Cystitis during pregnancy: symptoms, signs, treatment of cystitis. What is the danger of cystitis when carrying a child

Exacerbation of bladder inflammation during pregnancy is rare. Most mothers are aware of their responsibility to the health of the future baby, visit the gynecologist in a timely manner and inform him about the recurrence of cystitis. But sometimes you can help yourself with home remedies to improve your well-being and relieve inflammation.

Why there is an exacerbation of cystitis during pregnancy

Cystitis is inflammation caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi, and it happens in most cases. The pregnancy itself greatly undermines the woman's immunity and becomes a provoking factor for inflammation. Even if a lady in a position fully complies with the doctor's prescriptions, various ailments that previously bypassed her are now being activated.

But it also happens when inflammation occurs against the background of mechanical or chemical irritation of the bladder walls. When the growing amniotic bladder squeezes all organs in the abdominal cavity, we can talk about the latter case. The permeability of the bladder walls increases, and the cellular structure is no longer able to withstand the onslaught of pathogens.

Treatment of cystitis of pregnant women at home in the first trimester

In the early stages of pregnancy, inflammatory processes are most active. The body of the expectant mother is being rebuilt, and hormonal imbalance contributes to the development of cystitis. Treatment of the disease is complicated by the fact that most antibacterial agents cannot now be used. Many of them have side effects in the form of possible disturbances for the growing fetus, and right now the laying of the main organs and systems is taking place. So, only penicillin drugs are permissible.

Some gynecologists recommend that their patients wait out this period without taking medication, because there is a high probability that the symptoms will go away by themselves as soon as the immune system slowly begins to recover.

To reduce the symptoms of cystitis in a pregnant woman in the first trimester, the following recipes of traditional medicine can be used.

Chamomile tea

Perhaps the most delicious you can imagine. To do this, you need to brew dried chamomile flowers, like regular tea - about 1 tsp. in a glass of boiling water, wait a while, strain and drink. The active ingredients in chamomile flowers have a mild bactericidal effect and also soothe the walls of the bladder, reducing pain when urinating.

Dill seed decoction

2 tsp crushed seeds are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. This amount must be drunk in 3 doses during the day, before meals. This recipe helps to restore urinary function. It also increases the amount of urine a woman makes, so she needs to drink more water.

Blackcurrant leaf tea

A handful of dried leaves are placed in a pre-scalded teapot, poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for half an hour. Tea is ready. Strictly speaking, such tea has a weak anti-inflammatory effect, however, it helps a pregnant woman to increase the potential of her strength, which means that the immune system will be quite capable of coping with cystitis on its own.

Treatment of cystitis of pregnant women at home in the second trimester

Usually, pregnant women approach the second trimester with better health, and even the symptoms of cystitis in most of them disappear. But if the problem persists, as in the second trimester?

To begin with, it must be said that now the likelihood of such threats as miscarriage or fetal freezing is much less than a few weeks ago, and the laying of the main organs and systems has already occurred and the fetus is developing. Doctors pregnant with cystitis can safely prescribe nitrofurans or cephalosporins.

How to treat cystitis during pregnancy at home during this period? Decoctions and infusions of medicinal fees help best. By the way, in the first trimester, their use is not recommended, because a large number of herbs included in such collections are always the risk of developing allergies in early pregnancy.

Kidney tea made from bearberry leaves and birch buds

3 parts of bearberry leaves are mixed with 2 parts of birch buds. 1 tbsp this collection is poured with 400 ml of boiling water, put on low heat and simmer for 30 minutes. It remains only to insist on the composition. In 20 minutes, all the active ingredients are absorbed into the tea, and the drink itself will cool down to the desired temperature. After straining, the tea can be drunk. You need to take it in 50 ml, this amount is enough for 6 doses.

Herbal tea

You will need to mix 3 parts of plantain leaves, bearberry and rose hips, 2 parts each of birch buds, knotweed and St. John's wort leaves and chamomile flowers. Mix the collection thoroughly. 2 tbsp herbs pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for a couple of minutes. It remains only to infuse the tea for 20 minutes, then strain. On average, 300 ml of tea is obtained, which must be distributed in equal shares over 3 doses, half an hour before meals. This tea is very delicate and at the same time effectively fights inflammation in the bladder, and also promotes regenerative processes in the genitourinary organs. It is necessary to drink such a collection throughout the month.

