A touching parting word to kindergarten graduates from a teacher. The best parting word to kindergarten graduates from parents. A parting word in poetry and prose to elementary school graduates from parents

Natalia Stetsenko
"Kids see off graduates." Performance of children of the younger group at the graduation party

Attributes: Basket designed to look like a baby cradle on satin ribbons. Doll - baby doll in a children's envelope.

The phonogram "The heartbeat of the mother and baby".


Year 20. (named year of birth alumni) .Calmly and rhythmically beats the heart of a little man under his mother's breasts. He is waiting for his birth. Only future mothers and fathers are worried, relatives are worried. When and how will all this happen, how will this long-awaited little man be born?

Finally the hour has come. And flew telegrams:

"Congratulations on the birth of your daughter";

"Congratulations on the birth of your son";

"Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter";

"Congratulations on the birth of your grandson."


And the worries and troubles began.

The phonogram "Crying of a newborn" sounds. The right side of the curtain opens, a baby cradle appears with baby. The teacher rocks the cradle.


And the first joys appeared.

The phonogram "The laughter of a newborn" sounds.

Opens the left side of the curtain come out kids, perform the musical-rhythmic composition "Merry Travelers" (music by M. Starokadomsky). At the end children line up in one line.

Child -1:

We are guys kids, everyone came to congratulate you

You enter first grade, don't forget kindergarten.


We are funny, funny, you were like that too.

We will grow up a little - we will also come to school!

Child -3:

You have always played with us called babies.

Child -4:

They never offended, but they did not give toys.

Child -5:

But now you are not like that, you are already quite big

We came to congratulate you on the transition to the first class!

caregiver junior group:

And at your holiday, we will dance for you now!

A phonogram sounds; children perform a musical-rhythmic composition "Colorful game" (music by B. Saveliev).

preparatory teacher groups:

Guys let's thank you kids for congratulations.

Preparatory children groups clap.

caregiver junior group:

And we guys let's say goodbye to alumni and wish them to remember their kindergarten and the small country of childhood more often.

The phonogram "Little Country" sounds (muses, lyrics by And Nikolaev).Children junior waving to graduates and groups"snake" out of the room.

Both big and small graduates so want to hear a kind and touching parting word at the last bell holiday. Throughout the educational process, they were supported by their parents, class teacher, and educators. Adults helped them cope with important tasks and told them how to solve a variety of problems. Readers can choose a beautiful parting word for graduates of schools, kindergartens among the examples we have selected. In the collections, you can easily find examples of wise instructions from the first teacher, mom and dad, directors and managers. The best texts can be used as the basis for writing new parting words for kindergarten, 4th, 9th or 11th grade. We also recommend watching helpful video tips. They will help to simply and easily write smart and kind parting words for the guys.

A wise parting word from the class teacher and teachers to graduates of grades 9 and 11

For all middle and high school students, the homeroom teacher and teachers become best friends. Wise teachers are always ready to support the children and help them in solving any issues. The texts we have selected will help you choose a beautiful parting word for graduates of grades 9 and 11 from the class teacher and teachers.

Examples of parting words from the class teacher and teachers to grade 9 graduates

It will be quite difficult for children who leave school or gymnasium after grade 9 to get used to the new environment in lyceums and colleges. The class teacher, beloved, can support the students and say a good parting word. The examples of instructions we have selected will help to express care and show attention to them.

Congratulations on graduation. May these 9 years spent within the walls of your beloved school leave only good and joyful moments in your memory, may all the accumulated knowledge and experience always contribute to the achievement of your goals, may your attention always be focused on your desires and priorities.

Congratulations on graduation, on the end of the path, although not complete, but secondary education. I wish you to listen to the elders, show your personal interest and decide on the future path. May the craving for knowledge not fade away, may life give you many chances and opportunities for the implementation of your plans and ideas.

Congratulations on your graduation. Now you have a basic education in your pocket, which opens up vast opportunities for you. Whichever path you choose, I wish you great luck, determination, support from loved ones, self-confidence and undoubted success.

Congratulations on graduation. Behind 9 classes, a lot of knowledge in my head, a lucky ticket to travel around the world in my pocket, a cherished dream in my heart, and a good hope in my soul. I wish you to decide on your future life, choose the right place under the sun and be able to achieve significant heights of success.

Congratulations on Graduation from Grade 9! I want you to have an amazing day. Cheerfully, amicably, solemnly and beautifully say goodbye to the school. Let the best moments of school years remain in your memory for the rest of your life. And further steps into adulthood will be confident and faithful. Good luck and great success!

Parting words for graduates of 11 classes from the class teacher and teachers

Saying goodbye to school after grade 11 should not be sad and sad. All teachers and class teachers can congratulate the children on the end of their studies and the beginning of a new unusual life in beautiful parting words. In their instructions, they can give graduates good advice or simply wish them all the brightest and kindest.

