Is it possible to remove the hair in the nose. How to remove nose hair: effective and humane ways. Possible adverse effects

  • 1. Why do you need nose hair
  • 2. Methods for removing vegetation
  • 2.1. Nail scissors
  • 2.2. Trimmer to help
  • 2.3. With a cream
  • 2.4. Nostril waxing
  • 2.5. Laser or cool - hair removal
  • 2.6. With tweezers
  • 3. Conclusion
  • 4. Frequently asked questions
  • 4.1. How to remove nose hairs permanently and is it worth doing?
  • 4.2. And yet, what method is painless and optimal?

Why do you need nose hair

Everything that is given to a person by nature is intended for specific purposes. And the cilia in the nose are no exception. Without them, the human body is susceptible to various infections transmitted by airborne droplets. They also prevent dust and dirt from entering the lungs, which is especially helpful for allergy sufferers.

A hormone, which is contained in the body of any person, is responsible for hair growth, therefore, both men and women suffer from excess vegetation, and in the former, hair cilia in the nose grow faster and thicker.

Vegetation removal methods

Usually, for this purpose, resort to the following methods:

  • scissors;
  • trimmer;
  • cream;
  • wax;
  • laser;
  • tweezers.

Nail scissors

The easiest and most painless way to remove nose hair is to cut with nail scissors. An instrument with rounded tips is suitable for this purpose, as it is safer for mucous membranes.

The procedure must be carried out with clean scissors, while it is important to be careful and not rush. You do not need to go too deep into the nose, because the vegetation located inside does not spoil the appearance.

Visibly protruding hairs are usually trimmed. Do not make them very short, so as not to accidentally damage the membrane and cause inflammation. After a haircut, new hair grows in the nose in a week, you will have to trim it again.
There are special scissors with blunt ends. This is the safest method - it is almost impossible to get hurt with such scissors.

Trimmer to help

Trimmer - designed for cutting hair. A good alternative to the previous method. Manufacturers have come up with special female models with a round nozzle. It is a small cylinder with a smooth surface. It is convenient to insert it into the nostril, it allows you to painlessly remove hair.

The trimer rotates inside the nostril, while doing its job safely, and the protection on the nozzle prevents injury to the skin and nasal mucosa. Usually the trimmer is used in front of the mirror, the built-in illumination allows to improve the quality of the procedure. This method should be abandoned for nasal congestion. After use, the nozzle should be treated with a disinfectant solution.

With a cream

The use of a special depilatory cream requires a woman to follow certain safety rules. First of all, an allergic reaction test is carried out. After that, a little cream is applied to the skin, and after the time indicated on the package, it is removed with a spatula. At the time of the procedure, you can only breathe through your mouth.

Nostril waxing

The beauty industry is constantly evolving, new products for depilation appear. So there was a way to get rid of hair with wax. True, cosmetologists assumed that a strong half of humanity would use it, and not women sensitive to pain. However, the momentary pain does not frighten the ladies at all.

The set includes the wax itself, an applicator and strips. The tool removes only protruding hair without harm to the mucous membrane. The waxing technique is quite standard. A strip of wax is glued to the bottom of the nostril for one and a half minutes, then it is torn off with a sharp movement. The sensations, of course, are unpleasant, but the result is worth it.

Laser or cool - hair removal

Laser nose hair removal, known as cool hair removal, is a cardinal way of hair removal. It is carried out only in beauty parlors by an experienced specialist. The procedure is harmless to the skin and nasal mucosa; after it, scars and burns do not remain.

A special apparatus freezes hair follicles and destroys them, so the problem is solved once and for all. Doctors do not advise using cool hair removal, considering this method to be radical, since the ciliated barrier in the nose is an important protective element of the respiratory system, which it is deprived of. A person becomes more susceptible to diseases transmitted by airborne droplets.

With tweezers

Many women use tweezers to remove individual hairs in their nose, but this cannot be done for 3 reasons:

  • strong painful sensations, because many receptors pass through the nose and the skin in this place is very sensitive;
  • high probability of inflammatory processes. Microscopic holes left after hair removal are small wounds. they can get dirt, microbes. ;
  • when using tweezers, remember that there is a risk of damage to the blood vessels.

There are cases when people were seriously injured from hair carelessly torn out with tweezers. Therefore, it is worth choosing safer methods.