Treatment of cystitis of pregnant women at home in the third trimester

In the late stages of pregnancy, it is necessary to treat any inflammation of the genitourinary organs, because very soon the woman will begin labor activity, and the baby will have to go through the birth canal.

If there is an infection not only in the bladder, but also on the cervix and in the vagina, which is not uncommon for pregnant women, then the newborn will be infected in the first minutes of his life.

Now the treatment of cystitis during pregnancy with folk remedies is allowed only if other ways of getting rid of the infection are impossible. The nature of the onset of cystitis is also important.

If a woman's tests do not show the presence of an infection, then her symptoms are manifested as a result of a growing fetus on the uterus and neighboring organs, and it will not be possible to completely get rid of pain.

Meanwhile, it is impossible to ignore the unpleasant symptoms of cystitis, because this will be followed by edema, including internal ones, which will be much more difficult to cope with. The following phytotherapeutic agents can be used to drain urine and improve the functioning of the bladder.

Cystitis treatments: washing and douching

Washing the external genitalia with decoctions of medicinal herbs significantly reduces painful sensations. Although the active ingredients are unlikely to reach the bladder, the symptoms of cystitis in a woman will decrease. As medicinal decoctions for washing, you can use decoctions of a string, chamomile, sage. It is very important that the temperature of the composition is comfortable, within 36 degrees.

Douching is considered a more active procedure, and it should be used with great caution in case of cystitis in a pregnant woman. You can douche only with a pear without a nozzle so that the active components do not go beyond the intrauterine pharynx. Ideally, you only need to reach the mouth of the urethra, and it is in the immediate vicinity of the vagina. If a pregnant woman cannot independently decide how far into the vagina a pear with a medicinal broth can be inserted, she should completely abandon this method of treating cystitis at home. Douching is also contraindicated for those who have a shortening or softening of the cervix.

How it is forbidden to treat cystitis during pregnancy at home

Some women try to relieve their condition by local heating - warm baths and heating pads on the bladder area.

In addition, sitting in the bathtub can cause changes in blood pressure, most often hypotension. The woman will feel weak and may slip in a slippery bath.

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, some popular pain relievers - Papaverine and No-shpu - can only be used with the agreement of a doctor. Otherwise, they can cause softening of the cervix, which also becomes a source of premature birth.

Finally, the main rule that a woman should now be guided by is “do not harm yourself and your child”. If home methods raise doubts and concerns about their safety, it is better to refuse them, completely rely on the opinion of the doctor and listen to his advice and prescriptions.

Pregnancy for every woman is one of the best periods in her life, because she is expecting the appearance of the most important and dear person in her life. And here the task of loved ones is to protect her as much as possible from experiences and various diseases. But if a pregnant woman is unlucky, and she nevertheless fell ill, then a specialist, a doctor observing a woman, must necessarily deal with the treatment of the disease.

Cystitis in women

According to statistics, every woman has had cystitis at least once in her life, about 30% of women suffer from this disease even in childbearing age, and about 50% during pregnancy.

Today, cystitis is considered one of the most serious diseases of the genitourinary system. For the most part, women suffer from it and this is due, first of all, to anatomical features. As you know, the female urethra is wide and short, which allows infections to enter it much easier than the male urinary system. 10% of women are forced to suffer from the chronic form of this disease, and it should be noted that these figures are only growing every year.

Why does cystitis occur?

The main causative agent of cystitis is Escherichia coli, in 80% of cases it is she who is the main cause of the development of cystitis. But in addition to this, infectious diseases such as chlamydia, candidiasis or ureaplasma can become an impetus for cystitis. By the way, chlamydiae cause inflammation of the urinary system in more than 35% of cases. But this does not mean at all that if the pathogen enters the canal, then expect trouble - cystitis. The woman's immune system is able to resist this disease. In order for cystitis to evolve into an acute stage, it needs a concomitant factor: surgery, sexual intercourse, or hypothermia.

If we talk about the causes of cystitis in pregnant women, then the reasons can also be hidden in the physiological characteristics of a woman's condition "in position":

  • And first of all, I would like to note the suppression of immunity that occurs during the development of the fetus, immunity is significantly reduced and the woman becomes vulnerable to all diseases;
  • Secondly, due to the enlargement of the uterus, there is great pressure on the bladder, urethra and its blood vessels, this impairs the blood supply to the pelvic organs;
  • We must not forget about hormonal imbalance, especially about the growth of progesterone, which reduces the tone of the walls of the bladder.

