New Year's scenes in oriental style. Holiday in oriental style, oriental party, role-playing games, amateur performances, corporate theater, oriental bazaar. Eastern calendar by years

Characters: presenter, astrologer, performer of oriental dances.

(The hall is decorated in oriental style (fruits, organza, oriental lanterns, pillows).

On the wall- a comic collage from a photograph of the wife of the hero of the day in different years and in different images.
The collage is called "My Favorite Harem". To the sounds of A. Ukupnik's song "Petrukha" the presenter comes out.)

Leading: Good evening friends! I welcome you to today's celebration, which I am pleased to begin with poetic lines:

Abode of wisdom and the sun,
A sprout of great antiquity!
His mysteries are endless -
I invite everyone to the east!

Dear guests! Today we have a chance to feel the whole flavor of the East, namely: make a trip to the famous oriental bazaar, smell the aromas of various spices, taste outlandish fruits, see the original dance of an oriental beauty, get acquainted with the famous Baghdad astrologer and much more! This wonderful gift of fate - to visit a real holiday of oriental life - became possible thanks to the hero of the day, respected ... (name patronymic of the hero of the day).

And it is to him that I dedicate the first ancient oriental toast: One day a magician came to the padishah, who became famous for his good deeds, and brought him three priceless gifts. He told him: “My first gift is health! May you be strong and not subject to illness. My second gift is the oblivion of fears, sorrows and troubles. Cleanse your soul from these hardships! And the third gift is the gift of intuition, which will tell you in life the right move." Let's wish our hero of the day these three gifts: health, oblivion of sorrows and intuition, which would lead a happy life through life! (Short pause.) Host: Friends! In the previous wise oriental toast, we wished the birthday man to have three priceless gifts in life: health, forgetfulness of sorrows and intuition. And now let's ask him to accept three no less valuable gifts purchased at a real oriental bazaar. All three items symbolize wealth, which is also very necessary in our lives!
(Three assistants in oriental costumes carry out souvenirs on beautiful trays, which are presented to the hero of the day with brief explanations for them.)

1. A three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth is a very popular oriental symbol of great luck. The coin in the mouth represents gold. The easiest way to activate money energy is to place one toad in each room of the house or place it on the office table. The main thing is to make sure that the toad sits with its back to the door, as if it had just jumped into your house.
2. The money tree is the most common symbol of wealth. An old oriental legend tells about it: when a tree is shaken, golden coins fall to the ground like raindrops. We hope that the rain of these coins will literally flood your home. But be careful - don't drown!
3. Oranges and tangerines in a beautiful vase - in the east they symbolize gold and successful business. Let a vase with these fruits decorate your home at any time of the year!

Leading: Once, in an eastern caravanserai, I overheard beautiful words of wisdom that I want to say today in this hall: lush foliage of those trees that have deep roots. Of course, you guessed that we are talking about the inseparable connection of children with their parents. We bow low to the respected ... (first name and patronymic of the parents of the hero of the day) for their love and patience! After all, they gave the world such a beautiful son! (Congratulations to the parents of the hero of the day.) (Short musical pause.)

The chorus of the song "Oriental Tales" performed by the group "Brilliant" sounds.

Leading: It is known that the East is full of secrets and mysteries. Perhaps the most mysterious and charismatic oriental personalities are magicians and soothsayers. Meet one of them - the keeper of great secrets, a connoisseur of human destinies, a sage and astrologer from Baghdad, Huseyn Huslia!

An astrologer comes out, he has a turban on his head, in his hands is a small book in a velvet cover, on his wrist is a bag of coffee beans.

Astrologer: Oh dear ones! Greetings to all of you and especially to the noblest husband who has gathered such a large number of friends! I believe that prosperity and happy summers await all those present! Let me arrange a small exam on the knowledge of the most ancient oriental science - astrology. So, my friends, pay attention! The zodiac horoscope divides the year into twelve signs, to which my questions are devoted:

1. What is the zodiac sign of the royal title? (A lion)
2. What sign can whistle on the mountain? (Cancer)
3. What sign is similar to itself like two drops of water? (Twins)
4. Which sign can lead to flooding? (Aquarius)
5. What sign has sharp horns? (Capricorn)
6. Which sign can accurately hit the target? (Sagittarius)
7. What sign is the husband of a meek sheep? (Aries)
8. Which sign is the most feminine? (Virgo)
9. And what sign is considered the most stubborn? (Taurus)
10. What sign will a woman never agree to stand in the presence of a man? (Scales)
11. What is the sign of a poisonous sting? (Scorpion)
12. What sign does every angler dream of? (Fish)

Astrologer: I made sure that you are well versed in the teachings about the stars, planets and their combination, but the exam is not over yet! A real magical oriental talisman will be received by the one who calls:
- the sign of the zodiac under which the hero of the day was born;
- a symbol of the year when the birthday boy was born.

The guests who answered these questions correctly are given bean and bean beads by the stargazer. Beans are considered in the east as a love talisman, as well as a strong amulet. To make beads, you need to soak the beans in water, string them on a thin fishing line and let dry. In parting, the astrologer offers to tell fortunes to the hero of the day in the old oriental way - on coffee beans.


The stargazer takes out 6 coffee beans from his bag and passes them to the hero of the day.

The birthday boy, under a calm oriental melody, pouring grains from hand to hand, must imagine how coffee seeds are saturated with his energy. Then he needs to bring his palms to his forehead, close his eyes and focus on the exciting problem. After that, the fortuneteller throws the grains on the table, and the astrologer counts how many of them fell upside down, and reads out a prediction: when solving a problem that worries you, you will discover a lot of new and useful things. In the meantime, open a bottle of wine and don't think about anything!

The stargazer says goodbye and leaves. The 1st verse and chorus of the song "Harem" performed by Irina Allegrova sounds.

Leading: Is it possible to imagine the East without beautiful brown-eyed beauties;
without the magical ringing of monist, sparkling beads, flowing chiffon and silk, delicate velvet;
without the brilliance of jewelry and the charm of music that turns every woman into a fabulous goddess.
Our holiday will not do without incendiary oriental dance. Meet Jamila - a wonderful representative of the East!

Music sounds, the dancer performs a dance. At the end of his speech, Jamila silently leaves a mysterious bundle on the table and disappears.

Leading: Such beautiful women live in the East! Let's see what's inside the package.

The presenter takes out a hookah and an old parchment with an inscription from the package.

Leading(unfolding parchment): This is an appeal from all Eastern women to our hero of the day!

Is reading:
Padishah of the Persian fairy tale!
We ask for indulgence.
And from all Eastern women,
We present you a hookah as a gift!
Let in dreams immediately arise
Sensual concubines groans.
And hookah smoke will give
Sleep and sweet languor.
All of us, women of the East,
We would be glad to get into your harem
Night, moon, hookah and you -
There is no better reward in life!

Signatures: Gulchatay, Zuhra, Zarina, Guzel, Saida, Hafiza, Leyla, Zulfiya and further 18 more female names.

