The image of Larisa Ogudalova briefly. Characteristics of the image of Larisa Ogudalova. Dowry characterization of the image of ogudalova larisa dmitrievna

Ostrovsky's drama "The Dowry" is built on the classical naturalness and simplicity of the characters' images, but at the same time on the complexity of their characters and actions. The drama is not like the others, there are no intriguing intrigues in it, the heroes are the same people, but with a difference that they are simpler, easy to understand.

Goncharov, arguing about the basis of Ostrovsky's drama, said that the playwright "does not seem to want to resort to the plot - this artificiality is lower than him: he must sacrifice to her a part of truthfulness, integrity of character, precious touches of morality, detail of everyday life - and he more willingly lengthens the action, cools the viewer , if only to preserve carefully what he sees and feels alive and true in nature. "

Ostrovsky's work does not fit into any of the classical genre forms, this gave Dobrolyubov a reason to talk about it as a "play of life." In "Dowry" Ostrovsky comes to the disclosure of complex, subtle, psychologically polyphonic human characters. He shows us a life conflict, the reader lives this small segment of his life, as a resident of the same city of Bryakhimov, or, what is even more interesting, like any hero of the drama.

Larisa Ogudalova is the main heroine of the drama, all the action around her, intrigues "roam".

Larisa is a girl, even more fragile, unprotected than it seems at first glance. In my opinion, it can be compared to a white noble rose. The girl is just as delicate and beautiful, it is not for nothing that she is called the "decoration of the city". But on the other hand, they say about Larisa that she is "an expensive piece of jewelry that requires a good jeweler." Maybe it would be nice, but here, in the play, these words sounded impudent and vulgar. After all, here Larissa is evaluated as a thing, in this case, as a precious stone. Of course, precious is flattering, but after all, a stone, something cold, inanimate, insensitive, not at all suitable for Larisa's romantic nature.

Her soul is refined, light, musical, sensitive and melodic. Larisa is like a light in this city, like the heroine of one of the Russian romances that she loves to sing so much. After listening to romances in her own performance, she begins to dream of pure love, of a strong family, a loving spouse.

But everything does not work out the way the girl wants it. The drama is based on a social theme. Larisa is poor, she is a girl without a material dowry, but at the same time she has a rich inner world, which we will not find in any of the characters in the drama. Larisa lives in a world where everything is bought and sold, even girlish beauty and love. But, getting lost in her dreams, in her rainbow world, she does not notice the most disgusting sides in people, does not notice the ugly attitude towards herself, Larisa sees only good everywhere and in everyone and believes that people are like that.

This is how Larisa was mistaken in Paratov. He leaves the girl in love for the sake of profit, destroys of his own free will. After, Larisa is preparing to marry Karandyshev. The girl perceives him as a kind, poor man who is not understood by those around him. But the heroine does not understand and does not feel the envious, proud nature of Karandyshev. Indeed, in his attitude towards Larisa, there is more complacency for owning such a precious stone as Larisa.

In the finale of the drama, awareness comes to Larisa. She realizes with horror and bitterness that everyone around her perceives her as a thing or, even worse, wants to make her a kept woman, such as Knurov and Vozhevatov.

And then the heroine says the words: "A thing ... yes a thing. They are right, I am a thing, not a person." In despair, Larisa tries to throw herself into the Volga, but she cannot, she is scared to part with her life, no matter how worthless and unhappy she may seem to her.

The upset girl finally realizes that everything in this world is assessed by the "rustle of bills", and then she decides: "If you are a thing, then there is only one consolation - to be dear."

The shot of Karandyshev is salvation in the eyes of Larisa, she is glad that she again belongs only to herself, she will not be able to sell or buy, she is free. Larisa finds a shadow of nobility and a lively human feeling in Karandysheva's indiscriminate random act, and her emotional drama comes to an end, for the first time the heroine feels truly happy and free.

I continue the tradition of my essays on literary characters and today I will present to you my vision of the image of Larisa Ogudalova from Alexander Ostrovsky's "Dowry", I think many people know this work from the movie "Cruel Romance".

To put it briefly about Larisa's life, it’s the only way: “The life path of Larisa is the path of mental loneliness and tragic breakdown”. Indeed, this girl is a delicate, sincere, pure, ingenuous person who happened to be born in the wrong place and at the wrong time. Had she been born into a well-born and wealthy noble family, perhaps her talents would have been appreciated, and in society they would have looked at her as a worthy person, and not as a beautiful toy that would “go from hand to hand” not today or tomorrow.

