What gives communication with peers. Relationship with peers in infancy and preschool age. On the forms of communication between children and peers

Many people are interested in the question "How to teach a child to communicate with peers"? The child begins to make friends by the age of three. This is the period when the baby goes to kindergarten. It was at this time that he learns the basics of communication.

Social success and its conditions

Good luck in communication is guaranteed if the baby learns a few rules. Such rules are called social success conditions by psychologists. What is it?

  • 1 condition. Personal attraction. It is necessary to explain to the child that the person must be well-groomed, have good manners, be neat and tidy and be able to be interesting to the interlocutor.
  • 2 condition. Communication skills. Children get the first communication skills in their family. Talk more, contact your child. If the baby has an older brother or sister, it will be good if they communicate often.

Tip: Teach your child to communicate through long and active practice.

Teaching a child to communicate

Often the shyness and shyness of the crumbs becomes the reason for the inability to communicate. In this case, help to raise the baby's self-esteem and let him become more relaxed. So, to instill communication skills, adhere to the following rules.

  1. You can not express dissatisfaction with the child. Don't judge him as a person. Criticize his unwanted and harmful act.
  2. Do not make a lot of claims to the children, so that the baby does not feel unnecessary.
  3. To teach your child to communicate with peers, maintain a friendly tone in contact with him. The kid should know that if he did something, he is still appreciated and loved very much, and for mom and dad he is the best. If the baby has this attitude, he will more easily accept criticism in communication.
  4. Allow your child to make their own decisions. Do not criticize them, even if you do not like such decisions very much. You can only express your opinion about this or that act of the baby and leave the choice for him. In addition, do not try to meddle in the activities of the children and do not help them even in those cases when the child independently, although with difficulty, will cope with his task.
  5. When communicating, the child can bear the grudge in his direction. Don't leave her alone with your child. Talk and listen to your son or daughter, explain who was to blame, so that later he does not repeat the same mistakes. Tip: Never tell your child that your problems are stupid, and you were to blame for everything.
  6. To raise a child's self-esteem and teach him to communicate with friends, do not put your authority on him and do not strive to always be right. Sometimes let your baby learn from personal mistakes and make her own decisions. Allow your toddler to advise and criticize you. In this way, you will build self-esteem and a sense of dignity in the children.
  7. In order for the kid not to be afraid to talk with peers, make such a little trick. Sew a button on your clothes or jacket and tell him, as soon as he starts to be afraid of something, let him touch it and then you will think about him and help him.
  8. To learn to communicate, you need to learn a few phrases, for example: “Hello, my name is Sasha. And you? Do you want me to buy you some candy? "

Tips on how to help your child get along with peers

The child got rid of fearfulness and indecision and is ready for new achievements. During this time, remember the above two conditions for social success. But do not forget that it is better to show the child by example how to communicate. The standard of learning for toddlers is the parenting model. So, we offer the following tips.

  • Be affectionate, sincere, and open with family members. Children, seeing this example, will use it in communication with peers. The child should know that kind people always have good friends.
  • Be caring, polite, and respectful towards family members. Then the child will treat others with respect, show compassion, care and love.
  • Ask your child to help clean the house or make dinner. If you communicate a lot within the family, the child will develop better communication skills.
  • The child must be sure that he is loved in the family. In this case, he will easily open up to you and tell his friends about his inner emotions.
  • If there are several children in the family, and they quarrel, do not encourage competition and arguments between them. Explain to your child that anger and hostility are bad allies in good communication.
  • The child should know that in addition to his own interests, there are also the interests of friends. They should share their toys and learn to be polite.
  • To foster inner determination, give the baby, who is establishing communication, constant attention.
  • To properly teach the child to communicate, tell him that you need to politely ask permission to take this or that toy, and not fight and shout loudly.
  • To communicate with friends, children instill a sense of justice. For example, if a toy was taken by force, he can defend himself and defend his rights. If asked, then you can let a peer play with her.
  • The child should know that there is nothing special about being the first to ask to play. He may also propose friendship himself.
  • He needs to instill respect for others. He should not tease his peers, play by fair rules, and not let the secrets entrusted to him be revealed.

Follow these tips, instill communication skills with peers, teach the basic rules of communication, and you will see that soon good people will grow out of them.

The problem has always been relevant in the studies of foreign and domestic figures in pedagogy and psychology.

And this is not without reason, since it is a completely natural phenomenon. Children love to share their experiences during different activities. Joint games of children do not pass without communication, which is the leading need of children. Without communication with peers, certain mental disorders can be observed in a child.

