Promiscuity leads to promiscuity or promiscuity - causes and consequences. What if it's a disease?

Our expert - sexologist Yuri Romanov.

Promiscuity in scientific language is called the beautiful word "promiscuity." This word is derived from the Latin "promiscuus" - "mixed", "common". Once, at the dawn of mankind, when primitive people lived in a tribe, they entered into sexual contacts without any order and with many partners. Literally: came - saw - knocked down. And no problems on either side. But development went ahead, and selectivity in search of a sexual partner became characteristic of people, which was fixed in the form of marriage and family. In other words, the reluctance to have sexual relations with everyone has become a sign of intelligence and civilization.

Private bussiness?

But promiscuity did not die out with the mammoths. The term has taken root in sexology and means the same thing - promiscuous sexual intercourse with many partners, only in our civilized time. Is it worth writing about it? Who cares, because in the end everyone is the blacksmith of his own happiness. And ... misfortunes, by the way, too. What if other people like to feel sexually liberated and free from boring social norms and rules? Everyone can exclaim: “Yes, I am! Yes, I am like this! This is my personal life - and do not meddle in it, this is a private matter, I have the right. And then when to be naughty, if not in your younger years?

All will pass?

And having played up, having played up, everyone will settle down, get married or get married, have children, live and live and make good. And ... will they forget about the turbulent youth? Will they become the guardians of the family hearth? It turns out that everything is not so simple. Sexologists warn: promiscuity, especially early ones, is a serious problem with far-reaching consequences.

Moreover, the consequences threaten not only the individual entering into promiscuity, but also humanity as a whole. Women, as always, bear the brunt. If a teenage girl led a wild life - it doesn’t matter why: for her own pleasure or because of psychological complexes, then in the future she will have a need for a constant change of partner in 90%. That is, an inability to be satisfied with constant communication will be revealed. So farewell family strength! But even among men who try to “work up” before marriage, promiscuity becomes habitual, and then the picture is absolutely the same - adultery in marriage becomes a habit, and the imprint of many sexual relationships remains for life.

They are ten out of a hundred

A picture familiar to every sex therapist: a woman comes to the reception and asks to “do something” with her husband, who has one or more mistresses. The specialist is obliged to analyze each case, talk with both spouses and find out what is the root of the problem. In about 10% of cases, it turns out that this problem is insoluble, because the man has a persistent tendency to promiscuity. Women's promiscuity at the reception is much less common (apparently, husbands are not inclined to go to a sex therapist about their wives' infidelities, but deal with them in a narrow family circle). But in clinics where venereal diseases are treated, there are many such patients. By the way, not only women, but also men who find sexual partners without problems always have one or more sexually transmitted diseases.

In search of the ideal

This supporter of promiscuity, or, in other words, numerous sexual relationships, can be pitied. The mechanism, usually launched in childhood by a despotic or overly caring mother, makes such a man look for, as it seems to him, the ideal woman who is able to "understand" and "appreciate". Sexual intercourse is an obligatory component of such communication, because these men, despite their sociability and often external irresistibility, are emotionally completely immature and, so to speak, “empty”. Simply put, they do not know how to love a woman. They know how to perform intercourse - and sincerely think that this is all that is needed for love. After physical intimacy, the partner often becomes unpleasant and disgusting to them. And - forward to new connections.

How young we were!

Promiscuous sex is common among teenagers. There are also many asocial companies where a certain style of sexual relations is adopted: the entire intimate life of these young people is reduced to primitive sex with whom and how it is necessary. This often comes from poverty of spirit or from imitation.

What if it's a disease?

Pathologically increased sexual desire can lead to promiscuity, both in men and women. Usually, sexual disinhibition occurs with lesions of the deep structures of the brain, with certain psychoses and other disorders. In this case, promiscuity is no longer promiscuity, but a consequence of the disease.

Shame will save mankind?

Sexual emancipation is now a very common phenomenon. Without moralizing, based only on facts and observations, one can deduce a clear relationship: promiscuity in its mass leads to degradation. First of all, young people - schoolchildren and students - are at risk. In the Russian mentality, attention has always been paid to the prevention of early sexual intercourse, and immorality was suppressed by such a concept as modesty. Remember: a person who is capable of experiencing feelings of shame is not prone to promiscuity. And shame is a feeling of a being of a higher order...

