What is dangerous regurgitation in infants. Frequent regurgitation in newborns and children up to a year after feeding

Regurgitation is a normal physiological process for newborns, which is associated with the characteristics of the baby's body. It represents the involuntary discharge of breast milk or formula along with air from the stomach into the mouth. This phenomenon is typical for every child in infancy. Regurgitation begins spontaneously and occurs within 15-30 minutes after feeding.

Regurgitation in newborns occurs about three times a day, while the volume should not exceed 5 ml of food taken. In most newborns, they pass 4-7 months after birth, in some they do not end up to a year.

Sometimes babies have profuse regurgitation and regurgitation with a fountain. The reasons for this process are different. It can be ordinary overeating, and digestive disorders, and even a malformation of the gastrointestinal tract. In any case, when spitting up a fountain, you should consult a doctor.


The main cause of regurgitation is the failure of the digestive tract in infants. In the first months of life, the body of newborns only adapts to new conditions and new food, which leads to various reactions. However, in this case, regurgitation should not exceed the above volume norms.

Another common cause is aerophagia, or swallowing air when eating. This is due to improper feeding organization, when the baby does not grasp the nipple or bottle correctly. It is important for a nursing mother to establish feeding, as an improperly organized process leads to problems. And it's not just spitting up. With such feeding, the child does not receive the necessary amount of breast milk and does not eat up.

Regurgitation is typical for premature babies with undeveloped sucking reflex, swallowing and breathing. The problem disappears as the body develops and gets used to new conditions.

Violation in the work of digestion, pathology in the development of internal organs and the central nervous system are the causes of regurgitation by the fountain, which are combined into one group called dysphagia. Dysphagia manifests itself in various ways:

  • Bloating, increased gas formation and colic in newborns. Increased formation of gases and colic is a common occurrence for infants, especially in the first months of life. The reasons still lie in the underdevelopment of digestion. However, if flatulence is observed often, and colic in a baby causes severe pain, you should consult a doctor;
  • Anomalies in the development of the central nervous system. As a rule, this is increased intracranial pressure. In this case, the problems are not in the work of the digestive organs, and it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination by a neurologist;
  • Pathology of the development of the digestive organs, including the esophagus and stomach, including intestinal obstruction, stenosis and other diseases;
  • Digestive disorders - diarrhea or constipation in infants. Indigestion in newborns often appears due to malnutrition of a nursing mother. Many products, especially in the first two or three months of a baby's life, negatively affect well-being.

Regurgitation is caused by overfeeding, eating too much, and feeding too often. Pediatricians advise to feed the child on demand and not force him to eat.

Profuse regurgitation or vomiting?

It is important to distinguish pathology from the norm. Many nursing mothers exaggerate the problem, while others, on the contrary, do not notice developmental disorders. In newborns, it is quite difficult to distinguish between strong regurgitation and vomiting, but these phenomena indicate different problems. Let's look at the distinctive features of these phenomena:

  • The volume of regurgitation should not exceed 5 ml at a time, vomiting can occur in an unlimited amount;
  • Regurgitation occurs only once after feeding, vomiting may be repeated;
  • When regurgitation, food comes out in its original form, while vomiting milk undergoes partial digestion. Curdled milk or food with a sour smell are signs of vomiting;
  • When spitting up, the baby's well-being does not worsen. If a child vomits, he often refuses food, sleeps restlessly and feels unwell;
  • Regurgitation occurs only within half an hour after feeding, vomiting can be at any time;
  • Only vomiting can go like a fountain!

Thus, regurgitation with a fountain is vomiting. The causes of such an ailment often lie in the malnutrition of a nursing mother, too fatty, spicy or salty foods, poor-quality foods. In addition, newborns often have an allergic reaction, which can manifest itself in the form of vomiting. In this case, a hypoallergenic diet during breastfeeding will help.

If a nursing mother has adjusted the diet and excluded foods that irritate the baby from the menu, and vomiting with a fountain continues, you should urgently consult a doctor. Frequent and profuse vomiting may indicate an abnormal development of the internal organs of the baby.

