Workshop for parents on traffic rules. Topic of the meeting: “Road. Child. Security". Advice for parents on traffic regulations

Consultation for parents.

"The road abhors pranks - punishes without pity"


Educators - did not finish their education,

Parents - did not finish,

Traffic police - not reorganized

The driver did not react,

and as a result, the child suffered

in road transport


Each of you wants to see your child healthy and safe. And everyone is sure that his smart kid will certainly not be under the wheels of the car. But if the child did not come home on time, the parents begin to worry: “is everything all right? ", Coming up with various options for the development of events, frantically calling friends and acquaintances with whom their child may be. If only nothing happened! This is an eternal human fear of chance in our time and it is justified by the fact that for several decades, accidents, as a threat to the health and life of a child, have outstripped illness.

Children get into an accident for a reason. Some run out to play on the carriageway, catching up with their ball, others go out onto the road without looking around, and we are to blame for this, we did not teach the children, we didn’t give a hint, we didn’t warn the adults. 95% of accidents with children on the roads occur in situations when children think that there is no danger or they have time to cross the road in front of a vehicle, or cross the road outside the pedestrian crossing. Every year about 1.5 thousand children die on the roads of Russia, 24 thousand are injured. And these are not just numbers. The road is a threat to the lives of children. It is enough to study the "medical histories" of children affected by injuries sustained as a result of a road traffic accident, to talk with a doctor - surgeon or traumatologist, to understand a simple truth: Out of every twenty cases, nineteen, it turns out, are typical - they are often repeated, occur in some and the same standard situations, the number of which is not so great. These situations can be known, and behavior in them can be taught. This means that misfortune can be prevented! Only by following all the established rules and requirements, you can save the life and health of children.

The main thing in the education of a law-abiding citizen (including as a participant road traffic) there should be a principle for parents"Do as I do" ... In order for a child not to violate the Traffic Rules, he must not only know them - he must develop the skill of safe behavior on the road. Even if you are late:

Anyway, cross the road where it is permitted by the Rules;

Observe the speed limit in your own car;

Fasten your seat belts and do not allow children under 12 years of age to sit in the front seat.

A good example of parents will be much more effective than repeating the words “do not go to the red light” hundreds of times.

Timely teach children the ability to navigate in a traffic situation, bring up the need to be disciplined on the street, careful and attentive!Know if you break the Traffic Rules, your child will do the same!

Teach your child not to rush when crossing the street, cross the carriageway only when no one and nothing interferes with the view, before crossing, wait for the transport to leave the stop. Once next to a parked bus, invite your child to stop, look around carefully to see if a car is approaching.

In childhood, there is no skill of safe behavior on the streets and roads, the ability to observe: inspect your path, notice the car, evaluate its speed, direction of movement, the possibility of a sudden appearance of a car from behind a standing vehicle, from behind bushes, kiosks, fences.

The road from home to kindergarten and back is ideal for giving the child knowledge, forming his skills of safe behavior on the street. A child has a whole range of habits formed from early childhood. That is why, starting from 1, 5-2 years, it is necessary to form a set of "transport" habits in him.

When accompanying a child, parents must comply with the following requirements:

  • Leave the house well in advance so that the child gets used to walking slowly.
  • Before crossing the carriageway, be sure to stop. Cross the road with measured steps.
  • Teach children to cross the carriageway only at pedestrian crossings.
  • Never go out onto the roadway because of standing vehicles or other objects blocking your view.
  • Seeing a tram, trolleybus, bus standing on the opposite side do not rush, do not run.
  • When leaving on the road, stop extraneous conversations with the child, he must get used to the need to focus on the road.
  • Cross the street strictly at right angles.
  • Cross the carriageway only at the green traffic light, be sure to first make sure that the crossing is safe.
  • Hold your child's hand firmly when crossing and at public transport stops.
  • Get out of the transport in front of the child so that the child does not fall.
  • Get your child involved in road traffic monitoring.
  • Show the safe way to kindergarten, school, shop.
  • Never violate traffic rules in the presence of a child.
  • By the time the child enters school, he must learn and observe the following rules of behavior on the street and in transport:
  • Play only off the road.
  • Cross the street where the crossing signs are marked at intersections along the sidewalk line.
  • Only cross the street, don't run.
  • Watch the traffic light when you cross the street.
  • Look at the crossing of the street first to the left, then to the right.
  • Do not cross the path of oncoming traffic
  • Always go around the trams in front.
  • Enter and exit any form of transport only when it is stationary.
  • Do not lean out of the window of a moving vehicle.
  • Get out of the car only on the right side when it comes to the sidewalk or side of the road.
  • Do not ride your bike into the roadway.
  • If you are lost on the street, don't cry. Ask an adult passer-by or police officer for help.

The child will learn all the concepts firmly if he is introduced to the rules of the road systematically, unobtrusively. Using for this the appropriate situations on the street, in the yard, on the road. Being with the baby on the street, it is useful to explain to him everything that happens on the road with transport, pedestrians. Pay attention to violators by noting that they run the risk of getting into trouble by breaking the rules.

Do not frighten the child with the street - a panic about transport is no less harmful than safety and inattention!

Dear Parents! Remember!

Hold your child's hand tightly on the street!

Make it a habit for your child to always stop, look around before going out on the road, and only then cross the street.

The child learns the laws of the street from the parents.

Let your example serve as the correct behavior on the street, not only for your child, but also for other children.

In order for you to always be calm for your child, and he felt confident on the road, we advise you:

  • remind the basic Rules of the road to your child every day;
  • never violate the traffic rules in the presence of a child;
  • hold your child's hand when crossing the road;
  • teach him how to navigate the road, be careful and attentive, never cross the road in front of a nearby vehicle;
  • teach him to cross the carriageway only along pedestrian paths, at a green traffic light;
  • don't let your child play on the road.

Remember again! The road is full of surprises: it does not tolerate pranks - it punishes without pity! Only strict adherence to the Rules will guarantee the safety of you and your child!

Counseling for parents

“Safety rules for children. Road safety "

When crossing the street, you should always look to the left first, and when you reach the middle of the road - to the right.

You can cross the street only at pedestrian crossings. They are marked with a special sign "Pedestrian crossing"

If there is no underpass, you must use the underpass with traffic lights.

Outside settlements, children are allowed to walk only with adults along the edge towards the cars.

If your parents have forgotten which side to bypass a bus or tram, you can remind them that it is dangerous to bypass these vehicles both from the front and from the back. You need to walk to the nearest pedestrian crossing and cross the street along it.

In no case should you run out onto the road. You have to stop before the road.

You cannot play on the carriageway and on the sidewalk.

It is safest to cross the street with a group of pedestrians.

1. When driving on the sidewalk:

Keep to the right side of the sidewalk;

Do not lead your child along the edge of the sidewalk: an adult must be on the side of the carriageway;

2. Getting ready to cross the road:

Stop or slow down, inspect the roadway;

Involve your child in observing the traffic situation;

Emphasize your movements: turning your head for a street look, a stop to look at the road, a stop to let cars pass;

Teach your child to distinguish between approaching vehicles;

Do not stand with your child on the edge of the sidewalk, as the vehicle may hook, run over, or run over with its rear wheels when passing;

Repeatedly show your child how the vehicle stops at the crossing, how it moves by inertia.

3. When leaving home:

Immediately draw the child's attention to the movement of vehicles at the entrance and together see if a car, motorcycle, moped, bicycle is approaching you;

If there are vehicles at the entrance or there are trees growing blocking your view, stop your movement and look around for any danger behind the obstacle.

4. While waiting for public transport:

Stand with children only on landing areas, and if they are not on the sidewalk or shoulder.

5. When crossing the carriageway:

Cross the road only at pedestrian crossings or at intersections along the marked zebra line, otherwise the child will get used to cross wherever he has to;

Don't rush or run; always cross the road with measured steps;

Do not cross the road obliquely; emphasize, show and tell the child every time that you are walking strictly across the street, that this is done for better observation of auto, motor vehicles;

Do not rush to cross the road if you see friends, relatives, acquaintances on the other side. Do not rush and do not run to them, inspire the child that it is dangerous;

Do not start crossing a street that is rarely used by vehicles without looking around;

Explain to your child that cars can unexpectedly drive out of the alley, from the yard of the house;

6. When boarding and disembarking from public transport:

Come out in front of the child, as the baby may fall, and the older child may run out from behind a standing vehicle onto the roadway;

Approach for landing at the door of the vehicle only after a complete stop: a child, like an adult, can stumble and fall under the wheels;

Do not get on public transport at the last moment when it leaves; the front door is especially dangerous, as you can get under the wheels of the vehicle;

Teach your child to be attentive in the stopping zone in a particularly dangerous place for him: a standing bus reduces the view of the road in this zone.

