Heavenly lightning. horoscope: anomalies of fatal love. Test "Love is passionate or fatal?"

1. A man and a woman are looking for attention to themselves in a relationship. Any dissatisfaction in a relationship arises from the fact that one of the parties receives less attention from the partner.

Relationships may seem to fail because of a complex character, bad habits, obscene acts of one or both partners, but if partners give attention to each other, these reasons cannot lead to a break.

But when one partner stops giving attention to the other, then a battle begins in which there is a place for all negative feelings.

Men and women handle attention differently.

Actually there are two attentions. The female form of attention, when a person fully listens to the interlocutor, i.e. without resistance, he perceives the image transmitted to him by the interlocutor, and the male form of attention is involvement in some process. In this case, the person is fully involved, and is not distracted by anything else.

A man longs for a woman to fully listen to him, open her mouth and agree with all his arguments. Accepted his information unconditionally. In other words, she showed him the feminine form of attention. This is how a man expects a woman to be always ready to have sex with him.

And in order for a woman to listen to him, a man uses his method of handling attention. He involves her (or those in whom he is interested) in the process of forming new impressions so that she (they) opens up and begins to listen.

A man in a relationship always sets the direction, i.e. offers to show interest in something new, where, in his opinion, new impressions can arise and thereby begin to listen to him.

A woman who does not support a man for a long time in his involvement becomes a source of discomfort for him and gradually he stops winning her attention.

A man who has stopped involving a woman in the sphere of his interests, who does not give her new impressions, causes disappointment in her.

A woman considers weak that man who could not convince her to listen to him, a man considers that woman who is not involved in his proposals a bitch.

However, if attention and involvement have existed in a relationship between a man and a woman for any length of time, a connection arises that lives on its own and is the Second Mystery.

Second secret:

2. There is a relationship channel between a man and a woman, a sensual connection. When a relationship breaks, the connection remains and causes suffering for one side and pumping energy for the other. As long as the connection exists, the partners alternately change the direction of energy movement through this channel. Consequently, either one or the second feels either better or worse than the partner.

Any relationship is a kind of energy exchange process, and feelings, emotions, behavioral patterns are a consequence of it.

The fact that relationships can be represented as a pipe between a man and a woman, through which feelings and emotions are pumped from one partner to another, greatly simplifies the explanation of why, when a relationship is broken, one of the partners is bad, and the other, as they say, luck itself goes into the hands .

Communication, pipe, binding - call it what you want. It is not visible, but there is a feeling of discomfort. As the waves that come into your mobile phone are not visible, but the sound in the handset is a reality.

Many of you have often felt long, exhausting periods of poor health, when you wanted at least a little support from your partner in the form of an SMS, a call or a kind word.
But there is no sound, no movement.
And when do you hear rumors that your partner is lucky?! Resentment, revenge, the desire to tear and throw begin to boil inside!

What to do?
A) Realize that your connection is an independent unit of the Universe. Just like the pipe of your vacuum cleaner. The pipe is there and connected to you. A pipe connection will always look for a moment to let you know about itself. To do this, the pipe will cause negative feelings and an outflow of energy.

B) After you have realized it, use the pipe for its intended purpose for the last time. Take everything that belongs to you through it from your partner and give him everything that belongs to him. Thus, the need for a pipe will disappear. She will dissolve.

C) Thank your partner for being in your life. Give him a place in your heart.
C) Do you remember the Mystery Zero? In these relationships, did you satisfy the needs of the ancestors? If not, then the same one will take the place of this partner.

So that relationships do not come to a break and suffering, you need to know about the Third Secret:

Third secret:

3. A man must divorce his mother before he decides to marry a woman.

A man always has his first woman. This is his mother.
As a boy, he is attached to her for the first twelve years of his life. Further, the connection weakens, but does it always break?

If a mother is a self-sufficient, mature person, she will easily let her son go into the world.
The mother gives her son into the hands of the father. Now the man is responsible for the man. This is how masculinity passes from father to son.
But these days things are not always so smooth.

Often the mother herself remains a little Inner Girl, full of fears and mistrust. And then she cannot trust her son to anyone. Neither the father of the child, who may not have been around for a long time, nor even the girl who has laid eyes on the most precious thing in her life.