The peculiarity of our era is such that man freed himself from the moral yoke, became free-thinking, democratic, emancipated. Our contemporary has access to freedom of speech. He is free to choose his own priorities and goals of life. He can choose any pleasure, he is able to enthusiastically engage in his hobby. People's hobbies are diverse and original. Persons create something, create, discover, invent, conquer.
However, there are also such persons who have a very strange and immoral "hobby" - collecting sexual partners. For them, serious relationships and intimate meetings with the same person are impossible. These people collect new partners with such thirst and perseverance as an enthusiastic numismatist collects ancient coins.

In the scientific community, the need for promiscuity and multiple sexual relationships with different partners is called "promiscuity". An obsessive craving for chaotic sex takes over the minds of sick people, not giving them the opportunity to control their thinking and control their own desire. This anomaly can affect a person at any age, unless of course he is still potentially capable of sexual intercourse. Promiscuity does not distinguish between the sexes: the disorder occurs in both women and men. Moreover, the appearance of an obsessive passion for sex does not depend on the sexual orientation of a person.
It should be noted that with promiscuity, a person does not pursue any benefits and benefits: she goes to bed disinterestedly and free of charge. Most often, the cause of this pathology is the complexes existing in the subject, the presence of off-scale ambitions or banal interest. Unlike nymphomania, a woman who has fallen into the network of promiscuity is able to climax and experience a vivid orgasm.

Despite the apparent licentiousness and immorality, in this situation, a person retains the ability to consciously control his behavior. For such a person, the appearance, status, health status of a partner matters. Her sexual spree is not the result of a mental breakdown: she goes to bed fully aware of what she is doing. Very often, her chaotic adventures are motivated by specific arguments. Such a person clearly understands why he regularly changes his partners.
Of course, it can be argued that promiscuity is a product of the era of freethinking and permissiveness. However, mature individuals are aware of the importance of the institution of the family and preach family values. Even if in their life there were meetings with not a single partner, but with several, as a rule, their relationship had some development and went through the stage of the emergence of relationships, their heyday and decline, and eventually reached a logical culmination.

With promiscuity, there is no other interaction between people, except for direct sexual intercourse. This pathology can be accurately characterized by one phrase: "Veni, vidi, vici" - "I came, I saw, I conquered." That is: I came to the place, saw a suitable object and slept. No plot, no continuation. Therefore, promiscuity can be called a phenomenon characteristic of infantile, undeveloped individuals who have defects in their personality portrait.

Why a person has sex indiscriminately: causes of promiscuity
There is a lively debate between sexologists and psychiatrists about the origin and causes of the craving for chaotic sexual relationships. Some doctors are of the view that promiscuity is a legacy inherited by a contemporary from distant ancestors.
The primitive woman was forced to take care of her defenseless children for a long time, so she needed outside helpers. Since in those days there were a lot of dangers to human life - from wild animals, because of the cold and the need to hunt in order to get food, it was beneficial for the young lady to have several men help her at once. In primitive society, it was possible to attract and keep a man in only one way - by entering into an intimate relationship with him. Promiscuity was the only option for getting help from multiple males.

However, many scientists are opposed to this version, arguing that in today's highly intelligent and developed society, the remnants of primitive relationships cannot control the thinking and behavior of a person. From their point of view, the cause of promiscuity is a person's lack of self-confidence, a feeling of internal inferiority, which was formed due to dissatisfaction with the basic need for security during the period of personality formation.
Such an assertion is not without foundation. The baby comes into this world defenseless, so he naturally has a natural need to feel protected from the dangers and hostility of the environment. The child wants to feel protected and taken care of. He seeks to find confirmation that he is desired and loved. At an early age, a baby can receive such evidence only from mom and dad. If the parents' attitude is devoid of unconditional acceptance, sincere love, required attention, then, accordingly, the child's need cannot be satisfied.

An immature person finds himself in a trap: on the one hand, the baby realizes that he is entirely dependent on his parents. On the other hand, he is overwhelmed with destructive emotions: resentment, anger, anxiety, fear. To smooth out the negative impact of such feelings, the subconscious creates a program of protective measures. Abnormal behavioral strategies are formed and approved in a person. Having matured, the person begins to lead a dissolute life, seeking to satisfy his need for love.
Another likely cause of promiscuity is various inferiority complexes and a person's low assessment of his own abilities. Such a morally flawed person feels an obsessive need to receive compliments and words of flattery from others.