Graduates, dear children, today this special and exciting moment has come for you to say goodbye to school and enter adulthood! Let the storm of life not frighten you, but only temper your determination and stamina! Let the life experience acquired during these years at school guide your destiny, and let knowledge reinforce your success! May your heart always be open to love and friendship! Congratulations!

Today you, children, are already graduates, and I sincerely congratulate you. I would like to wish you successful undertakings in life, which would certainly end in victory. May everything turn out the way you want for each of you. Be healthy, beautiful, optimistic, successful, loved, rich and cheerful. I wish you determination and patience.

Dear graduates, we congratulate you on this important event, 11 classes are behind you, fun changes and interesting classes are behind you. May a new path to victories and grandiose discoveries now open for you, may the knowledge and skills you have acquired allow you to fully reveal your talents and find your place in this life.

Congratulations on graduation! So there are 11 years of school left behind. Now another life awaits you, in which there is room for independent decisions, reasonable actions and confident aspirations. I wish you to fly high and constantly be on top of the next successes and achievements. I wish you never regret your choice and constantly continue to go towards your cherished dream.

Dear 11th graders! Recently, you, such timid little first-graders, for the first time crossed the threshold of the school, which for 11 years took you to a fairy tale called "Study", plunged you into a sea of ​​unforgettable and bright school moments. In any fairy tale there is a “Happy and”, which each of you will come up with for yourself. Let strength, inspiration and perseverance be the main companions in achieving new knowledge, goals and life tasks. Happy holiday!

A touching parting word to graduates from parents - students of grades 9 and 11

All parents want the best for their children. Wise instructions will help them to choose the right path in life and provide support at a crossroads. The examples of texts we have selected will help parents find the right parting words for graduates.

Touching parting words from the parents of 9th and 11th grade graduates

In the following examples of texts, parents of graduates of grades 9 and 11 will be able to find excellent options for parting words for the last call. If desired, they can be supplemented with their own edifications or rewritten using as a basis.

Congratulations to our 9th grade graduates! We wish you a wonderful day today. You are stepping into a new life stage and let it be the most magical and fruitful. Great beginnings, memorable bright events, new knowledge and strong will. Let nothing stop you on the way to your goals and do not overshadow your mood. I wish you great success in your independent journey through the enchanting labyrinths of life.

So 9 long years have passed, during which the teachers invested their soul and knowledge in you, raised and protected you, like birds protect their immature chicks. So let today, just like young birds learn to fly, you take your first independent steps and make a choice: to study further in your native school or step into the adult world. May your every decision be the right one and bring well-deserved success.

It seems only yesterday it was September 1st and the first call in your life rang for you! 9 years have flown by unnoticed, all the exams are over and today we celebrate your long-awaited graduation! You are faced with a difficult choice, whether to continue studying or start building a career, but regardless of your choice, I want to wish you success in all your endeavors, happiness, courage, determination and sincere deeds!

Graduation Today! Another school year has ended and we say goodbye to our 11th graders. We wish you not to make a mistake in choosing the path of life. Become the best in your field. Find happiness, find your favorite pastime, visit interesting places and worthily carry the title of a graduate of our school!

Dear graduates! I wish you always choose the path of goodness, the main thing is that you always have wonderful friends, and the profession you have chosen will bring daily satisfaction and good prosperity to your beloved family.

Video examples of touching parting words from parents of graduates of grades 9 and 11

The following video examples will help our readers in compiling beautiful parting words to their children for graduation 9th and 11th grade. They will tell you how best to speak to the guys, and what texts are well suited for good parting words.

Clever parting word to primary school graduates from the first teacher - students of grade 4

Saying goodbye to elementary school is an important step for every student. The support of their first teacher can help the children cope with the excitement. He must certainly read good congratulations and wishes for them on the holiday of the last call. You can pick up a beautiful parting word from the first teacher for elementary school graduates among the following examples.

Examples of smart parting words from the first teacher to graduates of the 4th grade of elementary school

Among the examples we have selected, you can find many good parting words for 4th grade graduates. Kind and touching texts will help them easily cope with excitement and tune in to a new rhythm of learning and gaining useful knowledge.

Dear children, dear graduates of the 4th grade, you are great fellows! You have overcome the first significant barrier to education. I would like to wish you all to come to the 5th grade as self-confident and ready for new big discoveries. Let loving parents and understanding teachers help you cope with any obstacles that arise on the road of school life.

Dear children, today you are graduates. And although it is still far from the 11th grade, you have already successfully overcome the first important stage of your studies. Ahead of the fifth grade, which means that you are waiting for a lot of new subjects, interesting lessons, exciting activities and fun, sonorous changes. I wish you to remain a friendly class, help each other to overcome any problems and by all means achieve great success in your studies.

Primary school is left behind and ahead of you is the second, no less important stage of school life - grade 5! Four years flew by in an instant, but everything interesting is just knocking at your door! Today, on your first serious graduation, I would like to wish you more diligence, perseverance, excellent grades and true school friends!