The mother does not give freedom to her son, she decides everything for him. If only she knew that she was turning him into a Loser with her own hands! But she does not want to know this - she is a Mother and loves her little blood more than anyone else!
Subconsciously, she wants to be needed and in demand, at least for him, because she feels like a complete Nothingness. And he raises his kind.
So what! she will say. - As long as I'm alive, he will be under my protection and fully provided.
One would like to ask: And when you are gone, will he also follow you to another world?

Moms, please, the country needs men! Release them - let them become Men! Love them truly, not out of fear for your tearful Inner Child.

Moms, in order for a man to remain in adulthood in the state of your ward, or even worse, a “psychological husband”, he will have to drink. Only there, in a binge, will he be able to fulfill your parental message: “Don't grow up!”

Men, don't get married until you divorce your mother. Anyway, mom, as “the first and legitimate” will beat you off from your wife.

After a man divorces his mother and a wife cleaves to him, according to the Scriptures, what is hidden in the Fourth Mystery will appear:

Fourth secret:

4. A woman will always want to deprive a man of masculinity so that he does not get another.

Masculinity is the ability to penetrate into the unknown, into a world where nothing is yet known and where it is necessary to create order. The universe has placed this responsibility on men, forcing them to expand their masculinity by overcoming obstacles and unlocking the mysteries of nature.

A man must be involved in the new, master this new and bring prey, knowledge to the feet of his woman. Wife or mother. (Let's assume that our man is already divorced and brings trophies to his wife).
This is how his courage grows.

What about his woman? She is the Universe that wants to be studied by her man. She either reveals herself to him, or hides some of her secrets in order to arouse his interest in a new knowledge of himself.

And when he wants to start studying another universe, then first bewilderment arises in it, and then resentment: “How? You haven't known me yet! How can you study something else? I can't forgive you!"

Seeing his purpose - to learn new things, she offers him her "ideal solution":
So she deprives him of his masculinity, because now he cannot refuse her - there will be a scandal: “How? Do you want me to change? Then get lost for good!”
He agrees to stay close and slowly becomes her son, and she is his mother.

Their sexual relations are coming to naught, but for her the main thing has been achieved - there is someone nearby who will always study and serve her Universe.
What is the way out of this situation? He is in the Fifth Mystery:

Fifth secret:

5. A man grows in status only on the love of his woman. He has two of these women: mother and wife. If a man does not grow in status, then there is no love for him.

What do all people want? That's right, development, growth!
Growth in human daily life looks like a transition from one status to another.

To grow in status, you need resources, you need support. Who gives this support? The one who believes, the one who loves!

When a couple cannot move from their status to a higher rank for a long time, for example, it is impossible to save up for the expansion of living space for a long time, this means that a man, as a getter and hunter, does not have enough strength. He needs support.
He can only take support from a woman who, by the power of her faith, will show him that he is strong and cool.

A man is not stronger than a woman. A man becomes stronger when a woman allows him to feel strong.
A woman is not weaker than a man. She just understands that her man needs to feel like a hero when he travels through the expanses of her as yet unexplored universe.

A woman is ready to give a man energy so that he gets involved with his attention to her person, to her interests. A woman gives energy, let me remind you, through her attention and feeling of love for a man.

On her love, he feels stronger and has the opportunity to grow in status in order to pass this status on to his woman (or mother).
As soon as a woman stops giving attention and love to a man, his growth in status stops. You can reproach a man a lot for the lack of growth and money, but the reason is in a woman who does not give him love.

Find out what love is from the Sixth Secret:

Sixth secret:

6. Love is the desire to develop your partner. If a partner does not want your development, he does not love you. Very often such statements are heard: “Why do you need these books, trainings, seminars? Stay at home, take care of the kids!”
What is the person saying this trying to say? He asks for attention.

If he receives a lot of Attention, but still continues to keep his partner in the “golden cage”, then he does not want growth and development for his loved one.

Why then are these people around?
Because it is beneficial for both of them to remain wounded children and play the roles of their unsatisfied ancestors:
One is the victim, the other is the executioner. One is nothingness, the other is superiority.

The one of the two who is in a position on top, in a position of superiority, is more injured, but hides this truth from himself. His strategy: in order not to feel your pain, you have to be cooler than others. Rising above the victims, I will not notice that I myself am as miserable as they are.

This strategy leads him to the decision not to allow the partner to develop, otherwise the partner will escape from his slavery.
He wakes up, sees that the path to freedom is open and runs away!

But growth cannot be stopped, and then slowly, slowly, through his role as an executioner, a tyrant, the partner begins on his own, within the created “golden cage”, to pull out his wounded Inner Children from his victim.

