Is it possible to do epilation for pregnant women: contraindications, possible consequences. Is it possible for pregnant women to do the depilation procedure

With the onset of pregnancy, many women have concerns about whether pregnant women can get epilation. Moreover, this is relevant, because in this state, the work of hormones leads to the rapid growth of hair, from which you so want to get rid of in some parts of the body, these are legs, arms, armpits. But bikini hair removal during pregnancy is especially important before childbirth. This problem is further complicated by the fact that not all methods can be used to remove hair during pregnancy. After all, epilation during pregnancy should not harm the health of a woman and her baby. Today, there are several ways known for pregnant women to do epilation - this is depilation, epilation and shugaring during pregnancy.

If depilation is used during pregnancy, the effect of the procedure is less persistent, since the hair roots remain intact. But epilation during pregnancy brings good results, since the hairs are removed along with the roots, and the skin becomes smooth for at least two weeks. However, depilation is more often used during pregnancy, since it is safer and has practically no contraindications. In addition to this method, there are several other ways to epilate a bikini during pregnancy or on other parts of the body. However, for each of them, you need to consult a doctor.

Which hair removal methods are most suitable for pregnant women?

Shaving is the most famous method after hair removal and sugaring during pregnancy. Its main advantages are speed of hair removal and low cost. Its disadvantages include: cuts, scratches, skin irritation and very rapid hair growth after the procedure. Today, depilation during pregnancy is the most acceptable procedure, since it is less traumatic and does not bring painful sensations to a woman. For a more comfortable shave, you need to take a warm shower, stretch your legs, apply shaving cream and shave off unnecessary hair with light movements.

In addition, there are special razors on sale that do not irritate the skin after shaving. They do not slip while shaving, have a comfortable grip and special moisturizing strips that reduce irritation. During the procedure, it is not prohibited to use special gels, foams and shaving creams. After waxing during pregnancy, you can apply an emollient cream to your skin. This is the only method that has no contraindications and is used by doctors before childbirth.

Epilation during pregnancy with wax

Waxing during pregnancy is a quick way to remove unwanted hair. Waxing during pregnancy can be done in three ways - hot, cold and warm. If epilation is performed during pregnancy with a hot method, then the skin is covered with hot wax, paper strips are applied and abruptly torn off along with the hairs. With the warm method, the wax is slightly warmed up, applied to the skin, and then fabric or paper strips are glued, the strips are removed with sharp movements.

If waxing during pregnancy with wax is performed by the cold method, then wax is applied to the paper strips and warmed up in the hands. Next, it is applied to the skin and torn off. Apply wax along the hair growth, and remove the strips against hair growth. The skin will be smooth for 2-3 weeks, however, this method is expensive, and the procedure itself is quite painful. The choice of the method, how can pregnant women do wax hair removal, only on an individual basis.

Epilation during pregnancy with wax is allowed, however, requires caution, since when it is performed, you can get burned, irritation and discomfort may occur. It is very important to be very careful during the procedure, so it is better to do it in the salon. The salon master needs to be warned that epilation is carried out during pregnancy. In this case, he does not use the hot method of hair removal, but performs all movements as carefully as possible. You cannot use this method if the woman has not used it before, as it is rather painful the first time. That promotes the release of stress hormone in the body in a double dose. There is a risk of miscarriage, especially if there are complications. It is strictly forbidden to wax bikini during pregnancy if a woman has diabetes mellitus, herpes, viral infectious diseases.

Sugaring during pregnancy

Epilation during pregnancy by the method is a rather extraordinary method of hair removal using lollipops. Sugar is used for pregnancy. Bikini epilation during pregnancy and in other areas is performed only with a warm sweet mass. Shugaring during pregnancy does not contain chemical components, therefore it is absolutely safe.

How is shugaring done during pregnancy? To carry out shugaring during pregnancy, you need to glue the sweet mass on the skin, cover with a strip of fabric and tear it off sharply along the hair growth. You can use sugar paste with your hands, it all depends on its density and which you choose for shugaring during pregnancy.

