Eyelash extensions after how much correction. Result after eyelash correction procedure. Signs of a good specialist

Having given your eyelashes an expressive look, having increased their length and volume, having grown artificial hairs, you want them to remain attractive for a long time. But due to a number of reasons and the natural renewal of hairs, this desire is not feasible. What then should be done? This will require eyelash correction, which we will discuss below.

General information about the procedure

What is eyelash correction, and how often do you need to do a correction? Let's figure it out. Within a month, the process of natural renewal of hairs takes place, while they fall out or grow unevenly, which spoils the appearance. Hair doesn't always grow the same way. They are divided by age into:

  • cannon, those that have just appeared;
  • averages that continue to grow;
  • adult long eyelashes.

In the process of building false eyelashes, the master sticks to natural ones, which grow unevenly. Growing your own eyelashes by half leads to the fact that the extensions become visible to others.

Eyelash extension correction is a cosmetic procedure in which the master removes artificial eyelashes from overgrown natural eyelashes, and builds up new ones in their place.

Thanks to this procedure, you can restore the beauty, length and volume of your eyelashes. A professional procedure helps to keep their appearance in excellent condition.

For your information. It is impossible to glue artificial eyelashes on fluffy eyelashes, they will break under the weight of extensions. If you stick it on medium hairs that are still growing, then they will look sloppy.

There are two types of adjustments:

  • bundles;
  • eyelash.

As a result of the first type of correction, a bunch of patches is glued to one's own cilia, and in the second type, the patch is glued to the base of one's own.

What corrections does the makeup artist make when correcting hairs:

  • removes aesthetic imperfections;
  • corrects the shape and shape of the eyes;
  • provides hair with a natural effect.

This procedure is harmless and painless. You can make a correction in the salon and at home.

What is better correction or overgrowth? In terms of time, the correction is less than a full eyelash extension, and in terms of price, it is 60% of the cost of a full extension. How long does the procedure take? The approximate time of the master, if you do the correction of eyelashes, is one hour.

There are reasons why, after the extension procedure, it is necessary to correct the shortcomings. These reasons include:

  1. Natural hair renewal. When your own eyelash falls out due to natural renewal, it pulls the invoice along with it. This spoils the appearance of the eyes;
  2. Wrong care. If a woman does not take care of false hairs, they break;
  3. Style change. If you want to change the style of the lash extension and give your eyes a slightly different look.

This is a short list of reasons why adjustments are needed.

How to make a correction

How often can a correction be made? The first procedure is carried out seven days after the extension. This must be done in order to see the compatibility of the materials and the reaction of the skin to the applied adhesive. All subsequent - once every two weeks. There are a number of factors that affect the frequency of the procedure. Its frequency is affected by:

  • how well the means for make-up removal were chosen;
  • How fast do your eyelashes grow?
  • what kind of hair care;
  • the type of extension and the quality of the materials used.

Eyelash correction should be carried out by the same master who carried out the extension. What is it for? Firstly, it is difficult to make a correction after another master. For this procedure, the materials must match those that the master used when building. In this situation, the following must match:

  • manufacturer;
  • hair thickness;
  • type of glue.

If you do not adhere to this, then the work will be done poorly.

To work, you will need the following tools:

  • special glue;
  • brush designed for hairs;
  • overlay elements.

Before starting the procedure, your master will conduct some preparation. He will ask you a few questions about how you feel while wearing it and how you take care of your lashes. Then he will discuss further adjustments with you and tell you what changes he will make.

The next step in the work of the master will be a thorough combing of the hairs, removing weak and unnecessary ones when creating a design. Then the specialist will clean and degrease each hair.

During the adjustment, the following situations may occur:

  1. During the procedure, it is difficult for a makeup artist to remove sebum and cosmetics in the space between the eyelashes, which can cause inflammation and eye diseases;
  2. False new hairs are attached at the base, and those that were before - five millimeters from them. For this reason, when the master twists them, they will spin in different directions;
  3. The glue has an expiration date, so its action can greatly affect the destruction of the hair.

