.

  1. Through interaction with others, we receive information. This sometimes happens even without words, with the help of such thought processes as analysis, generalization and conclusions.
  2. What is a relationship? In fact, they encourage us to be active, which in turn keeps us busy, energized, and meaningful for our actions. That is, relationships are an internal engine in our life.
  3. In interaction with people, feelings, emotions, motives, orientation of the personality come into play, here spiritual connections can arise (what a platonic relationship is, we will learn a little later). A person can become attached to the object of the relationship, experience negative feelings towards him. Such dynamics of interactions between people develops their inner world, they learn to understand themselves and others, improve their relationships.

What is the relationship between the sexes?

Many scholars have wondered about the relationship between men and women. A very large number of works have been written on this topic. The question: - what is it? "- was considered in different theories. Most psychologists, sociologists and other specialists agree that relations between men and women are dictated by industrial relations. communication is based on mechanisms of mutual exploitation.

If you observe the beginning of any interaction between a man and a woman, it will necessarily be based on the division of labor (here the production aspect becomes clear). Moreover, this division of responsibilities, actions is necessary for all mankind, as one of the most powerful driving forces of society. The division of labor in society between people occurs, first of all, according to gender, and then according to inclinations, abilities, interests and desires.

Historically, a man is considered to be the breadwinner, the leader of the tribe, the headship. The woman, on the other hand, plays an expressive role - she takes care, looks after, maintains the family mood, creates emotions in the family. That is why the question: "Gender relations - what is it?" - is one of the fundamental for the development of human norms and foundations.

Types of relationships in people of the opposite sex

We have already touched a little on the importance of relations between men and women, but we have not touched on an equally important question about personal ones. What is Why are they needed and should they be cherished?

Initially, God (or someone else, depending on your position of the emergence of the world) conceived the relationship between young people of the opposite sex for prolongation of the race, reproduction. There are many theories of how two different people turn out to be united into one, and they all, in their own way, correctly consider the basic mechanisms of bringing people closer together. It is impossible to fit their motives to be together under some clear classification. Each person is individual, therefore he is free to do as his heart tells him.

In addition to industrial and business relations, there are also friendly and love relationships between a guy and a girl. There are 7 main stages in the generation of love. They will help you understand what the relationship between a guy and a girl is.

  1. Contemplation. In other words, singling out one person from the crowd as interesting to oneself. The second, noticing attention, also focuses on a person of the opposite sex, in order to test interaction with him.
  2. Initiation. The active phase of attracting attention to yourself. All possible means and methods are used here. The dominant desire is to interest, to please.
  3. Opening the heart. In other words, it's time for love, rose-colored glasses and passion. At this stage, it is important not to plunge into passion 100%, since relationships based only on intimacy are guaranteed to fail. It is useful for testing feelings not to have sexual intercourse. Then you will understand what a platonic relationship is when love covers passion.
  4. Contact. In another way, lapping - a guy and a girl recognize each other's characters, principles. They correlate their life ideals and foundations with their partner, draw conclusions about living together.
  5. Creation. They say "they are made for each other" - the couple tries to adapt to the partner in terms of warmth and its return to create an ideal, in their opinion, family. At this stage, they are ready to accept new souls - their children.
  6. Self-sacrifice. Naturally, the world of illusions and "rose-colored glasses" comes to an end sometime, and ordinary everyday life sets in. It is they who bring along with them life problems (illness, financial difficulties, separation from relatives, friends). Here, each couple undergoes a test of love, and they are very happy if they came out of these tests with moral gains.
  7. Harmony. The feeling that nothing and no one is capable of destroying the happiness built by labor.

What does the phrase "free relationship" mean?

Men are more striving for freedom, nature itself endowed them with this desire. Women are permanent, they seem to drop anchor where they feel good. In recent society, the issue of freedom of choice, freedom of connections is topical. What is an open relationship? Such interaction is considered to be a non-binding relationship that does not give another person the right to claim the freedom of the subject. This, of course, is good, but is it really necessary for the two sides of the interaction.

Scientists have long confirmed the fact that at least one side certainly suffers from civil marriage (free relationships). A family cannot exist without certain obligations on both sides. And the answer to the question of what an open relationship is, we know, is the absence of any obligations. Having connected a little logic and analysis, we can confidently say that such types of connections will not last long. They will either collapse or grow into something more serious. So why waste time ?!

