Self-massage and acupressure for preschoolers. Game exercises "Acupressure

A newborn baby, despite the apparent weakness, already has a powerful defense against various viruses. He received this protection from his mother in the form of antibodies. A powerful influx of health is carried out through breastfeeding, so in the first months of life, babies rarely get colds. But the time is coming for the formation of your own immune system, and here it is important to make sure that the healing methods are the most effective for your child.

Everyone knows that any hardening methods must be carried out gradually so as not to harm the baby. The child must first be prepared for hardening procedures. Experts recommend doing this with a massage. The most popular today is acupressure of biologically active points of the body according to the system of Professor Alla Alekseevna UMANSKAYA.

The essence of the method lies in the impact of fingers on 9 bioactive point zones on the baby's body. These points are like buttons on a remote control that controls the entire body. During the finger massage, irritation of the receptors of the skin, muscles, tendons, fingers occurs, the impulses from which pass simultaneously to the brain and spinal cord, and from there the command is already received to engage in the work of various organs and structures. Massage increases the protective properties of the membranes of the nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and other organs. Under the influence of massage, the body begins to produce its own drugs (for example, interferon), which are often much more effective and safer than pills.

Before proceeding with acupressure according to this technique, answer these questions:

1. Do you have the patience daily for many months do this massage to your child?

2. Are you always find time for it?

If at least one of the questions made you think, then this method is not for you. Yes, the results of its use are simply amazing: massage helps to cure many diseases, the child simply stops getting sick, becomes much calmer, sleeps and eats better, develops physically faster. But the method works only with regular use. If you start and then quit, you will only disorganize the baby's immune system. Acupressure should become a habit, like washing your face in the morning.

If you answered “yes” to all questions without hesitation, then your determination to seriously engage in the development of your baby is respected. You just have to learn the techniques and read the recommendations of A.A. Umanskaya.

point 1- the area of ​​​​the entire sternum, which is associated with the mucous membrane of the trachea, bronchi, and bone marrow. When massaging this point, coughing decreases, blood formation improves.

point 2- associated with the mucous membrane of the lower parts of the pharynx, larynx, as well as the thymus (thymus gland), which regulates the body's immune functions.

Point 3- associated with special formations that control the chemical composition of the blood and at the same time increase the protective properties of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx. Massage of this point improves blood circulation, metabolism, hormone production.

Point 4- associated with the mucous membrane of the posterior wall of the pharynx, larynx and the upper cervical sympathetic ganglion. Massaging this point activates the blood supply to the head, neck, and torso.

Point 5- located in the region of 7 cervical and 1 thoracic vertebrae. It is connected with the mucous membrane of the trachea, pharynx, esophagus, and most importantly - with the lower cervical sympathetic ganglion. Massage of this point contributes to the normalization of the activity of blood vessels, heart, bronchi, lungs.

Point 6- associated with the anterior and middle lobes of the pituitary gland. Massage of this point improves the blood supply to the nasal mucosa, maxillary cavities, and most importantly the pituitary gland. Breathing through the nose becomes free, the runny nose disappears.

Point 7- associated with the mucous membrane of the lattice formations of the nasal cavity and frontal sinuses, as well as with the frontal parts of the brain. Massage of this point improves blood circulation of the mucous membrane of the upper parts of the nasal cavity, as well as the area of ​​the eyeball and the frontal parts of the brain. Vision improves, mental development is stimulated.

Point 8- massage of this point, located in the region of the ear tragus, has a positive effect on the organ of hearing and the vestibular apparatus.

Point 9- massage of this zone on the hands normalizes many functions of the body, tk. human hands through the cervical spinal cord and certain areas of the cerebral cortex are connected with all of the above points.


How to influence bioactive points

Push down on the skin with the pads of one or more fingers. A weaker effect is for preventive purposes, the maximum is for therapeutic purposes. Then do rotational (like screw) movement - 9 times to the left, and the same number to the right - and go to the next zone. You can start counting "one and two, one and two" - this is exactly the range in which our autonomic nervous system works.

Symmetric zones 3 and 4 are massaged differently. To do this, simultaneously with two hands do rubbing movements fingers (always top to bottom!) from the back to the front of the neck.

Other symmetrical zones (6, 7, 8) also massage at the same time.

Order of influence

It is necessary to influence biozones in a certain order . Always start in zone 1 and then work your way up to zones 2, 3, etc. You cannot swap them, otherwise the effect of your classes will be incomplete. Each system of the body must “turn on” in a timely manner in order to influence other organs and systems.

The most problematic areas should be massaged more often. In order to detect them, conduct an examination of the baby's body: Gently, very gently press the area of ​​​​the sternum, neck, face. spine, buttocks, arms and legs of the child. If the child does not respond to touch in any way, that is, behaves as usual, calmly, then we can assume that everything is in order in this area. If the child cries, tries to dodge, then no effort is needed. It is easy enough to touch one or another zone to understand whether it is really more sensitive than neighboring ones. Then special attention during massage - to her, until the reaction of the baby you understand that the pain has passed.

