Behind the doors of harems: how Arab wives really live. How in Eastern countries, husbands took revenge for treason

There are countries in which relations within the family are regulated by the state. And you can pay a very high price for treason. Read about the punishments that spouses carry in different countries of the world in our review.

1. Mali

A huge number of tribes live on the territory of Mali, the laws of which differ significantly from each other. The Dogon tribe sees nothing wrong with treason. Women are prohibited from having sexual intercourse only with their husband's relatives. For such a fault, exposed lovers can be forever expelled from the tribe.

2. Switzerland

In Switzerland, the unfaithful spouse is deprived of the right to register a new marriage for 3 years.

3. Turkey

In this country, since 1996, not only women but also men have been punished for treason. This offense is punishable by imprisonment for up to 5 years.


Since 1990, a law has been in force in Iran, according to which a woman convicted of adultery, a male relative (not only her husband) has the right to kill without trial. Men for treason get off with simple public censure.

5. Indonesia

In this country, adultery is punishable by up to 15 years in prison.

6. Papua New Guinea

In this republic, the worst sanctions against unfaithful spouses. Deceived husbands are not only permitted but ordered to decapitate their wives' lovers. At the same time, wives are not killed, but before being executed, the convict must eat the finger of his mistress.

7. China

In the Middle Kingdom, both women and men are punished for adultery. Two years in prison with confiscation of half of the property.

8. Vietnam

In 2013, the government of this country passed a law according to which every unfaithful spouse must pay a fine. And it ranges from 1 million to 3 million Vietnamese dong (about $ 45-145).

9. Afghanistan

Afghanistan is an eastern country and here they carefully monitor the observance of the rules of morality. In this country, there is a religious morality police, which carefully monitors the moral character of citizens. Spouses who decide to commit adultery face various punishments. To discourage the desire to walk to the left, a public flogging awaits the unfaithful spouses. And if the betrayal has been going on for a long time or is repeated repeatedly, then prison cannot be avoided, and the term can be up to 10 years. If these punishments seem cruel to you, then what can we say about the fact that not so long ago a woman could easily be stoned for treason. But the man got off easier - with rods or even just public censure.

When people enter into marriage, the tradition in most countries implies that partners voluntarily give up sexual partners on the side, outside of marriage. It is a pity that these traditions are not always not perceived by modern people as a guide to action. And often the so-called leftists for many become an insignificant phenomenon, humiliating a partner and devaluing the connection, which is already fragile between people. Whereas in the past, adultery was always considered to be punishable, but only for girls, it was not so blameworthy for men.

In different countries, the punishment of women for treason has always been quite harsh. It should have become a shame for the female sex, a strong humiliation of her in front of her neighbors so that from now on it would be discouraging to both her and others, looking at her. After this, the unfortunate did not always manage to survive - for example, in the eastern countries, beating for treason with the help of various objects could kill the unfortunate.

Usually, the farther north the region, the softer the Kara, probably, this was due to the fact that there were more men in these parts. For a woman's betrayal, a wicked woman could pay with her ears, lips or nose - as it was in medieval Europe, therefore imprisonment in a monastery could not be the most terrible punishment. But more details about the features of the relationship and punishment for adultery at different times and in different countries - a little further.

In Russia

In the old days, our ancestors, the Slavs, entered into marriages not for love, but at the will of their parents. Therefore, it often happened that the spouses were together not only without sympathy, but also with more vivid negative feelings. As a result, spouses often made connections on the side, although this was very much condemned by public morality.

Moreover, male infidelity was not actually infidelity, but female infidelity was persecuted for all the harshness of the morality of that time. The Charter of Prince Yaroslav the Wise mentions that a man is not an adulterer if his mistress has children from him. For adultery, a fine was supposed, the amount of which was determined by the prince himself. But in general, there was a principle “not caught - not a thief”: if no one talks about this and pretends not to know, then nothing terrible happens.

Oddly enough, the strong half was punished for treason in Ancient Russia: the husband who forgave his wife, who had betrayed him, received a tangible censure himself, because he let her on the side. In order to avoid shame and punishment, he should have divorced his wife, and done this immediately, so as not to aggravate the situation.