Before getting rid of vegetation in the nose, you should think carefully about whether it is worth doing and leave the body without a protective barrier.

When using the cream, it is forbidden to breathe through the nostrils, this in itself will be quite difficult due to the dense consistency of the product.

None of the above methods should be used for nasal congestion and runny nose.


How to remove nose hairs permanently and is it worth doing?

Cool epilation will help to get rid of excess hair in the nostrils. During the procedure, the hair follicle is completely split.

However, it is worth thinking carefully before taking such a step. Lack of hair in the nose will significantly reduce the body's resistance to diseases, especially allergies.

And yet, which method is painless and optimal?

According to experts, cosmetologists and experienced women, a trimmer can be considered the best method of epilation in the nose.

The device is easy to use even on its own, it is able to quickly trim unsightly hairs, while not injuring the skin. The trimmer does not pull out the follicles entirely, which means that the human respiratory system remains under the reliable protection of the cilia from dirt and bacteria.

In modern society, communication plays a leading role in human socialization. It so happens that the desire to contact a person completely disappears due to the capna sticking out of his nose. Sometimes such an annoying misunderstanding repels and causes disgust in the interlocutor. Today, you will learn how to remove nose hair so as not to be considered the person who started your appearance.

Nose hair: a necessity or a misunderstanding?

The reason hair grows in the nose is to prevent dust and dirt from entering the person's respiratory tract. The villi that appear in the path of inhaled air clean and warm it before entering the lungs. Vegetation "settles" in each "snoobel", regardless of the age and gender of the individual. Gender and age can only affect the time of appearance of "hair" in the nose. In the female body, thanks to the hormone estrogen, there is much less “vegetation”, it is softer and lighter in color. In the male body, the content of this hormone is several times less, therefore the villi in the male “beak” are harder and darker. Therefore, we can conclude that the hairline in the "sniffing organ" is a normal and physiologically determined phenomenon. Despite the important function of such “cilia”, the number of those wishing to remove them is not decreasing.

Methods for removing hair from the organ of smell

Currently, there are a number of control methods for removing unwanted vegetation on the mucous membrane of the olfactory organ:

  • using a trimmer;
  • epilation with a specialized cream;
  • haircut with nail scissors;
  • laser hair removal;
  • shugaring;
  • removal with tweezers.

Removing vegetation with nail scissors

The least expensive and most common method. Nose hair is cut with scissors by every second man and every third woman. Some haircut rules should be remembered:

  1. To remove the hair from the nose, you need special scissors. They should be small so that when opened, you cannot injure the delicate mucous membrane of the olfactory organ. The ends of the blades should be rounded for the same safety reason. You can find these in the pharmacy, in the department of children's goods, because it is with such scissors that marigolds are cut for newborns.
  2. When pruning, it is important to use only the tips of the scissors to avoid pinching the skin.
  3. You should not try to cut the hairs at the root. Cut only the protruding ones.
  4. Insert the scissors lightly into the nostril. In this case, raise your head, and expand your nostrils.
  5. Move the inside of the nostril in a circle, trimming the “strands” evenly.

Repeat the procedure as often as required by the rate of growth of the "intranasal drip".

Nose hair trimmer

The most effective way to combat unwanted vegetation in the olfactory organ is to use a trimmer. The trimmer is a specialized hair clipper that allows you to remove vegetation quickly and efficiently without harming your health. It is a compact, battery-powered device with several attachments included. Recommendations for the correct use of the device:

  • The nose hair remover should be held at a safe distance from the olfactory organ to avoid scratching or damaging the skin.
  • After each use, it is necessary to rinse the apparatus so that no “cilia” and various microbes remain on its surface.
  • It is not recommended to use the nose hair clipper for colds or runny nose.
  • Vegetation should be removed under normal room lighting.
  • Consult your dealer for a nostril trimmer that's right for your application.
  • The trimmer is not only a man's device. For the beautiful half of humanity, he is also suitable, as well as possible.
  • Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to disinfect the nozzle with medical alcohol, and rinse the inside of the olfactory organ with soap and dry thoroughly. Everyone's nose hair grows differently. But this gadget suits absolutely everyone.
  • At the beginning of work, turn on the device to the mains or with the button (if it works on batteries), insert the tip into the nostril and remove vegetation with smooth movements in a circle.

The procedure is simple and completely painless. The nose hair trimmer does not pull the hair out by the roots, but cuts it gently.