When to sound the alarm

We offer a table of regurgitation intensity, the readings of which will help a young mother determine the degree of danger of the process.

With an intensity of three points inclusive, it is necessary to consult a doctor and start treatment!

There are other signs that indicate developmental disabilities. First of all, it is a loss or shortage in weight. How to correctly calculate the weight of newborns up to a year, see. Frequent and profuse regurgitation, vomiting with a fountain are accompanied by screaming and crying, violation of the stool, smell from the mouth. Particular attention should be paid if regurgitation continues after a year.

How to help a baby

  • With signs of pathology, be sure to consult a specialist. Only he will determine the problem and prescribe the right treatment. Do not self-medicate, it can only worsen the situation!;
  • Do not leave the baby lying down when vomiting or spitting up! Take the child upright and hold for about 15 minutes. Do this after every feeding. This will make it easier for the air to escape;
  • Organize your baby's food. Make sure that the baby captures both the nipple and the areola. Incorrect latch on the nipple causes problems for the mother as well. As a result, there are cracks and abrasions on the nipples, which cause pain and sometimes cause infectious diseases!;
  • If your baby is formula- or formula-fed, hold the bottle correctly at a 45-degree angle. Do not hold the bottle horizontally! Make sure that the nipple is full, and as little air as possible passes through the hole in the bottle;
  • Proper nutrition of a nursing mother is the key to good health, normal growth and development. Read more about nutrition while breastfeeding at the link /;
  • Constant monitoring of the newborn by doctors. Get regular check-ups and check-ups;
  • Place your baby on your tummy before feeding. Periodically, you can massage the tummy with light stroking movements;
  • Try to breastfeed only. Breastfeeding will provide the child's body with vitamins and elements necessary for full development and growth. Breast milk will strengthen the immune system, protect against diseases;

Sometimes, to fix the problem, you need to take medications and special therapeutic mixtures. Medicines and a suitable mixture are prescribed by a doctor! In extreme cases, if other methods have not had the desired effect, surgical intervention is required.

New parents are wondering what are the main causes of regurgitation in newborns after feeding. Doctors, given their constant workload and limited appointment time, are not able to answer this question. Let's try to figure out why the condition occurs and how to prevent it.

Regurgitation or vomiting: where is the line

The baby does not know how to talk and explain what is bothering him. He conveys his negative emotions, discomfort and pain through crying. And if he is accompanied, then an inexperienced mother is ready to call an ambulance. And this is not always correct.

Regurgitation is a natural reflex process in a baby that does not bring him suffering., and in some situations facilitates well-being. It is based on partial emptying of the stomach. At the same time, the cerebral cortex is not involved in the process, there is no tension in the abdominal muscles.

Ideally, if the newborn falls asleep immediately after feeding, then the food will be better absorbed.

This condition is not accompanied by pathological symptoms - pallor of the skin, sweating, twitching of the legs.

The volume of contents does not exceed 3 tablespoons. There is regurgitation after feeding in infants immediately, or within an hour.

Vomiting is a multi-reflex process, due to the activation of the center in the cerebral cortex, accompanied by complete emptying of the stomach. Serves as a symptom of many pathologies and abnormalities in children of the first year of life.

If a child burps more than 30 ml of milk or mixture, then this is a suspicion of. There is also a restlessness or lethargy of the child, crying, knocking legs. In case of repeated repetition, an ambulance is called.

Crying in infants is also noted when regurgitation due to fright or choking.

The distinguishing features are presented in the table.

signs Vomit Physiological regurgitation
Discharge volumeOver 30 mlLess than 30 ml
mealBaby often refuses breast or bottleHappy to suck breast milk or formula
WeightDowntrendIncrease according to age norms
UrinationrareMore than 10 times a day
TemperatureCan be upgradedNormal
ClinicPaleness of the skin, cold sweat, tension in the abdominal muscles, crying, sleep disturbanceAbsent
When doesAt any time, regardless of the mealWithin an hour after feeding

Thus, you need to carefully monitor the well-being of the child, so as not to miss the disease. The doctor and parents should be alerted by regurgitation in newborns after feeding with a fountain. This is a consequence of pathology.

