What is the best way to wash new clothes for a newborn. Golden rules for washing children's clothes. Requirements for powders and gels for baby clothes

Motherhood is a happy but troublesome stage in the life of every woman, especially in the first year after the birth of a baby. When faced with the question of washing things for a little man, it is important to know not only how to perform this procedure correctly, but also how to wash clothes for newborns so as not to cause any harm to the baby. What should be given preference?

How and what to wash baby clothes

The question of how to properly put in order underwear and clothes for babies is asked by every young mother. After all, as part of caring for a baby, there are a huge number of subtleties and details that remain relevant at least during the first year of a child's life. Therefore, when approaching the solution of the issue of washing things, it is important to take into account both the choice of means for erasing, and the nuances that apply to children's things.

In a situation where the process of washing clothes or diapers for a newborn does not meet elementary criteria, this can provoke the development of an allergic skin reaction in a baby, cause him discomfort when swaddling and being in clothes. And in some cases, provoke poisoning due to the wrong detergent.

Before approaching the issue of choosing the most suitable product, you need to remember a number of basic recommendations on how to wash linen and things belonging to the little man.
  1. Any new underwear and newly purchased clothing should be washed before use. This point also applies to materials purchased in specialized stores, if things are sewn for a child by hand. Such an action will allow not only to disinfect clothes and linen, but also to save products from factory starch, which can cause itching and allergies in babies.
  2. For the first couple of months, it is recommended to wash clothes by hand, rinsing well with cold water (up to 5 times in a row). Gradually, such a tedious procedure can be abandoned by switching to machine wash.
  3. During the first year of life, all things of the child must be ironed with steam. It is this process that will surely destroy all unwanted microorganisms in the fibers of the material that can cause disease states. And also ironing will help to completely dry the fabric, which will not allow fungi and bacteria to multiply.
  4. It is worth remembering: all items of clothing for the baby and underwear should be sent to the laundry separately from the things of adult family members. And in order to wash clothes and baby clothes faster, it is better to sort all things immediately by color and difficulty within the pollution.
  5. It is not recommended to partially wash the clothes of a newborn in order to quickly get rid of small stains. Items must be sent to the launderer in their entirety. At the same time, it is desirable that the clothes be put in order immediately, and not put aside in the laundry basket for several days.
  6. Giving preference to machine wash, you need not only to correctly choose a product for children's things, but also to abandon the use of bleaches, stain removers and other synthetic substances. They are difficult to wash out of the fibers of the material, can cause allergies, poisoning in a small child, and also damage the fibers of the fabric, due to which clothes and diapers will quickly become unusable.
  7. If after washing with a new product there is itching, redness on the baby's skin, or other signs of an allergic reaction, the clothes must be rewashed using another product, for example, safe baby soap.
  8. It is advisable to dry clothes and things either in a well-ventilated room, or on a loggia, balcony, under the influence of sunlight.
  9. When hand washing is preferred, a separate basin should be allocated for clothes and diapers. In a situation of constant use of the washing machine, it is not worth loading things to the maximum into the drum. Otherwise, baby diapers and clothes may not rinse well.
  10. The water temperature should be as high as possible in any erasing option. From 45 degrees for hand washing and from 60 degrees for machine washing.

Additional recommendation for machine washing: if your model of the device does not have the “baby clothes” function, then you should select a program that corresponds to washing at a high water temperature. In this case, you need to set the "double rinse" and the option of a thorough spin.

When the nuances of the process of bringing the child's clothes in order are taken into account, it is necessary to decide on the choice of detergent.

What you need and can wash children's things:

  • Laundry soap that does not contain additional impurities.
  • Soap for children. It can be either pure or with the addition of extracts of herbs useful for newborn babies, such as chamomile. For complex stains, you should use a special baby soap against stains.
  • Environmentally friendly washing powders for hand or machine washing, but it can be problematic to purchase them in an affordable sale.
  • Soap nuts, the shells of which safely and effectively fight dirt on children's underwear.
  • Soap shavings. You can make it at home yourself or buy it ready-made in departments with household goods. This shaving is best used for hand washing clothes. When using it in a typewriter, you need to correctly calculate the amount of cleaning agent so that too much foam does not form. The calculation should be made based on the volume of the drum of the device and the total number of things to wash.
  • Gels for erasing.
  • Specially developed powders for various types of washing.
  • For disinfection of fabrics and better bleaching without the use of synthetic agents, it is permissible to add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to soapy water. However, this medication should not be used too often.

In some cases, it is permissible to use fabric softeners, but their composition should be as harmless as possible for a small child. It is better if such a tool is without a strong odor, colorless.

When choosing a good detergent for washing clothes, it is necessary to be guided not only by how the process of washing children's things will take place. It is important to take into account a number of features that should be paid attention to.

The right choice of detergent

The two main criteria to consider when selecting any baby laundry detergent include:
  • the manufacturer, the quality and safety of products depends on it;
  • place of purchase, it is necessary to purchase means for washing diapers, linen and clothes only in large stores, where the risk of counterfeiting or selling low-quality goods is minimized.

