Mimic wrinkle between the eyebrows: the reasons for the appearance and how to deal with it. Reasons for the formation of glabellar wrinkles. Get ready for exercise: how to get rid of wrinkles between eyebrows by face building

The wrinkles between the eyebrows change the expression on the face, turning it into a sullen mask. Why do traces of sadness appear on the forehead at an early age? Can deep wrinkles on the bridge of the nose be prevented? If your face has lost its beauty due to sharp vertical wrinkles on the forehead, we will tell you how to remove the wrinkle between the eyebrows. We will introduce you to the best cosmetic advances in the field of plastic surgery and alternative methods for smoothing vertical folds on the nose.

Men joke that vertical fine wrinkles between the eyebrows begin to appear in lovely ladies when they, frowning menacingly, ask the other half: "Where is the money?" The spouse is surprised by the "horizontal folds" on the forehead: "What money?"

Indeed, in the formation of the "vertical" in a good half of cases, the excessive facial expressions of emotional persons, melancholic and sad young ladies are to blame. The first signs are seen in early youth. You can correct a cosmetic defect by timely prevention of mimic wrinkles.

They did not pay attention to the problem in time - by the age of 25 collagen fibers become thinner, so it is important to use the correct one. This recommendation was also ignored, then the wrinkles become dynamic and become deeper. Further - more: skin creases form a deep depression on the bridge of the nose. The defect can be removed only by radical methods.

Causes of wrinkle formation

  1. Heredity, genetic predisposition.
  2. Age-related decrease in the level of female sex hormones.
  3. Features of the structure of the brow ridges.
  4. Thinning of subcutaneous adipose tissue.
  5. Sun rays and bad habits.

Six facial muscles are responsible for the formation of vertical folds on the forehead, which are involved in the expression of emotions, both negative and positive.

The problem of glabellar wrinkles is compounded if you:

  • unsuccessfully selected cosmetic products for the care of the dermis,
  • using the wrong massage technique,
  • "Clamp" the muscles with facial gymnastics.

There are several ways to do it. But, on your own you will not be able to completely get rid of the deep vertical wrinkle between the eyebrows, which is formed across the muscle fibers.

How to remove the glabellar wrinkle by non-surgical methods?

Along with traditional methods that do not work for deep wrinkles, there are many professional ones that minimize the appearance of the glabellar wrinkles of mature skin. Only a professional can recommend this or that method of eliminating wrinkles. We will just introduce you to some of the techniques.

Anti-wrinkle patch

For young people, a special or regular patch can help smooth the skin. The method, although simple, but effective. More precisely, short-term effective.

A small piece of tissue patch secures the taut skin between the eyebrows. Preliminarily, the problem area is lubricated with an anti-aging cream, allowing it to be absorbed. The plaster is glued to slightly damp surfaces for 60-90 minutes.

The smoothing effect will last longer if you fix the skin overnight. The beauty industry does not stand still: cosmetic patches to fight wrinkles have appeared, for example, Frownies and Realline Anti Wrinkle Patch.

Do not keep the patch on the problem area for more than 8 hours - oxygen does not reach the cells, the integument will become loose, reddened!

Correction with botox

Women of different ages appreciated the effectiveness of "beauty shots" in the fight against wrinkles. Botox (a “weakened” toxin) is injected under the skin around the facial muscles, causing them to relax.

  1. The needle is inserted into the superciliary region, into the outer edge of the eyebrows and above the bridge of the nose.
  2. The effect will become noticeable in two weeks and last 6-8 months.
  3. Active sun, frequent trips to the sauna shorten the duration of the anti-aging drug.

It is a mistake to believe that the more botulinum toxin is administered by a cosmetologist, the longer the effect will be. This is not true. You will get a perfectly smooth forehead, but you will not even be able to raise your eyebrows due to excessive relaxation of the muscle group. The face will turn into a motionless mask. And the procedure will still have to be repeated twice a year. How to inject botox into the forehead correctly.

Hyaluronic acid injections

Used both independently and in conjunction with botox. act as a filler (filler) for deep wrinkles and creases. Fillers based on Restylane hyaluronic acid have proven themselves well. In the salons, they are also recommended for those young ladies who have rapidly lost weight and acquired new wrinkles.

Just like botox injections, fillers are given twice a year.

Laser skin resurfacing

Laser radiation is aimed at removing the spent upper layers of the skin. After exposure to the laser, the process of restoration of tissues rich in their own collagen begins. Deep wrinkles are reduced in size.

You will notice the first result in 3-4 weeks. A complete and complete picture after the hardware procedure "appears" in 4-6 months, the effect of rejuvenation lasts for several years.

The cosmetologist independently regulates the depth of penetration of the laser beam into the dermis. Occasionally, there may be side effects in the form of skin redness. What is laser facial rejuvenation.

Deep wrinkles can be removed only by radical methods.

How to get rid of deep wrinkles on the bridge of the nose and between the eyebrows using surgical methods?

Plastic surgery for wrinkle correction includes two methods that are performed under general anesthesia. The method of correction is chosen by the cosmetologist after a thorough examination of women over the age of 40. Previously, surgical correction was not indicated for women.

