The child wakes up every night and screams. What to do if the child wakes up at night crying. The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

In one of the previous articles, the site for moms told why a baby is crying. Today we’ll talk about why a baby cries at night. After all, as you know, it is sleepless nights that scare expectant mothers the most and exhaust the real ones. Knowing the possible causes of the baby's nighttime anxiety, you can establish a healthy sleep for both the child and his parents.

Healthy, restful sleep is very important for an infant. After all, it is during these precious hours that he gains strength for development.

But not only the baby needs a good sleep, his mother also needs it. After all, only a rested mother can give a child a good mood, care and love. Therefore, before finding out the reasons why your child cries at night, let's find out how long a child's night sleep should last.

How much sleep does a child need at night

A baby from 1 month to 3 years of age should sleep for about 8-9 hours at night. Children aged 3 months to 1 year should sleep at about 11 hours a night. Children...

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Many mothers and fathers do not understand why the child cries in a dream, and even they are afraid of children's nightly tears. In the view of parents, a calmly sleeping baby is a kind of ideal of children's behavior, but very often the sleep of small children is characterized by anxiety and nervousness.

The tears of a beloved child are a difficult test for any mother. Moreover, everyone is well aware that proper sleep is extremely important for the normal development of the child, the relaxation of the nervous system and the accumulation of strength for future achievements.

But not only the baby needs to rest, but also his mother. A rested and well-rested woman takes care of the baby much more effectively than an irritated and tired parent. But before you understand how to respond to "sleepy" tears, you should understand why a baby or an older child often cries in his sleep.

Features of children's sleep

Newborn babies (up to 1 month old) sleep differently than their parents. Almost half of the time the child spends in the so-called phase ...

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For children from 1 to 3 years old. Game set for use in the car. Consists of an interactive truss suspension (mounted on the back of the front seat, in front of the child) and a children's steering wheel with a touch control panel. "Farm" reproduces light and sound effects...

What does this mean?

If this is your first child, then this question will especially excite you. The child grows and you become more experienced. You can already tell by the nature of crying what the child needs, and he himself has less and less reasons to cry.

When a baby cries, you think to yourself, “Is he hungry? Isn't it sick? Maybe it's wet? Maybe he has a tummy ache or is he just acting up? Parents forget about the main reason for crying - fatigue. As for the above questions, they are easy to find ...

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Baby wakes up and cries

Any mother is worried when she hears her child crying, there are no babies who do not cry at night. The cry of a child is the only way to communicate with the adult world. In the first months, it is difficult for a young mother to understand the reason for the restless behavior of the baby. How to figure out what hurts or interferes with the child? A little time will pass, and she will learn to recognize any shade of her child's crying.

Why does the baby wake up and cry?

Often the child cries as soon as he wakes up. It happens that it becomes a habit and worries young parents very much. You should not worry too much, the main reason for the cry and tears of the baby is ordinary hunger. The infant is awake and declares his desire to eat immediately, beginning with the usual whimpering, progressing to a violent cry. The baby smacks his lips and turns his head in the hope of finding his mother's breast. Wet diapers or an overfilled diaper are the second most important cause of anxiety for the baby. A baby needs constant...

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From the moment a child is born to the appearance of speech, crying is the main way in which the baby tries to convey his desires and requests to us. The crying of a baby is his “talk” with you: this is how he communicates what is bothering him. The proverb “Whatever the child amuses, if only she doesn’t cry,” confirms the opinion of modern pediatricians. It's bad for babies to cry! It is this meaning that is embedded in the well-known proverb, and not the desire to occupy the child in any way, so long as it does not distract the parents.

Crying does not train the lungs and does not build character - forget about it! On the contrary, it loosens the nervous system of the crumbs and deprives him of the confidence that the world around him is safe and friendly. And long crying can literally harm the health of the child and cause the formation of an umbilical hernia.

The first cry of a baby is the first cry of a baby after birth. The biological meaning of the first cry is an attempt to resist separation from mother, it is a message to the world about the protest against environmental change ...

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Why can a baby cry in a dream without waking up, and what to do

A baby who is not yet able to speak expresses his anxiety by crying. After a while, parents independently begin to understand the peculiar language of their child. If all parents get used to standard situations over time, then sometimes situations arise when the baby starts crying in a dream. In such situations, parents first of all begin to check whether the diaper is dry, control the temperature in the room and the child's posture. But all these factors turn out to be in order. Therefore, parents begin to think: why does a baby cry in a dream?