When giving preference to soap, you need to be guided by the following nuances before buying:
  1. soap should be as colorless as possible, this guarantees that dyes that can cause an allergic reaction were not used in its creation;
  2. the composition should include a maximum of natural ingredients;
  3. any version of baby soap should not have an overly strong smell; if a pronounced aroma is present, this indicates the use of fragrances and flavors that can adversely affect the well-being of the child.
Among the variety of baby soap, you can give preference to such manufacturers:
  • "Babyline";
  • "Eared nanny" ("Neva cosmetics");
  • "Agu" with calendula, chamomile or string;
  • herbal soap "My baby";
  • "Our mother".

Why is it better to choose this particular type of detergent for washing clothes and things? Soap is easier and faster to wash out of the fibers of the fabric, while making the material softer, preventing possible discomfort in the child. It does not leave an invisible soapy film on clothing, which can occur when using powders or gels. Effectively fights all types of dirt and does not require the use of additional substances during washing.

In a situation where it is impossible to wash clothes and diapers manually, and you don’t want to use soap shavings (made by yourself or bought in a store), being afraid to harm the washing machine, you need to know what to rely on when choosing washing powders and gels.

How to wash things for babies: a choice of powders and gels

  1. These funds should not contain not only fragrances and dyes, but also phosphates. It is important to pay attention to the packaging indicating that the selected powder or gel is “phosphate-free”, chlorine is not present in the composition. The amount of surfactants in the composition should be kept to a minimum.
  2. Another necessary note is an indication that the selected product is suitable for washing things for very young children, including babies (0+).
  3. When planning to regularly wash clothes for a baby in a typewriter, you can give preference to oxygen-containing products. They are quite gentle on the fibers of the fabric, while not causing allergic or other painful conditions.
  4. Powders and gels must be exclusively hypoallergenic.
  5. It is better if such a laundry detergent is created on the basis of ordinary soap.
  6. Additionally, you should pay attention to the smell and natural ingredients in the composition, as is the case with baby soap.
Brands that have proven themselves among gels and powders:
  • "BiMax" (for children);
  • "Ecole" (for children);
  • "Spring tenderness" (for children);
  • "Baby Special";
  • Teo Bebe.

Washing things and children's household chemicals (video)

After reviewing the video below, you can learn practical tips and recommendations "first hand" about the options for washing clothes for newborns and, in general, about children's household chemicals:

Let the process of washing any children's things not be a very exciting action, which sometimes causes difficulties, but it can be made easier. Adhering to the basic rules for washing baby clothes, choosing the right product correctly, it is easy to minimize the risk of unpleasant situations related to the child's health.

A born child, in addition to immense joy, brings great responsibility. Laundry is one of the daily worries of a young family. Hygiene is very important in the first days of a baby's life. Therefore, it is important to know what products are allowed to be used to clean baby clothes from stains and on what washing modes. The wrong choice of means leads to the risk of allergies in the child, which develops into health problems. To avoid this, you need to know exactly how to wash baby clothes for newborns in a washing machine.

Every parent washing children's clothes is confident in the correctness of the composition they have chosen. However, not always the means used meets all the safety requirements for the baby. How to wash a child's things effectively without endangering him? To answer this question, it is important to remember the following:

  • It is not recommended to use ordinary powder. Its composition is replete with many chemicals harmful to newborns. However, today there are some products that have a natural composition. A large number of studies and laboratory tests confirm the safety of such products. The only drawback that often leads to the refusal to purchase such products is their cost;
  • When choosing a product, it is necessary to give preference only to those products that do not contain surfactants, chlorine, phosphates.
  • The presence of an age mark on the packaging. Only if it is available, you can safely use the product when cleaning your child's clothes.

Many parents are looking for information about washing baby clothes with laundry soap. This is due to the ban on washing the child himself with the indicated means. However, despite the unpleasant smell, housewives using laundry soap can say with confidence that it is ideal for washing baby clothes. Its main advantages are:

  • low content of chemicals that cause irritation with allergies, absorbed into the fabric;
  • beneficial effect on the material from which the product is sewn. Unlike some powders and gel-like substances, laundry soap softens clothes;
  • the possibility of frequent use without sacrificing clothing.

As already noted, soap must meet strictly defined standards. Firstly, a good product has a high content of alkalis (at least 0.15%), which have an antibacterial effect during washing. Secondly, fatty acids. Their level is usually squeezed out on the soap itself and should not be less than 72%. Thirdly, the pH value is 11-12.

Laundry soap perfectly copes even with old pollution. By the way, bad smells are very easy to deal with. After washing, the item must be rinsed thoroughly. It is very important to purchase soap without unnecessary additives. Sometimes manufacturers abuse bleaching agents, fragrances, caustic dyes. You can't wash your baby's clothes like this.

In order not to waste time turning a bar of soap into shavings, you can purchase a ready-made one by simply adding it to the powder compartment. The soap dissolves easily and lathers well.

