Does it hurt to get a tattoo on the shoulder blade? Does it hurt to get a tattoo on your wrist? Where is the most painful place to get a tattoo?

It should be borne in mind that the unequivocal answer to the question "how painful is it to get a tattoo?" does not exist. It depends on the specific person, since the pain threshold is a purely individual thing. To a very large extent, the intensity of the sensations depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe drawing.

The experience of the technician and the instrument used also affect the strength of the sensations. Ideally, the tattoo is applied with a special apparatus filled with special mascara. Particularly unpleasant sensations arise at the moment when the paint penetrates from the needles under the skin. It is very much felt when the work on the tattoo is just beginning, and in those moments when the machine is used to process the already punctured areas of the skin.

Tattoos are most painful in places where the skin is especially thin and where the layer of skin is closest to the bone. This mainly affects the knees, elbows, inner thighs, bikini area and underarms. The least sensitive areas are the legs, shoulders, back and buttocks. The most "safe" area is considered to be the hands. However, it must be borne in mind that the level of sensations also depends on the physique. For example, an asthenic with very thin legs and arms, getting a tattoo in these areas may seem very painful.

Correct attitude

We can say that the level of uncomfortable sensations very much depends on the mood of the future owner of the picture. If from the very beginning you tune in to the fulfillment of your desire, think positively and not worry too much, then drawing a picture may seem simply not the most pleasant, but completely painless procedure.

What you should definitely not do is calm your nerves with alcohol. It increases blood pressure by dilating blood vessels. This can lead to the fact that blood can flow from under the needle of the tattoo artist, although normally it is released in very small quantities. In such a tattoo can come out faded and expressionless. So it is worth resorting to less dangerous methods of calming the nerves.

It is worth considering that the tattoo will remain with you for many years, so you need to take a very serious approach to the choice of a master or a salon, think over the drawing. It is quite difficult and very painful to remove a tattoo, so you should not make a decision about such decoration of your body without thinking it over properly.

If you are very afraid of pain, you can ask the tattoo artist for anesthesia, however, most specialists oppose such a procedure, because under the influence of "freezing", most often the skin changes its properties quite strongly - it loses sensitivity, becomes stubborn. All this has a rather negative effect on the final result. In addition, healing takes longer, and after that the tattoo requires correction.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on your wrist?

Does it hurt to get a tattoo?

There is no definite answer to this question, and each tattoo owner describes his feelings differently. But, the following factors significantly affect the pain sensation.

If the fear of the upcoming pain is very great and even prevails over the desire to decorate yourself with a tattoo, then there is hardly any need to rush. If you have repeatedly postponed a trip to the salon, because you are afraid of pain, then it is likely that intuition hints at the wrong choice of drawing or a hasty decision. And if you have long and firmly decided to become a tattoo carrier, then no fear of the painfulness of the procedure can stop you.

All About Wrist Tattoos

You can also get small tattoos that will replace or complement rings, for example, a massive tiger head or a graceful crescent moon.

Tattoos on the inside of the wrist can be a little painful, however, girls are increasingly choosing this place for permanent decoration. Here you can fill in a tattoo phrase, a map of the world, a small heart or ...

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From the place of tattooing. As a rule, some of the most painful areas are located closer to the bone, as well as containing a large number of nerve endings. It is believed that the most painful places for tattooing are the genital area, chest, ears and eyes. Neck tattoos are painful to do in the vertebrae, but thin and sensitive skin makes the sides and front of the neck more painful. Tattoos on the leg are painful to do in the ankles and feet - due to a small layer of subcutaneous fat and a large number of nerve endings. Tattoos on the wrist are painful to do in places with thin skin and in the area of \u200b\u200bbones. In addition, the areas of the ribs, armpits, elbow and knee joints, spine are painful. Where is it not painful to get a tattoo? It is believed that the least painful areas of the body contain the largest layer of fat between the bones and skin. The most common places where it doesn't hurt to get a tattoo are the shoulders, as this area contains a layer of fat and a small amount of nerve endings. Also, pain in the calves and buttocks is not strong, although tattoos are not so common on these parts;

The second enemy is your own laziness. A good master will give you a set of instructions for caring for the "new thing". Follow them rigorously because the first two weeks are crucial... Consider this as a postoperative period. Will you ride a bike with an unhealed leg? Rest assured, a tattoo is a trauma. Thousands of injections per minute, piercing the epidermis and placing pigment in the dermis. Once you've made up your mind, it's best to get serious about the issue.

