Hair mask to not. Mask with welding for the growth and nutrition of oily hair. Mask with birch juice for dry hair

Use homemade hair masks to transform your appearance. Their natural composition will allow you to restore damaged curls quickly and without financial costs, cure the head of the head and get the usual strands of glitter and shine. Simple and effective, they will change your life for the better.

To date, homemade hair masks are one of the most sought-after care products for various types of curls. Not everyone has enough money to visit the beauty salons, and hairdressers and all sorts of shop trends are effective only for a week. The mask prepared at home is a completely different sense. It is easy to use, does not require large financial and temporary costs, natural and has a good and quite long-playing result. If you need a full hair care, safe treatment of the scalp, restoring damaged strands, try using simple and efficient hair masks recipes at home. The most important thing is to choose the corresponding ingredients.

The composition of homemade hair masks

So, you decided to restore your hair with home masks: where to start? Decide first of all with the problem you want to solve. What worries you? It can be dandruff, falling asleep your shoulders; hair falling by flocks; Premature Sedina, which is older; Sequencing tips that do not give you to repel chic, thick curls. To solve each of these problems, certain ingredients will be required, each of which is famous for specific properties. Capturing the art of cooking homemade hair masks, you must first take special ingredients for them.


  • Honey: Heals the scalp, restores damage, moisturizes dry hair, nourishes strands with various vitamins and elements;
  • milk products (Cottage cheese, kefir, milk, yogurt, cream, prokobokvash): With a high percentage of fatty, becoming beautiful humidifiers for dry curls, with low - eliminate fatty strands, average fatness - an indicator that the mask can be used for conventional nutritional nutrition nutrition ;
  • egg: In solid form, perfectly feeds dull hair, returning them to life; Separately used in domestic masks protein - Present salvation for fatty hair, while yolk - Beautiful humidifier for dried;
  • : It is famous for its restoring properties, therefore it is used most often for the treatment of listed tips;
  • spices and seasonings (Cinnamon, mustard, ginger): have an irritating effect on the scalp, improve blood circulation, so that they are excellent homemade hair growth activators;
  • alcoholic beverages (Vodka, Cognac): You can only use fatty hair care;
  • fruits (lemon, apple, banana, avocado): nourish vitamins;
  • sugar and salt: clean the scalp from excess garbage, improving cellular breathing;
  • bread smoothes hair, makes strands with soft and obedient;
  • gelatin gives curls just fantastic shine.

Cosmetic oils

  • rEYONE: accelerates hair growth;
  • castor: saves from further excision tips;
  • almond: Improves the state of the mixed type of curls when the tips are cut and sees, and the roots remain fat;
  • coconut: gives shine and life shine even;
  • : treat seborrhea;
  • : strengthens the roots;
  • sea buckthorn: restores micro-damage;
  • : Moisturizes dried, brittle strands;
  • peach: gently cares for any type of curls;
  • grape bones: For home care for normal hair.


  • for dry hair: Use the incense, palmarozha, patchouli, mirry, pink tree, orange, chamomile, mandarin, sandalwood, lavender;
  • for oily hair: Choose ginger, lemon, citronella, tea tree, bergamot, melissa, geranium, cedar, mint, cypress, pine, juniper, eucalyptus, kayaput, carnation, verbena, sage;
  • for hair growth: Pay attention to Ilang-Ylang, Carnation, Bay, Cinnamon, Rosemary, Cassia, Muscata Sage, Blue Chamomile, Sandal;
  • against loss hair: AIR, tea and pink trees, Petitgrin, Cedar, Coriander, Bay, Ylang-Ylang, Verbena, Pine, Rosemary, Ladan, Cypress, Minta will be useful.
  • for the treatment of dandruff: chamomile, geranium, lavender, melissa, basil, rosemary, all citrus, eucalyptus, tea tree;
  • for split tips: Take for this purpose chamomile, orange, ylang-ylang, geranium, pink tree, sandalwood, vetiver, lavender.

For household masks, avocado is perfect, which can be used by itself or as one of the components. About the benefits and recipes of masks you will find

If there is no time on masks, then try the night. How to cook them:

The best homemade hair masks: recipes

Recipes of homemade hair masks are a lot. In order not to be confused in this diversity, always keep the list of ingredients you need in your head, which will solve your problem. This will help navigate the recipes and choose the correct option.

  • Homemade Hair Growth Mask

Two art. Spoons of mustard powder poured two tbsp. Spoons of hot water. It is carefully laid. A crude yolk is added, two tbsp. Spoons of any cosmetic or olive oil. Before applying to dissolve two chain in the mask. Spoons of sugar sand.

