How can you joke with a girl. How to raise the mood to the girl in different situations

The girls are extremely emotional creatures, so it's understood when they deteriorate the mood is very difficult, and how to cheer the girl, the question is extremely heavy. It is necessary to clearly understand what you can joke, but what should be silent. Numerous tips can be found on various sites, but do not take all written techniques to your account, as girls are different, and each need a certain approach. Try to trust with your instincts, and analyze the situation in the current situation. It will be simple if you know your girlfriend, and if you just started familiarity, only the method of trial and error remains.

You decided to meet a new girl, well, write to her, make a compliment, add a fun picture, music or video to the message. Believe it, it is a good start to dating or just raise the mood and will cheer your girlfriend.

If your chosen is already enough with you for a long time, and you have accumulated your joint photos, the video where you are happy, send it, write the appropriate record to the photo - it will not leave it indifferent.

If you recently started meeting a girl, and you want to talk with her, but frequent calls will not be bad at the beginning of the development of relationships, it's not a trouble there is a SMS message, and we will tell you how to cheer the girl in correspondence, and what you should not joke , especially when she is sad.

So, the most important thing is not necessary to write poems, short messages - the key to success. Mostly girls do not like:

  • Jokes over them;
  • Black humor;
  • When underwear;
  • Vulgar jokes.

Therefore, it is not necessary before the reproach to watch a program such as Comedy to conquer her with his "brilliant" humor, which she can simply not understand. Here are some examples of SMS for a girl:

  1. You know, I'm already so tired of waiting, it seems to me that in the evening you want me to call for a date \u003d);
  2. When we meet with you, promise not to laugh, I prepared for you a love poem!;
  3. There is no strength, desire to get up in the morning, if I do not meet in the crowd of your shining eyes.

And now, let's look at how to cheer the girl in the correspondence, if it is sad, because a positive attitude always helps to improve relations, even at a distance. Try, do not lift sad themes when she is in a bad mood, let it feel that at any time of the day, no matter what distance from each other can rely on you, and feel your beloved and desired.

When correspondence, do not tell about what you talked with any other girl - it only grieves her, let him know that she is the only one for you. Tell us what funny situations have happened to your friends, colleagues during the day.

Whatever she was most pleasant, and the moods rose, use such words as a "bunny", "Baby" and other gentle words in its address. After such messages, your girlfriend will stop sad.

We decided to go on a date, do not know how to cheer the girl? For sure, do not try to become a humor's guru, it doesn't help you. We naturally and not forced, only so you can conquer your chief. If she burned, try to raise her mood, make it a surprise. Passing past the colors, buy her or delicious chocolate, toy.

Try to arrange a memorable date, go to the theater, zoo, or listen to the local group. First, she clearly like it, and secondly, he will raise her mood.

If you have a long time with your girlfriend, make it surprises to her, what she exactly like, about which she had long dreamed of. If her mood is at zero, then try to find out what the matter is that it bothers. Of course, she will answer that everything is wonderful, but still do not stop, growring it to tell you. But do not repeat one question constantly, find the approach. When she tells you, do not build yourself Macho, which will assume that her sadness should not be your efforts. Show that you are not only her guy, but also a friend who is always ready to maintain in a difficult moment.

On a date, you can easily raise your girlfriend, told an anecdote, a funny fact about yourself, or a story that your friend told you. Just do not try to memorize the text, everything should look ease, and on the topic.

After reading this article, you can apply our advice in practice, the main thing be confident, be yourself, cheerful and you can easily stand out before the oppression of female emotions. What will lead you to strengthening relationships, or maybe you will conquer a long-liked girl with which you just rewrite and she will go to date with you.

Discussion: 10 comments

    I have long wanted to find information how to cheer the girl in the correspondence. The fantasy "zero", but clearly realize the importance of positive emotions in communicating with the opposite sex. Troubled one of the options given in the article. I do not know whether Katya laughed (so calling my girl), but the meeting was successful.

