How to do doll makeup. How to enlarge eyes? doll makeup

Every girl in childhood had her especially favorite doll. Growing up, the girl tried to imitate her pet, making the same hairstyle, wearing a similar outfit. At an older age, girls continue to achieve similarity with dolls, especially with Barbie, considering her the ideal of female beauty. Therefore, “How to make doll eyes in makeup?” For them, it's a pretty important question.

Features of "doll" eye makeup

If earlier the plastic Barbie doll was especially popular, now it has become the main character of many animated films and its popularity has skyrocketed. She is admired not only by little girls, but also by quite adult women. Therefore, the popularity of the style of "doll eyes" in makeup continues to grow.

This style of make-up can hardly be called natural, so it has many opponents, some people consider it especially vulgar. But everyone has their own taste, so there are more and more fans of the "Barbie style".

Doll eyes look quite expressive, but they are more suitable for young girls and young women, adding to them a sweet spontaneity and femininity.

This make-up is not suitable for all the fair sex. For example, such eyes would not look entirely appropriate in women of Balzac age or with a pronounced personality. The doll does not have a pronounced character, so bright personalities should not use this style.

Despite the fact that Barbie is blonde, girls with a different hair color can use this makeup, just a different color palette will be selected for them.

What colors to choose for doll eye makeup?

To create the effect of "doll eyes" it is necessary to have oval-shaped eyes, it is this form that will add naivety and charm. The roundness of the eyes can be achieved using a special technique for applying decorative cosmetics.

For doll eye makeup, natural and natural shades are usually not used, rather the opposite - the brighter and more unusual the colors, the more successful the makeup. Classic makeup is carried out using combinations of blue and pink colors. But it is better to take for the main color one that matches the color of the iris and hair.

It is very difficult to achieve a special open look with ordinary black mascara, even if applied in several layers. The best option is false eyelashes. To achieve a bottomless look, you can use contact lenses, this happens due to an increase in the pupil.

Doll eyes do not work without a doll face

Barbie has a delicate smooth face, so for doll eyes to look good, her face must be perfect. This can be achieved using the usual makeup technique:

  • Cleansing and moisturizing the face with special means;
  • Aligning tone with a corrector;
  • Applying makeup base
  • Applying a light tone foundation;
  • Dusting with translucent powder.

Blush is not used in this case. It is possible to use a different range of tonal base to give the face a visual oval shape.

Step-by-step instructions for "puppet" eye makeup

The main focus in this makeup is on the eyes. The doll has huge, wide-open, slightly surprised eyes. This is exactly the effect you want to achieve. Of course, a professional makeup artist will quickly and successfully solve such a problem, but you can make eyes like a doll at home. This effect is achieved in several stages:

  1. For the base, light shadows are selected, which are applied to the entire eyelid. The lower eyelid is covered with white shadows, this will open the eyes;
  2. Be sure to apply eyeliner. The upper line appears clearly along the entire length of the upper eyelid and goes beyond the upper edge, heading up. Below the eyelash line of the lower eyelid, a second line is drawn, its bend goes down. Such an eyeliner will make the eyes slightly slanted and visually enlarge them;
  3. Now darker shadows are applied to the outer corner of the upper eyelid and slightly shaded. For eyelids, you can use a varied color palette. The main task is to keep the almond-shaped cut, so the outer corner should be much darker than the inner. It is necessary to apply shadows to the very eyebrows, up to the temples, seeing the eyeliner line and applying shadows. In more detail, such makeup can be viewed in the video at the end of the article;
  4. Apply false eyelashes. If they are not, then black mascara is applied in several layers. Before that, it is worth twisting the eyelashes with special tweezers. In this case, the eyelashes can first be powdered, then covered with mascara, then again powdered and covered until you achieve the desired effect. When the eyelashes dry, they should be properly combed with a special brush to remove lumps.

Dolly eye makeup will not look perfect without a doll look. Because everything should be harmonious: face, hairstyle, clothes and makeup.

How to achieve the full "doll" effect?

A girl with puppet eyes should seem like a defenseless doll, so this whole image is the main and main place in which the eyes occupy. Wide-open children's eyes cause a desire to protect and patronize, perhaps this is the result that girls want to get from representatives of the opposite sex.

Without perfectly even, porcelain skin, as if glowing from the inside, it is impossible to achieve a puppet effect. The face must be perfect. No pimples, redness or uneven skin. This will completely destroy the image.

Under the "doll makeup" you need to select special clothes, accessories and hairstyle. Even the style of behavior should be special. A doll on the outside is a doll on the inside. The main qualities are gullibility, defenselessness and femininity.

Interesting videos.

In addition to special dolls - mannequins for practice with makeup and hairstyles, some dolls themselves need makeup. This happens if the doll's makeup has worn off or it was originally purchased without makeup.

