Safe ointment for hemorrhoids during pregnancy. The most effective ointments for hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Features of drug therapy

  1. Diet. Regulation of the diet, the amount of food consumed, the correction of the set of products and the frequency of meals. Food is fractional (a little bit and more often). Portions are small, about 300 grams. The predominance of plant foods (in the form of the inclusion of vegetables and fruits). Meat and dairy products must be present in the required quantity. Meals can be alternated with snacks. The diet is complete in composition and level of nutrients (minerals, vitamins, fats, proteins, carbohydrates). Sweet, starchy, fatty, fried, spicy foods should be limited as much as possible.
  2. Physical activity. Adequate physical activity is important. Hiking in the park or by the pond, morning exercises, special exercise groups (exercise therapy) on the advice of a doctor, swimming pool and water treatments. With hemorrhoids for pregnant women, a set of exercises has also been developed.
  3. Hygiene. Great importance is attached to hygienic measures (for the care of the rectum). Adequate hygiene is the key to successful treatment. For hemorrhoids during pregnancy, cool water washings of the anus after cleansing the intestines are useful. Hygienic baths with vegetable herbs have a fruitful effect. Instead of standard toilet paper, it is recommended to use wet wipes, or wet wipes, which are sold in pharmacies.
  4. Conservative treatment (without the use of surgical methods) is equally useful at any stage of the course of hemorrhoids in pregnant women. Treatment includes: suppositories, gels, ointments, creams, tablets, etc. Medicinal and folk remedies for hemorrhoids during pregnancy are used in the form of lotions, applications, compresses, baths. Today's popular traditional medicines are in active demand.
  5. Surgery . Carry out only in case of inefficiency of the above methods. During pregnancy, this type of treatment can often be delayed. After childbirth, if the situation does not improve, they begin surgical treatment at the discretion of the coloproctologist.

If you suspect the appearance of hemorrhoids, it is important to consult a coloproctologist!

An overview of 11 popular remedies for hemorrhoids in pregnancy

How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy? The therapy is developed comprehensively and takes into account the needs of each of the pregnant women. The treatment plan is combined by the attending physician. Treatment also includes non-pharmacological methods.

Candles have versatile effects and are a safe remedy for hemorrhoids during pregnancy, as they:

  • have a wound healing effect;
  • help to cure cracks and microtraumas of the mucous membrane;
  • enrich tissues with nutrients, thanks to the vitamins and biological components in the composition;
  • during pregnancy, sea buckthorn oil softens the mucous membrane and facilitates bowel movements;
  • the active substances of sea buckthorn, which are part of the composition, provide a protective mantle to the cells, and are also endowed with an antioxidant effect.

Relief from hemorrhoids during pregnancy is prescribed only by a specialist.

Before setting rectal suppositories, it is important to carry out hygiene measures.

The course and treatment regimen is set by the doctor individually. Shark liver oil, which is part of the suppository, is endowed with local anti-inflammatory properties, wound healing and the ability to stop bleeding of hemorrhoids.

Phenylephrine has a vasoconstrictive effect, causes a decrease in tissue edema and itching, reduces the severity of inflammation and the risk of bleeding.

During pregnancy, suppositories increase the risk of sudden labor or may provoke an early termination of pregnancy. A doctor's consultation is required before use.

The drug is available in a tube with an applicator. Before use, it is necessary to ensure the hygiene of the anus.

First, the ointment is applied to the skin of the anus (anus) and then, using the applicator, is injected into the rectal cavity.

The local anesthetic, benzocaine, which is part of the composition, provides an analgesic effect.

When applied, discomfort, itching and redness may occur at the site of application, as well as manifestations of allergic reactions. In such a situation, it is worth stopping treatment with this medicine and consult a doctor.

Heparin dissolves already formed blood clots and prevents new ones from forming. Has anti-inflammatory action.

Additional components of heparin ointment help to improve its properties. A local anesthetic, benzocaine, relieves pain.

The vasodilator component, benzyl nicotinate, dilates the hemorrhoidal vessels for better absorption of heparin. Ointment cover the surface in the area of ​​damage and gently rub, repeat every day three times.

The course of therapy is on average 7 days, until the symptoms disappear or decrease.

For thrombosed or inflamed hemorrhoids, applications or tampons with ointment are used. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor, but should not exceed two weeks.

The components that make up the ointment: xeroform, tar. Combined product for external use.

It has a wound-healing effect, antimicrobial and disinfectant properties, cleanses purulent wounds from bacteria and microbes, and accelerates wound healing. Apply externally, dressings with Vishnevsky's liniment.

Local allergic reactions are not excluded.

It is effective only for purulent complications of hemorrhoids (abscesses, boils, ulcers, inflammation of cracks). Use during pregnancy only after consultation with the doctor! Liniment according to Vishnevsky is not used for uncomplicated hemorrhoids!

Candles with glycerin

Companion of hemorrhoids - constipation, exacerbates the course of hemorrhoids in pregnant women.

The fight against constipation is one of the main tasks. Glycerin suppositories are safe during pregnancy, act in the lumen of the rectum, do not affect the fetus. They help to gently and quickly empty the intestines.

They have a softening effect on the intestinal mucosa, which prevents its trauma.

Not suitable for continuous use, but perfectly combined with other drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Candles help to stop the bleeding of hemorrhoids, relieve inflammation, assist in the healing of cracks and microtraumas.

The treatment is used in suppositories rectally, daily by suppository 2 times, a course of up to two weeks.

Preliminary cleansing of the intestines is required, the candle must be moistened with water.

Local reactions and discomfort are possible. Candles are approved for use in pregnant women.

It is necessary to consult a doctor, the course of treatment is established by a specialist. Combines anti-inflammatory, local anesthetic, drying effects.

Prevents infection from entering the wound and thereby prevents the progression of the disease. Requires bowel cleansing. Local reactions and discomfort may occur.

The range of its use is wide. The main property of chamomile is anti-inflammatory, removing inflammation, and the severity of pain decreases.

Assign lotions with chamomile infusion to the area of ​​damage to the rectum.

With cracks, tampons moistened with chamomile infusion with the additional inclusion of ointments of therapeutic action are effective. Baths with chamomile and washing have a moisturizing and softening effect on the skin.

Hygiene measures with chamomile enhance the effectiveness of treatment.


Nettle is characterized by hemostatic (hemostatic) properties associated with the content of vitamin K in its composition.