Open forehead lift

- the traumatic method is based on longitudinal cuts along the hairline or slightly below.

  1. The plastic surgeon removes excess skin, stretches it and sutures the incisions.
  2. The recovery period after open surgery lasts up to one month. Rehabilitation of the first days is a rather painful process.
  3. The contouring effect lasts for 5-7 years.

After surgery, thin scars remain, in the area of \u200b\u200bwhich hair loss is possible. The disadvantages of open surgery are the numbness of large areas of the scalp.

Endoscopic skin tightening

The modern method appeared with the development of new medical technologies in the 90s of the last century, and is widely used in the anti-aging industry. A less traumatic way to tighten the forehead skin.

During the operation, small incisions are made above the hairline with an endoscope. Subsequently, they are almost invisible. The doctor exfoliates the skin of the forehead, raises the line of the eyebrows, tightens the weakened tissue.

Closed lift method (with a surgical endoscope):

  • Does not cause severe postoperative pain.
  • Recovery is faster than with open surgery.
  • But the effect does not last long: at best, 3-5 years.

Minimally invasive ways to rejuvenate

Ladies should pay attention to gentle, effective ways to get rid of deep wrinkles. It's about the thread lifting technology. Indications for use:

  1. Deep vertical wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose.
  2. Flabby dull dermis.
  3. Skin folds collected with fingers do not straighten for a long time.

The classical technology involves the implantation of special threads (often self-absorbing) into the subcutaneous layer. It is believed that the safer subcutaneous implants are threads that do not dissolve over time. The implantation takes place after injections of Botox, which relaxes the muscles. This gives the method additional efficiency.

In recent years, another version of thread lifting has been gaining popularity - they are used, consisting of lactic acid molecules. Polyacids are completely absorbed in six months.

The procedure for the frontal area requires up to 20 threads, the price of each is 1000 - 1500 rubles. The effect of thread tightening lasts an average of two years, does not bring pain to women.

The advantages of minimally invasive methods include local anesthesia, a short rehabilitation period - the skin is "reinforced" with mesothreads using a thin needle. During the decay period, the threads form a subcutaneous collagen framework in the problem area. The method is recommended for young women whose early wrinkles are caused by a hereditary factor.

In the video, the doctor corrects eyebrow wrinkles with fillers:

Surgical removal of wrinkles scares women with painful sensations, long recovery periods. Radical intervention can be avoided by timely contacting a beautician. Hardware procedures, minimally invasive methods of rejuvenation can change the expression of a sullen face to a friendly one. Don't miss this time!

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

Wrinkles between the eyebrows can occur not only as a result of age-related changes, but also due to overly active facial expressions. As the body ages, these folds become more pronounced and deeper, it becomes more difficult to get rid of them. The faster the process of combating glabellar wrinkles begins, the more effective the result will be.

Reasons for the formation of glabellar wrinkles

Age-related changes affect not only the functioning of internal organs, but also the condition of the skin: it loses elasticity, sags, deep folds appear on its surface.

Vertical or horizontal folds that appear in the bridge of the nose arise for the following reasons:

  • active facial expressions: the habit of frowning or bringing eyebrows together;
  • a decrease in collagen production, which occurs as the body and skin age;
  • hereditary predisposition to early disorders of the endocrine glands;
  • dry skin due to lack of fluid in the body;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun's rays, which not only dry out the skin, but also make a person squint, frown;
  • improper skin care: the use of cosmetics that are not suitable for a specific type of skin, the abuse of decorative cosmetics and insufficient removal of it;
  • bad habits: alcohol and smoking accelerate the aging process of the skin and the appearance of skin folds;
  • hard water used for washing: the high content of salts and chlorine in it dries and irritates the skin;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • adherence to strict diets, as a result of which there is a sharp and rapid decrease in body weight;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Even one of the above factors is enough for wrinkles to appear on the skin area between the eyebrows. Removing them is quite difficult: considerable effort is required to soften the harshness of the crease.

How to remove a wrinkle between the eyebrows using skin care cosmetics

Most often, they try to deal with skin imperfections with the help of cosmetics, the number of which is quite large. Many manufacturers of creams, lotions, serums guarantee the achievement of a visible effect in a fairly short time. When choosing such products, you should give preference to a trusted manufacturer who has earned a reputation. Otherwise, you can not only waste time and money, but also worsen the condition of the skin.

To get rid of wrinkles between the eyebrows, cosmetologists recommend products containing botulinum-like substances: They are similar to Botox injected under the skin. Creams with the effect of immobilizing facial muscles do not contain natural botulinum toxin, since the latter is a strong poison and, when applied to the surface of the skin, penetrates the bloodstream, contributing to the poisoning of the body.

Instead of botox, peptides are added to anti-wrinkle cosmetics - elements that eliminate protein from tissues and paralyze the muscle's ability to move. The most effective substances that act like botox are argireline, octamioxil and matrixil.

