Where milk is given to pregnant women. List and description of the products offered in the kit. Discount food: categories of the population

There were a lot of rumors around dairy kitchens - they discussed their possible closure in 2019, wondered if the old norms would be canceled, and what the list of products for nursing mothers, pregnant women and mothers of babies would be.

Dairy cuisine in Moscow in 2019: what changes

There were persistent rumors about the abolition of dairy kitchens, but that they would not be in Moscow and the Moscow region is too exaggerated information. Dairy kitchens are not closed, vacancies of workers are not eliminated, since January 1 of this year, the Department of Health has left the kitchen operating hours as they were. That is, this year the cancellation will definitely not take place, but time will tell what will happen next.

Moreover, the range of kitchens will be expanded in 2019. Kitchen addresses, schedule, opening hours remain the same.

Dairy kitchen, addresses, Moscow: where are the kitchens

Each district of Moscow has its own dairy kitchen, which is usually located at the children's clinic. The district pediatrician can tell you the address of the kitchen, he can also give more detailed information, advise you on how to apply to the dairy kitchen.

To find the desired dairy cuisine in the capital, enter in the search the name of the administrative district and the clinic to which you belong. Most milk dispensers are open on a daily basis, but there are kitchens that are closed on weekends.

What do they give in a dairy kitchen in Moscow (video)

Opening hours of the dairy kitchen in Moscow: does everyone have the same mode

No, there is no single regime for all dairy kitchens in the capital.

The most common opening hours are:

  • 06.30 to 12.00;
  • 06.30 to 10.00;
  • 06.30 to 11.00;
  • 06.30 to 11.30.

In any case, if you come from 7 am to 10 am, almost any dairy kitchen is open during this time.

But before you go or consult your pediatrician, make sure you fall into the category who should be served in the dairy kitchen.

Today, food in dairy kitchens is received by:

  • Pregnant women (from 12 weeks, registered);
  • Nursing mothers (six months after childbirth);
  • Children from 0 to 3 years old;
  • Disabled children;
  • Children under the age of 7 (but only from large families);
  • Children under the age of 15 with chronic diseases.

To obtain the necessary free products, parents turn to a pediatrician, who gives a special opinion.

What do they give in a dairy kitchen in Moscow: delivery rates

For pregnant women, juice and milk are available, for nursing mothers, milk and juice are also available, but in different quantities.

Children under two months old receive only milk formula, children 3-4 months old can get the same fruit. juice and fruit. the same mashed potatoes, babies 5 months + to this get porridge and vegetable puree. From 7 months, children are also entitled to cottage cheese and canned meat and meat-vegetable.

Children from 9 months are also entitled to kefir in addition to the proposed list of products. From 1 year old, children receive specialized baby milk. Disabled children and children under 15 years old with chronic diseases can get milk in the dairy kitchen.

More information about the issuance rates is in the table.

Dairy Cooking Standards: Moscow 2019 - Table

CategoryWhat do they giveVolume rate (month)Gram per packageHow to issue
0-3 monthsAdapted liquid mol. mixture4800 200 Once a week
Adapted dry mol. mixture700 500 Once a week
4 months Likewise + fruit. juice, fruit. mashed potatoes 1 liter per month
5 monthsSimilar to the line 3-4 months, plus 400 g of dry porridge (once a month), vegetables. mashed potatoes 1920 g (once a month).
6 monthsDry mol. mixture - 350 g;

Liquid mol. mixture - 2400 g;

Vegetable puree - 1920 g;

Fruit. puree - 1000g;

Fruit. juice - 1200 g;

Dry porridge - 400 g.

once a month (everything except the liquid adaptive mixture)
7-8 months+ to all the previous baby curd - 600 g, meat-grow. puree - 300 g, meat. puree - 560 g (once a month except for cottage cheese and liquid mixture)
9-12 months+ children's kefir - 2000 gCottage cheese, kefir, liquid mixture - once a week, other - once a month
1-2 yearsChildren. milk - 2400 (200 g each);

Det. kefir - 2400 (200 g each);

Det. curd - 600 g (50 g each);

The fruit. puree - 800 g (100 g each);

The fruit. juice - 2000 (200 g each).