Baby soap is used in the same way as laundry soap, allowing you to achieve even better results. The product washed with the help of such a product becomes soft and smells good. In addition, the soap left after washing things will not harm the baby.

To use the product in an automatic machine, a piece of baby soap is rubbed on a grater and placed inside the powder compartment in the proportion of a third of a piece per five kilograms of laundry.

A simple powder with a natural composition can wash a child's things in exceptional cases. So, what kind of powder to wash daily? Powders for children's clothes are ideal. They can wash any baby clothes. Even budget options will fit. In order to choose a tool, you need to pay attention to:

  • experience of use or, if it was not, Internet reviews;
  • shop selling goods. It is better if it is a supermarket or a hardware store. Sellers of such outlets will be able to promptly submit the necessary certificates confirming the safety of washing powder;
  • validity period of certificates;
  • expiration date of the product;
  • labeling confirming the possibility of using the powder for babies (0+);
  • labeling indicating the hypoallergenicity of the powder.

Attention! Even the safest laundry detergent can cause allergic reactions in a baby. baby powder should also be used with caution. If rashes appear on the skin, then the use of the product must be stopped immediately, replacing it with another one. Allergy in the first months of life indicates the need to use powders designed for washing clothes for newborns up to three years, and in some cases longer.

The condition of the detergent packaging is important. It needs special attention. If for some reason there is no date of manufacture, the composition of the product or the container is damaged, it is better to refuse the purchase. If the powder is packaged in a plastic bag, it should be felt for clumping of the powder.

natural substances

In addition to the means familiar to every housewife, sold in any hardware and even grocery store, there are natural remedies. Can they be washed?

Definitely yes! The best of them are:

  • soap nuts. Suitable for both hand washing and machine washing. They have the maximum level of hypoallergenicity. Sapindus fruits contain many natural active substances (saponins). Before use, the dried shell must be placed in a cloth bag and tied;
  • soda, peroxide, boric acid. They are natural bleaches and are used as a means to eliminate stubborn stains;
  • mustard, soap root, potato juice. Despite the naturalness of the products, they are rarely used for washing due to the inconvenience of use.

After the product is selected and purchased, you need to understand how to wash it correctly. Many parents wonder how often they should do laundry. The answer to this question is clear:

  1. Newborn clothes and underwear are washed every day.
  2. Bed linen is changed every seven days. However, if the baby has soiled diapers, then they should be washed immediately.

Thus, all soiled things or those that the child wore during the day must be washed in the evening. In no case should you accumulate dirty linen or wash it later than in a day.

Benefits of a washing machine and preparatory steps

Can be washed both by hand and machine. The first method is quite popular among a narrow circle of mothers. They prefer to use only those methods that were practiced in the old days. Unfortunately, washing baby clothes by hand has very serious disadvantages:

  • the water temperature cannot exceed 40 degrees, which is unacceptable for baby clothes. After washing at this temperature, all laundry will have to be boiled;
  • It is very difficult to remove stubborn stains by hand. In order to get rid of them, you will first have to wash especially contaminated areas, and then wash the whole thing again.

Automatic washing machines allow you to avoid a lot of the problems that arise with hand washing. The main advantages of this technique are:

  • the presence of a boiling mode;
  • high-quality rinsing and spinning;
  • saving time. You have to wash your hands incessantly, and in the machine you just need to put the laundry in the drum and set the desired mode;
  • the presence of modes that provide washing of delicate items and set at the temperature necessary for children's underwear.

A newborn needs maximum attention from parents and their care. In the first year of life, a small organism is defenseless against various kinds of bacteria and infections. Weakened immunity requires a competent attitude to everything related to the baby. Laundry is no exception. In order to protect your child as much as possible, you need to perform a number of preparatory measures that guarantee the safety of washing:

  1. Dirty clothes of the little one should be put in a basket separate from the linen of adult family members.
  2. Before washing, it is necessary to clean the linen from food and feces. If you do not follow this advice, then you can not wash things, damaging the machine.
  3. Children's clothes should be washed separately from adult clothes. At the same time, if there is more than one child in the family, then the baby’s clothes should not be cleaned along with the things of older brothers and sisters.

If the baby crap one's pants, then before laying the laundry in the washing machine, it should be pre-washed. The procedure is carried out in a basin filled with warm water. The optimum temperature is approximately 35 degrees. As an active agent, you can use baby soap.

Important! At the birth of a baby, excessively dirty items, such as soiled shoes, rugs and runners, should not be placed in the washing machine.

And, lastly, if the stains on the fabric are not difficult, then you should not wash them before placing the product in the machine. Modern technology is able to remove such pollution without leaving a trace.

Successfully coping with laundry for a newborn is quite simple. The main thing is to follow a number of tips that will help you avoid common problems:

  • the washing machine must be set to the program for baby clothes provided in it. If this is not available, you can select "delicate wash" as the mode. This will help to avoid excessive deformation of the linen and preserve its original appearance;
  • after washing, it is necessary to additionally rinse the laundry using the mode provided for in the technique;
  • it is better to wash more often than rarely and in large quantities. The fact is that dirty linen that has lain for a long period of time is washed worse, becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, and accumulated mountains of clothes are less cleaned and rinsed in the car.