    I read a million councils on the Internet, how to cheer the girl in VK. But I think that here you need to come from the situation and the nature of the interlocutor. I had girlfriends, which was enough to have a silly joke or light "divorce" to add moods. Now changed the style. In communication onlai, I focus on official, and already in real life I start to joke.

    What I can confirm exactly, so this dislike girls to black humor. Although, there are exceptions here. My past Passasy loved such anecdotes very much and even knew how to "compose" them. So it is necessary to proceed from the character of the girl, individually selecting "keys" to it.

    I met with various types of girls, but I love lambrats most of all. They are open, bright, bright and cheerful. Easy with them. Feel yourself with a real "Petrosyan" and I want to joke infinitely. But they come across and dull nature, which is unrealistic.

    Thanks for the article, because I learned a lot of interesting things for myself. Only one problem - with a sense of humor somehow not set. I am always serious in dealing with girls and can not rebuild himself. Because of this, many dating ended after the first meetings. What to do?

    From his "bell tower" I can say that humor in communicating with girls is the main key to success. If you manage to keep the interlocutor on a positive, it is already half of the success. In life there is plenty of depressing, so the young ladies are drawn to merry guys. This is 100%. Just be fun.

    About souvenirs and their effectiveness checked on himself. At each meeting with the girl tried to bring something as a gift. Nothing is expensive, of course - ordinary baubles from the store of souvenirs or made with their own hands. My humor is bad, so I tried to compensate in this way. Works.

    More difficult to make a girl in SMS. Bad also because you do not see a real reaction - only guesses. I tried to joke many times, and in response I received only "ha ha" or a smiling smiley. It is difficult to understand whether you got to a point or crossed another nonsense.

    Guys, I can give one advice. Do not try to be fun and witty - be so. Do not be afraid to say some kind of nonsense, because such tribs are often even more cheerful girls. Believe me, the lady will appreciate the efforts. I learned so much with my wife. Just carried any nonsense and tried to cheer - worked.

It has long been known that women are emotional creatures, and this means that much in their behavior, and in general it depends on the mood. If the mood of the girl is good, then things are treated, and in the house the order, and the intimate life does not refuse.

If, something is wrong, the thunderstorm clouds hang over the pair. Moreover, is it best to arrange a girl to himself when you meet? Of course, to cheer it. And if you met on the net or are you far from her? In this article, I will tell you how to raise the mood to the girl by correspondence.

How to cheer a girl by correspondence?

However, for a start a few words about why your girlfriend may have a bad mood. And it is actually important to understand, because if you do not know the reasons, then you can spend a lot of time wasted, or even make even worse.

There may be a lot of reasons. But there are some of the most common, which I can't do not mention. Otherwise, you definitely do not understand how to raise the girl on correspondence.

  1. Quarrel with someone. Anyone can feel uncertain after the conflict with someone, the longer woman. Perhaps the incident occurred at work or study. Give me to speak. If she trusts you, everything will describe in detail. It is easier to speak in the letter, because no one sees her tears.
  2. Insecurity due to any disadvantages of appearance, failures at work or study, or insufficient communicability. If you are guessing that the reason for this can be discharged by a successful compliment.
  3. Someone did not meet her expectations, perhaps you. If the mood has worsened after a date with you, then this is a clear hint. Try to get out of her that's wrong. But he himself analyze his behavior - maybe you have not done myself somewhere, or did not fulfill what promised. And in the end it upset her.
  4. Troubles or failures at school or at work. She does not cope with something, or relationships with someone are not treated. In this case, it is important to pick up a person, and say that life does not end this.
  5. Problems at home. Your girl can get sick someone from their relatives, or she just quarreled with a close relative.
  6. Problems can be with health, for example, on the female part.
  7. On the horizon there was a former lover, perhaps he even tries to return her.
  8. She had to change plans on objective reasons, and for an emotional person it is always stress.
  9. She simply accumulated fatigue, and the time to relax, practically no.
  10. Well, the most unpleasant, it's when the poor mood is caused by your behavior.

