How does a good lover behave? How to behave with a man so that he is afraid of losing you

When relationships between lovers go through their peak, many women begin to worry about the impending breakup. They try to find "secrets" in relationships with men, delve into psychology in order to understand how to behave with their loved ones, how to talk and even how to manipulate them.

In this article, we will help you figure out what to do so as not to lose your man, and also consider the opinion of men on this matter - what kind of woman they would like to see next to them.

As in many other questions of psychology, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer here. It all depends on what kind of relationship you are in; who is he to you boyfriend, lover or husband? Each of these types of men needs a different approach. If you can adjust to your loved one and behave properly with him, he will hold on to you with both hands.

How to behave with a man if you love him and do not want to lose him

If you feel love for your man, then you are unlikely to want to manipulate him. Most likely, you are looking for an answer to the question - what to change in yourself, how to behave correctly.

But life is such that manipulation is indispensable.

Watch your partner, determine how he reacts to your behavior, what causes him admiration, alertness, and what, on the contrary, discontent. Having coped with this task, it will be easy for you to determine which “buttons” to press at what moment.

  • If he likes to get up late, let him do it. Instead of pointless attempts to wake him up, go about your business, put yourself in order. And then please your loved one with breakfast in bed.
  • If he's a fast food lover, don't force him to eat boiled vegetables without salt. A man needs freedom, and he can take care of his own health if he wants to.

Let him meet his friends, go to fitness or shopping by yourself. Just don't get him with your calls or Whatsap messages, such "freedom" will be useless for him.

  • Know how to praise your man in time, for example, for business viability, for a beautiful voice, for the ability to choose the color of a tie for a suit, for musical abilities, for unconditional charisma, for success, talent, intelligence, generosity, and so on. Praise will be a carrot, and reducing its dose at the right time - a kind of veiled whip.
  • Don't remind him of past failures. All people make mistakes, but this does not mean that with mistakes a person loses his dignity. Let your young man forget about the past and live today with grandiose plans for the future.
  • Too much attention hurts. Always remember that your boyfriend has a mother and you don't need to take her place in his life. You don’t have to treat him like a child, you shouldn’t reassure him much in difficult life situations, otherwise in the end such care will lead to the fact that you will just enrage him.
  • Unlike women, men are not always comfortable talking about their problems. They also do not like to listen to other people's problems. Try to keep some thoughts about your work or girlfriends to yourself. He doesn't need to know about it. You can only share what is really important for both of you.
  • Don't plan for the future Learn to live for today. If dreaming about how you will celebrate your next birthday is still normal, then making plans for celebrating your 50th anniversary - you yourself understand, this is too much.

How to behave with a husband if he has a mistress

If you know for sure about the presence of a third woman in your relationship, but you are ready to forgive betrayal, this advice is for you.

This is advice on how to behave with a man so that he is afraid of losing you and refuses his mistress. Alas, men are susceptible to the temptations with which our world is literally teeming. Not every, even the most beautiful and super smart woman manages to keep a man in her power. Women who have been affected by adultery by an official husband or so-called common-law husband are very numerous in our country.

If you have decided for yourself that you are ready to forgive your husband and you are not going to share him with anyone else, you need to choose the right strategy. We offer you 3 options for your further behavior:

  1. Show that you can't live without him. Simply put - put pressure on one's conscience.
  2. Showcase indifference. A man who loves to win and conquer will forget all the women in the world and, most likely, will begin to court you with zeal. Then not far off is your new honeymoon with him.
  3. Show unparalleled care, as if showing that you rethought the situation and realized how irreplaceable he is. For a certain category of men, such a turn of events absolutely pushes all other women into the background, because in any case you are incomparably more dear and desirable to him, and now you have kindled new feelings for him.

Dear women! Before applying this or that advice, understand one simple thing: every man is unique. What works well in one situation may have the opposite effect in another. Therefore, first look at your partner, be able to understand him. Plus, do not forget to also listen to yourself - do you need it or not?

How to behave with a lover so that he is afraid of losing you?