With the help of cosmetics containing such elements, it is possible to achieve a pronounced correction of glabellar wrinkles, smoothing and leveling of the skin relief, increasing tissue elasticity, and stimulating the production of its own collagen.

The following creams have similar properties:

  • Bark cream with botox effect. It contains peptides of both plant and animal origin, as well as vitamin E, shea butter. The active substances reach the deep layers of the skin, providing smoothing of wrinkles between the eyebrows and pronounced muscle relaxation.
  • Bioven anti-aging cream. The product contains a unique ingredient - malay snake venom. Its action is complemented by vitamins A and E, peptides, antioxidants. The cream does not affect the body in a toxic way, so there are no side effects. The use of this product allows you to restore skin elasticity and tone, restore skin cells, and improve blood circulation.
  • Derma E, Deep Wrinkle Peptide Serum is a light consistency serum that combines several types of peptides and green tea extract. Wrinkles are smoothed from the inside. A particularly good effect is observed when the product is applied to the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose, forehead, areas near the corners of the eyes.
  • Moisturizing cream gel. The use of this tool guarantees the stimulation of the production of its own collagen, helps to reduce the severity of wrinkles.
Another well-known remedy is Himalaya Herbals Aloe and Grapes. Although this cream does not contain Botox-like substances, it does contain vitamin E and plant extracts. It also contains valuable alpha hydroxy acids - substances that quickly penetrate the skin, helping to restore skin cells and eliminate dead skin particles.

It is important to purchase anti-aging products only in trusted places - licensed stores or pharmacies.

How to get rid of wrinkles between eyebrows in the salon

A professional beautician can choose the best way to eliminate even the deepest wrinkles between the eyebrows. In salons and clinics, the following manipulations are performed:

Botox injection under the skin

The point is that a special serum containing botulinum toxin paralyzes the facial muscles, preventing them from contracting for at least six months. During this time, the skin between the eyebrows remains smooth, without wrinkles.

The disadvantage of this method is the need to repeat the procedure regularly to prevent sagging of the skin and the appearance of deep folds. It is impossible to carry out the procedure for diseases and injuries of the skin, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. Botox can provoke complications such as edema, damage to the facial nerve, and disruption of natural facial expressions. On the pros and cons of Botex injections.

Laser resurfacing

During the procedure, dead cells are removed, due to which the depth of wrinkles is reduced. Laser resurfacing stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.

Injection of hyaluronic acid under the skin

This substance is found in the body, but when its content is reduced, the skin becomes dehydrated and sluggish, prone to the formation of wrinkles and age spots. The technique also allows you to eliminate pronounced deep wrinkles, but the acid should be injected on an ongoing basis.

Open forehead skin tightening surgery

An incision is made in the scalp, then the skin is peeled from the forehead and stretched, eliminating the excess. The effect of the operation is long-term, but the method is quite painful and requires long-term rehabilitation.

It is important to take into account that the described procedures have contraindications for carrying out, therefore, you should first consult with a specialist.

Ways of correcting glabellar wrinkles at home

To eliminate wrinkles on the bridge of the nose, you can try to get rid of them at home.


Masks are means through which beneficial components are absorbed into the skin, which improve its condition.

When using masks prepared by hand, you should pay attention to both the presence of individual intolerance to individual components. Their use can lead to severe allergic reactions.

Patch for the correction of glabellar wrinkles

Special - a new remedy for removing skin folds that can be used at home. Do not use ordinary adhesive tape: it interferes with oxygen access to the dermis and worsens its condition.

An effective remedy is a patch from the manufacturer FROWNIES. This product acts as a fixing pad that fixes the skin and facial muscles, smoothes and tightens the skin. The patch is used to smooth out both horizontal and vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows. It is made of thick perforated paper with adhesive applied to one side. The product is practically not felt on the skin.


Another remedy that can be used at home for the bridge of the nose is paraffin. It softens deep skin folds. The paraffin must be melted in a water bath and applied to the tissue to be applied to the wrinkle. You should first prepare the skin: if it belongs to the oily type, you need to wipe it with an alcohol solution, if it is dry, rub it with a few drops of vegetable oil.

Massage and gymnastics to eliminate wrinkles on the nose

With the help of massage, you can improve blood circulation, tone the skin and tighten it, thereby reducing the appearance of wrinkles. It should be done as follows:
  • lightly stroke the wrinkles in different directions with your fingertips;
  • pat with your finger on the folds, as well as on the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyebrows;
  • lightly pinch the skin along the wrinkles, covering the entire forehead area.
A massage complex for the face from folds on the bridge of the nose is presented in this video:

Fresh, firm skin is not appreciated at all in youth. But with the appearance of the first timid wrinkle, everything changes, and, frowning angrily, women begin to look for a way to restore the smoothness of their faces. First of all - put aside the frown, because today we will talk about how to remove the wrinkle between the eyebrows using the example of the most effective techniques.

photo from toptuncat.ru

Look at the root: removing the cause

At this point, skeptics will laugh haughtily. So far, no one has been able to rewind years ago, which means that the main culprit of wrinkles is age, is invincible. Everything is not so simple, and it is imperative to fight the causes of the appearance of folds and grooves, otherwise the effectiveness of other methods will suffer greatly. The following factors lead to the formation of creases between the eyebrows:

