21 week what month. Necessary medical observations, analyzes and examinations

Gestational age

The gestational age of 21 weeks according to the obstetric calendar is almost the end of the fifth month of pregnancy.

However, the end of pregnancy is not yet soon, although you probably have already experienced all the delights of a pregnant state to the fullest.

21 obstetric week of pregnancy is the 19th week of your baby's life from conception.


Pregnancy calendar 21 weeks is the beginning of the second half of pregnancy, the equator is already behind, and labor is approaching. There are only 4 months left to prepare for them, do not waste time if you have not yet signed up for courses for pregnant women - you must definitely do this.

21 weeks pregnant, the sensations associated with your interesting position may not be pleasant. Back pain, swelling of the legs, pain on the sides of the uterus in the abdomen, and a feeling of clumsiness are present in many, if not most, women.

With all this, you start to gain weight quickly, you have an excellent appetite that is difficult to control. Nutrition at 21 weeks should be a special concern, do not lose control over what you eat. It is clear that sometimes you want to have a snack between meals, but it is better to give preference to healthy foods, let it be yogurt, not cheburek, or a glass of juice, not lemonade.

Sex at 21 weeks pregnant is also one of your problem areas. Perhaps you have already managed to find new poses, or maybe you are still in search. The main rules of sex during pregnancy: do not lie on your stomach, do not lie on your left side, try not to get tired.

Your condition

The 21st week of pregnancy is the heyday of the pregnant woman. You look great and most likely enjoy looking at yourself in the mirror. Little things like skin pigmentation, a growing tummy and a missing waistline are not very upsetting.

Women at this time have beautiful strong hair, clean skin (well, maybe only age spots spoil it), and a large swollen chest especially pleases those who previously could not boast of voluminous forms.

However, this is 21 weeks of pregnancy - weight gains very quickly. You could already gain more than 4 kg, and then it will gain even faster, your child is growing rapidly.

your child

A fetus at 21 weeks pregnant hears you perfectly, but his eyes are still closed, although they are already sensitive to light. The child is very thin, covered with a layer of grease and vellus hair.

He is very active and constantly exercising, which you can now feel great, even if this is your first pregnancy. He changes position in the uterus several times a day, because there is still a lot of amniotic fluid, and there is room in the uterus.

The kid spends most of the time in a dream, up to 20 hours a day, but unlike adults, he dreams almost half of this time.

What are the dreams of an unborn child?

A child at 21 weeks of gestation begins to actively accumulate fat. If at this time the weight of the fetus is about 300 grams, and the length is 16-18 cm, from this week it will grow rapidly, gaining weight precisely due to the deposition of fat and the development of muscles. This is the culprit behind your insatiable appetite.

The sex of the child this week of pregnancy is usually easily diagnosed by ultrasound, although there are stubborn babies among babies who manage to hide their gender until childbirth.

If you are 21 weeks pregnant, what happens to the baby at this time can be spied on an ultrasound examination. Usually it is prescribed at 17-22 weeks, and this is probably the last examination, when the baby is completely placed on the screen of the ultrasound machine.

Do not be surprised that the weight and height of the child may turn out to be more or less than what is written in this article, the children are different, and even in the mother's belly they already grow in different ways. If the mother is Thumbelina, her child is unlikely to be born large.

Your tummy

Your tummy has already risen just above the navel, and it is very noticeable. Now you are happy to wear clothes for pregnant women, and even, quite possibly, secretly proud of this bulging miracle. The fundus height at 21 weeks is 21 cm from the pubis.

The puzzler is actively exercising, 21 weeks of pregnancy - the movements are not yet painful, but already clearly felt. All these jabs, kicks and somersaults are a reason for you to communicate with the baby, sometimes you instinctively put your hand on the place where you just felt the push. The kid feels you and can again push here, and this already resembles a two-way dialogue.

The abdomen at 21 weeks of gestation cannot be squeezed with tight clothing, but at the same time, it may already require wearing a bandage. Special prenatal bandages relieve unpleasant pulling sensations on the sides of the uterus arising from stretching of its ligaments.