The effect of smooth skin from shugaring during pregnancy lasts 2-3 weeks, the process is not as painful as with wax, it can be used to epilate a bikini during pregnancy most effectively. Sugaring during pregnancy has no contraindications, however, it is not used for skin lesions and diabetes. Since the sensitivity of a woman in a position increases sharply, it is necessary to use epilation or shugaring very carefully during pregnancy. If you go to the salon for this procedure, then the master needs to be warned about your situation, because not every master agrees to carry out shugaring for pregnant women. This method is suitable for those pregnant women who have used similar methods of hair removal in the past, and if not, it is better to use regular shaving.

Undesirable methods during pregnancy

Depilatory cream

This special cream contains substances that have a destructive effect on the structure of the hairs. After the skin has been treated with a depilatory cream, hair can be easily removed from it using a special spatula. However, the hair roots remain intact, so bikini hair removal during pregnancy brings the best effect. The advantages of such depilation during pregnancy include the speed of hair removal and the affordable cost, as well as the minimal risk of irritation.

When applying shaving cream, it is advisable to be in a room with good ventilation or in the fresh air, for example, on a balcony. If a pregnant woman wants to carry out depilation on many parts of the body, then it is advisable to do them one at a time. For example, one day treat the armpits, the other day the legs, and the third the bikini area. As for whether it is possible for pregnant women to do hair removal with such a cream, consultations with a doctor are necessary. Before epilating with a depilator during pregnancy, it is important to remember that it has aggressive components and can cause allergies, burns, irritation or itching. Therefore, before using it, you need to carry out a test on a small area of ​​the skin, for example, on the elbow.

Electric epilator

Today, epilation during pregnancy can be done with an electric epilator, which helps to get rid of unwanted hair. Modern devices include different attachments that make bikini hair removal less painful during pregnancy. For example, there are instruments with rotating plates and vibrating springs. A device with a spring works faster, however, the procedure is more painful. To epilate during pregnancy, you need to dry the skin and quickly thin out the hair in the problem area with quick movements. Next, you can start to shave thoroughly, after which the skin is left without hair. However, bikini hair removal during pregnancy will be more sensitive. Regarding epilation during pregnancy and, in general, whether it is possible for pregnant women to epilate with the device, the first rule is the absence of skin cracks, scratches and other damage.

It is advisable to epilate during pregnancy using such a device at night, as red inflamed spots remain on the skin. The positive qualities of such hair removal during pregnancy include a long period of smooth skin - this is 2-3 weeks, as well as cheapness, because the device is bought once. The negative qualities of such epilation during pregnancy include rather painful hair removal, inconvenience of working in the armpit and bikini area. Regarding the indications, the doctor may allow a woman to use epilation during pregnancy if she did it before pregnancy. It is forbidden to epilation during pregnancy with skin diseases, if there is a threat of miscarriage or varicose veins. Therefore, the question of whether pregnant women can do hair removal with an electric device is decided only by a doctor.

What methods cannot be used

Laser hair removal during pregnancy

After exposure to the laser, the hair follicles heat up and die. As a result, the hair and root are removed. According to many experts, during pregnancy it is quite dangerous for pregnant women and, especially if the woman suffers from atopic dermatitis, which can worsen during this period. And laser hair removal dries out the skin and negatively affects the health of the baby.

Photoepilation during pregnancy

With photoepilation, the hairs are destroyed by a flash of light. The intensity of the heat wave is quite high, therefore, the flow of substances from the vessels into the follicle stops. As a result, the hair root dies off. This procedure should not be done by pregnant women.

Self-care for a woman is a natural and habitual process at any age and position. And pregnancy is no exception, because every expectant mother wants to remain attractive and well-groomed. This also applies to the removal of unwanted hair. Although epilation during pregnancy should be more careful and safer than at any other time. This is especially true for those women who are accustomed to hair removal procedures and feel the comfort of smooth and soft skin on all parts of the body.

In order to properly, safely and less painfully get rid of unwanted vegetation during the period of bearing a child, it is important to know what methods and means can be used for this.

Epilation during pregnancy is not contraindicated, but it has its own characteristics and limitations.

Especially if it is done at home.