  • Musk against hair loss

Mixed at one art. Spoon Warm Castorka, Low Juice, Calendula Tincture, Preheated Honey, Cognac, Tinnoy Pepper. The most recently added raw yolk. To kill the smell of onions on the hair, rinse them with a lemon solution with the addition of any essential oil.

  • Home smoothing mask

Mixed one chain. Spoon glycerin and vinegar. One whole egg is added. Before applying to interfere with warm cosmetic oils: two tbsp. Spoons of Caster and Jojoba.

  • Homemade hair mask

Two chain. Spoons of dry yeast poured 50 ml of milk and left for half an hour. After 30 minutes, add three arteys to swelling yeast. Spoons of warm honey, 100 ml of heated kefir.

  • Home mask against dandruff

Aloe, which reserved in the refrigerator for at least a week, grind in a blender. Mix three st. Spoons of the resulting green mass with 20 ml of a good brandy, two st. spoons of heated honey, raw yolk.

  • Home

Whipped egg mixed with one art. a spoon of liquid honey and two st. Spoons of olive oil.

Sometimes in search of a wonderful agent that would solve all your problems with the skin of the head and naughty, tired curls, you have to try not to try not one homemade hair mask.

The main thing is not to despair. All the organisms are different: someone's strands grow like mushrooms after the rain, from mustard. Others can burn their hair mustard mask. Everything is very individual. Therefore, do not stop in search and you will be rewarded. Try different masks - and then your hair will shine a beautiful glitter and will no longer deliver you trouble.

Recipes and rules for applying the best homemade hair masks: Natural revival of curls

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Locking masks can perform various functions. All of them are saturated, strengthen, restore the integrity, store the color of painted strands and have a different positive effect on the hair. However, so that the product has runoff as efficiently as possible, it should be correctly used.

Consider the main tips, how best to apply mask on hair:

  • Apply during the wash head mask, air conditioning, balm simultaneously does not make sense. All of these funds are aimed at improving the condition and softening of hair, but their action is somewhat different from each other. So, the air conditioner affects the surface of the curl. The mask penetrates his structure. Therefore, air conditioners and balsams should be flushed off a couple of minutes after use. Mask need to be removed from the head after five to ten minutes on average.
  • The optimal use of the mask is every 3rd time after washing the chapels. At the same time, it is applied instead of air conditioner. The latter should be applied regularly after each washing strands, in addition to cases when the mask is applied.
  • It is not recommended to use a logo mask more often than two times within one week. Otherwise the hair will be overloaded and can worsen them appearance.
  • Before starting the use of a particular mask, check if you have allergies to the product or its components. To do this, definitely test. Take a small amount of money and apply it to the inner side of the brush. After five to ten minutes you can trace the presence of a reaction to cosmetic products. If it is not, then you can safely use the tool. Especially pay attention to the masks with the content of honey, pepper, essential oils.
  • If you are using a composition that requires dilution or heating, then make sure that the temperature of the means when applied to the head is about 37 degrees, not higher.
  • Carefully learn the instructions for applying a specific store mask. If you do not adhere to the rules of use of the means, you can harm the hair.
Almost all of these rules concern the application of both homemade and purchased hair products. In addition, it is recommended to also take into account the time of applying the composition on strands before or after washing. As a rule, it depends on the presence of certain components in the product and the desired effect.

Special tools for applying masks on strands are not required. Usually, the means is distributed manually in or without gloves. If it is required to apply on the roots, it is slightly rubbed with your fingers. For the distribution of the product along the entire length of strands, it is resorted to the use of brushes, narrow combs with rare cloths.

Strengthen the performance of any hair mask will help "insulation." To do this, the cellophane cap or a special hat for the bath and a head is covered with warm tissue on handled strands. Thus, active substances from the cosmetic product are better imbued into the structure of the hair.

Features of the use of a ready-made hair mask

Purchased cosmetic products are usually used after washing the head. The answer of hairdressers to the question, on dirty or clean hair to apply a mask acquired in the cabin, unequivocal - on peeled and slightly wet.

The algorithm for applying funds to curls in most cases is:

  1. Wash your head with any suitable shampoo. It is desirable that the entire cosmetic hair care line (shampoo, balsam, air conditioning, mask, oil) was one brand.
  2. Little blown strands with a towel. Do not try and do not fill them. Let the water delay yourself. For two minutes you can wrap the curls into the fabric to absorb an extra moisture.
  3. Before applying a hair mask, slightly hold it in the palms to heat the heat of the body.
  4. Apply on strands along the entire length, stretch if necessary.
  5. To improve the effectiveness of the cosmetic product, wrap your head with a soft cloth. Pre-wrap the hair with a polyethylene package or a bath with a bath and insulate a towel.
  6. Suppose the time specified in the instructions for the means. It is usually no more than fifteen minutes.
  7. Carefully rinse the substance with the strand of the abundant amount of clean water. Make sure that the remnants of the mask are present in the curls, otherwise they will look fat and untidy.
  8. Wrap your hair with a soft cloth. Do not try to squeeze moisture too much of them, so as not to damage the structure.
Remember that use after mask softening products, such as air conditioning or balsam, should not be. Otherwise, curls will be overloaded with active ingredients and silicones. This will adversely affect their appearance.

