Essential oils for an aroma lamp: how to use, properties and application. How to use the aroma lamp correctly to get the maximum effect

An aroma lamp is a device in which a mixture of water and essential oils evaporates. It is used to saturate the air with pleasant and healthy aromas. Just a few seconds to get the lamp ready for use, and the house is filled with the aromas of health, tranquility, activity or celebration - it all depends on the situation! How to use an aroma lamp with oils, what types of lamps are there, are there any contraindications for their use?

The operation of the device itself cannot be harmful. But it is important to make sure that those who live in the home have no contraindications for the essential oil they choose.

An ordinary aroma lamp is a ceramic product, in the upper part of which there is a small bowl for water, on the side there is a small hole where a candle is placed.

The principle of operation of such a lamp is that water is poured into a bowl and a few drops of essential oil are dripped. The candle heats the water and the aromatic substances fill the room.

Before using the aroma lamp for the first time, wash the water bowl with soap and water. This must be done. The product is placed on a flat wooden or ceramic surface. Before lighting a candle, ventilate the room and close the window.

Attention! Essential oils can leave permanent stains on the surface of the table.

How to use an aroma lamp with a candle

  1. Insert the plug into the body, exactly opposite the bowl.
  2. Pour water into a bowl.
  3. Put a few drops of essential oil in water.
  4. Light a candle.

It is better to pour water in a full bowl. The amount of the active substance is chosen depending on the type of oil and the area of ​​the room, 1-2 drops per 5 square meters of the area of ​​the room. After about 25 minutes, extinguish the candle with a metal spoon. The water will have time to heat up, and the saturation of the air with aromas will continue for some time.

Aroma lamps, in which water is heated with a candle, are most often made from ceramics. With careful handling, such a lamp will last for many years. They look impressive and can be a decoration of the room. Porcelain figurines are less durable, but bright.

Attention! Be careful if you have children! A beautiful toy can make the kid want to climb in and get it.

The water bowl is made of ceramic or natural stone. Volume - not less than 30 ml, but 50 is better.

Sometimes there are aroma lamps in which the candle is not inside the body, but simply on a stand. First, it is an open fire, which is unsafe. And secondly, a candle in an aluminum sleeve, namely, they are used for aroma lamps, spoils the whole look. Although this is, of course, a matter of taste. Usually, in lamps, it is inserted into a special hole, and only the light inside is visible.

Do not use scented colored candles for aromatherapy sessions.

The candle lamp has one significant drawback: it must be extinguished on time. But what terrible thing will happen if the fire burns out longer? In fact, as the aroma mixture evaporates, its temperature rises. Essential oils lose their beneficial properties at high temperatures. And they may even acquire harmful ones. The temperature should not rise above 60 degrees! Modern models of electric aroma lamps do not heat the oil at all. For example, ultrasonic.

Video how to choose the right aroma lamp with a candle

Ultrasonic aroma diffusers

In the device there is a rapid mixing of liquid and air, and tiny droplets of aromatic cold vapor rush from the body into the surrounding air.

There are diffusers into which only oil drips, and no water needs to be added at all. There are models that are connected via a USB port, as well as ones that run on batteries.

You can also drip the essential oil into water.

What are the advantages of ultrasonic lamps

  • They consume little electricity, its use will not be reflected on the electricity bills;
  • work almost silently, and this is not a monotonous hum, but a pleasant, soothing sound. Turn off automatically;
  • all models have an LED backlight that turns off at shutdown. This is very convenient if the aromatherapy session is done before bed. Light noise reminiscent of forest sounds, soft light and soothing aromas will make falling asleep comfortable and quick;
  • you can use ultrasonic aroma diffusers not only at home, but also in the car (but only those that work without the use of water).

More about essential oils:

Read about the versatile use of lemon balm oil in.

You can find step-by-step instructions for preparing bath oil here.