Varieties of hair removal methods during pregnancy

The easiest and quickest way to remove unwanted hair is with a razor. It is completely painless and uncomplicated, which captivates most expectant mothers. But this method has two significant drawbacks. First, the hair grows back with tough and spiky bristles. Secondly, the effect is enough for only a couple of days, then the procedure must be repeated.

Depilatory cream

Another painless depilation method is the use of a special cream that destroys the hair structure and allows you to get rid of them in a short time, easily and quickly. It is suitable for the skin of the hands and feet, sometimes it is used to remove antennae, although the skin of a pregnant woman may react unexpectedly to such a cosmetic. Therefore, before starting the procedure, it is worth doing a test.

During pregnancy, the usual depilatory cream can cause an allergic reaction

Waxing or shugaring

The use of wax or sugar paste gives a long-term effect that lasts 3-4 weeks, but the painful sensations at the same time for many expectant mothers becomes a weighty argument. Therefore, during pregnancy, depilation by these methods is rarely performed. Especially if a woman in a position decided to do depilation for the first time, because you need to get used to such pain.

Electric epilator

Using a home epilator is a simple and convenient procedure that is easy to do on your own. Many women during pregnancy continue to remove excess hair in this way, feeling great at the same time. And although as the tummy grows, it will become more difficult to depilate a bikini with an epilator, this method remains quite popular among pregnant women.

Hair removal during pregnancy with an epilator is the most popular method

Hardware methods of hair removal

As for the hardware methods of hair removal, it is undesirable to use them during pregnancy. Despite the safety of laser or photoepilation, each organism is individual and may react differently to such an intervention. This is especially true for the bikini area, where the skin is sensitive, and the mucous membrane is close. And the health and life of a child is not something worth risking even for the sake of beautiful and smooth skin.

Which depilation method to choose

To determine which method to remove excess hair during pregnancy, the expectant mother needs to weigh all the pros and cons. In this case, it is worth considering all the factors that can affect the process and the result of depilation. Among such nuances, the main ones can be called:

  1. Mechanical hair removal from the root is easier and less painful to do with sugar paste rather than wax. This is especially true for expectant mothers who have repeatedly carried out depilation by the method and the consequences of the procedure.
  2. The most painful areas of the body are the face, armpits and bikini area. If the hair has never been removed here before pregnancy, it is better not to start yet.
  3. and the legs of the expectant mother can be done by any method, none of them will harm either the woman or the fetus.
  4. When doing depilation during the period of carrying a child for the first time, it is worth conducting a test on an area of ​​the skin of an arm or leg, even if this method was used successfully before pregnancy. In an "interesting" position in a woman's body, there are many new processes that can affect hair removal.
  5. If a pregnant woman has health problems or her conditions, all the more a threat.

Taking into account all these factors, it will not be difficult for the expectant mother to choose the optimal depilation method so that the procedure is as easy, simple and safe as possible for the unborn child. It is better to contact a professional beautician who will take into account the client's position and will follow all the precautions. Although home procedures often go without consequences, if you do everything correctly and follow the precautions.

Pregnancy brings so many changes to a woman's life that inevitably she asks a thousand questions. How? Why? Is it possible to do this and that? You won't go to the doctor every time for an answer, ask your mother - you will hear "no" for everything, friends do not know everything either.

One of these questions is - can pregnant women do hair removal? It would seem why not, and yet each procedure has its own side effects. But you have to take care of yourself somehow! Moreover, hormonal changes during pregnancy often provoke increased hair growth: hair becomes stiffer, darker, and grows faster.

It happens that it is easier for a woman to go to the salon: even if she previously removed unwanted hair on her own without problems, now it is difficult for her to do this simply because her grown tummy does not allow her to reach some parts of the body. The only question that arises is whether it is possible to carry out such procedures? And if so, what methods of removing unwanted hair should be preferred?

Epilation and depilation: what is the difference

Depilation is the removal of only that part of the hair that is above the skin, while epilation involves the removal of hair along with the root. Depilation is done quickly and painlessly (although modern methods of hair removal also do not involve pain), but the effect of it does not last long, while with epilation, the skin remains smooth for up to several weeks.