Sometimes, this happens when you buy a doll over the Internet. Cameras and monitor screens do not always convey all shades with high accuracy. Therefore, you can be disappointed with the real appearance of the doll, and in order to fix everything, you have to do a new make-up.

Makeup for dolls and body blushing

Ordinary cosmetics are not suitable for creating doll makeup, dolls need paints and special fixative varnishes. You can use Mr. Super Clear UV cut is a transparent matt spray with UV protection, a set of watercolor or acrylic paints, glitter pigments, sponges and brushes with various bristles.

Wet wipes will also come in handy to wash off failed makeup, a colorless glossy varnish for the final coat of makeup and all sorts of little things. When everything is ready, you can start.

If the doll is bought without makeup, we immediately proceed to painting. If there is old makeup, you need to wipe it off with nail polish remover. You need to erase not only the makeup itself, but also the colorless varnish to the very foundation.

After that, the doll is covered with a layer of varnish, which serves as a base coat so that the paint does not eat into the polyurethane. At the same time, it is important to apply the varnish evenly without bubbles and streaks on a perfectly cleaned surface, so that not a single speck of dust gets caught! Hold the can at a distance of 25-35 cm from the doll.

Before applying the varnish, it is best to hold the can for 1-2 minutes under warm water. But be careful, do not overheat, otherwise deformation and even rupture of the balloon is possible! Warming up the cylinder contributes to a more uniform application of varnish.

Then we wait for the varnish to dry completely and proceed to applying makeup. We paint the doll and varnish it, then refine it to perfect condition, drawing all the smallest details under a magnifying glass, and finish with another layer of varnish.

An experienced makeup artist can get by with two coats of lacquer, while beginners apply a coat of lacquer, finalize makeup, then another coat of lacquer, and so on until they are satisfied with the work. Therefore, sometimes it turns out many, many layers of varnish, which is not very good.

In addition to facial color, dolls are given body blushing - body makeup. In the process of blushing, the relief of the body is highlighted with color, thanks to which the doll becomes even more beautiful. Someone even draws, painting the whole doll.

All this requires drawing skills or the ability to confidently apply makeup. In addition, special tools are required and, most importantly, makeup for dolls is a very harmful occupation, because while you learn, you have to inhale the vapors of varnish and nail polish remover many times. But then your dolls will always be beautiful!

It often happens that when doing eye makeup, girls want to enlarge them in this way. Just in this master class, we will consider one of the options for how to do this simply and without special skills.

To create makeup you will need:

  • brown shadows;
  • basic shadows;
  • light shadows;
  • ink;
  • false eyelashes;
  • kayal light shade, but not white;
  • black wax watercolor for makeup or eyeliner.

Pre-prepare your skin for makeup application. Wipe it with tonic, apply a base, hide dark circles and other imperfections, and only after that apply a tonal foundation. Walk the rest of the tone on the brush along the eyelid and fix with powder. When shaping your eyebrows, make clear boundaries. This effect can be obtained if you bring the contour of the tonal base.

This eye makeup is for illustration purposes only and may be suitable for a stage look or makeup for a themed party like Halloween. Based on the following recommendations, you can apply them for everyday makeup.

When creating doll eye makeup, our main task is to expand the boundaries of the upper and lower lash line. First, we will draw the crease area with brown shadows. This detail in the lower part will represent a straight line and repeat the bend of the upper eyelash row, and on top it will repeat the bend of the eyebrow. We extinguish this detail towards the temple. Due to the fact that we made this part even from below and did not succumb to the bending of the fold, the eye will already become visually wider.

Now fill the moving eyelid with a light shade of shadows. To do this, it is better to take a wide flat brush and drive in the shadows with flapping movements. We apply shadows right next to the line of the brown part. With the same shadows, we bring the area under the eyebrow.

Let's highlight the mucous membrane of the eye with kajal, painting over the ciliary row very well and under it a few more millimeters down. Just do not take a white pencil for this purpose, as it will only emphasize any imperfections if you have inflammation, redness in your eyes. The milky shade will make the makeup more natural.

We draw with eyeliner the upper ciliary row to expand it. Due to this, the look will become more open. At first you can draw a thin arrow, and then see what happens in the end and paint on it.

The end of the arrow will follow the curve of the lower eyelid and end with the end of the upper part.

Now you need to draw the lower eyelid with the same eyeliner. This will be the new lash line. We retreat from the corner of the eye a few millimeters and brush under the eyelashes. We repeat exactly the curve of your real lower eyelid. Only from the middle of the eye we slightly increase the distance between the eyelid and the arrow. Leave the tail sharp.

