In what position to feed the baby. Why is an uncomfortable position for feeding dangerous? Armpit baby pose

When we were just starting our professional career and were still inexperienced parents, we naively believed that breastfeeding is such a process programmed by nature that if you bring together a mother who has milk and a hungry child, this couple will automatically connect, milk will flow and the child will grow. In fact, most novice moms and babies need to be taught the right actions - what to take positions and how to suck. We want to not only encourage you to definitely breastfeed, but more importantly, to help you enjoy it.

First feedings

You can attach your baby to your breast just a few minutes after birth. Unless there are complications (for example, the baby is not breathing well), immediately after birth, the baby will be placed on your chest, tummy to stomach, cheek to chest, skin to skin (unless you are having a caesarean section) and covered warm towel. You can relax and enjoy the closeness of each other. Don't rush things. It is not yet time to introduce the child to the breast and put into practice what you have learned in the courses. Most newborns will lick the breast a little, try to suckle, take a break and lick the breast again, and again make several sucking movements. Sucking intermittently is typical for the first hours, and sometimes even the first days.

A few minutes after birth, most babies are in a state of calm but alert attention—the optimal state for starting interaction. When a child is calmly attentive, his eyes are wide open, he is looking for other eyes and breasts. Immediately after birth, some newborns, if they are resting on the mother's stomach, move towards the breast and often find what they are looking for with minimal assistance. When the baby is in this state, touch the nipple to his lips to trigger the natural sucking reflex.

The first communication is important for a number of reasons. Your first milk (colostrum) is the best food, and the sooner your baby suckles it, the better. Suckling helps the newborn recover from the stress of childbirth. Sucking calms, helps the child to get used to the new environment. In addition to feeding, from the very beginning it is important not to part with the child. This will help you understand the signals given by the child. When you see that the baby has opened his eyes, looks around and puts his fist in his mouth, it's time to offer him a breast.

Frequent feeding releases special hormones and the mother-child system begins to work.

Postures of mother and child during feeding

The role of correct postures during feeding cannot be overestimated. Most of the problems that we encountered in our practice (sore nipples, insufficient milk supply, mother's alienation from the child during feeding) stemmed from the fact that mothers did not follow the basic methods of proper feeding from the very beginning.

Take the right posture

Get comfortable before feeding. Milk flows better if mom is relaxed. It is best to sit on a bed, in a rocking chair or in a chair with armrests. Pillows help a lot to sit comfortably and comfortably arrange the child. Put one behind your back, the second on your knees and the third under the elbow of the hand with which you are holding the child. If you are sitting in a chair, put a footstool under your feet - then your knees will rise, you will not have to strain your back and arm muscles to press the baby to your chest. Attune your feelings, your body to the child you will be feeding, think about milk, about the child, about motherhood.

Hold your baby right

Leave some clothes on the child (or undress him at all) so that skin touches skin. By undressing a baby who looks sleepy, you keep him awake and encourage him to suckle better. Hold your baby correctly:

  1. Arrange the baby on your arm so that his neck rests on the crook of your elbow, the back rests on your arm, and your palm wraps around his bottom.
  2. Turn the whole body of the child on its side so that he presses his tummy against your stomach. The head and neck of the child should be straightened, make sure that they do not bend back or to the sides in relation to the body. The baby should not turn his head or strain his neck to reach the nipple. (Try turning your head to one side and in this position drink a sip of water. Then try to do the same with your head thrown back or tilting your chin. You will find that this is very uncomfortable.)
  3. Raise your baby to your chest level by placing a pillow in your lap or by placing your feet on a stool. Let the pillow in your lap act as a support for your arm and bear the baby's weight. If you put the baby's weight on your arm, the muscles in your back and arms will tense. If the baby is too low on your lap, he will pull the chest down, increasing nipple friction.
  4. Move the baby's arms if they are in the way When you turn the baby's body on its side, tummy to your stomach, place his arms in a cozy place between his body and your lower back.
  5. After you have removed the baby's arms so that they do not interfere with suckling, turn him towards you, tummy to your stomach. This basic position is called the "cradle".
  6. How to breastfeed a baby

    With your free hand, squeeze out a few drops of colostrum or milk to moisten the nipple. Cup the chest by supporting it with the palm of your hand so that four fingers are under the breast and the thumb is on top. Press your hand to your chest so that the areola does not close. If you have very large breasts, put a rolled up towel under it (for support), otherwise the breast may press on the baby's lower jaw.

    Correct sucking technique

    With the nipple moistened with milk, lightly touch the baby's lips, prompting him to open his mouth wide, as if yawning. The mouth opens very wide and then closes quickly, like the beak of a small bird. At this point, when the baby's mouth is wide open (and you patiently tease him with the nipple until the baby opens his mouth really wide), point the nipple to the center of the mouth and with a quick movement of the hand, pull the baby to you.

    Remember two important components of a good suckling initiation - hand movement and quick movement. Many young mothers are not fast enough, they either do not cuddle the child well, or do not do it fast enough. Do not lean forward, do not stick out your chest towards the baby; quickly press the baby to the chest with the movement of the arm clasping him. Otherwise, you will have to sit hunched over the baby, and by the end of feeding you will be tired, your back will start to hurt. If your hand movement is too slow or if you delay and your baby's mouth is already closing, he will most likely only latch on to the nipple and not be able to suckle properly.

    The child should put the areola in his mouth. If you act quickly and correctly, the baby's gums will grip the areola with a radius of at least 1 inch (2.5 cm). If the child takes only nipples in his mouth, they will quickly be damaged. There is another reason why it is so important that the child takes the areola in his mouth. The lobules of the mammary gland, in which milk accumulates, are located under the areola. If the baby's gums do not press against them, he will not be able to suck out enough milk. The baby should take the areola cups in his mouth, not the nipples.