1 month
2-3 years+ increases by 400 g juice, but decreases by 400 g milk
Up to 7 yearsmilk

Once a month

Up to 15 years old
Disabled children
PregnantMilk6000 1000 1 month
Juice2640 330 1 month
Breastfeeding mothersMilk8000 1000 1 month
Juice3300 330 1 month

Dispensing norms for dairy cuisine in the Moscow region: are there any differences

Citizens living in the Moscow region who are registered at the place of registration in health care institutions have the right to receive products in the dairy kitchen.

Powered by:

  • Children aged 0-2 years, 11 months, 29 days;
  • Pregnant women (registered not earlier than 12 weeks);
  • Breastfeeding mothers (6 months after the birth of the baby);
  • Disabled children;
  • Children under 7 years old (only from large families);
  • Children under 15 years of age with chronic diseases.

The grocery list will be the same. To receive food, you need to write an application (according to the sample), addressed to the head of the medical institution, bring the necessary documents. Usually this is a passport page with a photo, a passport page indicating registration, and a child's birth certificate (photocopy only).

In conclusion, the doctor will indicate the set of products, and this recipe is provided in the dairy kitchen.

Dairy kitchen sets, Moscow: what they give

The main innovation of 2018 is that now children's milk. the kitchen provides products in sets, that is, you get ready-made sets in a corrugated box.

Sets are formed so that the child receives a variety of nutritious food for his age. For example, now there are requirements for vegetable puree, there is a regulation of the content of each vegetable in the food set. And earlier they could give cans of the same taste.

An example of one corrugated board:

  • Two types of dry porridge (multigrain and rice);
  • Fruit juice;
  • Vegetable puree;
  • Fruit puree;
  • Meat-grows. mashed potatoes;
  • Meat puree;
  • Curd;
  • Milk;
  • Kefirchik.

What is given in the dairy kitchen (video)

We can say that since 2019, food in the dairy kitchen for preferential categories has become more diverse. Now the set includes several types of cereals, juices and purees. The list of products depends on the age of the child.

In general, in 2019, the work of dairy kitchens has improved and the delivery rates have increased for most categories of children - more kefir, juice and fruit puree. So feel free to ask your clinic if you are entitled to such help, fill out the documents and get free meals.

Dairy cuisine is free food for children, which is quite important in the current difficult economic situation. Who is entitled to a dairy kitchen, how to arrange such social assistance? These and other questions are of interest to many mothers, so it is worthwhile to deal with them in more detail.

Discount food: categories of the population

Free baby food is not available to everyone. The volumes of dispensing of dairy products are recorded by local authorities, which also indicate how to get special food and what documents are needed for this. The given authority chooses the dispensing point at which the dairy kitchen will be dispensed.

For different regions of the country, the list of categories of the population that can receive free meals may vary significantly. Regardless of the territory of residence, the right to free children's products are:

  • newborns (up to 1 year old), consisting of artificial or mixed feeding;
  • babies from 1 to 3 years old;
  • disabled children who have not yet reached the age of 15;
  • children from large families until they reach the age of 7;
  • babies under 15 years old suffering from chronic diseases, according to the established list;
  • lactating mothers with babies up to 6 months who are breastfed.

Infants from birth to one year should receive mixtures, and from eight months, babies should be given fermented milk products - yogurt and curds.

It is important to note that not only babies, but also expectant mothers can get free high-quality food even before giving birth.

The reason for visiting the children's kitchen is the conclusion of the district pediatrician working in the clinic.

