How to clean white mink fur. Vinegar with lemon juice. When is it time to clean

Any thing from your personal wardrobe needs cleaning, a mink coat is no exception. Of course, it will be a little more difficult to clean it, and the easiest way out of this situation will be to contact dry cleaning specialists. The disadvantages of dry cleaning include high prices and some risks that things can be spoiled, even if the probability of this is quite negligible. That's why people try to find out how to clean a mink coat at home. There are many ways to clean yourself, but we will describe only a few of the most effective.

How to determine if a mink coat needs cleaning?

Surely you know that these products are able to serve their owner faithfully for many years, you just need to properly care for them. Now let's move on, so to speak, to centenarians, mink can be worn without problems up to 12 years, but products made from otter and beaver fur will serve you, attention ... right up to two decades. The main signs that a thing has worn out can be considered: the appearance of dust and plaque on it, the loss of its luster, dirt adhering to the hairs, a crumpled appearance, and the lack of pomp of fur.

What is contraindicated to do with a mink coat when cleaning the house yourself? Firstly, fur products cannot be washed in the usual way, stains can be removed using local washing, powders or other detergents not intended for fur can be used. No matter how trite it may sound, but no matter what they tell you, do not dry it over an open fire, you should not use various heaters, including batteries. If you are caught in snow or rain, then you need to dry the mink coat only in a room that has good ventilation, pay attention to a room with a draft is not suitable.

Never iron a mink coat! You might think: who would even think of ironing fur? But as the practice of some dry cleaners shows, there are also cases when a client brings his favorite fur coat, which looks as if the skating rink has not walked along, and most importantly, the hostess of the thing, standing on her own, says that it is necessary. We repeat once again - do not iron fur products! Over time, the fur coat itself will acquire its original, not wrinkled appearance.

How to clean a mink coat at home:

1. First of all, the mink coat must be washed, this is done carefully but at the same time with the application of force, then with a brush slightly moistened with gasoline, we clean the fur. If the mink itself is light, then in order to avoid yellowing, it must be treated with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water (1 tablespoon per liter of water). A yellowed mink coat is cleaned with a richer mixture, but care must be taken so that hydrogen peroxide does not get on the base - this can damage it. The fur can be wrinkled very easily, and if this happens, go over it with a slightly wet sponge, while the villi should get wet. Then he is combed so that the movements are in the direction of the villi, at the end leave the fur coat to dry but only on a hanger. At the end of drying, beat it again.

2. Cleaning a mink coat in the following way - involves the use of a heated soapy solution. To prepare it, you need to add hair shampoo or any other non-aggressive detergent to a basin of water. A sponge or just a piece of cloth is ideal for applying the solution to the fur. There is a slightly different cleaning option using this method. Take a comb and wind the cotton wool treated in the solution on its teeth, fix it well there, and then just comb the fur.

3. Purchase sawdust from hardwood trees at your nearest zoological shop. Pour a little into a bowl and add clean gasoline to them. Lay the fur coat on a flat surface, leveling it at the same time, and pour sawdust processed in gasoline on it. Next, use a brush to thoroughly clean everything.

4. How to clean a mink coat at home with the addition of potato starch? This white free-flowing powder does an excellent job of removing dirt without harming the fur at all. Just like with sawdust, the fur coat must be placed on a smooth surface and leveled, only after that we sprinkle the fur with starch. Rub it all with your hands and then shake off the potato starch. Along the way, it may darken slightly, which means that it will not be superfluous to repeat the process one more time.

5. Semolina does an excellent job of removing dirt from fur, especially considering the fact that this product can be found in any home. First, semolina must be boiled, for this, take a tablespoon of cereal in a glass of milk. The porridge is applied to the fur in a very thin and even layer, after application, leave the fur coat for 6 hours. After that, you need to comb it, for this, pick up a comb with a small number of teeth, then beat it well.

6. Thanks to the following recipe, your mink coat will regain its attractive appearance. To prepare this solution in 1/5 cup of hot water, you need to add a few drops of alcohol and 1 drop of cleaning agent (any one is used), all this is well mixed. To check if this product is suitable for your fur coat, first apply a little on an inconspicuous area, namely on the leather part. Then stretch this place a little and if any damage does not follow, then feel free to proceed with cleaning the rest of the part. It is most convenient to use gauze or cotton wool, apply the mixture on them and begin to draw along the fur, in the direction of the pile.