Subtleties using homemade hair masks

Masks for curls of personnel cooking are not inferior, and sometimes even superior to the purchased. However, their diversity requires more attention during use. Thus, homemade means can be used before washing curls, after, and also distributed at the ends, along the entire length or on the roots of strands.

Mask Application Rules Before Isson Wash

Most self-made compositions for the hair is used before cleansing the head detergent. It is allowed in this case to apply a mask on dry or wet hair.
  • Oil compositions. It is mainly due to the specific effects of oil on strands. In addition, it leaves on them a fat film, washed off only using detergent.
  • Coffee masks and oil adding. As a rule, coffee also leaves a fat film on the curls. In addition, additional components are often introduced into it, such as castor or olive oil.
  • Means with sour cream, kefir, yogurt, mayonnaise. Such masks also require careful washout with the use of detergents.
  • Formulations with honey. This product has a specific impact on curls, strands after honey also require careful cleansing.
  • Pep, mustard masks. Their composition includes elements that irritate the skin. Therefore, it should be used only with dirty hair covered with a natural fat layer.
  • Garlic, onion. In addition to the fact that such products are annoyingly affect the epidermis, they also have a specific sharp aroma, which should be eliminated only by carefully cleansing with plenty of water.
It is also worth noting which masks are applied on dry hair. This is mostly oil tools. So the components of the product are optimally penetrated into the structure of the strand.

On the unwashed and dry or wet curls, the composition is recommended to apply for thirty-ninety minutes before washing. To do this, tilt your head over the bathroom or in the shower and carefully treat all curls with a brush, sponge or fingers.

Most often, homemade care products have a liquid structure and begin to drain after applying around the neck, face, drip. So that this does not happen, after lubricating the hair, be sure to wrap the head with the package or use a bath hat. Additionally, shook the hair with warm tissue, you will achieve the gain of the mask effect.

After the exposure time of the composition on the strand, wash it with shampoo. In some cases, you can use the air conditioner to facilitate hair combing.

Use of masks after washing hair

Most masks that are applied after washing the head is used on wet curls. There is a specific group of funds to be applied on pure strands. Consider them:
  1. Masks that give the effect of tinted, lamination, toning. This category includes products based on chamomile flowers, rhubarb root, natural honey. In order to achieve not only the healing effect, but also a certain toning, it is important to apply them to peeled strands.
  2. Masks with gelatin. In addition to strengthening hair follicles, such products laminate curls, therefore, the gelatinic compositions are necessary for purified wet strands.
  3. Yeast masks. Purchased similar compositions are applied after washing, homemade - before washing the head.
  4. Beer masks. Beer is perfectly replaced with air conditioning, so similar means are suitable for use after washing the head shampoo.
  5. Mask from rye flour. Most of the rye-based compounds have a cleansing effect, so it is not necessary to wash the curls after them.
We also note that after washing the head, almost all professional cosmetic products are applied both in the cabin and at home.

Rinse strands after a mask applied to clean hair, it is necessary more carefully to remove the residues of the mixture. Use after such procedures Balms or air conditioners should not. To facilitate the combing process, it is better to use after washing with special oil or spray.

For which parts of the hair can be used masks

The various compositions are applied to different locations. It depends not only on the result you want to get, but also from the composition of the funds.

Answering the question whether it is possible to apply a mask on the roots of the hair, hairdressers necessarily clarify what effect on the curls are needed. Usually, cosmetic products are applied to the base of hairs for their strengthening, growth. Also affect the weakened strands, since the effect on the follicle. In addition, the compositions are effective at dandruff.

  • Based on burning products - Lukova, garlic, pepper, mustard, as well as brandy;
  • With the inclusion of aloe;
  • Based on individual oils, for example, from buried.
However, it is categorically not recommended to use the masks on the roots of the mask, which includes coconut oil.

All strands are applied if you wish to influence the structure of the curls. As a rule, it concerns reducing and nutritional compositions.

  1. Masks that consist of olive oils, almonds, coconut, flax, argan, reurenik;
  2. Compositions with fermented milk products, mayonnaise;
  3. Cosmetic products with fragrant hoods - rose, lavender and others;
  4. Funds with chicken eggs and various additives - oils, alcohol;
  5. Clay formulations;
  6. Masks with dark bread and rye flour;
  7. Feeding products with banana;
  8. Masks for the return of the radiance of strands, with a toning influence - with a chamomile, gelatin, henna, beer, coffee.
Also, similar cosmetic products can be distributed at curl tips. As a rule, it is carried out to eliminate the cross section for "seating" of hair. In such cases, certain compositions based on oils are used, as well as a mask with kefir and yeast.