  • Before starting classes with a child, you need to prepare a little: cut your nails, wash your hands thoroughly, lubricate them with a nourishing cream and warm them.

  • Before applying the technique to your baby, try it on yourself first.

  • You can start acupressure already on the 3rd day after birth. As the child grows, involve him in the procedure. From the age of 3 months, apply children's fingers to the biozones on the breast, neck, near the nose, ears and massage them together, count aloud. If you follow this recommendation, the baby will be able to influence his biozones on his own already at 7-8 months! It is never too late to start a massage, and if your child has grown up, read him a poem written by Alla Alekseevna at the same time as the massage. Such accompaniment will make the procedure an exciting game.

On the edge of the forest
The animals have gathered.
Surprise cat
Posted ad:

"What is the influenza virus,
How to protect yourself from bronchitis
Come old and young!
Let's give everyone a health lesson!"

Magpies have arrived
The white-flanks crackled.
And one sits silently:
Her throat hurts.

The bear roared in the den.
He became old. Grumbles in alarm:
"What can a cat give?"
But he is afraid of being late.

Here came the fox with the cub,
A hedgehog with a hedgehog, a mole with a mole.
A frog barely crawled:
My ear hurts so much today!

The elephant's nose does not breathe.
The mouse suffers from coughing.
Breaks the body of a walrus.
The hedgehog's legs hurt.

"Teach us, aunt cat,
Help us a little!"
The cat brought out the kittens
I planted it in a row.

Arched back
And shook her head.

I'll tell you animals
How do kittens behave?
So as not to sour, not to get sick,
And play and sing all day long.

We all know how useful
Run, jump and dive
tumble, tumble
And sunbathe under the sun.

Why is it really
In the summer we lie in bed?
The nose does not breathe, it breaks the body,
Cough chokes every now and then

Head hurts and ears
And toys do not please
And a meringue cake.
The cold has overcome us
Under the name of ORZ.

And fly, fly weeks
Well, we lie in bed
Because, unfortunately,
There was a complication.

Noise in the heart, pain in the joints,
Here you will cry involuntarily.
What is an ORZ?
Apparently not everyone knows.

Our world has a kingdom
Its inhabitants cannot be counted:
On the ground and here and there
They are called viruses.

Both dangerous and treacherous
And they are invisible
Very small, but everywhere:
On land and under water

In the sky, beyond the clouds
You and your mom
Both aunt and uncle
And grandfather with a beard.

daily, hourly,
Very scary and dangerous
There is an invisible battle going on with him.

Who is fighting the virus
Who cares about health
Day-to-day and night does not sleep?

Be kind, aunt cat,
Tell us a little
What kind of watchman is this?
What are they guarding in us?

It's not easy for you to answer.
To understand correctly
We must start with the alphabet,
And her, as they say,
We all need to create.

So that everyone can learn
Be healthy, don't get sick
We need this, animals,
Want very much.

But let's continue our lesson!
Sit closer my friend
Imagine our bodyThis is a whole country.

It is made up of cells.
Cells are cities.
Every city guards
The blood cell is a lymphocyte.

And each, my friend,
There is a call on the skin!

Our body is very complex
You have to be careful with him.
If you have been lazy since childhood,
Eat a lot, sleepy all day

You rarely exercise
Your body is not right.

Your lymphocyte is a little alive:
half asleep and sick
Guards his city.
Well, what kind of watch is he?

Sleeping in the service all day long!

A terrible virus enters the cell,
Bypasses all possessions.
He sees that everyone here is sleeping peacefully,
You can build viruses.

Hundreds, thousands, millions.
Here he is again strong.
Gathers his army
Starts to fight.

That's why it's very important
With him to fight bravely,
To sour, not to get sick,
Live, love, dance and sing,

tumble, tumble
And sunbathe under the sun.
All week mom and dad
Help with the housework!

But the animals are already grumbling:
"You speak incomprehensibly."
And the bear worries:
"Teach me how not to get sick!"

We are all different, but still
We have the same.
There are eyes, and a mouth, and ears.
Shut up, magpie, listen!

To defeat the virus
It is necessary to know from childhood firmly:
If the cell is sick
She sends signals boldly.

And on the skin from bells
Circles appear.
If you press the circle,
The pain will come, my friend!

Don't be afraid, don't yawn
Help the cells quickly!

The animals are surprised
"How is that, guys?
How can I help myself?
How to drive diseases away?

Do you ever want to get sick?
The animals answer: "Yes, yes, yes!"

Only Required
Listen carefully.
I'll tell you a secret:
There is no difficulty in studying.

Cough, runny nose and otitis media
Treats finger-Aibolit.
Foxes and bunnies,
Get your fingers ready!

We are looking for a circle with a finger,
Click on the bell
Turn left nine times
Let's get rid of the virus.

Turn right nine times
Kills the virus! Bravo!
One, two, three, yes, one, two, threeEnemies run away from us.

Only Required
Do everything diligently.

