Calendar-thematic planning (senior group) on the topic: calendar-thematic planning of educational work theme: “clothes. shoes. hats. Planning

Complex-thematic planning of work on the topic "Clothes, shoes»

Approximate planning of work on the topic " Clothes, shoes»

Senior preschool age.

Designed by TyulyakovaS.A., Nikandrova the preschool department of the GBOU school number 297 of the Pushkin district.WITHSt. Petersburg

Purpose: To form the cognitive interest of children in items of clothing, shoes, hats, to develop in children a sense of responsibility when using these items for their preservation.


To acquaint children with the history of the origin of things.

To expand children's ideas about the work of adults in the manufacture of clothing, headwear, shoes. Learn to appreciate their work.

Distinguish by seasonality, place of application, affiliation. Distinguish details, find similarities and differences.

Learn how to take care of your own wardrobe and shoes.

Develop children's skills in various types of children's activities.

Development directions

Cognitive speech


Artistic and aesthetic

Physical development

Educational areas



Reading thin literature



Artistic creation

Physical Education


Types of joint activities

1.Conversations with children about the need for clothes, hats, shoes

2. Finger game "Two girlfriends"

3. Dramatization by E. Levchuk "Forest Atelier"

4. Conversation on a fairy tale

"Cinderella" - be able to agree on the need for a certain outfit for different places

5. Excursion to the shoe repair shop

- The teacher's story:"The fabric of its properties and qualities", Experiments

From the book. O. Dybina "Unknown nearby"

A journey into the past of things

"Clothes, shoes, hats"

O. Dybina

KN "What came before"

"What hats are they?" - I. Nikitina

"Game tasks in notebooks"

"Clothes and Fashion" - encyclopedia ed. Machaon pr. "Questions and answers"

Children's encyclopedia

"Miracle is everywhere"

N. Nuzhdina

Thread sections, hat.

"Boots" from kn. "Smart Activities"

"Riddles-ingenious" - A. Soboleva


S. Mikhalkov

"About Mimosa"

L. Pirogova

"Lack of skill"


Integrated activities: reading, discussion, memorizing poetry, listening to music,

Excursion to shops

"Clothes, shoes, hats"

Visiting museum exhibitions

"Ancient costume, national costume, military uniform."

D / and "Atelier"

"Shop, supermarket, studio"

Stories, viewing illustrations, pictures, photographs, conversations about people's professionscreating clothes, hats, shoes

Manual labor: making costumes for theatrical activities, hats for role-playing games

Familiarization: special clothing for people of various professions

Compliance with the rules of hygiene, care of clothes and shoes

Viewing photographs, illustrations and stories about various life-threatening situations (helmet at a construction site, closed clothes and shoes in the forest ...)

Games: "Question-answer",

"Correct the mistake"

Productive activity:

Making games "Match a pair" "Decorate clothes".

Drawing illustrations for a fairy tale

"Magic tree"

inventing a new fairy tale based on it

Game creation

by the hands of children:

"Smart Activities"

from scraps of fabric + button glade

Listening to music:

"Motley cap" lyrics I. Solovieva, Muses. G. Struve

"Green Shoes" sl. Aldonina, muses. Gavrilova

"Valenki" - Russian. folk song.

Musical riddles.

Hearing and playing out the song

"Galoshes", and poems "Gloves" - S. Marshak


"It's good in our little house"

Round dance game "Ay doo-doo"

Chastushki - from the lotto I. Lopukhina

Physical culture leisure: "Strong, courageous, dexterous."

Speech with the movement of I. Lopukhin

"Masha to our baby"

N.Nishcheeva "Helpers"

One-to-one conversations, instructions on seasonal clothing, clothing for classes and leisure, children's shoes, personal items.

Finger gymnastics "New sneakers" - N. Nishcheeva

Making dressing and undressing schemes with children for a walk.


"Walking in the summer"

Chatting with children

"About sunstroke"

Creation of conditions for selfactiveactivitieschildren

Books to read and review:

Children's encyclopedia"Miracle is everywhere" N. Nuzhdina Thread sections, hat.

Book. N. Konchalovskoy "It's in the bag"

N. Yuriev "Boots" from the book. "Smart Activities"

"Riddles-ingenious" - A. Soboleva, N. Nosov "Patch" S. Mikhalkov "About Mimosa", L. Pirogova "Crazy skillful girl", S. Pierrot "Cinderella"

Center for role-playing games: creation of a subject-developing environment and joint production of attributes. Exhibition of costumes "Yesterday - today", making the game "Lotto" - (clothes with pictures and rhymes). Purchase of fabric scraps of various textures. Manufacturing of fabric dolls and dolls of amulets.

Center for Building Constructive Games: creation of games "Dress up a doll", "Little designer"

Center for productive activities: materials and tools for drawing, modeling, applique and art work, fabrics, buttons, threads, ribbons, braid.

Family interaction

Creation of a sliding folder "Clothes of a child in a group and on the street." Development of weekend routes "For a walk with the whole family"

Competition with parents "Our craftswomen", workshops on making costumes for the holidays. Collection of threads, buttons, ribbons, patches, fabrics.

Individual consultations "Clothes of a child in a group" "Convenience and safety of shoes" "The sequence of dressing and undressing of children's clothes"

Alina Chuprova
Calendar-thematic planning "Shoes"


GROUP: II junior.


GOAL: Give concept « Shoes» ; about its diversity, purpose.

FINAL EVENT: Exhibition shoe.

Weekly tasks, taking into account the integration of educational areas:

Continue to teach children to participate in joint outdoor games and physical exercises for a walk; circle, find your place when constructing; to fix the throw and catch the ball. Strengthen the ability to roll plasticine with straight and circular movements. Give an idea of ​​the use shoe... Improve constructive skills, construct new buildings using previously acquired skills. To consolidate the skill of accurately gluing ready-made forms. Develop the dialogical speech of children; develop the ability to guess riddles. Form the ability to paint without going beyond the contour. Anchor the names of items of clothing and shoe... Continue to develop interest in books, look at drawings in familiar books. Strengthen the knowledge of children for what people need shoes, distinguish between male, female and children's shoes... To foster a respectful attitude towards the work of adults. Train your memory with poems. Continue to compare the two groups items: where more, where less; compare objects in length and label the results with words. Strengthen the ability to compose a short story with the teacher, answer questions with a complete sentence.