In pre-Petrine times, the spouse was punished many times more than the spouse. The unfaithful after the divorce (inevitable in this case) was obliged to enter the spinning yard, she was forbidden to remarry. They reacted especially harshly to infidelity in the peasant environment (the nobles were more tolerant in this matter, allowing themselves such pranks). Despite the inevitability and severity of punishment, those who wished nevertheless remained, which was reflected in the folklore of that time, recorded in proverbs and sayings.

In other countries

How women were punished in different countries for cheating on their husbands - you can write dissertations about this, this topic is so broad. Punishment in different countries was based on the traditions and values ​​of the culture of a particular country, reflecting its social structure and matrimonial relations. Therefore, the methods of punishment for infidelity were and are so varied that the hair moves on the head.

The Danes in ancient times were entitled to death for adultery, while murder was fraught with only the usual fine. This showed how seriously this offense was taken in the Danish kingdom. There was no talk of male infidelity.

The Mongols cut the stumbling block into two parts.

The ancient Bretons flogged her until she died.

The Gauls smeared her body in mud, slops and dragged her along the ground across the entire city. Local residents, as a sign of censure, could throw anything at her, insult and beat her.

The Goths did not wait for a trial or permission from external authorities: the spouse could independently pass a sentence on the guilty one with his own hands.

In China, the delinquent was coated with bacon and thrown to the hungry dogs.

The aborigines of Canada used their characteristic tradition of scalping: there they did it with the unbelievers.

Greece made revenge for such a sin available to any citizen, and he could commit it in any way. But in Sparta, the march to the left was not a sin and was not even worthy of blame.

In Islamic states, a caught beauty can be stoned to death.

Among the ancient Mongols, execution for treason was very cruel: only by chopping a sinner into several parts, you can sufficiently punish her for a misdemeanor. For such a person, a dignified death was impossible - her fault was too unworthy.

The punishment for treason in ancient times in the East of the Roman Empire assumed a somewhat commercial approach: the sinner was put up for sale on the market, and anyone could buy her. But if the product was not interesting to any of the buyers, then it was really bad ...

It is especially painful to hear how women were punished for treason in the East. The guilty inhabitants of the harem suffered especially subtly: they cut their bodies in the most delicate sensitive places, melted lead and poured it into the resulting wounds and holes on the body. They could stick wooden nails soaked in sulfur into the body, which were then set on fire, and the flame was held for a long time by the subcutaneous fat of the unfortunate victim.

In Singapore, treason was punished with sticks, and this method is still used today.

Residents of Diarberkir executed the criminal with the whole family: each member of the family had to stab her with a dagger.

It is interesting how the Germans punished women for treason in ancient times. The punishment itself was uncomplicated against the background of the previous options - they quartered. But the prevention was unusual: before the military campaign, the husband put on a chastity belt made of iron on his lady of the heart, and took it off after returning from the campaign.

Read also Is it possible and necessary to forgive the betrayal of a loved one

If we recall how they were punished for crimes in Babylon, then the Talmud speaks of four ways how to do this most painfully for the guilty and indicative for others: strangulation, beheading, burning, in addition, could be thrown from a height on stones.

The so-called Middle Assyrian laws gave the right to the husband, who found his wife with another, to kill both her and her lover on the spot. If he did not do it himself, then the court punished the adulterer in the same way as the husband did his soul mate.

The punishment for treason in different countries is very diverse and indicative in terms of how significant and important family values ​​are in the culture of a particular country and how they relate to human life.

The worst punishments for treason existed in dark times. The sophisticated minds of the Jesuits tortured and punished women in the Middle Ages for such misdeeds with a deep understanding of physiology. And in any case, the victim was deprived of property and children, so that the road to her remained either to steal or engage in prostitution. Interestingly, even if the sufferer was faithful to her husband, but was in no hurry to pay off the marital debt, the state could help the disadvantaged spouse to collect it forcibly. In Barcelona, ​​for example, there was a Correctional House where a wife could be turned over for re-education: there she fasted, prayed, worked tirelessly all day and, of course, was subjected to bodily very painful punishment.