Thanks to the methods described above, you can easily clean a mink coat at home, but of course you need to do everything right, preferably without amateur performance. When examining the contamination, it may seem to you that no method will help, or you simply doubt it, if this happens, then it is better to contact a dry cleaning specialist. However, as we wrote at the very beginning, not all owners of dry cleaners treat their activities in good faith and therefore there is a possibility of damage to the product. If you are already applying to such establishments, then you should not pay attention to the price, let it be great, but the work must also be done in good faith.

In order for fur products not to lose their attractiveness for a long time, they need to be regularly and properly looked after. It is not necessary to take things to dry cleaning, you just need to know how to clean a white fur coat yourself.

How to clean a white fur coat at home

Before any cleaning, the product should be inspected to identify problem areas. Then the fur coat needs to be cleaned of dust - spread it out on a damp sheet, carefully knock out, dry in comfortable conditions. After that, you can proceed to the removal of more complex contaminants.

Knowing how to clean a white fur coat, you can save on dry cleaning.

On different types of fur, pollution is removed in different ways.

  1. Rabbit fur is easy to clean with ordinary flour, talc, starch. The product should be combed well, put on a flat surface, pour a thin layer of the selected product. It is easy, without pressing the fur, to rub the flour into the pile - the powder noticeably changes color, acquires a grayish tint. After that, the fur coat must be shaken out well or cleaned with a vacuum cleaner at low speeds.
  2. Beaver and muton fur coats can be cleaned of greasy plaque using starch - the powder should be diluted with refined gasoline to a thick slurry. Spread the mixture on contaminated areas, leave to dry completely, remove with a soft brush. The cleaned product must be well ventilated.
  3. Mink can be lightened with peroxide. Prepare a solution of 200 ml of water and 5 ml of peroxide, add 2 drops of ammonia to make the fur shine. Apply the mixture with a soft sponge against the villi.

Difficult stains from light furs can be removed with a mixture of 2 parts ammonia and 1 part warm water. Treat contaminated areas with a solution, comb well after drying.

How to clean a white fur coat from yellowness

Under the influence of sweat, rain and snow, white fur acquires an ugly yellow tint. Yellowness also appears with improper storage. You can get rid of an unpleasant color with the help of improvised means.

How to remove yellowness from white fur?

  1. Lay out the coat on a flat surface.
  2. Sprinkle thoroughly with potato starch.
  3. Mix 200 ml of warm water with 10 ml of detergent or regular shampoo in a spray bottle.
  4. Spray the fur coat with the solution, spread the mixture evenly over the entire pile with a soft sponge.
  5. Leave until completely dry.
  6. Remove residue with a clothes brush.

Cleaning a mink coat is a very important task for every owner of this piece of clothing, because even without obvious contamination, it loses its attractiveness over time due to the natural wear of the fur.

Can a mink coat be cleaned?

To restore it to its former beauty, you must use one of several methods:

  • Comb and cotton pads. To use this method, you need to moisten cotton pads in water, put them on a comb and comb the fur with them. This way you can collect all the dust.
  • Soap solution. This method not only removes dust, but also neutralizes the natural smell of fur after long wear and restores the shine of the pile. To use it, it is enough to moisten the sponge in a solution of water with shampoo or any other neutral agent and then walk it over the product.
  • Dry cleaning. This method involves pouring dry starch onto the surface of a fur coat. Next, it needs to be rubbed deeper into the fur, but carefully so as not to disturb the structure of the pile. The last step is to shake off the starch from the product. If the starch turns gray, then the procedure must be repeated.

Should I dry-clean my mink coat or clean it myself?

The answer to this question depends on what type of pollution is on the fur coat. If you just need to "refresh" it, then you can handle it yourself. Also, you can independently clean the product from serious contaminants. To make a decision, you need to consider ways to get rid of several types of pollution yourself.