    Open your baby's mouth wide! In order for the baby to start sucking correctly, it is necessary that he opens his mouth wide enough. Many children purse their lips, especially the smallest ones. Help your baby open his mouth wide by pressing the index finger of the hand you are holding the baby on his chin as you pull him towards you. At first, you may need someone's help. If you feel that the child is not taking the nipple correctly, temporarily stop supporting the breast and open his lips with your index finger. If again the correct position did not work out, stop the child by carefully inserting the index finger between the gums, and start all over again. Even if you have to repeat all the steps several times until everything works out as it should, do not give up on your attempts. This is a good practice, the child will learn to do the right movements. Look at this as your first discipline (discipline means teaching and directing), take a deep breath and start over.

    When we teach nursing techniques to nurses and young doctors, we bring them to the maternity ward. After simply pressing on the child’s chin and straightening the position of the tucked lower lip, mothers usually exclaimed: “Now it doesn’t hurt at all. Now it's good."

    Make it easy for the child to breathe. When you get your baby to open his mouth wide and adjust his lips, pull him close to you so that the tip of his nose touches your chest. Do not be afraid that he will suffocate, the child can breathe freely through the edges of the nose, even when the tip of the nose is flattened. If you feel like your nose is pinched, pull your baby's butt toward you, change the angle of your torso slightly, or lightly press your thumb on your chest to release the nose.

    Support your chest. After the baby takes the breast correctly, support the breast with your hand throughout the feeding so that it does not press its weight on the newborn's mouth. When the baby grows a little and becomes stronger, you will no longer need to support the breast, your hand will be free for most of the feeding mouth between gums.

    Common mistakes in postures of nursing mothers and in the way the baby takes the breast:

  • The child is spinning, his body is not pressed against the mother's stomach.
  • The baby's mouth is not wide enough when you insert the nipple into it.
  • Lips turn inward.
  • The baby squeezes the nipple, and does not press on the areola.
  • You are too sluggish, instead of quickly pulling the baby and inserting the nipple into the wide open mouth.
  • Two kinds of sucking

    After a few weeks, you will notice that the baby sucks in different ways: firstly, to enjoy and calm down, and secondly, to satisfy the feeling of hunger. With the first type of sucking, the child receives milk that is not rich in fats, with the second, the facial muscles work so intensely that the ears can even move. During such sucking, the child receives more high-calorie and saturated milk.

    Alternative feeding positions

    In the first week, it is reasonable to teach the child to suck in not one, but at least two positions. Two more comfortable feeding positions are lying on your side and sitting on a bed on a pillow with a baby on your lap. These positions are very comfortable in the first days after a caesarean section.

    Side feeding. When feeding lying on your side, you hold the baby in much the same way as in the "cradle" position, but both you and the baby lie on your side facing each other. Place two pillows under your head, one behind your back, one more under your upper leg, and tuck the fifth behind your child's back. Five pillows is a lot, but you need to provide the most comfort Place the baby on its side facing you, wrap your arm around it and move it up and down until the mouth is in line with the nipple. Then proceed as already described.

    Feeding with a baby on your lap with a pillow under his back. This position can be useful in cases where it is difficult to get the baby to suckle when he is in your arms.

    Feeding sitting on the bed. Notice how the pillow provides a comfortable position for both the mother and the baby to twist and arch the back so it doesn't pull itself to the breast. It is also good for small, weak or premature babies. Sitting in bed or in a chair with armrests, place a pillow on one side or slip one end of it between you and the armrest and place it on the child's pillow. It should lie on the side of the chest that you are going to give him, and close to you, you hold him with your hand and with the same hand support the back of his head. Stretch the child's legs so that they rest on a pillow that is laid behind your back. Make sure that the baby does not rest his feet on the back of the chair or pillow, otherwise he will arch the back. If this happens, move the baby so that his legs are bent at the hip joint, and his legs and buttocks are pressed against the pillow behind your back. Next, follow the same pattern - with the other hand, cup the breast and pull the baby towards you. When the baby takes the breast correctly and begins to suck, tuck the pillow behind him so that you can comfortably hold him against the breast.

    We advise new mothers to seek advice from a breastfeeding specialist within the first few days after giving birth to learn proper feeding techniques from the very beginning before bad habits develop. A few years ago, we began encouraging first-time moms who came to see us to consult our breastfeeding center within 48 hours of giving birth to learn proper feeding positions and suckling techniques. As a result, the number of calls to us about breastfeeding problems has decreased very noticeably; both mother and newborn received more satisfaction from feeding.

So, the first question, the answer to which is of interest to young mothers, is whether it is possible to feed a newborn with breast milk in a lying position?

To date, pediatricians do not insist on one position for feeding newborns.

During feeding, an emotional connection is created between the child and the mother, which is why it is necessary to eliminate as much as possible all the inconveniences, including those that, at first glance, may not seem too significant: neither the back tired in an uncomfortable position, nor the cramped hands should distract from feeding.

Any positions are welcomed in which both mother and child will be comfortable. You can choose a comfortable position only by trial and error, experimenting with different options until a position is found in which both mother and baby will be comfortable.

Even after a comfortable position is chosen, it is worth periodically trying others. This is due to the growth and development of the child and possible changes in his behavior. In addition, sometimes changing positions may be a necessary measure, for example, with lactostasis.

Periodic change of positions during feeding contributes to the uniform development of all lobes of the mammary gland.

Feeding a newborn lying down is no doubt comfortable. Especially if a caesarean was performed or in the case of a mother after childbirth, sutures in the perineum. Also, feeding lying down at night helps the mother to rest, allowing her to sleep better.