Before you go for the procedure, make sure that it is not contraindicated for you, you do not have eye diseases, they are not watery and not red.

It must be remembered that all manipulations with one's own eyelashes, especially if a chemical is used, harm the hair follicle, as a result of which their condition worsens. In this case, you need to periodically take a break in the build-up so that the cilia are restored. To do this, it is necessary to remove the extended elements completely for at least a month.

How is eyelash correction done in the salon, and what is needed for this? Let's take a step-by-step look at the technology for making adjustments. The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. First, the master puts a special pad under the lower hairs;
  2. Then an examination is carried out, which determines the total number of broken and damaged hairs;
  3. Using tweezers, carefully remove damaged elements. This must be done carefully so as not to injure the skin of the eyelids;
  4. From the surface of his own adult eyelash, the master cleans off the glue on which the false elements were held;
  5. After that, a new one is superimposed on the cleaned eyelash and fixed with glue;
  6. At the end of the procedure, overhead elements are additionally fixed with special glue.

If you do the correction regularly in due time, then you can save the volume and beauty of the cilia for a long time.

How to care for eyelashes while wearing

In order for the extended eyelashes to retain their beauty for a long time, after the procedure, certain rules must be observed. What are these rules? To do this, you need to fulfill several conditions:

  1. Makeup should not be removed with cotton balls. Cotton wool can remain on the hair extensions and worsen their appearance;
  2. You can not sleep on your stomach - sleeping in this position will lead to breakage of artificial hairs;
  3. Do not expose the hairs to negative influences such as high temperature and chemicals.

Care after removal

After doing a few procedures, let's rest our eyes. Own cilia should grow and gain strength. During a break, it is advisable to feed the hairs with castor oil. The oil is applied to the eyelashes at night, as a result of which they become elastic, grow faster and stop breaking.

The roots of your hairs need to be strengthened with vitamin E, which stimulates their growth. You can also use almond oil or grape seed oil to heal the hairs. The skin of the eyelids is well toned by decoctions of chamomile, calendula and yarrow.

A therapeutic massage around the eyelids will also help recovery, due to which blood circulation improves, and the hairs grow faster.

Let's see in the picture how the eyelashes look before and after the correction.

The adjustment you made should please you. Now you know how the correction is done. If you follow all the recommendations, you will be able to preserve the beauty of cilia for a long time after extension and correction.


Why is it not recommended to do eyelash correction? - this topical question often arises among regular customers. And, unfortunately, there is some distrust towards the masters who offer to make a new extension instead of correction. The girls think that they got to an inexperienced specialist who does not know how to make a correction or decided to get rich at their expense, inclining them to a more expensive procedure - a new extension. Therefore, today I would like to dwell in more detail on the process of correction and the expediency of its implementation.

Natural growth and renewal of eyelashes

Our eyelashes, like all hair on our body, are renewed: they grow and fall out. Their life is divided into 3 phases: active growth - 2-3 weeks, rest - 4-7 weeks, the rest - rejection (Wikipedia).

One fine day we made ourselves a gift -. At this point, some of our lashes were in the growth phase, meaning they would grow over the next 2 weeks and then stop (for 4-7 weeks); some were in the dormant phase - that is, their growth was stopped and in the near future they should be updated - fall out.

After 3-4 weeks of wearing extended eyelashes, it turns out that some fall out, new ones appear in their place, and young ones that were in the growth phase grow by a couple of millimeters.
During the correction, part of the extended eyelashes remains, the rest is extended. It is necessary to understand that it is unlikely that it will be possible to get an ideal look, as with a new extension, since the new ones will be attached almost at the base - 0.5 - 1 mm, and the old eyelashes at a distance of 3-5 mm.

All lashes will be different lengths. Visually, perhaps not everyone will notice this distance, but the girl herself will feel the difference in a couple of days - the old ones, fixed at a distance from the eyelid, are not so elastically fixed and therefore begin to scroll, because of which they can look in different directions.