Interaction of people in the context of legal relations

Many people do not know what a legal relationship is, because of this, problems begin with the law, with the executive branch, and so on. The definition of this concept reminds that there is some object that defines the range of rights and responsibilities (for example, a child). Also in such relationships there are subjects of law (for example, parents) who are participants in the relationship about the object. So, legal relations mean the interaction of subjects, regulated by the norms of law and their volitional efforts, while each subject has its own legal obligations and rights (for example, adoption of a child, alimony, maintenance up to 18 years old, and so on). Such relationships can be easily corrected with the help of the letter of the law.

Market relations in the life of every person

We are in such interaction every day, perhaps several times. What is and why are they peculiar to each person? Such interaction means the relationship of certain owners, each looking for their own benefit. There are two people in the market - a manufacturer and a consumer. Such relationships are conflicting, tense, criminal, friendly and others. But they are also governed by certain laws that protect the rights of the two parties to the market participants.

International relations as an extension of the boundaries of the subject

Speaking about international relations, it should be noted that they can be both official at the largest public level, and unofficial, friendly. Unofficial international interaction is a whole layer of ethnopsychology, therefore we will restrict ourselves to the generally accepted definition of international relations.

So, international relations - what is it? First of all, this is interaction that goes beyond the territory, and therefore it is international. This concept combines many criteria by which states and separately citizens of different countries can cooperate and communicate with each other. These relations are governed by both the internal law of the country and generally accepted norms of human rights.

Dynamics of interactions

We have seen that there is dynamics in any relationship. It has polar peaks: from hatred to love, from aggression to friendship, from indifference to care. And these fluctuations are equally suitable for both subjective relations and international ones.

Hard work called relationships

Interaction, relationships are really difficult, daily work. As a person is changeable, falling under the power of mood, so are his relationships. In order to keep them positive, productive and useful, it takes a lot of effort and knowledge, not only in a specific area, but also within the framework of laws, in order to assert your rights.

What is a serious relationship? Dating, gifts, sex, trips together? What can be said about a mature, partner relationship? Psychologists have identified a number of signs by which one can judge about emotional maturity and the intention to build a serious love relationship.

Ready for a serious relationship

A mature relationship is a willingness to accept a person with all the shortcomings, building common plans for the future, an inner determination to be only with this partner. The desire to enter into a long-term relationship with a single partner depends on the soul qualities of the couple. Is there a community of views, a desire to support a person in difficulties?

For each person, the concept of "serious relationship" is different. Someone is looking for security, but for someone it is important to trust and sincerity between a man and a woman. Psychologists recommend asking yourself from time to time the question: "What do I expect from a relationship?"

If the couple has common jokes, interests, history, then the prognosis is favorable. If two are interested in each other, then this strengthens the partnership. Seriousness is indicated by the desire to introduce one's half to parents, relatives, friends. The partner knows about the work of the other, his hobbies and difficult moments in life. When there is no desire to share personal with a person, there is no trust and interest.

One of the main conditions for a serious love affair is comfortable, safe and calm with a loved one.

How can we tell if we are in a serious relationship?

We have a serious relationship if:

  1. There is attachment and a desire to show, show, give emotional support to a loved one.
  2. Care. Partners worry about each other, take actions to ensure well-being. “You took an umbrella today, it's raining outside”, “I bought you a medicine, I am worried about your problem”.
  3. The ability to share experiences, thoughts, doubts with a loved one with the confidence that they will be accepted and heard.
  4. When thoughts about a partner arise, the wording “we” comes to mind. The pronoun speaks of the desire to develop feelings, the recognition that "we" are already a couple.
  5. There is no desire to meet other people for the sake of relationships, sex and dating.
  6. The couple has respect and love.
  7. Joint plans. Vacation, travel, weekend plans. Seriousness is indicated by joint planning, for example, marriage, children, meeting parents.

Serious Relationship Readiness Test

How to understand that the future awaits us with this partner? Try to answer a few questions.

  1. If my partner starts having financial difficulties, problems with work, can I support him? Will I be disappointed in him?
  2. My partner is ill, he asks to call in after work. Will you be able to abandon your plans, find time to take care of the patient?
  3. Am I familiar with the parents, friends, relatives of a loved one? Was it interesting for me to meet them?
  4. Do I know his favorite films, books, childhood stories, hobbies? I would like to know?
  5. I'm interested in my partner, we have common goals and plans for life.
  6. I want a serious relationship?
  7. I feel comfortable with my partner, I feel safe with him.

If all the questions were answered “yes”, then a serious relationship can be predicted. Negative answers to some of the questions are thought-provoking. It is possible that there is no mutual understanding in a couple and it is too early to think about seriousness.