The process is painful and it is concluded in the Seventh Mystery:

Seventh secret:

7. A man serves a woman with every action, even negative ones: drunkenness, idleness, beatings. A man is a mirror of a woman, which reflects everything that she does not want to know about herself.

Even in the most difficult relationships, in the so-called dysfunctional families, a man and a woman serve each other. They are a mirror of what they do not want to recognize in themselves.

The two are always together as long as they have something to give to each other. And, perhaps, they give each other pain, humiliation, suffering. But they don't separate. And there is only one reason: the history of ancestors.

Two repeat the story of their ancestors, showing their love not for a partner, but for an ancestor: grandmother, great-grandfather, or mother's aborted child.

I wrote a lot about this on the pages of my Blog, but for now I just want to repeat the old idea in new words:
If you do not disagree with those who do not develop you and make you suffer, you, thanks to your tyrant, gradually realize and extract from yourself those wounded Inner Children who were created during the life of your ancestors.

It’s a pity, but it’s true ... Thank the tyrant, because his family has the same stories as yours. That's why you and the couple.

Two fight for love, but you can win only by knowing the Eighth Secret:

Eighth secret:

8. In order for a man to defeat a woman, he needs to win the battle in her eyes, for a woman to defeat a man, she needs to lose to him.

Taoists used to say: “A woman is wide, and a man is deep”.
This means that a woman feels good when she can open her soul wide, wide, and for this she needs to allow herself to trust the world, to accept it, not wanting change.

Such a state happens in the field when you lie on the grass and let in the sky, the sun, the air, the grass, the goosebumps and the sun. And all-all-all.

The female energy flows horizontally, it is like the Earth.
And male energy is vertical, and a man feels great when, towering like a strong tree, he penetrates deep into the ground with his roots.
A man feeds on female energy, as a tree feeds on the earth.

In a relationship, if a woman towers over a man, she feels a victory, but in the end she loses, because a tree under the ground means an earthquake.
At these moments, the woman is shaking like mountains during tremors and she feels deeply hidden anxiety. With each victory over the tree men, anxiety grows and fatigue grows from this. Victories are no longer encouraging, because no one wants to settle on this land for a long time.

There are always few inhabitants in the mountains and they all ended up there for one reason: once their ancestors fled from mortal danger to these mountain gorges so that no one would find them there. So their descendants became highlanders. I'm a highlander myself, so I can say that.
A woman who loses to a man is always a winner. Her energy is calm and flat. Many join its territory and life becomes more and more diverse.

Such a woman has many friends and helpers, because she does not shake with her energy those who decide to approach her expanses.

She is now ready for new growth, which is revealed in the Ninth Mystery:

Ninth secret:

9. A man dreams of turning his woman into a Queen, and a woman dreams of a ready-made King.

A woman is always looking for a Male Teacher who can help her to know herself. Her boundless Universe needs a person who will not pass by her most diverse phenomena and will be able to include all her female states: Girl, Mistress, Mistress and Queen.

Only the King is capable of this, and therefore she needs a strong man who has grown over his childhood fears and calmed the spirits of his ancestors.

And a man wants to be the creator of a woman, he is ready to create the Queen out of his woman and therefore listens so zealously to her words that she would like to learn somewhere, but not from him.

To turn a man into a King, a woman should give him royal attention and reverently acknowledge his services to her.

He is the King, and a woman who creates in a man the state of a realized King is always happy and lives in harmony and abundance.

Every man understands this, and in order to feel like a King, he must know the Tenth Secret:

Tenth secret:

10. A man must understand that his intonations affect the condition of a woman. After all, she loves with her ears. Therefore, a man should be able to love with his voice, taking care of his intonations.

Strong Man, King - one who can understand the feelings of a woman. Feelings are not words. They are like leaves in the wind. They tremble from the strong wind. An ordinary man does not even assume that his words and intonations are the wind that can scare a woman. A woman can be so frightened that she hides and refuses attention to a man. And without her Attention, he stops growing in status

Let's clarify right away: a fatal passion is not necessarily one that leads to tragic consequences.

This is a great, all-consuming feeling that exhausts to the limit, throws all thoughts into a mess and gives that feeling of flight, which we strive for all our lives later. What are we telling you - and without us, you probably know, not small already ...