Shaeva M.R., breastfeeding consultant, St. Petersburg

Prevention of many intestinal ailments in children of the first year of life is rational breastfeeding. It is important for the baby to capture the nipple with the areola. The lips are turned out. Feed on demand within reason.

With incomplete capture and frequent attachment to the chest, regurgitation occurs. A breastfeeding specialist can help you avoid this. In many cities, home visits are possible. He will explain and show you how to properly set up the process.

If the child burps, but feels good, is gaining weight, there is no lag in physical and mental development, then there is no reason for concern. This is due to the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract and does not pose a threat to life.


The leading factors leading to physiological regurgitation are:

  1. Improper feeding technique (how to feed a newborn baby):
  1. Anxiety or increased excitability of the baby, leading to greedy sucking movements and additional swallowing of air (aerophagia).
  2. Laying out on the stomach after eating.
  3. Various manipulations with the baby immediately after feeding -, change, games,.
  4. No belching of air.
  5. Indiscriminate frequent breastfeeding. This is the main reason for overeating.
  6. Intolerance to the mixture used.
  7. Chronic.

We suggest watching a video that will complement our article if you still have any questions about regurgitation:

Vomiting and pathological regurgitation in newborns after feeding lead to:

  1. Infantile cerebral palsy (ICP).
  2. Encephalopathy on the background of jaundice. There is a separate one about jaundice in newborns.
  3. Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines, brain.
  4. Fever.
  5. Anomalies in the structure of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Enzymatic deficiency in liver and pancreas damage.
  7. Diabetes.
  8. Renal failure.
  9. Severe congenital heart defects.

Vomiting is accompanied by a violation of the general condition, dehydration and weight loss. With pathological regurgitation, increases are noted that do not correspond to age norms. What other weight gain factors in newborns are, see.

Treatment of small patients in such cases occurs inpatient due to the risk of severe complications.

Karnukhov S.I., pediatric gastroenterologist, Tver

Regurgitation an hour after feeding occurs due to lactase deficiency. It develops in most due to overeating!

Children have few stomach enzymes, they do not have time to completely break down the mixture / milk in a short time. And with the next feeding, the body gets rid of the excess by regurgitation.

It helps with this only the selection of a feeding regimen with equal intervals. Enzyme preparations are prescribed for diagnosed pathology!

12 effective preventive measures

To prevent regurgitation in newborns after feeding, provoking factors are excluded. Such activities include:

A large percentage of the reasons why a newborn burps after feeding is attributed to overeating and improperly organized breastfeeding. By eliminating these factors, parents forget about this condition.

Oleg Evgenievich advises first of all to consult a doctor. Among the causes of regurgitation in newborns after feeding, Komarovsky assigns a large role to overeating.

Reducing sucking time or reducing the amount of formula used can save parents a lot of worries. Komarovsky suggests calculating the approximate amount that a child can eat in one feeding and not burp. This portion is given to the newborn, and not according to the recommendations.

Even spitting up after each feeding is not a deviation from the norm if the baby is active, sleeps well and puts on weight. However, it is always worth talking about the situation to the doctor. He will prescribe an additional examination to rule out pathology.

What to do with spitting up and vomiting

After feeding, the child is kept in an upright position (column) until the air is released. If at the same time the baby began to spit up, then you should not panic.

Actions are reduced to preventing flooding or aspiration(inhalation of vomit).

This is achieved by holding the child in a column with the body tilted forward (on the shoulder). Then lay the baby on its side in, fixing the position with pillows. This will keep the airways and mouth clear when the process is repeated.

Malyukova E.S., Moscow, pediatrician

With regurgitation after feeding, all parents experience. There are various reasons for regurgitation in newborns after feeding. And parents are trying to alleviate the baby's condition with medicines (Bobotik,), which do not affect the process.