7. When the car is moving:

Teach children to sit in the car only in the back seat; do not allow to sit next to the driver if the front seat is not equipped with a child seat;

Do not allow a small child to stand in the back seat while driving: in a collision or sudden stop, he may fly over the back of the seat and hit the front glass;

Children should not be unattended in the vehicle.

Parent Handbook: Taking Safe Steps Towards Road Safety.

What should parents know about their child?

3-4 years old the child can distinguish a moving car from a standing one, but he is sure that the car stops instantly.

At 6 years old - with peripheral vision, he sees about 2/3 of what adults see; cannot determine which is moving faster: a bicycle or a sports car; does not know how to correctly distribute attention and separate the essential from the insignificant.

At 7 years old - it is more confident to distinguish the right side of the road from the left.

At 8 years old -

Can instantly respond to feedback, etc .;

Has experience in walking on the road;

Actively masters basic cycling skills;

Knows how to identify the source of noise; - to establish a connection between the size of an object, its distance and time (the closer the car, the larger it is).

Consultation for parents

"Road alphabet"

An increase in the number of cars on the streets of cities and towns in our country, an increase in their speed, traffic density, and growing traffic jams are one of the causes of road accidents. No one is left indifferent by the disappointing reports of road accidents, where, unfortunately, children are also victims.

Children themselves are most often the cause of road traffic accidents. This leads to ignorance of the elementary foundations of the rules of the road, the indifferent attitude of adults to the behavior of children on the road. Left to their own devices, children, especially young children, take little into account the real dangers on the road. This is explained by the fact that they do not yet know how to properly control their behavior. They are not able to correctly determine the distance to the approaching car and its speed and overestimate their own capabilities, consider themselves fast and dexterous. They have not yet developed the ability to anticipate the possibility of a hazard in a rapidly changing traffic environment. Therefore, they serenely run out onto the road in front of a stopped car and suddenly appear in the path of another. They find it natural to ride a children's bike or play a fun game here.

It is necessary to acquaint children with the rules of the road, to form their skills of correct behavior on the road from a very early age, since the knowledge gained in childhood is the most solid; the rules learned by the child subsequently become the norm of behavior, and their observance becomes a human need.

Introducing children to the rules of the road, the culture of behavior on the street, it should be remembered that this work is closely related to the development of orientation in space and involves the formation of such personality qualities as attention, responsibility for their behavior, confidence in their actions.

The road with the child from home to kindergarten and back is an ideal moment to develop his skills of safe behavior on the street. The child should always have a personal example of parents' observance of all traffic rules without exception.

Rules of safe conduct on the street

On the street you need to be very careful not to play on the road.

Before crossing the road at the zebra crossing, you must first stop and look to the left, then look to the right and left again. If there are no cars nearby, you can cross the road.

When you reach the middle of the road, you need to look to the right. If there are no cars close, then feel free to move on.

You need to cross the road calmly. You cannot jump out onto the roadway.

Even if the traffic light turns green, before stepping on the road, you should carefully look around, make sure that all cars have stopped.

The child will learn all these concepts more firmly if he is introduced to the rules of the road systematically, unobtrusively. For this, use the appropriate situations on the street, in the yard, on the road. Being with the baby on the street, it is useful to explain to him everything that happens on the road with transport, pedestrians. For example, why at the moment it is impossible to cross the street, what are the rules for pedestrians and cars in this case, point out the violators, noting that, breaking the rules, they risk getting hit by traffic.

To develop a child's visual memory, to consolidate visual impressions, suggest that the child, returning from kindergarten with him, find his own way home, or, conversely, “bring” you to kindergarten in the morning.

Do not intimidate a child on the street - a panic fear of transport is no less harmful than carelessness and inattention!

"About one boy" S. Mikhalkov,

"Sword" by S. Marshak,

"For pedestrians" V. Timofeev,

"ABC of Security" O. Bedarev,

“Why do we need a traffic light” O. Tarutina.

It is useful to consider with the child a set of colorful drawings "Red, yellow, green", "To a pedestrian-baby". Buy your child toy cars, buses, traffic lights, figures of guards - traffic controllers, etc. and organize games according to your invented plot, reflecting any situations on the street. Play is a good way to teach your child to read the road.

REMEMBER !!! All adults are examples for children!

Let your example teach disciplined street behavior not only for your child, but also for other children. Cross the street in strict accordance with the rules. Try to do your best to keep your kids safe from road accidents!

Consultation for parents

"Success in the prevention of road traffic accidents with children"

The success of the prevention of road traffic accidents with children largely depends on the Consciousness, personal culture and discipline of the adults themselves. The most effective way to educate a little pedestrian is the example of the behavior of parents and people around the road.

The road is firmly ranked first among the sad statistics of child injuries and deaths. The insane rhythm of modern life drives an avalanche of ever-hurrying vehicles along our roads, and an avalanche of eternally hurrying pedestrians along the sidewalks.

As long as the child is with you, he is safe, but at the age of 6-7 years, children, especially boys, have a clear desire for independence. One fine day your kid pulls out his hand and says that he does not need to be escorted to kindergarten and school, then he will go on his own. Today you have convinced the child, but tomorrow he will certainly insist on his own, and you will give in, reassuring yourself that the route is known to him inside and out.

Now imagine that the traffic light broke down and there was no traffic controller nearby, the road builders blocked the usual path, and the child has to choose a new route on his own ...

It is not enough for a child to know well the rules governing the flow of people and transport - one must understand their essence, be able to assess the situation, be internally convinced that the courage of a traffic offender is dangerous stupidity. Only this approach can really protect a small pedestrian.

The child must firmly know that the road can only be crossed in established places: at a pedestrian crossing and at an intersection. But in this case, no one can guarantee his safety. Therefore, before going out on the road, stop with the child at a distance of 50cm - 1 meter from the edge of the carriageway, pay attention to the fact that it is imperative to look left and right with a turn of the head, and if there are no dangerous vehicles on both sides, you can go out onto the road part. you need to cross the road with a calm measured step and not in any way jogging.

Unregulated pedestrian crossings pose a great danger to children, here it is important for a child to make sure that the distance to cars on both sides will allow him to cross the road without stopping in the middle of the carriageway. At a regulated pedestrian crossing, explain to your child that red and yellow traffic lights are prohibitive. It is especially dangerous to enter the road at a yellow signal, because some cars complete the intersection and at the same time increase their speed. A green signal is permissive, but it does not guarantee a safe crossing for a pedestrian, therefore, before entering the road, you need to look left and right and make sure that all cars have stopped, there is no danger.

Rules of safe behavior on the streets of our city:

Cross the road with measured steps. When leaving on the carriageway, stop talking - the child should get used to the fact that when crossing the road, you need to concentrate.

Cross the road only on a green signal, a red or yellow traffic light is very dangerous, no matter how you rush.

Cross the road only at the places marked with the "Pedestrian crossing" road sign.

Get off the bus or taxi first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run onto the road.

Involve your child in your observations of the situation on the road, show him the cars that are preparing to turn, traveling at high speed, etc.

Going out with a child from behind bushes, snow shafts or standing cars without first examining the road is a typical mistake and children should not be allowed to repeat it. Show them the correct crossing point.

Prohibit children from playing near the road and on the roadway. Show where you can play.

Consultation for parents

"Discipline on the street is the key to safety"

The most common causes of road traffic accidents are:

Exit to the carriageway in an unidentified place in front of a nearby vehicle: few of our children have the habit of stopping before crossing the carriageway, carefully examining it before crossing the carriageway, carefully examining it with a turn of the head and monitoring the situation on the left and right while driving.