Organization of a developing environment for independent activity of children


TUESDAY 5/11/2013 Morning: Morning exercises. Examining pictures with an image shoe.

Di Show and name.

Di "Collect the picture".

To consolidate the ability to glue ready-made forms on a sheet of paper Timofey T., Dasha S. Conversation: "What is it for what?".

Introduction: board games, colored paper, glue, pictures with images shoe.

Ask parents to bring shoes for the decoration of the exhibition.

Individual conversation with the mother of Polina L. "Adaptation of a child in kindergarten"

Invite parents to mom's school.

FEMP "Comparison of objects by length"(- conversation, - teacher's story, - show, - explanation, game "Colored balls").

Construction "Shelf for shoe» from large building material (- conversation, - examination of geometric figures (cube, plate, - teacher's story, - showing, - explanation, game "Who what shoes);

Musical and artistic activities Po plan muses... the head.


Watching the trees. Sweep the path leading to the lot. N / a "Birds in their nests", "Find where it is hidden", "Find your house".Exercise in catching the ball Anya B., Lisa T. Situational conversation about the structure of a tree, foster respect for nature. Remote material: buckets, rakes, panicles.

work before bed. Reading a fairy tale of the children's choice.

Continue to reinforce the skill of placing neatly shoes near the cots in the bedroom.

Evening: Recreational gymnastics after sleep, walking on "Massage" paths.

Breathing Exercises Game - Situation "Brave tailors" Strengthen the ability to use a handkerchief Role-playing game "House. A family"(show, explanation, conversation).

Introduction: clothes, shoe, chairs, wardrobe with clothes, shelves with shoes.

Walk Observing plants and shrubs (any tree and shrub is a living creature)... Pruning and tying tree and shrub branches.

P. / i "Catch the Bird", "Multi-colored leaves", "A winding path"... Strengthen with Danya M., Yaroslav D. to run at the signal of the teacher, without looking back.

Mode Joint activity of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Interaction with parents / social partners


subgroup Individual Educational activity in regime moments

WEDNESDAY 6.11.2013 Morning: Morning gymnastics. Reviewing fashion magazines. Di Whole and Parts.

Reinforce the ability to carry a chair correctly (Timofey T., Kirill N.) Situational talk: "Features of the appearance of clothing, its details".

Introduction: fashion magazines; di Whole and Parts... Suggest Nikita N.'s mom to fix the name shoe at home.

Consultation with the Pope of Slava B. "Physical activity in the life of a child"

Remind parents to make a portfolio of a preschooler.

Communication activity (speech development): "Guessing riddles".

(- a surprise moment; - a poem; - conversation, - riddles, show, personal example, the game: "What's superfluous?")

Motor activity on teacher's plan


Cat Watching Collect Fallen Leaves

N / a "The sun and the rain", "From bump to bump", "Swan geese" Exercise Xenia F., Artem Z., walking on a gymnastic balance beam. Observing people who got off public transport

Remote material: dolls dressed for the season, buckets, rakes, panicles.


Consolidate the skill of unbuttoning shirts

Evening: Recreational gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage paths. Breathing exercises.

Di "What is blue?" To consolidate the rules of conduct in the group with Nikita N., Yaroslav D. Role-playing game "A family" (We buy new shoes for our daughter) (show, explanation, conversation).

Introduction: shoe, dolls, bags, wallets.

Walk Sparrow watching. Note the characteristic features of a sparrow.)

Sweep up the sand in the gazebo

N / a "Dash - catch-up", "Cat and Mice", "Sparrows and the car"... Exercise Ksyusha P. in jumping rope.

Mode Joint activity of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents / social partners


subgroup Individual Educational activity in regime moments

THURSDAY 7.11.2013 Morning: Morning exercises.

Di "Who is cleaning what?"

Reading an excerpt from the tale of K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"

Fix jumps in place on two legs with Slava B., Timofey T.

The teacher's story about the profession of a shoemaker

Introduction: D / i "Who is cleaning what?";

fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"

Consultation with the grandmother of Artem O. "The role of morning exercises in a child's life".

Conversation with Angelina B.'s mother about the girl's clothes on the street.

Conversation with Kirill N.'s mother about table behavior.

Productive activity (application) on teacher's plan

Communication activity (LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS) "Our little legs are walking ..."(- conversation, - poem - show, - experience, - game « Shoes» )


Watching the rain

P / and Cat and Mice ", "Sparrows and a cat", "Get in the circle" Sweep the table, benches Reinforce the ability to march with Nikita N, Topic Z. Situational talk: about the change of weather (show the simplest connections between phenomena in nature).

Remote material: dolls dressed for the weather, buckets, rakes, panicles.

work before bedtime Reading p. n. with. "Chanterelle with a rolling pin"

To form basic knowledge of behavior in the bedroom.

Evening: Recreational gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage paths. Breathing exercises. Di “Pick up your clothes and shoes» Strengthen the ability to hold a pencil correctly with Lisa T., Dasha K.

Role-playing game "Repair shoe» (show, explanation, conversation).

Introduction: fabrics, shoe, tools.

Walk Observing the Sky (features of the autumn sky)

Collection of colorful leaves

N / a "Bird in the nest", "Find your house", "At the Bear in the Forest".

Strengthen with Lisa T. the ability to catch the ball with both hands.

Mode Joint activity of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents / social partners


subgroup Individual Educational activity in regime moments

FRIDAY 11/8/2013 Morning: Morning exercises D / i "Colored drops". Conversation: “Decorations for shoe» To consolidate the concept of a circle, a square, a triangle with Lena M., Slava B.

Watching a video "How do shoes»

Introduction: desktop - printed games, video. Consultation for parents: "Crisis in three years"

Talking to parents about the benefits of naps.