If Larisa were more sophisticated in life, she would have followed her mother's advice: “We are poor people, we must humiliate ourselves all our lives. you run from him. " However, Larisa is what she is, there is no place for corruption, self-interest and pretense in her soul, every day, accepting “the necessary guests at home” she has to endure this indecency, and quietly dream of solitude in the village.

Perhaps her fate would have turned out differently if Paratov did not meet on her life path, a man without honor and dignity, a burner of life. Live Larissa, guided by reason, not heart, perhaps she would have discerned its true essence in Paratov, but for the ingenuous Larisa "Sergei Sergeich is the ideal of a man." The image of Paratov becomes the culmination of Larisa's life tragedy. First turning Larisa's head, having beaten off all the alleged suitors from the Ogudalovs' house, Paratov suddenly leaves and Larisa, in despair, decides to marry any person who will take her away from the city she hates and the painful mother's house.

Such a person for Larisa becomes Karandyshev - a small man with a bureaucratic philistine soul, alien to nobility and honor. Karandyshev speaks of love for Larisa, but for him, as well as for Paratov, she is just a beautiful thing for self-affirmation. Karandyshev condemns Paratov, but in his heart he dreams of being the same “brilliant master” in order to be the first person in society and enjoy the favor of the best ladies. If Paratov is best characterized by his words “What is a pity,” I don’t know. ... I will find a profit, so I will sell everything, whatever ”, then Karandyshev opens up to the reader according to the words of his toast“ to Larisa, in whom the most precious thing to him is that she “knows how to take people apart” and therefore chose him ”.

For Paratov, it's a matter of principle to return Larisa's favor. He knows that he will marry a rich bride, but why not have some fun at last, especially if such a beautiful girl looks at him as the best person on earth. Paratov is deeply indifferent to the further fate of Larisa, his pleasures and entertainment are primary for him.

Let's omit the scene in the Ogudalovs' house, where Paratov solders Karandyshev, humiliating him publicly and thereby indulging his pride and showing his superiority. It is much more interesting for me to write about the scene on "Swallow", when Paratov revealed to Larisa that he was engaged, she is dishonored in the eyes of society, and does not know how to live now.

Vozhevatov, as a friend of her childhood, being a wealthy man, could have helped her, could have warned her that Paratov was engaged, but he prefers not to interfere and his indifference contributes to the fall of Larissa. Vozhevatov prefers to play her into a toss with the merchant Knurov, who has long wanted to get Larissa as his mistress. It is sad that a person alone comes into this world, and he has to rely only on himself in this life, those who are called relatives or friends walk in parallel through life, but it is at such key moments in life that the true essence of such kinship or friendship is revealed. Therefore, the path of Larisa is the path of mental loneliness, she has no one to rely on, no one wants to understand her.

Karandyshev's shot becomes a deliverance for Larisa. Unfortunately, sometimes death is better than a bleak life full of torment, shame and shame. Such bright people like Larissa are like angels on earth, and they are not adapted to live among the moral filth, meanness and betrayal, which are in abundance among people. Living a bright life, such people quickly burn out like candles, thereby illuminating our path and giving an example of spirituality and purity.

The main heroine of A. Ostrovsky's play "The Dowry" is Larisa Dmitrievna, daughter of Kharita Ignatievna Ogudalova. Her mother has a "small fortune", there is nothing to give a dowry, since she lives openly, accepts everyone, "likes to live happily herself." Kharita Ignatievna is very clever: “her house is always full of singles”, her daughter is pretty, sings beautifully and knows how to play different instruments, you can have fun with them. But for all this you have to pay: "... whoever liked the daughter, so and so fork out." By all means, this lively woman is looking for a groom for her daughter.

But Larisa is a lyrical, talented and sensitive nature, so she cannot live the life that her mother created in the house. She has to smile, be nice, keep up conversations with the men who visit and pay money for it. Maybe she doesn't like them at all or is simply disgusting, she must endure all this, since she needs to do what her mother tells. Larisa subtly senses and experiences what is happening around her. Such a girl feels lonely and uncomfortable in the world around her, which is full of penny passions, egoism, where everyone tries to show himself by any means.

She does not need any of this, she is completely alone, alone with her thoughts and dreams. At the same time, they talk about her, admire her, decide her future for her, but Larisa herself seems to be on the sidelines, the opinions and feelings of this girl are of no interest to anyone.

