The history of the shirt. "the story of the nightgown"

origin of the nightgown

  1. The first nightgowns appeared in the late Middle Ages, namely in the Czech Republic in 1492. Prior to this, the shirt was used by the people of ancient Greece and Rome as a tunic. Before the advent of shirts, women preferred to sleep naked, or in what they wore during the day, which, accordingly, was not very comfortable and hygienic. Then they called clothes for sleep - a skirt for the bedroom, it was very wide and long. And not every girl could afford to buy such night clothes. The complexity of the acquisition was that such underwear was very expensive. Only wealthy ladies could afford such a luxury. In Europe, the nightgown became popular in the first half of the 19th century, and became available to ordinary people.

    Now every woman can afford to have several shirts for different purposes - a simple cotton classic cut for warmth, you can stop at a sports-type shirt, or choose a shirt made of natural silk, short or long, reminiscent of an evening dress, frankly sexy, open, with lace. inserts on the chest, trims in the form of ruffles.

    In contemporary collections regularly hitting European catwalks, nightgown fashion tends to mix styles, so that fashion nightgowns increasingly mean a mix of glam and sport, where the traditional staple has sportswear details.

    If we remember the night clothes that were at the disposal of our women 20 years ago, then these were huge shirts, long and wide, with short or long sleeves, made of cotton, satin or smaller versions of synthetic materials with lace inserts. Today's fashion does not forget traditions, and the most models of shirts from a grandmother's chest do not stop appearing in underwear catalogs.

    Nowadays, having seen the inscription women's nightgowns on the window and looking there, with the desire to buy a nightgown, everyone will understand that nightgowns are not only comfortable and beautiful clothes for sleeping. The current nightgowns can be very elegant and sophisticated clothing. From the number of various styles, colors and fabrics, eyes run wide. Nightgowns made of fabrics with a silky texture perfectly emphasize the feminine seductiveness, to say nothing of transparent or translucent fabrics. The material for such nightgowns can be satin, chiffon, crepe de chine, cambric, lace. Nightgowns can be decorated with lace, ruffles and even rhinestones. However, Russia is far from a tropical country, and therefore in the cold season it makes sense to remember nightgowns made of thin, soft, pleasant to the touch knitwear.

Today it is difficult to imagine a woman who would have no idea what a nightgown is, or at least once in her life did not use it. Nightgown in the life of a modern woman plays an important role. First of all, these are clothes in which we spend a decent part of our life, relax in it, so it should be both comfortable and beautiful. Of course, they don’t argue about tastes - someone likes this piece of clothing, and he actively uses it, someone categorically does not accept it, replacing it with alternative ones. However, be that as it may, the importance and popularity of a nightgown for a woman remains high. Was it always like this?

If we plunge into the history of the origin of the nightgown, we will get some interesting facts. Firstly, its prototype, which dates back to ancient times, cannot be called purely because our ancestors used it, for practical reasons, the same way both day and night. Such a product had a rather simple style - it was free, long, as a rule, without sleeves. In Rus', a similar piece of clothing was called, which was sewn mainly from linen. It had a loose fit and long sleeves.

Secondly, in the Middle Ages, a nightgown was considered the privilege of only the rich classes, as it had a high cost, but at the same time remained simple in its form.

Thirdly, it is unusual that in the 19th century, not only women, but also men actively used a nightgown, and therefore this item of clothing cannot be called purely feminine. Over time, and with the advent of night pajamas, he gradually disappeared from the men's, but firmly rooted in the women's wardrobe and therefore began to relate to women's clothing. It is not difficult to guess that the nightgown of a wealthy person looked different from the nightgown of a commoner.

If the common people were content with unpretentious clothing made of linen or wool, then the representatives of the rich estates were as sophisticated as they could. Of course, they had the opportunity to wear clothes and underwear made from expensive imported fabrics - cambric, chintz, which were distinguished by a variety of styles. In addition, the rich man's nightgown was trimmed with ornaments, ruffles and often resembled an exquisite ladies' dress.
It is no secret that in Soviet times, due to the general shortage, the nightgown also belonged to that category. There was no question of any development of fashion for this product. Women were content with simple monotonous models, and only a few women of fashion, not indifferent to their appearance and wardrobe, using purchased fabrics, managed to create with their own hands some kind of masterpiece, decorated with lace, ribbons, etc. Women's nightwear, although it belongs to the category, but one that is hidden from the eyes of people who come to the house. She is a more intimate item of women's wardrobe.

Undoubtedly, the first and important role of a women's nightgown is to provide comfort during sleep. Today, any woman, even with the most fastidious taste, can find a suitable model for herself. The modern variety provided by numerous boutiques, online stores, allows you to choose a nightgown to your liking: long or short, loose or tight, flirty with lace or strict, reminiscent of a dress or a men's shirt. And the abundance of fabrics from which such underwear is sewn simply knows no boundaries - it is cotton, and satin, and linen, and flannel, and silk, and chiffon, and many others. others

It is impossible to get around another important, if not the most important, aspect of this piece of clothing, which is difficult to overestimate. With this, perhaps, even the most inveterate opponents of a nightgown will not argue. This is her erotic purpose. What else can so favorably emphasize the figure of a woman, while not exposing her, like well-chosen nightwear? After all, for a long time and everyone knows the fact that nothing excites a man so much as the covered nudity of a woman. At the same time, of course, it is of great importance how objective a woman is in relation to her figure and is able to emphasize precisely her physical advantages, and not shortcomings, with the help of a properly selected style of a nightgown.