Entering once again into an intimate relationship, the subject tries to find evidence of its significance and attractiveness. A new sexual experience for him is proof that he is something and can be in demand in society.
The cause of promiscuity can be a total fear of loneliness, and an insatiable desire to have a loving partner next to you. Such a subject is afraid of being rejected and afraid of being rejected in society. For him, a positive assessment and unconditional acceptance from society is very important. Such a person is very vulnerable and vulnerable. She lacks internal self-sufficiency, she needs constant evidence from the outside. Her thinking is seized with a panic fear of being alone. Indulging in fornication, such a person simply tries to escape from her uncontrollable fear.

Promiscuity has become a common phenomenon among young people today. Engaging in promiscuity for teenagers is a way to prove their adulthood and independence. Promiscuity among teenagers is the result of fashion trends, as young creatures are bombarded with a huge flow of information calling for sexual liberation.
Misunderstanding of the meaning of life, defiant denial of existing moral rules, conflicts with parents, problems with peers lead to the fact that a teenager is looking for a way for self-expression. Entering into another sexual relationship, he seeks to prove to the world that he is able to act according to his opinion, not to take into account what his parents advise him, to go against the existing rules. Promiscuity protects the teenager from corrosive internal conflicts and spiritual emptiness.
Promiscuity can be caused by the unconscious avoidance of any serious relationship. In such a situation, a person does not dare to admit to himself that he is afraid to take on any obligations. He is afraid of responsibility. He does not want to compromise and does not know how to recognize that other people have their needs. It is often egoists who act only for their own pleasure and according to their own interests, who often enter into disorderly intimate relationships. Such egocentric persons are alien to warmth, kindness, compassion. They are accustomed to using everyone, regardless of the desires of another person.

Promiscuity can be triggered by various factors:

  • betrayal of a partner and the desire to take revenge on him;
  • the departure of a life partner from the family and the desire to prove that he was wrong;
  • fear of becoming emotionally dependent on another person;
  • rape;
  • first painful or unsuccessful sexual intercourse;
  • search for new impressions from life;
  • striving for excellence;
  • infantilism and immaturity of the personality;
  • human alcoholism.

  • What is fraught with promiscuity: the consequences of promiscuity
    The deplorable consequences of promiscuity are well known to all contemporaries. Promiscuity can be the direct culprit for more than thirty sexually transmitted diseases. A person mired in debauchery runs the risk of becoming a victim of sexually transmitted diseases, hepatitis B and C, HIV and its final stage - AIDS, herpes infections.
    Due to abnormal sexual relationships, some cancers occur. It has been confirmed that people who engage in promiscuous sexual relations and homosexuals are at the greatest risk of contracting infectious forms of tumors.

    Promiscuity on a global scale poses a huge threat to the existence of the basic cell of society - the institution of the family. For centuries, it was the family that acted as the most important social value and determined the further development of macrosocial systems. A patient with promiscuity is not able to build normal personal relationships, since depraved behavior completely deprives him of respect and trust from his partner.
    One historical pattern has been sufficiently confirmed and verified. Those peoples among whom fornication was widespread were very quickly wiped off the face of the earth. Nationalities that did not sufficiently support the institution of the family and indulged in debauchery eventually lost their independence, weakened morally and spiritually, giving way to other nations with a stronger moral core.

    A woman suffering from promiscuity is destined for the sad fate of spending her life alone. It is in such a person that there is a high risk of unplanned and unwanted pregnancy, since even the use of condoms cannot guarantee one hundred percent protection. As a result, her body is crippled by numerous abortions. If she decides to give birth to a child, then the baby grows and is brought up without a father. Or a riotous lady refuses a child, and the baby goes to an orphanage. Accordingly, promiscuity condemns subsequent generations to suffering, depriving children of the opportunity to grow up in a normal family.
    Promiscuity is the trigger for the degeneration and degeneration of humanity. People who engage in promiscuous intimate relationships eventually resort to perverted forms of sexual contact. As a result, severe mental disorders join the abnormal sexual desire. If the subject or clan continues to engage in sexually perverse behavior, then the next generation comes into the world with a variety of birth defects. In this way, nature takes care of the preservation of the normal species of Homo sapiens, ensuring that the defective clan leaves the historical arena for several generations. Indeed, who of the sane people wants to start a family and have children with an ugly pervert with sadistic inclinations? As a result, a clan or an entire nation that preaches indecent acts simply ceases to exist.