Analyzes and examinations

Now there are no special analyzes and examinations. If there is a regular scheduled visit to the gynecologist, you will need to take a urine test, maybe you have not had time to go through something else from the tests that are prescribed as part of the second screening, then they will be assigned to you.

And so - the gynecologist is not very worried about you now, the quietest time of pregnancy is coming.

Potential complaints and problems

Potential problems include fatigue of the back muscles and even back pain. This is due to the fact that now your posture has changed, and an unusual load falls on the muscles. Special gymnastics and water aerobics help to cope with this.

Swelling of the legs, the appearance of veins and spider veins are frequent companions of the second half of pregnancy. The reason is that your uterus compresses the vessels in the small pelvis, disrupting the outflow of blood, the vessel wall itself is now relaxed, and the blood has changed its properties. Pregnancy creates the prerequisites for varicose veins, it is easier to prevent than to cure. Contrasting foot baths, shoes with low, stable heels, and frequent resting with raised legs will ease the condition.

Nipple discharge can be another problem. In some women, colostrum is excreted in quite a large amount and is disturbing. This whitish-yellow liquid is nothing more than your little one's first food. If you squeeze it out, it will only increase. The pharmacy sells special pads for the breast, they will reduce discomfort.

Constipation, heartburn, these are the unpleasant symptoms that accompany pregnancy for many. 21 weeks of pregnancy, nausea, arises from the fact that the uterus takes up a lot of space, and the stomach does not have enough freedom to work properly, it squeezes. If you are often nauseous, try eating more frequent and small meals.

It is interesting that heartburn often goes away in the knee-elbow position, but constipation, if there is any, requires a special attitude to the diet. Meals must necessarily include fermented milk products, fresh, boiled and stewed vegetables, bread and wholemeal flour.


Termination of pregnancy in the 21st week is one of the main hazards. This can happen if there is cervical insufficiency (cervical insufficiency). At the same time, at first, nothing may portend trouble.

The pains often bother pregnant women at this time, but these are pains from the tension of the ligaments, they are sharp and occur mainly in an uncomfortable position and with some movements. If the stomach hurts and pulls constantly, the uterus is in good shape, you need to be on your guard.

With the threat of interruption, the pain is special. The lower back hurts, and the pain goes down to the stomach with a hoop, while there is an increased tone of the uterus at the height of the pain attack, it becomes very hard.

Brown discharge indicates that the process has gone too far, you may also stop feeling the movement of the fetus.

Unfortunately, at 21 weeks, the development of the fetus still does not give a chance for its nursing in case of premature birth, but in just a month the child will be mature enough to survive extrauterinely with the modern level of medicine.

A timely visit to a gynecologist, even if nothing bothers, is a must for any pregnant woman, but if there were gynecological problems, abortions, miscarriages before, this should be treated with special attention.

The appearance of the first cramping pains can be observed even when the miscarriage that has begun is difficult to stop, while the timely detection of the threat is quite possible much earlier, and then, with adequate treatment, everything will definitely end well.

The twins are already a great burden on their mother. The belly is just huge, it can be like that of other women for a period of 30-32 weeks. This is normal, there are two kids, and they both grow quickly.

You are unlikely to be able to tie your own shoelaces right now, and, of course, you feel very well pregnant. In many ways, the size of the abdomen depends on how exactly the children are lying. The position of the fruit determines the shape of the abdomen.

Take particular care of your skin, the rapid growth of the tummy is the cause of stretch marks.

The gynecologist wants to see you every two weeks, if not more often, still, you are pregnant, which requires double attention.

I would like to wish you good luck and patience, you are doing the job for two, but the reward will also be two adorable kids, a meeting with whom is just around the corner.

Pregnancy at 21 weeks

At the 21st week of pregnancy, the expectant mother already clearly feels each and reacts with joy to it, putting her hand to her stomach. Of course, not all of the child's movements are recorded by the expectant mother, for example, if he flinches, turns his head, moves his lips or pulls his finger into his mouth, it is not possible to feel this. According to experts, at the 21st week of pregnancy, the baby makes up to 200 different movements per day, of which the expectant mother records only about 10-15.

