Job responsibilities of a psychologist in kindergarten. Job description for a teacher-psychologist

I approve:

Director of the Municipal

educational institution



"____" _________ 2011

Job description

psychologist teacher

1. General Provisions

1.5. In his activities, the teacher-psychologist is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Model Regulations on a General Educational Institution, the Family Code of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and educational authorities of all levels on education and upbringing students; administrative, labor and economic legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection, as well as the charter and local legal acts of the orphanage (including internal labor regulations, orders and orders of the director, this job description), employment contract. The educational psychologist observes the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

2. Job responsibilities

The teacher-psychologist performs the following duties:

2.7. Draws up psychological and pedagogical conclusions based on research papers in order to guide the teaching staff in the problems of personal and social development of pupils.

2.8. Organizes meetings of the rehabilitation council for the purpose of psychological analysis of the behavior and development of pupils for the most complete disclosure of the individual characteristics of their personality.

2.9. Carries out psychoprophylactic work to prevent psychological overload and neurotic breakdowns in children associated with living conditions and their activities.

2.10. Conducts work on the adaptation of pupils to a wide social environment outside the Orphanage.

2.11. Determines the degree of developmental disorders (mental, physiological, emotional) in pupils, as well as various types of social development disorders and conducts their psychological and pedagogical correction.

2.12. Develops and implements, together with the teaching staff, programs aimed at developing both individual mental qualities and the personality of the child as a whole.

2.13. Advises the administration of institutions, members of the teaching staff on the development of pupils, the practical application of psychology to solve pedagogical problems, and improve the socio-psychological competence of pupils.

2.14. Conducts individual and group counseling of pupils on issues of teaching, development, life and professional self-determination, relationships in the children's team, with adults, self-education, etc.

2.15. Advises representatives of patronage organizations on issues related to the conduct of patronage work, taking into account the psychological characteristics of pupils.

2.16. Evaluates the effectiveness of the educational activities of the teaching staff, taking into account the development of the personality of pupils, using computer technologies, including text editors and spreadsheets in their activities.

2.17. Maintains documentation in the prescribed form and uses it solely for the purposes of professional activities.

2.13. Complies with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

2.14. Makes proposals for improving and improving the conditions for the educational process.

2.15. He systematically improves his professional qualifications.

2.16. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, other forms of methodological work, in the preparation and conduct of recreational, educational and other activities provided for by the program for the development of the educational system "Becoming".

2.17. He undergoes periodic free medical examinations.

2.18. Complies with ethical standards of behavior in the orphanage, everyday life, public places, corresponding to the social status of the teacher.

3. Rights.

The psychologist has the right:

3.1. Independently formulate specific tasks of working with children and adults, choose the forms and methods of this work, decide on the order of carrying out its various types, highlighting priority areas in a certain period.

3.2. Gets acquainted with the documentation of the children's institution (to the extent that it is necessary for the implementation of work with pupils).

3.3. Make inquiries to medical and research institutions of the education and health system.

3.4. Give an opinion to the guardianship and guardianship authorities on the advisability of transferring a child for adoption or establishing guardianship or guardianship over him.

3.5. To protect professional honor and dignity.

3.6. To get acquainted with complaints and other documents containing an assessment of his work, to give explanations on them.

3.7. Protect their interests independently and / or through a representative, including a lawyer, in the event of a disciplinary investigation or an internal investigation related to the teacher's violation of professional ethics.

3.8. Raise your qualifications.

3.9. Be certified on a voluntary basis for the appropriate qualification category and receive it in case of successful certification.

4. Responsibility

4.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment without good reason of the charter and internal labor regulations of the orphanage, legal orders of the director and other local regulations, official duties established by this instruction, including for not using the rights granted by this instruction, which led to the disruption of the educational and upbringing process, the teacher-psychologist bears disciplinary responsibility in the manner determined by the labor legislation. For gross violation of labor duties, dismissal may be applied as a disciplinary punishment.

4.2. For the use, including a single one, of the methods of education indicated with physical and (or) mental violence against the personality of the pupil, the teacher-psychologist may be dismissed from his position in accordance with labor legislation and the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". Dismissal for this offense is not a measure of discipline of responsibility.