The result is an abundance of allergic reactions with which they turn to the clinic. It is important to explain during the initial patronage that physiological regurgitation is not a disease. It is not treated with drugs.


Numerous causes of regurgitation in newborns after feeding scare parents. Most of them are eliminated without the help of drugs. And the main way to prevent its occurrence is a properly organized feeding process.

Spitting up in a child is a normal physiological process. This is the involuntary throwing of air into the esophagus along with a small portion of milk, formula or complementary foods. The phenomenon is caused primarily by the anatomical features of the baby's body. Normal physiological regurgitation occurs within 20 minutes of feeding, provided the baby is placed in an upright or nearly upright position.

Often, newborns and infants spit up on their own up to three times a day. And this process itself stops before the end of the first year of the baby's life. The volume of normal regurgitation does not exceed 3-5 ml of ingested food. With abundant regurgitation after feeding the child, it is worth showing the pediatrician, as this may be an indicator of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract or congenital malformations of the gastrointestinal tract.

What is the difference between profuse regurgitation and vomiting?

Very often, parents are not able to distinguish pathology from the norm, taking repeated regurgitation in small portions for pathological manifestations. But it is much more difficult to distinguish one pathological condition from another. So, in children of the first year of life, vomiting of food can be mistaken for regurgitation, or vice versa, and these two symptoms indicate completely different diseases.

So, how to understand that the process is abnormal.

  1. The child spits up frequently and profusely ("fountain"), more than 5 ml at a time.
  2. Despite the normal portions eaten by the baby, he loses weight.
  3. Cry during and after regurgitation.
  4. The child is older than 1 year, and regurgitation remains his personal "norm".
  5. Additional symptoms are noted: indigestion, unusual color of feces, bad breath.

In order to distinguish regurgitation in infants from vomiting, it is enough to know their characteristic features:

  • volume more than 5 ml;
  • repeated repetition;
  • during vomiting, food has already succumbed to acidic processing in the stomach (milk has curdled, the food is partially digested and has a sour smell), when regurgitation, even milk comes out in its original form;
  • the general well-being of the child does not change during regurgitation, with vomiting there are usually “predecessors” - refusal to eat, anxiety, sleep disturbances, bloating.
  • regurgitation occurs in the next half hour after feeding and is never a “fountain”.

In general, if a newborn has "regurgitation with a fountain" - this is not regurgitation at all, but vomiting. And this is an occasion to turn to a pediatrician and a gastroenterologist.

Causes of regurgitation with a fountain in infants and reasons to see a doctor?

Physiological regurgitation is due to anatomical features, as described above. Another reason may be aerophagia - Swallowing air while eating.

This is due to improper attachment of the baby to the breast, when the baby does not completely wrap around the nipple halo with his mouth. These are the causes of physiological regurgitation.

As for the abundant regurgitation of the fountain, the reasons lie in such a phenomenon as dysphagia - indigestion. Dysphagia can manifest itself in various ways, here are some of them that cause profuse regurgitation in infants:

  1. Bloating and difficult gas passage. Passing gas in and of itself is not a cause for concern. But if the baby regularly has problems associated with their accumulation in the intestines - pain, belching, anxiety - you should seek the advice of a pediatrician.
  2. neurological pathologies. If there are no external signs of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, but the child continues to spit up profusely after feeding, this is a reason to contact a neurologist.
  3. Poor quality food. This is a very common cause of dysphagia. If the child is not able to digest the nutritional components, the body will try to remove them.
  4. Non-compliance with the mother's diet while breastfeeding is also a very common cause of spitting up.
  5. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: chalazia, stenosis, obstruction.
  6. Viral and bacterial infections. Almost all children react to infections with digestive disorders.

Only a doctor will help to understand the cause of profuse regurgitation in a baby. It would be useful to visit a pediatrician, neonatologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist.

How to help the baby?