Leading(passing the hookah to the hero of the day): Unfortunately, we have to disappoint these 26 lovely women - they have no chance of getting into the harem of the hero of the day! All harem places are occupied by the only and beloved wife ... (wife's patronymic name). Sometimes difficult, but happy years have been lived with her, and the spouse has always in one person perfectly coped with the duties of a wife, mistress, mother, and keeper of the hearth.

(The host draws the attention of the guests to a comic collage of photographs of his wife).

It is no coincidence that the hero of the day, calling this collage "My favorite harem", awarded his wife the highest title - his beloved and only wife!

(Congratulations to the wife of the hero of the day.)

Leading: I'll tell you a secret: maintaining a harem is not an easy task! In the East they tell the following story: the Sultan's harem was five kilometers from the palace. Every day the Sultan sent his servant for the girl. The Sultan lived to be a hundred years old, and the servant died at thirty. Moral: it's not women who kill men, but running after them! To be ready to conquer many women, you need to have excellent health, as well as a trained body. I invite men to be the owners of the harem and try to win the hearts of the ladies present here! The host chooses two men from among the guests to participate in the competition, and the hero of the day becomes the third participant.


(Competition for men)

Three participants - candidates for sultans - are given hula-hoops and fans.
The one who can spin the hoop around the waist the longest while fanning himself wins the competition and gets the right to be photographed among the beautiful inhabitants of the “harem”, that is, simultaneously with all the women present at the celebration.

During the competition, ladies are advised to cheer loudly for potential sultans. The host sums up the results so that the hero of the day becomes the winner. Even if the birthday boy did not cope with the task, it can be announced that the support of his fans was the most active. The birthday boy and the ladies present at the celebration pose for the photographer.

Leading: Eastern wisdom says: “The tongue is one, the ear is two; Say it once, listen twice! Especially for the winner of the competition, our dear hero of the day ... (name patronymic)

everyone's favorite song from the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus" is performed. The song “If I were a Sultan” sounds, then a dance break.

Leading: You can not ignore the famous oriental cuisine, which has recipes for thousands of delicious dishes that can surprise even the most sophisticated gourmet. It is known that many spices are used in the preparation of dishes in the East. The prize will be given to the one who names the most expensive spice in the world. (Answer: Saffron is the most expensive spice and is valued more than gold, because the process of its production is very laborious.)

The prize for the correct answer is a set of spices.

Leading: I announce a women's competition for the best connoisseur of oriental sweets! Why female? Because they are the biggest sweet tooth.



Three women take part in the competition, who take turns pronouncing the names of oriental sweets. If the word is not named, the participant is eliminated. Possible answers: baklava, shaker, kurabye, churchkhela, candied fruit, Turkish delight, gozinaki, badam, nougat, halva, sherbet, roasted meat, marshmallow, marshmallow, marmalade. The winner receives a set of oriental delicacies.

Leading: In the East they say this: you can lead a camel to water, but you cannot make him drink. Men, it's time to check the correctness of these words!


Three participants (men) distribute roles among themselves: the first neighbor, the second neighbor and a penny. The facilitator reads the text, the players drink a glass of vodka at the mention of their role.

Story: Once two neighbors went to the market to sell wine. Along the way, the neighbors sat down to rest and eat.
“It would be nice to drink a glass of wine now,” the first neighbor sighed.
- I agree, but we are bringing wine to sell, and you can’t waste a single drop! - reasoned the second neighbor.
Then the first neighbor searched his pockets, found a copper nickel and said to the second neighbor:
- Pour me some wine for a nickel.
The second neighbor poured one glass for him, then returned the same nickel and asked the first neighbor: - And now you pour me one.
So this penny went from hand to hand until the wineskins were empty, and both neighbors snored drunk and satisfied with the trade.

So let's drink to a good deal!

Participants of the game and spectators drink.

Leading: This is such an instructive story! Our "camels" did not want to drink, but I had to! Now let's do a sobriety test for them. To identify the most sober, I ask the participants in the game to say loudly and clearly the following simple phrase in turn: the concept of social stratification. The men are trying to complete the task, the host announces the name of the "Most sober" and invites him to go to the opposite category, that is, drink a large glass of vodka.

If the player agrees (it is not necessary to drink), then he is awarded the second honorary title "The Most Courageous".

Leading: Friends! And now I propose a test of collective intelligence! You have to correctly solve a riddle with an oriental twist. I will read the text and ask a question, and at the right time you will give me the right answer together, in unison.


Behind the carved trellis of the garden,
Among the greenery of the east,
Three tired travelers
We walked peacefully on a moonless night.
The first said: “Where is she?
The light of my eyes is the moon!
The second answered in the dark:
“May Allah help us!”
Well, the third did this: Eeyore! Eeyore! Eeyore!
It was an old donkey!
Suddenly broke through the clouds
Bright, full, lunar circle.
The first one screamed:
"Here she is! The light of my eyes is the moon!
With gratitude in the eyes
The second said: "Oh, Allah!" (Viewers)

Attention! Chorus of the third man tell me the words!
Guest response: Eeyore! Eeyore! Eeyore!
Leading: And now everyone quickly grab your ears. (Pause) Are you all right? Has anyone's ears grown? And then you screamed so naturally ... It was, of course, a joke. And now I will make a serious oriental toast and ask all those present to support me! In the East, they think like this: if you want to be happy for one day - get drunk, if you want to be happy for one week - get sick, if you want to be happy for one month - get married, and if you want to be happy all your life - be healthy! Let's raise a glass to the health of the hero of the day!


Congratulations to the guests, musical pause. During the musical break, the host stops the music and offers to listen to an instructive oriental story.

Leading: The fool saw a watermelon in the market and asked:
- What it is?
- Donkey egg, - they answered him.

He chose the largest watermelon, put it under his arm and went home. On the way, he dropped a watermelon, and it rolled downhill, hit a stone and cracked. And then a hare jumped out of the bushes and ran away.
- Oh, what a quick donkey hatched, and I missed it! - regretted the fool.

At this point, I had to say: let's drink to fools, without whom it would be boring to live in the world! However, I prepared a surprise and changed the ending of this story: so let's taste this ripe, fragrant watermelon, and I hope no one in this room expects a donkey to hatch from it.

Assistants take out a watermelon, treat guests. The musical pause continues. Host: The East has given humanity many very useful inventions. I ask you to raise your hands of those who have an “A” or “B” in history in their matriculation certificate. Guests raise their hands. The host invites them to go on stage and holds a competition "Great Inventions of the East".


(Team competition)

Three teams of 2-3 people participate.
Each team is given three items:
- Calendar, sheet of paper, pack of tea;
- A chess piece, a silk scarf, a bag of rice;
- Compass, chopsticks, paper figurine (origami).

The task of the teams is to conduct a historical study in 1 minute and determine in which country each of the items was invented.
(Correct answers: calendar - Egypt; chess - India; origami art - Japan; paper, tea, compass, silk, rice, daddies - China.)

The team with the most accurate answers wins the right to keep the items as prizes.

Leading: Friends! I propose to look into the eastern Antiquities Shop, where among the coins, weapons, utensils, clothes, household items and other antiques you can find really old and mysterious objects. An example of such an unusual acquisition can be this vessel.

