Indications for facial peeling in the salon. Peeling with lactic acid

Regardless of their age, women are always very sensitive to facial skin care procedures. Many people choose to do this at home using old proven folk recipes. But modern cosmetology is improving its methods and making procedures more and more effective. One of the points in proper facial skin care is peeling.

What kind of peeling can the salon offer?

Peeling is a complex of procedures for cleansing the face from dead skin scales and waste products. In addition, after such a manipulation, increased production of collagen and elastin is triggered, which helps to smooth wrinkles and increase the tone of the facial skin.

Facial peeling, in the salon, is presented in three main options:

  1. To influence the upper layers of the skin, carry out superficial peeling... Its goal is to combat acne, the first age-related changes. They are used most often for oily skin, and also as a preparatory stage for moisturizing. This light facial peeling in the salon is done with fruit acids, mechanical and ultrasonic methods.
  2. Peeling of the middle layers of the skin - median- is made using a laser device. This type of peeling is recommended in the presence of age-related changes, scars, sagging skin, as well as before plastic surgery.
  3. The most effective and aggressive - deep peeling... This type of face peeling is not done in the salon, because it has a high risk of complications and is performed under general anesthesia in a hospital setting, with the help of chemicals. It can help you get rid of deep wrinkles,

Exfoliation of dead skin cells with the simultaneous use of special products is called peeling. This procedure can be of different types and categories, among which chemical peeling is popular.

This process involves the effect of special chemical compounds on the skin of a woman's face. As a result of this influence, a serious softening of the main stratum corneum occurs on the skin, and then its soft discharge simultaneously with all impurities, skin secretions and various inflammation-causing bacteria. The procedure is carried out maybe not only in specialized salons, but also at home.

The main types of chemical peels

Like all cosmetology manipulations have varying degrees of influence. This principle makes it possible to distinguish three types of high-quality face cleansing. These are such types of peels as:

  1. Superficial high-quality peeling that has a direct effect on the upper skin, more precisely, its horny part. The method is the most gentle, it can very often be carried out independently at home. Actions of such a plan do not affect the normal life rhythm, but at the same time it ideally helps to heal your skin and get rid of some problems. There is no persistence of the result, therefore the courses need to be repeated quite often.
  2. Medium peeling characterized by deeper influence. In this case, not only the stratum corneum is touched, but also the basement membrane. After such an operation, there is a reddening of the face and a fairly strong exfoliation, therefore, it is required to spend about a week at home. the procedure is not carried out at home, only by a professional in a special salon. In addition to eliminating certain problems, you can get a fairly persistent and effective cleansing anti-aging effect.
  3. Deep peeling that causes strong rejection of the upper epidermis. The manipulation requires strictly general anesthesia, as it is a real chemical burn to the face. In this case rehabilitative the period can be up to five months, but it is most effective in the presence of sufficiently deep wrinkles, scars and scars.

It is strictly forbidden to do any form of peeling if a girl or woman has recently sunbathed under the sun or in a solarium.

Basic indications and contraindications to the procedure

The main indications for chemical peeling include the following factors:

  • problem skin;
  • strong pigmentation of the stratum corneum;
  • decrease in skin tone, as well as its elasticity;
  • peeling effectively removes folds, wrinkles and laxity;
  • ingrown hair and the presence of small scars;
  • increased oily skin with enlarged pores, as well as sebaceous plugs;
  • dull and uneven complexion.

As can be seen from all that has been said, there are a lot of indications, but there are also certain contraindications... Peeling should not be carried out in the presence of viral diseases, during pregnancy, in the presence of oncological and mental pathologies.

How does peeling work?

Regardless of where the procedure is performed - at home or in the salon - its effect is approximately the same. After applying a certain product to the surface of the skin, a reaction takes place on it, that is, a chemical burn occurs. As a result, tissues and cells begin to secrete anti-inflammatory enzymes, cells divide, and as a result, the synthesis of collagen and elastane is significantly accelerated. In addition, there are such positive actions for the skin as:

  • completely new ones replace old cells;
  • the skin becomes denser, it stretches;
  • the epithelium is updated, its appearance improves;
  • stretch marks, scars and traces of acne completely disappear;
  • the face becomes very smooth and fresh, and its tone becomes even;
  • the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

It is worth knowing that the peeling will sooner or later lead to the tissue drying out. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a certain time period between procedures and to carry out high-quality moisturizing to heal the epidermis.

The main stages of the procedure

When carrying out peeling in salon conditions, special training is mandatory, and the rehabilitation period, where certain care is required, is also important. Pre-peeling preparation is required in order to flatten the underlying stratum corneum and increase tissue permeability. For this purpose, one or another chemical composition or a simpler fruit acid is applied to the epidermis for a couple of weeks. Only after that the procedure itself is carried out directly.

The procedure itself is best carried out in a beauty salon, since a professional, after examining the condition of the skin, will select an acid or a combination of several elements at once. At the same time, the exposure time of the composition on the skin, as well as the total number of layers, is selected.

The more correctly the composition is chosen, the greater the effect in terms of rejuvenation can be achieved.