On a note

  • Skin is living tissue. It changes and stretches. Even with perfect care, the tattoo needs to be renewed approximately every 3-5 years. It will cost the same as filling a new one. And it will hurt the same way.
  • When applying a tattoo, moles are bypassed and hidden in the drawing.
  • Hair continues to grow at the site of the tattoo.
  • If you have a scar or scar, it must be at least a year after the injury before the area can be covered with something.
  • You need to come to the session sober, well-fed and slept... You can't drink the day before: it will hurt more, bleeding will intensify, and the healing process will slow down.
  • A mild fever and dizziness after a tattoo session is normal, and this is the only side effect (apart from pain and swelling) that is possible if all sanitary conditions and care rules are followed.
  • Between sessions on the same zone (for example, if you are doing a "sleeve"), at least two weeks.
  • A tattoo can be reduced by 90–95% with a laser. It will be more painful, longer and more expensivethan the tattoo itself.

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Other factors affecting soreness of tattooing.

  • Needle configuration. Modern equipment is equally important.
  • Duration of the session. The more time a specialist spends on work, the more stress the body experiences. The optimal time during which the client will feel most comfortable is up to 5 hours.

It is believed that the least painful areas of the body contain the largest layer of fat between the bones and skin. The most common places where it is not painful to get a tattoo are the shoulders, as this area contains fat and a small number of nerve endings. There is also not strong pain in the calves and buttocks, although tattoos are not so common on these parts.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo? This question torments everyone who decided on their first tattoo. In this article, we will tell you about the main thing, as well as help you physically and psychologically prepare for the process of tattooing. Welcome to the club!

At the very beginning, it should be noted thatpain threshold is individual for everyoneAnd there is no one-size-fits-all pain relief remedy that works equally well for everyone. In the same timethere are features that you should know to make the tattooing process as comfortable as possible.

“As a tattoo artist, I will say that women have a really higher pain threshold, while even a strong man who got a tattoo, in a sufficiently painful zone, could faint. The same thing can happen to women, but I had a case when a girl who got a tattoo on her ribs (it hurts very much) fell asleep in the process. Everything is individual! "

“At the first touch of the needle, goose bumps run all over the body - quite an exciting sensation ... Like a bee has bitten. Usually pain at the very beginning and unpleasant only for the first 10-15 minutes. Then it becomes normal. "

The tattooing process causes an itchy aching pain, since the needle injures the top layer of the skin.It's especially hard to endure where one fragment requires careful detailing.

In other words, the pain of getting a tattoo can be compared to an abrasion. Only “in case of an abrasion” does this happen quickly, and when applying a tattoo, the process of trauma to the skin is extended for several hours. Essentially, a tattoo is a wound.

What factors affect tattoo pain?

  • Your fatigue (Not recommended, in the evening or after a hard day at work)
  • Girls are not allowed to get tattoos before and during women's days
  • You need to eat before the session, especially if the process is long
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Complexity of tattooing (Simple tattoos of the same type are less painful, as well as monochromatic tattoos because they take less time).

Pain Map - Most Painful Places to Tattoo

The most painful places for tattoos are considered areas of the body where there is no fat layer and the skin is in close contact with the boneas well as places with delicate skin and a lot of nerve endings.

These areas include:

  • the area at the bend of the elbow;
  • skin around the nipple;
  • armpits;
  • the area under the pectoral muscle on the ribs,
  • skin under the knees,
  • groin area.


  1. Regardless of the zone,the larger the tattoo design, the greater the discomfort.
  2. The foremen, taking into account the chosen zone, often propose to divide the work into small time intervals.
  3. Painful spots in girls: armpit, face, area around the nipple, wrists, groin, knees, lower leg periosteum, area under the knee.The most painless places for tattoos for girls: shoulders, forearms, shoulder blades, calves,.
  4. Painful spots in men: head, armpit, elbows and ribs, groin and pelvis, shins, knees and feet. To places whereit doesn't hurt to get a tattoo in men: shoulders, forearms, outer part, shoulder blades and calves.

What is the difference between the tattoo process in men and women? Does it hurt to get a tattoo for a girl?

Women are more tolerant to pain, a fact confirmed by many scientific studies. In a tattoo, this is also relevant, since fat deposits in women are located under the skin (the percentage of fat is higher than in men). This makes the tattooing process less painful than that of men.

  • Have a good rest and sleep.
  • Eat in a few hours.
  • Chat with your friends and acquaintances who already have a tattoo.
  • Ask the master all your questions.
  • Find the right clothes.
  • Explore the article “How to numb a tattoo? Pain Relief Tips”.