Types of depilation

Shaving. A simple and cheap way to deal with excess hairs, and also fast. True, there are also disadvantages - cuts, irritation, and hair grows back rapidly. Shaving is not contraindicated for pregnant women, just exclude the possibility of infection: always use a personal razor. Before your procedure, take a warm shower and scrub your skin well with a washcloth - this will help open pores and make shaving less traumatic. Use a variety of shaving creams and gels to help reduce irritation.

The use of special creams for depilation. This method is also sometimes called gentle shaving, because with this method of depilation, the skin is not injured at all. But many expectant mothers have doubts whether they can use such creams - their smell is quite specific and not too pleasant.

But, as it turned out, it is still possible: we keep the depilatory cream on the skin not long enough for it to be absorbed into the bloodstream. Although there are some specific precautions for pregnant women. Before applying the cream, test on a small area of ​​the skin - during pregnancy, the skin becomes much more sensitive, so the likelihood of irritation increases.

Perform this procedure in a well-ventilated area, and after it it is better to go out into the fresh air. Try not to do depilation of all parts of the body in one day, it is better this way: one day - legs, the second - armpits, etc. It happens that when the hairs grow back, folliculitis (inflammation of the hair follicles) occurs. Don't worry, this happens to everyone, not just pregnant women. Try to temporarily stop the procedure and wipe the skin with some kind of antiseptic (for example, salicylic alcohol). During this period, pay particular attention to skin hygiene.

Epilation types

Plucking hairs with tweezers. The easiest way to remove hairs from the root. Ideal for shaping eyebrows. As for the body, only a few hairs can be removed this way, and for large areas of skin you will have to look for another method. For pregnant women, it is safe, especially if you follow the precautions. Before plucking something, treat your tweezers and skin with an antiseptic - miramistin, for example.

Household electric epilator. Almost the same procedure, only using a special device. Hair is pulled out not one by one, but several pieces at once. As for pregnancy, in the instructions for household epilators, it is indicated as a contraindication to the use of this device. In fact, its minus is only in the painfulness of this procedure, which not everyone can tolerate. However, if you did epilation with this method before pregnancy, you can try it now (if there is no threat of termination of pregnancy). However, in the "interesting position" the sensitivity of the skin usually increases. But it is better to postpone the first acquaintance with electric epilators until you give birth.

Salon electrolysis. Although not the newest method, it is considered one of the most effective. Each hair follicle is treated with a thin needle - an electrode that delivers a weak electric current. Cons: you can't spend it at home, only in the salon; besides, it is very painful. And bad news for pregnant women: the use of electrolysis is strictly prohibited for them - no one knows how your body will react to the effects of an electric current.

Bioepilation , in other words - waxing. It has been known since the times of ancient Egypt, but has recently come into fashion again and has become very popular due to its excellent result - the skin becomes really very smooth. Phyto-resin is also used for bioepilation, it is especially common in bikini design.

With pregnancy, everything, again, is very individual. In general, it is not a contraindication to bioepilation, but only if you have used this method before and you know that your body reacts to such "execution" normally.

You should not try waxing for the first time while waiting for the baby, the pain may be too strong. Also pay attention to whether you have developed varicose veins during pregnancy, because waxing cannot be done on the affected skin areas.

Laser hair removal - destruction of the hair follicle by exposure to a laser flash. Regarding its use during pregnancy, everything is quite complicated: whatever one may say, we are the first generation of women using this method of hair removal, and its effect has not yet been fully studied.

Opinions differ, and even doctors have not come to a common point of view. But still, although there is no direct threat to the fetus, laser hair removal can cause pain, and your skin, due to the surge of hormones, can behave very unpredictably - for example, become covered with age spots or refuse to "accept" the laser.

Photoepilation ... The action is based on a flash of light that seals the vessels around the hair follicle, as a result of which it atrophies without nutrients, which means that old hair falls out, new hair does not grow. Regarding pregnancy, it is better not to do photoepilation while carrying a baby. The reasons are the same: this procedure appeared in salons about 10 years ago, and the effect of the device on the body of the child and the expectant mother has not been properly studied. It is understandable, would anyone start to conduct experiments on pregnant women? So you do not risk it.