The Spanish Code "Seven Partis" (XIII century) forbade the female sex to have intercourse with the Gentiles - the Moors and the Jews. True, the status (and how well she was, including) greatly influenced the degree of censure. The widow or maiden was deprived of the property that was at her disposal, repeated adultery was threatened with a fire, on which both participants in the process were burned. A married Spanish woman received her portion of revenge from her husband, since she had nothing of her own, to the extent that her husband, in his anger, could burn her in order of revenge.

In medieval Europe, the retribution for adultery was also severe. Moreover, imprisonment in a monastery was not the most terrible, although there she could be ordered and strangled. And even cutting off lips, noses, and ears was inferior to another measure of the struggle with sinners. Young and not so ladies were burned at the stake like witches, believing that only fire can save the soul of a wicked woman from witchcraft that takes her away from her family. Such a fate awaited only a female. The UK created a law according to which a cheated husband was entitled to one-time monetary compensation. Moreover, the amount was supposed to cover not only the material costs of the husband, which he incurred throughout his marriage to support his wife, but also include payment for the moral damage that was inflicted on his pride as a result of his wife's infidelity.

Among the most terrible practices can be called female castration - in some African tribes, such an operation was performed by a person who did not blame herself.

As scary as it all sounds, there are a dozen more difficult ways to raise a spouse, even if she does not survive afterwards.

Read also If there is a crisis in the relationship - What to do

Top 10 worst punishments for women

  • In Turkey, when such a wicked woman was discovered, a terrible fate awaited her: they put her in a sack, put a cat there, and beat the sack with chains so as to hurt the animal as much as possible. The procedure was carried out until the infidel died in agony.
  • In Korea, they forced her to drink vinegar until the unfortunate woman was swollen, and then she was beaten with sticks to death.
  • Some tribes of America, upon discovering a traitor, threw her at the feet of the leader, beat, crushed all the bones in the body, then chopped into pieces and ate the whole tribe.
  • Pakistani women were sentenced to death by hanging under Sharia law.
  • In the small kingdom of Luango in Africa, lovers are thrown off a cliff following a long-standing tradition.
  • In Siam, in ancient times, one of the most cruel executions existed - with an elephant: the guilty one was put in a cage of a special design and the animal was brought to it. The elephant, confident that it was a female of his own kind, killed her in the process.
  • In Northern Burma, female infidelity was dealt with in a very peculiar way. From early childhood, girls are put on rings around their necks, and under their number, the neck gradually stretched out strongly. When the girl entered puberty, her neck was so long that she could not hold her head on her own - so all the muscles were atrophied. If a wife cheated on her husband, these hoops were removed from her neck, and she died due to a broken neck, or remained crippled for the rest of her life.
  • Afghanistan, represented by a transitional government, has restored the morality police that once operated under the Taliban. Adultery was punishable by 100 blows of sticks and imprisonment.
  • The most unusual way was punished in Papua New Guinea, and not even the mistress herself, she just remained alive. But a man who had the courage to seduce someone else's wife was beheaded. But at the same time, he had to eat his mistress's finger before dying. The surviving mistress remained with her own shortcoming, the whole tribe knew about her guilt and it was impossible for her to find a mate after that. Such was her payback for the act.
  • In Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Nigeria, women were stoned to death for adultery.

Of course, the way people are punished for treason in different countries now is significantly different from the terrible methods of punishment of past centuries. Today, adultery in China, for example, is punishable by two years in prison and the confiscation of half of the property. Undoubtedly, this is a much more humane way than being eaten alive by wild dogs, as it was before. Kara stoning in many countries is no longer relevant. Fortunately. For example, Indonesia punishes women for treason with up to 15 years in prison. 10 US states today are also punishing women walkers with imprisonment. In Minnesota, for example, a spouse on a spree can be jailed for 5 years or fined $ 1,000. Or maybe get both options at the same time. One can rejoice at the tolerance of European countries, which, in the order of censure for infidelity, choose mainly the property field.

As many people know, for a long time the Eastern countries were distinguished by an almost complete lack of rights for women, their subordination and discrimination on the basis of gender. A spouse was prepared for the girl long before her conscious age, sometimes in early childhood. At 13 or 10 years old, a girl could become a full-fledged spouse, but in most countries of the East, parents still waited for the girl to become a girl, only then they sent her to her husband's house. It is quite predictable that betrayal took place in such a society, since the spouses did not choose each other on their own. However, men were forgiven such behavior, and harems were not uncommon, in which many wives were recruited so that one would not get bored. In relation to women, customs were not so lenient - they were supposed to be punished. Some of them will be discussed below.