Many parents think that dairy food services are a must-have in government health care programs. But this is not the case. Moreover, the financial situation of family members does not matter. Formulas, curds and other baby food can only be obtained with a doctor's prescription for children with medical conditions, such as anemia, rickets, malnutrition, and other health problems.

How to get, what documents are needed and how to arrange receipt of special meals in your region, the legislative framework related to this issue will tell you.
Ideally, one or more branches are attached to each polyclinic, where the dairy kitchen is distributed. Baby food is provided as financed from the regional budget.

Issuance rates

Local governments determine not only the preferential categories for free baby food, but also the norms in the dairy kitchen. In each region, the rules and frequency of issue, monthly volume and assortment may differ.

From 01.01.2015, changes have been made to the rules of issuance for reduced price meals. So, the assortment has expanded significantly, but the volume of formulas for babies, unfortunately, has decreased 2.5 times.

For children, the norms depend on age, and for mothers - she carries a baby or breastfeeds.

  • The menu for infants under one year old includes liquid and powder milk formulas, purees and juices from vegetables and fruits, and various cereals.
  • For babies under 3 years old, the dairy kitchen recommends kefirchik, whole milk, mashed fruits and cottage cheese.
  • Special food for children up to 7 and 15 years old, disabled children assumes only milk in the specified volumes.
  • Breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women receive juices and milk fortified with vitamins.

Dairy cooking permit

How do I get a special meal permit? It all depends on who the products are intended for.

  • How to get a permit for pregnant women to visit the dairy kitchen? To do this, you need to get a referral in the antenatal clinic from a gynecologist who observes the future mother.
  • Breastfeeding mothers take permission from the doctor who is taking care of the baby.
  • For all children of all groups, admission to the dairy kitchen is approved by a pediatrician.

Required Documentation

In order to have a permit for reduced price meals, you must provide the relevant documents. First you need to write a personal statement. How to arrange it correctly? The application is drawn up by a nursing mother, a pregnant woman or the child's legal representative addressed to the chief physician of a polyclinic or hospital. In addition, you need to submit the following documents:

  • baby's birth certificate;
  • compulsory medical insurance (policy for a child);
  • a copy of the passport of the mother or the one who legally represents the interests of the child;
  • certificate of registration of a newborn at the place of residence;
  • other documentation justifying the right to social assistance (a certificate of disability, the presence of chronic diseases, or confirmation of a large family).

How to draw up all the documents correctly, the doctor or nurse at your site will tell you.

Before you get the actual food in the dairy kitchen, you need to get the recipe. It is written out by the pediatrician, provided that you came to the appointment with the child, otherwise the doctor does not have the right to issue a permit.

The attending physicians monthly update the lists of beneficiaries for free baby food.

If you are faced with the fact that you fall into the preferential category for the dairy kitchen service, but the doctor refuses due to lack of vaccinations or according to other arguments, you should immediately go to the head of the medical institution or call the hotline.

Grocery list

We have already figured out how to apply for and how to obtain permission to visit the dairy kitchen. Another important question parents are interested in is what products can you get?

Previously, baby food was produced directly at the distribution points themselves, which were equipped with the necessary equipment, had their own laboratories, where special personnel and nutritionists worked. All dairy products were checked weekly by the SES.

At the moment, discount food kitchens know only how to accept and how to obtain products, and prescription production of milk mixtures has long been forgotten. The norms of baby food are also changing, because now whole milk is not recommended for babies under one year old, sour-milk sweet mixtures have been replaced with milk ones.

Many companies are fighting for the right to supply their products to dairy kitchens. As a rule, economy class lines have an advantage, for example, "Tema", "Babies", "Agusha", "FrutoNyanya", "Lion" and others. Before getting the right to supply baby food to a particular region, tenders are held in accordance with the law.

In recent years, although the norms for issuing baby food have decreased, the range has expanded significantly. So, pediatricians can write a prescription not only for mixtures, milk and kefir, but also for juices, fruit, vegetable and meat purees, as well as instant cereals.