Here's what's interesting. Scientists who like to analyze everything in a row (including human feelings) turned out to be powerless before Great Love. They tried to study it, but so far something is not working. There are some calculations regarding the fact that a person consumed by passion has an increased heart rate and worsens appetite, so this is understandable even without scientists. But in the literature, all the same things are described in much more detail and, most importantly, much more beautiful, more soulful. Therefore, today we will try to understand the laws of the Great love and we will involve as experts not psychologists, but writers.

She is so sudden!

According to scientists (as if they understand anything!), love does not exist at first sight. Love, they say, is born for a long time, in several stages. And just like that, there is only a clouding of the mind, the installation of love is triggered. In psychiatry, there is even a special term for this phenomenon - "lunar impact". But we read what they write in books:

“... Love jumped out in front of us, like a killer jumps out of the ground in an alley, and hit us both at once. This is how lightning strikes, this is how a Finnish knife strikes! She, however, later claimed that this was not so, that we loved each other, of course, a long time ago, not knowing each other, never seeing, and that she lived with another person, and I was there, then ... with this one, like her…”

M. Bulgakov.

"The Master and Margarita".

“... I saw Her, I just introduced myself, said something. She too. I didn’t even remember her name, I didn’t record what her hairstyle was, etc. ... I left before the kebabs ... But the next morning I thought about her. And then in the afternoon I thought: “And who is this man with a stupid beard to her? And how is she with him? After all, he is a bore, certainly a bore. I thought about her all summer and early autumn ... "

E. Grishkovets. "Shirt".

Well, who do you think is right - writers or scientists? Who to believe? And most importantly - how to distinguish: where is clouding of reason, and where is really Great Love? Law No. 2 will help us here.

Fatal love is a complete fusion. Writers and psychologists think so too.

The harder the better

The usual love story runs more or less smoothly. We met, met, got married. An affair on the side, when it is not Big Love, also does not interfere with the family. On the contrary, it even strengthens the bonds of marriage, again, according to some psychologists.

But Big Love is a completely different matter. Barriers arise between lovers every now and then, something certainly prevents them from being there, seeing each other every minute. Romeo and Juliet were hindered by relatives, Masters and Margarita were separated by circumstances. In fairy tales, beloved beauties are kidnapped by dragons (why, by the way?). "Bookish" lovers often make strange and fatal mistakes. They endlessly strive for each other, but at the same time they arrange heartbreaking trials and separations for themselves. And all these difficulties in order to overcome them together later.

So, the difference between a psychological disorder and real feelings is that Great Love, passing through thorns, only intensifies and strengthens. And the disorder does not stand the test.

“... Was there really any possibility of my life with Nina, a life hardly imaginable, drunk in advance with passionate, unbearable sadness, a life, every moment of which would listen, trembling, to the silence of the past? Nonsense! So what was I to do, Nina, with you? .. "

V. Nabokov.

"Spring in Fialta".

“... Now his life is somehow divided into three parts: work, love and family. Smolensky always imagined that love is happiness, but now it turned out that love is a disease similar to appendicitis. Common and seemingly harmless, but if you do not cut it out in time, you will die of peritonitis ... "

V. Tokareva.

"Damn it to hell."

We will overcome all the burdens of fate, just to be together!

There is no escape from her

Scientists believe that love lasts one to two years. And there it either ends altogether, or goes to the level of friendship, tenderness, affection.

But on the other hand, the fatal passion, the writers say, never fades away. E

Lyonka was not among the best students in the class. Didn't see the need for it. In his opinion, to become an excellent student at school, a lot of mind is not needed. The program is designed for the average level of intelligence. To master it, it is enough to show perseverance and discipline. "For now," he mused, "there's no need for that." Fours and even threes suited him completely. But I didn't have to work hard to study. I read books that I liked. He played chess like crazy, sometimes twenty-five games at once. He was fond of table tennis, and, of course, preference. He used to sit at the cards until the morning. Not for money, but for interest. Parents did not bother with "strict morality", and teachers treated the student tolerantly.

But one day, in the eleventh grade, a student Vera came to them from another city. At first, like new, the girl was in the center of everyone's attention for some time. She was not attractive. The expressionless face is slightly pale. Narrow-set gray eyes. Liquid ash pigtail. A very ordinary young lady. The character, however, is accommodating. Therefore, the newcomer easily fit in and soon became an equal member of the student team. Everyone treated her like they knew her from childhood. Neither excessive requirements, nor privileges arrived any more supposed. In general, she became her own.