Before tattooingNOT recommended:

  • Take any medication without urgent need. Many medications (including painkillers) affect blood clotting and can increase its secretion, which will greatly complicate the work of the master.
  • Drink alcohol per day and on the day of the session.
  • Go to a solarium or beach (the sun is bad for your skin).
  • Drink lots of coffee and energy drinks.

How to numb the tattooing process?

We have prepared a separate article with tips on how to relieve a tattoo and make the tattooing process as comfortable as possible. Read about it in the article “ ”.

The most popular questions about tattoo pain and reviews:

Is it painful to get a tattoo on your arm, shoulder, forearm, hand?

The most painless areas for a tattoo on the arm are the outer surface of the shoulder and forearm. The inner shoulder will hurt more because of the sensitive skin in this area.The most painful place on the arm for a tattoo is the brush... There are many nerve endings on the hand and there is no fatty layer.

Is it painful to get a tattoo on the leg, on the thigh, on the foot, on the calf?

Tattoos on the outer thigh and calf muscle will be the least painful. But with a tattoo on the periosteum, inner thigh and feet, you will have to endure.The groin area and the area under the knees are considered record-breaking for painful indicators. Fortunately, tattoos are not often done there.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on your back?

The back is not the most painful area for a tattoo. But it is worth remembering that if you choose a large drawing on the whole back, then pain cannot be avoided. The longer the session lasts, the more the discomfort will be felt.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on the collarbone?

Any tattoo in close proximity to the bone is considered painful. But mostly tattoos on the collarbone are small and do not bring much discomfort.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on your chest?

The chest area is a painful area for men and less painful for women. Tattoo under the breast in women already refers to a higher degree of discomfort.

The customs of self-identification have long been rooted in world cultures. By applying symbolism to the body, people not only expressed their individuality, but also determined their belonging to a particular tribe, belief system or caste. In the modern interpretation, little has changed. Unless the procedure itself has become more accessible and has become widespread. People who decide to take this step for the first time often have one question: how painful is this process, and how to reduce the pain?

Do you always have pain?

The formation of the limits of sensitivity to pain is influenced by many internal and external factors. This is the personal pain threshold, and the state of health at the time of the tattoo, and the place of application, as well as the scale of work and the duration of a single session. Arriving at a tattoo parlor sleepy, hungry or tired, you risk getting much more pain than under normal circumstances.

Therefore, before daring to modify your body, study a rough map of pain, analyze your condition and soberly assess your own capabilities. There is only one truth: regardless of gender, age and degree of "downturn", getting tattoos hurts everyone and always. The only question is the degree of intensity and how to reduce the pain.

This is a kind of "guide" to the pain points of the human body. It is based on the anatomical features of the female and male organisms. Three factors play a special role in the pain map:

  • the proximity of the location of bone tissue;
  • thickness of the skin;
  • the number of nerve endings and blood vessels.

These indicators are more or less stable and the same for everyone. The subjective factor is the content of subcutaneous fat, as well as the volume and elasticity of the muscles. In women, the height of the pain threshold at individual points depends on the menstrual cycle: the closer it is to its completion, the more painful the procedure will be. Therefore, it is better to plan a trip to the master so that he falls in the first two weeks.

The following areas are considered the most painful:

  • knee and elbow joints;
  • ribs;
  • chest and area under the chest;
  • the front of the neck;
  • head (forehead, temples, crown);
  • wrists and ankles;
  • brushes;
  • coccyx;
  • along the spine;
  • inner thighs;
  • intimate areas.

If you do not have experience yet, and you are just going to acquire a drawing on the body, when choosing a "canvas", be guided by the given classification. To better explore your own pain potential, start with less sensitive areas. Overestimating the capabilities of the body, you will only create problems for yourself and the master.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo: reviews

In view of life experience, everyone has their own associative array regarding the effect of the needle on the skin. For some, the procedure is similar to acupuncture, for others it resembles electroacupuncture. Someone compares a tattoo in terms of the nature of the pain with epilation, while others compare it with scratching with a blunt blade.

However, most agree that the duration of the session affects the sensations. At first, out of habit, the pain is felt acutely. Then you get used to it. But if you have to sit for a long time, it begins to seem that a little more - and you will crash down dead. This is often the result of psychosomatic reactions. It is known that colored tattoos are more painful to do than black and white ones. Clients often complain about painful finishing touches. For example, from creating highlights with white paint.

Preparation before tattooing

To get a tattoo to bring a minimum of discomfort, follow some simple recommendations. Their implementation partially depends on whether it will hurt to get a tattoo.

