How to understand that you need a lover. The main secret of a man. Finally - an unusual technique

Tandem "Married's + Mistress" is always rude condemned by people. The man is worried about dressiness and betrayal, and a woman is for loyalty and deceit.

But many forget that these two people have a heart, and if their connection is not pure sex and sports interest, he can break down a hot feeling. But how to determine what a married man loves his mistress? What features to understand this?

Sign 1: He's lying all

No, this is not a simple lifestyle, which, and so on his vocation of the walker, is obliged to lie, especially his wife. In love with the walker, which on the side found himself the only sweetheart, a special style of lies - he begins to lie not only by others, but also to himself.

A vivid example of such a man is Buzykin (the role of O. Basilashvili) from the film "Autumn Marathon". This also behaves every in love with a marital:

    This is not love if he:

    • disappears for a long time and does not ring
    • requires complete secrecy,
    • omitted from helping mistress,
    • angry and nervous in response to her requests,
    • not sharing nothing personal (family is taboo).

    Of course, it pulls something to this woman. Sex? Vent? Her delicious pies? But love is something more, agree?

Love is the territory of only two, so there is no women in the world seeking serious relationships with married men.

In theory, everything is simple - a married can not be a "male of your dreams." It is simply not considered as a potential partner.

But real human relations are far from ideal. We do not always find out that a man is married (you can make sure of this by visiting almost any female forum).

The absence of a wedding ring acts soothingly, and about the missing wife, when familiarizing, they infrequently speak - after all, we meet first as a person, and not as possible spouses. And we sincerely rejoice, if interest and friendly relations go to the romantic stage.

But often it turns out that your prince is already married. And the woman begins to think about what to do and how to relieve a married man.

Why is relationship with a married man usually unpromising?

If you, having learned about the availability of my wife, do not lose interest and decide to continue the relationship with this man (many do it, since the love of the blind, strong emotions interfere with thinking rationally, and the question "Why and why I do it?" Does not arise) , the love triangle is inevitably formed, in which you are given the role of a mistress.

In some cases, the triangle quickly disintegrates, and the lover acquires the status of a legitimate wife. But such cases are rather an exception than the rule.

What do dreams tell about it?

Subconsciously, most women know this - no wonder dream book, which focuses the people's experience, predicts that a married man dreams of trouble. This is not surprising - women usually adversely perceive men who are breeding mistresses.

Dream interpretation also foreshadows the appearance of guilt and tension. If the woman is interested in the meaning of dreams and believes in signs, she can part with a married man in time. And if she is married, he will be able to pay attention to his marriage in time - the dream interpretation interprets such a dream as discontent with marriage.

Although dreams Many modern women consider archaic remnant, psychology and statistics in this case With them Solidarna - Sigmund Freud used dreams for psychoanalysis, and even made his dream book.

Statistics also argue that arising love triangles:

  • Often become "chronic" because all its participants are not able to part.
  • Psychologically injure all his participants, and the longer such relations are drawn, the hardest injury.

A woman, deciding to contact with a married man, usually does not take into account the psychological background of his behavior. Psychologists argue that in most cases Men's mistresses are hardened with certain problems (complexes, etc.).

Despite the popular opinion on male polygamy, men's psychology does not allow for stable, warm and sensual relations with his wife to start a novel on the side. Why are the men who are configured for married life sometimes make mistresses?

Why does men have a need for a mistress?

The mistress in the life of a normal married man appears when problems arise in his family relationships. Analyze the reasons for these problems and eliminate their husbands are not inclined (the exception is the lover's wife).

In most cases, with family troubles, a married man or goes to work, or is looking for understanding on the side. And then you appear on his horizon - not married, herself goes to him, do not condemn, do not ask "why?" And everyone understands how it is necessary!

And the mutual understanding arising between you (if it is missing in his family) - the reason why a love relationship arises, about which a man can then regret. Very often in such cases, your lover begins to rush between you and his wife, to which it is still tied.

He is beginning to torment the feeling of guilt. Search responses to dreams, guess, hope that he will leave for you forever, you can endlessly long. And in the end, most likely, he will not be able to choose: with whom the relationship is to save, and with whom - no.

A woman who entered into contact with a married man always expects to stay in his life forever not as a mistress, but in the role of a legitimate wife. But many men are quite satisfied with the status of the lover.