4.3. For violation of the rules of fire safety, labor protection, sanitary and hygienic rules for organizing the educational process, a teacher-psychologist is brought to administrative responsibility in the manner and in the cases provided for by administrative legislation.

4.4. For the guilty infliction of damage to the orphanage or participants in the educational process (including moral) in connection with the failure to fulfill their official duties, as well as the failure to use the rights granted by this instruction, the teacher-psychologist bears material liability in the manner and within the limits established by the labor and ( or) civil law.

5. Relationships. Relationships by position.

5.1. The teacher-psychologist works according to a schedule based on a 36-hour work week.

5.2. To organize the work of a psychologist in a children's institution, a special office is created that provides conditions for carrying out various types of work with children and adults.

5.3. The psychologist is an expert consultant in resolving issues about the mental state, the characteristics of the mental development of the child at the request of the people's courts, child protection authorities and when making appropriate decisions based on the appropriate instructions related to determining possible changes in the fate of the child (transfer to another children's institution, adoption, etc. .).

5.4. He plans his work for each academic year under the guidance of the Deputy Director for Educational Work. The work plan is approved by the director of the orphanage no later than five days from the beginning of the planning period.

5.5. Submits a written report on its activities to the Deputy Director for Educational Work twice a year.

5.6. Receives from the director of the orphanage and the deputy director for educational work information of a legal, organizational and methodological nature, gets acquainted with the relevant documents against receipt.

5.7. Systematically exchanges information on issues within its competence with teaching staff and deputy directors.

Why do you need a psychologist in kindergarten? What are the requirements for it, and what functions does it have the right to perform? These questions are asked by many parents. The little man finds himself in an unusual, strange and new environment for him in a kindergarten. There are a lot of kids and adults around, you should obey the routine, eat and play with other kids on your own, learn to communicate with peers and interact with adults. To help the child adapt and monitor his condition should be a teacher-psychologist in kindergarten. For many kids, such an institution is the first serious stress. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should not leave the seemingly seemingly problems of little pupils unattended.

What is a psychologist?

A teacher-psychologist in a kindergarten is a very important specialist for children, their parents and the staff of the institution. Parents should not be afraid if a psychologist works with their child - he is not a doctor and does not diagnose children. His tasks are different.

The psychologist works in three directions:

  • Working with a child. The specialist evaluates the personal characteristics of the baby, his psychotype, mentality and behavior, his natural inclinations, fears. Knowing the characteristics of each individual child, a kindergarten psychologist helps to adapt to new conditions, find a common language with peers and caregivers, resolve conflict situations and help if the baby has problems. The work of a psychologist with children combines the functions of psychological management and pedagogy.
  • Working with the child's parents. Perhaps the kindergarten is even more stressful for the parents of the baby than for the pupil himself. The tasks of a psychologist include working with moms and dads in several directions: to help them understand the new status of the child, explain how to behave with him, how to work in the development of your baby, and resolve conflict situations. The specialist tells parents the further way of education. Also, the tasks of a psychologist include identifying developmental abnormalities and informing parents that their child needs medical advice.
  • Working with kindergarten staff There is an opinion that the work of an educator is low-skilled, simple, not requiring special forces and special skills. This is a huge mistake. A psychologist in a kindergarten just works with the teaching staff, helps with problem children and performs mentoring functions in terms of working with children. Each teacher must find a common language with the entire group of kids, pick up the key to a small heart, become a friend, patron and mentor.

Functions of a psychologist

It is worth considering in more detail what functions psychologists perform in kindergartens. They are the following:

  • adaptive;
  • diagnostic;
  • pedagogical;
  • consulting;
  • analytical;
  • problematic.


The psychologist helps each child to adapt to the conditions of the kindergarten. As a rule, most children cannot immediately realize where they are, what is generally happening and how to behave. The child is under stress, and the task of the psychologist is to work with him so that the conditions of the kindergarten become natural and comfortable for each child.

Work is carried out both with the team as a whole and with each child. To implement these functions, a diary of a psychologist in kindergarten is created. In it, the specialist notes the points of the plan for the adaptation of younger kindergarteners and children who entered the institution at an older age. He paints an action plan for working with both kids and parents, and the educational staff.