  1. Sleep well. Poor or insufficient sleep is the culprit of low blood pressure and fainting.
  2. Drink plenty of water. The day before the scheduled procedure, normalize the water balance, based on the parameters of the body. Paint adheres better to moisturized skin.
  3. Avoid blood thinning foods. Such products threaten excessive blood loss during the session. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to consume alcohol. It is also advised to abstain from aspirin.
  4. Prepare your skin. If you have dry skin, it is recommended that you start applying moisturizers a week in advance. It is unacceptable to come to the session in the presence of sunburn.
  5. Eat a dense meal. To minimize the risk of losing consciousness, a nutritious meal should be provided. Feeling hungry, a person is prone to a drop in blood pressure and dizziness. If the session promises to be long, take a snack with you.

Arm tattoos

For representatives of both sexes, the hands remain the most popular "canvas". Does it hurt to get a tattoo on this place? There is no definite answer. The anatomy of the hands is complex, and each section has its own sensitivity.

  • Wrists. Most often, girls become the owners of drawings on this part of the body. Small images of initial complexity are used as sketches. As a rule, these are symbols and pictograms. Despite the fact that the skin here is thin, the coverage area is small, so you simply won't have time to howl in pain. Does it hurt to get a tattoo on your wrist? Tolerable.
  • Brushes. In addition to the fact that the skin is thin, it is located close to the bones. It also contains many nerve endings. Girls prefer to fill small patterns on the phalanges, but boys prefer massive sketches on the entire back of the hand. Does it hurt to get a tattoo on the wrist? With large drawings, it hurts.
  • Forearms. The muscles in this part of the body are more developed, and the skin is thicker. You can't reach the bones from the inside. But on the side faces, the sensations are slightly unpleasant. The painfulness of the procedure often depends on the scale of the work: if you are stuffing a half-sleeve, then be prepared for the fact that at one moment the pain will make itself felt. Does it hurt to get a tattoo on the forearm? Tolerable.

Leg tattoos

The second most popular place to decorate is the feet. The option is convenient for those who, on occasion, want to hide their tattoos from prying eyes. When asked whether it hurts to get a tattoo on the leg, there is no consensus, as is the case with the hands.

  • Hips. Anatomically, girls are often more tolerant of pain when working with a needle in this part of the body. The reason for this is estrogen and a higher content of subcutaneous fat. But for both women and men, tattoos on the inner thigh are invariably painful. Does it hurt to get a tattoo on your thighs? Tolerable / painful (inner surface)
  • Shins. Depending on on which surface the pattern is stuffed - back or side, severe pain syndrome varies. Since the back is protected by the calf muscles, the procedure feels more than bearable. This is not the case with the front, as the skin is much thinner and closer to the bones. Does it hurt to get a tattoo on the lower leg? Tolerable.
  • Knees. Tattoos in this place are relatively rare. The reason is simple: the concentration of nerve nodes, coupled with ultra-thin skin. Does it hurt to get a tattoo on your knees? And how!

Upper body tattoos

Getting a pattern on the upper torso is a bold decision. Typical for extroverted natures who will not miss the opportunity to show off a unique sketch.

  • Clavicle. Girls love the tattoos in this place, they look neat and feminine. They are often simple but graceful images. Despite the small coverage area, the process of applying paint here can seem very painful, because the bones show through from under the skin. The only good news is that it does not last long. Does it hurt to get a tattoo on the collarbone? Painfully.
  • Neck. As in the case of brushes, the approach to tattooing on the neck of guys and girls differs: for the former it is often a continuation of the tattoo on the chest with a high density of hammering, while the latter are content with small, neat designs. On the front and back surfaces, the sensitivity also differs in favor of the latter. Does it hurt to get a tattoo on your neck? Tolerable / painful.
  • Head. An option for the bravest. For a tattoo in such a place, you need to be prepared both mentally and physically. The skin is thin everywhere, and the concentration of nerve endings is off scale. Does it hurt to get a tattoo on your head? It hurts terribly.

How to reduce pain

First of all, you need to prepare your body. Then you should put your thoughts in order, because during a panic, all feelings, including pain, are exacerbated. You can invite a friend along to help make things seem less stressful. A good master is usually friendly himself, which helps to relax. If you feel the pain is getting unbearable, take a break. As a rule, large-scale drawings are divided into several stages at weekly intervals. If you are completely intolerant of pain, use a local anesthetic. Good tattoo studios have drugs in their arsenal.

Ointments and sprays work equally well:

  • Dr. Numb;
  • Tattoo soothe;
  • Face and Body Professionals.