And only one Leonid saw something in the girl, because of which he was strongly drawn to her. At first, there was just sympathy, but then he fell in love, so much so that he could not find a place for himself.

The student liked the way the guy devours her with passionate eyes, spins around her, provides some kind of service. She even encouraged it. Either he will ask you to show the sights of the city, or he will seek advice on physics or mathematics.
All subjects were given to Lenka without difficulty. And then he climbed out of his skin, so as not to lose face. I studied everything according to the program and read additional literature. He explained new material to a classmate no worse than a teacher.

They spent most of their free time together. Everyone considered the couple to be the bride and groom. No one guessed what a purely platonic love they had. The guy did not take his eyes off the girl, did not leave her, but he never kissed her and did not even make attempts.

Once Vera started a conversation on this topic:
Why is it in the movies, and in real life, do all lovers kiss? Is this an essential part of love?
-I think that kissing and sex only vulgarize love. It's something from animals. Man is a higher being, and his feelings must be more perfect. True love is not a physical, material, but spiritual substance, the young philosopher explained.

It was probably at this moment that Vera became alert for the first time. She didn’t say anything, but she began to have reasons to “break away” from her admirer for an evening or two. Either she went to a distant relative outside the city, or she went with her mother to evening courses in cutting and sewing. The gentleman was waiting for her at the entrance. At first he was satisfied with the explanations, and then he began to express reproaches:
You don't love me, you avoid me.
The girl was amused, but the reproaches began to develop into suspicions and accusations:
You must have loved someone else. Do you have someone. You kiss him. Do you think I can't? Here, - he unexpectedly hugged the girl and kissed.
Here she broke down for the first time:
- What do you allow yourself? Did I give a reason? Did I say that I love you? Leave me alone. Don't follow me. I am tired of this.

Lenya turned pale, slowly took a step back, then, as if dazed, ran away. At home, he closed himself in the bathroom and sobbed for several hours. Parents tried in every possible way to calm the enamored loser, and he was still hysterical. I didn't go to school the next day. It is not known what would happen next, but after the lessons Vera ran in:
- I'm sorry, Lenechka. I must be a mean girl. You're a good boy. Let's make up?

Graduated from school, entered the Polytechnic Institute. Moreover, the guy first thought about the institute of communication, but changed his dream to be with the girl next to him. Now they went to the institute together and returned together. Falling in love with Leonid did not pass. But Vera after a while began to avoid her admirer. Reproaches and scandals began again, until one day the girl said:
- I love another and get married. And we will remain friends with you. Want?

Leonid ran home, closed himself in the bathroom and opened his veins. Parents felt something was wrong, knocked down the door, saw their dying son, called an ambulance. Doctors saved, the unfortunate came out. Matchmaking is out of fashion these days. But here the father and mother, neglecting their pride, went to the parents of their beloved child and began to beg to give their daughter to their son. All together began to persuade the girl, referring to the fact that love is a noble feeling, and that she was lucky to be loved so much. Persuaded. The young people got married.

But their happiness was short-lived. The husband literally suppressed the will of his wife, deprived her of all freedom, so despotic was his love. The young woman could not stand it and went to her parents. Then he went to the balcony and jumped from the third floor. He was severely injured, but survived. With a concussion, broken legs and several ribs, he was taken to the hospital. Coming to consciousness, he shouted that he would not live anyway. He calmed down only when his wife began to visit him.

A few months later he was discharged home. For days on end I was waiting for Vera from the institute, asking about what she was doing, where she was. Finally got better and got back to work. Again young all day together. The husband does not take his loving eyes off his wife.

Soon Vera felt that she was approaching a nervous breakdown. Probably, the spouse was one of the vampires who feed on the bioenergy of others. She declared that she was breaking up with him, otherwise she would become hysterical. I packed my things to leave. Leonid closed the door on the latch, went out onto the balcony, doused himself with gasoline and called his wife. She decided to say something else in parting, went out, but, feeling a strange smell, she wanted to run into the room. Her husband held her back with one hand, flicked a lighter with the other. The flame instantly engulfed the couple, but Vera managed to escape and put out the fire on herself with a curtain from the window. Somehow she opened the door, called the neighbors, and they rushed to save the suicide. Finally, the flames were brought down, Leonid fell unconscious to the floor. Arriving ambulance recorded that seventy percent of the skin was affected by the burn. Some areas are simply charred.