This finger is Aibolit
Heal us, heal us
From bronchitis, tracheitis,
Laryngitis and rhinitis.

Here for coughing, here for pain.
The nose of the baby elephant Kolya breathes.
Ears hear, legs dance.
Good for our animals!

Friendly, fun live,
They sing loud songs.

Check everything in order
Do your own massage

Your circle does not hurt,
Have fun, dance and sing.
sun, air and water,
Your finger is your friends.

Morning, evening and afternoon
One thing to keep in mind:
If you're doing a massage
Your guard is always on duty.

The first lesson started.
Give, children, only time.
Let's get together, I know
on the second lesson, friends.

Prepared Arina Mitrofanova

Dear readers!

Morning, you just woke up. Rub your palms together immediately to warm them up properly. Hands warmed up, blood ran through them - you can start the massage. Start in accordance with the numbering of points - the first, second and so on. Massage is performed in this way: with the tip of the index or middle finger, press on the area of ​​​​the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe desired point until a slight soreness appears. Then do nine rotational movements clockwise and nine counter-clockwise. The duration of exposure to each point is at least 18-20 seconds. Gradually increase the intensity of exposure.

Symmetrical zones 3 and 4 are massaged differently: they make rubbing movements with fingers from top to bottom, from the back of the neck to the front, simultaneously with both hands. This, in particular, activates the work of the thyroid gland, which is an important point: today, our body - however, as well as a child's - due to the catastrophically deteriorating environmental situation, an unreasonable burden falls, the loads increase, and in order to resist them, it is necessary, for better functioning of the thyroid gland.

At the same time, make warm-up movements along the upper chest: with the palm of your right hand from the left shoulder to the right armpit and the left hand from the right shoulder to the left armpit. Other symmetrical zones - points six, seven and eight - also massage simultaneously with both hands.

Have a massage for yourself - take on a son or daughter. In total, two procedures will take you no more than fifteen to twenty minutes, and you will bring great benefits to yourself and your child: by stretching these parts of the body well, you will quickly mobilize the body's defenses in this way.

If you find in yourself or in a child points with increased or sharply reduced pain sensitivity, this is a signal of trouble in the body. For example, if a similar thing manifested itself during the massage of point 1, “breakdowns” in the hematopoietic system, as well as inflammation of the trachea and bronchi, are possible; if in the area of ​​the second zone - you have a disorder with immunity, and so on. This means that these points need to be additionally massaged every forty minutes until the sensitivity is completely normalized.

It is best to do acupressure not only in the morning, but also during the day (if possible) and in the evening, that is, at least every five to six hours. In the morning, to quickly activate the body, you need to exert stronger pressure on the skin. Before going to bed, the effect is carried out with light, calm, non-intense movements, and it would be nice in combination with breathing exercises. By the way, such a massage in the evening perfectly prepares the child for sleep.

Very important advice: if, for example, there are flu patients in the family or there was an accidental contact with a flu patient on the street, in transport, at a party, it is necessary to increase the number of massage sessions - to conduct them every two to three hours. This greatly improves immunity, and therefore, it is much less likely that your child and you yourself will get sick.

Acupressure is contraindicated only when there are pustular skin lesions in the area of ​​massage zones, as well as moles, warts, neoplasms.

Legs, legs top, top, top
Dive quickly.
Pens, knobs clap, clap, clap
Clap quickly.
We stroke ears, eyebrows
We'll rub the nose
And together we will sing!

To always be healthy
We will sculpt with bears. (Squeeze and unclench fists)
Blind eyebrows and eyelashes
The nose will be like that of a bird.
We blind the forehead, cheeks, eyes.
We are magicians from a fairy tale!

The bunny went out into the meadow,
On the green coast.
(Smooth movements from the bridge of the nose to the ears)
Bunny rubs his nose
So that the nose does not freeze.
(Press with your fingers on the point at the wings of the nose)
Gray Bunny with us
Rubs over eyebrows.
(massage points at the inner ends of the eyebrows)
The mother said to the bunny
I need to rub my ears!

All week in order
The eyes are charging.
- On Monday, when you wake up,
Eyes smile at the sun
Look down at the grass
And back up.

Tuesday watch eyes
They look to and fro,
Walk left, walk right
They will never get tired.

On Wednesday we play hide and seek
We close our eyes tightly.
One two three four five,
Let's open our eyes.
We squint and open
So we continue the game.

On Thursdays we look into the distance
It's not a pity for this time
What is near and what is far
Eyes must be considered.

On Friday we didn't yawn
Eyes darted around.
Stop and again
Run to the other side.

Even if Saturday is a day off
We are not lazy with you.
Looking for corners
To run the pupils.

We'll sleep on Sunday
And then let's go for a walk
To make the eyes harden
You need to breathe air.

Look straight ahead.
Curious Barabara
Looking to the left...
Looking to the right...
And then forward again.
Here you will rest a little;
The neck is not tense
And relaxed...

Now look down -
Neck muscles tensed!
Coming back -
Relaxation is nice!
The neck is not tense
And relax-a-blah-on ...