    How to stop leading a dissolute life: the treatment of promiscuity
    Promiscuity can hardly be called a normal and traditional phenomenon in modern society. Therefore, the opinion of doctors is unambiguous: it is necessary to fight against uncontrolled passion for chaotic sex. The first step to take to get rid of promiscuity is to contact a sexologist and a psychiatrist.
    It is this action that is the most difficult moment for a person, because he is stopped by the fear of being criticized and ridiculed. Other people do not want to see a doctor because they are convinced that their sexual behavior is within the normal range. They believe that chaotic intimate contacts are just a reflection of the fact that they keep up with the times.
    However, it should be remembered that promiscuity is a kind of obsessive behavior. This disorder will not go away on its own, over time, only requiring more intense, frequent, extraordinary sexual encounters. Promiscuity indicates the moral and cultural degradation of the individual. Such a fall into the abyss of sex brings enormous negative consequences. That is why an early visit to a doctor will be a lifesaver from the moral and physical death of a person.

    It should be pointed out that the use of pharmacological agents is only an accompanying link in the treatment of promiscuity. The use of tranquilizers helps to reduce the intensity of fear and relieve psycho-emotional stress. The use of antidepressants will help restore normal mood and get rid of destructive ideas of guilt and worthlessness. The appointment of antipsychotics to a sick person gives a chance for the fastest control over one's own behavior.
    Against the background of drug treatment, it is advisable to carry out psychotherapeutic work to eliminate the negative qualities of the patient's character and rid him of existing complexes. During psychotherapy sessions, the client gets the opportunity to fully accept the uniqueness of his personality. He gets rid of the attitudes imposed from outside, which laid the foundation for the formation of inadequate self-esteem. A person receives an incentive to reveal his talents and improve his abilities. He is freed from the shackles created by fears and anxiety.

    A conversation in a confidential setting and a medical examination will clarify the reasons that pushed the person to promiscuity. Psychotherapy techniques are focused on the detection of destructive components in a person's thinking, which are the primary source of the problem.
    Many patients with this disorder firmly believe that some tragic story in life forced them to take the path of debauchery. That it was because of some situation in the past that they became loose and immoral. However, this position is completely wrong and without foundation. It must be taken into account: no, even the most terrible tragedy, can be the true cause of a mental disorder. Neither sexual abuse, nor moral humiliation, nor physical trauma can provoke an obsessive craving for promiscuous sex.

    Whether a person is obsessed with sex or not is influenced by three main factors:

  • the intensity of emotional experiences at the time of mental trauma;
  • the degree of importance given by the person to the event;
  • the level of "stuck" on the fact that happened.

  • Let's illustrate with an example. Two young girls were attacked by a group of teenagers, as a result of which they were morally humiliated and beaten. The natural emotions of the affected ladies are shock, anger, fear. However, one girl, having survived such stress, comes out of it very worthily. She is happy that everything is over. She is grateful to be alive. I am glad that her offenders are punished and are behind bars. She leaves the tragedy in the past and continues to live on, having learned the required lessons. She becomes more attentive and cautious. Avoids dark nooks and crannies and does not visit haunted places. However, this girl does not have an all-consuming hatred for all men without exception. She understands that there are both gentlemen and freaks in the world. Therefore, fear does not control her mind, and anger does not incinerate her soul.

    Her friend, having initially experienced the same emotions, continues to regularly and methodically resurrect memories of that ill-fated evening. She recalls the smallest details of the attack. She tirelessly talks about her tragedy to everyone she knows. Thus, she constantly experiences the initial emotions, again and again traumatizing herself. This young lady is not satisfied with the legal punishment suffered by the criminals. She longs for revenge and dreams of destroying the offenders. Since there is no way to get to them, since the hooligans are behind bars, she projects her anger and hatred onto all the surrounding men.
    Naturally, some worthy gentleman does not dare to start a relationship with such a person. The resentment that she has become unclaimed among men joins the initial experiences. Her ambitions require a way out: the girl begins to have intimate relationships indiscriminately, while leaving her partner after one meeting. Thus, she wants to kill two birds with one stone: to prove to herself that she is still able to interest men. The second thing she seeks is to indicate to all men that it is she who decides whether the continuation of the "sexual banquet" will take place. As a result, such a young lady becomes a slave to promiscuity.