Why is the baby crying

Physiological reason

This condition is physiological night crying, and it does not pose any danger to the health of the crumbs. The baby cries during sleep due to the unstable function of the nervous and motor systems. This is due to the fact that an emotionally intense day can provoke the appearance of dreams ...

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The newborn is constantly crying - How to calm the newborn

Your long-awaited and beloved baby was finally born, you seemed to be preparing for a meeting. But now you understand that you do not understand him a little. Why does a newborn cry all the time? How to calm a newborn? It seems that I do everything for him, you will say, and his diapers are clean and fed and they vilify him after eating, but he still cries very often ...

Don't worry too much, all children cry. It's just the only way for him to convey something to you.

A newborn baby cannot yet tell you what he wants or what worries him, so they try to convey their desire to you through crying. A newborn may cry for many reasons, but learning to understand what a newborn is asking for is not that difficult. But of course it’s difficult to figure it out right away, but after a while you will learn how to do it. The main thing to remember is that the child, depending on the situation, cries for ...

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Why does a newborn cry in the evening

The child cries in the evening

Our daughter is 2 months old. During the day she behaves perfectly, but in the evening, at 8-10 o'clock, she begins to have a uniform hysteria - she screams so that she sometimes turns blue, holding her breath. No attempt to calm her is successful. It seems to be full and dry, the room is quiet and dark, sing lullabies to her. And with a stomach, like, there are no problems. Doctors say that I overfeed her, but this answer does not suit me. The tantrums pass as unexpectedly as they begin. What could it be and how to deal with it?

Judging by the age of the child and the time of day, it is most likely colic. They are up to 3 months old and usually begin just in the evening, somewhere between 6 and 10 pm. Take a closer look at the child: maybe she blushes, tenses up, then pulls her legs to her stomach, then straightens them. Then it's colic. If she calms down when you massage or warm her tummy, then this also says ...

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Unreasonable crying of a child at night

It's no secret that every newborn baby cries very often, especially in the first three months of his life. The thing is that the baby only by crying can inform the parents that he needs something, experiences pain in the tummy or some kind of discomfort. And in order for the baby to form the correct perception of the world around him, the mother should definitely respond to these requests, and as quickly as possible. After all, the sooner you help the baby, the less his fragile nervous system will suffer.

But sometimes it happens that the child wakes up at night and cries. And often parents cannot understand why this happens.

Causes of newborn crying

The child wants to eat

One of the most common causes of crying in babies is hunger. The baby wants to eat, which is why he cries, is naughty and spins around in the crib every hour at night. Usually the baby calms down very easily with ...

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Baby crying is the only form of communication by which the baby gives parents a signal of his concern. To calm the child, you need to find out the cause of crying.

The main causes of crying in newborns


The main cause in young children is "hungry" crying. A newborn baby cannot stand it and therefore gives an alarm as soon as he feels hungry: he starts crying, thereby trying to attract the attention of his mother.

“Hungry” crying begins as a call, and after the baby is picked up, the crying becomes more angry, accompanied by search movements of the nipple with the mouth.

Each child has his own feeding regimen, time intervals between meals and the amount of milk consumed per feeding. These indicators may depend on the age and weight of the crumbs.

They may also fluctuate slightly, depending on the ambient temperature, mood or health status. To...

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A joyful event in your family - the long-awaited heir was born! A happy dad meets a smiling mom at the door of the maternity hospital, holding a bundle tied with a blue or pink ribbon ... And finally, the whole family is at home. Left behind are months of agonizing waiting, the hardships of childbirth ...

But the next day, new problems appear. The young member of the family behaves unpredictably. Parents constantly ask themselves the question: how to determine why the child is crying? Is he hungry or does his tummy hurt? Maybe he's hot or cold? What if he's sick?

What to do, how to calm the baby? Is it really necessary to breastfeed him immediately anyway?

Of course not! Every mother gradually develops an instinct for her own child, thanks to which she can almost immediately determine what the baby needs at the moment. The most sensitive and caring fathers can also come to a complete understanding with the child. But usually the mother spends with the baby ...

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If the baby is screaming

Young children are exposed to various stimuli on a daily basis. For happiness and good mood, the child, of course, needs to feel the love of parents, eat well and receive proper care. But there are times when the child is in a restless state and often expresses his emotions with a cry. There are a lot of reasons for the baby's indignation, and in such situations, young parents, as a rule, are lost. What are the main reasons for the anxiety of the baby?

