How to remove nail fungus with folk remedies. Treating nail fungus at home in the fastest ways. Tea tree oil treatment


Many people are faced with such an infectious disease as nail fungus, also called onychomycosis. His treatment is a complex process. Traditional medicine will help you in the fight against onychomycosis. If you are familiar with this problem, try one of the many homemade recipes.

Fungus treatment with folk remedies based on kombucha

A common method. It helps all people who have no idea what folk remedies can be used to cure nail fungus. There are several options:

  1. Take a kombucha, break off a small part. Peel off the films and cut until you get a jelly. Rub the mass into the nail plate with the fungus twice a day.
  2. Soak part of the kombucha in water for a couple of hours, put it on the nail that is infected. Wrap cellophane on top and put on a sock. Treatment involves putting on a compress for the whole night.
  3. Mushroom infusion, which is at least two months old, boil for an hour, strain and refrigerate. Dampen gauze, apply to the affected nail for the whole night. Do this until the plate is soft, then carefully remove it.

Using tar soap

This detergent has a truly healing effect and is inexpensive. Treatment of nail fungus using soap:

  1. Heat up some water. Dissolve more laundry soap in it. Keep your feet in the liquid for 15-20 minutes. Wipe them off, if possible, then remove the affected areas. Lubricate the affected nails with birch tar. Repeat until complete recovery.
  2. Grate the tar soap. Take 15 grams of the product, dilute with water to a gel-like state. Add 30 g of baking soda. Rub vigorously on sore nails. Repeat for 14 days in a row.
  3. Soap your feet well with tar soap, bandage them, put on socks on top. Sleep with a compress, only in the morning you can remove it and wash. Onychomycosis will disappear after about a week or two.

Folk remedies based on soda

There are several good ways. Soda should not be forgotten when treating fungus. Effective recipes:

  1. Collect warm water in a bowl (4 liters), add soda (50-70 g). Wait for it to completely dissolve. Add a little shower gel. Dip your feet into the solution, hold for 30 minutes, then wipe thoroughly. Repeat every three days until the fungus is completely gone.
  2. Dilute a small amount of baking soda with water to a paste, add a couple of drops of lemon juice. Treat the affected nails. Leave on for 10 minutes, rinse and dry your feet thoroughly. Repeat every other day.

Vinegar treatment

One of the most effective methods for advanced cases, the result of which is simply amazing. Folk recipes using vinegar ingredients:

  1. Heat half a liter of 9% vinegar, pour it into a basin and dip your feet into it. Soak for a quarter of an hour, then do not rinse. The treatment will take about a month.
  2. Mix equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and iodine. Lubricate your nails with fungus twice a day with the product until you heal.
  3. Mix 75 ml each of apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting product, place on the affected nail, secure with a plaster. Put on a sock and sleep with a compress. Repeat until the fungus is gone.
  4. Mix 70% vinegar essence in equal parts with carrot juice. Gently use this liquid on the limbs that are affected by the fungus - fingers or toes.
  5. Take 30 ml of 70% vinegar essence and the same amount of vodka, add 3 egg whites. Treat infected nail plates in the morning and evening.

Traditional methods of treating toenail fungus

It is not at all easy to cope with such a serious problem as onychomycosis. Pharmacies offer a lot of medicines that can defeat a fungal disease, but the price of really effective ones is sometimes too high. Even due to contraindications, the side effects of some drugs make it impossible for certain people to use them. This is probably why the treatment of the fungus with folk remedies is so popular. Check out a few more effective recipes.

Healing baths

Try these procedures:

  1. Mix a couple of tablespoons each of birch and poplar buds with the same volume of dry juniper in a saucepan. Drop in the essential oil you like best. Pour in water (1 l), boil. Strain the broth, cool to 40 degrees. It is recommended to take a bath for half an hour.
  2. Pour 50 g of dried celandine leaves with a liter of water. Let the liquid boil for a quarter of an hour and brew for the same amount. Steam your legs in the broth every evening.
  3. Brew a liter of natural coffee, let it cool and infuse. When the grounds have settled, use a foot bath drink. Take it for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Mix 50 grams of dry chamomile and spruce or pine needles. Steam in two liters of water, leave for an hour. Strain, add a handful of sea salt, a little cinnamon. Do this foot bath for half an hour.
  5. Mix vodka, lemon juice and potassium permanganate in a ratio of 10: 2: 1 parts. Dilute with water. Soak every four days.

Compresses and applications

Different masks and lotions save from fungus very well. You can make them according to the following recipes:

  1. Wash the chicken egg, dip it in vinegar essence (100 ml) so that the liquid covers the product completely. Store in the dark and warm for a week. Stir in one hundred grams of butter, beat thoroughly. Stretch your legs before going to bed, lubricate with this medicine. Insulate the top with a film, put on socks. Rinse off in the morning.
  2. Remember the burdock leaf to let the juice go. Wrap them around the leg. Cover the top with a bandage, put on a sock. Apply the compress overnight for 21 days in a row.
  3. Mash the rowan leaves, apply to the sore leg. Put on a sock. Change compresses every 12 hours.
  4. Pass the onion through a meat grinder. Apply to fungus-damaged areas overnight under cheesecloth and plastic. Do the compress for 14 days in a row.
  5. Grate 50 g of propolis, mix them with vodka (fill the bottle up to the neck), leave in the dark for 10 days. Analog - 20% alcohol solution from a pharmacy. Apply a cotton-gauze compress to the affected feet until dry.
  6. Mix iodinol from a pharmacy and dried celandine in equal doses. Apply this paste to the affected area for a week in a row. You can use tea tree oil or vinegar instead of iodinol.


Many people were helped not by pharmaceutical preparations to remove onychomycosis, but by those prepared at home from herbal ingredients. Means made on the basis of garlic or a solution of potassium permanganate have proven themselves very well in treatment. Their advantages include not only efficiency, but also a low price. There are many recipes for baths, ointments and compresses, which contain standard healing ingredients.