A married man needs another woman if:

  1. The wife often suits scandals, all the time demands something, and he wants easy relationship without any duties.
  2. Intimate life became unitable, but I don't want to share property and children because of this.
  3. He married too early or on the "flare", there is no special feelings to his wife, other women are of interest, but they are very tied to the child.

It is usually not planned to leave the family a spouse, since the household side of the marriage is quite suitable. Often the interest of such men causes a bright and married woman, as she rarely wants to part with her husband.

What promises a love triangle mistress?

Psychology and statistics argue that at the beginning of relations, not burdened by life and decorated with romantics (a married man is trying not only to like you, but also compensate for the presence of a wife), the majority of women who loved married.

The woman still believes that the lover is really going to part with his wife and paints the rainbow paintings of the joint future in the imagination.

Over time, she understands that it is the only one if it becomes, it will not soon, begins to look for a forum with similar stories, look into the dream book or try to clarify the future by other methods. Dream Interpretation focuses on external data of a dreaming man, the forum recommends breaking up, and a variety of predictions of foggy.

At the same time, the man still likes and breaking up with him there is no strength. The woman herself does not understand why she and her chosen one, but "I love him" outweighs all the arguments, and the dream interpretation, which allows different interpretations, gives false hope.

Over time, interest gradually fuses and the relationship is acquired by a painful shade. The question is that with these relationships to do, how to lay out the married man and how to part with him, in the late stage of the existence of the triangle becomes especially acute.

A woman is experiencing why she herself allowed it and why not stopped on time. In some cases, self-esteem falls, and the woman does not want to do anything herself to part with her lover.

Other men do not cause interest, because besides the peculiar dependence, the belief is formed that almost all men at least episodically give up mistresses. That is why, falling in love with married, it is better to think immediately, what to do to avoid the fate of the mistress.

If a married man causes you interest

Although the concept of "mistress" comes from the word "love", society refers to women with such a status is extremely unfavorably, but the "lover" is perceived more adequately. As a result, you are forced:

  • To endure the flour of jealousy and at the same time to thoroughly hide - Being married you can, as a last resort, to beat the dishes, but it already has these joys of life "there." And you he is looking for peace, sympathy and complete understanding.
  • Never call and do not count on it. If necessary, you can write SMS, selecting neutral expressions, but I love ".
  • Live in constant waiting for his visit. Regularly be in full combat readiness and maintain his interest.
  • Conduct holidays alone. Even if your lover marks some event surrounded by colleagues, take you with you instead of his wife it is inconvenient.
  • To tolerate his lies.
  • To put up with the fact that he has a child, Therefore, besides remorse of conscience, you are still waiting for "I can't today - a son has a sown, temperature, parental meeting, etc.".

At the same time, you also want to have children, but the child from a married man either remains completely without dad, or his dad is coming, "Sunday". Even if the woman thinks he can bind a lover to himself, and he will leave the family, at best she will simply turn into a secret wife.

Forum on this issue is a shot of sad stories about faith in what "loves", and about the unfulfilled hopes, but even sadder, when a child is noticed in these difficult relationships. Therefore, if you decide to create a full-fledged family, with your beloved, but married it is better to part, and it is better if you do it myself.

How to interrupt unpromising relationship with a married man?

Psychology claims that a person is not able to control love, but not to give love to grow into a deep feeling we are quite capable. If you realized that you like a married man, try to explore all the nuances of the situation.

Causeing your interest man may well do not live with his family (marriage exists only on paper). It is advisable to receive information not from the man itself, but in disinterested persons (common friends, etc.).

If the marriage is formal, you can give will to your feelings, and do not even look into the dream book.

If in the family before your appearance was not observed signs of "decay", and you do not want endless meetings with a lover who will never be a husband, you need to understand how to confuse a married man and what to do for this.


  • Take a timeout in communication. During this time you can get acquainted with a person who will have an interest in you and will not be married.
  • Imagine what you are married to him and that you will do in this case. In the process of courting, a person manifests itself from the best side, but it's not by chance that his family life is not ideal, because not only his wife is to blame for the situation (often the mistress believes that only the wives themselves are to blame for the fact that men are filled with mistresses).
  • If your relationship lasts for some time, you are most likely sure that he loves you, but still lives with her (explanation "why" always find). Your "love" does not allow soberly to look at the situationBut it is just necessary.

If the divorce did not occur in the first months of the new novel, according to statistics, it will never happen. In this case, it is exactly a man who must decide who he is more expensive - a wife or mistress.