It is for this reason that so many pregnant women suffer from cystitis.

Cystitis symptoms

It is completely easy to recognize cystitis, since this disease does not go away asymptomatically. First of all, pay attention to whether you have a frequent urge to urinate and whether painful sensations are not disturbing. But frequent urination during pregnancy should not be confused with cystitis. Also, pain in the lower abdomen may become a symptom. In this case, the urine may be a little cloudy and mucus or a drop of blood may appear at the end. Cystitis is often accompanied by false urge to use the toilet.

If a pregnant woman has at least some of the listed symptoms, then you can safely think about visiting a doctor, since cystitis during pregnancy will not lead to anything good and it is better to cure it as soon as possible. With an advanced form of cystitis, a pregnant woman may experience nausea and vomiting.

Although many cases were known when cystitis practically did not manifest itself during pregnancy, therefore only suspicious women could suspect it. As a result, pregnant young ladies are especially advised by doctors to behave vigilantly with respect to their health and to turn to specialists for examination and delivery of the necessary tests. With the help of these simple actions, you will be able to identify in time the onset of the disease in yourself, and this will help you cope with this ailment faster, preventing the appearance of pyelonephritis.

And although at first glance it seems that cystitis is a rather harmless disease, nevertheless, it is extremely unpleasant. Often, a false urge to urinate can bring a woman to tears and exhaustion, and even more so a pregnant woman, for whom such a load is completely useless.

Therefore, the need for surgical treatment of cystitis is not exaggerated at all, and the point here is not even the pain and discomfort that has appeared. The danger of the inflammatory process of the bladder is that an ascending infection can get through the ureters into the kidneys and thereby provoke the development of pyelonephritis. And this disease can seriously worsen the condition of a pregnant woman. Therefore, as soon as the first signs of cystitis appear, immediately go to the doctor for treatment. And here is the principle of pregnant mothers "just go to the doctor!" - will be more than just appropriate.

How to diagnose cystitis in pregnant women

It is not at all difficult to diagnose cystitis for a doctor, since a woman's complaints alone are enough to identify acute or chronic cystitis. However, in order not to be unfounded and to confirm his guesses, the specialist is obliged to send the patient for a urine test:

  • General;
  • According to Nechiporenko;
  • For bacteriological sowing in order to identify opportunistic pathogens;
  • PCR to detect major infections.

Having found leukocytes or pathogenic microorganisms (staphylococcus, streptococcus, or gonococcus) in the urine, the doctor confirms his diagnosis. In addition to the above tests, the doctor can send:

  • Investigate for dysbiosis;
  • Conduct an ultrasound of the genitourinary organs.

In order to determine the degree of the disease, specialists also prescribe cystography and cystoscopy. The results of these studies make it possible to reveal the extent of the spread of inflammatory processes, to determine the form of the disease, and to identify tumors or stones in the bladder.

As a rule, this list of studies is enough to say for sure whether cystitis has disturbed a woman. Why is it necessary to take these tests? Because such a symptom as painful urination is characteristic not only of cystitis, this symptomatology can be observed with diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. And you can understand what the reason is only after passing a certain list of tests.

But still, do not forget that during pregnancy you can get sick with cystitis without symptoms, why this happens, hardly anyone will answer, but for safety reasons, the attending physician at each visit of a pregnant woman should require her to pass a general urine test. A pregnant woman's urine should be checked regularly for protein and bacteria. Otherwise, asymptomatic infection can lead to preterm labor with a difficult course.

Do not forget cystitis - it is very dangerous for a baby developing in the womb!

How to treat cystitis of a pregnant woman

First of all, I would like to say that in no case do you need to self-medicate, folk remedies, of course, are good, but only if they are prescribed by a specialist, and not advised by a friend. In addition, untested baths and decoctions will not cure your illness, but rather, on the contrary, will only lengthen its course. Of course, antibiotics, tetracycline and sulfonamides cannot be used during pregnancy. Any medication should be taken by the patient only with the permission of the doctor, because pharmaceuticals can adversely affect the fetus.