Epilation of nose hair with creams

An alternative method of dealing with vegetation is nose hair removal. This method requires clarity of actions and the observance of certain precautions. Scheme of actions:

Advice: before starting the procedure, be sure to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the selected drug by testing on a small area of ​​the skin of the legs.

  1. Apply a small amount of cream in a thin layer to a specific area of ​​the skin.
  2. Wait five to ten minutes.
  3. Remove excess cream with a spatula.
  4. Rinse the epilated organ and lubricate its inner surface with any emollient cream.

Advice: from the beginning of the procedure until the depilation in the nose is not completed, it is necessary to breathe exclusively through the mouth.

Nostril waxing

More recently, it has become possible to remove nose hair by waxing. A wax has been released that is only intended to remove vegetation on the mucous membrane of the nostrils. If you are lucky enough to find such a wax in a pharmacy, then you are in luck. The product not only effectively removes vegetation, but also does not injure the nostrils. Instructions for use:

  1. Apply special wax to the strip already in the kit.
  2. Glue it to the inside of your olfactory organ.
  3. Hold in this state for one and a half minutes.
  4. With a sharp motion, tear off the strip, firmly grasping its edge.

Every woman in this way at least once, but fought with vegetation on the body. If the procedure seems to you like torture on the human body, then it has certain advantages. Please note that after waxing in the nose, "cilia" do not grow for 3-4 weeks.

Laser hair removal (cool hair removal)

To solve the problem as efficiently as possible, you can seek help from a cosmetology clinic, where you can be offered laser hair removal on the mucous membrane. In the absence of contraindications, the client must be prepared for the following:

  • The long-awaited effect does not come immediately, but after several procedures.
  • The procedure for removing vegetation with a laser is expensive. In Moscow, you will have to pay 1000 rubles at a time. And there should be at least three such techniques.
  • The vegetation in the nostrils may start growing again. This can happen either in a year or in five years.

Removing vegetation in the nostrils with tweezers

If you want to know how to get rid of nose hair is the most dangerous of all, then the answer is to pluck with tweezers. Besides the fact that it hurts like hell, the procedure can seriously harm your health. It happens that a girl is terribly complex about excessive "hairiness", and makes a big mistake, undertaking to deal with the problem with eyebrow tweezers. Why pulling out the hairs from the nose with tweezers is categorically not recommended:

  • Pulling out cilia is an extremely painful procedure, sometimes it is not possible to endure it.
  • Due to the tenderness of the mucous membrane, each removed "cilium" leaves a wound on it.
  • With air, pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms that cause inflammation can enter the wound. Infection of the wound can lead to suppuration and the formation of a boil.
  • Careless handling of tweezers can damage a blood vessel, as a result of which you have to stop the bleeding. The consequence of such an injury can be fatal. An infection can get into the injured vessel and sepsis can begin.

It is absolutely not important how you decide how to remove the hair in the nose. Whether you want to act on your own or seek professional help, whether you use a trimmer or remove hair with scissors. The most important thing is that the end result should satisfy you and not affect your health.

Video: Waxing - what the hair removal process looks like

Natural beauty is best when a charming appearance is achieved without compromising health. Of course, for the sake of a certain effect, you can endure a short pain and inconvenience, but if you then have to treat the effects of cosmetology, the beauty of the rest of the body will fade faster. It is from these positions that you need to proceed when thinking about how to remove hair in your nose, and the following tips will help you find a middle ground.

  • 1. Respiratory protection
  • 2. What affects the growth of nose hair?
  • 3. Features of nose hair removal in different ways
  • 3.1. Undercut
  • 3.2. Trimmer
  • 3.3. Pulling and epilation
  • 3.4. Special creams and laser hair removal
  • 4. Recommendations for the care of nose hair

Respiratory protection

In young children, the problem of nose hair is practically absent, as their body grows and is tuned to quickly adapt to changes in the external environment. Under the influence of disease and stress, the functioning of the immune system is disrupted, and the body turns on compensatory mechanisms to resist unfavorable factors. So, the hair in the nose protects the respiratory system from dust and dirt particles, and also filters the air for pathogens. At the same time, the air is heated, since the presence of cilia slows down the speed of gas movement.

This protective function is commendable, but unpleasant effects occur when overgrown.