If he really loves you, he will definitely decide on a divorce. But for some reason he cannot decide. So why spend your feelings and life on the one who does not deserve it?

Why me?

In addition, to understand how to forget a married man, it is important to analyze your past. Not every woman loves married and agrees to the role of mistress.

Psychology claims that women with low self-esteem married men come across quite often. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to increase your self-esteem, throw away the dream and fortune-money cards, to pay attention to yourself and surround yourself with new positive impressions.

Try to see the forum on this topic - communication with people in a similar situation will help you to take the right decision and avoid in the future men who are breeding mistresses.

Think, and whether you can trust this man if he becomes your husband. After all, once he decided to make a mistress, and for some men, the presence of mistresses is the norm.

Do not live illusions - the sooner you can easily assess the situation, the more chances you have to become happy. Without false hopes, interpretations of dreams, girlfriends and gadgets councils.

Life is unpredictable thing. It is impossible to predict in advance what will be in a month or in a year. The same applies to the relationship between a man and a woman. That is why you can consider the wise council that " it is dangerous to treat life too seriously».

We all want love and attention, so we spend the bulk of the time to search " of the only one" However, it is impossible to understand how seriously your favorite person will treat you and your feelings.

A separate place is even in psychology the question is. It is impossible to know what happens in the head from another person, while he himself will tell about it. And when the glance is clouded with smelted feelings - love or passion - it is quite difficult to act adequately.

What is the essence of the question?

For some people, it is important to have a number of such a person who, first of all, it would be possible to rely on a difficult moment. At first it seems that it is with him that he wants to live all his life, until the oldest. However, over time, the passion begins to fade, and the lovers eat everyday life. Therefore, many connections lose the "highlight" and begin to remove from each other.

One wants to spend more time in society, while the spouse or spouse prefers to stay at home together. Others with heads go to work, putting career growth as the main priority, and thus do not find time for intimacy with your loved one.

In general, the psychology of relations of lovers can be very difficult, because people have lovers at all reasons. For some - this is a new sexy passion, and for others - the search for a closer relative soul.

During such searches, a person gets up with a choice - stay with her husband (wife) or with a lover (mistress). This question cannot be postponed forever, because one of the parties will surely try to go to a new stage of joint relationship. To do it without prejudice to the third person - it is impossible!

What is the corner of the love triangle to donate?

When the connection consists between two idle people, it is much easier to solve the problem of transition to a new stage. You can directly go to the conversation about the topic of feelings experienced and decide what to do is to disperse different roads or stay together. But the relationship with a married lover is much more difficult.

For him or her, there may be quite rare meetings and sexual merits in secret from other people. But what if the partner wants to translate this relationship to a new level?

Before deciding to the rash step, you should look at the behavior of the lover more carefully to understand that he actually feels and whether the continuation wants.

To do this, you will have to apply the following tips:

  • You can go through psychological tests that are plenty of online and women's journals. Having answered the main questions compiled by professional psychologists, to understand the true attitude of the lover to his own person. We will not know the lively appeal to a specialist (you can anonymously), where you can tell the course of the doctor and get a third-party opinion from him. A sober assessment from the third non-involved person will help relieve pink glasses and realize all its reality and seriousness of the situation;
  • It is important to understand whether the lover is trying to enter your communication circle. After all, if everything is really important for him, which is happening between him and a new partner, regardless of the presence of a spouse, will try to find a common language with the familiar latter;
  • It is worth looking at the behavior of a lover carefully, assessing him a calm cold-blooded view. Any connections between a man and a woman (no matter whether they are lovers) are approximately the same and have logical and understandable verbal features that make it possible to understand their true attitude towards each other;
  • Relations between two married lovers can become more understandable if paying attention to the attitude and behavior after sex. As a rule, the partner for which the main purpose of the relationship is precisely sex changing after sexual intercourse. In this case, you can feel a sharp change of mood, the coldness of the answers and the complete lack of interest in the life of the partner;
  • Gifts are greatly important, especially expensive in the absence of outstanding wages. This will mean that the partner really wants to continue the relationship and transition to a new level. And the gifts themselves (if they were not previously charged) can show attention, warm relationships and disinterested senses from the partner. But it is important to remember that fruits and expensive wine on the tea table are not considered!

Love has passed, tied tomatoes ...

What to do and how to behave if the decision is made to break relations With an adhered or married lover? Even when both partners are not stolen by the bonds of marriage, the gap is very strong stress.