And, conversely, full-fledged communication is an indicator of the harmonious development of a preschooler's personality.

Should not be limited only to relationships within the family. Preschoolers should have contacts with peers, teachers, and other adults.

The kindergarten group is practically a stage on which it unfolds between the children - its actors. In the interpersonal, not everything goes smoothly. There are quarrels and peace here. Temporary truces, grievances and petty mischief.

In all positive relationships, preschoolers form and develop positive personality traits.

In negative moments of communication, the preschooler receives a charge of negative emotions, which is fraught with sad consequences in his personal development.

What are the problematic forms of attitudes towards peers?

Forms of communication that are problematic include increased children's aggressiveness, excessive sensitivity, shyness, and other communication problems.

Briefly consider the factors of misconduct with peers.

Aggressive children

If a child is aggressive, then peers are unlikely to become friends with him. Most likely, children will avoid such a child. Such children are the objects of increased attention from parents and teachers.

In most preschoolers, aggressiveness is manifested to one degree or another. And it is normal when the child reacts with some degree of aggression to unfair actions from the outside. However, this form of aggressive behavior does not in any way affect the general condition of the baby and always gives way to peaceful forms of communication.

But there are children whose aggressive manifestations are a stable side of the personality, persist and even develop into qualitative characteristics of preschoolers. This harms the normal communication of children.

Let us turn to another problem of children's communication.

Touchy children

Although resentful children do not harm others, it is also very difficult to communicate with them. Any wrong glance in the direction of such preschoolers, an accidentally dropped word, and you already lose all contact with such a child.

Grievances can be very long-lasting. It is not easy for a touchy child to overcome this feeling, and he can withdraw into himself for a long time.

This feeling has a devastating effect on any friendship. Resentment leads to painful experiences for children. They originate in preschool age. Younger children are not yet familiar with this feeling.

During preschool childhood, when the child's self-esteem is being formed, resentment arises suddenly and takes root deep in the child's mind.

Unlike an aggressive child, a touchy kid does not fight, does not show physical aggression. But the behavior of a touchy preschooler is demonstratively suffering. And it is not conducive to friendly communication.

Often, an offended preschooler deliberately attracts the attention of others, deliberately refusing to communicate with anyone who approaches him.

Shy kids

Dealing with shy children is not very enjoyable. They generally refuse to communicate with unfamiliar children and adults. Getting to know them is a top-level problem.

Unfortunately, in most preschool children, you can see the beginnings of shyness. And if in 60% of preschoolers, shyness disappears as soon as the child is offered something interesting, then it is a great difficulty to draw others into a conversation.

Not everyone and not always succeed in talking to a shy preschooler. When a stranger approaches, be it an adult or a child, a shy kid feels emotional discomfort and shy. In his behavior, you can catch notes of anxiety, and even fear.

Shy preschoolers, as a rule, have low self-esteem, which prevents them from entering into relationships with peers. It seems to them that they will do something differently from what is required of them. And therefore they refuse to take steps at all towards the collective of children.

They stay aloof from common affairs and any joint activities, watching the games of other children from the side.

I would like to note one more type of children who have communication problems.

Demonstrative children

These children tend to compare themselves to other children and demonstrate their success to everyone around them. They are arrogant and proud, even as a child.

Demonstration gradually turns into a stable quality of the child's personality and brings him a lot of negative experiences. On the one hand, a child gets upset if he is perceived differently than he presents himself. On the other hand, he does not want to be like everyone else.

At times, a demonstrative child is able to do a positive thing. But this is not at all for the sake of another, but only in order to once again show oneself, to demonstrate one's kindness.

Communication with a demonstrative child is very difficult in preschool age. Demonstrative children like to attract undue attention to themselves, often bring beautiful toys to kindergarten to show off to other children.

Interestingly, demonstrative children are active in the process of communication. But this communication on their part is devoid of interest in another.

They speak exclusively about themselves beloved. If they fail to assert themselves in the eyes of their peers, and especially adults, then such children begin to show aggression, scandal, and quarrel with everyone.

And although other children do not particularly want to communicate with them, they themselves really need the environment. Because they need someone to listen to them in order to demonstrate themselves in front of society.

Features of communication between preschoolers and peers

As we discussed above, the communication of preschoolers with their peers is very dependent on them. If they are aggressive, resentful, envious or demonstrative, then they often have problems in the process of communication.

But all children of the age we are considering have common features of communication with peers.