The task of this stage is to help each child to realize himself as part of a team and feel comfortable in a kindergarten.


As part of this function, a psychologist in kindergarten diagnoses the child's psychotype, his abilities and inclinations, and possible problems. In order to successfully work with each baby, you should know how he lives. A diagnosis of knowledge and skills is also carried out (how well children can go to the potty, use cutlery, behave in a team, interact with other children, etc.).

In addition to the basic skills, needs and characteristics of babies, a psychologist in the process of diagnosing reveals the problems of each child. It can be:

  • speech therapy problems;
  • nervous habits (nail biting, nose picking);
  • developmental delay;
  • conduct disorders;
  • other problems.

Taking into account the results, the psychologist's classes in kindergarten with kids are built. If necessary, he will refer the child to a consultation with a specialist.


A psychologist is primarily a teacher whose task is the comprehensive development of each child. To accomplish this task, psychologists in kindergartens:

  • develop educational and educational programs for children of all ages;
  • draw up a schedule of developmental games;
  • conduct game psychotests to control the development of children;
  • develop methods of social adaptation and mastering basic skills (this includes: rules of conduct, interaction in a team, ideas about the world, and others);
  • conduct training work with staff;
  • talking to the parents of the children;
  • develop measures for the adaptation of problem children (with behavioral disorders, without serious mental or physical disorders).


The psychologist works through communication. Consultations of a kindergarten psychologist may be of the following nature:

  • personal (conversation with each child);
  • general (work with the children's team);
  • personal (conversation with each parent);
  • general (with a group of parents);
  • personal (with the child and his parents);
  • general (with parents and caregivers);
  • common (with caregivers and children).

Within each consultation certain nuances are considered. A psychologist can advise on the following issues:

  • How can you help your child adjust?
  • Basic advice to parents - how to behave with a kindergartener?
  • Game activities with children, imitation of various situations.
  • Work with each child to analyze his personality, needs and problems.
  • Resolution of conflict and problem situations.
  • Work with parents and caregivers in personal matters.
  • Identification of problem children and notification of parents about difficulties.
  • Much more.

All counseling work of a psychologist is based on helping children and their parents grow and develop together.


As part of the analytical work, the psychologist:

  • analyzes children - their behavior, skills, problems;
  • prepares reports to higher organizations;
  • performs tasks of an analytical nature provided for by law;
  • keeps diaries and journals in the form prescribed by law;
  • Submits reports required by law.


The kindergarten psychologist also solves problem situations. Its competence includes:

  • identifying problems in children;
  • analysis of problems and decision making - whether consultation of a specialist and specific treatment is required, or the problem can be solved by a psychologist;
  • assistance in resolving conflict situations;
  • work in problematic or non-standard situations with children, their parents and kindergarten staff;
  • conducting private lessons with kids to solve their problems.

As a rule, clear restrictions are set for the psychologist and the functions that he no longer has the right to perform are prescribed. Let's consider them in more detail.

What a psychologist is not allowed to do

The functions of a psychologist do not apply to:

  • Diagnosing children.
  • Carrying out specific treatment or its appointment.
  • Drawing up a mandatory program for parents to raise a child. The work of a psychologist is advisory and supportive.
  • Working with children to set up certain behavioral and situational moments in them that are obviously dangerous for the child.
  • Any work that is aimed at "digging" in the head of the baby without the knowledge of the parents or which can harm the child.

The advice of a psychologist in kindergarten is aimed at helping the child adapt, develop and interact with the outside world. They do not have a clear medical character. Also prohibited at the legislative level are any actions that can harm the mental or physical health of the baby.

Therefore, a kindergarten psychologist is a specialist who helps kids, their parents and staff to live together, study together and feel easy and comfortable.

The duties of a kindergarten teacher-psychologist include diagnostics. It is held at least twice per academic year - at the beginning and at the end. This allows you to track the dynamics of the development of each child.

If necessary, diagnostics can be carried out in the middle of the school year. It is carried out, for example, for children with learning problems.

When conducting diagnostics, the educational psychologist uses methods for studying such mental processes as memory, perception, attention, thinking, etc. Comparing the results with the developmental norms of preschoolers helps to give a general picture of the development of children.

Psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation

The teacher-psychologist is a member of the commission of kindergarten specialists - PMPK. This commission conducts additional work with children who are lagging behind in development. Such children are identified by the results of a diagnostic examination.

The function of a teacher-psychologist is to determine the psychological maturity of preschoolers. He must write his conclusion and recommendations to teachers and parents. This is how pre-medical monitoring of the condition of children is carried out.

Family counseling

One of the duties of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool institution is to advise parents of preschoolers. If problems are identified, he invites dad, mom or the adult who is the guardian of the child for a conversation.

The teacher-psychologist advises not only the parents of children who attend kindergarten, but also the parents of unorganized children.

During the consultation process, the task of the specialist is to show options for solving the problems that the child has in learning or behavior. In addition, he must explain to parents that only joint actions of the kindergarten and the family will give a positive result.

When interacting with the families of pupils, a teacher-psychologist improves the pedagogical literacy of parents. This has a positive effect on the relationship between family members of a particular child.

Help for teachers

In addition to children and their parents, the teacher-psychologist works with the pedagogical staff of the kindergarten. At such events as a pedagogical council, a meeting, a seminar, and others, he talks about effective methods and techniques that will allow you to best work with students.

Employees of a preschool institution can contact a teacher-psychologist not only for work moments, but also for personal issues. So the specialist maintains a favorable climate in the kindergarten team.

The position of a teacher-psychologist is obligatory in all educational institutions, including preschool educational institutions. The general condition of children, their level of development, the implementation of various educational activities and other things depend on the work of a full-time psychologist in a kindergarten.

Who can play the role of a psychologist

The classical concept of the work of a psychologist is not applicable to preschool institutions. Persons below the rank of specialist and with an impressive track record cannot be admitted to the position. Exactly teacher-psychologist in kindergarten conducts a number of preparatory, explanatory and corrective work with parents, staff, and most importantly, with children.

First of all, the position implies a deep understanding of the essence and thinking of the child, which allows the administration of the educational institution to admit a specialist to children. Ideally, the following people would be suitable for this role:

  1. Holders of two higher educations in the field of pedagogy and psychology.
  2. Psychologists of the highest categories who have completed courses in pedagogical education and have experience working with children of different age groups.
  3. A person who graduated from a higher educational institution with a diploma of a specialist in pedagogy, early childhood education with additional education in the field of "Psychology". Only subject to the presence of a teaching experience of at least 2 years, the first, second or highest category, but without experience in the field of psychology.
  4. A specialist with a specialized secondary education in the field of pedagogy and psychology with a minimum work experience in a similar position.

Work in the field of psychology with children of the younger group is regulated by authorized self-government bodies. Appointment to the position is made by the leadership of the educational institution. Also, the hiring or dismissal of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution can be carried out by the acting director of the kindergarten.

Spheres of influence of a psychologist

Psychologist in kindergarten, duties which affects many areas of the educational process, should carry out regular planned and periodic work with all participants in the educational process. Participants in education are traditionally divided into three main categories: children, teachers and parents. It is worth noting that a psychologist is a full-time position, so his presence on the territory of the kindergarten is mandatory, while the reception hours are set by the administration, but they do not limit visits to participants in the educational process.

Teacher-psychologist at preschool educational institution must constantly be at the workplace, not only to work with children and teachers. Frequent visitors will be parents of wards who are worried about the emotional state of their children. The reason for the appeal may be family problems, the child's social inability to adapt, developmental problems, difficulty in speech, and everything that goes beyond the "normal" in modern society. The plan for admission and consultation in a preschool educational institution in a psychologist's office may look like this:

For example, only group types of classes are given, which will not always be mandatory, but their conduct can positively affect the overall development of children. The interaction of teachers, psychologists and parents forms the personality of the child.

The duties of a psychologist include not only consultation, but also a number of other actions. The main work of a specialist can be called consultation of parents, diagnostics of children, correctional trainings, organization and planning of developmental classes for teachers of an educational institution. At the same time, each individual action of the psychologist must be carefully documented for reporting to the leaders: the senior educator, the administration, representatives of the district or city authorities.