Often there may be a situation at which one partner ceases to test sympathy (or did not experience anything except sexual attraction) and tries to remove from the lover, wants to let him go, break the connection, but at the same time it is afraid to hurt him.

And if we are talking about adults and married / married people, then the question of the destruction of the entire triangle on various separate parts. If the lover wants to repel a married / married partner from a legitimate spouse, and he does not feel so strong mutual feelings that is ready for such a step, there is a serious risk of destruction of not only a relationship, but also families.

It is important to remember that sooner or later the choice should be made, from which further life will depend.

If it is decided to stay with his spouse and restore the family, then a rejected and angry partner may cause damage to this quiet family life and will try all possible ways if not returning relationships, then ruthlessly destroy the existing, guided by the principle " So you can not get anyone! ". In this case, family life will no longer be the same as before.

If it is decided to throw a spouse and go to the lover, then there is a risk that the latter does not want it. Many lovers can quite arrange secret meetings, sex without commitment. It can satisfy their ego and pride, the mistress may often be a status symbol " I'm rich and can afford to keep my wife and mistress».

In such people, they do not want to acquire family life at all or provide the mistress of lawful spouse. Another option of the last solution is an angry spouse, which will be all the ways or try to return the wrong half into the family, or revenge for betrayal.

In any case, do not forget that two people who are bound by marriage, swear to love, believe and not betray each other! And treason is the most real betrayal that can radically change the entire future life. If something does not suit you in family life - do not run away from problems, but solve them together.

A man from birth is committed to love from birth. He wants to be loved and love himself. Reaching mature age, everyone begins to look for their soul mate. Well, if such a person meets, you can build a long relationship with it, turning into marriage bonds. However, often people find only partners who partly satisfy their needs. And here the woman can desire to find a lover who can love her ..

A woman is looking for a man only for love. It is unlikely to burden himself exclusively. Sex without any lack of love will be uninteresting for a woman, so she will definitely be desired to know if all those men who are surrounded by them.

Perhaps the reasons here can be given the same as in the case of male treason:

  1. The woman is tired of family problems that constantly arise in a relationship with his spouse. If problems are not solved, then she may be seduced by a partner who will appear in her life and offer love, lack of problems, fun and sex.
  2. Looking for love. If men are looking for sex on the side, then women most of them crave love. Often, between spouses, with time, feelings disappear, the spouse is no longer carrying on his hands, does not make compliments, does not speak of love, does not bring gifts, etc. The woman has already forgotten what it means to feel his beloved. Therefore, any man can conquer it if it starts to show his love.
  3. Wishes to divorce her husband. A woman is difficult to go into if she dreams of divorce with her husband. Therefore, she will look for a man who will leave if a divorce suddenly comes. Well, if this lover will be mutually loved and also want to be with his mistress.

Family life often disappoints people. Women get tired of the constant need to do the housework, to educate children, work to somehow improve financial situation families. Problems that are not solved between spouses, but constantly worry them, the woman is too exhausted. Soon a woman can take such a step like a lover's institution. Especially this process contributes to the appearance of a man who pays attention to the woman, wants to wear it in her arms, speaks of love and offers her what a husband does not give it for a long time.

Any woman who has long received good from her husband can be seduced here. The lover is not just a man for sex, but rather a person who also needs to love a woman to continue with him a connection.

How to understand if you like?

Even if we are talking about a lover, a woman wants to know if it loves her. As a lover can say one thing, and in fact there is quite another, or, on the contrary, a man may not be admitted at all in love, although it is tested, because he understands what is found with a married woman. How to understand what you love? We'll talk about it, considering non-verbal and verbal signs.

Non-verbal signs:

  1. The slope of the body. If a man is in love, he often takes the position of the tilt of the body in her direction.
  2. Touch. Undoubtedly, I want to be closer to the object of your love. A man wants to touch and even firmly hug his beloved woman. There may be different kinds of touch: random touching, purchasing, serious embrace, etc.
  3. Sight. A man always looks at what he is interested. A man in love can shyly throw glances on a woman, removing them if a woman looks at him, and holding down them, if suddenly she turned away. A man loves long and intently examine a woman who attracts him. At the same time, he rarely throws views on other ladies. It is rather a glance does not give up, but simply turns briefly, while not focusing on what he can look at another woman. It easily returns his look back to the one that interests him. If the man is unusable, then he allows himself to look at the woman as right in her eyes and on all her body.
  4. Smile. If a man is in love or confused by a woman, he smiles when she looks at her. It should be distinguished by a smirk, grin and smile. The smirker is often asymmetric. The smile is stretched and short. But a smile provokes a man to smile in all 32 teeth, while he smiles symmetrically, lips relaxed, eyes glow.
  5. Fragrance. The man seems to be trying to catch your fragrance. He wants to be as close as possible to your hair, neck, chest, hands. Any fragrance that comes from you is pleasantly worried.
  6. Fragment of the tail. When a man wishes like, he dismisses the tail. What does it mean? It is trying to demonstrate his masculinity and strength in various ways. He tells a woman almost fantastic stories, where he manifests a mixture, strength and determination. He cares for her, opening the doors and adjusting the chairs. He is ready to memorize a woman if suddenly someone offends her. He offers his help if a woman complains about something.
  7. No change. The lover does not try to change you. You are already good as you are.
  8. Gentleman's behavior. It makes attention, care, courting. He tries to all their behavior to show you that he cares about you as an expensive person.

Verbal signs:

  1. Littleness. If a man seriously applies to you enough, raising over some suggestions for a long time, then his words have weight.
  2. Frequent contacts. He is trying to call you, write, see for reason and without. He wishes constantly to contact you, even if married.
  3. Looking nicknames. A man often calls you by name, sometimes using suffixes for giving a burning intonation. Can use nicknames of a weak character.
  4. Help. Either a man offers his help, or wishes to attract other people in solving your problems.
  5. Imtensifier. A man in love becomes a bit awkward and strange.
  6. Sincere interest in your personality. He listens to your stories, interested in your affairs, asks questions on the topic - and all this is truly sincerely, with desire.
  7. Presents. Sincerely wants to please you, surprise, increase your mood.
  8. Entry into your life. He wants to know everything about you and become part of your life. He seeks to get acquainted with your friends. He finds a common language with your relatives. Even interested in your work to help.

Definitely attribute the data gestures as a sign of the presence of love should not be. All men behave differently. Some intentionally work out certain manners in order to mislead women in such a way. However, there are general signs of men love:

  • A man does not cool down to you with time. You have been together for some time, and he continues to make compliments, admire you, give gifts, etc.
  • A man shows an exceptionally friendly attitude. It does not allow himself aggression, sarcasm or humiliating tone to his beloved.
  • A man makes you a pleasant. If you please something, he will do it. If you ask him about something, he will do it if he gave his consent. However, if he ignores or forgets your requests, it means that he does not love you.
  • A man is trying to deliver you sexual pleasure. Frequently often women face indifferent partners to their pleasure and desires in bed. However, a man in love is trying to satisfy his woman to her too pleasantly in terms of sex.
  • A man does not fit the slightest occasion. A man in love is already pleased with your as you like. If the claims arise for any occasion, then there is no love.

A man will show in various ways that the woman is important to him and need. He may not be confusing in love, but at the level of actions it will be clear that he wants to be with this woman.

Another loving man will take care of her beloved. However, this does not concern those situations where non-accuracy and inconsistencies are human qualities.

When a woman begins to feel love for himself, she breaks the roof. She also begins to think that he falls in love with her lover. It makes it make mistakes that begins to notice her husband. Here the woman should not forget that she is married. If she does not want to lose her husband, then she should control himself, even if she fell in love. However, if she starts to dream of throwing her husband and go to the lover, then you need to be sure that the feelings and desires are mutual.

The lover can love a woman, but not desire to create a family with her. The lover can only temporarily show those gestures that are perceived by a woman as love signs. You should first judge carefully, whether you are not mistaken in your assumptions and whether your divorce with my husband will be justified.

Married lover

If the lover is married, then you should be all 100 sure that he truly loves and is ready to get away from his wife. If a married lover manifests one of the following actions, then he should not leave for him, because his love is insincere, everything suits him today:

  1. Limits your communication with him, prohibits him to call.
  2. He can lie to you or makes you nervous.
  3. Forbids talking about it to your friends, familiar, relatives.
  4. Refers to you as a property.
  5. Holidays do not celebrate with you, especially if they concern you both or one of you.
  6. Does not speak with you about the future, even extracts various dreams about the future.
  7. Sets the gifts instead of doing what you ask from him.

Does your lover love you in the end?