By looking at the tag attached to the product, you can understand at what temperature children's clothes are washed. Machine wash requires 80 to 90 degrees. It is at these values ​​that the effect of boiling is ensured.

Thanks to him, the microbes that have settled in the tissue die. If the linen is made of delicate fabrics, then the temperature should be set to the minimum values, but not lower than 40 ° C. Clothing made of cotton, however, requires washing at a temperature not exceeding 60°C. The correct choice of the temperature regime for washing baby clothes will not only preserve the appearance of the product, but also wash it from heavy dirt.

There are cases when the machine does not have a children's mode and delicate fabrics in the list of washing programs. In this case, it is very difficult to understand in which mode to erase. However, don't be upset. Once in such a situation, you should set the mode based on the type of fabric from which the baby's clothes are sewn. Natural fabrics should be washed at maximum temperatures, ensuring their boiling and disinfection.

With the introduction of the first complementary foods, additional chores appear with washing clothes. On the one hand, homogenized food is very convenient, because you don’t need to cook something special, but on the other hand, you have to wash things much more often. You can get rid of strong contaminants that have eaten into a child’s clothes using folk methods that are highly effective.

Important! Every parent should remember that it is impossible to use aggressive substances and, in particular, chlorine! Products containing the indicated component lead to the appearance of acute allergic reactions in the baby, and the smell that the clothes acquire after washing is almost impossible to remove. In addition, it is not recommended to use soda remaining on the fabric.

The best stain remover is regular peroxide. The advantages of this tool include:

  • safety for the skin of the newborn;
  • fast rinsing out of the fabric;
  • efficiency in removing even old stains;
  • disinfecting effect.

At how many degrees it is necessary to wash a thing treated with peroxide depends on the fabric. However, most often experts recommend setting the temperature at 60 degrees. You should not raise the temperature, otherwise the laundry may acquire a grayish tint.

Mom's forgetfulness is excusable, because the mass of worries with which she is surrounded does not allow her to keep absolutely everything in her head. Yellow spots formed due to the lack of proper soaking and washing measures can be removed thanks to a homemade recipe:

  • 2 tablespoons of chlorine-free bleach are poured into a small container;
  • a quarter cup of a spoonful of powder is added there;
  • bulk substances are poured with 20 ml of an expensive stain remover and the same amount of vegetable oil;
  • components are thoroughly mixed;
  • further, the mixture, diluted with water (it will take five liters), is put on fire;
  • when the product boils, the fire turns off and the composition cools to room temperature.

Diapers with old stains can be soaked in the designated product for a day. Of course, you should not abuse such methods. It is only suitable for light-colored fabrics and does not apply to dyed items. After the treatment of soiled linen, it must be washed with soap and rinsed thoroughly.


After washing, it is important to dry the clothes. This is best done either on a glazed balcony or in the bathroom. If the balcony is not closed, then street dirt can get on things. Hanging wet items at home is also contraindicated. This increases the humidity and increases the risk of mold.

Clean clothes and diapers must be ironed. It is no secret that ironing not only gives the product an attractive appearance, but also disinfects it. This is important, because a newborn in the first month of his life should not encounter germs at all. This is due to the fact that through untreated clothing, you can bring an infection through a navel that has not yet healed.

Important! To make your baby's clothes fluffy and soft, it is enough to iron them on both sides in the steam mode.

When the child grows up, you can iron on one side. Unfortunately, little attention is paid to this moment on the part of parents, and some consider ironing an unnecessary event, because you can simply fold things neatly, thereby eliminating their creasing.


Thus, washing children's things in an automatic machine is very simple. To do this, you just need to choose the right mode and properly prepare the baby's clothes. The implementation of the recommendations indicated in this article reduces the likelihood of problems with the health of the baby and preserves the condition of his clothes.

With the advent of a new family member at home, the need to wash clothes for newborns becomes relevant. Even when using disposable diapers, the baby has to be changed several times a day. To care for things for a newborn baby, you can not use a standard powder. It is necessary to use only special products intended for infants.

The purpose of washing is clear to everyone: it is necessary to remove dirt, unpleasant odors, dust and germs, as well as to give things an attractive appearance. Many young mothers have a question whether it is necessary to wash the new clothes of the newborn and how to bleach them correctly. Doctors answer this question in the affirmative. New products need to be washed because the immune system of the crumbs does not work at full strength. The child must be protected from contact with pathogenic microorganisms and dirt that may be on purchased diapers and clothes.

Parents do not know exactly what conditions the items were in before they were purchased. It is likely that there was mold, fungus or rodents in the warehouse where things were stored. No one will guarantee that things were touched only with clean hands.