Glue expiration date

Glue, depending on the type and manufacturer, has its own characteristics and service life. So, for example, a manufacturer of ultra-resistant glue, with an instant hitch speed, guarantees a wear period of 5-8 weeks, while hypoallergenic glue - 2-3 weeks (due to its more gentle formula).
Therefore, when we arrive for correction after 3 weeks, we will find extended eyelashes still holding on, but the life of the glue that holds them is coming to an end. It continues to break down, and the eyelashes crumble, the maximum that they have left is 1-2 weeks.
That is, in some cases, the correction is completely ineffective: you went to the procedure, spent time and money, but at the same time, the eyelashes continue to crumble and after 1-2 weeks you are without 50% of the eyelashes and correction is needed again.


Accordingly, the cost is formed - the correction costs a little cheaper, this attracts clients. But the benefits are questionable. Since the correction assumes that the next time the client will come much earlier - after 2 weeks, and not after 4 - as when building up again.

Time for correction

Unfortunately, the time spent on correction is the same as on a full-fledged new extension. Immediately before the procedure, a number of mandatory preparatory measures are performed - they take up a significant part of the time: removal of regrown eyelashes, combing, thorough cleaning of the space between the eyelashes, drying, degreasing.

allergic reactions

Not only the term of wearing eyelashes, but also the likelihood of irritation and an allergic reaction in the eye area depends on how well the preparatory measures are carried out during the correction. For girls with sensitive eyes prone to allergic reactions, it is especially recommended to carry out a new extension instead of corrective measures - this significantly reduces the risk of any irritation.

During the wearing of extended eyelashes - and this is almost a month, whether we like it or not, particles of cosmetics, make-up remover, lacrimal gland fluid, and glue remain between the eyelashes. This can cause an allergic reaction. During correction, old eyelashes remain and continue to be a “source of pollution” for new eyelashes. For hygienic reasons, it is recommended to remove all old eyelashes, wash your face and apply a new one on dry, clean eyelashes.

Of course, everything is individual, and depends on the rate of renewal and growth of your eyelashes. Many girls who are familiar with successfully go for corrections for a long time, and some choose a new extension. The choice is yours.

In any case, ours will cope with both tasks.

Attention: Correction is carried out strictly no later than two weeks.

Later, a new extension is performed.

Why do you need eyelash correction?

Practice has shown that eyelashes are worn for an average of 3 weeks, a certain percentage of girls wear eyelashes for up to 4-5 weeks, but given the circumstances that reduce the period of wearing, we still sometimes need to correct eyelashes. Taking antibiotics, hormonal pills, critical days, reduce wear, as a result, correction is needed.

In order not to lose the original aesthetic appearance due to “out of order” or cilia that have fallen out along with their relatives, it is necessary to make a correction. It is difficult to determine the time, after how much to do eyelash extension correction due to individual characteristics: someone will need it in 2 weeks, and someone will wear it for a whole month. A natural eyelash lives on average 30 to 40 days. After extension, artificial eyelashes begin to move from the base of the eyelid in the direction of natural eyelash growth.

When should a correction be made?

Eyelash correction is done after 1.5-2 weeks of wear and allows you to restore the original volume. Each eyelash, like hair, has its own life cycle, and depending on how they are updated, you need to make a correction.

Much depends on the careful attitude of the client. There are many reasons due to which the period of wearing artificial eyelashes is reduced:

  • Sleep in the "face in the pillow" position. If you have eyelash extensions, you will have to monitor your position during sleep.
  • Use of make-up removers containing alcohol and fatty oils, and oily face creams. Alcohol and oils have a detrimental effect on the glue for eyelash extensions.
  • Sauna visit. High temperatures (sauna, bath) can shorten the wearing of eyelashes.
  • Careless handling of eyelashes. Any mechanical effect.

How long does eyelash correction last?

Eyelash correction prolongs wear by an average of 2-3 weeks.

How is the eyelash correction process carried out?