Today, manufacturers offer such a variety of models of this product that it allows you to consider it not only as nightwear. Many women use nightgowns as comfortable and at the same time beautiful and fashionable home dresses, often complemented by a dressing gown - matching peignoir. Particularly bold modern women, given the fashion trends that today gravitate towards, often use a nightgown in the form even in their everyday suit, putting it on under a jacket. And this is also one of her roles. However, in this matter, taste and appropriate experience in choosing a suit or advice from a professional stylist is all the more necessary.

You can talk for a long time about how many roles a nightgown plays in the life of a modern woman, and which of them is leading. But, the fact that correctly and tastefully selected, it will help a woman to feel feminine, unique, fashionable and sexy will remain irrefutable.

Do you use a nightgown to relax? Tell us about your passions in home clothes.

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There are items of clothing that have thoroughly entered our wardrobe and will undoubtedly remain in it for a long time. And there are those that belong to the number of optional, but ...

Nightgown or sleepwear. Many of us, in response to the question “what do you go to bed in?” remember Marilyn Monroe's phrase: "When I go to bed, I only have a drop of perfume on my clothes." Of course, such an answer excites the male imagination. But let's see, do we really not need to wear nightgowns and do men like to spend the night with a naked woman more? And, most importantly, how convenient and practical it is for the woman herself.
Let's look at history.

In the Middle Ages, many women just spent their nights naked, because. good fabrics were in short supply, and not everyone could afford to have a special nightgown. But, already at that time, wealthy ladies allowed themselves to dress in wide and long clothes for sleeping, because. it was believed that the more body a lady covers, the more chaste she is. Over time, the nightgown tightly enters into the everyday life of women, and by the 18th century it is very firmly in its position. At this time, almost all women have nightgowns, even among the poor, not to mention wealthy ladies who could have a whole wardrobe of nightgowns. For young girls, nightgowns could even be above the knee, embroidered with ruffles, flounces - they were the subject of the imagination of many men. For ladies above middle age, nightgowns were floor-length, made of expensive fabrics, embroidered with pearls, exquisite lace, and could not be inferior in cost to evening dresses. Already by the 20th century, with the advent and dominance of mass production, nightgowns were simplified. Several styles stood out, which became more and more simplified with the flourishing of the era of feminization.

If we talk about the history of the nightgown in the Soviet Union, then everything was deplorable, just like with women's underwear. Several models of the same type of nightgowns were drawn, these models were approved from above, several colors were approved, GOST was set, and all the factories of the country were supposed to produce these particular models, there could be no talk of any variety. The main trouble with this approach was that the woman herself was considered exclusively as a working unit, or a mother woman capable of bringing new heroes to the country. Accordingly, such a woman spent the night exclusively at sleep, so a nightgown for her should have been practical and least expensive. On the attractiveness of such products "above" did not even think. So, nightgowns were produced exclusively from chintz, plain, or in a small flower. Straight cut, usually below the knee length. Later, closer to the 70-80s, there were small attempts to decorate these models with cotton lace inserts on the chest. Most Soviet women sewed their own clothes, probably many still have sewing machines on which their grandmothers sewed. So here among the nightgowns there is a riot of fantasy! Women tried to get decent fabrics; patterns from foreign magazines with interesting styles of nightgowns were passed from hand to hand. Lace was inserted into the model, very often made or knitted by hand. Now such models would be called "made by hand" and they would be very expensive. At that time, it took a lot of effort to look attractive.

Nowadays, the choice of nightgowns, as well as other products of the clothing industry, is truly huge. Designers pay great attention to the so-called "pre-bed linen". Entire collections are produced, consisting of nightgowns, bathrobes, pajamas, sleepwear.

The so-called babydoll nightgown is very popular both in the West and in our country. This model is on thin straps with a deep neckline, very often decorated with lace, sequins, etc., with a high waistline, and a flared skirt from the waistline down. The length of such a nightgown is very short, usually it only slightly covers the buttocks. The popularity of this model is not surprising, firstly, it is very comfortable and practical, and secondly, it is incredibly sexy.
In older couples, more closed nightwear is popular, this also applies to nightgowns. Such nightgowns can be made of natural silk, floor-length, with a beautifully embroidered neckline.
Interest in nightgowns made of transparent or translucent fabrics does not fade away. Long sheer lace nightgown - what could be sexier?

In 2010, a survey was conducted by British scientists, during which it turned out that the majority of men, contrary to popular belief that it is better to sleep without clothes, prefer that a woman wear something at night: it is desirable that it be a nightgown, but very short so that access to the charms of your beloved is not difficult, as is the case with long shirts.