How to use an ultrasonic aroma lamp correctly

  • The ultrasonic aroma lamp is designed exclusively for essential oils. Synthetic aromatic substances and especially herbal infusions cannot be added to water!
  • Use distilled or filtered water. In the second case, the service life will decrease slightly.
  • a working lamp must not be tilted and moved or rearranged from place to place
  • in order to avoid damage to the water level sensor, do not touch it with your hands, and even more so with hard objects. The fact is that the device turns off automatically when this very sensor shows "zero". If the sensor fails, the device will not turn off or will not work at all.
  • you do not need to wash the aroma diffuser, just wipe it with a cotton swab with alcohol.

All in all, nothing complicated. If the aroma lamp for essential oils is used correctly, then all family members are guaranteed excellent health!

Video review of the ultrasonic aroma diffuser

What can aroma

The list of what effect the use of an aroma lamp gives is impressive. Using a variety of essential oils and their mixtures can help:

  • calm down, fall asleep quickly;
  • wake up quickly and get into work "
  • cheer up;
  • reduce headache and dizziness;
  • tune in a romantic mood;
  • relieve nervous excitement.

Some oils have several beneficial properties at once, and can be used as an adjunct to the treatment of certain diseases.

But the aroma can both improve and ruin your well-being. Sometimes the smell is just subjectively "disliked". So it’s not yours. There is an allergy to certain odors. But more often it happens that a little more oil was accidentally dripped in than it should have been. Overdose may cause weakness, dizziness, nausea, or even headache.

Important! If the family has pregnant women or babies up to two years old, the dosage is taken no more than 1 drop of essential oil per 5 square meters of floor space!

It is not worth checking the body's reaction right away on complex mixtures, first you need to be sure that at least half of the components are well tolerated.

In general, aromatherapy is an accessible and pleasant activity for everyone, which brings health, comfort and favorite aromas to the house :)

Video: 10 criteria by which you can choose a quality essential oil

Ksenia Poddubnaya

Scent lamps are designed to diffuse various odors in a room. Such procedures help many people to relax, relieve stress, improve mood and normalize sleep.

A few drops of essential oil must be added to the lamp so that a pleasant aroma subsequently spreads. Not everyone knows how to use an aroma lamp correctly. It is this topic that we will cover in today's article.

What are the aroma lamps?

Aroma lamps help to create a certain smell in an apartment, office or salon.

There are two types:

  • classic non-electric lamp. The oil is heated by means of an ordinary fire from a candle located at the bottom of the aroma lamp;
  • electric aroma lamp. The oil in such a device is evaporated under the influence of an ultrasonic wave. Aquatic species work by filament filament.

The prices for electric lamps are comparatively higher than for non-electric ones. The most popular are the classic options. Many types of such lamps are sold, made from various materials: stone, metal, glass, etc.

When choosing an aroma lamp, you need to take into account some of the nuances.

Before lighting the aroma lamp, ventilate the room well. Next, close all windows and doors.
Instructions for using the aroma lamp:

  1. Pour warm water into a container and drop a mixture of essential oils into it.
  2. Put the candle in its place and light it.
  3. After the candle starts to burn out, put it out (of course, you can do it earlier).
  4. Wash the bowl with soapy water and leave to dry.

Due to the gradual heating of water and the heating of oil, substances enter the air, filling it with a pleasant aroma.

Important: for every five square meters. meters of premises, it is necessary to use no more than two drops of oil, diluted in two tbsp. spoons of water. Excessive concentration can provoke the development of allergies. The smell should be subtle and soft, not causing dizziness or nausea.

Observance of safety when using an aroma lamp

Before lighting an aroma lamp with oil, you need to know all the necessary safety measures:

Remember that failure to follow safety rules can seriously harm you and your family members.

Choosing essential oils for aromatherapy

Choosing the right essential oil is very important. It is a very concentrated mixture to which the human body reacts differently. For someone, a certain grade of oil affects like a panacea, and for someone it brings discomfort in the form of headaches and weakness. To choose “your” oil, you first need to experiment and try different types of it. Beforehand, it is better to familiarize yourself with the action of the most common ones.

Before lighting an aroma lamp with small, remember about fire safety. Enjoy the flavors risk-free!