Ideally, it is best to do without taking medication and use the instillation procedure, which consists in administering drugs precisely into the bladder cavity. For a couple of such procedures, you can get rid of the symptoms of the disease and at the same time not harm the health of the child. And within a few months after giving birth, you can specifically deal with the treatment of a woman.

So how to cure cystitis during pregnancy if nothing is possible? Take your time to despair, modern pharmaceuticals can offer you a lot of effective herbal and synthetic preparations.

The basis for the treatment of cystitis, of course, is antibiotics, but the choice of these drugs that a pregnant woman can take is not so much, so let's try to talk about all the possible ways to treat this ailment for a pregnant woman.

Antibacterial treatment of cystitis in pregnant women

In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, it must be a strictly directed action, therefore, drugs in this case should be aimed at destroying the cause of the disease, that is, microorganisms. To do this, use:

  • Antibiotics that can linger in the bladder for a long time;
  • Pharmaceuticals are injected into the bladder itself in order to locally act on the problem.

In the first case, drugs such as "monural" and "amoxiclav" are mainly used as antibiotics. As for instillation, in the administration of the drug into the bladder, this should be done using a catheter within the walls of a medical institution.

Treatment of cystitis with folk remedies or herbal medicine

Of course, speaking about the treatment of a pregnant woman, we cannot but mention the most ancient way to get rid of diseases - herbal medicine or folk remedies. However, it is important for a pregnant woman to understand that in her position not all herbs are useful for her, but others can be completely poisonous, therefore, when taking herbs, it is recommended to carefully listen to the advice of doctors.

Horsetail, asparagus roots, unpeeled oats, lingonberries, mountain ash, dill, or rose hips can be used to treat cystitis. Whole complexes of herbs are very popular, which stand out for the best efficiency. There are in the modern world and tableted herbal remedies, take at least kanefron. It is created on the basis of the most effective herbs, and therefore has practically no contraindications.

Will physiotherapy be effective for a pregnant woman?

Since pregnant women have a lot of restrictions, this method of treatment can only be called auxiliary, but, nevertheless, it is not prohibited for pregnant women to use electrophoresis and heat on the bladder area.

But you have no right to decide for the doctor how many times you should go to physical therapy, and this should be remembered. Only a specialist can determine which method of treatment and in what quantity will be more acceptable for you.

Preventive measures of cystitis for pregnant women

In order to prevent such a disease as cystitis, it is enough for a pregnant woman to follow simple rules:

  • Monitor the hygiene of the genitals;
  • Empty the bladder in time;
  • Eliminate hypothermia of the pelvic organs;
  • If a woman is not worried about edema, then it is necessary to drink as much as possible, especially cranberry juice;
  • Limit fatty and spicy foods;
  • Move more and worry less.

But, as soon as symptoms appear, you must immediately contact a specialist. Do not forget that cystitis is an infectious disease, and infections for pregnant women are not at all desirable, therefore, treatment under the watchful eye of a doctor is the best solution to get out of this situation.

Every woman's body is unique. Someone learns about the onset of pregnancy by delay, someone from unusual sensations in the chest and lower abdomen, and for someone the "joyful" messenger is bladder inflammation. Cystitis in early pregnancy is not a sentence, but a disease that requires careful attention and appropriate treatment.

What is cystitis

Do you feel:

  • every 5 minutes you need to go to the toilet;
  • urination has become very painful, and you restrain yourself as much as possible so as not to experience this burning sensation and pain once again;
  • pulling pains and discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • you see your blood or pus in the urine;
  • you have a fever, although this is clearly not SARS.

Women suffer from this disease much more often than men due to their physical structure. We have a wide and short urethra, and next to it is the intestines and the vagina, which allows pathogenic microorganisms to more easily penetrate into the bladder and cause inflammation.

In addition to extremely unpleasant sensations that you simply cannot ignore, cystitis during pregnancy is dangerous with inflammation of the kidneys, and this is already dangerous, both for you and for the baby.

  1. Doctors identify the infectious and non-infectious origin of this disease. In the first case, various microorganisms that live in our body or are brought in from the outside are to blame. For example, E. coli, staphylococcus, mycoplasma, chlamydia ...;
  2. In the second case, hypothermia, chronic fatigue, dysbiosis, vaginosis, hypovitaminosis, a general decrease in immunity, a sedentary lifestyle, some medical manipulations, chemical irritants led to cystitis.