As one of the possible reasons, there may be a health problem. In childhood, children often experience acute otitis media, meningitis, and various infections. If the baby cries every night, you should consult a doctor. Also one of the reasons is a spoiled or uncomfortable diaper. Toddlers react sharply to the fact that, for example, they have a wet diaper or it presses on him. Naturally, the child will express his indignation because of the feeling of hunger or thirst. To determine if your baby is hungry, you should pay attention ...

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A newborn is a whole bunch of worries and anxieties, along with happiness and love. A small child takes all the time of his mother, who revolves around him like a squirrel in a wheel. But here comes the long-awaited night when everyone is supposed to rest, and the parents just fall on the bed in a happy anticipation of sleep. However, it’s worth taking a little nap, as the crying of the baby wakes everyone up and this is repeated several times a night.

Tired parents ask a reasonable question why the baby cries in a dream. What worries him so much that he arches, jerks his legs and throws tantrums. Some babies are even capable of bringing mothers to faint when they cry and do not wake up. At such moments, it is not clear how to help the baby and what to protect him from.

Let's try to figure out the causes of intermittent and restless nights, accompanied by twitching and crying.

Reasons for crying while sleeping

If a baby cries in a dream, then this is a clear sign of discomfort caused by some ...

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Young children often cry when they are put to bed. Parents resort to a variety of tricks to calm the newborn. Neither mother's lullaby nor motion sickness helps. Why does a child cry before going to bed? How to help him? The reasons for crying can be psychological or physiological. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Baby crying and flexing before going to sleep? Perhaps something hurts him

The psychological aspect is that every new day of life brings stress to the baby. He is worried about the absence of his mother around, he is scared by loud noises, he is afraid to be alone in a dark room, and so on. Physiological reasons are that the baby may have something to hurt, or teeth are being cut.

Psychological stress on the newborn

The cause of crying can be psychological situations:

Violation of the regime. The fact that the baby is used to eating on demand does not mean that he can go to bed at any time when it is convenient for his mother or when he himself is tired. Sleep...

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Why does a child cry in his sleep? Is it normal?

“Sleep like a baby,” they say about a soundly sleeping person. However, not all babies sleep well. Many mothers experience night crying and often cannot determine its cause. Today we will talk about why babies cry at night and what mom can do in this situation.

Crying babies are an ordeal for every parent. It is no secret that healthy sleep is very important for a small child, because it is during these hours that he accumulates strength for development. However, his mother also needs a good rest, only after resting, she will be able to give the baby her love and good mood. How to react to night tears and what does the baby want to say with them?

The child cries at night - the main reasons

Babies interact with their parents through crying - they talk about their needs and problems: hunger, thirst, pain or a desire to communicate.

Older children relieve stress through tears and try to restore a comfortable...

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All children cry. And if it is not difficult to find out and understand the reasons for crying in large children, then it is not so easy to understand why a newborn baby is crying. After all, the usual ways of communication for us are still inaccessible to the baby, and he is also unable to cope with his own, even minor troubles on his own.

The main reasons for crying

The main reasons for the crying of a newborn baby are associated with the most important needs and problems for him: hunger, pain, fear, thirst, discomfort, hypothermia or overheating, overwork, desire to communicate.

At first, it is not easy for parents to understand why their little child is crying. But, communicating with him daily, the mother begins to distinguish between the types of children's crying by intonation, volume and duration.

How to understand the reason

The strongest irritants for any person are hunger, pain and fear. Therefore, we will hear the loudest and most hysterical cry in a newborn in these situations.

Crying when you're hungry...

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Night sleep is important not only for the baby, but also for his parents. Why does a baby cry at night?

Why does a child cry at night, common reasons

The main causes of baby crying at night:


Three months old is the most difficult time for parents, it is also called a crisis. During this period, sleep is rebuilt - it becomes shorter. The teeth begin to move in the gums and not the most pleasant sensations arise. The baby cannot get enough milk from the breast. She breaks off and cries loudly for no reason at all. You have to feed after it calms down. In this connection, he may not eat normally and cry from hunger in the middle of the night. The unpleasantness of the situation is that the baby refuses breast milk and screams in a voice that is not his own. There is no need to despair, but simply apply to the chest more often.