Preschoolers are distinguished by increased emotionality. In a group of peers, they show other forms of communication.

This applies to expressive and facial expressions. Children generally love to gesture during conversations, to support their statements with facial expressions. This helps them to be emotionally expressive while communicating.

I would like to note some features of the communication of children in preschool age. Children love to communicate very much. During communication with peers, they develop speech skills, develop communication skills. There are, of course, some communication problems associated with frequent conflicts in the children's team.

Communication with peers is more relaxed than with adults. Here completely different forms of behavior prevail. Irregular communicative patterns can also be attributed to the behavioral features of preschool children during communication. Such as bouncing, bizarre postures, antics. One child may deliberately imitate another, which does not happen with an adult.

But in each free manifestation, the child reveals his individual personality traits. And these distinctive features of communication between children and their peers remain until the end of preschool childhood.

Another feature of children's communication in preschool age can be considered the fact that the child is dominated by initiative in response. The preschooler quickly responds to the replica of another child with responsive activity. At such moments, the development of dialogue speech occurs. At the same time, you can notice such problems as protests, resentments, conflicts, because the child tries to say his weighty word last. And none of the children wants to give in.

On the forms of communication between children and peers

Now it's worth talking a little about the child's forms of communication among peers.

The first form of communication for preschool children is usually called emotional and practical.
A child, more often at a younger preschool age, expects complicity in undertakings and pranks. This form of communication is situational and depends on the specific situation.

Problems in this form of communication can arise at moments of interaction between communication partners. Either the children switch their attention from the interlocutor to an object, or they fight over this object.

This is due to the fact that the development of object-related actions does not yet occur at a sufficient level, and the need to use objects in communication is already being formed.

In such cases, they are reluctant to resolve.

Another form of communication between peers is called situational and business.

By about four years old, its formation begins and continues until the age of 6. The peculiarities of this stage are that now children begin to develop skills in role-playing, even plot-role playing. Communication is already becoming collective.

Initiates the development of cooperation skills. This is not the same as complicity. If, in an emotionally-practical form of communication, children acted and played individually, although they were in the same team. But everyone imagined themselves to be different. Here, the children in the game are closely linked by a single plot and the roles they have assumed.

One role will drop out, and a problem arises - the plot of the game is broken.

Therefore, it can be stated that the situational-business form arises on the basis of a common cause to achieve a certain common result of interaction with peers.

In popular children, the formation of communication skills in this form of cooperation is ahead of the development of communication skills of children, which are less noticeable in the children's team.

It is even worth noting here that aggressive and demonstrative children, which we talked about earlier, are more successful in the formation of communication skills than resentful and envious children, who are often left on the sidelines due to personal characteristics.

At the age of 6-7 years, in preschool children, communication skills acquire a more or less formed character. Children become more peer-friendly. The formation of skills of mutual assistance begins. Even demonstrative children are already beginning to not only talk about themselves, but show attention to the statements of other children.

At this time, the formation of a non-situational form of communication begins, which goes in two directions:

  • the growth and formation of extra-situational contacts (children talk about what they did and saw, plan further actions and share their plans with others, learn to evaluate the words and actions of others);
  • the formation of a peer image (selective attachments to peers appear, regardless of the communication situation, and these attachments are very stable by the end of the preschool period of childhood).

These are, in general terms, the features of the forms and problems of communication of preschool children. Now let's move on to consider effective ways to develop communication skills between a child in a circle of peers.

How to develop communication skills of preschool children in a preschool educational institution?

Communication skills of a preschooler with peers are actively formed in the process dialogue between children. Children's dialogue speech carries the basics of conversational speech activity in general. Here is the development of monologic skills, and the formation of the preschooler's speech readiness for the upcoming schooling.

Dialogues are actively used by children during games and other joint activities.

In this case, an important role is assigned to an adult who takes an active part in such communication between children.

Joint games, as a form of social life for a child of this age, help to solve many problems of relationships.
Role-playing plots help develop community and dialogue skills. In games it is possible to realize the formation of all forms of communication.

The adult needs to teach children to start, continue, and end a dialogue. The child should be able to maintain a conversation by answering questions posed during the dialogue.

Dialogue is a very difficult form of communication through which social interaction is fully realized. Therefore, an adult should contact the child as often as possible, observing a positive emotional tone. This will encourage the preschooler to talk. Features of communication during a dialogue contribute to the formation of skills in constructing sentences of different types, from simple narrative to complex ones in their construction and phonetic aspects.