The literal translation of the word "hemorrhoids" is bleeding. Currently, this term refers to a disease, the main symptom of which is the discharge of blood from the anus.

Under the mucous membrane of the rectum is a network of blood vessels. The vessels of the venous plexus of the rectum have very thin, extensible walls. With the accumulation of feces, the rectum undergoes significant stretching, which can lead to the fact that the veins that make up this plexus overflow with blood and lose elasticity - this causes enlarged areas (hemorrhoids). Especially strong stagnation of blood in the rectum occurs in a sitting position, as well as with prolonged immobile standing.

The onset of the disease (asymptomatic hemorrhoids, or first stage disease) does not manifest itself in any way, and only during the examination are hemorrhoids visible.

Second stage characterized by small, painful on palpation (palpation) nodes, the internal nodes come out of the anus during stool and are set on their own. This stage of the disease is manifested by itching, discomfort in the anus, painful bowel movements, often accompanied by the appearance of a small amount of blood on the stool and toilet paper. Manifestations intensify after bowel movement, and then gradually decrease.

Third stage disease is accompanied by prolapse of internal hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoidal nodes that fell out during defecation have to be manually inserted into the rectum. As the disease progresses, the muscular layer of the rectum weakens, and the reduced nodes are not retained, but fall out again. When the nodes fall out, the woman experiences a feeling of fullness in the rectum and a desire to empty the intestines, walking and sitting become extremely painful, severe pain occurs during defecation.

Fourth stage- the most dangerous. Prolapsed hemorrhoids cannot be repositioned. This stage of the disease is often complicated by the formation of blood clots in the nodes, severe pain in the anus and massive bleeding.

It is usually easy for a doctor to identify hemorrhoids with a digital examination of the rectum. Sometimes, to clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct sigmoidoscopy - a study in which a special optical device is inserted into the rectum, which allows you to see what is happening in the rectum. During pregnancy, sigmoidoscopy is performed only in extreme cases.

Pregnancy and hemorrhoids

Unfortunately, the risk of developing hemorrhoids increases during the second half of pregnancy and childbirth. During the period of bearing a child, the uterus increases significantly in volume, and by the time of childbirth it occupies most of the abdominal cavity. The intestines are squeezed by the growing uterus, the rectum changes its position, its venous vessels are pinched, which leads to stagnation of blood. In addition, during pregnancy, the susceptibility of the intestinal muscles to nerve impulses and substances that stimulate its work is significantly reduced. This is no coincidence: the intestines and the uterus have a common innervation (their work is regulated by one nerve plexus), so any excessive activation of the intestines can stimulate the contractile activity of the uterus. Such a positive defensive reaction, aimed at maintaining pregnancy, has its downside: emptying the intestines is more or less difficult, the woman begins to suffer from constipation, requiring straining during defecation.

During childbirth, with contractions and attempts, intra-abdominal pressure rises sharply, and the head of the fetus, tightly pressed against the walls of the small pelvis, compresses the vessels, including the veins of the rectum. The existing nodes increase, acquire a denser consistency. During contractions, and especially attempts, they protrude, turn blue, in the period between attempts, when intra-abdominal pressure decreases, they decrease and become calmer. The longer the birth process, the higher the risk of developing hemorrhoids.

As statistics show, hemorrhoids occur in pregnant women quite often: they affect 7.7% of non-pregnant women, 25.7% of pregnant women and 49.8% of those who have just given birth. However, many pregnant women are in no hurry to tell the doctor about it, believing that hemorrhoids - the normal state of a pregnant woman. But neglected, untreated hemorrhoids can cause anemia (a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin), diseases of the musculoskeletal system (for example, arthritis - inflammation of the joint), genitourinary system (chronic inflammatory processes). The presence of hemorrhoids is not taken into account when choosing a method of delivery (natural childbirth). or caesarean section), but it cannot be ignored when determining the tactics of managing pregnancy and the postpartum period.

How to avoid "delicate problem"?

  • A pregnant woman should pay special attention to the treatment of any disease. What is not contraindicated in a normal lifestyle during pregnancy can have a negative effect on the fetus. Therefore, during this period, in no case should you self-medicate. The use of any medication should be strictly coordinated with the doctor. Given the variety of stages of hemorrhoids, the characteristics of the course of the disease, the selection of treatment should be individual and carried out by a proctologist (specialist in the treatment of diseases of the rectum). In the first stage of the disease, it is enough to follow the following rules:
  • Never strain when defecation.
  • If possible, long-term work in a standing and sitting position should be abandoned, and if this is not possible, it is necessary to change the position of the body more often, take breaks.
  • Follow a diet to prevent constipation. The diet should be rich in vegetables and fruits with a moderate amount of meat and carbohydrates. The diet is important (frequent fractional, at least 5-6 times a day), drinking enough water (up to 1.5-2 liters per day). Fermented milk products, bread with bran, vegetables (except legumes) are useful. Depending on the season, it is necessary to eat daily beets, prunes, sauerkraut, pumpkin, carrots, watermelons, melons. It is necessary to limit the consumption of black bread, legumes, fruits and berries, which can cause constipation. With hemorrhoids, any alcoholic beverages, salty, spicy, spicy, pickled dishes are strictly prohibited: these products increase the blood supply to the pelvic venous plexuses. You should not eat fatty foods: it slows down the passage of food through the intestines, thereby creating prerequisites for the development of constipation.
  • It is necessary to carry out an external toilet with cool water after each bowel movement; with severe hemorrhoids, it is better to completely abandon toilet paper. You can arrange a short (15-60 seconds) rising shower (just turn the shower over and direct its jets upwards) or apply tampons with a cold infusion of chamomile or oak bark (brew 1 tablespoon in a glass of water and cool).
  • 2-3 times a day, it is recommended to lie on your back for 15 minutes with an elevated position of the pelvis, for example, on a small pillow.

Women with the second and third stages of the disease, in addition to observing the rules of prevention, are treated with special medications, warm sitz baths with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, infusions of medicinal herbs. Such women are strictly prohibited from hard physical labor and certain types of domestic work (long hand washing, washing the floor with their hands without the help of a mop).

In the fourth stage of the disease (profuse bleeding, infringement and necrosis of prolapsed hemorrhoids), emergency hospitalization is necessary. In these cases, there is a need for surgical treatment. Such patients undergo hemorrhoidectomy (excision of nodes) or minimally invasive (small or bloodless) operations. More benign interventions include:

  • sclerosing injections (introduction into the node of special drugs "blinding" the walls of the node);
  • ligation (the node is pinched with a latex ring, which causes rejection (death) of the node after 7-10 days, followed by falling off of the affected tissue);
  • infrared photocoagulation and laser coagulation (exposure to a laser or high temperature on the base of the node).

