How to live to look rich. How the richest women in the world dress. What we are talking about is brand image

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A guide to the style of the rich. Part two

How the richest women in the world dress

Do you want to be rich? Take the example of the rich. Think like them, work like them, live like them. And dress like them.

We have already told, It's time for women.

Their images are copied by millions of girls. We learned what the everyday wardrobe of the richest women in the world consists of.

Kim Kardashian

A pencil skirt is a staple in her wardrobe, along with tight dresses with plunging necklines, crop tops and short skirts. So if you want to follow Kim's example, add a little femininity to your look.

Kylie Jenner

Younger sister Kim prefers a rather sporty style: images with loose shirts, T-shirts, men's sweatshirts - this is Kylie. She proves that it is quite possible to combine a sports jacket with a classic blouse.

Ariana Rockefeller

The heiress to a huge fortune of the Rockefeller family and one of the richest women in the world, Ariana is a professional equestrian and runs a brand of equestrian uniforms. All of her looks are reminiscent of the form of jockeys, but in a more classic version. The girl's everyday wardrobe includes tight pants, shirts, jackets and a short coat.

Olga Buzova

Buzova's style changed as rapidly as her professional orientation. Having repainted from blonde to brunette, Olya changed her defiant looks to more classic ones. Now the singer-host-cryptoexpert's wardrobe includes simple form-fitting dresses, straight pants, and blouses. But sometimes the old style makes itself felt, and Buzova appears in public in shiny lace clothes with many accents.

Angelina Jolie

The looks for the red carpets of the world stars are thought over and over by stylists, and in everyday life many of them look no better than us. But Jolie has always had a sophisticated everyday style. The actress prefers monochromatic laconic models that can be easily combined with each other. Irreplaceable things of her wardrobe - pipe pants, sheath dress, flared skirts, jumpers and ponchos. Jolie focuses on accessories: bags, glasses, scarves.

Ivanka Trump

The daughter of the current president of the United States does not sit on her father's neck and achieves everything herself. She is now vice president of a large company, founder of a hotel chain, writer and fashion designer. Ivanka prefers a business casual look: classic coats and pumps, straight trousers and formal blouses, business suits and straight knee-length skirts.

Sheryl Sandberg

This lady is famous for holding high positions in several large international companies at once. An elegant style of dress helps her to match her status. Her business looks consist of classic suits, jackets with an English collar and sheath dresses, sometimes with bare shoulders. Cheryl's makeup is never provocative or vulgar. The emphasis is on the eyes and eyebrows. Abuse of accessories is a sign of bad taste, which is why Sandberg adds small jewelry made of precious metals to his looks.

In the following articles, we will talk about the most useless expensive purchases, the largest jewelry collections and even a bunch of things that rich people spend money on.

Often we evaluate people by their clothes and involuntarily form an impression about a person by looking at how he is dressed. However, if you look at the richest people on the planet, it is not always possible to say by their appearance - here they are, billionaires. Remember at least the same Steve Jobs, whom we most often saw in a black turtleneck and blue jeans.

Today we decided to take a look at how the richest women in the world dress.

Alice Walton


The only daughter of Wal-Mart founder Alice Walton has a fortune of $ 46 billion. In clothes, she prefers classics: formal suits, elegant dresses and sophisticated accessories. Interesting glasses are another feature of Alice's style.

Lauren Powell Jobs


Many people know Lauren as the wife of Steve Jobs. However, she herself does not sit idly by. Mrs. Jobs owns a huge stake in Disney and also recently acquired a stake in The Atlantic. In addition, she has founded several non-profit projects. Lauren is a regular guest of not only business publications, but also gloss. Her incredible sense of style cannot but inspire!

Miuccia Prada


Miuccia Prada, at 69 years old, is not only a fairly wealthy woman, but also very bright and cheerful. Come to the red carpet as Zeliboba? Why not! Miuccia enjoys life and proves that all ages are submissive to fashion.

Françoise Bettencourt-Meyers


33% of the shares of the world famous brand L'Oreal belong to 64-year-old Françoise. In 2017, her income was more than $ 40 billion, but it cannot be said that the heiress of the cosmetic empire is trying to stand out from the crowd with bright outfits. Not at all. On the contrary, Françoise prefers monochrome looks with unusual details and accessories.

Ivanka Trump


Ivanka belongs to the type of people who grew up in golden swaddling clothes. But from childhood, little Ivanka was told that she had to achieve everything. That, in fact, she did: she graduated from a business school, built a career and is leading her own projects. Ivanka's style always corresponds to new trends, but without fanaticism. She dresses stylishly, expensively and without kinks.