For example:

  • thick nose hair interferes with breathing, especially since it is often covered in mucus to filter viruses;
  • viruses linger longer in the nasal cavity, activating the secretion of mucus;
  • when the cilium irritates the nasal membrane, there is often a desire to sneeze;
  • rough growth is knocked out, spoiling the aesthetics of the face.

If you recklessly pull out all the cilia, the load on the immune system will increase. Thus, stimulation of further hair growth in the nose is provoked, and a vicious circle is obtained. In addition, some methods of removing unwanted vegetation are in themselves dangerous to health, so before removing hair from the nose, you need to think about the consequences so as not to disrupt their important protective functions.

What affects the growth of nose hair?

You can directly and indirectly influence the amount of hair in your nose. An indirect effect will be expressed in minimizing the factors that stimulate the growth of cilia.

For example:

  • reducing the load on the respiratory system (filtration and humidification, drying the air, avoiding cigarette smoke, etc.);
  • strengthening the immune system (reducing the number of stress factors, taking vitamins, playing sports, etc.);
  • control of side effects from taking medications, in particular hormonal drugs that affect the manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics.

Nose hair growth is also influenced by the female hormone estrogen, and some experts believe that it is because of its absence that men's nasal hair is much harder and darker. But this is not the only factor, and its effect is partial, so thick nose hair can also grow in the fair sex.

Direct methods of exposure are hair removal by a special cosmetic procedure carried out in a clinic or at home. Some of the most common methods include scissoring or trimming, pulling with tweezers, waxing, and laser moxibustion.

Features of nose hair removal in different ways


Hair close to the sinuses can be trimmed using a trimmer or special scissors with rounded edges. It is dangerous to use ordinary cosmetic scissors, since the slightest deviation can damage the finest capillaries and introduce infection.


Removing hair with a trimmer is similar to shaving with a power razor. The design of the device is such that you can not be afraid to damage the mucous membranes, but you should not cut off the cilia at the root so that they continue to perform their protective function without attracting attention.

The disadvantage of these procedures is the regular need for adjustments, about 1-2 times a month. But the existing belief that after a haircut the hair in the nose grows thicker does not quite correspond to reality. Growth is stimulated only when the cilia are removed under the root or an infection is introduced along with the instrument, and if safety is observed, nothing like this happens.

Pulling and epilation

The most painful and dangerous methods of nose hair removal. Every time the eyelash is pulled out with a quick movement of the tweezers, a small wound is formed. This not only hurts, but also significantly increases the risk of the chances of various infections, provokes inflammation and can even lead to loss of smell. The same thing happens when using wax hair removal, so it is advisable to exclude these methods altogether.

Special creams and laser hair removal

Professional cosmetologists use special creams to remove unwanted vegetation, after which hair growth stops for a long time. True, the procedure itself can be psychologically unpleasant, especially when, due to the dense layer of the cream, breathing becomes difficult and unexpected sensations arise. Laser hair burning is also very reliable. It is an effective and painless method, but its cost is much higher. The disadvantage of both methods is the complete removal of the cilia, which increases the load on the immune system.

  1. Do not remove vegetation in the nose during illness.
  2. Before the hair removal procedure, the nasal cavity should be cleaned of mucus secretions.
  3. Perform the procedure in a calm environment with good lighting.
  4. Use personal hygiene tools.
  5. To reduce the likelihood of complications, use disinfected instruments.
  6. The instrument must be rinsed immediately after hair removal.

The safest grooming tools are scissors with rounded edges and a trimmer with interchangeable attachments (you can use it for both eyebrow grooming and ear hair). If long-term epilation is required, it is better to go to a special clinic and ask that only the sinuses are cleaned there, leaving some hair in the depths of the nose to filter the air.

  • 1. Why does nose and ear hair grow
  • 2. Is it possible to remove hair in the nose and ears
  • 2.1. General contraindications for nose hair removal
  • 3. How to remove nose and ear hair at home
  • 3.1. Small scissors
  • 3.2. Wax
  • 3.3. Shugaring
  • 3.4. Trimmer
  • 3.5. Tweezers
  • 4. Removing hair from nose and ears permanently
  • 4.1. Cool epilation
  • 4.2. Enzyme hair removal
  • 5. What method is painless and effective

Why does nose and ear hair grow?