Consultation for parents: "Outdoor games with children in the family"

Communication activity (speech development): memorizing a poem "At Mashenka's ..."

(- a surprise moment; - a riddle; - a conversation about shoe; - show, - personal example, - game "Who what shoes» )

Musical and artistic activities plan muses... the head.

Motor activity in the air by teacher's plan.


Cloud Watching Sweep the table and benches in the area

N / a "The sun and the rain", "From bump to bump", "Swan geese"... Strengthen the ability to walk in circles with all children. The educator's story about clouds and clouds. Remote material: buckets for collecting leaves, shovels, rakes, machines.

work before bed Reading p. n. fairy tales "The Man and the Bear"

Strengthen the skill of taking off tights before going to bed

Evening: Post-sleep wellness exercises, massage paths, breathing exercises. Di. "Wonderful bag"... Reinforce the ability to hold a pencil correctly with Kirill N., Ksyusha P. Role-playing the game: "Hospital"

(show, explanation, conversation).

Introduction: tools, medicines, pills, clothing and shoes for the weather.

Walk Watching the Wind (learn to determine the direction of the wind)

"Cleaning in the gazebo"

N / a "Catch me", "Cat and Mice", "At the Bear in the Forest"... Strengthen the skill of walking on a gymnastic balance beam with Timofey.


“Mashenka has new boots on her legs.

Tanya will dress up in a brand new dress.

Katya has hats, shoes and slippers.

The trousers fell right into Petya's hands. "

Phys. a minute:

The game "Let's go for a walk"

Improvisation of movements.

“We take off our slippers,

We put on hats

Scarves, pants,

Boots, coats,

We put on jackets -

Ready for a walk! "

We don't go outside

Neither summer nor winter.

But not a step without us,

When you get home.


We always walk together

Similar as brothers

We are at lunch - under the table,

And at night - under the bed.


Two brothers

Can't part:

In the morning - on the road

At night - on the doorstep.


Not shoes, not boots, the legs are very hot.

We run in them in winter: in the morning - to the kindergarten, and then - home.

(felt boots)

Thematic project: « Shoes»

What they know What they want to know What needs to be done to find out

I have boots.

Kirill N. What is shoes?

Danya M. Let's ask the teacher.

Mom bought me new sandals.

Timofey T. What is male shoes?

Anya B. Let's ask adults.

Yaroslav D.

There is a lock on the boots.

Kirill T. What is bast shoes?

Sasha A. Let's read it in the book.

Mom's shoes have beads.

Lisa T. What are parts shoe?

Dasha S. On TV.

Nikita N.

My shoes are red with flowers.

Angelina B. What are varieties shoe?

Polina L. I'll ask my mother.

Date, day of week Monday
17.11 Direct educational activities

Morning Compilation of descriptive stories "Our clothes" Ts .: to enrich children's ideas about the purpose of clothes, remember the name of its parts, color and material from which it is made.
Word game "One - many" Ts .: learn to form nouns denoting items of clothing in the plural. (hat, jacket, shirt, boot). Working in a corner of nature: caring for indoor plants. Ts .: to acquaint children with a new way of keeping plants clean (cleaning the leaves with a dry brush), to form the appropriate skills. Discuss which leaves of which plants should be cleaned in this way. Situational conversation "What do we have for breakfast today"
Ts .: draw the attention of children to food; form an idea of ​​the benefits of breakfast.
Individual work to educate the culture of food. (With Valya, Nastya, Liza)
Album for viewing "Clothes" Ts .: To activate in the speech of children and clarify the generalizing words on the topic "clothes", the names of clothing items, its details.
Game "Dress up a doll" (paper doll and a set of clothes for her)
Ts .: create conditions for play activities. Conversation with parents "Child's clothes in late autumn"
GCD (group) P. Acquaintance with the objective world. Topic: A journey into the past of clothing (OV Dybina Acquaintance with the subject and social environment; middle group, p. 48). Ts .: to acquaint children with the purpose and functions of garments necessary for human life. Learn to establish connections between the material and the way of using garments; bring to the understanding that a person creates items of clothing to facilitate life. Develop the ability to navigate the past of clothing. (Wed-va: elegant doll, needles, threads. Fabric, buttons, scissors, doll in a skirt made of leaves, doll dressed in skin, samples of various fabrics, a large piece of fabric, modern clothes, paper silhouettes of dresses, colored pencils .) Musical.
Walk Observing the sky in the fall. Ts .: develop observation, coherent speech. Conversation with children on the topic: “Who came in a new jacket today? Why?" Ts .: to draw the attention of children to each other. Teach children to see the connection between changing weather conditions and the choice of clothing. To activate the speech of children. Ind. work with Kolya. Game exercise "Catch, throw" C. To exercise children in throwing the ball upward with two hands and catching it. Develop dexterity, coordination of movements. Subv. game "Find your color" Ts .: to train children in running, orientation in space by color modules. Did. game "Who is wearing what?" Ts .: to develop children's observation, visual memory, to activate the vocabulary on the topic "clothes"
Independent activity with portable material:
Equipment for cleaning the territory - rakes (shovels), brooms, buckets, garbage bags.
Ts .: create conditions for self-employment; to form the ability to select inventory in accordance with the tasks of the work. Evening Sr. game "Family" Play situation "We wash the laundry" Ts .: to teach children to carry out conditional objective actions specific to the role. Puppet theater: Ukrainian folk tale "Rukavichka". Ts .: develop the ability to follow the course of events, remind the heroes of a fairy tale. Contribute to the prevention of emotional stress.
Awakening gymnastics
Exercise "Speak correctly" Ts .: encourage children to repeat the words after the teacher (names of clothing items), changing the pace and volume, to develop attention.
Bi-ba-bo dolls for theatrical play based on the fairy tale "Rukavichka". Invite parents to participate in the exhibition of joint crafts, drawings and applications "Autumn fantasies"
Plan of educational work for the day
Date, day of week tuesday
18.11 Direct educational activities
(subgroup, individual) Educational activity in regime moments Organization of a subject-developing environment for SDD Interaction with society
Morning Viewing illustrations accompanied by the teacher's story "Who sews clothes" Ts .: to acquaint children with the profession of a seamstress, with the items he needs for work. Indus work with Valya, Cyril. Liners - "Pick up a suit" Ts .: develop visual perception. Did. game "Dress up a doll" Ts .: teach children to choose the right items of clothing for a doll, dress it in the right sequence Finger gymnastics "Clothes"