Every mom needs to think about how to get quality products. It is imperative to check the expiration dates of the food. As a rule, all products are stored for one or two days. This is due to the fact that there are no preservatives in such mixtures, juices and purees, which is especially important for newborns.

Food distribution points are dispensed in different ways. So, children receive kefir, curd mass, whole milk once every two days in the amount necessary for this period. Milk is distributed every five days in the liter required for this time. Dairy kitchens must be open on Sundays and public holidays. They open early in the morning.

When and how do I get a prescription for free groceries? After a full examination and a doctor's opinion, the child or pregnant woman receives an individual code that is entered in the medical record. This allows you to receive a prescription once a month, mainly after the 20th.

The question of the availability of a dairy kitchen service in Russia has always been, is and will always be relevant. All the more so in the current time of the economic crisis. Children are the future of every country, so from infancy it is worth taking care of their health and proper nutrition. This is all the more important for low-income segments of the population who cannot afford to purchase high-quality dairy products.

Unfortunately, dairy kitchens do not operate in all regions of the country, but there are few deprived areas.

Every parent needs to know how to qualify for reduced price meals. Therefore, study the legal framework, ask your doctor or pediatrician what category of the population falls under the dairy kitchen service, what documents must be submitted and processed in order to provide the baby, pregnant or lactating woman with the necessary nutrition.

The phrase “children's dairy kitchen” has been familiar to many since Soviet times. But many do not know that this state program has survived to this day, besides, today's organizations can boast of a wider assortment. And for some it will be a discovery that free food in such kitchens is relied on for a fairly large circle of citizens. So, first things first.

What it is

First, let's try to give a definition of what, in fact, “dairy cuisine” is.

Did you know? The first kitchens appeared in Germany in the 90s of the XIX century. The idea of ​​occurrence belongs to F. Soxhlet and is based on the fact that spoilage of milk in the summer months is the main cause of childhood upset stomach. In such institutions, he planned to sterilize milk for further safe use.

The essence of the social support measure

A dairy kitchen is not the name of a place or room, as some people think, but a type of social support for the population, which is designed for children and nursing women. Despite the fairly widespread publicity, not everyone is aware of their rights to receive a certain group of products. All young children are entitled to certain free foods. In addition, modern dairy kitchens offer more than dairy products.

What do they give in the dairy kitchen

Today, the variety of free baby food is great. It includes products recommended by pediatricians for the full development of the child's body:

  • dry;
  • liquid milk mixture;
  • kefir;
  • fruit juice;
  • fruit puree;
  • vegetable puree;
  • meat puree;
  • meat and vegetable puree.

Who is entitled to free meals?

The next important question concerns who is entitled to free food in the dairy kitchen: is it intended only for newborns or for older children as well.

Categories of citizens

Free social diet relies on:

  • children under 1 year old, if they are on artificial or mixed feeding;
  • children from 1 to 3 years old;
  • children from large families up to 7 years old;
  • disabled children under 15 years old.
In addition, dairy products in such a kitchen are also intended for pregnant women and nursing mothers, if the baby has not reached 6 months of age.

Issuance procedure

In addition to the mother, a trusted person can receive food: dad, grandmothers or grandfathers. When you visit the kitchen for the first time, you must take your doctor's prescription with you.

Important! The prescription requires renewal every 1-3 months (at the discretion of the doctor).

On next visits, you must have your passport with you. The operating mode of kitchens is different, depending on the regions. They usually work from 6:30 am to 10:00 am or from 6:30 am to 12:00 pm.

Dispensing rates for dairy cuisine

Local authorities determine what is given in the dairy kitchen to various categories of citizens, as well as the issuance rates. As a standard, pregnant and lactating mothers are entitled to juice and milk.
The children's menu depends on the age. Babies up to one year old receive dry or liquid milk mixture, porridge, fruit or vegetable juices and purees. From 1 to 3 years old, milk, cottage cheese, kefir and fruit puree are issued. Preferential categories of children under 7 and 15 years old receive only milk in an individually set amount.