What to write a girl to cheer her?

  • In the morning you can write something pleasant to your friend, and the most obvious is the wish of good morning and a pleasant day. It must charge it for a while good mood. How to raise a friend of a correspondence mood? Send her fun photo. For example, a postcard with a cute puppy or kitten or a funny emoticon. Such simple jokes usually like all girls.

  • A great way to cheer a person on correspondence is to use short funny SMS. Choose short jokes that you can now find a lot on social networks.
  • I went to her funny video, for example, tied with animals, girls love it. However, not all you share with friends, suitable for your beloved girl. Therefore, immediately forget about frankly stupid and vulgar videos.
  • Do not hesitate to make it compliments, even if she has a bad mood. The fact that their girls love is an indisputable fact. For example, we can say that you can not forget her incredible color of the eyes or about the fact that she is very taking her dress in which she was on a date. You can come up with anything. Especially if you like it, it means that there is something in it. And on this something can be focused. However, if it's just a big breast, flattering in this direction is not too frankly too. After all, she will probably have other advantages, for example, the mind, a kind soul, an excellent sense of humor and so on. How to say a girl compliments? What kind of content should they be? All this you can find out.

How to laugh a girl by correspondence if she is sick?

The disease is especially serious, it is not at all reason for laughter. Therefore, the maximum that you can and should do is to support her morally and try to raise the mood. And here they definitely do not fit stupid jokes. She probably sits at home or worse - lies in the hospital and languishes in four walls.

Therefore, an excellent option, how to raise a mood on a correspondence - this is to offer her to go to some interesting and unusual place as soon as she recovers. This should not badly motivate it, especially since the wonderful reason for conversation is plans for joint pastime.

Beautiful poems or a song about love, which are also abundant now online. They will show her what you think about her and whine. It will be quite pleasant for her, because the disease for the girl is always a reason to be crumbling in its attractiveness. That is why at this time it is so important words of support and compliments from your side.

Podibodari her positive outlook - you have no doubt that she will soon recover, and you will meet. If it can be visited, then use such an opportunity, but do not abuse. Still, the bed regime and peace is important for recovery, and the girls are always beginning to worry at such visits, because they feel uncertain because of the appearance, especially in the hospital ward.

However, it is not worth leaving a person in full solitude for a period of illness, because she might think that you still do not need her, and that you need it only healthy. If you do that, then do not be surprised that, after recovery, the girl will sharply cool with you, and even suggests to stop relationships.

In general, the ability to surprise the beautiful floor is half of success in seduction. However, often guys do not believe in themselves, and think that it is necessary to come up with a really great plan to make a girl happy without money or it will inevitably fall into serious spending. However, as practice shows at all, it is not necessary to have serious financial capabilities in order to simply cause surprise.

That is why it is necessary to show your attention regularly, and think how to entertain a girl on correspondence. So that it is not sad, you can make a collage of your joint photos and send it. And you can order her flowers and balls with delivery in addition.

There are many ways to cheer the girl by correspondence. For this you can use jokes and jokes from the Internet, beautiful and funny photos, poems, songs and videos. It is important at this at least approximately know the reason for its sadness.
If you want to know even more secrets on the seduction of girls

It's no secret that girls are quite emotional creatures that are quickly upset or fall into depression. But it is easy to cheer and raise the mood even in correspondence, SMS and social networks. In this question, the internal attitude of the interlocutor is important, so being the most upset, it will not be possible to solve the situation. You also need to be natural and benevolent, attentive. Together we learn how to cheer the girl in the correspondence, according to SMS, even if she is not a lady of the heart, but only a friend.

How to cheer a girl by correspondence?

Before thinking about how to entertain a girl in VK, remember some of the main nuances:

  • Do not care if you have a bad mood, because every word will annoy her;
  • Be careful, listen and be a vest in which you can cry;
  • Do not iron and do not exacerbate the situation, humor raises the mood, but only in good key;
  • Try to distract it from a problem topic;
  • Give positive examples.