Video: types of cleaning or how dry cleaners clean fur coats

How to get rid of:

  • Yellowness. To get rid of this type of dirt, you can use dry and wet cleaning. Dry cleaning is to use starch, chalk or semolina for this process. To solve this problem, you need to sprinkle these powders on the fur, wait a few minutes and then comb the pile until these additives completely disappear. As for wet cleaning, hydrogen peroxide is very often used for mink. To achieve the best result, the peroxide is dissolved with water and a few drops of ammonia are added. A quality cleansing mixture eventually consists of a glass of water, a spoonful of peroxide and a few drops of alcohol. The finished mixture is applied to the fur with the help of cotton pads or cloth. After processing, the fur must be dried naturally.
  • Fat. The best way to get rid of such stains is regular school chalk. It must be crushed to a state of flour and sprinkled on the site of contamination. Leave until it completely absorbs fat and then comb. If not all the stain has disappeared or it is too voluminous, then the procedure can be repeated several times until the pollution is completely removed.
  • Vomiting. This type of pollution is organic, so it requires a special approach to removal. There is only one effective way to remove organic matter from fur. To do this, you first need to sprinkle starch on the most contaminated places and rub it thoroughly into the pile. Next, you should make a soapy solution from washing powder and water and apply it with a spray bottle to the areas sprinkled with starch and the places around them. Then you need to remove everything with a sponge, and after drying, comb out the remnants.

Important! It is highly desirable to take a washing powder that will be as neutral as possible and without the use of bleach. For these purposes, baby powders for hand washing are best suited.

If it is not possible to remove the stain manually, then it is better not to repeat the procedure, but to dry-clean the fur, because the composition of the vomit can be very different and professional help and appropriate means will be required to completely remove it from the fur. If you are too actively engaged in independent searches for the best way, then you can greatly harm expensive fur.

  • Champagne. Some girls first use starch or chalk to clean their fur, which absorbs liquid. Next comes the process of wet cleaning of residues, which includes treatment with a solution of water with shampoo. Some housewives treat the remnants of a champagne stain not with liquid, but with foam. This significantly shortens the drying process.

Important! If moisture remains after any type of cleaning, then it is worth putting a fur coat to dry in natural conditions. If this is not done and you try to dry the fur with a hairdryer or near the battery, then the quality of the pile will deteriorate greatly.

  • Sweet. If there is contamination from this type of food, then you need to use a cleaning method that is very similar to the previous one, but has some significant differences. To treat the stain, you need to moisten it with plain water, after decomposing the product on a flat surface. Next, you need to walk over the place of the stain with a sponge dipped in shampoo and at the same time try not to leave too much of this product. Next, you need to go through the water again, removing the remnants of the shampoo. As a result, there will be no trace of the stain, and the fur coat will have to be dried naturally.
  • From foundation. Such stains are removed with medical alcohol, but you should be careful with this tool, so it is best to use its solution. For cleaning, you need to treat the contaminated area with a cotton pad slightly moistened with a solution.

How to clean a mink coat:

  • White. The main contamination of such a fur coat is yellowness. The method of dealing with it has already been described above.
  • Light. Even if the fur coat is not white, it is still worth adhering to the principles of working with white fur so as not to cause unpleasant consequences of fading.
  • Black. For this type of fur, it is very important to use neutral products without bleach.
  • Blue. This type of fur coat is best cleaned with dry products or neutral solutions with shampoo so that the color is not damaged.

How to clean the collar of a mink coat from blush and foundation?

Any part of the mink is easily cleaned with a cotton pad dipped in an alcohol solution. In this case, it is advisable not to clean dark fur coats in this way.

How to clean the fur from dust and dirt at home?

Another interesting way to get rid of this kind of pollution at home is the usual knocking out. To implement it, you need to lay out the fur coat on a horizontal surface and knock it out on both sides onto the fabric that is substituted under the product. Naturally, with this method it is better not to overdo it so as not to damage the pile.

How to refresh a knitted mink coat?

For this type of product, it is better to use dry cleaning of the pile, and wet cleaning at the seams. And at first it is best to use the dry cleaning method and sprinkle chalk or starch on the pile, and then subtract the residues. Next, you need to treat the seams with soapy water and leave to dry naturally.

How to clean the pile: the best tools

If you combine all the above funds into one TOP, you get the following list:

  • a solution of water and shampoo / other neutral detergent;
  • starch;
  • bran;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • alcohol.

You can read more about how to clean natural mink fur.

How to clean the lining of a fur coat?