During the procedure, try not to concentrate on the measured hum of the machine and not watch how drops of blood appear. Chat, listen to music, scroll through the tape. The main thing is not to get hung up on your own body.

A common question about whether it hurts to get a tattoo , worries absolutely all people who came to ... Moreover, even clients who have experience in applying a body pattern in a specific place are concerned about the painfulness of pricking on another part of the body.

Today there are many articles describing the most painful places for a tattoo, methods to minimize discomfort, and so on. Indeed, on the body of every person there are body parts where such procedures are made much easier. However, it should be noted that location is not the only significant factor that affects the degree of pain experienced during the procedure. Let's take a closer look at them.

Master's qualifications and experience

If you are afraid that it will hurt you to get a tattoo, so you have a lot of questions and doubts. Then you definitely need to find someone you can trust. The pain of a tattoo depends a lot on the tattoo artist and the equipment they use. Modern masters in professional tattoo studios use only progressive tattoo machines that help to minimize the level of pain. The qualifications and skill of a specialist are decisive for the duration of the procedure, since an experienced master can simply cope with an identical task faster.

The complexity and size of the tattoo

The application of a large and complex composition on the body is not complete without a significant exposure time to the skin and significant damage to the epidermis. Everything is quite simple, since a large tattoo is time-consuming. Detailing or a large number of elements leads to the fact that one part of the body is exposed to the tattoo machine for a long time, so the pain sensations can increase. In other words, if you want to know if it hurts to get a tattoo, the important points are the size and complexity of the pattern. Considering this, compositions of impressive sizes are best done in 2-3, and sometimes 4-5 visits to the tattoo studio.

A place for a tattoo or where is it more painful to do?

Of great importance is the choice of the part of the body where the body pattern will be stuffed. Indeed, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe gastrocnemius muscle, the pain will seem like a small tingling sensation, and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe wrists, on the ribs or feet, getting tattoos can become an unbearable ordeal for you.

First of all, you should consider the following factors when choosing a location for a tattoo:

  • the number and density of nerve endings;
  • the presence of a fat and muscle layer, which determines the distance between bones and skin.

Our tattoo pain map will help you figure it out and make the right choice. According to experts, all parts of the body can be divided into three conditional groups:

  • places where it doesn't hurt to get a tattoo (shoulders, forearm, buttocks, lower back, calf muscles, and so on);
  • areas with moderate pain (back, shoulder blades, abdomen, thigh);
  • the most painful places for tattoos (hands, feet, outer part of the lower leg, neck, knee, and so on).

Of course, you also need to take into account the individual characteristics of each organism, which are decisive for the pain threshold. Indeed, there are people who quite easily tolerate tattooing in hypersensitive areas, despite the general recommendations. There are also opposite cases where some clients cannot do without the use of pain relievers.

Psychological aspects of tattoo pain

It is worth noting that for most people who get their first tattoo, fear appears not only because of possible pain, but also because of the unknown. People are simply afraid of what is absolutely new and incomprehensible to them. Indeed, according to the opinion of practicing masters, very often repeated tattooing sessions are tolerated much easier.

Unfortunately, there are also opposite cases, when the first experience was unsuccessful. In this case, it will be difficult for you to abstract from the fact that it will hurt you to get a tattoo and not think about it. Poor psychological state and general well-being can significantly interfere with the procedure, as the pain can seriously worsen. Given this, you need to tune in to the positive, get enough sleep and not think about what annoys you.

Distractions can be a good option, such as:

  • listening to music;
  • reading books;
  • watching video.

It may seem strange or inappropriate, but very often the application process can take several hours, so in such a situation you need to distract yourself from the unpleasant sensations. The main thing is not to overdo it, as some options can distract the tattoo artist from work, which can negatively affect the result.

Should you use anesthesia?

Many people are so worried about whether it hurts to get a tattoo that they are willing to take the risk of using painkillers. This is risky enough, so in most professional tattoo studios, tattoo artists will not do this. The fact is that there is no direct need for this, since special gels and ointments with anesthetic components do a good job with this task. They not only reduce discomfort, but also minimize irritation of the epidermis.

Often, special gels or sprays are used, which include benzocaine or lidocaine. The use of injections or other substances can be compared to the use of alcohol or light drugs, as the result can be negative consequences associated with poor blood clotting and high blood pressure. All this can significantly affect the quality of the underwear pattern.

If you do not want to risk your health, and also want to get a bright and rich composition, then you should use the recommendations of the professionals of the tattoo salon "Anatomy".

Video tattoo girl pain