Exit to the carriageway from behind a bus, trolleybus or other obstacle: Our children are not used to walking to a pedestrian crossing, exiting a vehicle, or scanning the carriageway before exiting from behind bushes or snowdrifts.

Play on the road: our children are used to the fact that the entire free area is a place for games.

Walking on the carriageway: even if there is a sidewalk nearby, most children have the habit of walking on the carriageway, most often with all kinds of disabilities.

For the most part, there is no malice. The behavior of children on the road is influenced by a number of factors, of which it is necessary to emphasize the special importance of the age characteristics of children:


A child under 8 years old still poorly recognizes the source of sounds (he cannot always determine the direction from which the noise is coming from), and hears only those sounds that are interesting to him.

A child's field of view is much narrower than that of an adult; the child's field of view is much smaller. At the age of 5, a child orients himself at a distance of up to 5 meters. At the age of 6, it becomes possible to assess events in a 10-meter zone, which is approximately 1/10 of the field of view of an adult. The rest of the cars on the left and right remain unnoticed behind him. He sees only what is opposite. The child's reaction is significantly slower than that of adults. It takes much more time to react to danger. It takes about 1 second for an adult pedestrian to perceive the situation, think it over, make a decision and act. The child needs 3-4 seconds for this. The child is not able to stop immediately while running, so he reacts to the signal of the car with a significant delay. Even to distinguish a moving car from a standing one, a seven-year-old child takes up to 4 seconds, while an adult needs only a quarter of a second. A reliable left-right orientation is acquired no earlier than at the age of seven.


Preschoolers do not have knowledge and ideas about the types of forward motion of vehicles, that is, the child is convinced, based on similar movements from the microworld of toys, that real vehicles can stop as instantly as toy vehicles. The separation of play and real conditions in a child takes place gradually at school.

The child's attention is focused on what he is doing. Noticing an object or person that attracts his attention, the child can rush to them, forgetting about everything in the world. Catching up with a friend who has already crossed to the other side of the road, or picking up a ball that has already rolled away, is much more important for a child than an oncoming car.

The child does not realize responsibility for his own behavior on the road. Does not predict the consequences of his action for other road users and for him personally. Their own safety in traffic, especially at pedestrian crossings, is often underestimated by him.

Memo for parents

"Teaching children to be observant on the street"

  • When on the street with a preschooler, hold his hand tightly.
  • Teach your child to be observant. If there are vehicles at the entrance or trees, bushes grow, stop, teach the child to look around and determine if there is any danger of approaching vehicles. If there is traffic at the entrance of the house, pay attention to this. Together with him, see if there is any approaching transport.
  • Stay away from the road when driving on the sidewalk. An adult must be on the side of the carriageway.
  • Teach your child, walking along the sidewalk, to carefully observe the exit of cars from the arches of the courtyards and the turns of transport at intersections.
  • When crossing the carriageway, stop and look around. Show your child the following steps to inspect the road: turn the head to the left, to the right, and again to the left. If there is no traffic, continue the crossing without stopping, and if there is, stop on the line and skip the traffic, holding the child's hand
  • Teach your child to peer into the distance, skip transport
  • Watching the approaching transport, draw the child's attention to the fact that there may be danger behind large vehicles (bus, trolleybus): a car or motorcycle is driving at high speed. Therefore, it is better to wait, if you are not sure that there is no hidden danger.
  • Do not go out with a child on the carriageway, because of any obstacles: standing cars, bushes, blocking the view of the carriageway
  • Cross the carriageway not obliquely, but straight ahead, strictly perpendicular. The child must understand that this is being done to better monitor traffic.
  • Cross the carriageway only at the green traffic light. Explain to your child not to cross the road when the green flashing light is on. It burns for only three seconds, you can get into an accident

Remember that a child learns to move on the street, first of all, by your example, gaining his own experience!

Memo for parents

"Causes of child road traffic injuries"

  • Crossing the road in the wrong place, in front of a nearby vehicle
  • Games on and around the road
  • Cycling, rollerblading and other scooter vehicles on the carriageway
  • Inattention to traffic signals. Crossing the carriageway to a red or yellow traffic light
  • Exit to the carriageway due to standing cars, structures, green spaces or other obstacles
  • Wrong choice of the place for crossing the road when disembarking from the route transport. Bypassing vehicles in front or behind
  • Ignorance of the rules for crossing an intersection
  • Walking on the carriageway with sidewalk
  • Escape from danger in the stream of moving traffic
  • Driving on a country road in the direction of traffic

Observe the traffic rules! Take care of your children!

Memo for parents

"Rules of conduct at a bus stop"

  • Do not accelerate your pace and do not run with your child to the stop of the required route transport. Explain to your child that it is dangerous, it is better to wait for the next bus (trolleybus)
  • At a shuttle bus stop, hold your child tightly by the hand. It is not uncommon for a child to burst in and run out onto the roadway.
  • Cross the carriageway only at the pedestrian crossing. Do not go around the route transport in front or behind. If there is no pedestrian crossing nearby, wait for the vehicle to drive away further and cross the road in a place where it is clearly visible in both directions
  • When disembarking from a bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi, get off first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run out onto the road.

Memo for parents

"Rules for the carriage of children in the car"

  • Always wear your seat belts and explain to your child why you need to do this. If this rule is automatically followed by you, then it will contribute to the formation of the child's habit of wearing a seat belt. The seat belt for the child must have an adapter for his height (so that the belt is not at the level of the neck).
  • Children under 12 years old must sit in a special child restraint (seat) or occupy the safest places in the car: the middle and right side of the rear seat.
  • Teach your child to get out of the car through the right door on the sidewalk side.

Parents questionnaire

"Adults and children on the streets of the city"

Dear Parents!

We ask you to answer the questions of the questionnaire. This will help us get acquainted with the experience of family education and individually approach each child.

1. Does your child know a lot of traffic signs?

  1. Many
  2. Some of them
  3. Doesn't know at all

2. Does he know the way home and to kindergarten well?

  1. Good
  2. Not very good
  3. Badly

3. You are walking down the street with your child. Wherein:

  1. Always follow the rules of safe behavior
  2. Sometimes you violate the rules of safe behavior
  3. Walk the way you feel comfortable

4. Does the child know how to cross the street correctly?

  1. The child knows and follows the rules for crossing the street
  2. The child does not always cross the street correctly
  3. Can not

5. Does the child know the traffic lights?

  1. Child knows traffic signals
  2. The child sometimes confuses traffic signals
  3. The child does not know traffic signals

6. Do you draw your child's attention to the wrong behavior of other people on the street?

  1. I do it all the time
  2. Do it sometimes
  3. I do not pay

7. How does the child behave in public transport and at bus stops?

  1. The child behaves correctly and calmly
  2. The child behaves restlessly at the bus stop: he runs and fusses, sometimes he behaves incorrectly in the passenger compartment
  3. It is dangerous to take a child on a trip

8. Do you often take time to familiarize your child with the rules of safe behavior?

  1. Yes, I often explain the rules of safe behavior to my child.
  2. I sometimes pay attention to this issue
  3. Very rarely

9. Do you consider the work of the kindergarten to familiarize children with the rules of safe behavior successful?

  1. Yes, I think
  2. The knowledge and skills acquired by the child in kindergarten are insufficient

Parents questionnaire

"Me and my child on the street"

Purpose: to identify the level of knowledge of children and their parents on the basics of road safety, the effectiveness of work in preschool educational institutions and families in the prevention of child road traffic injuries.

Dear Parents!

We ask you to fill out our questionnaire. You need to read the questions and answer by highlighting yes or no.

Many thanks!