How to get food for your baby

Now let's move on to, perhaps, the most important questions: where you can get coupons for reduced price meals and what is needed for this.

Where to register

The place of registration depends on who is entitled to the products. So, pregnant women should write a statement to the LCD, where they are registered. For children and nursing mothers, registration takes place through the children's clinic at the place of residence.

Important!Regardless of the institution in which this benefit will be issued, the first thing is-is to write a statement.

Required documents

Before you issue coupons for a dairy kitchen, you need to collect a certain package of documents for further submission to the clinic. Here is a list of them:

  • For - a certificate of registration in the LCD.
  • For children - a birth certificate.
  • OMS policy.
  • Confirmation of registration of the child / mother, since the products are received at the place of registration.
  • Parent / Guardian Identity Document.
Sometimes additional documents may be needed to confirm the child's right to free products.
  • certificate of disability, if any;
  • a certificate of the status of a large family, as well as a birth certificate for each child;
  • for chronic - certificates confirming the diagnosis;
  • marriage or divorce certificate;
  • information about the family's income for the previous quarter (parental wages, retirement benefits, alimony, unemployment benefits, etc.).

Did you know? The first formula for artificial feeding of babies was created back in 1867 by the Swiss pharmacist A. Nestlé.

Armed with all the information you need, you can go to your doctor and ask for a reduced price meal for you if you or your children are eligible.

There is a lot of gossip around the dairy kitchen. They said that it could be closed in 2017, but this did not happen. It remains only to figure out what rules are in effect, and what should be the list of products for babies, nursing mothers and women in position.

Who is entitled to sets of dairy cuisine in Moscow?

Before consulting a pediatrician, you should make sure that you belong to the category of people who should be provided with a dairy kitchen. At this time, citizens who can use this support are:

  • children aged 0-3 years;
  • disabled children;
  • children under 15 years of age, if there are chronic diseases;
  • registered pregnant women whose pregnancy period is from 12 weeks;
  • children from large families whose age does not exceed 7 years;
  • lactating women - until six months have passed after the birth of the child.

To get food, you should go to your pediatrician. He will give a special conclusion.

What is required in a dairy kitchen in Moscow and the Moscow region in 2018

Nursing mothers take juice, milk from the kitchen, pregnant women - a similar list of products in a different volume. Babies who are under 2 months of age receive formula from milk. If the child is 3-4 months old, additionally he is given fruit puree or juice. Children who are 5 months old are entitled to vegetable puree and porridge to the presented products. Upon reaching the age of 7 months, the child also receives canned food of vegetable or meat origin, cottage cheese.

When the child is 9 months old, in addition to the specified list of products, he can also count on kefir. One-year-olds receive special baby milk, just like children with disabilities under the age of 15.

Dairy cuisine in Moscow for children by months

To find out in more detail what children are entitled to in a dairy kitchen by months, the table will tell you. We invite you to familiarize yourself with it.

Child's age

ProductsNorm for 30 daysGram in a containerIssuance frequency
0-3 monthsPowdered milk mixture700 g500 Every 7 days
Liquid mixture4800 g200 Every 7 days
4 monthsThe above products, fruit puree, juice1 lEvery 7 days
5 monthsThe same, as well as vegetable puree, dry porridgeVegetable puree - 1.92 kg, porridge - 400 gPackages can be differentOnce every 30 days
6 monthsPorridge, juice, fruit puree, dry, liquid mixture from milk, vegetable pureePorridge - 0.4 kg, dry milk mixture - 350 g, fruit juice - 1.2 kg, liquid mixture - 2.4 kg, fruit puree - 1 kg, vegetable puree - 1.92 kgThe packages can be different.Once every 30 days, with the exception of liquid mixture
7-8 monthsThe above products, meat puree, cottage cheese, vegetable pureeCottage cheese - 600 g, meat puree - 560 g, vegetable puree - 300 gOnce every 30 days
9-12 monthsThe same products, kefir2 KgContainers can be differentOnce every 30 days
1-2 yearsFruit juice, milk, fruit puree, kefir, curdFruit juice - 2 kg, milk - 2.4 kg, mashed potatoes - 0.8 kg, kefir - 2.4 kg, curd - 0.6 kgJuice - 200 g each, milk - 200 g each, mashed potatoes - 100 g each, kefir - 200 g each, curd - 50 g eachJuice, puree, milk - every 30 days, curd and kefir - every 7 days
2-3 yearsMilk is reduced by 0.4 kg, juice is increased by 0.4 kgMilk - 2 kg, juice - 2400 gThe packages may vary.