The host demonstrates a bottle of five-star Armenian cognac, made in the form of an amphora.

Leading: Giving this mysterious vessel as a gift for our birthday man, the seller of the Antiquities Shop told me the following story:
The ancient vessel was raised
From the waves of the mysterious sea.
And in it - a gray-haired magic genie
Languishing in captivity for centuries!
P.S. At the bottom, the vessel was covered with mud,
Jin was pretty bored.
He was waiting for the cork to be opened,
And even a little wild...
Break the seal of times,
Five stars - like five centuries.
And release the genie in an instant
You are from binding shackles!
Just make a wish -
And he will perform at the same moment!
After all, the famous school of magicians
He was a capable student.
So that the genie of mothballs spirit
Didn't it seem too gloomy to you,
I just spiced it up a little -
After pouring the spirit into the bottle ... cognac.

Leading(passing the bottle to the hero of the day): Handing over this magical vessel, I want to recall the well-known oriental wisdom: make your wishes with caution, because they can come true.

If the hero of the day offers to immediately open the bottle, its contents are poured to those who wish, and the one whose glass is filled last is considered gin. He is obliged to fulfill any wish of the birthday man.

Leading: Friends! Of course, you know from the school curriculum that such a term as the Great Silk Road is closely connected with the word East. This caravan trade route was the longest and played the role of a link between the countries of different civilizations. I propose to repeat this difficult route right in our hall and deliver some goods to their destination. I need the help of two men who will play the role of caravaners.

The host chooses assistants and forms their "caravans" - two teams of 4-5 people.


(team game)

Team members line up one after another, the caravaneer is ahead of everyone. Then they connect all the right legs to each other, and in the same way all the left legs to each other. On the start line there are various items (there should not be many of them, otherwise the game will be delayed), which the “caravan” needs to deliver to their destination - to the finish line.

To prevent the “caravan” from moving back empty, objects are also placed on the finish line. To the sound of the song "Uchkuduk" performed by the group "Yalla", the teams begin to move, led by caravaners.

The first team to move all the items wins.

The game can be complicated by laying a strip of wallpaper from start to finish, then the participants will need to move strictly along this “caravan route”, without going beyond it. Players of the winning team receive toy compasses as prizes.

Leading: In the East there is a wonderful way to keep the age. Those days that are spent with guests are not taken into account. I propose a toast to you, dear guests, because today, without knowing it, you extended the life of our hero of the day! (Dance program.)

Oriental style party, invitation, contests, costumes, food

At the mention of the East, an unforgettable flavor of the eastern countries, traditions and customs of the inhabitants, their mystery and passion are presented. A party in the style of the East will allow you to plunge into this wonderful world for at least one evening and leave pleasant impressions for a long time.


To set up guests in an oriental way in advance, to warn about the dress code of the party will help invitation cards made in accordance with the style of the event. If you dream up, then you can come up with many options, and choose based on your taste, time, wallet. The simplest is an invitation postcard but with a collage or ornament in oriental style which you can make yourself or order. And if you decorate this postcard with a bright drapery, attach coins from a belly dance belt, small bright jewelry, soak it with incense, then the anticipation of the holiday will haunt the guests before it arrives.

As an invitation to the Oriental Party, you can send bracelets with an attached postcard with text in the style of 1000 and one night, or candles, toy swords for men that imitate real ones, which guests will be required to bring with them as a pass to the party. An invitation card, placed in a bag of bright fabric, reminiscent of a pouch, will also allow you to feel the aura of the holiday even before it starts and start preparing.

In order to create an atmosphere of an oriental party at home or indoors, you need to stock up on time and patience, it’s not for nothing that they say that the East is a delicate matter.

Everything is important here: decoration, play of light, smell, objects that complement the interior. East is associated with luxury carpets, bright fabrics, red and gold in shades of color. Carpets with oriental ornaments can decorate both the floor and walls, furniture can be hung with curtains or bedspreads of bright colors, vases, bowls filled with water with rose petals, scented candles can be arranged. The more accessories, the better, the only thing is that they do not interfere with free movement, holding competitions, dancing.

Eat in the East sitting on the floor , placing pillows for convenience, so there should be enough of them, or they sit on soft ottomans. Bright pillowcases and brushes along the edges emphasize the oriental theme. You can also make rollers by folding a blanket or bedspread into a thick bundle, wrap it with a bright fabric, tie it, leaving the ends, like a candy and that's it!

Tables should be low so that it is convenient to get dishes. A dostarkhan variant is also possible, when the tablecloth spreads directly onto the floor. Hookah- another accessory typical of Eastern countries, which can not only add zest to the interior, but also entertain guests. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee will complement the atmosphere that takes you to this world full of mysteries. Fascinating oriental melodies coming from everywhere will complement the impression of what is happening.

Festive party food

The Eastern menu is hearty, with an abundance of meat. Pork is not good - Muslims do not eat it, preference is given to lamb, beef, horse meat. Pilaf, boiled meat, eat with hands, eating a flatbread.

Beshbarmak, translated from the Turkic "besh" - five, "barmak" - a finger. This dish is made from good, fatty beef. Meat is boiled in water, then large, rhombus-shaped cakes are thrown into the same place (some people put a whole peeled potato to the meat before putting the cakes). Beshbarmak is served on a large platter, first laying out cakes, then potatoes, and in the middle, cut into pieces of meat, separately, in bowls, broth is served.

Manti stuffed with minced meat, pumpkin and onion, kebabs, domlama (Quite large pieces of meat, potatoes, carrots and cabbage, shifted with garlic cloves and butter, stewed in their own juice under a tight lid for 2-3 hours), dolma (meat minced meat wrapped in grape leaves) can also be included in the menu. Spicy sauces (adjika, tkemali) with an abundance of spices complement the flavor variety.

Fruits, cheese and oriental sweets (sherbet, baklava, chak-chak, marmalade, Turkish delight) should be on the table in abundance. Herbal teas and coffee are served as drinks. There is no place for alcohol on the Muslim table, but if you wish, you can serve wine in a jug and drink it from bowls. This will allow not to disturb the palette of the holiday.

Outfits and costumes

The outfits and costumes of guests and hosts must also correspond to the spirit of the oriental evening. Men can wear loose cotton trousers, a tunic, or a dressing gown. On the head is a skullcap, Arafatka, or turban, which is easy to build from a towel or piece of fabric rolled up with a bundle and secured with a bright brooch. You can cook several of them, if suddenly one of the guests cannot prepare an outfit for himself.

For the beautiful half, there are even more options. Simplest - swimsuit, a belt for belly dancing, or transparent bloomers, or a skirt. But if the scenario of the holiday allows, a woman can come under the cover of secrecy, dressed in a long dress that hides her neck, hands, ankles from prying eyes, wearing a burqa or a veil that covers her face and hair. And in the midst of the holiday, take off your clothes, remaining in a bright top embroidered with monists, rhinestones and translucent trousers and dance a passionate oriental dance.

