What is the best way to wash: with or without a washcloth? We wash without soap - the procedure for healing the body

Long hot showers are one of the simple joys of life. Despite such a pleasant pastime, sometimes the reality is that you need to wash quickly. If you overslept or just want to get the most benefit in the bathroom in a short time, we publish a brief guide on how to shower properly.

1. Avoid overheating in the shower

Hot showers and steam enveloping the shower stall are amazing, but high-temperature water dehydrates the skin, says Lauren Ploh, MD, a dermatologist at Oshner Medical Center in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Hot water removes most of our skin's natural oils. Therefore, if you first want to warm up, wash yourself in hot water for a couple of minutes, and then make it moderately warm. Please note: the skin should not turn red. Keep in mind what some experts say a lot about. Try to choose the best option for yourself.

2. Stock up on a bathroom heater

Ideally, your shower time should be no more than 5-10 minutes, says Marie Jean, MD, a dermatologist in San Francisco, USA. According to the expert, if a person takes a shower 2 times a day, it seriously dries out the skin. At first glance, it seems that the more water, the more moisture. In fact, everything is completely different: the skin becomes drier.

If you don't want to give up the feeling of warmth in the shower, a good alternative is an electric bathroom heater, says Karin Grossman, MD, a dermatologist at the Grossman Dermatology Clinic in Beverly Hills, California, USA.

Many experts claim that they will shine if they are finally rinsed with cold water after washing their hair. Grossman says that if the heater is on, then the hair does not need to be rinsed. In this case, if you are not a fan of diving into the hole, you should not endure discomfort.

3. Learn to wash your hair properly

Once you've chosen your ideal water temperature, Grossman recommends shampooing your hair only once. Apply shampoo twice to the hair and scalp only if the scalp is oily.

Then apply conditioner only to the ends of your curls. Despite the many, as a rule, more conditioner is required for thick hair, and if they are thin, then less. Such a warm, humid environment acts magically on the hair. The hair follicles open up, allowing the conditioner to penetrate deeper into the hair structure. If you immediately start drying your hair after shampooing and not using conditioner, the difference becomes obvious, explains Grossman. Comb your hair after showering.

If your skin is prone to breakouts, wash your face after you rinse out your hair conditioner because the oils in conditioner can cause breakouts, says Jay Scott Kasteler, MD, dermatologist, expert for Greatist.

4. Get rid of the usual washcloth

As a rule, we have always hung and hang a washcloth in the bathroom. ? The skin does not tolerate hygiene items that accumulate dirt and bacteria. Lauren Ploh says that people don't usually wash their washcloths, and because of this, they develop a huge amount of bacteria. The best option would be a terrycloth cloth, used as a washcloth, which is easy to wash by hand every week.

5. Don't soap your whole body

Karin Grossman advises to thoroughly cleanse only a few so-called contaminated areas of the body, i.e. those places where the sweat glands of the highest density are located:

  • in the groin area;
  • buttocks;
  • under the breast;
  • armpits.

If you lather the whole body, then the skin loses its natural sebum, especially in the area of ​​​​the shins and hands.

Yes, shower products that smell like Amazonian forests or lavender fields smell seductive! But it is better to give preference to simple flavors. ! Look for a gentle-scented shower gel or soap (Polo recommends Dove Beauty Bar soap) and don't overdo it with lathering.

6. Forget bikini scrubs

  • brush your teeth;
  • get shaved;
  • remember the pumice stone for the feet.

The warm, humid environment has softened the skin, and dead skin cells can be easily shed.

According to Karin Grossman, there are many misconceptions in the world about. She asks to remember that if you shave your hair in the bikini area, there is no need to exfoliate the skin in this area and use a granular scrub.

7. Apply body lotion to wet skin

Apply moisturizer just before toweling off after a warm shower or after you're dry, says Grossman. Yes, you read that right, you can apply the cream directly to wet skin in the shower. The expert recommends a moisturizer such as Nivea In-Shower Body Lotion or even just coconut oil for such purposes.

If you find yourself peeling, opt for a lotion with an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) chemical exfoliant, Ploch says. While physical scrubs can be rough, exfoliants based on ammonium lactate or salicylic acid get rid of dead skin cells while moisturizing the skin. The dermatologist claims that AmLactin and CeraVe SA lotion moisturizing body lotions do an excellent job with this.