Adolescence is not the easiest period for both children and moms and dads. We have already told you. But children have difficulties in communicating not only with adults, but also with classmates. We've selected 13 tips to help teens interact with their peers. These psychological tricks will be useful for parents as well.

1. If you understand that the interlocutor lied or hid information, do not ask additional questions or ask again - just look carefully into his eyes. Such a technique will force the counterpart to tell the unsaid.

3. It is important for parents. This is especially true in adolescence, when each comment can be perceived very closely. Teach your teen how to mitigate criticism. If he knows that unflattering reviews cannot be avoided, let him get as close as possible to the one who will criticize. So the person will soften and give less negative information than if the teenager was standing further from him.

4 ... An important quiz, speaking in front of a large audience, or even just the first declaration of love can all be exciting for a teenager. How to deal with anxiety? Chew gum. Chewing is associated with eating. And we eat mostly at home, that is, in a native and safe place. With the help of chewing gum, you can trick the brain and create a "home" atmosphere for it.

5. Even with the strongest excitement in exams and other teenage situations, a proven method will help - imagine that your opponent is your close friend. This will make you feel calmer and easier to establish contact with the interlocutor.

6. Another topical issue of adolescence is first love. There is a proven way to reveal the sympathy of this or that person: when everyone in the company laughs, pay attention to who is looking at whom. In such a situation, each person subconsciously looks at who he likes most. So watch the looks, you may know who to send.

7. If someone is not very pleasant to you, but communication cannot be stopped, try to express more joy when meeting this person: smile, pronounce his name with special warmth. With this practice, the attitude towards a person will really change for the better.

8. Adolescence is a time of conflict. But if a tense situation arises in a room with mirrors, stand so that the mirror is behind your back, and the interlocutors are opposite you. This way they will see their reflection. Who wants to look angry and displeased? Nobody. So your counterparts will try to be calmer.

9. A proven way to get the attention of the person you like: look carefully at the object directly behind his shoulders. As soon as the subject of sympathy pays attention to you, look into their eyes and smile slightly.

10 ... Another way to win over a person is to look them in the eye. When you meet, just determine his eye color. Eye contact is conducive to you, and you can get the sympathy of the person you like.

- arena for training adult life. This is the period when relationships with other people rank first on the pedestal of priorities. So what are the most important features in adolescent communication?

Feature # 1: time of self-determination. One of the main tasks of adolescence is self-determination. The teenager should answer the questions: "who am I?", "What am I?", "Why me?", "What's next?"

If good relationships develop with parents, then they partially help in the process of self-determination. But peers also play an important role. Teenagers, communicating a lot and superficially, solve important problems: they observe a wide variety of types, compare them with themselves and thus “define themselves”. Also, in different arenas of communication, they can try different models of behavior, and this experience will allow them to choose those that worked, and cut off those for which they were later ashamed.

Typical problems: it seems to parents that the child is too superficial - with everyone and with no one. But that will change by the end of adolescence. The child will definitely move from the amount of communication to its quality.

Feature # 2: priority of communication with peers. If before the student was really worried about his successes and grades, now the parents are forced to state that he goes to school mostly in order to communicate.

The school becomes an interesting place where passions boil - friendship, enmity, first love. At home, too, lessons are not a priority: the computer is always on, where there is not a report on the screen at all, but a page of a social networking site, the phone rings every now and then. And if friends live nearby, then it's not easy to find a teenager at home!

Of course, parents do not like this situation. But adolescence is not only a time of self-determination (and it requires communication with other adolescents).

Another important task of age is separation from parents who are about to die. The time of communication with peers increases, and with parents it is steadily decreasing.

Typical problems: parents would like the child to spend less time on all sorts of "nonsense", and learn more. However, for many adolescents, their age does not at all prevent them from remembering about their studies. Limiting communication and introducing strict measures is necessary only in extreme cases.

Feature # 3: he's in the group. Teenage companies are everywhere visible - they talk loudly, laugh at the top of their lungs, crowd the streets. The role of groups was already significant in the past period, but now it is growing many times over.

Teenagers are already much more independent (at least, mom rarely constantly accompanies anyone). And they unite in groups according to their own decision. Someone chooses new hobbies for themselves, someone unites according to the principle of their favorite music, style of dress or even civic position. Someone just belongs to the group "in the area". And, surprisingly, he wants to imitate the members of his group in everything: in clothes, in intonations, and even in how it is "customary" to think and react.