So what is a serious relationship? They are based on love, trust and respect. Each partner invests in the relationship, the couple looks to the future together.

Find out more about the 5 main stages of a relationship between a man and a woman! Analyze and make no mistake!

Sit back and make yourself at home .. :)

So, let's get started ...

I remember, in my student years, I fell in love with a random guy walking from the bus stop to the house.

Our relationship was like a fairy tale.

He called me nothing but an angel, carried me in his arms and never tired of repeating that my blue eyes blind him and, at the same time, drive him crazy.

I was in seventh heaven with happiness, I looked at my beloved and could not believe that it was me who got such a man.

However, the happiness did not last long. One fine day, the phone of a loved one was unavailable.

And due to the correct upbringing and high moral principles, I did not begin to find out where he had gone.

Now I am not a student for a long time. I met another person with whom I decided to connect my life.

However, from time to time, I still return to the past and think that it might have been worthwhile to find out what happened to that person who carried me in his arms and then disappeared overnight.

In order not to repeat my mistake, you should definitely know stages of relationship between man and woman.

After all, knowing the psychology of relationships, you can protect yourself from possible disappointments ...

Psychology of relations between a man and a woman.

5 stages of relationship:

So, whether you are in love or not, know that any relationship develops according to the standard program and has 5 stages:

  1. attraction,
  2. uncertainty,
  3. desire to be the only one with the object of sighing,
  4. spiritual closeness,
  5. engagement.

Now let's talk about each stage in more detail.

Stage 1 relationship - attraction

Many eminent psychologists assure that at the initial stage of the development of relationships, men fall for the appearance of women, and women for male intelligence.

However, I hasten to note that this is far from the case.

In the 10th grade, I had a fat and scary friend who does not recognize cosmetics and fashion trends.

However, this did not at all prevent her from having crowds of fans.

And the boys for some reason preferred to get to know her, and not with more beautiful and slender girlfriends.

And the girls were in no hurry to throw themselves at the macho, but were interested in a completely different type of guy.

During the period of acquaintance, we think that we are attracted by the charm of a partner, his charm or intelligence.

However, initially we are attracted or repelled by the smell of a person.

Note: sometimes on the first date, your companion chants nonsense, and you listen, hanging your ears and nodding in love.

And it happens that a person goes out of his way, trying, showers you with gifts, makes compliments, and you generally get a hairdryer for all these gifts and for the admirer with them.

Stage 2 relationship - uncertainty

This stage will necessarily follow after the period of attraction.

During uncertainty, a man begins to rush about in thought, is this woman or need to look further ...

The woman, in turn, is furious with uncertainty, not knowing why the man does not call, why he does not come and give gifts.

She begins to punch the brains of her friends, and then calls the man she likes with questions: "Why aren't you calling?" or "What, you don't like me?"

It is with this obsession that women often frighten off men!

In this case, you just need to calm down and give the man time to think.

Don't bother him with stupid sms and calls.

If a man likes you, he will show up himself in a couple of three days.

Uncertainty is like fishing.

First you launch your worm rod and wait.

The fish swam up to the worm, "sniffed".

After that, the fish swims around the worm for some time, thinking whether to eat it or not.

At this time, you need to sit quietly.

But when the fish is hooked, you need to quickly drag it to the shore.

Every smart woman should be able to do the same!

3 stage of the relationship - the desire to be the only one (oops) at the object of sighing

When a man has passed the stage of doubts and decided on his choice, he will definitely call the chosen one and invite her to go somewhere.

And here the main thing is not to go too far, playing hard-to-reach or busy fifu.

On this the stage of the relationship between a man and a woman you must definitely show your best side.

The third stage of the relationship is a kind of test drive.

Before you buy a product (in this case, we are talking about relationships and marriage), you evaluate it and identify the presence of a marriage or defect.

Relationship Stage 4 - Intimacy

But this stage is the most interesting.

After all, right now, lovers begin to open up to each other.

They show their flaws, trust their partner and open up to him.

The main thing is to do it all gradually.

Do not immediately dump the tub of "dirty linen" on the head of your beloved.

After all, it will be so easy to scare him away.

For example: you appeared in front of a man you like as a delightful woman, a skillful hostess and a pleasant companion.

Imagine how shocked the gentleman will be if he finds out that all the dishes were prepared for you by your grandmother, you are not interested in listening to him.

And in general, instead of being a homebody, you are an avid party-goer.

Stage 5 relationship - engagement

If you have reached the stage of betrothal, this does not mean at all that now you will have a happy family life and old age together.