- aromatherapy - has in its arsenal and the use of aroma lamps: vessels designed to create a certain smell in a limited space of the room. The use of aromatherapy lamps is a simple and affordable method of aromatherapy.

An aroma lamp is a small vessel consisting of a container for water, under which is a candle that heats the water with its flame. When using an aroma lamp, the container is filled with water, the chosen one (or a mixture of oils) is dropped into the water and a candle is lit. The number of drops of oil depends on the area of ​​the room: two drops of oil are taken per 5 square meters of area. A person's sensitivity to the smell of this oil also affects the dosage, an individual approach is needed here.

Before lighting the aroma lamp, the room is ventilated, and then all doors and windows are closed. The flame of a candle slowly heats the water, the essential oil begins to evaporate, and the smell spreads through the room. Water and oil should not be allowed to boil, the water temperature in the aroma lamp should be 50-60˚, so a little cold water should be added to a container with water from time to time.

The aroma lamp with a lit candle must not be left unattended!

The duration of the first two sessions of aromatherapy using an aroma lamp is no longer than 20 minutes. Gradually, the session time increases, sometimes reaching up to three hours (at the discretion of the aromatherapist).

Types of aroma lamps
Aroma lamps are made from a wide variety of materials, and also come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Sometimes an aroma lamp made by hand by a master is a real work of art. When choosing an aroma lamp, you need to pay attention not so much to its beauty as to the material from which the lamp is made. This material should not react with essential oil. Therefore, an aroma lamp made of porcelain, ceramics, glass is better. If you are attracted to metal burners, use a stainless steel lamp.

The size of the burner also matters. The water container must have a volume of at least 50 ml, and the distance from the wick of the candle to the bowl must be at least 10 cm. Such dimensions guarantee slow and even heating of the water, and, therefore, uniform distribution of the aroma throughout the room.

Aroma lamp oils
With the help of an aroma lamp, you can relieve nervous tension, relax, or, conversely, concentrate on an important matter. It is possible for a headache, to create an erotic atmosphere in the bedroom - it all depends on which essential oil will be chosen for the aromatherapy procedure. Mixtures of oils are more commonly used.

Soothing blends:, bergamot, thyme;
rose, incense, sandalwood;
valerian, ylang-ylang, palmarosa, etc.
- Energizing Blend: Juniper, Mint, Cinnamon, Neroli.
-Mixture for calm falling asleep: neroli, sandalwood, incense.
-Mix for improving performance: lemon, bergamot, cloves, marjoram, leuzea, pine.

When composing mixtures of each oil, take 1-2 drops.

The modern pace of life makes a person tense, so everyone tries to find a way of relaxation that suits them. Aromatherapy is very popular. It does not require the purchase of complex equipment, it is enough to use an aroma lamp and essential oils.

Characteristics and varieties

An aroma lamp is a vessel that is used indoors to obtain a specific scent. The source of the aroma is the essential oil, which is heated in a mixture with water. The device consists of two containers:

  • upper - a bowl into which water is poured and essential oil is added (it can be removable or integral with a body);
  • bottom - needed to place the heating device.

There are two main types of aroma lamps:

  • with a candle - a candle is used as a heating device;
  • electric - the heat source is electricity.

Recently, ultrasonic and USB aroma lamps have begun to appear, but the classic varieties of the device are still the most popular.

Aroma lamps are used by humans in order to relieve fatigue and stress with the help of selected scents, ensure a calm sound sleep, increase efficiency, create a romantic atmosphere, get rid of headaches, and also as a decorative element of the interior.

Classic aroma lamp with candle

How to use the device correctly

Despite the simplicity of its design, an aroma lamp can be dangerous. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to follow these tips:

  • the room in which the aroma lamp will be placed must be well ventilated;
  • you need to make sure that there are no drafts and open windows in the room;
  • you should carefully choose the essential oil, asking others about their well-being (not every aroma is pleasant and suitable for a person);
  • it is necessary to place the aroma lamp in such a way that children do not reach it;
  • after each use, the device should be thoroughly rinsed with warm water and soda (especially when it is planned to change one essential oil to another);
  • it is not recommended to install the aroma lamp on plastic surfaces, as well as near flammable objects.