  1. Does your child know their home address?

Not really

  1. When driving along the street with your child, do you always follow the traffic rules?

Not really

  1. When walking alone on the street, do you follow the traffic rules?

Not really

  1. Do you regularly teach your child how to behave safely on the street?

Not really

  1. Does your child distinguish between traffic signals?

Not really

  1. Does your child know traffic signs and can tell what they mean?

Not really

  1. Are kindergarten classes effective in teaching children how to behave safely on the street?

Not really

Questionnaire for parents on teaching children the rules of the road

  1. In your opinion, at what age should children be taught the rules of the road?

From 3-4 years old

From 4 to 5 years old

From 5 to 6 years old

6 - 7 years old

  1. What needs to be done to protect children from danger on the road?


  1. Do you always cross the carriageway correctly?




  1. Leading your child to kindergarten, do you let him cross the road on his own?




  1. How do you and your child get around the bus at the bus stop?


  1. What forms of teaching preschool children the rules of the road with children do you use? (underline)

Personal example of behavior

Watching TV shows, cartoons on this topic

Explanation, conversation

Solving a problem situation in practice

  1. Do you use a safety seat when transporting a child in your personal transport?



We do not use

  1. What traffic education activities for preschoolers would you like to take part in? (underline)



Puppet show


Brain ring

The game "The smartest"

Questionnaire for parents on the rules of the road

1. Does the family have their own transport?


2. Are there professional drivers in the family?


3. Where do you find out about child traffic accidents?

At kindergarten meetings

From conversations

On television, radio, in print

4. How does your child know the Rules of the Road?

I think that he knows on "4"

On "3"

5. How often does your child walk alone down the street?



6. Who taught the child to follow the traffic rules?


The parents themselves

Grandmother grandfather

7. How often do you tell your child about the need to follow the Rules?



Very rarely

We do not talk about this topic

Other answers.

8. Do you follow the rules of the road yourself?

I always respect

Not always

I don't.

9. Do you break the Rules when you walk with your child?


Sometimes it happens if we are in a hurry

We do not pay attention to traffic lights or cars.

10. How does the child react to your violation?

Doesn't react in any way

Says we're going wrong

Requires us to walk right


Consultation for parents

"Traffic Laws"

On the way to kindergarten

We'll come with you, baby.

Smiling at the traffic light

You will look to the left, to the right.

To make a day so wonderful

No one dared to darken

Traffic rules together

Will we learn? Yes Easy!

Fostering safe behavior in children is one of the most important tasks of a preschool institution. A child becomes a pedestrian much earlier than he becomes prepared for this by his knowledge, efforts, development. From the first days of a child's stay in kindergarten, his upbringing and education should be organized in such a way that by the time of transition from kindergarten to school he can easily navigate his immediate surroundings, be able to observe and correctly assess traffic situations, and have the skills of safe behavior in these situations.

It is in kindergarten that all children can and should receive systematized information about safe behavior on the street and acquire the necessary skills for such behavior. And in this, the team of preschool educators is assigned a leading role. Therefore, the teacher himself must master the whole range of issues and problems that form the basis of safe movement. When implementing the tasks set, the educator must proceed from the following: the main value that a child acquires in kindergarten consists in a number of skills and habits. The more useful skills and habits a child has, the easier knowledge will be given to him.

It is very important to acquire such skills and habits as: a conscious attitude to one's own and others' actions (right - wrong, imitate - not imitate), the ability to translate thought into action (the car went - you can go - passed). Equally important is the habit of curbing your impulses and desires (to run - but you can't, because the red traffic light is on). What is important is the habit of focusing attention, independently cope with the difficulties encountered. You should always remember that a kindergarten is primarily an educational institution. And therefore, the task of the educator is not so much in teaching the rules of the road, but in fostering safe behavior in children on the street, on the roads, in transport.

The main goal of our work on the prevention of road traffic injuries in preschool educational institutions is to develop in children the skills of conscious safe behavior on the streets of the city. We will implement it by solving several problems:

1. assimilation by preschoolers of the initial knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the street;

2. formation of qualitatively new motor skills and vigilant perception of the environment in children. The child must not only move correctly in accordance with the received signal or focusing on an adult, but also be able to coordinate his movements with the movements of other people and the movement of objects;

3. development in children of the ability to anticipate possible danger in a specific changing situation and build adequate safe behavior.

The main aspects of the interaction of the child with the "territory of the road

movement ":

1. The child is a pedestrian

2. Child - passenger

3. Child - the driver of children's vehicles (bicycle, scooter, roller skates, etc.)

Educating children about safe behavior on the streets should by no means be a one-off action. It needs to be carried out in a planned, systematic and constant way. It should not be included in an independent section, but as a logical element in all types of children's activities in order for the child to pass the acquired "theoretical" knowledge through productive activities and then implement it in games and everyday life outside the kindergarten. When and how much time to devote to one or another type of activity with children in this direction, we determine ourselves, depending on the conditions, topic, seasonality, condition of children, type of activity, etc.

For each age group, we have defined our goals and benchmarks.

Combined some topics (rules of conduct on the street - helping

- disability), since using materials from another section will help explain to children what the consequences of correct and incorrect behavior on the street can be.

Stages of the organization of the educational process for the formation of children's knowledge about safe behavior on the street.

The first stage is diagnostics - clarification of children's ideas about the rules of the road, that is, their personal experience, on which the educator can rely. Such diagnostics is necessary in every age group: it helps the educator to determine the knowledge of children, the level of their capabilities.

The second stage is the expansion of the initial ideas of children, the accumulation of new knowledge about safety rules through classes, conversations, memorizing rhymed rules.

The third stage is the consolidation of the knowledge gained and the formation of a conscious attitude towards observing safety rules through reading and discussing works of fiction, dramatization games, observations during excursions and from personal experience.

The fourth stage is the formation of a sense of responsibility in children and the prerequisites for being ready to take responsibility for their actions. Children of preschool age accept and assimilate the requirements presented to them, and the willingness to be fully responsible for their actions will come later.

The fifth stage is the development of a sense of control and self-control in children, since when teaching the rules of safe behavior, these qualities largely help the child to navigate in time and correctly in the current situation. Modern visual and technical teaching aids play a special role in shaping the rules of safe behavior in children on the street. With their help, we carry out innovative approaches in this direction and comprehensively solve the assigned tasks:

Educational ones are realized through instilling in children a “feeling” of the street and its danger, but not fear of the road environment, but the ability to navigate with it;

Developing ones are aimed at the development of cognitive processes in children: concentration of attention, imagination, logical thinking, memory, speech and motor skills for coordinating movements, which is necessary for a child for correct orientation on the street;

The trainers are aimed at developing skills and useful habits of safe behavior on the street, understanding and awareness of dangerous and safe actions that comply with the Rules of the Road.

It is most effective during the school year to devote one week a quarter to this work entirely in order to "immerse" the child in this problem. The planning of all the child's activities during the week is united by one topic: thematic cognitive classes, workshops on the transport site, practical exercises on the models "Our City", "Our Street", on playgrounds, independent modeling: drawing up diagrams, plans of your street, routes movement to kindergarten, etc.

The knowledge gained by children within the framework of the "thematic week" is then consolidated throughout the year in games, contests, leisure activities, during targeted walks and excursions.

Advantages of a thematic approach to planning and organizing classes to promote safe behavior in children on the street:

1.thematic planning can significantly reduce the time for

classes, freeing him up for games, walks, recreational activities;

2. the quality of work increases, more opportunities for creativity open up;

3. the level of knowledge of children and their quality increases: knowledge becomes deeper and more systemic;

The child will better learn the material on teaching the rules of safe behavior on the street in a visual and effective form based on direct (practical or play) action with objects while reflecting a real situation.

For more than a year now, we have been using educational multimedia classes in our work: "Acquaintance with road signs", "School of traffic lights", training for parents "Take care of the lives of children!"

In each specific case, we think over the form of interaction: with a group, with a subgroup or individually. As practice shows, it is better to give new knowledge in frontal classes, and to consolidate it with small subgroups and individually.

We carry out work systematically: at least 2-3 times a week we talk with children about safe behavior on the streets and roads, about road accidents, linking this with changes in the weather and road features (ice, rain, it gets dark early, etc.) ).

We teach the child to articulate his actions so that they become part of his muscle memory and inner speech. We explain and repeat to children how they should behave on the street and in transport so many times and so often so that preschoolers not only remember and understand the algorithm of behavior, but also act confidently, competently and prudently in standard situations, so that they develop a habit of correct behavior outside.

If every day, approaching the carriageway, say to the child: "Stop, road!", Then stopping for him will become a habit. If, after getting off the bus, you always lead the child to the pedestrian crossing, then such a route will become familiar to him.

It is not necessary to lead your child to the road to develop a positive habit. This can be done in a group, when conducting classes on the rules of the road, having a minimum of road symbols and attributes.