Qualification and diagnostic work of children and teachers also undergo strict supervision by a psychologist. This allows you to form a complete picture of the training of staff with pupils, assess the level of knowledge, compliance with basic concepts, and so on. The basic result of testing and diagnostics in different areas of activity of the wards by a psychologist should look like this:

Job description

Results can be obtained only after a full assessment of the activities of the wards in various areas of diagnostics. Baseline scores are collected from the total score of all children in each individual group. Percentage score allows you to display a comparative table between different groups, ages, kindergartens, districts and more. This is done so that the management of the psychologist can provide reliable data on the achievements of your educational institution.

As in any profession, job responsibilities, requirements and instructions in each individual case will be different. The job description of a teacher-psychologist in kindergarten consists of the following items:

  1. General position.
  2. Responsibilities of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution.
  3. Rights.
  4. A responsibility.
  5. Interactions and connections by position

Job description of a child psychologist provides for all types of interaction with wards, principles of work and much more. The only thing that is not included in the job description is functions of a psychologist in kindergarten, or rather the format of their implementation. Methodical manuals on the psychological education of children of any age are always in the public domain and you have the right to use any of them. The main thing is that the manuals are approved at the legislative level and do not contradict the general principles of the kindergarten.

New career opportunities

Try for free! Curriculum "Socio-psychological patterns of child development in early and preschool age" For passing - a diploma of professional retraining. Training materials are presented in the format of visual notes with video lectures by experts, accompanied by the necessary templates and examples.

The frequency of work of a psychologist with children

Educational psychologist in 2018 year is obliged to build a work plan for the upcoming academic semester and the whole year. Practical and timely preparation of work with pupils is necessary for the timely detection of deviations in the development of the child, problems with the psychological state, and so on. Job description of a teacher-psychologist in kindergarten provides for the development of an individual work plan for each age group of children.

There is no single correct order of work. Everything directly depends on the psychologist, educators and the level of preparation of children. In general, the work plan with children for the period 2018-2019 may look like this:

Psychodiagnostic activity


Work with children

Diagnosis of neuropsychic development in the nursery group.

Express diagnostics of the intellectual development of children in the younger group and in the middle groups (Ya.N. Kushnir).

December, April

Express diagnostics of the intellectual development of children in older groups (Ya.N. Kushnir).

January, May

Definition of interpersonal relationships in middle and senior groups. (Sociometry).

The study of childhood anxiety in middle and older groups. (Test "Non-existent animal")

The study of the family microclimate (Test "My family") in older groups.

The study of personality using the technique "House - tree - man" in older groups.

Psychological readiness of children of senior groups for school.

Working with teachers

"Express Method" for the study of the socio-psychological climate in the team.

Psychodiagnostics of the teacher's personality.

On request

Working with parents

Questionnaire "Me and my child"

Psychodiagnostics of relationships in the family

On request

Upon completion of the diagnosis, the psychologist conducts a complete analysis of the personality of each child. Checking his abilities and psychological state allows you to identify weaknesses in the development of the baby.

And yet, conducting general tests is also available to an ordinary educator, since why do you need a psychologist in kindergarten? Based on the results of the test, the main task of the psychologist is corrective work, which is carried out both individually and in groups. Sometimes third parties can become participants in group and individual lessons, that is, parents, guardians, kindergarten administration or an educator.

Teacher-psychologist at the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard with documentation confirming the need for additional psychological training, is obliged to perform a number of classical or individual work. A preliminary and general work plan for the correction and development of psychological and mental perception of the environment may look like this:


Work with children

Psychological support of the process of adaptation in the nursery group.

During a year

Psychogymnastics for children with behavioral difficulties.

1 time in 2 weeks from January to May

Training of communication skills, interpersonal relationships and emotional sphere and younger groups.

Group correctional and developmental classes in older groups (development in children of the ability to emotionally regulate their own behavior, the formation of a child's personal growth, the formation of readiness for schooling).

Individual developmental sessions with children of junior, middle and senior groups with low and medium levels of cognitive development.

Once a week from January to May

Group psycho-correctional classes in the field of communication and behavior of children in middle groups.

2 times a week from January to April

Working with teachers

modeling lesson on the development of professional reflection of teachers.