Rules for feeding a newborn

You must adhere to the following rules:

  • It is impossible for a newborn to bend during saturation: all parts of his body should be on the same straight line, and his head should be raised, this will help minimize regurgitation.
  • In the process of feeding, tactile contact between mother and child is important, this contributes to the relaxation and calmness of the baby.
  • It is necessary to fix the head of the newborn with your hand.
  • When the baby suckles, there should be no clicking or smacking sounds - they indicate that the nipple is not properly captured or that the newborn has problems with the frenulum of the tongue.
  • The mouth of the baby should be opposite the nipple.
  • Do not allow the baby to tilt his head back or lower it.
  • The child should not have difficulty breathing.
  • If the mother's breasts are large, a rolled-up diaper should be placed under them to relieve pressure on the baby's jaw.
  • It is recommended to put a special roller under the back, and clamp a dense pillow between the legs.

We must not forget that in the process of feeding it is necessary to bring the child to the breast, and not vice versa.

Main positions and photos

For to feed the baby lying down, you can use several positions, changing them or choosing one, the most comfortable. In order to understand how to properly breastfeed a newborn, we suggest that you read the detailed description of the poses, as well as see the photo.

on the side

Most often, this position is used to feed the baby at night, as it allows the mother to relax and get some rest. There are 3 feeding options in this position.

  1. In the first version, the baby's head lies on the mother's hand, and the lower breast is used to saturate it. Thus, the mouth of the baby rises and is opposite the nipple.

    The neck and back of a woman should lie on a pillow to exclude the possibility of their numbness.

  2. Using the second option, the child is also saturated from the lower chest, but in this case it must be placed on its side on a flat surface. Thus, both hands of the mother will be free and she will be able to cuddle the baby so that he is not worried or scared.

    In this position, the baby should in no case lie on its back, otherwise the swallowing process will be difficult.

  3. The third option involves feeding from the upper breast, for which both mother and child must lie on a pillow. With this position, the mother has one hand free, and she should hold the baby with the other. This feeding option, firstly, helps to get rid of milk stagnation, and secondly, it allows you to use both breasts in turn to feed the newborn.


In this position, mother and newborn should lie on their sides, while the baby's legs are located along the mother's head. This position very successfully helps to cope with the stagnation of milk, since milk from the upper walls of the breast is used to saturate the child.

Greater comfort can be achieved by fixing the baby with a small pillow, which should be placed under his back. This will help both mother and baby avoid discomfort and pain during feeding.

On the back

In this position, the mother lies on her back, the child on her. The baby's head should be slightly turned to the side.. This position allows the mother to change breasts during feeding.

Most often, this position is used to feed the baby during the first few months after birth, as it helps to reduce the pressure of the stream of breast milk.


This position is the most effective, as it promotes the correct location of breast milk along the walls. If for some reason the process of swallowing is difficult for a child, then it is this position when feeding lying down that will be most convenient for him.

Mom should lie on her stomach, leaning on her elbows so that her chest hangs over the baby, but does not crush him.

In what cases should this not be done?

It must be understood that it is possible to feed a baby lying down only if it is a question of breastfeeding, in which the baby needs to make efforts during saturation. If you feed a baby with special mixtures from a bottle, he should not lie horizontally. In this case hold the baby in your arms at an angle of about 45 degrees.

This is due to the fact that, during bottle feeding, the baby does not make any effort, as the mixture flows out on its own. At the same time, the likelihood that a child lying on his back will choke increases.

Feeding baby lying on side is no safer, since there is a risk of developing otitis media, a drop of milk that accidentally leaks out and gets into the ear can provoke an inflammatory process.

Common Mistakes

The most common mistakes when breastfeeding a baby lying down:

The process of breastfeeding is an important stage for both the child and the mother. You can make it the least problematic and the most convenient and comfortable, filled with mystery and tenderness, by choosing a comfortable position for feeding. If nothing distracts either the mother or the baby from feeding, this will allow them not only to feel each other better, but also to avoid such health problems as, for example, lactostasis in the mother and colic in the child.

We offer you to watch a video about feeding lying down:

The problem of proper attachment is usually faced by women who have given birth for the first time. This does not mean that moms with experience do not experience the same. Every child is unique. What works for one kid may not work for another. It is better to know more positions for feeding, then it will be easier to cope with the baby.

General application rules

After the baby is born, it must be applied to the breast. So he will begin to develop a sucking reflex, in the mother's body the production of milk will increase.

General application rules:

  • The body of the baby, which includes the ear, shoulder, abdomen, legs, should be located in one straight line. If the baby lies face up, and the mother turns her to the breast, he will not be able to properly capture the areola with the nipple, swallowing will be difficult.
  • The entire body of the newborn should be clasped, the head neatly fixed.
  • The neck of the child should be straight. He will not be able to suck with his head bent or thrown back.
  • A newborn does not immediately understand how to suck. It is required to ensure that it captures the nipple and areola well. Otherwise, he can swallow a lot of air, which will affect digestion.
  • A woman should not feel discomfort during application.

Correct application. The baby captures the nipple and part of the areola.

Incorrect grip leads to lactostasis (stagnation of milk in some segments), cracks in the nipples. The first problem is solved by choosing the optimal position, thanks to which the child will completely empty the chest. The second will pass with time, you need to be patient. You can use special healing ointments, overlays. Feeding a baby is unusual and difficult only for the first weeks. Over time, the mother will establish contact with the child. Breastfeeding will benefit both.

Mom needs to be in a comfortable position. She attracts the baby to her, and not vice versa.


Usually an obstetrician helps an inexperienced mother to apply a newborn, showing how it is done correctly. The cradle is considered the basic pose, which is introduced even in the maternity hospital.

Pose cradle

Feeding algorithm:

  • the head of the newborn is placed on the fold of the arm from which the attachment is carried out;
  • her hand should hold the back of the baby;
  • the second hand adheres to his lower back;
  • the woman must turn the body of the baby so that they are in contact with the stomachs.

At this time, it is good for a woman to sit in an easy chair, on a hard floor, stand, walk around the room. Its inconvenience is that after 15–20 minutes the back and arm become numb. The baby is comfortable in it, he can fully cover the nipple, the heat of the mother's body warms up his tummy, which helps digestion.