After the holding time, the mass is removed with a special neutralizer. If the procedure is carried out at home, a special garden solution may be contained as this composition.

As for the post-procedural care, it is very important, as this will help to effectively consolidate the positive result obtained, as well as to avoid possible complications. To significantly speed up the epithelialization process, it is worth using special soothing masks, as well as good moisturizers.

Chemical peels are burns that cause severe sun sensitivity. It is for this reason that the use of special sunscreens is imperative.

What acids are used for peeling?

As a rule, acids of different composition have different effects on the skin, penetrate into the skin at different depths. The deepest effect can be achieved with phenol peeling, which is equivalent to surgery. One procedure is able to clean up to 10 years of age.

A chemical peel is usually done at home. Here, fruit acids or special calcium chloride are taken as a basis. Such compositions can be purchased already in a completely finished form, and you can also use recipes based on natural ingredients. If there is no desire to risk doing the procedure at home, it is worth giving preference not to pure acids, but to the products in which they are contained.

If you want to peel yourself at home, you must first consult with specialists. A professional, after conducting special studies, will understand what type of skin the skin belongs to. Based on this, the best option for cleansing the face is selected. Individual consultation is advantageous in that an individual program of daily quality care is developed.

Important points

Some women, after a procedure performed once in the salon, after studying information on the network, try to carry it out at home without consultation and preparation, which often leads to certain problems.

All forms of peeling - chemical, mechanical and mixed - are stressful for the whole body, therefore it is worth taking into account certain useful tips:

  1. It is worth setting aside a certain number of hours for yourself in order to slowly carry out the correct preparation for the peeling, the cleansing process itself and the subsequent care.
  2. In domestic conditions, pure acids should not be used, but they should be replaced with safer drugs - fruits, vegetables, nuts and essential oils.
  3. If, nevertheless, preference was given to acid, it must be remembered that before rinsing it off with water, it must be neutralized so that it does not burn the skin.
  4. It is recommended to use special home exfoliation kits. They are easy to use, just apply them to the skin and just follow the instructions.
  5. It is important to ensure that all ingredients are fully matched to a specific skin type.
  6. Chemical peeling is a rather aggressive procedure, so it should not be abused.

If you follow certain rules, peeling correctly and regularly, you can keep the freshness and youthfulness of the skin for a long time.

We used to think that skin peeling necessarily involves the use of special masks and scrubs. Of course, these methods work well on the skin, but they can rather be considered caring procedures. The constant use of these special products helps to preserve the beauty of the skin and slightly improve its condition. However, home peeling of the face cannot eliminate serious skin defects, because the most effective types of it are carried out only in beauty salons.

Facial peeling in the salon effective in the fight against wrinkles and hyperpigmentation, uneven skin surface, scars, acne, acne. It is also used for very oily skin, enlarged pores and a dull complexion. In addition to solving the above problems, face peeling, the price of which in the Ma Cherie salon will pleasantly surprise you, gives a clearly visibleanti-aging effect and improves the appearance of the skin. It acquires an even matte color, becomes smooth and stops peeling. In response to the traumatic effect of peeling, the skin triggers regeneration mechanisms, synthesizes elastin and collagen. The skin tightens, becomes elastic, looks fresher and more attractive.

When to start peeling your face?

Many women mistakenly believe that up to 30 years of age, facial skin does not require any special interventions and a visit to a beautician can be postponed until noticeable wrinkles appear. But any problem is easier to prevent than fix. Therefore, there is no need to wait until the face is covered with a noticeable layer of keratinized cells, loses its natural color and becomes rough. It is better to get rid of old cells in time, then the skin will be young and elastic longer. In addition, medical peeling in the salon for problem skin with acne is recommended even at the age of 15. As for the depth of impact - after 30 years, it is recommended to carry out only superficial peels, after 40 - middle peels, and only after 55 years are deep peels shown.

Types of skin peeling are divided not only by the intensity of the action, but also by the method of removing worn-out cells (hardware, mechanical and chemical).

Mechanical peeling

This type of peeling, the price of which is lower than other methods, involves the use of devices such as metal, nylon brushes or special devices that spray abrasive microparticles on the skin under high pressure. Considering that dermabrasion is, in fact, cutting off a layer of dead skin cells, it is contraindicated for people with thin and sensitive skin. Mechanical peeling evens out the surface and improves skin color, eliminates fine wrinkles or pockmarks, shallow scars and hyperpigmentation. It is also an excellent preparation of the skin for the application of therapeutic serums and masks. The disadvantage of this method is pain.

Laser peeling

The main advantage of a laser is the ability to act on specific the area of ​​skin so that the border between the treated and untreated area is almost invisible. Laser peeling of the skin well removes shallow fine wrinkles, age spots and the effects of acne. However, the results of using the laser are noticeable only after 7-10 days for superficial peeling and several months for deep peeling. Laser face peeling in the salon carried out under local anesthesia, since the procedure is quite painful. Besides, this is one of the most expensive types of peeling.