Garlic from foot fungus

There are different remedies with this ingredient that you can easily make at home:

  1. Lubricate infected nails with freshly squeezed garlic juice daily. This is a very simple and fast, but effective way.
  2. Mix the garlic juice with the same dose of rubbing alcohol. Treat the nail plates with the fungus a couple of times a day.
  3. Crush a few cloves of garlic, mix with vegetable oil. Apply a compress with this gruel before going to bed under a bandage and cellophane every evening. Continue until a clean nail grows back. Try to process only the plate without touching the skin.
  4. Mix the chopped clove of garlic with 15 g of table salt and 0.2 l of water. Apply medicated compresses before going to bed.

How to make a solution of potassium permanganate

This component is included in many recipes, but it can be used as an independent tool. Affordable price is one of the reasons for the overwhelming popularity of the composition. Remember several options for using a potassium permanganate solution:

  1. Dissolve potassium permanganate in water until deep pink. Steam your feet in it for 20 minutes. The dead areas of the nail, which then get wet, can be trimmed or cut off.
  2. In three liters of water, dilute a liter of vinegar and a few pinches of potassium permanganate, stir well. Take a bath for a quarter of an hour every night for a week in a row.


Which we will try to cure with folk remedies at home. Onychomycosis is an infectious disease that affects people of different age groups. In the early stages, it is accompanied by peeling and deformation of the nails, the appearance of cracks. Over time, it can contribute to the development of other diseases and the penetration of infection into internal organs.

Treatment of toenail fungus with folk remedies

Drug treatment is prescribed after a preliminary examination, since the nature of the infection can be different. Surgical intervention is very rare, although with modern equipment, the operation is quick and painless. There are also many ways to independently treat fungus of hands, feet and nails with folk remedies.

Treatment of toenails and nails with iodine

Treatment of toenails and nails with iodine is one of the most common and effective methods. The fungus has a protein structure, the iodine solution, in turn, causes the clotting of trace elements and their death.

Method 1. A drop of five percent iodine is applied to the problem nail twice a day. As an improvised means, a cotton swab or tampon is used, which will facilitate the penetration of the drug under the plate. Preventive measures to combat infection include dose reduction and single daily use.

Method 2. The second method consists in steaming the legs in boiling water with the addition of iodine for 10 minutes. After that, the infected part of the nail is trimmed and treated with an antibacterial ointment.

Already after a week of the procedures, itching is felt in the treated areas, which indicates the retreat of the fungus. If itching occurs earlier or is expressed by a strong burning sensation, it is necessary to reduce the dosage of iodine and the frequency of prescription use.

Hydrogen peroxide nail treatment

Hydrogen peroxide solution is an excellent antibacterial and prophylactic agent, and it is also used to combat toenail fungus. It has no contraindications for both internal and external use.

Method 1. The legs are pre-steamed in a solution of a liter of hot water and a teaspoon of soda. A piece of cotton wool is cut off, soaked in hydrogen peroxide and fixed on the steamed infected nail for 40-60 minutes. To prevent the preparation from evaporating, the finger is wrapped in plastic wrap. If a burning sensation is felt after removing the bandage, rinse the nail with cold water. The procedure is performed 1-2 times a day.

Method 2. A sick nail is lubricated for a week with a mixture of three percent vinegar and three percent hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions. After the procedure, the feet are immersed in bleach and water for a minute, then simply rinsed.

Garlic treatment

This natural product contains bactericidal substances - phytoncides, which prevent the spread of infection and eliminate fungus. It is enough to chop a clove of garlic and rub into the problem area until the moment of strong burning. To eliminate the unpleasant odor, the finger is washed with vinegar.

Celandine treatment

Celandine treatment is a great opportunity to limit yourself from expensive treatment.

Method 1. Dried celandine is crushed and mixed with an alcoholic tincture of iodine. The resulting gruel is applied to the area of \u200b\u200bthe problem nail and fixed with polyethylene. After 20 minutes, the bandage is removed, and the gruel is removed with a swab or cotton swab. It is undesirable to wet the nail for the next 2-3 hours. If you resort to the prescription daily, the infection will recede within a week.

Method 2. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed celandine is poured into 0.5 liters of water and brought to a boil. Daily steaming of the legs for 20-25 minutes in the cooked broth will give the desired result in a week.

Method 3. Freshly squeezed juice from the leaves of celandine is mixed with medical alcohol and kept in a dark place for 24 hours. Before processing the nail with tincture, the feet are steamed in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. The compress is kept for 30 minutes until the preparation has completely evaporated. Daily use will help the fungus disappear in a week.

Kombucha treatment

To begin with, the infected area is treated with an ointment containing salicylic acid. Then a sour kombucha is applied to the nail and fixed with a bandage and plastic wrap overnight. In the morning, the nail will soften, which will facilitate its removal. A one-time compress will give the desired result only in the early stages of the development of the infection, in other cases the procedure is repeated several times.

Apple cider vinegar treatment

The apple cider vinegar treatment consists of daily baths. It is enough to mix vinegar with warm water in equal proportions.

Method 1. Apple cider vinegar is mixed in vegetable oil in a 1: 1 ratio. The problem nail and the roller are treated with a piece of cotton wool dipped in the prepared liquid. The compress remains effective for the fungus for four hours, after which the bandage is removed. Daily application of the prescription in 5 days will fix the problem.
Method 2. An infusion of crushed celandine with nine percent vinegar is able to fight even difficult cases of fungus. The tool is infused for a month (less is possible), then it is filtered and 5 tbsp is added to it. tablespoons of table salt. After applying the infusion in the form of baths, the legs are allowed to dry in the usual way. A greater effect is obtained by using the recipe twice a day.

Soda treatment

Soda treatment helps to get rid of the fungus at various stages of the infection. For this, soda is dissolved in water with the calculation of 1 tbsp. a spoonful of an ingredient in 2 liters of water and a grated laundry soap is added. The feet are immersed in a container of liquid and kept for 20 minutes, then the skin is allowed to dry naturally without wiping off with a towel. After that, the nails are additionally treated with an antifungal ointment.