How to properly apply a mask on hair - Look at the video:

To know about the intricacies of the use of such funds, since this affects the efficiency of the entire procedure and the location status. The composition of the cosmetic product should be taken into account, the rules for applying to the strands to achieve the maximum result.

The advantages of homemade masks to care for the lap in front of the salon procedures is accessibility and effectiveness. That is why more and more women prefer folk remedies to achieve this or other effect.

Hair masks at home -recepses

To have a beautiful and healthy hair, you must constantly care and provide protection against pollution and damage. Natural mixtures are able to get rid of dandruff, eliminate the brittleness and dryness, control the operation of the sebaceous glands and excessive fatty, stop the fallout, increase the luggage, and also give shine and the volume of hairstyle. Many use certain recipes for staining, there is a mask for lightening hair at home.

Masks prepared on the basis of chicken eggs, dairy products and bakery yeast are most popular. The benefits of these livelihood products can be found from the table.

Egg mask for hair at home

They have a restoring and protective effect, they apply in preventive purposes. Regular procedures will help the chapelur get a healthy and luxurious look. The preparation of such masks does not require special efforts and time costs, and the result will not make himself wait. There are recommendations for the use of egg mixtures:

  • You can achieve the greatest result using a home product. It is known that small eggs are more saturated with vitamin and minerals, since they are carrying young chicken.
  • Water procedures after applying the mask need to be carried out warm, not hot water. Otherwise, the eggs are folded, and wash off the mask becomes unusually difficult.
  • If there is a problem of dandruff or dry hair, it is recommended to use only yolks. With excessive biminess, use egg proteins.

In accordance with the type of hair and an exciting problem, you can pick up a suitable recipe for cooking a homemade mask based on chicken egg.

  1. Intense alcohol-containing mixture of oily hair
    For the preparation of the mixture, you can use alcohol solution, it is prepared in equal proportions, a calendula tincture or a strong alcoholic beverage. It is worth remembering that it is impossible to use brandy for light strands, the component can paint them. Mix the pre-whipped egg protein with 30 ml of alcohol. The foam mixture is applied to the skin and the curls are only 15 minutes under the heat cap.
  2. Moisturizing dry curls
    Beat the chicken yolk mixer before the formation of foam. Introduce 30 ml of the base oil (REPEY, Castor or Almond) and a teaspoon of vinegar, preferably apple. If the hair is too dry, you can add a little glycerin, and as a thickener it is recommended to use cosmetic white clay. The mixture is applied for 30 minutes.
  3. Regenerating mask for damaged strands
    In equal amounts you need to mix aloe juice, castor oil, honey and tincture calendula, add chicken yolk. The prepared mixture is distributed over the lap and leave under the heat cap for an hour. After the specified time has expired, take water procedures. This is an excellent vitamin hair mask at home, it restores strands even after a chemical curling.

Kefir Hair Mask at home

Used at home for fastening the hair structure. After the procedure, the hairs are enveloped, and a peculiar barrier is created that protects strands from damage and contamination. Prepare such a mixture is easy, depending on the desired result, included in the composition of other components. Many do not like the smell of sour milk after the procedure. To avoid this enough to add a little ether and a couple of lemon juice drops.

  1. Kefir mixture for fatty strands
    Degreased kefir mix with egg squirrel. Kefir will need 10-20 ml, depending on the length and density of the curls, the protein must be preheated to the formation of thick foam. The prepared mixture is applied to the skin, the rest is distributed along the length of strands. Hold the mask under the cap over 30- 60 minutes.
  2. Kefir help dry strands
    Intensive nutrition occurs due to the active elements in the composition of the milk drink. Extra power is vegetable oils. Preparation of the mixture: To 3 parts of kefir add 1 part of the oil, mix thoroughly. Introduce egg yolk. Standard mask exposure time - 30 minutes.
  3. Kefir against dandruff
    In order to prepare a mask, it will take 200 ml of kefir, to open a slice of rye bread without peeling and leave for a while so that crumbs are softening. When the bread softeps add 30 ml of friction oil. I rub the hair into the skin of the scalp. If there is a problem of dry hair tips, the composition is distributed and along the length of strands.
  4. Kefir mask for hair tips at home
    Black bread slice cove your kefir and leave to swelling, then beat the wedge. To the resulting mixture add 30 ml of brandy and a fourth bulbous juice. Processed maternity lads are placed under the heat cap and leave for 40 minutes.