Cheer the girl in SMS is even easier than personally. Since there is time to think over the answer, catch the mood and talk a lot of pleasant things that live is scary.

How to cheer the girl in contact?

VKontakte is one of the most famous and visited social networks, where most people communicate. Therefore, the problem is how to cheer the girl in contact, many guys occur. For a start, you can throw off the song, a funny video or a fun photo. If we are talking about your lover, then throw off joint pictures and clips to her, it will definitely raise her mood and show your support.

If you communicate not so long ago, the persistent calls can be unnecessary, but how to laugh a girl by correspondence, we will tell. It is important - not to write huge messages, and remember that most ladies do not like:

  • Jokes over girls;
  • Black humor;
  • Many obscene expressions;
  • Vulgar phrases.

It is better to make a few compliments to her, insert a couple of jokes, talk about your day and fun situations at work (with friends, studying). Do not forget to insert cute stuffing nicknames, like a bunny, ray, baby. Although in the question how to cheer the girl VK, you need to take into account personal features and character. Some prefer to express all the painful to make it easier. In this case, the pods or mascara names will be inappropriate, and the above options, how to make a girl in correspondence may not work.

A couple more ways how to entertain the girl VK

Cheer the girl in SMS or the VK correspondence is not so difficult if there is a definite connection between you and you like to communicate. The best way is to tell a funny story from your life, but not the one where you looked stupid. Also remember a couple of jokes, help translate the situation in ironic. When the girl can look at the situation on the other side, easier, then her mood will rise, and she will forget about what happened.

How can you cheer in contact yet? Speak jokes with hidden compliments, which will appreciate each and will become the new turn of the development of your relationship. A good alternative is a joke with meaning, which expands the outlook and allows you to translate the conversation to another steppe, distract.

No matter how a pinch of the girl you decide, there are unacceptable situations:

  • Do not try to be clown and in each sentence to insert similar phrases;
  • No need to use a lot of slang and incomprehensible words;
  • You should not start the topic of sex and sexual relationship;
  • Talk about disabled or past ridiculous situations, otherwise it will aggravate the situation;
  • Conversation about past relations;
  • Do not speak in a drunken state, nothing good will come of it.

If you do not know how to pix a girl in correspondence, kindly, but funny, go to her photos or pictures. You can leave fun comments, communicate and complement the correspondence of other pictures. It is enough to include fantasy and be creative.

Another way is to talk about simple things, developing the topic to the absurd, inventing unrealistic development scenarios. It is fun and raises the mood to both. You can even go to the community group, where people are divided by funny events from life, and throw a girlfriend. Try different ways and realize how to cheer the girl by correspondence.

If you are lost, than to cheer the girl in contact, go to special humorous publics. A couple of funny pictures or video will raise the mood without much effort. Especially creative can personally shoot video with their participation and send a friend. Such no one will leave indifferent.

How to cheer the girl VK? Individual approach!

How to cheer the girl in the correspondence, if it is sad, you can come up with, but not all ways will work. It all depends on the situation, your relationship, the nature of the girlfriend. If some do not like black humor, then others refer to it ironically, they can let go of such jokes in response. It works exactly for all types of women - creativity, video and pictures, funny stories from their lives. The rest is an individual approach and the ability to "feel" a person.

If you know each other well, you can support, give a good mood and cheer even in SMS. And the recommendations "how to cheer a girlfriend in contact" - do not need. To do this, do not necessarily do dear gifts, rewrite jokes from the gum or seem better than you are. Girls thinly feel the narrowest, false and insincerity. Also, do not try to take advantage of the lady state to incline her to relationships or sex. Such an approach gives the opposite effect and extensively spoil the relationship. Women love those who can listen to them, support, make a compliment and insert a funny joke to the place.