    It is on the transformation of such destructive elements of thinking and the change in the psycho-emotional perception of trauma that the work of a psychotherapist should be oriented. Only by establishing and eliminating the cause of the disorder, namely, excessively intense emotions and a non-functional interpretation of what happened, can a person be freed from an obsessive desire for promiscuity.

    Having sex with another partner, have you ever thought that you are having sex not only with him, but with all the people with whom he had sex before you.

    Just imagine: even if you had 5 sexual partners, and they, in turn, also had 5, it turns out that you had sex with 25 people. And if sexual relations were not 5, but 30? Strange feeling, isn't it? But if you think about it, that's exactly what happens.

    Many dangerous diseases are transmitted sexually, which means that a person who leads a promiscuous sex life becomes a "piggy bank" of various serious diseases. Far from always, diseases have a visible manifestation, or they may be, at the time of sexual contact, in the incubation period. Therefore, it is not always possible to understand that a person is sick, or that he is a carrier of a particular disease. For example, HIV infection practically does not manifest itself in any way, so it is almost impossible to guess that a person is sick with it.

    The chances of contracting HIV or any other sexually transmitted disease will increase in direct proportion to the number of sexual partners. In addition, not all HIV-positive people take their disease responsibly and tell their partner that they are carriers of the virus. And some themselves may be in a “window” period and not know that they are already infected.

    Promiscuous sex is a direct path to HIV. And everyone who walks this path must understand this. Of course, when you are young, you want to try as much as possible. It seems to many that the more people he has sex with, the higher his sexual status will be. For guys, this is the most important. But, as psychologists say, such sexual behavior is a compensation for the complexes that a person has. And this is not an option. It is possible and necessary to get rid of complexes in a different way.

    Monogamy, so unpopular today, is still much more justified than promiscuity, as promiscuity is called in the scientific literature. To understand why loyalty to one partner is preferable, let's look at history.

    Promiscuity is a term coined in the 19th century to refer to promiscuity in primitive society. During the formation of the first society, promiscuity was an absolutely normal social phenomenon. However, with the development of society, various sexual taboos began to appear, which, on the one hand, according to Freud and his followers, led to the development of various neuroses, and on the other hand, monogamy became the key to the birth of healthy offspring. Not without reason, when young people chose their wife, one of the most important factors was virginity, which means the absence of sexually transmitted diseases.

    Of course, promiscuity is still very common today. And, probably, such a social phenomenon is an integral part of any society and will exist as long as there are sexual relations. However, every person who leads a promiscuous sex life should know exactly about the consequences that such a life can lead to. Even if at the same time a person uses contraceptives, this will not give 100% protection, although the risk will be reduced. Therefore, before "going all out", think about what is more important to you: health or high self-esteem.

    Each of us sees himself as a being of high intelligence, civilized, socially developed. At the same time, there is an opinion that sexual looseness, which expresses itself in many different kinds of sexual contacts, is an experience that is necessary to build one's happy future life, including family life. Premarital relationships have long been accepted as the norm, and frequent changes of partners as sophistication.

    The opinion is being popularized that the change of partners is the main joy in life, and promiscuity is an occupation for some chosen ones. I would like to understand whether this is so or, thinking so, we are going with the flow, where we run the risk of running into many pitfalls? Meanwhile, such behavior and promiscuous sexual relations are a primitive phenomenon, originating from the period before the biological evolution of man.

    Why do promiscuity appear, what are the reasons for increasing sexual activity?

    Normally, libido increases under the influence of chemicals produced in the body during falling in love, during puberty in boys, during menopause in women, before menstruation and during pregnancy, as well as under the influence of hormones.