Cross cradle

Cross cradle

It differs from the classic cradle in that the head of the newborn is simultaneously supported by both hands. At this time, the mother can control the correctness of the capture of the nipple by the baby. It is used for weak babies, premature babies.

Cradle with pillow

The cradle position is quite tiring for a woman. This is especially felt if the newborn is napping and sucking at the same time. Hands and back in this position begin to hurt after 15–20 minutes, and in 40–60 minutes, feeding turns into torture.

Do not forcibly tear the baby away from you. Newborns need frequent contact with the breast. At this stage, lactation is formed, the child is intensively gaining weight, prolonged feeding only contributes to this.

Cradle Pillow Pose

To make mom less tired, she can put an ordinary small pillow on her knees. Place a child on it. So it will be higher and the woman will not have to bow her body. During periods of prolonged feeding, the mother can have a snack, drink warm lactation tea.

From under the arm

A comfortable position for a woman is considered to be from under the arm. You don't have to hold the baby. The method is ideal for women who gave birth by cesarean section, since the incision area does not touch the baby's legs, there is no load on the stomach.

Pose from under the arm

For feeding, a woman should sit on her side, put the baby perpendicular to her body. The baby's legs go behind her back. It is better that the head of the newborn is located at the level of the nipple. A folded blanket will help in this, on which the baby should be laid.

During the process, mom will be able to lean on her elbow. She will be able to support the baby's head with the brush of the second hand. The posture allows you to sit in a wide chair with armrests.


The position is convenient during the night application. They should be mandatory in the first weeks of a baby's life, as they stimulate milk production. Obstetricians recommend that the first month, between night feedings, there should not be a time interval of more than four hours. If the baby sleeps soundly all night, he should be offered a breast, he will reflexively begin to suck. Mother and baby should be facing each other.

on the side

A nursing mother can lie with her head on a pillow, support her body with a bent arm. The child's head is placed on a soft elevation, elbow bend.

Pose lying on the side

With his free hand, the mother can stroke the child on the back, press him to her, hold the chest.

The newborn must always lie sideways so that his neck is not twisted. A roller placed under the back will prevent it from accidentally rolling over.

A mother in a lying position will be able to feed her baby from both breasts without changing her seat. To offer the upper gland, it is enough for her to turn sideways, bending slightly over the child.


The pose is useful for lactostasis, when milk accumulates in the upper lobes of the glands. The legs of the mother, the baby lie in opposite directions.

The child in this position empties the chest well. It is suitable for women who were born by caesarean section, have stitches in the perineum, are forced to feed for a long time.

On mom's belly

The posture is called self-attachment. Mom places the baby on her own stomach, gives him the opportunity to independently find the nipple. While the baby is saturated, the woman will rest as much as possible.

Pose lying on the stomach

The child can be stroked on the back, support the head. The method is good for hyperlactation, the baby will not choke on excess milk. Touching the stomachs has a positive effect on digestion, minimizing the appearance of gas.


The posture allows you to properly empty the lobes of the central and lower parts of the gland. Such feeding is suitable for an infant if it is difficult for him to suckle the breast on his own. For example, if the baby has been drinking from a bottle for a certain time, is weakened by a difficult birth, is lazy.

overhanging pose

Feeding can be done on the bed or at the table. Mom takes a position on all fours, puts the child on a soft elevation perpendicular to her body. His head may be slightly towards the chest. If he is on the changing table, it is enough for a woman to bend over the baby.

with pillow

For more comfort, you can and even need to use pillows. The modern market offers a fairly wide range. You can limit yourself to an ordinary square pillow. The main thing is that it should be low and soft. A down pillow can cause allergies, it is not suitable for everyone.

If you put the baby on a soft base, he can easily reach the nipple, make the right grip. Mothers do not have to strain the muscles of the neck, back, arms. A pillow is needed for the first few months.

The child is sitting

When the baby reaches the age of six months, it is good to feed him sitting. This method is recommended if the baby:

  • often spit up;
  • suffers from rhinitis, otitis media;
  • swallows too much milk.

Pose child sitting

The method is convenient in that it removes the load from the hands. The child may be distracted by things around him during feeding. In this case, you need to be patient, he is only learning to explore the world.

On the thigh

Mom puts the child on her leg bent at the knee, holding him by the ass, shoulder blades. The head is fixed slightly below the nipple so that it tilts slightly upwards.

Hip pose

A very small child needs to put the nipple in the mouth. The nutrient fluid will not arrive too intensively, it will be easier for him to swallow it.

mom is standing

In some situations, the child calms down only when his mother wears him around the apartment, swaying slightly. You can also feed him in this position. To do this, place the baby's head on the elbow, hold the back, part of the priests with a brush. The second hand can insure the lower back. The child will attach to the chest, calm down faster.

The kid is standing

Children who stand well can come up to mom for a delicious meal to soothe sore gums. They do not always want to sit down, lie down. In such cases, they can apply while standing. It is enough for mom to kneel or sit down, offering her breast.

Older babies are already able to do without a mother for a long time, but they treat their breasts as their own property. Mom can hug her child to bring the contact closer.

Large breastfeeding

Large chest is considered to be 4 sizes (D). The inconvenience lies in the fact that at the time of application, the entire face of the baby is closed, including the nose.

This makes it difficult for the baby to breathe. Another problem lies not in the volume of the mammary gland, but in the large nipple, the areola. The child cannot physically capture it completely, as required by educational literature. It is not worth giving up natural feeding because of this.

Poses to try:

  • lying on its side - it is worth holding the head, neck of the baby with your hand;
  • on the chest - it is enough to put the newborn on the mammary gland, the woman's body should turn a little to one side;
  • at the changing table - the mother will be able to put her breast, it will be convenient for the child to suck;
  • from under the arm - it is better for the child to be on a soft elevation;
  • cradle - it needs to be supplemented with a pillow for the crumbs, reclining the mother's body on the back of the chair so that the iron does not interfere with the child.