Dear children, today is your graduation from grade 4, you leave the walls of elementary school and go in search of new knowledge and discoveries to the senior level. Let your path be easy and simple, let new subjects arouse your undoubted interest, let the school for you become not just a place to gain knowledge and education, but also a center of fun and exciting pastime.

Dear children, the first stage of secondary education is behind you, you are already graduates of elementary school! With what sincerely and congratulations! Now you are waiting for new subjects, teachers, you will have to work harder, try harder. We wish you to gather your strength, relax, and then go ahead - “gnaw the granite of science”! We believe in each of you, you will definitely succeed!

A kind parting word from parents and educators to kindergarten graduates - examples of texts

New horizons and opportunities open up before each kindergarten graduate. But for many of them, the transition to school is both exciting and daunting. A wise and kind parting word from parents and educators will help to support young kindergarten graduates.

Examples of kind parting words for kindergarten graduates from parents

Every parent wants the best for their child. To help the children cope with the excitement before going to school, the beautiful parting word of the parents, uttered at the last bell holiday, will help kindergarten graduates.

Today is graduation day! And I wish our kids a great and bright life path. May the coming school years bring you a lot of knowledge, skills and abilities. May joy always accompany you, along with good luck, sincerity and success. Good mood, courage and victories!

Today is a holiday in our kindergarten - graduation! And to you, dear children, we sincerely wish you a great mood, enthusiasm, desire to learn and learn, develop and achieve your first victories. Be diligent, attentive and diligent. Bright future for you!

Our dear kids, today you are leaving the kindergarten, where you learned to be friends, won your first victories. We wish you successful schooling, good health, a lot of joy, true true friendship and success in work, sports and creativity.

Seeing off kindergarten

Today all of you, kids.

Ahead - study, school.

Good luck to all of you, strong men.

May childhood be happy

And study time

We wish you today

Peace, light and kindness.

Just study for five

Be true friends

Remember the cute garden

The years that have lived with us.

Today you are graduates

It's time to say goodbye to kindergarten

And on this holiday, graduation,

Here's what we'll tell you guys:

School is waiting for you very soon

Lots of lessons and assignments

Try to be the best

And get a lot of knowledge

Learn only well

Don't forget about diligence

Find friends and girlfriends

Always be happy!

Kind parting words from educators to kindergarten graduates

Kindergarten graduates are waiting for support and help not only from their parents, but also from kind educators. Loving teachers should also congratulate the children on the transition to school and the opportunity to make many new friends. They can choose beautiful parting words for little graduates among the examples we have selected.

Goodbye, kids, what can I say?

It is very sad to part with you.

Days, however, fly like a bird,

It's time to say goodbye to the garden

Let the school welcome you

Adults now you are people,

Maybe you remember us

Well, we will definitely not forget you!

Saying goodbye today

Kindergarten with you

Our children are chicks

They fly to the new world.

We are your wings

We wish you strength

Kindergarten first

Was your nest.

Now the school is waiting for you -

new nest,

We wish that in studies

Kids, you're in luck.

The sun in the clear sky

Let it warm with rays

Have a good flight

We wish you.

You say goodbye to kindergarten,

School is waiting for you, first class,

We wish you guys

Vigor and strength reserve,

Learn with pleasure

Listen to the teachers

behave yourself

Just be bold!

You graduated from kindergarten

And soon you will go to school!

I hope everyone is happy with the school

May success await you ahead!

Grow strong, big,

Always step forward!

Be funny, be funny

Many happy years await you!

I wish you love, dream,

So that life is more beautiful than summer!

I will miss you so much

After all, you gave so much light!

Smart boys, girls, like princesses,

And today is such a bright and joyful day,

We look at you today with great interest,

And the whole kindergarten celebrates your first graduation!

We are very accustomed to you, girls and boys,

Cheerful, funny, dear kids,

But notebooks have been bought and books are already waiting for you,

After all, after the summer, it's time for you all to go to school.

Parting word to graduates from the headmaster at the last call - examples of texts

The holiday of the last bell at the school is not complete without a wise parting word to graduates from the director. The head of the school can compose beautiful texts with congratulations, wishes, teachings for former students of grades 9 and 11 using our examples.

Examples of parting words for the last call at school from the director to graduates

For readers, we have selected the best examples of official congratulations and parting words for school principals. Ready-made tests can be used to speak or write new congratulations.

Congratulations, our dear and wonderful graduates. Today, a farewell school ball will strike in your honor, and tomorrow you will wake up with thoughts about where to go next, who to become and what path to choose for yourself. We wish you, dear children, never lose faith in yourself, follow the call of your heart and follow your dream. May the wind of good luck accompany you and bright rays of well-being in the world of adulthood.

Our wonderful and dear students, today it is time to say "Goodbye" to the school, namely "Goodbye", not "Goodbye". After all, we hope that you will often come to visit us and remember our fun activities, wonderful adventures and funny stories. May the future path prepare you for bright happiness, great success and great victories, may everything work out for you, we wish you not to lose faith in yourself and your dreams.