If you have an acute form of the disease, then all the unpleasant sensations will manifest themselves in a vivid form. Chronic cystitis is a sluggish inflammation with alternating remissions that requires long-term treatment.

I have cystitis. I am pregnant?

You suspect that you are pregnant, but it scares you that you run to the toilet all the time. “Am I not sick?” A rebellious thought creeps into my head. Cystitis, as a sign of pregnancy, often scares young women. In fact, it is not cystitis, but a normal physiological phenomenon.

  • In the first trimester, the enlarging uterus presses on the bladder, causing the urge to urinate frequently. Almost all pregnant women face this. However, if in doubt, it is worth visiting a doctor;
  • And it happens the other way around. Feeling frequent and painful urge to urinate, you go to the doctor and find out that you are pregnant and have cystitis.

And to be sure, check if you have the first signs of pregnancy >>>

Symptoms of this disease during pregnancy

However, during pregnancy there is no burning sensation and pain when urinating, especially pus or blood in the urine. If you are gnawed by a worm of doubt, get tested.

Why cystitis often occurs during pregnancy

When life arises within you, the female and male cells are involved. The tiny embryo inside you is alien to your body. In order for your immune system not to reject this new life, there is a natural weakening of the immunity of the pregnant woman.

Additional reasons that provoke cystitis during pregnancy are hormonal changes and uterine pressure.

Treatment of cystitis in the first trimester

In the first 12 weeks, all systems and organs are laid in your baby's body. This is a very important period, therefore, many medicines are prohibited during this period. You shouldn't be intimidated by this. Our medicine has a sufficient number of drugs that can cure this disease without harm to the baby.

Treatment of cystitis in early pregnancy involves drinking plenty of warm diuretic drinks in order to flush out pathogenic microorganisms. Also, a good effect is given by drugs approved for use by pregnant women:

  • Canephron N is based on herbal ingredients: centaury herb, lovage root, rosemary leaves. The best effect is given by drops;
  • Furadonin is a good old drug that our grandmothers used to treat cystitis. He is prescribed first;
  • Ampicillin or amoxiclav are penicillin antibiotics. They are always assigned a course. It is a good remedy for cystitis in pregnancy;
  • Monural based on fosfomycin. It is a modern and effective antibiotic. Its advantage is that you need to drink one sachet for treatment, and not take the whole course.

In order to use the most effective medicine, it is best to pass an analysis for the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics.

An alternative to pills is folk methods. However, before drinking weed, be sure to read the contraindications so as not to harm yourself and the baby in the tummy.

  • Classic herbs for cystitis: chamomile, calamus, St. John's wort, bearberry, plantain, celery seeds, horsetail, marshmallow, common agaric;
  • Kidney tea is also helpful;

Herbs don't work like pills. They should be taken for 2-3 weeks. Treatment with decoctions not only has diuretic, astringent, antibacterial, emollient, analgesic, tonic and antispasmodic properties, but also has a beneficial effect on your immunity.

  • Of the most affordable folk remedies, one can call a decoction of dill, a decoction of black currant leaves, an infusion of birch leaves or a decoction of lingonberry leaves. These products also contain beneficial trace elements and vitamins.

If you don't want pills to treat cystitis during pregnancy, home herbal treatments are a great alternative.

Also pay attention to food. Now you are shown a sparing diet - exclude all spicy, smoked, pickled and fried foods.

Cystitis in the second trimester

All organs and systems of the baby are already formed. Your hormones are back to normal. The uterus has risen higher and no longer presses on the bladder.

The second trimester is considered the most favorable period of pregnancy. However, if you experience symptoms of cystitis, then it needs to be treated. Medicines cause less concern, but you still need to carefully read the instructions or consult a doctor you trust.

To reduce the effect of drugs on your body, you may be prescribed several instillation procedures. In this case, antibiotics and other drugs are injected into the bladder using a catheter. Local exposure to high doses of drugs is effective for the treatment of cystitis and is safe for the baby. The main disadvantage is the discomfort during the procedure.

Cystitis in the third trimester

At this time, the significantly enlarged uterus presses on the bladder and causes frequent urge to run to the toilet. Stagnation of urine is also common. However, pain when urinating during pregnancy is a sign of cystitis or other inflammatory process. The term of labor is approaching, and you should be as healthy as possible, because this is a colossal load on the body.