Emphasize oriental beauty bright, expressive eyes and well-groomed luminous skin. Foundation, shimmering powder - the basis of makeup. For eye makeup, silver, golden, or bright-colored shadows, voluminous arrows, and false eyelashes are used. But the lips should resemble rose petals, tender and exciting. It is better to put your hair in flowing curls, decorating with diadems, beads, bright monists. It is almost impossible to overdo it, because the light of candles will dim the brightness of colors.

Large, hanging earrings, bracelets, beads, large rings will complement the ensemble. Women can wear bright flat-soled boats on their feet, men can wear boots or shoes with curved toes, or they can wear nothing, bare feet will not be allowed to freeze carpets spread everywhere.

Entertainment and competitions

Meeting guests by the host in a stylized costume with a bow and best wishes in the style of oriental sages from the very doorstep will allow you to feel the flavor of the holiday and plunge into the enchanting atmosphere of the east . The hostess walks around the guests with a silver tray, offering to choose envelopes with wishes, in which the tasks for the guests for the evening are determined. Someone will sultan, someone will stand with a fan, depicting a servant of the Sultan.

The women are divided into wives from the harem who will sit next to the Sultan and concubines serving on a tray of food and entertaining the ruler (of course, if the guests do not mind).

hostess, as Scheherazade, will tell fairy tales that allow you to smoothly move from one stage of the party to another. In the process of narration, you can play skits, depicting the heroes of the story. Passing on a stylized Aladdin's lamp, guests can make a wish, for example, that the neighbor on the right say an ornate toast, sing an oriental song in karaoke, or invite someone to dance.

Wise Stargazer Will he predict fate by the stars or throw bones as a joke, or maybe his predictions will come true in earnest? Men can spend time for a leisurely conversation, playing backgammon smoking hookah. But, best of all, provide a separate room for this, so that passionate dancing did not interfere with the conversation, the smoke from the hookah did not irritate non-smokers and there was an opportunity to ventilate the room.

In order to encourage the most active guests, it is necessary to think about prizes and prize categories in advance. For example, you can reward for the best costume, best hairstyle, choose beloved wife sultan, the best or best belly dancer, singer or female singer, the winner in the game of backgammon, award the best toast.

Svetlana Ishunin
Scenario of the New Year "Guest from the East"

Target: to create a joyful and festive mood among the guys.



Snow Maiden


Santa Claus

(Music plays on Snowman enters the scene, drags a sled on which "snowballs" (cotton) and "big snowball"(gifts for children are wrapped in white cloth).


I am a happy snowman

I'm used to snow and cold.

And blinded me deftly:

Instead of a nose, a carrot,

Corners instead of eyes

Instead of a hat, an old basin.

Snowman I'm not easy

I am crazy and mischievous!

(Throws to cheerful music at children "snowballs".When "snowballs" run out, tries to lift a big lump, but can't)


Happy New Year!

Both hosts and guests,

Good luck to all, I wish you well

And fine, clear days.

And there is also congratulations -

In my kindergarten (At school and kindergarten)

Healthier and rosier

Become every day

(Song "NEW YEAR") (“Someone is waiting for happiness, someone believes in a fairy tale ...”)

(refers to tree)

Hello tree, how happy we are

that you came to us again

And in green needles

The freshness of the forest has brought!

We have a surprise for you!

(Round dance "Little Christmas Tree")

1 child Well we have today

You won't find a better place!

Near the Christmas tree New Year's

Do not pass, do not pass!

2 children It will be fun today

will never be bored.

hello holiday New Year!

We've come to meet you!

(A snowman on a Christmas tree finds a letter, reads)

"Dear children!

Girls and boys!

You hurry together into the hall.

Near the Christmas tree New Year's

There will be a carnival!

(Music sounds, the Snow Maiden appears)

Hello my friends!

It's me you all today

Gathered near the Christmas tree

Waving a shaggy branch

We have a happy new year.

Listen, tree, our song.

Hello hello,

New Year!

(Song "Herringbone"

Music by N. Bakhutova. Words by Z. Aleksandrova.)

1. Our children

Christmas tree big

Christmas tree lights

They sparkle cheerfully.


Oh yes, Christmas tree, look, look!

Children, Christmas tree, shine, shine!

2. Do not prick us, tree,

hairy twig,

3. We sing and dance

Fun today.

Our children

Holiday New Year!

(Children sit down).

CH: -Thank you, kids, what a wonderful song you sang! It's just a pity that the lights on the Christmas tree do not burn. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do. Only the DM can light the tree. And where is my grandfather today, I do not know. He was completely wrapped up, because NG, and he needs to have time to visit all new year holidays. Oh! What to do?

(Suddenly a bell rings)

CH: (pulls out bell from pocket):

Oh! Mischievous bell,

He is always, everywhere with me.

Ding dong, ding dong!

He invites you to a fairy tale.

(The lights go out, twilight).


I brought good news!

Now, or maybe exactly at six,

Big one will come to you the guest.

gray-haired guest, with beard.

Guess who is?

All. Father Frost!

Magpie. I'll look out the door

Maybe he's coming, friends!

(He approaches the door. A large jug appears from behind the door, smoke flows from it, the light goes out in an instant and an old man appears).


The guest goes gray-haired, gray-haired,

With a long white beard.

Made me cry!

He is not Santa Claus at all!

Hush, hush, hush!

(Flies away).

The light comes on, the old man Khattabych is standing by the tree oriental attire, and on top of the coat.

May there be peace in this house!

Hello, the most educated of the educated and the most charming of the most charming! Children and dear guests!

CH. Hello, grandfather! Only you can’t come here in a coat!

Khattab. O! How, tibidah!

Do you know who you don't let? Yes, I will turn you into desert sand!

I will command the wind, and it will scatter you all over the world!

CH. Oh guys! Did you find out who it is?

(Khattabych takes off his coat). Why, this is old Khattabych! Magician, fulfiller of any desires! Hassan Abdurahman Hadtab!

Khattab. Correctly! Oh, the wisest of the wisest educators! You recognized my name. Where did I get to? Whose house is this beautiful, where there are so many children?

Children. Kindergarten!

Khattab. How beautiful and bright it is here. What a beautiful palm!

CH. It's not a palm tree.

Khattab. Why not a palm tree?

CH. And now the children will say!

Green and prickly.

Of course, this…

Children. Christmas tree!

Khattab. Christmas tree, what a beautiful, wah, wah, wah! Beautiful tree!

What a strange tree! (Touching).

And what strange fruits on it! And here's an apple, I'll pick it now!

CH. You can't, Gasan Khattabych. This is not a real apple. It is made of glass.

Khattab. What miracles! What country am I in? Do they eat glass apples here?

CH. We do not eat them, we decorated our Christmas tree with them.

(Khattab shows surprise)

CH. Khattabych, we know you as a kind magician. Tell me, can you help us?

Khattab. With great pleasure, my dear!

I'm old for years, I won't lie.

But I am not weak-willed.

I'll help you in three counts,

Don't be me Gasan Hadtab!

Command, incomparable!

CH. We want to invite Santa Claus to the holiday.