The doctor will be able to find the answer to the question about the causes of indigestion. But to help with the regurgitation of a fountain in a newborn directly in the process is not an easy task and it is assigned exclusively to the parents.

What should be done in such a situation.

  1. Do not panic.
  2. Hold the child vertically or almost vertically to facilitate the passage of air. In no case should you leave the baby to lie - neither with vomiting, nor with regurgitation. The child should be in this position for 10-15 minutes.
  3. If vomiting or regurgitation does not stop within this time, call for emergency assistance.
  4. At the first opportunity, contact a pediatrician to exclude infection, congenital pathology and prescribe the correct treatment.

How is pathology treated?

Pediatricians try to avoid drug treatment in children under one year old, but this is not always possible. In general, the scheme for helping with profuse spitting up in newborns usually includes:

  • normalization of the daily routine;
  • compliance with the mother's diet (when breastfeeding) and the diet of the child. It is important to give the baby's body only those components that it is able to digest and assimilate;
  • in the case of congenital pathologies, surgical intervention is indicated. It just sounds scary, but in fact, these are simple operations that not only save the baby from spitting up like a fountain, but also allow you to avoid unpleasant, and sometimes irreversible consequences;
  • normalization of digestion - enzymes that help digest food;
  • prevention of dysbacteriosis;
  • constant monitoring of the treatment process (FEGS, ultrasound).

As you can see, regurgitation of a fountain in infants can be both an extreme version of the age norm and an indicator of serious health problems. Therefore, you should not ignore such a symptom.

What provokes regurgitation with a fountain and vomiting in babies

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When spitting up, some food is thrown from the stomach into the esophagus, and from there through the throat into the mouth. Usually spitting up is associated with small children, and it is true that more than 70% of children under 6 months of age spit up 1 or more times a day - this applies to both infants and formula-fed babies.

Physiological regurgitation occurs due to the incomplete formation of the digestive organs and age-related anatomical features, so in newborns the shape of the stomach is changed, the esophagus is shortened and thickened, a weak sphincter (locking muscle between the esophagus and stomach). Often, after spitting up, the baby hiccups, which is absolutely normal and not dangerous. The older the baby becomes, the less often burping occurs. It should be alert when, with frequent regurgitation, the child gains weight poorly, is naughty, and sleeps restlessly.

In itself, regurgitation is a normal indicator for an infant and passes without intervention. If it is accompanied by a general deterioration in well-being, there is reason for alarm and a visit to the doctor.

Physiological causes of regurgitation

Why does a newborn spit up during breastfeeding? This may indicate violations in care:

  • Wrong. If the baby does not grasp the nipple correctly during feeding, then air enters the stomach with milk, which provokes regurgitation, sometimes with a fountain. It is important that the baby captures not only the nipple, but also the areola.
  • Fast sucking. Some babies suck too hard at the breast, and this is fraught with swallowing air and overeating. Excess comes out with a burp. You need to choose a feeding regimen, take breaks in sucking so that the baby feels full, or limit the time at the breast (you do not need to feed for an hour).
  • If a mother is feeding the baby with expressed milk from a bottle, the cause may be a large hole in the nipple or its irregular shape, as a result of which air is swallowed. There are bottles with valves that prevent air from entering. Find out more .
  • Large volumes of complementary foods or drinks, premature introduction of new products. Harmful are any violations in the volume of nutrition, a shift in the time of feeding. A hungry child will eat more, and excess food stretches the stomach, belching occurs, and the baby hiccups. If new products are introduced ahead of time, the stomach does not yet have the enzymes to break them down and an upset occurs.
  • Swaddling. When a child may spit up after formula or mother's milk, due to excessive squeezing.
  • Sudden change in body position. After eating, the baby should not be bathed, changed, turned over on the stomach, raised sharply (more in the article:). The immature sphincter weakly locks the stomach and when moving the milk comes out. After each of the feedings, the baby needs to let the air out. Sometimes this happens immediately, and sometimes you need to vilify the baby for about 20 minutes. This method also helps when the baby often hiccups.