  • during pregnancy, the risk of allergic reactions increases significantly - keep this in mind when using depilatory creams or wax.
  • give up any painful procedures - they are dangerous in that they provoke the production of stress hormones in the body, which negatively affects the fetus and can even cause a miscarriage.
  • if you have any skin diseases in addition to pregnancy, epilation is contraindicated for you.
  • if you nevertheless decide on photoepilation while carrying a child, remember that its harm has not been proven by anyone, but in the deep bikini and abdomen I do not advise pregnant women to do it even by the most loyal doctors.
  • excess hair during pregnancy is a temporary phenomenon that will pass in 6-9 months. Maybe it makes sense to be patient?
  • 1. Epilation and depilation: what is the difference
  • 2. Methods of epilation and depilation prohibited during pregnancy
  • 3. Epilation of the bikini area during pregnancy
  • 4. Safe ways of depilation for women during pregnancy
  • 4.1. Mechanical epilator
  • 4.2. Wax depilation
  • 4.3. Sugarnig or phyto-resin
  • 4.4. Medicine opinion
  • 4.5. From the point of view of the master
  • 5. Contraindications
  • 6. Useful tips before shugaring
  • 7. Basic precautions
  • 8. Shugaring of intimate areas during pregnancy
  • 9. Anesthesia during pregnancy
  • 9.1. Shaving
  • 10. Restrictions for depilation by the above methods
  • 11. Conclusion
  • 12. Questions and answers
  • 12.1. Can wax be used for epilation on the pope?
  • 12.2. If I did deep bikini waxing with wax for several years before pregnancy, can I also do it during pregnancy?
  • 12.3. How long can you do shugaring or waxing?
  • 12.4. Can shugaring be done while breastfeeding?
  • 12.5. What if you can't shave yourself because of your belly, and it's a shame to ask someone?
  • 12.6. I began to get irritated after the razor, which was not there before, what should I do?

During the period of gestation, it is especially important to maintain the hygiene of your body. Bikini epilation during pregnancy is a topic of concern for many expectant mothers.

Epilation and depilation: what is the difference

Depilation refers to any hair removal technique that does not violate the integrity of the follicle. Hair grows back after a certain time.

These methods include:

  • mechanical depilation;
  • sugarning;
  • waxing;
  • shaving;
  • chemical creams;
  • bioresin;

Epilation is a technique that leads to the complete destruction of the follicle, after which the hairs no longer grow.

It includes:

  • electrolysis;
  • thermolysis;
  • laser hair removal;
  • photoepilation.

These terms are often confused, not only by service users, but even by the masters themselves.

Hair removal and depilation methods prohibited during pregnancy

Epilation by devices for pregnant women in an intimate place is prohibited. The fact is that laser and photoepilation are relatively new procedures. Experts have not yet fully studied how laser and light pulses affect the fetus and the state of the expectant mother.

Although these methods are almost painless, have minimal negative consequences, it is better to refuse them while carrying a baby.

Electrolysis is an old way. Its essence is to connect an electrode to each hair and destroy its root by means of an electrical impulse. The procedure is long, painful, and may cause burns. Making her pregnant is strictly prohibited.
It is also not recommended to use chemical creams for the intimate area, as well as other areas of the skin. They can cause an allergic reaction, and they contain components that a woman in a position should not contact with.

Epilation of the bikini area during pregnancy

Any epilation technique (laser, flashlights, electrical impulses) affects not only the surface of the skin, but also the deeper layers. The intimate zone is located next to the uterus, so the effect of the apparatus on the internal organs and the fetus is unpredictable. It is undesirable to resort to such methods during lactation.

The opinions of cosmetologists and doctors on the safety of these techniques differ. Some claim that there is no harm to pregnant women in epilation. It is still better to abstain from it.

There are many other ways to remove unwanted vegetation in a delicate place that are allowed for expectant mothers.

Safe ways to depilate women during pregnancy

The most important rule for a woman expecting a baby is not to try anything new. Epilation of the body and bikini area during pregnancy should be habitual in order to avoid allergic reactions, irritations, pain, which are undesirable during such a period.