If the areola is very large, you need to ensure that the nipple and part of it fit in the baby's mouth. Otherwise there will be no saturation.

in a sling

Mastering this technique will allow the mother to dispose of her own hands in the process of feeding. She will do household chores, walk down the street without worrying that the baby is hungry.

Sling feeding

It is imperative that the head of the crumbs be on the same level with the areola. He needs to put a nipple in his mouth and support it behind his head and back. The other hand will be free. When the baby grows up, he will cope. Mom will have both hands free.

Feeding two children

It is worth preparing in advance for feeding the twins. It would be nice to talk to a few women who have relevant experience. Their advice will help you not to make mistakes.

It is important that mom does not apply them to the same gland. They may have slightly different milk composition, so the twins need to be breastfed alternately. If they feed, being all the time on one side, strabismus, torticollis, and other problems may appear.

Optimal postures for applying:

  • from under the arm on a soft elevation - one baby is placed on the right, the second on the left;
  • cross cradle - children are placed on pillows;
  • on the mother's stomach - suitable for older children.

At night, feeding children in turn is allowed. You can swap them at the same time.

How to feed during pregnancy

By the third trimester of pregnancy, the milk begins to change, it becomes less. This is a natural process that leads to the renewal of milk for the next child. If the son or daughter is not full, it is worth starting the introduction of complementary foods.

The main problem is the growing belly. Postures should not create strong pressure on him. The jack pose is suitable, standing, from under the arm. If the baby does not want to give up the breast, he will find the best solution for himself.


There are no positions that would be ideal for all mothers, their children. Much depends on personal preferences, physical characteristics. It is better for a woman to familiarize herself with the whole variety of poses in advance. When the baby is born, the final decision will come by itself. The main thing is to follow the general recommendations for feeding, to strongly want the baby to receive the best in the form of care and breast milk.

Fifteen positions for breastfeeding

Irina Ryukhova, AKEV teacher, member of the International Lactation Consultant Association (

Fortunately, the days when a mother was ordered to feed her baby in the same position - sitting on a chair and placing a special bench under her foot ... Now the benches have changed the pillows for feeding, and a nursing mother knows that any position in which she is comfortable is good herself and the baby! However, skills usually come with practice, but what should a mother who has recently given birth to her first child, or is just thinking about the upcoming breastfeeding in the last days of pregnancy, focus on?

Rule One- when feeding, we try to ensure comfort for ourselves and the baby. Feeding should be relaxing for both of you! This is a time of rest and relaxation, a time of love and the closest communication between mother and baby. Nothing should distract or annoy you, so immediately try to take a comfortable position; if necessary, put pillows under your back and arms (as during pregnancy), or put them under the baby, or settle in a chair (for many mothers, a rocking chair is a great purchase). With prolonged relaxed feeding, a glass of drink or food for a small snack at arm's length does not interfere at all, because rushes of milk can cause thirst or hunger.

Rule Two- in the very first days after childbirth, try not one, but several options for the location when feeding the baby. But even if you decide that one position is best for you, don't stop there! From time to time, offer your baby a breast from other positions, because your baby is growing so fast - and the behavior at the breast changes as it grows. What seemed inconvenient yesterday may be the most suitable tomorrow.

Rule Three– there are times when a change in feeding position is not only desirable, but necessary. In the first days of a baby’s life, this may be necessary in case of damage to the nipples, when it is necessary that the working parts of the crumbs’ mouth fall on other, undamaged places (just remember that just changing the position is not enough, you need to establish and eliminate the cause of the problem - most often this is a consequence of improper breast capture ). Then feeding from “non-standard” positions may be needed to help the mother cope with the stagnation of milk. Well, walkers, like acrobats, effortlessly manage their mother's breasts from any position!

We will tell and show in more detail the various variations of the positions for feeding.

MOM SITTING FEEDING"Cradle" The most common position for feeding, which is captured in their paintings by many artists. It provides, perhaps, the greatest comfort for the child - he lies in his mother's arms, like in a cradle, from where this position got its name. Mom sits down, takes the baby in her arms so that his head is in the elbow bend, turns him to her tummy - and gives the breast. The palm of the mother's other hand covers the ass or supports the back. For proper breastfeeding, it is very important that the baby's head is at the same height as the nipple, so at first the elbow will have to be raised high enough (a pillow may come in handy here: either regular or special for feeding). Note that the baby's head is slightly tilted back - this provides an effective, deep attachment to the breast, in which the baby can suck the most milk.

"Reverse Cradle"

This kind of "cradle" position helps the baby to take the breast well in the first time after birth, when he is still very tiny and he needs more help from his mother. Under the head of the baby is not the elbow, but the hand of the mother - this allows you to hold well and, if necessary, control the head of the child. At the same time, the hand opposite to the nursing breast serves as support; the baby’s palm is located under the back and shoulders, the head is between the thumb and forefinger of the hand. At the very beginning of the attachment, the second hand supports the chest from below; when the mother is convinced that the baby has taken the breast well, it can be removed. Since the hand that holds the baby can quickly get tired, you need to either put a pillow under it for support, or, after the baby has taken the breast well, carefully change hands and feed further in the traditional “cradle”.

This position is the next most common after the "cradle". Of course, most often it is used at night or during daytime rest (if the baby sleeps with his mother, then feeding on his side allows both of them to almost not wake up during feeding), and in the first days of life, the crumbs are very popular with mothers who gave birth by caesarean section and pressure on the abdomen must now be avoided. When feeding lying down, mother and baby lie on their side, turning to each other, mother hugs the baby. The simplest lying position, as in the photo, is usually used with older children - it can be inconvenient to feed the smallest in this way due to the difference in the height of the nipple and mouth of the child.

But this version of the same position is usually used by mothers of newborn babies. In order for the mouth to be at the level of the nipple, the mother gives the breast to the child with her upper hand. It will be very convenient for mom if she puts her pillow so that only her head is on it, and her shoulders are on the plane of the bed.