Khattab. Why Frost? What for? I'm afraid. Where I live, it is always warm, the sun is shining, trees are growing, palm trees. There is no snow, why do you need Santa Claus?

CH. We can't light the Christmas tree without him. We want it to light up now!

Khattab. Oh, cruel of the cruel! Oh, evil children! Do you want this wonderful tree to burn?

CH. No, grandfather. We want multi-colored lights to light up on the Christmas tree - light bulbs.

Khattab. So I'll do it right now! (Pulls out wand, conjures). Oh, la-lam, oh, la-lam!

(Lights don't come on).

CH. Calm down, Khattabych. Can you help us invite a DM? He will light the lights on the tree.

Khattab. Santa Claus! Santa Claus!

Hey gin, oh gin!

Hey la la!

You, blizzard, do not sweep,

And invite Frost.

(Snowflake girls run out).

"Dance of Snowflakes". (To the song "Silver Snowflakes")

Khattab. I invited Santa Claus, and how many snowmen flew in!

CH. Khattabych, these are not snow maidens, but snowflakes

Khattab. Snowflakes!

CH. Snowflakes. We don't need snowflakes. Fly away!

Khattab. (blowing on them)

CH. Khattabych, invite Santa Claus. He will come to us for the holiday and bring fun!

Khattab. (conjures):

Hey gin, oh gin!

Hey la la!

You, blizzard, do not sweep,

Invite Frost to us!

(The snowman begins to spin to the music)

Oh oh oh! What happened with me?

CH: Hottabych! This is our Snowman, not Santa Claus

Khattab: What miracles! How is it that snowflakes or snowmen appear instead of Frost?

CH. Yes, Khattabych, you are somewhat distracted today.

Khattab. I'm not the only one distracted. Guys are scattered too.

CH. Our guys who are sitting in the hall are very attentive!

Khattab. Now I'll check!

Answer questions:

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends

And clap your hands.

1. Who sings and has fun,

And not afraid of work?

2. Who has ever been sick

Because you overate?

3. Who is not afraid of frost,

Does it fly like a bird?

4. Which one of you, tell me, brothers,

Forgetting to wash?

5. Who knows how to relax,

Run, swim and play?

6. Who is a good angler -

Fishing for cows?

7. Which one of you is on the pavement

Walks upside down?

Khattab: - Well, well, apparently everything is in order with your guys.

CH. Khattabych, I think I know what's the matter.

Khattab: - I wonder what business you are talking about, beautiful, beautiful, highly respected?

CH: - Well, of course, Khattabych! You wanted to invite the DM, but so far nothing has happened to you.

Khattabych: Ah, yes! Yes Yes Yes.

CH: -So, you forgot the magic word, think about it.

Khattab. I know this word, Everyone must say it when asking for something. Oh, the wisest of the wisest children, do you know what the word is?

All. You are welcome!

Khattab. Correctly (pulls out wand).

wand please

Serve the service

Santa Claus

Invite us!

(To the music, H. takes out a toy Santa Claus from behind the Christmas tree).

CH. Aw, why is he so small!

Khattab. He rode from afar

And the road is not easy.

Wherever he has been

Beams under the sun!

Take him into the woods and put him in the biggest snowdrift.

He will grow up and come to the feast! (Snowman takes out a toy DM)

(Khattabych puts on his coat). It's time for me to say goodbye. It's cold, and I'm afraid of frost. It's time to return to warmer climes.

Goodbye, wisest of the wisest!

Goodbye, most beautiful of the most beautiful!

(Kisses CH's hand, leaves).

Music sounds, the Snowman and Santa Claus enter and go around the hall.

sn. Here he comes welcome guest,

All overgrown with a beard,

And cheerful, and ruddy.

Who is this?

CHILDREN: Father Frost!

D. M. I see forest bears here,

Dolls, playful squirrels

And funny goats

Wolves, brave hares.

All dressed up in costumes

And at the Christmas tree they started dancing.

So, in this hall there is a ball,

New Year's carnival!

(Song "There was a cheerful Santa Claus")

D. M. (loses mitten, Snowman picks it up)

Well done! How well you sing. Oh, where is my mitten, have you guys seen it?

Snowman:. We saw it, we saw it, but we won’t give it to you just like that. Play with us.

A game "Catch the mitten"

(children pass a mitten in a circle, D.M. tries to take it away, but nothing happens)

D. M. Oh, and tired! You are young and do you know how old I am? Three hundred! So I can't keep up with you. Give me another task.

CH: Grandpa, and you light our Christmas tree!

DM: Yes, nothing is easier for me! One two Three! Shine Christmas tree!

(Christmas tree lights up)

Snowman. Our tree shone

How beautiful is her dress!

Lights, how many toys!

All lights are on!

(The snowman gives the mitten)

CH- Good Santa Claus! Play with the kids in the game "Guess"!


Dear Santa Claus,

Look at us

Guess Santa Claus

What are we doing now?

(play violin)

You brush your beard.


No, we play the violin.


Dear Santa Claus,

Look at us

Guess Santa Claus

What are we doing now?

(play the flute)

You drink milk.


No, we play the flute.


Dear Santa Claus,

Look at us

Guess Santa Claus

What are we doing now?

(play piano)

You sort out the grits.


No, we play the piano.


Santa Claus, you didn’t guess anything, dance and have fun with us, play with us again

(a game "Bom-bom-bom the clock is ticking")

DM: Oh, you play well, it's fun with you, but you also need to rest the old one. Can you tell me some poetry?

(Children recite poems)

DM: We sang and played,

From the bottom of my heart I am happy!

Now isn't it time for us

Have a masquerade ball?

CH: Come on, everyone is in costumes, masks

Become like in a fairy tale.

Let's go with Grandpa

Find the best costumes.

We will rightfully reward everyone,

We won't cheat anyone.

(Awarding the best costumes to music.)

D. M. Sang songs, made children laugh.

What else did I forget?

Children. Gifts!

D.M. Well, come on, kids,

You have amused me.

For a holiday for you

I've got gifts!

Sn: -DM! Where are your gifts?

DM: -Snegurochka, have you forgotten that I am a magician?

Here, guys, a snowball,

Snowball, huge ball.

He lies to himself

Doesn't interfere, doesn't make noise

Only someone .... not simple ...

Snowman (with a grin): Yes, he is made of snow!

DM: -Wait!

You will break the snowball

and you will find gifts there!

(SN and Snowman unwrap gifts)

CH: Yes, you, grandfather, are not just a magician, you are the best magician!

DM: It's time, friends!

Need to forgive.

I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart,

Let the New Year be celebrated together

Both adults and kids.

CH: I'm in new I wish you success in the year!

More cheerful ringing laughter!

More cheerful friends and girlfriends,

So that everyone laughs around with you!

Snowman: Thank you all for your attention.

For enthusiasm, for ringing laughter.

Now it's time to say goodbye

We tell you: "Goodbye!

Until we meet again!"

July 28, 2017

The East, amazing and charming, beckons with its mystery. So why not arrange a holiday in this magical style and find yourself in a fairy tale of 1000 and 1 nights?