And finally, if you want to hydrate your skin right after your shower, slather on generously for 3 minutes, Ploch says. In addition, Jin reminds them to keep the door closed and turn off the fan. This traps moisture and vapor in the air and softens the skin so that the skin gets more moisture instead of evaporating.

Sometimes in the morning we just have time to jump into the bathroom, soap up and jump out. , its dryness and peeling directly depend on how we wash. Now that you know how to shower properly, you can focus on what really matters, whether it's singing in the shower, meditating, or thinking about what to eat for breakfast.

No, I am far from thinking of throwing dirt on a cleaning agent called "soap". Although... why not? Especially if not every soap is equally useful. But, before you plump a fly in the ointment, you still need to fill a barrel of honey. Therefore, first of all, let's talk about the benefits of soap and its genius. Yes, yes, I did not make a reservation: soap is an absolutely brilliant product of the human mind.

Soap barrel with tar

Soap itself is essentially a chemical product: it is sodium and potassium salts of fatty acids. Soap is made by means of transformations of stearic, oleic, palmitic and other acids under the influence of hydroxides. And simply put, a person takes ordinary fat - for example, beef - adds caustic soda to it, heats it up and gets soap. Agree, it's pretty simple.

In its action, soap is also a chemical product, since washing with soap is nothing more than a sequential chain of several chemical reactions. And these reactions are downright brilliant in their simplicity. See for yourself.

The soap molecule has two chemical groups in its composition, each of which works according to its own scenario. One group - hydrocarbons - mixes with dirt and skin particles accumulated on the body, and not only mixes, but also envelops them, as if enclosing them in its arms. And it holds until the second grouping of the soap molecule, the hydrophilic one, starts working. It binds to the water and pulls the first half of the dirt-holding molecule into the water. In general, one half of the soap molecule picks up dirt from the body, while the other drags it into the water. That, in fact, is the whole "chemistry". Very simple and at the same time ingenious. And one day, after the invention of soap, mankind breathed a sigh of great relief, as the number of diseases associated with unsanitary conditions began to wane.

Knowledge of all this soap "chemistry", in my opinion, is necessary not only for general development, but also in order to understand how to wash your body better and more correctly. Indeed, some startling conclusions can be drawn from "soap chemistry".

Conclusion one. Washing the body with a washcloth is completely optional! I can imagine how this conclusion will appeal to everyone whose skin suffers, dries and wrinkles from washing, and traditions make them wash with a washcloth. The fact is that soap molecules themselves perfectly cope with dirt. Rubbing soap with something, of course, enhances its effect. But instead of a cruel washcloth, it is better to use your own palm. In this way, delicate skin can be spared and at the same time the same clean effect can be obtained.

The only exceptions are those areas where the skin is under heavy stress, due to which the death and growth of new skin is more intense. By and large, only the feet can be considered such an extreme zone. Although everything can be individual, of course. It is these zones that should be rubbed with a washcloth in order to mechanically peel off the old layer of skin.

But if someone is used to rubbing their entire body with a washcloth and it feels great - no questions or excuses, continue to care for your body in the same way.

Second conclusion. The more foam, the cleaner the skin will become. What exactly is foam? This is an air bubble surrounded by films of soap molecules. And if there are more such air bubbles, then the surface with soap molecules will also be larger. Namely, they, as we have already seen, are dirt cleaners. Therefore, it is better to wash the body, and especially the hair, with foam, and not with an aqueous solution of soap. Foam mechanically cleans dirt.

Conclusion the third. After rubbing the body with soap, rinse the foam with water as thoroughly as possible. This is necessary not only to get rid of dirt, but also to wash off the soap film from the body.

Conclusion four. Washing with soap is a must. Water alone, albeit hot, will not be able to wash off all the dirt from the body. It has been established that only 25-30% of all dirt accumulating on the skin dissolves in warm water. And soap can clean everything.

Fifth conclusion. Since soap removes everything from the skin indiscriminately, it is easy to guess that it is impossible to constantly wash with bactericidal soaps, despite the invocative advertising to use this soap every day. This is the same fly in the ointment in the barrel of soap that I promised.