General views:

1. Know the name, surname, home address, telephone

1. Have an understanding of the dangerous situations that may arise

on the street and when playing in the yard of the house; when riding a bicycle (scooter, roller skating)

Ideas about dangerous situations in certain sections of the pedestrian part of the street:

Know the following traffic rules:

2. Cross the street only at the green light of the traffic light.

3. Do not play on the road or near the carriageway.

4. Cross the street only at a pedestrian crossing.

5. When crossing the street, first look to the left, and after reaching the middle - to the right.

6. Know the structure of the roadway.

7. Know some road signs for pedestrians and drivers. To know the rules of conduct in transport:

1. Children cannot travel on vehicles without parents, without an adult escort.

2. Don't stand at the door.

3. Speak quietly so as not to disturb others.

4. You can not lean out and put your hands in open windows.

5. Give way to elderly people, passengers with small children. To know and follow the rules of behavior in the yard:

1. Do not go anywhere without the permission of adults.

2. Play only on the playground.

3. Do not play close to the carriageway.

4. Do not ride on the carriageway.

The more useful skills and habits a child has, the easier knowledge will be given to him. Therefore, we, realizing the importance of this problem, include traffic rules classes in all types of activities in the preschool educational institution.

Consultation for parents

"Child safety on city streets"

The topic of child safety on city streets has to be constantly revisited. Road traffic accidents with the most serious social consequences were and remain those in which children are the participants, and sometimes the victims. Alas, from year to year such accidents are not decreasing.

The appearance of a young child unaccompanied by an adult on the road is unnatural, and his actions are unpredictable, illogical and helpless. Some awareness of the behavior of a child in general and on the road in particular appears by 10-12 years of age. This, so to speak, is an "average case". There are, of course, very disciplined preschoolers, as well as over-aged "rotozei".

Therefore, the first advice to parents - through simple experiments and observations, try to evaluate which category of pedestrians your heir belongs to, whether he is ready to independently navigate in the traffic situation, whether he can make the right decisions. If not, going out into the street, it's time for you to take him not only by the hand, but also to educate him. Explain, tell, persuade, educate by example. Do not rely on school teachers and police propagandists; actively participate in prevention yourself. But do not forget at the same time that you now appear in front of the child in the role of an indisputable authority, acting in all traffic situations correctly, balanced, as safely as possible.

So, lessons for adults and children involved in road traffic together.

Part one "You are a child and a car"

First lesson

The family moves on the road. The baby is comfortably seated in the back seat next to his mother. But children, especially small, big fidgets. And now the child is already standing on the seat, chirping merrily, waving his arms and making faces in the rear window. The idyll is complete. Everyone is moved, both the parents and the driver of the next car behind. The latter are touched to the point that they do not have time to brake in time before the intersection and hits the front car in the bumper. It's nothing, the blow was not strong, but: quite enough for the baby to first hit his head in the rear window, and then fall into the gap between the front seats. The consequences of a blow and fall can be fatal. The same thing can happen in a more prosaic situation - with a sharp braking of the car.

The interior of the car is not a safe playpen, and the back seat is a wide and soft parental bed and not a fluffy carpet on the floor. The baby must sit in the car, if there is no special chair, then next to the adult.

Lesson two

As a rule, the child seeks to be the first to take a seat in the back seat of a car. If, after him, adults are placed in the back seat, they literally press him against the outer (towards the carriageway) door. Automatic door locking when driving is provided only on some foreign cars, and adults, as a rule, forget to use mechanical locking (to press a button or a handle on the door). In accordance with the "law of meanness" the door can swing open on the move, and the child can fall out under the wheels of passing cars. There is always such a possibility, given the "playful" handles and not very reliable mechanisms of the lock of domestic cars. It is even more likely that with such an arrangement, the child, when stopping, will not wait until the adults get out of the car, but jump out of his door - towards the road:
Never place a child in the passenger seat close to the doors! Never create situations that provoke a child to leave the passenger compartment of a stationary car towards the roadway!

Lesson three

The child has reached the age when he can be transported in the front seat of a car. Naturally, he strives to occupy a prestigious place next to the driver. Not everyone remembers the simple operation of fastening a seat belt, and very few remember that the belt was once adjusted for an adult (of course, the remark is relevant for cars with belts without adjustment.)

A slack belt will not save a child from serious head and chest injury in the event of sudden forced braking of a fast moving vehicle. A seat belt is not a formal device, but often the only life-preserving device.

Anyway, you shouldn't let your child ride in the front seat. This is the most dangerous place in cars in the event of a collision. And yet, even from under a correctly adjusted seat belt, a child can simply slip out in a collision.

Part two "You, a child and public transport»

Lesson four

People are running towards the bus at the bus stop. They run along the sidewalk, along the edge of the carriageway, on the other side - across the carriageway. Having succumbed to the general excitement, your child switches to running. He sees nothing but a standing carriage, which he needs to catch. Even if at the same time you run next to him and hold his hand - you are three times wrong. Together you can get hit by wheels - this time. You can slip and fall and drop the child - that's two. And most importantly, you create a "terrible" stressful situation for the child: if we don't have time, I will get lost, mom (dad) will leave, and I will be left alone at the bus stop.

Do not take risks, do not make the child nervous, do not set him a bad example of inappropriate fussiness. Never run with your child towards a stationary public transport. In a hurry, you can lose control over yourself, and most importantly, over the child.

Lesson five

The bus was gone for a long time. A crowd gathered at the bus stop. You, firmly holding the child's hand, stand in the forefront. Finally, the long-awaited carriage crawls to a stop. The crush begins. You can be crushed into the still closed doors of a car that has not stopped. They can push it under the wheels, smear it on the side, and bring it into the cabin, not counting the steps. Even a physically and mentally strong adult is at least provided with stress, but what is it like for a child ?!

If possible, avoid traveling with your child on public transport during peak hours. If you and your child are often forced to be in a similar situation, remember that your place is not in the forefront of those storming the bus, but among those who calmly await their turn. After all, this bus is not the last one, and the child's physical and mental health is dearer than any expectation.

The main idea of ​​the above goes beyond these six specific cases. But if you are accompanying your child on city streets on foot or by car, do so that your actions clearly demonstrate to the child your concern for his safety and the right methods of independent behavior in a variety of situations.

The skill of switching to the street: when approaching the road, stop, look at the street in both directions.

The skill of calm, confident behavior on the street: when leaving home, do not be late, leave well in advance, so that you have a spare time when walking calmly.

The skill of switching to self-control: the ability to monitor their behavior is formed daily under the guidance of parents.

Danger Foresight Skill: the child must see with his own eyes that there is often danger behind various objects on the street.

It is important that parents are an example for children in observance of traffic rules! Take your time, cross the road with measured steps!

When leaving on the carriageway, stop talking - the child should get used to the fact that when crossing the road, you need to concentrate.

Do not cross the road at a red or yellow traffic light. Cross the road only at the places marked with the "Pedestrian crossing" road sign. Get off the bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run onto the carriageway.

Involve your child in your observations of the situation on the road: show him the cars that are preparing to turn, driving at high speed, etc.

Do not go out with your child because of the car, bushes, without first examining the roads - this is a typical mistake, and children should not be allowed to repeat it.

Dedicate a separate walk to the rules for crossing the road. Check if your child understands them correctly, if he knows how to use this knowledge in real driving situations. To do this, practice crossing a pedestrian crossing together through a one-way and two-way carriageway, through a regulated and unregulated intersection.

During the holidays, it doesn't matter whether your child stays in the city or leaves, you should use every opportunity to remind him of the traffic rules.

Do not leave children unattended on the street, do not allow them to play near the roadway.

Teach children to follow traffic rules from an early age. And do not forget that personal example is the most intelligible form of learning.

Parents about teaching children the rules of the road

It is important for parents to remember that bright clothing helps the driver see the baby. Conversely, it is difficult to notice a baby if he is wearing faded clothes. Children need to be educated about the dangers they are exposed to when they are not visible. To make the child easier to see on the street, he must be dressed in neon clothes with reflective stripes or special reflectors. Modern children's clothing (jackets, overalls) usually already has reflector stripes. Many toys, badges, stickers on children's backpacks have reflective properties. The more of them on the clothes and things of the child, the better.