  • Expression habits. If wrinkles appear only in this area, then surely only you are to blame. The habit of squinting or frowning invariably leads to an increase in the tone of the corresponding muscles. Being in a state of constant spasm, they wrinkle the skin above them and lead to the formation of creases. Pull yourself together and start controlling facial expressions. If you squint a lot, have your eyesight checked and use sunglasses when it's sunny. Ask loved ones to comment whenever you frown. Stretching gymnastics and massage will help relieve muscle spasm.
  • Change in skin condition. As we age, our skin becomes thinner, drier, and the density of elastin and collagen fibers decreases. You cannot stop the years, but you can completely improve the condition of the skin. Apply moisturizers and skin nourishing products daily, set aside time for a massage, and periodically take beauty treatments. Try to buy high-quality cosmetics, look great after any cream and even without it - the lot of 16-year-old beauties.
  • Decreased muscle tone. Over the years, facial muscles lose their tone, their fibers stretch and lengthen. As a result, a small horizontal wrinkle forms on the border of the forehead and the bridge of the nose. Such changes are easily corrected with a properly selected complex of facial gymnastics.
  • Dramatic weight loss. As a rule, in this case, not only the glabellar region suffers from the appearance of wrinkles, since the skin simply does not have time to contract following the loss of adipose tissue. If you are planning to go on a diet, then maintain the rate of weight loss within 3-5% of body weight per month. Be sure to follow a balanced diet so that the deficiency of vitamins, macro- and microelements does not affect the skin condition.

photo from the site siyasetdergisi.com.tr

The listed measures are recommended to be used as a preventive measure for girls who have not yet encountered a problem. Those who rushed to look for how to remove the glabellar wrinkle only when they noticed it in the mirror will have to work comprehensively and thoroughly, complementing the preventive measures with targeted smoothing.

Get ready for exercise: how to get rid of wrinkles between eyebrows by face building

The forehead area responds well to regular exercise. It is quite easy to consciously control the muscles in this zone, and they quickly return to normal. It is better to plan classes in the morning hours, when daytime emotions have not yet affected muscle tone.

Cosmetological warm-up

Be sure to cleanse your face and wash your hands before exercising. During the exercise, the pores will open from the increased blood flow, and all impurities will penetrate deep into the interior.

  • Using your fingertips, press the skin on your forehead so that a triangle forms: the little fingers lock the skin just above the inner edge of the eyebrow, and the index fingers converge in the center of the forehead. Make an effort as if you want to frown and pull your eyebrows down, keeping your fingers from shifting the skin. Do 20-30 reps until you feel muscle fatigue, rest and do another set. On the last repetition, hold in a tense position for 10-15 seconds.
  • Press not the pads on your forehead, but the whole palm so that the little fingers and the bridge of the nose form a triangle. Now the muscle effort should be directed in the opposite direction, you are trying to raise the central part of the eyebrows, stretching the proud muscle that worked in the previous exercise. Stretching is done in one set, 5-6 reps.
  • Line the pads of your fingers in a vertical line, pressing the points above the inner edges of your eyebrows with your little fingers and try to frown. Make sure that the wrinkle between the eyebrows does not appear, and if this happens, slightly pull the skin to the sides. Do 2 sets of 30 repetitions, on the last one, hold in a tense state for 10 seconds.

photo from smartwebsite.ru

  • Without changing the position of your arms, stretch the skin to the side, relaxing the muscle. This exercise is repeated 5-6 times.
  • With the base of your palms, press the browbone area and run your fingers into your hair. Make an effort, as if trying to lower your eyebrows, with your hands simultaneously resist the muscles. Do 2 sets of 30 reps.
  • Place your palm in the center of your forehead with your fingers pointing down. As you inhale, look at the ceiling, as you exhale, concentrate your gaze on the tip of the nose while pulling the skin upward. Repeat 5-6 times.

These exercises will help remove the wrinkle between the eyebrows, provided that they are performed daily and eliminate provoking moments. After finishing your workout, give a light massage, stroking your forehead along the massage lines and lightly tapping with your fingertips on the area between the eyebrows and the center of the forehead.

Insidious wrinkles between the eyebrows: how to get rid of folk remedies

The age-old wisdom has accumulated a weighty baggage of recipes for the care of aging skin. Their orientation can be different - moisturizing, nourishing or tightening. The best results can be achieved by using alternately means with different mechanisms. However, in many recipes, the combination of components is selected in such a way that the skin immediately receives comprehensive support.

Gelatin-vitamin mask

photo from www.haberbox.com

In its pure form, this mask is used to lift the face and cleanse the pores, but thanks to the addition of honey and vitamins, it also becomes nourishing. You will need the following ingredients:

  • instant gelatin - 1 tbsp. with a slide;
  • water - ½ cup;
  • honey - 1 tbsp;
  • capsule Aevit.

Save on beauty

Instead of a ready-made complex of vitamins A and E in Aevit capsules, buy oil solutions of tocopherol acetate and retinol. Add a couple of drops of each drug to the mask.