To maintain a constant interest in a man, in this case- lover, you need to follow fairly simple rules:

  • Do not try to impose your opinion on a man, do not argue a lot, do not try hard to convince him of something, stubbornly insisting on your own. In this case, you can only become an irritant for him, but he should feel easy and calm with you, and not go to a meeting, like on a battlefield.
  • If you want to skillfully bind a lover to you, do not try to be overly affectionate during the meeting, everything should be in moderation. Keep a balance so as not to tire him.
  • Men do not really like such women who always complain about life and love to shed a tear. Although this is the most common female trick, and, of course, your lover will feel sorry for you. But remember the rule! You should not overwork him with your problems often and a lot, you are a quick-witted smart woman, and, most likely, you understand what this threatens. Yes! If you become boring and uninteresting to him, he will simply leave or find a replacement for you.
  • Very important sexual compatibility. This is the main point that is of interest to the male representatives. Find out your partner's preferences, and if you suddenly don't like something, don't make harsh statements and don't show disgust, otherwise you risk losing your lover forever. Manipulate him skillfully, admire his virtues, do not criticize, gently lead him to what you like, and he will certainly make concessions.

After all, it is important for a man to know that he himself made a decision, and not under the pressure of your opinion.

  • Be flexible, be a little reserved, because meeting with you should be associated with relaxation, pleasure, comfort.
  • Know how to listen carefully, become to some extent a friend to whom he will trust, but again, do not be a shirt-guy, know how to keep your distance.
  • You should have true femininity that will definitely draw him in. Then he will cherish you and will never want to part with you.

If you want to learn all the rules on how to behave with a lover so that he is afraid of losing you, you need to look closely at a man, find out what he loves, skillfully adapt to his interests. But don't be a rag doll with no will.

He should see in you a self-confident lady who knows her worth, and then, believe me, your relationship will be even stronger and more interesting.

What kind of woman does a man need so that he does not want to lose her

How pleasant those feelings are when you fall in love and realize that you have found the one that you have been waiting for all your life. You seem to flutter around him on wings, trying to spend every second with him and trying to please him in everything. But it happens that a man is literally “strangled” by your excessive caress and care, and then he leaves, leaving you all alone, breaking all your dreams and hopes.

Filled with tears, you ask: “Well, why did he do this to me ?! After all, he said that he loves ... ".

Maybe the problem is with you? Or maybe he really loved, but could not bear these love "tortures"? This needs to be dealt with urgently. So, how to behave with a man so that he is afraid of losing you.

  1. Everything in moderation. First, you need to remember that everything should be in moderation. If feelings are overwhelming, and you can’t resist squeezing him, it’s better to cuddle the dog, and just peck him on the cheek. Endless SMS and phone calls are unlikely to bring joy to a lover. He should get bored and understand how bad he is without you. But you don’t need to completely forget about him - men need to be loved and admired. If a pretty lady comes across on his way, who will give him signs of attention that he does not receive from you, without hesitation, he will go to her.
  2. A little self-love. Women who ask how to behave with a man so that he is afraid of losing you need to remember that first she must love and respect herself, develop mentally, spiritually, morally, be interesting, diversified - a man should be interested with her. Men who have drawn all the information from their passion will go looking for another "object" for study. And besides, if you have a useful business, you will spend less time thinking like: Where is he now? Who is he with now? What if he's with...? I'll call and find out.
  3. Friends are lovers. Well, the main answer to the question: how to behave with a man so that he is afraid of losing you? - become his friend. This does not mean that you need to put on a football jersey and go play football with him, or take a porn magazine and discuss naked girls with him. You just need to learn to understand him, be able to listen to his problems at work, conflicts with superiors, learn to give useful advice. By the way, it is for them that we turn to our friends.

Of course, this is all superficial and generalized. Each man should have his own specific approach. And there are no single rules on how to behave with a man so that he is afraid of losing you. The most important thing is to understand a person, try to put yourself in his place in a given situation. And of course, don't forget about yourself.

Every second woman in our time is a mistress. Tolley was looking for the prince, but she didn’t wait, or she was still looking for him. There can be a lot of reasons why women agree to the role of a mistress. And if you secretly got yourself a mistress from your wife, then find out how to behave with her. After all, women are very capricious, then they need a trip to the Canary Islands, then a ring with a brulik, or even they want to get married as soon as possible. Do not please in time, and the wife can find out everything.