So, the methods allowed for pregnant women.

Mechanical epilator

Many girls are used to doing hair removal with a machine. There are no contraindications to this method for ladies "in position". You can continue to shave your intimate area without any fear. Difficulties can arise in the last trimester due to a large abdomen. In this case, you can temporarily resort to other methods or visit a beautician.

It is not recommended to start using the machine during gestation for those who have not done this before. The first 2-3 times the process will cause severe pain, which will result in stress for the body. In addition, an inflammatory reaction of the skin is possible. Therefore, the method is suitable only for those who have been using it for a long time.

Wax depilation

Wax (wax) is a highly hypoallergenic product that does not contain hazardous chemicals. It is possible to epilate a bikini while in position by this method. If a woman is used to doing it on her own, then she will easily cope until her belly begins to grow. Do not take uncomfortable positions and squeeze the fetus. When it becomes difficult to do waxing at home, it is better to go to a beauty parlor.

As in the case of a mechanical epilator, wax depilation should be done only by those who have resorted to it before, otherwise painful shock is possible, which is very bad for the nervous system of a pregnant woman.

Sugarnig or phyto-resin

The method is depilation with sugar paste, consisting of natural ingredients, which means that it is a suitable way to get rid of hair for women in position.
The pasta is cooked with sugar. It is absolutely safe for the body. The process is less painful in comparison with wax and a machine. Even girls who have never done it before can start to do bikini hair removal. The same applies to biosin. Let's take a closer look at this issue, analyze the nuances, from the point of view of medicine, learn for certain about the safety of shugaring during pregnancy from a specialist.

Medicine opinion

While expecting a baby, the expectant mother may notice increased body hair growth. This is due to an increase in the hormone progesterone in the body, so epilation with sugar paste can be an option for the expectant mother. Before shugaring, it is necessary to consult a doctor to avoid the following risks:

  • Uterine tone. During sugar depilation, hair is removed from the root, which entails painful sensations. This can tone the uterus and lead to termination of pregnancy. This risk exists in the first and second trimesters. In III, the danger is minimal and even acceptable before childbirth.
  • The introduction of pathogenic bacteria under the skin. There is such a risk during waxing with sugar paste ..

From the point of view of the master

The specialist must necessarily be aware of the "position" of the client in order to assess all the risks before carrying out the procedure.

  • This is not the first time waxing has been done. For a woman who has been attending sessions for a long time, her hair becomes thin, brittle and weak. In this case, shugaring can be done with the permission of the doctor.
  • Pregnancy is going well according to the gynecologist's assurance.


Shugaring has contraindications, such as:

  • allergic reactions;
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema);
  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • diabetes.

During diabetes, the epidermis is weakened, so any type of depilation is not recommended.

Thorough preparation is a must.

  1. The minimum hair length should be 3 mm, not more than 8 mm, and 4–5 mm is optimal. It will take about two weeks to grow such hair. If earlier shugaring sessions were carried out repeatedly, then thanks to the thinning of the hair roots, it will be possible to remove vegetation even with a minimum length.
  2. Having achieved the effect of weakening hair, brittleness and loss, it is a mistake to use a razor or depilatory cream between procedures, since the roots will become thicker again, and the hair will be larger.
  3. Before a shugaring session, apply a little scrub to the necessary areas of the skin with circular movements of your fingers, and then rinse it off with water. This will help prepare it and prevent further ingrown hairs.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to the hygiene of the intimate area.

Basic Precautions

Before shugaring, the expectant mother should not only prepare the skin for depilation, but also take certain precautions.

  1. One day before the procedure, you should stop using fatty creams.
  2. If there are wounds and abrasions on the body, depilation in these areas will have to be abandoned, as this can aggravate the damage, contributing to the multiplication of pathogenic microbes. Care should be taken to treat moles, warts, vessels located on the surface of the skin.
  3. You need to pay attention to your pain threshold, which can change with the onset of an interesting position.

You can carry out the procedure yourself in the early stages, but it is better not to risk it and immediately contact a specialist. The cosmetologist will instruct you on how to take care of your skin after the session so that there is no irritation and inflammation.