If the condition of the pregnant woman allows, then doctors try to postpone all these interventions for the period when the woman recovers from childbirth, i.e. after 2-3 months.

Special medicines for hemorrhoids

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, two types of drug treatment can be used: local and systemic. During women's pregnancy, local treatment is preferred to systemic.

local treatment. To date, there are a large number of different drugs for the local treatment of hemorrhoids, which are available in the form of suppositories (suppositories) or ointments and creams. Local application of drugs reduces the risk of side effects, increases the effectiveness of treatment and reduces the negative impact of treatment on the fetus. The action of these drugs is aimed at rapid pain relief, limiting inflammation and edema, normalizing blood circulation in the rectum, counteracting vascular thrombosis, relaxing the rectal sphincter, reducing intestinal motility (motor activity) and softening feces.

Rectal suppositories are inserted into the rectum after a bowel movement. The candle should be inserted in the supine position, not pushing it into the ampoule of the rectum, but holding it for 1-2 minutes in the anal canal: this way it will dissolve and its introduction will be more comfortable.

Gymnastics against hemorrhoids
Therapeutic exercises help to improve the function of the large intestine, increase the tone of the muscles of the anal region and the abdominal wall, and reduce congestion in the veins of the small pelvis. Two or three times a day (especially if a woman has to sit or stand for a long time at work), the following exercises should be done for 5-7 minutes (if any of them is difficult for you to perform, you can refuse it):

  • walking with high raising of the legs, bent at the knees;
  • swing movements alternately with the right and left foot forward, backward, to the side;
  • side bends;
  • tension of the buttocks with simultaneous retraction of the anus (try to hold this position for up to 10 seconds);
  • squats on toes with wide apart knees.

After removing the candle from the refrigerator, you should keep it warm for 2-3 minutes until it becomes soft. It is advisable to use the ointment for external hemorrhoids, applying it in a thin layer after a hygienic shower 3-4 times a day.

Candles for the treatment of hemorrhoids are made on the basis of lanolin or cocoa butter. For quick pain relief, local anesthetics (Anestezin, Benzocaine, Novocain) are added to the composition of many suppositories or ointments.

With an anti-inflammatory purpose, preparations of glucocorticoid hormones (Prednisolone) are locally used. In addition to anti-inflammatory, glucocorticoids have an anti-allergic effect, reduce itching, burning sensation. It must be remembered that local treatment with glucocorticoids is contraindicated in viral, fungal and other infectious lesions of the rectum.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids, local remedies containing heparin are widely used. When applied topically, heparin prevents the formation of blood clots, has a decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect, and promotes the regeneration of connective tissue. Preparations containing heparin, of course, are the preferred means for thrombosis of hemorrhoids. A relative contraindication to local treatment with heparin are disorders of the blood coagulation system.

With spasm of the sphincter of the anus, it is possible to use suppositories with diphenhydramine, in order to accelerate healing, preparations of vitamin A, sea buckthorn oil, and shark liver are used.

For ease and convenience of use in preparations for the topical treatment of hemorrhoids, the basic therapeutic agents are traditionally combined. For example, the composition of Anestezol, Ultraproct, Procto-Glivenol includes an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory and astringent components.

The drug Hepatrombin G contains the three most active components of the treatment of hemorrhoids: anesthetic, prednisolone and heparin. Thus, the effect of this combined preparation for the treatment of hemorrhoids is associated with local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, antispasmodic and antipruritic effects.

Relief advance contains shark liver oil (has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and wound-healing effects) and benzocaine (local anesthetic).

Ginkor Procto is a combined preparation containing an extract of the Ginkgo biloba plant and butoform. Ginko biloba increases the tone of the veins, the resistance of their walls to damage, butoform has a local anesthetic effect.

In general, local preparations for the treatment of hemorrhoids are quite effective, although their use is associated with certain inconveniences, can cause local allergic reactions, and should also last no more than 5-7 days on average (if there is no effect, an additional examination is necessary).

During the period of bearing a baby, candles containing belladonna (belladonna) extract are contraindicated from local remedies: Anuzol, Bellataminal, since their use can provoke a threat of abortion.

Systemic treatment. Systemic drugs are usually prescribed in the form of tablets and capsules for oral administration.

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, agents that strengthen the vein wall and increase its tone, the so-called venotonics, are currently widely used. These drugs are usually used in courses of 2-3 weeks with intervals of 2 weeks - 2 months.

The most effective venotonic is Detralex, which, in addition to venotonic, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect, preventing the appearance of free radicals - one of the factors of damage to the vascular wall. In addition, as has been proven in recent years, Detralex has a direct protective effect on the circulatory system. Aescin derivatives (Aescin, Aescusan, Misveneal) are obtained by processing horse chestnut seeds. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, improve blood circulation through the smallest blood vessels, reduce swelling of the inflamed node, blood viscosity.

The diet should be rich in fruits and vegetables with a moderate amount of meat and carbohydrates.

In addition to venotonics, drugs from other pharmaceutical groups are also used to treat hemorrhoids. To prevent complications of chronic hemorrhoids, Troxerutin (Troxevasin) is prescribed, which reduces the permeability and fragility of capillaries, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Ginkor-forte contains, in addition to troxerutin, an extract of the ginkgo biloba tree. The drug strengthens the venous wall, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Drugs that normalize blood clotting (Pentoxifylline, Curantil, Aspirin) are prescribed for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoidal vein thrombosis. All of these drugs can be used during pregnancy.

A special place in the arsenal of remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids is occupied by laxatives used to reduce straining and facilitate defecation. For this purpose, it is advisable to prescribe laxatives (Regulax, Forlax, Duphalac, Prelax). When using these drugs, the stool softens. The use of other laxatives (bisacodyl, phenolphthalein, senna preparations, buckthorn) during pregnancy is contraindicated, as they excessively stimulate intestinal motility (motor activity), which can lead to an increase in uterine tone.