At the time of correction, clients should have at least 50% of artificial eyelashes, the rest either fall out by this time or have grown a lot.

In a conversation before starting the procedure, the master must definitely find out what volume, thickness, length, bend of the eyelashes were performed on your eyes. To do this, clients must come with a "Client Card" after the last visit to our studio!

First, the master removes regrown eyelashes, as well as those eyelashes that do not hold well. Checks all eyelashes and leaves only those that can be corrected.

How long does the eyelash correction procedure take?

Correction time approximately 1 hour-1:15 minutes

What is the result after the correction of extended eyelashes?

As a result of timely correction, your eyelashes will become fuller, while you will not feel any discomfort while wearing artificial eyelashes. Your eyes will be expressive at any time: day and night. The correction allows you to extend the wear of cilia for girls who do not wear cilia well or who prefer to always be brand new due to important meetings, etc.

Lovely Girls,

Registration for correction is carried out strictly through the administrator!

When you come for a correction, you should have an eyelash formula with you (volume, length, thickness, curl of the eyelashes)!

After eyelash extension you will be given a "Client Card", it must be kept until the next extension or correction.

We come to the correction without make-up and with well-washed eyes!

If you are more than 15 minutes late, the master has the right to refuse you the procedure! Girls, remember - there is a dense record after you and you knock down the Master's mode of operation.

Extended eyelashes will provide a woman with an attractive appearance for 3-4 weeks, then a correction will be required. Artificial hairs grow along with natural ones, some fall out, which does not look very beautiful. The procedure is carried out already three weeks after the extension, then it can be done once every one and a half months. During the session, the master removes about half of the previously extended eyelashes, and new ones are glued in their place.

Eyelash correction helps to make the look bright and charming, but it should not be carried out too often, because your own ciliary hairs are depleted, grow more slowly, and fall out. Then it is very difficult to grow them. Also undesirable is the correction of 3-D eyelashes or in cases of beam eyelash extensions.

Types of correction

If the build-up was performed qualitatively, a correction will be needed no earlier than in three weeks. After the session, there should be no discomfort, feeling of heaviness, burning. You can not stick more than one artificial cilia on a natural one. A woman is pre-determined with what she wants to get the result, the length, bend, number of hairs will depend on this. There are three types of correction, the choice of one of them is influenced by the type of extension.

1. American. The size of artificial hairs and natural hairs is almost the same, they differ only in length.

2. Japanese - eyelash extensions using mink villi, which are superimposed very densely.

3. Hollywood - cilia are not glued singly, but in bunches along the entire length of the eyelid or only on the outer corners.

One of the most common questions from women who have lash extensions is how often they need to be touched up. The frequency of the restoration procedure depends on the quality of the work done by the master, compliance with the rules for caring for artificial cilia. The hairs are superimposed with glue, which can dissolve as a result of the use of makeup removers containing alcohol, fatty creams.

It is important that the correction is performed by the same master who did the eyelash extension, because during the procedure, identical cosmetics and hairs must be used.

Step-by-step instruction

Correction of extended eyelashes is performed only in the office of a professional. If you decide to save money and correct them at home, it is better to abandon this a priori unpromising idea. So you can not only not save the extensions, but also damage your own cilia. The technology is very delicate, it requires certain knowledge, experience, as well as tools and materials. So how is the correction process going?

  1. With the help of a special brush, the master combs the cilia, determining which ones hold tight and which ones will soon fall off.
  2. Eyelashes that need correction should be treated with a substance that dissolves the adhesive composition.
  3. The regrown artificial hairs are carefully peeled off with tweezers, in their place you need to attach new ones at a distance of up to 1 mm from the base.

The master must adhere to certain rules, because the final result directly depends on this. Extended hairs can only be glued to long eyelashes that are already at rest. If glued to fluffs, they will not hold, because young hairs do not have enough strength to hold the weight above their own. You can glue it to the growing ones only if the woman is going to remove the extended eyelashes after 2-3 weeks or make a correction. During the procedure, sterilized or disposable instruments should be used. To begin with, it is recommended to ask the master about what materials he uses, what technology he uses to do the work.