What is the best way to wash baby clothes:

  • It is better to prepare things for a small child two or three weeks before the birth.
  • Doctors recommend the first time to wash things for a small child with baby soap.
  • Before washing, clothes or diapers are soaked in water for 25 minutes, then things need to be rubbed with your hands and rinsed in cool water.

Things are dried in the fresh air, after washing they must be ironed and wrapped in an airtight bag.

Means for cleaning children's things

Washing children's clothes is crucial moment in caring for a newborn baby. The health of the crumbs depends on how high-quality the product is used to wash clothes. The protective barrier in children's skin is practically absent, aggressive substances penetrate into the body through it, which can cause an allergic reaction in the form of skin peeling, pimples, itching and redness.

Common household chemicals contain volatile components that can be inhaled after washing. If you use the wrong cleansers all the time, the child may develop respiratory allergies, weaken local immunity and other unpleasant consequences.

The main types of detergents:

  • Soap nuts.
  • Special powders and gels.
  • Laundry soap.
  • Baby soap.

Baby soap

Pediatricians in the first months of a baby's life advise wash his clothes with baby soap. Such a product does not contain fragrances, aggressive synthetic elements and dyes. The right baby soap contains the following elements:

  • antibacterial ingredients. They are represented by extracts of string, calendula and chamomile.
  • softening ingredients. They can be in the form of oil, glycerin, boric acid or lanolin.

The cleansing properties of baby soap are based on its ability to form a foam that absorbs dirt and prevents it from recombining with the surface of the laundry. Baby soap has many advantages, the main ones are as follows:

In addition to the merits The tool also has disadvantages:

  • Low productivity in the fight against stubborn stains on children's clothes.
  • In the first months of a baby's life, his discharge is odorless. They are easy to wash if the item is immediately lathered and soaked.

Some mothers do not use detergents for diapers that are only soiled with the urine of a newborn. At what temperature to wash children's things does not really matter, the main thing is that the detergent is well washed after washing.

Laundry soap

How to wash clothes for newborns before the hospital: it is recommended to use laundry soap. It contains alkali in an amount of 0.15 to 0.20%. The level of fatty acids is not more than 72%, pH=12. The product has an antibacterial effect.

It is impossible to use laundry soap for the skin of a child, and it copes with pollution on things perfectly. Laundry soap easily removes difficult stains, but the product has a drawback - this is its specific smell, so after washing things must be rinsed thoroughly and the smell will disappear.

When purchasing laundry soap you need to pay attention to its composition. A traditional piece of detergent contains only natural ingredients. But some manufacturers have added bleaching elements, flavors or dyes to it. Such a product is not suitable for washing children's things before the maternity hospital.

Now on the shelves of stores for the convenience of using laundry soap, manufacturers have begun to produce it in liquid form or in the form of chips. Such products are easily soluble in water and form abundant foam.

Washing powders

To wash things for a newborn baby, you need to choose products that do not contain potentially harmful substances in their composition. It is impossible to completely remove the powder from the clothing fabric, its small particles remain in the fibers after drying and come into contact with the skin of the crumbs, and can also enter the bloodstream. When choosing a powder, you should pay attention to the mark "For newborns" or 0+, and you should also carefully read the composition. The tool must be missing the following components:

  • Optical brighteners. They remain on the surface of the clothes after rinsing.
  • Chlorine. It dries out the skin and can cause itching or irritation.
  • phosphate additives. They contribute to the destruction of the hydrolipidic mantle of the skin, reduce its resistance to external factors, and if they penetrate the bloodstream, they can change its formula.
  • A-surfactant. Anionic surfactants should not be in the composition, or they should be very small. Elements disrupt the course of redox reactions in the baby's body and destroy some enzymes.

Some powders use non-ionic surfactants instead of A-surfactants. They do not decompose into ions in water, contain contamination in solution and are characterized by biodegradability. Almost all the powders presented in stores are designed for hand or machine washing. The most popular means:

As parents' reviews show, Tide, Peanut and Eared Nyan detergents often cause an allergic reaction in a newborn child. The stork in this regard is the safest option.

Expensive brands represented by means Our Moms, Sodasan, Babyline, Garden and Amway, produce children's powders for cleaning clothes with an extremely safe composition. Their cost is offset by a high concentration of active substances. These manufacturers in the line of products produce washing gel. Advantages of a liquid product: small particles are easily washed out of the fabric fibers.

Tip: when buying a detergent, you need to pay attention to the packaging. It must be complete, with a list of elements and an indication of the expiration date. If the product is bought in a plastic bag, then it should be probed. It should not have lumps.

Soap nuts

Many mothers do not want to wash children's products with products that include harmful chemical elements. You can use soap nuts, they are the fruits of the plant. The dry shell contains a huge amount of natural surfactants - saponins.

Nuts must be packed in a cloth bag and placed in the drum of the washing machine. As practice shows, soap nuts can only cope with minor contaminants.

Wash clothes and diapers for babies separately from adult items. This applies to both clean and dirty laundry.