Pour gelatin with cold water, stir and leave for 20 minutes until it swells. When the gelatin granules increase in size, become transparent, and the whole mixture acquires a viscous consistency, add honey and heat in a water bath or in a microwave until dissolved. Do not boil under any circumstances! Cool to a comfortable warmth, add the contents of the Aevit capsule, stir and apply the mixture all over your face. After a couple of minutes, apply a little more mask to the area of \u200b\u200bdeep wrinkles. When the composition dries and forms a film, remove it or roll it off the skin, rinse off the remains with warm water.

Curd and carrot mask

photo from life-yes.ru

Perfectly nourishes and moisturizes, which is very useful in our case, since it is possible to remove a deep wrinkle between the eyebrows only after normalizing the skin condition. You will need the following components:

  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • cottage cheese 15-20% - 2 tablespoons;
  • cream 18-30% 1 tbsp

Juice a small carrot. If you don't want to mess with the juicer, grate the root vegetable on a fine grater. Add cottage cheese and cream, stir until smooth. Apply the resulting mass on your face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water using a cotton pad.

Clay mask

photo from homoremo.ru

Cosmetic white clay is sold in drugstores and gives good results when used regularly. Women who are trying to remove the glabellar wrinkle, reviews of a simple clay mask leave positive reviews, but to enhance the effect, it is worth adding a moisturizing component. To prepare the mask you will need:

  • clay powder - 1 tbsp;
  • water;
  • olive oil - ½ tablespoon

The amount of water is deliberately not indicated as it will depend on the storage conditions and moisture content of the clay powder. In a small container, mix together the clay powder and ½ tbsp. water, add olive oil and stir again. Add a little water to make a thick, pasty mass, which you can apply to problem areas. After 20-25 minutes, remove the mask with a cotton pad soaked in warm water.

Cosmetic ice

photo from evagirl.ru

The dense skin of the T-zone responds well to cold treatments. Rubbing the area between the eyebrows with ice cubes will restore its tone and firmness, smoothing out folds and furrows. Ice made from the following compositions will help to make the care complex:

  • natural coffee without sugar;
  • aloe juice;
  • milk;
  • cucumber or watermelon juice;
  • decoction of oak bark;
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn juice.

Wipe your face with ice in the morning, immediately after waking up. Move strictly along the massage lines so as not to stretch the epidermis.

Heavy artillery of modern cosmetology

The cosmetology industry is developing in giant strides. Among the products of various brands, today you can find means, the effect of which is intended to replace a trip to a beautician. Let's figure out which of them will help remove the wrinkle between the eyebrows, according to customer reviews.

Products with botox effect

photo from the site irecommend.ru

This is a group of topical products that come in the form of creams or serums. It is a tiny molecule that penetrates the skin and binds to nerve endings, blocking the transmission of impulses to the muscles. Among the popular means of this group, it is worth noting:

  • Argireline serum;
  • Mizon Snake Cream;
  • Cream from Bema Cosmetici Naturys;
  • Vialox cream;
  • SYN-AKE cream.

Girls who used the means of this group note a slight feeling of numbness, as after injections of botulinum toxin. Get ready that the effect will not come immediately, and the first results can be evaluated only after a month of daily use.

Anti-wrinkle patch between the eyebrows

photo from the site zgsdi.asgen.ddns.net

A great idea from home beauties, which was picked up by the manufacturers of cosmetic products. Its essence is to fix the skin for a while, preventing it from wrinkling, due to which creases are straightened. If you plan to use a regular patch, then you need to act like this:

  • In the evening, apply a little nourishing cream to cleansed skin.
  • Cut the plaster into small strips.
  • When the cream is slightly absorbed, smooth out the wrinkles and fix the smooth skin with a plaster.
  • In the morning, wet the patch and gently remove it so as not to stretch the skin.

If you buy a special patch Frownies or Realline Anti Wrinkle Patch, then you do not need to apply the cream first, as it is saturated with substances useful for aging skin.

Home mesotherapy

photo from profymedline.ru

This method is aimed at delivering restorative components to the deep layers of the epidermis. In beauty salons, mesotherapy is performed by intradermal injections, and a mesoscooter is useful for home use. Its small thin needles pierce the epidermis, leaving open microwells, into which the serums applied before the procedure penetrate. Before removing the wrinkles on the forehead between the eyebrows with a mesoscooter, buy preparations that contain hyaluronic acid, elastin, collagen or vitamins.

Filler creams

photo from the site makeit-up.ru

It is a form of beauty product that is designed to fill the grooves from the inside. Hyaluronic acid is enclosed in tiny microspheres that penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and lift it above the brow wrinkle. There are filler creams in the line of different manufacturers:

  • Dior Capture 60/80 Filler;
  • Vichy Lift Activ Advanced Filler;
  • Mary Kay Repair Volu-Fill TimeWise;
  • TonyMoly Petit Filler Face Volume Cream;
  • Helena Rubinstein Collagenist Night with Pro-XFill.