It is not a secret for a long time that many girls fall in love with guys who make them smile. You can raise your favorite mood in many ways, and some of them we will look at. There may be a lot of reasons, and we will discuss only some of them. She quarreled with someone. After a conflict situation, almost anyone feels like "not in his plate", and quite possibly your interlocutor also experienced a similar situation on the eve. If so, and your relationship is quite close, then it is likely that she will tell herself about the incident. She is insecure. Often, the reason for the poor mood of the girl may be insecurity. She may seem that it is not attractive enough, interesting and the like. In addition, she believes that all her shortcomings are visible to others, and this is depressing it. It can also be uncertain in the outfit, which currently is currently. The situation can fix sincerely said compliment. Unnecessary expectations. If this happened at a meeting with you, then perhaps she was waiting for something else - another date, conversations on other topics, other behavior on your part and so on. She probably thought out how everything would happen, but the reality was not the same as she wanted. Problems at work or school. It is possible that she is not all good at work or school. Perhaps it does not cope with any tasks or she is stretched with a relationship with someone from the team, and it upsets it. Family troubles. It is possible that the girl's family is now not all well - someone sick, there was a quarrel, someone from the family has a different problem. Health. Perhaps she had some kind of health problem - a tooth hurts, makes itself felt the victim of injury, "female sores" or something like that. If this is true, you can and not know about it. Many girls are shy to talk about such things. Ex-boyfriend. Her former lover made itself felt, and now she is immersed in thoughts about and parting and former problems. Perhaps their communication turned out to be unpleasant, or he, on the contrary, tried to return the girl that he confused her. Change plans. The girl planned her day or evening in a certain way, but for some reason the plans had to be changed. Changes do not seem to her equal initial ideas, and it does not please it. Fatigue. She simply could get tired. Perhaps she worked a lot, was engaged in household, several hours "dull in the city" on affairs and so on. Now she is simply physically there is no strength for fun. Memories. She just remembered something unpleasant that in general could happen a few years ago. These thoughts provoked her bad mood. Your behavior. Perhaps before meeting with you she had a normal mood, but in the end, it was embarrassed by your behavior. It is possible that you have coarse or tactless jokes (comments), your conversation is not glued, and she feels awkward, she does not see a serious interest on your part, asked the topic of conversation to her little interesting and so on.

Wishes of a good day in the morning

The wish of good morning can charge a good mood for the whole day - especially if it comes from a person who is sympathetic to the girl. Write to her in the morning that today will certainly be a good day, let her smile more often, and, as usual, it is charged everything around with its light energy. You can send her a cute postcard - a kitten, sprinkling on the grass; snow-covered city; Snowdrop punching through melting snow; Forest trail illuminated by the sun and the like. In general, choose what seems most relevant to you, and that, for sure, I will like the girl.

Funny short sms

If something cheerful happens to you, then you can tell about this girl in SMS. If nothing like this did not happen, then simply send her jokes that many groups in social networks die. Choose short jokes so that girls do not have to spend a lot of time on their reading.

Send merry video

Many people love to watch funny videos, and, perhaps, your chosen one has become an exception. Send her something funny, associated, for example, with animals. Avoid vulgar or frankly stupid rollers. Not always a joke, which you can throw a friend will be perceived by the "Harus" girl.

Compliments - always win-win

Girls love compliments, and this is an indisputable fact. If you have recently saw each other today, you can write to her: "You had a very beautiful dress, for some reason it was remembered for me," I don't get ready to wonder what your eye's incredible color is "," You look especially gorgeous today. " If you have personal communication, then say compliments immediately, not laying them on then.