Replenish the corner of role-playing games. Sewing machine (to repair)
A new set of clothes for a doll - a boy.
Ts .: to contribute to the emergence of a role-playing game and the development of a game plot. Day
GCD (group) Speech development Topic: Sound culture of speech: sound Ts. (Gerbova V.V. Development of speech in kindergarten: middle group, p. 35)
Ts .: to train children in the pronunciation of the Ts sound (isolated, in syllables, in words), to improve the intonation expressiveness of speech; encourage the differentiation of words beginning with the sound C, focusing not on the meaning of the word, but on its sound.
Physical development. (L. I. Penzulaeva, Physical culture in kindergarten: middle group; p.41, lesson number 28)
Ts .: exercise in walking and running in a circle, walking and running on toes; landing on bent legs in jumping; in rolling the ball. (Wed-va: balls, cubes, tambourine, cords) Walk Observation of the behavior of a crow. Ts .: continue to acquaint children with seasonal changes in the life of birds; to form the ability to recognize and name a crow among other birds; develop observation skills. Subv. game "Bird and cat" Ts .: develop the ability to jump on two legs over an obstacle, land on bent legs. To educate children in self-confidence, to enhance the expressiveness of movements.
Labor assignment: collecting twigs for crafts. Ts .: to bring up in children a positive attitude to work, a desire to work, to encourage them to fulfill the assignment in a timely manner, to bring the work started to the end. Indus work with Valya, Cyril on the development of movements. Exercise "A bird is jumping" Ts .: exercise in jumping on toes. Did. game "Mittens and gloves"
Ts .: to form in children ideas about how mittens differ from gloves; promote the development of coherent speech.
Independent activities with external material: a dolls stroller (or sled), dolls dressed for the season, steering wheels, magnetic game "Fishing"
Ts .: to form the ability to organize their leisure time, to contribute to the prevention of nervous tension.
Evening Did. game "Whose Thing?" Ts .: to train children in the coordination of possessive pronouns with nouns and adjectives. Wed-p. game "Family" Play situation "Stroke the laundry" Ts .: to expand children's ideas about caring and respect for clothes. Encourage attempts to independently select attributes and organize a play environment. Game "What does Masha want to do?" Ts .: to clarify the ideas of children about some labor activities; about materials, tools and equipment required for work. (Wed-va: Masha doll, pictures or real objects - dishes, sewing machine, washing machine, iron, linen, watering can, shovel, etc.) Awakening gymnastics (after sleep) Walking along the path. (massage and tactile mats)
Guessing riddles on the topic "clothes, shoes"
Ts .: develop logical thinking, activate the names of objects and elements of clothing in speech.
Board-printed games. Lotto "Clothes, footwear, hats"
Game "What a seamstress needs to work"
Ts .: develop curiosity, contribute to the emergence of a desire to reflect the knowledge gained about the work of a seamstress in role-playing games.
Plan of educational work for the day
Date, day of the week Wednesday
14.11 Direct educational activities
(subgroup, individual) Educational activity in regime moments Organization of a subject-developing environment for SDD Interaction with society
Morning Conversation “Why do we need clothes?” Ts .: Expand and concretize ideas about clothing, its purpose, the details of which it consists. Did. game "Divide into groups" Ts .: develop the ability of children to group pictures according to the purpose of the objects depicted on them, use generalizing concepts in speech (clothes, shoes, etc.), develop thinking, vocabulary.
Ind work with Kolya did. game "Name what color" (Wed-va: pictures depicting items of clothing of different colors) Ts .: to consolidate knowledge of the basic colors (blue, yellow, white) and their shades (blue, orange, gray). Finger gymnastics "Clothes"
Ts .: clear pronunciation of the text and execution of movements, the development of fine motor skills.
Clothing stencils
Coloring pages.
Did. game "Draw the missing details" (sleeve at the shirt, buttons at the jacket or shirt) Day
GCD (group) Modeling. Topic: Different fish. (TS Komarova, Visual activity in kindergarten; middle group; p. 36, 42). Ts .: to consolidate knowledge of the techniques for making oval-shaped objects (rolling with straight palms, sculpting with fingers); to consolidate the techniques of pulling, flattening when transferring the characteristic features of the fish; to teach to designate with a stack of scales (Wed-va: toy fish, applique and drawing "Fish", plasticine, modeling boards, stacks).
Physical development. (L. I. Penzulaeva, Physical culture in kindergarten: middle group; p.41, lesson number 29) Repetition
Ts .: exercise in walking and running in a circle, walking and running on toes; landing on bent legs in jumping; in rolling the ball. (Wed-va: balls, cubes, tambourine, cords) Walk Observation of the teacher's work: we cover the plants for the winter.
Ts .: to enrich children's ideas about caring for plants; to cultivate the desire to help adults, to be useful. Subv. game "Catch with a ribbon"
Ts .: to exercise in running, to develop in children the ability to catch up, not grabbing and not pushing each other, to run in different directions. Develop the ability to navigate in space.
Ind. work with Ilya exercise with the ball "Throw and catch" Ts .: exercise in throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands. Labor assignments: "Let's hang up to dry wet mittens."
Ts .: continue to develop self-service skills in children. Teach children to carry out individual assignments in accordance with the instructions.
Independent activity with external material: sports attributes - a rope, a ball, hoops, equipment for work.
Ts .: to encourage children to use various sports attributes in motor activity.
Evening Labor. errands: we wash doll clothes. Ts .: to form in children the ability to wash small pieces of doll clothes, to encourage the desire to bring things to the end.
Reading the fairy tale by Ch. Perrault "Little Red Riding Hood"
Ts .: to encourage children to follow the course of events, empathize with the heroine, form ideas about the dangers.
C-r game "Clothing store" Game situation "A new store has opened" Ts .: to enrich and systematize the play experience of children, to encourage children to use in the game knowledge about the items of clothing, their purpose. Continue to acquaint children with the labor of the seller, speech structures. Sedentary play - speech with movement "Shirt C: encourage children to pronounce the text accompanied with movements, activate the names of clothing details in speech
Samples of different types of tissue for examination and examination.
Clothes hangers for organizing role-playing games.
Ts .: to contribute to the emergence and development of role-playing games. Plan of educational work for the day
Date, day of the week Thursday 20.11 Directly educational activities
(subgroup, individual) Educational activity in regime moments Organization of a subject-developing environment for SDD Interaction with society
Morning Did. game "What is made of what?"
Ts .: continue to introduce children to distinguish the materials from which various objects are created (fabric, paper, wood, iron). Encourage children to use appropriate adjectives in speech, to combine objects into groups. Ind. work with Cyril did. game "Find a Pair" (Wed-va: items of clothing - gloves, socks, mittens) Ts .: to consolidate the ability to compare objects by purpose, appearance. Situational conversation about the benefits of morning exercises.
Ts .: formation of a culture of health in children; preservation and strengthening of health. "Magic box" with items of clothing for viewing and trying on. (hats, skirts, sundress, gloves, handkerchiefs)