The figure of a pregnant woman has already acquired a rather rounded shape, which is absolutely normal in this state, but you need to closely monitor it, because there are still three months ahead when the baby will actively gain weight.

What happens in the twenty-first week of pregnancy

21 weeks of pregnancy is a relatively calm period, which is characterized by physiological changes in the body of the expectant mother.

Uterus the pregnant woman continues to grow, her bottom rises and during this period she is already 1-2 cm above the navel. In a non-pregnant state, the volume of blood circulating in the body increases by 35%, and therefore increases and heart muscle mass .

Some pregnant women at 21 weeks of gestation have short-term cramping sensations in the abdomen. These are contractions that are a natural manifestation of preparation for childbirth. Most often, such false or training contractions do not pose any danger either to the expectant mother or to the baby, but if a woman is worried about their intensity or other uncomfortable sensations, it is better to seek the advice of your doctor.

Relaxing tea or warm milk will help relieve the discomfort from training contractions, you should also take a horizontal position, relax and lie down or take a warm shower.

Future baby

: The baby weighs about 300 g and measures about 20 cm. Baby size most often depend on the physique of the parents and are transmitted genetically, of course, if during pregnancy the expectant mother did not resort to medication or vitamin support.

The body of the crumbs becomes more and more round, this is due to the process of increasing the subcutaneous tissue, the legs are longer than the steel. In his gums, the rudiments of milk teeth are already located, the formation of eyebrows and cilia is completed.

Almost all of the baby's endocrine glands are already performing their functions, but their work is still far from perfect. The baby's central nervous system is improving, the digestive tract is working, the spleen is included in the work.

The baby actively drinks amniotic fluid, and thanks to the taste buds that have already appeared on his tongue, he can distinguish their taste. The kidneys of the baby also work, they pass the filtered liquid, part of which is excreted in the form of urine, and the other accumulates in the large intestine, turning into meconium - the original feces.

How mom's life is changing

At the 21st week of pregnancy, some expectant mothers may develop, which occurs because the uterus, having increased in size, presses on the stomach, displacing it up. This pressure leads to the fact that the contents of the stomach, together with the acid that is involved in the digestion of food, is thrown back into the esophagus, which provokes discomfort.

If heartburn prevents the expectant mother from enjoying her special position, then she should try to follow a few simple rules:

  • give up fried, smoked, pickled and salty foods;
  • refrain from sour fruits and drinks;
  • do not drink carbonated water;
  • after eating, try not to lean forward and not bend at the waist.

Due to the growth of the abdomen in a pregnant woman may, as well as itching of the skin on the sides. To relieve the skin condition, you should purchase a moisturizer or nourishing lotion from the special series for pregnant women. Most often, cosmetics of this type are sold in pharmacies and help prevent the appearance of stretch marks or reduce their appearance on the skin.

At the 21st week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may have back pain and can also pull the lower abdomen. These symptoms are caused by an increase in the weight of the pregnant woman, a shift in the center of gravity and a tension in the ligaments of the uterus.

Also, at this time, colostrum may begin to be released from the breast of the expectant mother, so the female body prepares for the process. However, if the pregnant woman does not have any discharge from the breast, this does not in any way affect the upcoming lactation and the amount of milk after childbirth.

The question: "21 weeks of pregnancy, how many months is it" - worries many young and inexperienced mothers. While a woman is pregnant, it is necessary to memorize every moment of this wonderful state. It is necessary to keep a pregnancy calendar, because first one, then the second week will bring the woman closer to the end of the pregnancy.

One week is different, and will never happen again. Already 5 obstetric months have passed - this is a long time. When the 21st week of pregnancy comes - this is considered the first week of six months. This period for a woman is the calmest and best.

At this time, you need to have time to do all the planned things.... Day by day, the belly is getting bigger. This means that he will interfere with the woman more and more. The baby grows literally by leaps and bounds. Doctors note that it is at the 21st week of pregnancy that the rhythm of fetal development slows down slightly.