With a brush with eyeliner, draw eyelashes on the simulated lower eyelid. They can be made triangular or thinner by drawing strokes. The main thing is that they will decrease in length towards the inner corner of the eye.

We paint over our eyelashes very thickly along the upper eyelid. We paint over the lower eyelashes only from the place where the traced black border begins. That is, the roots of the eyelashes will be highlighted.

doll makeup became popular thanks to Japanese culture, namely anime and a youth movement called cosplay. Precisely due to the fact that anime characters simply do not have any skin defects (except for traced scars and punctures), then the face of the person who chooses this style of makeup should not have any age spots, black dots, let alone freckles.

doll makeup

Foundation selection

The foundation should be a tone or even two lighter than your own. This is done in order to give your skin porcelain. After all, all dolls have sophisticated porcelain features. It is best to choose a dense foundation or use stage makeup. By the way, now very popular in palettes. With them, you can create the perfect basis for drawing your puppet image.

Emphasis on the eyes in doll makeup

The main requirement for doll makeup is the presence of huge eyes. This is due to the fact that most anime characters have their eyes wide open and the younger a person is drawn, the more open they are.

There is one trick that is openly used by both cosplayers and lovers of non-standard makeup. They all wear tinted lenses that visually increase the size of the eyes. Important: you need to put them on BEFORE applying doll makeup, and NOT after, otherwise it is fraught with serious problems for the eyes. There may be irritation or even inflammation.

The puppet image “loves” delicate and bright shades, so the ideal shadows are pink, blue or any other, but not very light. There is another "secret" puppet makeup trick. It is necessary to draw a white pencil along the inner edge of the lower eyelid, from which the eyes seem even larger and a little “glassier”.

Doll makeup will decorate any girl. The doll has smooth skin and large languid eyes. If earlier doll makeup was considered one of the podium options, today it is considered incredibly popular and has already managed to win the hearts of many girls who dream of being glamorous. How to do doll makeup?

How to create doll makeup

This makeup is perfect for girls who love sparkles and pink. Observing all the stages of its application, you can achieve an incredible fashionable result.

The doll's skin is perfectly even and has a porcelain tint. Therefore, in order to get the perfect makeup, it is very important that your skin is perfect. After all, Barbie has no fatigue on her face, much less tears.

The skin should be smooth and as if glowing from the inside, a golden hue and blush will only give it a resemblance to a doll. Do not be upset if your skin is far from ideal, it is easy to fix it using a concealer and a correction pencil. Now the skin is “like Barbie”. This tricky move allows you to achieve glow and youthful skin. A little light fluid to help set makeup. If not, then you can use compact powder, which has a natural tone.

How to achieve perfect skin

Before applying makeup, the skin of the face must be thoroughly cleansed and dried. After that, apply the foundation for makeup. If the skin has minor imperfections in the form of capillaries or bruises or even acne, then they can be masked with a concealer. Then, with a light movement, we apply the fluid. Particular attention should be paid to the cheekbones, chin and forehead area. At the last stage, powder is applied, which will fix our makeup.

The basis is pink, we do not forget about it. Therefore, it is desirable to maintain all the elements of makeup in this tone. Doll eyes are large and expressive. This is the main detail of this makeup.

Our task is to highlight the eyes, make them as big and expressive as the doll's.

But do not forget that makeup is selected depending on where you are going to go. If this is a disco in a club, then the make-up will naturally be bright. In the event that we are recovering to work, just walking with friends in the city or going to nature, then the shade and color scheme should be softer.

In order to make doll eyes, we need eyeliner. This will achieve the effect of open eyelashes. Eyeliner is applied at the very roots of the eyelashes to the entire eyelid, finishing the line with a small ponytail. After that, shadows are applied. To achieve a puppet effect, you can choose the following tones:

  • sky blue;
  • pink;
  • cyclamen;
  • violet.

We apply shadows only on the moving eyelid. In the part where the lash line passes, the color should be the most intense. Do not forget to shade properly, rough transitions will ruin everything. In order to apply shadows on the inside of the eyelid, you need to use a thin brush, for many it is convenient to do this with fingertips. We use pearl shades. They will concentrate the color and create spectacular highlights. The eyes will be bright and expressive. Just like Barbie.

Gentle blush on the cheeks

The doll has a gentle childish blush on her face. In order to achieve the same effect, you need to choose the right shade of powder. Peach or pink with a mother-of-pearl shade is very suitable. It is very important to apply powder and blush correctly. For this you need to smile. We denote the cheeks with the help of blush.

An important accent is sponges. Plump lips will give the face a naivety and a childish expression. An excellent tool would be a gloss that will add volume. Of course, it should also be pink.

The secret of makeup is in the skillful combination of pink shades and sparkles. Plump lips and long eyelashes that have simply attractive power!