Stories from family life about a boomerang. Boomerang rule: concept, examples from life

All our thoughts, deeds and deeds - good or evil, return to us like a boomerang. Let me give you a few examples from life.

Boomerang of life - you have to pay for everything bad

When I was 12-13 years old, we often gathered with a group of friends. There was everything: communication, games, various pranks. Several times we pulled out letters and newspapers from the neighbors' mailboxes.

Many years have passed, I grew up, got married. The husband is kind, helps with the housework, works. But he keeps me under control. Reads my correspondence with friends on the Internet, messages on the forum. This is for the fact that at one time I read other people's letters.

Or another case. I have a friend Marina, a good and calm girl. I got a job in the women's team. Two employees disliked her: they told the girl nasty things, framed her at work, stole lunches from the refrigerator and money.

Marina cried, endured, and then found another place, she still works there, she is treated normally.

Several years have passed. From a conversation with a former colleague, she learned that the previous enterprise had already been closed. One of her offenders had cancer for a long time, underwent several operations and died at the age of 30. Another was also diagnosed with cancer.

For everything bad, sooner or later you have to pay. Such a kind of life boomerang.

It is necessary from childhood to teach the child love for loved ones, kindness, mercy, to do good deeds together and do good deeds.

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Sign: evil always returns to the person who committed it.

In the early dashing 90s, I divorced my husband, tired of his drinking and worthlessness, after which I pulled my four children alone. I have no family. She sewed, knitted for people, shuttled ... And then a young neighbor on the landing, having parted ways with her husband, decided to go to her relatives in Siberia with her two-year-old son. She borrowed a small amount of money from me for the trip and, promising to return it, she mentioned that her missus would not go anywhere: in their family “they know how to do a lot.” After some time, she really returned and got along with her husband.

cruel words

I had every penny on my account with the children, but this woman did not give me back the debt upon arrival. I once told her everything that I think about her. The neighbor promised to get even with me, saying again that she "can do something."
And soon a disaster happened to my first-born Roma. He was eager to join the army, but after serving for three months, he ended up in a military hospital. Three months later, the son was commissioned, advising him to improve his health in a sanatorium. But he considered himself healthy.

After some time, Roma decided to marry a neighbor girl whom he knew from school. But she laughed at him in the presence of another guy. Why, they say, does she need a poor man, and even a sick one? Something broke in my son's heart. From an early age, my children were baptized, and the eldest son knew well that under no circumstances should one take one's own life. But after the cruel words spoken by the girl, Roma left - forever. He committed suicide on the street. But I didn't know about it right away.

At that time, I had very little to save for my own apartment. And I, once again, decided to go for the goods. Exhausted by trade, I hoped that this trip would be the last. And so it happened.

Howling dog

Getting ready for the road late in the evening, I went to our final bus stop, where a neighbor was already standing. Here, on the outskirts of the city, the forest approaches the bus stop, and after the rains, a huge puddle formed in front of it. It was chilly autumn.

While waiting for the bus, my neighbor and I exchanged meaningless phrases and noticed how a young black kitten came out of the woods opposite us. Somehow terribly, uterine meowing, he slowly, purposefully walked in our direction. There was something strange in his behavior. For some reason, I felt like he was looking straight into my eyes. And when the kitten, not bypassing the dirty cold puddle and still meowing terribly, entered it, my neighbor and I were simply dumbfounded. At that moment, our bus approached, and it seemed to us that the cat had disappeared under the wheels. But sitting in the bus, which turned around, taking us to the city center, we noticed that the animal was already sitting at the bus stop and was looking after us ...

Getting off at the stop I needed, I went along the railway embankment to the station. Still under the impression of what she saw, she was passing by the private sector, when suddenly there was a heartbreaking howl of a dog. It didn't feel right at all. All the way, while I was walking to the station, the dog did not stop. I also thought, according to popular signs, the howl of a dog is a big disaster, someone will probably have something bad happen. It was somehow painful in my soul, but there was no premonition that I was about to lose my son forever. But it happened exactly at the hour when I was walking towards the station.

For some reason, as a child, I knew that when I got married, I would have three children - two sons and a daughter. And remembering this, when I gave birth to my fourth child, I was always worried about him, what if something happens to him and I really stay with three? But I had no idea that I would lose my eldest son.