How the fetus develops, its size and the establishment of the sex of the child

The baby at the 21st week of pregnancy is actively developing, its weight is sufficient. If you count from 20 weeks, then you can establish the growth of the fetus from the heels to the crown. For many women at this time, the size of the child is 26.8 cm. The weight of the fetus weighs on average 360 ​​g. Now it is actively developing. He grows quickly, moves a lot, he begins to form the first layer of fat, so he needs a lot of resources for proper development.

During pregnancy, a woman begins to form taste preferences in her child. Already in a pregnant state, the baby must be tamed to wholesome and healthy food. If during pregnancy the expectant mother drinks alcohol and smokes a lot, this is reflected in the taste of the amniotic fluid.

A small organism digests food with the help of hydrochloric acid and enzymes, they are produced in small proportions. Beginning to get stronger every week muscle and bone tissue of the baby, they are fixed and grow more and more. By this time, the baby's endocrine glands begin to function dynamically, and by the target date of 21 weeks, the spleen begins to form.

The baby is also very small in stature, but despite this, in his mother's womb he is very comfortable and at ease. There is a lot of room in the tummy for tricks like tumbling and rolling. The child really likes to lead an active lifestyle inside the tummy..

If during this period the gender of the crumb is not determined, then it is necessary to address it universally, but there must certainly be love and warmth in the voice. The baby feels it very well. At night, the baby's movements are activated with special force. It is during this period that mom can not wait to rest, but this does not always work. If the child is pushing hard, then he needs to be reassured, like a newborn ... Need to stroke your tummy and sing a lullaby.

What is the belly at 21 weeks of gestation

At this time, the tummy to everyone around "shows" its special position. And you can also see what the baby is doing in the mother's tummy. The movements and movements of the child become visible to the outside eye. Sometimes it is possible to determine with certainty which bokeh the child is in.

As a rule, during this period, the blows begin to be felt very well.... Due to the tension of the muscles, the abdomen hurts, the uterus is growing very actively at this time. Thus, a place is won for its own inhabitant.


She starts to press harder and harder on the internal organs. Thus, the consequences of what is happening are displayed on the woman. Due to the protrusion of the uterus, the girl may feel short of breath, sometimes there is no way at all to make a deep exhalation and inhalation. But in no case should you worry.

It is during this period that one must begin to master the breathing techniques, they will then provide invaluable assistance in the generic process. At 21 weeks of gestation, the uterus begins to rise above the navel, it is 1 cm higher. The degree of standing of the fundus of the uterus is at the level of 22 cm from the pubis.

Painful sensations

Painful sensations that start in this interval do not carry any threats. During this period, the woman feels a pronounced pain. If she's obsessive, is felt in the lower abdomen and gives to the lower back, then it cannot be left uncontrolled.

  1. As a rule, this is a harbinger of an increased tone of the uterus, and this is very bad.
  2. At this point, various pains arise, which very much annoy the pregnant woman. This pain can occur in the lower back, navel, or back. Many women report pain in the legs and sacrum.
  3. At this time, the uterus begins to press on the navel from the inside, and pressure on the pelvic region is also detected. The woman's weight increases at this time. This puts a lot of pressure on the spine. And also the knees and lower back are under pressure.

Future baby from mother pulls all the calcium, so contractions may occur in the calf muscles. During pregnancy, there can be many reasons for pain, but your situation can be alleviated ... To do this, you must follow the following guidelines:

  1. You can't walk in heels.
  2. You don't need to spend a lot of time on your feet.
  3. You must sit on a chair with a back.
  4. You don't need to cross your legs.
  5. It is necessary to walk and walk frequently.
  6. You can't sit still for a long time.
  7. Legs should be elevated if they hurt.
  8. It is strictly forbidden to sleep on your back and stomach.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to get out of bed correctly. To do this, first of all, you need to lower your legs. In a pregnant state, a woman must bend and squat correctly, for this she needs to slightly separate her legs, bent at the knees. Thus, there is an overload on the hips, shoulders and buttocks.

It is forbidden for a pregnant woman to carry weights. Still, there are times when a woman carries heavy bags from the store. In this case, the severity must be distributed on both hands equally. Sudden and unexpected movements should not be made. You cannot raise your hands above your head and hold them in this position for a long time. A doctor should be consulted on how to wear a bandage correctly. Posture should be straight and correct during pregnancy.