The filler cream is applied to pre-moisturized skin before using the foundation. It must be used daily to keep the smoothing effect permanently.

Now, if an eyebrow wrinkle suddenly appears, you know very well how to remove this nuisance at home. Start acting immediately, otherwise only the most radical way can help you - long thick bangs!

Elena 10/26/2018 mesothreads 7 doctors' answers

Hello. I am 38 years old. Creases appeared on the face (nasolabial and nasolacrimal folds), bags under the eyes, puffiness periodically appear. I use cosmetics, did facial massage in the salon and at home, but did not notice the effect. What procedures would you recommend to get rid of creases? Thanks.

Doctors Answers

Elena, good afternoon! Hyaluronic acid injections may be suitable for you, which are injected into so-called depressed spots, which make your face look tired and wrinkle. You can also additionally connect hardware techniques. Best regards, Daria Romashova)

Good afternoon. You have a loss of volume in the midface area, the formation of a nasolabial fold I would recommend ultrasonic lifting as prevention of age-related changes, and then restoration of the volume of the middle zone of the face. Or simply restoration of the midface area with the help of fillers based on hyaluronic acid, which by the way will draw water from the infraorbital area.

Elena, hello. I would start working with your face by applying preparations based on hyaluronic acid - fillers. There is no need to restore the lost volumes in the middle third of the face, to sculpt the medial part of the cheeks, to fill in the nasolacrimal and nasal groove. And then the face will look younger. Creams, even professional ones, do not solve these problems.

Elena, hello. In order to fill deep creases on the face, we use hyaluronic acid fillers. Gels based on hyaluronic acid are the safest and most biocompatible, they give an immediate pronounced effect that can last up to a year and rarely entail complications. Also, for the prevention of ptosis and creases of the skin, I recommend my patients to combine thread lifting and fillers in the complex. The threads support the tissues in the correct position and prevent them from dropping, and fillers give a good volume, thus we achieve the best effect of rejuvenation and prevention. We are waiting for you for a consultation at the Revival clinic, on Leninsky Prospekt

Good evening Elena! You write that you have edema. It is wrong to start with fillers at this moment. Hyaluronic acid will attract fluid, swelling, and make tissues heavier. That will increase gravity and ptosis of facial tissues. Will accentuate creases. I would suggest you a different protocol of procedures. You need drainage (apparatus, injections). Strengthen blood vessels. In your case, it is better to return the shifted fabrics into place with threads. Biodegradable threads do not attract water, unlike fillers (G.K.) The main thing is to meet with “your” cosmetologist. Good luck and beauty.

Hello! I would like to tell you a YOUNG MAN for a normal photo, usually they show part of the face and it is very difficult to evaluate. So my recommendations: 1-good physiotherapy in combination with the correct massage and mesotherapy 4-5 visits, 2-then laser lifting and you will already get the most from your skin. And only at the end, 3- polish the beauty with fillers, what is left. And then choose supportive care together with a doctor, this is very important. It will change with age, but it must be !!! And we must not forget about daily self-care at home, if it is competent, believe me, the skin always looks very well-groomed and healthy !!!

Hello. I don't see bags under my eyes. The nasolacrimal and nasolabial grooves appeared due to the insufficient volume of the zygomatic zone. This problem can be solved. It is necessary to carry out reconstructive contour plasty of the zygomatic zone with a biphasic preparation, which is injected periosteally. I recommend Novonexus clinic. This is their concept.

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Olesya Chodova

Doctor cosmetologist, Moscow

79 answers to questions, 236 reviews

The developer of the author's techniques for the introduction of PDO mesothreads, a technique for the introduction of fillers, a specialist in micro- and macrocannula techniques for the introduction of biorevitalizants, biorestructurizers and mesotherapeutic cocktails. Permanent speaker of all-Russian and international congresses on cosmetology, author of publications in thematic magazines. Education and career 2006: graduated from the North Ossetian State Medical Academy. 2006-2008: studied at the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education at the Department of Dermatovenereology, underwent professional retraining in the course of "Cosmetology". By the end of the residency, she graduated from all medical courses in mesotherapy, biorevitalization, contour plastics, BTA. 2013-2015: headed the work of the training center of the company "Mesoprof". She trained doctors in mesotherapy, thread lifting, contour plastics, developed her own techniques and techniques. She has published a number of teaching aids. Participation in seminars and international congresses International educational course-training for cosmetologists on non-surgical methods of rejuvenation (St. Petersburg, 2013). Reports on the topic “Peptide biorevitalization. Peculiarities of ReNova line drugs "and" Mesothread therapy of the dermis. Features of the introduction technique. Errors, complications, treatment. " "Nevskie Berega" (St. Petersburg, 2013). Report “Evolution of aesthetic lipolytic mesoseeds. From simple to complex. Classic lipolytics: combined and complex "cocktails". Master class "Demonstration of a complex-combined lipolytic meso-session: lipoclasia, mesodissolution, capillary correction." IX Exhibition for professionals of the beauty industry "Kosmetik EXPO Volga region" (Kazan, 2013). Report "Mesonitis therapy of the dermis", master classes "Thread-lifting of the face oval" and "Biorevitalization with enriched drugs. Peptide mesotherapy ". International Forum on Aesthetic Surgery and Cosmetology (Chelyabinsk, 2013). Report “Threadlifting. Technique and schemes of administration. Complications and Treatment ". Master class "Threadlifting of the lower and middle third of the face". "Nevskie Berega" (St. Petersburg, 2014). Report and master class "Mesonite correction of delicate areas in combination and combination of innovative techniques for the introduction of biorestructuring agents." International training course-training for cosmetologists on non-surgical methods of rejuvenation (St. Petersburg, 2014). Report "Mesothread therapy: expectation, reality, clinical experience". Publications "Panthenol: regeneration and hydration" (magazine "Oblik. Esthetic guide", July 2013) "Monopreparations in action" (magazine "Oblik. Esthetic guide ”, October 2013)“ Threadlifting on the neck area ”(“ Oblik. Esthetic guide ”magazine, October 2013)“ Threadlifting: dealing with complications ”(Les nouvelles esthetigues magazine, 2015)