Ts .: to make children interested in different things, the desire to try them on, to consolidate the knowledge about the purpose of the items of clothing.
GCD (group) FEMP. Topic: “Let's play. Count to 4 "(Pomoraeva I. A., Pozina V. A. FEMP: middle group p.24)
Ts .: consolidate the ability to count within 4, introduce you to the ordinal value of a number, encourage you to answer the questions “how much?”, “Which one?”, “In which place?”; to exercise the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle; to reveal, with specific examples, the meaning of concepts quickly, slowly. (Wed-va: a pyramid with rings of different colors, ropes, exercise sticks, rudders with images of geometric shapes, boxes, colored pencils, colored ribbons according to the number of children.
Physical development (L. I. Penzulaeva, Physical culture in kindergarten: middle group; p. 43, lesson 30)
Ts .: repeat walking with assignments; stepping over; exercise in jumping and rolling the ball in a forward direction. (Wed: ball, tambourine). Walk Observing the snowfall. Ts .: continue to acquaint with the phenomena of nature; to form cognitive interest, the ability to observe the surrounding world.
Subv. game "Homeless hare" Ts .: to form the ability to navigate in space, to act in accordance with the rules of the game. Ind. work with Valya, Yulia exercise "Catch the hoop" Ts .: develop the ability to roll the hoop in a given direction, follow it, adjusting the speed of movement. Labor assignment: hanging feeders on the site. Ts.: To educate a respectful attitude towards birds. Self-service. Practical exercise "Dressing by yourself"
Ts .: remind children of the sequence of dressing and undressing; cultivate independence.
Independent activities with portable material: children's shoulder blades, natural material for decorating buildings, dolls dressed for the season, steering wheels, attributes for role-playing games.
Ts .: to form in children the ability to spend time interestingly and usefully, to establish game interactions with peers.
Evening Did. game "Autumn clothes" Ts .: to encourage children to use generalizing concepts in speech, to characterize clothing items and their parts, to compare items of clothing according to different parameters (purpose, appearance, belonging). Consideration of illustrations for the work of KI Chukovsky "The Miracle Tree" Ts .: to form the ability to determine the name of the work from the illustration; to activate the names of items of footwear and clothing in the speech of children Sr. game "Shop" Game situation "In a shoe store". Ts .: acting as a participant in the game, demonstrate to children ways of role-based interaction between a seller in a shoe store and a buyer. (Wed-va: children's shoes, 2 pairs of adult shoes, slippers and boots for the doll, attributes for the game). Did. game "Masha is confused" Ts .: to encourage children to find items of clothing according to the description, to form the ability to compare and contrast, to draw conclusions.
Board-printed games - bingo, dominoes, the game "Who needs what for work?"
Ts .: create conditions for play activities.
Corrugated paper, multi-colored napkins, glue, children's drawings for independent artistic activities. Ts .: to make children want to make a frame for their drawings using the "Napkin Applique" or "Facing" technique. Organization of the exhibition "Autumn Fantasies"
Plan of educational work for the day
Date, day of week friday
21.11 Direct educational activities
(subgroup, individual) Educational activity in regime moments Organization of a subject-developing environment for SDD Interaction with society
Morning Did. game "Which one?" Ts .: to continue to acquaint children with the ordinal value of a number, to encourage them to answer the question "Which one is a red dress, a blue dress, etc." Ind. work with Yulia, Liza game task "Draw a pattern of geometric figures" C.: exercise the ability to alternate figures (square and circle) in the correct sequence; continue to acquaint with the concept of "pattern", to develop attention, fine motor skills. Consideration of Vasnetsov's illustrations for the Russian folk tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka" Ts .: pay attention to the clothes of the characters, expand children's ideas about what clothes people used to wear. Greeting game "We wish you health" Ts .: to expand children's ideas about the meaning of the word "hello", to enrich children's ideas about health and the experience of communicating with adults Clothes for dolls washed, hangers for hanging clothes.
Ts .: to promote the emergence of labor activity.
Albums for viewing "Clothes", "Shoes", "Hats"
Ts .: to contribute to the consolidation of the knowledge gained and to activate the vocabulary on the topic. Day
GCD (group) Drawing Decorative drawing "Sweater decoration" (TS Komarova, Visual activity in kindergarten; middle group; p. 40,) (Wed: cut out from thick paper sweaters of different colors; strips of paper by the size of the cuffs , necks, sweater elastic bands, gouache paints, brushes, a can of water, a napkin (for each child)
Ts .: to consolidate the ability of children to decorate a piece of clothing using lines, strokes, dots, circles and other familiar elements; decorate paper-cut clothes with decorated stripes. Learn to choose colors in accordance with the color of the sweater. Develop aesthetic perception, independence, initiative. Musical. Song about mom. Dance with handkerchiefs. Game "Guess the melody" (melodies of familiar songs, melodies from cartoons) Walk Excursion to the laundry. Conversation with an employee in the repair and washing of linen. Ts .: continue to acquaint children with the work of kindergarten workers, show the importance of their work, tell that not only people wash and sew with their own hands, but also with the help of special machines; to form a respect for bed linen, towels; foster respect for the work of adults. Labor: garbage collection at the site. Ts.: Encourage children to maintain order on the site (collect garbage in a bag, sweep the path and benches from sand (snow)), foster a desire to bring things to an end. Subv. game "Birds and a cat" Ts .: increase the physical activity of children, encourage them to act on the signal of the teacher, develop the ability to concentrate and switch attention. Ind. work with Kolya and Sasha exercise in pair "Throw and Catch" Ts .: exercise each other in throwing and catching the ball, develop the strength and accuracy of the throw. Situational conversation on the topic: "How to make peace?" Ts .: to form social and communication skills in children, maintain friendly relationships, find ways to reconcile and get out of conflict without a fight. Ind. work with Valya, Kirill to develop self-service skills. Game task "Who will put on his boots faster" Ts .: encourage action, develop interest in tasks of a competitive nature. Independent activities with portable material: dolls dressed for the season, a broom, buckets, shovels, waste material for playing with snow (or sand).
Ts .: to form the ability of children to usefully spend their leisure time, to encourage children's attempts to use waste material in games (jars and bottles of yoghurt, disposable plastic dishes, lids, corks).
Evening Did. game "They brought toys to us." Ts .: to encourage children to correctly guess the timbre of musical instruments; to consolidate ideas about children's musical instruments and their sound. (Wed-va: musical toys - a pipe, a bell, a musical hammer. Reading N. Nosov's story "Patch" C: encourage children to listen carefully to the work, correlate with illustrations; answer questions about the content. Develop a sense of humor. Preparing for s-r game "Atelier." Computer presentation "What a seamstress needs to work" Ts .: to acquaint children with the tools and materials that a seamstress uses in his work.
Guessing riddles on the topics "clothes, shoes, hats"
Ts .: develop logical thinking.
Board game "Pick up patches for carpets"
Independent activity in the sports corner.