This time, Leonid was in the hospital for about seven months. What the doctors didn't do. From the few surviving areas, the skin was transplanted onto the affected lesions. She did not take root well, the wounds festered due to kidney failure and blood intoxication. There was a lethal outcome. The patient died in terrible agony, but did not utter a single bad word about his beloved and did not express regret for what he had done.

Vera recovered. More or less everything went well. True, hair will not grow on the back of the head, since there was a severe burn. Well, yes, it's not scary - you can cover it with a regrown scythe or a wig. She gradually calmed down, began to regularly visit the cemetery where her husband was buried. She sat in silence for a long time, staring blankly at one point. The parents of the deceased, of course, were pleased that the daughter-in-law constantly brings flowers to the grave. But they felt sorry for her:
- Verochka, dear, you don't have to kill yourself like that. You are young, alive, you should think about the future. And Lenechka can't be resurrected.
Vera usually kept silent or said something about an evil fate, and explained to her fellow students:
- I pay tribute to love itself. The misfortune is that I happened to meet with a fatal passion, but how many can be loved as I was ...

1952 Burial in a Muslim family. Suddenly, a red dupatta falls from the sky on little Rizza (Parzan Dastur)… On the same day, at lunch, Rizzu witnessed a quarrel between Fayazi's grandmother (Surekha Sikri-Rege) and grandfather (Amrish Puri); the grandmother asked her husband to finally forgive their only daughter ... These events began to weigh the boy, and he asked his nanny Zainabi to tell him about his mother, asked where she was. Then the nanny tells Rizz about his "second mother" - the fairy-tale princess Zubeida, who danced in the cinema, and then she was met by the Maharaja and taken away on a magic carpet to a distant fairy-tale land, but this plane crashed and now Zubeida's house is among the stars. The stars twinkle as she begins to dance... Rizzu fell asleep and in a dream the fairytale princess Zubeida appeared to him

Years pass. The film takes place in 1980. Rizzu / Riaz Masood (Rajit Kapoor) is a film journalist, he set out to find out the truth about the life of his mother, who was so carefully hidden from him all these years and try to understand the mystery of her death. He dreams of getting a film of Zubeida's only film, The Gypsy Girl, with her legendary dance. The young man travels to Pune, where he meets with the director of this dance, Master Hiralal (Shakti Kapoor), who fondly remembers the talented beauty Zubeida ("Zubeida!!! How she danced! She could become a famous actress! Now the girls will put on short T-shirts and mini-skirts and jumping around like monkeys! Is that dancing?"), but can't help with the tape. Hiralal directs Riaz to Rose Davenport/Rosie (Lillith Dubey), a famous actress and dancer of the time, Zubeida's friend, muse and lover Suleiman Seth, father of Zubeida, owner of a film studio.

So, from scraps of memories of different people and reading Zubeida's diary, a picture of the life of his mother opens up before Riaz.

Zubeida (Karisma Kapoor for her work in this film was awarded the National Film Association of India and Filmfare Awards as the Best Actress of 2001) is the only daughter of the famous and influential film producer Suleiman Seth. She is young, beautiful and talented and dreams of becoming an actress, but her father is categorically against it. He may seem like a despot, but in fact he is trying to protect his daughter from the possible harmful influence of the world of cinema. At the party, Suleiman announces his daughter's upcoming wedding. Zubi's tears, her unwillingness to marry the unloved could not break her father's will: “Love is only in cinema and in poetry. What does this have to do with marriage? Suleiman forcibly marries his daughter to Mehbub Alam (Vinod Sherawat), the son of his old friend Sajid Masoud (S. M. Zahir), who has moved from Pakistan.

Soon Zubeida's son Rizzu is born, but on this very day the heads of the intermarried families quarrel and Mehbub breaks the marriage bonds ... Zubi is left alone with a child in her arms, but fate gives her one more chance - once at the races, where she went with Rosie, she Vijayendra Singh/Victor (Manoj), the attractive ruler of the Rajput principality, the Maharaja of Fatehpur, falls in love at first sight. Love comes into Zubeida's life, and it is filled with meaning. But it turns out that Victor is married and is not going to divorce his wife Mandira Devi (Rekha), he has two small children. Zubeida agrees to become his second wife...

Mother blesses Zubi and approves this marriage on one condition - Rizzu will stay with them to continue their family. Zubi leaves for Fatehpur and spends several happy years there with her beloved, becoming the junior mistress of Meenakshi Devi. Of course, not everything went smoothly; life in the palace flowed according to strict rules and these rules were part of the culture of the Rajputs. We have rights and duty, these are the two sides of our life and we must follow this, ”Mandira Devi / Mandi once said. The duty of Zubi was, according to Victor, to always look beautiful and please her husband.