The day of parting has come, but, guys, know: teachers never forget their students. Years will pass, and you can always return to your native school, as to your home. May your fate develop in the best possible way and everyone will receive what they deserve with perseverance, work and talent. Come on guys, the adult world is waiting for you!

Dear graduates, excited and happy parents, grandparents with tears in their eyes! I heartily congratulate your children on the graduation from school and wish them a bright path to a happy future, unprecedented success in their studies, and then a swift career in work! Creative joys and recognition of their many talents! Remember that the most important thing in achieving any goal is work, because the sessions do not give up by themselves, and you need to master all kinds of knowledge, sparing no time and effort! And I wish parents that you recognize your children as adults and do not interfere with the choice of their path! Let there be well-being in your families, joy and mutual understanding!

Dear students, today is your significant holiday - Graduation! We wish you, walking along the path of life, remember, love and keep warm school years. Let your chosen profession, specialty or activity make you respected and worthy professionals of your favorite business. Good luck, success, great opportunities, perseverance and happiness!

The best parting words to graduates from parents at the last call - examples

You can make the holiday of the last call unusual and memorable not only by arranging an original event. It can be made kind and amazing by preparing good congratulations for all the guys. Parents of graduates will be helped in this by examples of touching parting words for the last call.

Examples of the best parting words for the last call for graduates from parents

To support their beloved children in new endeavors and wish them all the most colorful and kind in the future, parents of graduates will be helped by examples of parting words. With such texts, they can speak to the guys at the beginning or end of the official holiday of the last call.

Our dear children, today you are embarking on an independent journey through adulthood, on a free voyage through the expanses of new interests and desires. We, your parents, will always support you and love you deeply, help with good advice and be proud of your achievements. On your graduation, we wish you, our loved ones, impeccable happiness, high aspirations, a bright light of kindness and good luck on your life path.

Our beloved children, our hopes and the pride of our hearts, congratulations on your graduation. Every parent only wants the best for their child. So may your dreams come true, may the path to goals and success not be thorny, may each of you succeed in becoming a respected person in life, having authority among friends and high status among competitors.

Our dear children, congratulations on your graduation. We wish that the first step into adulthood be successful and successful. Let everything be difficult for you. Be healthy, children, happy and loved. We wish you purposefulness and well-being. And we will always help you in the implementation of your desires and goals.

Dear our graduates, children! Every parent, starting from the moment the child goes to school for the first time, periodically visits the thought: “When will school finally end?”. And now we have adults, graduates, standing in front of us. A difficult choice lies ahead: who to become in this life? Let fate prompt the right decision, and we, the parents, will help you with this.

Our guys who have matured, leaving the school class, we want you to find your only right path and not turn off it under any circumstances. Let your ambitions be high, but fate will favorably allow all dreams to come true.

Good parting words from the head of the kindergarten to graduates - examples of texts

At the last bell holiday in the kindergarten, not only educators, but also managers can speak to the children with a parting word. In it, leaders can wish the kids to achieve new heights in school. You can choose a beautiful parting word for little graduates for the head of the kindergarten among the examples we have indicated.

Examples of good parting words for all kindergarten graduates from the head

Among the parting words we have chosen for readers, you can find many beautiful wishes for little graduates. Examples can be told without changes or used to write new good instructions.

Our dear and wonderful children, today you are leaving the walls of your favorite kindergarten, and soon a new adventure and a new journey called "School" will begin for you. Let you not be afraid of obstacles on the way, let letters and complex numbers not scare you, let everything always work out for you, let there always be enough time to study well, play fun with friends, read interesting books and live good fairy tales.

Be happy always!

Our dear children, beloved and wonderful pupils, today you say goodbye to our kindergarten and set off on a long journey to new knowledge. Let something interesting and kind prepare for you every day, let there be no place for fears and doubts in your hearts. We wish you to remember all our funny pranks and games more often, we wish you to boldly conquer new expanses and peaks of success.

Our dear children, congratulations on your graduation. Today you will leave the walls of this kindergarten and go on a new path along the roads of other interests and hobbies. We want to wish you never doubt yourself, in no case be upset, dream beautifully and believe in miracles, show your talents in everything and successfully acquire new knowledge of life.

Beautiful and touching parting words on the holiday of the last call are very important for children from kindergartens and for schoolchildren. With wishes, instructions and congratulations, parents, educators, teachers, and a class teacher should speak to the children. It will be very pleasant to hear a parting word to graduates from the head, director or first teacher. The examples of texts we have selected will help teachers, moms and dads, leaders to speak with the best parting words to graduates. Also, useful video tips will certainly come in handy in compiling new instructions.