The nuances of machine washing

Washing machine application saves time and effort of a young mother. Many models of automatic machines are equipped with a "baby wash" function. When it is turned on, the water is heated to the maximum temperature, and rinsing is performed using a large volume of liquid. This mode gives things softness.

If this function is not available, then the clothes in the washing machine must be washed depending on the type of fabric and use an intensive or double rinse. The amount of detergent must be selected in accordance with the instructions. It is very important not to exceed the dose of the powder.

Bed linen and diapers are best cleaned at a temperature of 90 degrees Celsius. For things made of capricious fabrics, a low temperature can be applied, but it must be at least 40 degrees Celsius.

Features of hand washing

It is impossible to wash things by hand at a temperature of 90 degrees Celsius. But this problem can be solved by wearing two pairs of gloves. First cotton, and rubber over them. Washing steps:

Laundry of children's products is a responsible occupation. It is important that the detergent provides not only an aesthetic appearance and cleanliness, but is also safe for the baby's sensitive skin. After washing, it is important to rinse things thoroughly.

Attention, only TODAY!

The main rule that you will follow next year is that the things of a newborn are stored, sorted, soaked and washed separately from adults and other children, even if the eldest is only two years old. So instead of storming hardware stores, consider buying a second laundry basket, extra basins, and making room for baby powders.

By the way, you will also need more space for drying. Think over this question in advance, so as not to hang diapers on the doors and backs of chairs.

In fact, washing

  1. Take out all the clothes you bought and donated by relatives. Realize that after the birth they will bring the same amount. Be horrified. Anything that can be returned, return. Yes Yes. And this wonderful set with pockets on the pope and ruffles around the edge. Firstly, these ruffles are for you to smooth. Represented? And, secondly, all these cute pockets create additional folds and injure the delicate skin of the baby. And what will he put in his back pocket in one month? So the simpler the better!
  2. Sort the rest of the items by color and texture. Cut off all tags. By the way, did you know that a piece of fabric that comes with clothes is not needed for a patch? It is proposed to test the washing mode and bleach. Don't thank.

All new clothes for a newborn must be washed and ironed on both sides.

What is the best way to wash clothes for a newborn?

  1. To date, the number of manufacturers in the department of household chemicals dazzles even experienced housewives. But doctors still recommend regular baby soap without fragrances and fragrances. The disadvantage of soap is that it clogs between the fibers of the fabric and rinses out poorly. And they also need to be washed by hand, which takes a lot of time and effort. For a young mother, time is probably more important than anything else. Yes, and rinsing by hand, like a machine, will not work with all your desire. Hand wash only in warm water, while the washing machine has a 95-degree mode. You can cut the soap on a grater and put it in the washing machine. But if the baby is healthy and not prone to allergies, it is better to wash with powder.
  2. Choosing baby powder, even an inexperienced mother will look at the label "for children." There are many manufacturers, even more reviews. Your baby will dot the "i". Unfortunately, only after trying in practice, you will understand what kind of powder to wash children's things.
  3. There are special lines natural and ecological detergents, without phosphates, based on natural substances. The main disadvantage is the high price. And in the first months with a baby, money goes quickly and for everything. The second important factor is that natural ingredients can also cause allergies. And the third is a high risk of forgery. Unfortunately, young mothers who want the best for their children are the favorite category of unscrupulous manufacturers.
  4. There are liquid detergents - gels. It is believed that they act more gently, do not damage the tissue structure. Clothes do not look washed out, which is important with repeated washing. But there are some pitfalls, which I will discuss below. Gels are more convenient to dose, a measuring cap is attached to them. They do not crumble and do not dust. In addition, they contain fewer substances that pollute the environment. But the components in the gel only work at low temperatures (up to 40 degrees) and are activated with intensive beating, which is only possible with machine wash.

A separate issue is the use of fabric softeners. There are also a great many of them, there are special ones for children's underwear, with different smells and properties. But the use of air conditioners is better to postpone for a year. They are poorly rinsed out even on special regimes, and the baby now does not need additional allergic factors.

How to wash clothes for newborns?

In the literature, you can still find recommendations to wash by hand. As a mother of four children, I would like to say the following in response. If you have the energy and time to hand wash, spend it on your child. And let the machine wash the clothes. In addition, the following recommendation excludes the first: baby clothes should be washed at the maximum temperature to kill germs.

Our grandmothers boiled clothes for this purpose. Even when I was a student, I had a large wooden fork to stir the laundry in the boiling washing solution. This rarity was lost in moving, but it's a pity ...

But back to our microbes. Many washing machines have a "baby clothes" mode. As a rule, it is characterized by high temperature and double rinsing. Let's be honest: 95 degrees and boiling are still different things. Autoclaving is used in hospitals for disinfection. This is steam sterilization at a pressure above atmospheric pressure. At the same time, the temperature is noticeably higher than 100 degrees. Therefore, at home, you will not carry out a complete disinfection, and it’s good. Because the baby came to get acquainted with this world, and not to isolate himself from it.