Tea tree oil treatment

Tea tree oil treatment is often used in the form of baths. To do this, 20 drops of tea tree oil are mixed in 1 liter of hot water with the addition of honey, soda and 1 teaspoon of sea salt. Daily procedures will give results after two weeks, although it is advisable not to stop treatment even after the fungus disappears.

The use of pure tea tree oil is also effective. Twice a day, a few drops of the product are rubbed into the infected nail. After that, it is necessary to wait for the drug to dry on its own and do not wipe it off even if you feel a strong burning sensation. Presumptive course of treatment is 2-3 months.

Vinegar treatment.

1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar is mixed with vegetable oil, taken in the same amount. A raw egg and 1 teaspoon of limethyl phthalate are added. All components are thoroughly mixed. The product is applied to infected nails up to 4 times a day and wrapped in plastic wrap. The drug is stored in the refrigerator.

Very often, traditional medicine allows you to get rid of an annoying disease without the intervention of professional help.

Folk remedies for toenail fungus will help to destroy the fungal infection and quickly restore the nail plate from deformation.

Fungus on the legs indicates two problems: reduced immunity and contact with the wearer. It is easy to get infected in any public place: baths, sauna, swimming pool, gym and other crowded places. There are many medicines, but people tend to prefer traditional medicine, because medicines are often expensive, have contraindications and side effects. Treatment of the fungus with folk remedies has proven itself in practice for many years.

Let us consider in detail what folk recipes for toenail fungus can be used at home and how to treat the infection.

Alcohol solution of iodine is one of the most popular home remedies for treating foot fungus. It is an active antiseptic, has antimicrobial, antifungal properties, disinfecting, drying and tanning effects. In addition, the iodine solution coagulates protein molecules, that is, they simply coagulate. And, as you know, fungi have a protein structure.

Iodine solution at home quickly restores nails, damaged areas of the feet, interdigital zones. But there are also some disadvantages, namely:

  • does not affect all types of fungi;
  • provokes the development of allergies, therefore, 24 hours before the start of treatment, a drop of iodine should be dropped on the inner area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow: if redness appears, it cannot be used;
  • paints the nail yellow;
  • with prolonged use, burns, dermatitis, problems with the thyroid gland may occur due to the increased content of iodine in the body;
  • iodine solution will help eliminate the infection only at the initial stage of the disease, when one third of the nail plate has suffered.

How to use iodine

Treatment of toenail fungus with the folk remedies given below is carried out for 1-2 months. The solution helps well to eliminate symptoms: itching, unpleasant odor. But immediately after the symptoms disappear, you cannot refuse the procedures.

  1. For nail treatment, you need to use a 5% alcohol solution of iodine. It is applied 2 times a day drop by drop to the affected area. It is also necessary to process healthy tissues, nails, applying one drop 1 time in two days.
  2. Add iodine to hot water, steam the foot for 15 minutes. After that, cut off the deformed parts of the nail, apply 3% hydrogen peroxide to the skin. The procedure should be completed by applying a lotion with an antibacterial drug.
  3. Traditionally, the following treatment regimen is used: during the first two weeks, treat the affected areas with fucorcin, then smear them with iodine for two weeks, and another two weeks with a 9% vinegar solution.
  4. In a dark container, mix equal amounts of iodine, nitrofungin, garlic juice. Add 10 g of vinegar essence to the composition. Apply overnight to the damaged area, previously steamed. With this composition, you can carry out painless nail removal.
  5. Before going to bed every day, do soda-salt baths with iodine (1 l of water / 150 g of sea salt / 50 g of soda). After steaming, grind the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe nail with a nail file, cut off with scissors, treat the entire foot with iodine.

Important! When treating healthy and diseased areas, use different tools or disinfect them. A cured fungus often becomes the cause of relapse, and therapy with folk remedies will not work.

Kombucha treatment

Kombucha has antibacterial and antifungal properties due to the presence of usnic acid and yeast. These components are opponents of streptococcus, diplococcus. But from a fungus such as Candida, Kombucha will not get rid of. To treat nail fungus, you will need a very strong concentration of the solution.

A three-month infusion of kombucha is boiled for 40-50 minutes, filtered. At night, a cotton pad dipped in a medicinal infusion is applied to the diseased area. After the procedure, it is required each time to remove the diseased part of the nail with manicure scissors and apply an iodine solution.

There is another popular method for treating nail fungus. You need to cut off a piece of kombucha, knead it into gruel, rub it into the affected area twice a day.

You can not carry out leg treatment in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • when diagnosing alcoholism in a patient: the mushroom contains alcohol;
  • in the presence of diabetes mellitus and allergies;
  • with diagnosed hepatitis, HIV, AIDS.

It is advisable to carry out a combined treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies, that is, to use iodine in conjunction with antifungal herbs, medicines or antibacterial ointments.

Copper sulfate treatment

Copper sulfate, or copper sulfate, has antiseptic properties, dries the skin well, and quickly removes mold. Therefore, this remedy for toenail fungus is also recognized as effective.

Copper sulfate has an active effect on nail fungus, the methods of treatment are as follows:

  1. By 1 tsp. vitriol add warm water. Bring the composition to a homogeneous mass in the pelvis, lower the legs into the composition for 15 minutes. At first you may feel a slight tingling sensation, but this is not scary. Vitriol is an aggressive substance, so it is better to use plastic containers for trays. After the procedure, treat the nail with tea tree essential oil.
  2. Take 25 g of copper, heat in a frying pan until the component turns gray or white. Add 25 g of yellow sulfur, 50 g of goose fat. Mix the composition well, apply to the nail. It is advisable to do such a lotion at night.