In addition, when the baby passes through the birth canal, there is always a risk of infection with pathogenic maternal microorganisms. And the baby's immune system is still imperfect. The best way to treat cystitis during pregnancy will be told by your doctor. Combine medicines and folk remedies. The main thing is a healthy mother and baby!

Important! Furadonin is contraindicated in pregnant women before childbirth, because it can cause anemia in newborns.

Prevention of cystitis

  1. Before pregnancy, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination of the body and cure all chronic diseases as much as possible. Pay special attention to the presence in the body of mycoplasmas, chlamydia, Trichomonas and other pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases;
  2. Don't forget about personal hygiene. It is best for a pregnant woman to wash with plain water or baby soap. It is not recommended to take a bath (read the current article Bath during pregnancy >>>);
  3. Thongs and synthetic underwear should not be worn. Give preference to panties made of cotton, linen or bamboo;
  4. Take care of your health, dress for the weather. You should be more often outdoors, in parks, walking, but at the same time you should not overcool. Take time to exercise for pregnant women;
  5. Check the bathroom every three hours, even if you don't feel the urge. Also monitor the regularity and quality of the stool;
  6. Sedentary work in the office is also one of the causes of cystitis due to stagnation of blood in the pelvis. Do not be lazy to get up, warm up, or just walk every 30 minutes;
  7. Give preference to proper nutrition. Limit the use of spicy, smoked, pickled, fried. Drink rosehip decoction or cranberry juice. You can learn more about nutrition during this important period from our course Secrets of proper nutrition for an expectant mother >>>

Follow these tips and be healthy!

What are the symptoms of cystitis during pregnancy, how is the treatment carried out and what is the risk of inaction? Read about all this in our article.

Many women are familiar with the hallmarks of this disease. Cystitis symptoms during pregnancy are also striking. This is pain during urination, mainly at the end of the act, a very frequent desire to urinate and the absence of a feeling of relief. In addition, pain in the lower abdomen may be felt, body temperature rises. In advanced situations, pus and blood appear in the urine. Recall that cystitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. Due to the fact that the urethra in women is short and wide, microbes enter the bladder very quickly. The situation is aggravated with the onset of sexual activity - this also becomes an unfavorable factor. Of course, for this reason, no one wants to give up an intimate life, therefore, you need to understand more deeply the causes of the disease, the factors that negatively affect the body and contribute to relapse. And, of course, expectant mothers must know this so that cystitis in the early stages of pregnancy, in the most unfavorable period for this, does not arise.

Prevention of cystitis

Let's list the preventive measures point by point.

1. Diet. No, no, this diet has nothing to do with those used for weight loss. It is undesirable to eat salty (this recommendation is also relevant for the prevention of fluid retention in the body - edema, hypertension), spicy, drink alcoholic beverages. Tea, coffee in large quantities can also provoke disease.

2. Sexual relations. To prevent signs of cystitis during pregnancy, try to urinate before and after intercourse. This will reduce the concentration of pathogens in the bladder. By the way, about the frequency of urination. Do not tolerate if there is an urge to use the toilet, this worsens the tone of the bladder walls. But too frequent visits to the toilet are not helpful. 3-5 times a day is the norm for a woman. To avoid the introduction of E. coli into the urethra, do not alternate vaginal and anal contact with one act.

Do not use during intercourse positions in which there is a strong effect on the urethra (for example, as in the classic position when the man is on top).

3. Practice proper intimate hygiene. It is only necessary to wash from front to back. With soap - 1 time per day. Use toilet paper only from front to back.

4. Do not wear synthetic, but cotton underwear, not too tight.

5. Don't overcool.

Cystitis treatment

More than one medical article has been written about how to treat cystitis during pregnancy. The complexity of the problem lies in the fact that during this period of a woman's life, any medicine can be harmful, affect the health of an unborn child. On the other hand, the treatment of cystitis during pregnancy must be carried out if symptoms of the disease appear, and it is confirmed by the results of clinical studies. Otherwise, microbes can get to the kidneys ...

So, if you notice symptoms of cystitis, then consult a urologist. He will prescribe a urine test for you, the result of which can be used to make an accurate diagnosis. With cystitis, the test results show an increased number of bacteria and leukocytes, and there are erythrocytes. In this case, treatment is prescribed depending on the severity of the situation and the duration of pregnancy. Antibiotics augmentin, amoxicillin, amoxiclav, fosfomycin, nitrofurantoin may be prescribed. If cystitis worsens during pregnancy, treatment at home is usually carried out. If antibiotics have not given good results, suppressive therapy is prescribed until the very birth and two weeks after them. It helps prevent exacerbations of the disease, and cystitis during pregnancy will not have any consequences in this case.