I strongly do not recommend boiling children's clothes now. Because you can only boil things made from natural fabrics. In our time, you can not find this even for a lot of money. Manufacturers everywhere add a small percentage of artificial fibers. This makes the clothes more attractive, but drastically lowers the washing temperature.

And here we are faced with another contradiction. In order for anionic surfactants to dissolve in the powder and begin to actively wash stains, a high temperature is needed, and tags on almost all children's clothes require gentle washing. Washing at low temperatures works well with gels, but doctors require children's clothes to be washed at high temperatures in order to disinfect. The circle is closed.

What is mom to do? Do not panic! Partially the problem is solved by the iron. If the things washed in a gentle mode are ironed on both sides, you can consider them conditionally disinfected and calm down.

Personal experience. Now I will say a terrible thing - I almost did not iron things for the fourth child. Only what was in time before childbirth. After returning from the maternity hospital, I took the iron in my hands a year and a half later, and then because my daughter had to go to graduation. The child grew up on unironed diapers and did not notice this. Grandmothers also did not pay attention. Even the doctor, who occasionally visited us, did not react to this egregious fact. But in the free time, I checked the lessons with the eldest, while cooking, cleaning and drinking tea at the same time.

And the last. Launder things right away

It looked like this for me: you take dirty diapers, bibs, sliders, undershirts and brush off feces, lumps of dirt, stuck cookies, a piece of LEGO into the trash with a brush. We rinse the remaining dirt under a strong stream of water and wash it with ordinary laundry soap.

Well, if you learn to do it with gloves. Your hands will thank you later.

We put it in a basin with a washing solution (we separate baby clothes, remember?). In the evening, everything is thrown into the washing machine on a normal basis. Then we add a second rinse, and we have time to put the baby to bed. And when he wakes up at night, after feeding, you can get up and hang up the diapers. The main thing is to do it carefully so that it looks like ironed. And do not fall asleep halfway.

And remember, it doesn’t matter to the baby how perfectly clean his clothes are or what is stained from his older brother. The main thing is how happy and rested his mother is.

By the time the baby was born, the parents picked up baby clothes, bought a stroller, and arranged a cozy nest for the baby. Sometimes the question remains without due attention: “How to wash children's things?”

For newborns, careful removal of liquid feces and urine from diapers, vests, and slips is required. It is important to choose a “soft”, hypoallergenic product without irritating components for washing children's clothes. Explore the range of safe washing powders and gels, find out the rules for washing a newborn's wardrobe by hand and machine.

How to wash things for newborns

In supermarkets, household chemicals with hypoallergenic properties are presented. Imported and domestic samples remove dirt well from the things of the newborn, but do not irritate the delicate skin of the crumbs.

Manufacturers offer special gels and powders without aggressive components. ECO-compositions of foreign manufacturers are in demand. Non-toxic, safe products are more expensive, but there is a guarantee that the powder or gel will not provoke allergies.

How to choose the right remedy

Requirements for powders and gels for baby clothes:

  • The delicate detergent is made by a well-known company with a good reputation. Quality compounds, especially those with the prefix "bio", are never cheap;
  • minimum or complete absence of phosphates, conditioners, optical brighteners;
  • soft, natural surfactants;
  • effective stain control in hot/warm water;
  • no pungent odor;
  • ideal option - the inscription "hypoallergenic" on the package;
  • in ECO powders there is a mark "biodegradable". This indicates the absence of harm not only for the baby's skin, but also for nature;
  • the goods are sold in a pharmacy or a large supermarket (guarantee that you will not buy a fake).

Note! Hypoallergenic gels and powders are labeled “for washing baby clothes”, “for children”, and other similar inscriptions on the packaging. Some brands produce formulations in the same line for adults and children, such as GALA (regular powder) plus GALINKA (for babies). Refuse to buy "adult" household chemicals, do not risk the health of a newborn.

10 rules for washing children's clothes

  • always pay attention to the good condition of children's underwear, but do not bring the fight for cleanliness to fanaticism;
  • Always wash new undershirts, slips, bonnets, diapers, and other items of your baby’s wardrobe before putting them on for the first time. Things will become softer, they will not rub delicate skin. After washing, be sure to iron the fabric with a hot iron;
  • use only special formulations without irritating components marked "for washing baby clothes";
  • if diapers, slips are heavily soiled, rinse them well under the tap, lather, soak, after half an hour put in the machine or wash by hand;
  • rinses, conditioners, bleaches - compounds that are prohibited for use to remove dirt from children's things. Excess odors, aggressive components provoke allergies;
  • Always wash undershirts, bonnets, sliders, diapers, and other items of children's wardrobe separately from things of other family members, even older children;
  • always thoroughly rinse out things that come into contact with the newborn's body, remove foam well from baby bedding. The washing machine gives a better rinse;
  • mommy should wash her things that come into contact with the baby's skin (nursing shirt, bra, and so on) with the same means as for children's clothes;
  • a hot steam iron after washing will help to disinfect and soften the newborn's wardrobe items;
  • dry clothes away from the road: the less dust gets on the baby’s things, the lower the likelihood of negative reactions.