For this, 4 steps are used:

  1. At the first, the entire contaminated surface of the lining is wiped with a damp sponge with soapy water.
  2. The second involves removing the remnants of soapy liquid with a damp sponge.
  3. At the penultimate stage, the lining is treated with dry wipes to absorb the maximum amount of moisture.
  4. The last step consists of drying the lining naturally.

How to properly care for mink fur?

Proper care for this kind of fur fits into a few recommendations that you should follow:

  • Cleaning once a year. This is quite enough for each product that is not exposed to chemicals. If the fur coat constantly smells of perfume and is sometimes contaminated with cosmetics, then it is worth cleaning it 2 times.
  • You can store a fur coat only in a dry place where there is no access to sunlight, and it is better to use special covers with slots for storage.
  • If the winter weather does not allow you to “walk” a fur coat, then you should hang it on the balcony so that it stays in the cold for at least a day.

How to store a mink coat in summer?

  • Put in refrigerator. There is a service for storing such fur coats in a special refrigerator, so that he is guaranteed to keep the fur coat in good condition.
  • Free up the closet and space around the fur coat. This is very important so that the fur does not fog up and deteriorate.

Video: how to clean a natural mink coat yourself at home

To clean a mink coat, it is necessary to correctly determine the method of cleaning, this will help to avoid damage and restore the natural shine of the mink. Important points of choice are the type of pollution and the color of the fur.

The loss of color and attractiveness occurs as a result of the accumulation of dust and small debris among the villi, as well as the appearance of other types of pollution. Their detection indicates the need for cleaning.

From dirt

The easiest way to remove dirt from a mink coat is dry cleaning. First, the product must be hung on a coat hanger and dried thoroughly at room temperature. In this case, the use of heaters is not recommended, it will only worsen the situation. When the fur is dry, you need to arm yourself with a special brush and comb it in the direction of the pile. After the final shaking, the fur coat will be rid of dirt and will take on its former appearance. If you are concerned about dust and unpleasant odors, you can use semolina:

  • the product is laid out on a flat surface;
  • sprinkle generously with cereals;
  • then carefully wipe with a brush;
  • leave for a quarter of an hour and finally shake.

More difficult stains are removed with a wet cleaning with soapy water. Shavings of laundry soap should be diluted with a small amount of water and mixed until smooth. Alternatively, a thick detergent can be used. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • moisten the brush in the solution;
  • wipe contaminated places;
  • remove the remains of the product with a dry cloth.

After the cleaning procedure, the mink coat will need to be dried and combed along the pile. In addition to ordinary dirt, this method will be effective on traces of juice, coffee and tea stains.

From fat

If there are greasy spots on a mink coat, talc or starch will be an effective remedy. They absorb fat well, with skillful use completely remove its traces, and help with odors. The procedure is recommended to be carried out with rubber gloves:

  • the fur coat must be laid out on a horizontal surface;
  • sprinkle talc on all grease stains;
  • lightly rub the product in places of contamination;
  • then shake off the powder and comb the fur.

When using starch, you should be especially careful, carefully clean it after cleaning. Otherwise, when moistened, it will further damage the fur.

In difficult cases, you can use more radical methods:

  • a solution of 6% vinegar, medical alcohol and water is mixed in equal proportions and applied with a brush or sponge for half an hour;
  • with a cotton pad moistened with ammonia mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 2 with the addition of a teaspoon of salt, the fur is treated along the pile;
  • purified gasoline, using a cotton swab, disc or cloth, is applied to the stain until completely removed.

After such cleaning of the fur, the mink coat should be wiped with a dry and clean cloth. Remaining odors are removed by ventilation. Vinegar, alcohol or gasoline can negatively affect the condition of the fur, so it's best to first test the reaction in inconspicuous areas.

From yellowness

The main cause of yellowness is sunburn, another factor is the abuse of essential oils and perfumes. There are several simple and affordable ways to help get rid of this defect.

For white color, sprinkling with hot wheat bran is used:

  • bran is preheated in a saucepan with constant stirring;
  • clothes are evenly laid out on a horizontal surface with the pile up;
  • then sprinkled with hot bran and brushed.
  • the ingredients are mixed until a thick, homogeneous slurry;
  • the mixture is applied to the site of contamination;
  • after drying, the product is swept away with a brush, the fur is combed along the pile.

Another method involves mixing gasoline with sawdust, the mixture is used in a similar way.