Bactericidal soap will destroy not only pathogenic microbes, but also beneficial ones that protect the body from the introduction of harmful microorganisms. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to wash the skin with bactericidal soap only when and in those places when wounds, abrasions, cracks, cuts and other damage appear. That is, it would be more accurate to say not even “wash”, but “treat” the damaged area with bactericidal soap.

And I’ll throw another half-spoon of tar in a soap barrel. Since soap cleans everything from the skin too thoroughly, it can degrease the body, so you should not wash with soap too often either. It is enough to take a shower with soap once a day - preferably in the evening - to wash off all the dirt accumulated during the day.

The soap we choose

Those who have normal skin are very lucky. They can do everything. Well, almost everything. Any soap with any fragrance, with a delicious smell and a pleasant color. And if the skin is very delicate or there is an allergy, then the soap will have to be carefully chosen. There are no specific rules in this matter - you will have to pick it up by the “poke method”. That is, try everything and stop at the soap that does not dry the skin, does not peel it and does not stain it with allergic stains. It's very individual.

Although some general advice can still be offered. For example, with allergies and very delicate skin, you should not use soap with various additives. In this case, it is recommended to wash baby soap. It not only has no potential allergens, but is also made in a special way. In order for ordinary soap to retain some chemical properties, excess alkali is deliberately left in it. And in children's soap there is practically no free alkali, so it acts gently and gently.

But even this, the manufacturers considered insufficient, and in order to soften the baby soap even more, lanolin and boric acid were added to it. And, of course, no potential allergens are mixed into it - odorous and coloring synthetic substances. Therefore, for any problematic skin, it is better to use baby soap.

For people with dry skin, manufacturers make specialty soaps. To restore fat-free skin (and degreasing inevitably occurs when washing with soap), lanolin, spermaceti or vegetable oils are added to it.

If the skin is oily, you can use any cosmetic or toilet soap. And if oily skin also has acne, then it is better to choose for washing sulsenic soap.

And one more useful tip. When buying soap, carefully examine the packaging to know natural is it soap or synthetic. Synthetic soaps should be treated differently. They wash the skin even too well - better than it should be. That is, they wash off absolutely the entire layer of fat. Therefore, they are not suitable for dry skin. Only for oily. But in this case, you must follow some rules. Do not use it too much, and after washing, wash off the foam in the most thorough way.

Many people shower every day, some even more often. However, this is not as useful as it seems. Perhaps it would be better to wash a little less often. And here are the reasons.

You are not as dirty as you seem

Daily showering is essential for people with heavy physical work, those who live in hot and humid climates, and those who sweat a lot. If you don't sweat too much, you can shower every two or three days. So say dermatologists. Even if the idea seems repulsive, you can just give it a try - you may not really notice much discomfort from more infrequent trips to the shower.

Your skin becomes red and irritated

The skin is the largest organ of the body and plays an important role as a protective barrier. If you shower too often, especially during the cold and dry winter months, you weaken this barrier and make your skin more prone to irritation. Soap and hot water dissolve lipids, and friction accelerates this process. The more often you shower, the more pronounced the effect becomes and the more difficult it is for your skin to restore its natural balance. Think of the feeling of tightness after a shower! This is not a sign of cleanliness at all, it is a signal that the skin has become too dry. Of course, you can use a cream or body lotion. Nevertheless, it is better not to initially bring the skin to such a state than to constantly deal with its consequences with the help of cosmetics.

Towel worsens irritation

Drying the skin with a towel, you harm it even more. It is best when the water dries naturally. If this takes too long or you just don't like wet footprints all over the house, use the softest possible towel and blot your skin instead of rubbing it. This is especially important for the skin of the face - even those who do not face the problem of sensitivity should not rub it hard with a towel.

Wash only dirty parts of the body

If you don't want to think about showering every few days, consider partial washing. This will help you freshen up without having to shower. For daily hygiene, it is enough to wipe the armpits and genitals with a damp cloth and a mild detergent. At least that's what dermatologists think.