What words to say goodbye to preschool children, seeing them off to school? What do you wish them goodbye? Remember funny or good? Poetry, song or prose to express feelings? Everyone must decide for himself. The most important thing is that kindergarten graduates come from the heart. Where to start, how to finish, what to start from in preparing a solemn farewell speech? If these questions are before you, then this article is designed to help. It contains poetry and prose, exemplary words and speeches, as well as advice to everyone who congratulates preschoolers on the end of kindergarten.

The children of the kindergarten are graduating, we really need to congratulate them!

The end of kindergarten is a touching and solemn date in the life of children and parents. From very tiny kids, preschool children have grown to first graders. During this time, they learned a lot, read, counted, drew, played, sang, sculpted and glued. The teachers have become close friends for the kids and, saying goodbye to the children, they will solemnly say parting words to the kindergarten graduates. On this day, future first-graders will hear kind words from their parents, garden workers and, of course, from the headmaster.

Give teachers the floor to see them off to school

Every day there were educators near the children, who sometimes know more about the kids than their parents. They are witnesses of successes and failures, ups and downs, assistants and senior comrades. Their kids respect and love. Together with them, the children have come a long and interesting way, so at the farewell party, parting words to kindergarten graduates from the teacher traditionally sound. You can recall interesting moments, statements of the guys, their discoveries and successes, wish them successful studies and new good friends in a poetic or free form.

Poetic speech of the teacher

My dear preschoolers!

Oh, how big you have become!

You go to first class

And I remember crumbs of you.

How did you come to the group timidly,

He did not sleep, but this one did not eat,

Almost everyone asked for hands,

And now…how you have changed!

How many books have we read

You probably don't remember!

And according to fairy tales, we understood life,

Where is good and where evil is distinguished.

Blots with a brush put clearly

But they learned to draw well,

And everyone admired the work,

We also placed them in competitions!

We fought with mathematics for a long time,

We took knowledge for a walk,

Cones, trees, steps were counted.

How much did you love music?

They clapped loudly and marched.

And now in the music room

You sang and danced!

It's easy to be friends with physical education,

If you can run and jump,

Jump with a skipping rope

And, of course, play ball.

We became a sports group

And more than once others won!

Every day started with a charge,

So that health is in order!

My dear guys!

Before you were a preschooler,

But go to first class

I'm sorry to let you go!

You try to study at school,

And I'll be proud of you

Don't forget kindergarten

Report your successes!

All that we learned, keep,

Cherish your friendship,

Be patient, pay attention

Good luck, friends, goodbye!

Need a hint, so be it, so as not to forget the words!

A parting word to kindergarten graduates from a teacher can also be heard in prose. Then the teacher selects the words that, in his opinion, will reach the hearts of the children. In any case, the congratulations must be prepared in advance and preferably placed on a beautiful postcard. Even if you plan to speak by heart, at such an exciting moment, words can simply fly out of your head, and, having lost your bearings, it will be difficult to continue the speech. And a small, beautifully designed "cheat sheet" in your hands can, in this case, help you out great.

The administration of the garden for kids is happy to try

The first person to meet the kids and their parents in the garden is the head of the kindergarten. It is from a meeting with her that the child’s life begins, accepting documents, distributing them into groups, organizing meals, cleaning, repairs and other moments. Solving hundreds of important issues every day, this person creates all the conditions for a child to live comfortably in the period of preschool childhood within the walls of a preschool institution. Parents and children are sure to invite the leader to a farewell party, thank you for the difficult and hard work, and in response, parting words to kindergarten graduates from the head traditionally sound. And it is very good at the same time to choose not pompous and official words, but those that will come from the heart.

As has traditionally been the custom, the teaching staff annually prepares parting words for kindergarten graduates. In prose or in verse it will be pronounced, it does not matter. Most importantly, children will hear words of love and wishes for further success. Leaving the walls of the preschool institution, they will take with them the warmth and care with which they were surrounded.

Congratulations from the relatives (pronounced by dads and moms)

Leaving the kindergarten, the children say goodbye to his team. The only ones who always stay close are moms and dads. It is with their help that future schoolchildren will begin to storm the heights of knowledge, begin to do homework and receive their first grades, so it would be logical to hear parting words from parents for kindergarten graduates at a festive event.

Dear our children!

You go to first grade

And on a day like this, of course,

We are very happy for you!

We used to be very afraid

Even to bring you to the garden.

What if your daughter starts crying?

Will the son suddenly become sad?

But then we realized:

It's comfortable here for the guys,

A cheerful laugh will tell us

That the child is happy to be here.

Are you going to school

We worry. Oh oh!

Educator and nanny

Can't you take it with you?

Suddenly the teacher will be strict?

Does the child understand something?

And they will cook in the dining room

Compote, but he doesn't drink it?

But those torments are in vain,

Children go to first grade

Get knowledge there

And they grow up healthy.

You guys try

To behave,

So that not only dad and mom,

And don't let your garden down.

Our children grow up

In this, in general, the whole point.

Educators - thank you

Well, children - good luck!