Once a month

Children under 7 years of age receive milk: 1800. Children under 15 years of age - milk: 1 kg.

What is given in the dairy kitchen to nursing mothers and pregnant women

Lactating women and pregnant women are also given food from the kitchen... Women in the position every 30 days should receive juice - 2.64 kg, milk - 6 kg. Nursing women take - juice: 3300 g, milk - 8000 g.

To take food, you must bring 2 copies of your passport and a completed form to the pediatrician. After that, a statement is drawn up, then a prescription for milk for a month is given. It must be renewed every month.

Milk is given 2.5%, juice, as a rule, Fruto NANYA - an apple or an apple with a pear. Lactating mothers receive Agusha milk, specially designed for lactating women - 2.5%. Milk "MilkVo!" Can be dispensed. It is also 2.5%. Juice - Agusha or Fruto NANYA.

Addresses and operating hours of dairy cuisine in Moscow

There is no general schedule for the implementation of the work of all kitchens. but there is an opportunity to talk about common opening hours:

  • from 6.30 to 11.00;
  • until 12.00;
  • until 10.00;
  • until 11.30.

It turns out that it is best to come from 7.00 to about 10.00. The points are located mainly near the polyclinics. The pediatrician will tell you the address. Many kitchens are open every day, but there are some that are closed on Saturday and Sunday.

Dairy food manufacturers in 2018

By decision of the Department of Health, it was decided to conclude a contract for the supply of kitchen goods with Wimm-Bill-Dann. The contract is signed for 3 years. The presented decision was made because the company is cost effective and has been in demand for a long time.

In addition, it is planned to continue cooperation with the Fruto Nyanya brand, under which mashed potatoes and juices are produced. The specified products are of high quality and are sold at a low price. That is why the Moscow authorities decided to sign a long-term contract with the supplier.

What documents are needed to receive sets of dairy cuisine in Moscow

To qualify for food, you should draw up a statement to the doctor of the medical institution where the baby is being observed. Pregnant women write a statement to the doctor of the consultation where they are located. In addition, some documents are to be shown.

Consider the stages of recipe design:

  1. First, you should find out if the service is provided in your locality.
  2. Then it is worth contacting the pediatrician, the prescription is issued until the 25th, monthly;
  3. After issuing the prescription, you should contact the issuing point according to your place of residence. They give out products within 10 days from the date of registration of social support.

From the documents it is necessary to present:

  • photocopy of your passport;
  • a baby's birth certificate, a certificate of registration in a consultation, if a pregnant woman is trying to get support;
  • certificate of the place where the baby is registered;
  • policy.

You may need certificates confirming the large family, a certificate of the salary of the mother and father for 3 months, documents confirming the presence of a disability in the baby. After the doctor gives the prescription, he is taken to the kitchen point by the 20th and 25th of each month.

About the possibility of getting food in a dairy kitchen without registration

To receive food, the baby should register for registration in a medical institution. To dispense milk, you must either be registered in Moscow or the Moscow Region, or be attached to a Moscow polyclinic. You cannot be attached to a medical institution in two places. Without observing the presented nuances, you should not count on the provision of assistance.