Do not leave the device switched on unattended. If you need to leave for a while, disconnect the aroma lamp from the electricity or blow out the candle.

Video: Using an aroma lamp

Using a scent lamp involves a few simple steps:

  1. The room is ventilated, after which all windows and doors are closed.
  2. The upper container is filled with water.
  3. Then essential oil is dripped into it, its amount depends on the area of ​​the room. On average, the calculation is made in this way: 5 drops per 15 square meters.
  4. The aroma lamp is connected to the network or a candle is lit (depending on the type of device).
  5. If the aroma lamp is used for the first or second time, the session should be carried out no longer than 20 minutes. The time gradually increases with use up to 3 hours.

Water should not be allowed to boil, its temperature should be 50-60˚С. Therefore, it is supposed to periodically top up with cold water.

Pay attention to the choice of essential oil for the aroma lamp in order to achieve the desired effect on the body with its help.

Essential oils can provide different effects, so it is important to choose the right one. Some are suitable for creating a romantic atmosphere, while others will have a healing effect. There are several guidelines to help you choose a quality product:

  • it is advisable to purchase essential oils in specialized stores, in which storage conditions are observed and there are quality certificates;
  • the bottle must be made of dark glass, and the label indicates the commercial name of the product, as well as the method of production and the Latin name of the plant that was used as raw material;
  • the smell of natural essential oil should be harmonious, complete, without harsh notes, bitterness and sourness;
  • it is recommended to check the quality of the product by dropping a little on thin paper - if after evaporation for 15–20 minutes a greasy trace of a poisonous color is observed, then you have a fake;
  • in appearance, the essential oil should be uniform in color and by no means cloudy.

The effect of essential oils depends on their aromas (can be used individually or mixed):

  • rosemary, bergamot, black pepper and mint will provide a tonic effect (suitable for use in the morning or at the height of the working day);
  • lemon balm and lavender will help to relax and relieve nervous tension (it is supposed to be used in the evening);
  • aromas of tea tree and eucalyptus will clear the room of germs and viruses (ideal for a room through which a large stream of people passes);
  • cedar and ylang-ylang oils are aphrodisiacs;
  • chamomile and rosemary can help relieve headaches.

The aroma lamp allows you not only to feel good, but also to create coziness in the house. You should take its use seriously so that handling the device has a positive effect and does not turn into unpleasant consequences.

Do you have a desire to make your home more comfortable or to add a little romance to the decor of the room? Do you want to fill your home with pleasant aromas, or maybe practice relaxation? Regardless of which question is more relevant for you, an aroma lamp will become an indispensable assistant in this matter. But before you run to the store and buy a "magic lamp", you should familiarize yourself with some of the nuances, namely, how to choose the right one and how to use an aroma lamp.

Aroma lamps came to us from Eastern countries, where the art of influencing a person's aroma has been practiced for thousands of years. Smells were used for a purpose relax and relieve fatigue, tone the body or improve mood. If you have noticed that in many SPA salons, massage rooms and yoga studios, aroma lamps are widely placed today, and for good reason, because if you are a client, visited an institution for a specific purpose, then professionals need to create an appropriate atmosphere, be it complete relaxation or activation of brain activity.

Thus, you can use the aroma lamp in a place convenient for you: at home, at work, at a friend's. For example, you can use scent pendants and pendants to scent your car, and an electric aroma lamp will help to make your workplace cozy.

What you need to know before buying an aroma lamp ^

Do your eyes run up from a huge selection of aroma lamps? Do the many colors, shapes and sizes seduce you? Pull yourself together and remember where do you plan to use, how you will use the aroma lamp and for what purposes you are planning to purchase an aroma lamp.

All aroma lamps are divided into two groups according to the heating method:

Regular aroma lamp ^

They work with a natural source of fire, with a candle.

Electric aroma lamp ^

Among them, some are connected to the electrical network using an outlet, others are put on the lampshade of lighting fixtures, and still others are connected to a computer via a USB cable and use the computer as a power source.