Many small spots on a mink coat are cleaned with a mixture of shampoo, soap and powder, which should not contain dyes:

  • components must be mixed in equal proportions;
  • spread the product on a flat surface;
  • apply the solution to a soft sponge and gently clean the pile;
  • after removing stains, the fur must be combed with a special brush.

You can quickly remove yellowness with a solution of ammonia and peroxide: add a teaspoon of peroxide and a few drops of ammonia to a glass of water. The moistened cotton wool is inserted into a wide comb and the product is cleaned by combing along the pile.

by color

It is necessary to select products for the care of a mink coat, especially at home, taking into account the color of the product. Solutions that successfully clean dark-colored fur can be harmful.

White (light)

This extremely easily soiled product must be cleaned with dye-free formulations. For this purpose, dry cleaning with talc or powder is suitable, and even wet, if you take solutions based on peroxide or ammonia.

  1. The fur coat is laid out on the table, the places of contamination are moderately sprinkled with talc or powder, after a few hours the product is removed along with the dirt, then the pile is combed.
  2. A tablespoon of peroxide is diluted in a liter of water, a moistened and wrung out cotton pad is cleaned, with a long fur movement along the pile, with a short one - against.
  3. A tablespoon of ammonia and three of the same spoons of salt are dissolved in 1 - 2 liters of water and the fur is cleaned in the same way, after drying, combing is performed.

When using peroxide or ammonia, do not allow the solution to get on the base, this can lead to a mink coat and the impossibility of further wearing it.


You can restore color, remove stains from a fur coat of blue shades with the help of blue. The product must be mixed with water until a light blue tint is obtained. Gently work the pile with a dampened sponge, dry it, then comb it.


Most of the above methods are suitable for removing stains and other contaminants from a black mink coat. However, to restore shine, the most effective recipe will be using bran and walnuts. First, cleaning is performed with bran heated to 65 ° C, until all contaminants are completely eliminated. After that, the walnut grains are crushed to a state of flour, tied in a gauze bag and the pile is treated with it from root to tip. The oil released by the nut will give the product its original shine.

How to dry clean a mink coat

If you have any doubts about the effectiveness and safety of self-care methods for mink, it is better to contact a dry cleaner. Professional cleaning of such a fur coat is performed in two ways.

  1. Treatment with a special organic solution.
  2. Deboning with sawdust or organic granules. This will get rid of stains, yellowness, remove scuffs on a mink coat with minimal risk of damage.

In order to insure yourself against marriage and the appearance of defects, you need to describe in detail the condition of the product in the service agreement, indicate the pollution that needs to be eliminated.

Mink hat cleaning

For a mink hat, most of the listed methods are suitable. But the most effective and safest will be cleaning with shampoo for fur products:

  • a small amount of shampoo is poured into the basin;
  • pour water, foaming the composition with a shower head;
  • a sponge dipped in foam is used to clean the fur;
  • Remove excess foam with a clean and slightly damp sponge.

As an alternative to a special shampoo, you can use wool shampoos or liquid soap.

Questions and answers

Is it possible to clean a fur coat with carpet and upholstery cleaners?

The listed compounds are only suitable for artificial fur, its natural counterpart is too sensitive. It is better to do with other means with a more delicate effect.

Why is it better not to use semolina when cleaning a mink coat?

Semolina is a good abrasive substance of natural origin, so it is recommended for mink care. However, with such cleaning, care should be taken to remove each grain. The remains of cereals can become sour under the influence of moisture and damage the condition of the fur.

Is it possible to steam the fur if it is broken?

Wrinkled fur is a common occurrence, usually the result of long and careless storage. It is better to try to correct the defect in a natural way, that is, let the product sag, then comb it with a special brush. But, if this does not help, you can use steam treatment, while the pile should not be allowed to get wet, the distance to the source of steam should be at least half a meter.

Clothing has an unpleasant feature of getting dirty during wear. When it comes to T-shirts or trousers, they are easier to clean than, for example, a mink coat. All fur products require careful care and certain precautions. Mink is not as easy to clean as it might seem at first glance. At the slightest non-compliance with the instructions, there is a risk of irreparably spoiling the product.

Mink cleaning with sawdust

If we talk about manufacturing enterprises, mink products are cleaned with sawdust there. The method is effective, so take a closer look at it first.