    It happens that stressful environment excite sexual activity. But there is also a pathological increase in sexual aspirations. If the activity grows on its own, without justified reasons, especially if it is accompanied by a craving for casual relationships, frequent changes in sexual partners, intimacy with minors, any uncontrollable fixation on sex, then it is worth making a friendly visit to the doctor, as this may be manifestation of various kinds of destructive brain processes (from trauma to tumors) or endocrine ailments.

    A person suffering from hypersexuality should be carefully examined for diseases of the brain, mental health, including the need to exclude the possibility of using narcotic drugs.

    If a person is healthy, then what is the rationale for such behavior? Psychologists say that sexaholism can be a forced psychological compensation for disappointments, fears, inferiority, or an imaginary physical handicap. For example, a man has a modest penis size, he does not know peace about this and tries to balance this with a large "track record". Another example, a girl who considers herself not beautiful enough due to being overweight, strives for as many contacts as possible, thus subconsciously convincing herself of her own attractiveness. Especially such phenomena are not uncommon in teenage companies, where it is unfashionable and unprestigious to be ugly and unpopular. The same manifestation of an attempt to balance her psychological imbalance can occur in a woman who has finally broken out of the bonds of marriage that weighed on her. Feeling the freedom and her opportunities, she wants to catch up over the past years. A person who does not receive the desired sexual impressions from his partner can also find interest in frequent changes of partners, so he will seek, try, convince himself of his own self-sufficiency.

    A sudden increase in libido, which has reached such a level that it already interferes with normal life and does not allow you to be in harmony with yourself, is always a cause for concern. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that promiscuity is not seen as an aberration by its admirers. They consider themselves complete people. It is necessary to understand exactly the reason what exactly caused such a rampage of hormones. To do this, you need to undergo a detailed examination, talk with a psychologist. Do not confuse craving for promiscuity with sexual temperament.

    Who needs promiscuity, is this the norm?

    The need to satisfy one's sexual desire is one of the basic human needs. There are three types of sexual temperament:

    Weak - for people with such a temperament, sex is not particularly important. They get great joy from hugs, kisses and confidential conversations. They do not experience bright orgasms.

    Average - about 80% of people have this type of temperament. For them, sex is a natural part of an intermittent passion that occurs three to four times a week or month.

    A strong temperament is indicated by earlier puberty, sex for representatives of this type is a very important part of life, but such manifestations as foreplay, tenderness are not for them. As a rule, they do not know how to love, they know how to perform intercourse, being sure that this is all that is needed to make their partner happy.

    It is difficult to get along with those couples where the type of sexual temperament is radically different. The lack of desire for sex in women will not please most men. Living with an overly sexual partner is very difficult, it tires a person with a weak temperament, as you need to constantly satisfy him, endure his annoying harassment, and he constantly restrains his impulses so as not to offend each other. As an example of this in a sense, the disease is nymphomania in women. Therefore, it is important to know your temperament and find out what your partner has and whether it is worth seriously building relationships that are doomed to collapse. Sexual dissatisfaction among women and men in the family is unacceptable.

    What should a person with excessive sexual potential do? This is where the danger arises imperceptibly for oneself to go to the practice of promiscuity. But the solution is nearby: a suitable partner, and transform the rest of the sexual energy into sports and creative activities. Hypersexuality is not an excuse for leading a dissolute lifestyle, violence, betrayal. A person is different from an animal in that he holds the reins of control over his interests and presents them to society in a morally acceptable form. In addition, frequent change of sexual partner and unprotected sexual contact is a direct growing threat of HIV infection.

    Promiscuity, or, as the people say, a dissolute lifestyle, has always been condemned by society, and if male debauchery attracted less attention - it was believed that this was inherent in the nature of a man, then the female was to be condemned and punished by various kinds of punishments.

    What is promiscuity?

    Promiscuity is an attraction to promiscuity (lat. prōmiscuus - indiscriminately). The historical roots of promiscuity lie in antiquity, when people lived in a primitive communal system, although this assumption of historians is not entirely confirmed. Modern psychiatry and sexology have borrowed this term to refer to the multiple sexual relationships of an individual. In biology, promiscuity is described as the Coolidge effect: the appearance of a new female in the area causes the male to mate with her.

    What is the difference between promiscuity and nymphomania?