The baby lies on the pillow

You can put the baby and not on your own hand, but on a flat pillow. Mothers sometimes complain that it is inconvenient for them to feed lying down: this usually happens if the mother tries to maintain balance, leaning on her elbow - of course, in this case, the arm gets tired quickly and the body becomes numb. In fact, it is enough just to take a comfortable position, when the mother herself is located on the pillow just lying down, without relying on her elbow.

Upper breastfeeding

If it is more convenient for the mother to feed on one side, then you can feed not only the lower breast facing the baby, but also the upper one. In addition, it is this position that will help the baby cope with the stagnation of milk if it suddenly arises in the lower inner part of the chest.

relaxed feeding

One of the great positions that help both mom and baby relax and unwind as much as possible during feeding. Mom is reclining, with her head and shoulders slightly raised, surrounding herself with comfortable support from pillows and providing herself with complete comfort. The baby lies on the mother, who helps him find the breast and attach. In addition to the fact that the mother herself is relaxed, the baby himself calms down perfectly in this position: it is especially good for restless children, whose mothers say that the child waves his arms and legs and twists his head. While being on the mother’s stomach with such feeding, the baby does not interfere with itself with chaotic movements of the arms and legs, but either crawls to the breast or calmly sucks, turning the head left and right here turns into up and down movements, helping to better capture the chest. As a result, often the child takes the breast deeper and the tongue works more actively when sucking than in other positions. Also, this position allows the child to regulate the flow of milk well, which is especially important with a strong milk secretion reflex, when the baby may choke when feeding in the usual position.

Jack feeding

A rather rarely used position comes to the rescue with milk stagnation. If for some reason more milk has arrived than the baby can handle, then when feeding in the same position, there is a danger of stagnation. The baby empties his mother's breasts unevenly - best of all, he sucks milk from that part of the chest where his chin points when feeding. This is what you need to focus on if you need to cope with stagnation. This position is used if you need the baby to help dissolve the relatively rare seals in the upper chest.
Motion sickness while standing Also one of the basic positions. Feeding while standing, combined with gentle swaying, helps to quickly lull a child who has become naughty or nervous.

The kid is standing

This is how grown-up children usually kiss "on the run" in order to quickly restore their peace of mind with a brief but gentle contact with their mother and again take up their very important children's affairs.

Baby on mom's hip

This position when feeding can be useful if the baby is prone to spitting up - the vertical position of the child greatly softens, if not completely solves this problem.


Overhang feeding If the mother has a desire to help the milk ejection reflex, the mother can feed the baby, hanging over him, relying on her elbow. In this position, under the influence of gravity, milk is easier to descend through the ducts, which can be especially important when transferring babies from bottle feeding to breastfeeding. However, it is difficult to feed for such a long time, the hand gets tired quickly.

Sling feeding

Of course, an active mother wearing her baby in a sling will not leave him hungry either - the sling, like no other accessory, promotes breastfeeding, helping to keep the baby in close contact with the mother and her breasts without unnecessary stress!

... well, when your little one grows up, you will see for yourself that tender love for mother's tita allows you to feed as you like, almost upside down! The main thing is to provide the very possibility
We thank the mothers who acted as models, and photographers Olga Ermolaeva and Alena Akimenko.

Proper feeding of an infant is very important for a baby, because it is the basis of his health and rapid, active development. That is why a very crucial moment in the life of a young mother and her baby is the very first attachment of a newborn to the breast.

In the maternity hospital, for the first time, the mother tries to feed the child under the supervision of a doctor or an obstetrician. However, if a woman has previously familiarized herself with how proper breastfeeding should take place, it will be easier for her to tune in to this process and do everything exactly as it should. After a woman feeds her baby several times, she will develop her own "scheme" of this process, which she will continue to follow.

But the baby will learn to suckle the breast correctly longer. This process takes him up to two months. And at this time, the mother should not only carefully monitor whether everything is going right, but also try to help the little person.

In order to establish as soon as possible and provide the baby with mother's milk for the longest time, it is important to understand how the process itself takes place, to familiarize yourself with the technique of breastfeeding. This will be discussed in this article.

But, first of all, it must be taken into account that the correct position of the child during feeding and the physiological course of this important process provide such important factors for the child and mother:

  • the health of the baby, its optimal and proper nutrition;
  • harmonious and strong connection between mother and baby, which is formed directly during feeding;
  • effective prevention, nipple cracks, milk stagnation, insufficient milk supply.

Therefore, establishing proper natural feeding is one of the most important tasks for a young mother.

Believing that it is the nipple that is directly involved in feeding the baby, mothers are mistaken. In fact, we can talk about the correct capture when the mother's nipple does not take part in the process of sucking milk.

In order for milk to begin to stand out, the baby stimulates areola - a circle around the nipple. It is in the areola that the lactiferous sinuses are located, and milk accumulates in them. And the nipple is only a conduit for milk, when the baby suckles the breast, it is turned in the direction of his baby's upper jaw.

Proper latch during breastfeeding occurs if the baby is attached to the breast exactly as needed. The baby should have his mouth wide open, he should capture his mother's breast as much as possible, and the nipple at the same time goes to the upper sky. In this position, when sucking, the areola will be stimulated, which is necessary for full breastfeeding.

When feeding, the baby should be tightly pressed to the mother and at the same time work very intensively with the lower jaw. If everything happens this way, then the nipple will not be injured, and the breast will be emptied quickly. As a result, the woman will not feel pain.

When the baby was born, and the mother is just adapting to breastfeeding, she may experience mild pain at first, but such sensations pass after a few minutes. The fact is that in the first days of feeding there is a change in the epithelium.

But if the baby is not properly applied to the breast, then the baby's mouth will be only slightly open, and at the same time he will suck only the nipple and milk accumulated near it. But from the entire breast with such a capture of milk, he practically will not get it. In such a situation, stagnation can develop in the chest, the likelihood of hardening will greatly increase. In addition, the baby, if improperly applied, can remain hungry.