How to quickly cheer your favorite girl in VK by correspondence

According to the correspondence on the social network, cheer the girl is a little easier than simply by SMS. If you know for sure that now the interlocutor is free, you can tell her a long fun story that once happened to you. Once it is about your girlfriend, you can remember some pleasant and fun moments that happened to you together. Suspend pleasant memories can be relevant photograph. You can also send the video that you have just been removed - let it contain a cute recognition in love, or just some kind and affectionate words. If there is no mood to shoot rollers, they can be found on the Internet, focusing on the taste of your chosen. For example, you know exactly what she likes kittens and she loves children - in this case, send funny videos with mischievous cats and kids. Surely, they will be able to raise the girl's mood - besides, such rollers in the network usually a lot and the collection is regularly replenished. You can start a correspondence in the VC to build any plans with your girlfriend who will probably like it. It may be about the trip to another city, traveling to another country, the upcoming day of birth and so on. Many girls like planning, and it really raises them mood. Excellent her beautiful verse about love. You can write it yourself or choose the desired work, having studied some of the works of famous classics. Surely, the chosen will be pleased to read the words of love in this form.

What to say a girl when she sick and sad

Sharpen with the right words

If your girl got sick, and in this regard, she has no mood, then in your power to cheer it up and send her thoughts completely into another bed. Offer her to go or go to some interesting place immediately after it goes on the amendment. Choose this option that will like it accurately. Tell me that you lack her smiles, and ask what you can do to make it at least a little easier.

Distract with beautiful verse or ssh

The ill girl not only, as a rule, feels bad, but also suffers from bad thoughts. It may seem to her that while she will fight a poor, you can pay attention to another person. She is also less confident in its attractiveness. Any disease usually affects the appearance in some way. Your task is to dispel all the doubts of the elect, paying for her as much attention as possible - including by correspondence. Give her to understand what you often think about her. Write her touching and sensual SMS - she will appreciate it. Do not disappear for a long period, try to almost always be in touch. It will not be superfluous to send a beloved beautiful verse about love - written by you or found in the network. Also pick up a romantic song, learn the text, make sure there are only pleasant and exciting words - send this work to the girl, noting that it reminded you of her.

Reassure a positive forecast and set

Let the girl understand that they are confident in her soon recovery. At the same time, note that if the process is somewhat delayed, then you will be with it near all this time, and in every possible way to support it. Come up with some interesting point that she can afford now. If it can be visited, then be sure to use this opportunity, however, do not abuse - a sick person needs a full-fledged rest and a dream, so one visit to the day will be quite enough, after which you maintain a connection in a different way. Let the girl understand that despite the fact that today it seems to have fallen out of life a little, your attitude towards it remains the same, and you are still ready for care about her.

Nice to surprise a surprise

Of course, some words in this situation are few, and before you is exactly the case when the guy has a huge chance to show himself, get close to the girl. Some young people make a catastrophic mistake, saying to the girl something like: "Well, you still get together, then we will meet, I will not strain you." Most often, this behavior turns into a gap relationship from the side of the girl, because she understands that it is necessary for this guy only when she has no problems. If you want to impress the girl, and become the main character of her enthusiastic girlfriends, then do otherwise. Bring her, for example, a fruit basket - firstly, the vitamins do not interfere now, and secondly, it is simply nice and impressive. You can also bring the goodies that likes - candy, sushi, and even though sausage! It is important that you remember her tastes, and want to please. Girls of any age have a positive attitude to mild toys - bring her a big hare or bear, saying that he will "look after it" for her until you are near. In general, a gift can be any - the main thing that for the girl it was a pleasant surprise. By the way, the surprise may be another kind. For example, a collage with your common photos, a video mounted from the frames of your shared vacation, an ohale balloon, a flower in a pot and much more. The main thing is that it is touching and beautiful. Please note that if you regularly apply visits to the girl during this period, it is capable of not only to please her, but sometimes putting it in an uncomfortable position - it is caused by what you need to be careful during tea drinking , feed you with lunch and the like. It may seem trifle, but during the disease, not every girl is able to take care of such things daily. That is why you can bring meals yourself to tea, eliminating possible awkward situations.