Features and differences of dairy cuisine in Moscow and the Moscow region

Not all families with children can use the services of the kitchen. It depends on what decisions were made by the authorities at the local level. Earlier sets with milk were provided only in the capital. Now they are available for the Moscow region.

Most pick-up points operate from 6.30 am to 12 noon... There are also such kitchens that operate from 11:00 to 8:00 pm. The points related to polyclinics are open as long as the medical institution is open.

In 2018, the sets include dry and liquid mixtures, milk, kefir, curds, juices, mashed potatoes. They are issued according to the recommendations of pediatricians and approved standards. Parents or representatives of the child must receive the prescription.

So, social support for families with children and women expecting a child continues to be provided in the capital and the region. At the moment, there are several points of delivery of products. The state is doing everything to ensure that babies between the ages of 0 and 3 years old receive food in the required quantity, if their parents need it. The safety and quality of goods are controlled by special services. The implementation deadlines are being fulfilled in accordance with the standards.

The Moscow City Health Department has signed a three-year contract for the supply in 2017-2019 of free meals for privileged categories of the population (children, pregnant women, nursing mothers) who are residents of the city of Moscow through milk distribution points (dairy kitchens).

What will be given out in the dairy kitchen in Moscow in 2019

From January 1, 2019, part of the baby food in the dairy kitchen will be dispensed in ready-made sets packed in a four-valve corrugated box. The packaging is designed to support the gross weight of the products included in the kits.

In total, 6 contracts were concluded until December 31, 2019 for a total amount of 11 billion six hundred twenty seven million... The food supplier for the dairy kitchen is Wimm-Bill-Dann JSC.

The number of kits given out per month depends on the age of the child:

  • from 0 to 3 months - set # 1 - 1 box;
  • 4 months - set # 2 - 1 box;
  • 5 months - set No. 3 parts 1, 2, 3 - 3 boxes;
  • 6 months - set No. 4 parts 1, 2, 3 - 3 boxes;
  • 7 months - set No. 5 parts 1, 2-3, 2-3, 4 - 4 boxes;
  • 8-12 months - set No. 6 parts 1, 2-3, 2-3, 4 - 4 boxes;
  • from 1 to 2 years old - set No. 7 of part 1, 2 - 2 boxes;
  • from 2 to 3 years old - set No. 7 of part 1, 2 - 2 boxes;

In addition to the sets, fermented milk mixture, cottage cheese and kefir will be provided.

  • For pregnant women - set number 9 of parts 1,2,3 - 3 boxes;
  • Nursing mothers - set number 10 parts 1-2, 1-2, 3 - 3 boxes;
  • Large, disabled and chronic children - set number 11 parts 1,2, 3 - 3 boxes;

The composition of the kits can be found in the table.

Vegetable puree Bebivita

According to contracts for dairy kitchens in Moscow, from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019, the following range of free meals will be supplied:

Dry mixes

In 2019, the quantity and assortment and manufacturer remained unchanged.

For feeding children from birth to 6 months, dry milk mixture for feeding young children "BELLACT OPTIMUM 1+",. Package weight - 350 gr.

For feeding children from 6 to 12 months old milk powder mixture for feeding young children "BELLACT OPTIMUM 2+", production of the Republic of Belarus... Package weight - 350 gr.

Instant dry porridge (instant)

Bellakt but also brand "Agusha".

Instant oatmeal dry milk porridge (or wheat with pumpkin, or buckwheat), enriched with vitamins, minerals, with fructose for children over 5 months old, "Agusha"

Porridge was given in 2017 Bellakt, The Republic of Belarus.

Instant dry milk porridge of 5 cereals (wheat, rice, buckwheat, oats, corn) enriched with vitamins, minerals, prebiotic substances, with fructose for children over 6 months old, "Agusha", production of the Russian Federation. Package weight - 200 g.

Porridge was given in 2017 Bellakt, The Republic of Belarus.