I have a stomachache

Colic is quite painful. During seizures, the baby shrinks all over, tenses up, pulls up his legs, screams. If colic occurs at night, then sleep is disturbed until it gets better. Fortunately, colic does not last long and disappears with time. To alleviate the fate of the child can - a massage of the tummy, belching after eating, a vent tube, a warm heating pad, special preparations in case of emergency and only on the advice of a pediatrician.

Slept during the day

The older the baby gets, the less sleep he needs. Increasingly, he does not sleep during the day, but sometimes he can confuse day and night or fall asleep soundly from fatigue. As a result of a good daytime sleep, especially a long one, until the very evening, night sleep will be worse or the baby may cry all night, and fall asleep again in the morning. In such cases, it is important to develop a certain regimen and strictly adhere to it. At the same time, fall asleep and wake up, eat.

teeth grow

Teething is one of the most common causes of sleep disturbance in babies. The baby feels not only discomfort, but also quite noticeable pain. Teeth erupt for a long time - starting from 4-6 months of age and almost up to 2 years. For some children, this is a real torment. Naturally, at night, when extraneous sounds disappear, nothing distracts from pain and severe itching, the child is nervous and cries. Special teething toys, gum massage, lubricating them with various means that eliminate unpleasant symptoms can help to cope with the problem.

Too hot or cold

The temperature for the well-being of the crumbs is important. Both excessively high and low prevent the baby from sleeping normally, especially at night. In order to sleep well at night, it is important to maintain an optimal temperature regime. He considers the ambient temperature within 18-22 degrees comfortable for a small child.

Wet diaper

A wet or dirty diaper is a reason to wake up in the middle of the night. The baby's skin is very sensitive, plus the urge to defecate disturbs sleep. Some babies wake up and cry before urinating, others after. To calm the baby, it is enough to change the diaper.

Breathing problems

The respiratory system of a newborn is not yet ideal, various failures can be observed. Also, breathing is disturbed due to various diseases that prevent normal gas exchange. For example, from a runny nose, the nose is blocked, and the newborn cannot yet breathe through the mouth due to anatomical features. Since the instinct of self-preservation is inherent in us from the very arrival in this world, the body itself reacts reflexively to improper breathing and the baby can wake up at night. Therefore, with colds, it is necessary to clean the nose, at least before going to bed.

The child cries at night, what to do?

The night crying of the baby incapacitates the parents. After all, they only have time to sleep at night after a hard day's work. And the cry of the baby exhausts even the most persistent. What to do? First, calm down and try all the options:
  • Pick him up, rock him, cradle him, talk softly to him.
  • Change the position of feeding and holding on hands as long as the child likes it.
  • Change diapers.
  • feed.
  • Get a tummy massage.
  • Shush at the baby, stretching out the sound shhhhhh.
  • Swaddle at night.
  • Download the baby in any way possible.
  • Put the crib next to your bed.
  • Create "uninterrupted" contact between baby and mother - breastfeeding, wearing in slings or kangaroos.
About the last point. Many mothers are sure that the baby will get used to being held in her arms and then it is difficult to wean him. In fact, there is no reason to be afraid. Gradually, the baby gains self-confidence, he needs his mother less and less.

Surprisingly, the baby, who from the moment of his birth did not cause concern to his parents, by the first year of life, began to cry at night.

All children are very different. Some give parents a lot of trouble and anxiety from birth. Mothers do not know peace day or night. The only desire of such parents is sleep.

There are many reasons for a baby's sleepless nights, starting with character traits and ending with serious illnesses of a newborn. In this case, parents need to carefully look at and analyze the behavior of their baby.

Perhaps he is worried about his tummy or he is hungry. In the first months of a baby's life, this is the main cause of a child's sleep disturbance. But often, it happens that the baby gets used to the hands of the mother, and from the first days shows his character, demanding attention.

Some children just need to be close to their mother, especially at night, exactly like the mother herself. Night feedings can be very exhausting and tiring for a nursing mother, who has to get up several times at night to feed her baby, and the baby falls asleep not in her own crib, but in her parents' bed. Of course, many children get used to this, and it’s easier for mom. While breastfeeding, she does not have to get up to the baby, the mother immediately feeds him and continues her sleep. The baby, at any time, gets access to the breast, and the mother may not fully wake up when the baby begins to suckle the breast. In addition, co-sleeping is also a sense of security, the constant presence of familiar maternal smells, sounds, and stimulation of breathing.