Copper warnings:

  1. Do not allow the substance to get into the eyes, on the skin, or inhale the powder.
  2. It is unacceptable to exceed the indicated dose! Vitriol is a toxic element. In small quantities, it is not terrible for humans. If the dosage is violated, itching, urticaria, burning, dermatitis may develop.
  3. It is forbidden to use this method of treatment during pregnancy and lactation.

Before using vitriol, you should consult your doctor. The treatment regimen depends on the stage of damage to the nail plates.

Treatment with birch tar and tar soap

Such folk remedies for the treatment of nail fungus as birch tar and tar soap will help.

An old grandfather's way to get rid of foot fungus is to treat them with birch tar, which has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it softens the keratinized areas of the skin.

The composition should be applied to pre-treated feet: they need to be steamed in soapy water, the affected nails should be cut off, and dead skin removed. In the future, with the help of a cotton swab, the affected area is treated with birch tar. For two hours, the mixture is on the skin and nails, and without bandages, with air access. It is better at this time to take a horizontal position. During therapy, it is recommended to treat insoles with birch tar.

A folk remedy for nail fungus is birch tar ointment. To prepare it, you will need: baby cream or badger fat, tar, taken in equal amounts. It is applied for 2 hours to the affected areas, then washed off with warm water and soap.

Also used is tar ointment with the addition of sulfur based on badger fat. The components are taken in the ratio: 2 parts of tar, 1 part of sulfur powder, 1 part of baby cream or badger fat. Heat everything and mix until smooth. The ointment is applied to the nail, fixed on top with a plaster. The talker, which contains glycerin and tar, taken 70 g each, and 100 ml of vodka, will help to quickly get rid of the fungus on the nails. Lubricate the nails with the composition 2-3 times a day.

Tar soap has one drawback - an unpleasant smell. But at the same time, it has disinfecting and regenerating properties.

You need to use tar soap as follows:

  1. Baths. The soap is crushed, 3 tbsp is added. l. in a bowl of hot water. In case of nail fungus, it is necessary to steam the legs with the composition for 10-15 minutes, then wipe dry.
  2. Rubbing mixture. Dissolve crushed soap in water (150 g), add baking soda (100 g), juniper essential oil (5-6 drops). The composition is rubbed into the affected nails 1 time per day at night.
  3. Lotions. To prepare a healing mixture, you need to make a slurry of soap and apply to the sore area for 2-3 hours, fixing with a plaster.
  • with extremely sensitive skin;
  • with a tendency to dry skin;
  • with allergies;
  • with photodermatitis (allergy to the sun).

What folk remedy can be used to cure nail fungus: soap or birch tar, it is impossible to say unequivocally. It all depends on the stage of the disease, the individual characteristics of the organism. Before using the two formulations, you should consult your doctor, but in most cases this method of treatment is safe and effective.

Treatment with sea and table salt

An easy way to kill the infection is to use salt. Consider how to get rid of toenail fungus with such a folk remedy , is it really effective. Salt has disinfecting and softening properties. But the infection can be quickly eliminated with salt only in combination with antibacterial drugs, ointments, despite the effectiveness of the village recipe.

How to use salt from fungus:

  1. Salt and vinegar are diluted in warm water in equal proportions at the rate of 2 parts of water, 1 part of ingredients. The legs are kept in the composition, acting on the affected areas. Baths are made for two weeks.
  2. Helps with fungus sea salt mixed with mint broth or infusion. It is necessary to make lotions with this composition for 14-21 days.
  3. Sea salt and essential oils are an effective way to quickly get rid of fungal microorganisms at an early stage of the disease. Not everyone knows how to treat nail fungus with these ingredients. You can take any oil that has antiseptic and soothing properties: tea rose, juniper, fir, eucalyptus, chamomile. Enough 6 drops of oil for 2 liters of water and 100 g of sea or table salt. You need to make baths and lotions within three weeks.
  4. At an advanced stage, sea salt with garlic water will help. Dissolve 1 tbsp in a glass of water. l. salt, 1 tbsp. l. freshly prepared garlic juice. Process twice a day. The healing effect will be noticeable after a couple of days.

Decoctions and herbal tinctures, which have antifungal properties, can be added to a mixture of table or sea salt with water. These include: clematis, celandine, aspen bark, thyme, calendula flowers. It is possible to cure toenail fungus with the folk remedies described above, but the dosage and treatment regimen must be observed.

Vinegar treatment

Important! Before treating toenail fungus with acetic acid, you need to make sure your skin is well tolerated. This method of treatment is not suitable for people with too sensitive skin. Vinegar is a common cause of burns. Let's figure out how to cure the fungus with vinegar, and why this folk method is so popular.

Fungi do not tolerate an acidic environment, they die in it. Therefore, traditional vinegar treatment is effective. Treatment can be carried out even in a particularly advanced stage. But you need to be ready for a long course and be patient.

  1. The easiest way to cure toenail fungus is to wet the nails with 9%. After the procedure, you need to put on tight socks made of natural material. It is advisable to carry out this procedure at night.
  2. Another option is to mix iodine and wine vinegar in equal proportions, treat the diseased areas with the resulting solution.
  3. Take 200 ml of vinegar, preferably wine and apple cider. Heat the water, pour in vinegar, lower your legs and steam them before going to bed for 20 minutes. Wipe your feet without rinsing. Make baths every day
  4. To make lotions, you will need 9% vinegar, a cotton pad is moistened with it, squeezed and applied to the place where the nail fungus has "settled". Cotton wool should not protrude beyond the nail plate. Secure the cotton pad with plaster. The course of therapy is 5-7 days. You need to perform the procedure every day.
  5. Another recipe for nail fungus: 1 tbsp. l. apple or table vinegar, 2 egg whites (you can replace 2 tbsp. l. glycerin), 1 tbsp. l. alcohol. Apply the solution to a cotton pad, apply to the affected nail plates for 10 minutes. The course of therapy is 3-4 months, the procedure is performed every day.
  6. A lotion for nail fungus can be made with vegetable oil and vinegar, taken in equal proportions. The solution is also applied to cotton wool, fixed with a plaster.
  7. It is very easy to prepare an antifungal ointment. You will need: 100 ml of 70% vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. dimethyl phthalate (purchase at the pharmacy), 2 tbsp. l. glycerin, 50 ml of olive oil. Mix the components thoroughly, apply 2 times a day on the nail. The procedure is performed at night. Wash your feet with soap in the morning.