Yeast Hair Mask at Home

Bakery yeast is a real vitamin hair cocktail. That is why the range of application of yeast masks is so wide. With a dry hair type, you can achieve soft and recovery. Fat strands will find freshness. Exhausted curls will become stronger and healthier. Yeast masks for painted hair at home are popular due to the rapid action.

Secrets of making masks with yeast:

  • The yeast included in the mixture should be active. For this, before preparation, they must always be awakened with warm water.
  • In order to strengthen the effect, you should add some sugar into water and dissolve it, and after entering yeast.
  • For additional nutrition, it is recommended to drain the yeast with warm milk.

Recipes for cooking hair masks at home:

  • Yeast mask with fatty hair type

Heat 100 ml of milk and dilute 15 grams of sugar, after entering 30 grams of dry yeast and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then add 15 grams of mustard powder. The mixture is applied to the chapel, the time of action is half an hour.

  • Yeast mask with dry hair type and luxury

Mix almond and castor oil 1: 2 and warm up a bit in a water bath, add 15 grams of sugar. Then enter 30 grams of yeast and leave for awakening. Such a mixture will restore damaged curls and give them shine. The exposure time is no more than half an hour.

  • Yeast mask when losing hair

Dilute with warm water 30 grams of yeast, add a pinch of sugar and leave for a few minutes. Then add a fourth fourth juice and 10 drops of vitamin A. The mixture is applied to the skin of the scalp, the rest is distributed over the length of the hair. The mixture time is from half an hour to 40 minutes.

With competent use, home therapy is quite effective.

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In order to solve various trichological problems, folk cosmetology offers many recipes. However, among all this diversity, every woman tries to choose the most effective on the principle of "minimum funds - maximum efficiency." Of course, that the only universal drug, suitable for every girl with any hair, no. However, in the "kitchen" cosmetology there is such a category as the best masks, a positive experience about the use of which is known to many. What the most effective hair masks exist - read in this article.

Advantages of folk remedies

Why are masks made at home, have such a lot of popularity for many centuries? To answer this question, you need to find out what advantages have folk remedies:

  1. Mixtures on home recipes are completely natural, then you are ecologically clean. And this factor, as is known, is very important for any hair, regardless of their condition, such as other features.
  2. Natural cosmetics do not give complications and side effects.
  3. Home masks are absolutely available and even cheap (which you can not say about the stores and salon procedures) - after all, the components are included in their composition are practically in each kitchen or in a pharmacy.
  4. Mixtures on folk recipes are quickly and easily prepared.
  5. Masks prepared at home have quite high efficiency and solve many trichological problems (from falling out and lack of hair growth before changing shine and smooth curls).
  6. The effect of the use of similar mixtures is sufficiently stable.

Efficiency of hair masks

Masks prepared at home are very effective. With their help, you can:

  • solve the problem of falling out and weak hair growth;
  • restore the damaged hair structure after staining, discoloration, curling and other similar procedures;
  • strengthen the roots;
  • get rid of dandruff and split tips;
  • moisten and saturate with the necessary powered dry, brittle strands;
  • normalize greasy secretion;
  • posted by shine curls, smoothness, softness and obedience.

The effectiveness of natural-based funds is indisputable, but you must understand that it is much easier to prevent the problem, the later try to solve it. It is important to properly organize care: use the shampoo corresponding to your type of curls; protect hair from frost and sun rays; On time to cut the tips, for example, using a polisher typewriter to prevent their cross-section.

Top recipes

The proposed discipers of masks used at home to stop the hair loss, for their intensive growth, to restore, moisturize and feed curls, are the simplest and affordable, but at the same time very effective. Literally 1-2 months of use - and the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Against loss and for hair growth of different types

With mustard

  • Dry type

Mixing mustard powder (one artery l.), Honey (three articles), any cosmetic oil suitable for dry dummy curls (for example, olive or linen, two hours l.). A mixture is applied to the roots and is insulated with a towel. Washed off after 15 minutes.

  • Fat type

The mustard powder is divorced (one art. L.) To the condition of thick casher, lemon Fresh is added (one art. L.). The resulting composition is lubricated roots, and after, a warming cap is worn. The duration of exposure is 15 minutes.

Mustard - known to all "enemy" of alopecia and an active hair growth stimulator, which also normalizes the production of skin saline.

With pepper

  • Dry type

Mix the tincture of red pepper, bold kefir, honey (in equal parts). The mixture is rubbed into the roots with light massage movements, the head is insulating. It is washed off after half an hour.

  • Fat type

A mixture is prepared from the tincture of red pepper, skimmed kefir, cosmetic oil, suitable for bold locks of curls (for example, jojoba) - two tbsp. l. Each component. Such a composition is smeared the top layer of the epidermis, the hair is insulated, and the means is flicking in an hour.