Javatkhanova Aminat

Doctor cosmetologist, Makhachkala

62 answers to questions

Doctor - dermatologist, cosmetologist, experience in cosmetology since 1997. Medical license for the implementation of activities in therapeutic cosmetology No. FS - 05 - 01 - 000407 dated December 12, 2011. Education Dagestan State Medical Academy (Pediatrics) Internship in the specialty "Dermatovenerology" Continuing education "Medical cosmetology. Aesthetic therapy ", RUDN. "Physiotherapy in cosmetology. Hardware cosmetology ", RUDN. "The method of mesotherapy in cosmetology", RUDN. "The use of botulism toxin preparations in cosmetology and aesthetic medicine", RUDN - Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, Lantoks. "The use of microimplants - contour plastic preparations in cosmetology and aesthetic medicine", RUDN. "Facial modeling with preparations based on hyaluronic acid" "Physiotherapy and laser technologies in cosmetology". Non-injection mesotherapy / electroporation "Elos-, Photo- and laser technologies in cosmetology and aesthetic medicine" "Chemical and fruit peels in cosmetology" - (Holy Land, Astrea ...) Heliabrine - prof. cosmetics - Monaco. “Trichology. Clinic. Diagnostics. Treatment "Advanced training in" Mesotherapy in therapeutic cosmetology and aesthetic medicine, modern techniques "on the basis of the educational centers" Martinex "," Martinez Image "," Mesoreal ", etc. Modeling of the contours of the face and lips, therapeutic blepharoplasty, vector face lifting with hyaluronic acid preparations Restylane, JUVEDERM, SURGIDERM (Certificate of the Soling company) "Vector lifting" and methods of non-surgical biological skin reinforcement using preparations of stabilized hyaluronic acid Perfectha Derm (Certificate of UMC "Martinex") , Bellcontour (Certificate of Nika Med LLC) "Restoration of soft tissue volume with Bellcontour preparations - Switzerland" (Certificate of Nika Med) "Dangerous areas. Fighting complications ”(Certificate“ Nike Med ”)“ Correction of the upper, middle and lower third of the face. Application of cannulas. Lifting methods "(Certificate" Nika Med ")" Anatomical component of gravitational ptosis of the soft tissues of the face. Stages of ptosis. tactics of managing patients at different stages. Combined techniques - Silhouette Soft Lift thread lifting. Clinical analysis of the correction of the upper third, middle third and lower third of the face. " She regularly underwent further training and internships in the main specialties (dermatology and cosmetology), as well as thematic improvements. Participant of annual Russian and international scientific and practical conferences and congresses on anti-aging medicine and dermatology. He is a full member of the "Society of Mesotherapists" (Moscow) Representative of the "Unicity" company - healthy food nutrition. Regional trainer prof. cosmetic products: "Holy Land" - Israel, "Heliabrine" - Monaco. Regional trainer of Nika Med LLC on the following technologies: - "Silhouette Soft-Non-surgical face lifting" - "Botulinum therapy in aesthetic medicine with Lantox. Extended indications "-" Intralipotherapy with AQUALYX "-" Contour correction with Bellcontour-Switzerland "-" Contouring of intimate zones "Professional skills Drawing up individual treatment programs and correcting age-related changes, professional rejuvenation of the face, neck, décolleté, hands. Complex treatment of acne and post-acne, rosacea and demodicosis, scars and stretch marks, skin hyperpigmentation using the latest technologies. Working with professional cosmetics Holi Land - Israel, Heliabrine - Monaco. Selection of professional products for individual home skin care. Selection of healthy food. SPA programs. Body correction programs: fight against fat deposits, stretch marks, cellulite, skin rejuvenation. Introlipotherapy - Aqualyx. Hardware cosmetology: microcurrents, myostimulation, non-injection mesotherapy / electroporation. Elos - therapy for acne, rosacea, pigmentation. Elos epilation. Treatment of cosmetic skin defects using fractional photothermolysis. Laser treatment of vascular skin defects. Laser resurfacing with fractional CO2 laser; laser treatment of skin problems. Phototherapy, photorejuvenation, photoepilation. Removal of tattoos, stretch marks, scars and scars. Ultrasound cavitation, RF-lifting (bipolar, tripolar), vacuum massage (LPG), pressotherapy. Botulinum therapy. Correction of mimic wrinkles with drugs, Lantox. Treatment of hyperhidrosis (sweating). Contour plastic, volumetric facial modeling using the latest generation of implants - Belkontur - Switzerland. Modeling the shape and volume of the lips. Intimate contour plastics. Bionic lifting - Silhouette Soft Lift Restoration of water balance, increasing turgor and elasticity, long-term prevention of skin aging using technologies of mesotherapy, biorevitalization, bioreparation, skin bio-reinforcement. Plasmolifting - rejuvenation of the patient's own blood plasma. All types of peeling. I conduct educational activities for students on the basis of secondary and higher professional education.