How husbands avenged treason in Eastern countries - Ottoman Empire

One of the most powerful and largest Empires of antiquity has more than six hundred years of history. There were also powerful sultans, sheikhs and their harems. Women could be married as many times as the husband saw fit. At one time they were full-fledged spouses, and at one time - concubines who lived in special castles. Cheating on a wife from such a society could be punished almost infinitely, because her husband was her complete ruler. Brothers and her father could defend the woman, but their voice did not decide much in her life after marriage.

The most terrible revenge was execution. Especially if it was long and painful. The following method can be attributed to punishments with a non-lethal outcome: a woman was put in one bag with a cat or several cats. The bag was wrapped tightly and placed in the middle of the square. The husband himself or a trained person brandished heavy chains and hit the sack. Thus, if the blows fell on the woman, they inflicted severe pain on her, but if on the cat, the animal began to scratch and bite the woman from pain to deep wounds.

How husbands avenged treason in eastern countries - Iraq

For examples in this country, you do not have to go too far into the jungle of history - Iraq to this day ranks 21st out of 22 possible for women's rights in Arab countries. Here, not only the husband could punish the spouse, but also his brothers, as well as close relatives.

For treason to her husband, a woman bears punishment immediately, at the scene of the so-called crime. At the same time, the method of punishment is chosen by the husband himself or his brothers, who testified to the act of treason. The cruelty of revenge is determined only by the authority and limitations of the husband's power. It could have been stoning, selling a wife, or harsher methods.

How in Eastern countries revenge on their wives for treason - Singapore

Few people know, but in Singapore, at one time, there was also a strong patriarchy, which implied the permissiveness of the husband. In this country, beatings with sticks were officially allowed, therefore, only on suspecting his wife's infidelity, the husband could immediately punish her for it in public.

Also, the husband could also choose the methods of revenge. There is a documented case when a resident of Singapore made many tattoos with a hidden meaning on the body of his wife for betrayal, thereby showing everyone around that she is unfaithful and sinful.

How husbands avenged treason in eastern countries - Afghanistan

Here, the order was not particularly gentle: the wife could be beaten for treason, in the earlier years of the country's existence there were punishments with needles, lead, and disfigurement of the wife. Such revenge was allowed not only in relation to the infidels, but also to any wife who denigrates the honor of her husband.

Looking back on the experience of history, the methods of revenge against wives in Eastern countries seem extremely barbaric and cruel, but the modern world is not without such examples. Thus, the now world-famous girl Aisha lost her nose and ears in Afghanistan at the hands of her husband and his brothers. Now the girl's face can be found on the covers of the most famous magazines that call attention to the problem of equality in the Eastern countries.

Why are the USA, Great Britain and France so concerned about the fate of the civilians of Eastern Ghouta? Hearings were urgently organized at the UN, Boris Johnson "summoned" the Russian ambassador in London to explain, the French call Lavrov ... But this same Lavrov tried to persuade "Western partners" a week ago - in Eastern Ghouta terrorists do not allow humanitarian convoys, the population is starving, terrorists regularly they fire at Damascus and kill civilians; the Russian embassy has been repeatedly fired upon. And in response - silence. And suddenly there was such activity, so much compassion, hysteria and straight tears of righteous indignation.

About the same whistle was organized when the Syrian army, with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, stormed Aleppo. Hysterical until the moment when advisers from the United States and some NATO countries were not allowed to get out of the besieged city. As soon as the western warriors fled from the city, the Americans ceased to be of interest to the inhabitants of Aleppo. Did the Americans create humanitarian corridors when Iraqi cities were smashed into rubble? How many humanitarian corridors were there in Mosul? What civilians and when did their fate interest American politicians? Almost a million civilians were killed in Iraq and silence ... This is a war, and in a war there is no loss of life.