She understands, in the end, what kind of person Paratov is, but he was her ideal among men. Because of passionate love, she sees nothing around her, goes for a walk along the Volga with him, she hopes that he will make her his wife, she believes him. Larisa is in for a bitter disappointment, as Paratov spends his last free days in her, because he himself is marrying another woman who is richer than her.

The main character comes to the decision to commit suicide, but something does not let her in, holds her. “It is a pitiful weakness to live, at least somehow, but to live ... when you cannot live and you don’t need to. What a pathetic, unhappy I am, ”she says, standing by the grate.

When an insight comes to her about what the people around her are, what she means to them, Larisa recognizes the truthfulness of Karandyshev's words: “They do not look at you as a woman, as a person, - a person has his own destiny; they look at you as a thing. "

Learning that Knurov and Vozhevatov are playing her as a toss, Larisa begins to feel like a "thing", her soul is seized by apathy, she becomes indifferent to herself and others. The main character says: “I was looking for love and did not find it. They looked at me and look at me as if it were fun. Nobody ever tried to look into my soul, I never saw sympathy from anyone, I never heard a warm, heartfelt word. But it's so cold to live. It is not my fault, I was looking for love and did not find it ... it is not in the world ... there is nothing to look for. I have not found love, so I will seek gold. " With these words, she goes to the content of Knurov, tk. every thing must have a master. But Karandyshev's shot prevents her from doing this and at the same time takes her life. Larissa is grateful to him: "... death will not let her go down and die morally." She dies with the words: “Let them have fun, those who have fun ... I don’t want to disturb anyone! Live, live everything! You have to live, and I have to ... die. I am not complaining about anyone, I am not offended by anyone ... you are all good people ... I love you all ... love everyone. "

This shot brings Larisa back to herself, she, dying, forgives everyone.

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Larisa Dmitrievna Ogudalova is the main character of the play. She is young and beautiful, but poor, so no dowry is given for her. The position of a homeless woman is humiliating, and this is especially felt by L. - an intelligent and proud girl.

L. loves Paratov. But he loves not for his personal qualities, but for the dream of another life that he is able to give her. With Paratov, the idea of \u200b\u200ba light and poetic world that was inaccessible to her and which she knows only from her favorite poems and romances entered into L.'s consciousness.

Marrying Karandyshev, L. feels humiliated, unjustly sentenced to an insignificant life that a petty official can give her. Moreover, she cannot forgive the failures of Karandyshev, who is trying to compare with Paratov: “Who are you equal to! Is such blinding possible! " Alone with the groom L. constantly instills that he does not love him, and that after Paratov will go to the ends of the world. In the soul of the girl, there is a struggle between the desire to come to terms with the fate of the wife of a poor official and longing for a bright and beautiful life. L. is trying to decide her own fate. She goes with Paratov to ride a steamer. This trip opens L.'s eyes to her true position - a beautiful thing that men dispute among themselves: “They are right, I am a thing, not a person. I am now convinced of that ... ”In the finale of the play, L. dies at the hands of Karandyshev. Before her death, the heroine thanks him for helping her to leave the terrible world where nothing is sacred and a person is an object of sale and purchase: “I was looking for love and did not find it. They looked at me and look at me like fun. No one has ever tried to look into my soul, I have not seen sympathy from anyone ... there is nothing to look for. " According to Ostrovsky, L.'s dream is illusory, she is chasing a ghost in the person of Paratov. L.'s attempt to get love and happiness with one reckless act is an escape from his fate. Therefore, the heroine's tragic disappointment is inevitable.