To convey the bright color of the countries of the East and the customs of the locals, a lot of effort will have to be made. Decor, invitations, themed costumes, menus and entertainment require special attention - everything is the same as for any other theme party. But if you intend to arrange a bright holiday that will give a lot of positive impressions and pleasant memories for a long time, then nothing is impossible! Along with advice from preparation of the holiday will be easy, fast and enjoyable.

1. Invitations

There are various ways to notify guests about an upcoming event. But all of them, one way or another, should be in contact with the theme of the party. This will have a positive effect on the guests and will certainly intrigue them. You can order invitations at the printing house. On the Internet, it is not difficult to find a suitable layout in an oriental style. Delightful Arabic ornaments and script inscriptions will do their job. But it is much more interesting to make invitations with your own hands. Below are several options describing the creation process.

Option 1. Paper invitation cards. Take thick paper. If you have beautiful handwriting, then write the text by hand. Doctor's handwriting? Then print on the printer in a font that is as similar as possible to Arabic script. Decorate the invitation with an ornate ornament, then fold it into an envelope. In needlework stores, you can find wonderful bright envelopes with "knockout" that will emphasize the theme of the holiday.
The content of the invitation is arbitrary, but be sure to indicate the time and place of the event. And if the party implies a dress code, then this is worth mentioning. The text might look like this:

« The most exotic and magical party of the year!
Oriental sweets, shish kebab, belly dance, fakirs and... rent a genie! Do not miss your chance to fulfill the most cherished desires and fantasies.
And, of course, hookah. After all, you must definitely blow it well, otherwise no magic will work.
Western clothing and ripped jeans are not allowed. Entrance only for residents of the East.
I look forward to seeing you, my radiant one, some August at 19.00 in the Taj Mahal No. 112 on the street. Eastern.

Your Aladdin"

Option 2. Oriental incense bag. Take a small pouch with a string (they are sold in all gift shops and departments and are quite inexpensive), fill it with everything related to the party theme: small coins, pebbles that look like gems, and an incense stick. Also put inside the invitation, written on a small card. Such a bag will become not only an original version of the invitation. It is a symbol of success and wealth that it brings to the home, and will also delight your guests with a delicious aroma for a long time.
Option 3. Bracelets. An equally original invitation to the celebration will be bracelets, which are an integral attribute of oriental culture. It can be a red thread with a bead, which will become a pass to the party. Hand the bracelet along with a postcard containing information about the date, address and clothing requirements.

2. Dress code

Women's images for a party in the style of the East

First of all, you need to take care of your image. As the host or mistress of the holiday, your image should be no worse than that of an Arab sheikh or an oriental princess.

It is important to choose a style that emphasizes all your advantages. Girls can boldly demonstrate the smooth curves of the body, covered with bright bodices with embroidered ornaments, rhinestones and beads. Bloomers made of translucent fabric look great, a belt on the hips, decorated with playfully jingling coins. A delightful scarf that covers the head and face will help to make the image more mysterious and mysterious, leaving only expressive eyes with colorful and bright make-up open. Instead of harem pants, you can wear a floor-length skirt. And modest women can use a sari, which will hide their figure from outsiders.
Making costumes for an oriental party is within your power and on your own. For example, for a bodice, take a top and decorate it with lots of sequins, sequins, and embroidery.

The belt is easy to make from a small piece of fabric, for example, tulle, sheathed with coins. In needlework stores, special coins with holes are sold, which are very convenient to sew on, and they are quite inexpensive.

We make a veil on the face from the same fabric or the same color as the rest of the elements of the image. Silk will look good. Needlewomen will be able to sew bloomers on their own. On the Internet, you can find various patterns. To make a skirt, it is enough to sew two pieces of fabric with an elastic band (around the waist) and leave cuts up to the very hips.

Mandatory when creating an image is the use of a variety of jewelry and jewelry. Earrings, beads, bracelets on arms and legs, necklaces and other jewelry will only make the image more vivid and will not spoil it at all.

An important element is make-up in oriental style. Oriental beauties always draw long arrows for themselves, which visually enlarge their eyes, and make their eyes expressive and mysterious. The main makeup colors are gold, bronze, copper, turquoise, emerald, ruby ​​and deep black. Eyes are the most important part of makeup. Try to make the look as "cat-like" as possible. In the end, everything must be shaded with a small brush. Particular attention should be paid to the eyebrows. They should be pronounced, and the bend more characteristic than usual. But lips should not be made bright. It is best to use nude shades or a delicate pink color.

Men's costumes for an oriental party

For the strong half of the invitees, there are also many image ideas. A man can be reincarnated as Aladdin, a Bedouin wanderer or a genie. A mandatory attribute is a turban fastened with a magnificent brooch with a large stone.

Of course, you will have to spend a little time until you get the hang of laying a fabric or a bath towel in a turban, but the result will exceed all expectations. The stern look and image of the Sultan will conquer any girl. A dressing gown with elements of oriental ornament can be thrown over the shoulders, and trousers can be replaced with ordinary casual pants.

Both ladies and men should not worry about choosing shoes. Bare feet, sandals or light fabric slippers are allowed.

The organizer of the holiday needs to take care of a fallback and prepare something like a turban for men and a scarf for girls, which will be a salvation for those guests who are too lazy to take care of the thematic image.

3. Room decoration

The tone of the event is set by the decoration of the room. You should not try to repeat the luxurious decoration of the Sultan's palaces. But to make the interior as similar as possible to the chambers of the Arab ruler is quite realistic. When decorating a room in an oriental style, the main rule is the abundance of fabrics and decor items.

In Asian countries, it is customary to place guests directly on the floor with soft pillows. They are usually decorated with flowing lines or patterns.

Those gathered at the table on small legs are treated. If the guests are more conservative, invite them to sit on a sofa or chairs, which should first be draped with a cloth.

There must be a carpet on the floor. Preferably, embroidered with many patterns or with floral ornaments. If there are several carpets, this will only add a certain oriental flavor. To enhance the resemblance to the Sultan's palace, build a kind of fabric canopy over the main table. To do this, take a very light fabric (2 or 4 pieces) and fasten it to the chandelier. And the ends, directing to different corners of the room, fasten to the cornices and furniture. Walls can be draped with the same fabric. Scatter lots of pillows - large and small - all over the room, on sofas, chairs, floors in a "creative mess".

A hookah will be a great addition to the decor. It will emphasize the theme of the evening, and will also be good entertainment. Tall floor vases, figurines of dancers and animals are suitable as decorative elements. Paintings depicting military battles, magical palaces and colorful oriental bazaars will also fit perfectly into the overall look.

An important role is played by light, which should not be bright. Subdued lighting is created using floor lamps and wall lamps. Arrange candles throughout the room. But it would be safer to use small lamps stylized as real candles.

Burn the incense, but don't emphasize it. The barely perceptible smell of vanilla or toffee will relax guests and take them to the far East.

4. Menu and drinks

In Eastern countries, it is customary to treat guests with a variety of traditional dishes. Be sure to have meat dishes: pilaf, manti, beshbarmak, shurpa or shish kebab.