Working with parents

training on how to deal with a crisis three years "

communication training (for children and parents of the older group)

The table is just a general example of what group activities for children can be. The focus of the classes is the correction and development of the child, and it can be carried out only in cases where it is necessary. Simply put, no one will provide you with direct instructions in conducting a specific group or individual lesson. It is for this reason that an important factor in hiring will be expertise and understanding what should a teacher-psychologist do in kindergarten. You are a specialist, which means that you are subordinate only to the administrative building of the kindergarten and are guided by the rules of ethics.

Job descriptions of a psychologist in kindergarten clearly spell out relationships and impacts with colleagues. One of the points will be the obligatory holding of meetings and testing of colleagues, confirmation of their professional suitability (according to their emotional and mental state). That is why the mandatory work plans include group sessions with colleagues and parents.

Psychological work with preschool children

Regular diagnostics of children is an important part of the work of a psychologist, but special attention should be paid to the older and preparatory group of children in the preschool educational institution. Teacher-psychologist at preschool educational institution according to GEF documentation prepares for children moving into the first grades of school. The psychological portrait of the child, his characteristics and general information will play an important role in the future to create optimal learning conditions. There are a number of different test methods, hundreds of parameters, and each of them can be decisive. For a psychologist, online methods, consultations and thematic forums come to the rescue, where you can see the opinion of experienced colleagues on specific and unique cases.

It will not be difficult to conduct tests and grade according to the classical principle, but there are situations when it is impossible to evaluate a preschooler according to general criteria. For the convenience of a psychologist-teacher, a special table with online resources has been created, which are collected in a convenient table:

Diagnostic parameters

Diagnostic methods

Internet resources

Perceptual Development Research

Methodology "Cut pictures" (3-6 years);

Method "Box of Forms", "Segen's Board" (2.5-6 years);

Method "What objects are hidden in the drawings?"

Methodology "Standards" (4-5.5 years). "Our child";

"Speech therapist and psychologist ONLINE"; TESToteka.

Memory Development Research

Methodology "Ten items" - analysis of the volume of direct figurative memory (3-5 years);

Test "Ten words" - diagnostics of the volume and speed of direct verbal memory (from 4-4.5 years old);

Test "Pictogram" - for the study of mediated memory (5-10 years).

"Speech therapist and psychologist ONLINE"; information site. informational portal

Research on the development of thinking

Test "Finding the missing details" - a study of the level of development of figurative thinking (4-7 years);

Test "Perceptual modeling" - a study of figurative and schematic thinking (5-7 years);

Raven test - the level of intellectual development (4-10 years);

Test "The most dissimilar" - cognitive development (4-5 years);

Test "Non-verbal classification" - verbal-logical thinking (5-7 years);

Test "Consecutive pictures" - verbal-logical thinking (5-10 years);

Test "Exclusion of the fourth" - verbal-logical thinking (5-10 years);

Verbal tests "Identification of essential features of concepts" and "Verbal proportions" - a study of the degree of formation of mental operations (7-10 years).

"Speech therapist and psychologist ONLINE"; information site. psychological portal; Country of childhood; "All about children."

Creativity Research

Test "Drawing" (modifications for children 4-10 years old);

Test "Name the picture" - a study of verbal creativity (4-6 years).

"Speech therapist and psychologist ONLINE";

School readiness survey

Test "Motivational readiness" - diagnostics of the internal position of the student;

Test "Correction test" - a study of the level of arbitrary regulation of behavior, the pace of activity;

"Test Bender" - a study of hand-eye coordination;

"Kern-Jirasek test" - hand-eye coordination. information site; site; psychological portal; "Depth Psychology: Teachings and Methods"

The study of interpersonal relationships

Method "Sociometry" (modification "Masks") - studies of the child's communication with peers, determining the status place in the group (from 5 years old);

Test "Two Houses" - a study of children's communication with peers, with family members, identifying likes and dislikes (4-7 years old);

Family drawing test. information site; "Information site for students"; "Encyclopedia of the school psychologist".

The study of individual characteristics and personality traits

Test "Assess yourself" - a study of self-esteem of children (7-10 years old);

Test "Non-existent animal" - a study of personal qualities (from 4.5 years old);

"Rosensweig Test" - a study of personality and communication with others;

"Children's apperceptive test" - a comprehensive diagnosis of the personality of a child (4-10 years old).