Here is a treat for the ears - the wishes of the little ones

Today is not an easy day -

Joyful, cheerful.

Today is your graduation

You are going to school.

We remain for you

To play with toys

Let's drive the truck

Put dolls in pillows.

You collect in portfolios

Pens and notebooks

And bookmarks in it,

And take away for breakfast

Dough pie.

Is it for a toy?

Can't find a place?

But I'll grow up a little

Just don't be lazy!

To distinguish letters

Make friends with them.

Somehow I became a cow

Got three first

And then I decided that five.

For problem solving

You look more carefully

Do you remember that the cow

Four legs, not three.

In general, do not be bored at school,

Visit our kindergarten!

How to prepare a farewell speech?

It is better to start wishes with some kind of appeal that attracts the attention of children. Often speakers exclaim how children have grown up and how beautiful they are today. You can express surprise: “Are these the same children who a few years ago cried and called for mommy?”

Each group has its own characteristics, its own traditions, its own successes. This “highlight” should be remembered on such a day. For example, if the children were distinguished by artistry, then remind them of their best performances or performances, some kind of event or award. If the group is sports, then you should name the best athletes and remember victories in competitions and tournaments. We can talk about children with creative abilities as future soloists of the big stage and great artists. The mention of specific deeds and merits of the group will enliven the farewell to kindergarten graduates, make it targeted, prepared for specific children, and not just faceless, taken from the Internet.

The next point of speech should be wishes. Traditionally, graduation from the kindergarten aims children at school, so there are calls to study well, to be diligent, attentive, polite, to find new friends and not forget old ones, to remember everything that kindergarten has taught.

Parting words to kindergarten graduates usually end with the words: “Good luck!”, “Good hour!”, “Congratulations!”


We examined the exciting moments associated with preparing for the solemn moment of graduation from a preschool institution, told how to write parting words for kindergarten graduates, gave examples of congratulations and wishes. We hope our article will help you adequately send future first-graders to school.

A parting word to graduates is an important tradition, without which it is impossible to imagine any last call and farewell ball in the schools of our country. Even at the graduation party in kindergarten, one cannot do without beautiful and touching words with parting words from educators, parents, and the head. What then can be said about graduation holidays in grades 4, 9, 11, at which the first teachers, class teachers, directors and, of course, parents of schoolchildren, always speak with kind speeches and smart advice. As a rule, such parting words are filled with pride and joy for the success of children. They also contain wise recommendations from adults who, in their opinion, will definitely help all graduates at a new stage in their lives. You will find the best touching and beautiful parting words for graduates of different ages from adults in the following article.

A beautiful parting word to kindergarten graduates from parents in verse

Graduation party in kindergarten is a special event for children and their parents. For the first time, kids get the experience of moving to a new level of education and part with their favorite caregivers. For them, this is both a joyful and sad holiday at the same time. And since, due to their young age, children do not fully realize the importance of this event, adults try to shield them as much as possible from unnecessary worries and worries. One way to do this is to give a parting word to future first-graders. A simple and beautiful parting word to kindergarten graduates from parents in verse is best suited for this purpose. It is this format that makes it easy and accessible to convey important thoughts to young graduates.

Beautiful parting words to kindergarten graduates in verses from parents

You will find options for beautiful poems for parting words for graduation in kindergarten for parents in the following selection.

We accompany you from the garden
It's time for you to go to school!
Good luck dear guys
On your life path!

Do you remember kindergarten,
After all, those were great years!
Walk towards your dreams
Always with a happy smile!

The years went by quickly
Kindergarten behind.
You have become very big
It's time for you to go to school!

You are no longer a preschooler
You are going to first grade!
Congratulations guys
Let dreams come true!

We wish you victories
Life is fabulously beautiful.
Let the green light burn
In a children's and happy fairy tale!

Little your world in the garden
Became tight for you.
A big new world awaits you.
Happy graduation guys!

Wish in the new world
joyful discoveries,
Bright days, good friends,
Lots of events.

Do not get sick and do not be naughty
Promise us.
And my favorite kindergarten
Visit more often!

Kind parting words to kindergarten graduates from educators and head

For several years, together with their parents, they were engaged in the upbringing and education of kids, who today are practically on the threshold of school. It is not surprising that for educators, nannies and even the manager, this is a very touching and exciting celebration of farewell to beloved children. By tradition, teachers not only prepare a graduation party, but also actively participate in it. For example, kind parting words to kindergarten graduates are read by educators and the head. As a rule, they choose simple options in verse or prose, the words of which are understandable to kids.

Options for kind parting words to kindergarten graduates from the educator and head

You will find several excellent options for kind parting words for kindergarten graduates from teachers in the following selection.

And although this holiday is sad,
But in the soul with trembling warmth
We will remember your funny babble
And we can easily wipe away a tear.

In life you - the road is bright, smooth
And good friends on the way
Happiness and smiles, of course,
And find a calling for everyone!