So, below we will give ways that will help to cope with mistresses.

Have more sex with her

At first, have sex with her often. Learn with her new poses from the Kama Sutra. She will think that maybe this is her destiny. It is still too early for you to go to the cinema and theaters.

Always leave at the same time

So that the wife does not suspect anything superfluous, always leave your mistress at the same time and go straight home. At first, she will be offended and beg not to go, but you are a family man and must keep your mistress in her place. If she sees that you are not being led by her requests to stay, then later she will almost fall under her feet near the door and not let you go. But you firmly stand your ground, and she will get used to the fact that at exactly 8 or 9 you will constantly leave her. Before you go home, be sure to take a shower and do it every time. No need to come to your wife with the smell of other people's perfume. There will be a scandal.

Do not show your economic impulses

If she had a breakdown of the car or the toilet, in no case do not rush to show your economic abilities. Once you show them once, and it will be waiting for you all the time. Previously, she coped with these problems without you and now she will cope. You came to her for one purpose - sex. This is what you do. If the breakdown happened with your "help" also do not rush to handle it, and even better, stay away from such things that can break.

Meeting Friends

Introduce her only to such friends who will not miss a single skirt. If a friend develops sympathy for her, and he even slaps her on the pope, then be calm and let her see it. At first, she will be offended by you, and then she will be pleased that she attracts the attention of men. Do not be jealous of her, this is not a wife, but with such behavior of a friend with his wife, it’s not a sin to punch him in the face.


Gifts should be given tasteless and useless. For example, a collection of essays or just a bouquet of flowers. If you do not want to seem greedy, then give something more expensive. But do not overdo it so that she does not fantasize to herself that you want to marry her. She must understand that you will stay with your wife.

Talk to her

Talk to her about sex . In between and after it, tell her what you like about sex and how many partners you had, ask her about it too. A girl should know that talking about ex-partners negatively affects relationships. And if you talk about them, then let her understand. That you're only with her for sex and nothing more.

Before you start a mistress, you need to think about why you need it, if there is always a loving wife at hand who cooks breakfast for you every morning, does laundry and brings up your children. Why hurt her again. But if you already have a mistress or really want to have one, then do everything possible so that your wife does not find out about her. Don't break her loving heart

Folk wisdom says that a woman should be a caring mother in the nursery, a friendly mistress in the kitchen and a passionate lover in the bedroom. And the first, and the second, and the third can be learned. But if we still agree to comprehend the basics of cooking or home economics, then we categorically refuse to study sexual science. "Women's Passions" offer to discard all stereotypes and try to become an ideal lover for your man.

"You are not a woman! You are an exception!

Everyone who has been seduced wants to seduce himself.
Marlene Dietrich

First you need to answer the question: “What is she, an ideal lover?” What is it that attracts her? And why do many men think that a bad lover is a hundred times better than a good wife?

1. So, the perfect lover knows exactly what her partner wants . She knows how best to caress him and what to say. Of course, this knowledge does not fall on her "from the sky", she achieves them through long conversations "about it."

The mistress radiates desire, therefore, becomes the object of sexual attention for persons of the opposite sex. She has sex not "for company", but with pleasure and joy. She is an uninhibited woman and boldly tries new positions and new places.

2. She is smart, charming and bold. Enough smart , after all, it was not for nothing that history brought the parable of Napoleon to us. Once he asked his adjutant to find him a lady for the night, always smart. "Forgive me, sir, but why does a woman have a lot of intelligence in bed?" - he was perplexed. "And who will I talk to in between?" replied Bonaparte.

Magnificent mistresses were Cleopatra and Josephine, Lilya Brik and the Marquise de Pompadour. You can read their biographies at your leisure and try to imagine yourself in the place of one of these great women.

3. Mistress allows a man to feel like a real macho, and he, in turn, gives her an incomparable sensation of a seductress. Therefore, such ties, as a rule, are durable - no one wants to break such a successful union.