Nose and ear hair is a defense mechanism that nature has endowed us with. The vegetation in the nose, scientifically called cilia, prevents dust, viruses and harmful bacteria from entering the body.

Also, during the research, it was found that people with little vegetation in the nose are almost three times more likely to suffer from bronchial asthma compared to the owners of dense thickets.

The reasons for the vegetation in the ears are indicated in the video.

Is it possible to remove hair in the nose and ears

To improve the appearance, it is sometimes necessary to trim or completely remove the follicles. Do not get too carried away and leave the nasal passage and auricles unprotected, everything should be in moderation. It is enough to shorten the cilia so that they are not visible to others, but at the same time perform their protective functions.

General contraindications for nose hair removal

There are a number of contraindications in which the removal of cilia from the nose is prohibited.

  1. High pain threshold. The mucous membrane of the nose is very sensitive; any sudden movements can cause severe pain.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity. For example, acne that can be accidentally affected.
  3. SARS and other diseases that cause the common cold. The mucus contains many harmful bacteria that can enter the body through the wound from the torn hair.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Oncology.
  6. Pregnancy and breastfeeding. The body is more sensitive and susceptible to pain.
  7. Individual intolerance to drugs.

There are not many contraindications, but in order to avoid problems, it is better to consult a doctor before the procedure.

How to remove nose and ear hair at home

There are many ways to get rid of unwanted nose and ear hair at home.

Small scissors

Small nail scissors with rounded ends are suitable for hair removal. Such a carved tool is in every manicure set or sold in pharmacies. The haircut is done in front of a mirror in a well-lit room.

  1. With one hand, pull the tip of your nose upward, thereby widening your nostrils. Another, gently insert the slightly open scissors inside.
  2. Cut your hair in a circle, first in one nostril, then in the other.
  3. At the end of the process, disinfect your nose with hydrogen peroxide.

The advantages of this method are simplicity, affordability and painlessness.

Disadvantages - the risk of damage to the membrane or mucous membrane, as well as the frequent repetition of the procedure.

Do not cut the cilia that grow deep in the nose, they are not visible to others and are important for the protective functions of the body.


Wax is often used to remove hair from the nose and ears. In cosmetic stores, whole sets are sold, consisting of strips, an applicator and the working material itself.

Hair removal steps:

  • heat the wax to operating temperature;
  • then distribute it on the applicator;
  • press the finished structure to the lower part of the nostril;
  • wait one to two minutes for the substance to harden;
  • pull the wax applicator out of your nostril sharply.

The same actions are repeated with the ears, but it is better to entrust this process to the master.

The advantages of this method are its effectiveness. Wax removes hairs sticking out of the nose without damaging the mucous membrane.

The disadvantage is the painfulness of the procedure.

The very procedure for waxing the nostrils is shown in the video.


An alternative to waxing is sugaring, which can also be used to remove hair in the nose and ears.

  • heat the sugar paste to the temperature indicated on the package;
  • then place a small amount at the bottom of the nostril;
  • when the mass hardens a little, pull it sharply in the direction of hair growth;
  • unwanted hairs will come off along with the paste;
  • after the end of the procedure, treat the nasal passage with an antiseptic and lubricate with a moisturizer.

The same manipulations are carried out on the ears.

In the video, the epilation process with sugar paste is shown in more detail.

Sugaring copes well with protruding eyelashes, but during the procedure it will not be very pleasant.

Since it contains allergenic bee products, test the product on the elbow to avoid irritation.


The electric nose and ear trimmer is more commonly used than other hair removal methods. Most of the trimmers are battery operated. In addition, built-in lighting simplifies the procedure, and the round and smooth nozzle prevents mucosal injury.

Cilia trimming process:

  • turn on the trimmer;
  • inject it into one nostril;
  • shave off your hair with gentle rotational movements;
  • repeat the steps for the other nostril.
  1. Before the procedure, the machine and attachments must be disinfected with alcohol or peroxide.
  2. You also need to prepare your nose, for this it is washed with water and wiped off with a napkin.
  3. Remember to treat your nasal cavity with peroxide and emollient cream after you cut your hair.
  4. Monitor the battery power, if the power of the machine drops, then it will begin to pull out the hairs, and not cut them off.
  5. Refuse to remove hair with this device if you have a cold or have a nasal pathology.

Usually men use the trimmer. They like the simplicity of the procedure and the speed of follicle removal, as well as the minimal risk of injury.