Victor himself devoted a lot of time to state affairs, preparing for the elections, and Mandi helped him in this. Zubi lived in a hunting lodge, where Viktor came for dinner at exactly 13:00 and stayed with her until the evening… Zubi more and more often felt like a bird in a golden cage. And once a beautiful fairy tale about a princess-dancer and a beautiful ruler of a principality ended in tragedy

The director of the film, Shyam Benegal, is a well-known master of serious thinking cinema. In his early works, he preferred to shoot the masters of the "new wave" of Indian cinema - Smita Patil, Shaban Azmi, Nasiruddin Shah, Amrish Puri, Kulbhushan Kharbanda, Saeed Jaffrey, Om Puri, Girish Karnad, Anant Naga and others. His most famous films in Russia are Sprout, End of the Night, Difficult Role, Market Square. "Zubeidaa" is in no way inferior to the best works of the brilliant Master; this is a dramatic and sad story of a girl passionately looking for her way in life, her happiness, to which she has every right. This is a love story in the context of family relationships and traditions. Who wins this duel? And are there any culprits?

The film is staged just fine, there is not a single moment where you would not want to believe what is happening on the screen. Absolutely all the actors play amazingly and very authentically, no replaying, insert episodes, all the songs are harmoniously woven into the outline of the story. The color of that era is excellently conveyed, from costumes and songs to the reconstruction of houses and structures, not to mention life, customs and traditions. I was fascinated by the art of impersonation by Lillith Dubey. The role of Zubeida is probably the best in Karisma's career, all the emotions and feelings of her heroine are so wonderfully conveyed that sometimes I forgot that I was watching a film, sincerely empathizing with Zubi. Manoj is majestic and stately, a real Maharaja. Rekha is beautiful and graceful, her heroine is wise and calm. Surekha and Amrish looked great in the role of diametrically opposed, but forming one spouse - the stern and despotic Suleiman and the resigned Fayazi.

This story happened a long time ago, a couple of years ago. I then worked in another company, I was still very naive and gullible. Our team was friendly, close-knit, young, so we met not only at work. but also very often beyond.

A young man worked in parallel with me, let's call him Denis. who was a little older than me. to be more precise for a year and a half. We never had close communication, because shifts are different, so communication between us took place only at the intersection of shifts. But at some point, Denis himself approached me, under the auspices of helping me master new software, which, to my shame, I didn’t really understand then. Naturally, we started talking, and during the break we went to play table tennis. Thus began our difficult relationship.

Over time, I fell in love with Denis. I liked spending time with him, walking, talking at work, playing ping-pong. By the way, I never went crazy with him, he was just very pleasant to me. His attitude towards me was completely incomprehensible, on the one hand he tried to see me more often, on the other hand he was an incorrigible womanizer and he always had many girls.

So a lot of time passed, I had already applied for resignation, Denis had already quit by that time. We continued to communicate periodically. but met much less frequently. And in early autumn, we decided to get together in a big company, to remember our working days, to talk, in general, to have a good time. The result of this meeting was that Denis and I remained alone. I was then free from relationships, he too, we sympathized with each other and as a result we woke up in the same bed.

We met for about two months, exactly until the moment I found out that I was pregnant. After that, Hell began. I knew in advance that I would go for an abortion, that neither I nor Denis needed a child at this stage of life, and no one would experience happiness from his birth. But so, not only I participated in the "creation" of the child, but he also, I naturally wrote to him, asked his opinion, said that I was planning to have an abortion and had already set aside the money.

After this conversation, Denis began terror in my direction. I turned out to be a whore who pulled money out of him, wanted to tie him to me as a child. night calls began from him and his friends with threats against me, he was waiting for me near my house, insulting me, haunting me. I stopped recognizing the person who once idolized me and literally carried me in his arms.

I don't know how I got through that time. First of all, abortion is, in principle, a very difficult situation for a woman, and then there is such persecution. I closed myself in for a long time, I was afraid to trust anyone. Denis, as if nothing had happened, continued to spread dirty gossip about me.

Now everything in my life has improved. I almost forgot all this horror. I want to advise the girls, do not be naive, the devilish essence often hides behind a beautiful shell. Be carefull!