Group: I junior group No. 2 Topic: "Clothes"

Purpose: to acquaint children with the variety of clothes; develop the skills of dressing and undressing; enrich the active vocabulary of children through role play; examining illustrations, reading fiction.

Final event: GCD for drawing "Dress and shirt" Date of the final event: 11/17/2017

Responsible for the final event: educators, children.

Day of week

Main part


DOW component





Morning exercises. Objectives: to develop physical activity, create a positive emotional attitude. Consideration of the thematic album: "Clothes" Game situation: dress the doll for a walk.

D / and "Find by description".

Objectives: To teach to relate

CGN. Continue to teach children to gently wash their hands and face without splashing water, wipe dry with a towel and hang it in its place.

Introduce a doll with a set of clothes into the object environment. Replenish the book corner with books on the topic of the week.

Preparation for the role-playing game "Family"

Monday 11/13/17

GCD: 1. Development of speech. "What shall we wear for a walk?" N. Golitsyna p. 42

Help remember the dressing sequence. Encourage the use of the names of clothing items in speech. Exercise in the correct use of the verb "put on" in the present and past tense. Learn to pronounce phrases with different voice strengths.


Watching the clouds.

Purpose: to form the concept of clouds and clouds. Under. the game "Run to me". Purpose: to learn to navigate by sound, move towards sound. Labor: clear the snow from the bench. Purpose: to encourage independent fulfillment of elementary assignments, to provide assistance to adults. Card index of walks November №2.

Individual work on the development of movements: "Bunnies-jumping" - to teach to jump in one place. Attract Misha, Roma.

Situational conversation about what clothes to wear when it's cold

Purpose: the development of speech through questions and answers.

With the help of external material, create conditions for independent play activities in the sandbox.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics. Head massage. Hardening procedures. Preventive actions. Exercise for the eyes.

Individual working with Nicole. Purpose: to consolidate the concept of one - many.

CHL: learn a new finger game "Washing"

Wash cleanly - imitation wash

Shirt, blouse and T-shirt,

Sweater and trousers -

My hands are tired! - shake hands

Games in the gaming corner by interests.

GOD: Physical training. Lizane p. 33.


Continue cloud observation. Draw the attention of children to the sky. Gray, dark clouds move over it, they are called clouds. They float low above the ground, it rains or snows from them. Under. game "Catch me" Card file walks November № 2.

Individual work on the development of speech with Maxim, Nicole finger game "Cabbage" Strengthen the ability to clearly pronounce words and accompany them with movements.

Strengthen the ability to independently remove clothes and carefully hang them on chairs.

Create conditions for organized motor activity.


Role-playing game "Family"

D / and "Find by description".

Objectives: To teach to relate

a descriptive story with a picture in the picture (pictures of clothes).

Labor errands - collect the cubes.

Working with parents:

Involve parents in sewing seasonal clothes for dolls.

Day of week

Main part


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

National and cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in times of security


Morning exercises. Objectives: to develop physical activity, create a positive emotional attitude. Consideration of the album "Autumn Clothes" Purpose: to develop speech, enrich children's vocabulary with nouns (hat, jacket, pants)

D / N: "What is the name in the picture" Purpose: enrichment of the vocabulary on the topic of the week.

D / and say hello to the toy. Purpose: to teach children to say words of greeting.

Free activities in the play corner.

Purpose: To provide an emotionally positive state of children in games and in other types of independent activities.


GOD: 1.Muse. class

According to the plan of a specialist.

2. Cognition (FTSKM and IC). "How is Masha doll dressed?" N. Golitsyna p. 34

Clarify ideas about clothes, about the purpose, colors of things. Learn to memorize the sequence of dressing. Learn to distinguish and name the color blue.


Observation of trees - to draw the attention of children to branches without leaves, to tell that trees shed their leaves for the winter; cultivate respect for trees. Under. game "Catch me" - exercise children in running and walking in a certain direction. Labor: helping the janitor in cleaning the site - to foster a desire to help adults. Card index of walks November № 8.