Despite the conclusion of scientists that breastfeeding reduces stress, when the joint sleep of a mother with a baby negatively affects the mother’s sleep, and can also negatively affect the level of stress hormones, most mothers sleep together with their children and at the same time perfectly feel. And the baby next to his mother becomes much calmer.

Psychological scientists conducted a study: one group of newborns was fed, swaddled and returned back to their beds, the other group of children were fed, swaddled, picked up, played with them. Children of the first group were ill more often, gained weight worse than children of the second group. Moreover, several children from the first group became seriously ill. Moreover, initially the state of health of the children of the first and second groups was absolutely the same.

There are cases of a different kind.

From birth, the baby did not give parents the slightest cause for concern, suddenly, by the first year of life, he begins to act up, cry, and it is at night. This is truly a mystery. A healthy baby who had been sleeping peacefully at night since birth became restless. What can disturb his sleep?

Most often it is the teeth. When teething, the child becomes restless, does not sleep well. This is one of the most common causes of restless baby sleep.

Sometimes a restless sleep is accompanied by noisy, active games in the evenings. After them, the child cannot calm down and fall asleep for a long time.

A heavy dinner will also not allow the child to fall asleep quickly and soundly.. It is by the year that the baby switches to “food from the common table”.

But it happens that the baby wakes up in the middle of the night and starts crying because he is cold. By the age of one, the crib is lowered so that the baby, who is already on his feet, cannot bend over and fall out of it. Despite the fact that the windows are sealed, insulation has been laid on all balcony doors, etc. - the movement of cold air along the bottom is still present. Alone, in the crib, the baby is cold. He wakes up in the dark, he is uncomfortable, so he seeks protection from his parents. Cold hands are proof of this nocturnal insomnia of the little man. In the parental bed, the child quickly warms up and falls asleep, after which he can be transferred to his crib, wearing warm socks and wrapped in a blanket. Now the baby will sleep peacefully until morning.

Many parents are faced with a situation where a baby around the age of 5 wakes up at night crying or hysterical. And when such situations are periodically repeated, then adults begin to seriously worry about the condition of the baby. Let's figure out why he is still crying? And what to do with it?

Reasons for crying when waking up at night

  1. Medical and neurological reasons: tummy (diarrhea, worms), vaccination, convulsions (lack of vitamins), restless movement of the legs, intracranial pressure, meteosensitivity, high fever and delirium against the background of a painful condition. For an exception, you should contact a pediatrician and a neurologist.
  2. Discomfort during sleep: sweating a lot (take care of, in particular, ventilating the room), lying down a pen or leg (may be afraid that part of the body does not feel), there may be growth pains (the skeleton is actively forming - warm baths, stroking, relaxing massage will help).
  3. Excitement or overwork the day before: the nervous system is not yet strong enough to cope with the load and emotions that overwhelm (help the baby cope with emotional shock, teach self-regulation and effective ways to express their feelings - speaking, discussing with an adult, playing, exercise, creativity, dancing).
  4. Stress or fear during the day: conflicts in the family, loud screaming, extreme heat, moving, aggressive animal, frightening scene on TV. Sleep is a reflection of how the baby spent the day. Adults can help children calm down, have a pleasant and relaxing time before bedtime, increase the time for falling asleep rituals, add more relaxing activities (massage, stroking, bathing in warm water).
  5. Nightmares and fears: it is difficult for a baby to understand that this is not happening in reality. It is also important to consult a neurologist to clarify the functioning of the nervous system.

Let's take a closer look at nightmares and fears that begin at 2-3 years old and occur in a third of people.


A nightmare is a bad dream, usually in the second half of the night (when dreams are intense), followed by crying and full awakening, while the children remember the dream, try to tell it to an adult and find protection. Children see the world in images. Night terrors arise from frightening images (for example, seeing a tiger on the wallpaper during the day and being afraid), which an adult may not pay attention to. It is important not to discount it and discuss with the baby what he is afraid of: what it is, what it looks like, what scares you and why.

How to recognize nightmares?

  • Pay attention, if a child sleeps with a toy, not letting go of it and throwing a tantrum without it, then something is probably bothering him a lot and he needs this object as protection.
  • Scary stories at night or watching TV (and you can't know exactly what can scare a baby) cause an increase in stress (cortisol) levels in the body, which disrupts children's sleep.
  • If your child, starting in the morning and throughout the day, asks “Are we going to sleep? And where? Will you be with me?”, most likely he is afraid.