But what about self-determination, the attentive reader will ask? As it turns out, one does not interfere with the other. Groups help a teenager understand who he is. And adherence to group norms highlights the true position: can I obey these particular norms, or is something inside me protesting? Having been a member of a group, a teenager can leave it himself.

Typical problems: parents may not like the group that the child has chosen to communicate. But one should really sound the alarm only in extreme cases: drugs, asocial orientation.

Feature # 4: a lot of communication problems. Teenagers significantly expand their social circle and do it "without asking". New people come with new problems: a lack of understanding of what exactly happens when a child is being “bullied”; feeling helpless or hungry for revenge.

Both girls and boys have all this. It is at this age that they once again learn to cope with their aggressive impulses. Right now is the time when they learn to "act with words" (and not at all at 5-6 years old, as we would like).

Before the beginning of adulthood, they need to learn a lot, because the success of their future life is built on effective interaction with people. And you still wonder why communication is so important now!
It is possible to comprehend science a little later, but being late in learning social laws is much worse.

Typical problems: parents are worried about the emotional state of the teenager. He tends to get upset about the little things! But this is only in our adult opinion. All this is really difficult for him. Especially considering that he must cope on his own, without the help of adults.

Feature # 5: interest in the opposite sex. You suddenly notice that your son is somehow pedantic about the cleanliness of his socks and the degree of wrinkling of his shirt. And the daughter is going to school, like to a ball.

You may think that it is not time to think about love yet. But, alas and ah, they don't ask you!

Teenagers continue to discover themselves, exploring the world of the opposite sex. Their discoveries surprise, frighten and fascinate at the same time. They learn for the first time what is permissible and what is not, if next to you is a representative of the opposite sex.

First, adolescents unite their companies, creating one common of boys and girls. And then comes the time of "couples": closer communication, training them for their future family life.

Typical problems: it seems to parents that there is nothing from such communication except problems with early pregnancies (which parents of both girls and boys are equally afraid of). But this flow cannot be stopped by prohibitions and restrictions.

Communication with the opposite sex is of great benefit: children get positive, have a lot of fun; learn relevant interactions; increase their status among peers; can share experiences and ask for advice. So, apart from the "harm", there is also a lot of benefit!

Mini-test: "Normal" teenagers

Answer 10 questions yes or no. If it is different, choose the option that appears more often.

  1. Does your teen spend a lot of time in his social circle?
  2. Is it true that communication with classmates became an additional interest for attending school?
  3. Does he think he has friends?
  4. Do you observe that he has aroused interest in the opposite sex?
  5. Do you see that in his appearance and behavior there are signs of belonging to some kind of interest group?
  6. Do you notice that he has questions regarding communication, to which he is actively seeking answers?
  7. Does he get upset or deep in his thoughts if he has a misunderstanding with friends?
  8. Can he at least occasionally tell you about a communication situation and ask for advice?
  9. If you ask him if he has a lot of communication problems, will he most likely answer “no”?
  10. Is his communication not only personal, but also virtual?

If you answered yes to most of the questions, then your teen is unlikely to have significant problems with peers.

How can parents help?

Despite the common stereotype that the relationship between teenagers and their parents deteriorates significantly, this is not entirely true.

On the contrary, many adolescents stay on good terms with their parents, especially if they are ready to give the growing person more independence (and more responsibility).

Therefore, parents in many ways remain the anchor of balance that helps a teenager swim out in a stormy sea of \u200b\u200brelationships.

1. Help in self-determination... As stated, adolescence is the time when a child defines who he is as a person.

He learns his strengths and weaknesses with a new depth. Of course, you would like him to have an idea of \u200b\u200bhimself as a successful person with many strong qualities. After all, this is a guarantee of social courage, and therefore achievements!

To do this, try to pay attention to his progress. At the same time, praise, naming not only his achievement, but also a character trait. For example: "In order to prepare such a report, you need to be a truly purposeful and collected person!" Or: "Only a girl with a delicate taste could create such an outfit!" Every time a teenager hears this about himself, his inner supports become stronger.

2. Stay close... The teenager should be able to reach out to his parents. Try to make sure you have time for him at this moment.

If the child talks about a problematic situation of which he himself became the culprit, do not focus on blaming him again. Instead, discuss why this happened and what can be done now. Your experience is important to him. But when looking for options, let him first suggest his own!

3. In favor of the "anchors"! Teens often experience severe emotional turmoil. Unpleasant periods can last long enough if there is a betrayal of a friend, unhappy love or "bullying" by enemies.