What sensations do the expectant mother have at 21 weeks of pregnancy

Very soon, the woman begins to strain the severity of pregnancy, which differ from those experienced in the first trimester.

During this time, many women begin to develop colostrum. Thus, the mammary glands are prepared for feeding the baby. At this time, it is necessary to observe the increased hygiene of the breast, milk from the breast should not be squeezed out.

21 weeks - how many months

21 weeks is 5 months... Almost the fifth month is coming to an end. There are 4 months left before the beginning of the labor process, but the woman needs to prepare for this event.

  1. You may need to enroll in specialized courses for pregnant women. By this stage, almost all women gain weight in a volume of 4 kg, and then in time the weight will begin to arrive even faster.
  2. At this time, the expectant mother looks very beautiful, she has shiny hair, smooth skin and strong nails.

In the presented period, the condition of a pregnant woman should not be overshadowed by anything. At 21 weeks pregnant, the baby is the size of a grapefruit, it is 18 cm long and weighs 300 g.

What kind of discharge does mom have at 21 weeks of pregnancy

At this time, discharge is noticed from the vagina.... Their good condition at this time:

  1. Colorless.
  2. Watery.
  3. Smelling nothing.

There should be no colored prints on the linen. If a woman's discharge differs from those described above, that is, they have a pronounced color or smell, or a too thick consistency, then an urgent need to take a smear for analysis.

In many women, during pregnancy, thrush increases, if this happens, then she needs to be treated in a strict manner. If there are bloody marks on the panties, then this may be the result of severe constipation and hemorrhoids. If spotting has gone from the vagina, then you need to urgently call an ambulance.

Ultrasound for 21 weeks of pregnancy

If the course of pregnancy occurs well, then for the entire period - this is the second ultrasound. But if the doctor prescribes more procedures, then there is no need to be upset about this.

Now the equipment is modern, there is no harm to the woman's health. Moreover, undergoing an ultrasound scan will not harm the child. An ultrasound scan during this period can determine the sex of the baby. But this is possible if the child is in the correct position.

Usually, during this period, the genitals of the baby begin to be clearly visible... The doctor diagnoses the child for the appearance of pathologies. At this time, the parameters are assessed:

  1. Palpitations.
  2. The size of the fetus and uterus.
  3. Motor activity.
  4. The state of amniotic fluid.

And also the uzist will determine how the pregnancy is going in general. Now there is the possibility of performing ultrasound in 4D or 3D format. If a decision is made to conduct such an ultrasound, then the child can be clearly seen. And now there is also an opportunity to make a video of how the child behaves in the mother's tummy.

What tests need to be done at 21 weeks of pregnancy

At this time, indicators are taken for screening. But the screening results cannot be assessed on their own. Only a specialized program can give such an assessment. It combines the data of all markers into one picture:

  1. Independent estriol.

This is an indispensable condition, because each marker cannot be deciphered separately. Screening takes into account the weight of the pregnant mother, her age, health status, number of fetuses, heredity and other factors.

The end result of the screening looks like an indicator of risk. The limit is 1: 350. If mommy has such an indicator or lower, then doctors will classify the fetus as a low-risk group.

High risk starts from 1: 250 and higher. This means that one out of 250 mothers with a similar result may have a sick child. Please note that this is only an assumed low or high risk of hereditary diseases in the fetus. In domestic ultrasound centers, screening is not always carried out correctly. Therefore, it can be considered low informative.

In conclusion, I would like to say that 21 weeks of pregnancy is 5 obstetric months. At this time, you can find out the sex and size of the fetus, and during this period, the necessary screenings are carried out, which help to identify pathological diseases of the unborn baby.