  1. You will need, respectively, sawdust and medical alcohol. Sawdust is best purchased at pet stores, they should be from oak, aspen, maple or linden.
  2. Prepare a container, send sawdust into it and pour alcohol over it. From some sources you can find out that gasoline is suitable for filling. But after it, the unpleasant smell will remain for a long time.
  3. Mix sawdust with alcohol. Lay the fur product on a table or other flat surface. Sprinkle with the prepared composition.
  4. Gently start kneading the fur with your hands so that during the manipulation the wood absorbs all the dirt. Then shake out the fur coat, comb it with a special brush for fur products.

Shampooing mink

Often, stains appear on fur products that must be eliminated first. In this case, sawdust will not help, a drastic approach is required.

  1. Choose a shampoo with maximum hydration so that the product does not dry out the skin of the product. Prepare a bowl of water at room temperature or bring the liquid to a maximum of 30 degrees.
  2. Pour in a capful of shampoo and mix with your hands. It is important to get a dense foam. Take the second container, fill it with clean (soft) water without impurities.
  3. Spread a fur coat on a flat surface, arm yourself with a sponge. Dip it in the solution and walk over the area of ​​the fur product that needs cleaning.
  4. Do not wet the fur too much, so that later the fur coat does not become too wet. Try not to touch the leather part at all.
  5. After wiping, walk with a clean cloth dipped in warm water. Then get rid of the moisture on the fur coat using a paper towel or napkins.
  6. Finally, comb the fur with a thin comb or a special brush for clothes. Leave the coat to dry on a coat hanger in a well-ventilated area.

Mink cleaning with sand

The method is environmentally friendly and safe. To clean a mink coat, follow the instructions.

  1. Collect river sand, then rinse it several times under the tap. Additionally, pour boiling water over, let excess moisture drain.
  2. Prepare a frying pan, put all the sand in it and heat over a fire to a temperature between medium and high.
  3. Spread a mink coat on a flat surface, sprinkle with warm sand. Touch only the dirtiest parts of the product.
  4. Wait until the sand reaches room temperature. Then shake the fur coat and comb it.

At home, you can clean a mink coat with ordinary powder, or talcum powder. The composition is famous for its ability to absorb excess dirt and grease. The method will be especially effective for white mink.

  1. Before starting work, arm yourself with thin medical gloves. Choose a flat surface and spread the fur product on it.
  2. Sift the talcum powder, then sprinkle it all over the fur coat with contaminated areas. No need to lay out the powder, as they say, with a slide. Just work the pile carefully.
  3. When the powder covers the entire fur coat, begin to slowly rub it into the surface. After that, take the product to fresh air and shake gently.
  4. You can additionally work out the little thing with a hairdryer using cold air. So the powder is quickly blown out of the cavity of the product. Comb your coat at the end.
  5. Talc can be bought at a pharmacy. But if you do not have such an opportunity, use ordinary corn or potato starch. The processing technology is identical. The main thing is to comb the fur coat well at the end.

Mink cleaning with semolina

Semolina is one of those inexpensive foods that are also widely used in everyday life. Choose a quality composition and follow the instructions.

  1. Semolina returns shine to the fur coat and perfectly absorbs dirt. To begin manipulation, select a flat surface and spread the product.
  2. Semolina copes with dirt on pockets, collar, cuffs. It also removes the yellowness that often appears on white furs.
  3. Sprinkle the contaminated areas with dry semolina and rub gently with your hands without strong pressure. After that, shake out the wardrobe item well and comb the fur coat.

How to clean a mink coat from stains

All of the above methods, with the exception of shampooing, refer to dry processing. To remove stubborn dirt from the surface of the fur product, you will have to resort to a wet method.

soap solution

  1. Pour water at a temperature of 30 degrees into the basin, add a little baby shampoo or liquid soap. Whisk into foam.
  2. Spread the mink product on the table, dip the sponge into the solution and walk through the polluted places.
  3. Do not wet the leather part, so as not to provoke dampness. After cleaning, treat the fur coat with a damp clean cloth, comb the fur.

table vinegar

  1. The solution is used to add shine to white and dark fur products. Arm yourself with vinegar concentration not higher than 6%. Soak a cotton pad in it and squeeze it out.
  2. Spread the thing on the table, carefully walk over the spot with the stain. If the fur is short, move against its height. For long movements are carried out by growth.
  3. In order not to harm your favorite product, be sure to squeeze the cotton pad. Vinegar should not penetrate the skin of the fur coat.