Washing in the shower also removes good bacteria

The beneficial bacteria also live on the skin, which disappear during a shower. Of course, they are restored, but this still does not justify their daily destruction. If you want to protect your skin, shower infrequently and use gentle cleansers.

Hair frizzy after shower

Fine hair can withstand frequent washing, but thick and frizzy hair will frizz more if you water it every day. Shampoo removes oil from the cells, and if you use it too often, you will simply dry out your hair and make it brittle. The more unruly, wavy hair you have, the more difficult it is to manage when it's perfectly clean and dry, so washing it can create a lot of styling problems. For those who dye curls, frequent washing will also hurt - it will make the color of the paint dull. Daily hair washing is only necessary for those who play a lot of sports or live in a humid climate.

You save on water consumption

Washing in the shower consumes a third of all the water you consume. More is spent only on the toilet and laundry. On average, every day, each person spends about eight minutes in the shower and spends sixty-four liters of water. If you cut your showers from seven to three or four per person, you can save a lot on your water bill. If there are several people in the family, the savings will be very, very impressive.

It seems to be a strange question, in an era of total passion for body hygiene.
Shower gels with various additives and fragrances, soaps with herbs, lanolin and creams call us to the bathroom to give the body freshness, velvety skin and other advertising pleasures.
And let's figure it out how to wash properly and answer the most frequently asked questions.

Why do you need to wash?

How often should you wash?

Some say that several times a day, others say that once a week is enough, or less often.
For most people, this issue is resolved simply: they do what their parents, friends and relatives do. Let's find out

How to wash properly. What do scientists think?

After researching this topic, scientists came to the conclusion that it is unhealthy to wash frequently, especially with soap and shower gel, even in the heat of summer.
It is enough to take such a shower twice a week, otherwise a person simply worsens his health. If the body is washed frequently with the use of cosmetics, then the acid-base balance of the skin can be disturbed, as a result, the skin will become dry, the natural lubrication will be disturbed and the way for fungal and bacterial infections will open.

Most people are now diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency and attribute this to too much washing. This vitamin is produced on human skin as a result of interaction with sunlight, but if you constantly wash off the top layer of the epidermis, this process is disrupted.

So, scientists believe that the right way to wash is when you take a shower 2 times a week, and the rest of the time you just use a shower without soap or gel twice a day or as needed.

What cosmetic product for the shower to choose?

Shower gel or soap?
Each tool has its pros and cons. When choosing, consider your skin type. People with normal skin type any soap with any fragrance, delicious smell and pleasant color is suitable. The gel can also be used without restriction.
For dry skin it is best to choose baby soap or special soaps that are added with lanolin, spermaceti or vegetable oils to help restore fat-free skin

When buying soap, carefully examine the packaging to find out if it is natural or synthetic. There should be a special approach to synthetic soaps, since they treat the skin even better than necessary, that is, they wash off absolutely the entire layer of fat along with the dirt.

For dry skin, synthetic soaps are by no means suitable. Only for oily! Although in this case, it is necessary to follow some rules: do not use too much soap and wash off the foam most thoroughly

Do I need to use a washcloth to wash properly?

Washing the body with a washcloth is completely optional. For many, the skin is very dry from washing with a washcloth. The fact is that soap molecules themselves perfectly cope with dirt. And therefore, nothing terrible will happen if you wash with just a soapy palm.
In this way, delicate skin can be spared and at the same time a sufficient cleansing effect can be obtained.
But, if someone is used to rubbing the whole body with a washcloth and at the same time feels great - continue to care for your body in the same way.

How often to apply a scrub?

1-2 times a week will be enough. And let it be a rather delicate scrub that will remove dead skin particles, but will not damage it and will not cause microtrauma.

What parts of the body should not be forgotten during washing.

This is a real breeding ground for bacteria - dark, warm and humid. Clean it out with a cotton swab at least once a week.

Behind the ears
If you don't wash your hair every day, it's not very clean. Don't be surprised if pimples start to appear behind your ears.

Between the toes
It is there that the characteristic smell originates. High humidity, lack of air, friction and bacteria - an explosive cocktail.

Acne on the back is an unpleasant phenomenon, but well-deserved. Only strong-willed adherents of yoga can reach the spine with a washcloth. The rest remains to find a hard washcloth with a long handle.