Physical education for the eyes

"Eyes need to rest."
(Guys close their eyes)
"You need to take a deep breath."
(Deep breath. Eyes still closed)
"The eyes will run in a circle."
(Eyes open. Pupil movement in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise)
"Blink many, many times"
(Frequent blinking of eyes)
"The eyes are good."
(lightly touching closed eyes with fingertips)
"Everyone will see my eyes!"
(Eyes wide open. Wide smile on face)


Slept flower
(Close your eyes, relax, massage your eyelids, pressing lightly on them clockwise and counterclockwise.)
And suddenly woke up
(Blink eyes.)
I didn't want to sleep anymore
(Raise your hands up (inhale). Look at your hands.)
Startled, stretched
(Arms bent to the sides (exhale).
Soared up and flew.
(Shake brushes, look left and right.)


We close our eyes, that's what miracles
(Close both eyes)
Our eyes rest, exercises are performed
(Keep standing with closed eyes)
And now we will open them, we will build a bridge across the river.
(Open eyes, draw a bridge with a glance)
Let's draw the letter "O", it turns out easily
(Eyes draw the letter "O")
Let's go up, look down
(Eyes up, eyes down)
Turn right, turn left
(Eyes move left and right)
Let's start working again.
(eyes look up and down)


That's what a dragonfly is like pea eyes.
(Glasses are made with fingers.)
Left-right, back-forward-
(Look left and right with eyes.)
Well, just like a helicopter.
(Circular eye movements)
We are flying high.
(Look up.)
We're flying low.
(Look down.)
We are flying far.
(Look ahead.)
We are flying close.
(Look down.)


The wind is blowing in our faces.
(They often blink for centuries.)
The tree swayed.
(Without turning their heads, they look left and right.)
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter ...
(Squat down slowly, looking down.)
The trees are getting higher and higher!
(They stand up and raise their eyes.)


The woodpecker squirrel was waiting
(Sharply move the gaze to the right and left.)
The guest was treated to delicious food.
Well, dude, look!
(Look up and down.)
Here are the nuts - one, two, three.
Woodpecker had lunch with a squirrel
(They blink their eyes.)
And went to play burners.
(Close your eyes, stroke your eyelids with your index finger).


(Move eyes left and right.)
He's not low, he's not high
(Move eyes up and down.)
The rooster sits upstairs
He yells at the cuckoo.
(Blink eyes.)


Raise the carrot up, look at it.
(Look up.)
Just look with your eyes: up and down, right and left.
(Eyes look up and down, right and left.)
Ay-da hare, skillful! Blinks his eyes.
(They blink their eyes.)
Closes the eyes.
(Eyes are closed.)
They took carrot bunnies, they danced merrily with them.
(We jump like bunnies).


Rain, rain, more pour.
(Look up.)
Drops, drops do not be sorry.
(Look down.)
Just don't get us wet.

Don't knock on the window.


Here the window is open
(Spread hands to the sides.)
The cat stepped onto the ledge.
(Imitate the soft, graceful gait of a cat.)
The cat looked up.
(Look up.)
The cat looked down.
(Look down.)
It turned to the left.
(Looking to the left.)
She looked at the flies.
(Looking through the "fly" from the left shoulder to the right.)
Stretched, smiled
And sat down on the ledge.
(Children sit down.)
Turned her eyes to the right
I looked at the cat.
(Look straight ahead.)
And closed them in a purr.
(Close their eyes with their hands.)

The cat is sitting in the sun
Eye closed, other closed
(close both eyes in turn)
The cat plays "Zhmurki"
(squint tightly)
- With whom do you play, Vasenka?
- Meow, with the sun red!
(open both eyes)


There is a swing in the meadow:
Up-down, up-down
(look up, down)
I will swing run
Up-down, up-down
(look up, down)


Ray, mischievous ray,
Play with me.
(They blink their eyes.)
Well, ray, turn around,
Show your eyes to me.
(Make circular eye movements.)
I will look to the left
I will find a ray of sunshine.
(Looks to the left.)
Now look to the right
I will find a ray again.
(Looks to the right.)


We played, we drew (the actions in question are performed)
Our eyes are so tired
We'll let them rest
Let's close them for a bit.
And now we open them
And we blink a little.


Night. It's dark outside. (Perform the actions in question)
We need to shut up.
One two three four five
You can open your eyes.
Count to five again
We close our eyes again.
One two three four five
Let's open them again.
(repeat 3-4 times)

"Walking in the Forest"

We went for a walk. Walking in place
Mushrooms - look for berries
How beautiful this forest is.
He is full of wonders.
The sun is shining in the sky, look up
Here is a fungus growing on a stump, look down
A thrush sits on a tree, looking up
The hedgehog rustles under the bush. looking down
On the left, the spruce grows - an old woman, look to the right
On the right, pines are girlfriends. look to the left
Where are you, berries, ay! repeat eye movements
Anyway, I'll find you! left - right, up - down.