Many men meet with married women and their no more interests. Understand whether the lover loves, it is quite difficult because you already binds sex. Many men have sex is the most important in relationship with mistresses, and all other gestures can only be the habits of the rules of decency, which men are observed as a gratitude for the work of women.

Each should first carefully look at the fact that the man actually is experiencing to her. Men always behave gallant, while the situation develops as they want. However, if you need to require a man what I want to personally, the situation can show how much Cavaler loves his partner.

Ask your cavalier about what was previously banned or prohibited, but you needed very much. If he cuts out again and not even give explanations that do not deny his love, then he does not love you.

Everyone seeks to love and be loved in this life. Well, when this desire is fixed in marriage. Sometimes the family soon, as it turns out, can not give a person what she so longed to get. Then the person is looking outside the marriage the relationship, the feelings to which the soul still stretches.

Will such a passion sincere or it will be a mistake in life - but you do not know without taking. Some spend many years on the search for who wanted to live all their lives. Some are trying to build with one chosen person's attitude of their dreams. Often the relationship turns from romantic sublime into ordinary routine, the sharpness of the first touches is lost, the first kiss. There is a passionate desire to feel it again - and then the other search begins.

Someone is looking for love, someone - passionate sex. But when you find an interesting, from my point of view, the object, I really want to make sure that you are experiencing mutual emotions, the interest that there is a real thing between you, and not an ordinary novel, and still no matter what prospects for such a connection may be. How to find out how to understand whether it is possible between you, whether something from these relations will grow, even if these relationships arose between non-free lovers.

How to check what feelings arose to you, how then to believe in them? Are there any instructions, rules, signs for which you can find out? It turns out there.

How do you like your man? In addition to female intuition, which in itself is a very subtle and sensitive device, there is a lot of factors, watching which, you can understand - as a lover applies to you.

To begin with, we will stop at non-verbal signs - body gestures that talk about certain thoughts and intentions.

Non-verbal signs

  1. The overall position of the body. The case in such cases when a person is interested in the interlocutor, tilted slightly forward, as if it stretches to you.
  2. Touch. The interlocutor constantly seeks to touch the object of his sympathy, as if accidentally, slightly or seriously: hand, shoulder, leg. From light touches are not enough to serious hugs.
  3. Sight. Peripheral vision among girls has been developed more than the male representatives, because the ladies easier to see - look aside where it is, or not. And if the object is of interest - it looks very often. Whether passes by, whether it looks purposefully, it seeks a look - one way or another, visual contact is very easy. The in love looks at the object of his sympathy twice as much as anyone else.
  4. Lips. Favorite specials and provokes a satellite on a smile. This can be open and wide, or quiet modest semi-jet, with a slightly curved raised corners of the lips. Lips are a clear indicator of the attitude to the lady - whether the partner is laugh or sad at this time.
  5. Smell. Love passion is a chemical reaction, and it is not said in vain: smells play a big role in establishing contact between people. So loving will constantly strive to catch at least a light smell of his favorite friend: breathe the aroma of the hair, feel the light smell of the body, spirits or natural is very exciting for the partner and means much.
  6. Demonstration of significance. The very tail that dissolves Peacock during a courting of a modest female - this is a male significance that it is so important to show with your beloved. Impressive with its strength, courage, the ability to solve questions and many others - and conquer the ladies' heart with their masculinity. Show superiority over others - the provision of its uniqueness and what is worthy of the finest.
  7. The lover does not seek you to correct, change. You're already good for him, any image is accepted as beautiful.
  8. General Behavior Gentleman: Galanacity, Care, attention. While still in the world, the ability to take care of the lady, despite the general trend towards equality in all areas. Open the doors, bring the bag, offer a jacket - these signs of care have not yet tore yourself and are important for ladies.

Now go to K. verbal manifestations - sympathy expressions with speech, words. How can you determine the degree of partner's interest in the object?