It is difficult for a child to see what is happening on the street if the hood is pulled over the eyes or the umbrella is obstructing the view.

How to prepare your child for unusual situations?

First, analyze and evaluate many real-life situations while walking. Second, foster a sense of alertness in dangerous situations and teach you how to control your emotions and reactions. Thirdly, to learn to control your body, to understand its physical boundaries and capabilities, to transfer the acquired experience to new situations.

It is useful to teach the child to articulate their actions so that they become part of his muscle memory and inner speech. It is necessary to explain and repeat to children how they should behave on the street and in transport so many times and so often so that preschoolers not only remember and understand the algorithm of behavior, but also act confidently, competently and prudently in standard situations.

It should be explained to children that a car, even a parked one, can move at any time, unexpectedly drive around a corner, out of a gateway, or a gate. Children should know that playing in a parking lot or hiding behind parked cars is life-threatening. With a child, it is necessary to explore the courtyard and the nearest streets, show dangerous places, explain how they are dangerous, find with him the most safe place for games in the yard.

The kid should be explained the meaning of road signs and traffic lights, tell what is happening far and near the street along which he walks with his parents.

Children should not be allowed to play on their own on the street anywhere other than playgrounds, and sledging can only be allowed from those slides that parents themselves have seen and are sure that they are safe. A slope that does not overlook the carriageway can be considered safe. The boundaries of the area where children can safely ride bicycles and other vehicles should be clearly marked.

We must constantly remind that a car is not only a “beautiful toy” (even if it is too big for a child), a means of transportation, transportation of goods, but also a source of danger.

Competent behavior in transport, near roads and on the street includes a number of skills that are not directly related to knowledge of cars and the structure of roads. It means that children should be able to distinguish between the main colors, shapes, images used in traffic control and in traffic signs, learn the concepts of “right”, “left” (“right”, “left”, “right”, “ left ”),“ in the middle ”,“ between ”,“ past ”,“ up ”,“ down ”,“ back ”,“ sideways ”, as well as other words indicating the direction of movement and the location of the object.

Children should also understand words such as “stop,” “fast,” “dangerous,” “careful,” “look,” “attention,” “take turns,” “together,” etc. In addition, it is necessary to teach them to memorize the location of objects, quickly recognize an object, concentrate attention on a separate object and on several stationary and moving objects, see with peripheral vision, etc.

If a child gets lost on the street, it becomes a problem both for himself and for his parents. It is well known that every child will be lost at least once in his life, but most parents are not ready for such a turn of events and perceive it as a tragedy. For a child, this is often the situation in which he is forced to show all the knowledge gained about how to cross the road, how to get home, remember the name, surname, address, etc. Even if the parents repeated all this to their child many times, they cannot be sure that in a stressful situation the preschooler will not be confused and will act adequately. Therefore, just in case, it is necessary to provide the child with a card on which all this information is written, as well as the surname, name, patronymic, home and work phone numbers of parents, grandparents, some friends or acquaintances. The child must be convinced that if he gets lost and his parents do not come to his crying and screaming, he must turn to a policeman, some elderly people or a shop assistant.

Consultation for parents.

"Rules of Conduct in Public Transport"

(tell the children about this).

  • When entering city transport, do not push everyone with your elbows, let women, elderly people and girls (if you are a boy) go forward, help them get into the cabin.
  • Do not stop at the entrance (unless you get off at the next stop), but go to the middle of the cabin.
  • A well-mannered person gives way to the elderly, toddlers, women with heavy bags.
  • Public transport does not shake off snow or raindrops from clothes, does not eat, does not enter with ice cream in hand and, of course, does not smoke.
  • In the salon they don't comb their hair, don't clean their nails, don't pick their nose, teeth, ears ...
  • The newspaper is read folded without unfolding; Don't look into a neighbor's book or newspaper. And the eyes will say “thank you!” If you give up the habit of reading while driving.
  • Do not stare at the passengers, do not lean on them with your whole body.
  • When entering transport, you need to take off your backpacks and satchels, so as not to hurt (sometimes even get dirty) people.
  • If you find it difficult to hold a cake or flowers when you are standing, you can politely ask those who are sitting to hold them.
  • While in the salon, you should not laugh and talk loudly, discuss your problems, argue publicly with friends. It is all the more impermissible to offend people who reprimanded you.
  • Parents should make sure that children do not get their feet dirty on the clothes of others and on the seats.
  • Do not take up space for passengers with luggage or packages, it is better to transport large items outside rush hours. And bulky sharp objects (for example, skis) are transported well packed.
  • For the owners of animals: cats, birds, small rodents, it is advisable to transport them in special cages; dogs - always in a muzzle.
  • You need to prepare for the exit in advance (especially if there are a lot of passengers). Ask those in front: "Do you get off at the next stop?" Do not silently push people aside by paving your way, but, apologizing, ask permission for you to pass.
  • If a woman (girl) is traveling with a man (young man), then he is the first to go to the exit and the first to go out, helping the companion to get off.
  • In any type of transport, be attentive and helpful such words as “Be kind”, “Thank you” will give you confidence in any situation and create an opinion among others about you as a well-mannered and benevolent person.

Consultation for parents.

At the senior preschool age, the child must learn:

Who is a road user and his responsibilities;

Basic terms and concepts of the rules (bicycle, road, road traffic, level crossing, route vehicle, moped, motorcycle, intersection, pedestrian crossing), sidewalk line, carriageway, dividing strip, traffic controller, vehicle, give way);

Responsibilities of pedestrians;

Obligations of passengers;

Traffic regulation;

Traffic lights and traffic signals;

Warning signals;

Movement through railway tracks;

Movement in residential areas;

Transportation of people;

Features of cycling.

In your own words, systematically and unobtrusively introduce the rules that the child should know.

Methodological techniques for teaching a child the skills of safe behavior on the road:

In a traffic situation, teach to navigate and assess the traffic situation;

Explain the need to be attentive, careful and prudent on the road;

Raise the child's need to be disciplined, develop positive habits in safe behavior on the road;

Explain the need to be constantly vigilant on the road, but do not intimidate with the traffic situation;

Point out mistakes by pedestrians and drivers;

Explain what a road traffic accident (RTA) is and the reasons for them;

Reinforce knowledge of safe behavior through games, filmstrips, read books, poems, riddles using traffic situations;

Use walks to consolidate and explain the rules of traffic lights, show road signs and road markings, and if the traffic controller regulates traffic, then explain his signals, more often contact your child with questions about the traffic situation.


The child learns the laws of the roads by following the example of family members and other adults.

Take the time to teach your children how to behave on the road.

Take care of your child!

Try to do your best to protect it from road accidents!

Consultation on the Rules of the road "Parents, be more careful!"

Baldina Daria Sergeevna, educator, Kindergarten No. 1, Shigony village, Samara region.
Description: this material will be useful for parents of preschoolers, teachers of additional education, parents of first graders, primary school teachers.
formation of skills of safe behavior of children on the roads.
Create conditions for children to consciously study the Rules of the Road;
The development in children of the ability to anticipate possible danger in a concretely changing situation and to build adequately safe behavior.
Develop in preschoolers the habit of behaving correctly on the roads;
To bring up literate pedestrians in children.

How often I see when parents, holding their child's hand, hurry, run across the road, violating the traffic rules. They did not bother to explain to the child how to behave on the street, forgetting about responsibility for every wrong step. copying the behavior of their moms and dads, they find themselves in dangerous situations.
Parents should remember that they are the main example of correct and safe behavior on the street for their child. It is necessary to promptly teach children to navigate the road situation, to educate the child to be disciplined and attentive, careful and prudent.

Remember! By breaking the traffic rules, you kind of secretly allow your children to break them!

Teach your child not to rush when crossing the street, cross the carriageway only when no one and nothing interferes with the view, before crossing, wait for the transport to leave the stop. Once next to a parked bus, invite your child to stop, look around carefully to see if a car is approaching.

In childhood, there is no skill of safe behavior on the streets and roads, the ability to observe: inspect your path, notice the car, evaluate its speed, direction of movement, the possibility of a sudden appearance of a car from behind a standing vehicle, from behind bushes, kiosks, fences.