Acupressure for children is a set of manual activities aimed at directly activating the "vital" points of the body to improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and individual organs of the child's body.

The technology of acupressure has been known since ancient times - it was used by ancient and Chinese healers. The main principle here is the impact on certain points on the body that are responsible for the functioning of organs and entire systems.

Alternative to classical treatment

Acupressure for children refers to alternative medicine and involves non-drug forms of combating ailments and preventing various diseases. The roots of technology originated in ancient China and are based on the doctrine of Qi energy - the fundamental power of all living things.

The first treatises describing this technology date back to 2000 BC. Ancient healers believed that the energy flow can be directly influenced by activating individual points on the surface of the body.

Modern alternative studies show that all the described 365 points described in the manuscripts actually have a number of features, in particular, high electrical potential, sensitivity, temperature, as well as low electrical skin resistance and increased oxygen uptake by the epithelium.

What is it needed for?

They say that regular massage of specific points charges the child with positive energy, improves immunity, and also helps to overcome problems with individual organs, as well as systems, including musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, endocrine, etc.

In addition, acupressure helps to normalize the functioning of the whole organism, and is also a comprehensive alternative means of preventing various diseases.

Naturally, only a professional massage therapist can fully master the technology of such a massage and know absolutely all energy points, but at home you can master the simplest exercises that do not require special knowledge and specialization.

How to do acupressure?

Before starting the main activities, you should be aware of contraindications: a child should not be given acupressure if he has a fever, skin is damaged, or benign or malignant formations are located in the massage area - acne, warts and moles.

It is best to perform sessions at a time when the baby feels good, calm and not hungry. At the same time, try to combine procedures with game actions, communicate with your child, sing songs to him, comment on actions in a joking manner.

The main manual techniques during acupressure include deep pressure on the points with your fingers, ordinary pressure on the area with the pad of your finger or palm, as well as light touches and stroking. At the same time, try to act on the points carefully and direct the main force perpendicular to the surface. Also use vibrational and rotating movements along the horizontal arrow, stroke at an accessible pace, but do not change it by performing manipulations continuously. If you perform manipulations in a fast rhythm, then the massage will be tonic, if in a slow one, then it will be calming.

The duration of manipulation in a specific area is about one minute. At least two massage sessions should be performed daily. If possible, apply baby cream on your hands before manipulations so that they can easily glide over the baby's body.

Basic exercises in the treatment of acupressure

  1. For breathing. To improve and normalize breathing, evenly rub the baby's chest from top to bottom. The number of manipulations is about twenty.
  2. For the gastrointestinal tract. Perform a series of circular rubbing in the tummy in a clockwise direction - this helps get rid of the gas and stimulates digestion. The number of manipulations is 20–25.
  3. For the lower extremities. Lay the baby face down. Perform rubbing from the thigh to the heel and back - ten manipulations each. Take the baby’s leg in the “ring” with the index and thumb and make girths from the ankle to the base of the leg (several “passes” back and forth).
  4. Fortifying. Start massaging the baby's handle, starting from the center of the wrist and moving towards the fingers, rubbing movements to the sides (in the form of the rays of the sun). Five dozen manipulations with each hand are enough.
  5. For brain development. With your thumbs, make gentle sliding pressure from the bottom up from the brow thin on the baby's head to the hairline. It is necessary to perform two sets of 25 times.
  6. Against colds. Place one hand on the forehead of the baby, the second with the help of the index and thumb, massage the back of the baby's neck. Next, start smoothing the neck from the middle to the ears with all your fingers. The last step is massaging the points behind the ears using circular motions. In total, this complex is repeated three times fifteen manipulations.
  7. To normalize the functioning of the nervous system. Using your thumb, lightly stroke the sole of your baby's foot, following the center line from heel to toe, in a spiral motion. Only five passes there and back.
  8. Activation of the immune system and the work of the genitourinary system. Pull the skin on the baby's buttocks a little with your index and thumb fingers and roll it from the beginning of the legs to the back. A total of five sets of 2 times.

Improve your knowledge of acupressure: or sign up for special courses where you will be told about all the main energy areas on the human body. Get treated and prevent diseases at home without medication!


How to do acupressure with a cold?

Acupressure for cough

Tips for parents: acupressure to strengthen immunity

Children's acupressure for hypertonicity


In order for acupressure not to be performed purely mechanically, it is necessary to create an appropriate emotional mood. Acupressure self-massage is the pressure of the fingertips on the skin and muscle layer at the location of the tactile and proprioceptive points and nerve branches. Such a massage, having an exciting or inhibitory effect, gives good results with a complex effect, especially when combined with "communication" with one's body in a game situation and mental pronunciation of affectionate words (sweet, kind, good). Acupressure as an element of psychophysical training helps to relax muscles and relieve neuro-emotional stress. It is most often used to improve the course of nervous processes by influencing some active points. Basically, this is a self-massage of active points on the soles and toes, some points on the head, face and ears, as well as on the fingers. If the pain is felt from light pressure with the fingers, then the active point should be massaged with the fingers of the right hand easily, quickly and superficially along the centrifugal spiral - from oneself to the right (tonic effect). If the pain appears only from a strong pressure on the point, then you need to have a calming effect by pressing directly on this point with medium force with the thumb of your right hand, and then rubbing it purposefully along a centripetal spiral - away from you to the left. The child here does not just "work" - he plays, sculpts, crumples, smoothes his body, seeing in it an object of care, affection, love. By massaging a certain part of the body, the child, as in a holographic print, affects the entire body as a whole. Full confidence that he is really creating something beautiful develops in the child a positive value attitude towards his own body.