4. A lover differs from his wife in that she considers a man a holiday - while for his wife he has long become commonplace. With a mistress, a man rediscovers himself: he becomes the most intelligent, sexy, passionate and generous.

Here is what Lilya Brik said about this: “It is necessary to inspire a man that he is wonderful or even brilliant, but that others do not understand this. And allow him what they do not allow him at home. For example, smoking or driving wherever you like. Good shoes and silk underwear will do the rest.” It was to her that men said: "You are not a woman, you are an exception."

Do you want to be the "exception" for your man? Tired of routine in sex? Then forward to the next chapter!

From the dance of trembling knees to self-confidence

You can save yourself from a tiger, from an earthquake or a typhoon,
but not from a woman who decided to take possession of you.
Jewish proverb

A lot has been written about the art of seduction, which a lover should be fluent in. In some, it is advised to dance a striptease, in others - to visit a sex shop, in others - to watch a porn movie. You can try all of these, but now we will focus on something else.

No matter how wonderful the idea, but striptease can turn into a dance of trembling knees, and watching pornography into a humiliating copying of poses (often, unbearably acrobatic). This must be avoided by all means. Your main assistant on the way to the ideal lover is self-love.

5. Need to love yourself unconditionally and wholeheartedly, once and for all. Try walking up to the mirror and telling the reflection, "I love you." Does not work? Ashamed? Nothing, it will pass. After a week or two of hard training, this phrase will seem easy, and you will feel like a geisha: a mysterious, inaccessible, "thing in itself."

6. Next step - love your body . Understand that the model parameters "90-60-90" are not an end in itself in life, and an ideal figure will not bring happiness in itself. You have to love your breasts, your thighs, and your hair. Think: would you love your man if he was disgusted with his torso? I'm sure not. The attitude to the body needs to be learned from men - they are happy with what they have, and do not complex with or without reason.

7. Your eyes should glow , as if you are filled (and so it is!) with some kind of internal energy and strength. Those eyes are charming. Imagine that a fire is burning inside you, and do not forget about it when you are shopping, walking, taking a shower. Remember that the ideal lover radiates desire - so you try to “radiate” something.

These three simple steps will give you confidence and looseness. After you have passed them, you can proceed directly to seduction.

Thank you for every night of love

Secrets of the perfect lover

When your husband has finished eating, don't let him go to bed before you.
You need to get settled there first in order to invite him.
He must understand that you are finally ready for him.
Leave only a small bandage on the hips, the most beautiful,
and always wear pearls at the waist - they are needed for seduction.
And then, when everything happens, you can ask him for the moon:
he will go looking for her for you!


8. The ideal lover is not only perfectly "savvy" in matters of sex, she also knows how to create a special atmosphere. In ancient treatises, attention was paid to everything: supper, incense or aromatic oils, environment, clothing.

These details play a very important role. To create an atmosphere means to create the mood of the whole evening . Try experimenting with lighting: a red lamp instead of the usual one can turn the evening into a volcano of passion.

Hang in the bedroom and spread on the floor and large beds erotic pictures (you can from your archive), and if there are none, then buy an erotic album. You can view the "before" or "during" photos. Either way, they'll do their part and fuel your passion.

Meet your man in a negligee, but with some erotic detail : it can be a long string of beads around the neck or a rose in the hair. Before that, warn him with a call or SMS about a surprise of a sexual nature. This is especially necessary if your man is a big conservative.

9. Surprise a man unusual dinner. If earlier you ate hastily and semi-finished products, now prepare full-fledged snacks and salads. Sparkling wine is welcome, but in reasonable quantities. Experiment with tequila - salt can be licked from anywhere. The main thing is not to overdo it with alcohol.

10. If everything goes as it should, then your man will “turn on” very quickly. Your task - stretch the pleasure for a long time. During sex, interrupt, rest, change positions. You can even talk, but not about household chores, and even more so not about world news, but about sensations and feelings. Finally, tell us where you need to be stroked, touched, pinched and what you enjoy.