In the usual sense for us, there are no salads in oriental cuisine. They are replaced by fresh vegetables. Chopped tomatoes, peppers and greens are a great addition to the main treats.

Oriental sweets play a special role. The well-known baklava, Turkish delight and sherbet will delight guests not only with their taste, but also with their attractive appearance.

Cooking oriental sweets is not at all difficult. It is enough to spend a little time and approach the work with enthusiasm. And strict adherence to recipes will allow you to get delicious little ones that differ little from those sold in Turkish bazaars.

Lemon Turkish Delight Recipe

sugar - 900 g
water - 0.5 l.
starch - 170 g
zest of 1 lemon
powdered sugar - 150-200 g.

Starch mixed with 250 ml of cold water. Put another 250 ml of water on the fire and bring to a boil, then add sugar and cook the syrup until it is completely dissolved. Next, you need to pour in the starch solution and reduce the heat. When the mass begins to thicken, add lemon zest and cook until the Turkish Delight begins to become very thick and “move away” from the walls of the dish. After that, put the mixture into a mold (or into small molds) and smooth with a wet silicone spatula or spoon. Allow to cool at room temperature for 5-7 hours and cut into small squares, which are rolled in powdered sugar. Turkish delight should never be placed in the refrigerator, otherwise it can get wet from moisture and turn into jelly.

Chak-chak recipe

Another traditional sweet for Arab countries, very easy to prepare and very tasty.

flour - 0.5 kg
butter - 160 g
sugar - 160 g
chicken eggs - 5 pcs.
honey - 250 g
vegetable oil (for frying) - 350-450 g

Beat 5 eggs with 30 grams of sugar. Melt the butter in the microwave and let it cool down a bit. Add warm butter to the egg mixture, then stir. Pour the pre-sifted flour into the egg-butter mixture and knead the dough. It should be dense and soft at the same time. Cover the dough with cling film or cotton cloth and leave to “rest” for 20 minutes.

Then, in a cauldron, frying pan or any pan with a thick bottom, heat the vegetable oil. Place small pieces of dough in it and fry for 2-3 minutes until the dough becomes golden, then take it out on a paper towel to get rid of the remaining fat. When all the dough is ready, you need to prepare the honey filling. To do this, 120 g of sugar must be melted together with 500 grams of honey. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer on low heat for 3-4 minutes. The sugar should “disperse”, and the caramel itself should thicken a little. Fold the chak-chak sticks into a mold or a deep bowl and pour over honey, mixing thoroughly and gently. Then form a hill and leave to harden. Chak-chak is ready.

Drinks for an oriental party

The presence of strong alcohol is excluded. Traditionally in the countries of the East, guests are treated to strong tea with sweets or coffee. But if you don’t want to completely give up alcohol, you can serve wine or low-alcohol cocktails in jugs, giving them original names like “Arabic Mojito” or “Aladdin on the Beach”.

It is best to prepare cocktails based on red or white wine with the addition of fruit juices.

Cocktail "Sheikh"

80 ml red wine
30 ml raspberry syrup
20 ml lemon juice
5 ml orange liqueur
3 ice cubes

Mix all the components of the drink thoroughly in a shaker and pour into a glass. Garnish with a strawberry or a slice of lemon (orange).

Cocktail "Oriental Chocolate"

milk chocolate - 30 g
red wine - 40 ml
cream - 80 ml
coffee liqueur - 200 ml

Melt the chocolate in the microwave (in several steps, 5 seconds at full power, stirring each time), then mix with cream, wine and liquor. Pour crushed ice into a glass, pour over the chocolate mixture and serve immediately.

5. Scenario

Characters: Scheherazade (the mistress of the house), King Shahriyar (the owner of the house), guests.

King (greets guests) : Oriental princes and princesses, strong Janissary warriors, Bedouin sages and sheikhs came to us. We are glad to welcome everyone in our palace! A sea of ​​entertainment awaits you. This is my wife, Scheherazade. Today she will tell us many fairy tales, which may not be fairy tales at all. Well, welcome!

Scheherazade : Hello, dear guests. We are glad that you have honored us with your presence. In gratitude, we promise to treat you with delicious treats and indulge in entertainment. Come in and sit down at the table. Do not forget that today we follow all Eastern traditions. Position yourself directly on the floor. And for your convenience, the servants have taken care of soft pillows embroidered with gold thread that you can use.

The guests sit down and eat.

Tsar : Dear guests, enjoy the dishes. And my beloved wife will delight us with her fairy tale.

Scheherazade : For a thousand nights I have not closed my eyes, telling you tales, king, and weaving carpets of patterned speeches. But today I crave entertainment. My husband, Shahriyar, the light of my eyes, what are you ready for for me?

Tsar : For everything, my dear Scheherazade. I'll even get you a star from the sky!

Scheherazade : Don't rush, lord. You will still succeed. You know how much I love dancing. So, choose four assistants for yourself, and dance a belly dance for us.

Belly dance game. The king chooses four male guests, they are put on a belt with coins over their clothes and they dance to oriental music.

Tsar : Oh, and I'm tired, my little wife. Look at all these princesses who are visiting us today - all beauties. And it's time for us to choose a spouse for the heir. Let's have a beauty contest.

Scheherazade : Our dear beauties, choose a man as your assistant. Now we will have a very interesting competition, which is to put as many decorations on the princesses as possible. And this task falls on the shoulders of men.

Fashion show contest. Five pairs of participants are selected, in front of which a tray with a lot of jewelry is placed: beads, brooches, bracelets. In 30 seconds, a man must put on his partner as much jewelry as possible. Whoever wears the most jewelry will win.

Tsar : You all did great, well done.

Scheherazade : Our men still have a sweet tooth. Yes, don't be shy. Raise your hands those who cannot live without sweets. We all know that the eastern countries are a great cuisine, in which sweets occupy a special place. Today you will enjoy one of them - Turkish Delight. Whoever eats it the most in one minute is the champion. But you can’t just touch the food with your hands.

Contest "Eating Turkish delight for speed." Five participants (or more) are selected. A plate of Turkish Delight is placed in front of each. The most glutton becomes the winner. The catch of the competition is that neither the plate nor the sweetness itself can be touched with your hands. Violators are immediately eliminated.

Scheherazade : Real sweet tooth! Have some tea soon. I wish that everything in your life is always as sweet as it is now in your mouth.

Tsar : And let's call the genie. And he will fulfill all our desires. Now, I have a real lamp (pulls out from under the table). I propose to pass it in a circle and make wishes. And the genie will definitely fulfill them.

Game "Desire"."Lamp" is passed in a circle. Each of the guests rubs it and makes a wish to another guest. Desires can be different, but not too complicated, like belly dancing.

Scheherazade : Now I propose to arrange a test for couples in love. Can you, valiant warriors, recognize your beloved by just a glance?

Competition "Show your face" Girls cover their face and head with a scarf so that only their eyes are visible. And sit in a line on the floor or chairs. Men need to get to know their partners.

Scheherazade : You all did an excellent job with this competition. Girls can be sure of the love of their chosen ones. Would you like, our dear guests, to help me compose a new fairy tale - one thousand two?