Trukhina Ekaterina

Dermatovenereologist, Moscow

26 answers to questions

Dermatocosmetologist with 10 years of experience. I widely use the technique of 3D face modeling using cannulas. I masterfully perform lip contouring. I am fluent in all hardware methods of rejuvenation, including the most advanced and demanded ones - Ulthera System, Raylife, Thermage, Fraxel, Airgent, VipLine, Exotherme. I also use injections (Restylane, Disport). I believe that with the help of complex methods it is possible to correct the shortcomings inherent in nature, as well as to cope with age-related changes

One of the most obvious signs of age is pronounced nasolabial folds. Coming to an appointment with an esthetician for the first time, patients most often complain about nasolabial folds. They are prompted to seek the help of a specialist by the desire to get rid of skin creases, the shadow around the mouth and nose, which makes the face tired. This problem is quite solvable, but in order to eliminate it, the doctor must work in a complex manner and, first of all, the volume of the middle third of the face must be restored. Read the article on how to get rid of the nasolabial fold.

The nasolabial fold is a loss of volume in the temporomandibular bone. From the age of 27, a gradual drying of the bones of the facial skull begins to occur, their volume decreases. As a result, the ligamentous apparatus is redistributed, which leads to sagging of the soft tissues of the face and is displaced towards the center and downward. As a result, the oval of the face becomes indistinct, and a nasolabial fold forms around the lips and nose. In order for the cheeks to return to their place and the fold to disappear, the first step is to replenish the volume of the temporomandibular region.

Due to the loss of volume in the cheekbones, in addition to the nasolabial folds, bags under the eyes also appear. Around the eyeball is the circular muscle of the face, the fibers of which are woven into the fibers of the cheek muscles. The effect of gravitational forces forces the soft tissues of the face to go down, and they, in turn, pull the lower portion of the circular muscle of the eye, and then the septum, behind which is the subcutaneous fat. Going out, the latter forms a hernia of the lower eyelids.

It should be borne in mind that due to the restoration of the zygomatic zone at a young age, the formation of hernias of the lower eyelids can be avoided.

How to get rid of nasolabial folds: stages of face restoration

Facial restoration should take place exclusively in stages. First, you need to reduce the tone of facial muscles, and then achieve the restoration of lost or genetically missing volumes in the temporomandibular region. The final stage is lifting.

Stage 1. Botulinum toxin

At the first stage of the transformation, the hypertonicity of the facial muscles is removed, because if the muscle is in motion, it will remove the injected fillers and all efforts will be useless. Depending on the patient's face, the doctor may recommend injections into certain areas - most often these are the eyebrows, eyes and forehead. Correction may be required within two weeks. For this purpose, they take before and after photographs and charmingly from three angles: a full-face profile, an angle of 45 °.

Stage 2. Volume recovery

It is important to consider that it is impossible to get perfect cheekbones in one session. Thus, the duration of adhesion of fillers to the bone and surrounding tissues is at least 2 weeks, while rehabilitation is completed only by 21 days. In this regard, the results will begin to appear only after three weeks, after which a doctor's examination and, if necessary, correction will be required.

In total, the stage of volumetric modeling lasts 2-3 months, it is during this time that the main work is carried out:

  • the middle third of the face increases;
  • the face acquires a beautiful V-line - tapers towards the chin and widens towards the temples.

The effect of volumetric modeling lasts 1-1.5 years. If all procedures were performed correctly, by the end of this stage it is possible to completely get rid of the nasolabial fold.

Lipolytics. Due to the accumulation of a large amount of subcutaneous fat, the lower part of the face becomes heavy. With the help of lipolytics, the volume of subcutaneous fat in the area of \u200b\u200bthe wings is eliminated.

Stage 3. Lifting

If the use of the previous methods is not enough to make the lower part of the face perfect, they resort to thread correction. Such a lift gives quite good results, but only at its own stage. In the case of an insufficient amount of volume in the temporomandibular region, the threads will simply have nothing to attach to.

Like fillers, threads can also be corrected after a nonspecific inflammation that lasts 3 weeks. Unfortunately, such a procedure is very traumatic, in this regard, the patient must have time to recover.