Pregnancy is considered a golden time, which is accompanied by violent changes in the body of a woman and a child, which do not bring significant discomfort to the expectant mother. The difficulties of the third trimester and childbirth are still ahead, and now a woman can enjoy her condition. Surprisingly, the appearance of the pregnant woman is transformed for the better: the hair becomes shiny, the skin acquires a healthy pink tint, the breasts are poured. General well-being and emotional background does not cause concern. 21 weeks of pregnancy (5 months and 1 week) is the second trimester of gestation. pregnancy is considered a golden time, which is accompanied by violent changes in the body of a woman and a child, which do not bring significant discomfort to the expectant mother. The difficulties of the third trimester and childbirth are still ahead, and now a woman can enjoy her condition. Surprisingly, the appearance of the pregnant woman is transformed for the better: the hair becomes shiny, the skin acquires a healthy pink tint, the breasts are poured. The general state of health and emotional background does not cause concern.

What happens to the baby and mom?

  1. Abdominal enlargement - volume 70-75 cm.
  2. Rounding the navel.
  3. Stirring fetus.
  4. Decrease in blood pressure (hypotension of pregnant women): dizziness, weakness, drowsiness.
  5. Anemia of mild severity: flashing of flies before the eyes, pallor of the skin, fatigue.
  6. Swelling in the legs towards the end of the day due to an increase in the load on the urinary system.
  7. Discomfort in the lower back due to a shift in the center of gravity and increased stress on the lumbar spine.
  8. Increased appetite.
  9. Weight gain.
  10. Mild cramping abdominal pain.
  11. A slight decrease in visual acuity.
  12. Increase in the size of the legs.

All pregnancy symptoms disappear after the baby is born. These are temporary clinical manifestations that are associated with the load on the body of the expectant mother in connection with the bearing of the fetus.

  • frozen fetus (no fetal movement for more than 2 days);
  • intrauterine infection of the fetus with infections (, herpes, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasma);
  • placental abruption (manifested by profuse bleeding from the vagina);
  • increased uterine tone and the threat of miscarriage;
  • , hemorrhoids in a woman.

If you experience discomfort and a violation of the general condition, you should immediately consult a doctor. Scheduled visits to the gynecologist allow timely detection of abnormalities in the development of pregnancy and prescribe adequate treatment.

In a woman, you need to fully rest and continue to lead a healthy lifestyle. Smoking and drinking alcohol, even in small quantities, is strictly unacceptable. Nicotine and ethyl alcohol cause intrauterine disturbance, which leads to a delay in physical and mental development.

The diet includes fresh vegetables, herbs, nuts, fruits. Fermented milk products and cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat) normalize bowel function. Lean meat supplies proteins to the woman's body for fetal growth and prevents the development of anemia. It is recommended to exclude fatty and fried foods, smoked meats, semi-finished products, fast food, and sugary carbonated drinks from the diet. Limit baked goods and sweets.

Clothing should be loose, not restricting movement, made of natural fabrics. At this time, you can already select special styles for pregnant women. Shoes should be low-heeled or wedge heels no higher than 2-3 cm. Particular attention should be paid to underwear. Cotton panties, loose support bra that does not compress the chest.

Women are encouraged to attend courses for expectant mothers. It is important to lead an active lifestyle for the normal development of the baby. To do this, it is recommended to sign up for Pilates, water aerobics, fitness for pregnant women, and regularly go to the pool. To stay in good physical shape, it is helpful to hike at a slow pace in parks or squares away from busy highways. Pregnant women can take multivitamins as directed by a doctor.

- another step that brings a woman closer to childbirth, and prepares the baby for life outside the womb. The correct daily regimen and nutrition, a timely visit to the doctor, a positive emotional attitude help to pass this period without complications.

The twenty-first week marks the beginning of the 6th month of pregnancy. At this stage of his development, the child is already almost adapted to life outside the mother's body.

This period of time is very important for the woman herself and her unborn baby, so you should try to avoid infectious diseases and, if possible, stress.

What Happens at 21 Weeks of Pregnancy

At 21 weeks of pregnancy, minor changes occur with the woman's body. Most of these changes are due to the growing uterus. The uterus compresses the adjacent organs, which provokes not entirely pleasant sensations. The expectant mother may also experience some difficulty in emptying the intestines, face constipation, and manifestations of hemorrhoids.

As for the organism of the unborn child, it continues to develop, grow and improve. All its systems are already functioning correctly, releasing waste products into the environment. All unnecessary substances are excreted from the woman's body by the kidneys, so it is important that this organ is healthy and actively working.