Individual work. Conversation "What are the names of your relatives?"

Situational conversation: "what comes first - what then" - to teach the order of dressing and undressing.

With the help of external material, create conditions for the development of play activities.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics. Objectives: to develop physical activity, create a positive emotional attitude. Walking massage paths.

Individual Job. with Ralina, Vika - game "Dress up a doll". Objectives: to consolidate items of clothing, encourage repetition of words, teach to understand and follow instructions.

Listening to the children's song "Chicken" Learn to listen carefully to the end. Talk about the content of the song.

Did. game "Multi-colored caps" Purpose: to consolidate the ability to find and name the desired color; develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

NOD: Musical development

According to the plan of a specialist.


Continue observing living objects of nature - trees. Examine the trunk and branches. Under. game "Oh, the birds were flying" To reinforce the ability to move in accordance with the text. Card index of walks October № 10.

Individual work: game exercise "Along a flat path" To strengthen the ability to walk and run in a circle.

To form the ability to take soap from a soap dish, with the help of an adult to soap hands.

Portable material for the organization of labor in nature and games. Promote the ability to play amicably.


Unite children in pairs and teach interaction in games with one object (roll a ball to each other, give a doll).

Individual modeling work with Vika, Lyova, Ralina. Strengthen the ability to tear off plasticine and roll it into a ball.

Labor - to teach to maintain order in the playroom, at the end of the games to arrange the play material in places.

Board games of choice for children.

Working with parents:

Consultation for parents "What do we do in music lessons"

Day of week

Main part


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

National and cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in times of security


Morning exercises in the group to create a positive emotional mood in the group.

Conversation "In what clothes did you come to the garden (group)"

Didactic game "Clothes". Purpose: to repeat the names of the garments.

Strengthen the ability to eat with a spoon, use a napkin as needed.

Board-printed games.

Wednesday 11/15/17

GCD: 1.CHHL. Russian folk nursery rhyme "Our Masha is Little"

N. Golitsyna p. 37

To consolidate the knowledge of the names of clothing items, colors. Evoke an emotional response to reading a nursery rhyme, a desire to convey content in motion. Encourage to repeat the nursery rhyme, conveying intonation of admiration.


Observation of ice in puddles. Draw the attention of children to the changes that have occurred in nature. Subv. the game "Through the brook" - to develop the ability to move in a certain direction, jump on two legs with moving forward. Labor: we collect pebbles in a bucket - to teach to carry out the simplest assignments. Card index of walks November №10.

Individual work. Game exercise "Find a toy" - to teach how to independently navigate in space.

CGN: to form the ability to behave correctly in the washroom - not to make noise, do not push, do not spray water, wipe your hands dry.

Portable material: buckets, scoops, ball.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics. Walking barefoot on a massage mat. Preventive actions. Exercises for prof. colds.

Drawing work "Let's draw rain" Learn to hold a pencil correctly, draw straight short lines, filling the entire sheet. Attract Ralina, Nikita, Maxim.

Staging of the fairy tale "Kolobok". Purpose: To help children remember a fairy tale better, to arouse a desire to reproduce dialogues between fairy-tale characters.

Games with Lego constructor at the table. Develop perseverance, the ability to create simple crafts.

GOD: Musical entertainment.

According to the plan of a specialist.


Continue observing ice in puddles. Draw the attention of children to the properties of ice (cold, slippery). Subv. game "Chicken"

Children's independent games under the supervision of a teacher.

Card index of walks November №10.

"Find your towel" with Nikita, Masha. Purpose: education of Ph.D., the ability to find your towel to properly wipe your hands.

Labor: teach children to clean chairs after dinner.

With the help of external material, create conditions for independent play activities during a walk.


Game situation "We wash the doll's dress" Purpose: to form the ability to communicate with adults and with peers; enrich and activate the dictionary: dress, socks, hat, soak, soap, wash - wash, rinse - rinse, dry - dry, clean clothes.

Sensory development "Collect the pyramid" Purpose: to teach children to collect the pyramid from a large ring to a small one.

A fun game with balloons. Objectives: to provide prevention of neuropsychic stress during the adaptation period.

Independent activities of children in activity centers. Learn to play together.

Working with parents:

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Day of week


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

National and cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in times of security


Morning exercises in the group.

A conversation about why you need to wear a hat and mittens.

Examination and study of the rings of the pyramids for the perception of color, shape. D / game "Colored rings".

To consolidate the skill of neat eating - do not talk with your mouth full, do not wave a spoon.

Board game "Mosaic" Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Thursday 16.10.17

GCD: 1. Modeling. "Masha's beautiful fur coat" by N. Golitsyn p. 39

Exercise in reading nursery rhymes. To consolidate the knowledge of colors, the ability to use their names in speech, to consolidate the knowledge of the concepts "above - below". Strengthen the ability to roll plasticine with direct movements between the palms.


Snow observation - to form elementary ideas about changes in nature. Labor: let's sweep around the gazebo - to involve in the execution of assignments. Under. game "Bubble" Card file walks November № 11.

Game exercise "Autumn Leaves" Purpose: to teach to move in accordance with the text. Involve everyone.

Learn to take off clothes on their own, turn them out, hang them neatly on chairs.

Independent activities of children on the site with portable material. Purpose: to foster independence in the organization of joint activities.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics. Walking massage paths. Hardening procedures.

Dice games at the tables. To teach to play together, to share cubes with a friend.

CHL: A. Barto: "Masha is confused."

Independent drawing with colored pencils.

GCD: Physical education. Lizane p. 33

Exercise in walking on a limited surface, repeat crawling and crawling under a stick, exercise in throwing a ball, develop orientation in space.


Continue snow observation. Under. game "We clap our hands" Independent games with portable material under the supervision of a teacher. Card index of walks November № 11.

Individual working with Masha - the game "Taking out and examining toys." Purpose: to teach to take out objects, to form coordination of hand movements.

A situational conversation about the need to eat everything that is given in the kindergarten is good for health.