Uninvited guest

The next day, by evening train, I returned home with the goods. On the platform, my daughter met me, which had never happened before. She stayed at home as a mistress and looked after her younger brother. My daughter did not answer my questions. Getting off the bus and approaching the house, I noticed that the neighbors saw me and began to whisper. It became clear that something happened in our family. And when I entered the apartment and saw the curtained mirrors, I understood everything. It seemed like some kind of terrible, wild dream. Now I wake up from him and everything will be the same! ..
Soon the girl's mother came into the house and rejected Roma. She began to explain to me, they say, all the youth curse her daughter, supposedly it was she who was to blame for the death of my son. I was in prostration and did not quite understand what she was talking about.

It didn’t dawn on me that my long-awaited first-born, in his incomplete 19 years, was gone forever. I have never had the opportunity to accompany someone on their last journey. But I, completely ignorant of the customs, did everything as it should be ...

My girlfriends prepared a funeral dinner in the yard. It was they who drew attention to the black kitten, which got under their feet, rushed into the house, getting everyone with a heart-rending meow. And when he finally got into the room, jumping on my knees, he rushed into the coffin. From surprise, we were all numb. I grabbed the kitten, but he, clutching Roma's funeral suit with his claws, made some eerie sounds, similar to howling. Not without difficulty, we were able to drag him away, someone threw this strange animal into the yard.
Many have watched it. And people still remember this out of the ordinary event. Moreover, this story had a continuation, a truly mystical one.


On the ninth day after the funeral, we gathered with the whole family to go to the cemetery. Already approaching the bus stop, we heard a familiar meow - this is a black kitten rushing towards us. For some reason, I told my youngest son to take him home and close him on the veranda. But, as it turned out, he left the kitten in the yard. Later, when we return from the cemetery, the neighbor will tell us that in front of her eyes this ill-fated animal died under the wheels of a car. Our neighbor, working as a truck driver, drove up to the house for a couple of minutes to pick up documents. Meanwhile, the kitten, having climbed onto the wheel of his car, lay down on it. The driver got into the cab, started the engine and drove off. But for some reason, the animal was not afraid of either the sound of a running engine, or the fact that a neighbor who saw him at the last moment was shouting to jump off the wheel, you fool. And, amazingly, nothing was left of him, not even a blood stain! What was it?

Much later, the words of a neighbor-debtor, who promised that I would suffer until the end of my days, surfaced in my memory. I believe that it is she who is responsible for my misfortunes.
Everyone has long known that the perfect evil returns like a boomerang and is always punishable. I am not specifically interested in her affairs, but I know that everything in her family is very, very bad. And God is her judge, if everything that happened is her doing. And I always pray for Roma's soul. They say you can't do this, but I know that a mother's prayer is the strongest. And I hope that I prayed for the sin of my son. After all, his psyche was broken, and he was unable to endure the pain that was caused to him.

Tatyana Zakharchenko, Lesozavodsk, Primorsky Krai

Truly, the wisest was the one who invented the boomerang. After all, a person (hunter) did not always have a bow and arrows, a knife or a gun at hand, it happened that only a stick (metal stick) was nearby, which he managed to use. And throwing it at a small animal, there was no guarantee that it would hit. In addition, one had to go after the thrown stick, which one did not want to do, since a person is a lazy creature by nature.

So the idea of ​​​​inventing a boomerang came to practical people from Egypt, or from India, or perhaps from Southeast Asia (not exactly established). Its prototype was a "throw stick", or rather a throwing club, which was also given a nickname - a non-returning boomerang. Ideas are known to be high in the air, and it happens that the same thoughts visit the heads of several people. In the case of the appearance of the boomerang, this was probably the case. From Africa to the Urals, warriors and hunters had to throw sticks.

There are many legends about the history of the invention of the boomerang. There have been suggestions that Australia is his homeland, but this is not true, since his appearance there falls on the same period when they learn about him in other countries. It's just that the Australians used the boomerang much longer because they didn't know anything about arrows or bows. And yet it is believed that it received its name from the natives of Australia.

Speaking of boomerangs, it is worth noting that after launch, they do not have to fly back. Belonging to the class of throwing weapons, they can be non-returning and returning. The second appeared much later, when people realized that by changing the bend of the stick, you can control the flight path. An ordinary stick can only be called a boomerang when it can rotate in the air.