Washing baby clothes in the car:

  • put only underwear and clothes of the newborn into the drum;
  • load the machine in moderation: in a full drum, things are washed and rinsed worse;
  • use only baby powders or soap shavings dissolved in water;
  • if the machine has a program for washing children's clothes, use only this type of treatment. In the absence of a program, set the "delicate wash" mode;
  • until the baby has grown up, do not wash heavily soiled adult clothes, rugs, shoes in the machine;
  • For a perfect removal of detergent residue, always use the Extra Rinse programme.


  • pour hot water into a basin, put on thin cotton gloves to protect your hands, then rubber gloves. The hotter the water, the better;
  • use baby soap or special powders. Soap foam has a more delicate effect on the skin, does not cause allergies;
  • pre-soak heavily soiled items for 30–60 minutes in soapy foam, water must be hot;
  • after washing, rinse the laundry several times with hot, then cold water: particles of powder or soap irritate the skin of the newborn;
  • washing by hand is harder and longer. If possible, buy a washing machine: while the appliance is running, you can relax a little, take time for your baby or husband.

The best washing powders and gels for baby clothes

Pay attention to popular brands of contaminant removers. The products are designed taking into account the characteristics of the skin of a newborn, do not contain toxic substances and fragrances.

amway baby


  • phosphate-free concentrated agent SA8™ Baby;
  • country of origin - USA;
  • hypoallergenic product with a delicate effect;
  • the BIOQUEST Formula™ mark confirms the hypoallergenicity of the product;
  • all ingredients are obtained only from natural sources (trona mineral and grain);
  • things are easy to rinse, the composition is quickly removed after washing;
  • no strong odor;
  • the product is ideal for sensitive, delicate skin of children;
  • concentrated washing powder is approved for use from the first days of life;
  • not suitable for heavily soiled, does not always wash the remnants of juice or food stains;
  • water temperature during stain removal - from 30 to 90 degrees;
  • the average cost of an organic product is 2000 rubles, the weight of the package is 3 kg. This amount is enough for 85-88 washes.

Burti Baby


  • safe components, eco-friendly product based on natural soap;
  • phosphate-free powder, concentrated agent;
  • the composition contains enzymes, components that prevent color fading;
  • fraction - small, but there is no "dust effect" when laying in a washing machine container;
  • softens clothes well, perfectly removes biological contaminants;
  • removes "difficult" stains without aggressive action;
  • after processing by hand or in a typewriter, pleasant softness of fabrics remains;
  • country of origin - Germany;
  • the estimated cost of a package weighing 900 g is 490 rubles;
  • The volume is designed for 28 hand washes or 18 machine washes.

eared babysitter


  • product of the company "Nevskaya cosmetics";
  • well washes various pollution;
  • concentration of phosphates - less than 30%, surfactants - from 5 to 15%;
  • economical consumption;
  • packaging of different volumes - from 400 g to 9.0 kg;
  • suitable for hand and machine wash;
  • unobtrusive smell;
  • often have to additionally rinse things;
  • causes skin irritation in some babies;
  • in large packages there is no measuring cup;
  • the powder cannot be called hypoallergenic;
  • the average cost of a package of 400 g is 55 rubles, 2.4 kg - 355 rubles, 4.5 kg - 580 rubles, 6 kg - 720 rubles.

garden kids


  • high-quality powder is made on the basis of baby soap;
  • silver ions kill harmful bacteria;
  • the composition does not contain irritating components, fragrances and bleaches;
  • components: baby soap, silver citrate, soda;
  • an environmentally friendly product must be poured directly into the drum, set the temperature from 60 degrees;
  • dissolves quickly, washes dirt well, easily rinses out of various types of fabrics;
  • biodegradable composition;
  • means disinfects things;
  • a concentrated product is a replacement for three standard packages;
  • the average cost of 400 g of powder is 135 rubles.

our mother


  • high-quality product from soap shavings of the category "Extra";
  • delicately washes baby clothes;
  • hypoallergenic agent;
  • does not dry out the skin of the hands;
  • can be used in the machine or hand washed;
  • no pungent odor;
  • packages of different weights, economical consumption;
  • the average cost of 500 g is 270 rubles, 900 g is 480 rubles, 2200 g is 1000 rubles.

Hypoallergenic products

Positive feedback has earned high-quality compositions of well-known brands:

  • Our mother, Mir detstva, Garden Kids (Russia);
  • Amway baby (USA).
  • Baby Born, Burti Baby, Frosch (Germany).

Folk methods

Good results are obtained by the use of natural remedies:

  • soap nuts. Order online or buy at a phyto-pharmacy. The fruits of the soap tree contain a high concentration of saponins - safe natural foaming agents. Miracle nuts are suitable for hand/machine washing, give abundant foam, delicately care for things, do not cause skin irritation and allergies;
  • You can bleach diapers with baking soda or hydrogen peroxide. Be sure to rinse things well.