"Speech therapist and psychologist ONLINE"; information site; "Encyclopedia of the school psychologist"; "All about children."

The study of the emotional sphere

Graphic technique "Cactus" - the state of the emotional sphere, the presence of aggressiveness, its direction, intensity, etc. (from 4 years old);

Test "Fears in houses" - diagnostics of fears (from 4 years old);

anxiety test (R, Tamml, M. Dorki, V. Amen) (4-7 years). "Guru in the world of tests"; "Library of scientific and student information"; information site;

Speech therapist and psychologist ONLINE.

Study of family relationships (with difficulties in adapting children to kindergarten)

Questionnaire for identifying typical ways of educational influence and the Bass-Darky questionnaire;

Methodology for measuring parental attitudes and reactions (PARY).

"Speech therapist and psychologist ONLINE"; information site.

As a result, position teacher-psychologist at preschool educational institution, job description and responsibilities have a fairly wide range of influence. That is why it is worth paying special attention to each ongoing test, because the work of a psychologist can create optimal conditions for the future development of a full-fledged personality from each little pupil.

Do not overlook the interaction with parents, teachers and the administrative building. The whole educational process and general work with children, relations between colleagues will be built on the principles of the work of a psychologist. It is worthwhile to carefully approach the resolution of each dispute, in accordance with your job responsibilities and instructions. The teacher-psychologist participates in the life of pupils not only in the organization of education, but also through parents, educators and attendants.



1.1. The main task of a teacher-psychologist is to ensure the mental health and development of the personality of children.

1.2. The teacher-psychologist is appointed and dismissed by order of the head of the children's

1.3. The teacher-psychologist is guided in his work by program and methodological recommendations, government decrees on psycho-correction "Educational Program of the State Educational Institution".

1.4. The teacher-psychologist reports directly to the head of the kindergarten.


2.1. The psychologist is appointed from among persons with a higher psychological education or a higher pedagogical education with a specialization in "Children's preschool psychology".


3.1. Organizes and carries out educational and correctional work with children with developmental disabilities.

3.2. Participates in the creation of a unified speech space of the kindergarten (removal of a defect in a child)

3.3. Identifies the conditions that impede the formation of the child's personality and through psychoprophylaxis, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection, counseling and rehabilitation.

3.4. Provides assistance to children, educators, specialists and parents in solving personal, professional and other specific problems.

3.5. Completes groups for classes, taking into account the psychophysical state of children.

3.6. Together with educators, speech therapists, he plans and develops developmental and psycho-correctional programs of educational activities, taking into account the individual and gender and age characteristics of the child's personality.

3.7. Identifies children with emotional and intellectual developmental delays.

3.8. Examines and provides social and pedagogical support to children with defects in mental and physical development.

3.9. Plans correctional and educational work, organizes it in accordance with the daily routine.

3.10. Works in close contact with speech therapists, educators and specialists, attends classes.

3.11. Advises the head, teachers and parents on the use of special methods and techniques for helping children with developmental disabilities.

3.12. Maintains constant communication with the medical staff of the educational institution.

3.13. Advises the head and employees of the kindergarten on the development of a preschool institution, the practical application of psychology, focused on improving the socio-psychological competence of children, educators, parents.

3.14. Maintains relevant documentation, prepares materials and visual aids for examining children and working with them.

3.15. He improves his skills in courses, seminars and through self-education.

3.16. Takes part in competitive, methodical events of a kindergarten, district, city.

3.17. Replaces the teacher in the group during the period of acute production need.

3.18. Participates in organizational and social events of the team.

3.16. Complies with the rules of internal labor regulations, personal hygiene, instructions for protecting the life and health of children, the rules for TB and PB, undergoes a medical examination and laboratory examinations in a timely manner.

4.1. Replace the teacher in the group.

4.2. Do not perform work not covered by this job description.


5.1. Bears personal responsibility for the protection of life and health of children.

5.2. For the safety of equipment and supplies.

5.3. For failure to fulfill the obligations stipulated by this job description.

I am familiar with the job description ______________________________________


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