Gasoline for lighters

  1. Gasoline for refueling lighters is considered the cleanest, therefore it is suitable for removing difficult contaminants from a fur product. This option is only suitable for dark fur coats.
  2. Dampen the clothes brush, then comb through the garment. Do not exert strong mechanical impact, move with a “light hand”.
  3. Finally, leave the coat outside to air out. Most importantly, avoid exposure to direct UV rays. Otherwise, stains will appear on things.

Cleaning the lining of a mink coat

  1. Often, after the season of wearing a fur coat, the fur remains almost clean, which cannot be said about the lining. To carry out the manipulation with maximum benefit, it is recommended to unpick the fabric. Use a special tool, do not damage the product.
  2. After a carefully performed manipulation, wash the fabric. Determine the type of lining in advance and set the appropriate mode on the washing machine. If the fabric is made of polyester or silk, the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.
  3. If the lining is made of cotton, the temperature may be higher. After washing, the product must be rinsed thoroughly. This way you can avoid streaks when drying. After the last step, iron the fabric well and carefully sew it back onto the fur coat.
  4. Not everyone dares to take such a responsible step. If you doubt that you can sew a quality lining, clean it on a fur coat. Keep in mind that in this case, the manipulation must be carried out with extreme caution. In no case should you wet the bottom of the fur coat.
  5. To thoroughly clean the lining, it is recommended to soak the sponge with foam and distribute the soap composition over the inside of the fur coat. Next, the fabric must be cleaned with a clothes brush. Soap solution is removed with a damp sponge. After that, blot the lining with a cloth.
  6. Hang the fur coat on a hanger in a suitable place, while the temperature should correspond to room temperature. Keep in mind that there should not be high humidity in the room. It's no secret that in wet weather in winter the fur coat gets dirty from the bottom most of all, so it is recommended to sew an additional lining in advance.

Precautionary measures

In order not to spoil an expensive product, it is important to follow simple recommendations.

  1. Remember, the fur coat can not be washed in any case. As a result, the fur is irrevocably deformed and deteriorated.
  2. Do not try to dry the product near radiators, open flames and heaters. The fur also deteriorates.
  3. If you find yourself in adverse weather conditions and the fur coat gets wet, hang it on a hanger. Dry the product in a room at natural temperature.
  4. Do not try to iron the fur, even at the lowest temperature. In any case, you will not be able to get rid of strong folds without consequences.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to store the product folded. If this has already happened, hang the fur coat on a hanger. After a while, it should stretch.

  1. Clean the fur only as needed. Look at the degree of contamination of the product. From frequent dry cleaning, the pile loses its original structure and begins to crumble. Get in the habit of using the services of professionals.
  2. On average, mink coats can withstand up to 5 dry cleanings. It is forbidden to keep a fur coat in plastic bags. Such material strongly electrifies the pile. In addition, the fur deteriorates due to lack of oxygen.
  3. Every time you leave an item for long-term storage in a special room, make sure that there are no pests. So that the fur coat does not suffer from various insects, it is recommended to treat the room with special means.
  4. In the people's councils in the fight against pests, a simple newspaper has proven itself well. Stuff your sleeves with paper, printing ink repels insects (moths). In addition, the fur coat will keep a good shape. It is forbidden to store other fur items nearby.
  5. Remember that fur products perfectly absorb various odors. Therefore, before storage, the room must be thoroughly ventilated. In the room you can put a special bag with pleasant incense.
  6. It is forbidden to spray perfume on a fur coat; cosmetic products often leave stains. The latter cannot be removed even with the help of dry cleaning. Do not try to constantly carry a bag on your arm or shoulder. In this place, soon the fur will simply be erased.

If the mink fur coat is not too dirty, resort to dry cleaning methods. In this case, semolina, fragrance-free talc, hot sand are suitable. To remove complex contaminants, you will need complex artillery in the form of gasoline for refueling lighters, vinegar solution, shampoo with water. Be sure to observe safety precautions when working with a fur product.

Video: cleaning a white mink coat