Goodbye, kindergarten, -
Say quietly, modestly
Big holiday for the guys -
Graduation today!

We wish not to be shy
In front of the school door
From the fives in the diary
Let there be no end.

Let your parents
Praise, but more often
You're already big
You have finished kindergarten.

And it's time to grow up
Let just a little
Grab your briefcase
Get ready for school!

Well, your baby has overcome the first non-formal stage of education, the kindergarten test has been passed. We congratulate you on this bright event! And may your child never cease to please his parents with his discoveries, successes at a further stage of education and creative potential. So that your whole family grows cheerful, friendly and healthy!

The most touching parting word to graduates of the 4th grade of elementary school from the first teacher

The first teacher is one of the most important people in the children's school life. In many respects, what attitude to learning will be formed among first-graders depends on his professionalism and humanity. And it is good that primary school teachers often cope with this task perfectly well, maintaining friendly and warm relations with their graduates even years after parting. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that it is the first teacher who says the most touching parting word to graduates of the 4th grade of elementary school.

Variants of the most touching parting words from the first teacher to graduates of the 4th grade of elementary school

You will find the best options for touching parting words to graduates of 4 classes from the first teacher in the following selection.

You, my former first graders,
Congratulations on your graduation today
I look at you, beautiful, young
Remembering your frightened eyes.

I wish you new happiness in life,
Let the doors be open to you everywhere,
You will reach the heights and goals,
I sincerely believe in your victories.

You were lucky to become the first teacher once,
And now - today is graduation, I wish that in your every day
There were smiles and dreams, success, joy, a lot of fun,
From problems, difficulties, fate to give you salvation,
I give you congratulations, you aspire to the heights of light,
You will treat the difficult moments on the way with understanding,
Let knowledge help you make your life even better,
I wish each of you that life is always lucky!

Lovers leave school.
I'm proud of you, kids.
After all, together we crossed
School yard boundaries.

Generous fate let it be for gifts
And please let you every moment.
Let it only be hot from the warmth of relatives,
Your pure spring will not be scarce.

I always want to be honest
And do not throw words to the wind.
I wish you a big and very important day
Health, happiness and kindness.

A parting word in poetry and prose to elementary school graduates from parents

Some parents mistakenly believe that graduating in 4th grade is a waste of money. Like, what's the point of preparing a farewell holiday if in September the children gather again in the same composition and continue their education. But only they forget that with the help of a graduation party in elementary school, children have the opportunity to say goodbye to any first teacher and finally realize their transition to a new level of education. Therefore, do not underestimate the importance of this holiday. Moreover, parents have a great chance to make a parting word in poetry or prose to their children - primary school graduates.

Poems and prose for parting words to primary school graduates from parents

We wish you happiness in graduation!
Walking the difficult road
Don't give up on your dreams
And never forget

Your friendly and fun class
And what the peaks are waiting for you.
Take them very boldly.
And surprise everyone with success!

Pretty much you've been told
Of what you've always dreamed of
About what's ahead of you
But graduate, slow down!

I'll just say a few words
They will not have the secrets of the worlds,
There will be no secret in them for you,
But it must be celebrated.

Always look straight ahead
But you take care of your honor,
After all, it will be difficult on the way,
But you can all get through!

Congratulations to the graduates on such a great day! Everyone on this sunny day wishes only the best for himself, sets his own goals. May they come true and bring joy in the future. Make big plans, feel confident and positive. After all, everyone paints a picture of life. We wish you a successful and promising picture, our beloved graduates!

A touching parting word to graduates of grades 9-11 of the school from the class teacher

Graduation in high school is a very exciting and important event for the whole school. Pupils in grades 9 and 11 are already well aware that this is the final parting with childhood and the first step on the threshold of adulthood. They understand that they say goodbye forever not only to their beloved teachers, but also to dear classmates, whose paths will soon part. It is not surprising that many graduates at this fateful moment count on the support of adults and wise mentors. And in this case, a touching parting word to graduates of grades 9-11 from the class teacher can become exactly the valuable advice that they need so much. After all, it is a cool mother, like no other of the teachers, who knows each of her graduates well and understands his fears and experiences. Having made a touching speech at the graduation party, the leader can not only give good advice, but also express his love for his dear children.

Examples of touching parting words to graduates of grades 9-11 from the class teacher

Dear graduates! From now on, you begin a difficult and unpredictable path to an independent life full of exciting events. The school has become a familiar haven for you, where teachers generously shared useful knowledge and experience. Now you are called upon to apply your own knowledge and experience correctly in solving the problems of life. Good luck!

So the school years are over
And the last call is heard in the hearts.
To you, my chicks, parting words,
I wish you with love in my soul and eyes.

Strive for the heights of the cherished
And don't give up when you're in trouble
Only desire is led by the stubborn
Go ahead, don't go astray.

May knowledge be your reward
All tasks are correct, the right answer.
Let it be for you in life
Just a happy, beautiful sunrise.