(conducted in all groups)

I. Sipping

I. p. - from a position lying on your back.

1. On inhalation, the left leg stretches forward along the floor with the heel, and the left arm stretches up along the body. Breathing is held, arms and legs are stretched as much as possible. On exhalation, relaxing, the child says: "id-d-yes-ah-ah." Purpose: to feel the pleasure of stretching the muscles of the left side of the body (there is a clearing of the left energy channel). 2. The right leg stretches with the heel forward along the floor, and the right hand - up, along the body - inhale. After holding the breath on the exhale, "ping-gal-la-a" is pronounced. Purpose: to feel the pleasure of stretching the muscles of the right side of the body (there is a clearing of the right energy channel). 3. Both legs stretch with their heels forward along the floor, both arms up along the torso. Hold your breath and slowly say “su-noise-m-m-na” as you exhale. Purpose: to feel the pleasure of tension turning into relaxation (clearing the central energy channel).

II. belly massage

I. p. - lying on the stomach.

1. The child strokes his stomach clockwise, pats with the edge of his hand, fist, strokes again, pinches, imitates the movements of a dough mixer kneading the dough, strokes again. Purpose: to improve the functioning of the intestines 2. On the left side, presses several times more deeply with the fingers, as if checking the readiness of the dough with a stick. Purpose: impact on the sigmoid colon and normalization of the stool.

III. Massage of the chest area

I. p. - sitting in Turkish.

1. Stroking the chest area with the words: "I am sweet, wonderful, beautiful." Purpose: to cultivate a caring attitude towards your body, to teach you to love yourself. 2. "We start the car." The child puts his fingers in the middle of the sternum from the thymus gland down (except for the thumbs, all eight others are placed on the same line from top to bottom), makes rotational movements 5-6 times clockwise with the sound "zhzhzhzh". Then 5-6 times rotational movements counterclockwise. 3. Having removed all fingers from the sternum with the sound "pi-and-and", presses on the point between the thoracic regions in the region of the heart (signal - "the car started up"). Purpose: to influence the bioactive points of the thoracic region, to feel the joy of the sound accompaniment.

IV. Neck massage

I. p. - sitting in Turkish.

1. Strokes the neck from the chest to the chin. 2. Turning his shoulders, he proudly raises his head on an outstretched neck. 3. Gently pats the chin with the back of the hand. 4. Imagining that he has a beautiful swan neck, he admires it, as if it is reflected in a mirror. Purpose: to feel the joy from the inner sensation of beauty and flexibility of a beautiful swan neck.

V. Ear massage

I. p. - sitting in Turkish. The child sculpts ears for Cheburashka or for a kind, sweet elephant.

1. Strokes the auricles along the edges, then along the grooves inside the shells, behind the ears. 2. Gently pulls the auricles up, down, to the sides (5-6 times in each direction). 3. Presses on the earlobes ("hangs beautiful earrings on them"). 4. Sculpts ears inside. With fingers inside the shell makes 7-8 rotational movements clockwise, then counterclockwise (let the ears be clean and all-hearing). 5. With an effort "lubricates clay" around the auricles - checks the strength, smoothes the surface around the auricles at a distance of 1-1.5 cm. ear shells.

VI. Head massage

1. With a strong pressure of the fingers, it simulates washing the head.

2. With fingers, like a rake, leads from the back of the head, from the temples, from the forehead to the middle of the head, as if raking hay into a stack.

3. With spiral movements leads the fingers from the temples to the back of the head.

4. "Catching up": hitting hard with the fingertips, as if on a keyboard, "runs" over the surface of the head. The fingers of both hands either run together, or run away, or catch up with each other.

5. With love and affection, he combs his hair with his fingers, like a comb, and imagines that his "hairstyle is the most beautiful in the hairstyle contest."

Purpose: impact on active points on the head, which improve blood flow.

VII. Face massage

Sculpts a beautiful face.

1. Strokes the forehead, cheeks, wings of the nose from the center to the temples, gently tapping on the skin, as if compacting it so that it is elastic.

2. Presses with fingers on the bridge of the nose, the middle of the eyebrows, making rotational movements clockwise, then counterclockwise 5-6 times.

3. With effort, pressing, draws the desired beautiful bend of the eyebrows, then sculpts thick eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the temples with pinches.

4. Softly and gently sculpts the eyes, pressing on their corners and combing long fluffy cilia.

5. Pressing on the wings of the nose, leads the fingers from the bridge of the nose to the nasal sinuses, twitches his nose and imagines what a beautiful nose he has for Pinocchio.