    Promiscuity and nymphomania are concepts close in meaning, they are based on promiscuity, but the mechanisms of origin and causes are different. Differences characteristic of promiscuity and:

    1. Sexual promiscuity manifests itself in chaotic sexual relations, but mostly under the control of consciousness. The attractiveness of a partner matters. Nymphomania is an impulsive, uncontrollable desire that occurs several times a day, in severe cases up to 20 times. Gender, age, social status and attractiveness of a partner are not important. In the old days, nymphomania was called "womb rabies."
    2. Promiscuity occurs in both sexes, in people of different sexual orientations. Nymphomania is characteristic only for women.
    3. Promiscuity - ends with an orgasm. Nymphomania - such women are often frigid and excited only in a psychological sense. Physiological discharge in the form of an orgasm does not occur, which gives rise to "eternal" dissatisfaction.

    Promiscuity - causes

    Promiscuity from the point of view of psychosomatics is caused by the lack of self-worth, which “falsely” must constantly be confirmed with each new partner. On a conscious level, this is not realized, more often people consider this the norm and like to talk about their adventures, increasing self-esteem in their own eyes. Causes that form dissolute behavior:

    • psychological complexes;
    • traumatic sexual experience (rape, first unsuccessful sexual contact);
    • asociality (a person leads an asocial lifestyle);
    • betrayal of a partner can cause a desire to take revenge: change with several at once and behavior can be fixed;
    • search for new sexual experiences;
    • mental illness (oligophrenia, schizophrenia).

    Women's promiscuity

    Promiscuity women are deeply vulnerable and vulnerable. More often, the roots of promiscuity go deep into childhood, when the basic needs for security and love are leading, and the failure to satisfy these needs leads to a violation of the correct perception of one's integrity, femininity and pushes a woman into the arms of many men. Other causes of female promiscuity:

    1. Character accentuations: demonstrative and hysterical women are more prone to promiscuity.
    2. Fear of loss. The death of a partner or betrayal leaves a negative imprint on the psyche of a woman and she chooses not to feel and not to become attached.
    3. An ancient genetic mechanism for finding and selecting the best sire to reproduce offspring.

    Male promiscuity

    Promiscuous sex is more common among men. The desire for contact with as many partners as possible can be explained in part with the instinct for survival and procreation. It is a well-known fact that among homosexuals there is a high level of promiscuity, on average - up to 100 casual sexual relations. In the modern world, the causes of male promiscuity are more prosaic and more psychological:

    • need for recognition and admiration;
    • striving for excellence;
    • infantilism or immaturity;
    • unwillingness to take responsibility for a strong and stable relationship;
    • fear of loneliness;
    • high libido or hypersexuality;
    • sometimes getting rid of one addiction (smoking, alcohol) does not get rid of addictive behavior as such, and a new addiction is formed - dissolute behavior.

    Teenage promiscuity

    Adolescence is a difficult period in the formation of an adult, when various kinds of deviations (deviations) in behavior are manifested to the maximum. Boys and girls often, in order to establish themselves in a certain social group and prove that they are “worthy”, they can start using alcohol, drugs, enter into promiscuity with unfamiliar partners. Adolescent promiscuity - the main causes:

    1. Hormonal "shock" - a high level of hormones generates search activity.
    2. Sexual trauma - incest, rape.
    3. Early alcoholization - contributes to the erratic and frequent change of partners, more often in girls.
    4. Hyperthymic character accentuation - such teenagers are devoid of shyness, like the opposite sex, easily make contacts and break off relationships just as easily.

    What are promiscuous relationships?

    Promiscuity in sociology is seen as a direct threat to the existence of the institution of the family. Moral values ​​have remained unchanged for many centuries, among which the family is the most valuable for a person. The consequences of promiscuity are known to mankind and are constantly covered in the media and special lecture halls, but such that he thinks: “This is not about me!”. The result is always deplorable. It will not be superfluous to recall these consequences:

    1. Sexually transmitted diseases. Large group: Hepatitis B, C, syphilis, HIV, herpes infections. In today's world, when antibiotics are no longer effective, a mild infection can become incurable and chronic (trichomoniasis, gonorrhea). Condoms are not always 100% effective.
    2. Men and women prone to promiscuity cannot build normal relationships based on trust and mutual understanding. Bottom line: loneliness at a more mature age.
    3. Unplanned and unwanted pregnancy. Far-reaching consequences: