What to do to avoid splitting wool. Woolen sweater pricks: what to do, how to fix it? Powder for woolen clothes

In the cold winter, it is difficult for us to keep warm without warm knitted woolen and mohair sweaters, pullovers, jackets, scarves, hats. However, everyone knows that wool and mohair products can be as prickly as they are warm. This fact scares many needlewomen and pushes them to knit from other, perhaps even less warm synthetic threads for knitting, especially when knitting for children. But, of course, there is a way out of this situation.

There are various tricks, how to outwit woolen and mohair yarns so that products made from it do not bite and keep them warm.

The reason for the unpleasant sensations from wearing woolen and mohair products is the presence of small villi on the thread, which puff up from the action of warm water and alkali and irritate our skin. In this, the structure of the thread is similar to the structure of our hair, therefore, it can be influenced in the same way. Namely, wash a wool or mohair product in cool water using shampoo and then rinse in a solution with a hair rinse solution. In the same way as shampoo and conditioner affect our hair, enveloping it and smoothing all the small scales, they also act on woolen and mohair thread, smoothing small fibers and sticking them to the thread.

On the same principle, the action of special means for washing and rinsing woolen products is built, which include lanolin, which performs exactly this function of enveloping the thread.

Another original, but effective method to rid a knitted woolen or mohair thing from thorniness is freezing. After washing, the knitted product should be put in a plastic bag and left in the freezer for a couple of days. Then the thing needs to be rinsed in cool water with vinegar and salt (1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water).

It is possible that in order for a product made of wool or mohair to stop biting at all, several such procedures may be required. However, as a result, you will get a thing that is warm and pleasant to the body.

Knitted things made of natural sheep or camel wool are able to save even in the most severe frosts, these things are practical, warm and healthy. A woolen thread tied around the wrist relieves pain in the joint, and woolen socks will warm and relieve tension in the legs, a sheepskin vest effectively and gently warms up the body, helping to get rid of colds and inflammation.

And how offensive it sometimes happens when a woolen thing related to love is refused to be worn because of its excessive prickly. Children mostly refuse to wear because of the hypersensitivity of children's skin, and sometimes adults are intolerant of stabbing torture. Is it really the fate of such practical and wonderful things to gather dust in the closet? Well, I do not! There are many proven folk ways to solve such a problem, we will consider them in detail.

The unpleasant sensation of spikiness is caused by the guard hairs contained in the natural woolen thread. These hairs are bristly, long, and coarser than others. It is precisely them that need to be neutralized in order to get rid of unpleasant tactile sensations.

What needs to be done so that the woolen thing does not prick

To do this, the woolen thing must be soaked in warm water, placed in a plastic bag and put in the freezer overnight. During the night, the guard hairs will freeze and rise. It is these coarse hairs that must be manually pulled out with tweezers. Then dry the thing in a horizontal position and wear it without suffering.

You can reduce the prickleness of woolen items by washing with "Laska", "Cashmere" and other special detergents for knitted items. When rinsing woolen garments, add any good fabric softener to the water and leave the garment in the water and rinse aid for about two hours.

Then we put the wet woolen thing on a dry towel, giving the thing the correct shape, we begin to wrap the woolen thing in a towel roller, changing the wet towel to a dry one each time until the next towel remains dry. After that, the woolen thing is straightened and dried horizontally until completely dry.

For greater softness, woolen items can be washed in a regular shampoo, or you can lather them whole with any softening soap and leave it overnight, and in the morning rinse thoroughly by adding vinegar or citric acid to the water to soften the water.

Another effective way to get rid of the thorniness of woolen garments is to use mustard powder. To do this, dissolve a small amount of mustard powder in warm water and thoroughly rinse the woolen thing in this solution, it can be left in such water for 30 minutes. Then rinse in water and fabric softener.

In order not to prick woolen things, you can rinse them in such a solution: for 10 liters of water, take 1 teaspoon of table salt, take 1 teaspoon of vinegar, mix everything and place the woolen thing in this solution. Table salt and vinegar can be substituted with glycerin, which can be easily purchased at pharmacies or specialty stores.

Woollens become softer and softer after each wash, but remember to wring and dry them correctly each time. In case of improper washing and drying, knitted items made of natural wool become very deformed, lose their shape, and “shrink”. All knitted items have their own level of wool stiffness, so it will be useful to alternate all the above methods to solve the problem.

Knitted woolen things, although cozy, are sometimes too prickly. There is an opinion that wool should be pricked, as if this is a kind of reflexology. However, we think differently: your favorite sweater should be soft, delicate and fluffy. How to make a woolen sweater not prickly, we will tell you in our selection.

We put "mustard plasters"

Very often, inexpensive mustard is used to prevent the sweater from pricking. The powder is dissolved in warm water, and then the sweater is soaked in this solution. A couple of mustard baths will soften your sweater. The main thing here is not to forget about the air conditioner. Mustard smells very peculiar.

Soften with salt and vinegar

If you mix salt with vinegar, dilute with water to the consistency of a thick paste, spread on a sweater and leave for 3-5 minutes, the fibers will soften and become softer. It is not necessary to hold the mixture for a long time, because caustic vinegar quickly corrodes matter. After a few minutes, wash the sweater, rinse in lukewarm water with the addition of conditioner and dry on a flat surface, placing it on a soft terry towel. We wear and enjoy softness!

We use lanolin

Lanolin is an ideal care product for woolen garments. This animal wax is obtained by boiling sheep's wool in hot water. To keep your woolen sweater from pricking, wash it in any lanolin-based detergent. For woolen garments, lanolin is a good conditioner for human hair. The fibers soften, become pleasant to the touch, you want to touch and iron them. It is a pleasure to wear sweaters after the lanolin treatment. Plus, they stay clean longer because lanolin creates a protective film around each lint in the sweater.

Shock deep freeze

Interesting information on how to make a spiky wool sweater soft is constantly found on social media. It turns out that if you wet your favorite sweater, then put it raw in a plastic bag and freeze it, it will become much softer. It is enough to thaw it in the morning, squeeze it out, and then dry it. Admirers of the technique claim that the method acts on the wool, like the magic of Santa Claus: the texture is transformed. At the same time, frost kills unpleasant odors absorbed into the wool.

Attaching a hair conditioner

Imagine that you bought a hair conditioner, and you absolutely didn’t like the smell. Do not rush to throw away the product or give it to your friend. What to do with him? Wash your woolen sweater if it prickles badly. We act very simply: dissolve two generous caps of the conditioner in water, soak the sweater for 15 minutes, and then wash and rinse in clean, lukewarm water. The product softens the hairs, makes them tender, and after drying it becomes extremely pleasant to wear.

Finally, let us remind you that it is easy to find 1000 and 1 products on sale, whose formulas are specially designed for wool. Wash things following the instructions on the label, love them, then they will delight you for a long time without losing their beautiful appearance.

With the onset of cold weather, such necessary and warm woolen things are removed from the closet. Here it is, your favorite sweater. Very beautiful, but prickly. Only a turtleneck with a high neck, worn under the bottom, saves. Do not worry about it - everything is fixable. We will share with you ways to help remove the tingling sensation of hair fibers.

All these methods will not require special costs: neither material nor physical. To eliminate the prickly, it is enough to apply some tricks when washing.

The fact that the sweater prickles is natural: animal hair is the same as human hair. If the ends of the hair are split, then a kind of brush of hairs is formed in this place. In wool, skin irritation is provided by precisely this structure of the pile. Any skin is sensitive to tingling, especially children suffer from this. That is why it is recommended from the very first days of life to use soft acrylic or wool of a special line for children's clothes, adapted for such products.

Ways to eliminate sweater sting

All of the following methods and methods of influencing the structure of wool villi have been tested by the people and have long proven their effectiveness. For some thing, one way is suitable, for some other. So what do you do? Here are some general tips for caring for wool products:

Important! Conventional powder for washing fabrics destroys the structure of the pile and does not rinse well. Avoid using it on woolen products.

So, to eliminate the barb, you need to try the work of a special wool softener. If there is no result, we start looking for "our" way.

We use mustard

This method has been used by the people for a long time. We need 1-2 tablespoons of mustard powder. Everything is quite simple:

Apply hair conditioner

The method is simple and affordable. Products designed to cleanse the hair will work best for the coat as well:

  • We wash the sweater in warm water, take hair shampoo as a special powder;
  • Rinse several times with the addition of a hair conditioner of the same series (if it is not available, you can use a balm).

Important! Shampoo and then conditioner will make the bristle structure softer and fluffier.

Lemon against tart

One of the most time consuming ways:

Glycerin for softness

This method is quite simple: you need a teaspoon of glycerin per liter of water. The woolen thing is soaked in the resulting composition for half an hour. It is clear that glycerin still needs to be bought at the pharmacy, although it is inexpensive. And you can't soak a sweater in a liter of water, you need to pick it up by volume already on the spot. After the procedure, thoroughly rinse the sweater in several waters.

Dish detergent

It is used by many housewives as a universal remedy to get rid of wool tingling. Though experts do not recommend this method in terms of the degree of negative impact on the structure of the pile... Whether to use it or not is up to you. Moisten the sweater with water, apply dishwashing detergent and leave for a couple of hours. Rinse thoroughly afterwards.

We weather in the cold

Another way to tame an obstinate sweater is exposure to low temperatures:

Attention! The desired effect is not always achieved with a single freeze; there are cases that repetitions are necessary.

More methods

Often, the softness of the wool is achieved by repeated rinsing in a solution of vinegar and salt (a teaspoon per 10 liters of water). True, the smell of vinegar does not disappear from the product immediately. Use bleach for a white sweater... They just soak the thing in warm water with the addition of a certain amount of a chemical. Then thorough rinsing of the composition and ventilation from the pungent odor is required.

Important! The structure of the wool can deteriorate, leading to deformation of the product and a significant reduction in its useful life.

Tricks for housewives so that the sweater does not inject

It also happens that none of the methods gave the expected result, but worked together as it should. Tip from this series:

Well, and really quite an extreme case - sewing on thin strips of fabric from the seamy side of the sweater on the neckline and in the area of ​​the cuff. It is worth noting that this is not so easy to do: the stitches must be made invisible, and the details of the product must not be deformed.

Sweaters should be somewhat prickly. Such things have been appreciated at all times, because, first of all, it is good for health - they stimulate nerve endings, help those who have problems with the kidneys, liver and blood vessels.

However, if you are still wondering how to make a non-prickly sweater, you can't stand it, here's how to deal with it.

For some, this problem is especially important, since if the wool is poorly combed and washed, then the lanolin in its composition can cause allergies.

Alpaca fur is the softest, but sheep's fur is, on the contrary, the most prickly. Its villi scratch the skin painfully. An ordinary iron will not help here. You have two options: seek professional help or use one of the following folk methods.

How to make woollens soft with mustard?

Ordinary instant mustard copes effectively:

  1. Just soak the item in warm water with a few tablespoons added for a couple of hours.
  2. After - rinse the sweater, squeezing lightly.
  3. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to add vinegar or salt to the solution.
  4. Air dry in an upright position.

Important! An old recipe - after soaking, put the product in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for eight hours. Let the things thaw and dry - there will be no trace of the thorniness.

How to make a sweater soft with shampoo?

The second method is for those who have a washing machine in their home. It is necessary to wash the jacket with the addition of shampoo for washing hair.

Important! If you don't have a clipper, you can soak the item with hair conditioner.

Lemon and steam

The next way to soften a spiky sweater is with citric acid and steam.

Important! Lemon is an amazing softener, and hot steam amplifies this effect at times.

Here's what to do:

  1. The first step is to squeeze the juice out of three to four lemons.
  2. Heat the iron or prepare the steam generator.
  3. Spread the sweater out on the ironing board.
  4. Soak a thin cloth in citric acid and put on the product.
  5. Leave for half an hour, and then proceed to steaming.

Important! Special industrial softeners will also help to solve the problem. Their assortment is quite wide, so you can easily choose an affordable one for yourself.


An equally effective method to soften a spiky sweater is with glycerin. You can buy it at any pharmacy. The price is usually low.

You need to soak the thorn in warm water with one to two tablespoons of glycerin added. Leave the item to soak for a few hours, then rinse in cold water and dry.

Important! A few words about drying - it's best to do it outdoors or at room temperature. But the use of electrical appliances is not prohibited. The main thing is to properly dry the jacket. This should be done in a horizontal position.


If you have winter and there is a lot of snow and frost outside, then it is enough to leave the “thorn” in the snow overnight. The next day, there will be no trace of the problem of unpleasant tactile sensations. The product will become soft and pleasant to the body.

Dishwashing liquid

Dishwashing liquid is a versatile product that can remove many stains. In addition, it perfectly eliminates "prickly". Lightly dampen the prickly product and coat it well with the product. Rinse the item thoroughly after a couple of hours.


There are other options as well. For example, you may not subject the "plier" to any processing, but simply put something under the bottom. Putting on a turtleneck, you will not only have no unpleasant tactile sensations, in the cold season you will be much warmer.


How to make a knitted thing soft? Knitted spiky sweater can be tied:

  • Start to dissolve it, moving from the neck.
  • After all the threads have been loosened, they may take on a wavy appearance. To fix this problem and straighten them, steam them off. This can be done with an iron, a special device - a steamer, or you can simply hold it over boiling water.
  • After that, arm yourself with a crochet, as well as cotton or silk threads, and start dressing.


If you are faced with the task of how to give softness to a prickly product of white shades, you can do this using ordinary bleach. Add some product to warm water, soak the problem sweater in it. After the procedure, it will become much softer.


These were all ways to make a spiky sweater soft. You are guaranteed to find one that will help you cope with this problem. If this did not happen, then, unfortunately, nothing can be done - all that remains is to part with the thing. And henceforth, when buying woolen products, remember that the composition must necessarily contain impurities of other materials, for example, silk or cotton.