The game "The New Tale of Scheherazade". Those gathered take turns speaking one phrase at a time, continuing the narration of the previous player. The result should be an interesting and funny fairy tale.

Tsar : Dear guests, offering to arrange an exam in the most ancient science - astrology. My questions are devoted to 12 signs of the Zodiac. The game is best played at the height of the party, when the guests are pretty drunk.

  1. This zodiac sign is better not to pull the mane. (A lion)
  2. And this friend is still a mountain whistler? (Cancer)
  3. And who looks like himself, like a reflection in a mirror? (Twins)
  4. Chief Spender H 2 O? (Aquarius)
  5. Do they say "small cattle" about him? (Capricorn)
  6. Always hits the bull's-eye? (Sagittarius)
  7. And why wasn't he just called "Baran"? (Aries)
  8. An offensive sign for men. (Virgo)
  9. Is he stubborn like no other? (Taurus)
  10. Only a slender girl will stand on this sign in the presence of a man. (Scales)
  11. Poisonous and dangerous! (Scorpion)
  12. And this sign went to spawn (Pisces)

Tsar : Well, you know astrology.

Scheherazade : Honey, let me suggest a game for our sheiks. Here they will again have to feel all the difficulties that Eastern women face.

Hula Hoop Contest

All players are given a hula hoop and a fan. Whoever can spin the hoop the longest and at the same time gracefully fan himself with a fan is the champion. The winner receives a prize - a photo with a harem. That is, with all the ladies present at the party.

The holiday continues with dancing and fun. It is desirable to choose thematic music: Arash, Tarkan, Abraham Russo.

You can complete the evening by launching sky lanterns. Unless, of course, they have not been banned in your city yet.

Traditionally, the meeting of the New Year in Asian countries is a cozy, homely holiday with family and close relatives. But with the onset of the next day, you can go to a restaurant or cafe with congratulations, or you can simply celebrate the first day of the new year on the street, where it is usually very fun, and passers-by, acquaintances and strangers, congratulate each other on the new year.

New Year is a holiday that gives hope that the coming year will definitely be better and happier than the previous one. People all over the world, and in Russia too, strive to meet him in such a way that he will be remembered for his uniqueness, originality, they try to observe all traditions. And therefore, the meeting of the New Year in oriental style makes the holiday even brighter and more interesting. According to the eastern calendar, each year has its own patron among animals. And in order to please the patron of the next year, people choose the color of clothes, think over the menu, in general, they do everything so that the symbol of the year is sure to “be satisfied”. And it is not for nothing that thousands of bright spots from explosions of firecrackers and fireworks illuminate the night sky all over the globe, because this is how people want to drive away everything that personifies evil and failure. But fun and hope, good wishes to each other will surely give goodness and the fulfillment of cherished desires.

The New Year's holiday is so loved in Asian countries that people celebrate it for 15 days.
Since ancient times in the East, a holiday associated with the onset of the next year was celebrated in the house of any resident, whether it be a poor peasant or a wealthy official. Houses for the holiday were decorated with traditional red lanterns, pictures of animals. The main symbol of happiness is red, which is why decorations using this color prevailed in the houses. Strips cut out of red paper were glued onto dishes, furniture, and working tools. The doors and walls of the rooms were also decorated with sheets of red paper, where hieroglyphs were neatly drawn with golden paint, which meant wealth and happiness.

Another traditional decoration in the house was five long stripes, each of which corresponded to one of the traditional "kinds of happiness": honor, good luck, longevity, joy and wealth. Lanterns coexisted with the stripes, especially popular were lanterns with four and six edges, as well as small lamps covered with fabric. Lanterns were also used in the dance with dragon figures.

Maximum red color to attract good luck

Eastern calendar by years

The forecast for the next year is another great feature of the Eastern calendar. Below is the Eastern calendar by year, according to which some style recommendations are given.

Year of the Rat. The rat itself is very concerned about its appearance, so this year the acquisition of any expensive item is just a tribute to the symbol of the year. The slogan of the year of the rat: "look at 100%!". A chic red dress is a synonym for the word "success".
Year of the Ox. The bull is an unpretentious animal, and therefore comfort and convenience should prevail in clothes. The most relevant styles will be "smart casual" and "casual chic". Popular fabrics this year are natural fabrics, it can be cotton or bamboo. Outrageous in the year of the Ox is not appropriate. Modesty and minimalism are the right choice in style.
Year of the Tiger. About the style this year, you can say: "What year is it according to the eastern calendar, such prints are in fashion." Of course, a drawing under a leopard or a tiger will be popular, and drawings under a zebra or giraffe will also be appropriate. Furs and large jewelry will be relevant. Courage is a priority in choosing clothes. For those born in the year of the Monkey, cat prints should be avoided, because the Tiger is their opposite.
Year of the Rabbit or Cat. This year's trend is fur and silk. The thing must be done perfectly: the wrong side should not be worse than the front side. Luxury and at the same time elegant modesty - this combination will bring popularity to the person who can do it. Vintage and retro style will help to make this combination a reality. The use of large stones in the form of a beautiful lady will serve as a great addition.
Year of the Dragon. Professionals advise this year to use large prints in clothes, a variety of rich colors, and all this to complement with expressive makeup. Imitation of crocodile skin is the current print of this year. Shoes should also attract attention: massive soles, rivets, etc. Diamonds will become a symbolic decoration in the year of the Dragon.
Year of the Snake. All also remain at the peak of popularity in accordance with the Eastern calendar animal prints. However, it is important to remember about elegance. Here it would be nice to recall the famous Coco Chanel with her little black dress. This year's decoration is a string of pearls.
Year of the Horse. Sportiness in clothes is what you need this year. Convenience and comfort are becoming popular again. Especially popular are models of clothing for outdoor activities.
Year of the Goat. Everyday life is replaced by luxury and seductiveness. Dresses with a complex cover, open neckline and back are in fashion. The best choice is a dress that emphasizes all the advantages of a female figure. Femininity and once again femininity is the trend of the year. Stylish shoes - ankle boots with lacing. A handbag in the spirit of the aristocracy will also perfectly complement the image.
Year of the Monkey. The monkey does not tolerate boredom, so there are more clothes for fun parties in the wardrobe. Natural and artificial furs are gaining popularity. Among natural ones, it is a silver fox, a red fox or an exotic animal. Textured fabrics with pile and fringe are also becoming popular.
Year of the Rooster. The image of this year is excessive sexuality. It is expressed in tight-fitting knitwear, sequins and rhinestones. You can draw a parallel in the image that compatriots create when they are abroad. But sometimes you want more modesty and elegance in such an image.
Year of the Dog. Classic styles set the tone this year. It can be military or safari style. More and more attention is paid to trousers in the wardrobe of ladies. Decorations fade into the background.
Year of the Pig. This year's priorities are "luxury comfort". Soft cashmere, cozy mohair, in general, any soft fabric with a large number of folds and draperies is suitable for a fashionista's wardrobe. Spacious tunics and caftans are relevant.