To be pleased with flowers

Surely, your girlfriend loves flowers, and now you have a suitable reason to give her such a mark of attention. Choose a beautiful bouquet and bring it personally or pass through the courier. Most likely, the elect will be pleasant to such a gesture, and the flowers will be happy to please her eyes, reminding you. If the recovery period has been delayed, please the girl with flowers more often - do not even doubt what she likes it. A gift without reason. Any woman will be happy to give a good gift. And it may not be necessary to go about the costly gift. Many men are accustomed to acting standard - do surprises on large holidays, the rest of the time limited to monotonous dates, and even at all the sitting at home in front of the TV. Of course, such a one-dimension can over time, and if you notice a similar problem behind yourself - learn spontaneity, for example, in gifts, let them sometimes be without reason. If you know that the chosen is about some kind of thing, then if you have the opportunity, they buy it now, without waiting for the holiday dates. Surely, a woman will appreciate a similar gust. Give her periodically boxes of her favorite sweets, small and cute or huge and luxurious bouquets, perfume, about which she dreamed of and so on. If you are comfortable with your chosen, and you feel that she makes you happy, then such signs of attention in relation to it will be only a joy. Chocolate, sweets. Many girls are sweet toes, and perhaps your chosen is to their number. If this is true, then periodically delight it with your favorite tastes. Surely for a period of communication with her, you have time to study her tastes at least a little, so you will not be a lot of work to choose sweets for her - a big tile of chocolate for her, a few kinder surprises, a bag of prunes in chocolate, a box of dates or gentle air cakes, beautiful Cake and much more! Undoubtedly, something from the listed causes delight of your girl-sweet tooth! If you definitely do not know what your chosen one will like, do not be afraid to experiment - you may be able to surprise her with something that she still has not tried. Saying that the path to the heart of a man lies through his stomach, but, oddly enough, a woman can also be constructed in the same way! Horsemen with girlfriends. Many guys are very zealous about the fact that their girls can spend a lot of time in society girlfriends. If in your relationship, too, if such a problem, then over time it will lead to serious consequences. So you demonstrate your girlfriend your distrust than involuntarily repulse it from yourself. Let her spend time and have fun with girlfriends - it fully has it right. If you will express some kind of discontent, it will soon begin to miss the time when you were not in her life. Believe that if it does not have any obstacles in meetings with girlfriends, they will not be for her believed "forbidden fruit." If you objectively understand that these gatherings do not switch the scope of reasonable, then conduct a serious psychological work on yourself, in order to understand why you have a negative reaction. Time with a loved one. If it seems to you that your favorite girl is more interesting to spend time with someone with you, then it is possible to fix it in your power. Arrange really interesting dates, and the girl will begin to smile even more often with you. The main thing is that in your pastime reign a variety, and then you will be good in these relationships. And what kind of dates can be thought out:
    Picnic. Organize for your girl a romantic picnic. Wait for warm, but not hot weather, choose a picturesque place, bow to fruit and goodies that like your girlfriend, take a thermos coffee, a bottle of wine or just some delicious drink, and invite your chosen one. New coffee house. Many couples prefer to walk in the same already familiar dream, and sometimes they don't even notice that it no longer gives them to be joy and interest. Offer a girl a date in new establishments, in those who have not yet been brought to - for sure, in your city for lately A lot of wonderful and cozy restaurants or coffee shops with a romantic atmosphere appeared. Paraglider. If your girlfriend loves adrenaline, then it can inspire your offer to fly on Paraglian. In many major cities, some organizations have long been offering such a service. And by the way, it is less scary than the jump on the parachute. Dropper on a river ship. If you have a river in your nearest town, then, most likely, in the warm season it is arranged for walks on the boat, which can afford everyone. This is especially beautiful in the evening when it comes to a megalopolis, and you overlooks the lights of the evening embankment. For candlelight. Most often, such surprises are suitable for their men girls, but believe me, any of them would be glad to a similar gift, because she does not have to stand at the slab and so on. Cook a delicious dish, pick a drink to it, buy fruit, and in front of the advent of the sweetheart lit candles. If you doubt your culinary opportunities, order her favorite dishes from the restaurant - probably, she will like it no less.