Portable material for games on the site - shovels, buckets, cars.


Acquaintance of children with musical instruments - rattles and spoons. Strengthen the ability to properly hold and play instruments.

Didactic game "Bring an object of the same color" - to consolidate the ability to distinguish colors.

Musical and rhythmic compositions. Strengthen the ability to move in accordance with the lyrics.

Construction from cubes. Purpose: to teach how to build paths by applying cubes.

Working with parents:

Consultation for parents "Puppet Theater"

Day of week

Main part


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

National and cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in times of security


Morning exercises Objectives: development of physical qualities;

accumulation and enrichment of motor experience. Conversation: "How I Collect a Friend for a Walk"

Didactic game "Buttons" Purpose: to consolidate the ability to name colors, to develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Situational conversation about respect for toys and books.

Invite the children to look at the illustrations in the books, draw the attention of the children to what the characters of fairy tales are wearing. Learn to name items of clothing and show them in pictures.

Friday 17.11.17

GCD: 1. Drawing. "Dress and shirt" N. Golitsyn p. 38

Exercise in the use of items of clothing, colors. Exercise in drawing with paints of two colors, consolidate the ability to draw straight lines, learn to touch the paper with the end of the brush. Reinforce gender perceptions.


Observing the weather of the day - to draw the attention of children to the fact that it is snowing, he covered the ground, grass. What colour is he? How does he feel? Labor: Sweeping the path from the snow - fostering the desire to work together. Under. game "Little gray bunny sits" Card file walks November № 12.

Individual work on ATS: "Aim more accurately" - to develop an eye, accuracy. Attract boys.

Incentive conversation ”we take off our shoes on our own after a walk, and carefully put them on a special place (shelf).

Creation of conditions for gaming activities. Purpose: to encourage children to organize games, find something to do with their interests, develop imagination.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Massage of the chest area.

Hardening procedures. Walking on the massage track.

Didactic exercise "Where is whose clothes?" Involve everyone. Strengthen the ability to recognize and name items of your clothing.

CHL: reading Russian folk song "Like our cat".

D / and "Cut pictures".

Purpose: to form an idea of ​​the subject as a whole; to teach to correlate the image of a representation with a holistic image of a real object;


To continue observing the weather - to form elementary ideas about changes in nature. Under. game "Sparrows and the car" - to train children in running in different directions, without bumping into each other, in the ability to start movement and change it at the signal of the teacher. Card index of walks November № 12.

Work on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills: independently go to the potty.

Situational conversation: we repeat the rules of behavior at the table, observe silence while eating, do not distract others at the table.

Self-guided walking activities. Role-playing games at the request of children.


Role-playing game "Clothing store" Purpose: to form the concept of the generalizing word "Clothes", to clarify which clothes girls wear and which boys wear.

Individual work with Lyova, Maxim, Nicole, "Rattle" game. Purpose: to teach how to hold a toy in your hand and play to the music.

Game: "Assignment" Purpose: to teach children to put their toys in place. Follow the instructions of the teacher.

Tidy up the boys' play area:

Arrange the cars;

Make cubes neatly; - assemble the constructor into the box.

Working with parents:

Sliding folder “Seasons. Autumn"

Topic: "Ice - water"

Goals. Development of ideas about melting ice, about turning ice into water, about winter

and summer. Formation of the "transformation" action. Developing the ability to transform. Develop logical thinking, the ability to establish causal relationships. Cultivate interest in natural phenomena. Continue to develop the speech of children, expand their vocabulary, improve the grammatical structure of speech.

I Create motivation for GCD.

Educator. Guys, last time we talked about transformations. Who can tell me what can transform? What are the transformations?

Children. Small to large! Brother Ivanushka has turned into a kid!

Educator. Very good. We also turned a plasticine cube into a ball. What plasticine was at first?(Solid.) That's right, firm, and then you crumpled and crumpled it with your hands and what did it look like?(Soft.) What else is soft?(Plasticine. Pillow. Toys.) What is solid? (A pebble. A tree.)Do you think solid can turn into something? Let's see.

The teacher distributes ice packs to the children and says: “Well, what do you have, touch, feel.(It's ice.) What ice does it feel like?(Hard, cold.)The ice is cold, but what are your palms?(Warm.) The ice is cold, the palms are warm. Let's see what happens from cold ice in warm palms! Let's warm the ice! "

Children warm ice in their palms, water appears.

II Implementation of activities.

Educator. Where did the water come from?(Ice made water.)Did the ice stay the same?(The pieces became small.)What does the ice turn into?

Children. Ice turns to water.

Children. You need to draw an arrow.

The child (optional) comes out and draws an arrow.

Educator. Well done. We drew an arrow and the picture shows that the ice is turning into water. When does the ice melt?(When it's warm.) When can you see ice?(In winter.) And what happens in winter?(Snow, cold, ice.)And when there is no snow and ice?(Summer.) Right! It is warm here in summer, and in winter ...(Coldly.) It rains in summer, you can swim, and in winter ...

(In winter, snow, ice on the river.) When does ice appear on the river?(When it's cold.) When does ice turn to water?(When it's warm.) It means: when it's cold - ice, when it's warm - water.

The teacher demonstrates pictures depicting the same landscape at different times of the year: winter and summer. (In the first picture there is a river, the sun, the river bank in flowers, children are swimming in the river. In the second picture there is a frozen river, it is snowing, the river bank is in snowdrifts, children are skating on the ice of the river.) Asks: “What is drawn in the first picture?(Winter.) And for the second? (Summer.) In the first picture, what's on the river? What do children ride on?(On ice.) And in this picture, what's in

the river? (Water.) Do you think the children in the second picture are cold? Are they freezing? That's right, they are warm. Why is it warm?(Because the sun is shining.)Is it cold or warm in the first picture?(Coldly.)

In conclusion, the teacher invites the children to play the already familiar game "On the contrary" and says "Bolshoi".(Small.)

- Heavy. (Light.)

- Cold. (Warm. Hot.)

- Winter. (Summer.)

- Warmly. (Coldly.)

- Ice. (Water.) And so on.