What is the harm of frequent washing?

Frequent washing with cosmetics can dry out the skin, inhibit the development of beneficial microorganisms on the skin, and thus provoke fungal and other skin infections.
By the way, the use of bactericidal agents when washing should be strictly limited and used only if indicated.

Intimate places. How to wash properly?

Intimate hygiene should be carried out only with your hands - no washcloths!

Ordinary soap, which contains a lot of alkali, solid or liquid; shower gel is also better not to use. Also, do not use antibacterial soap.
To maintain the necessary balance, use only gels and foams for intimate hygiene - they contain lactic acid.
When buying, keep in mind that the product should not have a bright color and a pronounced smell.
It is sometimes mistakenly believed that in the event of irritation, it is necessary to resort to washing as often as possible. Everything is quite the opposite - just frequent washing of intimate areas can provoke an infection.

Use the tips and try to wash properly and you will always shine with freshness and aroma!

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Laundry soap has long been known for its antimicrobial action. This is an excellent antiseptic, which is great for hand washing and other household needs. But is laundry soap good for body and hair?

What is laundry soap made of?

The composition of the soap includes fats (not more than 72%) and a large amount of alkalis, pH level 11-12 (the maximum alkali level allowed for human skin is 9 pH, normal is not more than 5.5). We all know from school that alkali is an aggressive substance that not only destroys bacteria, but also corrodes the skin, heats up, and reacts with other substances.

Is it possible to wash with laundry soap

This soap perfectly copes with the destruction of dirt and bacteria, so the effect is quick and “on the face”. However, laundry soap also perfectly cracks down on the protective barrier of the skin and destroys its natural acid balance, which is then very difficult to restore, especially when the skin is sensitive. With daily use of laundry soap, our skin loses its protection and does not have time to restore it, so it wears out very quickly.

If you start washing daily with laundry soap at the age of 20, then at 30 the skin will look 35 and older. At 55, women who use soap all the time look significantly older than their peers, who use more gentle products.

Laundry soap is especially harmful for children. The constant destruction of the protective barrier of the skin contributes to the penetration of infections, weakening the already weak children's immunity. As a result, the child will often get sick, various allergies may occur.

Are you not afraid of early aging, flabbiness, dryness, redness and skin irritation? You can safely wash with laundry soap! Otherwise, this soap is absolutely harmless to health.

To use or not? There will be no significant harm to health, but whether you want to remain beautiful after 45 is up to you!

Can I wash my hair with laundry soap

Washing not only with household, but also with any other soap is extremely harmful to hair and scalp. Washing your hair regularly disrupts the natural oil balance of the scalp. Alkali makes hair porous and brittle, completely defenseless against the negative influence of an unfavorable external environment. Over time, the hair loses its natural shine, becomes dry and hard, dandruff appears. A young body can still cope with such shock “therapy”, but after 40 years, the hair will become very thin and it will be extremely difficult to restore it.

To have beautiful hair, use the secrets.

However, the negative impact of alkali can be avoided. Remember chemistry: acid neutralizes alkali. However, this is a complex process, because you need to choose the right gentle ingredients so as not to spoil your hair even more, and also calculate the proportion of acid with water.

Nobody forbids experimenting with your own hair! But maybe it’s better not to scoff at the hair, choosing a more suitable remedy? If you don’t like shampoos, then you can always use natural and completely harmless products, such as homemade ones.

Is it possible to wash with laundry soap

In no case! Washing with laundry soap can seriously disrupt the microflora and cause dryness and cracks in intimate places. Alkali destroys beneficial lactic acid bacteria, resulting in female diseases. For washing, use only special products for intimate hygiene, or plain water, but never use soap.

However, using laundry soap only occasionally - there will be no harm, perhaps in some cases even a temporary improvement, because it perfectly kills bacteria. But maybe it's time to "get out of the caves" and turn to more effective modern means? What? Share in the comments.

Laundry soap is best used for household purposes!
By the way, if you use soap for washing, do not forget to wear gloves so as not to dry out the skin of your hands. Do not be afraid to wash baby clothes with laundry soap - it is absolutely harmless if you rinse things thoroughly after washing.

Be healthy and beautiful!

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