And if the child periodically spits up after feeding the mixture?

The problem of spitting up after formula feeding is usually solved by changing the nipple from a bottle or baby food.
  • Incorrect bottle nipple. This is the most common problem a mother can face with IV.
    • The nipple may have an opening that is too wide. The way out is to pick up a nipple with the minimum size of the “hole” or even buy an accessory without a hole and make it yourself.
    • The pacifier may not be the right shape for the baby. The way out is to choose an accessory for the individual bite of the crumbs.
    • The nipple may be too hard or soft. Here everything is just as individual - experiment by buying 2 types of material - latex and silicone - and evaluate which one is more suitable for the baby.
  • Incorrectly selected baby food. If you notice that the child periodically spits up the mixture, you should seek the advice of a pediatrician and decide on the transition to another baby food. You can try special anti-reflux mixtures, but it is better to consult a doctor.

The newborn often spits up, what should I do? Take into account the above recommendations, exclude everything that provokes regurgitation. It is important to understand that only with time the baby's digestive organs will be able to function normally: maturation occurs after 6-12 months.

Pathological causes of regurgitation

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Violations of care are excluded, and regurgitation occurs often and abundantly - you should contact your local pediatrician. Sometimes this may indicate a violation of the body. After a comprehensive examination, the doctor will be able to identify the cause. Pathologies can be in the work of the digestive or nervous system.

Neurological disorders

May occur for the following reasons:

  • Prematurity. In children of the first months of life, the sphincter that separates the stomach and esophagus is poorly developed, and in premature babies this deviation is even more pronounced. Therefore, regurgitation occurs more frequently. The problem is solved by itself after 6-8 months, when the baby catches up with peers in development.
  • Pathologies of fetal development and complications during childbirth. As a result of intrauterine hypoxia (oxygen starvation), malfunctions in the nervous system occur. The baby may show sleep disturbance, anxiety, increased muscle tone, chin trembling, muscle cramps, increased excitability of the vomiting center, and deterioration in the regulation of the esophageal sphincter.
  • Neck injury. If the spine is injured in the cervical region, there will be the following symptoms: profuse regurgitation with a fountain, sometimes to the point of vomiting, anxiety, crying when turning the head, torticollis. Therapy is selected by a neurologist, usually the treatment combines physiotherapy with drug treatment.

You need to know how to distinguish between physiological and pathological regurgitation. In a healthy child, it is not abundant (up to 30 ml), occurs once after feeding, monthly weight gain is within the normal range - regurgitation disappears as they grow older, no treatment is required. Parents should be alerted by large volumes of rejection, there may be impurities of bile, the urge to vomit - it is imperative to show the child to the doctor.

In premature babies, the gastrointestinal tract develops more slowly, so the problem of regurgitation is very relevant for them. With proper development, it should also go away on its own.

Disorders in the digestive system

Causing diseases:

  • Dysbacteriosis. When the balance of "bad" and "good" bacteria in the intestines is disturbed, the entire digestive process is disrupted.
  • Viral and bacterial diseases. In this case, there will be additional symptoms: fever, general malaise, diarrhea, bile or mucus in the vomit. Regurgitation becomes more frequent with intestinal infections, meningitis, hepatitis and toxic lesions.
  • Bloating. With flatulence, the pressure inside the abdominal cavity increases, due to which food is pushed out. The problem is eliminated by adjusting the menu of a nursing mother: products that contribute to gas formation are excluded.
  • Constipation. With weak intestinal motility, food slowly passes from the stomach into the intestines, pressure in the abdominal region increases.
  • lactase deficiency. A condition in which the baby does not have enough enzymes to process milk, resulting in impaired digestion.
  • Allergy to food. If the crumbs have intolerance to certain foods, then if the diet of a nursing mother is violated, regurgitation may occur as a manifestation of an allergic reaction (see also:).