Ferocious Ekaterina, obstetrician-gynecologist, Minsk


Of course, advice on reconsidering nutrition, physical activity and emotional state is all excellent, but not enough for treatment (Still, you can’t get past the pharmacy. There are enough pills for hemorrhoids now. Here are reviews on the most common [link-1] to help you

02/05/2017 17:16:30, eleonora.1991n

What an unpleasant sore, it has brought me so much discomfort in my whole life. Thank God, it has practically stopped bothering me lately, when I was treated with a course of procto-glivenol suppositories, I felt relief in life. Now I’m thinking about doing gymnastics against hemorrhoids, I read a lot of positive reviews. I hope it will help me overcome this muck forever.

Hemorrhoids are very common in pregnant women. I also had a thunderstorm, but everything worked out on time. I turned to my obstetrician gynecologist, she advised suppositories with a venotonic, which just dissolve the hemorrhoid veins, and they normally allow you to go to the toilet. good candles Rektaktiv, I highly recommend to anyone who has hemorrhoids.

10.06.2016 16:13:57, Stanislav Main

emulsion gel elishech can be used during pregnancy

29.04.2016 19:36:15, 24svetlana24

The method of treating hemorrhoids developed by Sergey Kondakov helped me very well. The pains were hellish, don’t worry, they disappeared almost on the first day after the start of the procedures.

Comment on the article "Preparations for hemorrhoids"

Conference "Pregnancy and childbirth" "Pregnancy and childbirth". Hemorrhoids: (and compression underwear. Never had, but apparently age is taking its toll...


Buy Natalsid, you will be happy, these are candles, you can use them at B. I myself suffer from this problem, and at the 27th week I thought, I’ll glue the fins together.

I will say about hemorrhoids - unpleasant, but not fatal.
I don’t remember what I treated last time, but it’s all quickly treated.

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, giving. Hemorrhoids are a terrible problem for a woman in labor and it needs to be addressed in a timely manner.


Girls, thanks for your advice. I haven't been here for a long time, I thought no one would say anything. And yet you don't ignore it. Nicely. The proctologist said that no CC, only the EU. He prescribed ointment. As for the enema - a good idea.

Ailments, diseases, toxicosis. Pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, giving.


I will add to ointments and candles. Very effective ice and physiotherapy. It is checked on itself according to the recommendation of doctors. Ice 5-6 times a day for no more than 5 minutes. it is convenient to pour into a bottle of water 0.33 and sit down through the diaper. If you use warming ointments, then take a break between the ointment and ice for 30 minutes.
Physiotherapy is amazing!

I used posterisan candles and candles with sea buckthorn oil. and you need to adjust the diet - prunes, dried apricots, figs, apples, carrots, beets, general soups (shchi or borscht, for example - I didn’t cook in meat broth), I cooked frozen vegetables. In the evening, 1-2 hours before bedtime, kefir (the fresher the better, because kefir, approaching the end of its expiration date, can strengthen). And water, juice, tea! But do not forget about meat, fish, eggs.

Hemorrhoids of pregnant women - help!!! I need advice from experienced people very much - I just have some kind of obsession with hemorrhoids B, as I go forgiveness for a big business, it flows (it flows ...

Hemorrhoids are not uncommon in pregnant women. They affect less than 8% of non-pregnant women, more than 25% of pregnant women and almost 50% of those who have just given birth. At the same time, popular rumor believes that hemorrhoids are almost a normal condition for a pregnant woman, and therefore many women are in no hurry to tell the doctor about their problem. However, a neglected disease can cause a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin (anemia), diseases of the musculoskeletal system such as arthritis, chronic inflammation of the genitourinary system. How is hemorrhoids treated during pregnancy?

The severity of the disease depends on its degree and progression only complicates the treatment. So, if the first asymptomatic in pregnant women can be cured only by adjusting the diet, regular exercise and hygiene regimen, then in the later stages, combined drug treatment, minimally invasive procedures, and even a real surgical operation are necessary.

Even if a woman is diagnosed with the initial degree of development of the disease, she does not need it yet. At an early stage, the same methods will be effective as in prevention: with the help of proper nutrition and anal hygiene.

This treatment is carried out at home and gives excellent results. In addition, a pregnant woman, especially those already on maternity leave, should not lie and sit a lot. A moderately active lifestyle is required: walking, gymnastics.

Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy at the 2nd stage

You can not do without drugs that are used in a complex, that is, both outside and inside.

Outside, suppositories, ointments, gels, creams are most often used, which have anti-inflammatory, laxative, vasoconstrictive and analgesic properties. You can’t use them on your own, especially for a pregnant woman, therefore consultation and appointment of a doctor is necessary.

Pregnant women are primarily treated with topical medications, since they do not adversely affect the fetus, which increases the effectiveness of treatment.

They are made on the basis of cocoa butter or lanolin. Also, local anesthetics (novocaine, benzocaine, anestezin) are added to their composition for quick pain relief.

To relieve inflammation, glucocorticoid hormones, prednisolone, are used topically, which also reduces burning sensation and itching. However, such drugs are contraindicated if there are fungal, viral and other infectious lesions of the rectum.

Rectal suppositories are inserted into the rectum after a bowel movement. The candle is injected warm, lying on its side, holding it for a couple of minutes in the anal canal to dissolve. The ointment is applied after a hygienic shower with a thin layer 3-4 times a day.

Local agents containing heparin are widely used. They are especially preferred, but contraindicated in violation of the blood coagulation system.

With spasm of the sphincter of the anus, suppositories with diphenhydramine are used, and preparations of shark liver, vitamin A, and sea buckthorn oil are used to accelerate healing.

In many medicines, basic therapeutics are combined. So, the composition of ultraproct, anesthesol, procto-glivenol includes astringent and anti-inflammatory components and an anesthetic. Hepatrombin G contains prednisolone, anesthetic and heparin. Relief advance contains shark liver oil and benzocaine anesthetic.

During pregnancy, some local remedies are still contraindicated. These are anusole and bellatamine suppositories, which contain belladonna (belladonna) extract. Their use can provoke an abortion.

Systemic drugs are prescribed in the form of capsules and tablets. More often these are the so-called vetotonics - means that increase the tone and strengthen the wall of the vein. They are used in courses of 2-3 weeks. Detralex is considered the most effective.

Hemorrhoids are also treated with drugs of other pharmaceutical groups:

  • troxerutin (troxevasin),
  • ginkor forte,
  • chimes,
  • pentoxifylline and even aspirin.

All these drugs are allowed to be used during pregnancy. To facilitate bowel movements and reduce straining, laxatives are used:

  • forlax,
  • prelax,
  • regulax,
  • duphalac.