11. After the peak, gently hug your one and tell him "thank you" for this night of love.

12. After such an “outbreak”, even old relationships flare up with renewed vigor. However the ideal lover does not stop there - she experiments with a man . Of course, you won’t be able to do this every night (and you don’t have to, it will quickly become commonplace), but from time to time you need to pamper yourself and your loved one!


In order to conquer a man and be able to keep him near her, a woman must take into account several important points. First of all, she must take care of herself. You should regularly visit a hairdresser, do manicures, pedicures, monitor the condition of your skin and hair, regularly update your wardrobe. For many men, the inner world of a girl, her intellectual abilities are of great importance. An important point for the development of strong relationships is the sexual emancipation of a woman, her behavior in bed. However, she should not be just a seductive beauty. Many men appreciate in their mistresses the ability to listen, support, suggest good advice in difficult times. Perfectly brings people in love together by common activities, hobbies and hobbies.

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    Secrets of the perfect lover

    Sometimes in life there is a situation when a woman has a lover. Every man has his own ideas about the ideal. However, a woman at such a moment asks herself many questions about how to properly communicate with a man, how she should look and perform actions so that her lover is drawn to her and is afraid of losing her. There are several points that are very important for maintaining a relationship:

    1. 1. First of all, a woman should pay attention to her appearance. A man should not be ashamed of his mistress. She should take care of her hair, dress with taste, monitor the condition of her nails and skin, do hair removal, use perfume.
    2. 2. In every movement, gesture, voice of a woman there must be sexuality. Beautiful lingerie, stockings, stilettos will help to complement your image of a seductive temptress.
    3. 3. A mistress must be irresistible in bed. Many men have connections on the side precisely because their sexual relationships have become insipid and boring. Therefore, a woman should give her lover what he lacks in the family. Intimate relationships should be passionate, full of pleasant surprises. To win the heart of a lover, you can learn how to dance a striptease, do an erotic massage. A man will appreciate passion, looseness, different positions and types of sex. You should unobtrusively learn about the sexual fantasies of a lover.
    4. 4. Every man is pleased when he is admired, complimented. Next to the woman he loves, he must feel that he is loved, sexy and unique. During intercourse, you should sincerely tell a man how good it is with him, how he just drives his partner crazy, that he is the best.
    5. 5. A woman should be mysterious. If there is some secret in it that needs to be unraveled, then the beloved man will appreciate it.
    6. 6. One of the main secrets of a successful mistress is not only physical, but also spiritual intimacy.

      A woman needs to become her lover's best friend, who will always understand, listen and support in difficult times.

      How to behave with a man so that he is afraid of losing you

      Polygamy of men what is it

      How to behave with a married lover?

      The psychology of men is such that most of them are polygamous and treat their affairs on the side as something completely normal and ordinary. If a woman decides to start, then she should remember that, first of all, a man needs passionate and varied sex. You should not refuse intimacy, referring to strong employment or poor health. If a woman dreams of a long and passionate relationship, then she should become a passionate lover. You must always look charming and change your images.

      But it should be remembered that in order to keep a man near you, one sex will not be enough. If a couple's relationship is based only on intimacy, then over time they will definitely fade away. A man will return to his wife or find a new love on the side. An ideal lover should share the interests of a man. He must feel spiritual kinship with a woman. In this case, he will not leave her.

      This does not mean that a woman should constantly listen to her lover's complaints about life. The ability to support with good advice in difficult times is important, however, in order to create stronger relationships, it is necessary to carefully study the interests and hobbies of a man. A couple should be united by a common hobby. This will give you the opportunity to spend a lot of time together.

      If the wife took by surprise

      If the lover's wife is an acquaintance of a woman, then talk about a man should be avoided in every possible way. In such a situation, you can accidentally utter a phrase or let it slip.

      In the situation when the wife saw a woman with her husband in a cafe or park, then you should not abruptly pack up and leave. It is better to talk for some more time and after that calmly and calmly go about your business.

      If the wife is unfamiliar with her husband's mistress and accidentally caught the couple at a meeting, then you need to quickly come up with some kind of legend to justify yourself. The main rule is to remain calm. If a woman is nervous, then this will only aggravate the situation. The husband will consider such behavior of his mistress as ideal, because he will know that he can always rely on his beloved woman, and she will not betray.