How to help with nightmares?

  • Before working on improving sleep, it is important to work with frightening images first, as cortisol and adrenaline interfere with sleep initially: help the child cope with fear or consult a psychologist.
  • At the moment of awakening, approach the child and help calm down: pet, hug, explain that this is a dream, it has passed and now everything is fine, offer some water or a favorite toy. It is better in such situations to stay with the baby until he falls asleep completely.
  • "Spray for fear." Pour some water into a bottle with a diffuser (sprayer) (you can add a drop of soothing essential oil, but the aroma should not be harsh, otherwise it will interfere with sleep). Tell your child that this magic spray from fears was given to you by the Fairy of Sleep (favorite hero from a cartoon fairy tale). Explain that when he is afraid, you will disperse evil monsters (or whoever he is afraid of) with this spray!
  • Nightlight toys. You can find in our online store "Products for sleep".
  • Convince of protection. Children often ask their parents, "Will you protect me?" Be sure to always answer “Yes, of course! Anytime! Even when you sleep! This is important for the little man's sense of security.


Night terrors or terror (refers to non-REM sleep awakening disorders) is a special condition during waking at night (usually 2-3 hours after falling asleep) when a child wakes up in hysterics and is difficult to calm down. Often there is a genetic predisposition (one of the relatives also suffered from similar episodes in the first half of the night).

How to recognize night terrors?

  • The child seems to have been changed: he wakes up in hysterics, screams, rushes about the bed or sits in the corner, can throw things, even hurting himself.
  • Vegetative changes: the baby has a frequent heartbeat, trembling, he is all wet with sweat, breathes often.
  • Repels from mom and dad: eyes can be wide open, but the child does not recognize the parents, says something incomprehensible.
  • This lasts from 5 to 40 minutes.
  • He can then fall asleep in the place where he calmed down.
  • In the morning he does not remember anything about it.

Similar episodes sometimes appear before the age of 3: from the age of 1, the baby roars upon awakening, the chest does not want, does not want anything, does not ask for hands, does not calm down for a long time - this can also be about night fears.

Causes of night terrors

Often the cause is the hover between sleep and wakefulness at the moment of exit from deep sleep. We all partially wake up at this moment, but in children, due to the greatest intensity of deep sleep, this transition from phase to phase does not always go smoothly. It is also generally accepted that in such children the children's brain matures in such a special way. Sleep scientists believe that the cause of night terrors is the amygdala, which is activated in the brain, it is responsible for panic. But 4 possible reasons for activation can be the following:

Intoxication (poisoning with harmful substances);
- viral infection;
- increased activation due to cortisol-adrenaline (therefore, it is important to eliminate irritants before bedtime);
- often adenoids (a situation of hypoxia, a condition that cannot breathe, and this frightens the baby, he does not understand what is happening and panic arises).

How to help with night terrors?

  • Usually they do not treat, but help create a safe environment. By the age of 7, such nocturnal episodes become less frequent and pass by adolescence on their own - the brain matures, the nervous system grows stronger.
  • In the morning, the baby does not remember his nighttime hysteria, adults do not need to remind him of this, so as not to impose this state and not to frighten him even more.
  • Ensure safety during this night episode (remove sharp corners, eliminate beating or stabbing).
  • In such situations, it is quite difficult to wake the baby and influence his actions. He does not understand what is happening to him, and does not control his actions. It is better not to touch at the moment of hysteria, do not shake, exclude physical contact. Just be there and wait.
  • Mom can calm down with a gentle voice (maybe the child does not hear what the adult is saying, but he calms down from the mother’s voice, so the mother should control herself and comfort the baby in a calm voice).
  • Sometimes awakening helps: for example, if tantrums are at 2-00 at night, then wake the child at 1-50, take him to the toilet to bring down the sleep phases - this can help, but not always.
  1. Habitual mode and comfortable conditions for sleep: the same time for going to bed and waking up, comfortable conditions for sleeping (ventilation is mandatory before going to bed - children need fresh air more than adults), "native" environment and help to feel safe and calm.
  2. Avoid and excitement in the afternoon.
  3. 2 hours before bedtime, help your baby tune in to relaxation.: Eliminate TV and noisy games, offer calm and pleasant activities, relaxing for falling asleep and massage. Remember to walk outdoors as well.
  4. Mom's emotional involvement and tactile contact: say affectionate words, praise, remember the pleasant moments of the day, hug, kiss, increase the time of warm strokes and touches.
  5. Avoid taking vitamins before bedtime.