Purpose: prevention of colds by influencing the active points of the face. Developing the ability to control facial expressions.

VIII. Massage of the cervical vertebrae

Game "Pinocchio"

Pinocchio with his long curious nose draws the sun, a carrot, a tree.

1. Soft circular movements of the head clockwise, then counterclockwise.

2. Head turns to the sides, up, down.

3. Tilts of the head while "drawing" to the right, then to the left.

Purpose: to feel a pleasant sensation from the slow, smooth movements of the cervical vertebrae. Imagine and tell what sensations are caused by the drawings made by the movement of the nose in the air.

IX. Hand massage

1. "Wash" the hands, actively rub the palms until a feeling of strong heat.

2. Pull out each finger, press on it.

3. Phalanges of fingers of one hand rub on the nails of the other, as if on a washboard. Purpose: to have a beneficial effect on the internal organs that go to the bioactive points of the fingers: heart, lungs, liver, intestines. Cause a feeling of lightness, inner joy.

4. Rubbing with a "washcloth" the entire arm up to the shoulder, strongly pressing on the muscles of the shoulder and forearm; “wash off the soap with water”, lead with one hand up, then with the palm down and “shake off the water”. Purpose: excitation of the muscles of the hands and cleaning of the energy channels of the hands.

Game "Sun Bunnies"

Children shake their hands (hands in a relaxed state) from top to bottom, as if splashing each other. Imagine how water droplets, like sunbeams, glisten in the sun. What color are these sunbeams? Where are the splashes going? Mentally, children build a rainbow of water droplets, admire the color and brilliance. They stretch their palms up to the sun, imagining how good power pours into them. Purpose: to experience inner joy.

Game "Bird"

1. Hands are folded with palms in front of the chest. The bird in the cage is beating, trying to free itself - its arms are tense and move with effort to the left, then to the right. Purpose: the effect on the mammary glands helps prevent the formation of mastopathy.

2. "The bird broke free." The body is in a relaxed state, the hands rise up and, having separated in free soaring, fall. Manipulation of hands in free soaring - depending on the imagination of the child. Purpose: to feel the joy of liberation and flight.

X. Foot massage

I. p. - sitting in Turkish.

1. Pulling the foot of the left foot towards him, the child kneads his toes, strokes between his fingers, spreads his fingers. Strongly presses the heel, rubs the foot, pinches, pats the fingers, heel, convex part of the foot, makes rotational movements with the foot, pulls the toe, heel forward, then pats the palm of the hand over the entire foot. As if driving in wishes, he says: "Be healthy, beautiful, strong, dexterous, kind, happy! .." The same with the right leg.

2. Strokes, pinches, strongly rubs the shins and thighs. Makes passing movements alternately over each leg, "puts on" an imaginary stocking, then "takes it off and throws it off", shaking his hands. Purpose: impact on biologically active centers located on the legs. Clearing the energy channels of the legs.

Game "Swing baby"

The child presses the foot to the chest, cradles the “baby”, touches the forehead with the knee, foot, raises the “baby” above the head, makes rotational movements around the face. Purpose: development of flexibility of the joints, a feeling of joy from the harmonious movement of the legs

Acupressure for children allows you to defeat the numerous ailments of babies without the use of drugs by activating biologically active points. In particular, this procedure helps with a runny nose and for the purpose of preventing colds by strengthening. Children's acupressure in verse, which is enclosed on this page, will improve the health of the baby and increase the level of his overall development through entertaining activities. How to do acupressure for preschool children is described in detail further on the page, and complex exercises are also given.

During exposure to certain areas of the skin located in the head, sternum, neck, hands, it is possible to activate the body's ability to adapt to adverse environmental factors, including the presence of a respiratory group of viruses.

One of the simplest, most effective and harmless ways to prevent and treat acute respiratory viral infections is to massage areas on the skin associated with the main regulators of the body's vital activity: parts of the central nervous system, thyroid and thymus glands and other formations.

Adults, having mastered the techniques of acupressure themselves, can then teach children.

Massage is done 3 times a day with the tip of the index or middle finger, pressing on the skin until a slight soreness appears. Make 9 rotational movements clockwise and 9 movements - against. The duration of exposure to each point is at least 3 - 5 seconds. Symmetrical points 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 massage simultaneously with both hands. If you find points with increased or decreased pain sensitivity, then they should be massaged every 40 minutes until the sensitivity is completely normalized.

massage points

  • In the jugular fossa (between the collarbones) and 2 fingers below it (points 1 - 2).
  • Symmetrically on the right and left side of the neck in front, at the anterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle (point 3).
  • In the fossa behind and slightly below the earlobes (points 4).
  • In the region of the VII cervical vertebra (palpable when the head is tilted forward) (point 5).
  • On the sides of the wings of the nose (point 6).
  • At the inner ends of the eyebrows (point 7).
  • At the base of the tragus of the ear (points 8).
  • One finger above the hairline at the back along the midline.
  • On the back of the hand at the base of the fold formed between the thumb and forefinger (point 9).
  • On the border of hair growth in the middle of the forehead.
  • In the middle of the bridge.