Traditional medicine for nail fungus is effective if the procedures are performed regularly.

Fungus treatment with celandine

Celandine is a rather aggressive plant that can cause burns, this should not be forgotten during the treatment of toenail fungus.

To combat the fungus, you need to use celandine juice, make baths, ointments, tinctures from it. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the methods of treatment that exist for the diagnosis of nail fungus:

  1. Grind celandine in a blender or meat grinder, squeeze the juice, combine it with 250 ml of vodka, leave for 24 hours. Lubricate the affected nails after 15 minutes of steaming the feet and drying them. Perform the procedure 2 times a day.
  2. Add 100 ml of celandine juice to 2 liters of water. You need to soar your feet for 20 minutes 2 times throughout the day.
  3. Celandine juice - 1 tbsp. l., oregano juice - 1.5 tbsp. l., 1 tbsp. l. tincture of calendula, badger fat 1 tbsp. l. are mixed. The composition is applied every day, 2 times a day.

Celandine oil is used to treat the fungus. To prepare it, you need to dry the celandine, put it in a glass container, fill it with sunflower oil so that its amount is 2-3 fingers higher than the grass. Insist at room temperature for 5-6 days. Then add the same amount of oil as the first time. Before use, steam your feet, apply oil.

Any folk remedies for toenail fungus will quickly help get rid of the problem. But the most effective treatment for toenail fungus is in combination with medications. Especially if the stage of the disease is neglected.


At home, the treatment of fungus with folk remedies is carried out in different ways using vinegar, tar, onion juice, mustard, hydrogen peroxide and some other familiar products. The infection is highly contagious and difficult to treat. It can affect fingers and toes, feet, and other parts of the body. The symptoms of the disease are very uncomfortable. In addition, outwardly it does not look aesthetically pleasing at all. The treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies helps to correct the situation.

What is a fungus

This is what he calls a disease caused by a fungus. If it affects the nail plates, then the pathology is called onychomycosis, and if the skin, for example, feet, is simply mycosis. You can pick up the fungus in various public places. This is especially true in rooms with high humidity, such as saunas or swimming pools. Infection occurs through the contact-household way. Therapy against this pathology is long-term, more often it involves the use of local drugs for external treatment. Traditional medicine helps at an early stage.

Symptoms of the disease

You can notice the ailment already by the first symptoms, which will help you start treating the fungus with folk remedies earlier. The color of the nail begins to change from pale pink to yellow, green, brown, or even black. Other symptoms of fungal infection include the following:

  • the appearance of unpleasant itching of the skin around the nail plate;
  • soreness at the site of the lesion;
  • delamination and crumbling of the nail plate;
  • the appearance of grooves, spots or blotches on the plate;
  • unpleasant putrid odor;
  • the nail moves away from the nail bed;
  • white bloom on soft tissues under the nail plate.

Folk remedies for nail fungus

For the treatment to be effective and really bring a positive result, it is important to organize it correctly. To do this, you need to exclude the risk of re-infection, which will help with disposable nail files. If it is not possible to purchase them, then all instruments must be disinfected after each treatment. In order for the remedy to penetrate the nail plate, it is recommended to steam it before the procedures, and then cut off and grind the keratinized areas. A few more tips to follow while treating the fungus:

  • pay increased attention to foot hygiene;
  • treat shoes with special antifungal compounds;
  • change socks more often;
  • boil all things in contact with hands and feet in a special disinfectant;
  • use individual towels and slippers;
  • before water procedures, the bathroom or shower must be washed with aggressive agents.

If the recipe indicates vinegar essence, then a 70% solution should be used. To avoid burns, table vinegar can be used 6% or 9%. Several folk recipes for using this remedy:

  1. Ointment. Glycerin, olive oil, dimethyl phthalate and acetic acid 70% are taken in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 2. The components must be mixed. Apply the ointment to the affected area for 8-10 hours. It is best to do this before bed. in the morning, wash your feet with warm water and soap.
  2. Vinegar baths. To do this, add 200 ml of vinegar to water heated to 50 degrees. The water level should be up to the ankles. You need to soar your legs in it for 15 minutes. The procedure is repeated three times a week.


You can use baking soda for warm baths. For the procedure, you need to prepare such an amount of water so that it completely covers the affected areas in the basin. Soda is used here like this:

  • add to water at the rate of 2 tbsp. for 3 liters of liquid;
  • dissolve well.

For greater efficiency, it is recommended to add grated laundry soap to the water - 1 tbsp. 15-20 liters. Steaming the legs should take at least 15 minutes. At the end, you should not wipe your feet, it is better to let them dry naturally or get wet with a natural cloth. After the procedure, you need to put on cotton socks. Until complete recovery, you need to carry out one procedure every 2-3 days.

Tincture of iodine

Another simple folk method for treating fungus is the use of iodine tincture. It is applied to damaged nail plates, dripping one drop of the product. For prevention, nails that are not affected by the fungus are also lubricated, but another cotton swab is used for them. You need to repeat the procedure 1-2 times a day. Another option for using iodine:

  • heat water to 50 degrees;
  • add 3-4 drops of iodine;
  • soar feet for about 15 minutes;
  • cut off damaged parts, lubricate with hydrogen peroxide;
  • apply antibacterial ointment, wrap with a bandage.