Another very popular ingredient of masks used at home from loss of curls and to stimulate the growth of new hairs, - tincture of red pepper. The compositions with the specified component have an antiseptic effect on the epidermis, strengthen the roots, give a hairstyle.

With onion

  • Dry type

Lukovy Kashitsa is mixed (three st. L.), Honey and home sour cream (one art. L.). The mixture of the epidermis is massaged, insulate the head and withstand 1 hour. Washed a lot of soft shampoo.

  • Fat type

Mixion (150 ml) and lemon juice (50 ml) is mixed, repeal oil (floor of a teaspoon) is added. The resulting composition is applied to the epidermis, and is insulated. After half an hour, it was washed off by gentle shampoo.

Council. To get rid of the unpleasant smell, rinse the hair after removing the healing mixture with water with the addition of lemon juice or beloved essential oil.

Onions, in addition to activating the growth of curls, eliminates and dandruff.

With brandy

  • Dry type

Cognac is mixed (one art. L.), Warm honey (part l.), Loss of egg yolk. The mixture is applied to the roots and smears along the length of strands. The head is insulating, and the remedy is washed after half an hour.

  • Fat type

A mixture of brandy, lemon juice is prepared (for one part), warm oil of jojoba (art. L.), Loss of egg yolk. The hair is processed with this mixture, then they are wrapped and left for 30 minutes.

Cognac mixtures against alopecia and to accelerate the growth of curls - a softer option than mustard and pepper. But they also have proven themselves as very good cosmeticsUsed at home in solving many trichological problems - from falling out and slower hair growth before giving them volume and gloss.

With oils for different types of hair

  • Dry type

Warm friction oils, castor, olives, almonds, flax seeds, jojoba (in 20 ml of each component) are mixed, and the resulting composition is applied on the roots, it is withstanding 1.5 hours. Washed off by a mask gently shampoo.

  • Fat type

A prescription is taken as the basis with oils for dry hair, only lemon juice (100 ml) is added.

Mask for hair growth with oils is the most useful. After all, oils with a strengthening, reducing, nutritious and moisturizing impact, very beneficially affect the curls.

For hair restoration

Restoration of damaged hair

  • With oils

Equal parts of the friction oils and the caster are mixed (preheated), lemon Fresh is added (1 h. L.) And dry and clean hair are being processed with such a mixture. The head is insulating and withstands half an hour.

  • With egg

The whipped egg yolk and the canter (one artery l.) And the cooked means are smeared dry strands. It is maintained under the insulation of 5 hours.

  • With bread

A piece of rye bread is cropped and operated in warm milk (itching thick bash) is applied to moisturized hair, insulating. It is fluttered very carefully after half an hour.

Treating painted hair

  • With egg and cognac

The whipped egg yolk and brandy is mixed (100 ml) and the hair is smeared. It is maintained under warming 30 minutes.

  • With banana

Blynder whipped a banana (half of the fetus), egg yolk, honey and lemon Fresh (one art. L.). The resulting tool is used as an ordinary shampoo.

  • With herbs

Herbal infusion is prepared - crushed chamomile, nettle, cleanliness, oregano (one art. L.) + Boiling water (1 l), the time of insteading is 3 hours. The hair is rinsed in the resulting lotion, wrapped and withstand 1.5 hours.

Resuscitation of sequent hair

  • With honey

Mixed honey (h. L.), Any vegetable oil (two tbsp. L.), Whipped egg yolk. The resulting composition of the hair (it is possible and the entire length), is struggling with a food film. Washed off after half an hour.

  • With peach

The pulp of two ripe peaches is whipped in a blend, warm milk (three arts), the ether of the souls (seven drops). The mixture will be smeared and the ends are insulated. Exposure time - 30 min.

  • With castor oil and vitamins

Heated castor oil (two st. L.), Oil vitamins A, E (three capsules). In this remedy, the ends of the hair are dipped and insulated. Session duration - 2 h.

Nutritional compositions for different types of hair

Dry type

  • With castor oil

Warm castor oil (100 ml), fruit vinegar (any house available) and glycerin (50 ml), as well as a whipped egg are mixed. This mixture is smeared dry unmeed curls, insulated half an hour. Washed a mixture with a soft shampoo.

  • With egg and oils

Whipped egg yolk, heated oils of olive, coconut, flax seeds (30 ml) are connected and mixed. The mixture is processed all head, covered. The minimum exposure time is 2 h (the best night is best). After removal of the mask, the strands are rushed with decoction / infusion of medicinal herbs.

Fat type

  • With lemon and garlic

Equal parts of lemon and aloe juices, warm honey and chopped garlic (one tooth) are mixed into a homogeneous mass. The resulting means are processed by hair, warm. Washed off by gentle shampoo after 30 minutes. To remove garlic "aroma", the hair is rinsed in herbal branch / nasty.