Verbal signs

  1. Avoid direct contact. Restraint that is not entirely natural. All this looks slightly deliberately, therefore you can see when this happens. This is usually characteristic of too serious guys who will be thought out for a long time before making them. Such people prefer to stay alone with them as long as possible, they are few and restrained.
  2. Meetings that occur "completely randomly". If a person is married, he will easily and diverse will invent reasons where his passion could be present. Even if this is a service novel and it is not difficult to meet, all the same, these meetings are more frequent to be spontaneous and natural. He will strive to spend as much time with you. And the work will not become a barrier for meetings, rather, on the contrary. It will find time for calls, and no inconvenience will prevent him from doing this - if he loves or at least interested. For the sake of sharing with his beloved time, sacrifice fishing, meeting with friends, hunting.
  3. Unusual pronunciation of the name or inventing individual nicknames. Typically, such nicknames wear a diminutive form, represent something unobvious and pleasant.
  4. Actively helps in all matters. Even if you can't help yourself, attracts those familiar who may be useful in the situation. Moreover, it may concern any sphere of life, from financial to household.
  5. With interest listens to the stories about yourself, about your life, asks questions - and all this is enthusiastic and sincere. He is really interested in the details of the life of his beloved. Moreover, the Kavaler himself will also tell everything without a rustle, not only about work.
  6. Sincere feelings are forced to be nervous when meeting. Therefore, it is not surprising if sometimes a friend will seem strange and clumsy.
  7. Provides attention signs, rejoices when you manage to surprise and make a pleasant one.
  8. Will try in the circle of your communication, learn about your beloved more through those who already know you. It will be important for him to make a good impression - first to your environment, and then on you.

Of course, each signs are manifested in different ways, and it is not necessary to categorically apply everything with the same confidence, but if most of them are noticed - it means there is reason to believe that the spirit of love flew here.

Of the general manifestations of sincere love, such, for example, can be noted.

  • If you already have a connection, and the partner still says compliments, shows the signs of attention, admires you - it means really not indifferent to you. Especially if it does this not only in humans, as if working as a public, but alone.
  • Loving will never offend his woman whoever it would come. No sarcasm, humiliation, aggression towards the passion.
  • The partner is easily doing what will bring you pleasure: massage, a bouquet, a pleasant frivolous gift ... You should be good - this is the only thing that is important for him. If it easily ignores the request, forgets about her - before love is still far here.
  • Behavior in bed. Delight must be mutual, and often the partner is enjoyable from how well his partner is. If he seeks to get the most for himself, completely forgetting about your interests is not a real feeling.
  • Loving there are no complaints and pick-up. If every thing your act causes a disgruntled reaction from its part, if all words and actions are criticized and changes - to a sincere feeling here far. Even if you disagree with you, the proposed version will be served correctly and with respect, without authoritarian coercion and violence.

The satellite in love will always give a partner to understand that the most beloved is simply necessary, even if he has not yet admitted to love.

In fact, for the ladies, it is much more important than the feelings that it is who herself is experiencing to the object, and the relationship is more bright, and sex is unforgettable. So loves lover or not - the question is sometimes secondary.

The in love will never allow himself to appear in front of her beloved in an unsightly form, inaccier, not collected.

Will try to wear things better, put yourself in order. Except in cases where the slurry is character.

The female floor is usually quite simple and quickly recognizes when you like - the inner radar quickly shows it. But we usually need more serious evidence then, except for ephemeral intuitive. These symptoms will come in handy. Or, the facts and signs will be appropriate to the individuals that are counting on logic and reasonableness - in such cases, abstraction does not inspire confidence, only clear arguments will help calm the soul. The person who understood what is the object of love, but does not want or not ready for response - usually pretends that it does not understand anything, or gives fire.

To understand that a married man is in love with you, it is possible according to the same signs. The trouble is that they are visible and spouse, if she is observant and careful. A person who appreciates the family will try not to change his usual way, not to make a family, will try to drown out his feelings in the bud. If the feeling has already entered the roots - it will be very difficult to strangle the feelings. But even when the satellite is seriously in love with you, it does not yet follow that the intentions will turn into actions, and that you will be waiting for a long happiest life. Even if a friend is in love, he may not strive to associate the future with you.

Married lover

If the partner behaves as describes one of the items below, be together is not fate - the satellite is pleased with the situation with his real spouse and is not going to divorce and associate life with you.

  • it categorically prohibits calling, abruptly limits communication;
  • prohibits telling your familiar familiar about you;
  • you do not celebrate any holidays related to both of your holidays, or to some of you;
  • you feel that he constantly lies and nervous;
  • conversations about the future are constrained;
  • behaves as if you are - his property;
  • solds you with gifts instead of the expected signs of attention.

Love is a Beautiful Thing. However, it is better to remember that in someone else's misfortune you will not build your happiness, and by destroying the family, you will not create anything good for myself. Although - everything is individually in life, and sometimes the real passion comes when it seems completely impossible happiness.