      The most common mistakes

      Many women are interested in how to behave with a married man. However, few people think about what mistakes should be avoided in a relationship:

    1. 1. You should not ask a man about his wife, children, and even more so insist on his divorce from his wife.
    2. 2. If the couple's relationship is secret, then they must remain so. Otherwise, the woman risks being abandoned.
    3. 3. No need to ask a man for money or help with something. If he considers it necessary to give some expensive present, he will do it himself. Otherwise, the man will think that his beloved woman continues the relationship with him only for the sake of profit.
    4. 4. You can’t make scandals because the beloved didn’t call, didn’t write, or couldn’t come to the meeting. A man is looking for a mistress in order to take a break from conflicts, and not to sort things out. In addition, he cannot fully manage his time, as he depends on the family.

    Features of behavior with a young lover

    Modern ladies quite often prefer to have intimate relationships with men who are much younger than them. In order to keep near him, he should not feel any discomfort or awkwardness due to the difference in age.

    The main secret to achieve your goal is the good appearance of a woman. To avoid conflicts on this basis, it should always look spectacular and great. You should pay great attention to your appearance, regularly visit beauty salons, and undergo pleasant anti-aging procedures.

    If the meetings of a couple in love take place not only in an apartment, but also at a party, a restaurant, then it is necessary to adhere to the same wardrobe style as a man. If he loves an active lifestyle and he likes youth clothes, then a woman should adhere to the same style. In the case when he likes the classics, then his chosen one should also look elegant.

    Meeting with a former lover

    If the relationship with a man ended a long time ago, then the most prudent behavior in this situation is the absence of any communication. In case of a chance meeting, it is worth doing an unobtrusive greeting.

    After parting, do not call a man. Thus, a woman can frame her former lover, because her spouse can find traces of his communication with another. If the relationship has already exhausted itself, then there is no point in continuing them. If a former lover insists on reconnecting, this is unlikely to end in something good.

    How to conquer a lover in bed according to his zodiac sign?

    To know how to behave with a lover and conquer him, you must take into account his zodiac sign. This will help you better understand his addictions in bed and help keep him near you.