It often happens that the mother continues to stubbornly feed the baby, even if such troubles occur. But in this case, it is very important to correct the technique of applying to the chest, and the situation will improve by itself.

Even if the mother practices pumping milk during stagnation or engorgement, the overall situation is unlikely to improve. Breastfeeding will bring pleasant emotions and maximum benefits only if you establish the right process.

Moms who are interested in how to properly apply the baby for feeding should follow the description below carefully in order to achieve the desired results. To make sure everything is going right, you can watch a photo of the feeding process or a video on how to properly attach the baby when feeding.

How to properly apply to the breast of a baby will be discussed below.

Take a comfortable position

It is important that the shoulder girdle is relaxed. You can not start feeding, being in an uncomfortable position, as with a tense shoulder girdle, milk will be released worse. Similarly, milk is poorly excreted if a woman hurries, fusses, and is very nervous during feeding. Sometimes it is difficult for a mother who has just given birth to a baby to sit. In such a situation, it is best to feed the newborn lying down.

Position the baby at the breast correctly

Proper attachment during breastfeeding is the key to successful natural feeding. To do this, you need to turn the baby's body towards the mother. When feeding lying on her side, a woman should take such a position so as to be in the same plane with her head. In this case, the child's mouth should be at the same level with the nipple. In a different position, the child will constantly pull on the chest, as a result of which the nipple will become injured. No need to fix the newborn's head or pinch it. It is important that the baby can easily twirl it.

Ideally, you need to feed the baby in the “belly to stomach” position - mother and baby should lie on their sides, facing each other. In this case, the mother supports the child by the back or buttocks.

There is no need to be afraid that it will be difficult for the baby to breathe when he rests his nose against the mammary gland. No need to press on the chest next to the spout to make it easier for the baby to breathe. Such actions will only worsen the outflow of milk, and it will become even more difficult for the baby to suckle. When he eats, he breathes through the edges of the nasal passages and feels quite comfortable.

Attachment of the child

Every newborn has a breast latch reflex, it is innate. However, at first, you can help the baby to capture the mammary gland by moving part of the areola along his upper lip, but not the nipple.

No need to put the nipple in the mouth - the baby will reach for the breast on its own. He can only be helped by pointing his head in the right direction. The baby's mouth should be wide open during breastfeeding. In this case, the lower lip should occupy the position that will be during sucking - on the lower part of the areola, away from the nipple.

If everything is correct, then the nipple and part of the areola will be in the mouth, the lower part of which will be captured more than the upper one.

breast sucking

In the process of sucking, the mother will be able to see part of the baby's tongue covering the lower gum. When the baby moves the tongue and lower jaw in waves, milk is squeezed out of the breast. The nose and chin should be pressed against the chest, the lips should be slightly turned outward. The baby's cheeks move with sucking movements in time. When the baby suckles the breast, he makes deep swallowing movements.

By the way, if possible, it is worth feeding the child naked, while undressing to the waist. Skin-to-skin touch will help create a strong bond between baby and mom. And feeding at the same time will be very pleasant.

Positions for breastfeeding

Mom can feed her baby in the position that is most convenient for her. You should consider in detail the photos of poses for feeding the baby and familiarize yourself with the training video. And, of course, practice different poses, trying to find the most optimal one.

It has been described above how to take this pose. To make the position more comfortable, you can use rollers or pads - they can be placed under different parts of the body.

If you conditionally raise the mother who feeds the baby lying down, you can understand the features of this position. If the baby suckles in this position, he is half turned towards the mother, one of the mother's hands is the fulcrum for the child. It is best to position the head in the cubital fossa. With the other hand, the woman supports the child by the buttocks and back. Place a pillow under the supporting arm.

The woman needs to sit on the sofa and put a pillow next to it. The child should be laid on it so that his body is hidden under the armpit. This position allows you to control the sucking process, and the mother can see what is happening. In addition, the baby in this position is easier to grab the chest. Feeding is easy for mom because her hands can rest.

Lying position for feeding

To feed the baby lying down correctly, mother and baby need to take the correct position of the bodies. Breastfeed while lying down from the lower breast. In this case, the child lies next to the mother. The lower hand of the woman needs to be removed under the head. It is best to support the child with a pillow so that it is comfortable for him to lie on his side. Having looked at the photo of the position for feeding newborns, it will be easier to get everything right. To feed the baby lying down from the upper breast, it can be placed nearby on a raised platform - on a large pillow.

standing pose

If the baby is in a sling, it can be fed in a standing position. You can also practice feeding in a half-sitting or reclining position.

But in a position when the baby lies on his mother's stomach, feeding is not worth it. So it is inconvenient for him to eat, besides, because of the constantly pressed tummy, it can happen regurgitation .

If a woman has become a happy mother of twins, it is best to learn how to feed two children at the same time. Practicing natural feeding in this position, the mother will be as calm as possible and will not rush so as not to “offend” one of the babies. In addition, in this way you can save time and ensure high-quality stimulation. lactation .

How long does the baby suckle at the breast in one feeding?

This process is different for every child. It also depends on the temperament with which the child was born, and on how much food he needs. The speed of sucking is also important, and the characteristics of the state of the milk ducts in a woman, as well as other factors.

In most cases, the baby eats from 5 to 20 minutes. Sometimes mom sees that after a minute or two of sucking, the baby begins to fall asleep. In such a situation, it is worth stimulating him by slightly pulling his cheek to continue the process.

How to take a breast from a baby?

If the baby has eaten enough, he will release the breast on his own. It is impossible to forcefully pull the nipple out of his mouth, because then he will compress his jaw, which can lead to injury to the nipple. If, nevertheless, it turned out that the baby fell asleep with a nipple in his mouth, you can very carefully pull out the chest, directing it towards the corner of the mouth.

Should I give my baby both breasts at one feeding?