Dry dairy-free instant buckwheat (or rice) porridge, enriched with vitamins and minerals, for nutrition of children over 4 months old. "Agusha", production of the Russian Federation. Package weight - 200 g.

Porridge was given in 2017 Bellakt, The Republic of Belarus.

Instant dry buckwheat porridge with apple, enriched with vitamins and minerals Bellakt, The Republic of Belarus... Package weight - 200 g. In 2017, porridge from the same manufacturer was issued.

Cottage cheese

Children's cottage cheese " Agusha»With a mass fraction of fat 4.2% for baby food over 6 months, enriched with calcium, vitamin D, with prebiotics. Package weight - 50 g. The remaining shelf life at the time of delivery is 9 days.

Fermented milk mixture

In 2019, the quantity, assortment and manufacturer remained unchanged.

Adapted fermented milk mixture "Agusha-1" based on partially hydrolyzed proteins, enriched with probiotics, L-carnitine and nucleotides for nutrition of children from birth to 6 months, with a mass fraction of fat 3.5%, in a package of 200 ml.

Fermented milk subsequent mixture adapted "Agusha-2" for baby food from 6 months, with a mass fraction of 3.4% fat, enriched with probiotics, in a package of 200 ml.

Not included in ready-made kits, issued in addition to the kit.


In 2019, the quantity, assortment and manufacturer remained unchanged.

Kefir for baby food over 8 months " Agusha»With a mass fraction of fat 3.2%, in a package of 200 ml. The remaining shelf life at the time of delivery must not be less than 8 days.

Not included in ready-made kits, issued in addition to the kit.


In 2019, the quantity, assortment and manufacturer remained unchanged.

Sterilized drinking milk for baby food from 8 months " Agusha»With a mass fraction of fat 3.2%, enriched with vitamins A, B1, B2, C and iodine in a package of 200 ml.

UHT drinking milk enriched with vitamins and iodine for nutrition of children over 3 years old " Agusha»With a mass fraction of fat 2.5%, in a package of 1000 ml.


In 2019, the quantity, assortment and manufacturer remained unchanged.

For pregnant women, apple juice with pulp enriched with vitamins and minerals " Agusha"500 ml each.

For nursing mothers apple and apple-pear juice with pulp " Agusha"500 ml each.

For young children, assorted juices, clarified and with pulp (5 flavors), 200 ml each, under the trademark " Agusha».

Vegetable puree

In 2019, cereals will be supplied not only "Bebivita" but also brand "Agusha".

Vegetable puree for the nutrition of young children of 3 tastes: squash, cauliflower, broccoli, brand name "Agusha"... Product weight 80 gr.

In 2017, the brand's vegetable puree was issued "Bebivita", in jars of 100 gr..

Vegetable puree for feeding young children 2 tastes: pumpkin, carrot brand "Bebivita"... Product weight 100 gr.

Fruit puree Agusha

Fruit puree

In 2019, the quantity, assortment and manufacturer remained unchanged.

Fruit puree for feeding young children of 6 different tastes: apple, pear, apple, cherry and blueberry, apple-apricot, apple, pear and peach, apple, black and red currant brand " Agusha". Product weight - 115 g.

Meat puree

In 2019, the quantity, assortment and manufacturer remained unchanged.

Meat puree for feeding young children of the trade mark " Agusha»Three flavors: chicken, turkey, beef. Product weight - 80 g.

Puree meat and vegetable

In 2019, the quantity, assortment and manufacturer remained unchanged.

Puree meat and vegetable for the nutrition of young children of the trade mark " Bebivita»Three flavors: chicken, turkey, iron-fortified beef. Product weight - 100 gr.

According to the signed contracts, the total weight of free food received is slightly more than indicated in Order No. 292, but less than received in 2017 due to a decrease in the volume of packaged vegetable puree.

Number of products dispensed in pcs. remained unchanged.

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