A universal and safer treatment is propolis alcohol tincture. The drug exhibits fungicidal, wound healing and bacteriostatic properties. With onychomycosis, the agent does not allow the pathogen to multiply. Judging by the reviews, after several applications, there is a decrease in itching and inflammation. The affected nail is gradually replaced with a healthy one. There are several ways to use propolis for mycosis of the foot or onychomycosis:

  1. A piece of propolis is applied to the affected area, skin or plate. First, the hearth must be steamed in a solution of potassium permanganate and cleaned from the top layer. Leave such a compress for half an hour. You need to repeat the procedure 2 times daily for a month.
  2. A cotton pad should be moistened with a 20% propolis alcohol solution. It is applied to the nail plate, covering it with a dry cotton swab. At the end, you need to bandage your finger. You can remove the bandage in a day. It remains to remove the softened nail and clean everything with a nail file.

Celandine juice

In the summer, the treatment of toenail fungus can be carried out with the help of fresh celandine. The juice of this plant exhibits antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. From poisonous celandine, fungi die almost instantly. To obtain such a vegetable juice, it is necessary to grind the aerial part of the grass with a meat grinder and squeeze the liquid from the gruel through cheesecloth. It is recommended to use the product for medicinal baths. For their preparation, dry raw materials are prepared as follows:

  • pour boiling water over celandine, taking 1.5 liters of liquid for 5 tablespoons. herbs;
  • simmer the broth over low heat for 10 minutes;
  • cool and filter the product;
  • pour the ready-made herbal decoction into warm water and steam your legs in it for about 15 minutes;
  • repeat the procedure twice a day for 1-2 weeks.

The medicinal composition of kombucha is effective for onychomycosis and other fungal infections. Therapy with this agent is carried out as follows:

  • a thin layer is separated from the fungus, which is soaked for 1 hour, after which a piece is applied to each diseased nail;
  • then they are wrapped with a bandage with plastic wrap, leaving a compress overnight;
  • the procedure (during it itching and burning may be felt) is repeated every 2 days until the symptoms disappear completely.

Essential oils

Essential oils are considered convenient to apply and effective in treating fungus. In terms of the level of impact, they are compared with expensive antifungal drugs. Oils, in addition to their antifungal effect, have several other beneficial properties:

  • regenerating;
  • cleansing;
  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Essential oil not only destroys fungal cells, but also helps to restore the normal state of the nail plate. It is necessary to use these folk remedies for treating toenail fungus in the form of the following procedures:

  1. Compresses. An essential oil, such as tea tree, is heated to 30 degrees and diluted with 2 tablespoons of water. In the resulting composition, a cotton pad is moistened, which is attached to the nail plate for 1 hour. As a result of the procedure, it becomes elastic and soft, which allows it to be cut and cleaned with a file.
  2. Baths. Pour 3 liters of hot water into a basin, then add 10 drops of tea tree, ylang-ylang, lavender or rosemary essential oil. Clean feet must be lowered into the resulting solution and kept there for 20 minutes. At the end, the legs are wrapped in a warm towel, leaving them so for 15 minutes.
  3. Application to the nail. If you are not allergic to tea tree oil, it can be used to lubricate the nail plate, which has been previously steamed in hot water with laundry soap. A cotton swab is moistened in oil and the affected nails are lubricated. It does not need to be washed off.

Hydrogen peroxide

This tool is used to treat fungus using the Neumyvakin method. The professor recommends first steaming your feet in a soda solution made from 1 tsp. soda and 1 liter of water. Further, the damaged parts of the plates are bitten off with tweezers. After this procedure, a piece of cotton wool, moistened with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, is applied to the lesion. If onychomycosis is on the hands, then the application should last 10-15 minutes, if on legs - 40-60 minutes. For complete recovery, you must repeat the procedure 2 times daily.


Some folk remedies for toenail fungus can be found in almost every home, such as garlic. It works no worse than special antifungal drugs. To do this, you need to use garlic correctly:

  1. Take garlic in a ratio of 1 clove to 1 cup of apple cider vinegar. Mix the indicated ingredients and leave them for 2 weeks in a plastic or glass container with a lid. Use the product in the evening - rinse the affected skin with it, then bandage the focus and leave it alone until morning. Continue this treatment of nail fungus at home until complete recovery.
  2. Squeeze the juice of garlic from 5 chopped cloves, mix with 30 ml of boiled water. Lubricate the affected nails with the resulting product after steaming and drying them.

Healing ointments

Self-made ointments can be an alternative to medical antifungal drugs. Homemade recipe for nail fungus can be selected from the following:

  1. Take a chicken egg, rinse, then pour in 100 g of vinegar essence. Leave the container in a dark place until the shell is completely dissolved. Using tweezers, remove the film, which is then mixed with 200 g of butter. Lubricate steamed nails or feet with this compound. From above, you need to wrap the lesion with a bandage.
  2. Mix 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar with 10 g of honey, 100 g of Kalanchoe juice and 30 g of eucalyptus oil. the mixed ingredients are left in the refrigerator for 3 days. The finished ointment is applied to damaged nails or skin twice a day.

How to cure nail fungus quickly

There are methods that help in the shortest possible time to remove and suppress the multiplication of a microorganism that has invaded the nail plate. In this case, folk remedies for foot fungus based on hydrogen peroxide are considered effective. It is used in different ways:

  1. A mixture of several products. Dissolve 0.5 cups of vinegar-slaked soda in 4 cups of water, then add 0.25 cups of hydrogen peroxide and 0.5 cups of magnesium sulfate. Soak a cotton swab with the resulting product, which is then fixed on the affected nail with a plaster. The bandage is left for 10 hours, after which it is changed to a new one. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  2. With vinegar 6%. It must be mixed in equal parts with hydrogen peroxide. Place your fingers in this mixture and hold them while it sizzles. Next, the limbs are washed with warm water, and dry nails are smeared with tea tree oil mixed with petroleum jelly. You need to put on socks on top. A similar procedure is carried out daily for 7 days.
  3. Novocaine. The specified tool moistens pieces of cotton wool, which are attached to the affected nails. As stated, you can get rid of the fungus after 2 lotions.