Healthy, sound sleep is the best way to relieve stress. When a person sleeps well, they say about him that he sleeps like a baby. However, not all babies sleep soundly. Often, young parents have to spend sleepless nights with their baby, who cries in his sleep. In this article, we will look at the main causes of children crying at night and figure out what to do in such situations.

Why does the baby cry in his sleep?

Depending on age, the causes of night crying in children may vary. So, newborn babies are most often worried about pain in the tummy, already at an older age, one of the reasons for a child’s restless sleep can be a nightmare.

Causes in children under six months

  • Intestinal colic and bloating are common causes of crying in newborn babies. During the first three months, the baby's intestines are rebuilt, which can cause pain in the tummy. If your child cries loudly in his sleep (sometimes crying turns into a scream), tosses and turns and draws his legs, then most likely he is worried about colic.
  • Hunger can be one of the causes of night crying in a baby.
  • Unstable mode - newborn babies do not distinguish between day and night. They can perfectly sleep during the day and wake up at night. The wakefulness period at first is about 90 minutes, already at 2-8 weeks of age it increases to several hours, and by 3 months some children can sleep peacefully all night. Remember that each child is individual, for some, a stable regime becomes by the age of 2.
  • Mother's absence. The presence of a mother nearby is necessary for a child, just like timely nutrition and hygiene procedures. If the baby woke up alone in the crib, he will immediately notify you with a loud cry.
  • Discomfort. He may cry in his sleep if he has peed or is just about to do so. Also, in the room where the baby sleeps, it may be too hot or cold.
  • Disease. A sick child has superficial, restless sleep. Nasopharyngeal congestion and temperature prevent children from sleeping at any age.

Children from 5 months to a year

  • Teething is the most likely cause of night crying in babies aged 5 months to a year. The child's gums begin to itch and hurt, the temperature may rise;
  • Experiences. Every day your child gets to know the world: a visit, a walk or something else can cause stress in a child.

Night crying in children 2–3 years of age and older

  • Psychological aspects. Children at this age are very sensitive to experiences, whether they are positive or negative. Around this age, children are taught to go to kindergartens, which causes a storm of emotions in kids. Their appetite may also worsen, and especially sensitive ones may even have a fever. If your child is already used to kindergarten and still cries in his sleep, take a closer look at the microclimate in the family - perhaps his nightly crying is somehow connected with the fact that relatives are loudly sorting things out.
  • Fear. Fear can also provoke crying in children at this age. If your baby is afraid of the dark - leave him a nightlight turned on at night, perhaps he is afraid of some kind of picture or toy - remove it from the child's eyes. Nightmares can also be caused by banal overeating.

If the baby is afraid, then try not to leave him alone for a while - he needs your support and a sense of security

unusual situations

What to do if the child abruptly starts to cry, cries and arches or cries constantly? The reasons for this behavior of the baby can be different, it is obvious that he is in pain. This may be colic, high intracranial pressure, etc. Be sure to consult a doctor, he will prescribe the necessary treatment. You may need to undergo a series of examinations to clarify the reasons for this behavior of the child in a dream.

What measures to take?

Knowing the reason for your baby's night crying, you can try to solve this problem. If the cause of colic, then a light massage of the tummy (clockwise), a warm diaper on the tummy, dill water and special drops will help you cope with this problem and ensure a healthy sleep for the child. If the crumbs are teething, you need to consult a doctor and pick up a special gel that will anesthetize the gums. If some disease has become the cause of the crying of the child, you need to consult a doctor and urgently treat the baby. If the reason lies in the fear of the dark, leave a nightlight on at night.

The baby may cry because of some emotional upheaval, in which case try to calm him down: tell him how much you love him, how wonderful he is with you. It is very important to adjust the daily routine: if the child goes to bed at the same time, then it will be easier for him to fall asleep. It is not recommended to give the child a hearty dinner, the baby should eat no later than 2 hours before bedtime. You should not play gambling, outdoor games before going to bed - reading a book or an evening walk is best.

In our article, we analyzed the main causes of night crying in children of different ages. As a rule, parents have no serious reasons for concern. But, nevertheless, if the baby often cries at night, you can seek help from a doctor who will help you determine the exact cause and tell you how to solve this problem.