During pregnancy, the use of such laxatives as drugs is contraindicated:

  1. buckthorn,
  2. senna,
  3. bisacodyl,
  4. phenolphthalein

These drugs can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus.

late stage

Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy at the last stage of the disease is already being carried out. However, for a pregnant woman, the operation will be postponed until childbirth, or rather, in a couple of months. Before that, drugs will be prescribed that will temporarily help reduce the manifestation of the disease and relieve pain symptoms.

Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids is prescribed only in cases where a woman already has prolapsed hemorrhoids, which can no longer be set into the lumen of the rectum. Also, the operation is necessary in the presence of acute complications: its infringement, acute inflammation.

Emergency hospitalization is necessary for necrosis and infringement of prolapsed hemorrhoids, heavy bleeding. Such patients undergo (bloodless) surgery or hemorrhoidectomy (excision of nodes).

The cost of such an operation in a paid clinic reaches 30 thousand rubles. It includes hospitalization for several days, the cost of disposable TGD instruments, anesthesia, standard examinations before surgery, medications, and the operation itself. More gentle procedures are:

  • sclerosing injections,
  • ligation,
  • and infrared photocoagulation.

Folk remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

There are times when medications do not help or there is no way to see a doctor on time. Then you can try treatment at home with folk methods.

A candle can be placed by carving it out of a raw potato. Such a candle is placed on the whole night. Also, aspen leaves are applied for a couple of hours.

Tampons soaked in celandine juice are also popular, which are placed in the anus and held for 30 minutes to an hour. One of the most popular remedies for hemorrhoids is sea buckthorn oil. You can buy it or make it yourself.

For treatment, gauze compresses soaked in oil are used, changing them 3-4 times a day and left overnight. You can also enhance the effect by using the oil inside. A tablespoon of oil on an empty stomach is taken half an hour before breakfast.

Prevention of hemorrhoids in pregnant women

This disease is much easier to prevent than to treat. And since all pregnant women are at risk of developing hemorrhoids, they need to take preventive measures throughout pregnancy, without waiting for the onset of symptoms of the disease.

The first preventive measure is the normalization of the stool. Pregnant women almost universally suffer from constipation, which leads to the development of hemorrhoids. Therefore, the elimination of constipation gives an almost one hundred percent guarantee that a woman will not get sick with hemorrhoids.

Constipation must be dealt with through proper nutrition. The diet should contain a lot of foods containing coarse vegetable fiber (cereals, fruits, vegetables, cereals, prunes). Fermented milk products also have a beneficial effect on the digestion process:

  • kefir,
  • curdled milk,
  • cottage cheese.

The development of constipation leads to food rich in protein and primarily meat, as well as excess fat, flour, spicy seasonings, coffee. It is also necessary to drink up to 1.5 liters of raw water per day.

The second important factor in the prevention of hemorrhoids in pregnant women is timely hygiene care. The area of ​​the anus and perineum must be washed after each act of defecation. In addition, sitz baths with antiseptics (a weak solution of potassium permanganate, chamomile infusion, and others) will be useful once a day. It is important for a pregnant woman not to strain during bowel movements and to refuse prolonged work in a sitting and standing position, and if this is not possible, you need to take breaks more often and change your body position.

Exercises for prevention

There is also a special therapeutic gymnastics, which is aimed at increasing the tone of the muscles of the abdominal wall and anal area, improving the function of the large intestine, reducing congestion in the veins of the small pelvis. Two, and preferably three times a day for 5-7 minutes, you need to do the following exercises (of course, taking into account the state of health):

  • swing movements alternately left and right foot back, forward, to the side;
  • walking with high lifting of the legs bent at the knees;
  • side bends;
  • squats on toes with wide apart knees;
  • tension of the buttocks, in which it is necessary to retract the anus (this position must be held for up to 10 seconds).

Among expectant mothers, the problem of dilatation of the veins of the anal area is very relevant. Not every drug is safe for the fetus and for the pregnant woman herself. Non-toxic rectal suppositories will most effectively help to cope with hemorrhoids.

Today, the pharmaceutical market offers expectant mothers a large selection of such medicines. Before choosing the optimal drug, a pregnant woman should definitely consult a doctor. Let's take a closer look at which hemorrhoid suppositories can be used during pregnancy and which ones cope better and more effectively with the disease.

During pregnancy, many drugs are contraindicated. However, among the drugs there is an exception. These are suppositories based on herbal ingredients, which include natural vegetable oils. The use of such a drug minimizes the risk of developing pathologies in the fetus and helps a pregnant woman overcome hemorrhoids and feel comfortable. Properly selected treatment is quite effective and quickly eliminates the symptoms of the disease.

Rectal suppositories quickly relieve pain in the anus and rectum, normalize blood circulation in the pelvis. Their active medicinal components:

  • affect pathogenic microorganisms;
  • prevent further spread of infection;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • restore the mucous membrane of the rectum.

What candles are the safest?

Candles for hemorrhoids during pregnancy in the 3rd semester will gently soothe and relieve pain. The safest for this period of gestation are suppositories based on algae, plant components.

Candles with propolis, suppositories based on plant extracts, papaverine and glycerin suppositories have proven themselves well. All these drugs are prescribed by doctors to pregnant women in the treatment of symptoms of hemorrhoids. They gently eliminate the inflammatory process, due to their healing properties. Can also be used in the treatment of drugs:

Propolis has long cured various inflammations, moisturized and softened dry skin, actively influenced blood vessels and blood circulation in the body. This substance is absolutely safe during pregnancy and is prescribed by doctors at any period of pregnancy and. The tool gently dissolves inflamed hemorrhoids, heals anal fissures.

Dissolving gradually in the rectum, the suppository with propolis is absorbed into the mucous membrane of the lower rectum and restores the microflora. At the same time, propolis fights pathogenic microorganisms and prevents the spread of infection. Being absorbed into the walls of the rectum, propolis has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. Thanks to the treatment with suppositories with propolis, pain and discomfort disappear, and hemorrhoids themselves are cured in a few days.

You can make suppositories with propolis at home. To do this, mix propolis with a small amount of butter, place the mixture in a cone-shaped form of thick paper and put the candle in the refrigerator. It is recommended to use the candle before going to bed, after removing the paper wrapper. The only contraindication to the drug is an allergy to the active substance.