Elena Baturina

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Elena Baturina is the richest woman in Russia, her fortune is $ 1 billion ???? it worked on its own. She is the co-founder of Inteko, the chairman of the supervisory board of Inteco Management, the creator of an international high-class hotel chain and the owner of shares in Gazprom and Sberbank. Elena is buying real estate now ???? in Great Britain and the USA, and together with his spouse, the ex-mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, he runs the Veedern horse breeding concern. In her free time, the businesswoman is engaged in tennis, golf, mountain skiing⛷, collects photos, works of art and retro cars ????, in her park there are no less than fifty of them. Baturina has created a charitable foundation "Noosphere", which deals with issues of religious tolerance, also finances "Be Open", which supports young designers around the world ????. ❓What about an entrepreneur? #energomania #energomaniaekb #energomaniaekaterinburg #energmonamiapeople # success story # baturina # elenabaturina # forbs women # energy mania success story # rechargeable batteries in Ekaterinburg

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Compared to the women from this collection, Elena Baturina's fortune is a drop in the ocean, but still she is one of the wealthiest ladies in Russia and the CIS. Elena's style is far from modern trends, but if she is so comfortable, then why not? Can afford it!

Sheikha Mozah


Sheikha Mozah is the second of the three wives of the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Kalifa al-Thani. She has seven children, and she manages to engage in social and political activities. Sheikh in her images manages to masterfully combine a tribute to traditions, and at the same time she was repeatedly recognized as the most stylish woman on the planet. Her personal fortune is estimated at $ 7 billion.


The first impression that you make on people directly depends on the general grooming. Clean skin, well-groomed hands - all this can be achieved without much cost, using folk remedies or inexpensive skin care cosmetics. If you are not able to make yourself a perfect manicure on your own, look for an inexpensive “no-pretense” hairdresser near your home, the prices there are much lower than in beauty salons.

Pay special attention to the condition of your hair. They should always be clean - this is not even discussed. And no! Either you update your color regularly - or you don't dye your hair. A compromise option can be tinted shampoos - better than a natural tone. Dyed hair should either show the "hand of the master", or not be conspicuous, the third option is not given. If you wear a short haircut, do not forget to update it in time, a hairstyle that has lost its shape will not add presentability to you. If regular visits to the master undermine your budget - grow long hair, it will be enough to trim the ends once every few months.

Do not skimp on bags and shoes - they must be of high quality and quite expensive. But you can afford to choose things that will "age" beautifully - for example, buy from leather dyed in natural brown tones. Even shabby, they will look stylish. Do not get carried away with extravagant styles that are striking. If you can only afford one pair of winter shoes and choose bright green boots with rich decor, they will not always look appropriate, and they will quickly become familiar. Visit regularly - worn-out heels or shabby heels don't match the million dollar image.

Choose your clothes carefully. It is better if it is made of natural materials - all other things being equal, cotton, wool, linen, silk look more expensive than synthetics. Do not get carried away with "interesting models" - inexpensive things with a simple cut on the figure will look better, and their origin is more difficult to "calculate". In addition, things "from the market" are usually given by the quality of the seams and decorative elements. The less they are conspicuous, the better.

Watch for discounts and sales of old collections in brand stores. Not all models of the past season become obsolete immediately, and quality remains quality always. Do not disdain second-hand clothes in them - you can buy high-quality and original clothes in excellent condition. The main thing is to be interested in the dates of the delivery of new things and come on the very first day in order to have time to skim the "cream".

Choose the sets of clothes carefully - not a single element in them should "be knocked out" of the general concept of the ensemble. Try to make your look as appropriate as possible for the situation - for example, it is better to wear cheap jeans for a picnic, rather than office trousers. And make sure that your clothes are always clean, without puffs and pills.

We all know the old proverb - they are greeted by their clothes, they are escorted by their minds. So it is, because the first impression of a person is formed precisely on the basis of his appearance, manner of dressing, behaving, and then the art of speaking, thinking and reasoning on various topics is supplemented here.
Many business coaches say that if you want to be rich and successful, you must first change your thinking, behavior, and dressing style. After all, this is the first stage, the realization that you deserve better and more. Psychologists note that if a person is comfortably dressed, beautifully cut, does not feel any discomfort, then this gives rise to inner confidence, a sense of importance and dignity.

To be honest, we did not plunge into all the subtleties of psychology, and it is not within the framework of this article that such a study should be done, but we can say for sure that the conclusions of psychologists are 100% correct. In this article, we will give 7 golden recommendations that will help you look good, stylish, and expensive, thereby attracting confidence in your abilities, and, as a result, success in your tasks.