Nail fungus (aka onychomycosis) is one of the most common infections of our time. You can pick it up almost everywhere: in transport, at the pool, in the bathhouse, during a manicure procedure, on the beach or putting on someone else's shoes. This disease in a short time affects the nearby areas of the skin, as well as the nail plate on the hands and feet. Therefore, it is very important to eliminate the focus of infection at the stage of its inception.

Home treatments are based on the use of traditional medicine, which is replete with effective, proven recipes using natural medicines.

Infection symptoms

It is known that a healthy nail should be smooth, shiny and pinkish. If at least one of these criteria is missing, this indicates the presence of a number of problems with the condition of the nail plate. Most nail diseases are precisely fungal infections, which, when advanced, can lead to loss of the nail and erysipelas of the skin.

The main signs of the appearance of fungus on the nails are:

  • peeling;
  • the formation of microcracks on the interdigital folds (between 1-2 and 4-5 fingers);
  • thickening of the skin or nail;
  • the appearance of yellow spots;
  • redness;
  • slight burning or itching;
  • bad smell;
  • pain at the tips of the feet;
  • fragility and thinning of the plate;
  • deformation of the nail.

At the initial stage of infection with a fungal disease, you need to be extremely careful and start treatment immediately, otherwise the infection will spread to other areas. In addition, the risk of infection threatens all family members with whom the victim lives.

It is very important to stop walking barefoot on the floor for the period of treatment. It is very important to follow all the rules of hygiene during bath procedures: rinse the bathroom after yourself and use only your own personal towel.

Folk remedies for treating fungus

It is quite possible to cure nail fungus with folk remedies. At home, special non-traditional methods are used using natural products, as well as medicinal herbs and plants:

  • vinegar
  • tar soap,
  • propolis,
  • baking soda,
  • salt,
  • iodine,
  • garlic and onions.

For example, you can treat a fungus using medicinal baths or by preparing a special medicinal ointment. You can also get rid of the fungus on the hands and feet using various lotions, compresses and masks.

We will consider further what folk remedies are most effective for use at home.


Table vinegar helps to quickly cure the fungus on the hands and feet. Its benefit lies in the formation of an acidic environment, which prevents the development of spores and promotes their elimination.

A special bath. To prepare it, you need to heat the water to 50 degrees and add 200 ml of vinegar. The volume of water in the basin should reach the ankles. Legs soar for 15-20 minutes. We repeat the procedure three times a week. After completion, wipe your feet dry and put on socks.

Healing ointment prepared on the basis of certain ingredients, taken in equal proportions:

  • 70% vinegar
  • glycerol,
  • demityl phtolate,
  • olive oil.

We mix the components until a homogeneous consistency and apply to the damaged nail for ten hours. The procedure is best done at night for 7-10 days. A folk remedy eliminates infection and promotes the growth of a healthy plate.

Lotions. We take a cotton pad and moisten it in 9% vinegar. We put on infected areas for 15 minutes. You can use another tool as a lotion: mix equal proportions of vinegar, vodka and glycerin. The resulting solution is moistened with a cotton pad and applied to the affected area. The procedure is carried out at night.

Effectively getting rid of fungus on hands and feet will help vinegar and egg based product:

  • 1 tbsp. l. mix vinegar essence with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil,
  • Add one whole egg.
  • Mix in a blender until smooth.
  • Wet a cotton swab with the resulting consistency.
  • Apply to the infected nail.
  • The duration of the procedure is 12 hours (recommended at night). The course is 14 days.

Baking soda

Folk remedies using salt and soda are excellent at fighting nail fungus. Soda has a disinfectant, bactericidal and regenerating effect. Recipes based on it allow you to get rid of the infection for a long time at home.

For early treatment we take soda and sea salt in equal proportions, dilute in warm water. We dip damaged nails or fingers into the resulting bath. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. After the damaged nail, wipe it with a decoction of chamomile. Course: two to three weeks.

At an advanced stage of development prepare a solution:

  • half a teaspoon of potassium permanganate,
  • 1 tsp soda,
  • 50 g dry mustard
  • 30 g of laundry 72% soap.

A little is pre-crushed, the ingredients are mixed with five liters of warm water and we take a bath for 20 minutes. Upon completion of the procedure, we rinse the feet and wipe them dry. Treatment course: two to three weeks.


Means based on iodine solution will help get rid of the fungus. Iodine has an antiseptic effect, eliminates infection and promotes healing of the damaged area.

  • Pour warm water (40-45 degrees) into a bowl.
  • Add 5-7 drops of iodine.
  • Soak your feet for 10 minutes.
  • We wipe the feet with peroxide.
  • Lubricate with antibacterial ointment.

Garlic and onion

Traditional home treatments for toenail fungus include onions and garlic. Both plants have many medicinal properties, they destroy harmful bacteria and infections.

To get rid of the fungusyou need garlic and butter in equal amounts. Recipe:

  • Chop three cloves of garlic.
  • Add butter.
  • Mix the ingredients until smooth.
  • Apply the finished mass to the damaged nail.
  • Wrap the surface with a bandage.
  • The procedure is recommended to be carried out at night.

You can use another recipe: grate two cloves of garlic and apply the resulting gruel to the infected plate for 15 minutes. The course of treatment is two weeks.

In another case, pre-steam your feet in a soda solution and wipe them dry. Squeeze out juice of one onion and dip a cotton pad on it. Then we apply it to the damaged nail.

According to another recipe, mix the crushed cloves of garlic, 90% alcohol and distilled water in equal proportions. We mix everything and apply with a cotton swab to the plate and the area between the fingers. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. The course is 10 days.


There are other home remedies for treating nail fungus. An effective remedy in the fight against fungal infection is considered propolis.

Propolis has a bacteriostatic, regenerating and fungicidal effect, destroys fungal flora and promotes the growth of a new healthy nail plate.

To eliminate the infection, you will need some of the natural propolis. We apply a piece of propolis to the damaged nail plate for 30 minutes. The procedure is best performed on previously steamed hands or feet (after steaming, the top layer is removed). We use this method twice a day.