Shugaring of intimate areas during pregnancy

Shugaring of classic and deep bikini should be treated with extreme caution. Regardless of the period of pregnancy in a woman, during the session, you need to listen to your feelings. At the slightest suspicion of uterine tone, pain or discomfort, bikini shugaring is prohibited. The epilation specialist initially has the right to refuse this service so as not to take responsibility.

Anesthesia during pregnancy

Hair removal for pregnant women can be done under local anesthesia. It is worth highlighting several drugs for pain relief.

  1. Emla cream 5%, which contains lidocaine and prilocaine. It is applied to the skin with a thin layer, without rubbing, covered with cling film for one hour. Then remove with a towel or wash off with water. This cream helps to relieve pain. But for its use during pregnancy, you need to consult your doctor. You can buy it at a pharmacy or directly from a shugaring master.
  2. Spray with lidocaine 10%, which acts only on the mucous membrane. It is least suitable for anesthetizing the bikini area. Spray is applied 3-4 hours before the procedure, covering the skin area with cling film. Before use, a doctor's consultation is required.
  3. Anesthetic pill (nurofen, ketonal, nise). This method for a woman in position is prohibited due to the destructive effect of the components of the drug on the child.
  4. Before the shugaring procedure, you can steam the skin, so the discomfort will be less noticeable.
  5. There is a theory that from 10 to 11 and from 19 to 21 - during these periods of time, the pain sensations dull, so it is permissible to try it.


The most popular and safest way to remove unwanted hair in pregnant women. You can shave your bikini area at any time. The main thing is to do it carefully so as not to scratch the skin. You can not shave the body dry, a special cream and shaving gel will facilitate the procedure.

In the last trimester, it will become uncomfortable to do intimate depilation with a razor on your own. You will have to use a mirror or ask for help from a loved one.

Restrictions for depilation by the above methods

  1. Use any technique other than a razor, preferably after consulting a doctor and excluding any individual contraindications.
  2. If a pregnant woman has varicose veins, waxing and sugarning cannot be done.
  3. During the period of bearing a child, many women have increased sensitivity and irritability. If the previously usual method of hair removal began to cause severe discomfort, it is better to give it up for a while.
  4. The slightest threat of miscarriage becomes a complete contraindication to any type of depilation, except for a razor. The term does not matter in this case.
  5. In a woman carrying a fetus, the reaction of the skin to the usual procedures may also change. In case of increased irritation, inflammation of the skin after the procedure, it is better to change the depilation method to a more delicate one.


When choosing a method for removing unwanted hair, a future mother should take into account two main factors: the opinion of her supervising doctor and her own feelings. Many girls continue to use the depilation technique during pregnancy, which they have resorted to before and feel great. Others experience changes in sensitivity and skin condition. Everything is very individual.

Questions and answers

Can wax be used for epilation on the pope?

Yes, but it is desirable that this is not the first time, otherwise the pain will be too strong, and this is stress for the nervous system.

If I did deep bikini waxing with wax for several years before pregnancy, can I also do it during pregnancy?

The wax has no contraindications for pregnant women. If the procedure is as comfortable as before, then you can continue to do it.

How long can you do shugaring or waxing?

With good health - until the last days. There are girls who have waxed a day or two before giving birth. But it is better to plan so that the last procedure is carried out on average 2 weeks before delivery.

Can shugaring be done while breastfeeding?

Yes, in the absence of contraindications. This method is the most gentle hair removal procedure during this period, since only natural ingredients are used.

What if you can't shave yourself because of your belly, and it's a shame to ask someone?

If the woman is not prepared, in the prenatal ward, the nurses themselves shave the hair of the woman in labor. Do not be shy, everyone's hair grows.

I began to get irritated after the razor, which was not there before, what should I do?

The hormonal background of a pregnant woman's body changes, which is reflected in the skin. Sometimes her condition worsens, so reactions occur that have not been observed before. When you shave, use a shaving gel, after the procedure, immediately treat the intimate area with an antiseptic, and after a couple of hours, apply Bepanten soothing cream.