Boomerangs that do not return are called combat. This one is about a meter long. Its shape is more like a propeller from a helicopter: the upper part is less flat than the bottom, the rear edge is pointed, which cannot be said about the front. It must be thrown almost horizontally, giving the stick a natural rotation, but only around the vertical axis. If the combat boomerang is thrown correctly, it will fly almost parallel to the ground, while covering a distance of up to 200 meters. In order to hit the target with such a weapon, a person must be prepared and at the same time possess considerable physical strength.

The boomerang returning is more curved. In terms of size, it is inferior to its counterpart, besides, it is thinner. Some high spin boomerangs may have three blades (rather than two). This weapon was intended for hunting small game, as well as for disorienting the enemy. Later it began to be used in ritual ceremonies. The boomerang will not bounce back if thrown horizontally like a frisbee, so it must be done vertically. Instances with three or more blades interact with the wind, almost like a helicopter propeller. The shape of the returning boomerangs can be very diverse, if earlier the number of wings and their bend depended on the terrain, now only on the desire of the owner.

The first boomerangs in history that appeared before our era were made of wooden material, but in the 19th century plywood replaced it. But already at the end of the 20th century, light types of metal and plastic began to be used to create this type of weapon. Along with the material, the purpose of the boomerangs also changed. Now this hunting weapon has turned into a toy or a sports equipment.

Some designers apply the boomerang principle to their designs. For example, the artist Vladimir Nemov made a boomerang that looked like a smoking pipe. And no matter how far she is thrown, she comes back.

11 October 2016 - By Guest

What could be more beautiful than summer money spent on the beach .. It was on one of these hot days that I met him, everything happened so quickly I woke up, quietly closing the front door so as not to wake him up .. And in my head there is one thought married, I will not support relationship with him, deleted his number .. But the irony of fate was meeting on the same beach a couple of days later, I didn’t have enough strength to resist .. Three months in a fog, filled with tenderness, care and passion .. I saw off to work, we met, we practically lived together what to say, but he looked after me beautifully .. Every single one of my friends was against it, for some reason they didn’t like him at first and they constantly tried to drive it into my head that he didn’t suit me, but I didn’t want to hear anything ... But everything good the end comes, he left, I fight in hysterics, we call up, we decide to be together no matter what, sleepless nights, correspondence waiting .. And at the end of the vacation I fly to him, and again he is there, the week has flown by unnoticed .. And again waiting .. But now three years have passed and he comes, even if not to me, but the distance becomes much less .. I meet, worry, kiss and everything is the same as before .. But this is just an illusion .. He has a lot of debts, loans, which he is not going to give away, a sick wife and a child abroad, but nevertheless calls for a husband, wants to meet his parents .. But I don’t need a wedding at all, the main thing is to be together .. Work lack of free time I try to help him financially, so how poor he is without means of subsistence, resentment begins, why I don’t come to him, I explain there is no way, he doesn’t understand, she says she fell out of love. I think, well, I’ll go and that I’ll rent money, I need to rent a hotel, since he lives in the barracks, and then he will ask for help, but there will be nothing to help him, it’s better to be well-fed, we’ll tolerate two years without seeing each other, which is a couple of months for us, not term .. But something went wrong, he wants a child, asks to give birth to him if I don’t get pregnant in a year, he said he’ll quit, he doesn’t need me sick .. I swallow the insult, I think, well, I’ll get out of my skin, but I’ll do it ... I drank, calls, in conversation slips “there are so many goats that have not been beaten”, it’s insulting to remind the next day about this phrase, he says he was drunk, was talking nonsense, I force myself to believe it .. The balance is melting before our eyes, constantly asks to replenish, doubts creep into my soul, well, I think probably to my wife calls so much money goes away, and again I force myself to remain silent .. The advance payment at work is delayed, and again SMS “I don’t have anything to eat, I’ll probably quit and quit everything”, I’m writing to him that I can’t help yet, I’m especially busy no one. . Prapal does not write, after a couple of days he wrote, I sold the phone, I will write as much as possible, I blame myself for this, how is it that if I helped, he would be constantly in touch .. Silence for a month, I can’t stand writing what happened, in response a lot of accusations you don’t love me, you can’t come, you don’t need me and like that .. I decided to face off with my wife, she should come, we will be together again, but you still didn’t really want to be with me .. explain that my salary is small, and also a loan, I can’t afford to constantly ride to you, not understanding .. Powerlessness, but what can be done if a person has already decided everything, planned his future, in which there is no place for me .. I don’t sleep at night, I cry, I break down at work, but I gather my will into a fist and neither call nor write .. You just can’t imagine what a shock I was when a girl came to my page two months later 19- years, her page is replete with an abundance of photographs with him, it’s already clear to the fool that they are together .. Like a bolt from the blue, this news simply stunned me, my first desire was to write to her, but common sense won, she still didn’t believe it .. And he didn’t even tell her that he was married, because in some photos he is with her parents and relatives, I think if they were aware of everything, they wouldn’t even allow their daughter to communicate with him .. What should I do even and don't know..