  • We take propolis tincture and pour it into a bowl of hot water.
  • Proportion: 15 drops in three liters of water.
  • Soak your feet for 15 minutes.
  • Wipe dry and put on socks.

You can use alcoholic 20% propolis tincture, blot a tampon and apply it to the damaged nail. The dressing should be changed after 12 hours. The top layer, which is softened, is best removed with a nail file.

Tar soap helps to cure the fungus on the nails of the hands and feet. The recipe for its use is simple:

  • We take soap and heavily soap the nail.
  • Sprinkle the surface with sea salt.
  • We put a dry napkin on top.
  • We apply a bandage and hold the compress on the injured finger for 12 hours.
  • The procedure is best done before bedtime.

We rub tar soap on a grater, dilute it with warm water. We try to get a homogeneous consistency in the form of a gruel. Next, rub the soap mass into the damaged nail plate with a stiff brush. After that, rinse your finger and dry it dry. We use the method twice a day.


Herbal medicine will help get rid of the fungus of toenails and hands. Traditional medicine offers dozens of recipes for using medicinal herbs and plants to treat fungal infections.

Celandine-based products

An excellent folk remedy is celandine. This plant is excellent for disinfecting and healing wounds. To cure the fungus, you can use the simplest method: a damaged nail and cutie with celandine juice. Carry out this procedure 2-3 times a day for a week. For medicinal purposes, celandine can be used freshly picked, or purchased at the pharmacy.

For the second recipe:

  • We take celandine herb, rinse and dry.
  • Grind and put in a glass container.
  • Pour vodka into celandine in a ratio of 1: 2.
  • We cork and let it brew in a dark place for two weeks.
  • We take 20 drops daily, gradually increasing the dose.

Folk remedy with celandine and oregano:1 tsp mix celandine juice with two drops of calendula and oregano tincture. Add to the resulting mixture 4 tbsp. l. clean water. We apply the medicinal composition to the affected nail. The procedure is carried out three times a day.

Herbal preparations

To cure nail fungus on the feet and hands, you can use special herbal preparations.

Basic recipe includes in equal proportion:

  • burdock leaves,
  • sagebrush,
  • chamomile flowers.

Pour 200 ml of water over one tablespoon of the resulting raw material. Let it brew for 10 minutes, then cool slightly. We dip our fingers into the medicinal broth for 15-20 minutes. Then we apply a bactericidal ointment.

Can be mixed in equal amounts chamomile flowers, calendula and oak bark... Fill in 3 tbsp. l. the resulting collection with one liter of boiling water. We insist for half an hour. In the resulting broth we put 1 tbsp. l. sea \u200b\u200bsalt. Soak your legs for 15 minutes. Such a folk remedy effectively treats toenail fungus or toenail fungus.

According to another recipewe take in equal amounts:

  • blackberry leaves,
  • field horsetail,
  • verbena herb,
  • oak bark,
  • flowers of calendula.

Grind the ingredients and pour 200 ml of boiling water over one teaspoon of the herbal collection. Cook in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Then we filter and cool. We moisten cotton pads with the resulting broth and apply them as lotions for the night.

Burdock ointment:

  • Take a burdock leaf (or rowan leaves).
  • Beat off with a fork or spoon until juice forms on it.
  • Then we wrap the foot damaged by a fungal infection with burdock.
  • Then we bandage and put on the sock.
  • We change the bandage every 12-13 hours.

Help leaves of a golden mustache and Kalanchoe. TOgrind the components to the state of gruel. We apply the resulting mass to the infected part and fix it with a bandage (a regular bandage will do).

Alcohol infusion: take lilac flowers (10-15 g) and fill them with 150 ml of vodka. Let it brew for two weeks. After that, we use the tincture to wipe the damaged nail plate. We carry out treatment twice a day for a week.

Use of oils

Folk remedies for nail fungus based on essential oils allow you to quickly get rid of an unpleasant ailment. The oil method is effective and easy to use.

Most esters have a bactericidal, regenerating and cleansing effect. They perfectly disinfect, relieve inflammatory reactions and destroy a fungal infection. Some oils perfectly strengthen the nail plate and promote its growth.

Effective compress:

  • Take some lavender (or rosemary) oil.
  • We heat up to 30 degrees.
  • Mix with two teaspoons of water.
  • Mix, soak a cotton swab with an oil solution.
  • We apply a compress to the damaged nail. The procedure is carried out at night.

Healing baths: Pour three liters of hot water into a bowl and add 10 drops of lavender, rosemary and tea tree oil there. Soak your feet for 15-20 minutes. Then we wipe them dry. The course of treatment is 12 days.

In the treatment of the nail with an advanced form, it will help tea tree oil... It will eliminate infection and stop inflammation. In the presence of a strong fungus on the legs or hands, it is recommended to make special baths. To do this, fill a bowl with hot water and add 20 drops of tea tree oil there. They put their feet in a container of water and spend 20 minutes in this position. The course of treatment is two weeks.

Prevention of nail fungus

Curing a fungal infection is difficult. If you do not catch yourself in time, an advanced stage may occur, which will have to be treated with antibiotics and monitored by a dermatologist. You should initially protect yourself from infection. To do this, you need to take precautions.

  • It is imperative to disinfect manicure supplies before each procedure.
  • Observe foot hygiene: avoid excessive sweating of the feet.
  • Regularly mop the floors in the house, especially in the bathroom and shower.
  • Eliminate wearing someone else's shoes and walking barefoot.
  • Choose the right shoes.

Shoes should not be too tight or uncomfortable. It is important to monitor its hygiene (smell and cleanliness). It also needs to be disinfected periodically. A solution of vinegar mixed with water is suitable for this. The shoes are treated with a vinegar solution from the inside, then they are put briefly in a plastic bag, and then allowed to dry. Vinegar destroys infection and various bacteria.

If a fungal infection causes complications, then treatment should be combined with drug therapy, or consult a dermatologist.