Most popular material for the manufacture of aromatic lamps is ceramics, since it is resistant to fire, easily acquires and retains its shape, completely environmentally friendly... Ceramic aroma lamps have a variety of shapes and fit any thematic room design.

In addition to ceramics, glass, porcelain and stone are actively used today.

All these materials refractory and do not react with heated oil, which prevents the spread of unpleasant odor- the aroma from the room will not be distorted by any additional sources.

How to use an aroma lamp correctly? ^

So you've got the right lamp to complement your room's design. Also, for aromatherapy, you will need flat candles (often called tablets), which you can purchase in the same place as the lamp itself, and essential oils.

A few tips on how to use the aroma lamp:

  • Before use aroma lamp need ventilate the room, and then close windows and doors... Remember to put the lamp in the right place, away from children, and flammable objects and flammable substances.
  • Place the candle in the grotto - a special indentation, before that you need to light a candle.
  • Choose what you need, you can use mixture of oils... If you have several lamps available, then use them based on the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe room. In a small room about 15-20 sq. meters, it is advisable to use one lamp, as a strong aroma can cause headaches or discomfort. For ease of use, stick to the rule - 2 drops of oil for every 5 sq. meters.
  • Pour oil and water into the upper recess (bowl), in a ratio of 3-5 drops of oil to 2 tablespoons of water. The water temperature should range from 50 to 60 degrees Celsius.
  • Depending on the area of ​​the room, its ventilation and the volume of the bowl in the lamp, time flavor diffusion ranges from 20 minutes to 3-4 hours.
  • If you want to continue aromatherapy, then just add water, it is advisable to regularly check the presence of remaining water, since, oil without water will start to boil, and instead of a pleasant aroma, you will get a burning smell, which will not improve your mood one iota.
  • After using the scent lamp, you need to wash with soap, rinse with vinegar and leave to dry.

From this article you will learn the pros and cons, all the fun!

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What oils are there for an aroma lamp and features of their use ^

Depending on the effect you want to achieve with aromatherapy, you can choose the appropriate essential oils. Be careful when choosing an oil, pay attention to the expiration date and the possibility of individual intolerance to some components of the essential oil.

For improving tone and invigorating mint, lemon, rosemary oil is suitable for the body. For a stronger effect, you can mix a little bergamot and black pepper, do not forget about the proportions.

For achievement relaxing effect you need to use lavender, tangerine and marjoram oils, lemon balm and neroli will also work. If you want a little healthier at home, you should use tea tree oil, eucalyptus, thyme and benzoic essential oil.

For a romantic setting a mixture of ylang ylang and patchouli, lavender, ginger, myrrh, sandalwood, cinnamon and rosemary oil are ideal. All these oils are natural aphrodisiacs, so if you want to turn a romantic evening into a chic holiday, use a mixture or each oil separately, it all depends on your imagination.

Returning home, after a hard day's work, fill the bathroom and light the aroma lamp with oil rose or sandalwood, and marjoram and geranium help to put thoughts in order and completely relax.

Forget about headache pills, light an aromatic lamp and add a couple of drops of healing chamomile or rosemary and the headache will go away. You can also use lavender and neroli oils.

For prevention and improvement of the body you can use the complex:

  • The oil of thyme, sage, St. John's wort will help to normalize the blood vessels. For atherosclerosis, use orange, parsley, rosemary or garlic oil.
  • If you have problems with the respiratory system, star anise, anise, spruce, St. John's wort, marigolds, mint will be a suitable option. For the prevention of bronchitis, valerian, wormwood, savory are suitable.

Thus, an aroma lamp is a pleasant helper in different situations, knowing the necessary information, how to use an aroma lamp correctly, and which essential oils are desirable to use in a given situation, will make your life a little more comfortable and brighter. Even the usual pleasant scent in the room will set you up for positive emotions, beneficially affecting the general condition of the body.

A small video tutorial from a professional aromatherapist on the topic "How to use an aroma lamp"