Acupressure from a cold is shown even to small children, since the points responsible for various organs “work” from the very birth of a person. However, it is not carried out when the child has a high temperature. Subfebrile temperature is not a hindrance to massage, but at a body temperature above 38 ° C, it is better to postpone the massage. It is not recommended to continue the procedure if it causes rejection in the child, crying. It is not necessary to massage the points at the wings of the nose if the skin during a runny nose in this place is very irritated. But other points can be affected. It should be borne in mind that in the midst of an illness, massage is done as carefully and gently as possible, since at this time the pain threshold decreases.

Massage of biologically active points for children

This massage of biologically active points for children helps to reduce swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, clear the paranasal sinuses from the contents, and normalize breathing. It is necessary to master the implementation of a number of techniques.

Nose wings massage:

  • i.p. child - lying on his back (if the baby is very weak) or sitting on a chair, or standing (massage is performed by one of the adults or the baby himself). Massage is performed with soft circular movements of the middle phalanges of bent index fingers with a rotation frequency of up to 250 rpm.

In this case, the child inhales through the mouth, and exhales strongly and continuously through the 2nd nose. During the massage, the nostrils are periodically clamped for a moment so that the air goes with force into the paranasal sinuses. With a profuse runny nose, the procedure is interrupted so that the child clears his nose. The duration of the massage is 1 - 1.5 minutes, until the patient feels warmth and unusually light breathing.

You can also use self-massage. In this case, the action is performed by the lateral surface of the main phalanges of the thumbs.

Facial massage under the eyes (from nose to ears) and forehead:

  • i.p. child, as in "a"; And. n. parent - sitting on a chair or standing behind the patient. Under the eyes, massage with palms, starting from the wrist joint with the middle fingers of both hands. The forehead is massaged in the same way, only with four fingers of both hands. Massage is carried out in the form of a combination of movements: soft stroking, biting rubbing, soft stroking. Duration - up to 30 seconds or until a feeling of pleasant warmth appears. The same goes for self-massage.

Forehead skin massage:

  • i.p. child and parent, as in technique "b". Rubbing with the palm pads of four fingers of one hand is carried out with quick circular movements (up to 300 rpm), reaching a feeling of real heat at each point of the forehead perimeter. The other hand, removing the hair from the forehead, supports the child's head. Duration - 30 seconds.

The same goes for self-massage. When massaged on the face, young children often protest. In this case, the massage is carried out in the form of a game, gradually accustoming the child to the procedure. Due to the fact that the skin of the face in children is very delicate, one should try to spare it and avoid painful areas. You may experience mild dizziness, which passes in a matter of seconds without harmful consequences.

After finishing the facial massage, wash your face with four handfuls of cold water, then inhale four handfuls of water through your nose, clearing your nose each time, and gargle four times. Massage will reliably protect any child from a cold, no matter how weakened and pampered he may be.

Acupressure from a runny nose and for the prevention of colds for children in verse (with video)

Acupressure for the prevention of colds has a strict scientific basis, which is based on the theory that human skin is the largest organ of the immune system. By performing a point effect on various parts of the point, it is possible to activate metabolic and protective processes, creating unfavorable conditions for the introduction and reproduction of viral and bacterial pathogenic microflora.

See how acupressure is done from a cold for children of different ages and use this technology in everyday life.

Massage of biologically active zones for the prevention of colds "Neboleika"

  • So that the throat does not hurt (stroke the neck with the palms),
  • We will stroke it boldly (with gentle movements from top to bottom).
  • In order not to cough, do not sneeze (rub the wings of the nose with your index fingers),
  • I need to rub my nose.
  • We will also rub the forehead (apply palms to the forehead with a “visor”),
  • We hold the palm with a visor (and rub the forehead with movements to the sides).
  • Make a fork with your fingers (unclench your index and middle fingers),
  • Massage the ear, you skillfully (rub the points behind and in front of the ears with your fingers).
  • We know, we know - yes, yes, yes (rub your palms together),
  • We are not afraid of a cold.

Acupressure for children in the verses "The Sun" allows you to quickly and easily get rid of a runny nose and nasal congestion:

  • The sun rose early in the morning (raise your hands up, stretch)
  • All the kids were caressed (make “flashlights” with their hands).
  • Strokes the breast (massage the “path” on the chest from the bottom up),
  • Strokes the neck (stroke the neck with your thumbs from top to bottom),
  • Strokes the nose (rubbing the wings of the nose with fists),
  • Strokes the forehead (run your fingers along the forehead from the middle to the temples),
  • Strokes the ears (rub the ears with the palms of your hands),
  • Stroking the hands (rubbing the palms).
  • Children light up. Here (raise hands up).

Watch how acupressure is performed with a runny nose in the video, which illustrates the simplest and most effective techniques:

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