If the correction is done with high quality, you will get a fresh, updated appearance, the look will become more expressive and seductive, you can also achieve a visual enlargement of the eyes. After building up, you won’t even need to use mascara. The eyelash row already looks magnificent, beautiful. A sign of quality work is the lightness, naturalness of the image. A woman should not feel discomfort, heaviness.

Care rules

Artificial eyelashes can quickly fall off if, for example, you sleep with your face in a pillow or use cosmetics that are oily or alcohol-based. In order for eyelashes to retain their attractive appearance for as long as possible, they should be properly cared for. After recovery, you can not wash your face for the first three hours, rub your eyes, use waterproof mascara and a mascara remover.

To maintain the health of your own eyelashes, it is necessary to regularly nourish the hair follicles with special preparations. Castor oil is often used, it stimulates the growth of new cilia and strengthens those to which artificial hairs are glued. The following remedies are also useful: liquid vitamin E, grape seed oil, almond oil. They can be bought at a pharmacy or a specialized store. If you use mascara, you should give preference to cosmetics containing keratin and vitamins, then you will be able to achieve two effects at once: cosmetic and wellness.

It is recommended to make a correction no more than 2-3 times after building. Then let your eyes rest, grow and gain strength. Extended eyelashes look beautiful and impressive, but if you carry out the procedure constantly, the appearance and condition of your own will greatly worsen.

1. Is eyelash extension harmful?

Glue and eyelashes undergo special dermatological and ophthalmological control, and the risk of any harm is minimized, but there is a so-called individual intolerance to certain components. This does not mean that all allergy sufferers should categorically refuse eyelash extensions, just that you should initially try to glue two or three artificial eyelashes to make sure that the glue does not cause redness and irritation. There is also a hypoallergenic adhesive for highly sensitive eyes. Eyelashes are made of monofilament, that is, from an unnatural material, specially processed (this is not someone else's human hair and not animal fur). Thus, the cilia themselves cannot cause an allergic reaction.

2. What are eyelashes made of?

No natural eyelashes made from silk, mink, sable, or even more so human hair are used, these are just names invented by craftsmen and beauty salons in order to distinguish between the thickness and other characteristics of artificial material, as well as to attract more customers. Eyelash extensions using Japanese technology are long-term extensions for a month or more (if corrections are made regularly), so the materials for it should be as hypoallergenic as possible. Considering that there is often an allergy to animal hair, the use of this material when building is not desirable. Natural materials are possible for podium options, for photo shoots, i.e. put on false eyelashes for the evening and then immediately remove.
For eyelash extensions, hair is used that is identical to natural, or to be more precise, monofilament.

3. Is it possible to increase eyelashes for those who wear contact lenses.

For those who wear contact lenses, there are no medical contraindications to the use of eyelash extensions. During the procedure, it is advisable to remove the lenses, without forgetting to take a special container with you to the procedure. Extended eyelashes are contraindicated for those who often suffer from colds and chronic eye diseases (conjunctivitis, blepharitis).

4. How is the procedure?

Before extension, your eyelashes are degreased with a special agent, then artificial cilia are glued to them with the help of a special glue-resin (for 1 of your own - 1 extension with normal extension, for 1 of your own - 2 extensions, if it is 2D - extension, for 1 of your own 3 extensions with 3D - extension).
To each client - an individual approach. Before extension, you are shown the eyelashes themselves, photographs, and the option that suits you is selected, based on your preferences and the characteristics of your eyelashes, eyes, face and image as a whole.

5. How many eyelashes are glued to one eye?

The number of eyelash extensions directly depends on the number of your own (the more yours, the more extensions are obtained) and ranges from 60 to 150 pieces for each eye. It is worth considering the fact that the masters do not glue artificial eyelashes on their own ones that are in the growth stage and on eyelashes that are "knocked out" from the general line, i.e. located with a sharp slope down, sideways or grow above most eyelashes.