The road from home to kindergarten and back is ideal for giving the child knowledge, forming his skills of safe behavior on the street. A child has a whole range of habits formed from early childhood. That is why, starting from 1, 5-2 years, it is necessary to form a set of "transport" habits in him.

When accompanying a child, parents must comply with the following requirements:

Leave the house well in advance so that the child gets used to walking slowly.
Before crossing the carriageway, be sure to stop. Cross the road with measured steps.
Teach children to cross the carriageway only at pedestrian crossings.
Never go out onto the roadway because of standing vehicles or other objects blocking your view.
Seeing a tram, trolleybus, bus standing on the opposite side do not rush, do not run.
When leaving on the road, stop extraneous conversations with the child, he must get used to the need to focus on the road.
Cross the street strictly at right angles.
Cross the carriageway only at the green traffic light, be sure to first make sure that the crossing is safe.
Hold your child's hand firmly when crossing and at public transport stops.
Get out of the transport in front of the child so that the child does not fall.
Get your child involved in road traffic monitoring.
Show the safe way to kindergarten, school, shop.
Never violate traffic rules in the presence of a child.

By the time the child enters school, he must learn and observe the following rules of behavior on the street and in transport:

Play only off the road.
Cross the street where the crossing signs are marked at intersections along the sidewalk line.
Only cross the street, don't run.
Watch the traffic light when you cross the street.
Look at the crossing of the street first to the left, then to the right.
Do not cross the path of oncoming traffic
Always go around the trams in front.
Enter and exit any form of transport only when it is stationary.
Do not lean out of the window of a moving vehicle.
Get out of the car only on the right side when it comes to the sidewalk or side of the road.
Do not ride your bike into the roadway.
If you are lost on the street, don't cry. Ask an adult passer-by or police officer for help.

Dear Parents!

You are a role model for children. You are an object of love and imitation for a child. This must always be remembered, and even more so when you take a step onto the carriageway with your baby.

So that the child does not get into trouble, educate him to respect the rules of the road patiently, daily, unobtrusively.

The child should only play in the yard under your supervision. He must know: you cannot go out on the road.

Do not intimidate the child, but observe with him and use the situation on the road, yard, street; Explain what is happening with transport, pedestrians.

Develop visual memory and attention in the child. To do this, create game situations at home.
Let your little one take you to kindergarten and home from kindergarten.

Your child should know:

You cannot go out on the road;
- the road can only be crossed with adults, holding the hand of an adult;
- it is necessary to cross the road along the crossing with a calm step;
- pedestrians are people walking down the street;
- in order to maintain order on the road, so that there are no accidents, so that a pedestrian does not get hit by a car, you have to obey the traffic lights: red light - no movement, yellow light - attention, and green says: "Pass the path open";
- there are different cars (trucks, cars); it is transport. The cars are driven by drivers. A highway (road) is intended for transport. When we travel in transport, we are called passengers. While driving in transport, you must not lean out of the window.

Dear Parents!

Do whatever is necessary so that trouble does not come to your family. It is known that a person absorbs norms of behavior in the first years of life. His life lessons and the lessons of his parents are the foundation on which the child will rely throughout his life.
Timely teach children the ability to navigate in a traffic situation, bring up the need to be disciplined on the street, careful and prudent!

Remember, by breaking the Traffic Rules, you kind of visually allow your children to break them.

When you are on the street with your child, it is useful to explain to him everything that happens on the road with transport and pedestrians. For example, why at the moment it is impossible to cross the road, what are the rules for pedestrians and drivers in this case, what the road signs mean and why they are needed, point out the offenders, noting that these people risk getting run over by the wheels of cars.

Teach your children:

    Cross the road only in the prescribed place (at a green traffic light, at a pedestrian crossing, an intersection)

    Take your time when crossing the road

    Cross the road only when nothing interferes with the view

    Cross the road, making sure it is completely safe

    Do not cross the road in front of a nearby vehicle

Obey the Rules of the Road and teach your children this!

How to teach your child not to fall into typical road "traps".

The main danger is a standing car!
A standing car is dangerous: it can cover another car, which is moving at high speed, and prevents you from noticing the danger in time. You cannot go out on the road because of the standing cars. In extreme cases, you need to carefully look out from behind a standing car, make sure that there is no danger, and only then cross the road.

Do not go around the parked bus either in front or behind!
A standing bus closes a section of the road along which, at the moment when you decide to cross it, a car can pass. In addition, people near the bus stop are usually in a hurry and forget about safety. From the stop, you need to move towards the nearest pedestrian crossing.

Know how to anticipate the hidden danger!
Because of a standing car, house, fence, bushes, etc., a car may suddenly drive out. To cross the road, you need to choose a place where the road is visible in both directions. As a last resort, you can carefully look out from behind the obstacle, make sure that there is no danger, and only then cross the road.

The car is approaching slowly. And yet we must skip it.
A slow moving car can hide behind it a high speed car. The child often does not suspect that another car may be hidden behind one.

And you can meet danger at the traffic light.
Today, on the roads of the city, we are constantly faced with the fact that car drivers violate the Rules of the Road: they rush at high speed, ignoring traffic signals and crossing signs. Therefore, it is not enough to teach children to be guided by a green traffic light, you need to make sure that there is no danger. Children often reason like this: "The cars are still standing, the drivers see me and will let me through." They are wrong.

Children often run across the “deserted” street without looking.
On the street, where cars rarely appear, children run out onto the road without first examining it, and are run over by a car. Develop the habit of your child always before going out on the road to stop, look around, listen - and only then cross the street.

Standing on the center line, remember: there may be a car behind!
When they reach the center line and stop, children usually only watch the cars moving on the right side, and forget about the cars passing behind them. Frightened, the child can take a step back - right under the wheels of the car. If you had to stop in the middle of the road, you need to be extremely careful, not to make a single movement without making sure of safety.

Hold your child's hand tightly on the street!
Being next to an adult, the child relies on him and either does not observe the road at all, or observes poorly. An adult doesn't take this into account. On the street, children are distracted by all sorts of objects, sounds, not noticing a walking car, and thinking that the path is clear, break free from the hands of an adult and run across the road. You should firmly hold the child's hand near the road crossing.

Arches and exits from courtyards are places of hidden danger!
In large cities, the place increased danger there are arches through which cars leave the courtyards on the roadway. Do not let the child run past the arch in front of the adult: he must be held by the hand.

Remember! The child learns the laws of the street, following an example from you, parents, other adults. Let your example teach disciplined behavior on the street not only for your child, but also for other children. Cross the road observing the traffic rules.

Advice to parents.

Dad! Dad! Do not forget,
Buckle me to the chair!

How often one has to observe such a picture: in the morning, mothers and fathers bring their precious children to kindergarten. The kid is proudly based on the front seat of the car, next to the happy father, and none of them are wearing a seat belt! Mothers in this matter are more "responsible", they do not forget to fasten themselves with a seat belt, and the baby will be attached to the back seat. The child is left to himself on the road. At best, an adult sits next to the child in the back seat.

Parents, are your children's lives not dear to you? When buying a car, motorists increasingly pay great attention to the issue of safety: the braking system, seat belts, airbags, etc. In an emergency, adults have a chance to stay alive. And children, in a collision, fly like "corks from a bottle." Remember that a blow lasts a tenth of a second, overloads in an accident increase body weight tenfold. Even if the child is held in his arms by an adult, his hands will not be able to develop an effort of hundreds of kilograms. And if an adult is not yet fastened in a collision, then colossal overloads will throw him forward as well. And he will simply flatten the child with himself ...

There is only one guarantee of the safety of our children - a special car seat.

Unfortunately, domestic manufacturers do not produce car seats for children. And imported seats are not cheap. How to put the child seat in the car correctly? It depends on the age of the child. Babies up to one year old must go, reclining and against the course! You can turn the child seat in the direction of travel when the child grows so much that his legs will rest against the back of the car seat. This usually happens by the age of two.

Attention! When using the child car seat, strictly follow the instructions! Consult the store's sellers on issues of interest to you, because the life of a child is at stake!

The safest place in the car is behind the driver's back. Experts advise: to transport a small passenger exactly there, and if an adult is holding a child in his arms, then they recommend sitting sideways on the seat, with his back to the door. Keep the child on your knees, feet first.