It is best to rotate the breasts, giving them alternately at each feeding. However, it doesn't always work out that way. With insufficient lactation, when feeding twins, you have to give both breasts in one feeding.

When a baby begins to suckle, a hormone is produced in the mother's body, which determines the production of milk. This hormone does not act selectively, so milk fills both mammary glands. Therefore, if the baby sucks both breasts during one “session”, the milk will still arrive again in both mammary glands, because emptied breasts are a signal for active milk production.

What to do if the baby is crying?

Very often, a mother soothes a sobbing child by giving him a breast. However, it is not recommended to calm the child in this way. It is better to try to do this before feeding, so that the baby stops crying or calms down a little. After all, when a baby cries and worries, he may take the breast incorrectly, and an upset mother may simply not pay attention to it. A restless child should squeeze a drop of milk onto his lips, touch them or his cheek with his nipple. Gradually, the baby will calm down and take the breast correctly.

How often to feed?

Schedules or schedules of feeding do not exist in principle. At one time, it was recommended to take breaks between feedings at about 3 hours. However, this is no longer relevant at present. They feed the child on demand, that is, at the time when he begins to cry, turn his head, open his mouth when his face is touched.

A newborn in the first few days of life asks to eat infrequently - from 7 to 15 times a day. Further, the number of applications increases greatly. Sometimes mom does it 3-4 times an hour.

How can a mother understand that the baby is full?

An inexperienced mother constantly asks herself this question. Indeed, during one feeding, the baby is not able to eat such a volume as a baby who is bottle-fed. That is why babies so often require breasts.

To understand that the baby is full, the mother can by the following signs:

  • after sucking, the breast softens and empties;
  • the baby looks healthy, he has smooth skin, clear eyes, he is active and non-capricious;
  • the baby asks for breasts often;
  • there is an increase in weight and height in accordance with the recommended increases;
  • urination and defecation occur with sufficient frequency - the mother changes 5-6 diapers per day, while the stool has a yellow-mustard color.

Can overeating happen?

If the baby eats exclusively mother's milk, a kind of self-regulation of his body is noted. That is, the composition of milk is "remembered", and the body feels the need for these components. Therefore, the baby cannot overeat. In addition, if he ate too much, then it happens regurgitation . And the excessive portion "returns".

If feedings occur too often, does the food have time to be digested?

The composition of breast milk is perfectly balanced. Therefore, the digestive system in a small organism does not strain too much. Almost immediately, food enters the intestines, and it is processed there very quickly.

In addition, at night, the mother’s body does not produce such fatty milk as during the day, and during this period the baby’s body does not overstrain.

What mistakes do mothers make when breastfeeding?

In the course of establishing feeding, it is important not only to properly attach the baby to the breast, but also not to do other wrong things that can subsequently interfere with normal lactation.

Hold your chest with your hands

Sometimes a young inexperienced mother tries to hold her breast with her hand, fearing that it is difficult for the baby to breathe while sucking. Also, a woman may try to hold her breasts up, believing that in this way she will help the milk flow directly into her mouth.

But in fact, it is not at all difficult for a baby to breathe when he suckles. He breathes through the edges of his nostrils, and if his nose is pressed and slightly pressed into his mother's chest, it's not scary. Milk moves along the ducts, regardless of the position of the breast - this process depends on the sucking of the baby.

Frequent breast washing

Some women wash it before every feeding. Some even do it using soap. But in fact, there are no harmful bacteria . If you constantly wash the skin, then the soap will destroy the protective lubricant that provides protection against bacteria. It is enough for mom to take a shower twice a day so that feeding is “hygienic”.

Supplementing the baby with water, tea

Another common wrong action is to supplement the child with tea and water. It may seem to the mother that the child is thirsty, and therefore he receives other liquids from the bottle.

It is important to remember that mother's milk is both food and drink at the same time. And therefore, the baby does not need other liquids, especially those that are given to him through a bottle. Supplementation will worsen lactation, and, in the worst case, will lead to the fact that the baby will refuse the breast altogether.

The fact is that, trying to get liquid from the nipple or holding a dummy, the baby makes completely different sucking movements. Drinking from a bottle is easier for him, and therefore many children do not want to breastfeed after the first acquaintance with a bottle. In addition, the baby is experiencing a kind of confusion if he receives either a breast or a pacifier. And as a result, he begins to take the breast incorrectly.

Refusal to feed when cracks and injuries appear on the chest

Moms who experience this often switch to bottle-feeding. Also, this often happens when the mother gets sick. cold .

Due to such a mistake, lactation gradually fades away, and the baby refuses to breastfeed. Even with such troubles as cracks, you need to deal with treatment between "sessions" of feeding. Before applying the baby, you can put a special pad on the nipple, which will facilitate this process.

If very deep and painful cracks have formed, you can temporarily stop applying the baby. But you still need to regularly express milk and feed the baby with a spoon or pipette. This will help maintain lactation.

If the mother has a cold, she should use a protective mask during feeding. Milk, in this case, is not harmful for the baby, because with it they get into the body from a cold, which is very necessary for the child.

Expressing milk after feeding

If there is still milk left in the breast after the baby has eaten, this does not mean that it needs to be expressed immediately. In fact, such actions do not stimulate lactation, as many believe. And the milk left in the mammary gland is actually not harmful.

You need to express only if the mother is forced to be separated from the baby, but she wants to keep lactation.

If you regularly express milk "for stimulation", this will only lead to unnecessary injuries. In addition, such pumping can subsequently adversely affect the shape of the breast.


Thus, to establish lactation, you need to take into account a number of rules and try to apply the baby correctly the first time. To figure out how to do this, doctors in the maternity hospital, as well as training videos, will help.

Moms who, for certain reasons, had to practice artificial feeding , it is worth watching a video on how to properly feed a baby from a bottle.

But if you follow all the advice and do not rush to supplement the baby from a bottle, then lactation, with some effort, will be able to be established.