Many women are afraid to take antibiotics, they are afraid that it will have a bad effect on the health of the child. But there are modern drugs with a minimum of side effects that are safe for pregnant women. It is much more dangerous when cystitis during pregnancy is treated with folk remedies. Indeed, unlike drugs, no one has thoroughly investigated the side effects of herbs. And in terms of effectiveness, folk remedies are very inferior to medications. The loss of time with such a disease is not only extra days with pain, but also the risk of getting complications in the kidneys.

According to scientific data, between 10% and 50% of pregnant women face a condition such as cystitis. The risk of developing this pathology is very high during pregnancy.

Why is cystitis in pregnant women such a common pathology? The answer lies in the anatomical proximity of the urinary and reproductive systems, due to which pathogenic microorganisms easily get from the mucous membrane into the bladder and vice versa.

At the same time, causing cystitis, pyelonephritis or in another, more dangerous case - penetrating into the uterus during pregnancy or during childbirth, leading to infection of the baby. The whole process also takes place against the background of reduced immunity of a pregnant woman, which, on the one hand, is a necessary condition for the normal bearing of a baby, so that there is no rejection of the fetus by the mother's body "as a foreign object", and on the other hand, it contributes to the progression of cystitis.

What is cystitis?

This concept is understood as inflammation of the bladder wall of an infectious nature.

Factors contributing to the development of cystitis during pregnancy:

Cystitis during pregnancy - the first symptoms

Suddenly, under the influence of unfavorable factors, such as hypothermia, the appearance of a focus of infection, a clinic of cystitis develops.

Cystitis during pregnancy is manifested by the following clinical signs:

However, it must be remembered that these clinical symptoms may be signs of kidney disease, here an experienced specialist, by appointing an additional examination, will figure it out and make a final diagnosis.

Diagnosis of cystitis

Diagnosis - cystitis is exposed on the basis of:

  • complaints,
  • general inspection,
  • anamnesis,
  • blood tests (complete blood count, biochemical research),
  • urine analysis (general urine analysis, urine culture),
  • studies of gynecological smears.

How is the treatment going

The tactics of treating cystitis during pregnancy is determined only by a doctor! Self-treatment at home is not permissible, since many drugs are not permissible during pregnancy and can be harmful to the unborn baby.

It is important to give up eating spicy, spicy, salty foods that retain fluid in the body. It is necessary to drink plenty of fluids to remove toxins and infectious agents from the urinary organs.

A group of antibiotics allowed during pregnancy is used. These drugs include semi-synthetic penicillins with clauvonic acid, which are highly active against the causative agents of cystitis. Another drug used for cystitis in pregnant women is an antibiotic of the group of phosphonic acid derivatives (monural).

In the treatment of cystitis, instillations are used - the introduction of a drug directly into the bladder using a catheter. Such manipulations are performed only in a medical institution. Thanks to this procedure, the symptoms of cystitis are eliminated, the mucous membrane of the bladder wall is restored, preventing the development of repeated exacerbations of the disease.

Combined herbal preparation for the treatment of cystitis in expectant mothers - kanephron, which includes wild rose, lovage, centaury, rosemary, can be used throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Why is cystitis dangerous during pregnancy?

The danger of cystitis is that the infection can penetrate the kidneys of a pregnant woman ascending, hence the development of inflammation - pyelonephritis. And in the future, apostematosis of the kidneys is a purulent lesion of their tissue, which can have sad outcomes.

Another complication is the penetration of infection to the baby and its infection, both during pregnancy and after childbirth. As a result, there may be various malformations and intrauterine infectious diseases, up to the death of the baby. But all this is in the case when a pregnant woman neglects the advice and recommendations of doctors! How can expectant mothers avoid cystitis?

The most important thing is timely medical assistance! Cystitis is treated by a urologist in conjunction with a gynecologist. Do not forget about complications, sometimes they end very sadly if a pregnant woman tries to heal herself on her own, and especially with folk methods. You shouldn't risk your "double" health! It is priceless! Health to you and your baby!