  • With yeast and egg

Raw yeast is divorced (art. L.) In warm water (part l.), Retransmit for fermentation for 15 minutes. A whipped egg is added and all hair is treated with this mixture. Hold under insulation 1 hour.

Moisturizing mixes

  • With mayonnaise

Processing the entire mace of the mayonnaise (the one that is cooked at home - it is much more useful to shop). After half an hour, wash off gentle shampoo.

  • With kefir.

Flambling roots and strands with warm kefir (can be replaced by the rustling), shut with a towel. Wash out a mixture after 45 minutes.

  • With honey

Heated honey (art. L.) And milk (200 ml) and milk (200 ml) are mixed and the resulting agent is applied to the hair. Under insulation, it is withstanding an hour.

The proposed hair masks are recognized as the best because they are distinguished by the speed and ease of preparations at normal home conditions, consist of natural components and have a really unsurpassed effect.

Want to cure problem hair? Dry, fat, dull or damaged, in the kitchen can always find what will help improve their condition. It's not only more cheap and suitable funds for your needs, but also more efficient than masks from the cabin, because do not contain harmful chemicalswhich are often found in finished products. For example, did you know that many air conditioners who are designed to help dry hair, actually contain alcohol, which is even stronger than your hair!


    Determine what problem you want to fight. Then you can determine which ingredients will suit you. Look at the list below to have a general view to which category you belong.

    • Dry: look dull, sequencing tips, are easily traumatized and broken. This can occur due to damage or insufficient production with silent glands.
    • Fatty: become fat, if not to wash them every day. Lose glitter and "beauty" during the day.
    • Combined: Fat on the roots, but dry or damaged at the ends. This is due to excessive use of styling.
    • Normal: Not problematic hair, usually look shiny, there are no sequential ends, easy to store. This type of hair may not need a mask.
  1. Select the ingredients from the list below and prepare the mask. Then, wash your hair as usual, but do not apply air conditioning, but just stop after washing. Remove excess moisture from the hair and spread out. Then, take the mask (prepare it in the container before going into the shower) and carefully apply on your hair. Leave for 10-20 minutes and wash the room temperature water. Complete the rinsing of cool (but not cold) water to close the hair follicles. Follow these instructions to create a new recipe with any ingredient specified below.

  2. Dry / damaged hair: These ingredients are designed to feed the hair with the necessary oils and moisturize them to protect them from subsequent damage and return gloss hair. Mix and prepare a mask from what you have at hand and what you need your hair.

    • Avocado: Avocado is one of the best natural humidifiers rich in vitamins and nutrients, such as vitamins E and B, and its natural oils will fill the hair with moisture, which they lack. Use half avocado, make a puree from it, use it yourself or with other ingredients.
    • Banana: rich in vitamins and oils, it is particularly well coped with the improvement of hair elasticity, thus, prevents the emergence of the sequential ends and hair lubricances, and is also effective in combating dandruff. Make a puree from half a banana, use it yourself or with other ingredients. Freezing and thawing a banana before use will help get rid of lumps that are difficult to wash out hair.
    • Transparent medical: honey moisturizes and has the ability to keep moisture, so it is suitable for dry hair. Be careful because it brings hair. Use the required amount (not too much, otherwise the hair glued), it can be mixed with other ingredients, such as avocado or banana. Apply on wet hair.
    • Mayonnaise: Sounds disgusting, but mayonnaise is prepared from eggs, vinegar and oil, and these three ingredients are used for years to give volume, gloss and moisturizing hair. For dry and damaged hair, it is better to mix it with avocado, although independent use is possible.
    • Olive oil: Try using top-grade olive oil for best results, as it was used for centuries for moisturizing hair and skin, as well as for food and strengthen; Perfect for dry and damaged hair! It can be mixed with other ingredients, such as avocado and banana or to use independently; Apply it on warm, wet hair (not too much, otherwise you will not be able to wash it off), from the roots to the tips. Wrap the hair with a warm towel or plastic bag and leave for 20 minutes, then wash.
    • Eggs: often used due to high protein content and other nutrients, Eggs well strengthen hair and hair follicles, which means that they are ideal for damaged hair. You can use yourself or mix with other ingredients, for example with olive oil to get a breathable hair mask
    • Gelatin: If you leave it on the hair, unarative gelatin can create a protective protein sheath for hair. Mix it with water, vinegar and humidifier, and then use air conditioning for best results.
    • Glycerol: Strong moisturizer, like honey, but without bleaching properties. Always mix it with water before use.
  3. Greasy hair: For this type of hair masks are most useful, since you will avoid using such ingredients like silicones that are contained in many finished means and pollute hair. The ingredients below will refresh your hair without drying them.