At the betrothal stage, a man and a woman are aware of their choice, put up with each other's shortcomings and love for their merits.

Although it also happens that it is at the last stage that the couple understands that the relationship is leading to an impasse and is better than continuing mutual torment.

This video applies to both men and women!

Think ... and stop deceiving yourself and your soul mate!

It is at the last stage that it is important to understand that there are no ideal people, that there is no escape from everyday quarrels and troubles.

And what is more important is the spiritual qualities of a person, and not socks scattered around the apartment.

Take a closer look at your significant other.

Perhaps you find fault with her from scratch.

Refresh your senses and bring a touch of romance into your life.

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“I got a boyfriend,” a girl says when a young man appears in her life. Or a guy in similar circumstances argues: "I started dating a girl." But from when can this relationship be considered serious? Where does this line lie between the beginning of falling in love, "free format" and a serious spiritual relationship?

When the relationship is still not serious

It would seem, what can be difficult in defining the relationship between a man and a woman? After all, everything is extremely clear - they are either together or not. But in fact, in this story, it is impossible to divide everything into "black" and "white", there are many shades. After all, even intimacy in our time is no longer a sign of a serious relationship. To determine whether your relationship with a young man / girl has really moved on to a different quality plane, whether it has the right to be called serious, evaluate your feelings and thoughts.

It is premature to talk about your relationship as serious and solid if the following statements apply to your situation:

  • You know too little about this guy yet.... And the point is not only and even not so much in the "personal data" as in the qualities of his personality. What is he, what is he capable of in this or that situation, how reliable is he, what are his weaknesses, etc. While you only have the information that he said about himself.
  • You are ashamed of this person in almost everything.... You cannot relax, think about how you look when you laugh, it is difficult for you to admit that you are tired, you have uncomfortable shoes, you are thirsty, etc. Next to this person you involuntarily gather internally, follow every word ...
  • You don't feel completely confident around this person.... Attempts to take his hand, to cuddle up to him when he hugs you, turns out to be somehow awkward. You notice every gesture in your direction, if he gives you a hand, you will pay attention to the gesture itself, while with a loved one, most likely, you will not even notice it as something completely natural.
  • If you need any help, you would rather call your friends, parents, but not him... At this stage in your relationship, you will find such a request tactless. Even if it seems to you that it is your new boyfriend who should ask for help in this case, it will be difficult for you to do it due to your own shyness.
  • You don't have the slightest desire to let him get too close.... You don't want to tell him about yourself in all the details, to be frank, to let him in on your plans.

Finally, if you do not have the idea that, if necessary, you will rush to him at any time of the day, if only you find out that he needs your help, then this person is not yet close to you. Of course, you have to be sure that he will do the same when you find yourself in a difficult situation.

Signs of a Serious Relationship

The seriousness of the relationship is determined not by the duration of communication, not by the strength of attraction, and not even by the presence of physical intimacy, but by the degree of trust in each other. At the initial stage, people try to present themselves in the best possible light, make a good impression, and charm their new "lover". At this time, courtship contains, rather, elements of flirting, which often hide embarrassment and excitement underneath, and on both sides.

When a person becomes really close, attitudes and thoughts change. For deep, serious relationships, the following states are characteristic:

  • You are no longer concerned with your own charm at one time or another, as Did your boyfriend have lunch today?... You call him to find out, and this manifestation of concern is perceived completely naturally by both you and them.
    • You trust him even more than your friends or relatives.... Discuss topics with him that you would not even raise with others. At this time, he seems to you the closest person.
    • This time for any difficulty or difficulty you don't even think about who to call... In any problematic situation, you immediately dial his number. And he readily responds to your request, not at all surprised.
    • You can go with him on a trip or out of town for a picnic... Moreover, you will not have the feeling that some kind of threat may come from this person - on the contrary, you are sure that, if necessary, he will be able to protect you. You are calm with him.
    • You can laugh and fool around together, discuss serious topics and make joint plans... You find in each other everything you need, and you don't need the rest of the opposite sex.
    • This person becomes a part of your life., in any case, for this particular period of time. You plan the day taking into account the time you will spend on it, it is present in your thoughts, you reckon with it when you make decisions, etc. Now you even correct your behavior taking into account the presence in life of a new, but already so important for you person.

    Of course, there is a time of falling in love, followed by a time of getting used to, grinding in characters and, finally, mature feelings. Each stage is experienced in its own way, but if your relationship has passed into a serious stage, you are no longer saying "I" and "he", but a proud "we". You call him "my" man, and he you - "my" woman, and these words fully reflect your attitude and vision of the situation.