Parents should remember that in addition to the family, friends and acquaintances, members of interest groups, who will support them, are the “anchors” for teenagers who help them overcome the situation. And also his sense of responsibility for other people. Therefore, limit the teenager's communication only in the most extreme cases.

4. Show patience! Of course, it is unpleasant when from the teenagers standing on the street you can hear obscenities, "neighing", jokes in relation to each other and passers-by. Of course, it is even more unpleasant if you notice your son and daughter in this company. And it is clear that you are unlikely to disregard this fact.

I do not urge you to be silent. Adolescence is characteristic of the fact that it "collides" with the ethics of parents and the norms of communication in the company. But these contradictions are not always the basis for spoiled relationships with parents. On the contrary, if the parents are patient and provide information, rather than strictly insist, the teenager has the opportunity for inner growth. He himself, gradually separates the wheat from the chaff. True, he needs time for this.


So adolescence is the flowering of communication. Now everything that was accumulated by the child in the previous experience is giving active shoots. Of course, some of the teenagers are more shy, some are more aggressive, some like to command, and some are inclined to obey. But people cannot be the same! If the child's traits do not interfere with communicating and taking his place in the peer group, if he is comfortable enough, then everything is in order. Even if you would like to see him somehow different.

Not all teens strive to be popular with their peers. For many, it is enough to have a strong place in their social circle and have a few good friends. The majority of adolescents have enough resources for this. The rest he recruits by practicing in interaction with others.

There are also teenagers who do not belong to any groups, but do not feel the pressure of loneliness. These are creative children who need concentration and distance from others for their own thoughts, drawing, writing music, experimenting with a computer. But there are those who, communicating in a wide circle, periodically feel lonely and lost. Well, parents are quite capable of supporting their child in such moments, if the relationship with him is preserved.

How your relationships with peers develop depends largely only on you. Of course, your knowledge and skills, your appearance, your sense of humor will always be important to create authority. But the ability to behave, to be tactful and attentive with others is still perhaps the most important. You can be able to and know a lot, but if you do not learn accepted communication with people, they will not want to listen to you or admire your achievements.

There can be no insignificant trifles in communication. Every person at any age is pleased to communicate with a polite, well-mannered and helpful person.

It is ugly, for example, to look into the notebook of your neighbor at the desk without permission. You cannot read other people's letters, personal diaries. It is impolite to stand behind a person who works on a computer.

Even if there is nothing secret in a written letter (on paper or on a computer), not everyone is pleased that someone read the words intended for another person.

Some guys in communication for some reason do not call each other by their first names, but come up with different nicknames for their classmates. Most often, school nicknames are formed, of course, from the last name. For example, Skvortsov, Stepanov, Belov, Frolov and Morozov automatically become simply Starling, Styopa, Bely, Frol and Moroz at school. Some guys are proud of their nickname, while others are completely indifferent to what they are called.

But there are many impressionable and shy children who are painfully worried and even suffer from such treatment and are very ashamed of their nickname. It even happens that from such suffering and grief they have nervous breakdowns. It is not uncommon for offensive nicknames and difficult relationships with peers to cause stuttering. And some shortsighted guys refuse to wear glasses just for the reason that they will be teased with glasses or nerds.

Many children do not even think that their classmate is worried and cries because of the nickname given to him.

Of course, only very stupid and angry people take pleasure in hurting another. More often than not, guys do it not out of spite. But before you award someone with a nickname, remember that the person has a name. For each of us, the name means a lot. Parents chose it for a long time, hoping that it would bring their child good luck in life. It is ugly and impolite to call your friends by their last name or replace the name with a stupid or offensive nickname.

In order for you to develop good relationships with friends and classmates, pay attention to these tips.

Rules for communicating with classmates

Show attention to your friends and classmates, try not to offend them by your words and actions;

Never laugh at the physical handicap of people;

Always and in everything, help the younger and the weak;

Do not forget to thank you for the service rendered to you;

Do not invent offensive nicknames for anyone;

If you yourself suffer from a nickname attached to you, do not respond to it; maybe then your abuser will remember your name;

If a friend has lent you something, give it to him on the promised time, without waiting for him to remind you of it;

Always keep your promises;

Never promise what you cannot fulfill;

Cherish your word: your friends should know that you can be relied on in everything, that you always keep your word;

Always be precise: imprecision is above all impolite;

Never eavesdrop on other people's conversations and do not read other people's letters;

Never show disrespect, impudence, impudence, rudeness or rudeness to people.