    CapricornTo know exactly how -Capricorn, you need to take into account his age. In his youth, he is rather reserved in sex, as he is busy studying and choosing a profession. In middle age, Capricorn likes to experiment in bed. He can often change partners. To keep this man near you, you should be interesting and different. He does not know how to create a romantic atmosphere. After 40 years, Capricorn begins to lead a wild life. His sexual preferences often change, so satisfying his sexual appetite in bed will not be easy.
    AquariusFor the Aquarius man, the environment is very important. It should be light and romantic. He will like lit candles, aromatic lamps. It is better that his partner is dressed in a light transparent outfit that will not hide her curves. A woman should be active. If she herself hints to Aquarius that she wants to have sex with him, then he will simply lose his head. Such self-confident behavior of the partner will give the man strength. You should openly and sincerely talk about your desires and preferences in sex, do not be shy about your emotions and feelings. You can gently whisper in your ear about how good a woman is with this man. He will appreciate it. You should be relaxed and passionate in bed. After intimacy, you can gently touch a man, conduct a casual conversation. In this case, Aquarius will be subdued for a long time
    FishSatisfying the romantic nature of Pisces is not easy. The chosen one of this zodiac sign must correspond to his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal lover. Otherwise, he will become bored, and he will go in search of a new happiness. He is very sensitive, sweet, affectionate, gentle and attentive to his partner in bed, he knows the love technique well. For him, not only physical pleasure is important, but also spiritual intimacy. He idolizes his woman, trying to give her unearthly pleasure. Pisces love mysterious women. With a lover of the Pisces sign, you should show your imagination and become a mystery to him. He really likes to listen to the words of love in his ear. He loves role-playing games, experiments in sex, however, he is afraid to say so. In no case should you criticize Pisces or give a hint about a possible betrayal. In this case, the woman will lose the man forever.
    AriesThese are temperamental, straightforward and open men. If a woman decides to start a relationship with Aries, then she needs to be prepared for the fact that the representatives of this zodiac sign are real hot machos. They are restless in sexual pleasures. For Aries, it is considered quite normal. Aries' favorite girl should always be well-groomed, beautifully dressed, watch her figure. This man gets excited very quickly. For this, just a few gentle touches of his partner are enough. He likes spontaneous and extreme sex. He is ready for intimate relationships anytime and anywhere. He likes experiments, role-playing games, has a penchant for BDSM. During sex shows some aggression. Aries likes to feel like a leader not only in everyday life, but also in bed. He won't take any hints. You just need to calm down and enjoy. You can keep a man - Aries near you only by constantly inciting passion
    TaurusRepresentatives of this zodiac sign are tireless in bed. They get great pleasure from the process itself. However, Taurus is in no hurry to move on to intimate relationships. They are waiting for the right moment. Sex with Taurus will be sensitive and tender. He will never allow himself to be rude or vulgar. The man of this zodiac sign is a bit old-fashioned, conservative and romantic. You should not fall for the tricks of Taurus to have sex on the first date. Taurus will do everything possible to please his mistress, but expects the same attitude from her. The coldness of a woman will scare away the Taurus man. The main thing is not to rush him in bed. Gradually having studied the beloved woman, Taurus is able to make a real sensation in bed. He likes role-playing games, experiments.
    TwinsFor a Gemini man, it is important that the outer beauty of a woman is complemented by a rich inner world. We must be prepared for the fact that often they themselves do not know what they want in a relationship. In bed for Gemini, grace and aesthetics are important. Sex should be not just a physiological need, but a dance of souls. A woman needs to constantly improve in intimate relationships, otherwise a man will lose interest in her. Geminis love to have sex often. They are ready to do it anywhere. If a Gemini man goes for treason, then this suggests that he lacks variety in sex. In order to keep such a man near you, you do not have to be modest, but indulge in pleasures with him as often as possible. Abstinence in sex for Gemini is categorically unacceptable. A man of this zodiac sign should not be denied the fulfillment of his sexual fantasies. Boredom and monotony will kill the most passionate feelings
    CancerCancers like to dominate in sex. They want to be the best in bed in order to get maximum power over their partner. They are fluent in the art of seduction. Cancers are very jealous, so you should not talk in detail about your intimate relationships with other men. In sex, they are interested in their own satisfaction. They indulge in love pleasures according to their mood. If the partner is not set up for love games, then you should not insist on this.

    It should be borne in mind that Cancers are great workaholics. If you need to make a choice between the bed and your professional activities, then the representatives of this sign will give preference to work. Cancers categorically should not make remarks in bed. They are very vulnerable and touchy. If a man finds out that something does not satisfy his partner in bed, then he will go in search of a new love. Cancers do not like encroachment on their freedom. If a woman starts hinting at him to legitimize the relationship, then he will quietly disappear from her life.

    a lionFor Leo men, sex is much more than just carnal pleasures. In a relationship with Leo, one must take into account that they do not like fast sex. They will not make love several times a day. But in one act, Leo is able to demonstrate everything he is capable of in bed. He likes to woo a woman. For a man, the behavior of a partner is very important. He expects her to be delighted with his technique and abilities. Leos love compliments and praise. In response, a man of this sign will give his beloved woman unearthly pleasure. It is very important for him how the partner looks. She should be beautiful, sexy, neat and well-groomed. You should be careful with jokes or remarks, as one innocent word will destroy the entire relationship. Lions spend little time on foreplay. You shouldn't be modest in bed. Leo must feel what vivid emotions he evokes in his partner
    VirgoVirgo is very selective in choosing his partner. You should not try to deceive him, as the man of this sign prefers a clean and trusting relationship. Virgos are terrible possessives. Although, for his part, a man will never give a reason for jealousy. Beloved woman will be surrounded by care and attention. Virgos like cleanliness, not only physical, but also moral. Some representatives of this sign like virtual sexual relations. His chosen one must be intellectually developed.