Let me remind you that just a couple of weeks ago, US peacekeepers attacked the Wagner PMC in Syria and killed 14 Russian citizens. We had a lot of noise ... They were persuading Putin and Shoigu in every way, who do not care about the lives of “Russian soldiers”. Why were they sent there, why did the Russian army not strike at the Americans? They got cold feet! To fight the Americans is not enough courage. The patriotism ended as soon as we faced a real enemy! Get out of Syria before it's too late. Liberal media amused themselves and branded, and in the West there were sober heads who warned that Putin would not forgive a strike on "Russian mercenaries" and Russia would certainly take revenge.

They recalled that after the American Air Force launched a strike on the regular Syrian army, the Russians quite calmly demanded an explanation from the United States. American generals proudly kept silent, and a few days later "Caliber" turned to dust the militants' base near Deir ez-Zor. And on this base were not only the soldiers of the "Syrian opposition", but also instructors from NATO countries. There were also Americans. And now "a successful operation against Russian mercenaries from PMC" Wagner "... A few days ago, Russian SU-57s were seen in the skies of Syria ... These aircraft, according to the Western press, are not yet in the Russian army, since they are" Russian fake ". And these "fakes" almost a day "kneaded" the bases of the militants in Eastern Ghouta with new Russian high-precision long-range missiles Kh-59ML2. According to REX news agency, about 2,000 PMC fighters from the United States were hit by Russian missiles by accident. And the terrorists, of course. Nothing is reported about the number of victims among the "fighters of the moderate Syrian opposition", and the American PMCs lost from 120 to 140 "mercenaries" killed.

This is where hysteria began - stop killing civilians, humanitarian corridors are needed, chemical weapons have been used, children are suffering ...

Revenge is a dish served cold. Think well, organize at a high level and masterfully execute. Has Russia avenged the killed "Russian mercenaries"? No, this is justice and warning. Take your blood-drenched "children" and finally leave other people's children alone. Russia is tired of persuading you all - great patience is running out.

October 8, 2007

Victoria (Sweden):Reflections on the topic of relationships and marriages with oriental men.

Hello Olga and all the readers of your magazine!
Looking through your magazine, I read several letters from women on the topic of dating, relationships and marriage with men from eastern countries. I remember several women wrote and gave a lot of practical advice regarding those who were going to marry Arabs, Turks, etc. I would like to write my thoughts on this topic.

Like many who have spoken in this magazine, I consider it a great risk and self-sacrifice on the part of a Russian woman to marry an eastern man and move to a country where the laws of the eastern world fully and completely protect men. Many will of course say that you can run into a European, who can also oppress and mock a foreigner. Unfortunately, this is possible. But in a European country there are crisis assistance centers and a social system that will not let women in difficult situations disappear. In the eastern countries, this is not the case. There, a woman is considered only as belonging to a man and in everything must obey her husband unquestioningly. Therefore, it is simply pointless to talk about any rights for women. Many women are so in love with their chosen ones that they are ready to do anything for the sake of love. And even go to a completely different world, which can turn out to be very cruel and unpredictable in relation to women.

Unfortunately, the price is too high, which you have to pay for the fact that life with an oriental man may not work out. And love passes quickly, as many have already said here. But then it’s too late to remember ...

Even living in a European country, I had to observe and hear many stories of relationships with eastern men. Unfortunately, for many, they did not work out. Here are some examples.A distant relative of my friend (Swedish) met a Turk... He proposed marriage and moved in with her. After some time, he received a permanent residence permit in Sweden and he managed to take most of his relatives to Sweden. Literally a few months later, when all his numerous relatives moved, he filed for divorce from her. After the divorce, he managed to sue her for something, but it seemed to him that it was not enough, so he even tried to appeal the court decision. He pursued her in every possible way, called her, threatened her - she even had to change her phone number. Now she recalls this as a bad dream and a huge mistake in her life.