Methyluracil suppositories

This drug has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. The doctor can prescribe such suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy quite calmly. The drug is safe for the fetus and will not cause any pathologies in the developing child. based on cell renewal.

Under the influence of these rectal suppositories, the healing of wounds in the anus and rectum is accelerated, the protective properties of cells and surrounding tissues increase. The drug prevents the development of infection, restores the mucous membrane of the rectum, prevents bleeding.

Clinical studies on the use of methyluracil suppositories by pregnant women have not shown any negative effects on the fetus. The drug is well tolerated, but during the administration of the suppository, a slight burning sensation in the rectum is possible. Treatment with methyluracil suppositories should only be prescribed by the attending physician. One suppository is used throughout the day.


This drug is a venotonic. The special thing is that the drug is able to increase vascular tone several times. Acting in the rectum, the rectal suppository suppresses the aggressiveness of leukocytes and blocks the synthesis of mediators of the inflammatory process.

In addition to the main medicinal substance, the composition of the drug includes bufexamak and lidocaine, which improve the elasticity of blood vessels, normalize their permeability, and also contribute to good hematopoiesis. As a result, the body's defenses are significantly increased and the manifestations of hemorrhoids are reduced.

Lidocaine has a powerful analgesic effect, eliminating pain in the anus and rectum. Other medicinal substances that make up the suppository have a drying effect and promote the healing of hemorrhoids and anal fissures. The drug is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids twice a day.


Often prescribed to pregnant women in the treatment of hemorrhoids, starting from the third trimester. The drug has an antiseptic effect on pathogenic microorganisms and effectively removes the inflammatory process in the lower rectum. Relief is also an immunomodulator and activates the local immunity of the anal area. As a result of its pharmacological properties, the level of hemoglobin in the blood increases.

Rectal suppositories quickly and effectively heal anal fissures, dry inflamed hemorrhoids, and remove weeping foci of inflammation. Acting in the rectum, the drug forms a protective film on the intestinal mucosa. Thus, the mucous membrane of the rectum is less damaged and begins to actively recover.

Relief is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids twice a day, gently inserting a candle into the anus. After the introduction of the suppository, one should not actively move, it is best to lie down for half an hour until the suppository dissolves in the rectum. The therapeutic effect with proper application will be much stronger.

Candles with papaverine

Suppositories with papaverine contribute to the rapid treatment of hemorrhoids. The drug is well tolerated and can be prescribed to pregnant women due to its safe action. This tool quickly relieves pain, prevents the spread of infection in the lower parts of the rectum, quickly removes the inflammatory process.

Papaverine relieves pressure on the walls of the rectum and qualifies as an excellent antiseptic. Its antispasmodic properties allow you to relieve spasms of the rectum and quickly eliminate pain in the disease. This complex drug is a highly effective drug in the treatment of inflamed hemorrhoids. By acting on the veins of the anus, papaverine improves venous outflow and strengthens the walls of capillaries.

Sea buckthorn candles

Sea buckthorn suppositories from hemorrhoids during pregnancy will allow you to quickly cope with any manifestations of the disease. The drug can be prescribed at any period of gestation. Sea buckthorn has long been famous among the people for its medicinal properties and the ability to stop tissue inflammation. Sea buckthorn extract and sea buckthorn oil improve skin regeneration, actively fight pathogenic microorganisms, heal affected tissues and restore the rectal mucosa.

Sea buckthorn candle lowers the level of histamine, which provokes and exacerbates the inflammatory process. Histamine dilates blood vessels, causing an increase in hemorrhoids. As a result, the permeability of the veins of the anus and the lower intestine increases. Activation of this substance in the anal region leads to burning in the anus, itching of the anal areas and pain in the hemorrhoidal formations.

Acting in the rectum, sea buckthorn suppositories gradually dissolve and envelop the mucous membrane, contributing to its healing and restoration. Sea buckthorn oil gently acts inside the intestines, heals cracks in the walls of the rectum, and has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Thanks to the sea buckthorn suppository, enhanced regeneration of the skin epithelium and rapid recovery of the affected tissue occur.

Under the influence of the drug, active stimulation of immune cells occurs. Puffiness of hemorrhoids disappears, itching and burning disappear. Sea buckthorn suppositories very quickly cope with staphylococcus aureus, E. coli and other pathogenic bacteria that cause the disease.

Glycerin suppositories

Suppositories based on glycerin soften the feces and contribute to its rapid and non-traumatic removal from the rectum. At the same time, it has a positive effect on the rectum.

By facilitating defecation, the drug promotes the healing of small cracks in the rectum and anus and prevents mechanical injury to the mucous membrane with solid fecal masses. Glycerin has a softening effect and perfectly heals microcracks in hemorrhoids. Using these suppositories, you can get rid of constipation, which is typical during pregnancy, and quickly and effectively eliminate the symptoms of hemorrhoids.


The active ingredient of this drug is sodium alginate, obtained from brown algae. Natalsid can be prescribed absolutely at any stage of pregnancy, as it is especially safe. Seaweed extract has a hemostatic and antiseptic effect in the body, allowing you to quickly eliminate the inflammatory process in the lower rectum.

The drug softens the inflamed skin of the anus, envelops the intestinal mucosa and restores it. Under the influence of the remedy, pain in the anus disappears, itching and burning disappear.

The purpose of the application is to completely eliminate the symptoms of the disease and further prevent the development of infection. As a result of treatment with candles, hemorrhoids in a pregnant woman completely disappear.

Ichthyol candles

Help prevent inflammation of anal fissures with hemorrhoids. They are an excellent disinfectant and are used in the treatment of many diseases.

Ichthyol treatment has been popular for several centuries. It contains sulfur, which has a detrimental effect on many pathogenic microorganisms. The main contraindication to use is individual intolerance.

Ichthyol suppositories effectively eliminate the inflammatory process in the rectum, gently affect damaged tissues and exhibit an anti-inflammatory effect. Their main medicinal substance restores destroyed epithelial cells, softens hemorrhoids, relieves pain and burning sensation. Ichthyol suppositories can be used twice a day.

Safe candles

Many pregnant women want to know which hemorrhoid suppositories can be used during pregnancy. Modern drugs in the form of rectal suppositories prescribed by a doctor are quite safe. The herbal natural components included in their composition do not have a negative effect on the fetus and do not cause the development of pathologies in it. At the same time, rectal suppositories contribute to improving the health of the expectant mother.