Ultrasonic peeling

It removes dead cells and improves blood circulation. Skin is tightened, rejuvenated and naturally hydrated. Ultrasound tones facial muscles and stimulates the supply of oxygen to the skin. Such peeling of the skin cleanses it of impurities and sebum, removes acne.

Chemical peeling

Chemical peelingthe most popular way to remove dead skin particles. It consists in treating the skin with weak solutions of chemically active substances that dissolve old cells. The skin becomes fresher, its relief is leveled, pigmentation is reduced and the complexion is noticeably improved. This peeling of the skin restores its natural moisture and prevents acne breakouts. The procedure is carried out for any type of skin, but it is especially good for oily and porous skin with a tendency to breakouts. Chemical peels in a beauty salon can be used quite often. Its most sparing form - superficial - does not require a rehabilitation period and is usually done in a course of 5-10 procedures.

You shouldn't think that peeling skin- just a fashionable procedure. Having tried it on yourself at least once, you will certainly notice an improvement in the quality of your skin, and the admiring glances of others will be the best reward for your efforts!

Some time ago, the beauty market was literally shaken by a revolutionary method of skin cleansing called face peeling.

Today, this procedure is the basic one for any beauty parlor.

The effectiveness of skin resurfacing using the peeling method has long been expertly proven, but the spores around it do not subside.

Visitors to beauty salons, first of all, are concerned about the safety and feasibility of using this method of face correction.

Tales about the allegedly catastrophic consequences from him, deformities and health problems have become classics of the genre.

Search engines for face peeling videos and photos are the most ambiguous.

Most of all doubts are caused by its use at home.

Let's figure out what a real full-fledged high-quality peeling is and how to choose the right version of this procedure for yourself.

Safe face peeling in the salon and at home

The peeling procedure is not only useful and effective, but also perfectly safe, subject to a competent approach and an adequate understanding of it. At the same time, the place of its holding (salon or home bathroom) is not so much important as knowledge of the basic rules.

Peeling implies a serious effect on the human body in general and specifically on the skin.

We are talking about deep cleansing and resurfacing of the face, removing the flaky layer of the epidermis using various means and techniques: biological, mechanical, physical, chemical.

In the salons, prices for the face peeling service are set different, depending on the complexity of the correction method. There are especially expensive newfangled options, for example, liquid nitrogen or phenol peels.

Home skin cleansing is always cheaper, but the choice of available products is significantly limited.

For the safe use of a particular recipe, you need to know the general and specific contraindications to the peeling procedure at home.

So, skin grinding is not allowed:

  • if your skin is easily susceptible to irritation;
  • if the skin is dry, thin and tight;
  • if you suffer from acne or any other skin condition;
  • if you are allergic to any of the components of the product.

Private recommendations are individual. So, delicate skin requires a more gentle option, for example, fruit enzyme peeling or superficial microdermabrasion. For severely flaky faces, a harsh chemical method such as a trichloroacetic acid scrub is suitable.

Radical laser peeling of the face before and after the scrub is best used for especially contaminated problem skin. When an individual reaction to the components of a particular peeling appears, it is necessary to change the technique.

The effect of using facial peels

Quality peeling of the face, as a rule, has only positive reviews.

This method works, as they say, on all fronts: cleanses and tones, polishes and rejuvenates, whitens and revitalizes the skin.

As a result of scraping off dead cells of the epidermis, the face takes on a fresh, youthful and blooming appearance.

The skin becomes silky smooth, the tone is matte and even, and scars and wrinkles are less visible.

All this is just an external picture of the peeling work. In fact, the effect of this procedure is much deeper.

As a result of the correction, blood circulation on the surface of the face is enhanced, the respiratory functions of the epidermis are improved, toxins and slags are removed, the outflow of sebum is stimulated, and metabolic processes are activated.

Professional products gently remove greasy plugs, so unloved by all women "black spots". It is enough to monitor a photo peeling on the Internet on request - the effect is obvious.

Hard, soft and medium salon facial peeling

The most rude and risky peeling methods are mechanical, laser and phenolic procedures. It is simply unrealistic to use them at home.

We are talking about specialized cosmetology care provided in rooms equipped with special equipment. This is a separate type of peeling, operational, which has little in common with the standard concept of this procedure.

Here no questions arise, like: how often can such a peeling for the face be used?

Cosmetologists warn about the risk of traumatic defects and hyperpigmentation as a result of correction.

The most gentle types of procedures are microdermabrasion and peeling with fruit acids.

This is the so-called superficial exfoliation of the skin of the face. As a rule, it is recommended for people with oily skin and thickened stratum corneum.

Opinions about soft correction as a way to deal with age spots and wrinkles are often divided. On the contrary, some experts claim that it leads to aging and uneven skin tone.

The best option is the so-called medium peeling, or chemical cleaning with trichloroacetic acid. This is not as radical a method for wrinkles as laser or phenol, but its effect is comparable to plastic surgery. It is often used to remove stretch marks.

Facial peels are used in the salon and at home by millions of women around the world. And each of them has its own firm opinion, which of the methods is the best and proven effective.

This choice is very individual, but it is made traditionally by trial and error.