    Virgo men are the most affectionate partners. They are able to bring their partner to orgasm with just touch. Virgos just love sex. Even the most insignificant trifle excites them: a languid look, the length of a skirt, an extra unbuttoned button of a blouse. Virgos like praise and flattery in their address. One has only to hint about how a woman likes his dignity, as he will immediately drag her to bed. A man likes to learn everything new and interesting in sex. In relationships with Virgo, it should be borne in mind that they are very vulnerable, so the slightest disappointment can hurt them deep in their hearts.

    ScalesLibra strives for harmony in everything, so they prefer having sex in a beautiful romantic setting. They like role-playing games, spontaneous and varied sex. Libra prefers to give more than to receive in return in sex. It is important for a man that his partner openly admires his abilities in bed. Libra loves to explore the body of his partner and look for erogenous zones on it. Libra likes it when a woman takes the initiative herself. A man will sincerely worry about whether his partner has experienced an orgasm. The representative of this sign will like it if a woman gently strokes his body with her hand before sex. Libras love to watch someone have sex. He may want to admire his reflection in the mirror or offer to add someone else
    ScorpionFor Scorpios, sex is a very important and integral part of life. It serves as a source of inspiration for them. They will not tolerate the phlegm and calmness of their partner. A woman should be as passionate and hot as Scorpio himself. A man of this sign is always ready for carnal pleasures. If he cheats, then this means that he lacks vivid feelings and diversity in sex. But if Scorpio meets a woman who will meet all his requirements, then he will give up flirting and relationships on the side. Scorpios are selfish in intimate relationships. A man will persuade his partner to do what he likes. In return, he will do everything that the partner asks for. Scorpio is exhausting in bed, and after sex with him, many immediately fall asleep due to lack of energy. If a woman fully meets all the requirements in bed, then he will even think about proposing to her.
    SagittariusSagittarius needs a woman who will surprise him with her looks, so you should try to diversify your wardrobe. You should change meeting places with a representative of this zodiac sign. Quiet dates in a cozy cafe should alternate with extreme sports outings, trips to the theater or nightly cinema sessions. To fall in love with Sagittarius, you need to be sincerely interested in the life of your man. To avoid cheating, you should make your sex life varied and interesting. Men are prone to fetishism. For example, the chosen one of Sagittarius should be dressed in shoes and stockings. These are good masters of erotic massage. Sagittarians enjoy oral and anal sex. The chosen one of Sagittarius must be faithful to him. He can never forgive betrayal. You should not even jokingly flirt in front of Sagittarius with another man

    If the lady is married

    There are cases in life when a woman meets a man who is very attractive to her and they start a relationship despite the fact that the woman herself is married. In this case, it is important to follow some rules of conduct in order not to give yourself away and not hurt loved ones:

    1. 1. In no case should you tell anyone about your relationship, even your best friend. An exception can only be a personal psychologist.
    2. 2. You should be extremely careful. All SMS and traces of telephone conversations must be deleted immediately. A woman should forbid her lover to call in the evening. It is not necessary to bring gifts from him into the house or bring them into the house.
    3. 3. During intimacy should be protected.
    4. 4. The spouse should not find out about the betrayal under any circumstances, even after parting with her lover. Otherwise, a woman risks being left all alone. The spouse should feel alone.
    5. 5. If the relationship with a lover has become obsolete and has begun to bring negative emotions, then in such a situation, parting will be the best way out.
    6. 6. You should analyze the reasons that a woman decided to have a lover. When she can realize what she lacks in the family, this will only strengthen her relationship with her husband.

    Behavior of a woman after a long separation from her beloved

    Sometimes in life there are situations when lovers have to part for a while. Sooner or later, but the day comes when a man returns after a long separation.

    The main task of a woman is to make this day a real holiday. She must show the man with all her appearance that she missed him very much and is insanely glad to see him. You need to find time and do a beautiful hairstyle, makeup, manicure, update your wardrobe.

    It is not excluded that the separation will cause some alienation. But over time it will pass. The meeting should take place in a warm and gentle atmosphere. All gestures, kisses, a woman's smile should speak of strong feelings for a man. He will be pleased to feel happy and desired.

    And some secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

    I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person like his eyes.

    But how do you rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...