The second example from the life of a close friend, with whom I have been in contact for more than 2 years. She herself is not Swedish, but she moved with her parents to Sweden as a child. Naturally, her mentality and lifestyle are shaped like Swedish. Her parents were only in favor of finding a Swede or another European man. But oddly enough, for some reason she wanted to look for oriental men. Perhaps this is partly due to the fact that she prefers to cook more Chinese and Thai cuisine than Swedish. In addition, she is not indifferent to Indian goods and is generally interested in Eastern religions. So, she met a man from Iraq who came here as a refugee. At first there was friendship, then love, and then he decided to move to her to live together, then to get married. In Sweden, as in other countries, it is common for people to move in before marriage. After his move, she felt that his attitude had changed not for the better. The fervor of love faded away, and he began to show his rights. It began with the fact that he asked her to limit contacts with her friends, then asked her to call and report on everything, no matter what she did. He himself constantly tried to control her through a mobile phone. The fact that she is interested in Eastern religions, he perceived as an opportunity for her to switch to the Muslim religion. The last straw of her patience in this relationship was that he strongly wanted to impose on her joining his religion and wearing the burqa. Then her patience ran out, and the relationship with him was severed. Even after the breakup, although it's hard to believe (!), He still calls her and tries to return what was. But a broken vase can no longer be glued, and she is really glad that such a relationship has come to an end.

I gave these examples for a reason, but because I wanted to emphasize thatoriental men, for the most part, do not changeeven though they are moving to other European countries.Their way of life formed in childhood leaves a big imprint on their lives.... There is such a concept as adaptation, and when people move, they adapt to other living conditions, preserving something from the old and acquiring a lot of new things from the life of the country where they moved. But this, as a rule, does not happen among oriental men. Yes, they master the language, study, find a job, but at the same time, the desire for power and their view of women as subordinates is very strong in their families. Quite often you see here women dressed in burqas, and, in general, speak little Swedish. Many of them did not even study in an ordinary school and, having got into courses for foreigners with them, I had to be surprised that the seemingly easy curriculum was given to them with great difficulty.Their women, despite the move, are completely disenfranchised and do what their husbands tell them to do.... Of course, I agree, for such women it seems to be the norm of life, because they were born in this way, were brought up in this way and grew up with it. Well, what does a European feel like when an oriental man suddenly starts ordering her in everything ??? Moreover, it will force you to put on a medieval robe and control everything?

At least any European woman will be shocked. Another thing is if an oriental man, having moved to another country, has adapted so much that his imperiousness and desire to own a woman as a thing does not manifest itself at all. But I don't know how realistic it is to meet such an oriental man. Since many have close relatives or other relatives, the latter simply will not allow him to "break away" from the clan. Men from eastern countries, as a rule, do not make sacrifices such as changing religion, changing their way of life, etc. They are just WAITING for sacrifices from Russians or other European women, who, due to their love and their naivety, are ready to sacrifice a lot in life.

In conclusion of my letter, I would like to give a link to an interesting life story written by the eyewitness herself and telling about the real life of women from the eastern world. I read this story for several days, tk. everything is described in detail. I hope that many women who, in a fit of love and passion, are thinking of moving to an eastern country after reading this story, will think many times before taking such a risky step ...

Victoria (Sweden)

"Russians in Sweden"
"Marry an Arab, marry a Muslim"

Send letters to the address of the editorial office - [email protected]
Tatiana (Haifa city, Israel):My walks along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea (photo report).

Hello Olya, and the girls are members of the club.
Olya, your photo story inspired me to do a little creative work. I live in Israel in the beautiful seaside city of Haifa. I work as an English teacher in high school and, naturally, I have very little free time. But when there is a free couple of hours, I go to the sea and walk 9-10 kilometers along the coast. The Mediterranean Sea is very warm and gentle and always helps me to relax and think again about how wonderful the world we live in and how important it is not to waste our health and nerves in vain for empty and vain affairs that we are so often preoccupied with without noticing something more important and global. For me personally, the most important thing in the world is my son, communication with nature, self-development and, of course, my work. Everything else is secondary.

This is a photo report of one of my trips.

Mediterranean Sea.

Just like these lovers to walk and breathe
fresh sea air, I walk along the sea for a couple of hours.

Behind there was one of the Haifa beaches - Hof Dado.

Some people walk like this.

The children and their instructor kindly agreed to pose.

One of the most beloved Israeli beach sports is racket.
They play both old and small.

On the way back, it's nice to have a glass of freshly squeezed juice ...

Or have a snack at a restaurant.

Someone prefers to lie and sunbathe,
I am a supporter of outdoor activities.

I'm finishing this. Best wishes,
Tatiana (Haifa, Israel)