Graduation warms my soul
Carries a little sadness in the heart,
After all, I see off the guys,
In this difficult life this way.

I love your whole class immensely,
And everyone became my family here,
I want to wish from my heart
May happiness be like this.

Luck is near, let it go
Luck is pouring over the edge
The bad wind will carry away
Merry May blooms in the soul.

Clever and touching parting words from parents to graduates on the last call

Variants of touching words with smart parting words to graduates from parents for the last call

You will find the best options for touching words with smart parting words for graduates from their parents in the following selection.

Our dear children, today is the time for you to enter the road of adulthood. And your parents sincerely want to wish you great strength and great patience to achieve your goals. Be successful, kids and happy. We will always help and support you. Love to you and prosperity in life.

Fate has been kind to us
Giving beautiful children
We went through school together
I didn't know anything bad from you.
You grew up, and we were proud,
Peace reigned in your soul,
Working diligently, conscientiously,
Meet the holiday, graduation!
Let your knowledge grow stronger
Bring joy and success
Let the holiday sparkle with joy
And laughter will rise to the sky.
May the path be favorable to you
Success leads into the world by the hand,
Don't forget this school
She will bring you happiness.
When you go to work
Don't forget what's what
Let the skills over the years
Everything will be done for you!

We are now proud of you -
We have taken an important step!
Congratulations on your graduation
And we want to tell you this:

All roads are open to you
The sea of ​​life is already waiting
A whirlwind of ideas, events,
The world of sudden turns.

You are more courageous
What the heart longs for
Difficulties do not scare -
Temper, making stronger.

Don't forget the way home
We are ready to support you
Listen and give strength to you
To reach new heights.

A beautiful parting word to graduates from the headmaster at the last call in verse

For the director of any school, the last call is a peculiar feature summing up the results of the outgoing academic year. It is on this day that students gather at the school line in this composition for the last time. A little more and high school students will forever leave the walls of their native educational institution, and new children will come to the place of first graders. That is why it is so important to pay attention to all schoolchildren on this holiday, but especially to celebrate high school students. As a rule, the principal of the school uses a beautiful parting word in verse for graduates for this purpose. Such poems are full of wisdom, pride and kind words, which are so important for future graduates to hear on this day.

Beautiful poems with a parting word for school graduates from the director on the last call

Here are some options for beautiful parting words for graduates in verse from the headmaster at the last call.

You have matured, and it's time for you to go,
We let you go forever today
It is a pity that your childhood cannot be returned,
Let's never forget the episode!

Finally, we want to tell you
So that you all study diligently,
So that you always read books,
To become good people!

You say goodbye to school
Meeting the first graduation!
There are so many events waiting for you,
Each path will find its own.

We want you to search
Only what you like
And not meet failures
You are on the path of life.

New way of life
Don't rush through
Only the heart will give you a hint,
In what path do you lead your life.

The teachers of all our friendly school,
We wish all graduates good health.
Sending them on a path so difficult,
They want to instruct from the heart today.

We wish you happiness in life,
And never be upset about anything
Keep friendship, knowledge, kindness,
We wish you luck in everything.

A touching parting word to graduates is the easiest way for parents, teachers (principal), educators (head) to support children at their new stage in life. And it is not so important that this farewell holiday takes place in the 4th, 9th, 11th grades of the school or in general in kindergarten - graduates of all ages deserve kind words and smart instructions. We hope that the best parting words in poetry and prose from our article will help make your children's graduation touching and memorable!



1. You guys are babies

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

2. We want to say goodbye to you

And they came to wish you

Only fours and fives

receive in the classroom.

3. Do not be naughty, do not be lazy, (threatens with a finger)

Don't quarrel, don't fight!

4. We wish you a new school

Lots of new things to learn

But also a favorite kindergarten

Please don't forget!

5. Congratulations, congratulations,

Happy holiday!

Congratulations, congratulations

With the transition to school!


1. We came to you today

Lead to first class.

This is one!

2. Two - we want to wish you

All excellent students to become!

3. Three - sigh very heavily

Chippolino with Cheburashka...

Don't forget about them

Come visit us at Kindergarten!

(Let's play together

4. And four - we promise

What is without you in the native garden

We won't break flowers

Save all toys!

5. Five - we give you gifts,

We made them ourselves

Painted and glued.


1. You are in first grade today

Everyone leave us.

2. You kids today

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.

3. Study well at school,

Do not fight, do not be lazy (threatens with a finger)

4. We will grow up a little,

Let's go to 1st grade.


1. You rarely played with us

They called babies

Sometimes we were offended

They didn't give us toys.

2. But now you are not like that.

You are already very big.

We came to congratulate you

With the transition to 1 class.


1. Very joyful, cheerful

Celebration of the transition to school.

2. We will also be at school,

It won't take long for us to grow

We want sooner

Carry a briefcase in your hands.

3. We want you to learn

For 4 and 5

And there is another wish:

"Please don't forget us!"