Quickly eliminating the symptoms of hemorrhoids, suppositories help to get rid of excruciating pain in case of rectal vein disease, dissolve hemorrhoids and remove the infection. As a result of treatment with suppositories, the intestinal mucosa is restored, constipation disappears, and pathogenic microorganisms die. The intestinal microflora is also restored, which is important during pregnancy.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy is a problem that about 70% of women know firsthand, but few dare to talk about it out loud. This unpleasant ailment can deliver a lot of negative emotions to the expectant mother.

It is quite natural that a woman wants to get rid of pain as soon as possible and enjoy her position while waiting for the baby. In this article, we will tell you which hemorrhoid ointments can be used during this important period for a woman.

Therapy Rules

The growing uterus presses on the internal organs, compresses the inferior vena cava, increases the pressure in the hemorrhoidal veins, and therefore the occurrence of hemorrhoids during the bearing of a baby is an easily explained phenomenon.

Before deciding on treatment, pregnant woman should consult a doctor. Do not be shy, complex and worry. The specialist has seen everything in his practice, and you definitely won’t surprise him with hemorrhoids.

Treatment of expectant mothers is not the easiest task, because not all medicines can be used because of the risk of harming the baby, and surgical treatment, which is considered the “gold standard” for the treatment of hemorrhoids, is not always shown for a lady in an “interesting position”, but only in a hopeless situation, when anal bleeding has begun, and the fallen nodes cannot be manually reduced.

Therefore, the basis of treatment is the correction of the lifestyle of the expectant mother, without this, all candles, ointments and pills will help only for a short time. Before going to the pharmacy, a woman definitely needs to reconsider.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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All spicy, salty, smoked and pickled foods, yeast dough pastries, peas and other legumes, lemonade are excluded from the diet.

The daily menu includes fresh vegetables and fruits rich in fiber, whole grain bread, prunes, honey. It is worth consuming less protein foods, more water. The task of such a diet is to reduce the frequency of constipation, it is they who most often give a “start” to the first manifestations of hemorrhoids.

motor activity

Pregnancy is not a reason to lie on the sofa and lie there all 9 months, and not a reason to spend your free time in an armchair in front of the TV with a plate of sweets. In order for the intestines to work normally, and the blood supply to the lower veins is restored, you should walk more, walk, visit the pool, do gymnastics.

There is a special gymnastics for pregnant women suffering from hemorrhoids. Be sure to check out this set.

Wrong Habits

Such habits include prolonged sitting in the toilet with a book or phone. If it was not possible to empty the intestines in one “approach” within five to seven minutes, you should go out and go in then, when the peristalsis enters the "new round", there will be a need for defecation.

Prolonged sitting on the toilet, attempts to empty the intestines from feces only contribute to impaired blood supply in the hemorrhoidal veins and increased manifestations of hemorrhoids.

You should not use toilet paper, which further irritates the anus, it is best to wash yourself after each bowel movement.

When are ointments needed?

In the conservative therapy of hemorrhoids in pregnant women, both systemic preparations are used - tablets and capsules that improve blood circulation and prevent thrombosis, as well as local preparations - suppositories, ointments and gels. Suppositories are most loved by expectant mothers - they are convenient to administer, almost all modern drugs act quickly and retain the effect for a long time.

However, rectal suppositories (candles) are not always the only right solution.

If a woman has external hemorrhoids, that is, swollen venous nodes crawled out, then the best option would be to use ointments, at least at the initial stage, when external treatment is needed, manual reduction of the nodes after defecation.

A little later, a woman will be able to make any choice - either in favor of rectal suppositories, or in favor of continuing therapy with ointments and gels.

Ointments at the second stage are administered rectally. In order to make it convenient to put into practice, there are special applicators and plastic caps in the packages with tubes.

Ointments help very well even at the very initial stage of hemorrhoids. when a woman has just had the first uncomfortable sensations - itching and burning in the anus, slight pain, a feeling of something foreign in the rectum.

Timely applied ointment in most cases avoids further development of the problem.

If hemorrhoids are both internal and external in nature, if a woman exudes blood during a bowel movement, then the ointment can also alleviate her condition, because there are drugs that contain components with a hemostatic effect.

It should be noted that almost all antihemorrhoidal ointments have an analgesic and antiseptic effect, have an effect on the tone of blood vessels, resist thrombosis, relieve severe inflammation and swelling.

Permitted ointments

On the shelves of pharmacies today there are a large number of hemorrhoid remedies, but not all drugs are suitable for use during pregnancy, especially in its first trimester. That is why it is necessary to consult a doctor. He will suggest the right drug.

You can also ask a specialist for one or more of the tools below. We have compiled a list of drugs that are allowed during pregnancy.

"Heparin ointment"

This is a well-known medicine that is used in a variety of cases of life - for bruises and burns, for injuries and hemorrhoids. The drug has a local anesthetic and antithrombotic effect. In addition, the ointment is known as a good anti-inflammatory agent.

Heparin does not cross the placental barrier, does not pass into breast milk, and therefore can be used by pregnant and lactating women. It is best to use the ointment during exacerbations of hemorrhoids; this remedy is not suitable for prevention.

The ointment is squeezed onto a gauze napkin and applied to the inflamed area, left for a short time, fixing with a bandage or plaster.

If this method is not convenient for a woman for some reason, you can make a small gauze swab, soak it with ointment and gently insert it into the anus. In this case, you do not have to fix anything.

Apply or inject with tampons "Heparin ointment" can be 2-3 times a day, better after defecation episodes and at bedtime, the course of treatment should not exceed 10 days. Consultation with a doctor before starting treatment with a drug containing heparin is required.


This is an antibacterial ointment. Its use during pregnancy is not prohibited, as well as during breastfeeding. Intestinal flora and conditionally pathogenic bacteria can affect bursting hemorrhoids, and therefore the use of this ointment, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, is also useful from a preventive point of view.

One of the components of the ointment - methyluracil - additionally has a strong healing effect, so the recovery of injured tissues proceeds faster.

It cannot be said that only Levomekol can cure hemorrhoids. Its use can be a good adjunct to treatment with antihemorrhoidal drugs.

It is applied externally and rectally. In the first case, the drug is applied to a gauze napkin and applied to a sore spot, and in the second case, tampons are impregnated with it, which are injected into the anus for 30-40 minutes 2-3 times a day.


The gel is quickly absorbed and quickly begins to act. Particularly effective "Troxevasin" is for hemorrhoids with the formation of large venous nodes.