6. How long do eyelash extensions last?

Eyelashes last about 1.5-2 months. Somewhere in 2-4 weeks after the extension, a correction may be required to maintain the volume. It should be borne in mind that the period of wearing cilia is individual for everyone. After 2-4 weeks, new eyelashes already grow, and the "old" ones gradually fall out (remember that the eyelash growth cycle is several months - during this time the eyelash grows and falls out, and a new one soon begins to grow in this place).

7. Is it possible to paint eyelash extensions with mascara?

After the eyelash extension procedure, the need for tinting will disappear by itself. You will look great without mascara! Your eyelashes will become longer, blacker, thicker and curved as much as you want. But if you still have a desire to make up your eyelashes with mascara, then you can do it, but in no case should you use waterproof mascara and oil-based mascara (which comes off in lumps)! Mascara should be water-based and dissolve easily with water. Apply mascara only to the tips of your lashes. Makeup should also be removed with a non-greasy water-based toner. Two-phase products and make-up remover milk are not suitable.

8. How should I take care of my eyelash extensions?

If you have become a happy owner of eyelash extensions, I can congratulate you! These eyelashes are not only beautiful, comfortable and safe, they also do not require special care. It is very easy to take care of them. Follow a few simple rules:
- Do not wet your eyes for 24 hours after the procedure.
- do not visit the pool or SPA within 48 hours after building.
- be careful with the sauna (at temperatures above 100 degrees, the cilia can straighten and lose their former beauty, because artificial eyelashes have a thermal curl, which can straighten at a certain temperature).
- be careful with eyelashes
- do not rub your eyes
- do not sleep with your face in the pillow (this is not critical, but it significantly reduces the period of wearing eyelashes, and also requires additional care and combing eyelashes in the morning)
- Avoid using waterproof or oil-based mascara. Mascara should be water-based, use water-based oil-free products to remove it. Apply mascara only to the tips of your lashes.

9. How often do you need to make a correction and what does it consist of?

After wearing the eyelashes for a while, you yourself will understand this. As soon as you want to return the original volume, go for a correction. Usually correction is done in 2-4 weeks. For correction, some old extended cilia are removed (which have grown a lot, turned over, if there are any, of course) and new ones are added to those that have grown during this period (2-4 weeks). Usually they come to the correction with 40-60% of the eyelashes from the original extensions. Each eyelash, like hair, has its own life cycle, and depending on how they are updated, you need to make a correction.
And yet, it is recommended not to make corrections every 2-4 weeks, but to remove the remnants and build up new eyelashes every 1-1.5 months, then the cilia will look more beautiful and well-groomed and will last longer than after a simple correction.

10. How to remove eyelash extensions?

Several options are possible:
- you wear the cilia "to the end", when there are very few of them left, you can cut the tips to your own length, and then tint them with mascara. The remains will fall out naturally after a while, but they will not annoy you.
- or you come to the removal of cilia. Eyelashes are removed with a special tool (gel or liquid). The eyelash removal procedure is absolutely harmless and painless, performed in a fairly short time (10-20 minutes).

11. How to take care of your eyelashes after removing extensions?

The period of permissible continuous wearing of artificial cilia is 6 months (for someone it may be less, for someone more, it depends on your physiological characteristics of the body). After six months, you need to give your cilia a break for 1 month, and at this time remove them.
You can restore and strengthen your eyelashes by:
- taking complex vitamins from the Beauty series (for the growth of nails, hair and eyelashes)
- at night and / or in the morning we smear the cilia with a washed mascara brush with castor or burdock oil (the easiest but most effective way), or with Talika or Mavala products (available in Rive Gaucher). There is another miracle cure - Elma (a tool for the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes). Sold in the pharmacy "First Aid", costs about 150 rubles. The result will amaze you!

And don't worry, after the extension you will by no means be left without your eyelashes, because they are constantly updated. And after using the above funds for 2 weeks, they will become even better than before extensions!

Mood now - miraculous

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