Pathologies of the development of the gastrointestinal tract

Improper development of the organs of the newborn, which provokes vomiting:

  • Expansion of the cardiac gastric sphincter.
  • Pylorospasm. Manifested by frequent vomiting (we recommend reading:).
  • Pyloric stenosis. Congenital, rarely acquired narrowing of the pylorus. It starts with the fact that the child spits up after each meal. Abundant vomiting appears with a fountain after any feeding (we recommend reading:). Treatment is operative.

All pathological conditions require medical supervision. It is not necessary to treat regurgitation, it is important to determine the cause and deal with it.


  • The baby spit up every time after feeding, is it dangerous? When suckling, children swallow a certain amount of air, which comes out with a burp along with a small amount of milk. This is fine.
  • Up to what age does regurgitation occur? The frequency decreases significantly after six months, when the child becomes more active, begins to sit on his own, thick food appears in the diet, organs and systems mature. Although single regurgitation may occur up to a year, if after 7 months their frequency does not decrease, then you should consult a doctor.
  • Why does fountain vomiting occur? Regardless of whether the baby receives mother's milk or formula, it is worth consulting with a pediatrician on this issue. There can be many reasons. If the baby is cheerful and cheerful, gaining weight, the number of urination is not reduced - there is no reason for concern. With excessive regurgitation, there is a danger of dehydration. It is necessary to control the condition of the child.
  • Can there be regurgitation through the nose? When fluid rises from the stomach, it exits in the most convenient way, often through the mouth, but with a certain position of the baby's body, it can also be through the nose. Also affects the force of ejection and volume.
  • Baby spitting up curdled (curdled) milk, is it dangerous? Milk, when interacting with gastric acid, is digested and curdled. If the regurgitated "cottage cheese" has an unpleasant odor or a different color, you should consult a doctor.
  • Why did the baby burp yellow? Yellow gives bile. It can occur in a single case in the normal state of the baby. If it repeats, immediately see a pediatrician.
  • The child does not spit up, is this normal? This situation can only please - it means that the baby correctly captures the nipple, air does not enter the stomach and belching does not occur. In addition, the absence of regurgitation indicates that the baby is not overeating.

If the baby does not spit up at all, parents can only rejoice - this means that he has the correct nipple grip and good developmental indicators

If young parents have a question why a newborn baby is spitting up, you can always ask the local pediatrician or nurse. The doctor will give advice and explain the reasons.

The baby, who was born, will have to face many difficulties, especially in the first stages of life, because the world is so huge, and all its charms will have to be understood from the moment of the first breath. At this time, the internal organs of the baby are adjusted to life and full functioning. The article will consider such a process as regurgitation in newborns after feeding causes and features.

Parents are often frightened by this phenomenon, since it has many similarities with vomiting, and no one likes this process. In fact, the reasons why newborns spit up are related to other processes, which will be discussed in the article.

Pathology or norm, understand why a newborn baby spit up after feeding

Regurgitation is the release of a small amount of food out through the mouth. Traditionally, if the amount of food is small and does not cause anxiety in the baby, parents should not be disturbed by this phenomenon. Most often, it is due to the fact that the digestive system of the baby is functioning well.

According to statistics, 70% of children who have reached the age of 3 months spit up not only during feeding, but also after it. Upon reaching the age of nine months, this problem does not manifest itself. Considering the question of why does a newborn baby spit up after feeding, this process can be associated with early birth, premature pregnancy or intrauterine pathologies.

In such babies, maturation takes longer than in babies born on time, and by 9 months all processes adapt. If the baby is happy with everything, he behaves as usual - fun and social, so parents should not worry. If regurgitation is a fountain, you need to contact your pediatrician. This condition can be dangerous for the baby.

Often spits up after feeding a newborn or the difference between vomiting and spitting up

If spitting up often after feeding a newborn child, parents must establish what it really is: vomiting or a small amount of food.


Food flows out of the mouth quite easily, without muscle contractions and any effort on the part of the baby. This phenomenon can be observed if the position of the child changes.