LARISA OGUDALOVA - the heroine of the drama A. N. Ostrovsky "Dowry" (1878). The image of L. completes the series of "homeless women" in Ostrovsky's drama. Unlike Marya Andreevna ("Poor Bride"), Nadia ("Parent"), Aksyusha ("Forest"), Nastya ("There was not a penny but suddenly altyn") L. is a delicate and nervous nature, endowed with a special mental fragility. L.'s soul exists, as it were, "above everyday life" - above the vanity of huckstering, everyday passions and the struggle of vanities. L. all the time "beckons" somewhere: to the village, to the forest, beyond the Volga - to "any quiet corner" that seems to her "paradise". L.'s life path is the path of mental loneliness and tragic breakdown. Everyone admires her, longs for her, but no one tries to "look into her soul", she does not hear "a warm, heartfelt word" from anyone. L. is forced to live in an environment that resembles either a "bazaar" or a "gypsy camp". And only in singing romances can she express her feelings. At home, "during a terrible, deadly melancholy, they are forced to be courteous, to smile, to impose suitors." Karandyshev, in whose love L. believed and agreed to the marriage, because of petty pride did not spare her pride. Paratov, whom L. passionately loved and for whose sake she almost fled from under the aisle, lured and left. Childhood friend Vasya Vozhevatov played her a "coin" with the big businessman Knurov. L.'s decision to "seek gold" and become "an expensive, very expensive thing" puts her on the brink of falling. The deadly shot of Ka-randyshev turns out to be a "boon" for her, a salvation from final moral death. Without "complaining" or "offended," L. dies with words of love and forgiveness. The image of L. with his poetry and lyrical reflection was a major artistic discovery of Ostrovsky, which preceded the appearance of Chekhov's heroines. The first performer of the role of L.- G.N. Fedotova (1878). Other performers include M. N. Ermolova (1878), M. G. Savina (1878), V. F. Komissarzhevskaya (1896), M. I. Babanova (1940), K. F. Roek (1948) ...

Ostrovsky's plays "" are a typical "little" who turned out to be powerless against circumstances, hostile and dangerous. The tragic fate of a girl in a cruel world makes you think about how defenseless the notorious "little man" can be.

Larisa is surrounded by various people. They all live by their own rules, strive to satisfy only personal desires and aspirations. It turns out that the girl herself is not needed by anyone, no one thinks about her, does not worry about how her fate will turn out. Even the girl's own mother thinks only about profit. She is glad that her daughter is so beautiful and talented, because these qualities will help the girl to make a more profitable batch, since they are a great product. A good product can make a decent profit. Others treat Larisa in a similar way. Everyone wants to have fun with a beautiful "toy".

In the drama "The Dowry", the theme of the "little man" gets an unexpected direction. The "little man" by himself is powerless, helpless. He never has enough strength to withstand the pressure of others. He is always unhappy. In Ostrovsky's drama, the "little man" not only becomes unhappy and dies as a result, but is also perceived exclusively as a "thing", like a "toy."

There are a lot of people around who want to have fun. The girl is even pranked at the girl in a toss. This episode raises the problem of the human dignity of the "little man" especially acutely. No one in the drama thinks that it is not a thing, but a person. And she herself does not have the strength and wisdom to change the course of events. Larisa suffers from this situation. But he doesn't even try to protest. She accepts the rules of the game, no matter how difficult and sad they may be.

In love with Larisa, Karandyshev differs little from those who play her as a toss. Yes, now he is outraged by the behavior of the "powerful of this world." He says indignantly: "They do not look at you as a woman, as a person ... they look at you as a thing." But his outrage is insincere. We can easily guess what is hidden behind his words. Now Karandyshev cannot compete with the "powerful of this world." But if he had enough money, if he had power, he would act in relation to Ogudalova in the same way as those who are now playing Larissa at a toss. Karandyshev wants to marry Larisa, because this fact could help him rise among those around him. Such a beautiful, talented and extraordinary wife would do honor to such an ordinary person like him. Karandyshev, like everyone else in, thinks only of himself, of his egoistic aspirations. Larisa's inner world does not interest him.

"The mighty of this world" think that everything in the world can be bought and sold. Therefore, they treat Larisa as a thing. And she doesn't protest. The girl in love perceives Sergei Sergeevich Paratov as a real deity. And he, in turn, thinks of her as a funny toy. However, Paratov treats everyone exclusively from the point of view of his own egoism. He believes that the whole world is at his feet.

The rich man Knurov is a smug, insignificant person. Possessing money and power, he is confident that all his whims must be fulfilled. In a world where power belongs to people like Paratov and Knurov, there is no place for Larisa. The "little man" cannot exist where the "powerful of this world" rule.

Larisa is full of illusions. She, having received a good education, cannot understand the true qualities of those around her. The girl's illusions do not coincide with the world of profit.

Reality turns out to be too harsh for the "little man." As a result, Larisa almost completely agrees with the role of “toys”, “things”. Her passive acceptance of Knurov's proposal is resignation to fate. The girl goes with the flow, does not find in herself even a hint of protest. The "little man" turned out to be a broken world in which the "powerful of this world" rule. Larissa admits: “The thing ... yes, the thing! They are right, I am a thing, I am not a person ... ".