    • Apple vinegar: Sounds a bit strange, but apple vinegar contains nutrients that make hair stronger, shiny and healthy, and also remove the remnants of cosmetic products that can weight hair, so your hair will be elastic again! He also regulates the pH of the scalp, so he is good for those who have dandruff. To use it, add 4 tablespoons in the ingredients to your choice or use it yourself as a rinse, diluting 1 part of vinegar in 2/3 of water.
    • Strawberry: Strawberry perfectly regulates skin-feeding and flushes any fat from your hair, besides, it is rich in vitamin C, which is necessary for hair health. Distribute a few strawberry berries in the puree and apply on your hair yourself or with other ingredients to your choice. You can mix it with lightly moisturizing ingredients, such as mayonnaise to avoid unnecessary dryness. Leave on hair for 10 minutes.
    • Baking soda: This is an effective ingredient to remove the remains of cosmetic products, fat and dirt from your hair. A teaspoon of soda can be added to the moisturizing ingredient (for example, mayonnaise or yogurt) or mix with water before the formation of paste and use instead of a shampoo.
    • "Lemon juice: The famous binder that closes the pores of the scalp, reducing fat production. Know that lemon juice can clarify the hair, if used regularly, especially if you leave with it in the sun. You can use yourself, diluting (lemon juice 1 and 1 cup of water) for rinsing hair or as a component of the mask.
    • These ingredients are designed to absorb or wash off any fat or dirt. If your hair is not very fat, it is best to use their maximum once a month to avoid removing too much fat, which, in turn, can provoke the production of fat (worsening the situation), or use these ingredients with moisturizing components from the section on Dry or combined hair to make sure that you do not overheat the hair.
  4. Combined hair: Since the problem of mixed hair type in fat and damage, most of the ingredients below combine properties that cope with both problems.

    • Yogurt: Probiotic, natural yogurt provides hair with the necessary nutrients and moisture, including proteins, since proteins are building elements of hair. It enhances the growth and restoration of hair, and also helps wash off the remains of cosmetics and fat, which makes yogurt by the ideal option for combined hair. It is easy to combine with other ingredients, such as avocado, if you want to additionally moisten your hair, or strawberry, if you want to increase control over the separation of fat.
    • Mayonnaise and strawberries: Mayonnaise provides moisturizing and nutrition to help moisten and restore dry hair areas, while strawberry regulates fat production and charges hair with vitamin C. Use a mixture of a puree of three berries and two or three tablespoons of mayonnaise.
    • Eggs and apple vinegar: Eggs contain protein, which is necessary to restore any damaged areas of hair, while providing hair with nutrients and moisturizing them without weighting. Apple vinegar will save you from dull, mocking pollution and remnants of cosmetic products, while adjusting the pH of the scalp and helping to get rid of dandruff. Try to mix 1-2 tablespoons of apple vinegar with two whipped eggs.
    • Food soda and yogurt: Food soda eliminates dirt, fat or dead skin cells, while yogurt will help you drink your hair with all the nutrients and moisture that they need. Try to mix the teaspoon of food soda with two tablespoons of yogurt.
  5. Escperimatize. To understand what is best suited to your hair, try various combinations of ingredients that are suitable for your hair type, select the optimal time (usually from 10 to 20 minutes) and the number of ingredients in the mixture. Everyone has different hair, so your ideal recipe can be as unique.

    • Enjoy your healthy, lush, shiny, clean hair!
    • Try to use the mask two or three times a month, since if you enjoy it more often, you can break the natural balance of the hair, and this will make them more fat or dry. It is not necessary that the health of your hair is relied only on masks.
    • Although all the proposed recipes consist of one or two ingredients, you can mix several different ingredients to achieve the desired result.
    • Try to give up unfulfilled cosmetics, for example, from a shampoo, cleansing agents and so on. They often contain harmful chemicals that violate the natural balance in the body, and the excess of these components may harm your health.
    • If you are afraid that your hair will smell a meal, use a mask at night when you do not need to go anywhere in the morning, and if the morning the smell stayed, apply perfumes on the hair brush and spread it my hair (only light loop, do not wet your hair, Since perfume contains alcohol, which dries hair)
    • Always comb your hair after the mask to get rid of all the remnants of the hair masks.


    • If you are irritated when you apply a mask, immediately wash up and try something else next time.
    • If you have a sensitive skin of the head, then use ingredients that will not cause irritation; Olive oil usually works well with sensitive skin.
    • If you have food allergies, do not use these ingredients in the mask, so as not to cause irritation or allergies.
    • If you are going to use the ingredient to soften, then use the combine to make the texture more homogeneous - you do not want bananas to score you shower.
    • If you have irritation on the skin of the head, for example, rash and wounds, try not to use the hair mask and first consult a doctor for the skin for the scalp.