At 21 weeks, the abdomen becomes more rounded, noticeable to others, the protrusion of the navel is noted.

Feelings of the expectant mother in the twenty-first week of pregnancy

At the 21st week of pregnancy, a woman is faced with completely new sensations for herself. First of all, she begins to clearly feel the presence of a living being inside her body. As the child is already developing a skeleton, his movements become more and more intense. At the same time, at 21 weeks, it does not yet reach a large size, therefore it fits perfectly in the uterus, it can still somersault, make coups, delighting its mother.

Often the child is very active, especially at night, not allowing the woman to get enough sleep. These temporary difficulties usually do not upset women, but, on the contrary, give them a lot of positive emotions. After all, it is precisely by feeling her baby alive that the expectant mother feels the greatest connection with him.

It is worth remembering that active manifestations of fetal activity during this period of time are the norm. If there is no movement at 21 weeks of gestation, you need to see a specialist. Such a sign may indicate abnormal development of the fetus and even its death. If the child was actively behaving and suddenly calmed down for several hours or days in a row, it is recommended to undergo an ultrasound scan.

You should also be wary if your stomach hurts in the twenty-first week of pregnancy. Particularly dangerous are cramping pains in its lower part, indicating an increased tone of the uterus.

The unpleasant manifestations of 21 weeks include:

  • shortness of breath, which is observed due to compression of the lungs by the growing uterus;
  • frequent urge to urinate, also arising from the large size of the uterus;
  • discharge from the nipples. This is colostrum, which means that the body is preparing for childbirth and subsequent feeding of the baby with milk;
  • minor vaginal discharge. Discharge at 21 weeks of gestation should be transparent, not
  • accompanied by an unpleasant odor and itching in the genital area;
  • general deterioration in well-being, heaviness in the body;
  • sleep disorders caused by worries, fears, emotional mood of a woman.

Some expectant mothers have an increase in libido during this period of time. Sexual intercourse is contraindicated only in case of a threat of miscarriage.

Fetal development at 21 weeks

During the second trimester of pregnancy, the fetus is actively developing, increasing in size every day. At 21 weeks, his growth slows down somewhat, this is a relatively calm time for the child and for the woman.

The size of the fetus at a given time does not exceed 27 cm. Its weight fluctuates within 350 g. These figures are conditional, there may be slight deviations up or down. The size of the fetus in each case is individual, because children are born with different weights. At the same time, too large or small size of the fetus is not the norm. Too large a child can subsequently cause a difficult protracted childbirth, and a small and small one can be born weakened, with developmental disabilities and even unviable.

All vital organs of the fetus are actively functioning at 21 weeks of gestation. This primarily concerns the organs of the digestive system. A child at this stage of development swallows the surrounding amniotic fluid around the clock, receiving nutrients from it. Elements undigested by his stomach are deposited in the intestines, forming meconium.

Also, at week 21, the muscle and bone tissues of the fetus are actively formed, the spleen and endocrine glands are included in the process of functioning of the body.

21 week
Your baby is the size of a carrot

Low placentation at 21 weeks gestation

One of the main problems that a woman may face at this stage of pregnancy is the incorrect location of the placenta inside the uterus. Normally, the placenta is attached to the lower part of this organ, about 6 cm from the pharynx. If this organ is located just below, 5 cm from the uterine pharynx and below, a diagnosis of low placentation is made.

The main reasons for its occurrence include:

  • some features (anomalies) of the structure of the woman's reproductive system;
  • the presence of chronic inflammatory processes in the uterus;
  • second and subsequent pregnancies.

The low location of the placenta adversely affects the condition of the fetus, can cause its hypoxia, in some cases - death (in case of detachment of the placenta).

Low placentation at 21 weeks can be diagnosed with an ultrasound of the uterus. For this purpose, it is recommended to undergo the procedure for women at risk of developing this pathology. If there is a problem of the low location of the placenta, experts prescribe rest for expectant mothers, the absence of any physical exertion on the body.

Low placentation in late pregnancy is an indication for elective caesarean section.