Hi all!

This story began 15 years ago. A lonely and sick old woman lived on our street, she had no children, only a nephew who lived in St. Petersburg. Then he came to Ukraine to find a person who would look after his aunt, for which he promised his aunt's half of the house (and the other half to him). A grandmother lived nearby, the godfather of this old woman, and she undertook to take care of her, but somehow she pulled off a fraud so that she made a will for the whole house, taking advantage of the fact that this old woman had memory lapses and she signed this will. When the nephew discovered all this, he kicked this “good” neighbor out, and turned to my mother with a request to look after his aunt, and my mother agreed, since we didn’t have our own housing at that time, but we lived with my grandmother. Mom conscientiously fulfilled her duties, every day she went to this old woman. A few months later, the old woman died. Mom bought half of the house from her nephew, and we moved to live in this house, made repairs in it. And this grandmother, who was sent away, just went mad. She could not come to terms with the fact that her godfather's house was not given to her, but to my mother. She began to do all sorts of dirty tricks to us, then she would pour boiling water over the flowers and they would dry up, then she would throw all sorts of filth into the garden. We constantly quarreled with her, she cursed us as best she could, shouted that my mother illegally received the house, robbed her neighbor's nephew, etc. And the top of all the dirty tricks was that in our absence she went into our house and broke all the crystal from the sideboard. (It’s just that my mother and I had one key for two and we didn’t take it with us, but hid it in the yard, and the grandmother spied where we hide it). In general, life was simply unbearable. I was just at a transitional age then, I was finishing school, and I perceived all this very painfully. There were moments that I didn’t even want to go out into the street when this grandmother was there. Fortunately (for me) I went to university and went to live in another city. Mom fought with this miracle grandmother for a long time. The situation was aggravated by the fact that her son lived with the grandmother, who was also a little unbalanced and he often interfered in scandals and threatened us. And now, three or four years ago, the situation changed dramatically, I don’t even know why everything changed. The son of this unfortunate grandmother came from Kyiv (he went there to work), brought a woman. And scandals began in their family. This grandmother and her son hate each other with a fierce hatred, curse each other. The grandmother became old (after all, 15 years have passed), she began to have a terrible senile insanity, she does not always give an account of her actions, and her son is a hefty man, he simply does not let her live in her house, he can hit her, kicks her out of the house, offends with the very last words. She often wanders around the village all day or sits on a bench near the store, because she is afraid to go home. And also, sorry for the intimacy, she has urinary incontinence, and she stinks terribly, all people shy away from her. Every day, everyone, without exception, they have scandals, the life of this granny has turned into a real hell. And there is no one to protect her from her tyrant son, since she also had a daughter, but soon after the incident with a broken crystal, she died, and her grandchildren do not come to her at all. Of course, I'm not gloating, I even feel a little sorry for this granny. Although, of course, for us in this situation is a huge plus. Now she has left us alone, and is even afraid to utter a word in our direction. Moreover, we have established neighborly relations with her son and his new wife, he asked for an apology for past actions. This grandmother also tried to improve relations with us, but this, of course, is out of the question. We do not touch her, and we never interfere in their scandals, but we are not going to be friends with her after everything that happened. Why did I write this. In general, I don’t really believe in various damage there and all that, but I believe in God and the law of retribution, and I believe that everything that we have done will sooner or later return to us. Evil addressed to other people will return like a boomerang and strike ten times more painfully.