If this phenomenon takes place, the child usually behaves restlessly and is tearful. Spasms appear, and the amount of vomit released is quite large. The abdominal muscles, the press are reduced, the discharge occurs spontaneously. The process of vomiting is preceded by nausea, the skin changes its color, sweating and dizziness appear.

Thus, if newborn spitting up after fountain feeding, then, most likely, we are talking about vomiting, requiring immediate treatment. Therefore, the best solution is to contact a specialist. If the discharge occurs without tension and is natural, you should not worry, within a few months they will pass on their own.

The main reasons why a newborn spit up after breastfeeding

There are several reasons why why does a newborn spit up after breastfeeding. Consider the main factors.

  1. The main culprit of regurgitation is the underdeveloped digestive system of the baby. At an early age, the digestive tract is imperfect: it does not work well enough, and it takes time to normalize it. Spitting up at this stage is a natural process.
  2. Overeating of the child - even after full saturation, the baby's body can continue to eat food. Regurgitation in such a situation acts as the easiest way to get rid of excess food so that the gastrointestinal tract is not overloaded.
  3. If newborn often spit up after feeding, this may be accompanied by swallowing large amounts of air during meals. For example, due to an uncomfortable position, excess food, improper grip on the nipple, agitation of the baby when eating.
  4. Frequent gas formation is another reason for regurgitation, especially when it comes to HB. Breastfeeding a baby often leads to increased pressure inside the abdominal region. To avoid the phenomenon, it is worth changing the diet of the mother.
  5. Constipation, regular stool retention - these factors often provoke regular regurgitation. This is also accompanied by a significant increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity, and the speed at which food moves through the stomach is significantly reduced.
Why does a newborn spit up after every feed?

So if spitting up after every feed, there may be several reasons for this. Therefore, if parents observe this phenomenon quite often, it is necessary to review the mother's diet and follow the basic rules of breastfeeding and artificial feeding.

How to prevent the phenomenon

If you do not want to worry about this once again, you need to take proper preventive measures, fortunately, they are available in large numbers. An attentive mother, after observing her baby, will be able to easily establish the reasons why newborn spitting up through nose or through the mouth, and also eliminate all negative factors that somehow affect the baby's digestion process. To help young parents, the most effective and common methods of preventive action are presented.

  • Maintaining the state of calmness of mother and baby is the main factor in feeding.
  • Be careful not to tilt the head too far when the child eats. Also pay attention to the fact that the child's nose breathes, because otherwise he will have to inhale oxygen through his mouth, which is fraught with its entry into the stomach and rapid spitting up.
  • If the baby is breastfeeding, it is important to ensure that he correctly clasps his chest with his lips. The baby should grab the nipple along with the circle around the nipple.
  • If the baby is fed special nutrition, then it is important to use bottles with the correct neck shape that prevent air from entering the stomach. It is important to ensure that the bottle is held correctly when feeding.
  • After eating, let the child rest, do not disturb him, and most importantly, do not swaddle tightly. To make spitting up easier, you can lightly pat the baby on the back.
  • If frequent regurgitation in newborns causes has it in a large amount of food consumed, it is necessary to reduce the duration of feeding. And to determine the amount of food eaten, you can weigh the child before and after feeding.

Thus, if the newborn spit up a lot and does it with constancy, you need to seek help from a specialist. If the baby feels confident and gains the proper kilograms in weight, then parents should not worry.

When help is needed if the newborn is spitting up a lot
  • Spitting up more than 2 times a day
  • When a child is dehydrated
  • With "fountain" regurgitation
  • When you refuse to eat
  • With infrequent bowel movements
  • In case of drowsiness and chronic fatigue
  • If there is a fever
  • In the absence of weight gain
  • With a sour smell of vomit.

So if newborn spitting up all the time, and at least one of the above symptoms is observed - this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Regurgitation in newborns after feeding Komarovsky video

Consider in the video which feeding regimen for a newborn is the best. How to feed your baby to avoid spitting up.

Have you had cases when a newborn spit up? Were you able to understand the reasons? Share on the forum!