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1. Art est celare artem!
The first rule says Art est celare artem, which translated from Latin means “skillfully hide art”. Your style is a unique art that needs to be honed day after day. Believe me, it takes more than one day, and sometimes years, to develop a certain style of dress, behavior, manner of communication. The work will be done serious, but others should not know about it. Don't say how hard it was, how much time and effort you spent. Try to avoid answering these questions. You are a rich and successful person, you have achieved everything with your work, but at what cost it does not matter.

Your goal is not to show off, not to show your superiority, but only to emphasize your status, style, meaning. For this, no labels. There is no need to put them on display, trying to tell everyone: "Look, I bought an expensive shirt from Dior." Flaunting labels is the privilege of poseurs, and those who will never enter high society. If you are already going to be successful, you want to surround yourself with people from business circles, then completely forget about such "cheap show-offs". Of course, each circle has its own signs that make it possible to understand that this person is well dressed, looks after himself, he is rich and successful. Study the social circle in which you are going to join, and only then take certain steps.

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3. Deny everything!
When you are successful and rich, you don't need to show off your new purchase, talk about its value, brag and prove something. All these qualities are inherent in the poor, who try to look taller, but never reach the desired heights. When you make good money, the urge to show off the value of a shoe, or a new watch, disappears. You need to prove your worth by real deeds: successful investments, concluded deals, record sales, etc. Although even this is not worth bragging about. If you are successful, then they will talk about you anyway. You do not have to tell about yourself, but people must already know you before they meet.

4. Noticeable stealth.
Let your style be embodied in the best traditions of restraint and minimalism. You don't have to look too bright, catch the eye and stand out. There are always ways that indirectly, but will indicate your status. Always wear fresh, ironed, neat shirts. This is a small nuance, but it is very noticeable, and certain people pay very attention to this.

5. New money? No, I have been living like this for a long time.
Don't give yourself away. Clothes don't have to be perfectly new. Well, as it shouldn't, it should be new, just not look as if you were just from the store. Perfectly rubbed shoes, a fresh haircut every week, starched shirts - all this will show that you have recently started making good money, and are only trying to emphasize your status, but you are not doing it skillfully. Live as if you have always had a sense of style and taste for money. Quiet, measured, without unnecessary fuss and unnecessary movements.

6. Virtuosity and ease.
The main secret of chic is casual, casual details in your style. As if by chance the button of the jacket was unbuttoned, the collar was slightly turned up, the jacket was slightly rumpled. We can say that by this you are showing your inner freedom, and not being driven into a certain framework of style. In the modern world, you are unlikely to meet a successful businessman in a perfect classic suit. Traditional suits have become a uniform for office workers, drivers, security guards, while wealthy and successful businessmen prefer a free style, a kind of casual with classic elements.

7. Don't be afraid to catch the eye.
To look rich is not only means to dress beautifully and wear expensive things, it is a certain ability to behave in society. If you look great, then they will certainly look at you, appreciate, perhaps even admire. Do not be afraid of these looks, catch them, enjoy each, understand that you deserve a good opinion of yourself. After this realization, everything else will come. Change your thoughts, change your reality.


A lot can be accomplished with Vicky Oliver's Millionaire Handbook: How to Look and Act Like a Millionaire Even If You Are Not. For example, one brilliant piece of advice: Invest in clothes on a one-third basis. This means that you need to reduce the number of purchased items to one third, but the price of each of these items should be three times higher. Thus, for the same amount that you used to spend on a wardrobe, you will buy fewer things. But on the other hand - of excellent quality! Expensive and high-quality items of classic styles that will last more than one year are an excellent investment in your appearance.


Casual doesn't mean casual. Casual is a casual business, office style that can be easily transformed for both work and non-formal settings. For example, you can replace trousers with arrows with restrained, classic dark-colored jeans and pair them with a quality, well-fitting jacket with three-quarter sleeves or thumb length.

Keep an eye on black things: black only looks stylish when things are new. Washed and faded black looks lonely.


Loud brands make the image not expensive, but cheap. Difficult to identify items look better than a belt or bag with a distinctive print or a huge buckle with the letter H. Also, you should give up Chanel-style bags on a long chain, which set the teeth on edge of Burberry-style plaid scarves and other easily recognizable things, the true value whom everyone knows. This can provoke dissonance in the perception of your image: a potential employer or groom will think, where, in fact, do you have the means to buy such things?