Nightgowns can be made from various materials: from natural fabrics, with the addition of artificial threads, or completely from artificial materials.
The advantage of natural fabrics is convenience, but in our time, having a nightgown made of natural silk is more of a tribute to tradition. Indeed, now the addition of artificial fibers provides a number of very important advantages: the perfect fit of the product, especially for nightgowns with lace inserts, or products that completely fit the body. To achieve such an effect on a nightgown made of natural fabrics is not possible. Models made of artificial fibers practically do not wrinkle, which is also very important for such a product as a nightgown. Well, and most importantly, artificial fibers have now reached such a stage of scientific progress that they do not cause any discomfort to the body; in many nightgowns with the addition of such threads, a woman will feel better than in natural linen.

So, which nightgown to choose: long or short, closed or transparent, made of natural or artificial fabrics - it's up to you. We can only advise you to choose a few options, because your mood changes, and nightgowns, as well as clothes, can now be selected in accordance with the occasion and attitude.

In the wardrobe of almost every girl you can find clothes for sleep. These night outfits include:

  • pajamas;
  • house dress;
  • negligee;
  • shirt.

The most popular and comfortable clothing for this purpose is the nightgown. The message tells about its purpose and types.

The history of the origin of the nightgown

In ancient times, people slept naked or in the same clothes in which they walked. However, later society began to feel the need for special sleepwear. This was due to the following reasons:

  1. Everyday attire brought tangible discomfort at night.
  2. It was cold to sleep naked.

In the 15th century BC, the first types of night toilets began to appear. They were inspired by men's shirts. The "pioneers" in this were the Czechs. They designed a "skirt" for sleeping. It was a very voluminous product, and with long sleeves.

After some time, this attire became known to the inhabitants of all European countries. Many people liked the product. True, in order to acquire it, you had to pay a round sum. Therefore, nightgowns pleased only the rich female representatives. Nightwear was considered part of the underwear and worn under normal clothing.

Today it is difficult to imagine a woman who would have no idea what a nightgown is.

In the 19th century, men also fell in love with this outfit. It has already become more affordable and began to appear in the wardrobes of almost every family.

by the most cotton and linen products were in demand. From natural fabrics, they turned out to be light and pleasant to the touch. Silk shirts cost more than others and looked like evening dresses.

Modernization of nightgowns

In the days of the USSR, it was difficult to get any wardrobe item, including a night outfit. Soviet women got out of this situation - they sewed on their own: it was much easier to buy fabric than a finished product. Of course, such sleeping outfits were simple and uncomplicated. Over time, the appearance of shirts changed, and the price depended on the fabric and style.

Modern shirts

These days, nightgowns are made only for women.

Products can be of different lengths and vary in their cut:

  • free;
  • tight-fitting;
  • flared.

These days, sleepwear is very diverse.

Sleepwear can be of various types:

  • on straps (wide, narrow);
  • with sleeves (long, short) and without sleeves;
  • with a round or triangular neckline neckline;
  • with side slits;
  • products decorated with lace, embroidery, braid, etc.
  • from warm and light fabrics for different seasons.

Varieties of shirts

Currently, the following styles of nightgowns are sewn:

Thanks to this availability, every woman had the opportunity to diversify her wardrobe with several models of nightgowns. Even in those days, different styles of such products were used. The most popular were strict, classic models of nightgowns, which were made of cotton or linen.

On top of the nightgown is the morning dress of the year.

Women from wealthy families preferred luxurious models made of natural silk. Such shirts were usually decorated with expensive lace. Due to this, they looked more like a dress than Mr.

And now it's time to find out what our distant ancestors wore. SHIRT, shirt (cut) f. shirt, koshulya, vest; clothing made of linen, worn under the bottom, on the body. Already in the 6th century, in the costume of our ancestors, it occupied a leading place, and sometimes it was the only piece of clothing.

A shirt-like tunic made of wool or linen served as everyday home wear for the ancient Roman. Sewn from 2 panels, the tunic covered both shoulders, put on over the head and at first had only side armholes, but then it had short sleeves.

The shirt could fit smoothly around the neck or be gathered into a thick gathering at the neck of the g.g.

Kamiza - underwear, mostly linen, which is a tunic with long sleeves, rather narrow. On the sides there were small holes into which the lacing of the g.

Another name for a shirt in Russian was “shirt”, “shirt”. It is assumed that the long shirt was made of coarser and thicker material, while the short and light shirt was made of thinner and softer. So gradually in the 13th century it turned into linen (“shirt”, “case”).

Women's shirt has always been a symbol of purity, women's health, good taste and even prosperity. Made of cambric and decorated with bows and lace, ruffles, folds and embroidery, such a shirt looked like a work of art in the 19th century. Top of the nightgown

Modern shirts, of course, differ significantly from those worn in former times. They are chic and comfortable, specially designed from good material, with a variety of colors and styles, which makes it easy to match the shirt to your figure.

Literature used: 1. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 2. Dictionary S.I. Ozhegova 3. odezhda.su3. cat/see_article/iz_istorii…sorochki 4. index.php… 5. iz-istorii-nochnoj-sorochki/iz-istorii- nochnoj-sorochki/ 6.