If you notice that a bad mood is characteristic of your chosen more often than good or neutral, then, of course, determine the cause of such a phenomenon. If this happens only in your presence, and at the same time you know that with other people it is usually cheerful and cheerful, then it is obvious that the problem lies in your relationship. Perhaps the girl even once again said that she was not satisfied, but you did not attach much importance. Invil your beloved on a frank conversation (of course, without aggression and irritation), find out what she would like to change in your relationship. If the girl falls into the despondency not only in your society, then there may be several options. 1 - pessimismPerhaps she behaves in itself pessimist, so it affects its character accordingly. If the girl is aware of this problem, then it can be solved by visiting the relevant trainings, studying the literature on this topic or meeting with a psychologist. It is possible that you are in nature a born optimist - then an option is possible that over time you infect it with your optimism. 2 - HealthNot everyone knows that some health problems are characterized by depressive and irritable mood, increased fatigue, apathy. This is a very common phenomenon, and your girl may not even suspect their problem. She should be examined in the clinic, and especially this concerns the visit to the endocrinologist - such symptoms are often characteristic of people who have problems with thyroid gland. 3 - ProblemsMaybe in the life of your girl there are problems that it cannot yet decide, and it imposes a certain imprint on its general condition. Frankly talk to her and, if possible, try to assist her in solving her difficulties. Perhaps she has trouble in the family, in the team or somewhere else, and she does not know how to cope with them. It is possible that your advice or active participation will correct the situation.

Laughter and fun liberate people, makes them closer, makes a desire to meet more often. That is why many guys think about how to make a girl. However, this issue should be very neat and observant. Jokes and humor can only be useful if the girl understands them. Humor, like good seasonings to food, should be in moderation. The oversupply of humor can cause a negative reaction and consolidate the guy of the glory of the "jester of pea" or "clown".

How to make a penpal girl?

Pretty many guys and girls communicate in. Thinking about how to make a girl in contact or classmates, look at a few personal pages of the girl for a start and analyze them. It is necessary to see what exactly she likes, what causes her admiration and what humor is pleasant to her.

You can try such ways how to make a girl in social networks:

  1. Send a girl a picture with a funny animal and come up with an interesting signature.
  2. Find a ridiculous photo, download it to your page and tick the girl you want to cheer on it. There are a lot of funny photos with someone's failures or cool deeds. The girl, of course, will pay attention to such a joke and necessarily reacts.
  3. Comment on her photo. If you do not have a sufficient sense of humor, ask to help in commenting your friend. However, humor should not be too ironic. Most likely, he must be somewhat fluffing and enjoyable.
  4. Send the girl an unknown joke or a funny story. It is best that selected stories have been in the topic to some record on the page.
  5. Send a funny gift with an interesting comment.

It is important to remember that it should not just need to make a girl, but to interest it with his personality.

How to make a girl on the phone?

Make a girl on the phone a little more difficult than with a personal meeting. At the time of communication, the first time is sometimes enough to raise eyebrows or reveal the widespread eyes to cause laughter. But when talking on the phone, facial expressions and gestures remain behind the scenes. It remains to hope only for the meaning of words and to intonation.

However, the conversation on the phone has advantages. At this time, you can read jokes on the Internet. This will help not get down and not spoil the joke.

Talking a joke or anecdote, you need to follow your intonation. It must be expressive and different. Any joke can be spoiled, if you tell it without a monotonous voice.

A good effect has a teaching of a joke whose voice. It may be humor from some recognizable transmission or a famous humorist. The ability to copy someone's intonation and voice is valued by girls high enough.

Thinking about how you can laugh a girl, it is worth remembering that there are things that you need to laugh. These include:

How to make a favorite girl?

Mix your favorite girl is easier than unfamiliar, for the reason that its preferences are already known and interests. In this case, you should simply eat in to choose that information that will be interesting to the girl will attract her attention and cause a cheerful reaction.

The guy should be not just funny, but witty. And for this you need not just information, but also a creative approach to business.