The gel should be applied in a thin layer twice a day, rubbed until completely absorbed. With external hemorrhoids, the finger is lubricated with gel and the outer part of the anus is first treated, and then the fallen nodes are carefully inserted with the finger inside.

The drug is not recommended for use in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, as well as after childbirth, if the woman is breastfeeding the baby. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, the drug is used, but with caution and only with the knowledge of the doctor.

"Fleming's Ointment"

This is a homeopathic remedy that comes in the form of an ointment. In the composition - calendula, witch hazel, menthol, zinc oxide. According to the official instructions for the drug, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, anesthetizes, dries and resists some bacteria, and eliminates venous congestion.

A careful reading of the instructions may raise questions for pregnant women, because the description of the drug states that it can be used for any form of hemorrhoids, including complex non-healing and weeping forms, but only uncomplicated cases of external hemorrhoids are indicated in the indications.

This discrepancy is due to the fact that clinical trials that would add more severe forms of the disease to the indications have not been conducted, the effectiveness of the remedy has not been officially proven. The drug is allowed for pregnant women at any time. The ointment is applied to the sore spot 1-2 times a day (the amount can be increased to 3 with the knowledge of the doctor), the course of treatment lasts a week.

If there is no effect, after the permission of the attending physician, the course can be repeated.

"Vishnevsky Balm"

Balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky is often called an ointment, but this is a fundamentally wrong definition. A familiar remedy with a sharp specific smell has been known to everyone since childhood. healing, locally irritating, anti-inflammatory effect.

The drug was not originally created for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Its purpose is purulent wounds, boils, carbuncles, bedsores.

Who and when came up with the idea of ​​using the Vishnevsky liniment as a proctological preparation is not known for certain. Official medicine indicates that the effect of treating hemorrhoids with this remedy is rather doubtful, and the benefits that some say are false. However, the reviews of expectant mothers about the use of this remedy are positive.

During pregnancy, the drug is not contraindicated, although it is not recommended by the manufacturer - such tests have simply not been carried out.

"Ichthyol ointment"

This drug is widely used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. It is not prohibited during pregnancy, since it does not affect either the fetus or women's reproductive health.

Under the influence of the medicine, the inflamed hemorrhoids are disinfected, the pain and burning sensation that torment the woman so much recede. Anal fissures heal faster. Blood circulation in the area of ​​the rectum improves, from the nodes there is an outflow of blood.

You can apply the ointment on its own, or you can mix it half with glycerin. The resulting mixture or preparation in its pure form is applied to gauze napkins and applied to the sore spot.

The ointment can be applied directly to the sore spot, while you should not rub it, the touch should be light. The agent can be applied to a swab and injected into the rectum for a long time, for example, before going to bed until morning. During the day, you can smear the sore spot twice with the drug, the course of treatment should not exceed 14 days.

Before choosing a method of use, manufacturers are advised not to forget that the ointment can leave greasy stains on furniture and clothes, then it will be very difficult to remove them. Therefore, it is best to use an additional occlusive dressing or pad.


The drug is not toxic. Available in the form of a gel. It should be applied in a very thin layer and lightly massage the painful area with your finger until the drug is completely dissolved and absorbed.

In the first trimester, this drug is considered unsafe for the development of a baby, who during this period has an active laying of internal organs, but the remedy can be used in the second and third trimester, if the attending doctor does not mind.

If there are fallen venous nodes, they can be gently set after lightly rubbing a small dose of gel into them. You can apply a layer of the drug under the bandage.

"Lyoton Gel"

As part of this medication, we already know heparin, which prevents the development of thrombosis. It relieves swelling and has a slight anti-inflammatory effect. Due to the safe composition, the product is not prohibited for use during pregnancy.

It is important not to use the drug with advanced hemorrhoids, when ulcers are observed, and there are necrotic fragments in the application area. That's why before treatment with this remedy, you should definitely visit a proctologist and assess the extent and stage of the disease.

Manufacturers in the official instructions for the drug indicate that the product should be applied to intact skin and superficial veins. Therefore, it is better to use it for more delicate purposes only when there is confidence that the tissues in the anus are not damaged.

If there is anal bleeding, it is better not to use the gel. When using, it is important to ensure that the product only gets on the outer tissues.


This remedy with inactivated E. coli microbial cells increases the ability of the rectal walls to resist pathogenic bacteria. The drug relieves inflammation, helps blood vessels to gain tone and is involved in the regeneration of damaged tissues.

The ointment can be used after each bowel movement, it is also recommended to apply it externally and enter more deeply rectally in the morning and evening before bedtime. In order to gently introduce the drug into the rectum, you should use a special applicator.

The course can last up to 3 weeks. With the permission of the doctor, it is permissible to use both ointment and candles with the same name at the same time.

Use during pregnancy is possible at any time, since there is no evidence of a negative effect on the fetus. However, manufacturers emphasize the need to always consult with your doctor.


Candles and ointment with this name are very often prescribed to pregnant women. Ointment containing shark liver oil has a slight fishy smell. It is also sometimes called a cream for a light, uniform texture. The ointment quickly heals the affected tissues of the rectum, and also narrows the lumen of the vessels and causes the outflow of blood from the inflamed venous hemorrhoids.

You can apply the ointment both externally and rectally, introducing it into the rectum. Pregnant women are advised to take the drug with caution due to the fact that some of its components can cause an allergic reaction.

For women who suffer from diabetes, it is better to refuse treatment with this remedy.

Apply or inject the drug up to 4 times a day. If relief does not occur within 7-10 days, you must definitely go to the proctologist and consult about changing the drug for the main treatment.


This ointment is for those who have a very pronounced pain syndrome. The tool acts quickly, has a strong analgesic effect, the effect of which lasts up to 12-24 hours. In addition, the drug relieves itching, relieves painful burning sensation in the anus during exacerbation of hemorrhoids, and also relieves inflammation.

The tool is strictly prohibited for use in the early stages of pregnancy (until the end of the 1st trimester). For pregnant women in the middle of the gestation period and women in the later stages, the medicine can be used, if authorized by the attending physician.

General rules for the use of ointments

All ointments with an antihemorrhoidal effect should be applied with clean, pre-washed hands with soap and water. It is advisable to adhere to the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor, do not exceed the dosages, the number of daily doses and the duration of the course of treatment. Ointments are administered at night, and also after each bowel movement, but not more than the number of times allowed by the manufacturer and the treating doctor.