Of the minuses, users note the need for regular disinfection of the device and its rather large cost. Watch the video to understand the trimmer technology.


To eliminate unnecessary vegetation, you should:

  • stand by the mirror in a well-lit room;
  • raise the end of the nose with your left hand, opening the nostrils wider;
  • grab the hairs tightly with tweezers and pull them out sharply.

Also, a depilatory for the nose is suitable for hair removal, according to the principle of operation it resembles tweezers, only the follicles are captured and pulled out not manually, but mechanically.

Removing nose and ear hair permanently

You can remove unwanted hairs not only at home, but also in beauty salons. Cosmetologists offer clients several types of hair removal.

Cool epilation

Cool hair removal is the most popular method for removing nose hair. It differs from the laser procedure in that the device does not heat up the skin, hence the name "cold method".

During the procedure, the beautician carefully places a special apparatus in the nose and turns it on. The beam painlessly penetrates the skin, where it destroys the vessels that provide nutrition to the hair follicle. After exposure to the laser, the follicles die off and then simply fall out.

A big plus of laser hair removal is the long-term result, but to achieve the desired effect, 4-7 procedures are required. To see how easy laser hair removal is, watch the video.

Enzyme hair removal

If wax and a trimmer get rid of hairs for just a month, then enzymatic hair removal can eliminate them forever. The procedure for removing unwanted vegetation consists of two stages:

  1. First, the beautician removes hair in the usual way, for example, using wax or sugar paste.
  2. Then a special chemical composition is applied to the skin. It includes the enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin, they fall into the place of the deserted hair follicles and destroy them.

At first, the hairs will grow back, but after 5 treatments, the growth rate will noticeably drop. You can completely get rid of hair in the nose and ears in six months.

What a painless and effective way

Hair grows in the ears and nose because nature intended it to. But people get rid of them in order to match the fashion and look neat. At home, a trimmer and scissors are considered the safest and most effective methods, but they only shorten the hairs. Therefore, the procedure will need to be repeated frequently.

For those who may suffer a little pain, wax and shugaring are suitable. Since the sticky masses uproot the follicles, it will take longer for them to grow back.

If you want to remove excess vegetation in the nose for a long time, then you should contact a cosmetology center, where they can do cool epilation for the nose or electrolysis for the ears. After a few painless sessions, the hair follicles will stop growing.

Hair peeking out of the nostrils can ruin any look, no matter how ideal it seems. The first thing that comes to mind is to pluck them without a trace of regret. However, an otolaryngologist from the University of New York advises against doing this and warns of the danger lurking in the nostrils.

What is nose hair for?

As it turns out, the hair in the nostrils protects us from harmful microorganisms with the help of mucus and the movement of hairs to the nasal passages (yes, they move!).

These nasal cilia, as they are also called, stand guard over our health, filtering the air we breathe and blocking the path of foreign particles. As they move, they push the infected mucus into the stomach, where it will be destroyed by the acidic environment.

What are the risks when plucking nose hair

In addition to the fact that by plucking out the nasal cilia, we disrupt the folded work of our body in self-defense, we run the risk of encountering other, more serious problems.

At the base of the hair, many microorganisms accumulate in the nostrils. After mechanical hair removal, the risk of infection in this area increases due to the penetration of harmful bacteria into the skin.

In addition, recent research by a group led by Dr. Erich Voigt has proven the existence of the so-called Dangerous Facial Triangle. This area is located between the lip contour and the nose. It contains many small blood vessels.

According to Dr. Voigt, mechanical hair removal in this area can trigger the appearance of meningitis and even a brain abscess.

This is because the nasal cavity and the brain are united by the same circulatory system. If you cut the hairs at the root or, even worse, pull them out with tweezers or a typewriter, the risk of inflammation not only in the nasal cavity, but also in the sinusoidal sinuses and the brain increases.

How to safely remove nose hair

1. Disinfect the nostril.

2. Use cosmetic scissors with blunt (rounded) tips. It is important that these scissors are only used to remove nose hair. This is necessary in order to avoid contamination.

3. Use a magnifying mirror (these are often used for makeup).

4. Cut off hairs that are too long.

5. Don't cut them too short! It is important!

By doing so, you will not only remove unwanted facial hair, but also maintain your health. Do not take unnecessary risks. Follow these simple guidelines and be healthy!