Remember that paragraph 22.8 of the Road Traffic Regulations states that it is forbidden to transport children under 12 years of age in the back seat of a motorcycle, and in the front seat of a car, unless there is a special restraint device.

Take care of the safety of little passengers! Good luck on the road!

Decel Ekaterina Vladimirovna

MADOU MO Krasnodar "Combined Kindergarten No. 178" Solar Circle "; Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar


Consultation for parents on traffic rules: "Raising a pedestrian!"

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Description of the material: the methodological development of the consultation will help parents in educating preschool children in safe behavior on the road. The consultation is aimed at preventing cases of child road traffic injuries, increasing the efficiency of the preschool educational institution in teaching children the rules of the road. The presented material will be interesting and useful for parents; educators, teachers and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. The information can be used at parent-teacher meetings or arranged in folders - moving around in the premises of a preschool educational institution.
Purpose of the material: consultation for parents of preschoolers.
Purpose: to improve the practical skills of parents, necessary in the formation of preschoolers' rules of safe behavior on the roads.
- to contribute to strengthening the interaction of the teaching staff of a preschool educational institution with the families of pupils;
- to systematize the knowledge of parents on the prevention of child road traffic injuries;
- to increase the interest of parents in expanding their knowledge of teaching children the rules of the road.

Dear Parents! Every year, most of the settlements are intensively growing and being built, and at the same time the traffic on their streets is increasing. Therefore, the prevention of child road traffic injuries is becoming an increasingly important task. That is why it is necessary teach children the rules of the road from an early age; to foster in them a culture of behavior, discipline, the ability to navigate the streets in everyday life.

During walks with younger preschool children, you can already draw the attention of the children to how the houses are built, what wide streets. Toddlers usually closely monitor the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. When children learn to distinguish between the right and left sides, it is advisable to approach a traffic light and observe how it controls traffic. The knowledge gained by children on walks should be consolidated through games and conversations. After observing the life of the street, children build streets, draw traffic lights, and take part in games related to the movement of vehicles and pedestrians with pleasure. Before walking, it is necessary to conduct conversations with children that the rules of conduct should be observed on the street. They must be strictly followed by both pedestrians and drivers. Going out into the street, you need to remind the children that now they too - pedestrians and therefore must follow all the rules.

Children of middle preschool age can be told and shown what one-way and two-way traffic, a pedestrian crossing, what is the relationship between traffic signaling and the actions of pedestrians and drivers. It is useful to continue to work on consolidating the acquired knowledge in the game and in productive activities. Only now, during the games, we divide the roadway of the street with a line. In addition, for example, we drew a pedestrian crossing with the child, and we draw pedestrians who walk not only along the sidewalk, but also this road (along the pedestrian crossing). So the learned rule is fixed: before crossing the road, look to the left, and when you reach the middle, look to the right.

Older preschool children can be introduced to the concept of "crossroads", with road signs "Pedestrian crossing", "Crossroads", "Parking lot". Taking walks to the bus stops, it is advisable for parents to acquaint children with the rules of conduct in transport, as well as with the work of a traffic controller. Observing the work of employees of the road patrol service, it will be correct to lead preschoolers to understand: all actions of the road patrol service- this is, first of all, concern for the safety of people's lives... After each walk or excursion, parents must necessarily talk with the children about what they saw, and it is better to play all possible situations on the road. In other words: it is good if parents create conditions for the application of traffic rules in practice. With such an organization of work on mastering the rules of the road by preschoolers, parents will see which traffic rules the children have learned better, which ones are worse.

It is especially important for parents to think about how do they hold the child's hand when crossing the road? Alarming statistics consistently indicate that the majority of child road traffic injuries occur because the child simply wrestled out of the hands of his parents. Here is one tragic example. On one of the streets, dad managed to cross the road, while mom and son stayed on the other side. The situation is common. It's not hard to guess what will happen next. The boy abruptly breaks free from his mother's arms to run over to his father. But the child did not run ... The boy was hit by a car in front of his parents. This is not an accident, but a pattern. If the parents are on both sides of the carriageway, this directly provokes the child to rush across the road. Parents should not be apart when crossing the road... And if this happened, then hold the child five times stronger than usual.

Now let's ask ourselves a question: do we know how to hold children by the hand? Each person is required to acquire two different skills. When an adult is with children in a safe place, he can hold the child by the hand as usual, freely, so to speak "irresponsibly". It is quite different to keep children on the sidewalk, on the roadway to the street. Especially when the parents are preparing to cross the road and the child knows about it. When approaching the road, an adult must be able to, as it were switch to a specially "road" skill of holding the child by the hand: "Not brush to brush", but above the wrist, holding it firmly, in order to be ready, if suddenly the child rushes out of his hands, not to miss the "fugitive", to save him from harm. Therefore, dear parents, let's remember that only together we can raise a literate little pedestrian! After all, the educational factor is close contact between teachers and parents.

Svetlana Kovalenko
Consultation for parents on traffic rules "The family knows the rules, so I know them too"

Dear parents, I would like to talk about an important issue that is given great attention in our kindergarten, this is the issue of knowledge and observance traffic rules... Traffic accident statistics show that children often find themselves in emergency situations on the streets of our city.

The problem of road safety is currently one of the most important urban problems.

The population is growing, more and more people are buying cars for personal use. The number of road accidents is increasing. Unfortunately, they also take place with the participation of preschool children. Often, the child does not understand the real danger that threatens him on the road, and therefore refers to The rules road traffic without due attention.

Children learn to comply Traffic Laws following an example from the members of its family and other adults... Especially example parents teaches disciplined behavior on the road.

Take care of your children!

Children must learn:

duties of road users;

basic terms and concepts traffic rules such how: road, traffic, level crossing, vehicle, route vehicle, intersection, pedestrian crossing, sidewalk line, carriageway, dividing strip, traffic controller;

responsibilities of pedestrians and passengers;

transportation of people;

movement in residential areas;

features of safe cycling.

traffic lights and traffic signals;

traffic regulation;

warning signals;

movement through railway tracks;

It is important to parents were an example for their children in observing traffic rules.

When crossing the road, hold your child's hand.

Do not cross the road, walk calmly.

Do not talk when you go out on the road, it will distract the child.

Cross the road only when the traffic light is green.

- "Crosswalk"- the place to cross the carriageway, explain this to the child.

Get off the passenger transport first.

Draw your child's attention to cars that travel at high speed.

Children should only play on playgrounds, not on the road.

Dear parents, teach your children to observe regulations road traffic and be an example to follow!

Traffic lights

Traffic light is a great helper

Best friend for everyone along the way.

He always warns

With color, is it possible to go!

Red light - danger is near

Wait, don't move and wait.

Never under red gaze

Don't go to the road!

Yellow shines for change

Is talking: "Wait, now

Will light up very soon

Traffic light new eye! "

You can cross the road

Only when the green light

Will light up, explaining:

"Everything, go, there are no cars here!"


Here's a normal transition,

The people are walking along it.

Special markup.

"Zebra" called aptly!

White stripes here

They lead across the street!

Sign "Crosswalk"

Where on Zebra a pedestrian,

Find on the street

And go under it!

Behave properly on the road

No matter how the driver slows down,

And the car keeps sliding.

On wheels, as on skis,

Closer, closer, closer, closer!

There is an opportunity for salvation:

The best brake is caution.

Take care of your life:

Don't run in front of the car.

Do not play near the carriageway

On the road, children

Don't play these games.

You can run without looking back

In the yard and on the site!

Road signs

The city in which we live with you

You can but the right to compare with the primer.

Here it is, the alphabet, - over the pavement.

Signs are hung over the head.

The alphabet of streets, avenues, roads

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Always remember the ABC of the city

So that trouble does not happen to you.


And avenues and boulevards

The streets are noisy everywhere

Walk down the sidewalk

Only with right side!

Here to be naughty, to interfere with the people


Be an exemplary pedestrian


If you ride a tram

And the people around you

Without pushing, without yawning,

Come on ahead.

Drive "Hare" as is known


Give way to the old woman


If you just walk

All the same, in front of you,

Through a noisy intersection

Come on carefully.

Red light transition


Even children are green


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